Septemloer 5th, 1939.
Responding to roll-call at this meeting were Mayor W. C. Huestis,
Trustees C. L. Tuff, Bernard Winkel, and C. R. Ferrall, with
Alwin as recorder.
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 1st having been read
and approved, Mayor Huestis presented for reading before the
council an agreement, as betwwem the Village of ~.~ound and the
~ound Shores ~ater System, which was prepared by ~ayor Huestis,
representing village interests, and w. H. A. Koehler for the
~ound qhores ~ystem. In addition to general considerations,
the agreement envisaged the construction of a new connection
between village mains and the ~.~ound Shores System, with suitable
manhole and meter, at the~terminal hydrant on ~randview Avenue.
The new construction was to be village owned .~nd at ~hores ~ystem
expense. After a discussion of details, Alwin moved the adoption
of the agreement. Trustee ~Inkel suoported the motion, the council
aoproving without dissent.
?~ith reference to the retirement of some of the outstanding warrants
in the general fund, 'trustee Ferrall presented as a motion the
following plan; to wit: The loan by the Water ~und to the General
Fund of $3,000.00, the transfer from the Liquor ~und to the General
~'und of $1,~00.00, the debt payment by the Poor Fund to the General
~'und of ~500.00, which total of $4,500.00 - along with about $3,000.00
assigned to the t~eneral Fund by a recent tax Distribution - was to
be used fortthe retirement of about ~7,500.00 worth of outstanding
warrants. 'the issue being put to a roll-call vote, it stood as follows;
For the plan; C. L. Tuff, Bernard ?~inkeI, and C. R. Ferrall. Against
the plan; W. C. Huestis and LeRoy V. Alwin. The argument of the
dissenting vote was that the money accumulating in the ~ater Fund
was there for the definite purpose of meeting needed improvements
in the Water System and could not be sa1'ely loaned to a fund whose
time, or demand, payments were questionable.
Pursuant to a village advertisement in the Ninnetonka Pilot, the
~ollowing bids on the s~le to the village of pit-run gravel were
read before the ~ouncil:
Consolidated ~aterials Co., ~pls., 1,000 tons Puckshot Gravel,
more or less, ~. O. ~. Plant - 50~ per ton; F. O. B. truckload
lots Job ?itc, minimum 5 ton truckloads - 90~.
Geo. ~. Hastings; ~ound, gravel averaging a~ per sample, 25~
per yrd in ~he pit; same delivered anywhere in ~he village, bsa.
Frices on 500 yrds, or more.
D. B. Clark & Joe Gibson, ~ound, gravel averaging as per sample,
delivered at pit I4~ per cubic yard; delivered and spread anywhere
in the village 47¢ per cubic yard.
H. J. Kuske; will haul gravel on contract at 75¢. If he gets
contract, will allo~ village to do some hauling with its own truck
at 25~ per cubic yard.
~ryant & Thuler, ~aple Plain; Delano gravel, 1,000 yrds or more
delivered to ~ound, 95~ per yrd.
September 5th, 1939.
Responding to roll-call at this meeting were Mayor 9. C. Huestis,
Trustees C. L. Tuff, Bernard Winkel, and C. R. Ferrall, with
Alwtn as recorder.
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 1st having been read
and approved, Mayor Huestis presented for reading before the
council an agreement, as betwwem the Village of ~o. und and the
~ound Shores ~ater System, which was prepared by ~ayor Huestis,
representing village interests, and w. H. A. Koehler for the
~.~ound ~hores ~ystem. In addition to general considerations,
the agreement envisaged the construction of a new connection
between village mains and the ~ound Shores System, with suitable
manhole and meter, at tbeaterminal hydrant on ~randview Avenue.
Tbs new construction was to be village owned ~nd at ~hores System
expense. After a discussion of details, Alwin moved the adoption
of the agreement. Trustee ~inkel supported the motion, the council
approving without dissent.
?~ith reference to the retirement of some of the outstanding warrants
in the general fund, 'trustee Ferrall presented as a motion the
following p~an; to wit: The lean by the Water ~-und to ~he General
Fund of $3,000.00, the transfer from the Liquor ~und to the General
~'und of $1,80¢).~, the debt payment by the Poor Fund to the General
~'und of ~500.00, which total of $4,500.00 - along with about $3,000.00
assigned to the General Fund by a recent tax Distribution - was to
be used fortthe retirement of about ~7,500.00 worth of outstanding
warrants. 'rhe issue being put to a roll-call vote, it stood as follows;
For the plan; O. L. Tuff, Bernard ?JinkeI, and C. R. Ferrall. Against
the plan; W. C. Huestis and LeRoy V. Alwin. The argument of the
dissenting vote was that the money accumulating in the ~ater Fund
was there ~'or the definite purpose of meeting needed improvements
in ~he Water System and could not be saC'ely loaned to a fund whose
time, or demand, payments were questionable.
Pursuant to a village advertisement in the Minnetonka Pilot, the
I'ollowing bids on the s~Ie to the village of pit-run gravel were
read before the wouncil:
Consolidated Materials Co., ~,~pls., 1,000 tons Buckshot Gravel,
more or less, ~. O. ~. Plant - 50~ per ton; ~. O. B. truckload
lots Job ~ite, minimum 5 ton truckloads - 90~.
~eo. ~:V. Hastings; Mound, gravel averaging as per sample, 25~
per yrd in ~he pit; same delivered anywhere in ~he village, 05~.
Prices on 500 yrds, or more.
D. B. Clark & Joe Gibson, ~ound, gravel averaging as per sample,
delivered at pit 14~ per cubic yard; delivered and spread anywhere
in the village 47¢ per cubic yard.
H. J. Kuske; will haul gravel on contract at 75~. If he gets
contract, will allow village to do some hauling with its own ~ruck
at 25~ per cubic yard.
~ryant & Thuler, ~aple Plain; Delano gravel, 1,000 yrds or more
delivered to }~ound, 95¢ per yrd.
After discussion, Trustee C. L. Tuff moved that the counclI reject
all bids and that the Road Commit%es be authorized to act under
the authority that was given it at the Regular ~.~eeting of the
council on JuIy llth, 1939, i. e., that the Committee negotiate
for and purchase gravel from whomsoever it pleased ~nd at a orice,
and in quantity and quality, as needed, this came as a double
motion, with Alwin suoportlng in either case, and the council
In view of arguments presented by R. S. Thompson of the Streater
Lumber Co., Earl. Olson, and W. H. A. Koehler, against the present
construction of a village-proposed walk and curb from the Crocker
Bldg.corner to the ~'ire Barn, it was moved by Alwin that the matter
Be temporarily laid on the table. This motion was supported by
Trustee ~'errall, a council majority approving, Trustee Tuff dissenting.
~'ollowing investigations of the ~treet Lighting Co~mit~ee, Trustee
~. R. Ferrall presented the following resolution: Resolved that,
in view of investigations made, the village clerk authorize the
Interstate Power Co. to locate street lights of standard candle-
power at advantageous points on Todd, Plummet, Downs, Appomatox,
~utler, Rawlins, and Chipman Avenues. Trustee seconded the motion
for adoption, the c'ouncil affirming without dissenting vote.
On motion by Trustee Winkel, Ferrall Seconding, Earl Olson was
given the contract to furnish fuel to the ~ire Nam for the winter
of 1939-40. This was by majority vote of the council.
Trustee C. L. Tuff moved that Superintendent G. R. Cole be directed
to ins%all the 800-gal fuel tank, now outside and next to the pump
house, inside and at the rear of the village garage as a continued
storage place for village fuel. This was seconded by Trustee Winkel
and approved by the council.
Following the presentation and reading by Alwin of a resolution
authorizing the establishment of a Road Improvement Fund, retroactive
as from Jan 1st, 1938, Trustee C. L. Tuff moved that action on ~he
resolution be postponec Ontil the adjourned regular meeting of
~eptAmber 12th, 1939, thus enabling the council to give the matter
proper study. This motion was seconded by Trustee winkel, the
council concurring.
Contracts for fire and windstorm insurance on the Village Pump House
and Water Tank terminating as on Sept. 10th inst., such contracts
in amount having been divided evenly betwwen the ~ound State Bank
and ~he J. P. Reed agency, and these same agencies submitting renewal
policies to cover their terminated comtracts, it was moved by Alwtn
that the council accept these renewal contracts as presented and
that warrants be issued to cover the premiums.
Public Liability Policies, OLT and M. & C. terminating as of Sept.
12th, the State Bank of Mound ~gency offering renewals to cover the
terminations, it was moved by Alwin that these renewal contracts
be accepted and that warrants be issued to cover the premiums. In
both instances Trustee Ferrall seconded the motionA, the council
conc urri ng·
Thee Application for a Building Permit being presented by Carl
LeHoy Fritz covering t~e building of a home on Lot 7, blk 3, CrevierSs
Sub. of Lot 32, Lafayette Park, it was moves by Alwin that.
there being nothing in the Zoning Law objecting, such Building
Permit be issued. This was sec. onded by Ferrall the council
a pprov ing '
On Mayor W. C. Huestis' suggestion it was moved by general
a~ent that the meeting be adjourned to reconvene at 7:30 P. ~,~.
on Sept. 12th, 1939. The clerk was instructed to notify
Superintendent G. ~. Cole to at%end the me,ting and bring
h~ meter book.
FROM September 5th to ::!'eptember 12th, 1939.
~eetlng was opened at 7;30 P. ~. snd responding to roll-call were
O'ayor W. C. Huestis, Trustees C. L. Tuff, Bernard Winkel, with ,~'
Alwin as recorder. Trustee C. R. Ferrall appeared later because of
a misunderstanding as to. time.
~'he financial reoords of the Mound Water Department being presented
before the council for examination, and it being observed as a
matter of record that a large majority of the patrons o~ the system
were keeping their accounts abreast, there being only a few that were
habitually delinquent, it was moved by Trustee C. L. Tuff, with
reference to these latter, that all services delinquent thirty days
after the billing of each cuarter be automatically shut off and that
§uperlntendent Cole be notified of such authorization. This was
suooorted by Trustee Winkel, the council concurring.
I% was further moved by Trustee Tuff that ~uperintendent Cole be
instructed to' read the Ma~ter Meter at the pump ~t the end of each
cuarter, checking this reading with the total of actual ~ervice
consumption in order to deter~ine the Ios~ of wster by leakage.
This was seconded by Trustee Ferrall and carried by the council.
~'ollowing a discussion of the irregular situation of the ~ound
Theatre water service in which an Inch-and-a-half "tap" ia coupled
to a two-inch service, and ~or which there ha~ been n~ provision
under the village Ordinance governing water mains, it was moved by
Trustee WinkeI that the charge to the Theatre be made the same as
that of a one-inch service, i. e., ~45.00. This m~tion was sustained
by Trustee Ferrall and passed by the council.
~ith reference to the Mound Country Club Golf Course, and following
the reading of correspondence rectifying a confusion of accounts,
and out of which arose the matter of the ~ourse's unpaid bill ~or
water, Trustee C. L. Tuff moved that the matter be laid on the table.
Alwin seconded the motion, but,the matter becoming an issue, it was
put to vote. Those voting"ye~' for the motion were Tuff and Alwin,
those voting "No" were Huestis, ~inkel, ~nd ~'errall.
It waa, thereupon, moved by Alwin that the Golf Course Account
be set aside as unfinished business to be taken up at the next
regular meeting of the council. '~'his was seconded, by ~Vlnkel and
carried by ~he council.
After listening to a report by the Village ~ssessor on village
valuations and what the village could legally assess under the
~eneral Fund and other funds, it was moved by Trustee Ferrall that
the following amounts be certified to the uounty Auditor for col-
lection: General Fund...$6,500.00; Poor Fund...$2,500.O0. This
for the Year 1940.
Trustee C. L. Tuff now moved that a resolution creating a Moad
Improvement Fund, and as presented by Alwin at the regular meeting
of the council Sept. 5th, Inst, be taken from the table and read
for reconsideration. Trustee ~.Vinkel sustaining the motion, the
council concurring, the Hesolution read as follows:
AND 1939.
~E IT RESOLVED that all roads and streets within the Village of
~,ound coming under the general description of Public Hi6hways be
improved out of a special fund designated for that purpose and to
be known as a ROAD ILrPROVE~,.~ENT FUND. ~',~on~es for this fund are to
be drawn from a special tax levy and in amounts to be determined
by the ~ound Village Council at its Regular ~reeting, or any adjourned
Hegular }~'~eeting, of September, such amounts to be certified to the
County Auditor, along with other authorizations, and to limit the
road expenditures of the following year
BE IT FURTHER RE2OLVED that this Mesolution, in its full intent
and meaning, shall be retroactive as from January 1st, 1938, and
shall cover all road improvements for the years 1938 and 1939
in which the village shared or assumed full supervision. In
connection with the street improvements for the years 1938 and
1939, however, it is hereby specifically provided that all monies
covering bills for these improvements ~hsll come out of a loan
by the Village Water Fund to. the village General Fund, such loan
to be refunded from the latter fund as soon s~ able, or as the
needs of the water Fund demand.
FURT~R; Salaries and wages of the Village Street Commissioner
and his helpers, currently paid out oflthe General Fund, are not
to be included in the ~OAD I'~PROV~{~.~MT FUND unless specifically
provided for in the amounts designated by the Village Council and
certified to the County. Unless the Village Council otherwise
determines and provides, wages and salaries for village road-working
employees shall be paid out of the General Fund as hereto¢ore.
~'ollowi'ng reading of the above, Trustee C. L. Tuff moved the adop-
tion of the ~esolution as read. Trustee C. R. sustained the motion,
the council concurring with a unanimous vote. And so the Resolution
stood, adopted.
Trustee C. L. Tuff now moved that the monies certified to the
County Auditor for the Road Imorovement Fund for the ~ear 1940
shall be ~2,000.00. This motion was s4conded by Trustee Winkel
and passed by the council.
Trustee Bernard Winkel moved that the village-owned horse-drawn
grader be sold to Clark and Gibson for the price of 815.00. This
was supported by Trustee Ferrall, the council concurring.
On a request presented by B. A. Huff, ~;~snager of the ~ound ~unlo~pal
Liquor Store, asking for a week s leave of absence, it was moved by
Trustee Ferrall that the request be granted with cay, ~nd that ~r. Hu?f's
son be authorized to take his father's place with compensation fixed
at $25.00. Trustee WinkeI sustained this motion the council con-
c urri ng.
On personal presentations by -t~alter Bowers for village relief, it was
moved by Trustee Winket that a requisition for groceries in the amount
of $25.00 be issued to Bowers for the month of Septen%ber. This was
supoorte5 by Trustee Ferrall and concurred in by the council.
The following bills were ordered paid and warrants issued covering
bill~, fund loans, ~nd transfers:
St. ~k of ~.~d...~d.Imt .......
St. Bk of ~d...Bd Tnt .......
G. R. Cole, ~uper of ~ater..
Eugene HoEge,Acct 'g ........
LeRoy V. Alwtn, ~ilee, ge eS~.
LeRoy V. Alwin, Clericals...
LeRoy V. Alwin,Recorder .....
Recorder, Postage ...........
~'~. N. Johnson, Treas.Lq fd t
~anning-Anderson Co. Liquor.
~tka Bev. Co. Liquor ........
Kelly Bros. Co., Liquor. ....
:i~idwest Paper PRODucts Co...
~d. Hdw Co., ~[iscel .........
St. Bk. of Nd. Insurance ....
R. J..Rondorf,Gas &OiI .....
Interstate Power Co. Str lit
Interstate Power Co. ,Pump...
Ira C. Peterson, Legal ......
J. P. Reed Agency, Insurance
J. P. Wilkins,Pub[ic Health.
~tka Pilot ..... Proceediugs..
Phillips "66" Etatlon, gas..
~%. Bk. of Nd., Box rent ....
Great Northern R. R. Co,Frgt
Employers ~utual~s, [nsurance
~tandard Oil Co. Gas ........
~t. Bk. of ~d.Outstand'g wnt
~t. Nk of ~d. Int on wrnts..
120.00.S~. Bk of Md.Bd prn & Int..$ 400.00
120.00.Jim Statts, salary ......... 100.00
25.00.LeRoy V. Alwln,~egistrar... I0.00
5.00.G.R. Cole Sept Auto Exp... 25.00
13.70.G.R. ~ole, Const .......... 75.00
IO.O0.B.A. Huff, ~aI ............ 100.00
lO.O0.Jack Stein, sal ............ 100.00
6.00.~. N. Johnson, Treas. Fd in 3000.00
1000OOO.F. ~cCormick Inc. Lio~uor... 92.15
3.80.Ch~.ska Bev. Co. Liquor ..... 9.20
13.50.Gluek ~rewing Co., ~eer .... 7.90
30.45.~,~cKesson & Robbins,Liquor.. 12.65
3.85.Collins Ornamental Iron .... 6.70
3?4.45.Miller-Davis Co. Legal papr 1.2D
181.58.A.B'.C.Oxygen Tent Service.. 3.00
8.65.Interstate Power, L. sign.. 2.~3
I09.65.Fletcher Dorsey, Legal ..... 25.00
66.60.Ira C. Peterson, Legal ..... 5.00
lO.O0.~d. Phillips & Sons Co.Liq. 667.13
48.81.~:~d. Grocery, Relief ........ 46.98
42.O0.Finley Motors, Grader rpr.. 24.07
37.gS.R. Henn. ~urp Commodities.. 11.29
8.29.5{lller-Davis Co.. printing.. 1.95
3.50.Hepubllc Creosoting Co.,Tar 35.79
3.51.City of Robbinsdale,Reereat 2.00
15b.57.~mith ~otors, rprs. on Grdr 10.26
8.15.Streater Lbr Co., L. store. 25.00
6002.69.*t. Pk of ~d.,Pr Md wrnts.. 602.19
310.87.~t. Bk of ~d.,Int.Pr Md wrt 35.46
There being no further business before the meeting, it stood adjourned.
Pre s I dent
Attest .~ ........
~//'~ Hecorder