June 6th, 193o.
It being ~?t a ti~e long orevtou?,l~r ~nd o~"Ici~]_ly dew, 1gnsted, no
notice wes reaulred for this meeting. Res~ondin~ to .roll cP!]_ were
ayor 'f. C. i~ue~ti~,, ~rusto~s,,<, C. L. Tuff, i-ern-~r~ "'inkel, ~nd
C. R. Ferr~ll, with ~lw!n ~ Recorder.
The minutes of the regu!~r meeting of Ney' 2nd, ~.dJourned to :"ay 9th,
again sdJourned to '~av I2th, and final]_v conclude¢] on ~a?y 18th were
a~'oroved only upon the reading of the entire doc umenta r? det~i]
i~volved in the above meetings .~nd the insi~t.~nce by the ~Zayor
~nd the council, exclusive of the R~corder, that this detail be
transcribed from its documentrry form on to the regular ~a5es of
the mimute book; such necec~ary ~teno~'raphlc work to be hired done
~nd st aaded exvense, r'he is:~ue between the council ~'nd the
recorder was one of legal acceptance before the courts.
After listening to a descrimtion by Cuperintendent fg-. '~. Cole of
needed eouivment to keev over~:tine conditions dry while remalrlng
breek~ in the water mains, it w~ moved hr Tr~stee C. I. Tuff
that the village adverti.~,e for bld~ on new e~uimment detel!ed, by
' r. Cole. This w~s seconded by True, tee "inkel ~nd .~vvrove~] by the
Introduced by I. ~ohns of ~[ound, ~r. R. C. ~ur~ell of the -'tewart
Paint Co. presented the dif~icu!tte~ involved in keeping creosote
from "bleeding" through an overlsld ~slnt ~urface; thi~ even with
the use of aluminum s-s ~ ground m~int. )~[r. P~rwell's remarks hsd
sDeclal reference to the p~'lnt Job do~e by I. '~ohns on the Park
Pavilion. ~r. ~ur~ell concluded b~,~ offering free of co~t all
paint needed for a repaintfng of the ~svilion. ?.~syor H,~eetis
co::~]_~mented ;~.r. Furwe!l for him courtesy ~nd his concern over
our paul!ion paint problem.
On motion by Alwin a ?. & ~. Dollcy carried with the Ohio Casualty
Co., through Harlln ?~ Westerlund of Ymls, on the village truck
and terminating on June 7th, 1939, was ~re~ented for renewal.
This was seconded by Trustee ~7tnkel and concurred in by the council.
After comment, inf~ uoon the intolerable condition of the vlll~:ge
~treets, Trustee C. I. Tuff moved t.h~t the clerk be authorized
to write to the Henneoin County Nighway Deoartment ' in unmis-
takable terms" with reference to the next-to-impassable condition
of the =hort cut; thi~ with ~oecific bearing uoon ~h~ hazard
involved in forcing ?he Fire Department to moke time-con~u~ing
detour~ while onm?ering f~re calls. This w~ ~econded bTz ilwin
~nd carried by the council.
Peca~.~e of the increasing ~res~ure of work mlaced upon J. C. Otein
as qtreet Commls~ioner an~ ~:~atn 9'oremsn, it w,~s moved by Alwin
that Trustees Winkel and Tuff, as s committee, confer with ~'uper-
Intendent Cole on the matter of getting extra, help for the water
de?rtment. This was seconded by Trustee Tuff and passed by the
Trustee "finkel moved that the village a~propriate $50.00 to the
Fire Demartment toward defraying expenses in connection with
sending three department members to the u~tate Fire~en's 5onvention
in June. This was sumported by Alwin and card, led by the council.
With reference to the needs of waterin? the flower beds in the
village square, Trustee Winkel moved that the village purchase
15 ft. of hose and that the clerk issue a reeuisitlon to this
effect. This was seconded by Trustee Tuff and concurred in by
the council.
On an offer made personally by ~,.~r. T. ~. Koehler, deeding to~
the vi!lag~ without cost a piece of land, aoproxlmately 14' x 285',
which now ~erves as sn alley and egre~mS for Lots 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, and 36, Lynwold Park, it was moved by ~!win that the matter
be inve~tlgated and reported back to the council at its next
meeting; the inquiry to be m~de ~y the Road Committee. This was
supported by Trustee Ferrall and passed by the council.
Alwin moved that requisitions b~ issued for 5 llbs of liquid
Road ~{ending Tar end 25 yrds of Pea Rock. This was seconded by
C. L. Tuff and carried by the council.
Following the reading of a written petition for relief by
~w. W. Parker, Alwi~_~ moved that Parker be allowed .00 for
groceries pending council efforts toward finding self-suoport-
ing work. This was seconded ~y Trustee Tuff and passed b~ the
c ounc il.
On the written reouest of John '~oodruff for a relier order for
the month of June, Trustee "inkel moved that, pending village
investigations of an Old Age Pension to which '?oodruff is now
entitled, the Woodruff relief order for ,Tune be limited to
[18.00. This was supported by ~errall and carried by'the council.
On the presentation by Alwin of the form of a, petition revamped
from an original offered b~v Pres. J. C. Krause of the ~ound Civic
Club, ,~nd which envisaged the extension of ~tate ~id Road,
County #15, along I. ynwold f~ve, Lake ~%reet, ~nd 'm~Stertown Ro~d
to the western limits of the village, it was move5 by Trustee
Wlnkel ond seconded by Trustee Ferra!l theft members of the council
affix their signaturas to the petition, ~'~nd that it bear the
village ~ea.1, and that thus prep~red it be sent to the Poard of
County Commissioners for action. This motion was carrie5 by the
0n the presentation of the application of Dick Grant for a license
to opera, re a ,~econd Pin Ba.l~ ~schine at ?eton Tavern beginning
June 1st and ending June 30th, at midnight, the attached fee of
~2.10 being for that period, it was moved by Trustee Tuff that the
license be granted. '±'him was supoorted by Wlnkel and concurred in
by the council.
On proper aoolicatlon, it was moved b~ Trustee Winkel that a
buildin~ ~ermit be isr~ued to fmbrose J. Haerden for the construc-
tion of a dwellln~ on Lots 10 g~ ~!, Elk 11, Abraha~ Lincoln Add.
to Yound. This was seconded by Trustee Ferrall ~nd concurred in
by the council.
The "'~tate Pank of ~ound Ins. ~gency presenting a renewal contract
with th~ Ohio Cs~uetty Co. covering P. & L. ~nd Fire In~urance
on the ~found Fire Truck, which contract wa~s to continue from the
ter~n~tlnM date of June 27th, 1939, ~,nd for s oerlod of one
year, the ~remium being ~:59.80, it was moved, by Alwin that such
renewal contract be acceoted by the council end thst a w~rrant
be drawn to cover the amount oftthe oremium. This wes seconded
by Tuff ~nd concurred in b? the council.
On the suggestion of ~'~ayor W. C. Hue~tis it wa~ moved by !!win
that Trustee ,~. L. Tuff be an~ointed ,~s a delegate to re~resent
the Villase of ~"ound at the Convention of {he ~'fnne~ote Le~.~ue
of ~unicipalltles as~'embllng at Albert. Lea, Wlnnesota, June 14th,
ldth, % !~th, and that ~''
.~;25.00 be voted toward his exDen~,e~. This
w~a seconded by Trustee Winkel an5 unanimously ~e~med by the
c ounc i t.
The descriptions within the aDolication failin? of Zonin~ Law
recuirements, it was moved by Tru?tee Ferral! ,~nd seconded by
Truotee C. L. Tuff that the ao~lic(~tion of ~. P~rellus for a
buildin~ Detroit be rejected. ~hi~ w?~- concurred in by the council.
In view of s ch~-~nged handling of local relief, ~ f~ct stre~oed
before the council by :{ayor Hush-tis, it we2 moved by ~lwin that
'~rs Louise ~moldt appear before the council with her relief
problem for the month of June, ~nd succeeding months. This motion
was seconded by Trustee Ferra!l and Da~sed by the council·
A letter written over the signature of :'~r. Relmh De~!ing and
stressing certain alleged discrlminstions in rates and ecuiDment
practised by the local telephone company against certain u~ers,
was read before the council. In answer !fayor H,,,~estis ammolnted
Trustee Pernard Winkel to investigate telephone regulations and
rates ~overntng villsse~, of the 4th class, end to confer with
the latertown Telephone Co. and with !!r. Dealing ~n the metier.
Reouests for the came by the principals being,., before the council,
it was moved by Alwin that all monies owing ~,.~e~or J. P. Reed
by the Village of !~ound for making the current s~essment be
?~2igned to Lord P. Johnson and that the ~fsyor and the Recorder
sign instruments to that effect. This wa~ seconded by Truslee
Tuff ~nd carried by the council.
The following, verified bills were read ~nd ordered ~sid:
B. A. Huff, salary ....... ~ 100. G. R. Cole, '~uper of ~? ...... ~
G. R. Cole, Constable ....
J. C. qtein,Foremsn ......
'~t ~]~ of ~d Cart !nde~
~.nnln~;-_4nder~on Co llnu
C!d Peoria Co.,L!cuor ....
Kelley Liouor Co.,Ii~uor.
Yd. Hdw. Co. U~iscel ......
~tka ~otor Exp.,e~ress..
~ddres~o. Div Contract
~ub. Nenne. Co Relief Prd
'vatertown Tel. Co ........
LeRoy V. Alwin,Reglstrar.
~ in break.
Jim ~t~ott s, ..
Eugene Hodge, scc~unt'g..
James Kr~u~e,d'~ ~eln ....
R. Henne.~'~o Como Com...
VilleFe [,~ecorder, Postage.
Uinnet. rlsts Town,hiD, haul
R. J Rondorf, '~ ~
Francis Johnson, 56 hrs..
J. E. Dick, ditching .....
Interatste ~r Co., L.'~..
~. ~. Christianson,gas...
Kenneth ~Uchu!tz, hydra~nt.
75.00. G. R. Cole, Auto expense.
25.O0. J. C. oteln,otr. Com .....
40.50. F. YcCor~ic~, Liquor .....
9.90. ~tka Beverege Co. ,Liouor.
55.21. Geo. ~enz eons., l~uor..
.~t,. Ed.Phillios & Oons,L!ouor
39.74. Grinnell Co.,Cooper,fixt.
1.90. °tillman Co.,J.iVoodruff..
31.98. Padger ~eter ~nfg Co .....
30.00. Cit.v of Robbtn~dale ......
7.05. LeRo~~ V. Alwin, milea~e..
10.00. Ie9o? V. ~,!wln,I..C].eric..
8.00. C. [. Tuff,Albert Iea Con
15.00. J~mes Krau~e, flings ......
2.03.}~tke Pilot. oroceed'gs ....
12.42. ~'t. Pk. of [dd.Johnoon ~'ot.
6.00. ~hell Oil Co., fuel ......
6.00. ~. J. Ro,edorf, tank ~,e..
14.94, '.~i].ler-D~.vis Co, b!anka..
25. O0
75. O0
33 .~1
25.20:~ F. ~. Rer~}tt,"Vo [lu=ninF" 2.85
1.50. Interstele ~'~r. 'io,~tr,l!tel!0.43
2.82 Inter~t~ ~ . ,
· ~ ~t~ P~vr Co. n~mp.. 3D 7=
5.81. . N. Johnson. !. "moiSt. 20.62
4.50.~t. Pk. of ~'d., Insurcnce. 52.80
LeRoy ?. Alwin, Recorder .... ~; !O.O0."'r..A.. ~_.. Gebo, exoen~e..¥ 5.OO
Harlin & ~;'~'esterlund, Ins .... 28.70.'~:t. Pk. of Vd., Insurance. 7.00
!rcKesson ;- Rob¥1ns,I..io~or.. 31.70 .Distil.Distrib.corp.l.ieuor177.97
Gluek Brewing Co.Peer ....... 7.40.Otreater Lbr Co.. rent... 25.00
A. F. qtinson, 2 hrs dig'g.. .90.Fire Demt. Cor~vention .... 50.00
There being no further buslmesa pressing befora the meetln~,
was moved by Alwin that the meeting adjourn to reconvene on
Tuesdav, June 20th, st 7:30 P. ~,g.
Attest .......