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1952-07-07VILLAGE OF MOUND 1347 MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF REVIEW, July 7th., 1952. There were no taxpayers present and no statements had been filed in writing. The Board considered the books of the Assessor and took no action affecting the valuations which had been placed therein. On motion duly made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote, the Board of Review meeting was adjourned to be re- convened on July 21st., 1952, at the Village Office at 8 o'clock, P.M. Pursuant to due published notice as printed in the Minnetonka Pilot the Board of Review was convened on July 7th., 1952 at 7 o'clock, P.M., at the Village Office ASSESSMENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF MOUND Present were Acting Mayor Behmler, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T~ustees Bly and Livingston and the that the Board of Review of the Assessor, Herbert G. Miller. Mayor Village of Mound in Hennepin. County, Minnesota, will meet at. Davis unable to attend and Trustee Pierce . the office of the Village Clerk at was absent from the Village. 7 o'clock P.M., on Monday 7th day of July, 1952, for th~ purpose of reviewing and recting the assessment of Village for the year 1952. Ail per.~ sons considering themselves og-~ grieved by said assessment or~, who wish to complain that the~~ property of another is assessed. too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment'S! corrected. ~i~ No complaint that another per- ' ison is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint.:~ Dated this 16th day of June, 1952. Edna J. Gooder Clerk of the Village of Mound ._ (6-19) Attest: Acting Mayor MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW, July 21st., 1952. There being no taxpayers present for a hearing, at the time specified, namely 8 o'clock, P.M., the Board of Review was not convened until after the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Council called for the same date, had been held. The Board of Review was convened at 9:30 P.M., and present were Mayor Davis, Trustees Bly and Behmler. Pierce out of town and Trustee Livingston had been excused from attendance. Assessor Herbert G. Miller was present. There being no matters referred to the Board for action, the meeting was adjourned to be reconvened at a later date if found necessary. Wm. I. Davis, Mayor Attest: