2000-05-09MINUTES - CITY COUNCIL -MAY 9, 2000
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session
on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road,
in said City.
Those present were: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers: Andrea Ahrens, Bob Brown, Mark
Hanus and I_f, xh Weycker. Also in attendance were City Attorney John Dean (excused at
9:45 p.m.), City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Fran Clark, City Planner Loren
Gordon, Park Commissioner Jim Fackler, City Engineer John Cameron, and Secretaries Sue
McCulloch and Diana Mestad. The following interested citizens were also present: Jori
Ayaz, Kristen Beise, John Beise, Jane Carlsen, Martin Cowder, Tom Custer, Lorrie Ham,
Duane Leisinger, Dorothy Netka, Bill Netka, Peter Meyer, Linda Skorseth, Ani Tasciyan.
*Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by
the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of
these items unless a Councilmember or Citizen so requests, in which event the item will be
removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
Mayor Meisel opened the meeting at 8:03 P.M. and welcomed the people in attendance.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Mayor Meisel thanked the City Clerk for being the City of Mound's Acting City Manager
for the past several months, consisting of almost a full year. She stated the City Clerk did a
fine job with all the work she had consumed by becoming Acting City Manager. Mayor
Meisel presented the City Clerk with a bouquet of flowers.
City Manager added Item F as a public heating on the business subsidy of the Ray Mar
Properties for May 23, 2000, to the Consent Agenda.
City Manager added Item L to the Information/Miscellaneous which would be a report on the
Minnetonka Cable Broadcast.
Councilmember Hanus pulled Item B and E from the Consent Agenda.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Ahrens, to approve the agenda and consent
agenda with add-on of Items F and L and the removal of Items B and E. The
roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
Hanus, Ahrens, unanimously.
Mound City Days
American Legion
Mound Volunteer Fire Department
Hanus, Ahrens, unanimously.
Hanus, Ahrens, unanimously.
Hanus, Ahrens, unanimously.
Councilmember Hanus stated on page 1698, paragraph 6, line 3 and 4 should read as
follows: "storage which was allowed to stay up for two years, after which it had to be
Councilmember Hanus stated on page 1698, paragraph 8, lines 1 and 2 should read as
follows: "Councilmember Hanus stated the City Council mentioned that if the garage could
be made conforming, he would consider approving this case, but it is not. Mr. Gray stated
the front.'
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown, to approve the April 25, 2000, minutes
as amended. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
Councilmember Hanus stated on pay 1712, the bill for installing the dock at the depot should
be charged to the park fund and not the dock fund because it is a park dock.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown, to approve the payment of bills as
amended. The roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
Duane Leisinger, representing thc Legion. Mr. Leisinger stated he has been working on a
memorial to be dedicated to the City of Mound and those people who gave their lives for the
freedom we enjoy. He stated he is asking the Mayor and the City Council to accept this
monument on behalf of the citizens of Mound. He stated a dedication and a short program
would be made on May 27, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. at Union Cemetery. Mr. Leisinger invited
City Manager Hanson, City Clerk Clark, and Park Director Fackler to the dedication as well
who have been of great assistance with the dedication. He further stated the public would be
invited with a short reception to follow.
Councilmember Hanus asked if it would be appropriate to accept this memorial at the next
meeting and accept it under a resolution or proclamation at the May 23, 2000, meeting.
Mayor Meisel agreed.
Mayor Meisel asked if Mr. Leisinger would be available for that meeting. Mr. Leisinger
stated he could not be in attendance, but he would get other representatives to be here on
May 23, 2000.
The Park Director explained the applicant was issued a slip location in 1999 on a temporary
basis until the year 2000. He stated the applicant is now requesting that his temporary use of
the slip be extended for the 2000 boating season. The Park Director stated this was
discussed at the Park Commission level and it was approved.
Commissioner Brown asked if after the year 2000, would the slip go back into a slip size for
a boat that is not larger than 24 feet. The Park Director stated the slip would not be
extended at all for the year 2001.
Jori Ayaz, 4844 Island View Drive. Mr. Ayaz explained he is requesting his 18-foot slip to
be changed to a 27-foot spot for the 2000-boat season, after which time it would be
eliminated in the year 2001. He noted staff would at some point eliminate this spot and the
year 2001 would make this possible. Mr. Ayaz further stated he would appreciate being in a
slip that is walking distance from him home in the year 2001 and allowing the City to work
with him concerning this request. He stated the reason he would like this increase is because
there were 2, 18-foot slips in his location, and the woman that shared with him, is out of the
system which opens up this space. He further explained he asked the two abutting properties
if they would have any problem with this new arrangement, and they stated this would not be
a problem with them. Mr. Ayaz would like a permanent solution until he has been moved
to a different location.
Mayor Meisel asked the Park Director if discussions and decisions would be made regarding
boat sizes on the July agenda. The Park Director agreed with this statement. Mayor Meisel
stated she is not sure if she agrees with approving a permanent, temporary slip and also
allowing a 27-foot boat in an 18-foot slip on a permanent, temporary basis as well.
Councilmember Ahrens stated because Devon is shared with a storm sewer, the ultimate goal
for the City was to remove slips in this location until there would be seven left.
Councilmember Ahrens is concerned about the large, 27 foot boat in this location. She
further stated the applicant agreed to last year that this spot was going to be a temporary spot
only for the year 1999, and then the following year, it would be removed.
The Park Director stated this spot was designated for the year 1999 as a permanent,
temporary 18- foot slip for the applicant.
The applicant asked if the dock slips at Devon are going to be made smaller to not allow
boats larger than 27 feet. Councilmember Ahrens stated she understands that this location
would be made to accommodate boats that are not bigger than 24 feet because of the small
dimensions of the location itself.
There were questions by the applicant wondering if the City of Mound was going to try and
accommodate the larger size boats that individuals are now purchasing. Mayor Meisel stated
if the City of Mound does consider this a possibility, than fees need to be discussed. She
stated Mound at this time is not in the marina business.
The applicant further requested that his site location for his 27-foot boat be approved by
combining the current two 18-foot slips into one slip for his permanent, temporary use in the
year 2000. He stated the neighbors in this location are acceptable with this solution.
Councilmember Ahrens mentioned the City of Mound needs to respect the system that has
been organized concerning the multiple slips. She stated this location was to be a temporary
spot and the applicant knew it would expire the year 2000.
Councilmember Hanus appreciates all of the applicant's work to help in accommodating this
possible change for the use of the slip.
The Park Director explained the changes in the City of Mound's dock system that will be
implemented concerning the slips sizes and that there would be limitations made on the slips
to help build a consistent and workable program for Mound. Mr. Fackler referred to page
1732 and 1733 of the minute packet.
Councilmember Weycker stated the limitations in the dock slips sizes have not been approved
at this time by City Council, but there is hope to have this done in the future.
Mr. Ayaz suggested having the City of Mound rearrange the slips and have the smaller boats
in the shallow end and the larger boats in the deeper end.
Councilmember Ahrens noted the City of Mound has designated a square footage area that it
would like to use for boats. The City of Mound does not want to have all of its shoreline,
especially in front of a park, looking like a Marina at this point in time.
Mayor Meisel suggested allowing this slip to be a temporary spot for this boating season,
based on the fact that the Dock Commissions would come back with suggestions from their
July meeting with limits on boats sizes in all multiple locations. She stated this would allow
the applicant to stay in this location for one more season, but this slip would go away next
year. Mayor Meisel further stated she does not want to make this spot a permanent,
temporary position forever. Councilmembers Hanus and Ahrens stated this was the
agreement last year, which would take away this slip this season.
Councilmember Brown suggested allowing the applicant to stay at Devon this year, and if the
water drops, he will not be docking his boat anyway. Furthermore, after this year the City
could work with the applicant by locating his boat at a different location. Councilmember
Brown suggested making the Devon slip a temporary site.
Mr. Ayaz stated he would rather be placed with a smaller boat on a specific spot next year,
such as Amhurst.
MOTION by Brown to allow the applicant to leave his boat for the 2000 season
at Devon in slip 9, and in the year 2001 to find a alternative location with the
help of staff.
The Park Director stated when a slip is dedicated as temporary, the spot would stay
temporary until it has not been renewed, and at that time, the spot would be removed.
The City Attorney stated it would appear the applicant has the right to have a 21-foot boat
which is a temporary right. The City Attorney further stated there is an underlining
continuing right to the applicant to have an 18-foot boat which would be permanent as long
as the applicant pay its dues.
Councilmember Brown's motion died for lack of a second.
Councilmember Ahrens asked the Park Director how many boats are currently located at this
site. The Park Director stated he assumed there were 7, but he could not give a certain
answer unless he checked the computer list in his office.
MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Mayor Meisel, to allow the applicant to
remain at this current dock so as long as there are no more than 7 boats at this
location, and the 27 foot boat would be allowed at this site only for the 2000
boating season.
The Park Director asked if he could be excused to check the computer listing in his office to
see if there are currently 7 boats at this location, including the applicant's.
Councilmember Brown stated this spot is temporary, permanent for the applicant until he
sells the 27-foot boat or does not pay his fees, at which time, the spot would go away.
Mayor Meisel excused Mr. Faclder and recessed at 9:05 p.m.
Mayor Meisel reconvened at 9:15 p.m.
The Park Director distributed a listing showing boat slips at the Devon location to the
Councilmembers. He stated it would appear there are 7 boats, including the applicant's
boat, at this site.
The motion was retracted by Councilmember Ahrens having received the above information
from Mr. Fackler.
MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Mayor Meisei, to approve a slip of 27-feet at
Devon for the applicant for the 2000 boating season, and in the 2001 boating
season in revert back to an 18-foot slip.
Councilmember Brown stated it seems inappropriate to remove the applicant next year as
long as he does not sell his boat and he pays his fee. He would like the Park Director to
work with the applicant for next year to allow the applicant to be placed in another slip spot.
Motion carried. 3-2 (Brown, Hanus voting nay).
Councilmember Hanus stated he is voting in the opposition because of past circumstances
and the decision from 1999 concerning this case. He wanted to remain consistent with last
year's decision.
Councilmember Brown stated he is voting in the opposition because as long as the applicant
pays his fee and he has not sold his boat, the applicant should have a right to stay in the
current slip.
The City Planner stated this matter involves a leasing situation with the water towers in
Mound. He stated there has been an interest in the past six months in wireless companies to
put antennas and/or receivers on water towers. The City Planner stated the City needs to be
proactive just to provide a spot for companies to expand and also to put the city in a position
to have this as a revenue-generating source. He stated to have up-front planning on this
project would then involve hiring a radio frequency consultant, Gary Laziact. He would like
to find out what companies have an interest in Mound and then find out how the needs would
suit the people and the company. After that point, the City would act as the leasing agent.
Mayor Meisel asked how much the study would cost for the City to be proactive. The City
Planner mentioned it would cost about $575, with an additional staff time. The City Planner
stated the revenue for the City could be as high as $20,000 per year, per company.
Councilmember Hanus asked what the nature of the radio frequency consultant would entail.
The City Planner stated he would do a search on the companies interested and find out what
the needs of the City are, what equipment was required, and then find out the company's
frequency ranges.
Councilmember Hanus is concerned the City could do this investigation itself by drafting a
letter to that degree.
The City Planner stated the study would also discover who needs to be on the top of the
tower and what the needs of those involved would be.
The City Manager stated the hiring of the consultant would inform the city of the frequencies
that are out there and what companies need the high ones and what companies could settle
for the low frequencies. With this thought, the City could then make more money with it
organized in such a fashion.
Councilmember Hanus is concerned about this project because of the US West experience the
City of Mound encountered.
The City Planner stated there are ground facilities of a concern as well.
Councilmember Weycker asked if Mr. Laziact was experienced in this area. The City
Planner stated he works for Owl Engineering and this is his career and he would have some
insight to bring to Mound as well with this topic.
Mayor Meisel suggested allowing the study to be made by the radio frequency consultant, but
having the costs capped at $1,000. Councilmember Weycker agreed.
Councilmember Hanus stated the main benefit for this consultant is the planning purposes for
the use of the tower space.
Councilmember Ahrens asked what the recourse would be if companies are assigned a
location of the tower. The City Planner stated if a company wants a better spot than what
the City of Mound recommends they could pay the higher price. The locations on the
towers would be leased for five years.
MOTION by Mayor Meisel, seconded by Brown, to hire a radio frequency
consultant with a cap of $1,000 for his fee and staff. The vote was unanimously
in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
James Prosser presented the storm water rates. He further thanked the City of Mound's staff
for their help. Mr. Prosser explained there would appear to be approximately 1 million
dollars for capital improvements in this category. He stated to set the rates he compared
other cities rates and other structures. He gave examples of what the costs would be
increased in an apartment, condominium and house of certain size and cost.
Councilmember Ahrens asked why cities that have already accomplished a lot of their capital
improvements are still collecting funds for this cause. Mr. Prosser stated each city has to
find out what the level of protection has been decided and then they decide if the monies
should keep being collected to look for the future.
Councilmember Hanus asked if the ordinance in place would require another public hearing.
Mr. Prosser stated Mound does require a public hearing for this change, and suggested
sending out a preliminary mailing to the community and have a public information sessions,
like an open house, to look at the projects at hand and discuss the rate structures or impact it
would have on the people.
The City Manager stated it increases the buy-in and this causes less objections at the time the
program is implemented.
Mayor Meisel stated there are a lists of recommendations on page 1746 that need to be
addressed before the public hearing.
The City Manager stated staff needs to review the recommendations and also find out what
the general operations.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Ahrens, to table the storm water rates
recommendation until the first meeting in June, 2000. The vote was unanimously
in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
James Prosser discussed the key financial strategies workshop for the City Council to
consider attending now that the City Manager is on board. He stated the workshops last
generally 1 1/2 hours long for four sessions. He stated a lot of work is done in the interim.
Mr. Prosser stated this workshop could be completed in six months. The City Manager
would like this completed before the next six months because of pending projects, budget
approaching, and the tower.
The City Manager suggested the workshop to be set for June 20, 2000, which would have
normally been a COW meeting.
Councilmember Ahrens suggested having the meeting over the dinner hour. Mr. Prosser
stated the City Council could pick a council meeting night, with the workshop beginning at
5:30 p.m. and ending before the HRA meeting at 7:00 p.m. The meeting suggested was
June 27, 2000, at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Prosser recommended there are capital improvement needs, in the range of 2 million
dollars, that need to be discussed and this may start in a planning stage now so it would not
hold up any of the redevelopment project.
Mayor Meisel suggested having the capital improvements looked at together, and nothing
being initiated before then. The City Manager agreed.
James Prosser stated he has already presented a communications plan in the packet and if
there were any further discussions, he would gladly address those concerns. The goal of
such a communication plan is to make the people understand why projects are being done
and when they are to be completed.
Councilmember Hanus asked about the press release cost. Mr. Prosser stated this is
basically making sure that it conforms with the everything which is about 5-7 hours of time.
He stated the City can certainly do this on their own as well.
Councilmember Hanus asked what the hourly rate is on the communications individual being
hired by Mound. Mr. Prosser stated she is paid about $95 per hour.
Councilmember Brown stated the City does not need a hotline. The City Manager stated the
hotline would be a recorder that would record those questions and then the questions would
be written down by the City Manager and passed on to the appropriate individual with the
appropriate answers.
Councilmember Ahrens is concemed having the public calling the consultants and being
charged for each call being made. Evidently, Mr. Chamberlain he received 20 calls last
week which were charged to the City. The City Manager stated Mr. Chamberlain's name
will be taken off of the newsletter because of the additional unnecessary expenses being
added to the City. The City Manager's name will be listed rather.
Councilmember Ahrens would also appreciate Mr. Chamberlain not returning the calls if he
receives anymore.
Councilmember Hanus noticed the biggest expense item is the briefing book. He questioned
if we really need this book because of the input being received weekly from Mr. Prosser.
The consensus agreed the weekly briefings are great and they would like to stick with this
type of communication as well as the Q & A updates.
Mayor Meisel mentioned an update with the public on the redevelopment for May 16, 2000,
at 7:30 a.m. and whether this appointment is going to work with the City Manager as well as
Councilmembers. The consensus agreed this meeting could be postponed until June 6, at
7:30 a.m., when more redevelopment work would have progressed.
The City Manager mentioned that staff should prepare for a presentation on the update in
redevelopment of Mound for the June 6, 2000, meeting.
The consensus agreed to keep items 2, 3, 4, 5 (questionable) and 7 (keep for now, but take
off Mr. Chamberlain's name and replacing it with the City Manager's name) from the
communications list.
Mr. Prosser suggested having the City hand out a chronology listing of the redevelopment at
the public scheduled meetings.
Mayor Meisel asked if there were any changes to the communications plan agreement.
Councilmember Weycker suggested on page 1776, the park commission should be listed as
an organization that would be giving information concerning the green space.
Councilmember Brown explained the Planning Commission was confused regarding what
exact organization members were being appointed for. He stated because there was
confusion, the Planning Commission tabled this matter.
Mayor Meisel explained the City Council was suppose to bring back some names that could
be included for the advisory committee to answer the 10 questions concerning the green
space. Councilmember Brown suggested Keith Johnson; Councilmember Weycker suggested
Sue Cathers or Lynn Peterson; and Mayor Meisel suggested John Wagman (a retired
engineer). Mayor Meisel recommended putting the names in an enclosed item and drawing
two of the names to serve on the committee.
The City Manager asked which names were suggested previous to tonight's meeting to serve
on the advisory committee. Mayor Meisel stated they were Kim Anderson, Wayne
Ehlebracht, a Park Commission member, and two more citizens from tonight's meeting. She
explained the first meeting would be planned for May 17, 2000.
The City Manager stated they would be taking the square-foot rate approach regarding soccer
fields and other fields and this would be a rough estimate based on the market, but a good
The City Manager further stated she would like uses of the green space. Peter Meyer stated
they are used for football, soccer, one Babe Ruth field, one baseball field, and outdoor
The names drawn to serve on the advisory committee were John Wagman and Lynn
Mayor Meisel asked if these items should be planned into the capital improvement plan that
Mr. Prosser was suggesting earlier this evening. The Park Director stated the Park and
Open Space Committee ("POSC') wanted to present their list of items for budgeting earlier
enough for the Councilmembers convenience.
John Beise, 1665 Eagle Lane. Mr. Beise is the Chair of the POSC. He stated because of
confusion in previous years, he wanted to get the recommendation of the POSC to the
Councilmembers as soon as possible to allow for budgeting in the year 2001. He stated
these 11 items are in no order of importance.
Councilmember Brown asked if it would be possible to get the 11 items in a priority of
Mr. Beise stated that is possible, but the POSC would rather keep the items in the order
presented and then have the Councilmembers recommend what they would suggest is most
Mayor Meisel questioned the adopt a green space program. Mr. Beise explained the adopt a
green space program is having the person taking the responsibility of the project, and the
money budgeted for this project may be for dirt, watering, or other needs.
Mayor Meisel suggested having the City water the plants because of the problem with being
such a distance from a place where someone could retrieve water for these plants.
Furthermore, there would be consideration with this program when the new downtown
development has been completed.
Mayor Meisel questioned the Sorbo and Highland Parks budget item. Mr. Meyer stated
Highland Park has a safety issue concerning the sewer manhole that should be addressed, but
both parks there is settling and the topography needs to be leveled out and reseeded. The
Park Director also mentioned having a surveyor come out and get the job done.
Councilmember Ahrens stated the budget for trees and bushes would be a good start, but the
allowance did not seem very high.
Councilmember Weycker commented the items were not prioritized intentionally to allow an
open mind discussion with the Councilmembers regarding the 11 budgeted items, which was
dwindled down from 20 initially. She further stated these items have been on the budget for
the last four years.
Mayor Meisel stated she would like to see the usage plan for IP Hall prior to June 27, 2000,
Councilmember Hanus questioned the Swenson Park item and asked if it was being
considered redone for the purpose of code or for the purpose of the old look. The Park
Director stated the equipment is old and should be replaced. He stated it would all need to
brought up to code if it was only adjusted.
Mayor Meisel stated the City would need to sell bonds to accommodate this budget plan the
POSC has presented, and there would be a need to show the usage of the bond.
Councilmember Brown explained just from tonight's meeting, four additional meetings have
been set that the City Council would normally not be attending.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Weycker, to increase the Mayor and City
Council salaries $100 per month for the year 2001.
Councilmember Weycker thought what they are getting paid was a good amount compared to
other cities their size. She also recommended the City Council needs to work at minimizing
their time and maximizing their work. Councilmember Weycker stated by canceling the
COW, they have already received a pay raise.
Mayor Meisel stated part of what the elected official is all about is attending the required
Councilmember Weycker noticed the most discrepancy was with the Mayor's salary and this
is due to the public comments and special meetings that have fallen onto the Mayor's
responsibilities because of the redevelopment.
Councilmember Hanus stated the ordinance being proposed by staff mentioned a $25 stiffen
for special meetings and special meetings would be defined as "a noticed council meeting.'
Councilmember Ahrens does not like the ordinance proposed by staff because she thinks
other Councilmembers could abuse it in the future.
MOTION DENIED. 1-4, (Brown voting aye).
Councilmember Weycker would like to see how the proposed ordinance works out.
City Manager stated she is hearing some state of exhaustion from all of the meetings attended
by the Councilmembers. She suggested she would get articles in the Councilmember packets
as informational items and then discussions may arise from time to time about some articles
regarding time management. The Councilmembers agreed.
The City Manager stated the City Clerk informed her the year 2000 rate for the City Clerk's
position is a .33 difference rate per hour than what the City Manager is being paid currently.
The City Clerk suggested to the City Manager to leave her salary at the rate it was before
the City Manager came on board. The City Manager stated there is a pay equity plan and a
foundation for the basis of compensation of people that work for the City, and for this reason
only, she would not encourage the Councilmembers to lean towards the City Clerk's
suggestion of compensation.
Councilmember Hanus stated the City Clerk was put into a tough position as Acting City
Manager who, given the circumstances, did a fine job for the City of Mound.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Brown, to award the City Clerk a
$5,000 bonus for fulfilling her duties as Acting City Manager. The vote was
unanimously in favor. Motion carried. $-0.
The City Manager stated there have been priorities established by Mercer as well as the City
Council. She is concerned if there are any specifics the Councilmembers would like the City
Manager to address and be sensitive to a topic and devoting extra time to this special topic.
Mayor Meisel suggested time being set up to discuss the Administrative Policy and a Comp.
Worth Policy. She further stated light duty comes into play with this Policy.
Councilmember Ahrens mentioned setting up some type of retirement plan or health
contributions plan. Mayor Meisel wanted a plan that all qualified members would be able to
contribute and keep the City afloat as well.
The City Manager stated there are two people wanting to retire this year and is working on
this plan.
Councilmember Weycker would like to set up a bi-annual staff review for the City Manager.
Mayor Meisel stated there is good documentation from the league that could be used.
Councilmember Ahrens mentioned to have the City Manager seen by as many businesses in
town as possible to help out the redevelopment. The City Manager stated she only shops in
Mound and does mention to the clerk who she is when she is paying. She further stated
whenever she can she is in the public eye, such at the school board and the rotary party.
Mayor Meisel stated she has heard positive feedback about the City Manager.
Councilmember Ahrens stated they have been a City Council that has been known to pass
zero increases on the levies.
The City Manager stated each project should be assigned a specific project number by
consultants so the bills are coded properly, so the dollars get eventually passed back to the
1. Finance Department Reports: Finance Director Gino Businaro A. Annual Report
B. Revenues & Expenditures Report: March, 2000.
C. Investments Repons: April 18, 2000.
2. LMC Memorandum: Board of Directors Vacancies.
3. Friday Fax.
4. AMM Fax.
5. Suburban Rate Authority Minutes: April 19, 2000.
6. Dock and Commons Advisory Board Commission Minutes: April 20, 2000.
7. LMCD Minutes: March 22, 2000.
8. Advisory Park and Open Space Commission Minutes: April 13, 2000.
9. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rule revisions.
10. We really need a Special Legislative Session, don't we.
11. May, 2000, calendar.
12. Minnetonka Cable Broadcast.
The City Manager stated there is an opportunity to repeat the City Council meetings
on Saturdays at 1:30 p.m. She stated all of her programming is not making way to
the public. The City Manager approved this change of programming.
Councilmember Hanus stated the City of Mound is on a temporary agreement with
the cable broadcast, and the City was going to audit them to determine how the studio
hours were be used. The City Manager was directed to follow up with this project.
13. The City Manager routed her business card to all City Councilmembers.
14. Councilmember Ahrens asked about the CBD and the possibility of a hearing date
being set. Mayor Meisel stated this topic will be discussed in a June, 2000, meeting.
MOTION by Ahrens, seconded by Weycker, to adjourn the meeting at 11:44
p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 5-0.
Attest: City Clerk
Kandis Hanson, City Manager
DATE: MAY 9: ?nnn
$ 69,217.13
$ 7,816.48
TOTAL BILLS $190,148.14