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held February 24th. 1941.
The purpose of this meeting was to award a contract for watermaln
extensions in the Shirley Mills to one of the three lowest' bidders
who presented their bids at the Special meeting of Feb. 17th, 1941,
i. e., Earnett & Record Co., .~alter T. ~.~adsen, and Chris Jensen.
After listening' to the legal opinion of Attorney N. E. Pardee stressing
the resoonsibillty upon the council to award the contract to the
lowest ~esponsibl~ bidder, Trustee Ferrall moved that the contract
be let to Chris Jensen of ~,~inona on the basis of his lowest bid of
$13,844.00. This motion was seconded by Alwin and the roll-cai1 vote
stood as follows: For: F~rrall, Alwin, and ~inkel. Against: Jones.
And so the Contract was awarded to Chris Jensen.
R. J. Rondorf presented a legal oetition signed by him end others
reoresenting more than a majority of the property owners living on
Fernside ~venue and asking for 8. water main extension on Fernside
Avenue from County Highway No. 7. to the ~eton "~hort Cut".'
The petition being in every way ~ualified for action by the council,
Trustee Ferrall moved that the clerk refer to the records of the
Country Auditor and certify as to legal ownership of affected prooertv
and that the prooo~ed project it~elf be referred to Engineer '~l{er
T. ~.?adsen for an authorization os to costs and feasibility. This
motion was supported by Trustee ~inkel, the council concurring.
~Tr. N. E. Pardee nresented the following petition:
Tour petitioners, Katherine C. Parolee and N. E. ParSee,
respectfully petition the Oouncil and shew that they are the owners
of Lot Eight (8), Auditor's Subdivision No. 170, and of Lot Four (4),
~cNaught's Addition to the Village of Mound; that said premises have
been improved by two commercial buildings erected thereon; that the
building on' the north part of Lot Eight (8), Auditor's Subdivision 170,
is occupied by a brick and tile masonry building two stories in height
and that it was erected more than twenty-five years ago. '
That your petitioners have had the premises surveyed and
have found that since this building projects approximately three inches
north of the northwest corner of said Lot Eight, Auditor's Subdivision
I?O, and that it projects slightly more than a foot north of the north
line of said Lot Eight (8), Audltor's Subdivision 170, in the Northeast
corner of said building and 40.1 feet east of the Northwest corner that
said building also projects approximately one foot west of the west line.
I 8 '1
r o h ) , 1 ete~
(4), ~cNaught's Addition, p~oJects approximately three inches west
of the west line of Lot Eight (8), At~&~'s Subdl~ision 170, and
Four (4) , McNaught's Addition.
That this discrepancy occ~ed on account of a mistake in
survey probably made at the time the north part of the said ~ot One (1)
McNaught's Addition was vacated for street purposes and the correctness
of the discrepancy has only Just been discovered; that according to the
records in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hennepin Count~,
Minnesota, that title of your Petitioners to Lot Eight (8)., Auditor's
Subdivision 170, and Lot Four (4), McNaught's Addition is to
tbs north and south section llne an~ to the middle of the maln
street, and that that part of the lot occupied by the street
was dedicated to the publlc as an easement for street purposes.
~hat your petttloners respectfully reouest that the
Oouncll ~.~ass a resolution vacatln~ for street purposes so much
of sald premlses as exists beyond the surveyed lot llnes of said
Lot Eight (8), Auditor's Subdivision 170, and Lot Four (4),
McNaught's Addition, so tha~ the bulldlngs on said premises
wlll not infringe upon the easement granted to the public; that
this matter be heard at a meetlng of t~ls Councll to be held
at such time and place as it shall determine and that pro, per
notice be given to all per.ns interested of such hearing.
Respectfully submltte,
(signed) Katherine C. Pardee
(sighed)' Neely E. Pardee
Dated February 24, 1941.
Following discussion and explan~tlons with reference to the above,
Trustee Merrall pre~ented the following resolution:
Upon the Petition of Katherine C. P~rdee ~nd N. ~. Pardee
reoue~ting vacation of the e~.sement to the public for ~treet
purposes certain parts of the street~ ~dJmc, ent to Lot Might (8),
~uditor's Subdivision 170, and Lot Mour (4), ~cNaught's ~ddition,
so that buildings now erected on said premi~e~ will not infringe upon
said easement,
B~ IT RE~0LVED That said matter be heard at a ~peclal
~eeting of thiA council on the day of ~arch, 1941, at 7:30
P. ~. ~nd that notice of such he,ring be given to ~ll per~ons
interested by one week's publication in the ~innetonk~ Pilot.
Alwln secondin~ the motion for adoption of the above resolution,
the vote of the council stood unanimous.
'l'here being no further business, the meeting stood adjourned.
....... ....
Attest ......................