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1953-07-27VILLAGE OF MOUND MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, J~l¥ 16, 19~3 Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. at the Pavilion in Mound Park. Present were Ma.~or Behmler, Trustees Pierce and Livingston, and Manager Leikvold. Mrs. Andrew Krause and Ralph March of the Park Board, Richard Gibson of the Mound Chamber of Com~erce and other citizens interested in the Park and pavilion were also present. After considerable discussion and suggestions, it was decided that the Manager should assemble additional facts and figures on what could be done with the Pavilion. It was decided to adjourn to meet again on this matter on Mondav, July 27. In regard to a dog control ordinance, Livingston moved, Pierce seconded, and it was unanimously carried to instruct the M.~nager to publish notice of an informal hearing. On motion dul.v made, seconded and carried, the meeting ad- journed to meet July 27, 19~3, at the Pavilion. Atte!~ge ManaTer~ ~ ~ /~ I~II, UJTES OF ADJOURI',IED P~GL.~AR I~EETI!'!~-, July DV, ~953 I.leeting called to order at the Village Park at Present were L'~ayor Behm!er, Trustees Lltts, Wenkstern, Pierce and ~ ~,~n~,~ton ,;anager Leikvo!d a~d Attorney Bonham. Also rte- sent were George Eu~ster smd Lirs. Andrew Krause of the Park ~oard, and seYers. 1 interested citizens. The purpose of the meetino' v;~s to come to some decision on whst to do with the Pavi].lon. There was considerable discussion as to how to finance moving the Pavilion to higher grotmd, turn- ing it around, ~-?~.-.ins a full basement under it to be used for dressing rooms and lav~.tories, and also insta!lin~ Vill~ge Offices and Council Rooms on the main floor. Litts moved, L. ivingston seconded~ and it was unanimously carried to arrange to hmve the underminn%n~:is of the bu_!ldin[f: inspected to see if · ]_ ...... ~e of the moving costs it was worth moving, and to get an est'~°* · ~'o~a~- is to re~ort his findin.~s at the next regular The Vil? a~e 1422 VILLAGE OF MOUND council, meetin?, A~.~.'.ust iF, ~ 053 0:~ motion MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, August 10, 1953 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. at the Mound Pavilion. Present were Mayor Beam!er, Trustees Livingston, Litts, and Pierce, Manager Leikvo!d and ~ttorne¥ Bonham. There were also about fifty citizens present. The minat,as of the reg2ar meeting of July 13 were read· Pierce moved, Litts seconded and it was mnanimously carried th. at the minutes be approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of Jul? 16 were read and on motion by Pierce, seconded by Livin/~ston end ananimous vote were approved as read. ~ The mii~utes of the adjourned regular meeting of J, 27 were read. Litts moved, Pierce sec:reded:, and it was ,an an imou s! y carried that the minutes be approved as read. ' Pierce moved, Livingston seconde,~ and it was unanimously car- tied to pay the following bills where funds are available: GE~[ERAL FbT[D ?fatertown Phone .............. 16.40 J.?.Wilkins, Health Officer.· League of Minn. Mmnicipa!it.. 77.00 Interstate 2. ower ............. 199.0~ Mound Hard ware ............... 9.20 Bud,s Pure 0il ............... !1.0! Kel]_ er Bros ................. 349.80 Mickelson Motors ............. Long Lake Farm Sapp!y ....... 21.01 Jay lJ. Craig Co ............. 324.00 David Agency ................ Standard 0il ................ 60.90 Bud,s Pare 0il .............. 2.78 David ~genc¥ ................ 10~.66 ON SALE - Operating 'Expense Interstate Power ....... 59.32 Mound Hardware ......... !.0t ,!~me ri c an Linen ......... ~'). 75 OFF SALE - Operating Ex?ens~ Nat,1 Cash Register .... 1.[~2 Watertown Phone ........ 6.75 Interstate Power ........ ]~ 3~ · O ~'~OJ.;:~T #o 1st Nat'l Bank ......... 17 .oo