October 3rd,
This Regular ~eetlng convened on schedule and without notice.
Responding to roll-call where Wayor '7 C Huestlm Trustees C. I u~Y,
Fernard "rinkel, ,and C. H. ?errsll, with ,¢,lwln ~I ~:~ ;~-:eco:'~er.
The ~znu~.~ ~, o~ -the ~reviou~ meeting b~ving been ~-~roved ~fter the
cnsnge v,rnz, a registSred the negative vote of ;:'~yor ue;~tI¢ with
re:ere~,ce to the retroactive p~yment c!eu~e of the [~oad Improvement
the meeting w;?s opene,¢ to the oetltio~ for relief of ~us~ell :'paulding
and l,'rank ~;oodwater, following their ret i'rer:~ent ~ro,~: 7. p. A. under
new ruling which retires men ,3utometica].!~ efter 18 months of ". ;~
Tm-o! oyme nt. " ~ .... ·
Pv motion of Trustee ¢inkel Trustee ~'errall seconding, end the council
avorovlng, ~usse!l <~paulding was awarded ;~j:lO.O0 in groceries with the
soecific understanding that that amount w~s to be earned In,village
emo!oyment in payment of the bill end at a wage scale of 40r an [~ur
before any additions would be granted· ~'urther, that he was to report
to ?treet Co~:mis~ioner j. C. Stein for his work assignment.
Trustee ~VinkeI also moved, ~lwin
that ~' ~ -.. ~ _, F nd the council concurging,
~r~nk G-oodwster be swarded a:lO.O0 under the same condttlons
eiven shove; advances in grocerie~ end rue? to come only ~fter
work done.
.~fter a discussion of the Licuor etore burg!~ry, Trustee 7inke!
moved that the clerk write or confer with the t~tre~ter Lu~ber Co
on the matter of outting steel grills over the re~'~r door end window
a.s ~ safeguard egelt~t future intrusion or break ins. 1'bls ~,'~as
s~conmed by Trustee Ferrall, the council ~oOroving.
in connection with emergency elumin~,tion during msln reo~!r, '±'rustee
C. L. Tuff presented the offer of Electrician J. C. Collins listing
the following eouipment: ..
2 lights of suitable c~ndleoower with csge~.
1 50 ft extension cord with cl ~=
· ~ ioo ....and waterproof socket
i 100 ft. extension cord with clipms and waterproof socket
I weatherproof fuse-block cabinet with fu?e-block ~nd fuses
and pIug-ln fixture, ~nd suit~ble e~ten~ion to ~ervice
line with clios
~ · ............. .~-~; 25.00.
After reading of the lint, Trustee Tuff moved the acceptance of the
~ollins offer. Trustee ~VinkeI suooorted the motion, the council con-
c urri ng.
Trustee Tuff moved that the village clerk wr~te ~.~,r. E. !,.~orr[son, 1500
].~t Ave., ;~., Winneeoolls, with reference to the removal of a rock '0ile
ob~tructlng the street in front of the '~orrlson lot at ~eton and setting
a deadline for it~ removal ss a public nuisance. '['his was seconded by
Trustee Ferrs]!, the council concurring.
',~Ith r ¢
e~_erence to makln~ the vill~ge water service more available to
desiring nel~qhborhoods In the ~nlt "~" L-- - ,.
= , ~nzrley dill dlstrict, Trustee
C. L. Tuff moved th~:~s, yor Huestis aooolnt s committee _ In the oersons
of C. L. v~ir, Bernard lVinkel, ~nd C. R. Ferra!l - to investigate the
situation with specific reference to making such a service extension
the means of looping the system. This motion wss
the council concurring, and the ~ayor aOpointing
personnel as suggested.
supported by Alwln
the committee
Because of failure to conform to. the stipulations set down in the
sale of the village-owned horse-drawn grader, ~nd ae moved and
proved at a former meeting of the council, Trustee Winkel moved thet
the clerk be authorized to write ~Ibson & Clark for an ~mmediate
payment of the purchase price, or the return of the grader to the
place where taken. This was seconded by Trustee Ferrall, the council
With the exception of the Streater Lbr. Co. Liquor ~tore repair bill,
the following bills were approved for payment:
Jim Statts..foreman sal .... ~ I00.00.J. C. 2tein,Str~ . Com ,~s.1....~,~' lO0.OO
~. A. Huff, sal ............ lO0.O0.Eugene Hodge, Acct'g ....... 5.00
G. R. Cole, Constable ...... 75.00.G.R. Co!e,~.uper. sal ...... 25.00
~. R. Cole,Auto Exoense .... 25.O0.Streater Lbr. Co. L.9.rent. 25.00
LeRoy V. Alwin,Vll. Recorder lO.O0.LeRoy V. ~.lwln,~eg!~trar... !0.00
LeRoy v. Alwln,cl~rtcals L.~. 10.O0.LeRoy V..~lwin, :ilea. ge .... 1~.55
Village Recorder, Postage·.. 2.60.~.~anning-~.nderson Co.,Liqu.. 3.30
?~innetonka Beverage Co.,Beer 15.45.The Paper :.upoly Co.,Bags.· 8.68
Old Peoria Co..Liquor ....... 77.91.Ed. Phillips & ~ons Co.,Llq 555.05
Frank ~.~cCormlck, In~...Liq.. 92.79.Distillers Distrib.,Lte .... 306.44
~idwest Paper Prod. Co. ,Bags 3.85.~ub. Henn.Co Rlf Brd. Invest 5.00
Woodend Greenhouses,Planting 15.00.Chas. Bruhn,~harp'g teeth·· 7.70
:~ound Ice Co. Oa~ Timber 1.50.~treater Lbr. Co.,Wiscel 1.32
~ound Hdw. Co. 50 stop boxes 147.85.Phillips "66" ~ta.Gas,Oil.. 7.8/
City of Robbinsdale ......... 2.00.H.J. Rondorf,rprs, gas, oil 55,99
?.~innetonka Pilot,Proceedings 18.35.Standard Oil Co. ,Gas ,oil ,bat 21.26
Joe Gibson, gravel .......... 24.75.~-~.N. Johnson,stapling mach. 3.60
:arvin Huff, ~ubstituting... 25.00.Interstate Power Co,,Lite U 2.60
~'~. N. Johnson (Groceries)... 4.37.Interstate Power Co.,mtr.Lt llO.04
Interstat8 Power Co. ,Pump·.. 40.70.Interstate Power Co.,L.r.Lt 2.95
Christ. Eern Estafme,Prk Lbr. 32.55.R.Henn.~. C. ~urpl. Commod. 11.50
Village Recorder,Postage .... 3.00.Griggs,Cooper Co.,Lienor,.. 588.68
Griggs,Cooper & Co.,Liqour.. ~7.70.J.W. VanderLaan,Refund .... 5.75
There being no further business before the meeting, it stood adjourned
on motion.
P~e s i d e nt
Attes ........