FROY JL~Y llth, 19~9, 'r0 J~f ].Sth, 1939 I?
except Trustee herrall
Foliowln~ roll-call with all ~ ~ / ,,
.. p~ e~en%~ IPuotee C L 'Puee moved
that~ before a resumption of the he?rln6s on bids
of vllt~:.o- er,;./iesent considerttion ce 8n indeeenden%
s,-ste~ fop nipfht Peosir oeerations be wlthdr.~wn; %hi,.~ in view of the
fact that the Interstate Power Co. had e;~reed to ta'D cower llnes
and furnish light within reasonable distances ~nd wherever needed.
AIl bidders agreeinfl to the change, it was seconded ty frustee
'Vlnke! end passed by the council.
%~ren~r~{ to r~, j._ bids were !i'r. }, · Roaderlck of the '.r,~ if. %~.egler
Company, i'~r ~mbrose ~ ~ ' ~
· ~.~ .~cu~rtnv o the Sherman" Rcs olt ~o~c
~nd r Jsm~a Ploomouist of ~orcn~rt-Ingerso]l, Inc ~. clerk
.'~1;~o reed ~-~ letter from the ~oph,,r Eeuio~ent ~:'n~ -u~v!~ Co. of
?in~e? co!ia. - ~
Tach bidder having been beard In turn, intore~t centered v~on
2" Rex Centrifugal Pum~0, sir-cooled g~n engine powered, ~n_d mounted
on a wheelbar~ow , o , f=
cn~ssis the whole, with 15' of suction ho~e, o..~erec
by the 77~ H. Ziegter Co. st a price of ~I72.O9. The ~rlce on the
derrick, with mlscet!eneous suoplles, being precisely ~he same for
all bidders, it wag moved by Alwin that the entire order be
to the iY~ H Zies~er Co. ~t ~ p ic~, of .: 4.40. Thi~ w~s supported
by Trustee C. I. Tuff and carried b,~ the council
On the reouest of ~uoerlntendent C..eo. R. Cole of the :.Tater Le'oartment
the council agreed without motion to re~usition~ for the following:
5 gals. ,~50 oacking oil, 5 gals aluminum paint 5 gals. ~=,~ p..int,
2 gals. yellow paint; the whole to be of the ou~lity of
Paint and to he used to paint hz~dr;~nts
Receiving a hearing at this time were ~?[essers Iktoml and .Robert
P~aulieu representing "Re-America", a magazine devoted to orehi~'toric
America ehd oromotim~= a natiorP~iRe orogram of wildlife conservst]_on.
'~ound's ,vart in sn initial issue of the ?,.{agazlne, ss urged b~ Ikto~l,.
was to publicize the ancient Indian ?ounds of its neighborhood and
from which it took its name, thus msklng its bid for tourist trade
and cashing in on some of its native resources; ~he cost of space
to be .i~iO0.O0 for ~e full pa~e, ['60.00 for :-~ hs!f n~.~=e ~nd !~35.00
for a ousrter oa~e of ~ fourteen by twent~ inch me o '
~' . ...... g~:.,z~ne. ~o action
was taken by the council, but ~he m,~tter ws,~ to be taken unda~
advi se~e nt.
On the persons~l vetitlon for re]ief for the month of Jul? of
'~rs Louise ?moldt, Alwin moved th;~t, inasmuch ~ the ~r~oldt
June Relief account had b,~ error been overdrawn in the amount of
~3.18, this amount be deducted from the July allowance, thus making
It {~17.OO. This was ee~o~d~d,b~ Trustee 'Tin!:e! and c?rried biz the
After a discussion of the lot-dimension orovi~ions of the Zonlr~ Law
with !(r. H. I. Horton, chairman of~the Board of Zoning ,".vn=~
~ -~. ~ .... ~s, and
with '.?r. W. H. A. Koehler, realest?te oDer~toP, it was moved by
Alwin that procedures in the matter conform to provisions of the law;
namely, that the village advertise a hearin~ ~t the next regular
meeting of the council where d ~
.eolred changes will be discussed.
This motion was suooorted b~,~ frusta= ~i v
~" n~..el and c~ ' =
.... ~rrze~ by the council.
2n the presentation of a properly executed petition or a~plicstlon
for a ~uilding Permit by ?~r. & !.!rs Gunnsr ~,,orin, such ap~licat~.on
anticipating the erection of a year-around home on Lot 1, blk 6,
the Highlands, and presenting desc. ripttons that in nowise conflicte~:!
with Zoning Law reo. ulrements, it was moved by Alwin that the permit
be granted. The motion was supported by Trustee ',~,'lnkel and approved
by the council.
There being no further business before the counciI, it stood adjourned
on motion.
Atte ...............
~ Recorder