~[ay Ist, 1939·
~Phe primary purpose of this meeting was to consider the retire-
ment of 107~ of the village W.P.A. ss~ignments ~s reculred by
the Federal Government; adjustment s, through local governments,
to be on s bssi~ of Ju~tlce and gre~te?t need.
Hes~ondlng to roll-call were ?~ayor W. C. Hue~tls, Trustees
C. I.. Tuff, ~ernsrd 'Ylnkel, rnd C. R. Ferrari, ~nd Legoy V. Alwin
as Recorder.
The Council adopted and was actuated by the policy of apolying
the retirements to Dersons burd~ne~ by the least dome~tlc resmonsi-
bilit? and having the greatest'abilit~.by circumstance and otherwise,
to find private emv!oyment. After heeding a!l advices ,ond consider-
ing all circumstances, the un~ni~ous choice of the council, as the
ones most closely meeting these reeulrements, rested uuon ~red Hoefer
and H. X. Hardina. This choice was rout to motion by ~twin, seconded
by Trustee Tuff, and carried by the council.
A ~fotton by Trustee ';~/inkel, seconded by Alwin, following a discuss, ion
of the report of Urs A. L. Gebo on the ?rs. ";. E. ~,fuck family, ,?nd
ordering a certification of ~i!ly ~fuck to the University Hospital
for a tonsilotomy to eualify the latter for a C.C.C. assignment, was
withdrawn pendin~ the reception of alette? f~om ~frs. Boyl of the County
Relief Ofric. e covering this case. ~
The Council ~iving ear to a report bN I. J. Bowers of the Fire
Department covering the dif!'Iculties of servicing the fire siren
at its pre~ent location on the school buil~ing, :?nd recommending
a windmill tower for the siren located either near or on the fire
barn, because of three-phs~e current facllitie~., it w~s moved by
Alwin that trustees '~Vinkel sn~ Tuff constitute s committee to
investigate the cost and the location of such a tower and to
report back to the council st a later meeting. This was seconded by
Trustee Ferrall ,~nd concurred in by the council.
With reference to the meeting of county municipellties, through
their representatives, to convene st the ~eee~trali~5~relief Ofm~iCe
for the county at Hopkins at 8:30 P..~f., Wednesday, ?ay 3rd, 1939,
Tr~stee C. !.. Tuff moved that ~,frs A. L. Gebo end LeRoy V. Alwin
be appointed delegates to this meeting to represent )~ound interests
in the lO/g W.P.A. retieement for the County, which is the object of
the convention. This motion wes ~econded by Winkel and concurred in
by the council.
All business before the meeting being completed, the council stood
/~ President