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1944-04-04 VILLAGE O~ ~IOUND
~esen% for roll-c~ll ~% %his mee%l~ Were ~ayo~
Trustees ~. J. ~ondorf ~m~ u. ~'. =roe~ker{, with
~'he ~lnutes of ~,~arch 7%h, 19~, oelng ~'ea~ and app
p~esen%ed:a communication ~rom {he ~{al~e Agrtc~tu~
s~ressin~ the appointment of a ~eed inspector for
round. In line with the above, Truste~ Proeckert
J. C. Stein be appointed Weed Insp~to~ for the Vi
for the year ~9~4. Trustee Rondorf seconded this
agree i~.
With reference to the reopening and.wid
portion of Ch..t.lrch ~treet as a parking f
that the village purchase a sixteen fcc
the street from the ~f~ound Consolidated
pay the school at the rate of $25.00 pe
following de~riptlon, to wit:
ening of th
ac il ity, '~k-
t strip alor~
school and t
r front foot
"D~eCRIPTION OF ~CT "B" (16 feet)
That part of Oov'% Iot 5 in qeotion 13, T 117 N
ss follows; Beginning at a point which is 33 fe
llne of ssld =e etlon 13 and~ 50 feet North of t
2W~ of ~{- of said ~ectlon 13; thence North p~r
line of ~ection 13 a distance of 16 feet; thenc
sa id North llne of ~W~ of S.W-~ of ~e~tion 13 a d
thence in a Northeasterly direction along-a cur
of 23 feet s distance of 26.2 feet note or less
line of Linden ~tree% as opened in the village
described in Book 1162 of deeds p~ge 138 in t'
of '~eeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota.; thence ~o
said ~%~esterly line of Linden ~treet~32 feet mcr,
w~hich is 50 feet North of the North~Line of sat.
~.ection 13; thence ?est p~,ra%lelnwith said Nort
S~ of Sec,tion 13 to the point of bgginning."
T%~stee ~roeckert suoportingfthe abgve motion,
counc stood unanimous.
Trustee G. F. ~roeckert moved tha,t,t%he ~
surveyor to establish g~'~Res for Church
and that the matter be left to the disc]
?ondorf seconded this ~otton , the coun~
The clerk was authorized by the chair t~
of l~tnnetrlsta Township ~nd John Eohm~
in connection with the construction of cemeni wsl~
side of Central ~ve. ~nd~fronting on Great Northern
Iying between the I~. E. ~,lreater Lbr. s~ed and Park
~o%lon represents a resumption of work .~uihorized at
· eetlng of November 5th, 1942.
~y general agreement, and without motion, the councl
oermis~ion to. ~he North ~hore Civic Club fo use the
Pavilion for ~ Pingo Party. ~
with the exception of the H. E. Erickson~ Co. bill, w
checked before payment, the following bi~ls were ~oo:
authorlmed to be paid: ~-
uts ~uestls,
,lwin ~ecor~lng.
'oved, the ~clerk
'al Division
.he 'village of
~oved that
lsge of ~found
~otion, the council
steeg Rondorf moved
g this section of
hat it offer to
on the basis of the
, R 24 1,~ described
et East of the '~Vest
he North Line of the
~,llel with said West
· ~est p~rallel with
istance of 231 feet;
~e h~ving a radius
to the ~.~esterly
of Notmd and
ne Office of ~egister
mthwesterly along
or less to a point
SVf~ of ~ of
line of ~ of
he v~te o~
illage empl)y a qualified
Linden, an~[ Dell ~treets.
etlon of '3'rp. stee Rondorf.'
il agree ~ng~
confer ~ it~ Mubert P~uly
of ~t. Bonifactus, contractors,
: ~long the
~. ~. pro~rty,
Ave. This
the council
i authorized
~o und Park
~ich wes to be
~oved and.
Geo. Ft. Cole.·Pollce ..... ,$ 120.(
~. N. Johnson, Tress ...... 15.(
J. C. ~%ein..Road i7rk ..... 130.(
~. P. Fowers .............. 85.(
,Jollector of internsl Rev. 9.
uhs~ska Per. Co ............ 27.
Grlggs, Cooper & Co ....... 229.
Pabst n~les Co ............ 13.
~,~artin ~'~lk Peper Co ......
'~:~innetonk~ Bev. Co ........ 25.]
s~anning, ~nderson Uo ...... 59.7
7 U~ ~ot~llng Co. ......... 5-
"' N Johnson, frgt 21
Interstate Power Co ....... aO.C
~nterst~te Power Co .......
~lnnetonko Pilot ..........
~urrough~ /'.dd~ng ~,rachine Co.
uolllns ~rnsm~ntal iron..·
l~ound Oil ~ta .............
'~atertown Tel Co. Park phone
~jd. Phillips & ~ons Co ....
~. M. Mrlckson Co.~ower r~r. 45.2
The above business concluded, the
2 .CO
~l .87
6 .~o
13 .SD
22.00i .'~ound b~dw
178.113 .~eu Y'~ ii~
needing ~dJo
Att6st '
~ Mecorder
~son, Mngr L. ~t. re~:
,r ~ookkeep' g .....
rs, wPter ........
lw in .............
~ter Lbr. Co.,
Robbinm ..........
Co ...............
~ds, Inc ..........
son, ~fngr .........
derson, Leg~l .....
~, Distributing
e Power Co ........
Power Co .........
s Go ..............
ater Ibr. Co ......
66" ~ta ...........
Tel. Co. P~one rn~.
co ., hdw ......
d, rtre hel~'kevs
~b .00
100 .O0
3 .oo
188 .~2
D .68
3 .oo
lO .45