ADJOURNED FRO~.~ ~!!HE ~?~TING OF ~.,~AY 2nd TO REC0?V~? ON ~A¥ 9th, 1939.
This aSJourned meeting reconvened for the ourpose o~' considering
the details of s new rate-!ower[n? fr.~nchi~e vresented, through
it~ delegst~_on, by the IntersteZe Power Co.; this in antic!pevion
Of the retirement o£ the present fr~-,nchlse on November 2nd, 1940.
'±'~e Interstate Power Co. was reoresented by ~,?r. C. E. ~feyers,
District >:[anager for the Co~pany, ~.fr. Js~nes Fottaral, Are,~
gnd ?;r. E. A. Nicolson, ~tectric Power Engineer from Dubs]cue, Iowa.
,.~r. C. E. >{e~er,~ mresented ~nd exo!ained the details of the new
rates, which wi]! eo~ear elsewhere in the record~ of the ~zlll~ge.
Me s]~o ~nswered ~]1 oue~ti~_ons ori~in;~tim~, from the council with
resnect to the new rates .~nd the term~ of the new frsnchloe.
i~otlowing discus~ion, the Recorder was delegated to oresent a
first reading of the new franchise, which he did in ~ loud, clear
voice, ~nd within the hearing of everyone ore=ent.
Those ~f the council marticipating in these deliberations ,~nd
resvondln.?: to ro]!-call at their beginning were :Vayor ~'.~. C. Huesti~
Trustees C. L. Tuff ~nd ?er'nerd Vfinkel, with ':'!win es Recorder.
Trustee ~'erra]l ammeared later.
~'ranchlse matters set aside, for the moment, to be con~i~ered !a~ter
the smm!Icatlon of ~(r. C. E. Neumann for a Per?it to erect a
garage was read before the council. ,:lwin moved that the ~ermit
be granted. This was seconded b~ Tr~stee ',;inke! ~:nd concurre2 in
by the council.
The amm!ication for a ~uildlng [~ermlt of ~. Psrellus was read before
the council. The apotlcatlon anticipated the erection of a small
cottage on ~ot 14, Auditor's ~ubdivision #167, ~n~ gave ~ Iot area
50x75 (3,750 ft.) Inasmuch ss the cost of the cottage was not
stated, ~nd, tns~much as the area ~ro~lslons of the Zoning Law
re~%~ire ~n ares of no less than 6,O00 s~. ft. It was moved by
~lwin that the av~llcstlon be rejected. ;fhi~ w~s su~orie~f by
Trustee C. k. ?erral] and concurred In by the council.
Pointtn~ to the possible purchase by the village of the old school
ground advertised f~r sale by the ~ound ~choo! Poard, ~lwin put
to motion s suggestion by ~s. yor Hue~tis,i.e., that the clerk
write ~r. C. E. Lockerb~, es Pres., ~nd T. ?~. Thomson, ss cl~rk
of~the ~'chool Board, to meet with the council at an adjourned
regular meeting to convene on Friday, ~.~[sy 12th, and to present
their ~ropositlon for such s transfer. This was secondec~ b~
Trustee Tuff, end carried by the council. ~
On motion by Alwin, the meeting, was adjourned to reconvene on
Frlda~,~. ~.~sv~., I2th, at ~. P. ~. This wa~ seconded by '~ru~tee ~uff
and passed by the council.
tto .........
~ ~ Recorder