1939-04-04 44O
April 4th, 1939.
The meeting corgzened at 8 P. }~:. and responding to roll call were
~,fayor W. C. Huestls, Trustees C. I. Tuff, Bernard Winkel, C. R. Ferrs'~
and ~eRoy V. Alwin as Recorder.
Recause of detailed legal reouirement stressed by the County, follow-
ing action by the village council at its regular meeting of March
7th, 1939, Alwin read the following resolution end presented it
for adoption; to wit:
'?HMRE.~ on the solicitation of a d~legation from
the ~.~ound Civlc~Clob, the Mound Village Council.
extended a written, invltstion to 'V. ~. Duckett,
Hi~'hway Engineer ~nd construction representative
for Hennepin County, to select ?ound as the location
of one of e series of wells for the purpose of
raising the level of Lake lfinnetomka,
WHE~IEA~, in response to this invitation, ~.fr. Duckett
appeared person~!ly before the .~ound Village Council
and recommended a certain lot located on the ,~hores
of Lake Lsngdon, a part of the ~innetonk~ system,
which lot, described as Lot 34, Auditor'~ ?ubdi~ision
No. 167, and qtate owned through tax failure, could be
purchased by the village for the above ns~ed purpose,
WHEREAS the Villaa~e of ~,7ound did accept ~[r. Duckett'~
r~co~mendatton and did ourch,?se the ~bove described lot
for the purpose named, ?nd did s. couire full title from
the %tote through the instrumentality of s ~tate Deed
executed on _'."arch 23rd, 1939,
THEREFOMT PM IT RE?OLVMD, and it is hereb~ ordered,
that an Easement upon lot 341 gu5itor'~ C~bdivision
~o. I67 be issued to the County of Hennepin, giving free
~ccess to the lot for the purpose and under conditions
which the wording of the Easement ~hall fully set forth.
The motion being for the adoption of the resolution, the vote stood
~os follows: Yeas: yr. C. Hue~.ti~, C. !. Tuff, ~ern~rd Winkel,
C. I. Ferral!, ?nd leRoy V. Alwin. Nsye~, None.
And so the resolution stood adopted.
E. C. Kern, !found Perk euoervlsor, personally petitioned for ~n
,~uthorizatlon to purch,?se hedge shrubbery, gr,o~s seed, and suf-
ficient 1:~" PlOe, with necessary fittings, to supply two picnic
tables in the park. Trustee Toff moved that the petition be
granted in its entir~ty and that reeu=itlons be issued to cover
the msterlal needed. This was seconded by Trustee Winkel, the
council concurring.
Being prepared with legal advice, Mayor H'uestis presented the
~ain issue before the meeting: namely, the floating of Fundip~ ~
~onds to retire outstandir~ warrants, at half the present interest
rate, ~nd the floating of Ros[d Improvement Ponds to give much
needed care to three miles of village streets, at the sa,me low interest
rate; the bonds to be retired at the rate of a thousand dollars
per year and in the same .svs:temsttc. m~nner in which the village
haS. h~ndled its os. st indebtedn~s. Ouch bond. issues to~be, sub~
mitred to popular ballot at some early date.
ton (~w. er to this Trustee Ferrall presented the following mote. on;
, "I move you that this board begin sitting as a committee
of the whole at 8 v. m. gvr2I 11, 1939, and each Tuesda~r e~ening
thereafter until the work is completed, for the purpose of auditing
every bill paid b~r the village during the I~t twelve months vertod;
that all items be listed, end that from such s Ii~t ~ budget be nre~a~'ed
to be utilized es $ basis for vIl. lage expendtture~ during the
coming year, ~.nd that in no case shslI ~.uch budget ~o ~re~red
be departed from except in extreme emergencies,w ' ~ '
There being no second to this motion it was set aside as void.
Thi~ was followed by popular agitation from a prepared audlsnce led
by ?ather ~'rancis Jaeger and others.
Trustee Ferrall again presented the following motions in ouick
succes,_ion,, s namely: "I move you that no purchase, or contract, of
any nature ~hatsoever, which involves the expenditure of money by this
village, ,~halI be deemed legally binding upon the village, unless
a requisition Incorooratlng detail~ of ~uch ourchese, or contract,
and bearing the signature of the ch~irm;~n of thi,~, board, ~hall be
attached to the invoice, or bill, rendered to this board; and that
~nv and .~11 bills, or invoices, which f.iI to have attached such
re~ui~it!on, beartn~ ,such ~Ignature, ~hsll be deemed illegal, and
not ~ Just claim a~ain~t the village.
There slread? being such a recui~ition in force, ~ifferlng onIy in
~Ignature, the shove motion was voided through failure of second.
And then this from Trustee Merrall: "I move you that an order be
issued to the effect that under no circumstances ,..h._~l the tools,
eauloment or emoloye~ of the village be used for purvo~e~ other
than that which directly benefits ell of the oeoo!e of the vi]!ege~
in other words, that they shall be used for nothing but the execution
of public work."
The motion v/ss beside the point, and ~ut.~Of,:order;~snd received no
Under'~the flurry of criticism the council considered it unwise and
untimely to continue with the order of bu~ine~ and the considera-
tion of bonds was left to a later meeting.
Following bitter criticism of the local relief administration, led
from ~he audiance, a condemnation which ended, in a ~opular vote of
th~nks to the council nnd to the relief committee for the aolendld
relief work that hsd been done, iru~tee Ferrsll had the following
~otion to oresent: "I move you th.'~t the vill~ge clerk be, and is
hereby, in~tructed to make sn itemized cody of al! order~ i~ued
for re!ief~ ~nd tb?t ~.uch coo~ sh.?ll be moated in e conspicuous
oI~ce in the Yound village Do,toff ice on the dote it is issued: .~nd,
further, that each order, ~o i~ued ~,nd Do,ted, ~hsll be~r the
name of the recloient and tb, e name of tbs of~icioI issuing the
Thin motion failed to meet council. ~entiment end ~too~ void without
It was the concensus of majority oolnlon of the council thet nothing,
in vt]lsge affairs, had haooened in the past, nor was likely to
hs..open~ln the future, that called for the drastic ~ction of the
Ferrsll motions, and that any such s~cknowledgement by the council
would only prejudice end emberrs~ss it before the public.
On motion by Trustee C. R. Ferrall, the villege clerk was instructed
to issue a reousitlon calling for 1OO gals of kerosene ~o be used
for Iightin~ street flares, this on the e, nolication of street com-
missioner J. C. Stein. This motion was seconded by Alwin and carried
by the council.
In ackaowledgement of some of Father Jaeger's criticisms, Trustee
C. I. Tuff moved that refuse dumped back of the fire barn end along
the "short cut" be covered with earth and that "No Dumping" signs
be olace~ on the offending locations. This was seo, onded by Trustee
?/inkel sn~ carried b'y the council.
A oet!tlon was read before the council that was presented by
~.~artin C. ~tuhr and eleven other signstories, all from 1he neighbor-
hood of Plummet and Dowys Avenues, s neighborhood within the village.
The petition called for two street lights on PIu~mer on the olea of
impsss~ble darkness et night during wmkeful hours. ~,~ayor Huestis
appointed Trustee C. L. Tuff end Trustee C. M. FerralI as s. committee
to investi~.,ate and to report bmoc][ to the council.
Adyl Dougherty, represented by her hmsband with power of e. ttorney,
oresented regular aoolications with reouisite fees for "Off" sale,
"On" ,~ale, grid soft drink licenses eualifying the operation of the
~eton Tavern on Lot l, Blk l, ~hirley Hills, Unit "~", the same
being for a period of three months, beginning April 1st and ending
at midnight of June 3Otb, 1939. Adyl Dougherty being shown that
she had not complied with the basic reouirement of village tevern
operations; namely, to have in her possession a ~tate restaurant
license, and she, in turn, promising, through her husband, that
she would supply such a State restaurant license, forthwith, ,~lwin
moved that "Off" sale, "on" sale, end soft drink licenses be
issued to Adyl Doug.-.~herty as soon as she had complied with this
requirement. This motion was seconded by Trustee Tuff, and carried
by the counoil.
The following verified bills were presented end read beforethe council
and ~ooroved for p~.vment:
J C ~tein,foremsn Vf ~,~. sal. .$ 25,OO.J.C.~tein,~tr~ Com.sal ..~ 75.00
B. A. Huff, L. store sal ........ IO0.oO.G.R.Cole,Aor.auto exp.
G.R.Cole, waterworks sal ........ 25.OO.G.R.Cole, sal. ss contr..
P:~.N.Johnson, notary fee to courl~
Interstate Pwr Co. L. store lite
Interstate Pwr Co. ,Pump .........
Phillips "~" Sta,gas, oil ......
~ound Grocery, ~,~rs ~moldt relief
~treater Lbr Co,L.store rent ....
1.OO._~.Ttka Pilot, proc., ortg
2.95.Interstate t>~r Co.Str. L
44.05.Geo.Kickhafer,~et. read'g
9.34.Kenneth ~chultz,I3 hrs.
14.72 .I..V.Alwin,vll recorder.
25.OO.L.V.Alwin,cleric. L. store !0.OO
75. CO
4O. 4O
l..V.Alwin,registrar of water .... IO.O0.L.V.Alwin,173 miles, ink, 9.00
Ed. Phillips & ~ons Co., Lieuor. 439.99.Frank McCormick, Ii~,uor.. 103.5D
~,~tka Bev. Co., Licuor ........... 2.50.m~.fpls ~,~lne House, 7~rine .... 23.50
Shell Petrol. Corp. ,Fuel oil .... 15.60.?~illiam ~tamp Co.,stamo.. 2.70
City of Robbinsdale,recrea. office 2.00.Addresso. Div. ,on ad~ress 10.70
:%tillman Co.,?7oodruff relief..
~',ub. Henn._~;~ellef Prd., Admin..
~l(cKesson ~ Robl:ins. Liquor .....
15.00.R.Henn. SurD.Commodities.$ 8.89
39.00.Distil. Dt~tr!b. Cory...!0&.&6
1.77.?~ldwest Pamer Prod. Co.. 3.86
There being no further busines.~ before the meeting, it stood adjourned
on mot ion.
P~e s ident