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PLEASE TURN OFF CELX.. PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. . .. , ._ .. _M, _, . _ . __ ,... _ ....._ . __ , .. ___ _ ._. _. ~.__-~ ~- -, CITY OF M(~UNll P91SS1QN STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork acid cooperation,'pmvides at a rea~~nable '. " cost, qualityservices that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and tlourishing community. t AGENDA ~~~ 1~~~' ~~IOL~iD CITY CGUNCIL TUESllAY, MAY 22, 2QU,7 - ,:30 IM'. REGLiLAR METING NIOCiND CITY CGUNII C~ANIBEI2~ *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve meeting minutes: May 8, 2007 regular meeting 4109-4112 May 10, 2007 joint CC/PC meeting 4113 • *B. Approve payment of claims 4114-4131 *C. Approve Pay Request No. 8 by Magney Construction for work on 4132-4135 Well #3 Pumphouse Project in the amount of $6,023.00 *D. Approve recommendation from Parks, Open Space and Docks 4136-4141 Advisory Commission for expenditure for stairway repair at Bluebird Lane, Canary Lane and Devon Commons in the amount of $8,388.00 *E. Approve continuation of Central Business District (CBD) Program 4142 *F. Approve applications for Mound Fire Department Fish Fry 1. 3.2 malt liquor permit 2. Consumption and Display permit (set-ups) 3. Public dance permit 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker.) 6. Action extending contract for architectural services with Architectural Alliance 4143-4146 for conceptual stage of Public Works Maintenance Facility Project •7. Action approving Guidelines for Electronic Communications between 4147-4155 Councilmembers, as recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 8. Planning Commission Case #07-11 4156-4260 Halstead Pointe sketch plan • 6625/6627/6639 Bartlett Boulevard Applicant: Zweber LLC 9. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Comments/reports from Council Members B. Reports: C. Correspondence: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District 4261-4268 10. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofmound.com. • • COUNCIL BRIEFING May 22, 2007 .Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! May 22 - 7:25 -Regular HRA meeting May 22 - 7:30 -Regular CC meeting June 2 - 8:00-12:00 noon -Police Auction June 2 - 3:00-12:00 -Fire Department Fish Fry June 4 -12:00 noon -DARE Open June 12 - 6:30 -Regular HRA meeting June 12 - 7:30 -Regular CC meeting June 14 - 7:00 -Music in the Park June 15 - 7:00-12:00 -City Golf June 15 - 12:00 -Social at the "Ritter Ranch" June 21 - 7:00 -Music in the Park June 26 - 6:30 -Regular HRA meeting June 26 - 7:30 -Regular CC meeting June 28 - 7:00 -Music in the Park June 27-29 - LMC Conference July 12 - 7:00 -Music in the Park July 19-21 -Spirit of the Lakes Festival, starting with Music in the Park July 26 - 7:00 -Music in the Park C7 Aug 16 - 5:00 -City Employee Appreciation Picnic Sept 14 - 6:30 -Taste of the Lakes Nov 15 - 6:00 -Tree Lighting Ceremony Citv Hall Closings May 28 July 4 .Sept 3 Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Absences June 6-9 Kandis Hanson Kurtz's FBI Graduation June 29 -July 4 Kandis Hanson Vacation Oct 6-10 Kandis Hanson ICMA Conf ~~~ y~ ..... ....... k~ MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MAY 8, 2007 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Mike Specht, John Beise, and Greg Skinner Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community. Development Director Sarah Smith, Finance Director Gino Businaro, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Ken Perbix, Janie Skinner, Greg Pederson, Cheryl Martin, Mary Tietjen, Amanda Schwarze. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be roufine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. • 2. Pledge. of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Mayor Hanus requested the addition of Item 9A, consideration of Resolution Approving Mediated Settlement of Disputed Claim MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Specht requested the removal of Item 4B for discussion. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to approve the consent agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of April 24, 2007 regular meeting B. (removed) C. Approve Final Payment Request by EBI Drilling, Inc. in the amount of $5,211..35 for the Harrison Bay Watermain Crossing Project D. Approve Payment Request No. 2 by Graham Penn-Co in the amount of $486,552.57 for the Transit District Project -4109- Mound City Council Minutes -May 8, 2007 • E. RESOLUTION N0.07-43: RESOLUTION MAKING A SELECTION NOT TO WAIVE THE STATUTORY TORT LIMITS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE PURPOSES F. RESOLUTION NO. 07-44: RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION OF METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES .ACT LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT G. Approve Public Gathering Permit for Minnetonka Classic Bass Club weigh-in for fishing tournament. H. RESOLUTION N0.07-45: RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP AS RELATED TO THE SOUTHWEST TRAILS SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION 4A. Approve payment of claims Specht questioned what the bill from Frank Madden & Associates for $1,224.60. Businaro presented him with a copy of the bill. MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to approve payment of the claims in the amount of $280,579.54. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens orr any item not on the agenda. Cheryl Martin, 2434 Commerce Blvd., stated that the Spirit of the Lakes Festival buttons are now on sale. • 6. Public hearing Review and action on an Ordinance Amending City Code Sections 350.310 (Definitions) and 350.670 (Allowable Uses -Business and Industrial Districts) of the City Code as they relate to the Zoning Ordinance. Sarah Smith informed the Council that this ordinance follows directive given to staff in December of 2006 by the Planning Commission following an inquiry from a local organization regarding placement of a garden shed to allow for storage of their lawn maintenance equipment. The proposed ordinance amendment was unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m., and upon hearing no public comment, closed the hearing at 7:42 p.m. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to pass the following ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 06-2007: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 350.310 AND 350.670 OF THE CITY CODE AS THEY RELATE TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 2 -4110- Mound City Council Minutes -May 8, 2007 • 7. Fire Chief Gre Pederson re ortin on the le al sale of fireworks. Pederson presented the Council with the results of research directed by the council regarding sale of fireworks out of a temporary structure. He found that it is unlawful for the City to prohibit or restrict the display and sales of legal fireworks in either permanent or temporary outlets that comply with National Fire Protection Association Standard 1124. Hanus suggested that zoning restrictions should also be considered, and the fact that parking in the area where the tent sales occurred last year is minimal, and by adding the tent it took even more parking spaces away. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Skinner to adopt the following recommendations of staff: a. Continue to utilize the existing/current City of Mound Fireworks Ordinance as is until the review, updates, and improvements have been completed by city staff and the revised ordinance is approved by the City Council; b. Direct the city staff to review the current City of Mound Fireworks Ordinance in detail and make any/all necessary improvements and updates including a requirement for all retail outlets to comply with NFPA Standard 1124; c. Upon completion of the additions and updates to the ordinance, submit the updated ordinance to the City Council for approval; • d. In the end, continue to allow both permanent and temporary retail sales outlets of legalized fireworks within the City of Mound (i.e., leave ordinance as is currently) as per Minnesota State Statute 624:20. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. Reauest for action granting authority to secure conditional purchase agreements for a possible Public Works Maintenance Facility Project Carlton Moore requested that the City Council authorize negotiation of conditional purchase agreements with the three property owners willing to sell to the City for a site for the proposed Public Works Maintenance Facility. He stated that this is strictly to find out what site prices are and doesn't tie the city into any purchases. Hanus and Osmek stated that they would like to see the architect's concept plans before seeking prices on proposed sites. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to table this item until the first meeting in June: The following voted in favor: Osmek, Specht and Hanus. The following voted against: Beise and Skinner. Motion carried. 9. Closed Session -Purpose: Consideration of matter of pending litigation At 8:19 p.m. legal counsel announced that the Council will go into closed session so that they can be provided information and recommendation on how to proceed with a • pending litigation with Buffalo Bituminous on the 2005 Street Project. 3 -4111- Mound City Council Minutes -May 8, 2007 • The Council reconvened to open session at 8:44 p.m. 9A. ConsiderationlAction on Resolution Approving Mediated Settlement of Disputed -Claim MOTION by Specht, seconded by Osmek to adopt the following resolution pursuant to the closed session and direction of legal counsel. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 07-46: RESOLUTION APPROVING MEDfATED SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTED CLAIM 10..2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Management Letter MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to acknowledge receipt of the 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Management Letter and direct Councilmembers to contact the City Manager if they have any questions regarding such. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 11. Award of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Finance Director Gino Businaro Kandis Hanson presented the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Gino Businaro, stressing that this is the 18t" consecutive year that he has received this prestigious award. • 12. Miscellaneous/Correspondence A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits - Apri12007 Finance Dept -April 2007 Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission - 4/12/07 C. Correspondence: Gillespie Gazette newsletter DARE open registration 13. Adjourn MOTION by Specht, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 8:54 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 4 -4112- DRAFT • JOINT PARKS, OPENS SPACE AND DOCK ADVISORY COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 10, 2007 Present: Chair Mike Mason, Vice Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Don Heywood, Pat Meisel Mayor Mark Hanus, Council Members David Osmek, Mike Specht Others Present: Park Superintendent Jim Fackler, Administrative Assistant Vicki Weber Chair Mason called meeting called to order 6:34 p.m Discuss Park Planning: Mason thanked everyone for coming and stated the purpose of meeting is to discuss park improvements. Our current park systems does not need to grow, but it does need improvement. We need to figure out how to best utilize a park space. Mason doesn't want to focus on the deficiencies, but the potential. He would like the City to consider utilizing park planning. Osmek stated Watertown has park planning and they utilized students • from Mankato State University to create a plan for them. Mason stated we don't need to develop a master plan at this time, but would like to develop the concept of planning. The City needs to look at a concept to see if it makes sense. The POSDAC doesn't have the background to do park planning. We need someone with a greater scope of knowledge. Fackler stated when the parks were formed, the developers didn't give us the best land, a lot of the parcels are not the choice parcels and were restricted by the size of our parcels. Mason is pursuing talking to other cities to see how they went about their park planning. Heywood asked if there is a possibility of working with other communities. Mason said he would welcome a round table discussion with other communities to discuss what they do in regarding to park planning. Mason thanked everyone for coming and asked Fackler to contact other communities to see what sources they've utilized for Park Planning. Commission will also contact cities to see what resources they've identified. • Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm. -4113- MAY 22, 2007 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 050907SUE $502,992.01 MAY 051607SUE $8,584.96. MAY 052207S U E $256, 360.52 M AY TOTAL $767,937.49 C7 -4114- i• CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 Batch Name 052207SUE Payments User Dollar Amt $256,360.52 Computer Dollar Amt $256,360.52 $0.00 In Balance 05/17/07 1:51 PM Page 1 Refer 52207 3D SPECIALTIES Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms VESTS $39.88 Invoice 423855-A 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms VESTS $39.88 Invoice 423855-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms VESTS $39.87 Invoice 423855-C 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms PANTS $37.43 Invoice 423905-A 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms PANTS $37.43 Invoice 423905-B 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $194.49 Refer 52207 A-1 RENTAL OF LAKE MINNETONK _ Cash Payment E 101-45000-500 Capital Outlay FA CONC VIBRATOR $42.94 Invoice 40655 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Welis Fargo 10100 Total $42.94 -Refer 52207 ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY, IN Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR VAC-CON UNIT $634.32 Invoice 0111403-IN 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $634.32 Refer 52207 ACTION RADIO AND COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RACK INSTALLATION $170.40 Invoice 5204 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $170.40 Refer 52207 AMUNDSON, M. LLP _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES $713.49 Invoice 13939 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $713.49 Refer 52207 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $124.75 Invoice 463713506 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $188.60 Invoice 378712910 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $313.35 Refer 52207 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,235.75 Invoice 40808900 5!22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $167.99 Invoice 42938100-A 5/22!2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES $131.35 • Invoice 42938100-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,434.70 Invoice 40832000 5/22/2007 -4115- Clty Of MOUnt~ 05/17/07 1:51 PM Page 2 ', Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $270.50 Invoice 40768300 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise Por R CREDIT--MERCHANDISE -$8.40 Invoice 42911700 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,101.95 Invoice 40766600-A 5!22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $304.00 Invoice 40766600-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $192.15 Invoice 40754700 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5!8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,829.99 Refer 52207 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 04-07 MOUND BAY PARK $23.70 Invoice W321897 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 04-07 SKATEPARK $203.64 Invoice W321898 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $227.34 Refer 52207 BIG SKY RACKS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies LOCKING MOUNT FOR RIFLES $314.90 Invoice 50476 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $314.90 Refer 52207 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUP _ Cash Payment E 101-41910-200 Office Supplies REPLACEMENT BATTERY $20.10 Invoice 96092131 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.10 Refer 52207 BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNT _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-203 Printed Forms UTILITY BILLS $552.34 Invoice 37729 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-203 Printed Forms UTILITY BILLS $552.33 Invoice 37729 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,104.67 Refer 52207 CAROUEST OF NAVARRE (P/W) _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #195 U-JOINT REPAIR KITS $31.08 Invoice 6974-36849 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #175 GASKET SET $39.39 Invoice 6974-36821 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.47 Refer 52207 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $499.00 Invoice 48737 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $356.00 Invoice 47429 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $855.00 Refer 52207 CENTERPO/NT ENERGY (MINNEG _ _,. Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5714383 $707.54 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 •i •i • -4116- i• ', CITY ®F MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5728173 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5731601 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities 03.19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5731601 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5731601 Invoice 052207 5/22!2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5762358 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5765631 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #5765631 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 03-19-07 THRU 04-17-07 #6093897 05/17/07 1:51 PM Page 3 $1,010.08 $314.56 $314.56 $314.56 $240.65 $451.15 $451.16 $229.62 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,033.88 Refer 52207 CHADWICK, MERTZ, BLEDSAW AN _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees 04-07 PROSECUTION SERVICES $5,435.12 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 .Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ,$5,435.12 Refer 52207 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $480.40 Invoice 0178195312 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $480.40 Refer 52207 CONCEPT LANDSCAPING _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material BLUFFS SAND BLANKET $795.00 Invoice 2510 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 _. . Total $795.00 Refer 52207 COOKS, J.P. COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies COLOR SPECIALTY STAMP $29.50 Invoice 586223 5/22!2007 PO 20103 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $29.50 Refer 52207 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic 05-07 COPIER MAINTENANCE $9.17 Invoice 84213-A 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 05-07 COPIER MAINTENANCE $9.17 Invoice 84213-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic 05-07 COPIER MAINENANCE $9.16 Invoice 84213-C 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic 04-07 COPIER MAINTENANCE $396.00 Invoice 83976-A 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41910-200 Office Supplies TONER $8.52 Invoice 83976-B 5/22/2007 transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $432.02 Refer 52207 CROWN STAMP AND ENGRAVING -4117- J ~, CITY OF MOUND City of Mound 05/17/07 1:51 PM Page 4 Payments Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies SUBJECT STAMP Invoice 0169881- IN 5/22/2007 PO 20707 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 52207 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 409969 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 409968 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 409185 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 409018 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 409019 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Totat Refer 52207 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $28.17 $28.17 $55.90 $2,944.80 $648.50 $1,068.52 $39.00 $4,756.72 Cash Payment E 401-46590-300 Professional Srvs 04-07 PARKS AND P/W FACILITY $2,520.00 Invoice 334883 5/22/2007 Project 08900 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,520.00 Refer 52207 FIRE CONTROL EXTINGUISHER Cash Payment E 609-49750-409 Other Equipment Repair 2007 FIRE EXTINGIUSHER MAINTENANCE Invoice 42225 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 52207 FRANK MADDEN AND ASSOCIATE $25:00 ~i •i Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs 04-07 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $1,985.00 Invoice 052207 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,985.00 Refer 52207 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 03-06-07 UNIFORMS $13.74 Invoice 6261109 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 03-06-07 MATS $49.08 Invoice 6261109 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-08-07 UNIFORMS $16.42 Invoice 6319315 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 05-08-07 MATS $57.88 Invoice 6319315 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 05-08-07 MATS $156.80 Invoice 6319314 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-01-07 UNIFORMS $64.41 Invoice 6312785 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-01-07 UNIFORMS $34.53 Invoice 6312785 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-01-07 UNIFORMS $38.36 Invoice 6312785 Cash Payment 5/22/2007 E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 05-01-07 MATS • $32.15 Invoice 6312785 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 05-01-07 MATS $32.15 Invoice 6312785 5/22/2007 $25.00 -4118- ',` ~v~ • CITY CIF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 $54.75 $1,989.72 $95.00 $3,302.80 $33.50 $434.35 $247.35 $3,288.75 -$186.85 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 05-01-07 MATS $32.15 Invoice 6312785 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 05-08-07 MATS $78.43 Invoice 6319311 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 04-24-07 UNIFORMS $16.42 Invoice 6306331 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 04-24-07 MATS $50.47 Invoice 6306331 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 05-01-07 UNIFORMS $13.74 Invoice 6312786 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 05-01-07 UNIFORMS $49.08 Invoice 6312786 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $735.81 Refer 52207 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Cash Payment E 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies 04-25-07 HOT/COLD COOLER $6.71 Invoice 6113741 5!22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6.71 Refer 52207 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $924.25 Invoice 90681 5!2212007 transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $924.25 Refer 52207 GR/GGS COOPER AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 589663 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 589662 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 589661 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 589660 5!22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 582628 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 586267 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 586266 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 586265 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT--LIQUOR Invoice 721840 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 52207 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601-49400-227 Chemicals Invoice 1062962 5/22/2007 .Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Refer 52207 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 5167790 5/22/2007 05/17/07 1:5'1 PM Page 5 10100 Total $9,259.37 CHLORINE CYLINDERS $50.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 CLAMPS $181.85 -4119- City of Mound 05/17/07 1:51 PM I~~ Page 6 Payments • CITY OF MQUND Current Period: May 2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $181.85 Refer 52207 HECKLER AND KOCH, /NCORPOR Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program SUB-MACHINE GUNS $2,362.00 Invoice 90002393 5/22!2007 PO 20057 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Totai $2,362.00 Refer 52207 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts DOCK TRANSITION RAMP $296.10 Invoice 75706 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $296.10 Refer u52207 HENNEPIN COUNTY/NFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-418 Other Rentals 04-07 RADIO LEASE $1,891.48 Invoice 27048034 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,891.48 Refer 52207 HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WOR _ Cash Payment E 401-43107-300 Professional Srvs PERMIT #06-07 TEMP RIGHT OF WAY $1,111.50 Invoice HCRR01730 5/22/2007 Project PW0701 Cash Payment E 401-43107-300 Professional Srvs PERMIT #04-07 UNDERGROUND $750.00 WATERMAIN CROSSING Invoice HCRR10730 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Project PW0701 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,861.50 • Refer 52207 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 03-07 BOOKING/PROCESSING FEE $769.79 Invoice 1493 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $769.79 Refer 52207 HENRY SCHEIN _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies NITF2ILE GLOVES $36.64 Invoice 3612393-01 5/22/2007 PO 20099 Transaction Date 5!8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $36.64 Refer 52207 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $373.90 Invoice 418566 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373:90 Refer 52207 HO/SINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, 1 Cash Payment G 101-22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 04-07 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $337.50 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 04-07 MISC PLANNING CASES $484.15 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment G 101-23077 Halstead Point #06-02 04-07 HALSTED POINTE $776.64 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment G 101-23089 MHR Phase II Auditors Road 04-07 LOST IAKE GREENWAY PHASE II $674.25 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Project PW0708 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 04-07 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN $7,614.36 Invoice 052207 5/22!2007 Project 06002 Cash Payment G 101-23089 MHR Phase II Auditors Road 04-07 LOST LAKE GREENWAY $1,332.75 • Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Project PW0708 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,219.65 -4120- i• / l CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 Refer 52207 IKON OFFICE MACHINES _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and copying 04-24-07 THRU 07-23-07 COPIER MAINTENANCE Invoice 5005636915 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 52207 INFRATECH 05/17/07 1:51 PM Page 7 $375.00 Total $375.00 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials LATEX GLOVES $30.04 Invoice 0700222 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.04 Refer 52207 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #844 OIL CHANGE Invoice 23500 5/22/2007 PO 20111 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs EXPEDITION OIL, TIRE ROTATION Invoice 23439 5/22/2007 PO 20111 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #847 TAP AND HELI COIL Invoice 23422 5/22/2007 PO 20111 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #843 TIRE REPAIR, OIL FILTER Invoice 23428 5/22/2007 PO 20111 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #843 TIRE REPAIR Invoice 23474 5/22/2007 PO 20111 ash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #840 OIL CHANGE Invoice 23475 5/22/2007 PO 20111 Transaction Date 5/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 52207 JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR $30.01 $51.01 $419.34 $48.01 $21.00 $30.01 Total $599.38 Cash Payment E 101-43100-460 Janitorial Services 05-07 CLEANING SERVICE $51.12 Invoice MIN05070517-A 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-460 Janitorial Services 05-07 CLEANING SERVICE $51.12 Invoice MIN05070517-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services 05-07 CLEANING SERVICE $51.12 Invoice MIN05070517-C 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 05-07 CLEANING SERVICE $1,227.95 Invoice MIN05070518 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services 05-07 CLEANING SERVICE $736.98 Invoice MIN05070519 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,118.29 Refer 52207 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1254720 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1254721 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1254722 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1254723 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR •tnvoice 1254724 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT-LIQUOR Invoice 343097 5/22/2007 $641.25 $1,154.22 $27.49 $1,681.96 $0.00 -$9.95 -4121- .`\ City of Mound o5/17ro7 1Page 8 /, Payments : • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $223.75 Invoice 1251145 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $406.40 Invoice 1251144 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,259.24 Invoice 1251143 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,763.76 Invoice 1251142 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,148.12 Refer 52207 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services 05-12-07 RECYCLE DAY $67.14 Invoice 051207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies KITCHEN SUPPLIES $27.00 Invoice 051407 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $94.14 Refer 52207 LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER CO _ Cash Payment E 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense AWARDS BANQUET $20.00 Invoice 7-162 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Welis Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 52207 LAKE M/NNETONKA CONSERVATI • Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2ND QTR LEVY PAYMENT $5,909.75 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 .Total $5,909.75 Refer 52207 LAKE RESTORATION, INC. Cash Payment E 675-49425-440 Other Contractual Servic BEACHWOOD POND TREATMENT $519.45 Invoice 48330 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $519.45 Refer 52207 LAKER NEWSPAPER Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 04-28-07 AMEND #350 $7.97 Invoice 4287 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7.97 Refer 52207 LOE, DAN _ Cash Payment R 281-45210-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $150.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 52207 MARK Vl/ DISTRIBUTOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $10.00 Invoice 177029-8 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale LIQUOR $5,386.05 Invoice 187536 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $11.40 Invoice 187537 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,407.45 • Refer 52207 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-16-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $34.10 Invoice 19046 5/22/2007 -4122- City of Mound 05/17/07 1:51 PM ~~`'"_.__ ~, Page 9 • Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-19-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $149.60 Invoice 19069 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-23-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $28.60 Invoice 19081 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-26-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $213.40 Invoice 19104 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-26-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $20.40 Invcice 19108 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight 04-30-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $20.90 Invoice 2+229 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5!8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $467.00 Refer 52207 MARTIN-MCALLISTER _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-306 Personal Testing ASSESSMENT, FbURNIER, MIKE $350.00 Invoice 5483 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $350.00 Refer 52207 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS 06-07 WASTEWATER $53,032.61 Invoice 0000846660 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $53,032.61 • Refer 52207 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance 04-16-07 WINDOW WASH $64.97 Invoice 56037092 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $64.97 Refer 52207 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 05-07 MOUND BUSINESS $90.00 Invoice 7901 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.00 Refer 52207 M/NNETRlSTA, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training EMERGENCY RESPONSE CARDS $20.00 Invoice 1151 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14!2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 .. Refer 52207 MORGAN, STAN AND ASSOCIATE Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR WALK IN DOOR $293.00 Invoice 54438 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $293.00 Refer 52207 MOUND CRIME PREVENTION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising DARE SPONSOR FEE $550.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $550.00 Refer 52207 MOUND F1RE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment E 895-49990-124 Fire Pens Contrib 05-07 FIRE RELIEF $10,485,83 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 • Transaction Date ,5/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,485.83 Refer 52207 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals 06-07 COMMON AREA MAINATENANCE $629.03 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 -4123- __._;\ City of Mound 05/17/07 Page 10 /~ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Transaction Date 5/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $629.03 Refer 52207 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 04-19-07 BLACKTOP $507.13 Invoice 130515 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 450-46388-300 Professional Srvs 04-19-07 TRANSIT PARKING RAMP $983.27 Invoice 130516 5/22!2007 Project 0 6001 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,490.40 Refer 52207 NAPA GUINE PARTS COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BATTERY, CORE DEPOSIT $175.17 Invoice 589645 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BATTERY, CORE DEPOSIT $68.99 Invoice 587071 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $244.16 Refer ~ 52207 NATIONAL RECREATION PARKAS Cash Payment E 101-45200-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2007 MEMBERSHIP DUES $130.00 Invoice 052207 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $130.00 _ _.. Refer 52207 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic ISO-120-AFA RELAYS $428.61 Invoice 2945 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $428.61 Refer 52207 NICCUM, DANIEL _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 05-07 LIFETIME FITNESS $109.85 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 06-07 LIFETIME FITNESS $109.85 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $219.70 Refer 52207 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPP _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply FIELD PROGRAMMER $107.17 Invoice S01076983.001 5/22/2007 PO 20120 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $107.17 Refer 52207 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies WAUSAU ASTROBRIGHT PAPER $12.44 Invoice 385118425-001 5/22/2007 PO 20709 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies WAUSAU ASTROBRIGHT PAPER $24.88 Invoice 385119242-001 5/22/2007 PO 20709 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies TONER CARTRIDGE $101.66 Invoice 385116537-001 5/22/2007 PO 20405 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies TONER CARTRIDGE $94.88 Invoice 385993653-001 5/22/2007 PO 20407 Cash Payment E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.45 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.45 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.45 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cl •i -4124- ,_.____~ City of Mound ~, Payments • ° CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 05!17/07 1:51 PM Page 11 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.45 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $24.45 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22!2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $8.17 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $16.30 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $16.30 Invoice 358902384-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.01 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.01 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.01 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.01 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.01 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $0.67 •nvoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.34 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.34 Invoice 386240733-001 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $410.28 Refer 52207 OLSON, DAVE Cash Payment R 281-45210-34725 Dock Permits REFUND DOCK FEE $150.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5!14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 52207 OSULLIVANS HOLIDAY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels THRU 04-09-07 DIESEL CHARGES $82.80 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels THRU 04-09-07 DIESEL CHARGES $70.07 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $152.87 Refer 52207 PAUSCHE, CATHERfNE _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-37144 Sales of Meters & Rea REFUND WATER METER $100.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 52207 PAUSTlS AND SONS WINE COMPA __ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $43.00 Invoice 8145621 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $21.00 nvoice 8146063 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $637.81 Invoice 8146062 5/22/2007 -4125- ,' CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8145043-CM 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8145497 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8144717 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8144938 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Refer 52207 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY CREDIT-WINE WINE WINE WINE 05/17/07 1:59 PM Page 12 -$140.00 $582.00 $1,460.00 $368.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,971.81 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $436.32 Invoice 11600076 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $436.32 Refer 52207 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1.04.00 Invoice 2433806 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $606.40 Invoice 2462169 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,435.20 Invoice 2462170 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $160.00 Invoice 2462171 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,200.00 Invoice 2457509 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $530.90 Invoice 2459436 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $137.45 Invoice 2459435 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,173.95 Refer 52207 PLUNKET7"S, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic APR, MAY, JUNE PEST CONTROL $99.67 Invoice 679287 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.67 Refer 52207 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 857573-00 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 857210-00 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 854488-00 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 855038-00 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 52207 RESOURCE RECOVERY TECHNOL $856.00 $701.04 $74.58 $1,039.51 10100 Total $2,671.13 Cash Payment E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services 2007 LEAF AGREEMENT Invoice PS11260145 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 $12,125.00 Total $12,125.00 •i •i •i -4126- City of Mound 05/17/07 1:52 PM ', Page 13 • Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Refer 52207 SCHWAAi3, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies PRE-INK STAMPS $190.41 Invoice 368303 5/22/2007 PO 20094 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $190.41 Refer 52207 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic BALANCE DUE $1.00 Invoice 523785-B 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1.00 Refer 52207 SOUTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment G 101-22801 Deposits/Escrow VOUCHER #607683375A $12,181.75 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,181.75 Refer 52207 ST BONIFAC/US FORD, INCORPO Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #845 CADILITIC CONVERTER $227.18 Invoice 3507 5/22/2007 PO 20107 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $227.18 Refer 52207 ST CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance 04-25-07 REPAIR LEAD ACCESS FITTIN GS $173.61 Invoice 170450 5/22/2007 transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $173.67 Refer 52207 STERNS ELECTRIC COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic GFI'S BATTHING CAGE $796.49 Invoice 9123 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIRS BARTLETT AND SHORELINE $14.34 Invoice 9140 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REAPIRS BARTLETT AND SHORELINE $464.15 Invoice 9139 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,274.98 Refer 52207 STRETCHER'S _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA #01982 DODGE DAKOTA, LIGHTS $86.37 Invoice 1428480 5/22/2007 PO 19806 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA #01982 DODGE DAKOTA LIGHTS $207.85 Invoice 1424554 5/22/2007 PO 19806 Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves FLASHLIGHTS $159.58 Invoice 1432837 5/22/2007 PO 20100 Cash Payment G 101-22805 Police Forfeiture Program WEAPON LIGHT WITH BATTERIES $228.86 Invoice 1430900 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $682.66 Refer 52207 SUSSMAN, MICHAEL E. Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE DRE TRAINING $481.80 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $481.80 efer 52207 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING M1NN _ ash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,415.90 Invoice 1077477 5/22/2007 -4127- City of Mound 05/17/07 1:52 PM ,, Page 14 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,537.57 Invoice 1077425 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $76.25 Invoice 1077426 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,029.72 Refer 52207 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $359.00 Invoice 54042 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,737.10 Invoice 447275 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $192.75 Invoice 447262 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $43.35 Invoice 446412 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,406.10 Invoice 446413 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $110.00 Invoice 53938 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,848.30 Refer 52207 T-MOBILE CELL PHONE _ Cash Payment E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells 04-03-07 THRU 05-02-07 CELL PHONE $45.43 • Invoice 052207 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.43 Refer 52207 TOSHIBA COMPUTERS Cash Payment E 101-42110-409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR FAX MACHINE $367.65 Invoice 14231574 5/22/2007 PO 20106 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $367.65 Refer 52207 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $14.44 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $206.61 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 281-45210-210 Operating Supplies 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $43.77 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $14.89 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.30 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.31 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.30 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $9.57 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-322 Postage 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $9.60 • Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $130.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 -4128- -~___` Clty Of MOUtId 05!17/07 P ge 15 ', Payments • •,~ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $4.39 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $15.95 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $87.91 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $87.91 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $12.77 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply 04-07 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $31.25 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/10!2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $675.97 Refer 52207 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED Cash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms FOURNIER, INITIAL ISSUE $1,459.42 Invoice 371076 5!22/2007 PO 20098 Cash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms FOURNIER, INITIAL ISSUE $756.20 Invoice 371077 5/22/2007 PO 20098 Cash Payment E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms FOURNIER, INITIAL ISSUE $72.95 Invoice 371467 5/22/2007 PO 20098 .Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total _$2,288.57 Refer 52207 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE/FIN) _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 05-03-07 CELL PHONES $2.82 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 05-03-07 CELL PHONES $37.80 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.62 Refer 52207 V/NOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $252.00 Invoice 0003206-IN 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $252.00 Refer 52207 WALDRON AND ASSOCIATES Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 04-07 BUILDING INSPECTIONS $8,451.99 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 6017 RIDGEWOOD ROAD #1249 $20.00 Invoice 052207 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,471.99 Refer 52207 WALKER PARKING CONSULTANT _ Cash Payment E 450-46388-300 Professional Srvs THRU 04-07 TRANSIT PARKING DECK $20,250.00 Invoice 21333810001 5/22/2007 Project 06001 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20,250.00 Refer 52207 WATERTOWN PARTS CENTER Cash Payment E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair HOSE WITH ENDS $44.60 Invoice 263739 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials WELDING ROD $8.73 Invoice 262200-A 5/22/2007 -4129- City of Mound 05/17/07 1:52 PM %~"~ Payments Page 16 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials WELDING ROD $8.73 Invoice 262200-B 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials WELDING ROD $8.72 Invoice 262200-C 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.78 Refer 52207 WESTONKA MECHANICAL Cash Payment G 101-23123 4807 Longford Rd Abatemen 4807 LONGFORD ROAD CUT W/S $875.00 Invoice 6787 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $875.00 Refer 52207 W/DMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC - Cash Payment E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maintenance 04-16-07 CTY RD 110 GATE VALVES $1,445.00 Invoice 1875 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,445.00 Refer 52207 WILLIAMS TOWING _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-436 Towing Charges 04-09-07 2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA $51.83 Invoice 95167 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $51.83 Refer 52207 WINE MERCHANTS _. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $353.00 Invoice 190656 5/22!2007 Transaction Date 5/8/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $353.00 Refer 52207 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 04-07 #51-4802601-1 $5,302.83 Invoice 171054124 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 05-07 #51-7890142-3 $387.90 Invoice 170569748 5/22/2007 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 04-07 #51-6002836-0 $136.12 Invoice 171820280 5/22/2007 Transaction Date 5/14/2007 __ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,826.85 •i 7 •i -4130- I, • •.~ CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 450 Transient Parking Deck 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2007 10100 Wells Fargo $71,744.51 $453.97 $389.20 $4,381.50 $21,233,27 $4,252.73 $55,491.63 $74,419.80 $12,988.63 $519.45 $10,485.83 $256,360.52 05/17/07 1:52 PM Page 17 Pre-Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $256,360.52 Total $256,360.52 • -4131- ~:_~' ~`~t`~`~~~! ~~=~ 1\ L i lam? 1 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200, Chaska, MN 55318 Phone: (952) 448-8838 • Fax: (952) 448-8805 May 17, 2007 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: City of Mound Well #3 Pump House Improvement Project City Project # PW-06-08; BMI Project # C12.37925 Dear Ms. Hanson: ~ 1~ ~~ Enclosed is the Application for Payment No. 8 for work completed on the Well #3 Pump House Improvement Project through Apri130, 2007. The payment application has been signed by Mark Magney, president of Magney Construction, and Bolton & Menk, Inc.'s project engineer, Paul Saffert. The quantities have been verified and payment in the amount of $6,023.00 is recommended. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. r.. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Gino Businaro, Director of Finance • • • -4132- • Application for Payment No.8 To: City of Mound From: Maguey Construction, Inc. Contract: General Construction Project: Well No 3 Pnmp House Owners Contract No. Engineer's Project No. For work accomplished through the date of: 30-Apr-07 1) Original Contract Price: $754,400.00 2} Net Change by Change Order/Written Amendments (-/+) -$3,802.35 3) Curent Contract Price (1+2): $750,597.65 4) Total Completed and stored to date: $739,513.65 5) Retainage (per Agreement): 5.00% of completed work $36,975.68 5.00% of stored material: $0.00 Total retainage: $36,975.68 6) Total Completed and stored to date Iess retainage (4-5} $702,537.97 7) Less Previous Application for Payments: $696,514.97 8} DUE THIS APPLICATION $6,023.00 • Accompaning Documentation: CONTRACTOR'S Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (1) alI previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied on account to discharge CONTRACTOR'S legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment numbered 1 through 8 inclusive; (2) title of all work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interest or encumbrance (expect such as aze recovered by a Bond acceptable to OWNER indemnifying OWNER against any such Lien, security interest or encumbrance); and (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance by the Contract Documents and not defective. Dated: 30-Apr-07 ey nstru on, Inc. (COD By: State of ~/f /~ County of ~/I IS.P./1 Subscribed and sworn to bke"f~or~e me this ~ day of 2007 Notary Public ~~ /~(. /drGGl RINA M. QILI.ARD My Commission Expires: .3 NOTARY PUBI.IQ•MINNEBQTA MY CommOulan Expke~ Jui.9t, 2001 r Payment of the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recommended. Owner: Engineer: _ r_ ~7-ZSJ 'may? J By: BY~ Date: Date: fit/-Iy1/4-/ a'~ • -4133- N O Z C O d 7 O s a E a M O Z V C C O U 7 C 0 U c R d 7 Rf 0 d d r v O O N N a p ('7 M `~ C 0 c~ U .n d Q O cG D O Z c a ~' O d' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = b4~ ~ 4fl~ Ef} d3 Gl3 ~ EA EA ~ 69 69 tf3 to to ff} Ef} d} ~} 4R {f} ER (!3 EJ3 EA &} Efl~ (fl (f3 E9 &3 t~} {g {f3 E9 m U y r ~ Cn ~ ~ E9 Efl t~ CO ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ S S O S O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O S S S O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r r r r r T r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r T r r r r r r r QU S°ooSo°ooooaooooSSooSa SS°SSSS S Soo ~ ~~ pp ~ - t+')NC'7~00 ~tnM~d'fD~h ~--tnN~~ODNCOQ1Md'~N~ r~ C7 Ch'~Yto N a~t~(t7o0~ CO CCC'~Of~~~l~ f~rr~tf)CMr rOpr~r~ Kj N O N O a r ~ CO N Ef} r ffl 64 (h 6f} CO r EA to d} 69 69 d9 H} r EA {f} 6 9 ~ ~~»~»~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o a ~ 6 9 UxfF~- ~ba3da960?609604Ef3~~~~~Ef~d09~~~609~~&04~~~~6a9b0I}~4A~~&09~~~~ d ~ N O ~ ~ c oQ~aooooo0000000000000ooooocooooo0000 Ef} Ef} to dT ffl d3 Efl ffl EA Ef? EA E{ b4 ER O } O 64 d3 Ef} d9 ffl 64 Ef} ER (f} [f} EA G9 Eft fA O O to O O Cp ~ ~ ~ bN4 ~ U ~ M H Q ~g~~°g~S~~SSSSBSSSSB~M~~g°SS~~SSB fA ~ N I~ l[? (D OD ~' 00 (O C'9 0 ~ 0 ~' f~ ~ r r ~ In ('7 r r OD r ~ r ~ O U 69 ~ ~ f9 b9 rK3 6f} (fl MEiJ H} ~ rEf3 EtJ (~} .{f? {fl b4 4A 6g r(f3 Efl~ EH ~} ~ E ~ _ •~ •a A 69 m a ~Q ~ 00000000000000000000000000000000000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C700M~i' MMtOI~LnNt?~CDd'r ll)NO~d'ODNODa ' ~ ' ~ )C 7~ pN ~ ~-ln CrJ C 9 d' ~ NCA tI30000~~ODfDN01~~~l~ (~ r ~~ln C*7r rCOr~r~CV CV~'~fMC~CV r [Y M N ffl r ~' r (~ fFj (~ r 69 ~} ~} ~ Ef} (f} (f} r {~ (-,~} (f} r In (~ T U fd ~ ~ ~ p _ W > ~ >~ Q d . nj > _ (U to C~ ~ ~ C Q O C y ~ Q d c ` :rs ~ II) to E .J L C N d .«. [[f l oiS ~ 3 ~ a O N 3~ 0~ m ~ d1 ~ ot$ U- W~ cOCdU ~ ~~.L~ o~ ~ U c 'ate rn.~ ~ ~ ~ '~ '~ O~ W (A 0 ~ (0 L C o~ 7~ p Y ~ N N~~ O ~° ~ y O C _~ to i c to •- cn N ~ c a ~ a~ ~ ~ c ~ u? ~ 4. o o p ~ a °' ° m ~r~~? ou E . ~~ q ~ ~ ~•~°u c ~i ~~v~ rn ~~ ~- i ~~ o ~ ~ rna~ a c N •o c~ m~ E~ J~~ c U r c o~ U c U ot1 0~~~~ c~~ ro v c N , .D ~ c o ~ ~ rn c c ~ 'c -o ~ N c~ a~~i ~ o ~ ~ N a ~ ~ c N ~ ~ ~ '"' N c c ~ ~ p o ~ ~ o moot7¢c~U~c~nc°nUn`_~~o°C~~mi,=¢~u ..-°,cnUcLnc„nc7c~a~ii>iiU OOOOOOtAr rOOtgONONO00r 000001.()0000 OO (DOO OOlnrCh.NN rNChOrOthOOI~rP.r <pOOrCOQpNOi.pO SN rM'~ ' U GOOONNI.I )IpCOCDO>r d'N tnTTrNNCOct(DOrM1.()(pppN l1') MC+')M rNNNNNNNNC7 Cq ~'tn CO (O f~f~f~(~ (~I~f~Cp CD Cp ~p ~pO ~j ~O rr r a r r r r r -4134- • • • C7 tT C• ~.. N n O C t` ~ a s c L o ~ a a ~a t Q f O ~" tU i Z 'O C O O N 7 0 r a E a c~ O Z ti C O Nl V Af ~ ~3 N~ o _ Z O O ~ (~ O O d~c~ C ~.c~a 000000000 Ef3 d9 Efl d9 E,H d4 ffl 4f} 64 O L C U N r t11 ~ ~ ~ Rf m O O O O O O ~~~ ~ O pp pp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tJ r r r r r r r r r aU ° oo ° ° ° ° ° ° T o o o o o o o O~u7LrQNO~V?O u DT ~ ~ N~ ~ r ~. ~ N ti~ ~ ~ v E ° ~ ~ 6 (/~ U ~f 1- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C fH Ef3 69 b4 b9 ffl ~} 69 to E ~ N ~ ~ ~ ( tS cc G O OOOOOC1OO t ~ t{} O 69 Eft Efl b9 Ei3 N d3 e cad ~ N t C) b9 E f- Q OONSON~ S~ 1 C ~ rn ~ t`7 CM ~ 1~ CV CV N CM 1 ~ ~~~N ~ ~ I O t 7 ~ .~ •a ya ~ m a tL Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ~ 'a °c°~Ig°t°t)o°o S°° n ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~~ N~ I b 9~ m ~ ~ ~ ro cn > c a~ O_ C O ~ r .~ ,a w. ., w a ~ ' ° ~~ z , v N ~ , i L j y C ~ 0 0 ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ Y o a ~ ar ti c c~ -~ ~ O ~ n ~ O ~? y N ~ ~ ] d ~ O tip ~~aii=WU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u~ r ~ to o r~ o S rMM~~ u u O Ci ~ r r r r r r r r O cn U i I i i k i 9~ r ~} D n n N R O -4135- • MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Park DATE: May 16, 2007 ItE: Stairway Repair Staff is recommending repairs to stairways on Bluebird Lane, Canary Lane and Devon Commons at a cost of $8388.00. This request was brought before the Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission on May 10, 2007. The Commission recommended approval of this request. Below is the excerpt from that meeting: 2. Discuss stairway replacement. Fackler stated stairs at street ends of Bluebird Lane, Canary and Devon Commons are in need of repair. Staff is requesting $8388.00 for repair of the stairways. Discussion followed. MOTION by Specht to approve expenditure for stairway repair. SECOND by Heywood. Motion carries unanimously • -4136- MEMORANDUM TO; Parks, Open Space, FROM: Jim DATE: April 27, ZOU7 RE: Stairway Replacement Docks Advisory Commission Due to erasion, some of our commons stairways are in need of repair. Attached is proposal for $7,68$A4 from Concept Landscaping to repair the following areas: • • South end of Bluebird Lane • South end of Canary Lane • Devon Commons Far 2447, we have budgeted $24,400.40 for riprap and stairway improvements. • ,~ -4137- FROM :CONCEPT LANDSCAPING FAX N0. :952 472 4119 Apr. 25 2007 11:13AM P1 31 S31'ricst. LUnE' M~~und ATN 553G4 (.IS2) 472-41113 ~~~ fur F.AX iutmber rs (9S2) 412-41 1 y [SAX: To: Jim F'geklcr From: Jim Smith April 25, 2007,12:U9 PM Subject: Tptstl pages including cover: 2 When 1 Iooked at the stairs ii was obvious that the soils along the side of each stair had 'washed oui clue to erosion causing the treads to fall apart. If you were to plant I`Iosta (shade) ox l~aylilies (sua) along the sides of the steps the root structure would control the erosion. Cheap insurance. •i • -4138- FROM :CONCEPT LANDSCAPING FAX N0, :952 472 4119 Apr. 25 2007 11:13AM P2 aye ,.u. ~, , ~;~.~~ ,: • ~ 'CONCEPT LANp~CAPiNG ,.,.. ~' 3153 F'Fiest Lane Mound, MN 55364 . ' • f'HUI'b9AL BUNMrt I'~Ct 7'C1 ~~ •P tJNC ~ ~ smt~~T ,ftlk NAMF . CI1V, STATC kntl7.ll' f:ODE ~ • • ~~t} lr„rCA'fluN "'~"'~" on-rc tar• r~nNtt .rno prtoNc nrtcttir~r..T x~~FaraorcvA~r . a~,szra+nlr+~R+n~r,,. ~~ncr~racaq+~taa~+a~+usk~awatt~lwwrram'rr~ks~r~nN~t+r~r1+~>5~+aa'~t Wr.•c hrernby srbrnil ;9tautzirir;atiursa uncl ra:;lil7rtlr rnr; (/''tea r QJY!f\.~rU•~.,.....ta.cx-~h -..~-1'eY.yiJ.1_ ...'~'...~... /.,,/Z,~!~.CJI~/ .~ '..+1Q~Q.•...~... Gj a ...__.. .._..._.... _........ -- .~ ._._......._......_...._....._......._...__........_...........~~:SL:Y~._---._ ~=~:IQ.. _._...r_'~. f_~ .'if-__...-~a 5~7 a-~f ~r~"'-t..1,..~tD~ nZiw ~ e~o . . v ! . ~ ~.~.n.y ~. ... ....._ .............. ..._........ _..........._. _....... .........................._... _...._._..._.....- -.----_..___... _. p ...... ~ o0 4 ~ 6 ,o. 3096 D~Wn, 709b Each WoNt Ors Compiete+d items. 9nianoe Day of Compi~lian. "1 ~(~ G"~d~~+,~'e~r }~grghy tc~ furnish :rtatc•:ri~l Hod I>:ih~~f --- rpm~~fetes ir1 arcr~rclancr: wit!•t tabour, speciflc:eliuns, for the sun'1 of: . ....._...._.,...___._.. -..._._..__..._ . .. ... _....._._--•------.-___.___...•.•..._...•.. .• ... ,. dollars (>G -----._._...~..______.._........ ). f'r~ympnt ua he medal ds fvllvwu: •~ ~• • .. ni! t11A(Rriki I8 Qusrentaed to bs sa tapucifirsd, aU worn In nn nnmplktkn in k vrott<nwnliko AullluYi'LOd ^ nwnn®r stroordinp (a srandECnt prat:(inr<,a Any :tUrnnrian or devtattoc, from alwve specl5rtttiun;' gii~r'rEttt.lrta ,,,., ..... .. V~G1~~__._`., '~'~ ~ ~~___._.__...__....._ . Invalvrn~ extra roils wiR bo ururttUxl urdy upon written orders, srxl will burunu: u+, uxbrt "' ohertav avr,r a~ad ut>ovn rho dtdirnnlaY, nu agreoment5 a>nrinrtont t+rx,r, :,rrikr:;, +,nnlrtkr,ts ar NotA: Thl . propoESCZi tnaay k~e delay:; boywnl Uur ronlrrd. Ownr:r u, nsrry fire, Iomeda end rnhsr ntr;rer.;gUy irs,:+rrr+nc.~• [Atr ,Nirhdrtiwn t>y tt^s if nt~t Maut~ftled wiiltin ____._.. .. .... day>. Wrirkre: ,Ait tatty chvkr@Cl by WOrlcntAn'R ~;OlTpen6Rti011 InStlrnng4, ,~;Q;1~~~~~~~~ Q~ ~R"~~~l~~~ .. •1'nrs abavc prlccs, Eperlfirstiona enrJ candi[innrt art+ aHiisfaCiury dnd ttrY: itotrby ~rr,Pptt9rl. Yotr }rte, .udharurad It: do tilt: ;;?tgnrAlurv __....,....... ,• .. .......... _....-._.______-_.__..._.._............ wori< as snecitit;cl, I'iryrneut will tte r>u:dH its nuiliru?d tthtue: f7attt~ of Atwt~pit~rltx:;..._..._.... ..._._.._.._~_...~-_._.._...~_...._.._ ........... .^~{gnnlUtr __ -._.~_......._......_..__ .._._ _ .... ..._...__...._._. ~n -4139- FROM :CONCEPT LANDSCAPING _....,.M.w.._.,.._._ ____._~..~._r. ,.~ . FAX NO. :952472 4119 Apr. 26 2007 02:55PM P2 .__, ter °o" ~ s ~ ~ ._-_...__._..Q~~9 tyn, _~__._...- °f, _.__~..__.,.~a~rs~_, . .... CdNC~PT ~:;I~NDSCAPING ~ • 3153 Priest Lane ~ . Mcwrtcl, MN 553G~4 ~ --~ 9UBMITTEG TU ~ ..._ fiTH1:.T J08 NAME c;n'v, 57ATC troll YIP f;OGC JUd wCiAi'IC7IV I)ATH OF Nt AN*; ~ ~~ ~ C" I IUti r'HUNE ~ ~~ Ahu;Ht t k ~ I . , ( tF3~'iGXk2W"`?~+7~Jt~,~.Kldi.'~i~ :,^ir~~Fu'1WigF31~?~r,i'~FSt er7L4v. '~X,W?TYd'.4"Y~'Y~?fi,WVM~T~ZLi T/.^, Wry hcrrtrby submit a[arauFit:txiall•.t tanrl e~aiim+~ta+h is+r: +I 1@l~i .' :~UiANM::8.4M.91V + ~ _ . .~. .. r ..~..... _iJ',....•_~ p .. .. 11 ..... ....... ....... _ ... .. I ~C+ ~ + A O . . 998 Down, 7Q4;6 Each iNeek Qn Cofhpleted -tetns, 6aiattRce pay at Gampletion. ~Q P!'CDpAs~`~? hrtrct~y t~ furnish matnt'ial ~ntj t~har -- canTpleln in ctcr;grc3:tnc.:~ with tcbove spc:eifiCHtioits, f~i IhF+ cut1~ at: .......,............._.._..__......._ _ ..... .. ......... ........____._ dUilars (~ _...__....._......... , Pt~yrnartt tU ha i11ttU0 rt:. fMhwF: Atl Inalnns{ Ifi 1tt13r3nte0d tq dH t1:3 Sporit'u1lt. Alt work to be comp{vttid kl %+ wnrknlnntlkh manrt~r nc+;nr+iinp p, naua)r9ni p+Ynalur:a. Any flit®rRtian nr dr•,vi:)litur tnvrl :drovt: ra•,ealiir;atlurus Attthgriztatt Si~nl{n,rrF , __,,,,,,_,_,___ ,,,,,, „ , ., ;nvnivtrtfa ctxira caste will de oxecuted cnly upon wrllh!n urt)erz, »hd win become en extra charge av®r and ahovo tho cstimalc, All tt:3+~e~r,.mErlti,i nrnhiinc~ent upon btrikr~p, tltxridanw or ,_,.,, , delayo heyond rxn• nantrvl, Qwnar U) curry tiro, cnrn.9rb and other ndcaosary msuronra, t)ur Nato; Thls pmflostil mray hH w+,rk9rF qn+ krgy rnvtund Ly Wrakm:uir. Qnnfpnnatsilan Ineurence. WII!"Idla~Wll by Ut, if not dGO4lltf;d within .. ......_.... _._.._,________ rliiy'>, , ••-The Ahrrvt~ prinat;, b{rcrt:ificaUican: ~c~~p~~~~~ a~ ~r~~c~~~l • anti rt,nrlitianrs tars c1~tLit3fACl0iy Ant) r~ro harwby ttnnrapt«tt9. You 3fa EtUIItOri7,dfl t0 tIU lhra Sir~nt)lura .. .....,...._.~...__.._,_,......._.....~_ . ~ .. ...._._ ............,._.._.__..._ yvUrk Ys yr,r?r:i(tr~tt. f~,ayrntanl will I)o t13t5t18 dG rnrflinAd uhnvrs. Dtl~e ~f Awol:+la»cr..:: --.._._.__ _-._.~_._........ .. ... ........._. ___..._. fyit~rlaiuee _.._..... ..... . . .,, -4140- ~ FROM :CONCEPT LANDSCAPING i• i• • Concept Landscaping 353 Priest Lane, Monad, MN 55364 dU19D08644 4'72-rEIIR City of 1VYaund 53x1, Maywood Road Monad, MIV 55364 Att. Jim ~ ac er 5/8/2007 May. 09 2007 10:26AM ~~~~~ ~ F~ondad Shorollnc Contrncta~r .Blue Bird South Stair System: (revised to ca~tsider more washout da~nt~ge) Remove and reinstall *i31n B of treads and landings. I.owmt set of trQads will be left as is. Reiq~~ta#1 dr~til~ the wa~e>wed autr Tnatall8 cubic yards of dirt with erosion control fabric, Install 1.0.4 Aorta. for erosion control. P1 S16~~ We purpose heretry TAliut»sh alt material and laborM•~ cexnnlete in accordFmcx !~ the above apet~ticat;cmr, Rx the Kum c>C S41t'~O.Ut! 30% down, balance day of oompiatiat attd or cieviationa from the afiwc apecificationa shall bocomo an extra coat ovor and above the original estimate. All r5reemrt+fe ow~Hngrr}t upnr- atrs7cas, socidaats oz delays tmyond our corttroi. Owner to carry fire, tornado, and other neceeagry innuranco. t7tir Woxkmx Nus covoxed by woa~kt:ct+ romtu!nsatlcm ;naurance. Avtharized signature note: Tale propoau nay De wlthArawa with in IQ Acceptattoa of l~posni~77ta above priatxt, 9pecili~ Nnec:ified. Pityment Will be mstle aq rnrtliriCd #tx~ve: ant satidfa~tuty acid arc acccptarttx Signrxkttrts FAX NO. :952 472 4119 PXOpos~.l are authorized to do the work as -4141- I, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD • MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com MEIVIORANDUM May 17, 2007 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: KANDIS M. HANSON, CITY MANAGER GINO BUSINARO, FINANCE DIltECTOR/TREASURER SUBJECT: CBD Parking Program As you might lrnow, in 2006 the City Council took action to extend the existing CBD program until June 30, 2007. After this date, unless extended by the Council, the program will no longer exist. If it is your intent to extend this program for one more year, there will be a direct impact on the City budget. We do not have all the costs for the year 2006-2007, but for the year 2005-2006 they were as follows: Snow plowing by City $ 4,480 CBD Lease payments 3,253 Total Cost 7,733 Less Assessments 2 240 Net Cost to City $ 5,493 The Council could consider one of the following options: 1. Continue the CBD program as is for one more year. 2. Terminate the program at the end of the 2006-2007 season. 3. Continue the program for one more year and charge the CBD district for all direct costs incurred by the City. 4. Continue the program for one more year and charge the CBD district for snow plowing at 1/2 of the cost plus the lease payments. Given the parking concerns that we still have in our downtown area, the administration recommends that the program be extended as is for one more year. If you have any questions, please contact Kandis at 952-472-0609 or Gino at 952-472-0608. r ~ ~~ printed on recycled paper -4142- ARCHITECTURAL ALLIANCE • May 16, 2007 Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound, Public Works 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Design Services Fee Update Mound Public Works Concept Plan Development and Public Process 2007101 • 400 CLIFTON AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS; MINNESOTA 55403-3299 TELEPHONE 16121871-5103 FAX 16121871-7212 Dear Kandis: As we continue to develop the concept plans and look forward to the public process it has become evident that we are expending more fee than originally anticipated at this point in the process. Our fee was based on the scope and estimated timeframe to execute the work defined in the contract which was based on the Request For Proposal. As of today, May 16, 2007 we have expended a total of $18,755 of a total contract amount of $24,000, or 78% of the total, not including reimbursable expenses. Based on the last City Council Work Session, held on May 15, 2007, it appears that we are approximately half way through the Concept Plan Development process with two meetings behind us, and two more likely. In addition to the Concept Plan Development process we have the Public Process ahead of us as well. I believe there are two main factors that have contributed to the process taking longer than originally anticipated: • Time was required to validate and adjust the City's project budget and explore options to fit the project scope within the budget • The Concept Plan Development process has required more time for the exploration of options and additional Work Sessions with the City Council. We had originally planned to develop three concept options and attend two Council Work Sessions. To date, we have extended the Concept Plan phase by more than a month and expect that an additional month maybe required. • P:\2007\2007092\Proj Mgmt\Contract-Fees\2007_OS_15 Fee Update L.etter.doc -4143- Kandis Hanson May 16, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Based on our experience in working with the City of Mound so far, we estimate that the following meetings and associated work effort will be required to conclude the process: Meetings: • City Council Work Sessions: At least two more City Council Work Sessions; June 12 to select an Concept Option/s for further development, and an additional work session in July 10`h to confirm the site selection and facility layout. • City Council Meeting: One final reporting session will also be required at the conclusion of the Public Process. • Staff Meetings: Typically two per city council work session; one to prepare for and a follow up (total of five staff meetings), two meetings during the Public Process to incorporate and adapt to the public input, and at least one planning meeting in advance of the Final Council Meeting, for a total of eight meetings. • Public Process Meetings: six to eight Public Process Meetings (open houses) are anticipated the associated follow-up and preparation work required Work Effort (in addition to meeting time): • Concept Plan Development • Public Process Development • Summary Document Total estimated time to complete process: Total estimated fee required to complete process: Total Hours Required 6 to 8 hours. 3 to 4 hours 24 to 30 hours •i 16 to 20 hours 30 to 60 hours 30 to 60 hours • 16 to 24 hours 125 to 206 hours $15,000 to $24,720 Remaining Fee: ($5,245) Total estimated additional fee required to complete process: $9,755 to $19,475 We have a couple options on how to proceed; we can revise the work effort shown above to fit the remaining fee, adjust the fee to accommodate the work effort, or a combination of the two. I would suggest that we amend the original contract to allow for an additional $20,000 of work, billed on a not to exceed basis. We can work together during the remaining process to limit the work effort in as much as is possible and shoot for the lower end of the estimate. I look forward to reviewing this with you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, KEN SHEEHAN, AIA Principal • cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director for the City of Mound Peter Vesterholt, File -4144- • May 16, 2007 AHCHITECTOflAL ALLIANCE • Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound, Public Works :5341 Maywood. Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Contract Amendment to the City of Mound Public Works contract, dated March 5, 2007 Mound Public Works Concept Plan Development and Public Process 2007101 TELEPHONE 1612)811-5103 FAX 1612)871.7212 Dear Kandis: As we continue to develop the concept plans and look forward to the public process it has become evident that we are expending more fee than originally anticipated at this point in the process. Our fee was based on the scope and estimated timeframe to execute the work defined in the contract which was based on the Request For Proposal. As of today, May 16, 2007 we have expended a total of $18,755 of a total contract amount of $24,000, or 78% of the total, not including reimbursable expenses. Based on the last City Council Work Session, held on May 15, 2007, it appears that we are approximately half way through the Concept Plan Development process with two meetings behind us, and two more likely. In addition to the Concept Plan Development process we have the Public Process ahead of us as well. I believe there are two main factors that have contributed to the process taking longer than originally anticipated: • Time was required to validate and adjust the City's project budget and explore options to fit the project scope within the budget • The Concept Plan Development process has required more time for the exploration of options and additional Work Sessions with the City Council. We had originally planned to develop three concept options and attend two Council Work Sessions. To date, we have extended the Concept Plan phase by more than a month and expect that an additional month may be required. Based on our experience in working with the City of Mound so far, we estimate that the following meetings and associated work effort will be required to conclude the process: Meetings: • City Council Work Sessions: At least two more City Council Work Sessions; June 12 to select an Concept Options for further development, and an additional work session in July 10~' to confirm the site selection and facility layout. • City Council Meeting: One final reporting session will also be required at the conclusion of the Public Process. P:\2007\2007092\Proj Mgmt\Contract-Fees\2007_05_15 Fee Update Letter.doc 400 CLIFTON AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55403.3299 Total Hours Required 6 to 8 hours 3 to 4 hours -4145- Kandis Hanson May 16, 2007 Page 2 of 2 • Staff Meetings: Typically two per city council work session; one to prepare for and a follow up (total of five staff meetings), two meetings during the Public Process to incorporate and adapt to the public input, and at least one planning meeting in advance of the Final Council Meeting, for a total of eight meetings. • Public Process Meetings: six to eight Public Process Meetings (open houses) are anticipated the associated follow-up and preparation work required Work Effort (in addition to meeting time): • Concept Plan Development • Public Process Development • Summary Document 24 to 30 hours 16 to 20 hours 30 to 60 hours 30 to 60 hours 16 to 24 hours Total estimated time to complete process: 125 to 206 hours Total estimated fee required to complete process: $15,000 to $24,720 Remaining Fee: ($5,245) Total estimated additional fee required to complete process: $9,755 to $19,475 We have a couple options on how to proceed; we can revise the work effort shown above to fit the remaining fee, adjust the fee to accommodate the work effort, or a combination of the two. I suggest that the original contract be amended to allow for an additional $20,000 of work, billed on a not to exceed basis. We can work together during the remaining process to limit the work effort in as much as is possible and shoot for the lower end of the estimate. If in agreement, please sign and date below where indicated and return one copy. Mayor: Mark Hanus Signature: Date City Manager: Kandis Hanson Signature: Date: Thank you, KEN SHEEHAN, AIA Principal cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director for the City of Mound Peter Vesterholt, File • • • -4146- • ~~ .Teague of Minnerota Cities CitieR promoting excenance League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 (651) 281-1200 • (800) 925-1122 Fax: (651) 281-1298 • TDD: (651) 281-1290 www.lmnc.org RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN COUNCILMEMBERS E-mail correspondence can be an unintentional conduit for city officials to violate the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. This memo outlines some points elected officials and members of ciTy committees and boards should be aware of to avoid inadvertently violating the Open Meeting Law. The Open Meeting Law Under the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. § 13D, meetings of at least a quorum of the city council or one of its committees to discuss city business must be publicized and open to the public, subject to a few exceptions. A primary purpose of the law is to make sure information and deliberations about city business are available to the public. The law applies to any discussion about city business, not just voting or official actions, and to any gathering of a quorum of the council or committee. In most cities a quorum is three or more • council or committee members. It's easy to imagine situations where. a quorum might gather-coffee at the local cafe, pre- or post-meeting discussions, a wedding reception or community celebration are all common spots for councilmembers to meet. There are also some not-so-obvious ways a quorum might meet, for instance in a serial meeting-imagine councilmember A talks to councilmember B, B talks to councilmember C, and C talks to A. Another is through written correspondence, or through telephone conference calls. Any of these scenarios would create an open meeting concern if the group discussed city business. Violating the Open Meeting Law carries with it penalties including personal liability for up to $300 per occurrence and forfeiture of office for officials who intentionally violate the law three times. Reasonable costs and attorney fees can also be awarded if the court finds specific intent to violate the law. Electronic communications and the Open Meeting Law The Minnesota Open Meeting Law has a number of tricky aspects, not the least of which results from increasing reliance on a-mail communication between council or committee members. ., .~ E-mail makes a serial meeting easier by allowing council or committee members to forward messages from one person to the next. Imagine one councilmember e-mailing another to suggest the pros and cons of a particular city decision. The recipient forwards the e-mail to another councilmember, along with his or her own comments and interpretations. ihia rnatariai is provided as general information aati is avt a substitute for iagal advice. Consult your attorney for advice carwoerr~ing spacitic situations. -4147- Even if the last councilmember to receive the a-mail doesn't reply to either the originator or the • councilmember who forwarded the message, the three members have still discussed city business outside a public forum. A violation could be found where serial e-mailing is used to reach a decision. Many cities are moving toward electronic meeting packets. for councils and committees, often sent via a-mail attachments. This sort of one-way distribution of information is fine in terms of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, remembering that any materials relating to the agenda items of a meeting distributed to members must also be made available to the public as well. City officials should start to get concerned, though, when one or more councilmembers use the "reply to all" feature in a-mail to respond to the content of the meeting materials, or otherwise begin a discussion by e-mail about the packet. This can begin to look a lot like non-public discussion of city business. Suggestions One suggestion is that councilmembers never communicate to one-another using a-mail, but instead treat a-mail only as a way to receive information from the city clerk or administrator. If a councilmember has information to share via a-mail with the rest of the group, he or she might send it to the clerk and ask for it to be distributed from the clerk to everyone else (by a-mail or in paper form). Using the clerk as the clearinghouse for information distribution is probably a safer alternative than having councilmembers communicate directly, although it doesn't completely eliminate • concerns about violating the Open Meeting Law. Even this clearinghouse concept could provide opportunity for three or more councilmembers to exchange opinions about city business, so it's important that the city clerk be aware of and watch for possible issues. Finally, this model would still present problems in Standard Plan cities, where the clerk is also a member of the council. If councilmembers are engaged in direct a-mail discussions, it's probably best to limit it to only two members. A "no forwarding and no copying" rule might be a good way to make sure the Minnesota Open Meeting Law isn't unintentionally violated through a-mail conversation. Finally, be careful when councilmembers participate in a listserv or any chatroom sort of forum. Because these distribution lists may include a quorum of your council, one councilmember's comments on the listserv will be viewed by other members. If the topic has to do with city business and another councilmember replies to the listserv, it could prove problematic under the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. Again, the city might consider a "no reply" sort of rule when it comes to these resources, or perhaps have councilmembers send ideas for postings or responses to the city clerk or administrator to manage. Remember, too, that official city committees are subject to the same open meeting requirements and should be similarly educated about correct a-mail use. Tfsls material Es prar9ded ns genera! informetlon and Is not a su~batftute for legal advlas. Consult year attarney far sdrtce aoncarning specific situations. -2- -4148- i• Regardless of precautions, there may be times when councilmembers find themselves accused of violating the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, perhaps having unintentionally engaged in one of these sorts of conversations. One way to diffuse some concern is to immediately release copies of all a-mail correspondence to anyone who wants to see it. While this doesn't negate the possible violation, it shows good faith and lack of specific intent to violate the law. Draft guidelines for electronic communications between councilmembers Cities might decide to develop policies clarifying appropriate or preferred email use by and between councilmembers. Even if a city doesn't formally adopt a policy, the guidelines here might be helpful for any elected official or city board member to follow... The purpose of these draft guidelines is to suggest how members of city councils and other city committees might communicate via email and electronic means. A city should review these draft guidelines along with its normal operating procedures, consult with the city attorney and determine the best course of action.. - - Guidelines for Electronic Communications between councilmembers in the City of i• • -4149- Meeting materials • Electronic communication of meeting materials should generally be conducted in a one-way communication from the city clerk to the council. • Councilmembers may receive agenda materials, background information, and other meeting. materials via email attachment or other electronic means (such as file sharing) from the city clerk. • If a councilmember has questions or comments about materials received, s/he should inquire via electronic means directly back to the city clerk. A councilmember should not copy other committee members on his/her inquiry. • If the clarification is one of value to other councilmembers, the city clerk may send follow-up materials or information to the council. Materials relating to agenda items of a meeting must also be made available to the public at the meeting. Communication during council meetings • Councilmembers should not communicate with one another via electronic means during a public meeting. • Councilmembers should not communicate with any member of city staff via electronic • means during a public meeting. • Councilmembers are encouraged not to communicate with the public via electronic means during a public meeting. Communication outside of council meetings • Councilmembers should generally act with caution when using electronic means to communicate with one another, being mindful of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. If a councilmember wishes to share information with other members, s/he should do so through the -city clerk. The councilmember may request the city clerk distribute materials to others. The communication should not invite response to or discussion between any councilmembers, including replies to the person making the distribution request. This should be considered a method for providing one-way information to other members of the council. Again remember that materials relating to agenda items for city business must be provided to the public at the meeting. • If a councilmember wishes to address only one other member through electronic means on any topic related to city business, s/he can do so directly, but should be mindful of the following: This materiak is pravided as general information and is ant a autrstiYate for legs! advice. • Gnnsalt ponr aftornay fnr advice cancarning specif€c situations. -4- -4150- • o One-to-one communication is ideal. o The recipient of an electronic message or inquiry should reply only to the sender, should not copy others on the reply and should. not forward the original email to other councilmembers. o The sender of an electronic message should not forward or copy the recipient's reply to any other councilmember. • If a councilmember receives an electronic communication from any source related to city business and distributed to multiple councilmembers (i.e., an email sent to the entire council from a member of the public; or an email sent to three councilmembers from a local business), s/he should reply only to the sender. The reply should not be copied to all on the original distribution or forwarded to any other councilmember. If a councilmember receives listserv distributions, electronic newsletters, or participates in electronic discussion forums where other councilmembers are also likely to participate (such as chat rooms), the councilmember should not reply to any distribution or comment so that the reply is copied to the entire distribution group, or any part of the group that might include other councilmembers. The councilmember should instead respond only to the sender of any message or inquiry. • Classification and retention of electronic communications • Regardless of whether electronic communication by a councilmember is taking place on a city-provided computer, home computer or other computer system, classification of information as public, private or other is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minn. Stat. Chapt. 13) and should be treated accordingly. • councilmembers should retain electronic communications in keeping with city policies and procedures, whether such communication takes place on acity-provided computer, home computer or other computer system. ;fii5 materta{rs pravided as generaM informetton aaS is aat a sohstftute for tegat advice. GonsaDt yoar attorney for advice concerning specFfic situations. -5- -4151- City of Mound • Guidelines for Electronic Communications between Counciimembers These guidelines apply to all members of the City Council and all members of council and city committees, commissions, sub-committees, etc. in the City of Mound. For purposes of these guidelines, reference to councilmembers includes members of all other city committees and groups subject to the Open Meeting Law. Reference to the council shall include all such groups and meetings. For purposes of these guidelines, "electronic means" means email, instant messaging, chatrooms, and related electronic conversation. For purposes of these guidelines, "city clerk" means the City Clerk, City Manager, or his/her designee. These guidelines apply regardless of whether the councilmember is using acity- provided email address and account, his/her personal email address or account, or one provided by his/her employer. Meeting Materials Electronic communication of meeting materials should generally be conducted in • a one-way communication from the City Clerk to the Council. • councilmembers may receive agenda materials, background information, and other meeting materials via email attachment or other electronic means (such as file sharing) from the City Clerk. • If a councilmember has questions or comments about materials received, she/he should inquire via electronic means directly back to the City Clerk. A councilmember should not copy other committee members on his/her inquiry. • Ifi the clarification is one of value to other councilmembers, the City Clerk may send follow-up materials or information to the Council. Materials related to agenda items of a meeting must-also be made available to the public at the meeting. • -4152- • Communication During Council Meetings • Councilmembers should not communicate with one another via electronic means during a public meeting. • Councilmembers should not communicate with any member of city staff via electronic means during a public meeting. • .Councilmembers are encouraged not to communicate with the public via electronic means during a public meeting. Communication Outside of Council Meetings • Councilmembers should generally act with caution when using electronic means to communicate with one another, being mindful of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. • if a cotncilmember wishes to share information v+rith other members, she/he should do so through the City Clerk. The councilmember may request the City Clerk distribute materials to others. The communication should not invite response to or discussion between any Councilmembers, including replies to the person making the distribution request. This • should be considered a method for providing one-way information to other members of the council. Again, remember that materials relating to agenda items for city business must be provided to the public at the meeting. If a councilmember wishes to address only one other member through electronic means on any topic related to city business, she/he can do so directly, but should be mindful of the following: o One-to-one communication is ideal. o The reccpient of an electronic message or inquiry should reply only to the sender, should not copy others on the reply and should not forward the original email to other Councilmembers. o The sender of an electronic message should not forward or copy the recipient's reply to any other Councilmembers. • The sender of an electronic message should not forward or copy-the recipient's reply to any other Councilmembers. • If a councilmember receives an electronic communication from any source related to city business and distributed to multiple Councilmembers (i.e., an email sent to the entire council from a member of the public; or an email sent to three Councilmembers from a local business), she/he should 2 -4153- reply only to the sender. The reply should not be copied to all on the • original distribution or forwarded to any other councilmember. • If a councilmember receives listserv distributions, electronic newsletters, or participates in electronic discussion forums where other councilmembers are also likely to participate (such as chat rooms/blogs), the-councilmember should not reply to. any distribution or comment so than the reply is copied to the entire distribution group, or any part of the group that migh# include other councilmembers. The councilmember should instead respond only to the sender of any message or inquiry. Classfication and t~etention of Electronic Commwnications Regardless of whether electronic communication by a councilmember is taking, place on acity-provided computer, home computer or other computer system, classification of information as public, private or other is governed by the Minneso#a Government Data Practices Act (Minneso#a Statute Chapter 13) and should be treated accordingly. councilmembers should retain electronic communications in keeping with city policies and procedures, whether such communication takes p{ace on a city- provided computer, home computer or other compu#er system. If the information is to be retained according to the city's adopted retention schedule, • councilmembers should forward it to the City Clerk, and then delete it from their systems. The City Clerk will print the information, if appropriate, and store it in the correct file as a city record. A copy of the classification of government data and the retention schedule can be obtained from the City Clerk. • 3 -4154- • City of Mound Councilmember Acknowledgement of Receipt of Guidelines for Electronic Communications between Councilmembers t acknowledge. that. I have received a copy of the Guidelines for Electronic Communications between Councilmembers. I understand it is my responsibility to be familiar with and comply with these guidelines. I understand that electronic communications regarding city-related business, __ whether_such coYrrmunication takespiaceon a city=provided computer, hone _ __ computer or other computer system, is subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statute Chapter 13) and should be treated accordingly. 1 understand how email and voice mail messages can violate the. open meeting laws and agree to take every effort not to violate #his law. • • Councilmember/Commissioner Name Printed Councilmember/Commissioner Signature Date 4 -4155- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: May 17, 2007 APPLICANT: Zweber LLC REQUEST: Sketch Plan Review CASE NUMBERS: 07-1.1 LOCATION: 6625, 6627 and 6639 Bartlett Boulevard • PROPERTY ID: 22-117-24-43-0008, 22-117-24-43-0009 and 22-117-24-43-0007 • ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential SUMMARY At its May 14, 2007 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan for Halstead , Pointe dated Apri14, 2007, a proposed 43-unit housing development of the existing manufactured home court property located on the south side of Bartlett Boulevard, in the southwest corner of Mound, and adjacent properties. The approximate 12.5 acre site lies both in Mound and Minnetrista, with approx. 3 acres located within Mound. The proposed sketch plan application dated April 4th consists of 20 twinhome buildings (40 housing units), two (2) new single-family detached houses, and one (1) existing single-family detached house. Four {4) twinhome buildings (8 housing units) and one (1) new single-family detached house; as well as a private neighborhood pooUpoolhouse/dock, would be located in Mound with the remaining housing units located in Minnetrista. An overview of the April 4th sketch plan application is contained in the Planning Report and support materials which have been included as attachment(s). • -4156- Aid.-b '~ ~ g 5• ZZ Kennedy ~~ Graven Sarah J. Sonsalla 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9284 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax sarahsonsalla@kennedy-graven. com CHARTERED MEMORANDUM TO: Jason Angell, City Planner and Nate Sparks, Consultant Planner, City of Minnetrista Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, City of Mound FROM: Sarah Sonsalla, Assistant City Attorney DATE: May 21, 2007 RE: Halstead Pointe Manufactured Home Park Closing -Supplemental Information After the cities provided the Developer with a copy of my Apri123, 2007 memorandum regarding the manufactured home park closing process, I received a call from Laurie Smith, who is the office manager/clerk for P & J Investments, LLC ("P & J"), which is the current owner of both the manufactured home park parcels. Mr. Smith informed me that P & J did not purchase the properties from Halstead Pointe, LLC (the park's previous owner), but rather P & J was the mortgagee of the properties and became the owner when it foreclosed on the properties in November of 2006. Mr. Smith also informed me that P & J will be selling the properties to Zweber, LLC ("Zweber") after P & J receives the necessary approvals for development of the properties from the cities. Mr. Smith stated that it was P & J's position that the cities should not require P & J to submit a new manufactured home park closing statement because P & J did not "purchase" the property, but rather it became the owner through foreclosure and that in a foreclosure, a mortgagee is entitled to the same rights as the property owner, which means that the 2005 park closing statement should still be valid. P & J's arguments as to why it should not have to prepare and submit a new manufactured home park closing statement are respectable. However, as mentioned in my Apri123, 2007 memorandum, there are also valid arguments as to .why the statute would require a new manufactured home park closing statement to be submitted under these circumstances (i.e. because it is not clear whether or not P & J or Zweber would be subject to this requirement as a mortgagee instead of a purchaser of the properties and because in 2005, the statute did not require that a copy of the closing statement be provided to the commissioners of health and the housing finance agency). However, upon further review, it is clear that the statute does not require the cities to opine on whether or not P & J or Zweber is in compliance with the statute's requirements. Instead, the statute only requires that the cities (at their public hearing(s)) review the park closing statement and any impact that the park closing may have on the displaced residents and the park owner, which may include requiring payment of relocation costs to the park's residents. Based on this information, if P & J would like to proceed by utilizing the 2005 park closing statement instead of submitting a new one, it would be recommended that the cities allow it to proceed by holding the park closing hearing(s). If any issues are raised with respect to validity of the park closing statement, they maybe dealt by the cities and P & J at that time. 311526v1 SJS MN415-37 [7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW • SpringPointe Development held a neighborhood meeting on Friday, May l lth at the Gillespie Center and introduced a proposed "modified" concept plan to include all single- family lots for the "Mound Portion" of the site. The Planning Commission noted that the proposed "modified" concept plan distributed on May l lth was not the sketch plan which was formally submitted to the City on April 4th and therefore had not reviewed by Staff. __ • Several neighbors attended the May 14th meeting and provided informal comments for the applicant and Planning Commission. In general, the following issues were mentioned: - Potential impacts of pool and poolhouse to existing neighbors and adjacent properties due to its location on the east end of Halstead Avenue including, but not limited to, pedestrian /vehicular traffic, parking needs, noise, and safety. - General preference is for single-family detached houses on the north portion of Mound site which is consistent with existing zoning. - Overall project density of proposed residential development is higher than surrounding residential developments so it does not fit in well with surrounding neighborhoods. • - Possible financial burden on existing property owners if Halstead Avenue is upgraded. - Additional boat traffic and effects on Lake Minnetonka. - Other issues including density /home style /lake access were referenced in a letter from Vickie McCormick, 6675 Halstead Avenue, was read to the Planning Commission by a neighboring property owner and also provided to Staff at the meeting. It is Staff's understanding that the letter was also forwarded via email to members of the City Council. A copy has been included as an attachment. General discussion took place by the Planning Commission whether a revised sketch plan should be submitted prior to review by the City Council since the comments provided in the staff report were based on the April 4th submittal. Council members are advised that the developer informally met with Staff on May 16th who indicated that the pool was being relocated off the lake to the "north" portion of the site and being replaced with an additional single family lot on Halstead Avenue with the entire "north" portion of the Mound site to be redeveloped as single-family detached residential in accordance with the current R-1 zoning and in response to comments heard at the neighborhood and Planning Commission meetings. Staff discussed this issue with Chair Geoff Michael on May 17, 2007 who commented that the proposed modifications, as informally discussed with the developer, appear to be favorable and are generally consistent with the comments heard at the Planning Commission meeting and therefore directed Staff to advance the sketch plan on the May • 22nd Council meeting agenda. Additionally, it was discussed that sketch plan review is -4157- considered to be an informal process and that the code does not require Planning • Commission or Council review. A copy of the most current "modified" sketch plan, as discussed with the developer on May 16th and received on May 18th' has been included along with a brief narrative which outlines the proposed modifications. Please note that the "modified" sketch plan has not been reviewed for lot area, lot width and building setbacks so Staff is unable to determine whether or not it is meeting the City's R-1 zoning requirements. Additionally, the "modified" sketch plan has not been reviewed by Minnetrista Staff. • As prevousry stated, issues related to how the `imodified" sketch plan conforms to the zoning and subdivisions regulations, including but not limited to, the R-1 /PDA / shoreland overlay and bluff regulations have not been determined or evaluated. Additionally, it is important to mention that it is unclear whether the PDA regulations allow for variances to the minimum standards of the base zoning (R-1) as part of the PDA process. Staff respectfully suggests that the City Council may wish to discuss this item as it will be beneficial for Staff and the applicant to understand the intent of the regulations. Members are advised that several community PUD ordinances/regulations do not include minimum lot requirements/standards. Applicant is hereby advised that the project's conformity with the code will need to be addressed as part of the preliminary plat or in advance. • Prelim ~ary comments from Fire Chief Pederson dated May 16th based on review of the • Apn14 submittal have been included as an attachment. At its discretion, the City Council can request the applicant apply for a new sketch plan and/or remand it back to the Staff and / or Planning Commission so as to obtain additional information regarding the previously mentioned issues. Applicant has been made aware of this issue and has also advised that inadequate or incomplete data or information could impact the "determination of completeness" regarding any forthcoming preliminary plat. • 3 -4158- • MINUTE EXCEPRTS-DRAFT MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 14, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Jorj Ayaz, Orv Burma, Suzanne Claywell, Becky Glister, Michael Paulsen, Eva Stevens and Greg Skinner. Absent and Excused: Christine Ebert; Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Consultant Jeff Miller, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Dorothea Helmen (6669 Halstead Ave), Terry & Rita Hughes (6651 Halstead Ave), Nathan Roisem (Traffic Zone LTD), TJ Hammerstrom (Zweber LLC), BJ Johnson (6655 Halstead Ave), Kim Reinhart (6750 Halstead Ave), Zoe Essig (45 University Ave SE), Jerry Mader (6607 Bartlett Blvd), Heidi Hoy (7100 CR 110), Donna Neff (6715 Halstead Ave), Dave Kling (6715 Halstead Ave), John Beise (3124 Tuxedo Blvd) APPROVAL OF APRIL 9, 2007 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Burma, second by Stevens, to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2007 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS Agenda was not amended. MOTION by Burma, second by Glister, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #07-11 HALSTEAD POINTE SKETCH PLAN 6625 / 6627 / 6639 BARTLETT BOULEVARD APPLICANT: ZWEBER LLC A sketch plan has been submitted for review for Halstead Pointe, a 43 unit housing development proposed for the existing mobile home park located on the south side of Bartlett Boulevard in the southwest corner of Mound. The. proposed development • consists of 20 twinhomes (40 units), two new single-family detached houses, and one existing single-family detached house. Also included is a private neighborhood pool, pool house and dock. -4159- Discussion • Planning Consultant Jeff Miller outlined the items that need to be considered in the review including: Zoning, floodplain requirements, street construction, infrastructure, grading and utilities, wetlands, bluffs, and docks. Items staff has identified the following items that require more detailed information: Rezoning and/or conditional use permits; Halstead Avenue upgrade; more detailed topographical information is needed; impact of the proposed private recreation area. It was brought up during the discussion that the developer introduced, at the Friday night informational meeting, a single family detached plan for the Mound property. Staff was unaware of the revised plan. Stevens asked how this plan is meeting the life cycle objectives in the comprehensive plan. Staff said affordable housing was not part of this plan but that twin homes are under-represented in the city at this time. TJ Hammerstrom 657E 5th St, St. Paul (developer) - Mr. Hammerstrom gave some detail regarding the type of housing planned. He indicated this development was similar in design to the "Hidden Lakes" development in Golden Valley; Public Comments Terry Hughes (6641 Halstead Ave) -They love the neighborhood; it's quiet. Their big concern is the public access area. Kids will wander down to the pool area. BJ Johnson (6655 Halstead Ave) -Halstead is a 33 foot wide undeveloped roadway. He's concerned about having to finance the improvement of Halstead. Jerry Mader (6607 Bartlett) -Wants the property to stay R-1; not in favor of the lake access lot; concerned about the parking issue. Rita Hughes (6641 Halstead) - Ms. Hughes read a letter from Vicki McCormick (6675 Halstead) concerning issues with density, home style and lakeside pool lot. Donna Neff (6715 Halstead Ave) -What's being proposed doesn't fit the surrounding area. Public parking in the pool area opens up the lake to outside people. Noise carries on the lake. Intersecting Street B with Halstead Avenue opens up the existing private lakeside properties to outside problems. Dave Kling (6715 Halstead Ave) -Biggest concern is the pool area access and safety and noise. Heidi Hoy (daughter of 6641 Halstead Ave) Restated the quietness of the neighborhood. • Terry Hughes -Most of the people he's spoken to really question the price of the units. Developers are over-estimating. -4160- • The Planning Commission suggests the following: Ayaz -Pool access only for units in Mound Claywell -Relocate pool or get rid of it Burma -Rezoning is an option but his preference is single family Stevens -Pool access only for units in Mound if possible. Glister -Doesn't care for the rezoning idea Paulsen -Rezoning to R2 wouldn't be terrible to keep the redevelopment consistent. Minnetrista has already rezoned to 2.5-3.5 units per acre. Miller clarified that the density is currently 1-6 unit per acre. The developer isn't pushing the density at all. • C7 -4161- ~i ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~eCe ~ ~ ~'-~, ~ ~ ~ ~~ -4162- Page 1 of 1 Sarah Smith • From: "TJ Hammerstrom" <thammerstrom@springpointeinc.com> To: "'Sarah Smith"' <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 6:49 AM Subject: FW: Halstead change narrative Sarah, Below are-the narrative changes. Sending over revised site plan now. T~ l~fa~N~arsErv~ SpringPointe Development (612) 382-6333 From: Kevin Teppen [mailto:kevint@schoellmadson.com] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 5:00 PM To: Nathan Roisen Cc: John Harris; TJ Hammerstrom Subject: RE: Halstead change narrative Layout for your review ......for mound packet. Nathan, I'll be sending over the cadd file next. tf~vrn i. Teta}~~n, Rt_A. ABLA $eninr Dcsiga lest3er£~.indsca{?€ Aachitcct 1~I~J ~3rC a~ri:n~e r~~h ~ly~~~uh, mn a~~~ ~It~~~~ ~a~~~J~l 7B3'i~:6t&~Olpiaane `~ ~ ~h,n, ~~~ ~ s,n :~cr«i~, ` 7Fi3 7~1~i_1t^r~ I?~x 7G3 "rJG.t~u$ I d~sr From: Nathan Roisen [mailto:NRoisen@harrissarchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:42 PM To: Kevin Teppen Subject: Halstead change narrative Kevin, here's the changes that I outlined in the meeting minutes from yesterday. 1. Eliminate lot 15 north of Street `A'. The area north of Street `A' will have 141ots total. 2. Use the width from the eliminated lot 15 to enlarge the remaining 141ots north of Street `A' as much as possible. 3. Remove lot 39 for a new common area that will feature a whirlpool, patio overlooking the lakefront, and a clubhouse. 4. Provide approximately four parking spots along Street `A' for visitor parking to the clubhouse area. 5. Eliminate the existing pool/pool house configuration along the lakefront adjacent to lot 40. 6. Add a 60 foot wide single family lot adjacent to lot 40 along~the east end of Halstead Avenue. 7. Add a walking trail from the new clubhouse common area south to the waterfront along the east property line of the site. 8. Eliminate the existing dock configuration and add a single dock at the terminus of the walking trail with room for two slip for private use of the properties along the lake. Residents of the development will use • end of dock for valet. Items 3-8 relate to Mound. Are -4163- 5/18/2007 ~~~ti C ~t ~( R S ~~ l~J6 u I (il C G9l<~ ~ U-c /' Sm ~ e o ~ ~ G~~~~' ~~ ~o A rit~~ • ~ m~ ~ ~e ~~ `~~ r ~ v~ A~~r~ / U d ~C~ ~2 -~~~ a. ~c 0~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~R~~~ ~~/l~YYh~C%y`G~S (Gl ~ ~~ •i ~~n1~- I/~i5~ ~/9 CEO SO '~v 7~- G~'~ Bt ~P~w/C'~C~S w-G~I, ~~ ~ "c ~~~~3p~- 6333 s/~~ dI a,sa i• - - _ ONf10W 3D ALO i• 0 ~ /~~ ( "'r ~ ~ ~~~: ! % 4 ~ . ~ ~~ S g •~ ^E [~ -_~ R1F ~~ MF ~~ ~ ~F ~ ~' J ~ -'~ / i~ / ~/ p '; ~ ~f°i ~~ -' !Y~ O. ` ~ ~ i 2 / • '"'„ o- € ~ ~''~ .'~r '~/ y ~' ^i Z -''~ Z ~. ,~ ~%:~ Z ~ '~ ~ ~ `~^ J •'~ ~ / ~ ~O 5 O K Z e F Y ,` ~~ % !''~ '~ hx ~ CJ 3 ~` J> ~ ~ o~ ,~~~ ` S 3 ~yJ! /~ 3 \ e ~' ~~,~' ~ jY ~ zl ^\ 0 rn! \ ~ [a N' »> F / ~\ O "~+f ~N€ 1 'Ni > .~~- ~i1\\\ I ~ ~,i m~ ~~ '~~F \ ~ ~~~ ~ ~F~ f ~ ('~~ / ~~ ~ .-- ~F I~ ~ L ~~~i ~ ~~ _ ~ -4165- Page 1 of 1 Sarah Smith From: "Greg Pederson" <gpederson@moundfire.com> To: "jell miller" <jmiller@hkgi.com>; <danfa@bolton-menk.com>; "Ray Hanson" <RayHanson@cityofmound.com>; <carltonmoore@cityofmound.com> Cc: "Sarah Smith" <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:14 PM Attach: Site Plan Fire Code Handout MFD 051607.doc Subject: RE: Review Comments -Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan • Please refer to the attached "General Fire Code Related Plan Review Issues" handout for the Halstead Pointe Development project. This list of fire code requirements applies to any residential or commercial development. Although this list is somewhat general, the list should be used for (or by) any developer that has fire related and _#ire-code -q~estiensr _ _ ____ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ This list does not get into the details of a fire suppression system or a fire alarm system. Regards, Greg Gregory S. Pederson Mound Fire Chief (952) 472-3533 Direct (952) 472-3555 Main (952) 472-3775 Fax apederson(cr~moundfire.com From: jeff miller [mailto:jmiller@hkgi.com] Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 9:02 AM • To: danfa@bolton-menk.com; scoff@mnspect.com; Greg Pederson; Ray Hanson; carltonmoore@cityofmound.com Cc: Sarah Smith Subject: Review Comments -Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan H i- Please send me any review comments that you might have for the Halstead Pointe sketch plan today or tomorrow. As of today, this application is scheduled to be reviewed with the Planning Commission on Monday, May 14, 2007, so I will be finishing up the Staff Planning Report on Tuesday & Wednesday. Thanks, Jeff Miller Jeff Miller, Planner Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 612.252-7123 phone 612.338.6838 fax jmiller@hkgi.com www.hkgi.com • - 4166 - 5/17/2007 • Mound Fire Department GENERAL FIRE CODE RELATED PLAN REVIEW ISSUES 1. Apparatus Access Roads are required to "extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility or any portion of the exterior wall of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route...." (with exceptions) (International Fire Code (IFC) section 503.1.1) 2. Fire Apparatus Access Roads must ".... be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus (up to 75,000 pounds) and shall be surfaced to provide all weather driving capabilities." (IFC sect. 503.2.3} 3. "Fire Apparatus Access Road shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 _ __ feel..-_~~,'° ELF-.-C-sec#.-503.2.1) _ ___ _ ___-...-__ _ _ _ 4. Signage of Fire Apparatus Access Roads (IFC sect. 503.3) shall be required on both sides of access roads or lanes from 20 to 26 feet in width (IFC sect. D103.6.1) and on one side if the road or lane is from 26 to 32 feet in width. (IFC sect. D103.6.2) 5. Aerial Apparatus Access Roads shall be provided to ".... buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access...." (IFC sect. D105.1). 6. The code official (Fire Chief) is authorized to require additional Fire Department Apparatus Access if deemed necessary. (IFC section 503.1.2). 7. "Fire Apparatus Access Roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet in height." (IFC sect.105.2) 8. A minimum of one side of the building shall have the 26 foot fire lane running parallel to the building and shall be a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the side of a building exceeding 30 feet in height for the placement of aerial apparatus. (IFC sect. • D105.3) 9. Fire Department Connections (FDC's) for sprinkler or standpipe systems must be located in visible (IFC sect. 912.2.1) and accessible (IFC 912.2.2) locations and shall be maintained so as to remain clear and unobstructed. (IFC sect. 912.3) 10. A minimum of one (1) fire hydrant shall be supplied within 100 feet of the FDC along an approved route. (City Fire Ordinance). 11. Apparatus access roads serving a fire hydrant shall be a minimum of 26 feet in width. (IFC sect D103.1) 12. A dead end Fire Apparatus Access Road in excess of 150 feet shall be provided with an approved turn around per IFC table D103.4. (IFC section 503.2.5 and D103.4) 13. Street dividers or islands placed between lanes on a Fire Department Access Road must be approved by the local Fire Chief and must not obstruct Fire Department vehicle Access. (IFC sect. 503.4) 14. In residentially zoned areas, Fire Hydrants shall be spaced no further than 600 feet apart (within 300 feet of any point along a Fire Department Access Road by an approved route). (City Fire Ordinance). If you have questions regarding any of the above listed requirements, you may contact Mound Fire Chief Greg Pederson @ 952-472-3555 or Fire Inspector Dean Mau at: (952) 442-7520 or at: chief1(a~moundfire.com or dean(c.~mnsgect.com. Sincerely, Greg Pederson Dean Mau Fire Chief Fire Inspector -4167- Page 1 of 3 Vickie L. McCormick From: Vickie L. McCormick [vickie.mccormick@frontiernet.net] Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 12:28 PM To: 'mahanus@earthlink.net ; 'JohnBeise@aol.com'; 'skinnercitycouncil@hotmail.com'; 'mspecht@mchsi.com ; 'sckdo@earthlink.net' Subject: FW: SpringPointe Development Mound Mayor and City Council -- When I sent this email to Kandis Hanson as instructed on your website it was returned as undeliverable, so I am sending it to each you. -----Original Message----- From: Vickie L. McCormick [mailto:vickie.mccormick@frontiernet.net] Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 12:17 PM To: 'kandishanson@msn.com' Cc: 'dfaschil@fairview.org ;Sheri Smith (ssmith_onyx@5001ake.com); 'blake.smith@clarkconsulting.com'; 'david.kling@mchsi.com'; 'donna.neff@honeywell.com' Subject: SpringPointe Development Please forward this email to the Mound Mayor, City Manager, and City Council prior to the May 14, 2007 City Council meeting - Mayor, City Manager and City Council for the City of Mound - • I am writing to express my objections to certain features of the SpringPointe Development proposal for Halsted Avenue. I recognize that development of this area is ultimately inevitable, however, I object to the high density, home style, and lake access proposed by SpringPoint Development. I understand there will be a Mound City Council meeting on Monday, May 14th to discuss the proposal. Unfortunately, I have a prior commitment and am not able to attend so I am providing my comments in this email. I am also providing copies of it to others who plan to the attend so they may read it into the record as appropriate. Density Please restrict the density for the 12 acres included in the SpringPoint Development proposal to 2.5 single family homes per acre, which is consistent with the surrounding residential areas. It may be economically desirable for the developer to jam as many homes as possible into the area, but doing so would make the development inconsistent with the surrounding areas and there is no reason to impose the undesirable appearance, inconvenience, and additional traffic of high density housing on the surrounding areas. I believe both the Saunders Lake and Painters Creek developments represent a much more desirable development density and ask that the Council apply the same density limits to the proposed Halsted Avenue development. They offer a lovely and upscale appearance to homes in Mound and represent Mound as a desirable place to live. A higher inconsistent house density for the Halsted Avenue development will diminish the appearance of the immediate area and Mound overall. Home Style I also request that you not approve a development that includes anything other than single family homes. I object to both the twin homes and carriage house style proposed by SpringPointe Development. All of the housing in the . surrounding areas are single family homes and I see no reason to change the character of the neighborhood or surrounding areas. The only reason for type of proposed housing is once again to cram as many homes as 5/12/2007 - 4168 - Page 2 of 3 possible in the limited area for the financial benefit of the developer and/or its investors. The developer and its investors, however, will not have to contend with the undesirable appearance of the proposed home style or the • related consequences of the additional traffic, which will be excessive for a relatively small area and possibly dangerous. Once again, I believe Saunders Lake and Painters Creek represent the type of housing that is desirable and ultimately more beneficial for the entire community than the multi-family style high density housing proposed by SprintPoint Development. Lake Access I strenuously object to granting the entire development access to the lake. Lake Minnetonka is already dealing with excessive use and traffic. To add to existing use and traffic by granting 39 non-Lakeshore homes access to the lake via a relatively small area would be irresponsible and reckless. The current use and boat traffic on Lake Minnetonka is already causing environmental and safety issues. Adding another 39 non-Lakeshore homes access to the lake simply increases those problems. The only reason for granting 39 non-Lakeshore homes access is so the developer may sell those houses for more money by including deeded lake access. Permitting such access serves no legitimate purpose ~or gene ~fi for the City, the surrounding neighbors who have purchased Lakeshore property in order to have direct access to the lake, and other Lakeshore owners on Halstead Bay and the rest of Lake Minnetonka. The only ones who will benefit are the 39 non-Lakeshore homeowners granted access they would otherwise have no right to and the developer and its investors, who will not have to contend with the burden of such lake access. As one of the homeowners close to the proposed lake access location, which is to include a pool and pool house, I dread both the danger and noise of the additional boat and jet ski traffic. In addition I think we can anticipate significant noise from the possible and likely numerous and regular large social events by the residents of 39 • homes. This has always been a quiet neighborhood, which is one of its major attractions. I understand we cannot keep all of our peace, but the effect of 39 homes, rather than 1 or 2, having lake access is an unreasonable burden on the nearby houses, creates an unreasonable and unnecessary danger for the many children living in the neighborhood, will result in decreased quality and increased danger on the lake, and is an unnecessary and excessive element of the proposed development. Again, the Saunders Lake and Painters Creek developments make it clear that deeded access to Lake Minnetonka is not necessary for attractive housing developments in this area. If the City Council approves this request, it can expect future such requests from other developers. Please be good stewards of Lake Minnetonka; deny this element of the proposal, and avoid being responsible for further deterioration of Lake Minnetonka and a more damaged and dangerous. environment. For those who live near, but not on, the lake, the surrounding communities, including Mound, have provided public access and beach areas. Any further access to residents who do not own Lakeshore is not necessary and would be irresponsible. If SpringPoint Development wants to provide a recreational area for the homeowners, they should do so off the lake and among the houses that will be using it. As currently proposed, the people most burdened by the recreational area are the neighbors who will not benefit by it but be burdened by the noise and traffic from it. In conclusion I think the City Council should be very skeptical about SpringPointe Development's representations. The people making those representations do not five here and will not have to live with the adverse effects of their conduct. Let's remember they are not doing this to improve Mound or the neighborhood. They are doing it to make money. Their proposal makes it clear they are trying to make as much money as possible without regard to what is • best for Mound, the surrounding areas, and, most especially, the people who already live here and have supported this community for years. 5/12!2007 - 4169 - PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Jeff Miller DATE: May 10, 2007 APPLICANT: Zweber LLC REQUEST: Sketch Plan Review CASE NUMBERS: 07-11 HKGi FILE NUMBER: 07-06 LOCATION: 6625, 6627 and 6639 Bartlett Boulevard PROPERTY ID: 22-117-24-43-0008, 22-117-24-43-0009 and 22-117-24-43-0007 ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential APPLICATION SUMMARY HK 3i • At its May 14, 2007 meeting, the Planning Commission will review the sketch plan for Halstead Pointe, a proposed 43-unit housing development proposed for the existing manufactured home court property located on the south side of Bartlett Boulevard, in the southwest corner of Mound, and adjacent properties. The approximate 12.5 acre site lies both in Mound and Minnetrista, with approx. 3 acres located within Mound. The proposed development consists of 20 twinhome buildings (40 housing units), two (2) new single-family detached houses, and one (1) existing single-family detached house. Four (4) twinhome buildings (8 housing units) and one (1) new single-family detached house, as well as a private neighborhood pooUpoolhouse/dock, would be located in Mound with the remaining housing units located in Minnetrista. PROCESS Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, the subdividing owner, or authorized agent, shall apply and secure approval from the City of Mound in accordance with the procedures set forth in City Code Chapter 330.15, which includes three steps for a major subdivision. The submittal of a sketch plan is the first step in the major subdivision process and involves an informal review by Staff to outline various planning-related issues associated with a pending project and also identifies items that will need to be addressed in subsequent submittals. Review by the Planning Commission is optional and not required by Code but recommended and encouraged for larger projects. Members are advised that the pre-application procedures for major subdivisions are • contained in City Code Chapter 330.25. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612)338-0800 Fax (612)338-6838 -4171- p. 2 #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan May 10, 2007 PROJECT ANALYSIS Details regarding this proposal are contained in the sketch plan application and support information that was submitted on April 4, 2007. Since a larger portion of the proposed development lies within the City of Minnetrista, this sketch plan was first submitted and reviewed by the City of Minnetrista. The Minnetrista Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan on February 26th and the Minnetrista City Council reviewed it on March 19th. LAND USE Comprehensive Plan. The City's current Comprehensive Plan guides this land for Low Density Residential, which allows single-family detached and attached housing types within the density range of 1 to 6 units per acre. The sketch plan proposes eight (8) attached single-family housing units (twinhomes) and one (1) detached single-family house on 3.0 acres, which calculates to a density of 3.0 units per acre, so the sketch plan is consistent with the. Comprehensive Plan's land use guidance for density. Based,on preliminary review, a comprehensive plan amendment is not required for the project. Zoning. All of the properties are currently zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential), which does not permit twinhomes. Twinhomes are allowed in the R-2 (Two-Family Residential) zoning district, so the property would need to be rezoned to R-2. If the twinhomes are intended to be platted as single parcels of record with the party wall acting as the dividing line, a conditional use permit (CUP) is also required. The minimum requirements for lot area, lot width and setbacks for twinhomes in the R-2 zoning district (non-Lakeshore) are as follows: • Minimum Lot Area • Minimum Lot Width • Minimum Front Yard Setback • Minimum Side Yard Setback • Minimum Rear Yard Setback • Minimum Bluff Setback 14,000 sq ft 80 ft (street) 20 ft loft 15ft 30 ft • '~ •i Applicant is advised that the lot frontage requirements on the cul-de-sac were not shown on the concept plan and need to be confirmed for consistency with the code requirements. According to the Zoning Ordinance, for lots abutting a cul-de-sac, the frontage is measured at the minimum front building line as opposed to the street. Additionally, the assignment of front/side/rear setbacks for the proposed twinhome lots needs to be evaluated based upon the configuration of the lots and their location on Street A, the cul-de-sac and Bartlett Boulevard based on the definitions contained in the Zoning Ordinance. • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612338-0800 Fax-(612)338-6838 -4172- • • p. 3 #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan May 10, 2007 In the event "Lakeshore" status would be required for the proposed twinhome lots, the new standards, as recently approved by the DNR following the City's Shoreland Flexibility Request (January 2007), would need to be used and require a minimum of 17,500 SF and minimum width of 90 FT for each lot. As Halstead Lane physically separates the proposed R-2 (twinhome) lots from Lake Minnetonka, Staff has preliminarily assumed that non- lakeshore requirements for twinhomes apply to the project. The applicant and the Planning Commission are advised that additional discussion and review by Staff and/or the DNR will be required on this issue. Lot 43 could retain the current R-1 zoning and appears to meet the minimum requirements for lot area, lot width and setbacks which are as follows: • Minimum Lot Area • Minimum Lot Width • Minimum Lot Depth • Minimum Front Yard Setback • Minimum Side Yard Setback • Minimum Rear Yard Setback • Minimum Lakeshore Setback • Minimum Bluff Setback 10,000 sq ft 60 ft (street and lake) 80 ft 30 ft 10ft 15ft 50 ft 30 ft The applicant is advised that the Lakeshore width measurement for Lot 43 (as measured at the 929.4 OHWM) was not included in the concept plan. Lot 43 also lacks frontage on an improved public street. The standards for the proposed Outlot, which includes the proposed pool facilities, will require further discussion. Members are advised that the PDA process, as proposed by the applicant, could be used to address the aforementioned issues and is described in the following section of the Planning Report (Page 4.) • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -4173- P• 4 #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan • May 10, 2007 PDA Concept Plan. The applicant is proposing to utilize the Planned Development Area (PDA) process in accordance with City Code Chapter 350.460 for the neighborhood development. The owner or owners of any tract or tracts of land in the residential district may submit to the City Council for approval, a plan for the use and development of such a tract of land as PDA by making application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) authorizing completion of the project according to the plan. The plan for the proposed project shall conform to the requirements of the use district within which the land is located. The number of dwelling units proposed for the entire site shall not exceed the total number permitted under the density control provision for the use district within which the land is located. The applicant's intent for requesting a PDA is to achieve a higher development density on the site while preserving natural features and open spaces along Halstead Avenue. The proposed open spaces within the Mound portion of the site include steep slopes/bluffs and a drainage pond (Outlot C) and a private neighborhood recreational open space area, including a pool, pool house and dock, on the Lakeshore (Outlot D). In granting a CUP for a PDA, the City Council shall consider the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safety, morals and general welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. Section 350.525 of the Zoning Ordinance contains specific standards and conditions relating to granting a CUP that shall be considered by the City Council and Planning Commission. Subdivision. It is anticipated that the properly will be platted as a Major Subdivision in both the • City of Mound and Minnetrista with the process being done concurrently in each community. No annexation and/or detachment would be involved with the current proposal. Shoreland Management Overlay. The subject site is located within the Shoreland Area overlay district as it is located within 1,000 linear feet of Lake Minnetonka. Wetlands. There are no known wetlands on the subject property. The City of Mound is the Local Governmental Unit (LGU) for wetlands in accordance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. Floodplain. The 100-year floodplain elevation for Lake Minnetonka is 931.0. The City of Mound is the permitting agent for floodplain alteration activities following approval of the Surface Water Management Plan by the MCWD in 2002. City Code Chapter 300.13, Subd. 4(b) states that the placement of fill in the flood fringe shall result in a no-net decrease in 100-year flood storage. In the event the floodplain compensation cannot be accommodated on-site, it must be accomplished on the same waterbody and in an appropriate location approved by the City. Processing of floodplain alteration permits is subject to the regulations pursuant to MCWD Rule C and includes mailed notification to all properties within 600 feet and formal approval by the City Council The City's floodplain regulations are contained in City Code Chapter 300.16. The City Code requires that the lowest floor of all structures, including basements or crawl spaces, must be • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -4174- p. 5 • #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan May 10, 2007 constructed at or above the RFPE. The City of Mound requires verification of the lowest floor elevations during construction. Park Land Dedication. Dedication of park land and/or payment of fees in lieu of land dedication is required by the Subdivision Ordinance. The sketch plan application states no land is currently being proposed for park land dedication. , Bluffs. In a previous sketch plan submittal for the subject property (2004), topography indicated that bluff condition(s) may be present the site. Additionally, it is not known whether the existing topography is in a natural state and/or was previously altered. Members are advised that Mound's Comprehensive Plan contains a Steep Slope Areas Map that indicates the presence of steep slopes (greater than 18%) on this site. A bluff is defined in the City's Zoning Ordinance as follows: "Topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having all of the following characteristics: A. Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; B. The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high water level of the waterbody; C. The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the • ordinary high water level averages 30 percent or greater; and D. The slope must drain toward the waterbody. " In order to fully evaluate site conditions, additional topographical and/or other necessary information (ie. soils tests, etc.) will be need to be provided to determine whether bluff conditions are present as part of the preliminary plat submittal or in advance. INFRASTRUCTURE Storm Water. Water runoff and ponding issues will need to be consistent with the Mound Surface Water Management Plan and City Code Chapter 375 and will require approval by the Mound City Council. Surface water permitting for the Minnetrista portion of the property will be done by the MCWD. Street Improvements. Section 330.115 Subd 1 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that all lots shall contain frontage on a publicly dedicated street. In addition, Section 330.130 Subd 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that the full width of the right-of--way of each street (50-foot ROW minimum) and alley dedicated in the plat shall be graded and improved. All streets and alleys shall have an adequate sub-base and shall be improved with anall-weather permanent surface. • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -4175- p. 6 #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan • May 10, 2007 A concrete curb and gutter shall be installed on both sides of each street dedicated in the plat. The portion of Halstead Avenue within Mound currently does not meet these requirements. Private streets shall not be permitted nor shall public improvements be approved for any private street unless approved by the City Council as part of a CUP for an overall development plan. Grading /Utilities. A preliminary grading and utilities plan was not provided with the sketch plan but is not normally required at this stage. Planning Commission members are advised that the applicant's consulting engineer is working with the Mound and Minnetrista City Engineers to determine how the property will be served by water and sewer. Please also refer to the preliminary comments from City Engineer Dan Faulkner included in "Department Comments" section of the Planning Report which are provided below. CITY DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the sketch plan application and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments and involved agencies for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: City Engineer Faulkner We have not received a revised concept plan following our • joint meeting with Minnetrista staff on Apri124th. Preliminary comments are as follows: Proposed public sewer and water service has not been shown and in order to analyze if the existing system is sufficient, the number of additional units, if any, to be served by the City of Mound must be indicated. The stopping sight distance on Co. Rd 110 needs to be determined at the proposed access location of Street A. Some type of turn around needs to be shown at the easterly end of existing Halstead Av. in Mound, preferably not a "hammerhead" design. The proposed treatment pond is shown partially within the City of Mound and mostly in the City of Minnetrista. It would be best to have the pond all within one City so future maintenance and any issues would be handled by just one City. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612)338-0800 Fax (612)338-6838 -4176- • • p. 7 #07-I1 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan May 10, 2007 Parks Superintendent Fackler Acting Police Chief McKinley Public Works Supt. Skinner Hennepin County Trans. Dept Met Council Sector Rep DISCUSSION The status of sewer lift stations and service areas needs to be clarified. Existing and proposed drainage patterns should be shown in concept form. The proposed docks do not appear to meet LMCD setback requirements. Due to the site's location on a hill and near a curve in the road, roadway signage will be needed both during construction and when completed. Refer to comments from City Engineer. The proposed right-of--way dedication for CSAH 110 and access location for Street `A' meet County requirements. Additional requirements will be addition of westbound left turn lanes from CSAH 110 to Street `A' and complete removal of existing accesses along these properties' frontage on CSAH 110. County also would like the City to consider providing left turn lanes at Cardinal Cove Drive. No comments regarding sketch plan proposal per email received on 4/16 during 15-business day comment period. • The Minnetrista Planning Commission reviewed the sketch plan at its February 26, 2007 meeting. The Minnetrista City Council reviewed the sketch plan at its March 19, 2007 meeting. Copies of the Minnetrista City Council planning report and March 19~' City Council meeting minutes excerpts have been included as attachments. • Members of the development team met with Staff from the City of Mound and the City of Minnetrista on Apri124, 2007 to discuss the proposed development. • A neighborhood meeting was held by the developer on May 11, 2007 from 6:30 PM-9:30 PM at the Gillespie Center.. As the Planning Report for the sketch plan was prepared in advance of the 5/11 neighborhood meeting/open house, it is anticipated that a summary of the open house will be provided at the May 14~' Planning Commission meeting. A copy of the neighborhood meeting notice has been included in the packet. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -4177- P• 8 #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan • May 10, 2007 PRELIMINARY STAFF COMMENTS • The proposed twinhomes development is not permitted in the current R-1 (Single- Family Residential) zoning district. so a rezoning to R-2 would be required. Depending on how the applicant intends to plat the twinhomes, a CUP may also be required. The status and need to upgrade Halstead Avenue needs to discussed including the need for adequate public right-of--way dedication and street improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, pavement surfacing and inclusion of a turnaround. As previously stated, the City's subdivision controls have specific standards for public street improvements for developments. • More detailed topographical information will be needed in order to assess steep slopes and the existence of bluffs and required setbacks from bluffs. • The proposed private neighborhood recreational open space area's location on the • edge of the proposed neighborhood rather than within the proposed neighborhood will require an assessment of potential impacts on existing surrounding properties, including, but not limited to, noise, traffic, parking, light and glare. • Applicant is reminded that the City's shoreland regulations for residential PDA projects (City Code Chapter 3350.1235) have specific provisions regarding the calculation of "suitable area" and allowable densities within each tier. As the property is located in a shoreland area and includes lakefront property for the proposed single-family lot and Outlot D, the applicability of the shoreland ordinance will need to be evaluated to determine the project's conformance with the shoreland rules. Staff is most concerned about the provisions in Subd. 5 that requires that 50 percent of the total project area must be preserved as open space. Additionally, there is a regulation that states that the shore impact zone, based on normal structure setbacks, must be included as open space. For residential PDA projects, at least 70 percent of the shore impact zone must be also preserved in its natural or existing state. Members are advised that Staff has informally heard from neighbors in the Halstead Lane neighborhood who have expressed concern regarding the pool facilities and possible negative effects to their residences. Pedestrian and vehicular access(es) to proposed Outlot D should be discussed especially due to the width and condition of the road. Parking restrictions along • Halstead Lane may need to be considered. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338-0800 Fax (612) 338-6838 -4178- p. 9 • #07-11 Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan May 10, 2007 • Members are advised that an internal sidewalk system along Street A and Street B has been shown on the plan. • As previously mentioned, the "Lakeshore" or "non-Lakeshore" status of the proposed twinhomes lots, needs to be confirmed. • A copy of a memorandum from Minnetrista Assistant City Attorney Sarah Sonsolla of Kennedy & Graven, on behalf of the Cities of Mound and Minnetrista, has been included as an attachment which outlines the issues associated with the legal requirements for closing of a manufactured home court. • Hardcover for new lots is limited to no more than 30 percent. • As part of the preliminary plat process, Staff requests that detailed survey data for the neighboring "Mound parcel" to the east be provided so as to evaluate the project's impacts upon the adjacent property. • The project's location within the shoreland and bluff impact zone requires additional • analysis as part of or in advance of the preliminary plat process. • The date for review of the sketch plan by the City Council has not been scheduled but is forthcoming and likely will be held at the 2°d meeting in May or 1St meeting in June. Applicant is advised that aforementioned date(s) are tentative and therefore subject to change. • The need for sidewalk/trail improvements along the north edge of the property abutting CSAH 110/Bartlett Boulevard needs to be discussed with the applicant in cooperation with City of Minnetrista and Hennepin County. • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612)338-0800 Fax (612)338-6838 -4179- iFY~ Written Statements Halstead Pointe Sketch Plan Application April 5th, 2007 RECEIVED APR ~ ..2007 CITY C)F NfQUND (a) Provide a listing of contact information including name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of.• the owner of record, authorized agents or representatives, engineer, surveyor, and any other relevant associates; Owner of record: Zweber LLC c/o Mark Zweber PO Box 809 Lalcevile; MN 55044 952-994-1935 Project Manager: SpringPonte Development Inc. TJ Hammerstrom 657 5th Street East #A St. Paul, MN 55106 612-382-6333 Architect: Harris Architects John Harris 250 3rd Ave. North #130 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-339-2190 Civil Engineer: Schnell Madson Kevin Tep~en 15050 23r Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 763-746-1600 Surveyor: MFR.A Henry Nelson 15050 23`d Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-476-6010 C7 • • -4180- Environmental & Geo-technical Engineer: • Braun Intertec Mike Heuer 11001 Hampshire Ave S Bloomington, MN 55438 952-995-2258 (b) List the following site data: Address, current zoning, parcel size in acres and square feet, property identification number(s) (PID), and current legal description(s); The proposed development consists of Seven PIDs with one straddling the Mound and Minnetrista boundaries. 6625 Bartlett Blvd PID# 22-117-24-43-0008 Halstead Heights That Part Of Lots 4 And 5 Lying S Of S Line Of Halstead Ave Extended 10,019 sq.ft=.23 acres 6627 Bartlett Blvd PID#22-117-24-43 -0009 Halstead Heights That Part Of Lots 4 And 5 Lying N Of S Line Of Halstead Ave Extended • 45,738 sq.ft=1.05 acres 6701 County Rd 110 W PID # 22-117-24-43-0002 COM ON THE NWLY LINE OF HALSTEAD AT A PT 520 8/10 FT NELY FROM THE MOST WLY COR OF,HALSTEAD PARK TH NWLY LINE OF HALSTEAD 182,118 sq.ft = 4.181 acres 6639 Bartlett Blvd PID# 22-117-24-43-0007 HALSTEAD HEIGHTS, LOTS 1, 2 & 3 74,755 sq.ft = 1.716 acres 6710 Halstead Ave PID#: 2211724430003 Unplatted 22 117 24 Com At A Pt In Nely Line Of Koehler St Dis 281 Ft Sely From The Ctr Line Of State Hwy No 110 Th At An Angle To The Left Of 18 28912 sq.ft=.52 acres Vacant Land PID#: 2211724430004 Unplatted 22 117 24 Com At Intersec Of Ctr Line Of State Hwy No 110 And The Ely Line Of Koehler St Th Sely Along Said Ely Line 281 Ft Th At An • 21854 sq.ft=.5 acres -4181- 6750 Halstead Ave • PID#: 2211724430042 Unplatted 22 117 24 That Part Of Govt Lot 2 Desc As Com At A Pt In Nely Line Of Koehler St Dist 281 Ft Sely From The Ctr Line Of St Hwy No 110Th At An Angle To The 191428 sq. ft=4.3 8 acres The above described property is currently zoned Residential (R-3} in Minnetrista, (R- 1) in Mound and is being utilized as a Mobile Home Park. The combined parcels within the Mound portion of the project total approximately 3.0 acres/130,512 sq. ft. (c) Provide a listing of general information including: the proposed name of the subdivision; the number of proposed lots; and area calculations for gross land area, wetland areas, wetland buffers, right-of--way dedications, conservation areas, and proposed public ~ private parks; Subdivision Name: Halstead Pointe Number of Proposed Lots: 9 in Mound Gross Land Area in Mound: 2.83 acres (122,992 sq. ft.) Wetland Areas: 0 acres • Wetland Buffers: 0 acres County ROW Dedications: 0.091 acres (3,991 s.f.) Conservation Areas: 0 acres Proposed Public and Private Parks in Mound 65 acres (8,485 s.f.) • Outlot : C in Mound: 8,485 s.f. • Outlot D in Mound: 14,214 s.f. (d) Calculate the proposed density of the project with the method of calculation shown (gross land area -wetlands -arterial and collector rights-of--way -non buildable areas =net acreage from which density should be calculated). Using that same methodology, also calculate the potential density under standard zoning regulations. The density for this project in Mound 3.18 units per acre. (9 units 3 acres = 3.18 units per acre) ~J -4182- (e) Describe how issues have been addressed leading up to creation of the Concept Plan (e.g. contact with staff, neighbors, etc.) Using a model community in Golden Valley (Hidden Lakes) as a physical exarnple of product type and expectation, the development team met with both, the immediate neighborhood, council and staff to of Minnetrista to address likes and dislikes. Both the dialogue and market conditions are a result of our Concept Plan. (Letters of support attached) The development team will be doing the same with Mound over the next several days for their, impute/comments as well. (~ Explain why a PUD is appropriate for the site, and how your vision for the finished product complies with the Comprehensive Plan; Minnetrista's Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to be developed at 2.5 to 3.5 units per acre. While the proposal certainly comes in at the high end of that range, we believe it is the best alternative available to preserve natural areas along Halstead Avenue (1.65 acres). Additionally, 0.41 acres will be used for the creation of rain gardens which will run east/west in-between the proposed units and the proposed open space. This feature will provide a major benefit to this site in terms of stormwater management, and will play a major roll in protecting the existing homes on Halstead Avenue from the existing drainage problems emanating from this area. Concentrating development on the northern portion of the site will also help in our efforts to preserve the natural vegetation as much as possible. • (g) List the deviations from standard code being requested to improve the site design and operation? The proposed PUD will integrate 4 luxury villa twin homes and one single family dwelling on a site guided for single family development on 10,000 square foot lots. Inputting together the proposed twin home lots, we conform to the City's regulations for such units in the multi-family zoning districts. Also we are proposing 50 foot right of ways for the local roads. (h) Explain the additional benefits your proposal provides to the City (e.g. greater parkltrail dedication, extensive landscaping, special architectural lighting, etc.) that exceed conventional standards to offset the effect of requested development variations; Halstead Pointe will preserve as much open and green space as possible with a trail along County Rd 110 that can be enjoyed by the neighborhood. (i) Describe how the proposal preserves and enhances the parcel's natural features and open spaces? The proposed PUD will allow the flexibility to provide more openspace and tree • preservation along Halsted Avenue creating a natural area for the surrounding neighborhood. -4183- (j) Explain how the proposal maintains or improves the efficiency of public streets, • utilities, and other public services? Currently there are three access points to County Rd 110 along the sites current use - this number will be reduced to (1). There are now 14 households on the site which will. be decreased by 6. Schools will not be affected, except to the extent that the increased value will lead to a greater tax base to fund schools. There is ample sewage capacity available now and for any future growth. Water supply is currently an issue in the community. There is sufficient domestic water supply, but not enough for fire protection. A study is underway by the city of Minnetrista to determine the best solution to this community problem. (k) Describe how the proposal will integrate with the existing and/or guided future development of adjacent properties? It is anticipated that the proposed development will increase value for the surrounding area as well as the community at large. This property is the Western gateway to the city of Mound. An attractive, well-designed housing project will be an asset to the area. There will be very little impact to the neighboring residents as to sight lines and views. The orientation of the area is toward Halstead's Bay. This project will not block anybody's views and will improve the view of those entering the community on County Rd 110. No wetlands or natural areas will be disturbed. The property is wooded, primarily with Boxelder and Poplar. Every effort will be made to preserve • the natural feel of the property. (l) Does the proposal encourage construction of a variety of housing types? If so, how is this achieved? If not, why not? A majority of the proposed project would incorporate luxury villa twin homes on the northern portion of the site which would bring far greater diversity to the overall housing stock available in this area. This approach allows us to maximize open space along Halsted Avenue while integrating the desired number of units in a concentrated area. (m) Provide a description for the proposed parks and/or open space areas. Please include a brief statement on the proposed ownership and maintenance of said areas; Halstead Pointe will preserve as much open and green space as possible with a trail along County Rd 110. The private open spaces will be owned and maintained by the Halstead Pointe Homeowner's Association. There are no public spaces anticipated. The shoreline (in Mound) will be natural vegetation with an area for picnics, a gazebo, pool and dock. -4184- (n) If applicable, provide a description of proposed lakeshore access (i. e. shared dock • with multiple slips, individual docks for each tot, etc.); The association maintained shore line will be accessible by walking path. Their will be two docks, one for pick up and drop off only and one dedicated dock for the Single Family unit directly on the shore. (o) Provide a narrative addressing concerns/issues raised by neighboring properties; After withdrawing the preliminary plat application in November of 2004, as well as in January of 2006 for the Minnetrista portion of the project the team undertook an extensive program of meetings with neighbors and stakeholders to get a better sense of the needs and desires of the neighborhood and community. We completely changed our sketch plan to incorporate direct and indirect input received as a result of that feedback. As such, the attached plan incorporates that input and allows for the development to be an economically feasible plan, as well as aligning with neighbors interests (letters of support attached). (p) Provide a development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the project, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed (including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas). • Construction would begin during the summer/fall of 2007, with occupancy occurring at the end of 2007 and early 2008. Schedule for removal of manufactured home park and associated legal issues. Every effort has been made to meet both the letter and the intent of the closure statutes. The actual closing date will be determined by the construction start date. -4185- ~~~.~ 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 MAJOR SUBD~ APPLICATIO Planning Commission Date ,~, ~ ~ Cas~ City Council Date ;~.'`'~ FEES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. ''~Ea APR 4 ~ ~ 2007 d CHECK BOX TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE SKETCH PLAN REVIEW $200* PRELIMINARY PLAT $350t$15 per tot " FINAL PLAT $350+$15 per lot CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/ PDA $350' ESCROW DEPOSIT $5,000 VARIANCE $200' TOTAL S ''" /'/ , b" ~ "CALL THE MOUND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO GONFIRM CURRENT FEES. RLEASE PRINT OR TYPE_ PROPERTY ~t~t"'f"'~-~`~ ~i 5ubjectAddress ~ t'7 ~ "I INFO / Name of Proposed Plat (S ~1Jt.(?~ PO Ja~I~/'..~ EXISTING i Lot Biodc Subdivision .~.P'® ~~~-`=`Cd~ LEGAL PID# ~~- 1 I'~ - Z'~r ~'l ~ ~ CI ©t`1 °') zone~ ~ DESCRIPTION , ,. APPLICANT The appiicant is: _owner ,other: ~/ Name ~ Fxl' ~C~.C y ~ _~ C. ~ /, '/` .Address / ` ~~ flY ~~~ ~ ~~-1/rd4N¢it ,~Ft/ ~~~ ~~ Phone Home ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~' / ~ 3S~ Work Fax Name ~ `~~~ ~it/ ~t!~'l:S OWNER ~~ 'J 5~~ 3 '( ~ fl Address ~~' ~~©f N ( (if otherthan , ~ . y~ .. -'~--~- - -~-~ applicant) t~ Phone Home_ ~1llork ~~' / ~~' ~~ ~^ Fax Name ~tj r~'C ~ ~ ~SElltl SURVEYOR/ / SO St7 .,~ 3 ~ ~-u^~ /~ p~ Address . '-" , i t~t~ eau.~~ /~'1 /J ~~~ "~ ENGINEER p Phone Home Work ~ ~o~ •7 ~~i• [ ~0.®0 Fax Major Subdivision Information (3/26/2007 Page 4 of 5 1~ u • -4186- • CITY C)F MQtJND 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 Planning Commission Date City Council Date Case No. FEES. MUST 8E SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. CHECK BOX TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE SKETCH PLAN REVIEW ~200* PRELIMINARY PLAT $350+$15 per lot " FINAL PLAT $350+$15 per lot CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT! PDA $350 ESCROW DEPOSIT $5,000 VARIANCE $200 4. TOTAL $ • • * CALL THE MOUND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO CONFIRM CURRENT FEES. of ceec DQILIT AR TYPE. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ PROPERTY - Subject Address INFO >} Name of Proposed Plat EXISTING Lot Slodc Subdivision „ ~-f L (~ {' LEGAL ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ' ~.~ °f.~®[~ q ` ~-r' 17 ~, PID# 7/~.T ~• ~'3-1!1(90 ~ Zone DESCRIPTION , APPLICANT other. ~ The applicant is: owner s y P Name ~fi'i/` ~ Lz~ ((~~ ~ E~ ~l4 ` - o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ t~ f Address ~ / ~ Phone Home ~~~ • ~~T ~ l ~3~ Work Fax I a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ - Name ~ L OWNER Address ~ L., a7 rs-~`~~- - _~j~- ~ (if oth®r than applicant) _ ~1 Phone Home b ~ " ~ ~~. ` I I ~b ~Nork Fax c~' ~ ~s,~ SURVEYOR/ Name [ /~ ~` Address } ~ ~ "~~~ "' " ~~ ~' ~ ~ 5s ENGINEER r ` Phone Home Work~~~" 7 " ! f9 ®~ Fax Major Subdivision Information (3/26/200' Page 4 of 5 MAJOR SUBDIVISION APPLICATION -4187- Description of Proposed • EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS: Number of Structures: ~ b Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit: sq. ft. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this • property? ( }yes, ('o`no. tf yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subjecf property, or explanation given why this is not the case. Number of Dwelling UnitslStructure:_,~ Total Lot Area: ~; ,~_ sq. ft. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided (including Section 330 of the Mound City Ordinance) and that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required bylaw. Print Applicant's Name ~ l~~i l~-~Ss~ Print Owner's Name Applicant's Signature ~ - ~~'~. Owner's Signature Date 3 ~ ~7 Date Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date • Major Subdivision Information (3126/2007) Page 5 of 5 -4188- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ o L ~~ ~~ H W ~ ~~~ ~ U ~~ ~m~ ~ ~ s a ~ ~ d~ ~ .. ~~ ~€~c ~ ~ ~ ,• 5 a Y< ~ ~~Y~Y W S ~ ~ L~9 vi v ~ m R ~ ~ ° ~ ~ 3 ~' .Y a~n ~ ~~ i Nri . ~ n r vl Nm nor m~vn° tlJ µ n i ~ W Q O z? o 'i i u rcz@ ~ 9 ~ ¢ ° ~ ~ ~~ s s ~ ~s~ ~ b ~~ aaa ~ a ' 8 ° I'S a s 1- a a ~ i• 3 ~ ~ I ~ ~al~ ¢ ' 8~ s~ ~' s ~ W ~~$~a ~ a ~: ~ ~ ~ v a ~ ~ s m R 2 y R i R 1 a ` AA_~ ~ 1 1 i~ n ., `; `1 t '~ ~,A J ~ LS ~ ~~ .. .a: 'S. i ' `\ 1 ~ ~..Y, ~'/ r\ ~\ ~ ' ~ ~-~ ` ~ :_.~ ~'i ''~ ~r ~ `~~~ w "~L ~.~t.., J.... \\: /, st£Y. ~L ~>~. .,_ _.. , K a .. ~ . ~" ~ - ..., ,,~ 4 ... F. i m''a,c ~ fR ~ ) __ m - ,~ ~, ~°4 ~ ~ U _ '^,~ r3~ ice: r` ~~ _ _ ~- yam'' ,3 - '.r ~ - ~ ti-~ f~~ -4189- Page 1 of 1 From: ccbc777@aol.com Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 4:35 PM To: minnetrista@ci.minnetrista.mn.us Cc: thammerstrom@springpointeinc.com Subject: Halstead Pointe LLC REC~~~J-~-.._._._ City of Minnetrista ~~ Planning Commission ~~01 county Roaa loi w APR ~ -- Z00~ Minnetrista, MN 55364 RE: Halstead Pointe LCIT~F ~~j~~ We have lived at 6851 Cardinal Cove Drive for thirteen years and watched the trailer court deteriorate as the years passed. We recently have had an opportunity to view the proposed plans by Spring Point Development. If this goes according to the proposed plan, we feel it would be an improvement to the community and therefore would have our support. Thank You, Bob and Candi Christians • •i ~_J file://J:\HP LLC\Ltrs of support\Halstead Poini_4190'-`m 4/4/2007 • Planning Commission City Of Minnetrista 7101 County Road 110 West Minnetrista, MN 55364 April 17, 2006 Dear Members of the Planning Commission, We reside at 6725 Halstead Avenue. We reviewed the current plan and believe that the concept and the density would be of benefit to our neighborhood. We encourage Mr. Hammerstrom to develop this plan in a similar style manner as the Hidden Lakes project in Golden Valley as we discussed. We support this proposal and look forward to the trailer court being transformed into an attractive addition to the neighborhood. Sincerely, • Kim and Rick Breza -4191- Moir C3 f; Q6 Cl3R4Ep t7 r: ?t';r° t..e~vE~i ~,:~"i'H4';'f>! p.! • !'Vilt'7Ct7":S[1 ........:. andtr~x~;;~r oa oBS t';u'e(sr:« trove 1'?C.ve ar)d iruv: reccnt'v r»vicu-l rh_ a:s _.. ; S-1a1._.+.tl Yca•:".e Ps.=> c .:tt 5".x~l Wv :ntti• t2 }ate i 1'vr West 1 i'te1 ±I:e P t'.,^ ,......J:)":: O' .^.iS w;;~ `•.,~iC Ay^:i':, anti thr `.: ?C 4S!)i;t?:tii ~~'gy.)t'iac:u w":iI .,. :.r.`_:..; n, r o;r,y eo :..:::~is~eczt nei„a.rhorhvo~'s taut to tSe cor;:trrar. .:. l,t::yc, . ppti,'T <,^is: ,rro7msa? b.-'I'1 iamr.'tersrrw,:) oCfasst^zd ?rant:: 1,::.c~ "~:nd liY~4' vl:l: !:l =p''4': ,. ,,.. tl CVC''wP'tr..:.. l:':'t;: ~ ix r.1~~1`r ;,nix:, S~i:l ~ f:G: Ll~n+it^. Mi i:. Y~.iU'Yn TS ~,Y -4192- J • • Joseph C. Frey 6820 Cardinal Cove Drive Minnettista, Mimnesota 55364 (F52)495-9006 Pebruery 27, 2006 To: The Minnesota Plannin8 Commission I am a local residem whose property abuts the Scott Berg P U.D on County Road I l0 and Cardiml Cove Drive North. Upon attending meetings re the devetopmem of this parcel and tx development of the Trailer Park parcel, I would like to commeat. Mr. Borg has the opportunity to collabomtc wish Mr. Llammorsoom. 7hts may Provide a creative solution fo density and water managemeat If a Liammc:strom/Berg collaboration i5 monitored cloaely for architeciuxal beauty, nrarrimum preservtrtion ofwoodlands and attractive landscaping, ~ Proposed development will benefit the existing tesidettta and the tovm. 7n summary, the Frey Family is net opposed m this typo of development. 7'bank yeu, • ~' Mr. Joseph C. Fray z•d 9006'S6f•'Z56 Ra.+j •O 4dusao~ dtr=EO 60 BZ 4ad • -4193- I~+I$x~h 11, 200 • City a f lk~inrnetrista Plaruw~ Commission ~ TO 1 County Ro ad 110 l~iinistaa 1h+iN 5~~~64 RE: FRCIPC~~ED HALTED P(~IT~TE DE'~EL~FI4+IEI~1'I' IVlererbe ~ of the Cvmmissic~ n 1`~~ famil~r and I re ce ntly rc.ta~red into a ne ~ lv~me at ~ 1 ~~ Can~irual Cow I7~r. fur se le ctio n of loc ati,~n shape d hiy a n.ure~l~er of fac tars, the areas surn~ undin~ the paopert~ fe aturre d prorninentl~ in this decision. The orvex~.ll appeamr~e of the trailer ccavrt an Cerunt~Rd 110 did p~avide same concern, as it • seems to ha~re fallen into disrepair. Llpc~n ingvir~, a~ mere informed that the current lease far the residents will expire in X006, and that the av~xter has started the process of abtainin~ apprc~rai for $ neu~ d,eveloprnent. I n~ie+~ed the pmaprsal, a.nd also laol~d at some of the develaper's prier projects, and am confident that the. pa~aposal mill nDt anlypr~tect the irrwestra.enis of nei~hlaoring homevrs, but mill also help the c its avith a erring additio Hell re~e Hue . ~Te are c anfide nt that this comrr~issi,a n urill encore that k~e ~r issues suc h as water manage me nt and traffic densityare addressed to the satisfaction of all concerned„ and Mould life to express o ur support for the pro pose d Halste ad P'ainte L~e~elopanent proje ct. .~`' ~ ,,~ { f,. f-~. Jd~e_+_~,~elanie. Ih~iou ~1~~ Ca~lirEal Cow 1~r • I~linnetrista, Tt ~~364 -4194- 2/7/2006 City of Minnetrista Planning Commission 7701 County Road 110 W MinnetrlSta, ~~ 55364 Dear Commissioaers: My name is Kory Banning and I live at 6845 Cardlinal Cove Drive, Minnetriata. I am writing to express my support ~~f the most recent development proposal by TJ Hammerstrom of Hstlstead Poiate LLC. Issues regarding zoning, appearance, density, size aad runoff seem to be solved. Most neighbors have voiced their enth~~asm of the proposed development. A select few, nnfartisnately,wlll. op~~ose any development for any reason and I hope the Commission weighs. those opinions accwrdiagly. Development has been rumored ever since I moved here in 1999. It appears the property has s great location, a viabhs ba8der, good demand. and a mofivated community. A further point needs to be made abort growth. Growth ins good. Surveyors, Excavators, Concrete Workers, Carpenters, Plumbers, Electiciana etc., all dircuetly bereft wheu a bnsiness person decides to employ Laud, lLabor asd Capital I • world estimate 15 to 2Q million will be spent on this project- Most commonifies would be stumbling over each other to attract that kind of investment I urge the Commission to welcome it. Warm Regards, Kory7Banning G`/ J -4195- MRR-]-2806 09:c9P r'ROM:7FIE ~.'^"'=':= 952 929 2238 TC):19528542925 P:1~1 • City of MinnerFista Planning Commission TTol Couata xoad i to w Minnetristn, MP155364 RI"s: Halstead Pointe Project Planning Commisaioncs: 1 Maech200fi My wife and 1 brave rrrcrallx moved into s ~' home et 3135 Gudinal Cove Drive. Wa love our neiahbodiood aadthose wound ns. Sadly. @uw¢li. that is orx that doesn'tstem to fit I sm speaking ofcourse ofthe TTaiier Court. It dots seem to be falTiag into W diaceaair. We.haue ttv'uwed the plans for G701 County Road 110 West ar„~, like the majority of those who also have seta them.:we ue enthusiastieally aunaortina.this develoameai. Its thoushtfal layout and upscale living Will certainly complement the 1»mes wound $ while also aanu:tln¢ addltioaal revenues for our city. l sincerely Nape the Comraissioa will listen to the majority of us and approv4the develonalari of Ialstead •Pointe. if 1' can be of env furd]cr assistance ofeasa do not hesitate to corrtact me. Since~tly, Paul Schaefer 3125 Cardinal Cova D~, Minnetrista, k4N 553b4 f4S'11150.351 • • -4196- y. • . • • ~. .~ aa~ !4~i' i~ ~+ ~ 4y 4; `~_" a JAN 2Gu7 4 C1tY GF ^~l M1NNEtRl~T,~ 4,/ -4197- • zn;ac; Cih~ ~f h{inncarista Planning t.''cxnmission 7701 ('oumy Road I li) W bTinne:tria~a, MN SS?b4 I't_E. Malstoad Poinie Prnirct Planning ~: omrnissionet5. As nw atr aware. } cYtrrently have an altpiicahon'befi~ro thr. city to devrh+y the }•nshsnu property incat~xl at (>7~si }ialstead Avr. which u adiacc'rn to tha development pro{xnsrd by i}aisread i'aitrie LLC. }have teviewtd the drawint,~, of the proptsed plarr and visited the sire this develayer intends to use ae a nuxiel, ii,r the site 1 found the pm}>rrt;'this plan is intendr~i ~a rmulaie to ni ~~d:Y lmprc+sive and tvuuld support a ldan fur a similar pradura to he develaped next to uty prajex:t. "]'his projrrat would also proridr a Krxd Mart toward paying far t ~e adclitionat water capariry needed ir. this area. The !'ees ~te;rnted by those two relatively small projects is a good strr: toward finding ihuwr needed imprgvemems. I have also hnd xveral cx,nversatinns regarding a crwperative of:ori in terrtts a!'rninimizing surface n:n-oft` and constntclion of utilities. These di!x;ttscions land me to believe that we will work well ut~retirer to prudure the b~,t end pruduc•t while tninintizirtg any inci,nven~rncr to neighboring properties during the construction phase: Sint.rrely, • Sc~~`- Qc•~} Scat 13t:t~ 11cr5 Residential Development -4198- Page 1 of 1 From: Steven Rorem [steverorem@bcmn.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:13 Plvl To: T. J. Hammerstrom@springpointeinc. com Cc: minnetrista@ci.minnetrista.mn.us Subject: Halstead Point project 3/14/2006 City of Minnetrista Planning Commission 7701 County Road 110W Minnetrista, MN 55364 Dear Commissioners, I have owned a lot on the south west corner of Co Rd 110, and Halstead Avenue for many years, and used to live in the home next door to the south. The trailer park on Co Rd 110 has been a continued blighted and substandard land use for many decades, and there is now a likely candidate for its end. I have visited the Hidden Lakes complex in Golden Valley which Mr. Hammerstrom says is the blueprint, and if this could be what our new neighbor looks like, I can't imagine anyone within a mile not sounding loud applause. I am know there will be numerous issues which the Commissioners will need to address and resolve to make this a feasible reality, but the end result in my opinion would be a tremendous asset to the city. Sincerely, Steve Rorem 8632 Saratoga Lane Eden Prairie, MN SS347 612-521-7777 rorem@writeme.com • • file://J:\HP LLC\Ltrs of support\Steve Rorem./_ 4199 _ 4/4/2007 Kenn e dy S Graven Sarah J. Sonsalla 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9284 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax sarahson salla@kennedy-graven. com CHARTERED MEMORANDUM TO: Jason Angell, City Planner and Nate Sparks, Consultant Planner, City of Minnetrista Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, City of Mound FROM: Sarah Sonsalla, Assistant City Attorney DATE: Apri123, 2007 RE: Halstead Pointe Manufactured Home Park Closing Process 1. The park owner must prepare and submit a manufactured home park closing statement. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 327C.095, subdivision 1, before a manufactured home park owner may convert all or a portion of a manufactured home park to another use, close the park or stop using the property as a manufactured home park, he or she must prepare a closing statement and provide it to the city, the park residents and the Minnesota commissioners of health and the housing finance agency. In this case, the previous manufactured home park owner did provide a closing statement to the park residents and the cities of Minnetrista and Mound on March 22, 2005. However, at that time, the statute did not require that the park owner provide a copy of the closing statement to the commissioners of. health and the housing finance agency. (This is a new requirement that was added to the statute in 2006). Because this is now a requirement of the statute and because the manufactured home park has changed owners since 2005 (according to the property tax records, it is now owned by P & I Investments instead of Halstead Pointe; LLC), the new owner should send out a new closing statement to the required parties in order to ensure compliance with the statute. 2. The park owner must offer the manufactured home park for purchase by the park's residents for a period of 45 days. The statute requires that if a purchaser of a manufactured home park owner decides to convert the park to another use within one year after the purchase of the park, he or she must offer the park for purchase to the residents of the park. The park in this case was owned by Halstead Point, LLC in 2005. Now it is owned by P & I Investments, LLC. (The property tax records show that the date of sale of one of the properties was December of 2006). Since the park owner intends to convert the park to another use within one year of its purchase of the park, it must offer the park for purchase to the residents of the park. The residents will have 45 days from the date of the notice to sign a purchase agreement to purchase the park at a cash price equal to the original purchase price paid by the park's owner plus any documented expenses related to the acquisition and improvement of the park property together with any increase in value due to appreciation of the park. 3. The cities must hold a manufactured home park closing public hearing. State statute requires that a public hearing be held by the cities on the park closing. The purpose of the park closing hearing is for the cities to review the park closing statement, any impact that the closing may have on the displaced park residents and to determine if the park owner should be required to pay reasonable 309265v1 SJS MN415-37 • • • -4200- relocation costs to displaced persons. The cities may also require that other parties involved in the park closing, including itself provide additional compensation to the park residents. Since the park is located • in both cities, it may be appropriate that a concurrent public hearing on the park closing be conducted with both city councils present. By holding a concurrent public hearing, it would allow the cities to ensure that all residents in the park and the park owner are being treated the same with respect to determination of relocation costs. 4. The cities must schedule a public hearing for the park closing. There is no requirement as to when the public hearing on the park closing must be held. The cities may want to wait to hold the public hearing until at least after the 45-day offer to purchase period has expired, since the hearing would be no longer necessary if the residents purchase the park. If any' land use decisions Have: been made prior to this hearing, the land use approvals should be subject- to appropriate conditions, relating to the park closure hearing. 5. The cities must mail the notice of the public hearing on the park closing to the park residents. At least 10 days prior to the public hearing on the park closure, the cities must mail a notice stating the time, place and purpose of the public hearing to the residents of all of the manufactured homes in the park. Prior to holding the public hearing on the closing, the park's owner must provide the cities with a list of names and addresses of at least one resident of each manufactured home in the park. 6. The cities must hold a public hearing on park closing and take testimony. When the cities hold the public hearing, jointly or separately, they should take public testimony. The cities may want to consider making their decision concerning relocation costs for the park residents either at the same time the land use change decision on the property is made or just prior to making this decision. 7. The cities should decide the amount of relocation costs to be paid to the park • residents. The statute provides that the cities may require payment for reasonable relocation costs. After the public hearing has been closed, the cities should determine the amount of relocation costs that are to be paid to the residents. The park's previous owner had indicated that it would be willing to pay $6,500.00 in relocation costs for each resident. These costs include the removal of the manufactured home from its current site and set up at the new site, new skirting and moving of personal property inside of the home. The cities may also require that other parties involved in the park closing, including themselves, provide additional compensation to the residents to mitigate the adverse financial impact of the park closing. 8. The cities must decide the land use change decision to the properties. This process is separate from the one outlined in this memorandum, and generally requires the separate action of each of the cities. If the cities approve the land use changes, they may want to condition the approvals upon the manufactured home park owner paying the relocation benefits to the park residents that are decided upon by the cities, if the cities make such a determination. 9. Closing of the manufactured home park. The park's owner may not close the park until at least nine months have passed from the date that it provided the statement of park closing to the residents. The park residents also may not be required to vacate the park until 60 days from the date of conclusion of the public hearing on the park closure. The park owner has indicated that it would like to start construction on the property in the summer or fall of 2007. However, because the park cannot be closed until nine months from providing the park closing statement, the earliest that the park would be able to be closed (assuming a park closing statement date of May 1, 2007), would be February 1, 2008. • 309265v1 SJS MN415-37 -4201- Hennepin County Transportation Department 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340-5421 763-745-7500, Phone 763-478-4000, FAX 763-478-4030, TDD www.co.hennepin.mn.us April 20, 2007 Ms. Sarah Smith Director of Community Development City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Re: Sketch Plan -Halstead Pointe CSAH 110, Southeast of Cardinal Cove Drive ___ __ Sec~onY2~~ Township. 1.17, tinge .2 _ ._ _ _ . __ Hennepin County Plat No. 2816B Review and Recommendations S~~-l/ Dear Ms,~~xrltl We reviewed the above sketch plan and offer the following comments: RF~~IVrr C~. AAR 2,~,,~~~i Mp~Npp~N N~NG We find the.plan acceptable as submitted regarding the CSAH 11.0 right of way dedication (50 foot half) and access location for Street `A'. Regarding Street `A', however, a requirement of the access permit will be accommodating westbound left turns from CSAH 110, as well as complete physical removal of existing entrances along the frontage. We also are seeking City assistance in providing for left turns at Cardinal Cove Drive, possibly in conjunction with this development. • Please remember to submit any Preliminary Plat, when available, for a more formal review. Please call me at (612) 596-0355 with questions or discussion. Sincerely, David K. Zetterstrom Entrance Permit Coordinator DKZ/tln • Cc: Plat Review Committee -Byers / Drager / Holtz /Johnson / Lemke / Lindgren / Wiebe / Zetterstrom Mark Larsen, Hennepin County Surveyor's Off ce Jason Angell, Minnetrista City Planner • An Equa! Opportunity Employer - 4202 - Recycled Paper • ~~, ~ ~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING AND OPEN HOUSE HALSTEAD POINT CONCEPT /SKETCH PLAN AND NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MOUND PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mound was invited and members of the Mound Planning Commission, including a quorum of the body, may attend the neighborhood meeting and open house being held by SpringPointe Development on Friday, May 11, 2007 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the Gillespie Center, 2590 Commerce • Boulevard, for the purpose of reviewing the concept plan for Halstead Pointe, a proposal for redevelopment of the properties located at 6639 and- 6625, 6627 Bartlett Boulevard in Mound (which includes a portion of~ the existing manufactured home court) as well as several adjacent properties in Minnetrista. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A copy of the neighborhood meeting/open house notice from SpringPointe Development is attached. Posted: May 8, 2007 • -4203- $PRINGPOINTE DEV.ELOPIvIE NT Friday,. May 5 2007 Dear Neighbor, We have an open house scheduled for the evening of May 11~' at the Gillespie Center located at 2590 Commerce Boulevard in Mound from 6:30 _ 9:00 prn. We sincerely hope you can come and share your views, concerns, and insights a.s this will be the first of a series of meetings as we design this project with your input. After many conversations with neighbors, planners and commissioners, we feel this plan is a great start in designing a project that neighbors can be proud to be a - part of. We are modeling this development concept after one that has already been well received in Golden Valley called Hidden Lakes (Directions enclosed). We encourage you to please take the time and visit this very unique development prior to our meeting so we can set expectations and discuss ideas that come to mind.. • If you are not able to attend please call me so I can schedule a time to meet with you and discuss. Sincerely, 4^' TJ Hammerstrom 612-382-6333 SpringPointe Development, Inc. 657 5~' Street East #A Saint Paul, MN 55106 Phone: 651-774-7443 Fax: 651-776-3426 -4204- ~ ~ 1 ~~_ [ ~ rrl ~._ *. -~ f K t rI' i' ~ ~~~~ ~„ „~ .~_ ~;=- i ,_ ~, L~L ~.' ..~t,... ~n.~na.•.4A'l .~'i5 dW..L~. ... ~L^ihie°"" ._ .-er_°r,~:°"~ri;. :~r~r;i,-Aim ;, ( .~ ~x s~~ ""'i ~ .. ~~~ ~ ~ +~ ~ ~~ ~~ °~,~ ~~~ ~~~ '~,r ~ `F~`~~'a~~ ~~ 1 r ±...r T'. 1 .. -4205- rr;. .: ~.~ "' ~e i sr.= -4206- [7 Property Information Search by Street Address Result page www. .us Search By; _~.-_ r .tea-,~.,.-_.-~- wnoRess HOUSE or BUILDING #: ......... _......... _.. '.:6639 STREET NAME: (at least first 3 characters) 'Bartlett Bivd __ __.,. UNIT # (if applicable) Search Clear '` 20 - records per page Hennepin C+DUr~rty°. ~+'IN sc+cx~a xrw~ :Print Property ID: Address: Municipality: School Dist: Watershed: Sewer Dist: Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) Page 1 of 2 Parcel Data far Taxes Payable 2007 ~! 22-117-24-43-0007 6639 BARTLETT BLVD MOUND 277 Construction year: 1979 3 Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR P & 7 INVSTS LLC P &)INVSTS LLC 5832 LINCOLN DR PO BOX 244 EDINA MN 55436 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and are not warranted to represent arms-length transactions. Sale Date: December, 2006 Sale Price: $2,200,000 Transaction Type: Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Abstract or Torrens: Tax Parcel Descri HALSTEAD HEIGHTS LOTS 1 2 AND 3 ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 Estimated Market Value: $701,000 Limited Market Value: $595,300 Taxable Market Value: $595,300 Total Improvement Amo unt: Total Net Tax: $7,441.96 Total Special Assessmen ts: Solid Waste Fee: $93.52 Total Tax: $7,535.48: Property Information Detail far Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Values: 1 2 $200,000 $499,000 $1,000 $1,000 Total Market: $201,000 Land Limited $94,800 Building Limited $500 Total Limited: $95,300 Qualifying Improvements Classifications: 1 Property Type RES[DENT[AL LAKE SHORE Homestead Status NON-HOMESTEAD Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status 7516001 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresul- 4207 - $500,000 $499,000 $1,000 $500,000 2 MOBILE HOME PARK NON-HOMESTEAD 5/8/2007 Hennepin County Property Map Print Page 1 of 1 Hennepin County Property Map -Tax Year: 2007 The data contained on this pagers derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that tan only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain. discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only i HenneDin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein contained and is no[ responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this Information or Its derivatives. JG585 Selected Parcel Data Parcel ID: 22-117-24-43-0007 Owner Name: P & ] INVSTS LLC Parcel Address: 6639 BARTLETT BLVD ,MOUND , MN 55364 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL LAK Homestead: NON-HOMESTEAD Area (sgft): 74755 Area (acres): 1.72 A-T-B: ABSTRACT Market Total: $701,000.00 Tax Total: $7,535.48 616Qi ~~ ;I ~I 1! I 1 3 i `s Date Printed: 5/8/2007 11:11:50 AM Current Parcel Date: 05/4/2007 E p Sale Price: $2,200,000.00 ~i Sale Date: 12/2006 Sale Code: '. I •i •I http://wwwl3.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCPropertyl`-4208-~tor.aspx?PID=2211724430007 5/8/2007 Property Information Search by Street Address Result page Page 1 of 2 Hennepin Conn~y'- M1V • www. - . .us Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) Search sy: Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2007 --- --•--- -~~ Click Mere for the 2007 State Coov to be used when filing for the 2006 M-1PR State Refund ~j ' _..._. _...._., ,< Print I , . :~ ~ ~ i~ anoar_ss _ Property ID: 22-117-24-43-0009 llA~ Address: 6627 BARTLETT BLVD iiiiiiiiiii Municipality: MOUND School Dist: 277 Construction year: 1958 Watershed: 3 Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Sewer Dist: HOUSE or BUILDING Owner Name: C A HASSE ETAL _____ _ _ #' Tax ayer Name P C A HASSE '6627 & Address: 6627 BARTLETT BLVD STREET NAME: MOUND MN 55364 (at least first 3 characters) _ Barden Blvd Most Current Sales Information UNIT # (if applicable) Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and are not warranted to represent ', arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Searc Clear 20 ~;~ records per page i• • Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes & Bounds: Abstract or Torrens: Tax Parcel Description HALSTEAD HEIGHTS THAT PART OF LOTS 4 AND 5 LYING N OF S LINE OF HALSTEAD AVE EXTENDED ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 Estimated Market Value: $315,000 Limited Market Value: $251,700 Taxable Market Value: $251,700 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $2,497.30 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $39.54 Total Tax: $2,536.84 rr 1 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 values: Land Market $147,000 Building Market $168,000 Machinery Market Total Market: $315,000 Land Limited $117,500 Building Limited $134,200 Total Limited: $251,700 Qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type RESIDENTIAL LAKE SHORE Homestead Status HOMESTEAD Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status 7513053 http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresu]- 4209 - 5/8/2007 Hennepin County Property Map Print Page 1 of 1 Hennepin County Property Map -Tax Year: 2007 The tlata contained on this page is derived from a compilation of records and maps and may contain discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The informaton on this page should be used for reference Durposes only. I 'Hennepin County does not guarantee the aauracy of material herein contained and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. ~~ ti L 13 £'•. } 2 li J Selected Parcel Data r Parcel ID:22-117-24-43-0009 Owner Name: C A HASSE ETAL ' Parcel Address: 6627 BARTLETT BLVD ,MOUND , MN 55364 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL LAK Homestead: HOMESTEAD Area (sgft): 45656 Area (acres): 1.05 A-T-B: ABSTRACT Market Total: $315,000.00 Tax Total: $2,536.84 5/8/2007 • •i •i http://wwwl3.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCProperty]-421 ~-ator.aspx?PID=2211724430009 __..__.W,.... _._.~...... __. _.. _.._~_ _...._..._. Date Printed: 5/8/2007 11:08:06 AM Current Parcel Date: 05/4/2007 Sale Price: $0.00 Sale Date: / Sale Code: Property Information Search by Street Address Result page '' • i• www. .us HOUSE or BUILDING #: '6625 STREET NAME: (at least first 3 characters) I Bartlett Blvd UNIT # (if applicable) Search '; Clem ....,._-..~~....a _.-,.,._._.._... 20 ~ records per page Menneprt Ct~ll~'r MN _ _.... Property Information Search Result The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated daily (Monday -Friday) at approximately 9:15 p.m. (CST) Parcel Data for Taxes Payable 2007 :Print Property ID: 22-117-24-43-0008 Address: 6625 BARTLETT BLVD Municipality: MOUND School Dist: 277 Construction year: 1925 Watershed: 3 Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Sewer Dist: Owner Name: C A HASSE ETAL Taxpayer Name C A HASSE & Address: 6627 BARTLETT BLVD MOUND MN 55364 Page 1 of 2 Most Current Sales Information Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and are not warranted to represent arms-length transactions. NO SALE INFORMATION ON FILE FOR THIS PROPERTY. Addition Name: Lot: Block: Metes 8c Bounds: Abstract or Torrens: Tax Parcel Descri HALSTEAD HEIGHTS THAT PART OF LOTS 4 AND 5 LYING 5 OF S LINE OF HALSTEAD AVE EXTENDED ABSTRACT Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 Estimated Market Value: $296,000 Limited Market Value: $286,000 Taxable Market Value: $286,000 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $3,003.51 Total Special Assessments: Solid Waste Fee: $44.93 Total Tax: $3,048.44 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2007 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2006 Values: Land Market Building Market Machinery Market Total Market: Land Limited Building Limited Total Limited: Qualifying Improvements Classificatimts: Property Type Homestead Status Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status $276,000 $20,000 $296,000 $266,700 $19,300 $286,000 RESIDENTIAL LAKE SHORE NON-HOMESTEAD • 7513204 Hennepin County is providing this information as a public service. http://www2.co.hennepin.mn.us/pins/addrresu]-4211- 5/8/2007 Hennepin County Property Map Print Page 1 of 1 ::Hennepin County Property Map -Tax Year: 2007 The data contained on this page is derived from a compilation of records and maps and may mntaln discrepancies that can only be disclosed by an accurate survey performed by a licensed land surveyor. The perimeter and area (square footage and acres) are approximates and may contain discrepancies. The information on this page should be used for reference purposes only Hennepin County does not guarantee [he accuracy of material herein contained and Is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this Information or its derivatives. _.' ~t _ 't4 ~~ ~ i ~t ~ ~~ ~~~ F_ .,+ '~;~ ti617 ''~° `~` ,~ `j ',~ ~~ 166{)8 ~~ ~t 1 5703 ~, ~4 ~ir9O7 '~ S GGSS $5 `.. s ~~ ~ w y~ O ~~ ~p'1.~~ t .~'~ ~ tSf3$Et ~~ _ _ 'S f! +'tt .' ~1~~ '\ ~~ ~ ,ti X14 5 i ., ~~' 681 :l • •i 'Selected Parcel Data 'Parcel ID: 22-117-24-43-0008 Owner Name: C A HASSE ETAL ! Parcel Address: 6625 BARTLETT BLVD ,MOUND , MN 55364 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL LAK Homestead: NON-HOMESTEAD Area (sgft): 9861 Area (acres): 0.23 A-T-B: ABSTRACT Market Total: $296,000.00 Tax Total: $3,048.44 Date Printed: 5/8/2007 11:11:06 AM Current Parcel Date: 05/4/2007 5/8/2007 Sale Price: $0.00 Sale Date: / Sale Code: http://www 13.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCPropertyl- 42 ~12 -ator.aspx?PID=2211724430008 • Call to O 1. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fischer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 2. Roll Call: Council Present: Mayor Cheryl Fischer, Lisa Whalen, George Zenanko, Al Roers and Margaret Davis. Staff Present: City Planner Jason Angell, Safety Director Craig Anderson, City Attorney Ron Batty, Finance Officer/Acting Administrator Brian Grimm and City Engineer Dave Hutton, Consultant Planner Bill Thibault and Consulting Planner Nate Sparks. Staff Absent: Acting Administrator Kevin Walsh. * Reserve Officer Service Awards Paul Zunker Pat Neil Debbie Hunter Mike Wood Joe Sohns • George Moilianen Peggy Schnack Joel Thompson Jared Tveitbakk * Merit Pay Presentation 1. Amie Langenfeld 2. Allan Gansen 3. Mike Pawelk 4. Rob Hanson 5. Jeff Nelson 6. Steve Jeska 7. Robin Bowman 2006 Employee of the year Monty Weiland Presentation of 2005 CAFR Award 3. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Whalen and second by Zenanko to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0-0. It was requested to add item 9: Approving bid and Awarding Contract on Fire/Pumper Tanker. • -4213- City Council -March 5, 2007 Mayor Fischer recommends the applicant come back with another sketch plan. • Council concurs. She would like to see the issue with the Hauser's cleared up. Attorney Batty inquired to Staff if Council can require another sketch plan. Staff stated City code states if there is significant changes they can request the applicant come back with another sketch plan. Council recommends the sketch plan go back before Planning Commission. 12. SKETCH PLAN REVIEW (PUD): Application from Zweber LLC to subdivide property into 34 units on 9.63 acres at 6750 Halstead Avenue - R3 zoning -Multiple PID's Sparks stated Spring Pointe Development has made a concept plan planned unit development application for a site located at the current location of the trailer court and the adjacent properties on County Road 110 W. The site lies both in Mound and Minnetrista. The applicant is proposing to divide the site into 36 twin homes and 2 single family homes in Minnetrista with four twin homes located in Mound. The site is currently zoned for medium density residential (R-3). Sparks presented the PUD concept plan per the report dated 3/19/07. The applicant is planning on closing the current Co. Rd. 110 access and moving it over so the current location would need to be vacated. A tree preservation plan is required. Homeowners Association documentation would need to be reviewed by the City Attorney. The trailer park would require a public hearing to be closed. • Staff recommends the street side yards be increased. Off street parking needs to be addressed. Whalen inquired if the developers owned 6820. It was noted they do not. Whalen recommends connecting Halstead to Cardinal Cove. Whalen inquired if twin homes are allowed in R3. Sparks stated it is there interpretation that twin homes are allowed in R3 and an adequate method to meet the density. Mayor Fischer inquired about the 50 % openspace because it is in the shoreland district. Sparks stated it would meet that requirement. Hutton stated at sketch plan it is not necessary to provide storm water calculations. Kevin Teppen, Schnell Madson, stated they have done internal storm water calculations. Mr. Hammerstrom stated the Planning Commission recommends the driveway for home site 37 come off of Halstead and is asking for the Council's feedback. Whalen recommends connecting Halstead to Cardinal Cove. Zenanko is in favor of the buffering. Mr. Hammerstrom stated they own all but four of the mobile homes in the park. He stated there are less than three owners. Council is looking into the legal aspect of the trailer park. LJ Page 8 of 10 -4214- City Council -March 5, 2007 • Whalen asked about the minimum density required on this property. It was noted the minimum density is approximately 26 units. Whalen felt the density was still high. Whalen recommends taking out street b and connecting Halstead with Cardinal Cove. Attorney Batty stated according to Ordinance 286, two family dwellings are not a use in the R-3 district. Attorney Batty stated there may need to be a rezone or a text amendment. Whalen inquired about a park. Mr. Hammerstrom stated there would be an HOA park. Davis is in favor of the density in case the extra density is needed in another area. Roers inquired about Mound. Mr. Hammerstrom stated once Minnetrista approves sketch plan he would bring his. plans to Mound. Roers recommends continuing street B through to Co. Rd. 110. He feels there needs to be a better access to Halstead Avenue. Mr. Teppen stated he is concerned about the property to the west of property 37 having three sides of his home surrounded by roads. • Mr. Hammerstrom stated the neighborhood meeting would be next on his list. Sparks stated he could attend this meeting. If nothing substantial is brought up at the neighborhood meeting they can move on to preliminary plat. 13. Closed Session -Discussion of Potential Land Purchase Mayor Fischer stated there would be a closed session to discuss land purchase for the Morton Property. Present in the meeting; Roers, Davis, Zenanko, Whalen, Mayor Fischer, Attorney Batty and Brian Grimm. The Closed session started at 10:41 p.m. Mayor Fischer called the regular meeting back to order at 10:57 p.m. Direction was given to Staff and will be taken up at the next meeting. Administrative Items: 14. Approval of Claims: Motion by Davis and second by Zenanko to adopt Resolution No. approving claims. Motion carried 5-0-0. 15. Reports: • Page 9 of 10 -4215- ~0 ~~ IH~IE 5~ /~$~O ~'~~~~~ D ~Q IN,~-~~`1`°1~ s~1~~r ~l~+c • 4c`3t30 ~tsc~n Mer~oriai HigP~way. Suite 202, Gcslder~s t/aile~, MN 55~~ Telephone: 783.231.2555 t*~csin~ile: 783.231.2531 p4anners~u~n~~ptsrrning,corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Minnetrista City Council Jason Angell, City Planner FROM: Nate Sparks, Consultant Planner MEETING DATE: March 19, 2007 RE: Halstead Pointe Concept Plan Planned Unit Development FILE NO: 186.06 - 07.01 Application Accepted: January 25, 2007 Planning Commission: February 26, 2007 Park Commission: March 13, 2007 City Council: March 19, 2007 • INTRODUCTION Spring Pointe Development has made a Concept Plan Planned Unit Development application for a site located at the current location of the trailer court and the adjacent properties on County Road 110 W. The site lies both in Mound and Minnetrista. At this meeting, the Planning Commission is to review the item and provide comment to the applicant. The applicant is proposing to divide the site into 32 twinhomes and 2 single family homes in Minnetrista with four twinhomes located in Mound. The site is currently zoned for Medium Density Residential (R-3). Previous Applications Spring Pointe Development has made two previous applications on this site. In 2004 an application was made for a condominium project. In 2006 an application was made for a combination twinhome and single family home PUD. Both applications were withdrawn. This application differs from the others as it includes the vacant property to the west of the trailer park. ANALYSIS The development is proposing to subdivide approximately 11.1 acres into 2 single family lots and 36 twin-home lots. An existing house is located on Lot 38, which is located on Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 1 -4216- • the southwest edge of the development. The development contains approximately 9.6 acres within the City of Minnetrista and 1.5 acres within the City of Mound. Four of the twin home units will be located in the City of Mound. Comprehensive Plan /Zoning This site is zoned R-3 Medium Density Residential, which contemplates a range of density from 2.5 units per acre to 3.5. This proposal is for 3.5 units per acre in Minnetrista (34 units on 9.6 acres). PUD Concept Plan The applicant is proposing a Planned Unit Development in order to gain the flexibilities required to realize this concept. Twinhomes Twinhomes are not a typically permitted use in the R-3 Zoning District. They are contemplated for the R-4 and R-5 Districts. In the R-4 District, twinhomes require lots with a width of 100 feet for the base lot and 5,500 square feet in area per unit lot. The applicant is proposing lots that range in width from 80 feet to 106 feet in the City of Minnetrista portion of the concept plan. Lot areas range from 5,346 to 7,955 square feet. Two of the twinhome lots would be less than the R-4 standard of 5,500 square feet. All but one of the base lots would be under the 100 foot width. Setbacks for twinhomes in the R-4 District are 20 feet from aright-of-way, 10 feet from • the side, and 20 feet from the rear. The applicant is proposing nearly identical standards. The only departure is for street side yards, which instead of being the same as a front yard setback, the applicant is proposing as the same as a side yard setback. Also, the R-4 District requires twin homes on corner parcels to provide access each from one of the frontages. For the twinhomes, it is important that the applicant consider amenities such as decks and patios when selecting an architectural product for the unit lots. All decks, patios, and otherwise considered private space must be located within a unit lot. Lots with reduced area between the conceptual units and the rear unit lot line may have difficulty providing enough room for private outdoor space. The applicant has not selected any architectural product for the project, at this point. They would prefer feedback on the concept plat first. The twinhomes that the parcels were conceptually modeled for are located in the Hidden Lakes development in Golden Valley. Pictures of these conceptual twinhomes have been provided by the applicant and will be available for viewing at the meeting, if desired. Off-street parking and impervious surface calculations will be further discussed at the time the applicant finalizes the architecture for the project. • Halstead Pointe PUD Concept Plan Page 2 -4217- Sing/e Family Homes • The applicant is proposing two single family homes south of the twinhomes. The R-3 District anticipates 14,000 square feet in area and 100 feet of lot width for. single family homes. Both proposed parcels exceed these standards. The proposed single family home on Lot 37 is proposed to access off of Cardinal Cove Drive. The existing home on the site is proposed to continue having access off of Halstead Avenue. The single family lots will be required to meet City standards for impervious surfaces. The applicant should be able to demonstrate compliance with these standards. Planned Unit Development Review Planned Unit Developments are not intended to be a process by which a developer may simply acquire a large number of variances from the subdivision and zoning ordinances. PUDs are intended to allow for some flexibility from the strict interpretation of the ordinance in order to achieve a higher degree of site design, architecture, open space, or other such amenities outlined in the zoning ordinance. The applicant needs to demonstrate the purpose for the flexibilities being sought. Currently, the. applicant is proposing to provide an open space buffer between the twinhomes and the existing single family homes south of Halstead Avenue. During previous sketch plan reviews opposition to redevelopment on the trailer park site was due to the drainage problems in the area and the difference in scale between the proposed projects and the existing neighborhood in this area. The applicant is proposing two outlot open space private parks that will provide area for buffering • between the new development and the existing neighborhood. In exchange for not utilizing this area, the applicant is seeking flexibilities from the strict interpretation of the zoning ordinance. As with any Planned Unit Development, it is a policy decision for City Officials to determine if the benefit gained from the flexibilities sought by the applicant is sufficient. Shoreland District Standards This site is located within the Shoreland District overlay. PUD's within the Shoreland District must maintain fifty percent of the overall site acreage as open space of which at least half must be useable, as defined by Section 23-159 of the Minnetrista City Code. Therefore, open space calculations will need to be provided. Verification of whether any areas within the site meet the criteria for bluffs will also be needed from the applicant. The lake access and other features on Lake Minnetonka are within the boundaries of the City of Mound. Transportation The City Engineer has reviewed the transportation system and states, "The developer is proposing to close off the existing Halstead intersection with C.R.110, and instead create a new interior loop street (labeled on the drawing as Street A) from Cardinal Cove Drive to approximately the location of the existing driveways to the mobile home park. A second new street, labeled as Street B, would then connect Street A to the existing Halstead Avenue to serve the existing homes along the lake. Both streets are Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 3 -4218- I~ proposed as a 60 foot wide right of way. The proposed street layout is acceptable from an engineering viewpoint and in fact is considered an improvement over the existing street configuration." Also, a turnaround, as recommended by the City Engineer, will need to be placed on Halstead Avenue. The applicant is proposing additional right-of-way to be dedicated for County Road 110. This additional right-of-way will need to be approved by the County and also include adequate space for the trail. Parks The Park Commission reviewed this concept at their March meeting and recommended a trail be dedicated and constructed along County Road 110 with the remainder as cash-in-lieu. Sidewalks The applicant is depicting sidewalks on both sides of the streets. A sidewalk should also be considered along Cardinal Cove Drive. The applicant is contemplating proposing trails instead of sidewalks to "better fit" within the surrounding neighborhood. City Code requires sidewalks thus if the applicant should make this request as part of the PUD, if desired. Utilities The City Engineer has reviewed the possibility for utilities to this site and has provided • the following comment: "This area is included in the Central water system for the City. This system has been identified as being deficient in fire flow pressures and storage volumes, along with having no firm well capacity. There is an interconnection to the Central system from Mound that may be available for fire protection purposes. The City's recently completed Comprehensive Water plan calls for this system to eventually be connected to both the North System and South system to provide an integrated system for pressure and storage. The City Council has recently initiated feasibility and well siting study to construct the first phase of the improvements to correct the deficiencies. The improvements will be funded out of developer WAC fees and building permit connection charges. It does .not appear that the water system deficiencies will hold up this development. The sanitary sewer system is adequate to handle this development." Grading /Storm Water Management The applicants are proposing two storm ponds and rain gardens to control storm water run-off on this site. The applicant has also mentioned exploring options for low impact design infrastructure to limit the impact of the stormwater run-off. Please see the attached engineer's comments for more information. • Halstead Pointe PUD Concept Plan Page 4 -4219- • Trees and Landscaping A tree preservation plan meeting the standards of the City Code must be submitted for review with the preliminary plat. Landscape plans showing buffering to the south of the twinhomes must be provided, as well Planning Commission Discussion The Planning Commission reviewed this item at the February 26, 2007 meeting. Members commented that they liked the plan conceptually, however, the would like to see larger street side yard setbacks, re-iterated the importance of the turnaround on Halstead, and stated that the importance of limiting the impervious surfaces. ACTION REQUESTED As the application is for Concept PUD plan, there is no formal action required... Rather, the intent of the Concept Plan is to allow the City Officials to provide feedback to the applicant on the proposal so that the appropriate suggestions can be incorporated into the future Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat. The applicant is seeking flexibility from the strict interpretation of the zoning ordinance to create a largely twinhome development (with .two conforming single family homes) with reduced street side yards and lot widths to preserve open space between the project site and the homes south of Halstead Avenue. If City Officials find that this is appears to be an adequate proposal, please advise the applicant as such. If City • Officials believe that modifications to the plan should be made or that the zoning ordinance be more strictly followed, then that direction should be given to the applicant. Attachments: Exhibit A -Engineering and Attorney Comments Exhibit B -Site Location Map Exhibit C -PUD Master Plan Exhibit D -Concept Plan Exhibit E -Applicant's Narrative Exhibit F =Letters of Support Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 5 -4220- • Exhibit A -Engineering and Attorney Comments ENGINEERING COMMENTS Streets and Trails 1. The concept plan shows providing an additional 17 feet of half right-of-way along CR 110. Hennepin County should be contacted and a written response from the County should be received that outlines the right-of-way requirements for CR 110. 2. The Concept Plan does show a trail along CR 110. The developer should provide adequate right-of-way for an 8 foot wide trail separated from the street with an 8-foot boulevard. The trail design should accommodate the future street width of CR 110 based on Hennepin County's design standards. 3. The proposed new streets can be constructed to a 28 foot wide bituminous street section with concrete curbs. We would consider a rural section, with no curbs, as an alternative, of a similar width if that is essential to the overall storm water management plan for the development. 4. Street access for the existing home (Lot 38) will be provided from existing Halsted. Avenue. Halsted Ave is currently deficient in meeting City standards and • it should be upgraded by a bituminous overlay. Some type of turnarounds shall be constructed at both ends to enable maintenance vehicles, garbage trucks, etc to turn around. 5. Additional right of way should be provided as part of this plat for Halstead Avenue along the southern boundary of the plat. Current right of way is only 30 feet wide. An additional 10 feet of right of way would be recommended from this plat to work towards bringing it up to the 50 foot right of way desired. Also, additional right of way for a turn around at each end of the street (cul-de-sac bulb, hammerhead "T" turnaround or some other type) should be provided, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 6. Street access to Lot 37 is proposed off Cardinal Cove Drive. Additional details specific to the driveway should be submitted. 7. Existing Cardinal Cove Drive only has curb and gutter on the west side of the street. The development should be responsible for completing,the construction of the concrete curb and gutter and bituminous street widening on the east edge of Cardinal Cove Drive. 8. Ten feet of additional right-of-way should be dedicated along the east edge of Cardinal Cove Drive as part of this plat to bring the right of way up to the City • Halstead Pointe PUD Concept Plan Page 6 -4221- standards of 60 feet wide. 9. The plans should also show the construction of a 5 foot wide concrete walk with an 8 foot wide boulevard along the east edge of Cardinal Cove Drive to tie into the new sidewalk on Street A. Storm Water Management and Wetlands The preliminary plat submittal should include an overall storm water management plan to address water quality and water quantity management on site. This plan should include existing runoff rates from the site and all tributary drainage areas; proposed runoff rates including ponding and BMP's to maintain pre-development discharge rates; and storm sewer pipe sizes and culvert designs, including flow calculations for the 10-year and 100-year events. 2. The concept plans do not identify an outlet for the storm water runoff. The City's and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rules for rate control and storm water management for ponds in regard to pond size, water quality, and water quantity. Detailed storm water calculations should be provided as part of the preliminary plat application. • 3. The site appears to be well suited to incorporate Low Impact Development best management practices. To the extent practicable, incorporate LID features into • the site design. This may include shared driveways, minimized grading, preservation of existing vegetation, vegetated swales, bio-retention cells, filter strips, rain gardens and other measures to increase abstraction and infiltration and reduce runoff. 4. The grading plan shall show the house type, proposed lowest floor elevation, and proposed garage floor elevation for the proposed houses. The lowest floor elevation shall be shown at least 2 feet above the 100-year high water level for the adjacent ponds, rain gardens and wetlands. 5. Appropriate permits} will need to be obtained from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District before any construction can begin. 6. The rate control and water quality criteria for the site should meet the City's requirements and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rules for the development. 7. The ponds and rain garden system should be privately maintained by a home owners association. 8. The pond shall include a 10:1 safety bench for the first foot below the normal water level. Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 7 -4222- • 9. The revised grading plan shall show the area of the pond at the normal water level, the wet storage volume of the pond, and the volume of the pond in between the normal water level and the high water level. 10.The preliminary plat application will need to show more information about the off- site storm sewer lines. The new development will need to provide an adequate outlet for the storm water runoff that does not adversely affect the adjacent properties. 11. The developer should verify that the area southwest of Halsted Trail and Hennepin County Road 110 does not meet the criteria for jurisdictional wetland determination. Sewer and Water 1. The Comprehensive Water Plan shows a future 10" trunk line along C.R. 110. The developer will be responsible for constructing the 10" water main along CR 110 from Cardinal Cove Drive to the east edge of the site. 2. All water mains should be looped. 3. The revised plans should show the locations and sizes of the existing sanitary i sewer and water lines in the area of this development. It would appear that 8" mains would be adequate to handle this development internally to the lots. Trees 1. The applicant shall submit a tree preservation plan indicating the significant trees on the development. The tree preservation plan shall identify which trees will be removed. 2. Tree replacement shall be required if more than 30% of the trees are removed by the grading, street, utility, ponding/rain gardens and house construction. It does appear that the site will exceed that tree loss maximum. 3. Limits of tree removal shall be clearly demarcated on the plan set. Fencing shall be placed at the drip line of those wooded areas to be preserved. 4. When possible to do so, existing tree cover should be maintained to increase rainfall abstraction and to minimize runoff. 5. A landscaping plan should be submitted to show the location of any proposed new trees and other landscaping features to offset the tree loss. • Halstead Pointe PUD Concept Plan Page 8 -4223- Shoreland Overlay District 1. The entire site appears to lie within the Shoreland Overlay District for Lake Minnetonka. Either demarcate the Shoreland Overlay District on the drawing or call out the same. 2. PUD's within the Shore land District must maintain fifty percent of the overall site acreage as open space of which at least half must be useable as defined by Section 23-159 of the Minnetrista City Code. Provide open space calculations. 3. Verify whether any areas within the site meet the criteria for bluffs. Rise of at least 25 feet above OHW with positive grade towards water and a horizontal distance of at least 50 feet with a grade of thirty percent or greater. Additional Submittal Requirements 1. A location map showing the location of the development in the City should be provided. 2. A half section plat map should be included which shows all the adjacent property lines and parcel information. • 3. The plans should show the existing contours, structures, streets, and existing • sewer and water lines beyond the proposed plat boundaries a minimum of 200 feet. ATTORNEY COMMENTS Environmental Assessment Worksheet Petition During the previous development review concerning this property, citizens filed a petition for an environmental assessment worksheet ("EAW") with the Environmental Quality Board on September 29, 2004. The development application was subsequently withdrawn by the developer and the City did not need to act on the petition. This petition expired on September 29, 2005 (petitions are only valid for one year). However, the City should be aware that it is likely that the citizens will bring a petition for an EAW with respect to this development application. If the City orders an EAW as a result of the petition, the EAW process will impede the development review process. Manufactured Home Park Closing There is a manufactured home park located on this property. Pursuant to State law, the property owner will need to submit a manufactured home park closing statement to the City (and the City of Mound) and provide copies of the statement to all of the residents of the park. The property owner also must offer the park to the park residents for Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 9 -4224- • purchase for a period of at least 45 days. The City must hold a hearing on the park closing and decide the amount of relocation costs that must be paid by the property owner and/or the City to the park's residents (if any). Minnesota Statutes do not permit the property owner to close the park for at least nine months .from the date of submitting the closing statement to the City and the park residents. Water Supply Issues With respect to the previous development proposal on this property, it was found by the City Engineer that the development would be able to be provided with sufficient water supplies from the City, but would need additional water for fire protection. He also found that the City would need to build a new water tower in order to accommodate this need. In order to resolve this issue, the developer had proposed building an oversized well on the site that could be used for fire protection that would be eventually turned over to the City. The City Engineer may have re-evaluated some or all of these concerns since that time. The City may be able deny the development application based upon the lack of adequate water supply, as courts have found that a land use decision based on the scarcity of resources to support a proposed land use is not unreasonable. However, the developer may argue that there is not a lack of an adequate water supply, as the site can be served by the existing City water supply and a well. . Halstead Avenue Halstead Avenue has been dedicated to the City as a statutory user (because the street has been in place for more than six years). With respect to the previous development plans, which included the use of Halstead Avenue, the City had requested that the developer dedicate fifty feet of right-of-way to the City for Halstead Avenue. It appears that the new development plans provide dedicated right-of-way that will serve the same purpose as Halstead Avenue and Halstead Avenue is no longer needed. If this is the case, the City will need to vacate Halstead Avenue. Metropolitan Council This property was included in the list of properties that the City represented to the Metropolitan Council that would be developed at a certain density. The City should be aware that if the property is not developed with as many units as was represented by the City to the Metropolitan. Council, this could cause a dispute between the Metropolitan Council and the City. Shoreland District Requirements Part of the property is located within the Shoreland District, as it is adjacent to Lake Minnetonka. The City's Code is based on the requirements set forth in Minnesota Rules Chapter 6120, which are the Department of Natural Resources' Shoreland and • Halstead Pointe PUD Concept Plan Page 10 -4225- Floodplain Management Rules. These requirements set forth minimum lot sizes for • shorelands (which are defined in the same way as the City's Code defines thern). The City is not required to request permission from the DNR if it chooses to grant any lot size variances with respect to shorelands. However, the City must copy the DNR on any notices or public hearings and give the DNR at least ten days' notice of any public hearings. Halstead Pointe PUD • Concept Plan Page 11 -4226- ~: i• `„ r o' ti cfl -~. ~~ is ~_. ~ ;:~ .::. s~ r~ c~ ~f ~,:a r~:, i• ~~,s c=.:~ ~r~ -,.. -, r ;... tts ~~ c~ ~ r ;,: r ~~~ ,~~~ «• i -4227- y L.. .. _ ' Y ~~ r P ._. ,.-~ x ._ ...i .z. .. .. _. ~ '"'__~ ~~ ~_ iY d ~ 5 i ~; ~,. 1 1. ~1 i ~~ n r ,n µ;; ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~. . ,, y4 w ' ~ ... 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EXISTING ~ ~ WALKING TRAIL g ~ ~'~~ ~~ -.. ':~ ti II' ~ :A.~ t ~ \~ '~ ;5 ~\ ~- ;~ „,.r -, > I ~ ~ ~, ~ c~.. f. ~ 2~ ~.~~ LOT 3R /~ si ~~ .I ~~~ .~.. g.lz"~ ' rrC ,i~~ ~+IV .. / t r ' t I ~ 1 3 ~` OTL,q'1~~~ ~ .L~Y 3~5 t~ i ~ `__ ~, < f'. t :, ti.~`> -4229- ~ 4 / .~ 'V..- ~w (i ~~ i ~~~~~ , 3 ~~a ^ ~ i. •./. ~ . ~ EXISI ING tiO~tiIE,UN GARDEN /--POOL NOUSE 1~ ~-DECK ' ~. I ': It ASSOCUITION• i `T~ ~ O\ti NED DOCK LV/ { -Q) BOAT SLIPS LAKE MINNETONKA HALSTEAD BAY • ~ ~ ~ Hoisington Koegler Crroup Inc. ©® TO: Mound Planning Commission From: Jeff Miller, HKGi SUbjeet: Implementation Chapter of Comprehensive Plan Update Process Date: May 9, 2007 Attachments: Chapter 10 of the Comprehensive Plan At the ,May 14`h Planning Commission Meeting, we will review the Implementation component (Chapter 10) of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Please review the draft Implementation component in preparation for the Planning Commission meeting. Staff will make a brief presentation at the meeting, answer questions, and receive any feedback. This chapter is currently under review and discussion by Civil Engineering, Public Works and Parks and therefore subject to change between now and completion of the final plan. To assist with your review of the Implementation component, a brief overview is provided below. Whereas, most components of the comprehensive plan indicate what the municipality intends to do, the Implementation section tells how the municipality intends to do it. Here the municipality describes the official controls, fiscal devices and public programs that ensure implementation of the comprehensive plan and protection of public infrastructure. Minnesota state statute identifies three areas that the Implementation chapter of the comprehensive plan must include: official controls, a capital improvement program, and a housing implementation program. The Implementation chapter outlines the City's decision-making/advisory bodies, official controls, fiscal devices, public programs that will be used to implement the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The City's five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which would cover 2008-2012, is included in this chapter. Finally, the City's housing implementation program is outlined, including the City's housing priorities of reinvestment in existing housing, support for new housing that meets lifecycle and affordable housing goals, and the addition of infill housing that fits Mound's unique environmental and development patterns. Please review this draft version of the Implementation chapter so that we can discuss any feedback at Monday's Planning Commission meeting. In particular, consider whether any existing implementation tools are missing from this chapter or any additional recommendations for potential future changes to the City's implementation tools should be added. See you on Monday evening! 123 North Third Street, Suite t00, Minneapolis, MN 5 5401-1 659 Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 www.hkgi.com Direct (612) 252-7135 Email rita@hkgi.com • • -4230- i• i• IMPLEMENTATION INTRODUCTION Mound's Comprehensive Plan provides guidance for making decisions about the community's future growth, redevelopment and infrastructure improvements. The narrative sections and su~orting graphics within this plan provide direction for solving existing problems and dealing with future chanbe. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan involves the conversion of the established goals and policies into official municipal controls and programs. The Implementation section, like the plan it elf, is a flexible tool and should be amended or adjusted as conditions warrant. The Mound Comprehensive Plan will be implemented in a nwnber o1' ways. A~ttial implementation of the plan is accomplished on a daily basis by City personnel and nn a rc`Tular basis by the decisionshat are made by the various advisory commissions and the City Counci). Implcnientation will involve Vie:' apJ~lication and enforcement of existing ordinances, modifications to existni~~ ordineu~c~°s, adopuon of new ordinances, use of a capital improvement program, maintaining and enhancing a housing program, use of public fiscal tools, directives from the City Council, and administratiae Procedure: . IMPLEMENTATION ROLES AND. RESPONSIBILITIES , The City of Mound, like many communities, has d~ f incd .the corrnntu~ity's key planning elements and processes, and established advisory commissions t~~ specihcally.focus on,~ach planning element. Each of these commissions has a role in the implementation cif the comprc;hensive plan. Ultimately, these commissions are advisory to the City Council ~~•h~~ h.~s hi~al dc~~isi~~n making and policy-establishing authority. It is important that the efforts of each of d1c e~>mmissions coin°i~l~~ ~~ithth~ policy direction that is established by the City Council. City COUnCIi The Cit` C~>uncil is the final authorit~~ in d1e implementation process. The Council has official approval of all municipal plans, ordinances and pr~>,yran~s, the. authority to earmark funds and the ability to execute funding agreemcnt5 ~1~it1~ state and federal a~~~ncies. The City Cutu~cil needs to work closely with all of the advisory commissions in implementing the recommendations found witluu the Comprehensive Plan. The council members and the mayor have frequent contacts with residents and business people in the community and can contribute to continued public support of adopted policies, ordinances and programs. Planning Commission The Planning Commission plays a key role in all new development and redevelopment decisions. It is important that the Commission's role be closely coordinated with the City Council to assure continuity between policies and what they strive to achieve and what is actually allowed by the City's ordinances and programs. The Planning Commission is the entity with primary responsibility for the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. After adoption of the plan, two areas of emphasis remain. First, it is the role of the Commission to Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft Strategic lnitiatlvesi~mp~emenranon Page 10 ~ 1 -4231- ensure that the City's ordinances are in conformance with the goals and policies of the plan. Conformance • may require periodic updates of the Zoning Ordinance and other sections of the City Code. Secondly, on an ongoing basis, it will remain the charge of the Commission to review all new development and redevelopment proposals, including but not limited to site plans, subdivisions, lot splits, rezonings and variances, for their conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Housing and Redevelopment Authority Mound's Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) has primarily been in~~olved~in two types of projects: senior citizen housing development and commercial redevelopment. In order to achieve some of the recommendations found in this plan, involvement by the HRA may t>c ncc~ssar~ . The HRA's involvement may be especially critical in financing redevelopment efforts where buikluig and property constraints may preclude development solely by the private sector. Economic Development Commission In 1989, Mound formed an economic development commission to c ordinate business devclop~nent efforts. The Economic Development Commission (EDC) has the key role in the ~'~lound Visions Project. T'he EDC`s continued involvement with downtown redevelopment will be k~ ~• to its success. Park, Open Space & Docks Commission R~- All decisions pertaining to the development of mwlici~~al_parks,~prn sJ~ace aiid docks within the City of Mound are reviewed by the Park, Open Space & Docks ~ I'OSD) Conu~ussiun. ThePOSD Commission has the lead role in implementing the park, open sl~ilce and recFc:ati~n foals and polices found within the Comprehensive Plan. Since tl~c PnSI~ Commission' recommendations are formally approved by the city • Council, it is important thae il1c t~~~, <rroups 1~~~ork toge •er closely to attain identified objectives. OFFICIAL CONTROLS The City's official cont~-~>Is include ordinances, fiscal devices and public programs that are established to x_~..~__ carry out the Comprehensive ('Inn's land use, transportation, housing, parks and natural resources goals and policies. ri b ~ ~~.~ Ordinances The City's Ordinances, as established in the City Code, are the primary tools for implementing the Comprehensi~ e Plan's goals and policies and include the following ordinances: • Zoning Ordinance Section 350), which includes wetland, shoreland and bluff ordinances • Platting & Sub~Ii~-ision Ordinance (Section 330), which includes park dedication ordinance ~. • Floodplain Manabement Ordinance (Section 300.16) • Grading, Soil Erosion, Sedimentation Control & Stormwater Management (Section 375) • Public Lands (Section 320) • Signs (Section 365) • International Property Maintenance Code (Section 319) • Dock Licenses (Section 437) • Wells & Sewage Disposal -Private Systems (Section 305) • Nuisances (Section 1000) • Strategic Initiatives/Implementation Page 10 ~ 2 Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft -4232- i• i• • Sanitary Sewer (Section 600) • Water Department (Section 610) • Right-of-Way Management (Section 655) Within the Zoning Ordinance, Mound's current zoning districts are established, including minimum lot size requirements, as follows: Mound', zoning districts regulate allowable density/intensity through minimum lot size, minimum lot widths and maximum building heights rather than maximum number of dwelling units per acre. Zoning District Minimum Lot Size R-1 Single Family Residential 10,000 sq ft R-1 A Single Family Residential 6,000 sq ft R-2 Two Family Residential 6,000 sq ft.tsingle-fanul~ detached dwellings) ~. 14,000 sq ft (t«-o-family & t~.~inhomc dwellings) R-3 Multiple Family Residential 2000 ad ft B-1 Central Business 7,500 sc~ ft B-2 General Business 20,000 ,5~1 tt ~ B-3 Neighborhood Business 10,000 sd ft I-1 Light Industrial 0,000 sq ft PED-PLID Pedestrian Platuicd Unit 1-)ccelopment None DEST-PLID Pcsunatia~ 1'lanncd Llnit 1'>r~~rlopment None L-PUD Linear T'Iai7ned Llnit llc~cluE~mcnt None Potential Ordinance ChanJes: Over the years, numerous amendments to the City's ordinances have been enacted in response to changes in demographic and development trends. All municipal ordinances should be continually monitored and updated as needed. Immediately following adoption of this Comprehensive Plan Lipdate, the City of Mound will conduct a thorough review of all ordinances potentially impacted by the updates to the Comprehensive Plan. Potential modifications of relevant ordinances will be considered to further encourage implementation of the plan, including the following: • Multiple Family Residential, Pedestrian-PUD and Linear-PllD zoning districts should be evaluated for alignment with residential densities established in residential and mixed-use land use categories in the Comprehensive Plan; Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft Strategic Initiatives/Imptementatron Page 10 ~ 3 -4233- • Zoning map should be reviewed for any necessary updates to align with Future Land LIse Plan map; • Environmental ordinances should be evaluated for alignment with natural resources goals in the Comprehensive Plan, such as innovative stormwater management techniques, protection of sensitive environmental features, etc; • Park dedication ordinance should be evaluated for any necessary modifications to reflect new development types, particularly related to downtown redevelopment needs. Development Review Process: The City of Mound has a major role in future development decisions. The decisions that are made pertaining to new residential, commercial and industrial. de~•elopment projects have a lasting effect on the appearance and function of the community. I~c~~elopuicut projects are regulated by the City's ordinances, which are structured to ensure that minimum requirements arcs met. In addition to the regulatory structure, the review process itself is also important. During project re~~ievvs; the City and the developer conduct a critique of project details that typically result~ in a final product that exceeds minimum requirements. Because of the role of the review process, it is imlx~, tart that it is fully understood by the decision makers, the development community and the citizens of Mo~uul. .~ In most development decisions, an advisory public hcu-ing is rccluircd b~~ tlic Planning Commission prior to a public hearing by the City Council. The advisory public hearin~~ is held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Ten days prior to the hearing, a notice is j~ublishcd in tb~~ ~~llicial'newspaper and all residents with 350 feet are notified of the time and date of the hc~irir~~~. Public hcarili~rs are required for the following: ~. 1. Platting ` 2. Conditional Llse Permits 3. Variances 4. Zoning Amendments 5. Planned De~elopmcnt .Arras (PDAI 6. Planned liidustrial ,~reas tI'I', 7. Wetland Permit In additio~i to the items noted above, the issuance of an Operation Permit requires review by the City Council but does nut= require a public `hearing. The City Council has the option of calling a public hearing if it is deemed to be nccessarv. Detailed application requirements and procedures for all development review items are available from the. Cite of Mound. Fiscal Devices The City has established various fiscal tools that support implementation of the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies, including tax increment f`mancing (TIF) districts, special assessments, development review fees, park dedication fees, write-down of publicly-owned land for redevelopment purposes, public funding of contaminated land cleanup and provision of a public parking structure/transit facility in downtown. Public Programs Mound Visions: This three-phase downtown redevelopment program is guided by the Mound Visions Master Plan and began in 1991. The redevelopment program uses a comprehensive approach to planning, design and Strategic Initiatives/Implementation Page 10 ~ 4 Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft :~ •i -4234- [7 i• i~ implementation of the downtown area involving public and private partnerships. Phase I has been completed, which focused on major public projects, including the relocation of CSAH 15 and Auditors' Road, relocation of the post office, dredging of Lost Lake Canal, and the creation of the Lost Lake Greenway. Phase II is well underway and Phase III is anticipated to be completed by 2010. The Mound Visions Master Plan was adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan and new downtown zoning districts have been established to regulate downtown redevelopment. Park, Open. Space & Recreation: Mound's unique Docks and Commons Program consists of publicly owned shoreline areas or linear parkway commons and docks that provide an incredible level of public access to Lake Minnetonka. The City should continue to enhance this program, including expansion of the program in conjunction with redevelopment projects and exploration of the potential for increasing links between the trail system and the public commons/docks. The City requires licenses for all docks as part of this program. Since most of the community playfields within Mound are u~~ ncd and operated hy_ die Westonka School District, the City should continue to collaborate with the School District ' ion establishing programs/partnerships for sharing playfield facilities and con,4idering community pla~fr~ld >z~eeds in any potential future redevelopment of School District property. The City should also consider a Park Master.- Plan study that ~~ ~ Auld address the community's shortage of community park space, assess residents' nf~cds kor neighl~~~rh~~~ul pu-ks/playgrounds, park programming needs, and park amenities/design, particularly as the crn~untmit}~ rrdc~ cl~,hs <u~d grows. Water Conservation:~The City has established ~~atcr c~>n~~n~ati~on pro~rarxis to better monitor water usage, including monitoring of unaccounted for water t~sc quid ulstallatiun of a citywide radio-read meter system CAP-TAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Capital improvement programn~in<~ i, die multi ~~~u- scheduling of public infrastructure improvements. Improvements to transportation, sa~ucar~~ se~~~cr, storm ~c~~cr, water, community buildings and park and open space systems zrc t~l.~ic:711~ 1~, ~~jccted o~c, 1 fi~~:-~~ear period with detailed items being projected during the first two years. Projects scheduled dtu-ing wars three through five are considered more tentative and subject to future change. In order co b~ rlrective, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) should be updated annually, 1. The Capita] lmpr~wement Pr~~~ram should not be confused with the annual municipal budget. Capital improvement budbeting identifies those items that are funded during the following fiscal year. Capital improvement pro~runming, as tarentioned previously, refers to long-term programming over afive-year period. The one-year budget is typically used by a municipality in making daily expenditure decisions. The CIP is used for longer raugc, planning decisions. Capital improvements should not include expenditures for equipment and services that are operating budget items. Such items should be fmanced out of current revenues. The City has developed a CIP which establishes priorities on the basis of which improvements will have the greatest impact on achieving the City's goals. The CIP is established for the years of 2008 through the year 2012. The City reserves the right to change its Capital Improvement Program to accommodate infrastructure repair and reconstruction as determined by the City Engineer, Public Works Superintendent, and City Council. Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft Strategic Initiatives/implementation Page 10 ~ 5 -4235- HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM • As a developed community, Mound's housing implementation program is primarily focused on three priority areas: • Promoting and supporting property owners' capacities to reinvest in and maintain the community's existing housing stock in a safe, sound and attractive condition; • Optimizing opportunities to add new housing types in redevelopment areas, particularly in future downtown mixed-use districts, to meet a broader range of lifecycle and affordability needs; • Ensuring that housing infill and redevelopment projects are re~ iewcd h~~ tlu City using a flexible and contextual approach. Mound's housing implementation program employs a multi ;urisd.ictional approach fnr supporting reinvestment and maintenance of existing housing units: ~'~~orl:ir~<~ ~~ ith partners at the rotulty, state/metro and federal levels, the City of Mound will promote and support pr~~~rams that provide housing rehabilitation loans, grants and services. These programs include Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds allocated throu`~}i Hennepin County, the Minnesota Fix-Up Fund through MHFA, and Community Action Partnership ~,f tiuhurhan Hennepin (CAPSH). At the local level, the City has adopted housing maintenance r~rdinances a~ t~_~ol~ in upgrading substandard housing, including adoption of the International Property ?~1<<intcnance. Code i~.r both owner and renter occupied housing units (City Code Section 3l 9) and Nuisances (Sr~~tiun 1000}. In 2001, the City started the Operation Clean Sweep program to address abandoned pn_~prrtics and properties in violation of the City's standards for storage, noxious weeds, sanitary ~o~ncjitions, and iuc~}~rrable ~chicles. The City is also considering the adoption of a Rental Housing Resulation~ ~~ I_i~rnsin~ I'r~~~~r~na ordinance, which would require the licensing and formal inspection of rental properties ~~n arc~uly basic. The City plans to continue its"partiCi~iatiun in ~thcMetropolitan Livable Communities Program, which it has participated in since ]997. ,\1~~und is committed to supporting the development of new affordable housing units to meet th~~ ~:ommunitv's share oP the regional affordable housing needs projected for 2020. Mound's current Livahlr Communities .Actrc~n flan ti~ill expire in 2010 and the City intends to establish a new action plan with the tiletropolitan Council for the 2010-2020 time period. The City will continue to cooperate with the Metres and County HRAs tc~ pro.-ide affordable rental and ownership housing units. The City should ~-onsider becoming more active in promoting housing related ordinances and programs. The City's quarterly ne~~~slctter anel website should be used as a forum to disseminate information on the availability of housing rchabili.tation programs, ordinance requirements and affordable housing opportunities. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Citizen participation in the local planning process is a key element in the continued implementation of the comprehensive plan. Open communication should characterize the relationship between city government and local citizens. The expression of public opinion and its subsequent consideration in decision making are essential ingredients in implementing all public policy issues including comprehensive plans. •i Strategic Initiatives/Implementation Page 10 ~ 6 Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft -4236- i• Citizen participation was a component of the preparation and adoption of this comprehensive plan. In addition to the input of the volunteer commissions that contributed to this planning effort, public comments were continually sought at a public information meeting and at formal public hearings. The implementation of a comprehensive plan requires an even stronger citizen participation effort. The community will need to continually re-evaluate the comprehensive plan to ensure that it accurately pornays public opinion. If the people of Mound are familiar with the plan and endorse its recommendations, the implementation effort will be more effective. The City of Mound should use the quarterly newsletter, other mailings, and its website to portray the concepts found in this plan and toy apprise the public on progress toward meeting identified goals. 6 ~, -~ i• i• E Mound Comprehensive Plan May 2007 Draft Strategic Initiatives/lmplementataon Page 10 • 7 -4237- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o ie~ O ti N O O O O O O O O M 07 O ~ I~ 'd' N ~f! O O O O O O N e1' d' CO ~ ti d' N 1 ~ 0~ N ~ O N M r r r M M 00 r ti ti N O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O DO 00 CD 0 0 0 0 O O O O O Ln 00 ~ ~ O O~ O O ~ r N M CD 1~ CD M ~ n' ~ ~ M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ oD M 0 0 0 0 O O ~ ~ ~ O M ~ CD ~ N D ~ CO M C ti ~ ~- M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O ~[! 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Y ~ Y Y L L L L W U U U U U Y ~ Y _ , ~ Y Q ~ L a L o L m L a L a a s a d a 4238- •i •i •i 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 • (952) 472-3190 Memorandum To: Planning~Commission From: Sarah Smith, -Comm. Dev. Director Date: May 8, 2007 Re: Planning Commission Agenda Item(s) Summary AGENDA ITEM Discussion - Restaurant Drive Thru Window Use(s) and PerFormance Standards for Inclusion in the B-1 Business District. Staff would like to discuss with the Planning Commission whether a proposed text amendment(s) to the City Code to provide for drive-thru facilities (ie. window) for restaurants in the B-1 District similar to the recent amendment(s) which were recently adopted for the Pedestrian District should be considered. As the Commission may recall, the Pedestrian District regulations now allows restaurants with adrive-thru window upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit subject to established performance standards. • Discussion. • The amendments to the Pedestrian District were established for Class I, Class II and Class III restaurants. • Excerpts from the Zoning Ordinance (Business Land Use Table) have been included as well as the "definitions" from City Code Chapter 35.310 which describe the different classifications of restaurants in Mound. • The performance standards adopted with the new regulations for the Pedestrian District were based on regulations obtained from the City of Bloomington. Of note, similar standards are common for drive-thru operations. • Drive-In Retailing Operations are allowed by conditional use in the B-1 District. Members are advised that these provisions appear to be geared toward large scale drive-in businesses such as a movie theatre or drive in-restaurant (ie. Minnetonka Drive-In) as opposed to a drive-thru pickup window. A request for a "drive thru window" was previously requested for the freestanding building in the MetroPlains project to serve as a pharmacy pick-up window. The request was subsequently withdrawn. • The preparation of a new definition for "drive-thru window" for the Zoning Ordinance may need to be considered. • -4239- If Planning Commission consensus is favorable to the discussion item, Staff will proceed with preparation of an amendment(s) to be brought back at an upcoming meeting. • Parsonage in B-1 District. A question was raised by a representative of Our Lady of the Lady Catholic Church regarding land use permitting for a potential new parsonage. As the Planning Commission may be aware, churches are a permitted use in the B-1 District. According to City Code Chapter 350.310, Subd. 22, a "church" is defined as follows: Subd. 22. Church. A building, Together with its accessory buildings and uses, where persons regularly assemble for religious worship and which building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain public worship. Staff would like to discuss with the Planning Commission whether a "parsonage" falls under the category listed above or may be better suited being added to the Business Land Use Table as its own category with a specific definition. This provision may be helpful in the event a "parsonage" would be proposed on a vacant lot perhaps adjacent to the primary church parcel as it would likely be viewed as a principal structure as opposed to an accessory building and/or use. Members are advised that "churches" are a conditional use in the residential districts. 2"d Review of PC Work Rules. The Planning Commission will review the 2"d draft of the PC Work Rules, following its 4/9 initial review, to discuss whether the proposed process for pre-screening of Planning Commission candidates, in the event multiple candidate applications are received, is acceptable. Draft attached. • Page 2 •i • -4240- i• • • CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 350:651, Subd. 3 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE) The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 350:651, Subd. 3 (Pedestrian District Conditional Uses) of the Mound City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 350.651, Subd. 3 Conditional Uses. A. Banks with drive-thru services B Restaurants (Class I, II and III) including drive-thru services _ The provisions of City Code Chapter 350.775(Drive In Business Development Standards) shall not apply to drive thru services in - the Pedestrian District. Drive-thru services in the .Pedestrian District shall comply with the performance standards provided below: -4241- a stacking spaces or stacking lanes. (~) Liquor. No liquor may be dispensed or sold at a drive-thru wind` odor clas~]I restaurant. h Conditional Use Permit Criteria. The rovisions of Ci Code • hapter . 5 .5 5 arc considered and satin actorilY met. Passed by the City Council this Published in The Laker the Effective on Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk _day of 200_. day of , 200_. 200 . Mayor Mark Hanus -4242- Y i• I Use Uses- Business and Industrial Zones (Section 350:670) Page 1 of 3 P =Permitted Use C = Gonditional Use A =Accessory Use (-) =Not Allowed B_q B_2 g.g I-1 Non ~`~~ Non Non ~ Non Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. Shore G.D. R.D. Accessory Outdoor Retail Uses C C C ' V - - - - _ - - - - Accessory Structure Other than Garages - - - ;k' - - - ~ C C C - - - Animal Hospital C C C ,:? C C C -~ ~ - - - C C C _ - - - C C C Assembly/Storage of: - - - " - r 1. ApPerel ,,,: t~<~~ 2. Food Produda 3. Gime 4. Leather '~{~''• 5. Pottery 8. Lumber end Wood Produde _ 7. Paper Pmdude ~"' _ ~ 8. Rock end Stnne Produde - ~ B. Teztlles ~, ,~ ~;tr tA. Tobacco Products er 11. Fehdeedon Metal Pmdude t 12. Machinery end Appliances 13. Transportation Equipment 14. lJqukl Bulk Storege C C i ~-, C - - , %, - •w - - - C C C Auction Hall ;,v_ ,~ Banks P P P,~ P P P ~~~ - - - P P P Barber and Beauty Shops P P '"~ P P P P y,Y - - P P P t and Marine Sales C C C ~ C C C ~~' - - - C C. C lldings Over 35 Feet in Height C C C ~ - - - - - _ _ - - Business or Trade School P P ,., P{ P P P - - - P P P Bus Terminal and Taxi Stands C C ~.. C ~'`'~ C C C - - - C C C Car Wash - - `, C C C i ' , - - - C C C Churches P P P ~`. P P , P~ ': C C C P P. P Commercial Parking Lots C C C C C C - - - C C C (Not affiliated with principal use) "~ C "~: C - - - G G C Commercial Recreation C C C C ~1 ~ ce, Community Residential Facilities (~s or less) - - - - . r; - - - - Community Residential Facilities (s or less) - - ' - - P P P - - - Consignment Shops P P P` ~ P P P f tr; C C C C C C Construction and Special Trade Contractor - - ` - - ` `~~ - - - C C C Cultural and Fraternal Institutions C C C C C C ~ ~: - - - C C C P P P : P P P I I C C C C C C Delicatessen and Dairy Store ' Dive- In Retailing Establishment C C C C C ,. C ~~ ~~ - - - C C C Drug Store P P P A P P P C C C I' ~i C L J C C i• -4243- i Uses- Business and Industrial Zones (Section 350:670) Page 3 of 3 P =Permitted Use C =Conditional Use A =Accessory Use (-) =Not Allowed B-1 B-2 B-3 Non ;:: Non !''t , Non ~'?. Non Use Shore G.D. R.D ~ ~' Shore G.D. R.D , ~' Shore G.D. R.D ~~`_~ Shore G.D, R.D. Refrigerated Warehousing - - ~` - - - ~~ - - - `~.'~ P P P Research Laboratories - - - - - ~ '~i - - - k~ ~ P P P Restaurants (class i) ~ P P P ~'~' P P P ~ C C C ~~ ' C C C i :~ ' 3~ Restaurants (class u) C C C Y O C C C I - - C C C Restaurants (class nq C C C ~~ C C C r~~. ~, - - - C C C Restaurants (class iv) C C C ~ C C C ~; C C C ~ ;~ C C C 4 l Retail Businesses P P P P P P '~ - - - _ P P P Retail and Mail Order Businesses C C C i ,~~ C C C h i _ - - - P P P Service Shops ~ P P P i~ ~' P P P ', •~ - - - ~,_~ P P P Single Family Detached Residences - - - - - '.; P P P ~ - - - ~. Tavem C C C ~~ ~ C C C - - - C C C Television and Radio Stations - - ~, ~, - - - s - - - ~: C C C ~, , Temporary Construction- Buildings A A A < ,;, A A A ~ - - - - - - Theaters P P P <; P P P ~,`,; - - - Es P P P ~.; a? ~. ; Townhouses - - t .~ - - - ~}El C C C r ` - - - ~.~: Twin .Homes - - ~ - - - , C C C ~ - - - i 1 I Two Family Dwellings - - ` "` ~, - - ~ ,,~ P P P - - - Warehousing and Wholesaling - - - - ~~~ - - - ~ P P P :i,-;' Wholesale and Assembly Operations C C C C C C {~' - - - ~ C C C `~ ., s •i •i •i 1-1 -4244- -Mound City .Code ~ 350.310, Subd. 37 • Subd. 37. Da Care Facilit Child. A facilit that rovides non-medical care to v v, Y p children under 18 years of age in need of personal services; supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on .less than a 24-.hour basis. Child day care facility .includes commercial and home based day care. -(ORD. 12-2003, 12/7/03) Subd. 37A. Deck. A platform supported by an open. tem of posts, beams and e ,~ ~ .~.~_ . _ other stru ~.,, Subd. 38. Drive-In. Any use where products and/or services are provi d to the customer under conditions-where the customer does not have to leave the car or where .fast service to the automobile occu-pants is a service offered re~,a~rtiiess of whether service is also provided with, buildin . -~~P~°°"'" ~1 Subd. 39. Dwelling Unit. A residential building or portion thereof intended for occupancy by a single family but not including hotels, motels., boarding or rooming houses or tourist homes: Subd. 40. Dwelling Attached. A dwelling that is joined to another dwelling at one or more. sides by a party wall or walls. • Subd. 41, Dwelling Detached. A dvveNing that is entirely surrounded by open space on fhe same lot. Subd. 42. Dwel ing, Single Family. A building designed exclusively for and occupied exclusively by one (1) family. Subd:. 43. Dwelling, Two Family.~ A building designed exclusively .for or occupied exclusively by no more than two (2) families living independently of each other. with. both units located on a single parcel of record. Subd. 44. Dwelling, Twin Home. A building designed exclusively for or occupied exclusively by no more than two {2) families living. independently of each other with each unit located on a separate, single parcel of record, with the party wall separating the units acting as a dividing- lot line. Subd. 45. Dwelling., Townhouse. A building designed exclusively for or occupied exclusively for between three (3) and six {6) families living independently of-each other. Each dwelling unit is attached horizontally in a linear arrangement with private front and rear entrances. Each dwelling unit must be separated from other dwelling units by a fire wall or walls extending from foundation through the roof with no openings. Each dwelling unit shall have a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for entry, light, and ventilation. 7 12/7/03 -4245- I~our~d City 35.775 3~9.'77~ Tve~ ~,n: $usmess I,)evel~~ment Standards. The. following standards shall. ,ply to d~~v~ ion busix~es in X31 districts. mod; ]~. Tl~e eutir.e area o.f ar~y drive-in business shall have a drainage system ~v~ by the city er~gir. ~. T'l~e c~ntir~ aria other ~haaa,that occupied by str.~ctures or plantings shall be surfer with a d surface r-aat~rial which will cantroT dust and drainage. bbd ~ A fe~ace yr screen of acceptable design not .over sib (fi) feet in height or lies than .four :(4) feet: staaii ~e ccttaact~l along tk~e property .line abutting a re~iden~ial di;~ and :such fence ©r screen shall be adequately maintained. The.. fence shall not be reQ~a~~red is front of the setback line. . Subd. 4 General -Drive-in. Businesses. A. any drive ~n business: serving food .or beverages may, also provide, in addition to vehicular: service areas,... indoor .food and beverage service seating area. B. The hours of operati©n shall: be set.forth as a condition of .any conditional .use permit for drive~n.bu mess. ;., ~. l~.ach drive-ice business ser-wing food may have outside seating. I.~, ~v~,~ch food or beverage drive.in business shall place refuse. receptacles at al:1;exi:ts,as well. as t~~e (1). refuse.receptacle.per ten (10) vehicle:parking spaces wi~a,n the ~arl~ing area. bc~ ~ T;.ocation 1p~ve~i,n .$usinesses. ; ~: I~To dr~v,e-in business shall be located within four hundred (400), feet of a public or- pa~x~shial s+~hool; church, public recreation areas or any resident~l district. 1~., No drives busir~es~ shall be located such that it may increase. ~ra~'ffc volu~~r~es ~ nearby re5~~lent~al streets;. C. No d~rive~in shah tie located on zany street .other than one designated as a thorcaugk~far~ or business service road in the Comprehensive Flan. 215lOD 104 -4246- [: i• i• I~i~ur-d City Cca~le 354.7'15, ~usbd. S.D. D. The design of any structure shall be compatible with other structures in the surrounding .area. E. 1/lectronic devices such. as loudspeakers., automobile service order devices, drivewin theater car speakers and .similar instruments shall not be located within four hundred (400) feet pf any. residentially zoned or used .property, nor within two hundred_(2003 feet of any adjacent lot regardless of use of coning district. F. No service shall be rendered, deliveries made, or sales. conducted within the r~egaaired front yard; customers serwwed in vehicles shall be parked to the sides and/or rear.of the principal structure. G. No permanent or temporary signs visible. from the public .street snail, be erected without specifc approval in the permit. H. No plan shall be approved which will in-any: way constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian circulation. No access drive shall be within fifty (50) ;feet of intersecting street curb lines. Subd. 6. In the cage of a drive-in theater, a solid fence not. less than eight (8) feet in height .and extending at least to within two (2) feet of the ground shall be constructed around the property.. S~abd. 7. Tl~e .lighting shai.l be designed so as to have' no direct source. of light. visible from the public right-of~way o~ adjacent land in residential use. 105 2/5/00 -4247- .l~raa~d City fade 350:'~fi0'. Suomi: 14b • y • 5~~..tl~ 1Q6, Inc ~Yat~ wars as= def~ped ~. ~sota Stes,~ . Section I~(~~C~.t~J~i.;> S~~islpr~ ~~ , a~ ai~~r~~e~. 1.al~e.,s--, ponds or flavvage of les~'thar1.10 acres ~ be coa~s~le~ec~l, p~bl~c w~tiers.. 5~~d.10'7~ R;~.creatinn.,Pub~i~c. Includes all .uses suRh: as tennis~e~u~, ball fields, pit'ar~as,,and the lie t are eor~or~y.provided.for the~publia atparlCS, playgrounds, ... .. , c ~ ty pentsrs~,.,and; i~~i~n:s~t~s o~ned.,anzl operated by~ a u~.t• of gov~:ritn~en~•for the pia~as~ . of ~p~~Ydutg' r~r~atii~: - S~,bd.1Q8. ~etlpna~ F~-uipmen~tr PIaY aPPar,~.tus snap as: swingy .sets and .slides, ' sane, ps~,i t~b18s, bar~a~ue suds, and, sirluJ,,a~ equipment or set~.re~ but not .::, _ , ; . i~sla,~: ~~ houses switir~g..p~pls, play houses exceeding.twenty-five ~2:5~, .sgr~are feet cif fir area, ®r sheds utilized for stoz~,ge.of equipment. (QkD~. #8, 9-21-8'~ ,. glad. 10ii, Itecxeat~oital '~?ehicl~s. Aecre na~~ vehicles 's~;all: iraalude~, bu#. pot be Imo. to, a~~in~ol~ile~} boats., boat tra~le~s; t~a~-el trailers, geneta7 p,~rpose trai,~~rs, self- c®t~~9a~ r~otai how, tauGk top~ers,...~isY- houses,. utility tretlars, jet.: skis, anci _ s .. ~~d. 1.1A: .:` ;,~ xe:~'Iiit Stiicyc'~:~ A snrw~y ~g ~f rs~ired laiacl dns~d to. s;~~ a,~c~hced ,.rs ar~d b~~~ks des¢rtpti~ont des~,gpa~~g tl. ~ znt©. a t or ~f afi 'R;~ ,ad'.rve~~l~fi`umbe~~ Sere ~TYnuesQt~ ~~. 3~,$.~~. ~ ~ • ` f:i a dw~ R~~~ rl 1~-~~ecn levation..~t slezca~-~~~~o `~o~r~a~~an ~t~© ' fiat ~ ~e e1cN•a~titara~.of ttae rega~~nal flood plus-.any :increases irl f14od' elsva~;ori caused ~~ '~, ~ ~'~ t ~~~~t fropa. ~, ~~~ de~i~;~,~oia of a .- kx ~":t;? ~,r'• IY~P y, ',~°'•~~t~ x'~, '~Q'~~~~~Q~.~~~~.,~r~„ ~~'t,1~ ~~i1~~tD`~5:,. ~.a~CB ~ - ~' ~~}~{~7~~ {~~iya~si'e~''~ i '~.f~i~li~El(-~l~p,}~~.':. }~~''Ar'adit~o(a~~}aI. R~stau~t.~,~~QR©n/©/d s~~pr{vsd and. ~ ~ . !.. ; '! ^ r ,.., Tan'#g E,v, .®MICN J~ vf/~~: ~#. l~.l'~Y~ MVIV ?~ 11M!t~~ by L '~~~~' ;~11 Z~ ~~'N1~g r~,Tl~ ~ ~t7 '9, ~~"~0~~ ~td~jq~l, .~ .7 S'~.;:~ Iawrants~ (•~Iass _~:...l~iast ~.ad..~~nnven~~~iee ~arid ~~~~ r„ a „r,,, ~~ ~ !..~~ ~ss~~.:saruer apa are, se~e~ ~teia~~~ at a' eb~i~r• ire ~ i ~ ~~ t~.Ip : , . Ar a~I;e to .fie ~ tt~ ~ ~ eti~~ter, Ar. t * w:~ :,:or o ~ ~ : ,' ~ ~~ d~~'~ ~v=hsr~a m~:st trt~ta~e~ra __ ,, a i~ ~®~d i~: aa~~twra~i3i~l~ re.~,rdless Qf how it is served. } • 215.fOp 15 ~'. -4248- - .. Ivloutid pity Cade • - ~ ' "uor Ser~i~e:stauxants..~its where Subd;11~: Restaurants (Mass III ~.L~c~„ { ~ood~ ~aiid "into~c~t'uig~ liquors are served and corisw~rne~~ by ~~storn~rs .vvh~~e sea'tetl at a counter or table and/or restaurants which cantairi.eritei~tairiri~ent, either Live or~pr+c~i eeorded. Foad sales in such facilities shall account for~a.rnininum of Sd percent of a restaurant's . gross receipts on an` anriiial basis. ~ ~ . . Subd. 11:x. Restaurants (Class I~ -~ 3.2 Malt Liquor. Service K. . Restaurants where food, 3.2 malt liquor and set-ups are~served and cansumedby customers while waxed at a counter or table.. . Sub~i.,:1~.6: Retail Busing. Stores anc1. shops selling household goads ~ over the ..... counter: - Subd. 117. Road. A public :nght-off way .affording primary. access .bq pedestrians and .:.. .. ,. veliirrles to a~iutttrig properties, whet~ier designated as ~~ si:re"et, .highway, thorqughfare, . parkway; tii~hway, roar]., avenue, bc~ulevarrl; land, place or however a#lerwise . desigtiat~d.. Ingress and egress easements sh~tl not b~ consrd~"~t raad$ . . Snbd..118.. , .Selective Cuttiua. Trie. removal af.single.scattere~l trees,,„ z < .., - ,~, 2 7~., Subd.. I1$~: S~ ~.it~~ie Use. 1~ie princ~p~l 'use .o~;land Q* boil ~d~ngs i~blY.~g the ~~ r~ :~::-~ .. ~ t ~ ~ ' p~vaxely . assar~ibl~ for cong~egatioti bf the general public in~faailities Kati are owid:ei~her . ~ °r _b~', uistitutions. Such uses ,include churches, fraternal, or~gar~iza~ions,: `I~1uS~t,.eu~IS etc. . ~ i ~. ii Y r -V.. ~:~~. ~;` Sitb~° ~.I.'9, Ser~~~s: CO'~n6r'Onepted retail bu~ibe~~es~_f~r~g r~*,r and . . mai~i~teri~e ser`~o~r ribrrr~'ha~:se~ol~~ goods ~'cc~ Qo ~x ~~.~t~~s.:. Ser~~`a~ & shall ~iticlucle but z'it~t' be. lin~it~ `tt~ tail©'r~ s1~o~ .repair, ai'~d repatif~~ of si11 app~ances~ lawn and "~ garden ex}uipn~ent; and tools. - C 1~ . ~' 1 ~ n.: ~ Su'i~..:1.2A. Sho`~re~m~'act Zone. Land 1t~catec~ between t'he"ordinary Yughwater:ievel of a ~tac water a€~ a`lirie parallel to'~it.at a setb~cl~. of~~0 p'trc~nt af~t~e atuctu~ setback. ~tb~.d.. 1~1.. . ~~%ararill: Itl" lo~xi wits 1( felt:*~ie'oar3~ 1~;~~.~ar level ' ~~.,°° ertl~~waters . ~ of a lake, puma t~ ~ ~ 'I`lie~ limits of shur~ia~~ mad `b~ r~iuced'v~''l~etiev , i>ivnlved: are bi~~d:b~ topQgrap"liic divide's Mich exten2f~ ~asid~var~ fr~ci~ tl~ wars for ~.... i~ss~r di~stanoes. aiad`wl~n appravetl ~ tle. IYliniiesota'~eparen~ a~ Naiibra'1 Resources. 350:3~r~, Suhd:~ 1~1 Subd, 12Z. Shoreland Setback. The mi~niirium horizontal distance between astructure aril the ordinary high water level. , • 16 8/3/01 n -4249- Uses- Business and Industrial Zones (Section 350:670) Page 1 of 3 P =Permitted Use C =Conditional Use A =Accessory Use (-) =Not Allowed B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 Non Non '-'~ Non t'`"'' Non Use Shore G.D. R.D. , ,Shore G.D. R.D. ° Shore G.D. R.D. ;Shore G.D. R.D. Accessory Outdoor Retail.Uses C C C - - - - - - - - Accessory Structure Other than Garages - - - ~- ~? - - C C C - - - ~~'- ,~< Animal Hospital C C C .~ ~ C C C~ - - - i~; C C C ~_ Assembly/Storage of: - - - - - - <! - - - C C C 1. Apparel 2. Food Products 3. Glees 4. Leather 5. Pottery 8. Lumbar and Wood Pmtluda 7. Paper Products e. Rods eM Stone Products 8. Textllea 1A. Tobacco Products 11. Fabdcetlon Metal Products 12. Machinery end Appilencee 13. Trensportatbn FAulpment 14. Liquld Bulk S1oreQe Auction Hall Banks Barber and Beauty Shops Boat and Marine Sales Buildings Over 35 Feet in Height Business oc Trade School Bus Terminal and Taxi Stands Car Wash Churches Commercial Parking Lots (Not affiliated with principal use) Commercial Recreation Community Residential Facilities (ts or less) Community Residential Facilities (s or less) Consignment Shops Construction and Special Trade Contractor Cultural and Fraternal Institutions Delicatessen and Dairy Store Drive- In Retailing Establishments Drug Store C C C - - - ~.~ - - - '` C C C 4 -' ~ ~N 1 P P P '' v. P P P ts~, ";. - - - s:~ s P P P P P P P P P - - - P P P C C C C C C - - - C C C C C C - - - - - - - - - P P P P P P - - - P P P C C C ,~,,;, r C C C - - C C C + r , P P P ; ~' >.~ P P P ~~ r'.'i C C C f ~` P P P ~~ ~ C C C C C C ~~ - - - ` '' C C C u~'~ C C C ~ ~;~- C C C £~' - - - ~ `: C C C - - - i - - - , ~ ,;. - - - k - - - - - - - - - P P P - - - ;: P P P t ~~~~ P P P '~~ C C C ;; C C C -' r ,~. - C - C - C~ r `` r.,~ - C - C - C ~ - - - - - } C C C C C C P C P C P C '~4'i ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ P C P C P C i =', h ~''' C - C - C - j a<~ ,:. ~ "~ C C C C C C ,, ,. ~ ~ P P P <~ P P P C C C `~ C C C •i •i •I -4250- • P =Permitted Use USeS- Residential Zones C =Conditional Use: A =Accessory use Page 1 of 2 Section 350:640 (-) =Not Allowed , R-'~ R-'iA R'Z R~ `' Non Non Non Non Shore G.D. R.D: N.E. ; Shona G.D. R.D. N.E. Shore Shore G.D. R.D. N E.', G.D R.D. N.E. USe _ .Single Family Detached - P P P P P P P P P' P P P Residences P P P P (1 dwelling perParcel) _ _ _ P P P P P P P P ~, Two Family Residences - - - ~ C C -C C C C C C . . Twin Homes - _ - - - - - - - G C C C Townhouses - - A A - - A A~ A A A A. A A A A 3 A A A A Lodging Room. (1 per single famiy unit) ` . r _ _ - _ p '. P P P -Multiple Dwelling Unit Structure - - r ~', - - - - (3-s units) ~; - ~~ _ _ - _ _ iii C C C C Multiple Dwelling Unit Structure - x~° (over s units) A A A A A A A A A A A A =, A A: A. A Garages A A A A A A A A A A A. ~~ A A A A A Accessory Buildings (in aa:ordance with Section 350:645) - - _ - - ° - _ -. _ ' C -C C C Accessory Grocery Store - - • (Less than 400 SF in apartm complex containing atleast 100 units & serving- ~'~ +, ' ` C principal. atruct) C C C C t C C C C ~~ C' G C G ` C C C Cemeteries Churches - C C C C ~ `' C C C C, C C C C C C C G ~~ _ - C C C C Comrrteraal Recreation - - , - ~\ - _ _ - ~ - Community Resid Facilities 11s ~:~ _ _ '~~ _ _ - _ ~:~ P C C C or leesj ~ _ ~~~ Community Resid Facilities is a P P P P P P P ~;~ P P P P P F P P ~,~ _ Essential Service Buildings P C C C C ~` C C C C r;„ C C C <C ~ C C , C C A A A A, A' A. A A.; A A A A r~ A A A A Fences , i• -4251- l MOUND ZONING CODE EXCERPT • B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT 350.650 Central Business (B-1 ). Subd. 1. Purpose (B-1 ). This district is established to recognize the unique character of the Central Business District in terms of land use, height regulations, parking requirements and circulation. Subd. 2. Lot Area, Heictht, Lot Width and Yard Require-menu (B-1 ). A. Maximum building height is 35 feet. Maximum building height with conditional use permit is 45 feet. B. 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size. C. Side and rear setback if abutting residential district: same as B-2. (350.655. Minimum setback from side or rear lot line if abutting any residential district: 50 feet. ) •i • -4252- CITY OF MOUND PLANNING COMMISSION WORK RULES A. Organization 1. The Planning Commission Officers shall be: a. Chair b. Vice-Chair 2. Special assignment areas shall be: a. Plat, Subdivision and Waivers b. Zoning and Variances c. Conditional Use Permits d. Community Development Committee e. Other areas of assignment 3. Duties of the Officers: a. Chair: • 1) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. 2) The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide questions of 3) order The Chair shall appoint all assignment areas unless otherwise requested 4) by a majority. The Chair may call special meetings stating the purpose of such meetings and be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meetings. 5) The Chair shall be responsible to have the staff report on the status of previous recommendations made to the Council, stating the Planning Commission's recommendation and Council action. 6) The Chair will be responsible for identifying and resolving performance issues (including attendance) with Planning Commissioners. In the event the Chair determines a Planning Commissioner may need to be removed from his (her) position, the Chair will be responsible to recommend removal actions to the City Council. b. Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair. 4. The Mound Planning Commission acts only as an advisory group to the Council to make recommendations in the best interest of the citizens and the City. • -4253- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound B. Work Rules 1. The second Ufa--Mondays shall be considered the regularly scheduled official meeting nights. .l b:a. In the event that there are more board of appeals cases than can reasonably be concluded by 11:00 p.m., the Chair and the Planning Staff shall be empowered to schedule a second meeting for another Monday during the same month to take care of the overload. gib. The Chair shall have prerogative to cancel or postpone any regularly scheduled meetings. 2. All public hearings shall be held at the City Hall. All meetings shall be called at 7:00 p.m. and shall conclude at 11:00 p.m. unless waived by the majority. Any business unfinished at the scheduled closing time shall be taken up at a subsequent meeting designated by the Chair. 3. The Commission, at the first regular meeting of the new year, shall elect from its group, a Chair and aVice-Chair. 4. A majority of five (5) members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a • quorum, the minority shall adjourn any item of business requiring official Commission action, to a specified time. 5. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reason of illness, work, or out-of-town trips. 6. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the remaining members shall elect a Temporary Chair. 7. The Chair shall call the meeting to order and the Secretary to the Commission shall call the roll and announce a quorum. 8. The order of business shall be as follows unless amended by the Chair: a. Call to Order b. Roll call c. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting d. Public hearings/board of appeals 1) old business 2) new business e. Other items of concern: 1) discussion items 2) information items f. Adjournment • -4254- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound 9. The following statement shall be printed on all agendas: • TEMENT: "The Cit of Mound throu h teamwork and cooperation, MISSION STA y 9 provides, at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community." "The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. One of the Commission's functions is to hold public hearings and make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council makes all final decisions on these matters." Mound City Ordinances require that certain documents and information be included in applications. The Planning Commission may postpone consideration of an application that is incomplete and may for other reasons postpone final action on an application. For each agenda item the Commission will receive reports prepared by the City Staff, open the hearing to the public, and discuss and act on the application. 10.A11 recommendations shall be sent to the Council by means of written minutes, and shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 11. Minutes of the meetings shall be recorded and kept by the Planning Staff. • 12.A11 meetings shall be public. 13.Any resolution or motion, except motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table, or call the previous questions, shall be reduced to writing if requested by the Chair. 14.Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. 15. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table, or to call for the question, action on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 16.A11 motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except call for the question. Any member of the Commission may call for a roll call vote on any issue. 17. Motions can only be made by members. recognized by the Chair. 18. Speaking without recognition of the Chair shall be cause for another member to call "point of order" and the member speaking out of turn must relinquish the • floor. 19. "Call for the question" or "previous question" is a motion and must be seconded. It is not debatable and must be voted upon immediately. Atwo-thirds majority is -4255- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound necessary to call the previous question. If the two-thirds majority is given, the • motion or question on the floor must be immediately put to a vote without debate except for a motion to table. 20. "Question" is not a motion but only an indication to the Chair that the person making statement is ready to have the motion or question put to a vote. 21. The Chair may direct that a motion be divided if requested by a member. 22. Members must limit their remarks to the subject matter being discussed and shall not be repetitious. The speaking order shall be at the discretion of the Chair, however, all members shall be allowed to speak in their turn. 23.A11 members are expected to attend meetings and perform any pre-work required for these meetings. Members who miss four or more scheduled meetings in a calendar year without prior permission from the Chair, may face counseling from the Chair and the sitting council member, or more serious consequences up to and including discharge from the Commission by the City Council. 24.Any member having a direct financial and/or direct personal interest in an individual action under consideration by the Commission shall excuse himself/herself from the Commission and not vote on that particular matter. Said member will have the same rights as any citizen who has an interest in any action being considered by the Planning Commission. • 25. These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the Commission. 26. Robert's Rules of Order or standard parliamentary procedure shall govern any rule of order not covered by the work rules. C. Candidate Selection/Interview Procedures (see Exhibit A: Res. #89-139 and Exhibit B: Res. #92-136). 1. It is the intent of the Commission to interview a~4 applicants and vote at the same meeting. The Mayor and City Council are to be included in the interviewing process. The vote will be conducted by the Commission and will not include visiting Council member. (Rev. 1/8/96) • -4256- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound • 2 In the event there are (8) applicants or more a preliminary review of applications may be scheduled at the Chair's discretion to reduce the number of interviews for formal consideration The prescreeninq process will be undertaken in cooperation with the City Manager and/or his/her designee. The prescreeninq criteria will be based on -but not limited to previous work experience in either the public or private sector relevant training and education past volunteer activities, and the candidate's submitted application materials. At its option, the prescreeninq team of the Chair and City Manager or designee may opt to hold a prescreeninq interview(s) The Chair in cooperation with the City Manager or designee will recommend the slate of candidates to the Planning Commission for the formal interview process to be undertaken in accordance with the City's established procedures Nothing shall prevent the Planning Commission from interviewing all or a selection of candidates if deemed appropriate by the Chair and City Manager or designee following completion of the prescreeninq process. ~3. The applicant is to be advised of the interview at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the interview. ~4. If the applicant is unable to attend the scheduled interview, the Planning Commission may make the recommendation based on the information provided. 4.5. Following the interviews and at the same meeting, a written ballot method of voting will be used (see Exhibit C). The secretary will have the candidates • names typed on the form and the form will be sent to Planning Commissioners in their packet. Ballots will be kept in the journal of the Planning Commission containing meeting minutes. a:6. The Planning Commission shall forward to the City Council, at their next regular meeting, a list of the candidates and the number of votes they received. 6:7. Every seated member shall be eligible to vote. • Adopted December 10, 1984 Revised December 14, 1987 Revised January 23, 1989 Revised June 10, 1991 Revised March 25, 1992 Revised January 11, 1993 Revised January 8, 1996 Revised January 26, 1998 Adopted March 4, 2002 Revised February 24, 2003 Adopted March 1, 2004 Adopted January 24, 2005 -4257- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound U Exhibit A October 24, 1989 RESOLUTION #89-139 RESOLUTION APPROVING A POLICY ON APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY COMMISSIONS BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby establishes the following policy: Definitions of "Vacancy": A vacancy occurs when a term expires and the commissioner holding that term does not desire reappointment. A vacancy also occurs when a commissioner resigns his/her position prior to the term expiring. 1. When a vacancy occurs, the City Manager is directed to advertise in the City's official newspaper that there are positions to be filled on a commission(s). Such advertising shall be done in the form of a "news release". 2. Such news release shall include, but not be limited to, the number of vacancies, the length of the term, or request for letter of interest and/or resume, application • deadline date, etc. The news release shall also state that prospective applicants will be required to interview with the city Council and respective commission jointly. Such interviews will be conducted as soon as possible following the application deadline. Each commission will formally recommend appointments following the joint interviews. The City Council will review those recommendations and will be responsible for making the appointments. 3. Current commission members who wish to be reappointed must indicate such and the reasons for being reappointed in writing a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to their term expiring. 4. It a member resigns during his/her term, such resignation must be in writing and submitted to the City Manager. 5. In the case of member resigning with less than ninety (90) days remaining, on his/her term, the City Council, at its discretion, may delay filling the vacancy until the term officially expires." The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember Johnson. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Jensen, Jessen, and Johnson. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Ahrens And Smith. Steve Smith Mayor • Francene C. Clark Attest: City Clerk -4258- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound • Exhibit B October 13, 1992 RESOLUTION N0.92-136 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE PROCESS OF INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES FOR ADVISORY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby establishes the following policy as it pertains to the interviewing of candidates for advisory commission appointments: Candidates for appointment to advisory commissions will be interviewed jointly by the applicable commission and the city council at a regularly scheduled commission meeting. Following the interviews and at the same meeting, the commission will establish a ranking of the candidates, listing the candidates and the number of votes they have received. The results will then be submitted to the Council at the next regular Council Meeting. The Council will then make official appointments at that Council Meeting. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if candidates who wish to be considered for appointment cannot be present for the interviews that the commission and the city Council will base their decisions on the resumes submitted. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Smith seconded by Councilmember Jensen. The following councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jensen, Johnson and Smith. The following councilmembers voted in the negative: None. Skip Johnson Mayor Francene C. Clark Attest: City Clerk. • -4259- Planning Commission Work Rules City of Mound Exhibit C PLANNING COMMISSION BALLOT NAME OF CANDIDATE CHOICE # • CHOICE #: 1 -First Choice; 2 -Second Choice; etc. • The secretary will collect the ballots and total the choice points. The Candidate with the least amount of points is your choice. Only ballots containing the initials of the voting member will be counted Initials • -4260- .-~ 3-Zz- (G/~AHAMPEIVN CD May 14, 2007 Mr. Carlton Moore Public Works Director City of Mound Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: Request for 6:00 am start for the Mound Transit Center Project Dear Mr. Moore: Graham Penn-Co Construction is requesting a 6:00 am start from the existing 7:00 am start for the Mound Transit Center Project. This request is being made due to the high Summer temperatures that will be approaching. An early start would allow concrete pours to be started earlier and would be covered and wet cured sooner, before the afternoon heat dries out the concrete. This produce's inconsistencies with deck pours. If the temperatures get too extreme our workers and subcontractors are not be able to work a full day, which would extend the task being worked on at the time and could have an effect on the schedule of the project. It is Graham Penn-Co's intention to work directly with the City of Mound and the Mound Family True Value Store for any issues that may arise in the future. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue please feel free to contact meat 651- 687-0648. Sincerely, Brian Goudge Project Manager 2995 LONE OAK CIRCLE. SUITE 5, EAGAN MN 55121 I OFFICE 651.687.0648 I FAX 651.687.0947 I ~UALO~'NNITYEMPLOYER ~~ H11NNf TO~ v '9 • • LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT M _ ~ '"~ ~ V 18338 MINNETONKA BLVD. • DEEPHAVEN, MINNESOTA 55391 • TELEPHONE 952!745-0789 • FAX 952/745-9065 ?s, -sevr TMx%KE ~~~ 5 ~ Gregory S. Nybeck, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~VAt10N o~ May 11, 2007 BOARD MEMBERS Tom 5kramstad, Chair Shorewood TO: LMCD City Administrators Katy VanHercke, vice Chair LMCD Board Members Minnetonka Tom Scanlon, Secretary Spring Park FROM: Greg Nybeck, Executive Director Tom 5euntjens, Treasurer Minnetonka Beach Gene Aitstatt SUBJECT: Draft 2008 LMCD Budget Greenwood Doug Babcock Tonka Bay Enclosed is a copy of the draft 2008 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Mary Bader Wayzata (LMCD) Budget for your review. A meeting has been scheduled in the LM David Gross office on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 12 NOON for review and comment. A Deephaven Leigh Harrod fight lunch will be provided to those that attend. Excelsior Steve Johnson Mound The proposed levy to the member cities ($331,116) would increase 10.1 Andrew McDermott 111 295) when compared to the levy for the 2007 LMCD Budget ($300,82 ). ($30 Orono Pete Nelson , 78% of this increase ($23,691) can be attributed to the proposal to add an ~ s ,e additional '/z time position to the LMCD office to increase staffing from its rth t H w°odlana existing three-full time employees. The primary purpose for this increase in l • Lisa Whalen t i staffing is to more proactively educate and enforce LMCD Code at residentia a s Minnetr sites on Lake Minnetonka. The LMCD Board of Directors has made this priority project and additional staffing is needed to adequately effort a hi~h ,'~~~~ r perform ~M~y, yet perform the remaining tasks that are regularly conducNd 1by current LMCD staff. There are three line-items in the draft 2008 LMCD Budget that are not ~ funded, or funded to the desired level of the LMCD Board of Directors. 1.) The LMCD is concerned about the introduction of zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species (AIS) into Lake Minnetonka. The draft 2008 LMCD Budget includes $25,000 for this line-item, primarily for comprehensive inspection and educational efforts with the MN DNR ilVatercraft Inspection Program. The LMCD will be.working on a comprehensive AIS Prevention Plan for Lake Minnetonka in the next six months, working closely with the LMCD member cities and other stakeholders. It is quite possible that there will be a request for additional AIS funds in the 2009 LMCD Budget. 000 to address the 2,) The draft 2008 LMCD Budget includes $10, LMCD's Administration Reserve Fund, which had a balance of $100,710, oc 28% of annual expenses as of 12/31!06. This reserve • level is well below the targeted reserve level of 50% and will continue. to be addressed in future LMCD budgets. ~~ W e E ma I Address: hmcd C~ Imcd org ~org . I 50% Recycled Content 20°~ Post Consumer W sate _ A n G LMCD City Administrators LMCD Board Members May 11, 2007 Page 2 3.) There are no funds included in the draft 2008 LMCD Budget for depreciated Eurasian Watermilfoil harvesting equipment. This reserve level is also well below where it needs to be and will also continue to be addressed in future LMCD Budgets. Please RSVP to the LMCD Office by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 if you plan on attending the May 24th meeting so that we have an idea on the amount of food to order. The LMCD values your review and input on the draft 2008 LMCD Budget. If you are unable to attend this meeting and would like to comment on the draft 2008 LMCD Budget, feel free to call me or forward your comments to the LMCD office by Monday, June 25, 2007. My e-mail address is: gnybeck(cr~.lmcd.org. I look forward to your comments. •i • • -4262- • Z, ~[~ :. ~r Q ~ {i. LLJ ~ ~ a~ z ~ '~ w U a p i Zm O 0 W N Z Z C W i O ~ F' N O i ~ ~ 0) L J N ~~ O ~ NN, 05 e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~° a° ~ ~ o ~ O ~p .- M ~ O ~ M M (O •- N O S ri t7 N C ~ ~ DO O ti O N O r' ~ ~ r r 00 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .- W Ip GOi M O O rn ~' M cG V <O ~ N ~ Ip f~ Cn O ~ 0 0 V 1~ et ~ r N M ~ O ~ ~ ~ fA N! fA N ,~y,.n~at~, + , ~~ M I~ tp ~ m _.,,.., ~ ~ ~.w Of M ~-. O ~ _ __ M .-...~ Of .. .. M O .__- to ~ ~- M O ~ t0 O (D N " O N m ~ O •- ti m es ~ ~ ~ ~ t A N ~ O < ? 1~ to O ~ ~ M N O ~ ~ ~ ~ ff! 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