8ecember 28th, 1939.
i~he ourooge of this meeting wes to con~,Ider ond O?s~'uoon new
,lemon,s, of ~n ~nnu~! re~ort n~ture, ~r, de u~on the vi]]~__ ~,, b~.,
the Ztste Public Exe~.~in~r, ~n~ in oursuonce to ~tete legislation
Respon~inz to roll c~tl ware Vayor W. C. Hue=tls, ~F ru~tee~
C. ~. "ur~ .: , ~. P~ . ~inkel, ..... ~.~ ~. R. Ferr~l, with ~lwin -~s
avor Hue~tls ooened the meetin~ b~ ce~llng for o ~,=~=r~ de~crin
tion of tine metier to ~e considered. The clerk ,vre,~ente5 the entire
docoment ~ubmit-~ed b?,- the tare grid summ~'rlsed ~ follows:
Suumsry of general ln~'ormation covering the corporate
status of the -'I~l~ge.,, ~_ .
~u,~mary,. of ~ash R,..celot~, Disbursements, i!~ransfers end
Cash , al~-,nces o ..... - one to be used for each ,,esr,
1938, 1939, " 1940
Sumi,~r.~z of Recel~ots one to be ,~ ~
- u~eu for each fund exce~)t
uti!itlr funds·
4 ~'um~srv of Peceipts - one to u~ed f~ each utility ~uns
Ouri~l~or~T Of Disbursements - one to be used for each utility
-u mary of Dlsbursesents -one to be ~,~ed for e--ch fund
exce,vt utility :funds.
Ponded Deb% ~'tstement - to be used to reoort the ?un!cloo! bonded
debt a~ of December 31, 1939.
Discus?ion centered around compensation rot the clerk because of the
added draft the oreo~ration of the above report mede uoon hi~ time.
this brou?ht in the reading of a letter from the County Attorney
In answer to a communication by Village Treasurer, ~.~. x~. Johnson,
with reference to the legality of action taken by the council in
voting ~';'~
~0.00 to the clerk for ore?rin~ the Vi!l~ge ~'~nnusl Reoort,
this et its regular me-ting of ~ec. 7th, inst.
In view of the fact that the County Attorney held this action by the
council to be illegal on the ground that all comoensation for the clerk
was to be voted at. the beginning of the ye~:r, 'rruste~ F~r_~a]lmoved
that action of the council in voting the %50.00 be reclnded and that
com. oensatlon for the clerk coverin? the i/il]age Annual Reoort for 1939
and the .~:nnuel Reoort for the Village to tine ~tete Public Examiner
for the se, me oertod be taken up when the clerk's salary is voted
at the next. regu!sr meeting of the council on ~anuary 2nd .-nd for
the year 1940· Trustee Wlnkel s~ooorted the motion, lhe counell
.9 ~r OVl ~.g.
On e reoort b~ /.lwin covering the OAA case of Wi!!lam urohv
hosoite!Ized ~t Un!varsity Ho~p!taI thro~qh County certification
and trsnseorted b~r ambulance ~. ur~ "
exoense, the ilwin report oresentlng~the prooo~ition of the
h~,t the vfllsge csrr,? e ~ortion of the .~,~urphy hospital expense
[25Y s ds.v), it was volunteered b~r Trustee C. I. Tuff that. he
would..~ersonall..v Inve~tlg~.t.e the csse with reference to the
above and reDort back to the council ~t it~ regular me~tin~
January 2nd, 1940. ' :
There being no further business, the meeting stood sdJourned.