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February 6, 19~0.
This meeting opened at the previousIy designated time o~ ?:OO P. ?.
and respondln~ to roll-call were ?~yor J. C. Krause, Trustees
~. ~. Winkel, C. R. Ferrall, and ~w.n Jones, with Alwin ~s Clerk-
After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, it was
~oved by Trustee E van Jones that the observations with reference to
the clerk's salary, in the paragraph dealing with compensation for
the 1939 Annuol Report, be struck from the minutes. Trustee Ferrall
seconded this motion, the council approving. With this exception,
~he'm~mutes stood approved as read.
On ihs presentation of the personeI bond of Constable J. C. ~tetn
bearing the signatures of responsible citizens, Trustee Ferrall
moved that the council aoprove the bond and thm~t it be filed in the
archives of the village. Trustee Jones supported the mollon, the "council
The Surety Bond of Assessor F. P. Leekley being pre~.ented for sporovaI
by the council, it was moved by Trustee Ferrall thmot the same be
accepted by the council and forwarded to the County Auditor; provided,
however, that the cost of the bond be carried by F. P. Leekley and
not by the village. '±'rustee Winkel seconded this motion, the council
After a study of all the bills, subdivided among the committees, it
was moved by 'trustee Jones, Trustee Winkel supoorting, that all
bills be paid except the I. G. A. - Frank (~oodwater account, the Istter
because of credit extensions not approved by the council. This mo~ion
stood approved by the council.
1. J. Bowers presenting himself as Chief of the Mound Fire Depart-
merit, as ,o result of the Department's recent election, and stressing
the need of ~ choice by the council of ~ village Fire ~'arshall, it
w~.s moved by Alwtn that L. J. Bowers be elected by the council
to serve as Village ~'ire ~.,~arshall during his term as Chief. Trustee
Jones sum.ported this motion, the council, without dissent, con-
On the presentation of s petition signed by Ike O'Neill, J. e. Carlson,
Charles Dou~herty, and Hobert Nichols requesting that closing time
for establishments handling 3.2~ beer be extended to conform to time
"regul,~ted by the 2tats, the City of ~inneapolis, and surrounding
communities," Trustee ¥¥inkel, to remedy this possible disodvantage
to local enterprise, moved ~he adoption of the following resolution,
to wit: '---e it re~,:~'..ved t?:'it the c].o~-it-:;? t.t;r:e for'"ll t'v~rn-- ,-nd c,-fe?l
hoer here,~fter be
2 / ' on '~t~:r~:.,'~. Trustee ~'errall supported the motion for
adoption, the council approving without roll-call vote.
TrustSe W!nkeI moved that the clerk be authorized to confer with
the Interstate Power Co. with reference to the erection of another
sixteen-foot bracket anm street light in front of C. H. Finleys
on the main ~treet of the village, and that all suspension lights
still on the main street be I2-foot brackets. Further
thst additional lights be provided at Blatzheims on Hillside Avenue
at the l%und Terrace Nistrict of Dutch Lake, and at the Unit "~"
dlv~.ston of ~hirley Mills. This motion was concurred in by Trustee
Jones, the council approving.
On motion by Trustee '~inkel, the council authorized the clerk to
notify Cecil J. Chapman t?,ot, heresfter, all 3:2 % Deer dispensaries
would have to carry both 'On" and "Off" sale licenses. This was
carried on the suooort of Trustee Jones.
Following discussion of pIans to erect a municipal building for
Liquor Store, Post Office, Village, and community use, Trustee Jones
moved that the l~ayor aopolnt a committee to investigate the needs
of such a building and to provide a plan for ~he building as deter-
mined by need. This motion was supported by Trustee ~'errall, the
council concurring.
;~ith reference to policy set .up by the ~:~ater Gommiltee of the
council to assur~-'~erman~nt and trouble-free service, Trustee Jones
presented the following resolution, to wit:
...... , ~,<. ~etween c~r~ ,~t,o~r~
The motion being for the adoption of the resolution, it was seconded
by Trustee WlnkeI, the council concurring without dissenting vote.
~'ollowing o report by Mayor Krause covering the ,~ayor-Clerk conferenc°e
with the ~chooI Board with reference to the unpaid special assessment
against school street frontage for water main improvement, Trustee
~inkeI moved theft the council accept the $1,000.00, the amount agreed
upon between committee and school, to liouid~te the school indebted-
ness to the village, snd that the clerk be _~uthorized to send the
school ~ verified bill to cover. ~his motion was supporte~ by
Trustee Ferrall, the council unanimously sgreeing.
Alwin presenting the design for a cut picture, rig the l~ound Puilders
as a feature o~ letterhead publicity, the same to be used in ~n order
for 500 letterheads. It wac moved by Trustee Ferrall thst the cut
and the printing be authorized. This was seconded by Trustee ?inkel,
the council aoproving.
The following bills were ordered paid:
GZ R. Cole, Pumping ....... $ 25.00. G. R. Cole, Constable ..... $~ 85.00
B. A. Huff, ,-ngr .......... I00.00. J. C. ~tein, Str. Co~ ..... 100.00
Jim ~tatts, ~uper. of W... 100.00. LeRoy V. Alwln, ~tate rpt.
LeRoy v. Alwin, Recorder.. 50.00. ?trester Lbr. Co., rent...
Eugene Hodge, Acc't'g .....
City of Robbinsdale,°-ew'g.
~tandard Oil Co., gas .....
2t~ndsrd Oil Co., gas .....
5.00. City of Rob0tnsdale .......
4.00. ~atertown Tel. Co., tel...
7,50. ~treater Ibr. Co., fuel...
ll.12. Phillips "gg" St~.,gas ....
R. J. Rondor+' ,,otor Co .... 7.98. ~oud Hdw. Co., miscel .....
Nound Grocery Co.,Warr'gt'n 10.76. Mtk~ Pilot, proceedings...
'~tka Pilo$ printimg ....... 14.00. ~argaret ~tukel. typing...
~. J. Bowers,~s lights... 13.80. Henn. Co. ~urp. Com .......
G. F. Broeckert, Moef~r... 6.39. ~ub. Henn. Rlf Brdf .......
Interstate Power Co., pump 25.70~ Interstate Power Co.,~trs. 126.43
Interstste Power Co L.sign 3.96. Distillers Di~trlb ........ 169.67
Ed Phillips ~ ~ons Co ..... 413.04. Frank YcCormick, Inc ...... 102.OI
4. O0
5 .o0
Consideration o+' ~he Plu~er A~enue .~nd ihe 'Ioof" weterme~_n exten~tons
helng ~o~t-ooned at thi,~ meeting, beceuCe of failure o~' the clerk
to hsve on h~nd ~nd to ~resent the Initl~.tln~ ~etltlon whlch ~ked
for the Plu-~er Ave. lmpro~e~ent, exor ?{rau~e sug.~*ested that the
w~t~r co~ttee ~et in touch wtth '~lter ~atson, ~rainrge engineer,
to here l~e !~tt~r ~re~ent a survey of the meter1~l recuirements
~n~ the co,ts or such sn im~ro~.~e~ent. This received ?ner~! counci!
~ro~r~l. - .
?he~e_ _ being no _~urth~r buolne~s be:"or..~ the meeting, it ~too~ sdJourned.
· - ................. Pre s~_ dent
Atte ........ Recorder