1939-12-05480 VILLAGE OF MOUND
REPORT OF THm AN~!owing so~ointee sfflcials were sworn in and presented them-
~e!ves to conduct the poll: C. R. Ferrall, J. ~. Adams, and
William Kickhafer, ,Sr., as Dayti~e Judges of Election. !irs A. L. ~ebo
~nd ~.~r~. Chas ~mlth as Daytime Clerks of Election. "~ith the con-
club!on of the balloting, the following Night-time election
officials presented themselves cnd were duly sworn in: ~.N.Johnson,
Pernard "~inkel, ~nd Louise ~ohns e.~ Night-Time Judges, and Ce].vtn
!nmsn and ?~aurice~'~uf~, as ~ight-time Clerks.
The molls ooened at 7 ~ · ~f. and closed at. 8 P. !g. with the dlsplsylng
of the flag, as recuired by law and as attested to by the ~lection
_~oard. The tallying bega. n at 8 P. ,!~. ~nd c~nclu~d with its e!erical
detail at 1:20 A. ~... Dec. 6th, lOXO~, with the following results:
Election for President of Village Council: (2 years)
W. C. Huestis ..................... I67 votes
J. C. Kra~se ....................... 307 vo?es
Election for Village Trustee: (3 years)
(~ayor elect)
J. ~.~_ Carlson ...................... 127 votes.
~.~van Jones ......................... 192 votes.(Elected)
C ~ 7'uff 145 votes
Election for Village Clerk-Recorder: (2 years)
I.eRoy ~r. Alwin ..................... 286 votes. (Elected)
Frank Cwensrud 182 votes
Election for Assessor: (2 years)
A ~ Brazman 91 votes
Fred~P. Leekley .................... 198 votes. (Elected)
J. P. Reed ......................... 186 votes.
for Constable: (2 years)
Eugene ~ohn ........................ 1 vote
J. C. Stein ........................ 388 votes.
Warren Cressy ...................... 2 votes
for Justice of the Peace: (2 years)
Tom Kohman ......................... 1 vote.
Cal Engman ......................... 1 vote.
~frs. W. Huestls .................... 1 vote.
J. A. ~.tkins ....................... 1 vote.
Chester Eclund ..................... 1 vote.
Ira Peterson, Jr ................... 1 vote.
Bernard Winkel ..................... t vote.
Geo. Eugster ....................... 2 votes.
N. E. Pardee ....................... 1 vote.
Wm. Kickhafer ...................... 1 vote.
Returns of S~eclal Ballot on ?treet Improvements:
On the question - ~hall the Village of ~.~ound pay to ~'tnnetrl~ta
'±'ownshlp ~350.00 as its shsre to defray the cost of improving
~'Innetrista Road, s borderline street~
~e s ............................................ 244
~',~o ............................................ 180
On the question - ~ha~l the Villsge of 5[ound pay 8b40.OO to the
J~y W. Craig Co., of ~Innea~olis, for road oil, end 887.50 to the
~ril!age of Deephaven, ~'or rosd work, in improving the mile of
connecting vil!sge streets known es Dell ~treet, Prysnt Avenue,
Hsrri~on Avenue, ~fakefield ,.avenue, end ~roderlck ~:venue~
Ve~ ............................................
No ............................................. 171
Thus concluding the total tally.
PONWD FR0?,~ ~.~CTION DAY, Dec. ~.~h, TO THURgDAY, December 7th, 1939.
Hespond~ng to roll call at this meeting were ~ayor 7. C. Huestis,
Trustees C. L. Tuff, Bernard F. ~inkel, ~nd C. R. Ferrall, with
Alwin as Recorder.
After the reading and approval of the minutes of the regular and
special meeting of the previous month, and the election report,
Trustee C. R. Ferrall presented a communication from Robert M.
O~Donnell requesting that the street lights of the village be
kept burning all night on Christmas Eve in order to accomodate
the Xmas celebrants. On motion by Trustee ~inkel, Trustee Ferrall
supporting, the request of ~r. O'Donnell o.n behalf of the churches
and the community was granted by general council approval.
The clerk presented and read a petition undersigned by ~r. & ~rs.
Calvin Inman, Mr. & ~rs Irwin Nagel, ~r. & ~rs ~arren Cressy,
Mr. Ed. Blatzheim, and 9r. & ~frs. H. G. Spauldlng, reeuestlng the
extension of a street light on Hillside Avenue about bOO ft. up from
its intersection with {}randvlew Avenue, or about at the poln~ of
the ~].atzheim driveway off Hillside Ave. On the motion of Trustee
~InkeI that the matter be investigated by a committee, the same being
~econded by Trustee Ferrall, ~ayor Huestis aopointed Trustees ~inkel
and Ferrall as a committee of two to investigate the matter and to
reoort back at the next regular meeting of the council. This
rec~ei%ed general council aporoval.
A report by the committee on ~Vatermaln extensions, with data s~pplied
by ~uperintendent G. R. Coke, was postponed to the next regular
meeting of the new council on January 2nd, 1940.
Mayor Huestis next called for the Annual Reoort of the Village
for the year 1939. The report presented and read by Recorder
Alwin covered the receipts and disbursements for the village for
1939 with their totals, the total out~tandlng unoald warrants
to the,time of the election, the bonded indebtedness of the village,
the current and fixed assets of the water department, together with
its liabilities, a fiscal report on the Liquor ~tore up to Nov. 7th,
1939, and the ~rrent and fixed assets and liabilities of the
village as a whole. After favorable co~ments s.nd compliments~
to Alwin by co~ncll members covering the report, Trustee C. L. Tuff
moved that the report be accepted by the council and filed with
the records of the village. This was seconded by Trustee Ferrall
and aoproved by the council.
Nayor Huestis took occasion to compliment Treasurer ~. N. Johnson
for the thorough and conscientious manner in which he had filled
the duties of village treasurer for the p~st ~ear. ~'ollowing
Nayor Huestis' eulogy, Trustee Tuff moved that the words of the Mayor
be recorded as those of the council. This was supported by Trustee
C. R. Ferrall, the council in one accord concurring.
In line with the spirit a~the f~;~-eWe~l nature of the meeting,
Dr. Hue~tis, as retiring ~.~ayor, in turn commended retiring Tr~ tee
C. L. Tuff on his fifteen years of conscientious, and effective
service on the council, ~.. record none, outside of t~r. Frank ¥ost,
have been able to equal. The remarks by :~ayor Huestis, put to
motion, found a second in Trustee Ferrall and were unanimously
aooroved by the council as items to be recorded in the minutes.
~.~ayor Huestis himself became the subject of eulogies, prtncip~lly
b~, glwin, which stressed the intrinsic values that hsd been built
into the cor~msniZy during his five years ~of admlni~trat!on, all of
which m~rked ~$Unded an~ steady progres~!on. Alwin presented
thin as s motion %r the records, Trustee Ferrell suooorting and
the council unenlmou~ly concurring.
Trustee %Vinkel describing the transmls~ion troubles of the village
truck before the council, it was moved by ~'rustee C. !. Tuff that
the chairman of the ~os8 Committee (Wlnkel) submit the truck to some
garage for repairs. This was seconded by Trustee ~errall, the council
aporovi ng.
Consistent with past years of village procedure in allowing extra
pay for extra time, the matter of compensating the Recorder (Alwln)
for the I6 days added time it took to prepare the village annual
report was presented to the council. A±'ter discussion it wes
moved by Trustee Bernard ~%'inkel that Alwln be awarded $50.00 as
a bonus for the report. This was seconded by Trustee ¢. R. Ferrall
the council unanimously approving.
The following bills were read, approved, and ordered paid:
~'~. C. Huestis,~ayor sal ...... $ 30.O0.~.~.N.Johnson,?reas. sal..~i 40.00
P. ~inkeI, Trustee saI ....... 20.00.C.L. Tuff, 'l'ruetee sal. 20.00
C. R. Ferral!, Trustee sal... 20.O0.Jim ~tatts, foreman ..... lO0.O0
J. C. qtein, "tr. Corn ........ IO0.00.~. A. Huff, ~[ngr !. stor 100.O0
Eugene Hodge, ~cc't'g !. ~ .... 5.00.qtreater Lbr ~o.,Pent... 25.00
C~eo R. Cole, Const ............ 7D.OO.Geo ~. Cole, z~to exp... 25.00
Geo. ~. Cole, 'stet ~uoer ..... 25.00.le~oy ~r. Alwln,~ecor~er. lO.O0
I. eRo¥ V. Alwln, ~eg!strar of '~r lO.00.!eRo~ V. 61win, Nov. cler~_~O.00
leRo~r V. Alwin, 195 m in vil.. IO.95.'~aurice Huff,c!er. e!ec. 2.75
Cal. Inman,cler. elec ......... 2.75.!~. ~ohns, Elec, Judge .... 2.75
~?.M. Johnson,Elec. Judge ...... 2.75.B.F. ~inkel, ~lec. Judge 2.75
¥. Mickhafer, Elec. Judge ..... 4.40.J.c. ~dams, Wlec. Judge 4.40
C. R. Ferral!,~!ec.. Judge ..... 4.40.'i~rg. Chas ~mlth,E. Cler. 4.40
~rs. A. T. Gebo,Elec. clerk... 4.40."~d. ~.~i]. Tre~., trans.. 977.50
village of Deephaven .......... 87.50.J. ~. Craig Co. ~tr. oil D~O.'O0
innetr!sta '~'ownship .......... 3DO.OO.?.'ffcCor~Ic~, !nc.,Iicuor 93.93
Griggs, Coooer ~ Co., I,.ine .... 82.10.Grig~s,Coooer ,'- Co.Ii~ur 178.31
Kelly ~lros. Co., Iiquor ....... 61.3D.~:;tka Rev. Co.,~trong he~r 4.30
Chaska ~ev. Co.,strong be~r... 4.70.Dr. J. P. ~llkins,!.~. rpt
Pure Oil Co. Pump house fuel.. 20.63.Pure Oil Co,F.bsrn fuel.
Interstate PoWer Co.5.. store 3.60.Interstate 7~vr Co. pu:~p.
Interstate Power 'Co.~'.r. !Ite.ll!.2I.R. Henn. ~. Com. Co~ ....
g · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~. ~o.~]!ns, Iro~b!e ~et .... 2D.~O.~'t. ?k of ..~d ~gc~
:t~"~ ~ Co/ r!f fuel 4 25.~tand~rd Oil, "' a ..
.............. · a~_ by ~'tn
7.'c]. Grocery, ~. $chu!ts rlf... 10.00.'~. ~. Johnson, ?'tess ....
?hillios "~g" '~ts ............. 1D.79.Joe Gibson, ?r~vel ......
~ tk~ ~l]ot, oroc. oub ......... 36.85.Ohil!ips "~6" ~.ta .......
R. J. Rondorf, g~s ~-oil ...... 4.94.ZeRo~
~eRo,~ ~r. A!win, extra t!~,e .... 25-OO.~'tandsrd Oil Co. Aor. gs
'il!er-Davis Co ~ster Journ! 3.70.~d r-~dw. Co ~'Iscel
~mergenc~,_ .~ , '~u!e~ce: ~er...... 6.00.CIt~ of ~obb!n~le .....
Cit,~, of Robbin~da!e,~eere~.Off 2,OO.~uburb~u nenn. Relief
~.'il!age Recorder, oo~tage ..... 6.00.Treas. trs~s. ~. tc P...
Ed. Phillips .~.. ~ons Co ........ 422.OO.~idwest osper prod. ~o..
~0 .CO
lO .83
.~. 5 .OO
There being no further business before the council, it stood
adjourned on motion.