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1941-04-18VILLAGE OF MOUND 577 ~-~INUTE2 OF THE $PECIAL ~..~WETING OF THE 5~OUATD VIII~GE cOu~cII, HELD April, 18. 1941. The purpose of the mseting was to prepare the conditions and terms of a contract covering the lease and rental of the Anseth Pldg. pending the construction of a new building on the same or adjoining lots, such conlract to be between E. C. Streater and the ~illaEe of' 7~ound. ~a r Present at the meeting_ were ~.~ yo J. C. Erause, ~nd Trustees .Evan Jon~s and Marl W, 01sore. Alwln gave sgreement to the action over the telephone. After discussion it was finally agreed on motion by Trustee Jones that the Village of ~.~ound would temporarily occupy the Anseth Bldg. with an "On ~ale" Lienor 7tore as soon ss it could aceutre lease, provided ~. C. ~treater would sultsbly prepr~re the building for such an undertaking, and for which building suitably prepared the village would be agreed to pBy $65.00 per month. Further, that this lease snd rental would be in effect for s period of eight m~nths, or until the completion of the authorized new building at an esrlier date. ^t which time a new lease and contract would be drawn up. This motion was supported by Trustee 01son, the council, agreeing. '±'here being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Notation: An Ordinance ( No. 41.) creating and controlling an "On ~ale" ~unic. ipal Iieuor Store at ~eton was presented snd read at this meeting for the first time, to be resd for the second time and pa~sed, or ac~ed upon, st the Special ~eeting dated for April 28th, 19~l. Attest ............................... Recorder