The Committee of the Whole for the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in
regular session on Tuesday, January 18, 2000, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Workroom at
5341 Maywood Road, in said City.
Those present were: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers: Andrea Ahrens (excused at 9:05
p.m.), Bob Brown, Mark Hanus, and Leah Weycker. Also in attendance: Acting City
Manager Fran Clark; Park Commissioners: John Beise, Norm Domholt, Peter Meyer; and
Secretary Sue McCulloch.
Mayor Meisel opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The Acting City Manager stated this amendment would require all property taxes, special
assessments, municipal utility fees, including but not limited to water and sewer bills, and
penalties and interest thereon to be paid for the property for which any permit has been
submitted. She stated this amendment would pertain to building permits; permits for
mechanical and plumbing; sewer and water hook-ups; permits for excavation; permits for
grading; subdivisions; and conditional use permits.
The Acting City Manager stated if an individual is up to date with his/her taxes and
municipal utility bills, then this ordinance will not pose a problem for those individuals. The
Acting City Manager stated the public works department is in favor of this ordinance as well.
Mayor Meisel stated this ordinance would be presented to the City Council at the January
25th meeting.
The Acting City Manager presented the case. She stated that when the minor subdivision
and Conditional Use Permit were approved on April 13, 1999, the applicant agreed that
dockage for the twin home would be acces~ from private lakeshore rather than public. She
stated the application for this vacation was not forwarded to the appropriate chain of people,
specifically the Park Director, City Clerk and the DNR, before it went to the Planning
Commission in November of 1999.
Councilmember Weycker stated there would be approximately 35 feet of lakeshore for the
City that would be lost with this vacation. The Acting City Manager agreed.
Councilmember Brown stated the Planning Commission did not have the letter from DNR
repre .~ntative, Martha Reger dated January 5, 2000, when they recommended approval of
the vacation in November, 1999.
Councilmember Ahrens stated it would appear the City would be required to get the DNR to
approve this vacation. She further stated this vacation is not in an area that is useable for the
City of Mound. She is in favor of vacating this property.
Councilmember Hanus questioned the calculations made by Jim Fackler in determining the
shoreline footage. He stated property under water cannot be counted as shoreline footage
and this may have been included in the total evaluation of public shoreline in Mound.
Councilmember Brown agreed.
Councilmember Hanus stated he would like to absorb the information presented tonight and
discuss it further at the a future City Council meeting when Jim Fackler and the applicant
would be present to answer his questio, ns. Mayor Meisel agreed.
The consensus agreed to review the April minutes presented in the packet tonight which
could give them more information.
Councilmember Ahrens does not want to see another commons dock proposed on this 35 feet
of property if the vacation does not get passed.
Mayor Meisel excused herself at 7:15 p.m. to have a talk with School Superintendent Dr.
Para Myers.
Councilmember Brown stated the City of Mound has the ability to put out 475 docks and
they currently only have 396 docks that are being used. He stated the 30 feet of shoreline
would not make too much of a difference and it appears we do not need it.
Mayor Meisel returned to the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
The Acting City Manager stated that in the past very little land has been vacated that was
public shoreline.
Councilmember Hanus reviewed Mr. Fackler's breakdown briefly regarding useable
shoreline that is city owned land for the City of Mound and it appears the shoreline he is
including with his calculations may be inaccurate. Again, Councilmember Hanus would like
to discuss this further with Mr. Fackler at a future City Council meeting.
Mayor Meisel agreed the calculation for useable shoreline footage needs to be reviewed with
more emphasis put on accuracy and detail.
Mr. Beise stated he would not disapprove of this vacation because of thc footagc, although,
he would disapprove of it because the only reason the applicant wants to be given this
property is to remove one of his three variances in existence.
Mayor Meisel stated that at the City Council meeting on Tuesday January 25th there
will be an Executive Session scheduled to discuss possible litigation on how the City
Council wants to proceed with issues at hand and the new school board.
Councilmember Ahrens stated she is of the same opinion about the school board
recouping costs from the City of Mound as in previous meetings concerning this
Councilmember Brown stated because there are new school board members and he
would be willing to meet with them regarding this issue. The consensus of the
committee of the whole was to meet with the new school board to discuss topics at
hand. Two dates were suggested, February 1, 2000, or February 29, 2000. A firm
date will be set at a later time.
Mayor Meisel informed the Council that School District Superintendent, Dr. Para
Myers just informed her that Metro Plains Development has bought out the purchase
agreement between Trail Head and the School District and is the new developer of the
old high school site. She stated a Purchase Agreement has been approved by the
School District and signed.
Mayor Meisel informed the Council that she, the Acting City Manager and Bruce
Chamberlain, City Planner met briefly with Mr. I.arry Olson of Metro Plains late last
week and he stated he should have all soil tests completed within 45 days. Mr.
Olson's intent is to put medium density housing and commercial development on this
property. The value of the homes will be approximately $200,000. Mr. Olson is
also open to carving out a piece of this property to be used for the post office
Councilmember Hanus expressed concern about parking facilities in this new location
for housing and the post office.
The Council discussed the fact that there will be a percentage of the land that will be
designated for park dedication.
Mayor Meisel stated Mr. Olson would like to attend a meeting where the
Comprehensive Plan is discussed, possibly February 8, 2000, because he does not
want the ballfields to be designated as park space.
Mayor MeiseI stated Bill Beard and Sid Inman are moving along with the
redevelopment of downtown Mound. She stated appropriate numbers have been
collected and they look good. She stated plans for the Planning Commission's review
will happen soon.
Mayor Meisel mentioned the Rex Alwin property. She stated the developer for this
property is proposing housing as well. The Council discussed a property percentage
for park dedication for this property.
Mayor Meisel stated Jim Mercer would like to meet with the Council and present his
list of possible candidates for the City Manager's position. He will be available on
January 31 or February 1. The consensus was to meet on January 31, 2000, at 6:30
p.m., in the work room. Mercer will be notified of this date.
Mayor Meisel handed out a 9-page fax from Mr. Gary Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell stated
the property at hand could go through a phase one and phase two report and the cost
of the VIC program with staffs time to read these reports and issue a No Association
letter would cost approximately $1,000 more for the City of Mound. She stated our
City Engineer has been quoting the City of Mound a much higher cost.
Mayor Meisel stated if the City is now again interested in this property, it is possible
according to Mr. Maxwell to have this property cleaned up for free by the State.
Mayor Meisel stated if the City of Mound is not interested at all, we need to make
this information available to Mr. Maxwell. Mayor Meisel stated we could present
new numbers to Mr. Maxwell for this property.
Mayor Meisel stated if we go ahead with this thought and present lower numbers as
our bid for this property, we definitely will not consider this property without a valid
no association agreement. Councilmembers Brown and Hanus agreed.
Mayor Meisel stated the next step is to have Mr. Maxwell put together a package to
present to the City for this property. After that point, the package would be
presented to the HRA at an appropriate meeting.
Mayor Meisel stated once we get a no association letter, which would take about one
month, we then would go into the VIC program for the cleanup process. She stated if
both of these were not part of the acquisition, the City of Mound would not want the
property. The VIC program does not hold up the project and will allow progression
forward by the parties involved.
Councilmember Ahrens stated the City of Mound is out the 10 percent already
invested in this project.
Mayor Meisel stated if the City of Mound would buy this property, they could turn
right back around and sell it back to a developer.
Councilmember Weycker stated she is reluctant to get back into this situation. She
would appreciate more information from our City Attorney and the City Engineer.
Mayor Meisel stated she would get back to Gary Maxwell by Friday of this week to
inform him if the City of Mound is interested in pursuing this property again.
The consensus of the members present was that they would be interested in scoping
out this property again as long as there is a no association letter and the VIC program
was a sure bet.
Councilmember Brown mentioned the Surface Water Management Plan briefly. He
stated the Planning Commission is absolutely against the buffer zone in the Plan and
would like this section removed from the Plan.
Mayor Meisel recessed the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Mayor Meisel reconvened the meeting at
8:10 p.m.
Mayor Meisel welcomed the Park Commission to the Committee of the Whole meeting.
Peter Meyer thanked Mayor Meisel for this opportunity.
Norm Domholt introduced himself as Chair of the Park Commission. He stated he has been
a business owner and resident of the City of Mound for 15 years. He stated he grew up in
South Minneapolis where he enjoyed the fabulous parks they had o offer. Mr. Domholt
stated being a business owner for the last 15 years has taught him how to get things done.
He stated he is excited to help out the City of Mound with as many improvements to the
parks as possible.
The consensus of the Council was that they would rather see park dedication on any large
new developments come in the form of land, rather than money.
Mr. Domholt stated he was delighted to hear the city's vision regarding green space and
would like to help facilitate this vision.
Mr. Domholt stated the number one problem is communication between the City Council and
the Park Commission. He stated the communication they currently have is the minutes, and
he would like to propose an annual workshop, like tonight's meeting to get dialog from both
Councilmember Brown stated, and Mayor Meisel agreed, the minutes need to be more
specific in nature in certain circumstances to make sure everyone is clear with the topic at
Mr. Beise stated the most important aspect the Park Commission would like to accomplish in
tonight's meeting is a good working relationship between the Park Commission and the City
Councilmember Hanus stated he would suggest a set of goals for the Park Commission to
present to the City Council on an annual basis.
Peter Meyer stated he would like to see a good working relationship with the City Council.
The Council discussed Island Park Hall and its potential refurbishing but stated the City of
Mound clearly does not have the funds right now for this project.
Mr. lleise stated it is his understanding from past experiences that if the Park Commission
presents information they would like the City Council to-review, it would be altered before
the City Council had a chance to review it. He does not understand why Staff should edit a
document of this type before the City Council has reviewed it.
Mr. Meyer stated the Park Commission did present recommendations for the year 2000 in
their budget, but it evidently was presented in an untimely manner and the City Council was
not able to consider it. Mr. Beise stated the Island Park Hall was on the top of the list.
Councilmember Ahrens stated she is frustrated when doing governmental business because
the price will automatically go up when this has been noted to developers and redevelopers a
municipality is interested in the property and, thus, the City Council cannot negotiate on its
Councilmember Brown asked the Park Commission what frustrates them the most about the
City Council.
Mr. Domholt stated the City Council is doing a fabulous job and he commends them for all
of their hard work. He does recommend better communication to the department heads who
are working for the City of Mound and trying to make the City of Mound a better place to
live. Mr. Domholt stated he agrees with a "wish list" of some type, but if this wish list
cannot be financed through the City of Mound, then allow the department heads and his
fellow commissioners to organize volunteer efforts to help make it possible.
Mayor Meisel asked if memorials have been installed in the City of Mound. She stated if
there is a need for park benches, then a citizen of Mound may want to put a bench up on
green space in memory of someone close to them.
Councilmember Ahrens agreed there needs to be a goal-setting policy. She stated this policy
needs to be carried out by the City Manager. She stated there is a need for more direction
and communication amongst the Commissions, City Council, City Manager and City of
Mound staff. Councilmember Ahrens stated the City of Wayzata is always presented so
well, and she would like to see the City of Mound looking as cleaned up with flower beds,
etc. She supports volunteer efforts.
Councilmember Brown suggested having one Saturday workshop that would include the
Planning Commission, Park Commission and City Council wherein they could discuss and
work through issues. Mayor Meisel stated we would need a facilitator for such a project and
the public could not be excluded in such a meeting.
Mr. Beise stated the Park~Commission would like to have the City of Mound update them
more often on park issues, like tonight's meeting. He stated he would like the City Council
to perceive the Park Commission as an asset and not a "thorn in your side that would
hopefully go away.'
Mayor Meisel stated the Park Commission feels the way they do because of a lack. of
communication. She stated there were so many issues going on with the green space and the
Rex Alwin property that needed to be sorted out properly and professionally. She stated the
Park Commission needs to consider the needs for the citizens of Mound before acting
prematurely in the future with regard to the acquisition of property.
Councilmember Ahrens stated there was never any mention in her 12 years of service on the
City Council of the City acquiring the Rex Alwin property.
Mr. Beise stated he felt it was his obligation and duty as a real estate agent and a Park
Commission member to try and acquire this gorgeous piece of property Rex Alwin owns and
wants to sell.
Councilmember Brown stated a problem occurred when the Park Commission contacted Rex
Alwin about the City of Mound possibly buying the property without having discussed this
with any City Council members. He stated Rex Alwin then got the impression the City of
Mound wanted to purchase the property and the price of the property just went up with that
information. Councilmember Brown further stated he was frustrated by the fact it appeared
Mr. Meyer was leading the "green space people" and he appeared to be using his position as
Park Commissioner to alienate the people against the City Council.
Mr. Meyer stated he was not leading this group of people. He stated it was lead by other
citizens of the City of Mound.
Mr. Meyer stated again the kids in the City of Mound need the parks. Mayor Meisel stated
she agrees with this statement but the funds are not there to support all ideas the Park
Commission has asked for.
Councilmember Brown stated the new downtown redevelopment is proposing a perfect place
for an ice skating rink where it can be lit and have a warming house as well in Lost Lake.
Mayor Meisel stated there is a question and answers sheet ex)ming to each household of
Mound shortly. She stated this will give information about the redevelopment of the City of
Mound in a user friendly way.
Mr. Beise stated he would appreciate receiving minutes from the Planning Commission,
COW, and City Council meetings on a regular basis.
Councilmember Brown suggested flooding Highland and Swenson Parks for use as ice
skating finks until the downtown redevelopment has an ice skating rink of its own. Mr.
Meyer stated he would like about $5,000 to help in creating a nice skating rink. He stated
he would get volunteers to help keep the rink in good shape.
Mr. Beise would like to be made aware of problems the City of Mound has that the Park
Commission could possibly assist with. He stated if the funding is not available, maybe the
Park Commission could raise money to help support a project.
Mr. Domholt stated it appears the City should see the 'wish list" from the Park
Commission on an annual basis to discuss what can and cannot be accomplished. He stated
he would like the City Council and the Park Commission to be working as a team.
Mayor Meisel stated she understands the City Council and the Park Commission all want to
better the City of Mound.
Mr. Meyer stated the Park Commission was hoping for the possibility of malting the Rex
Alwin property into another Wolf Ridge and keeping a large portion of it natural. He stated
he knew the City had no money, but since there was a park shortage, he felt there was a
valid reason to go after this property.
Mr. Beise and Mr. Domholt asked the City Council how to handle future property and parks
issues. Councilmember Hanus stated the Park Commission should call a City Council
member or the City Manager. He stated it could then be brought to a COW Meeting for
Councilmember Brown suggested that the Commission Chairs could meet with the Mayor,
give updates and then the Mayor could pass on the information to the City Council.
Councilmember Weycker stated that this is the Council Liason's responsibility.
Mayor Meisel stated we are a team and need to further our communication efforts. She also
stated a project has to be appropriate for the kids, cities and developers.
Mayor Meisel stated she would like to move forward and concentrate on the downtown
redevelopment and the property Mr. Olson and Mr. Alwin will be giving as park dedication.
Councilmember Hanus stated April appears to be a good time to get together to discuss
The consensus of the group was that all Commissions would be heard. It was agreed that
communication and information needs to be shared. It was agreed the Park Commission is
an asset to the City.
The Park Commission would like to hear about anything interesting coming down the Park
Commission's way in the future.
Mayor Meisel stated on April 18, 2000, there is a COW meeting scheduled and she is
inviting the Park Commission to attend and present their ~.wish list" and recommendations in
priority order for the parks in the City of Mound.
Councilmember Weycker stated Mr. Meyer has put in a number of hours, singled handedly,
and painted the depot. She stated Mr. Meyer has volunteered many hours of his time
elsewhere, including organizing the skating rinks and flooding them, manning the warm
houses, and organizing city clean up days for the parks in Mound.
Councilmember Brown suggested using the Adopt a Green Space Program to help keep up
the parks, skating rinks, etc. Mayor Meisel stated there are legal issues that would arise that
need to be resolved before such action could be taken.
Mr. Domholt stated that because of tonight's meeting he feels more welcomed by the City
Council and felt they were moving in a positive direction.
No information items were distributed.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker, to adjourn at 9:47 P.M. The vote
was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. $-0.
Francene C. Clark, Acting City Manager
Attest: Council Secretary