2005-05-24MOUND HRA MINUTES MAY 24, 2005 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 7:20 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members Present: Chairperson Pat Meisel; Commissioners Bob Brown, Mike Specht, John Beise and David Osmek. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Cindy Reiter. 1. Open Meeting Chair Meisel opened the meeting at 7:20 p.m. 2. Approve Agenda MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3. Approve Minutes MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve the minutes of April 26, 2005. All voted n favor. Motion carried. 4. Report on Indian Knoll Manor with necessary action Cindy Reiter presented the report on Indian Knoll as follows: A. April Bank Statement B. March Income Statement C. Review of Bills paid: MOTION by Brown, seconded by Osmek to approve the bills of May 2005. D. Manager's Report: (1) MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried: RESOLUTION NO. 05-07H: RESOLUTION RECEIVING CALCULATION OF PERFORMANCE FUNDING SYSTEM SUBMITTED ON APRIL 29, 2005. (2) Vacancy Update (3) Spring projects 5. Adjourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Chair Pat Meisel ~ u HRA RESOLUTION N0. 05-07H PHAlIHA-Board Resolution us. Department of Housing OMBApprovelNo. 2577-002fi(Exp. 9/30/2008} A rovin 0 eradn Bud et or Calculation of and urban Development PP 9 P 9 9 Office of Public and indlan Housing Performance Funding System. Operating Subsidy Public reporting burden forthls collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, Including the lime for reviewing instntctions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. This agency may not condudt or sponsor,.end a person is not required to respond fa, a collection of information unlassthet collectomdisplays evalid OMB control number. This informatlon is required by Section B(c)(4) of the U.S. Housing ACt of 1 g37. The information is the operating budget for the low-Income housing program and provides asummery of proposed/badgeted receipts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts end expenditures, and Justtflcation df cerfafn specified amounts. HUD reviews the Iriformetioh redetermine lithe operating plan adopted by the PHA and the amounts are ressonebi'e end tl-iet the PHA Is in compliance with prooedures prescribed by HUD. Responses are required to obtain benefits. This Information does not lend itself to confide ntlafity: Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the below-named Public Housing Agency (PHA)/Indian Housing Authority (TIiA), as its Chairman, I make the following certifications and agreements to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check orie or more as applicable): (date) Operating Budget Submitted on: Operating Budget Revision Submitted on: Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on:. ~' ' 2'~ ' ds Revised Calculation of Performance Funding System Submitted on: I certify on behalf of the: (PI~iA/IHA Name) -that: r-- 1. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA.has sufficient operating reserves- to meet the working capital needs of its developments; ~_.. 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The calculation of eligibility foc Federal funding is in accordance with the provisions of the. regulations; 6. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law; 7. Tlie PHA/IHA will- comply .with the wage rate requirements under 24 CFR 968.110(e) and (fj or 24 CFR 905.120(c) and (d); 8. The PHA/IHA will camply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.110(1) or 24 CFR 905.120(8); and 9. The PHA/IHA will comply with the, requirements for the reexamination of family income and composition under 24 CFR 960.209, 990.115 and 905.315. I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as er-y information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. ~~ Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Cornictfon may result in criminal and/or dull penalties. (4 8 U.S.C.1001,1010,1012; 31 U.S,C. 3729, 3802) f '~ Board Chsirman'e Name (type) Sip Date Pat Meisel Lc,r ?` ~ ~'_ ~ ~n~ z~ ~~ form HUD-52574 (10/95) Previous edition is obsolete ref. Handbook 7575.1 HA Calculation of Occupancy Percentage fora .Requested Budget Year (RBY) PHA/IHA-Owned Rental Housing Performance Funding System (PFS) Sa: Name and Address of PHA/IHA (Inducting Street Address, City, State, Zip code) MOUND HOUSING AUTHORITY 2020 COMMt3tCE BLVD MOUND, MN 58364 3. RBY Beginning 4. Type of Submission 5. PAS/LOCCS Protect No: Date: (mb/day/WAN) X Original Revision No: { ) U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0066 and Urban Devetopmerrt (EXP 9/30/2004) Office of Public:and Indian Housing- 2a. Contact: (Person who can best answer questlons aboutthis submission} ?.b. ContacCs Phone No:.(lndude area code} 763-7843808 512-240-0870 CELL ;jj;. Report~Date: Check one box) 7. Data Source: (mo/daV/yyw)~X Actual Day . B form HUD-51234 ^ Average for X Rent roll and enter Stop 13. If the result on line 12 is five or fewer vacant units and the HA believes that during-the RBY: 1) the inventory (line 9) will not change; & and, 2) the number of vacant units on Ilne 12 will be vacant for the full RBY, then Check the box below. You have completed the Note farm and do not need to proceed further. ^. High Occupancy HA with five or --> Llse line 10 for the projected.Occupancy fewer vacant units Percentage on Part B lihe 11 of form.HUD-52723 . Part B. DisMbution of. Actual Vacancies ay Ma9or Cause Given below are dreumstances and actions recognizetl by HUD as possible . causes of vacandes that are beyond the control of the HA to eon-ect If appropriate, please distribute the number of vacant units reported on line 12 among these causes. Attach sheet identified with. HA name and address, -the. RBY beginning date, and ACC number. Use the sheet to desoibe, for each dreumstance; when'the Circumstance occurred; the Io~ation of the units involved; why the dreumstance is preventing the HA from occupying, selling, demolishing, rehabllitatirig, remnstrvding, consolidating or modernizing the.vacant units; and the 1lkelihood that these drcumstances will be mitlaated or eliminated in the RBY 14. Units vacant because of Ilti anon e.. units that are befn heitl vacant a art or murtroroerea or nuv-a yea aese r anon t an 15. Units vacant because of Federal, Tribal, or State laws of general.appllcabtlity. (Note:. do not indude units vacant only because th do not meet minimum construction or habitabilt standards. 16. Units vacant due .to than in market mridlttons 17. Units vacant because of natural disaster ' 18. Units vac$nt because of insufRdent fundin for otherwise a rovable CIAP a lication 19. RMC-managed ;units vacant because of failure of'HA to fund apprvvable request for Federal modernization funding . is tine for use onL b RINCs 20. Units vacant because of casual loss and need .to settle insurance claims 21. Total Untts Vacant Due to Circumstances B and the HA's Control Enter sum of lines 14 - 20 22. Units vacant after adiusting for dreumstances beyond the HA's control subtract: line.21 from line 12 Stop ZS If the result on line 24 is 3 °k br less and the HA believes that during the RBY: 1) the inventory (line 9) will not change; and, 2) the & number of vacant units on lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form Note and do not need to proceed further. Q Hlgh Occupancy HA: 3 °~ or less vacancy rate --> Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy after adiustment for vacandes beyond control Percentage on Part B line 11 of form HUD-52723 This form replaces fomu HUD-52728-A thru - C which town HUD-52728 (3/2003} have been canceled. Previous edttlon Is obsolete. Page 1 of 3 ref Handbook 7475.13 Stop 11. If the HA-wide occupancy percentage shown on line SO is 97% or greater and the HA believes that an average occupancy rate & of at least 97 % is sustainable for the RBY, then check the box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note ~ High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage is. --> Use 97 % as the Projected Occupancy 97 % or higher and is sustainable for the RBY Percentage on Part B line 11 of form HUD-52723 Stop 23 If the result on line 22 is flue or fewer vacant units and the HA believes that during the itBY: 1j the inventory (line 9) will not change; and,.2) the number of vacant units on both lines 21 and 22 will be vacant for the full RBY, then diedc the box below. You have completed Note the form and do not need to proceed further. ' ~ iilgh Occupancy HA with flue or fewer vacant units -> Use line 10 for the Projected Occupancy Pwrt H. Vaeancv Percentage for. RBY Adiusted for Both Modernization and Beyond Control circumstances r.- t 53. Totai• Unit Months of Vacan in RBY Enter line 44 54. Total Unit Months of Vacan in RBY Due to Modemization Enter line 48 55. Total Unit Months. of Vacancy in RBY Due to Beyond Control Vacancies Enter line 21 times 12• less an en made on line 34c 56. Total Unit Months of Vacan After Above Ad ustment5 Enter line 53 less lines 54 and 55 % 57. Vagncy Percentage for RBY After Above Adjustments divide line 5b tine 40• multi le 100• and round to nearest whole. 58. Averaoe Number of Vagnt Units in RBY After Above A~ustments Divide line 56 b 12• round to nearest whole Stop. 59 If the result o line 57 is 3 % or lower or if the result on line S8 is flue or less, then Bieck the appropriate box & below. You have •completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note ^ a. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage is 3 % or --> Use line 41 as the Projected Occupancy less for the RBY after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part B line Si of form HUD-52723 ^ b. H(gh Oaupancy HA: five or fewer vacant --> Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy _ units after Modernization Adjustment Percentage on Part B line 11 of form HUD-52723 Part I. Adjustment for Long Term Vacanae If the HA estimated that it will have a vacancy percentage of more that 3% for its RBY and more that five vacant units after adjust[ng for vagnt units undergoing modernization and vacandes beyond its control the HA will exclude aft of i i__.._4..........> >.,..l e.. /:F ~....1 F-..... la-...-....,f nF ~.nitc > >:I~V~In fns nrrti .n~nni ~nrl ~iee hhec taI'Hnn M f~Pf'P('T~nA ~fS nM3Pl:rP.fi t1('!`finanni ne~ronhno to ivn -~crn. ..aw..w ca a m. uvu~ .u w...u~ v. u. ..v .....o...,w .... ........ ...... ................- ---.-.. ~ ____......._ ._ 60. Total Long-term Vacandes (Subtract vacant units shown on lines 21, 26a, and b from Ilne 12. Analyze remaining vacandes and identi those units that have been vacant for more than 12 months as of the Re ort Date. 61. Unit Months of Vacan Assodated With Lon -Term Vacancies Multi I line 60 b 12 62. Total Unit Months Available for Occupancy in RBY Adjusted for Long-Term Vacandes SubtracC Tine 61 from Tine 31 c Use this UMA number in all other PFS calculations. 63. Occupancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long-Term Vacances Divide line 38 c b line 62• muitio b 100 and round to nearest whole % 64. Avers a Number of Vacant Units in RBY after Ail ad'ustments Subtract line 60 from line 58 65: Total Unit Months of Vacan in RBY after All Ad'ustments Subtract Tine 61 from dine 56 66. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Long-Term vacandes (Divide line 65 by line 62; multiply by 100 and round_to nearest whole Stop 67. If the result on Tine 63 is 97 % or higher or if the result on fine 64 is five or less or if the result on tine 66 is 3 % or less, & then fiedc the approprfate box below. You have completed the form and do not need to proceed further.. Note ^ a. High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage --> Use 97 % as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B is 97 % or higher for the RBY after Long-Term line 11 of form HUD-52723. U'se the UMA result on line 62 in Vacandes Adjustment calculating PFS eligibility. ^ b. High Occupancy HA: Five or fewer vacant --> Use Tine 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B -units after Adjustment for Long-Term Vacancies Tine 11 of form HUD-52723, Use the UMA result on line 62 in calculating PFS eligibility. ^ c. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage --> Use line 63 as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B Is 3 % or lower for the RBY after Long- line li of form HUD-52723. Use the UMA result on tine 62 in Term Vacandes Adjustment calculating PFS eligibility. Part ]. Projected Occupancy Pen~ntages for Low Ocaipancy HAS If the HA cannot determine an acceptable Projected Occupancy Percentage for the RBY using the above approach, it will use this seci5on. The HA will use the lower of either 97 % or that percentage based on having five units vacant for the RBY. Either percentage can be adjusted for vacant units undergoing modernization rnnstrudjon and vacandes. beyond its contrpl, ..Small HAs of 140 units or less will generally want to use a percentaoe -based on five vacant units. 68. Enter 97 % If HA has more than 140 units. If 140 or fewer units, determine occupancy percentage based on 5 vacant units, 69. Percentage Adjustment for Modemizadon and Beyond Control Vacancies 70. Projected Occupancy Percentage for Low Occupancy HA (Take the percentage on line 68 and subtract the percentage shown on line 69. Use the result as the Projected Occupancy Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD-52723. Use the UMA result on sine 62 in calculating This forth replaces forms HUD-52726-A thru - C which have been canceled. Previous edriion is obsoletE Page 3 of 3 corm HUD-52728 (3/2003) ref Handbook 7475.13 ParC G Status of Units Undergoing Modernization as of Report Date this form. the most current status will be shown. 26. Protedad Units _ - Occu ied Units Vacant Units a: Number of units .that are under modemizatlon construdion wntrad: awarded or force account work started b: .Number of units not under construction contract but induded In a NUD-approved modernization budget where the time. eriod for ladn the units under construction two FFYs after FFY of a al has not et red. 27. Unprotected units:. Number of units included in aHUD-approved modemization budget where the time period for ladn the units under construction two FFYs after FFY of a roust has ex Iced. Part D: Units Estimated to be Available for Occu an Durin RBY (a) No. of Units {b) Avg. No. °f Mos, in RBY (c) No, of Unit Mos. a x b 28. Units Avaiiable.as of Re rt Date ter Ifne 9 12 29: Additional Units Available Burin RBY because of Develo men A uisition of PFS-E7i ible ro'eds + + 30. Untts Unavailable During RBY because of Demolitlon/Disposition/Conversion Adions A roved B HUD - 31. Total Add lines 26 and 29• subtract line 30 -- - Part E. Units Estimatbgd to be Ocainied During RBY 32. Units Occu ied as of Re rt Date Enter line 8 12 33. Additional Units Occupied during RBY because of '. Develo men A ulsitlon of PFS-Eti ible Pro ects + + 34: Reoccu an Burin RBY of Units Vacated'for Ciramstances Be nd the HA's Control + 35. Reoccu an Burin RBY of Vacant Units in a Funded Modemizatlon Pro ram' + + 36 Occu ied Units in Funded Modemizaton Pro ram Bein Va®ted dudn RBY - - 37: Occupied Units Being Vacated during RBY because of Demotftion/Disposition/Conversion Adjons Approved by HUD. If tiaere are occupied units that become vacant after the Report Date but before the start of the RBY bemuse of dreumstances and actions beyond the HA's control, place .that number here { )and include in total shown on 37. Attach separate sheet with same information nested in Part G. 38. Totat Add lines 32 - 35 subtract lines 36 and 37 Part F. Occupanc~r Percentage During' RBY 39. Total Unit Months of Occu an Enter line 38c 40: Total Unit Months Available for Ocxu an Enter line 31c 41. Occu n Percents a for RBY Divide line 39 line 40• multi I b 100 and round ip nearest whole % 42. Avers a Number of Vacant tJntts Burin RBY Su6tract.line 39 from line 40• `divide results 12 and round to nearest whole Stop 43. If the result on Ilne 41 is 97 °k or higher or ff the result on [[ne 42 is five or less; then check the appropriate . & box below. You have completed the form and .do not need to proceed further. Note ^ a. High Occupancy HA: Occupancy Percentage --> Use 97% as the Projected Occupancy is 97 °~ or higher for the RBY Percentage on Part B line 11 of forn- HUD-52723 ^ b. High Occupancy HA with five or -> Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy fewer vacant-units Percentaoe on Part B line' 1l of form HUD-52723 Part G. Vacancy_Percentage for RBY Adiusted for Modernization __ 44. Total Unit Months of Vacan in .RBY Enter line 40 less Ifne 39 45. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units in Funded Mod. and Under Construction or Funded for Construction Sum the vacant units of Ilnes 26e and b• multi 12 '`i`~`•~' 46. If arry of the vacant untts on lines 26a or 6 will be reoccupied during the RBY, enter thatnumber times the avers a number of months Burin the RBY these units will be reoccu ied. ':i'ss ~°'I'~Iail~'•~I 47. If.any of the occupied units on lines 26a or.b will be vacated during the RBY for mod. construction, enter that number times the avers a number of months Burin the RBY these units wail be vacated. + ~; 48. Total Unit Months for Vacant Units In Funded Mod. and Under Construction or Funded For Construction in RBY Add tine 45• Tess line 46• . lus line 47 49. Total Unit Months of Vacan in RBY A usted for Modemization Enter line 44 less line 48 50. Vacancy Percentage for RBY Adjusted for Modernization Divide line 49 b Ilne 40• multi le b 100• and round to nearest whole. °/o 51. Avers a Number of Vacant Units in RBY Ad usted for Modemizaton divide line 49 b 12• round to nearest whole Stop 52. If the result on Ifne 50 Is 3 % or lower or If the result on Ifne 51 is five or less, .then check the appropriate box & below. You -have completed the form and do not need to proceed further. Note ^ a. High Occupancy HA: Vacancy Percentage is 3 % --> Use Ifne 41 as the Projected Occupancy or less for the R8Y after Modemizadon Adjustment Percentage on Part B, line 11 of form HUD-52723 ^ b. High Occupancy HA: five or fewer vacant --a Use line 41 for the Projected Occupancy units after Modemfzation Adjustment Percentaoe on Part B, line 11 of form HUD-52723 This form replaces forms HUD-52728-A thru - C form HUD-52728 (3/2003) which have been canceled. Previous edition is obsoletr Page 2 of 3 ref Handbook 7475:13