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June 22nd, 1942.
The purpose of this meeting was to give consideration to and to dis-
cuss a specific social problem under the conditions of an executive
session of the council. 'l~h~ council also met to act upon certain
de!incuent water bills. Responding to roll-call were ~ayor Louise
HuRstis, Trustees R. J. Eondorf and oalvin Inman, with Alwin as Mecord~r.
Present, also, was Police Officer <~eorge R. Cole. Trustee Ivan Jones
was absent.
After a lengthy discussion of the problem before the council, which
involved the c~onduct of certain individuals not having yet reached
their majority, the qoestion was raised as to. Jurisdiction and as to
whether the case did not under law come under the supervision of the
County. On this premise Officer Cole was authorized by the Council
to bring the case to the attention of the County ~¥elFare Poard for
On a motion by Trustee R. J. Rondorf, Trustee Inman supporting, the
Village ?~ater Department was Instructed to shut off all water services,
and without further notice, whose accounts were de!incueht after two
eusrters (6 months) or longer.
After dispensing the above business, the meeting adjourned.
Pre s ldo nt
~;INUTE9 OF T~-~ ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF R~;I~ HELD June 22, 1942.
This meeting convened on ~onday, June 22nd, from 9 A. 5~. to 4 P. ~,{.,
and reconvened on Tuesday, from 9 ~. ~. to Noon. The purpose of
the meetings was to give a hearing to and to consider all complaints
on the current tax levy and basic valuations. ~aking up the Soard
were ~ayor Louise Huestis, Trustee R. J. Rondorf, and LeEoy ¥. Alwin
as Clerk. Assessor Fred P. Leekley was present as custodian of the
current Tax Heeorders~;
Oases represented before the Poard, and that received adjustments
were as follows: '
Mate Gellman Homestead property was adjusted Brom a $10,4OO.O0 tax
vsluation to ~$ 8,900,00.
American Iegion Mall property, because of radical physical changes in
the building itself that reduced its cubical content and valuation,
was reduced from a ~ul~dl~r~aluation of $1,000.00 to $750.00.
C. E. 5~arquart of Lot 3, blk. 1. ~. H., Unit "P" presented ~ complaint
based on a' tax ~aid this year that was allegedly approximately one-
hundred Percent greater than it should have been on the valuation
gilzen for the property. The matter was put into the hands of Assessor
Leekley for an investigation and adjustment.
J. C. Krause appeared before the Board to gi~e reason why there should
not be an increase of the tax upon his store due, to the recent enlarge-
ment of the building. The matter was droot by the Board accepting the
Having ~ransaeted the above buisness, the Boar~ of Review signed the
Assessor's books and adjourned until June of next year.
Attest ............................