EXTT~DED FRO!~ June _6th A?fD H~.WLD ON JL~ME 20th, 1939.
Resoondlng to roll-cai-1 were ~ayor W. C. Muentls, Trustees C. ~. Tuff
~ with Alwin as Recorder. .Trustee C. R. Ferra]l,
and Bernard Wlnxe],
absent at roll-call, apoe~red later.
The meeting opened with the re~dtng of a~plications for the renewal
of "On 8~Ie", "Off'~ale", ~oft Drink, ~nd Pin ~a!l ~'~chlne:~ .~ License~
for the fiscal year ending June 3Otb, 1940.
Uoon reading the aop!ications of Peter Zollie for "Off" & "On", and
9ofl Drink, Cashier's Check for ~156.OO being attached, it was moved by
Trustee Winkel that the above licenses be granted. This was seconded
by Alwin ~nd csrrie~ by the council.
Aoolications for "Off and On~ and '!oft Drink" by Adlyn Dsugherty,
.~roperly notarized and with $5_6.OO in fees attached, being read,it
w~ moved by Trustee ~"uff that licenses be granted. Trustee Winkel
~uooorte~ the motion, the council sporoving.
J. ~. C°rlson's soo!ications for "Off & On and ~'~o.ft Drink", bearing
the reoui~lt8 fee~ in co~.~h, but Failin~ of orooer notarization, it
wo~.. moved b? Trustee C. I.. Tuff that no Iicen~eo~ o be is~ed on the
~nolic~tion until the not~ri:~I~ re~uirement? be co~olied with.
T ~
ru:~t~e Winkel seconded ~his, theccouncil concurring.
The Atopllcations o~ Cecil J Chapm:~n for for a~ f, ~aie beer ~nd
a ~oft Drink license, with ~6.O0 in fee~ ~nd oroper]~ ~!ot?rized,
being read, it wa,~ moved by Trustee C. I. ?uff, ~nd seconded by m!~[]win,
that the licenses be ? ranted. Thi~ was c~=rr~ied by the councilY
V'iolet E. Hasting5 apm!ications for "On ~.: Off ':'al~ Beer" ~nd ~oft
Drink License:a, vroperl~r not~,rlzed ::nd~vita' check for fees totaling
f:56.OO, being read, it '~':s.s mo~ed by 'l'ru~tee T~:ff th.~t the llcen~e~
be granted. Alwin sumported thls motion, ::nd it ~v,~,~ carried by the
Trustee W~nke]. me,~d, fol!ow~_n~ the ~resentetlon of the "Off ~- On
Oaie ?nd ~oft Drink license aoolications of Robert ~r~o the ~c~q~me
orooerl? e×ec~]ted and ous!ified by ~.~6.OO in fees, that the licenses
be ~r~=nted. This wos seconded by Trustee ~'errall, and concurred in
bw the council.
The ~oo].ications of Florence I.O'h~ei!l for "On ~: Off '!ale, ~oft Drink
and Pin _~al! ~achlne, totalling in fees in the amount of ~8] ~00,
being pre~ente-~ before the council, it -.~a~ moved by Trustee 'luff,
~_nd ~econ~ed b~ Trustee .~'err~]l that the ~s~e be gr~nted. This was
passed by the council.
Y. I. Zieckman person~]!y preeented hi~ ,~vo!Icatlon for ~ llcen~e to
ooerate a ::~In Ball ,.fachlne r~t the ~orthI' nd Cafe, the avO!icatlon beinf~
comolete with ~_~ fee of S25.00, it was moved by Trustee l'Tuff that the
license be grante~. Thi~ was seconded by _.~lwin .and aooroved by the
council. " ' '
'±'he aloolications of R. !~. Grant for Pin N~ll i~schlnes now opera, ting
in Carlson's Beer Parlor and two at :7eton Inn, totaling three and
reeuiring a fee of {}75.O0, g'ttached, bei~g presented, it was moved, by
Alwin that licenses be granted. This was su,~ported by 'l'rustee 'Tinkel,
~nd aooroved by the council. ' ~'
P. J. 2~tockel applied personally for a Soft Drink License to operate
in conjunction with his grocery store, newly opened in the Knute
.&nseth Building. On motion by Trustee ',?inkel, the license was
granted,; Alwin seconding, the council approving.
The aoplications for Building Permits oif John J. Ho~lick and
R. ~. Nmith being res~d for acceptance, it was moved by ~'~Iwin
and seconded by Trustee '.":inkeI that the permits be granted. This
received the a.vproval of the council.
Following a discussion of details with L. J. Bowers of the Fire
Dep~l~tment, it was moved by Trustee C. L. Tuff ths~t the Clerk be
authorized to ~dvertise for bids on the construction of a siren
tower and the removal from the school and the insta~]lation o,n the
tower of the siren now in operation~. This was seconded by Trustee
;~Inkel and concurred in by the council.
On reouirements stated in detail by ?~p?rintendent G. R. Cole of the
~ter Department, it was moved by ~lwin that the ~rlllage s~dvertise
for bids on a suction pump and accessories for drying operations
in main repair and in servibe connections, on specifications presented
by <_~. R. Cole. Also, in the same connection, to advertise for
an electric generator with flood light to illumine night repslr
operations. Trustee Tuff supported this, the council approving.
On her personal petition for relief, it was moved by Alwtn that
~rs. Louise Smoldt be allowed $20.00 for groceries for the month
of June. This was seconded by Trustee ~inkel s. nd approved by the
Trustee Winkel moved, following her personal solicitation, that
E. Rhodes be allowed $3.00 a week for groceries until her re-employ-
ment by ~'~. P. A. Alwin supported this, the cou~cil concurring.
Becmmse of the steadily increasing pressure of work in the village
street department and in the water department, it was moved by
Alwin th~Street Commissioner J. C. Stein be relieved of supervision
of main repair and w~ter connections so that he could devote more of
his time to his own departm~n%, and that Jimmy ~%atts be hired at
$100.O0 per month to take over the work of the water department, the
two departments to come to the relief, one of~the other, where and
whenever necessary. Jimmy Ztatt's employment to begin as of June 26th,
1939. This was seconded by Trustee Tuff and approved by the council.
On motion by Trustee WinkeI, the clerk was authorized to confer with
the Village Recorder of Deep Haven to bring Deep Haven street eouipment
into ~ound for the purpose of scarifying Broderick, Wakefield, and
Harrison Avenues preparatory to the mixing and rolling down of an
oil nap. This action was on the petition of about twenty signers from
the Seton District, also a person~l delegation present from the
same neighborhood. Trustee ~?inkel's motion was sustained by Trustee
Ferrall, the council concurring. The above motion included an order
for oil, and that the cost of materials and labor was to be assessed
against frontage.
Otreet Committeeman '~inkel moved that the clerk issue a requisition
for 5 more bbts of road tar and 25 additional ys. rds of pea rock.
Trustee Tuff seconded the motion, the council approving.
After reading a, letter to .'~fsyor Hue~tls over the signature of
~fike ~/t. Zipo.v, Secret~ry of the Hennepin 5ounty AFriculSur
Society, as.?cing for a vil~ ~:~e financial contributio~
a "Free Gate,, UoUnty Fair, it 'was ?oved by Alv~in t~:at the vi~ l~.~e,
this year,' advance the same sum offered l::~st ?e.r, i. e., 22~.~0.
Trustee Winf~e'l seconded the n:otion, t~e council concurrin,~..
Because of local difficulties in .meetin.~ the lot demen~ion require-
ments of the Zonin~ ~,aw it w~s moved by Alwin that the 1.~w be re.~:d
in its entiret,v a.t the next re~lar meetin? of the council on
Tuesday, July llth, for the purpose of deter.~-.,iuin~ wh~.t revisions
or ad.~ustments could be made to surmount t~e difficulty. Alwin
was sustained in this ~otion by Trustee Wirf~el the council con-
currin~~. ,
Followin~ a disagreement between members Sf the council in lhe
r_~%ter of is~uin£, warr,~.nt retire.~ent bonds nd ro:-d ir~i?'rove~,~ent
bonds, it w~.s moved by Urustee Tz~.ff that the Vi!!a~e Tre~.surer
and the Villa_~e ~ecorder ~et to~.~ether for the ~'.::ur~"ose of a. scert~ini~?
the st~:~tus of the ~'i.~:.uor ~nd ~,nd the ~?,ter ~:.nd '~vith :. view of
m~:~3~ing a. lo:~,n to ~. e Genera, l/for the ~urpose of~'~ettin,? ~ out ~
debt, ~b. is wrt. s su~ ported by T~stee ~'erra!l, ...... ~
council. " a~nd a~ree~ ~o ~':tbe
~.ere bein~ no further buozne~s before the council, it
on motion.
J:~t t e s~ '