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446 VILLAGE OF MOUND REGL~AR 1,~WTING OF THE ~,[OUND VILLAGE CO[~NCIL H~D ~AY 2nd, 1939 PROC~DED Ag Resoonding to roll-call were !~ayor W. C. Huestis, Trustees C. L. Tuff, Pernard Winkel, and C. R. Ferrall, with Alwin a~ recorder. The minutes of the previous meetings for the month of Aoril having been read and approved, Trustee C. L. Tuff advanced the subject of the village dealings with ~innetrista Township in connection with the borderline street and moved that the clerk write a letter to the township stating in definite terms what the village expect- ed in ~n ~mount e~ultable in half-sharing the co~t. This was seconded by~'~rustee Winkel and carried by the council. In resoon~e to a letter read before the council and written over the name of John Woodruff,asking for a relief order for the month of !~ay, it was moved by Trustee ~.?inkel that such relief be granted for the month of l.~ay and limited to the amount of ~I5.00. This was seconded by ~rustee Tuff and concurred in bv the re~t of the council. The rel~ef needs of Edward ~.chwartz, W.P.A. worker laid off and ousrentlned because of small pox, being brought to the attention of the council by Alwin, it was moved by Trustee Winkel that ~chw~rtz be given rellei' until out of ouarantlne end that the ore,ant relief order should not exceed ~5.00. This was suooorted by Alwin and carried by the council. .Vayor Huestis reviving ac~ulsltlon by the village of I~ot 25, adjoining the Fire Barn - also known ss the Oh~nnel Iot- end , ~ d ~ ~ w LOt 15 both of Auditor's .~.ub ivislon #170, it was moved by ~-~1 in that Trustee Ferrall be constituted a committee of one to con- fer with ~. H. ~. Koehler, oresent owner of the above lots, for the purpose of bringing about an exchange of these lots for the village-owned Hanson Lot, or Lot 1I of the Gullfmrd rearrangement of tots in ~,~ound _Pay Park. This was seconded by 1Prustee Tuff end carried by ih~- council. It was suggested by Mayor Huestis that a toilet be provided in the Fire Parn. However, inasmuch as the sug~estlon wa~ made within the hearing of firemen present, action by the council was deferred until it had received reco~'~mendatlons by the Fire Deosrtment. Following favorable comment'by the council on the ~atl~factory work done by the villa?e gr?der in ~,c~rif~Ing and !,'~ying down an e~en ~urfsce on 'Uetertown Road, it was movec~ by Road Co~mitteeman Ferrs!l that the sc~rlfler teeth be taken to Che~ Bruhn at ~t. $onif~cius to be shsroened and temoered. This motion wag seconded by Road Cheirm~o,n Winket and concurred in by the council. ~ ~ C?rlson of ~eton oresented hi~ comol~int before the council because of the condition of the street ,end the du~t in front of hi~ olsce of business on Yroderlck Ave. In~uch ~s P, roderick Ave. Co~e~ within the are,~ of s sorlnrler district, and ink,much ~ the l~ylng of a du~t cost over this ~res by the villege would, oerforce, have to wait until s l?ter d,~te, the council recommended that Cerlso:~ t,?ke neraonal ,~ctlon in hi,= own behelf by i~vroving the conditions of hi~-:frontage by spreading crsnkcsge oil from the neighboring Bud ,~qmith Gars ge. VILLAGE OF MOUND 447 Becauses of clrcumstc?nces detalle~ before the council by ~:rayor Huestfs and b,v Constable Geo. R. Cole, it was moved b~,~ Trustee Tuff that E. C. Kern be sworn in as ~ ~.meclsl Park Police and that he be authorized to wear a badge designs, ting such authority. This was seconded by "ri . .,, nket and carried by the council On the motion of Trustee Tuff it was recommended that the clerk write Earl Olson reauestlng that the ruins of the burnt garage ed Joining the fire barn be cleane~, sway and that the basement pit be ~sde safe against accident, either by human~ or anime!s. This motion was summorted by Trustee Ferrall ~nd concurred in bF the council. Trustee Tuff also moved that a grill mede of two-b.v-fours be mlaced over the m~nhole et the Juncture of H~rr~on end Tskefield Avenues. Alwin seconded this motion, the council concurring. Fecause of muddy conditions on Edgewater Drive due to the excess flow of w~ter from a bleeder on s neighborin~ terminal b. vdrmnt, Trustee Tuff moved that the clerk write ~up~rIntendent G. R. Cole to cut down the rate of flow, or alter the drain, or both. Trustee 'finkel su'o~orted this motion and it was passed by the council. A motion by Trustee Tuff to build s fence, horse high, bull strong, and hog tight, around the water tower was laid on the table, tempor- ari]~y, for laler action. Trustee C. I. Tuff Dresented the following resolution for adoption by the council, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED that oreliminary and legal steps be taken toward the construction of ~ curb and walk beginning with the oresent termination of co,Dieted new construction in front of ~he Crocker Puilding and fronting along Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Auditor's Oubdivlsion ~I70. Needed money to be taken from liouor funm. The vote being on the ~doptlon of the resolution, it stood as follows:V,~e~s, ~.ue~tis, Tuff', ~fnkel, Ferra!l, ~n~ ~lwin. ~.~ayes, None. ?,.nd so the resolution ~.too5 adopted. The clerk being instructed to notify all affected property owners, Trustee 7finkel moved that the ?ayor be authorized to get all needed legal advice after the recorder had ascertained and given him a description of all affected propertie~. Th'~s was seconded b~ A!win and carried by the council. l?Tayor Huestis now read a letter sent him by the Int. erstatePower Co. detailing the rates and conditions of a new electric franchise. Inasmuch as the matter was comolex ~nd involved and the hour late, it was suggested that the matter become the basis of an adjourned meeting. The fo]lowing verified claims were read ~nd ordered p:~Id: J. C. ~teln, ~. Foretoken sal...~ 25.00.J.C.~tein,'~tr. Corn .... ~j 75.00 ~.R.Cole,?ay Auto expense 25 ©O.~.R.Co!e, ~ ....... · ':~ur)er of ,r, .. 25.00 ~.R.Co!e, Const~b~_.e ........... 75.00.P...?..~ur~. ~, ':ngr I · storelOO.OO 448 VILLAGE OF MOUND Kenneth Sc'hultz, 19!~- hrs t.m..~ 8.78 St.~k.?,~d.,C.R.rent, Insur ..... 13.85 Standard Oil Co., kerosene, gas 9.70 ~eRoy V. Alwin, 72 miles ~ 5Y. 3.60 IeRoy V. Alwin, Registrar sal. I~).O0 Addressog~aph Div. Contract P. 10.70 ~hell Oil Co., fuel oil ....... 7.80 ~. C. Ke~n, 44 hr~ ~ 35~ ~rk.. 15.40 Western Union Tel Co., parts.· .63 Interstate Power Co., ~tr. lite118.76 Interstate Power Co., L.~tore 1 2.82 .~'t.~'k. Wd., Huff Bond .... · ~een. Co gurplus Corem .... .Phillips "66" ~ta. G~s... .LeRoy ~. Alwin, L. cleric .LeRoy V. Alwin, Recorder. .~treater Lbr. Co., rent.. .Robbins~ale,recrea. off lc .Daniels Nuts. Co. ,shrubs .~fd.Grocery, Apr. relief.. .Inter~tate Power Co,pump. 5.00 15.12 10.00 10.0~ 25 .oo 2.00 14 .OO 24.29 54.90 On a motion by Alwin, the meeting was adjourned to reconvene at 7 P. M. May 9th, 1939. This was seconded by Trustee Tuff and concurred in by the council. Attest ........ Re .o / President Village of_ ............. -. .................................. County of Minn. ,9. 4