,March 28th, 1939.
The purpose of this meeting, under the general caption of "Village
_Affairs", was to consider bond issues for the purpose of' funding
outstanding village warrants , &for the purpose of village street
improvement, the ~Iayor to get all Oossible legal advice covering
the above - with the council's authorization - the whole being
preparatory for a 0opular election to be considered at the next
regular meeting of the council on April 4th, 1939.
~esponding to roll-call at this meeting were Mayor W. C. Huestis,
Trustees C. L. ~uff, Bernard Winkel, ~nd C. R. Ferrall, and
LeRoy V. Alwin as Recorder.
To bring this to a head, Alwin out the purpose of the meeting to motion
giving the Mayor full authority to consult with legal advisors
of his own choosing covering funding and other bonds, and also to
prepare the ~.~.innetrlsta Road matter for a place in the proposed
election. After discussion, the motion received the second of
Trustee C. L. Tuff, and 'was concurred in by the council.
? rustee C. ~. Ferratl proposed that, inasmuch as the village had
a he, ted shelter of its own for the purpose of holding council
meetings and a polling pis. ce, the clerk be authorized to give
thirty days notice to the ~tate ~ank of ~ound terminating'the village
lea~e of the room in ~he bank bas, e~ent as of May let, 1939. This
Trustee Ferrall put to motion, receiving the second of .~lwin, and
the rest of the council concurring.
E. C. Kern petitioned for grass seed end shrubbery for the village
park. '~Fith general councillor agreement, ~r. Kern was advised
to get all necessary grass seed locally through a recuisition
order from the village recorder, and to contact personell of the
long Lake .Nursery for shrubbery.
The council being deadlocked on the matter of setting up an outside
system of accounts covering the ~o:und Municipal Lienor Store, such
deadlock being an embarrassment to the ~ayor and setting to naught
all efforts at improvement of the Liedor ?tore's accounts and re-
oorts, Alwin presented the following resolution, to wit: ~e it re-
solved by the ?ound Village Council that the supervising and. order-
lng of the work necessary to carry on the successful operation of
the ~found ~unlctpaI Lienor Store be delegated to the Lienor Com-
mittee; which committee shall be a,o.ootnted by the President of the
Village Council, and shall consist of two (2) trustees ,?nd the
President of the Villa, ge Council, the latter to ~erve as chairman.
Be it further resolved that the hiring,, dischsrglng, and the
fixln~ of the wages of the msns~er of the lisuor store shall be by
s ms Jorlty vote of the villa~e council.
The motion being for the adoption of the resolution, the vote
stood a.s follows: Yeas Huestis, Ferrall, -lwin. Nays, Tuff and
Winkel argued for oostponment until the regular hi. eating of Apr. 4th.
And so the re~o!utlon stood adopted.
There bei~further business, the meeting ad~o~ne ~
~'~ ¢ [ ~ President
....... Rec order.