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1951-06-22VILLAGE OF MOUND A delegation from Lakeview Avenue in Seton present to request widening and grading of their street. Manager agreed to send up village grader. Earl Larson of Seton present to inquire about disposition of his request that villag~ install storm sewer off Broderick ~venue just north of the Seton grocery. Manager waiting for Tolt~,King, and Day engineer to come out on Hwy. 110 improvement so he could check grades. Following RESOLUTION offered by BI¥: WH~RE~S, the Vi2.1age of Mound is confronted ~ th the fact that ther~ are insufficient mQnies in the Water Main Project No. 8 Fund to meet cur-~ent obligations, and, WHE[RE\S, the Village Attoeney under date of February 5, 19~0, ren4ered ~is opinion that surplus mon~es in the Permanent Improvement Revolving ~hnd might be temporarily transferred to other village funds under stated conditions, and, W~E^S, t~e P.I.R. Fund has a ~r~sent.. ~ · balance of ~26,476.88, all of which is at present not ~eeded for improvements in progress nor contemplated within tb.e space of ~even 'months, and ~hich is deemed by the Council of the Village of Mound to be surplus funds duri~.g such period, and, WH~S, the Council of the Village of Mound deems it desirable and expedient to advoid unnecessary inter~st, expense and inconvenience to temporarily transfer the sum ~nd for the period hereinafter stated from the P.I.R. Fund to the Project 8 Fund, now, therefore, BE IS RESOLVED, That the Village Treasurer transfer fortwith from the P.I.R. Fund the sum of ~6000. which sum shall be returned to the P.I.R. Pund as soon as that amount is collected from the Hennepin County Auditor for current and delin~uemt taxes. MOTION by Winkel second by bl¥. Carried. The ~.ite Bakery. ~11 present. Matter' o.~ the curb o~ ~he Coua~.~ Road 12~ extension was resumed. Following RESOLVTION Offered b~ Bly: WHERE,.S, it is propesed to improve the proposed extension of County Road no. 12~ with the addition of a straight curb on both sides from County Road No. 7 to Cou~t¥ Road No. 1~ in Shirley Hills at an estimated cost of ~[439. and to assess the abutting ~ property for the entire cost of t~e curb ~ suant to M.S.A. Sections 41~.401 to 412.4~1 (Laws 1949, Ch. 119 Secs. ~0 to 60), and p:m. on Tuesday; J~me! consider the curb ,and ment ~ l~ad No, 125 No, 7 to COUntY Shirley .Hills Secs. 412.401 to 412~481 . 1949, Ch. 119 Secs. 50 is proposed' to assess .the Property for all ,curb ~ cUrb and timat~ cost of tl~eCurb and t~ curb and gutter is at 'this me.ting.: ...... ~ (Ma~ 1264 VILLAGE OF MOUND WHERi]J~S, a resolution of 't~$ ~ilta~e ~6o~ncil adopted the 2.~]th da~r of Y~'~av, 1951, fixed a date for a he?~ring on the improvem-mt, and, WHEREAS, all pro~rty owners whose property is liable to be a~sessed for the making of this improvement were given two weeks' published notice of the council bearing and the hearing was held and property owners heard thereon on the 19th day of June, 19~1, now therefore, BE !T RESOLVED ~Y THE COU~CiL 0F THE VILI,~'~E 0P MOUND: 1. Such i~provement is hereb~ ordered as proposed in the council resolution adooted ~x June~ 1951. 2. The Hennepin County ilig~"wav Engineering Deoartment is hereby designated as the engineers for t]~is improvement. Pla"s and specifications prepared by them, are~ hereby approved and shall be filed with the village clerk. Second by Winkel. The roll being called the votes were Davis, Pierce, Blv, Winkel and %'~_ite, ayes. There were no nays. RESOLUTION offered b~ Pierce that the fo!lo~ing ~eSc~ibed road be designated State Aid Road No. 12~: Beginning at the intersection of S.I.R. No. 7 and Co. Rd. No. 12~ in Government Lot 1 in 'h~e North one-half of Sectiot~ 24, Toumsbip 117 North, Range 24 West; thence deflecti~ at an angle of four degrees fort~r minutes (4o40,) to t}~e right of the projection nort~esterl~ of Co~,~ntv Ro d No. 12~ a distance of six hundred seventy-eight and n,-~ tenths (678.0) feet; thence deflecting to the right along a sixteen degree fifteen minute ~' (16°1~') curve a distance of two hundred ninety-seven and eight tenths (297.8) f et; thence along tangent eighty-seven nd seven tenths (87.7) feet to the Center line of Lakewood Avenue in the plat of Shirley Hills Unit "D", t~oence North along said Lakewood gvenue to t~ North line of said Section twent?-four (24); thence West along said North line of Section twenty-four (24), eleven and six tenths (11.6) feet to the Center line of Second Avenue in t'oe plat of Shirley Hi].ls bnit "F"; thence North along the Center ].ine of said Secou, d Avenue to the intersection with the Center line of S.A.R. No. 1~ in the southeast one-c~u~rter (1/4) of the southwest on~-quarter (1/4) of Section thirteen (13) Township one hundred seventeen (117) hlorth, Range twenty-four (24) West and there terminating. Second b~r Pierce. The roll being called there were five aves. Carried unanimo'uslv. Following ~FJSOLr~TiON offered b~r Pierce: BE IT RESOLVED Th. st the mayor and manager of t~oe Village of Mound be ~uthorized to ms,~e applic~,tion for t~e conve~rsnce of Lots 2a to 37, incl~sive, Block 9, Mound Bay Park bo tNe Villag~ of Mo~nd in order that more of the area kno~ as Lost Lake may be controlled by t~e village for future 'oark development. Second by Blv. Carried unaniNousl~ · VILLAGE OF MOUND 12C5 Following ~ESOLU~ON offered by B1y, second by Pierce: BE IT RESOLVED bv 'the Village Council of the Village of Mound that the Village enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways for the following purposes, to wit: to provide for improvements on Trunk Highway No. 110 in Mound from the Great Northsrn Railway Co. right-of-way to the north Village Limits by the Village and for payment by the State to the Village for a part of the costs incurred by tbs Village in connection with work performed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Manager be and they are hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of said Village of Mound. The roll being called there were five aves. MOTION TO ~DJOURN by Winkel at 9:00 p.m., second by Fierce. Carried. E'~ BOARD M ~TING OF T~ B0.~_~D OF REVIEW in the villa ge NOTICE IS office on Wednesday, June ~0, 19~1, at 2:00p.m. That theBoard°f Co~mcilr~an Biy, Assessor Harry Martin and Village of ~VlOund in' County, Minnesota, will' Manager Storey presentx to receive and record complaints on personal property assessments for action.,bv a quorum of the board after assessment was completed. Two persons a,~peared to be heard--Mrs. E. &. McChesne¥, ~aptist Assembly Ground protested 19~0 personal propeD~y tax. Mr. blv went over return with her and satisfied complaint. Mr. John'~B~ayley,~accounta~t for L. E. Streater Lu'mber Co., had no specific complaint but wanted to talk over b~sis of assessment with the assessor. Meeting adjourned to a later date after notice bv Mr. Bly. the village office in MoUnd Wednesday, the 20th of 1951, at 2:00 pnn. for the of reviewing and correcting assessment of said Mound for the year I95I. sons considering themselves grieved by said assessment o~ ~ wish to complain that fhe 1~o!~,, erty Of another is assesZeel low, are hereby notified to pear a{ Said meeting ~ ~fJ:'i-- ~i Cause for having such. corrected. ' ' No complaint that another son is assessed to low Wffi acted upon until the person assessed, or his agent, shall been notified of such Village Edna ,L (June 7,~ 1951),. u REGUL.~ MEETI:~iIG, July 10, 19~1, Krause Bldg. Cal/sd to order by .~cting Mayor Gene White at °~'00.. p.m. B1y and Winkel also present. .~[Xml[ Dav~V~nd Pierce out of town. Minutes of ths~ June meetings read, approved on motion bY Winkel, second by Blv. M~vor Davis ar~ived and took chair. Matter of bids on a walk-in cooler for the liquor store tabled at last meeting brought up again. Following manager's recommendation to accept bid of Superior Products Co. of ~913. for a_~310x~ f~ot cooler complete with refrigeration unt.White m6~6d anm D~_vis seconded that bid be accepted. Carried.