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1947-05-12858 .... H~D ~AY 19tR,' !947 Th.e .Raguls.~ Adjourned I{onth].i meetiRol v{as called. ,to, o'~de,~ by the Pres2de:~ Al! memberS present. , ............. Rondorf mo.~ed that t~e clerk .order .75 .ad;~itiona! Badser wat, e'r meters for.Ausust,!st, 1947, deliver,. Het. u second66 .~'%%S !~orich. Carried. The ,bulld~eg 'oermit of John Atlsnd ,~as ,anthorized. ,,;.ot~on by ondorf~ seconded by Alw~ ,that trte summer users of Baptist Assembly .he allowed to install theLr.separate ,ar,lndiv!dual wate~ con}~eotlon~ on their premises~ with.a .wooden box ,to protect the meter ct~.P~ .cock. CarPied. . Councilman Rondorf reported ~hat he ,attended t!~e Sch6o! Board'"e,:: eting, and .the,saJ.d school board offered no opposit~on to transferrin&~ water ma~ns.fPom,Neadow Lane to !{aPian Place,, : Newcomb c, resented the followe:nS Resolution and ,mov ed.its,ado'otion, . . .B~ .IT ~,P, ESOLVPD that the .Villa&~e .of .I2ound~ .}~,~innesota~ entter into an .ar-~reeme~t with the De~o~rtment of.Hi~;~h~ays, fop {he construction bf ~urb.and {[,utter.within.t:Ae,Yillage of ~;~eund on Central~Avenue and State Trun~ Hiskway No. !10,from Bartlett and .County~Hi~hway No. ~, 1,forth ~o ,~i~e.cor;~er.of the ,Mound State ~a~, i..e,, Lot~S, Auditor's Subdivision,No..16~. Also for the rebui!din:~ ' ' on the ~'.r~ot Si~e only of ~o_~': Project as the construction of, a. siae¢~alk.~,. . ..... . of cu~o and.~,~'utt~r ....... v, ill caus~.t~"e removal of on,the t~"est side of Central Avenue, T~TH~ that t}.e ~ ~ ~ F ...... .., RESOLVED ,~.,ayo_ and Vills~'e Clerk be to enter into an a:::ree~,ent,',~ith.said. Department of ;0- 50-~basis. · BE IT autho ri z ed wsys oil a Upon roll Hetu, and The ~resid The above ;all the Council voted as follows: Yeas, ~,,ewcor.~,b, Rondorf, ~!win. ~{avs none. t,: .... resolution adopted. ,mt ~eclared ~'~. ~usiness concluded, the meeting) adjourned. Attest ................... Recorder