r.,TINUTE ' OF THE ~P*CIAL.,.~'T'''~''''~'-PT~T~'~ ,~ ~,~ OF THE ~.,OL$]D VILL/:GE CC.~CIL H~D
F~IDAY, AT ~:30 P. ~., Apr. 2Ist, 1939.
This special meeting was called at the recuest of consumers of the
?found Shores Water O¥stem to discuss and arrange for a continuance
of the water service to affected properties after fle~tember loth, 1939
when the present contract agreement between the s?,stem in r~uestion
and the village terminates.
After roll-call, with all councilmen ~re~ent, the meeting was turned
over to the suggestions and discussions of a delegation of shout
thirty u~ers for whom George ~(Ickhafer volunteered ss chairman.
Consensus of agreement centered about the placement of a manhole
with a new 2" meter and connection at the main ter~.~,inus located at
the Juncture of Grand View an5 Hillside ,~.venues, ~nd the discontinu-
ance of the peet-rotted ~Ipe line back of the school ~nd under ~rlon
Place. ?his arrangement would involve two ~eters~ the present ~..'aster
~'eter continuing to serve the store user.~ on Central Avenue, and a
new two-inch meter serving Dutch I~ske residents from the hydrant term-
inu~ a~ove stated. The defrayin? of the cost of this change, roughly
estimated at about ~175.00, was left to later action of the council.
It was also generally agreed without motion by the council that a new
agreement should be drawn up, as between the village and W. H. A. Koehler,
as manager of the Dutch Lake ~:~?stem, such new contract to be pa~lerned
after the one now in force between the village and the Baptist Oum~er
Assembly A~sociatlon, and to be terminated in like manner under pressure
of neighborhood need. ~.~ayor W. C. Huestts was to remresent the
village in these new negotiations.
A letter addressed to Y, rs. A. ~. Gebo, a member of the local relief
committee, and written by ~rs W. E. ~fuck, erstwhile a resident of this
village, but now living at 50 E. Igth ~tr., Minneapolis, was read
before the council. This letter stressed the temporary paralysis of
the ~fuck family's economic independence due to sickness and asked for
temporary help to tide over the difficulty. On motion by Trustee
C. I~. Tuff, .~frs Gebo was appointed as s committee of one to investi-
gate the conditions descrtb, e~ in the ~fuck letter and to remort her
findings ~t the next regular meeting of the ~found Village Council
on ~fay 2nd, I939. For this ~ervlce ~frs. Gebo was to be recommensed
for time ~nd expense. This received the second of Tr~stee FerraI1
and was concurred in by the council.
The mur~ose of the meeting being satisfied, it stood adjourned without
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