Resnondin-:: to rot!-c:::l! w ' --. ~. ,7. .
.... ere ???yor ':!ue.stis, Prustees ~ I. Ti:fl,
Pernard ~inke! snd" n Perral! .'~,ad; with '~w~n ~:~, Recorder
Am,~esrln~' first ]tefore the council wss '~ro,. Louise ~mo!dt in s
vetition for relief for herself ,'nd h, rother for the month of ,.t~zuct.
On motion by Alwln, "rs ~mo!dt was r, ilowed %20.00 in groceries
for. the month of Au(n~st. This w~o,~ o.:,unvo.,.t~d~ by "!~rustee ~. I .
~nd e~vroved b~z the council.
~q.e.ldin? to the provfston~ ~or r ho~ring,, on certain o!z~ie~tlons[?le
fe?ture~ oe the ~o~ng I,~:w, ~,nd ?,s ~vertised In the
P~lot of vrev!ous weeks, the council heard ~ ~:,. ' Koehler r~nd
. ~e [n~u~tice~ '-'nd ~rsct[c~l
" I Horton, 'Zonin? Poard CbclrmFtn, on ~:. .,
dL.~:~cul%L~ re,.ult!ne, from .-n enforceztent o~ ..~! ~ ~ u.-~.~'= 4, eation~ ~I,
of the L~w. On ~usFest~on~ gre~ented h~, "~yor '~ ~.
Trustee O. R. ~erra!! moved the ~ogt~on or r~ re~olutlon, to ~,¥It:
Thet Oleu~e 4~ ?eot~on "I of Ord~nonce ,~ 40 ~e
to the ore~ent gletted gortlo~ o~ the v~!!~ :"l,~'~n
'not,on ~or ~do~gtion, ~t received the un?nimo~ vote o~ the counc~!.
r ...... rt~n 2. Ctuhr >B:ain ~:~,etlttoned for :'treet I ixht?, to he
onto Plu~?~ter, Downs, /~¥~vr'cttox, T~:t]~.~r, 9m':l~n~ ~ Chlo?n
The :n~tt~ o~ the nrev[~un oet!t[on h~d been ::cted unon ?y
council ~::n6 hPd S:one~comm~ttee, but h?d b~en q~et un:~cco:r~oli~he?
throw~:h oversight. In was, therefore, moved by Tuf~ that the
..... ViOt~.l~r snoointeo on "tre~t ~.iFqnt~ get !n t,_.u~, with
the toe, riLe? of interer~t .md the Inter. ntgte ~7o:.ver 7o. for the
of ne:xotig~t/jg: lights for the sir-ets n.,med.. This wan sRconde.~
::]~zin ~nd ccrrled by the council.
~' Iktomi, reor.~seutin? "Re-America" ~.r,~'o ztne re?de In.~uirv ~ ~ to
w~°t action h~d b~n t~en by the council in the ~'~tter of ? full
'o~e e~verti~em~nt for the ~ill~p:e of ["ound in the inlti~1%s.~ue of
hi~ m~'~z!ne. "~vor Huesti~ informed him th; t the council wes
d~sc~un]ffied from doin?' r~nvthlng; thst the mr~tter, +'ir.-t, vzould h~ve
to f~o,zheenP~ the ........ =a~ct o~te , r. nd th~'t the ?mount limit ..... ,,~ ~]-~,OO0
Truntee -~rn?r6 'rinkel moved th,'t the vil!~x-e r dvert L-e f~or
r'u?rterq of ,?n inch, th'-t oricq~' ~'ot~,d cover 0~t: de:iv.=Pi ..... nd
~.,~ {he pre?e'atrt~on_ of the ~,:',o1 2c~.tions of :Io~,. T~ . Je~,'~n,, ._. ,:d
' i:'srel..ius for 'uilr}Lnm .Per?Lt~, it v~ ;xoveO }-,, ~]w~n th.t:t, Ln
view of the new
i '? ~?~,'~ ~ ~he'~ t
Alwin ~oved that the General Fund borrow from the 'Uster Fund all
monies needed in defr~yin,~ the expense in connecl%on with t?}~ ~reci~,on
of the siren tower ~nd the removal ?n~ inr't,~l!~tion of the siren, the
indebtedne~ between fund~ to be ll~-'uid~ted ~ ~oon as the General.
gount~. Tbi~ motfon rece[vin~r the nu:~ort of J'ru~tee "Z[nkel it
w~ cr~rrted hy the council.
On .notion ~_,,, Tru~te~ C. i · Tu~-~
, tt wrc recoms~nded that the Clerk
?zrIte the qre,~hound ~u~!ine re,,ue~t~ng the estcbli~hmept o,~ ~ rlct
5' r~'te betweem Lr,'~e ~,'Innetonk,~ ::~oint~. Thl~- w,~ ~econded b~
Tr~t~e '7inkel ~'~nd ,'~nproved by the c~t~ncil.
On the~.~oue~,t of WPyor Uuer't. ls, Tr~aqtep C. I:. Tuff_ . moved that
clerk write the Attorney GenerP. 1 for ~ ruling on village work done
on Dell '~treet ,'-nd Fryant 7venue, the ~,,:me be[n,~r ~n extension of
work 'oetitioned for for ?ro,'~erlck, W"kefiel,~, 'nc] n'rr~on '~venues.
l'he c!uestion at is~:ue being as to whether work can be ,?ulhorized on
sn :;ntici,.=tedo~ or belated petition from ~,,d_,_ea~ ' front,?f~e i~volved.
,a]~fin seconded the motion, the council approvin~z.
On motion by Trustee Pernard rlnkeI, the clerk w~.~ authorized to
write the operators of the ~,{ound Gulf Course, giving the~ 24 hrs to
make ,,:~ flnel ,oeyment ~tl!l due on turnin? on the w~ter ~ervice.
Trustee Tuff sunoorted the motion, the council ~pproving.
The following bills were aonroved end ordered osid:
Jim ~t,?t, ts, ~
~ ~ ~-~ff, ~! I00 O0 I_eRoy ~'~ A!:vin,c!ericals.
J. C. !rein, ssi.,
I~Ro~,, ~r. "]win, :'~ Real,t,.. IO.OO.G.
q. R. Co]e, Conatpble ...... ~5.00.!.~Roy ,r a,].wln, mi1. ~' 5~
'f. H. !iegler, Er~Io ........ 274.I3.IeRoy ~r. />lwln,'Uyp. ~inu.
~'t. ?k of Ud. ~ond p~y't..~,lO27.50.~'~t. ?k. of Hd. Pon~ Coup.
'~.:. N. Johnson,P,,r= qom, I~ _Adv. 25.00.~'ub. Henn.Co.Re!lee Brd..
Frank $~
,c,~ormlck, Inc., I,i~u 134.46.!fanning-inner,on Co ......
,t~a Beverage Co. =eer ..... 2$.ap.HsmmBr~w. Co .............
Geo Penz 2on~, .............. 49.80.Kelley Pros. Co ..........
Td. Phllllps & ~ons Co ..... 747.92.Wldwest P~p~r Prod Co ....
Distl! Dl~t. rib Cor~ 2=5 lO.Eden Prairie Per. Co
Grlgfs. Cooper & Co ........ 51.45.~d. Hdw, Co .....
Repub!lc Creosoting Co Tar 40 65.:~lnnesota League ~,,ember..
Rural Henri. ~l]rp. Corn. Co~. 12.46.,L_tertown ?el ~o
Fore'm ~!.~0 O0.LeRo~; ~r tlwin,Vl!.Rec....~, 10.00
25 .OO
4O .00
7. ~0
3o .oo
~flller-Davis Co.-,t~-,tzonary. 3.15.1,. J. ~owers ,-~iren Tower 326.46
~,;ill~r-Davis Co.Otationary. 15.20.C.L. Tuff,Grill for drain 1.50
>'innetrlsta, Township,haul.. ~.00. 'innetonka Pilot.Proc.etc 66.55
Interstate Power Co ........ IOg.65.Interntate Power Co.Pumo. 38.55
Interstate Power Col.~. Lite 2.17.Phillips "~6" '~ts.gas .... 6.59
Vil. Treasurer...Fund irons 326.46.V!1 Tress.Fund transfer.. 50.00
There being no further business before the Council, it stood
Att e s t ........................ Mec order
Vi/lage of. ....................................................... County of ........................................................... Minn.