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434 VILLAGE OF MOUND .WlRUITS~ OF THE REGULAR ~.~ETINO OF T~E _.',,{OUND V[.~[,L{GE COUNCIL Febru~.ry 7th, 1939. It being the pre=a, ooointed flr~t Tuesday of the month, the meeting convened without special call. Those responding to roll-call were Mayor W. C. Huestis, Trustees Tuff, WinkeI, and Ferrall, and Alwin as Recorder. After the reading and approval of the min~s<;6f the regular meeting of January 3rd, 1939, the council passed upon a list of securities presented by the State Bank of Mound for assignment to the village and totalling in the amount of $6,100.00, the same to serve as collateral for village funds in excess of th~$ c&vered by Federal Deposit Insurance. The securities being reeommended as wholly sound by disinterested financial advisors, it was moved by Alwin, Winkel seconding, that the village accept the securities as listed and that signatures, representative of village authority, be affixed to the proper instruments to make the assignment binding. This was un- animously concurred in by the council. Aooearlng before the council at this time was a delegation from ~innetrista Township in the persons of Chairman J. A. Ahlstrom, Town Clerk C. E. Neumann, and Supervisor Jame~ Irwin. The purpose of the delegation was to assist~in the deliberations of the village council with respect to'Mound's share in the cost of deveI- oplng therwest-border-line street knOwn as ~innetrista Roa~ and which hs~d been widened and improved under Township supervision and with $ownship e~uipment. The work proceeded under'a tacit agreement, as between the two governmental units, which does not appear wholly on the records. It is, therefore, purely on technical grounds that payment of Mound's share of the cost was stopt, pend- ing legal clarification of the records. ~ayor Muestls, however, being unprepared to report his findings because of his absence in the ~outh, the delegation was constrained to retire without action other than the promise that the case would be taken up again more preparedly at the regular council meeting of March 7, 1939, and in ample time before the Township election of Earch 14th. The following official bonds were presented, aooroved, and ordered filed: The Personal Bond of Geo. !~. Cole, Constable for two years, on the motion of Trustee Bernard ~inkel, and the second of Trustee C. R. Ferrall. The Surety Nond of ~. J. Smith, Justice of the Peace for two years, on the motion of Trustee C. R. Ferrall, and the second of Trustee C. L. Tuff. The electric franchise of the Interstate Power Co. being up for renewal or retirement in November, 19~0, the matter was brou?:ht before the council by Mayor Huestis as a forewarning to the people of . ~ound to make up their mind by then as to whether the electric system is to continue municipally owned, which option they have under the pre~ent contract. VILLAGE OF MOUND 435 ~Vayor Huestls also reminded, through his presentation before the council, that the contract of the ~t~ound Shores Water ~ystem, operated by '?f. H. A. Koehter, ter~ninates on the lOth day of ~ept- ember, 1939. Inasmuch as ~r. Koehler has exnressed himself as unwilling to renew the agreement, and inasmuch a.~ the village is not agreed to take over the ?[ oehler ~ystem and assume res- oonsibility for its operation and malntensnce, the burden rests upon ~ffected users to anmroach the village with an acceptable plan that will assure water and service to the~ after ~e~tember 10th. - Following the presentation by Trustee erra!l of a new set of books fitting in with a system of checks to assure accuracy in !i~uor grote Ac'c, ounting, and this system of accounts showing a c, ssh balance in excess of disbursements of better than ~1,500.00, Trustee Tuff offered the following resolution, to wit: That the sum of $500.00, originally drawn from the f/stet Fund to. establish a Liouor F~d to initiate the beginnings of a Municipal Liquor g. tore, be returned to the fund from which it was taken. The motion being for the adoption of the resolution, it was seconded by ±ruste~ ~'errall and unanimously adopted by ~ vote of the council. It was moved by Alwin that ~illage Treasurer ~felker N. Johnson be authorized to acouire, at village expense, the c'o~rm.~,~ion of a ~otary Public, the same being to furnish, at option, a feefree notarial service to t~ose having claims against the village. 'l'his motion was seconded by Trustee Ferrall -~nd carried by the council. Trustee C. L. Tuff presented the following motion, to wit; that, hereafter, all purchases for village purposes, other than gas and oll for village street machinery, whether by village officials, or employees, be first authorized by properly executed reouisitions, issued in duplicate and signed by ~he Village Recorder. Further, that the Village Recorder contact the local printer for the supplying of an adqu~te form for such ~ reoui~ition~. Trustee Bernard :,~?InkeI seconded this motion and it was unanimously concurred in by the Council. Pending advertisement of action taken at a previous meeting with regard to bills, the following verified and unverified claims were read and ord§red paid: ~t. ~k of )foUnd.. 7f. Debt int..~ 70.35. G. R. Cole..Auto Exp..$ 25.OO G. R. Cole..~al. ~uoe~. of Water 25.00. G. iR. Cole ~'!al Const 75.00 w A Huff..:?~l. ~.~ngr L. ~tore 100.00. J. C. ~tein,~al. o. tr. C 75.00 J~ C. ?teln. F'r'm Water ~.~ains.. 25.00. ~'~tka Pilot.Printing... 29.03 R. J. Rondorf..Pattery f:. gas... 23.47. f~'t. Pk. of ~.~d. C. R~nt 20.00 Intrstate Power Co. L. Otore lite 3.10. ~'d. Grocery, Relief... , 9 16 Intrstate Power Co,Pum. p l~vr .... 43.35. Intrstate Pwr. ~tr.Lite~22iO2 Streater Lbr. Co. ,Relief Coal.. 22.35. ?treater Lbr.Co.I..O.fue~36 48 ~'~d.Hdw, Co..Pal. on sup'piles... 126.35. Phillips "66" ~ta..Gas.~ 8.42 .f'. W. Ao=holt..~fuffler ......... 6.79. ~:~iller-Davis Co. ,Binder 28.10 ?~l!dDrygoods Co., P. En~llsh tel. 7.73. ~"i!ler-Davis,Uhk book 9.17 St. Bk. of Mound, Fund'g B. Int. 27.50. ~tandard Oil, gas ...... 6.47 ~filler-Davis, A~tamp, Pad ........ 1.10. :it. 2k.of.'-d p. F. Int. 5.84 t. ~k of ?.fd.,Gen'l Fnd Iht ..... 124.O8. ~,(d Grocery P.Eoglish re 14.91 g~hell Petrol. Corp. ?. barn fuel 50.70. !'.~rs. C. R. Ferrall,'/,'ork 10.90 Francis Johnson,12 hrs wrk ~45g 5.40. Ken.~chults,16~ hfs wrk 7.43 '~atertown Tel. Co:7 F. Dept. Tel. 1.35. :fatertown Tel. Co.P.Tel.14.30 VILLAGE OF MOUND Smith ~,~otors., Jan. gas,rprs..$ Dr. W.F.Linder,P.English Dent.$ W. F. Lawson,Tax refund ....... ?eton Bt &Cab Wrks~Ba!lot box. R. Henn.Co Burl~. Com. W_e.Com.. LeR.V.Alwin,202 ml.ln vil.ser. IeR.V.Alwin sal vil. Recorder Frank ~cCormlck. L. B. Lio~uor 2.90. Finley '.~otors,Trans.grease.~ 2.7D 2.00. City of Robbinsdale,Rec.Ofce.$ 4.00 1.67. M.~.Walter,Re!ief milk,~fdlton 2.~ 6.75. Addresso Div.,Addressograph. 10.70 17.00. ~tillman Co.,J.Woodru~f Rel. 15.00 lC.lC. LeR.V.Alwln, Regist of Water lO.O0 lO.O0. LeR.V.Alwin,L.~tore clerics, lO.O0 94.39. ~,~annlng-~nderson Co. Liquor. 3.80 ~ols ~fine House,L. ~. Lieuor 28.00. Ed.Philllps & Sons,Licuor...346.x% ~cKesson & Robbins,L. ~. Liquor 40.10. G. A. Tyler,Catch basin ..... ~tandard Oil Co. gas & oil .... 4.22. Dist.Distrib. Corp.,Iieuor 205.20 ~idwest Baper Prod. Co.bags... 4.06. Vil. Treas.,Fund transfer.. 500.00 otreater Lbr Co.L.~.rent ...... 25.00. l~d. I.©.A. Relief Groceries 29.81 ~. F. Krause,Labor Day, Armlstic Flag set-up.$ 4.00 There being no further business, the meeting stood adjourned. President ADDE~UTE order ~-, OF Feb. 7th, 1939: Following discussion, Village Treasurer, ~f. N. Johnson, was instructed to Join with the Village Recorder to shop for and to purchase a good second hand, or rebuilt,~~-~suitable to. handling loose-leaf pages in a system of perpetual ~dit. In ad~itlon and supplemental to a resolution oresented ~r~ustee C.~ L. Tuff reaffirming the resolution of Jt~ly~5th, 1938,~fsignat~_ the State P~ank of ~ound as Deoository ~or village funds,"the same having been presented snd adooted at the meeting of Janusry 3rd, 1939, Trustee Tuff moved that the list of securities, and their assignment, present- ed by the ~ate Pank of ~.~ound at the meeting of Feb. 7th, 1939, be accepted, and that the acceptance become the basis and the condition of the reso]ution of January 3rd. This was seconded by Alwin and concurred in by the council. President AttestS'. ........ offoroA t&o follevias X hereby eerttf7 ~hat tee abeve l.a a true an~ oorrect cop2 of & reoolu*Aon pedeei b7 I~~ - TLXXaSo of , y~o.d ~.? :