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2007-08-28 Prelim Budget
I /1 t AGENDA ~ ~ ' ~ MOUND CITY COUNCIL 2008 PRELIMINARY BUDGET August 28, 2007 1. Mayor's opening comments 2. City Manager Introduction of 2008 Preliminary Budget and meeting format 1-23 3. Enter prise Fund Budgets A. Liquor Fund -John Colotti 24-30 B. Water Fund -Carlton Moore/Gino Businaro 31-43 C. Sewer Fund -Carlton Moore/Gino Businaro 44-56 D. Storm Sewer Fund -Carlton Moore/Gino Businaro 57-60 E. Recycling Fund -Gino Businaro 61-64 • 4. Presentation of 2008 Preliminary General Fund Budgets Public Safety A. Fire Department Fund -Greg Pederson 65-82 B. Police Department Fund -Jim Kurtz 83-93 C. Emergency Preparedness Fund -Jim Kurtz 94-96 D. Planning and Inspection -Sarah Smith 97-102 Public Works A. Streets Fund -Carlton Moore 103-111 B. Parks/Parks Dedication Funds -Jim Fackler/Carlton Moore 112-126 C. Docks Fund -Jim Fackler 127-133 D. Recreation/Community Services Fund -Jim Fackler 134-136 . F. Cemetery Fund -Jim Fackler/Bonnie Ritter 137-140 E. City Hall Buildings and Services Fund -Jim Fackler/Carlton Moore 141-144 F. Parking Deck Maintenance Fund -Jim Fackler/Carlton Moore 145-146 Administration A. Council - Kandis Hanson B. Promotions - Kandis Hanson C. City Manager/City Clerk - Kandis Hanson/Bonnie Ritter D. Elections -Bonnie Ritter E. Finance -Gino Businaro F. Computer -Gino Businaro G. Assessing -Gino Businaro H. Legal -Gino Businaro I. Cable TV -Gino Businaro J. Contingency -Gino Businaro K. General Fund Transfer -Gino Businaro 5. Review of Preliminary General Fund Budget and Levy A. Review of General Fund Revenues B. Review of General Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures C. Review of Levy Recap 6. Final Discussion with directives to City Manager A. Preliminary Levy B. Tax Rate C. Fund Balance 7. Closing Comments -Mayor Mark Hanus 147-153 154-174 175-178 179-181 182-189 190-193 194-196 197-198 199-200 201-203 204-206 207-209 210-211 212 .] ~" • 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com August 16, 2007 Mayor Hanus City Council Members City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor and Council, Once again we embark on a most difficult task-the 2008 Budget. I wish to again assure you that, as City Manager, I am committed to responsible and ethical budgeting and spending. Because it is my responsibility to stay abreast of the short-term and long-term needs of the City, my recommendations represent a very hands-on level of awareness. You may also be assured that I try hard to be sensitive to your priorities and to the politics. At the July 31 budget meeting, Staff heard the priorities of the Mayor and Council in regards to levy • increase and fund balance. It is Staff's goal to blend those comments into a preliminary budget for your consideration at the August 28 meeting, which will be approved at the September 11 City Council meeting. The preliminary proposed levy maybe reduced, but not increased, before finalization. The final budget and levy will be approved at the December 11 meeting, with budget workshops scheduled in between, as needed. Truth in Taxation Hearings will be set for December 3rd and 10~'. Enclosed are the materials for discussion for the upcoming meeting. Also enclosed is an agenda that will be the basis for moving quickly and systematically through the material. So that quick progress is made at the meeting, you are invited to email, or otherwise direct, your specific questions to me in advance. By doing so, Department Heads may gather the data in time for the meeting, enabling us to better answer your questions and satisfy your concerns. Please try to do so by noon on Thursday, August 23. Thanks! EXPENDITURES Operations Budget. Please note that the lines in the operating budget are either flat or contain minor upward adjustments. They have been established through evaluation of the past years and the year-to-date amounts. It is important the lines representing operations not be reduced by any great measure, since they represent the minimum cost of operating that department in a growing environment. • Year-to-date expenditure reports (for 2007) are part of the packet information along with the 2008 budget detail for all lines. printed on recycled paper _1_ • Capital Purchases. This year's capital needs have been set by the Supervisors and those that remain as priorities are listed among the 2008 Proposed Capital Outlay. The proposed capital budget represents equipment purchases that will continue the departments' fleet management plans, plus other needs. Large equipment in the Public Works divisions and police cars are normally funded by lease equipment certificates, which are paid back over five years. Removing any of these capital purchases from the proposed budget effectively reduces revenues by the same amount. Fleet rotation schedules for the departments/divisions are included. Staying with the rotation plans helps reduce maintenance costs and is reflected. The trend shows capital purchases declining significantly over the years. A too conservative approach toward capital spending can put the fleet/equipment replacement schedules at risk. Even though spending is curtailed in those areas, the need remains, resulting in unplanned/unbudgeted spending from City reserves. Human Resources. Personnel costs will always be the largest expenditure of local government, since it is a service agency and it takes people to provide the services. Demands on Staff are on the rise as quality of life expectations of our customers increase. For many of our residents, the bar has now been raised and, along with that, so has their expectation for service levels. Salaries & Wages -Salaries and wages in all departments reflect step increases for employees with less than six years' tenure, as required under the City of Mound Pay Equity Policy, with any pay equity adjustments. General Fund full-time salaries increased by 3.48% and General Fund salaries • and benefits combined by 5.23%. Personnel-related expenses (FICA, PERA, hospital/dental insurance, life/disability insurance, health care savings plan, and worker's comp insurance) have been adjusted proportionately. Labor Unions -Agreements settled in 2006 are effective through 2007. No negotiations have started for 2008 contracts. This budget contains funding that equates to a 2.5% cost of living increase to wages and salaries for all city employees. Programming. Our charge as City officials is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. That generally means providing for the basic needs. Other services beyond that scope can be thought of as enhancements to quality of life and can oftentimes be reduced or eliminated. Programs, being a matter of policy, should be designated by Council Members. FUNDS Council. Salaries -FYI Only -Since January 2, 1995, the salary for the Mayor and Council Members has been $375 and $250 per month, respectively. The rates of pay for mayor and council may only be addressed in an election year. . Assessing. The Assessment Agreement with Hennepin County expires on July 31, 2009. We have evaluated our options for assessing services in the past and Staff is of the opinion that the cost of the services -2- received from the County are reasonable and that the City would incur higher costs if assessments were done in house. The cost for assessing services over the last three years was as follows: • Year Cost 2002 $78,037 2003 $83,269 2004 $79,300 2005 $83,300 2006 $86,000 2007 $87,886 2008 (est.) $91,400 Police Department. The Police Department's capital plan is centered on the scheduled replacement of major equipment. An examination of maintenance expenses over the past three years shows that the older the patrol fleet gets, the more is spent on long-term maintenance, such as transmissions, suspensions and engine overhauls. The goal of the fleet management plan is to retire patrol squads at or near 75,000 miles. To meet this goal, the City must purchase one patrol car a year, with a second squad car being added into the rotation every fourth year. Fire Department. The fire service business has become intensely competitive in recent years making it a foremost concern of the Fire Department to maintain our current customer base. Fire service agreements with our members are nearing the end of the first year in a three year contract with all cities. • Trucks -Trucks are purchased from the Truck Replacement Fund, which builds funds through the annual contributions by the member cities. Purchase decisions are based on a 10 year Truck Replacement Plan with an expected life span of each apparatus to be approximately 20 years. Pension -The annual pension contribution has been increased by 3% to help offset the shortfall of funds and the unfunded liability caused by floundering investments during recent years. A recent actuarial valuation completed Dec 31, 2005 has the Mound Relief Pension 80% funded. This is a 12% funded increase since the Dec 31, 2003 actuarial valuation (which was funded at 68%). The investment returns on the relief pension fund have continued to improve and have typically exceeded other comparable investment benchmarks. Public Works. Annual Street Replacement Program - 2003 was the first year of the new Street and Utilities Replacement Program. Under the program, street repair/reconstruction will be completed over the span of 10 years. The support shown by the benefiting property owners (exhibited by lack of resistance and supportive public comment) is a good indicator of residents' desire for upgrading the city's streets and utilities. The Annual Street and Utilities Replacement Programs are financed through bonded debt, 2/3 of which is assessed to the benefiting property owners and the rest is captured through a tax levy. Parks -Seasonal workers will assist with the maintenance of grounds owned by the City at the • following locations: Lost Lake Greenway and Pier, Public Safety Facility, City Hall, Downtown Streetscape, and the two new well houses. Future considerations should include contracting for Streetscape maintenance as part of a special service district that will serve the new downtown. -3- Docks • The ongoing maintenance of Dock Program infrastructure (shorelines. and rip rap, stairs, new and replacement multiple slip systems, etc) is essential to the professional operations of this Program. Again this year, Staff and the Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission maybe recommending a new approach to fees. City Hall Buildings & Services The upgrading of City Hall began in 2003. There are just a few outstanding needs to complete the interior updating of City Hall. Customer chairs -recommended for funding in 2008 Conference room chairs -recommended for funding in 2008 Council Chambers technology update - an option for 2008 Future budgets also need to include funds that will build for the long-term care and maintenance of all the buildings for such things as carpeting, paint, repairs, HVAC, roofs, etc., making those projects more financially manageable when the time comes. Especially in need is the City Hall building. Exterior surfacing, some windows, and the air conditioning system are beyond their life expectancy and will become an immediate need soon. The Fire Department has been our best example ofpre-planning of this type, as in the Truck Replacement Plan. City Goals. The 2005 Strategic Planning Report resulted from a retreat with Ehlers & Associates, Inc in June of • that year. The attached describes the status of the goals listed in the Goals Report. As may be noted, many goals are "In Progress" and so no funding has been earmarked for goals in this preliminary budget. RF,VF,NTIF,~ Lew Limits. The 2007 Legislature did not impose levy limits for 2008. State Aid. HACA and LGA have both been eliminated for Mound. This change had a major impact on the City's budget process over the past few years. Creative financing measures have enabled the City of Mound to escape the impacts suffered by many cities. By looking at the alternatives, we have saved jobs and maintained service levels, along with proceeding with the projects that are putting Mound back on the map. That ability of Staff and Council to be willing to think out of the box has enabled the City of Mound to continue those endeavors. Land Use & Building Permits/Applications. Permit revenue did not meet what was expected, so more conservative projections have been made for 2008, based on the anticipated redevelopment construction and general construction trends. Some of the planning and building costs are being recovered through user fees and pass-through to • our customers who use the services. -4- Enterprise Funds. Liquor Store Fund. • Based on our analysis of expenses and cash flow needs for the new Liquor Store, it is not possible to transfer dollars from the Liquor Store fund to the General fund during 2008. The Council's decision in 2002 to construct a new and updated store has resulted in no surpluses to transfer for a few years in a row. Profits axe on the rise but the City's capital investment requires that our increasing cash flow stay with the Fund until it exceeds our need for debt payments and inventory on hand. The 2006 reorganization of the Department has resulted in $112,000 ofpersonnel-related savings. Those savings were fully realized in 2007. Water Fund. Recommendation: 15% rate increase to cover cost of bonded projects (towers, well houses) and Annual Street Reconstruction the component. Sewer Fund. Lift Station Upgrades -The City has 30 well-aged sanitary sewer lift stations. The Public Works Department is in the midst of doing lift station upgrades, which is a multi-year program. The project will update lift stations and line sewer pipe to eliminate inflow and infiltration. This program addresses mandates from the Metropolitan Council for upgrading our infrastructure which is intended to reduce our fee to .Met Council. Metropolitan Council - In spite of the City's efforts to reduce I & I, fees to Met Council are • estimated to go from $636,390 in 2007 to $670,000 in 2008. Recommendation: 5% rate increase to cover cost of project (lift stations), Met Council increases and the Annual Street Reconstruction component. Storm Sewer Fund. Storm sewer projects planned for the near future are being funded by debt previously issued. Recommendation: no increase. Recd cling Fund. Recommendation: from $2.75 to $4.00 primarily to cover for the new recycling contract with Allied Waste Services. WRAP-UP HRA Levy. The HRA is the owner of the Transit District. About a year ago, the HRA took action to levy to fund the municipally-owned portions of the Transit District construction equal to the amount of the annual debt service for a term of 30 years. The existing levy balance at that time was dedicated to soft costs for the Project. In response to this new facility, a new HRA budget has been established • for its routine care and long-term maintenance, which are costs that go beyond the debt service requirement. -5- Tax Lew Recap . The 2008 Budget impact, as proposed, is best depicted on the page titled General Fund Summary. What is represented is a balanced budget, meaning there is no shortfall. If there were a shortfall, the gap would be pulled from the fund balance, further depleting the fund balance. In this proposed Preliminary Budget for 2008, the General Fund portion of the levy represents an increase of 9.47% from the previous year and the bonding debt service portion an increase of 16.57% from the previous year. The page labeled Tax Levy Recap shows the amounts for each proposed levy. A number on which to focus is the City Property Tax Rate. A property tax rate of above 37 will keep tax increment financing proceeds at a rate that should support redevelopment. A trend of downward rates has created a shortfall and reducing tax increment proceeds to the developer. A final line to consider is the Fund Balance as shown on the Summary of Revenues and Expenditures. Even if the total cash pool appears to be very healthy, Members are reminded that most of the cash has been made available from bond proceeds and its use has been pre-approved and is reserved for various specific projects. Only "undesignated" reserves act as cash to carry the City between the bi-annual receipts of taxes. Please refer to letters from the Office of the State Auditor and the City's Auditor, Steve McDonald of Abdo, Eick and Meyers, LLP, for their recommendations for fund balance. Final Comments Management would like to offer one tip as you enter into discussions on this budget: Lines for • operations are right in-line with what we know to be the actual cost to provide the most basic services. They are reflective of history and year-to-date costs. To reduce the lines of the operating budget involves the prospect of further eliminating or reducing service levels through programming. Those programming cut-backs are a matter of policy and are at the discretion of the City Council. CLOSING In closing, these are the Management recommendations for a preliminary budget. However, I recognize that the budget is the prerogative of the City Council. Your candid discussion of the proposed budget is welcome, with the final decision for funding being yours. Thank you for your kind consideration. Respectfully, Kan is Hanson Cit Manager -6- _ Pa ulatian Farecasts: Herne in ~aur~ PROVIQED BY THE METROPOLITAN COt~NCIL • Forecasts of population for counties, cities, and townships in Hennepin County, January 2404. Population Forecasts: For further information see: "Forecasts of Population, Households and Employment for Counties, Cities and Townships in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (TCMA) January 2004" by the Metropolitan Council. Note: Copies of the forecasts are available at the Metropolitan Council's v+ebsite: www, metrocouncil,org > Resources, Reports & Data > Publications Catalog > View the full publications directory > Regional Statistics • > "Forecasts of Population, Households and Employment for Counties; Cities and Townships in the TCMA January 2004. (23 pages) r ;~I ." COMMt1NlTY Bloomington 1990 2000 ~-- POPULATION -~ 86,335 85,172 ZO10 2020 20.30 ~~-POPULATION FORECAST-~ 87,500 90,500 93,000. Brooklyn Center 28,887 29,172 29,500 30,500 29,500 Brooklyn Park 56,381 67,388 74,500 80,500 85,000 Champlin 16,849 ZZ,193 23,700 24,500 75,800 Chanhassen (part} - - 0 0 0 Corcoran 5-,199 5,630 11,600 19,900 24,600 Crystal 23,788 22,698 22,700 22,800 23,500 Dayton {part) 4,392 4,693 5,600 20,100 28,700 Deephaven 3,653 3,853 3,900 3,900 3,900 Eden Prairie 39,311 54,901 61,200 62,500 63,000 Edina 46,070 47,425 49,000 50,000 51,500 Excelsior 2,367 2,393 2,500 2,700 2,800 Port Snelling 97 442 0 0 0 Golden Valley 20 97l ZO,Z87 22,700 23,000 24,000 Greenfield 1,450 2,544 3,190 4,050 4,300• Greenwood 614 729 760 770 780 Hanover (part) 269 332 410 570 630 Hassan Twp. 1,951 2,463 3,500 6,100 4,500 Hopkins 16.534 17,367 17,900 18,600 18,900 independence 2,822 3,736 , , , Long Lake 1,984 1,842 2,100 2,250 2;450 Loretto 404 570 690 700 700 Maple Grove 38,736 50,365 64,500 75,700 84,000 Maple Plain 2,005 2,088 2,550 2,570 2,600 Medicine Lake 385 366 420 440 470 Medina 3,096 4,005 5,800 9,200 72,700 Minneapolis 368,383 382,747 402,000 473,000- 435,000 Minnetonka 48,370 51,102 51,500 5],500 53,500 Minnetonka -Beach 573 614 640 660 660 Minnetrista 3,439 4,358 5,600 9,400 13,300 iI Mound 9,634 9,435 70,400 .11,000 11,400 New Hope 21,853 20,873 21,500 ZZ,000 22,500 Orono 7,285 7,538 8,300 9,500 9,800 Osseo 2,704 2,434 2;600 2,850 3,300 Plymouth 50,889 65,894 73,000 76,000 78,500 Richfield 35,710 34,310 37,700 47,300 45,000 Robbinsdate 14,396 14,123 15,200 76,600 16,500 Rockford (part} 440 744 240 470 700 Rogers 698 3,588 73,000 14,400 24,200 St. Anthony (part} 5,278 5,664 5,900 6,200 6,600 St. Bonifacius 1,180 1,873 2,850 2,750 2,900 St. Louis Park 43,787 44,102 47,000 49,300 51,500 Shorewood 5,917 7,400 7,500 7,600 6,100 Spring Park 1,571 1,717 1,850 2,000 2,100 Tonka Bay 7,472 1,547 1,800 1,800 1,800 Wayzata 3,806 4,173 4,300 4,500 4,700 Woodland 496 480 500 530 510 Hennepin Countyl"otal 1,032,431 1,716,206 1,213,600 1,309,630 4 000 4 480 4 900 1,384,800 „_ FRAMEWORK FOR THE FUTURE ~ Hennepin CountyUhiary's Ptanrn-7-..rtes ~~ -City of Mor~naf 2005 Strategic Planning Session 2005 Strategic Planning EMLER & ASSOCIATES INC • -$- City of Mound 2005 Strategic Planning Report FREERS • & ASSOCIATES INC To: City of Mound City Council 0 From: Jim Prosser, Ehlers & Associates Date: June 30, 2005 W Subject: Strategic Planning ReporE Please find attached the 2005 Strategic Plan for Mound. This plan was prepared based on the June 21, 2005 Council and Staff planning session. The session materials have been reproduced for this final report. Several key implementation issues include the following: 1. The plan has been prepared based on general Council direction. The implementation program should be reviewed by the City Council and adopted with any required changes. • 2. The .Goal Report located on page 13 identifies the 2005 priorities for the City. (terns identified as "Work Program" may be addressed as opportunities are presented (or demanded). 3. The City Council and Staff team have initiated efforts to refine the Vision Statement. Follow up to that effort may include presentation of a refined statement for Council consideration. 4. A special effort should be made to schedule specific time and dates for discussion of high priority issues identified within this report. 5. The Council should select the goals to be discussed at quarterly meetings. The Feedback Connection Checklist should be used to track and verify progress on the strategic plan. 6. Quarterly updates to the 2005 Goals should be prepared in writing to report on progress towards goals. This report should not include items listed as work program. An emphasis should be placed on identifying problems with .implementation for information or action purposes. 7. It is expected that "course corrections" in the Strategic Plan will be necessary, and should b.e made as needed. This may mean that issues will be presented outside of the scheduled quarf:er(y updates. 8. It is recommended that the 2005 goals be communicated to residents and businesses using your website, newsletter and possibly a "Town Meeting". • 3 -9- ti J td# __ N W It~tr iit d b ~4 (... a • ~ J a 0 c O .~ N C 'C C ~ ~ ~ a. ~ O C c~ (~ ''L^^ 0 VJ "` O • UN Y C ~ r N M ~' d' d' d' 00 CO 00 OD eN- -~ a 3 °- c Q LL N > ~ ' Q. (~ L O ~ RS V (~ L.. t6 Ci ~ ~ ~ a Q ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ Q. ~ ~. Q ~ Q.. Q. Q. aS ~ ~ ~ C ~ Y Y Y Y i ~ ~U V V ~ f~ ~- fB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ C C C ~ ~ O ~ 4~-- `~ `~ ``~ ``~ ~ w ~ O ~ O ~ O ~ ~~+ ~ .~ + .~ .iE ~ ~~+ O ~~ U U U f!) fA Q U1 Cn ~ (n UJ (!) fn U ~ `~ ~ N t~ .r+ ,~ I- O i- qp h- to I- d' i- d' H d' E- d' E- M E- M t- M F- M I- N ~ = 1- CA (A C~ (A Cq fA V3 fA to (A C~ f!) N ~ C t` U ~ U 'd U N U M U M U d` U N U r _ U N ` U r ` U ~ U V d' M N N ~ r O r N N N O N c a N ui cn '~ O O O'f O '~ c c ' ~. N L. 03 ~ O ' L O .`~ 0 0 0 ~ o L o c . o o o- o 0 0 N fl. Q. Q. .~ Q. -a v rn a~ E a ~ o. c c ~ ti c ~z O O U c O c ~ c o a ~ .~ m U to ..,.~ N O cL6 O N c ~ 6 ~ J p "O ~ ~ ~ -v ~ f U °- a. c o ~ :+• ~ ,~ cn N a~ c u. ~ ~ O C Y ~ O ~ O ~ ~ Y ' O p ? O ~ O t6 ~ ~ .~ O ~ ~ O ? ~.. Q ~ O ~ ~ '` ~ D.. - U o ~ c Q- ~ c a~ o c ~ a ~ W ~ ~ U 0.. ~ Z U ~ W fA ~ (r SIN IM I~ I~ 10 (~ (O (O lO r ~ -~~- r • N N O cB Q W J • Q ~ N N r r r C O '++ . N C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H tyC t~3 LL Y t6 (L LL Y D ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ o ~ o ~ Q.. n. ~ a ~ ~C Y O Y O ~C O N „a ~ ~ Q ~ 3 '~ Q Q.. ~ Q ~ . ~ N N N t6 U o c!) ~ ~ ~ U cn ~ t U~ fn - ~" E'.' r (n O (13 _O (A O Cn r to O CA ~ C to U fn U to U r U O U O U O U O U O U ~y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o c N1 ~ O O ~ O O O ~ C_ C_ C C C_ N ~ O O a.+ ~~ IL ~ O O a N 0 O ~ a~ c c cv ca ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ o ~ ca ~ E c a~ ~ ~ ca •~ o m ~ ~ N ~ L i- O t~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ C _ C O m C ~ ~ :.~ ~' ~ 0 O C fB ~ N "O ~ f6 E N = C ~ C •~ 3 ~ v> LL O <C N O N ~ A 0.. ~ ~ f6 ~ = u F- Y ~ ~ ~ cn c ~k M 'd' tc'j CO I~ ~ ~ r" O N r CV ~- r r r r r N _~~_ [7 2008 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY -ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT FUND City ManagerlClerk General FinancelComputer General Police General Planningllnspectlon General ITEM PC -City Clerk Printer PC -Computer (2) 2008 Crown Victoria w! Equip Setup Records Management System Copy Machine DEPARTMENT PROPOSED DEPARTMENT REQUEST AMOUNT TOTAL 2,000 2,000. 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 2,200 60,000 60,000 (") 30,000 30,000 15,000 0 90,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 2,500 2,500 (*) 500 500 835 835 3,835 8,300 0 1,080 1,080 10,000 0 0 10,000 11,080 31,500 31,500 (") 2,500 2,500 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 14,800 14,800 -11,050 -11,050 7,500 7,500 48,450 4,000 0 19,000 0 0 Streets General Laser Fiche Upgrade Cones, Barricades, and Signs (1i3} Pressure Washer for Shop (1!3) Metal Break for Shop City Hall Bldg. & Srvs. General • Council Chamber Audience Chairs ( 80 ~ $138 each) Council Conference Room Chairs ( 10 ~ $108 each) Audio Visual Upgrade for Council Chambers Choose either Audio Visual and Chairs Parks General Dept. Request 1/2 Ton 4 x 4 Truck Walk Behind Snow Blower (2} Wafk Behind Mowers Water Fountain 2 Turn Mower Credit from Docks Fund (118) Upgrade Electricity at Mound Bay Park Cemetary Dept. Request Tree Buffer Planting along CR 110 ( 20 @ $200 each) Fence Recreation POSAC Request • TOTAL GENERAL FUND (•) The City will issue Equipment Certificates for Police, Streets and Parks' capital purchases. Page 1 of 4 _12_ 8!16/2007 • (*)The City will issue Equipment Certificates for Police, Streets and Parks' capital purchases. Area Fire Service Mobile Radio with Accessories 800 MHz for new Tanker Pumper Truck Portable Radio -Motorola w/ Charger and Accessories 800MHz (2 ~ $2,800 each) Extendo Bed Mobile Organizer 4 Wheel Drive Off Road Utility Vehicle Fire and Rescue Special Use Vehicle TOTAL AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND ;7 3,800. 2,800 5,600 0 1,480 1,480 12.000 8.000 22.880 12.280 12.280 Page 2 of 4 _ ~ 3 _ 8/16/2007 • Liquor Store 0 0 TOTAL LIQUOR FUND Q Q Q Water Water Fund Water Tester 1,000 1,000 Tandum Dump Truck 110,000 110,000 Utility Van 35,000 35,000 314 Ton 4x4 with Plow 45,000 45,000 (113) Pressure Washer for Shop 500 500 (1/3) Metal Break for Shop 835 835 TOTAL WATER FUND 192.335 192.335 192.335 Sewer Sewer Fund Camera Support Upgrade 20,000 20,000 (113) Pressure Washer for Shop 500 500 (113) Metal Break for Shop 835 835 TOTAL SEWER FUND 21.335 21.335 21.335 Docks Dock Fund Deck Replacement (40 ~ $125 each) 5,000 5,000 Mulltiple Slip Dock (1 @ $16,000 each) 16,000 16,000 Transfer (Docks share of Parks Capital) 11,050 11,050 Unknown -5,110 -5,110 TOTAL DOCK FUND 26.940 26.940 26.940 Parking Deck HRA Fund Sweeper 35,000 35,000 TOTAL HRA FUND 35.000 35.000 35.000 • Page 3 of 4 _ ~ 4, _ 8/16/2007 • I• CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY GENERAL FUND AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND LIQUOR STORE FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND DOCK FUND HRA FUND TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Page 4 of 4 -15- DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REQUEST AMOUNT 209,845 163,545 22,880 12,280 0 0 192,335 192,335 21,335 21,335 28,940 26,940 35.000 35.000 8/16/2007 C • L~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 401 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED CODE REVENUE 33100 FEDERAL GRANTS 36100 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INCOME 36200 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 INTEREST/GAIN ON INVESTMENT 39300 PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF BONDS TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 300 NEW P.W./PARK FACILITY STUDY 301 AUDITING & FINANCIAL 500 STREETS 500 STREET RECONSTRUCTION 500 PARKS 500 RETAINING WALLS 500 LOST LAKE GREENWAY/TRAIL 500 MOUND FACILITIES 500 PUBLIC WORKS/PARKS FACILITY 500 LYNWOOD/CO. RD. 15 500 MISC. CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BA LANCE -JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 0 0 0 0 0 17,308 25,748 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 5,500 1,700 0 0 0 64,921 109,928 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 1,713.564 1,550,084 0 0 0 1.801,293 1.687.460 7,000 7.000 7,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 1,480 1,706 1,706 15.25% 0 208 1,492, 370 1,518, 791 1,842 1,125 138,479 372,531 8,047 73,140 0 0 20,275 18, 762 122, 767 11,837 35.174 35.476 1,818,954 2,031,870 1.480 1.706 1.706 -17,661 -344,410 5,520 5,294 5,294 1, 377.295 1, 359, 634 1.359.634 ]..Q.~ 5.224 -16- 8/76/2007 I• • > Z J N O N _Z W D nZ °o ~ Q My '... O D W ~ W Z W O ~ m W N ~ D OD N~ Z m O N ~ O ~ Z 0 W ~ ~J OC~OW LLB ~~Q J O = °o ~ 0 x U N N~ a F ~ W Zia LLa° W W fA p F ~~ ~ z W ~ ~ O Z LL O V W D W m W 0 z 0 N 0 0 ~ o 0 0 o a {D O O °r ~ r N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ M ~ N r o° o° p°o_ °o °o_ °o_ o a ~ ~ N N N ^ ~ O O O O O O O N r O ° ° C r C 0 r ~ r O~ r ~ ~ N N r ~ r (~ r °o 0 °o 0 °o 0 °o o °o O °o o ° O1 ~ N p ~t N c°O I~ ~ d' OWf r r r o °o °0 0 0 °0 0 o ui o ~n ~n ui o r 0~0 M ~ ~ N r r (Q r r M r z z~ z z z z z Z Z ^ Z Z Z Z Z N Os 11> ~O t0 a0 a a a a a a a a O o NO ch O O O I~ r r ~ r r r ~r N ~ r 1~tY r: n n n io v ? ~ O Z °r O O o°0 O ~°' N ~ O ui cQ ~ r~ ~n ~' 4 ~ m {y~ N '°V o t~ ~ t~ ~ ~ n Z z ~' tp N r CV C7 ~"~ t+! 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W Z F W W° ° (~ F- W C7 ° Z Z W Z V Z V W Z V ~ Z W H Z V z~ a g°~ a W°~ a Z°~ a Z° W°~ a Z° Z °m xx z ~ a z° ~J W g> o> o V M> o~~> w g 'n U '~ > o~~~ O so a a m> o~ o • ~ Z m a y a y~ y a m° y a g° w~ w a m° m¢°$°° yyg a y° m m W S~ W~ W F W~ W W W~ W W W F W ,~ W W W Z~ W J Z W~ W W W W ~ ~ ~ OC OC ~ OC OC ~ 2 ~ LL ~ ~ ~ ~ GC Z Q W Q W O W ~ W Q W ~ W Q W Q W Q W ~ W p W !S W W~ O W Q W Q W ~ V,' y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ y ~ (n ~~i ~ y = ~ y ~ y ~ y -~~- O O (~ • ~"~~~~ STATE F M E A P-,..=~~.,. O INN S4T :. - _ ,` OFFICE OF THE STATE AUQITOR ~`• ~ sv1TE soo ~`a `~'`~' . 525 PARK STREET (651} 296-2551 REBECCA OTTO SAINT PAUi., i4iN SSi03 2139 (65i) 296-4755 (Exx) ~~-~-~ tE~i1) STATE ALiDTTOR i-800-627-3529 (Relay Service) Statement of Position Fund Balances for Local Governments Back round In governmental filndsl, a local government should identify fund balance separately between reserved and unreserved fund balance. The local government may assign and report some or all of the unreserved fund balance as designated and undesignated. This statement of position is based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for government as established by the Governmental Accounting Standazds Boazd. Future changes in GAAP may result in a change in the position of the Office of the State Auditor. Reserved Fund Balance • The function of reserved fund balance is to separate the portion of fund balance that is not appropriable for expenditure or is legally segregated for specific future uses, so that the unreserved fund balance can serve as a measure of current available financial resources. Under GAAP, the portion of fund balance that meets the following criteria should be classified as reserved: • Resources not available for spending. Some of the assets reported in governmental funds are not available for spending in the subsequent year's budget. For example, along-term loan receivable, such as an advance to another fund, is not available for current spending. Likewise, local governments that report supplies, inventories, and prepaid items in governmental funds typically would report a corresponding amount of reserved fund balance to indicate that these amounts aze not actually available for spending. ~ Legal restrictions on spending. Fund balance also is reserved to indicate situations where a portion of fund balance is not available for new spending because of legal ' Governmental fiord reporting focuses primarily on the sources, uses, and balances of current financial resources and often has a budgetary oriantation. The governmental fund category incltades the general fund, special revenue fiords, capital projects funds, debt service funds, and permanent funds. (Codification of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards §1300.102). • Reviewed: August 2007 Revised: NA 2007-1022 _~g_ • restrictions involving parties outside the financial reporting entity. One common example is amounts reserved for encumbrances, which represent contracts for goods or services with outside parties still outstanding at the end of the year. Reservations also are commonly used to report legal restrictions arising from state statutes or grant requirements placed on the use of specific resources. Unreserved Fund Balance The part of fund balance not identified as reserved is the unreserved, fund balance. The unreserved fund balance may, in turn, be subdivided into designated and undesignated portions. Designated Fund Balance Whereas GAAP dictates the criteria for reserved fund balance, fund balance designations represent management's intended use of resources. Fund balance designations maybe established to indicate management's tentative plans for financial resource utilization in a future period, such as for general contingencies or for equipment replacement. Such designations reflect tentative managerial plans or intent and should be clearly distinguished from that which is reserved. Designations should be supported by actual plans approved by either the governing body or an appropriate officer. Such plans or intent are subject to change and may never be legally authorized or result in expenditures. Expressed another way, designations are a government's self-imposed limitations on the use of available current financial resources • Unreserved fund balance is desi ted for loc gna a al government s intended use of current available financial resources. The focus on current financial resources is unique to governmental funds. Accordingly, designations are reported on the face of the balance sheet only in connection with governmental funds. Designations should be reported as part of the unreserved fund balance designated for ... , or disclosed parenthetically or in the notes to the financial statements.2 GAAP does not allow for any equivalent equity designation to be used for government-wide financial reporting or for proprietary fund and fiduciary fund financial reporting. Undesignated Fund Balance The unreserved undesignated fund balance consists of current resources available for which there are no government self-imposed limitations or set spending plan. Although there is generally no set spending plan for the undesignated portion, there is a need to maintain a certain funding level. Undesignated fund balance is commonly used for emergency expenditures not previously considered. In addition, the resources classified as undesignated can be used to cover expenditures for revenues not yet received. z Codification of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards §1800.144. Reviewed: August 2007 2 • Revised: NA 2007-1022 -20- • The basic financial statements should provide information on the nature and purpose of each major component of reserved fund balance and unreserved fund balance. The notes to the financial statements should disclose this information when it is not discernible on the face of the financial statements. Recommendations Adoption of Fund Balance Policy The Office of the State Auditor recommends that each local government establish a formal policy on the level of unreserved fund balance that should be maintained in the general fund and special revenue funds The policy should be set by the governing body and should provide both a time frame and a specific plan for increasing or decreasing the level of unreserved fund balance. If the fund balance does not match the policy, a plan should be developed by the governing body that will allow for compliance with the policy. The Office of the State Auditor recommends each local. government adopt a policy specifying the types of future expenditures to be designated, how the amounts for such designations are arrived at, and whether the governing body will set the designations annually or will set up a designation process and appoint someone to make the determination based on the guidelines established by the governing body. • The local government's revenue streams should be kept in mind when drafting such a policy. For example, funds that rely heavily on property taxes must maintain sufficient financial resources to provide adequate resources until the next tax revenue collection cycle. Funds that rely on state appropriations and grants should consider the timing of those payments. Also, local governments need to maintain a prudent level of financial resources to protect against a forced service level reduction or having to raise taxes and fees because of temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures. Other considerations include the predictability of revenues and the volatility of expenditures--higher levels of unreserved fund balance maybe needed if significant revenue sources are subject to unpredictable fluctuations or if operating expenditures are highly volatile. The availability of resources in other funds as well as the potential drain on the general fund resources from other funds could affect the level of unreserved fund balance needed. The availability of resources in other funds may reduce the amount of unreserved fund balance needed in the general fund, just as deficits in other funds may require that a higher level of unreserved fund balance be maintained in the general fund. In some cases, the unreserved fund balance in special revenue funds may not be available for use for general operations of the local government, for example a park dedication special revenue fund in a city or a ditch special revenue fund in a county. In these situations, it is important for the local government's fund balance policy to document that these type of funds are not available for future appropriation to the general operations of the local government. • Reviewed: August 2007 3 Revised: NA 2007-1022 _2~_ • Appropriate Fund Balance Levels The Office of the State Auditor recommends that at year-end local governments maintain an unreserved fund balance in their general fund and special revenue funds of approximately 35 to 50 percent of fund operating revenues or no less than five months of operating expenditures, which should provide the local government with adequate funds until the next property tax revenue collection cycle. The adequacy of unreserved fund balance should be assessed based on an individual local government's own circumstances. If the local government's unreserved fund balance is less than or greater than the 35 to 50 percent recommended above the local government should be able to explain the reason for the difference. Local governments should also consider taking a position on the level of unreserved fund balance in other funds that have unrestricted revenues. In setting an appropriate level, the local government should consider any long-term forecastmg/planning issues, to avoid the risk of placing too much emphasis on the level of unreserved fund balance at any one time. • • Reviewed: August 2007 4 Revised: NA 2007-1022 _22_ M` • MANAGEMENT CONSUtTING SERVICES TEAM Whether you are in your budget process or responding to another state problem, the need for creative financing approaches continueato be important. As local policy- makers are often reluctant to raise taxes or take "no new tax" pledges, the ability to maintain certain service levels requires exploring both traditional and new user fees; where service benefits go to specific ies. While this route has attracted ~a attention, user fees are appropriate if properly cost and benefit justified. One area that can be traditional. and yet .creative, is the revenue generating ability of municipal enterprise funds. As new budget cycles approach, it maybe time to review the historical activity in your enterprise funds, as well as consider any new service areas you may wish to explore. Our Management Consulting Service (MCS) team works with clients in cost recovery rate and fee setting for existing enterprise funds, as well as financial feasibility analyses for proposed enterprise funds. Past budget pressures have led to the expansion of enterprise funds beyond the traditional areas of • Water • Sewer • Municipal Liquor • Electric • Recreation: Golf Courses; Community Centers; ice Arenas To newer activities in: • Storm Water Street lighting • Right-of-Way Management Some questions to consider when reviewing existing Enterprise Funds include: • Are rates and charges set at a level that will fund future operations, ahticipated capital expenditures; provide for cash flow requirements antl fund any reserve requirements? • Do the rates and charges equitably distribute the costs of providing the services among the various classes of customers? • What major capital items will be necessary in the near future, for which we should be preparing? • Are our enterprise funds reimbursing the general fund far the services provided to them by general fund departments? • What is the current capacity of our Utility! Enterprise Fund? When will our systeMfacility reach capacity? The Enterprise Fund approach is expaning, to meet existing private sector service areas of local residents: For example, the cities of Chaska. and Moorhead; Ivtinnesota, through their Public Utilities, are taking "Smart Communities"' one step further by forming Internet Service Provider Utilities. The Internet Service Provider Utility will be a self-supporting Enterprise Fund, generating revenues from subscribers to the system. Sy Patricia L. Kettles ltssistanf Vice President and Client Representative pkettles~ springsted.cam • nn -23- 1• i• LI UOR 609-49750 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 101 SALARIES, REG. 186,340 136,131 114,310 120,731 120,731 5.62% 102 OVERTIME, REG. 128 0 0 0 0 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 42,460 55,669 60,000 65,000 65,000 8.33% 121 FICA/PERA 27,240 24,177 24,229 26,281 26,281 8.47% 131 HOSP./DENTAL 34,850 24,162 24,678 24,381 24,381 -1.21% 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 898 635 557 586 586 5.18% 136 POST RETIREMENT 5,680 6,380 7,672 9,263 9,263 20.74% 140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP. 0 11,448 0 0 0 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 4,298 5,591 6,030 6,629 6,629 9.93% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,372 1,238 1,500 1,500 1,400 -6.67% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 62 93 100 100 100 0.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,660 6,746 3,000 7,000 7,000 133.33% 218 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS 580 2,920 400 1,000 1,000 150.00% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 343 100 100 100 0.00% 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL 4,348 5,285 4,730 5,437 5,437 14.94% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES ~ 100 0 50 50 50 0.00% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 27,790 29,180 30,640 32,171 32,171 5.00% 321 TELEPHONE/CELL 8,750 8,360 7,800 8,500 8,500 8.97% 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 0 1,441 500 500 500 0.00% 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 141 129 350 400 400 14.29% 340 ADVERTISING/PROMOS 9,546 6,337 12,000 12,000 8,000 -33.33% 350 PRINTING 0 35 300 300 300 0.00% 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 155 56 200 200 200 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 23,675 27,961 26,220 28,785 28,785 9.78% 381 ELECTRICITY 13,121 15,367 13,000 16,000 16,000 23.08% - 24- si~snoo7 LIQUOR • CODE 382 WATERlSEWER 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 405 DEPRECIATION F~CPENSE 412 BUILDING RENTAL 430 INTEREST ON CASH FOR INVENTOf 431 MEETING EXPENSE 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE . 485 CREDIT CARD CHARGES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 INTEREST ON BONDS 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 700 TRANS. TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL r~ 609-49750 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 283 266 300 300 300 0.00% 3,475 3,003 4,500 4,500 4,500 0.00% 118 0 220 220 0 -100.00% 2,063 9,277 3,300 10,000 8,000 142.42% 38,293 38,293 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00% 10,638 10,746 11,000 11,000 11,000 0.00% 20,090 33,400 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.00% 148 0 50 0 0 -100.00% 1,779 1,704 650 2,000 2,000 207.69% 458 0 500 500 500 0.00% 20 270 1,000 1,000 300 -70.00% 4,621 5,343 5,000 6,000 6,000 20.00% 4,016 1,458 0 0 0 27,908 32,513 40,000 40,000 35,000 -12.50% 0 0 0 0 0 59,305 56,826 52,800 50,100 50,100 -5.11% 402 431 500 500 500 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 -25- 4.32% 8h 6/2007 Proposed Liquor Store 2008 Budget Code 101 Salaries, Reg. 120,731 (Full Time) 102 Overtime 0 103 Salaries, Temp. 65,000 (Part Time) 121 FICA/Pera 26,281 131 Hosp./Dental 25,080* 134 Life Ins./Disability 586* 136 Post Retirement 9,263* 151 Worker's Comp. Ins. 6,629* 200 Office Supplies 1,400 • (Paper, Printer Ink, Toner, etc.) 202 Copy Machine & Fees 100 210 Operating Supplies 7,000 (Paper Bags, Cash Register Ribbon, Maintenance Supplies, Etc.) 218 Clothing & Uniforms 1000 300 Professional Services 100 (Legal Assistance, Engineering, etc.) 301 Audit & Financial 5,437* 305 Medical Services 50 (Eyeglasses, Etc.) 307 Admire Support & Overhead 32,171 (City Management & Finance Dept. Guidance & Support) 321 Telephone/Cell 8,500 (Credit Card Line, DSL, Fax, Etc) 328 Employment Advertising 500 331 Use of Personal Auto 400 -26- • 340 350 351 361 381 382 383 • Advertising/Promos (Wine Tasting, Taste of the Lakes, Monthly Bus. Flyer, Etc.) Printing (Keg Deposit Forms, etc.) Legal Publications Gen. Liability Ins. Electricity Water/Sewer Gas Service 400 Repair & Maintenance (Property Management, General Repairs) 405 Depreciation 412 Building Rental 430 Interest On Cash For Inventory (Interest) 431 Meeting Expense 433 Dues & Subscriptions (MMBA Dues) 434 Conferences & Schools (Annual MMBA Conference) 438 Licences & Taxes 440 Other Contractual Serv. (Alarm Company, Total Registers, St. Cloud Refrigeration, Etc.) 460 Janitorial Services 485 Credit Card Charges 500 Capital Outlay 611 Interest On Bonds 620 Paying Agent Fees 700 Trans. To Other Funds 8,000 300 200 28,785 16,000 300 4,500 8,000 40,000 11,000 30,000 0 2,000 500 300 6,000 0 35,000 0 50,100* 500 0 *As Determined By Gino -27- City of Mound ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 49750 Liquor Store E 609-49750-101 F T Empl Regular $114,310.00 $56,608.85 $57,701.15 49.52% E 609-49750-102 F T Empl Overtime $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-103 Part-Time Employe $60,000.00 $40,254.00 $19,746.00 67.09% E 609-49750-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $1,482.01 -$1,482.01 0.00% E 609-49750-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $3,175.85 -$3,175.85 0.00% E 609-49750-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $5,983.07 -$5,983.07 0.00% E 609-49750-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-121 PERA $24,229.00 $7,692.39 $16,536.61 31.75% E 609-49750-122 FICA $0.00 $8,008.58 -$8,008.58 0.00% E 609-49750-131 Employer Paid Heal $24,678.00 $13,600.16 $11,077.84 55.11% E609-49750-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $533.40 -$533.40 0.00% E 609-49750-134 Employer Paid Life $557.00 $27.84 $529.16 5.00% E 609-49750-135 Employer Health Ca $0.00 $2,179.18 -$2,179.18 0.00% E 609-49750-136 Post Retirement He $7,672.00 $2,905.55 $4,766.45 37.87% E 609-49750-137 LTD $0.00 $340.32 -$340.32 0.00% E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Co $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-151 Worker's Comp Insu $6,030.00 $4,244.18 $1,785.82 70.38% E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies $1,500.00 $362.91 $1,137.09 24.19% E609-49750-202 Duplicating and cop $100.00 $26.96 $73.04 26.96% E 609-49750-203 Printed Forms $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies $3,000.00 $3,063.63 -$63.63 102.12% 609-49750-218 Clothing and Unifor $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00% 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale $518,950.00 $413,040.18 $105,909.82 79.59% E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale $931,450.00 $444,119.29 $487,330.71 47.68% E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale $341,710.00 $278,977.52 $62,732.48 81.64% E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For $55,890.00 $14,314.67 $41,575.33 25.61% E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise F $0.00 $7,905.37 -$7,905.37 0.00% E 609-49750-256 Tobacco Products F $0.00 $12,599.33 -$12,599.33 0.00% E 609-49750-260 Liquor Discount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-265 Freight $0.00 $7,843.16 -$7,843.16 0.00% E 609-49750-300 Professional Srvs $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% E 609-49750-301 Auditing and Acct'g $4,730.00 $4,046.28 $683.72 85.55% E 609-49750-305 Medical Services $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% E 609-49750-307 AdmiNFinance/Com $30,640.00 $15,319.50 $15,320.50 50.00% E 609-49750-315 Service Charges $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-321 Telephone & Cells $7,800.00 $4,876.74 $2,923.26 62.52% E 609-49750-322 Postage $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-328 Employment Adverti $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 609-49750-331 Use of personal aut $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 0.00% E 609-49750-340 Advertising $12,000.00 $2,946.00 $9,054.00 24.55% E 609-49750-350 Printing $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% E 609-49750-351 Legal Notices Publis $200.00 $191.04 $8.96 95.52% E 609-49750-361 General Liability Ins $26,220.00 $23,726.92 $2,493.08 90.49% E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities $13,000.00 $7,703.00 $5,297.00 59.25% E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities $300.00 $155.89 $144.11 51.96% E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities $4,500.00 $2,400.15 $2,099.85 53.34% E 609-49750-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $220.00 $0.00 $220.00 0.00% E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintena $3,300.00 $5,256.94 -$1,956.94 159.30% E 609-49750-401 Building Repairs $0.00 $319.11 -$319.11 0.00% E 609-49750-404 Machinery/Equip Re $0.00 $315.00 -$315.00 0.00% E 609-49750-405 Depreciation Expen $40,000.00 $19,146.38 $20,853.62 47.87% 609-49750-409 Other Equipment R $0.00 $25.00 -$25.00 0.00% 609-49750-412 Building Rentals $11,000.00 $6,103.03 $4,896.97 55.48% E 609-49750-415 Other Equipment R $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous $30,000.00 $16,824.69 $13,175.31 56.08% E 609-49750-431 Meeting Expense $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% E 609-49750-433 Dues and Subscripti $650.00 $1,737.00 -$1,087.00 267.23% _28_ 08/16/07 10:58 AM Page 82 ~, • CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget ~# YTD Amt Balance Budget E 609-49750-434 Conference & Traini $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 609-49750-438 Licenses and Taxes $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% E 609-49750-440 OtherContractualS $5,000.00 $2,037.91 $2,962.09 40.76% E 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services $0.00 $968.68 -$968.68 0.00% E 609-49750-485 Credit Card Charge $40,000.00 $19,959.64 $20,040.36 49.90% E 609-49750-500 Capital Outlay FA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 609-49750-611 Bondlnterest $52,800.00 $52,802.50 -$2.50 100.00% E 609-49750-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $500.00 $431.25 $68.75 86.25% E 609-49750-700 Transfers ~ $0.00 $0.00 $_0.00 0.00% ~ Dept 49750 Liquor Store $2,376,186.00 $1,516 581.05 $859 604.95 63.82% • • 08/16/07 10:58 AM Page 83 -29- i~ i• i• YEAR 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EST. 2008 PROD SALES 759,527 785,000 875,578 892,028 939,285 1,144,683 1,207,429 1,317,537 1,368,288 1,409,488 1,523,897 1,533,378 1,671,286 1,756,800 1,861,914 1,899,857 1,881,175 2,099,734 1, 872,304 2,134,980 2,291, 715 2,400,000 2,600,000 LIQUOR COST OF GOODS GROSS SOLD PROFIT 584,929 174,598 599,454 185,546 675,584 199,994 683,533 208,475 721,268 218,017 873,711 270,972 921,777 285,652 1,007,545 309,992 1,027,912 340,376 1,065,414 344,074 1,145,974 377,923 1,163,745 369,633 1,258,919 412,367 1,319,085 437,715 1,406,548 455,366 1,434,850 465,007 1,438,619 442,556 1,612,498 487,236 1,474,015 398,289 1,685,952 449,028 1,740,257 551,458 1,848,000 552,000 2,002,000 598,000 The Liquor store operation continues to produce a consistent flow of operating income. This income is used to finance the ongoing sealcoat of city streets. Without this revenue source -30- OPERATING OPERATING EXPENSES INCOME 144,155 30,443 146,608 38,938 153,948 46,046 159,749 48,726 162,868 55,149 173,134 97,838 172,275 113,377 188,226 121, 766 198,400 141,976 196,678 147,396 213,867 164,056 214,320 155,313 216,441 195,926 236,993 200,722 282,530 172,836 336,877 128,130 367,505 75,051 488,481 -1,245 486,859 -88,570 508,100 -59,072 505,960 45,498 528,186 23,814 551,013 46,987 8/10/2007 WATER • CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 102 OVERTIME, REG. 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 135 POST RETIREMENT 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 203 PRINTED FORMS 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS 220 REP. &MAINT. SUPPLIES 221 EQUIPMENT PARTS 223 BUILDING REPAIR 224 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS 227 CHEMICALS 229 STREET REPAIR 230 SHOP MATERIALS 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD I• 601-49400 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 176,903 206,329 221,275 237,808 237,808 7.47% 15,601 20,875 15,000 20,000 20,000 33.33% 23,182 28,745 32,842 36,480 36,480 11.08% 28,649 37,239 46,685 48,386 48,386 3.64% 822 997 1, 087 1,165 1,165 7.18% 4,410 5,832 7,980 10,700 10,700 34.08% 4,910 4,684 5,050 5,553 5,553 9.97% 1,416 916 450 1,000 600 33.33% 118 169 250 250 250 0.00% 843 85 500 1,000 500 0.00% 5,918 2,054 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 8,744 11,143 10,000 12,000 12,000 20.00% 2,115 2,822 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.00% 26,375 15,826 17,000 17,000 17,000 0.00% 18,863 4,869 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% 2,341 719 1,000 1,500 1,500 50.00% 17,843 11,086 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.00% 9,603 11,418 10,000 12,000 12,000 20.00% 821 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 12,522 4,769 4,000 5,000 5,000 25.00% 17,475 19,775 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% 2,440 2,971 2,660 3,056 3,056 14.89% 60 2,176 400 400 400 0.00% 22,710 23,850 25,040 26,295 26,295 5.01% -31- 8/16/2007 WATER • CODE 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 395 GOPHER ONE-CALL 400 REPAIR & MAINT. 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 418 RADIO CONTRACT • 430 MISCELLANEOUS 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 455 PERMITS 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 470 WATER SAMPLES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL/DEPRE r ~J 601-49400 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 10,826 10,493 7,000 10,000 10,000 42.86% 1,913 2,071 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 1,224 604 500 500 500 0.00% 488 712 500 800 800 60.00% 12,812 13,827 15,460 16,969 16,969 9.76% 44,750 46,892 32,000 38,000 38,000 18.75% 2,835 3,685 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 509 533 400 400 400 0.00% 1,880 1,163 2,000 1,500 1,500 -25.00% 23,460 22,861 20,000 22,000 22,000 10.00% 7,663 9,340 4,000 10,000 10,000 150.00% 90,417 164,928 164,930 274,690 274,690 66.55% 497 351 500 500 500 0.00% 87 62 50 100 100 100.00% 892 384 500 500 500 0.00% 2,259 2,190 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 294 90 150 400 400 166.67% 20,460 56,104 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.00% 708 1,447 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 478 613 500 500 500 0.00% 897 1, 097 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 4,505 0 82,950 192,335 192,335 131.87% 171,188 276,434 269,100 282,600 282,600 5.02% 574 1.048 800 1,400 1.,400 75.00% -32- 26.66% 9.98% 8/16/2007 2008 WATER BUDGET • 101 Salaries 237,808 102. Overtime: Regular 20,000 On Cnll for two employees 103 Salaries: Temp 121 FICA/PERA 36,480 131 Hospital/Dental 48,386 134 Life/Disability 1,165 136 Post Retirement 10,700 151 Workers' Compensation 5,553 • 200 Office Supplies 600 Pens, pencils, Copy machine supplies, paper 202 Copy Machine & Fee 250 Copies made at City Hall 203 Printed Forms 500 210 Operating Supplies 4,000 Hand tools, 6rense, Lights Bulbs, Wire, Batteries 212 Motor Fuels 12,000 5 Vehicles, Air Compressor, 6enerntors, Pumps 218 Clothing & Uniforms 3,500 220 Repair and Maintenance Supplies 17,000 Standpipe, Gat Valves, Brass, Copper, Repair clamps, Hydrants, Meters Revised 8-14-2007 -33- i• i• i• 221 Equipment Parts: 7,000 Tires, Starters, Filters 223 Building Repair 1,500 Public Works 224 Street Maintenance Material $~~ Sand fill, Rock, Blacktop 227 Chemicals 12,000 Fluoride, Chlorine, Pumps and Replacement Parts 229 Street Repair 10,000 230 Shop Marterials 5'000 Oil, Grease, Welding Supplies, Rags 300 Professional Services 7,000 Bolton & Menk 301 Audit and Financial 3,056 305 Medical Services 400 prug -and Alcohol Testing 307 Admin. Support & Overhead 26,295 321 Telephone 10,000 Phones for Public Works, Joyce, Vicki, Carlton and Unes for Wells and Towers 322 Postage 2,000 328 Employment Advertising 500 351 Legal Publications 800 361 General Liability Insurance 16,969 Revised 8-14-2007 -34- I• I• i• 381 Electricity Pumphouses, Towers, Meter Shop, Public Works 383 Gas Service Public Works 384 Garbage 395 Gopher One-Call 400 Repair and Maintenance Contract Main break repair, Service line repair, Hydrant repair. Gate valve repair 404 Auto Equipment Repair Contract Outside Repair repair, Wheel aiignmer~t, Mglor engine work, Repair springs, Fron#-end work. 405 Depreciation Expense Purnphouses, Towers, Vehicles 418 Radio Contract i3oo systetr~ 430 Miscellaneous 433 Dues and Subscriptions AWWA, Rural water. MWOA 434 Conferences and Schools Meter and classes, Expenses, Sectional Conference, Certificate renewal 438 Licenses 440 Other Contractual Services Testing of 4arge Meters, Panel repair for towers and pumphouses, fill removal at stockpile 15,000 safe-assure school 38,000 5,000 400 1,500 22,000 10,000 274,690 500 100 500 4,000 400 30,000 Revised 8-14-2007 -35- 455 Permits 1,000 • pNR, Hennepin County i• • 460 Janitorial Services 470 Water Samples Monthly sample to stnte, Setpplies 500 Capital Outlay See capital outlny request sheet 611 Interest Payment of Bonds 620 Paying Agent Fees -36- 500 1,000 192,335 282,600 1,400 Revised 8-14-2007 /, .~..- • CITY OF MOUND AccountDescr City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino Dept 49400 Water Utilities E 601-49400-101 F T Empl Regular E 601-49400-102 F T Empl Overtime E 601-49400-112 Comp Time Pay E 601-49400-113 Vacation Pay E 601-49400-114 Holiday Pay E 601-49400-115 Sick Pay E 601-49400-116 Severance Pay E 601-49400-121 PERA E 601-49400-122 FICA E 601-49400-131 Employer Paid Heal E 601-49400-133 Employer Paid Dent E 601-49400-134 Employer Paid Life E 601-49400-135 Employer Health Ca E 601-49400-136 Post Retirement He E 601-49400-137 LTD E 601-49400-151 Worker's Comp Insu E 601-49400-200 Office Supplies E 601-49400-202 Duplicating and cop E 601-49400-203 Printed Forms E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies E 601-49400-212 Motor Fuels 601-49400-218 Clothing and Unifor 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply E 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts E 601-49400-223 Building Repair Sup E 601-49400-224 Street Maint Materia E 601-49400-226 Sign Repair Material E 601-49400-227 Chemicals E 601-49400-229 Street Repairs E 601-49400-230 Shop Materials E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs E 601-49400-301 Auditing and Acct'g E 601-49400-305 Medical Services E 601-49400-307 Admin/Finance/Com E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells E 601-49400-322 Postage E 601-49400-328 Employment Adverti E 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publis E 601-49400-361 General Liability Ins E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities E 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities E 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis E 601-49400-395 Gopher One-Call E 601-49400-400 Repairs & Maintena E 601-49400-404 Machinery/Equip Re E 601-49400-405 Depreciation Expen E 601-49400-418 Other Rentals E 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous E 601-49400-433 Dues and Subscripti E 601-49400-434 Conference & Traini E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual S 601-49400-455 Permits 601-49400-460 Janitorial Services E 601-49400-470 Water Samples E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA E 601-49400-611 Bond Interest .E ftg1-49400-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 08/16/07 10:58 AM Page 78 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt ~'"~~` Balance Budget $221,275.00 $101,494.54 $15,000.00 $18,210.38 $0.00 $4,790.70 $0.00 $5,024.30 $0.00 $6,138.10 $0.00 $3,297.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32,842.00 $9,182.15 $0.00 $10,267.45 $46,685.00 $24,436.50 $0.00 $1,009.23 $1,087.00 $53.59 $7,980.00 $4,323.62 $0.00 $1,045.35 $0.00 $564.30 $5,050.00 $3,554.31 $450.00 $622.44 $250.00 $199.48 $500.00 $1,060.53 $4,000.00 $249.56 $10,000.00 $9,182.79 $3,500.00 $1,418.05 $17,000.00 $42,139.47 $7,000.00 $2,275.61 $1,000.00 $1,360.49 $8,000.00 $4,007.37 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $6,970.93 $10,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,874.58 $7,000.00 $14,431.89 $2,660.00 $2,275.50 $400.00 $13.00 $25,040.00 $12,521.25 $7,000.00 $6,309.42 $2,000.00 $1,233.40 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $436.54 $15,460.00 $11,285.97 $32,000.00 $19,028.98 $5,000.00 $2,976.94 $400.00 $330.65 $2,000.00 $816.33 $20,000.00 $37,898.29 $4,000.00 $3,491.79 $164,930.00 $137,345.16 $500.00 $0.00 $50.00 $54.18 $500.00 $169.10 $4,000.00 $2,100.54 $150.00 $7.90 $30,000.00 $12,938.23 $1,000.00 $1,081.67 $500.00 $408.96 $1,000.00 $585.25 $82,950.00 $81,023.35 $269,100.00 $279,575.75 $800.00 $1,502.13 $119,780.46 45.87% -$3,210.38 121.40% -$4,790.70 0.00% -$5,024.30 0.00% -$6,138.10 0.00% -$3,297.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $23,659.85 27.96% -$10,267.45 0.00% $22,248.50 52.34% -$1,009.23 0.00% $1,033.41 4.93% $3,656.38 54.18% -$1,045.35 0.00% -$564.30 0.00% $1,495.69 70.38% -$172.44 138.32% $50.52 79.79% •$560.53 212.11 $3,750.44 6.24% $817.21 91.83% $2,081.95 40.52% -$25,139.47 247.88% $4,724.39 32.51 -$360.49 136.05% $3,992.63 50.09% $0.00 0.00% $3,029.07 69.71% $10,000.00 0.00% -$874.58 121.86% -$7,431.89 206.17% $384.50 85.55% $387.00 3.25% $12,518.75 50.01% $690.58 90.13% $766.60 61.67% $500.00 0.00% $63.46 87.31 $4,174.03 73.00% $12,971.02 59.47% $2,023.06 59.54% $69.35 82.66% $1,183.67 40.82% -$17,898.29 189.49% $508.21 87.29% $27,584.84 83.27% $500.00 0.00% -$4.18 108.36% $330.90 33.82% $1,899.46 52.51% $142.10 5.27% $17,061.77 43.13% -$81.67 108.17% $91.04 81.79% $414.75 58.53% $1,926.65 97.68% -$10,475.75 103.89% -$702.13 187.77% Dept 49400 Water Utilities $1,085,059.00 $897 `37 ^ $187,464.01 82.72% • MEMORANDUM TO: Carlton Moore r ~, FROM: Greg Skinner, Public Works ~ut~erintendent DATE: August 14, 2007 gE; Equipment Replacement - 2008 As requested, listed below is the justification for the purchase of the following in 2008 for Public Works. I am requesting replacement of the following: Streets: Cones and Barricades: Replacing stock for damaged and/or lost cones an barricades. Water: Water Tester: Upgrade needed for newer technology • Vehicle #1$5 - Peterbuilt Dump Truck. This vehicle will be 23 years old, and has high mileage. Recommend replacing with a new Dump Truck. Vehicle #193 -Chevy Step Van -This van is 15 years old and has high mileage. Recommend replacing with a 2008 Utility Van. ' Vehicle #190 -Chevy; 3/o Ton Pickup -This vehicle was junked in Apri12007. Recommend replacing this with a 1-ton 4x4 with plow Sewer: Camera Support Upgrade: Upgrade needed for new technology. Streets, Water & Sewer (1/3 cost charged to each department) Metal Break: Needed for fabricating of metal Pressure Washer: Replacement of small older unit. Required for washing heavy equipment • -38- • v Z O • C~ W 4 J 4 H a 0 0 N .~ 0 0 .~ .~ .~ 0 ~~ eo d D 'a > -- ''+ O •~ Q H is Q 'G m > ~:. O Ce1r a~ a a ~~~ ~~v m ~~ c c ~ ~+ a N o~ cv m D d G -39- N O U c LL • ~ c o •. a~ N `` I- v Q -40- • CITY OF MOUND WATER OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVENUES INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES ,EXPENSES) L( pSS} 1988 378,775 -256,025 5,023 127,773 1989 346,898 -326,595 17,682 37,985 1990 351,116 -351,023 10,537 10,630 1,_991 324,482 -346,144 4,434 -17,228 1992 364,295 -350,016 3,860 18,139 1993 370,594. -307,898 15,638 78,334 1994 373,974 -329,039 23,409 68,344 1995 401,044 -376,861 -5,434 18,749 1996 424,085 -384,379 -578 39,128 1997 440,308 -377,634 6,283 68,957 1998 491,127 -359,407 11,462 143,182 1999 472,661 -416,955 15,856 71,562 2000 467,680 -420,255 31,716 79,141 2001 480,467 -494,771 10,733 -3 571 • 2002 608,703 -557,538 -32,072 , 19,093 2003 613,653 -590,322 -29,282 -5,951 2004 624,087 -572,075 -49,906 2,106 2005 664,400 -634,541 -26,284 3,575 2006 730,754 -758,797 -131,355 -159,398 2007 EST. 840,000 -815,960 -269,100 -245,060 2008 PROJ. 966,000 -1,091,787 -282,600 -408,387 CASH BALANCE -END OF YEAR 2004 ACTUAL 2,262,120 i• 2005 ACTUAL 3,400,024 2006 2007 2008 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1,848,066 300,000 100,000 -41- 8/16/2007 CITY OF MOUND WATER RATE HISTORY • YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1980 FIRST 6000 $1.00/THOUSAND NEXT 2400 $.60/THOUSAND NEXT 2400 $.55/THOUSAND NEXT 20000 $.50/THOUSAND OVER 50000 $.45/THOUSAND 1981-1982 NO CHANGE 1983 FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $.80/THOUSAND 1984-1985 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1986 BASE RATE $3.30 FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $ .88/THOUSAND 10.00% 1987 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1988 BASE RATE $3.30 0.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 1989-1993 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1994 BASE RATE $3.45 5.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.05/THOUSAND 5.00% 1995 BASE RATE $3.60 5.00% • FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.10/THOUSAND 5.00% 1996 BASE RATE $3.80 5.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.15/THOUSAND 5.00% 1997 BASE RATE $4.05 6.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.20/THOUSAND 6.00% 1998 BASE RATE $4.25 5.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.25/THOUSAND 5.00% 1999-2001 NO CHANGE 0.00% 2002 BASE RATE $4.45 5.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.30/THOUSAND 5.00% 2003 BASE RATE $4.65 5.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.35/THOUSAND 5.00% 2004 BASE RATE $5.10 10.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.50/THOUSAND 10.00% 2005 BASE RATE $6.10 20.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $1.80/THOUSAND 20.00% 2006 BASE RATE $6.70 10.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 2007 BASE RATE $7.70 15.00% • FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.30/THOUSAND 15.00% 2008 BASE RATE $8.86 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.65ITHOUSAND 15.00% -42- 8/16/2007 I• N 'p O O N N O O Ln 00 O O M W N C ~I r N O W Ln M 00 00 ~ ~ 1fi ~f O O O (p ~ tf) (O Qj (~, r ~ (p O I~ (~ O ~ ~ M r (p (p M In ~f7 In ~ ~ r M f~ M m ,C r r r r r r r r r r r r i• tC O O O r C N N 'C ~ as ~ a ~ m ~ N~°o O~,'Ct~D ~_~ ~~ •t) C1 0 d O~ l O ~' O O M N to N O O Q O O Q O ~ to r Q O In O O N ,~ ~ ~ c0 I~ O rn ~ Z ai Z a0 ~ Z ~ N o0 C •~ u~ N v ~ 1~ ~ 1~ o O ~n O ~ Q Q O Q O o co ~ d0 ~ O O ~ ~ N O O ~ Z .~ Z O ~ ti Z O oD O O (O ~ ~ w ~ N O O O O O O O O tf') O O M CO 3 N O O O O O ~ ti N O r r (V ~ O (n M ti r M ~' O M O C}' tC) M ~ ~ ti r ~ O CO 00 N M (O Cfl to ~ f~ N I~ d O N ~ ~ 3 m N ~~ Q Q Q O Q O 1~ 00 O Q r N ~' ~ ~~ Z Z Z r Z r M r O Z O (A ~ r N~ O CO M O to 0 ~ .-. ~ O 3 N O O ti O O O O O O O O O O M O O N O O - O~ O ~ O N~~ • O~ N m Ca ~ M M ~ N ti ~ N M ~ ~ N (/~ ~ r O O L ~ r .~ ~ ~ L .~.. .di H d ~ ~ ~ m L d 0 d r+ N ~ d N l4 m r Cp O O O I.n t!') O In O O O O l() N M O O O N M r CO O O Op 00 1,1') N 1~ O ~ ~ O ~ O CD ~ 1~ O I~ r ~ to CO to (p M Gfl tt~ N N O to (O ~ M O M r O ~' Cfl 0 0 N r O Cfl ti r r O O O O ~ to cl' to O ~ N O O O r ~f! OO O I~ to O O O ~ ~ O O N= O O O ~t N d' I~ ~ M tt CO CO er N I~ (~ O O M ~f' M cl' M r ~ r r N V M a N M ~ N N ++ N ~ O ~ ~ O ~ ~ d' oOD ~ N c0 m O V ~' ~ ~ O M N ~ M ~ O O C O O N r r r M ~ N: y O ~ a ° ` ~ 3 ~ ~ :: a ~ ~ = R r N is p Y ~ ~ ~ C c O +'_~+ • ~~ ~ Q a ~"~ {C w y .,., ~ c O d > 3 O ~- O 3 u~ r ~ ~ C £ O C O C 'L O t6 C C d C . ''"' C ~ C C ~ d ' 2 'a C , ~ ~ O O v d = ~ ~ C •C O ~ O G ~ V O O ~ ~' ~ = Ii ~ . to C9 ~ ~ N L U C L 3 0 0 N N .~ J X O O O ~n N a~ U QO 0 0 N -43- SEWER CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 102 OVERTIME, REG. 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 135 POST RETIREMENT 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 203 PRINTED FORMS 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS • 220 REP. &MAINT. SUPPLIES 221 EQUIPMENT PARTS 223 BUILDING REPAIR 224 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS 229 STREET REPAIR 230 SHOP MATERIALS 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD i• 602-49450 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 228,136 231,407 227,669 232,756 232,756 2.23% 16,428 21,382 15,000 20,000 20,000 33.33% 29,152 31,169 33,731 35,765 35,765 6.03% 33,765 37,708 46,685 44,153 44,.153 -5.42% 1, 008 997 1,121 1,147 1,147 2.36% 5,183 6,740 12,321 14,750 14,750 19.71% 11,573 17,212 18,550 20,404 20,404 10.00% 1,416 930 450 1,000 1,000 122.22% 19 132 300 300 300 0.00% 640 85 200 500 500 150.00% 1,987 5,595 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00% 6,533 11,014 9,000 9,000. 9,000 0.00% 2,928 2,319 4,000 3,500 3,500 -12.50% 7,919 3,097 9,000 5,000 5,000 -44.44% 9,560 10,256 8,500 8,500 8,500 0.00% 2,341 719 1,000 1,500 1,500 50.00% 8,800 8,724 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 7,968 4,587 5,000 6,000 6,000 20.00% 613 9,149 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% 2,628 3,189 2,850 3,281 3,281 15.13% 568 909 200 400 400 100.00% 16,900 17,750 18,640 19,569 19,569 4.99% -44- 8/16!2007 SEWER • CODE 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 388 WASTE DISPOSAL - MCES 395 GOPHER ONE-CALL 400 REPAIR & MAINT. 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE • 418 RADIO CONTRACT 430 MISCELLANEOUS 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV 455 PERMITS 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 611 INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 602-49450 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 9,926 9,583 8,500 10,000 10,000 17.65% 1,856 1,929 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 1,223 2,239 500 500 500 0.00% 139 187 200 500 200 0.00% 14,542 14,794 14,300 15,701 15,701 9.80% 24,732 28,352 19,000 35,000 35,000 84.21% 3,035 3,685 3,500 5,000 5,000 42.86% 531 533 400 400 400 0.00% 513,153 543,348 636,390 670,000 670,000 5.28% 1,687 1,163 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% -18,773 3,283 10,000 7,500 7,500 -25.00% 6,675 15,593 5,000 10,000 10,000 100.00% 138,710 144,964 144,960 156,860 156,860 8.21% 284 351 500 500 500 0.00% 97 194 50 100 100 100.00% 167 207 200 300 300 50.00% 1, 807 1, 774 3, 500 3, 500 3, 500 0.00% 182 115 150 400 400 166.67% 24,746 37,382 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00% 60 272 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 479 613 500 500 500 0.00% 0 0 75,550 21,335 21,335 -71.76% 13,070 12,910 14,750 56,561 56,561 283.47% 266 282 500 500 500 0.00% TOTAL 1.248• 1.398.168 1.468.183 1.467.883 4.99% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAUDEPRE 982.879 1.090.949 1.162.908 33.427 1.233.127 6.04% i• -45- si~srzoo~ 2008 SEWER BUDGET 101 Salaries ;t. 37.7 S'"b 102 Overtime 20,000 On-Call for 3 persons, Regular Overtime 103 Salaries: Temp 121 FICA/PERA 3• ~.~ 131 Hospital/Dental 44,153 134 Life/Disability " <<~~ 136 Post Retirement °~~'~" I s-f' 7 5"0 151 Workers' Compensation 20,404 • 200 Office Supplies 1,000 202 Copy Machine & Fees 300 Copy machine supplies 203 Printed Forms 500 Tie cards, Meter cards, Work orders 210 Operating Supplies 3,000 Hand tools, Grease for pumps, Lights Bulbs for lift stations, Cleaning Supplies 212 Motor Fuels 9,000 Fuel for 4 vehicles: (diesel dump truck, ~ ton diesel pickup, Tanker and fetter, Rodder), 6emrrators, Trash pump and Blower 218 Clothing & Uniforms 3,500 Uniforms 220 Repair and Maintenance Supplies 5,000 Revised 8-14-2007 -46- i• I• i• Electrical components for control panels, Filters, Check valve Parts, Paint, Blower motors Hydrants, Meters 221 Equipment Parts: Tires, Starters, Filters, Head{fights 223 Building Repair 224 Street Maintenance Material Sand fill, Rock, Blacktop for forcemain breaks and sewer line repairs 229 Street Repair 230 Shop Materials Oil, Grease, Welding Supplies, Rags, Antifreeze 300 Professional Services Bolton de Menk 301 Audit and Financial Yearly Audit 305 Medical Services ~ and Alcohol Testing 307 AdminlFinance/Computer 321 Telephone Phones for Public Works, Joyce, Vicki, Carlton, lift stations 322 Postage 328 Employment Advertising 351 Legal Publications Specs in construction bulletin & ru;wspaper 361 General Liability Insurance 8,500 1,500 4,000 2,000 6,000 7,000 3,281 400 19,569 10,000 2,000 500 200 15,701 Revised 8-142007 -47- Insurance on vehicle, eQuipmer-t and property • 381 Electricity 35,000 30 Lift stations, 1/3 of Public Works Building 383 Gas Service 5,000 Heat bill for Public Works 384 Garbage 400 Public Works 388 Waste Disposal - MWCC 670,000 Pa-ymerit for sewage disposal treatment 395 Gopher One-Call 1'S~ 400 Repair and Maintenance Contract 7,500 Repair of lift stations. pumps, shafts, electrical work, Force main breaks 404 Auto Equipment Repair Contract 10,000 • 405 Depreciation Expense 156,860 Lift Stations, 4 vehicle 418 Radio Contract 540 800 System 430 Miscellaneous 100 433 Dues and Subscriptions 300 434 Conferences and Schools 3,500 MN PCA School; Certificate renewal Fee, Test fees, MN Wastewater operator Conference 438 Licenses 400 440 Other Contractual Services 25,000 Roto Rooter, Service tine repair, Emergency repairs fill removal. at stockpile, Safe-Assure monthly school 455 Permits 1,000 • Hennepin County Revised 8-14-2007 -48- • 460 Janitarial5ervices 500 500 CapitnlOutlay 21,335 See cnpitnl outlny request sheet 611 Interest 56,561 620 Paying Agent Fees 500 • Revised 8-142007 -49- City of Mound oa/1s/o710:58AM Page 80 ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino ~,~ CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr ' Budget YTD Amt "~"~0`Balance Budget Dept 49450 Sewer Utility E 602-49450-101 F T Empl Regular $227,669.00 $135,658.17 $92,010.83 59.59% E 602-49450-102 F T Empl Overtime $15,000.00 $23,510.66 -$8,510.66 156.74% E 602-49450-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $3,346.66 -$3,346.66 0.00% E 602-49450-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $11,078.44 -$11,078.44 0.00% E 602-49450-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $6,019.38 -$6,019.38 0.00% E 602-49450-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $6,026.55 -$6,026.55 0.00% E 602-49450-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 602-49450-121 PERA $33,731.00 $11,873.66 $21,857.34 3520% E 602-49450-122 FICA $0.00 $13,656.15 -$13,656.15 0.00% E 602-49450-131 Employer Paid Heal $46,685.00 $31,179.87 $15,505.13 66.79% E 602-49450-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $1,260.94 -$1,260.94 0.00% E 602-49450-134 Employer Paid Life $1,121.00 $74.18 $1,046.82 6.62% E 602-49450-135 Employer Health Ca $12,321.00 $5,629.92 $6,691.08 45.69% E 602-49450-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 $1,045.35 -$1,045.35 0.00% E 602-49450-137 LTD $0.00 $786.07 -$786.07 0.00% E 602-49450-151 Worker's Comp Insu $18,550.00 $13,055.74 $5,49426 70.38% E 602-49450-200 Office Supplies $450.00 $575.45 -$125.45 127.88% E 602-49450-202 Duplicating and cop $300.00 $35.48 $264.52 11.83% E 602-49450-203 Printed Forms $200.00 $840.41 -$640.41 420.21 E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies $3,000.00 $249.56 $2,750.44 8.32% E 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels $9,000.00 $4,680.32 $4,319.68 52.00% 602-49450-218 Clothing and Unifor $4,000.00 $1,74829 $2,251.71 43.71% 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply $9,000.00 $1,547.09 $7,452.91 17.19% E602-49450-221 Equipment Parts $8,500.00 $4,965.84 $3,534.16 58.42% E 602-49450-223 Building Repair Sup $1,000.00 $1,360.53 -$360.53 136.05% E 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materia $4,000.00 $4,007.37 -$7.37 100.18% E 602-49450-229 Street Repairs $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00% E 602-49450-230 Shop Materials $5,000.00 $4,969.35 $30.65 99.39% E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs $7,000.00 $6,184.86 $815.14 88.36% E 602-49450-301 Auditing and Acct'g $2,850.00 $2,438.04 $411.96 85.55% E 602-49450-305 Medical Services $200.00 $52.00 $148.00 26.00% E 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Com $18,640.00 $9,318.75 $9,32125 49.99% E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells $8,500.00 $5,443.78 $3,05622 64.04% E 602-49450-322 Postage $2,000.00 $1,232.35 $767.65 61.62% E 602-49450-328 Employment Adverts $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 602-49450-331 Use of personal aut $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publis $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% E 602-49450-361 General Liability Ins $14,300.00 $10,439.16 $3,860.84 73.00% E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities $19,000.00 $19,855.16 -$855.16 104.50% E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities $3,500.00 $2,976.93 $523.07 85.06% E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $400.00 $330.68 $69.32 82.67% E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MC $636,390.00 $424,260.88 $212,129.12 66.67% E 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call $1,500.00 $816.32 $683.68 54.42% E 602-49450-400 Repairs & Maintena $10,000.00 $6,64927 $3,350.73 66.49% E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Re $5,000.00 $6,85220 -$1,85220 137.04% E 602-49450-405 Depreciation Expen $144,960.00 $78,430.86 $66,529.14 54.11% E 602-49450-418 Other Rentals $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous $50.00 $5423 -$423 108.46% E 602-49450-433 Dues and Subscripts $200.00 $387.10 -$187.10 193.55% E 602-49450-434 Conference & Trains $3,500.00 $1,297.86 $2,202.14 37.08% E 602-49450-438 Licenses and Taxes $150.00 $7.90 $142.10 527% E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual S $25,000.00 $15,649.52 $9,350.48 62.60% 602-49450-455 Permits $1,000.00 $6.66 $993.34 0.67% E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services $500.00 $408.96 $91.04 81.79% E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA $75,550.00 $38,548.97 $37,001.03 51.02% . E 602-49450-525 Other Capital Impro $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 602-49450-611 Bond Interest $14,750.00 $29,120.71 -$14,370.71 197.43% E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $500.00 $531.62 -$31.62 106.32% .. . Dept 49450 Sewer Utility _.M .00 $1,398,167 ~ ._.. _~ .,...... , $950 - 5Q - _.. .... ,........,.._ $447,690.80 _.......-._..,_...._...~ 87.98°k CITY OF MOUND • i• SEWER OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVENUES INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES) Lf OSS) 1988 592,307 -571,372 70,968 91,903 1989 588,892 -594,289 87,690 82,293 1990 583,951 -631,239 93,587 46,299 1991 590,479 -719,862 67,357 -62,026 1.992 614,755 -717,914 46,584 -56,575 1993 660,510 -829,579 49,001 -120,068 1994 684,474 -803,601 45,678 -73,449 1995 719,249 -878,543 1,465 -157,829 1996 826,308 -938,555 -6,085 -118,332 1997 959,110 -1, 013,287 -7, 802 -61, 979 1998 956,437 -994,534 2,389 -35,708 1999 995, 027 -871, 928 1,498 124, 597 2000 998,870 -781,222 22,717 240,365 2001 1,080,344 -928,175 14,157 166,326 2002 1,035,487 -968,307 -7,646 59,534 2003 1,142,893 -1,045,174 -3,599 94,120 2004 1,261,953 -1,064,856 8,273 205,370 2005 1,275, 722 -1,121, 323 33, 307 187,706 2006 1,319,761 -1,235,632 53,264 137,393 2007 EST. 1,450,000 -1,484,269. 0 -34,269 2008 PROJ. 1,522,500 -1,467,883 0 54,617 CASH BALANCE -END OF YEAR • 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1,338,302 1,444,325 1,412,585 1,480,000 1,530,000 - 51- 8/16/2007 I• [, i• CITY OF MOUND SEWER RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1982 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $18.00 OVER 10,000 $1.20/THOUSAND 1983 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1984 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $21.00 16.66% .OVER 10,000 1985 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $23.10 10.00% OVER 10,000 $1.52lfHOUSAND 10.00% 1986 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $25.41 10.00% OVER 10,000 $1.67/THOUSAND 10.00% 1987-1991 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1992 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $28.00 10.00% OVER 10,000 $1.75/THOUSAND 10.00% 1993 NO CHANGE 0.00% 1994 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $29.40 5.00% OVER 10,000 $1.84/THOUSAND 5.00% 1995 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $30.85 5.00% OVER 10,000 $1.95/THOUSAND 5.00% 1996 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $32.40 5.00% OVER 10,000 $2.05/THOUSAND 5.00% 1997 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $37.25 15.00% OVER 10,000 $2.35/THOUSAND 15.00% 1998 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $40.00 6.00% OVER 10,000 $2.50/THOUSAND 6.00% 1999-2001 NO CHANGE 0.00% 2002 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $42.00 5.00% OVER 10,000 $2.60/THOUSAND 5.00% 2003 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $44.10 5.00% OVER 10,000 $2.70/THOUSAND 5.00% 2004 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $48.50 10.00% OVER 10,000 $3.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 2005-2006 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $50.90 5.00% OVER 10,000 $3.15/THOUSAND 5.00% 2007 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $56.00 10.00% OVER 10,000 $3.45/THOUSAND 10.00% 2008 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $58.80 5.00% OVER 10,000 $3.65/THOUSAND 5.00% -52- 8/16/2007 • MEMORANDUM TO: Carlton Moore FROM: Greg Skinner, Public Works `superintendent DATE: August 14, 2007 ~; Equipment Replacement - 2008 As requested, listed below is the justification for the purchase of the following in 2008 for Public Works. I am requesting replacement of the following: Streets: Cones and Barricades: Replacing stock for damaged and/or lost cones and barricades. Water: ' • Water Tester: Upgrade needed for newer technology Vehicle #185 - Peterbuilt Dump Truck. This vehicle will be 23 years old, and has high mileage. Recommend replacing with a new Dump Truck. Vehicle #193 -Chevy Step Van -This van is 15 yeazs old and has high nuleage. Recommend replacing with a 2008 Utility Van. ' Vehicle #190 -Chevy; 3/4 Ton Pickup -'This vehicle was junked in Apri12007. Recommend replacing this with a 1-ton 4x4 with plow Sewer: Camera Support Upgrade: Upgrade needed for new technology. Streets, Water & Sewer (1/3 cost charged to each department) Metal Break: Needed for fabricating of metal Pressure Washer: Replacement of small older unit. Required for washing heavy equipment • -53- i• H W 0 W Z ~ ~ a 0 J J ~. o. f 1 V ~ Q O _ > O N G r ~I J .~ ~_~ Q~ a > ~. o ~ c a a~ a ~ a m ~ o f °o 0 0 d F- ~ O O M O DO N t- r r .p ~" C ~N eo ~ (~ a ~ d ~ o ~ O O O N I © O M V N N C .~ M ~ -. r ~ ... C ~ M p ' w N ~' ~ c a ~ Y ~ c v m ~ ~~. ~ ~ M W N C ° ~ ` c ~ a , as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O fit! G O M O O O O O M O 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1i! 00 r= O M N ~ r r r r ~ ~ O 0 O 0 O 0 C 0 O. 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 w 'r 0 O 0 ~ O 0 O 0 ^ M 0 O 0 .A d' 0 O 0 0 M 0 ~ O O. N ~o t~ M 00 r 3 ~ r ..~ 1- = = M ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ `` / .~+' L. .F+ ~ := N MM W ~ ,, ~ ~ ~ ~; a ~ ` '~: d M p Nom.. ©- ~° .yc L V ~ m N Ri ~ d L 3 -54- ~ Metropolitan Council May 25, 2007 Kandis Hanson City Manager City Of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364-1687 Dear Ms Hanson: Each year, the Metropolitan Council prepares population and household estimates as of April 1 in the previous year. Preliminary estimates are shared with local governments for review and comment. Final estimates, certified by the Council in July, will be used by the State in determining local government aid (LGA} and local street aid allocations. Minnesota statutes provide the timeline for estimates delivery and local government review: The Council is expected to convey preliminary estimates "by June 1 each year." "A governing body may challenge an estimate made under this section by filing its specific objections in writing with the Metropolitan Council by June 24." "The Metropolitan Council shall certify the estimates of population and the average household size... by July 15 each year, including any estimates still under objection." (Minnesota Statutes, section 473.24) • We are now delivering preliminary April 1, 2006, estimates of population and households: • Mound is estimated to have 9,800 people and 4,218 households as of April 1, 2006. Household size averaged 2.32 persons per household. (Note: Household size averages represent persons living in households.) These estimates are benchmarked with Census 2000 counts. Annual updates reflect housing stock changes since 2000 and other information collected by Metropolitan Council Research. We have significantly enhanced the Council's estimates model this year with newly available data inputs. This should result in a more realistic, real-time representation of population growth since 2000. Council staff welcome discussion of the estimates. We have time to consider your comments, provided that you adhere to the timeline: Correspondence introducing specific requests or a "governing body's challenge" must be filed with Metropolitan Council Research by June 24; 2007. Written comments can be sent by mail, to Olivia McGaha, Metropolitan Council Research, or by a-mail to Olivia.mcgaha(p~metc.state.mn.us. Sincerely, Todd Graham Research Manager • www. metrocouncil. org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 • (651) 602-1000 • Fax (651) 602-1550 • TTY (651) 291-0904 An Equal - 5 5 - Uy Employer Metropolitan Council • DATE: February 28, 2006 TO: FINANCE OFFICERS & PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORS Environmental Services SUBJECT: INFLOW & INFILTRATION SURCHARGE PROGRAM .7 • The Metropolitan Council in February approved the implementation of an UI Surcharge Program beginning with the billing for wastewater service for January 2007. Gross Surcharges for 2007 will be based on the maximum hour rate of flow in the period from June of 2004 to June of 2006. A surcharge will be computed only if your community has or had an event of excessive UI over the allowable amount (based on design engineering standards and your normal dry weather flow). If your community has had an excessive. UI event. in this period, you should have already received a letter with the flow information, and we will send you a letter with the gross surcharge amount in July. These surcharges maybe reduced by credits and in some cases appeals. In addition, the program provides for the potential full rebate of all surcharge funds collected (and interest on those funds) based on spending on UI mitigation. The UI Surcharge Program has two substantial changes that maybe of interest that were added because of the feedback from the public comment process: 1) an exclusion for flow outside of a party's control, and 2) a potential deferral of UI surcharges over 25% of municipal wastewater charges. To find out if your community is on the list already or for additional information on the surcharge program you may look on the Council website at http://www.metrocouncil.orgJenvironment.htm. As you may know, this program will hopefully save the region almost a billion dollars in spending we would otherwise incurr to provide storage and capacity in the regional wastewater system. Consequently, it will also restrain increases in our normal wastewater charges to your community. In addition, it will minimize the chance, in the future, of wastewater spills or growth moratoriums. If you have any questions regarding the UI Surcharge Program, please feel free to contact myself for financial questions or Donald Bluhm, Manager Municipal Services at (651)602-1116 for flow questions. Sincerely, 4~~ Jason M. Willett MCES Finance Director www.metrocouncil.org Metro Info Line 602-1888 230 East Fifth Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-16G2~6+ • (651) 602-1005 • Fax 602-1138 TTY 291-0904 An Equa - 56 -ltty Employer STORM WATER UTILITY • CODE REVENUE 36210 INTEREST ON INVESTMENT HOUSEHOLD CHARGE 37270 1 REF =$10.80 PER MONTH TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 220 REPAIR & MAINT. SUPPLIES 225 LANDSCAPING MATERIAL 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 322 POSTAGE • 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 611 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 620 PAYING AGENT FEES TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE -JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 TOTAL EXP EXCL CAPITAL/DEPR/IN r~ 67549425 2005 2006 2007- 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 32,121 48,102 3,000 25,000 25,000 733.33% 153.442 155, 099 132.820 150, 000 150.000 12.93% 185.563 203.201 135,820 175,000 175.000 28.85% 0 1,652 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 117 0 500 500 500 0.00% 0 17,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 688 840 750 865 865 15.29% 830 880 920 970 970 5.46% 0 0 100 100 100 0.00% 19,066 23,315 30,510 30,510 30,510 0.00% 6,421 20,338 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 58,413 63,284 64,910 76,223 76,223 17.43% 340 353 350 500 500 42.86% 85,875 128,162 143.040 154.668 154.668 8.13% 99,688 75,039 -7,220 20,332 .20,332 - 381.60% 277.787 377,475 370,258 445.299 445.297 20.27% 377.475 452.514 363.038 465.631 465.629 28.26% 8.396 41.563 47.620 47.935 47.935 0.66% _ 57 _ sip snoo7 2008 STORM WATER UTILITY • REVENUE: 36210 Interest on Investment 25,000 37270 Household Charge C IRef=$8.55/mo 150,000 EXPENDITURES: 220 Repair & Maint Supplies 5,000 225 Landscaping Material 500 300 Professional Services 10,000 301 Audit & Financial 865 307 Admin support& overhead 970 • 322 Postage 100 405 Depreciation Expense 30,510 440 Other Contractual Services 20,000 500 Capital Outlay 525 Other Improvements 10,000 611 Debt Service-Interest 76,223 620 Paying Agent Fees 500 :7 Revised 8-142007 -58- City of Mound /` Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 49425 Storm Water Utility E 675-49425-210 Operating Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 675-49425-220 Repair/Maint Supply $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00% E 675-49425-225 Landscaping Materi $500.00 $56.50 $443.50 11.30% E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs $10,000.00 $16,883.66 -$6,883.66 168.84% E 675-49425-301 Auditing and Acct'g $750.00 $641.58 $108.42 85.54% E 675-49425-307 Admin/Finance/Com $920.00 $462.00 $458.00 50.22% E 675-49425-322 Postage $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% E 675-49425-405 Depreciation Expen $30,510.00 $14,672.22 $15,837.78 48.09% E 675-49425-440 Other ContractualS $20,000.00 $1,337.40 $18,662.60 6.69% E 675-49425-500 Capital Outlay FA $0.00 $47,132.50 -$47,132.50 0.00% E 675-49425-525 Other Capital Impro $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 0.00% E 675-49425-611 Bondlnterest $64,910.00 $69,999.65 -$5,089.65 107.84% E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees ~ $350.00 $550.34 H'~ -$200.34 157.24% Dept 49425 Storm Water Utility $143,040.00 $151,735.85 -$8,695.85 106.08% • • -59 08/16/07 10:58 AM Page 85 • STORM WATER RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 2000 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 0 1 REF=$0.00/MONTH 0 2001 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $1.63 1 REF=$8.15/MONTH $8.15 2002 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $1.63 0.00% 1 REF=$8.15/MONTH $8.15 0.00% 2003 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $1.71 5.00% 1 REF=$8.55/MONTH $8.55 5.00% 2004 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $1.88 10.00% 1 REF=$9.40/MONTH $9.40 10.00% 2005 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 15.00% 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH $10.80 15.00% 2006 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =115 REF $2.16 0.00% • 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH $10.80 0.00% 2007 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH $10.80 0.00% 2008 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH $10.80 0.00% • - 60 - 8/10/2007 RECYCLING 670-49500 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 • CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED REVENUE 33160 HENNEPIN COUNTY GRANT 26,716 26,805 27,000 27,000 27,000 0.00% 36200 SALE OF RECYCLABLES 17,725 14,353 . 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.00% 37280 ($4.00/MO./HOUSEHOLD) 109,025 124.920 115,500 177.600 177.600 53.77% TOTAL REVENUE 153.466 166,078 158.500 220.600 220.600 39.18% EXPENDITURES 103 SALARIES 15,597 16,568 24,000 20,087 20,087 -16.30% 121 FICA/PERA 1,859 2,048 2,186 2,842 2,842 30.04% 131 HOSP./DENTAL 2,740 2,330 3,535 3,533 3,533 -0.07% 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 66 53 78 59 59 -23.79% 136 POST RETIREMENT 221 317 1,612. 1,462 1,462 -9.32% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18 0 50 50 50 0.00% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 15 6 100 50 50 -50.00% • 208 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 0 0 200 50 50 -75.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 206 400 200 200 -50.00% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/AUDIT 0 0 300 0 0 - 100.00% 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL 688 840 750 865 865 15.29% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 6,900 7,240 7,600 7,982 7,982 5.03% 322 POSTAGE 0 0 50 50 50 0.00% 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 60 37 100 100 100 0.00% 430 LEAF/BRUSH DROP-OFF 0 0 14,000 14,000 14,000 431 MEETING EXPENSE 0 59 100 100 100 0.00% 433 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 100 100 100 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 353 237 450 450 450 0.00% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 113,764 99,175 99,920 172,000 172,000 72.14% 460 SPECIAL RECYCLING DAY 14,605 24,229 16.000 16,000 16.000 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 156,886 153.345 171,531 239.980 239,980 39.90% • REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES -3,420 12,733 -13,031 -19,380 -19,380 48.72% FUND BA LANCE -JANUARY 1 41,526 38.106 25,079 37,808 37,808 50.76% FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 38.106 50.839 12.048 18.428 18.428 52.96% _ 6 ~ _ si~srzoo7 Recycling -Fund 670 2008 Budget cct. # Budgeted for 103 Salaries Part of Recycling Coordinator's salary P.W and Part Time Help 200 Office Supplies Paper, pens, etc. 202 Copy Machine Copies, etc. Insert for Recycling Day 208 Instructional Supplies Fliers, Etc 210 Operating Supplies Printing forms, Brochures, etc. 300 Prof. Services Contracts 301 Audit Share portion 307 Admin/Finance/Computer Share portion 322 Postage Stamps Mailing of Brochures 331 Use of auto Recycling Coordinator's Meetings • 430 Misc Leaves Drop off NRG Contract 431 Meetings 433 Dues and Subscription 434 Conf./School ARM RAM membership 440 460 • Other Contracts Spring/Fall Recycl Annual Conference Recycling Contract AW Services Items' collection Leaves Drop off Total 08/16/2007 Budget 08 Amount 27, 983 50 50 50 200 0 865 7, 982 50 100 14,000 100 100 450 172,000 16.000 - 62 - 8/16/2007 City of Mound ~~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget ~a Dept 49500 Recycling E 670-49500-101 F T Empl Regular $24,000.00 $5,719.44 $18,280.56 23.83% E 670-49500-102 F T Empl Overtime $0.00 $2,712.11 -$2,712.11 0.00% E 670-49500-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $2.66 -$2.66 0.00% E 670-49500-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $816.43 -$816.43 0.00% E 670-49500-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $313.17 -$313.17 0.00% E 670-49500-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $582.08 -$582.08 0.00% E 670-49500-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 670-49500-121 PERA $2,186.00 $630.47 $1,555.53 28.84% E 670-49500-122 FICA $0.00 $690.45 -$690.45 0.00% E 670-49500-131 Employer Paid Heal $3,535.00 $1,632.00 $1,903.00 46.17% E 670-49500-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $104.62 -$104.62 0.00% E 670-49500-134 Employer Paid Life $78.00 $3.38 $74.62 4.33% E 670-49500-135 Employer Health Ca $0.00 $298.81 -$298.81 0.00% E 670-49500-136 Post Retirement He $1,612.00 $0.00 $1,612.00 0.00% E 670-49500-137 LTD $0.00 $33.98 -$33.98 0.00% E 670-49500-200 Office Supplies $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% E 670-49500-202 Duplicating and cop $100.00 $4.04 $95.96 4.04% E 670-49500-208 Instructional Supplie $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 0.00% E 670-49500-210 Operating Supplies $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 0.00% E 670-49500-300 Professional Srvs $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% E 670-49500-301 Auditing and Acct'g $750.00 $641.58 $108.42 85.54% 670-49500-307 Admin/Finance/Com $7,600.00 $3,801.00 $3,799.00 50.01% 670=49500-322 Postage $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 0.00% E 670-49500-331 Use of personal aut $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous $14,000.00 $12,125.00 $1,875.00 86.61% E 670-49500-431 Meeting Expense $100.00 $46.56 $53.44 46.56% E 670-49500-433 Dues and Subscripti $100.00 $20.00 $80.00 20.00% E 670-49500-434 Conference & Traini $450.00 $275.00 $175.00 61.11 E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual S $99,920.00 $68,580.77 $31,339.23 68.64% E 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services $16,000.00 $9,371.98 $6,628.02 58.57°I° Dept 49500 Recycling $171,531 00 $108,405.53 $63 125.47 63 20% r~ 08/16/07 10:58 AM Page 84 -63- • RECYCLING RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1995 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,522 1996 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,949 1.40% 1997 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,802 -0.47% 1998 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.75 16.67% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $31,172 1.20% 1999 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 14.29% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,842 -1.06% 2000 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,182 -2.14% 2001 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% • HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,009 -0.57% 2002 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,848 -0.54% 2003 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,001 -9.54% 2004 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.20 10.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,446 1.65% 2005 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.40 9.09% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $26,716 -2.66% 2006 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 14.58% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $26,805 0.33% 2007 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.73% 2008 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.00 45.45% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% • - 64 - 8/16/200? FIRE DEPARTMENT 222-42260 • 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 101 FULL TIME SALARIES 98,542 105,985 111,022 .119,785 118,905 7.10% 170 OFFICERS PAY 4,800 0 14,000 19,800 16,400 17.14% 180 DRILL PAY 12,055 12,945 12,000 12,600 12,600 5.00% 185 MAINTENANCE PAY 14,532 11,222 14,400 14,800 14,800 2.78% 190 MONTHLY SALARIES 66,293 103,960 88,720 92,000 92,000 -3.70% 121 FICA/PERA 18,708 22,519 24,741 27,766 27,379 10.66% 131 HOSP/DENTAL 13,650 14,805 16,854 16,963 16,963 0.65% 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 486 511 543 582 578 6.54% 135 POST RETIREMENT 1,458 2,082 3,331 4,791 4,756 42.80% 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 9,778 10,478 11,290 12,422 12,422 10.03% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,133 2,434. 2,460 2,600 2,500 1.63% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 340 695 720 800 800 11.11% • 205 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 671 1,274 900 950 900 0.00% 208 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 0 0 800 800 800 0.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 17,831 25,807 20,500 21,000 21,000 2.44% 212 MOTOR FUELS 4,586 7,338 7,000 8,000 7,500 7.14% 216 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2,195 1,263 880 900 900 2.27% 217 FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES 1,633 1,639 1,500 1,600 1,500 0.00% 219 SAFETY SUPPLIES 14,565 7,973 4,920 6,000 5,200 5.69% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,871 5,299 3,310 3,600 3,600 8.76% 301 AUDIT/FINANCIAL 3,076 3,742 3,350 3,850 3,850 14.91% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 3,841 4,598 3,100 3,200 3,200 3.23% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 11,930 12,530 13,160 13,814 13,814 4.97% • - 65 - e/~sr~oo7 i• • r~ FIRE DEPARTMENT 222-42260 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE _ ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 308 BUILDING/FIRE INSPECTIONS 8,790 14,103 4,450 4,600 4,600 3.37% 321 TELEPHONE 4,475 3,903 4,100 4,400 4,200 2.44% 322 POSTAGE 654 865 780 825 800 2.56% 325 PAGERS -FIRE DEPT. 4,011 4,443 4,680 5,000 5,000 6.84% 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 0 94 360 400 360 0.00% 350 PRINTING 57 331 750 780 750 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 20,973 17,392 18,320 20,116 20,116 9.80% 381 ELECTRICITY 13,865 12,058 11,600 12,000 12,000 ' 3.45% 383 GAS 7,496 5,712 9,000 9,600 9,200 2.22% 384 GARBAGE 1,015 1,140 1,350 1,400 1,400 3.70% 401 BUILDING REPAIRS 499 1,771 2,000 2,500 2,500 25.00% 402 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 0 0 1,500 2,000 2,000 33.33% 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 18,011 .28,858 18,000 19,200 19,200 6.67% 412 BUILDING RENTAL 301,410 283,500 289,160 300,508 290,840 0.58% 418 RENTALS/RADIO 13,012 13,094 13,400 13,800 13,800 2.99% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 4,696 5,594 3,440 3,600 3,600 4.65% 431 MEETING EXPENSES 220 461 360 400 360 0.00% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,950 4,450 3,720 3,820 3,720 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 16,686 21,755 20,200 20,400 20,400 0.99% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 1,080 1,080 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 10,246 7,341 4,200 4,400 4,400 4.76% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,055 80,686 28,750 22,880 12,280 -57.29% 580 FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT 0 0 29,000 47,000 47,000 62.07% 600 CAPITAL LEASE - SCABA EQUIP 0 0 0 16.200 16.200 TOTAL 786.095 866.650 828.621 905.533 878.174 5.98% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 739.040 785.964 770.871 819.453 802.694 4.13% -66- 8/16/2007 • MEMORANDUM August 1, 2007 TO: ALL FIRE CONTRACT CITIES FROM: KANDIS M. HANSON, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 2008 FIRE CONTRACT BUDGET PROPOSAL Enclosed is the 2008 Fire Contract Budget Proposal. It follows the same format and approach as used since 1982, with the exception that we are now using the new formula for cost allocation • purposes as recommended by the Fire Commission and approved by the City Council in 2006. Capital outlay. for 2008 consists of an 800 MHz mobile radio with accessories for the new tanker pumper truck, an Extendo Bed Mobile Organizer, and afour-wheel-drive, off-road utility vehicle for fire and rescue special use. Although we are not proposing the purchase of a new vehicle in 2008, we are continuing to set aside monies ($47,000), in the Fire Truck Repair Account as we have since 1991. Keeping this amount in the budget will assist in planning for future purchases of major firefighting equipment. As in past years, we have reviewed the annual increase for the Fire Relief Association. As you may recall, from 1982 unti11992, we have been collecting a 10% annual increase for this purpose. In the 1991 budget, we reduced the annual increase to 4%. In the 1992 budget, we again included a 4% increase. For 1993, a 7% increase for the fire pension contribution was approved. For 1994, a 4% increase in the contribution was approved. For 1995, we had a 4% increase in the contribution and an additional 2% in the contribution to address the unfunded liability issue that had been discussed within the actuarial report that the Fire Department had prepared as of 12/31 /94. The Department requested a pension benefit increase in 1995 but we asked for an actuarial as of 12/31/95. That was completed in the spring of 1996 which indicated that an increase of $3 5 or a monthly benefit of $460 would be affordable without any increases in contributions from the cities in the fire district. The Department's request was approved by the Mound City Council effective July 1, 1996. -67- • On August 25, 1998 the Mound City Council passed a resolution approving an increase in monthly pension benefit for the Fire Relief Association to $510 effective September 1, 1998. For 2001, the contribution from the cities towards the Fire Relief Association was set at a 4% increase over the 2000 contribution. Firefighter's hourly wages, which are paid on call, have been disbursed at $7.00 per hour for 2001, an increase of 50 cents from prior years. Effective January 1, 2001, the Mound City Council approved the Fire Department Relief Association's request to an increase in pension benefits to $585.00 per month. For 2002, 2003, and 2004 the contributions from the cities towards the Fire Relief Association was set at a 3% increase over the 2001, 2002, and 2003 contributions. For the year 2005 an additional 2.5% increase and for the years 2006 and 2007 an additional 3.0% increase in pension contributions were approved. After receiving recommendations from the MFD Fire Commission, we feel that an additiona13.0% increase in pension contribution for the year 2008 is a justifiable validation of the skills which these volunteers bring to the service of the Fire Department. The extended leadership of a fire chief and the fire inspection needs are being addressed through a full time fire chief position and a full time secretary. We have budgeted $118,905 for these positions in 2008. The Fire Department Volunteers are very proud of their equipment and of the service which they provide. The Cities of Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park, Minnetonka Beach, and Shorewood are proud of having such a dedicated group of individuals who volunteer their time for the safety of all • the citizens in the fire service area. Firefighting continues to be complicated and more sophisticated in many respects. More and more time is required of firefighters now than ever before. Being able to provide excellent equipment, training opportunities and financial incentives to attract and keep firefighters around for 20+ years is critically important to the future of the Mound Fire Department. The Department is at a full complement of 40 firefighters who take their firefighting job very seriously. They do receive the full support of the entire fire district and we are very proud of what they do to protect the residents from fire and other safety related hazards. Please review this information and the proposed budget and contact Greg Pederson, Fire Chief, at 952-472-5533 or myself at 952-472-0609, if you have any questions. cc: Greg Pederson, Fire Chief Gino Businaro, Finance Director • -68- a a q 0 '-' ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ a~i v~~i ~ ~ ~ a~ t~. C ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ti ctt ~, ~~,,, ~' U ~ 4; N ~ F y ~ "~ Q, ~ a -~ ~ '~ .mod ~ ~ a, ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i .~ a F wd UQ ~ dQ. w v°~ ~ x ~ a.~ a° ~ w~ t7 ° t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,.., a~ U U ~ ~ .~..~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ w r" ~ ~ ~ z ~~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ v ~ V ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~' a ~ ~ p W ~~ ~ ~ '~ o U O ~ o ° U A w d O E-~ ~ ~ w x a a ~ O U a~ b P1 00 0 0 N W A O ~"~ O ~ ono o~0 001 N M cn M ~ p O A A W ~ o A ~ d~ ~c o0 o cn N ~ _~ ~ N_ ~ N 9 ~ N 64 EA 69 (~ 6 b 9 ~O ~ ~ N_ ~ O ~ 6~9 y~~ s9 ~9 b~7- -69- ~~ • c~ y ~~ U ~ U .~ O 0 U v1 Q N O 69 "0 U ~. ~~ ~> .~ •~ HF .~ C% O U O N O O 69 a~ ~`~ ~ ~' a~ a~i ~ ~ O C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m cd ~n aiw~ c ~$ U c+.i ~ ,-~ ~~ ~ U ~ ~, N .-~ vi U N oa ~~~ o °'a o~4. o ,~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U O 3 c' C o O O N vi s-~ O 'C ~ N .r U ~~~++ -~~ '~ Vi ~ O ~~ `~ 3 a ~'" U O O ~ ~ 0 ,~ :-~ CA O ~~ U p O ~ w F, 00 ~ y U +~- '~ U ~ O r ~ ~ i~? 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222-42260-135 Employer Health Ca $3,331.00 $2,154.69 $1,176.31 64.69% E 222-42260-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 222-42260-137 LTD $0.00 $333.68 -$333.68 0.00% E 222-42260-151 Worker's Comp Insu $11,290.00 $7,945.90 $3,344.10 70.38% E 222-42260-170 Fire Chief-Officer P $14,000.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 0.00% E 222-42260-180 Fire-Drill Pay $12,000.00 $5,350.00 $6,650.00 44.58% E 222-42260-185 Fire-Maintenance P $14,400.00 $6,520.00 $7,880.00 45.28% E 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salarie $88,720.00 $52,852.80 $35,867.20 59.57% E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies $2,460.00 $2,079.48 $380.52 84.53% E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and cop $720.00 $227.21 $492.79 31.56% 222-42260-205 Computer Software $900.00 $791.14 $108.86 87.90% E 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplie $800.00 $0.00 $800.00 0.00% E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies $20,500.00 $23,177.25 -$2,677.25 113.06% E 222-42260-212 Motor Fueis $7,000.00 $3,776.52 $3,223.48 53.95% E 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies $880.00 $438.99 $441.01 49.89% E 222-42260-217 Fire Prevention Sup $1,500.00 $1,562.44 -$62.44 104.16% E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies $4,920.00 $1,436.88 $3,483.12 29.20% E 222-42260-300 Professional Srvs $3,310.00 $2,132.65 $1,177.35 64.43% E 222-42260-301 Auditing and Acct'g $3,350.00 $2,865.77 $484.23 85.55% E 222-42260-305 Medical Services $3,100.00 $168.50 $2,931.50 5.44% E 222-42260-307 Admin/FinancelCom $13,160.00 $6,578.25 $6,581.75 49.99% E 222-42260-308 Building Inspection $4,450.00 $4,691.75 -$241.75 105.43% E 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells $4,100.00 $2,146.50 $1,953.50 52.35% E 222-42260-322 Postage $780.00 $432.69 $347.31 55.47% E 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. $4,680.00 $7,015.68 -$2,335.68 149.91% E 222-42260-331 Use of personal aut $360.00 $0.00 $360.00 0.00% E 222-42260-350 Printing $750.00 $727.39 $22.61 96.99% E 222-42260-361 General Liability Ins $18,320.00 $13,373.81 $4,946.19 73.00% E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities $11,600.00 $6,360.88 $5,239.12 54.84% E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities $9,000.00 $4,790.24 $4,209.76 53.22% E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $1,350.00 $810.10 $539.90 60.01% E 222-42260-401 Building Repairs $2,000.00 $3,384.86 -$1,384.86 169.24% E 222-42260-402 Building Maintenanc $1,500.00 $1,895.76 -$395.76 126.38% E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment R $18,000.00 $21,741.72 -$3,741.72 120.79% E 222-42260-412 Building Rentals $289,160.00 $0.00 $289,160.00 0.00% E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals $13,400.00 $6,339.76 $7,060.24 47.31% E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous $3,440.00 $569.01 $2,870.99 16.54% E 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense $360.00 $151.33 $208.67 42.04% E 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscripti $3,720.00 $3,762.34 -$42.34 101.14% E 222-42260-434 Conference & Traini $20,200.00 $14,037.41 $6,162.59 69.49% E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services $4,200.00 $5,788.68 -$1,588.68 137.83% '" 222-42260-500 Capital Outlay FA • $28,750.00 $24,932.81 $3,817.19 86.72% E 222-42260-580 Other Equipment $29,000.00 ___ $_0.00 . _$29,000.00 _0.00_% ~ Dept 42260 Fire Department $828,621.00 $336,887.69 $491,733.31 40.66% -74- H W U J F- O Q a V 0 0 N N ~ .~ N N a~v N a o c L ~ a~ 0 d w+ +~ I 0 as ~ v Lf. 1 ~' c P .~ p ~ C'1 ++I O V d ~ o i ~i LL ~+ .a a as o N 0 0 ~9 J <t O cD O ~q ~ ~ ~~ Qo "' ~ r a q ~ ~ c ~V ~ '- p `~ ~ 4 0 ~ 0 ~ A M N w 3 J Q ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ °~ ~ 4 ~ t~ ~ ~ ``' ~ o a ~ . ~ W ~ ~ ~ .~ _ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ o q ~ ~ W ~ v~ tp J .at -- 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ . 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N 01 M N O N O N W M lfj t~ M O O M I~ O) a N G W f~ M M W W M ef O Oi a M W O N (D N N W M ~ a W ~ W N N W N N 1~ N N r N N r M N A M N W M N W 'Q N W a N N N N l0 N N Y V) N O 1~ N M f~ N M W N N 0 N N W N ~ 0 M M O O V ~ T O l0 i0 W O W N N W O O W N W M a t0 0 N W t0 N f~ W If1 N- t0 W 1~ O Of N ll) V W ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ N A 0 i r O M N a I~ 0 ~ ~ O r M N 0 M 0 10 In I~ O O N N 'sf' aD W O W N W N N 0 W N M N M N M O 01 O 01 Of W i0 W 1A N W N N st Of O O W N W N ~7 V O) 1~ O 01 N N f~ N W W In M W In 0 N M st M W O N N W W W N W W ~ r a0 tq M h 01 W 1!1 N W r W tfi N Of ~ W M R Y W ~ h O W M W ~ O pppp fD W M ~ O/ N V In M W M N I~ W O ~ I~ N W O N M W N N Cn Y N <O V M N W ~ N 1~ A O N O N W ~ N N W ~ ~f t['/ ~ S ~ S ~ V fD ~ ~ S OA N,' n N r N N NO W S ~ S O O N O O C W O ~ N N O O N N N N N N N f~ N 1~ N r N A 1[1 r 1n N In N Y7 N Lf) N lO r lt7 h tp n 1n r 1() 1~ N r t1y A N r t0 N 1n N O N O N N r N r O N O N lfl r lfl A N r N r N r N r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 I~ W W 0 W W Of W M N M st O N W W W CA W M 0 M M 0 M M 0 M W O f0 N N N M M Of M r I~ r M M M M W A W Ol W I~ W W 10 W N O N O t0 N lA LI7 N 1~ O W O N I~ a ~ Y ~ ~- W i~ N ~ O W V' a a ~ 01 W N N .- O ~f M v .- In ~ N ~ M N 0/ W W W N '- V M O O N M W 1~ M Ol W O W IN N N 1~ W N W fD N _ N ll) _ W Of ~ N l'7 Oi Y7 OJ t0 n <G N OJ N W I+ ' C fV M ~ a- M N M e- t0 M M e- W M N ~ f~ M N ~ f~ M N ~ W M ~ ~ W M ~ ~ 0 M 0 ~ 0 V 0 ~ ~ O N Y W N ~T W M 'V' t~ ~ c0 N ~ N W d' a W V' M 0 V N O N N N N r W N N O O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O n C C O O C C G C O G C Cj O O G O G C C C O O O p O O O p O O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O p O N O O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N 0 N 0 N ~ rn m m m rn m rn rn rn rn rn m rn rn W rn m m m rn m u1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W ~- uNi M ~ N N N N N l~ 1A l~ N h N l~ N f~ N l~ N N N N N N N N N h N r N n N n N n N I~ N h N 1~ N N N N O 10 O N K1 1~ to 1~ 0 N 0 ~ (7 N I~ N f~ t0 I~ N i~ N f~ N I~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W W W W W M M W W M M M M M M W W N N M M 1~ r M M W W W W N N Vl 1[1 1l7 N O O N N W V' W R V V _ ~ ~ ~ V f~ Y h N x N '- W 0 W 01 ~7 V' V a O1 01 N N N O N O M M M M ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ M V M ~- M r 0 N CA N 01 aD W aD O W O a0 N ~ N .- 1~ l'7 A M O O O O n V VW' V ~ ~ O Y C M ~ M M N N N N i~ r N N O O 001 S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n fA0 (r0 h N V AV l'A] ~ N N M M a~ o 0 3e ~ ~ ;e o e ~° a° o oe a o ~ o o ~ o 0 0 0 o 0 p S 0 v1 ~ 0 u1 0 v1 0 0 0 o u1 N o v1 a n o N 0 N 0 N 0 o 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ~? 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INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 203 PRINTED FORMS 205 COMPUTER SOFTWARE • 208 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS 219 SAFETY SUPPLIES 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 306 PERSONNEL TESTING 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 350 PRINTING • 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 101-42110 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 823,417 851,945 880,662 930,864 907,268 3.02% 60,632 59,691 55,000 55,000 55,000 0.00% 0 0 0 12,480 12,480 7,950 12,695. 11,600 11,600 11,600 0.00% 97,748 108,177 126, 203 148,746 145, 360 15.18% 120,428 125,012 170,007 170,642 170,642 0.37% 2,282 2,217 2,407 2,578 2,578 7.11% 33,334 34,424 36,209 48,929 47,986 32.52% 28,765 32,418 34,940 38,431 38,431 9.99% 5,019 4,383 5,650 5,700 5,700 0.88% 2,157 2,304 2,340 2,340 2,340 0.00% 929 719 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 971 66 500 500 500 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 6,878 7,178 4,750 4,900 4,900 3.16% 28,270 30,450 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.00% 4,100 4,038 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 7,793 2,856 8,500 8,500 8,500 0.00% 1,431 1,133 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 230 1,124 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 249 1,593 500 500 500 0.00% 0 350 750 750 750 0.00% 13,660 16,500 15,000 15,450 15,450 3.00% 815 1,213 1,100 1,100 1,100 0.00% 0 2,221 850 850 850 0.00% 0 0 50 50 50 0.00% 533 1,209 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 733 419 800 800 800 0.00% -83- 8/16/2007 POLICE • CODE 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICAL 383 GAS 384 REFUSE/GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 402 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 412 BUILDING RENTAL 418 CENTRAL EQUIP. REPAIRJRADIO 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSE 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS • 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 436 TOWING CHARGES 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 445 KENNEL 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPTIAL EXP 101-42110 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 12,726 13,282 14,850 16,300 16,300 9.77% 8,545 12,058 9,500 12,000 12,000 26.32% 5,549 5,599 8,000 8,300 8,300 3.75% 1,015 1,140 1,100 1,150 1,150 4.55% 11,534 11,246 12,900 12,900 12,900 0.00% 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 21,247 13,649 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 1,029 487 500 500 500 0.00% 199,210 187,430 0 0 0 21,129 23,170 25,000 25,750 25,750 3.00% 1,731 1,410 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 903 597 1,600 1,600 1,000 -37.50% 1,641 1,581 1,750 1,800 1,800 2.88% 4,274 3,682 . 8,500 8,500 8,500 0.00% 0 436 700 700 700 0.00% 935 509 750 750 750 0.00% 304 5 650 650 650 0.00% 3,434 2,794 4,300 6,500 6,500 51.16% -160 1,249 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 8,568 10,792 11,000 11,350 11,350 3.18% 29,763 53.683 27,000 105,000 90.000 233.33% 1.581.701 1.649.134 1.546.418 1.734.960 9.691.435 9.38% 1.551.93 1.519.418 1.629.960 1.601.435 5.40% -84- 8/16/2007 C7 • • 2008 Proposed Police Budget 101-42110 Code Descri tion Amount 141 Salaries, Regular , Chief of Police, Lieutenant, Sergeants (2), Investigators (3) q 67ya bg Police Officers (7), Community Service Office (50%), Administrative assistants 2 . 102 Overtime, Regular 55,000 Court appearance, Mound City Days, Special investigations, Parades Youth and citizen academies Special DARE functions, National Night Out Youth Safe Cam ,Shift cover e, Dru Task Force 103 Salaries Temp. 12,480 Part-time Community Service Officer 110 Clothin allowance - er union contracts ~ I (Opp -~~ 200 Office supplies 5,700 Coles directory, maps, mouthpieces Film, Fingerprinting supplies, fax supplies Co su lies, miscellaneous su lies 202 Copy Machine & Fees 2,340 Monthly maintenance Co in of re rts for files, attorne sand the ublic 203 Printed Forms 1,500 Police reports Gun Permits, animal impound, warning tickets Implied consent, Request for leave ICR's, vehicle im ound 205 Computer software 500 Software u dates 210 Operating supplies 4,900 Hennepin County citations, computer paper Squad emblems, video tapes Mace, Petty cash: cleaning supplies, parking, dry cleaning, Batteries, ke s, officer reimbursement, small urchases 212 Motor Fuels 30,000 218 Non-union clothing 4,000 Eye glass check/repair %z reimbursement for ballistic vests (3) C.S.O, Administrative assistants 219 Safety Supplies 8,500 .40ca1, .223 cal., shotgun ammunition Flares, targets, range supplies, first-aid supplies Masks, fire extin 'sher ins ections, Defibulator su lies -85- • • r~ u 220 Repair & maintenance supplies 1,500 Video camera re airs 300 Professional services 1000 Interpreter services, Critical Incident Feedback, , Ps cholo ical examinations 305 Medical services 500 Blood/urine tests, lab analysis -narcotics, Infectious disease testin 306 Personnel testing 7$0 Historicall one oBicer/CSO 321 Telephone service 15,450 12 phones, 4 lines with intercom, Long distance, 3 modem dedicated lines, mobile phones, Squad computer Iines 322 Posta a 1,100 32$ Employee advertising 850 2 adds er ear 331 Use of ersonal vehicle 50 350 Printing 2,000 Letterhead, business cards, special notices, No parking signs 351 Legal publications 800 Do license ad, auctions, trainin ublications and u tes 400 Repair and Maintenance contracts 12,900 State computer, CJDN, Pawn Shop, Printers & work stations, Typewriter contract, fax maintenance, Accurint, Computer maintenance contract (PC/ENFORS), Router, Web e, 402 Building maintenance 2,000 Sprinkler, elevator, weeds, landscaping, misc. building re airs, 404 Auto repair 15, 000 Accident deductibles, car wash, tires, transmissions , Li ts/siren, tune-u s 409 Other Equipment repairs 500 Calibrate radar units, PBT's, ands eedometers 418 Central Equipment lease 25, 750 Hennepin County radio lease 10 mobiles, 18 portables, 6 MDC, installation and re airs 430 Miscellaneous 2,000 Caz tools, water cooler, memorials, special events, Mound City Day's events, refreshments for volunteers 431 Meeting expenses 1,000 Ran es, investi ator meetin s, adviso councils, -86- • • • in-service trainin ,annual awards 433 Dues & subscriptions 1,800 Hennepin. Chief s Assn, International Chief Assn., MEMA (2), ATOM (3), Crime Prevention Assn., Westonka Gun Club, Juvenile Officer Assn. 4 POST License renewals 434 Conferences & Schools 8,500 College incentive program, incentive school, PTAC mandatory training, IACP, MCPA, SPI, POP, PLEA conferences, AMEM, Governor's conferences, mandatory ursuit, Use of force, defensive tactics trainin 435 Books & pamphlets 700 Police journal, traffic/criminal codes, PDR, Reference materials 436 Towing charges 750 William's car and boat stora e 438 License & tazes 650 Re 'ster/license unmarked vehicles 440 Other Contractual services 6,500 Corner House for Child Abuse, Pectomitry, HVAC buildin .maintenance contract 445 Kennel 1, 500 Boardin su lies, vet ex erases, cleanin , 461 .General liabili 460 Janitorial services 11,350 Mat service, month cleaning service, window washing 2 times r ear, c et cleanin 121 FICA/PERA 131 Hos /Dental 134 Life/Disabili 151 Workers Com ensation 3 _87_ i• ,~ .~.~ CITY OF MOUND AccountDescr City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt ~;..+~, Balance Budget Dept 42110 Police E 101-421 1 0-101 F T Empl Regular E 101-42110-102 F T Empi Overtime E 101-42110-103 Part-Time Employe E 101-42110-110 Clothing Allowance E 101-42110-112 Comp Time Pay E 101-42110-113 Vacation Pay E 101-42110-114 Holiday Pay E 101-42110-115 Sick Pay E 101-42110-116 Severance Pay E 101-42110-121 PERA E 101-42110-122 FICA E 101-42110-131 Employer Paid Heai E 101-42110-133 Employer Paid Dent E 101-42110-134 Employer Paid Life E 101-42110-135 Employer Health Ca E 101-42110-136 Post Retirement He E 101-42110-137 LTD E 101-42110-151 Worker's Comp Insu E 101-42110-200 Office Supplies E 101-42110-202 Duplicating and cop E 101-42110-203 Printed Forms 101-42110-205 Computer Software 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels E 101-42110-218 Clothing and Unifor E 101-42110-219 Safety supplies E 101-42110-220 Repair/Maint Supply E 101-42110-300 Professional Srvs E 101-42110-305 Medical Services E 101-42110-306 Personal Testing E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-42110-322 Postage E 101-42110-328 Employment Adverti E 101-42110-331 Use of personal aut E 101-42110-350 Printing E 101-42110-351 Legal Notices Publis E 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins E 101-42110-381 Electric Utilities E 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities E 101-42110-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maintena E 101.42110-402 Building Maintenanc E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Re E 101-42110-409 Other Equipment R E 101-42110-412 Building Rentals E 101-42110-418 OtherAentals E 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous E 1 01-421 1 0-431 Meeting Expense E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscripti E 101-42110-434 Conference & Traini E 101-42110-435 Books and Pamphle E 101-42110-436 Towing Charges 101-42110-438 Licenses and Taxes 0 1-421 1 0-440 Other Contractual S 101-42110-445 Dog Kennel Fees E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services E 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay FA Dept 42110 Police $880,662.00 $457,648.67 $60,000.00 $39,368.10 $0.00 $1,325.06 $11,600.00 $11,318.40 $0.00 $12,256.57 $0.00 $26,679.52 $0.00 $10,451.30 $0.00 $27,121.20 $0.00 $15,053.74 $126,860.00 $68,544.54 $0.00 $11,129.83 $170,007.00 $91,446.11 $0.00 $3,999.85 $2,408.00 $149.65 $36,359.00 $18,406.47 $0.00 $9,454.43 $0.00 $1,401.11 $34,940.00 $24,591.31 $5,650.00 $2,909.69 $2,340.00 $765.64 $1,500.00 $865.75 $500.00 $250.37 $4,750.00 $3,259.02 $30,000.00 $17,184.93 $4,000.00 $1,577.66 $8,500.00 $5,509.61 $1,500.00 $20.97 $1,000.00 $79.00 $500.00 $295.00 $750.00 $350.00 $15,000.00 $9,979.42 $1,100.00 $625.09 $850.00 $0.00 $50.00 $27.16 $2,000.00 $0.00 $800.00 $154.19 $14,850.00 $10,840.66 $9,500.00 $6,360.88 $8,000.00 $4,790.22 $1,100.00 $810.10 $12,900.00 $11,062.47 $2,000.00 $1,743.75 $15,000.00 $8,875.93 $500.00 $448.20 $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $10,504.45 $2,000.00 $1,469.29 $1,600.00 $97.25 $1,750.00 $2,235.31 $8,500.00 $11,545.59 $700.00 $0.00 $750.00 $579.91 $650.00 $42.00 $4,300.00 $5,435.16 $1,500.00 $108.79 $11,000.00 $6,573.41 $27,000.00 $5,043.48 $1,552,226.00 $962,766.21 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 10 $423,013.33 51.97% $20,631.90 65.61 -$1,325.06 0.00% $281.60 97.57% -$12,256.57 0.00% -$26,679.52 0.00% -$10,451.30 0.00% -$27,121.20 0.00% -$15,053.74 0.00% $58,315.46 54.03% -$11,129.83 0.00% $78,560.89 53.79% -$3,999.85 0.00% $2,258.35 6.21 $17,952.53 50.62% •$9,454.43 0.00% -$1,401.11 0.00% $10,348.69 70.38% $2,740.31 51.50% $1,574.36 32.72% $634.25 57.72% $249.63 50.07% $1,490.98 68.61% $12,815.07 57.28% $2,422.34 39.44% $2,990.39 64.82% $1,479.03 1.40% $921.00 7.90% $205.00 59.00% $400.00 46.67% $5,020.58 66.53% $474.91 56.83% $850.00 0.00% $22.84 54.32% $2,000.00 0.00% $645.81 19.27°k $4,009.34 73.00% $3,139.12 66.96% $3,209.78 59.88% $289.90 73.65% $1,837.53 85.76% $256.25 87.19% $6,124.07 59.17% $51.80 89.64% $0.00 0.00% $14,495.55 42.02% $530.71 73.46% $1,502.75 6.08% -$485.31 127.73% -$3,045.59 135.83% $700.00 0.00% $170.09 77.32% $608.00 6.46% -$1,135.16 126.4Q% $1,391.21 7.25% $4,426.59 59.76% $21,956.52 18.68% $589,459.79 ~ 62.02% -$$- • ~ MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: July 30, 2007 Subject: 2008 personnel needs In the 2008 budget, I am requesting funding for an additional police officer and part-time Community Service Officer for the Mound Police Department. History The Mound Police Department currently has 13 sworn officers, which includes a chief, lieutenant, two patrol sergeants, an investigator, school resource officer, a narcotics investigator, and six patrol officers. The Department has not had an increase in police officer staffing since 1989. • Request Our request for an additional officer is based on the following: • Calls for police service have increased every yeaz in quantity and seriousness. • On a regular basis, officers are forced to place calls on "hold" because they aze occupied with other events, which affects our level of service and response time. • There aze officer safety concerns because officers, more frequently aze having to arrest subjects and respond to high risk calls alone. • Our current staffing creates additional hardships in covering patrol shifts when we have injuries, vacations, maternity and paternity leaves. Community Service Officer We are requesting the funding of a 20-hour per week Community Service Officer (CSO). The cost for the employee is approximately $12,480. The CSO will be responsible for helping cover CSO shifts, crime prevention, and Operation Clean Sweep. Further, the CSO will help to care for boarded animals in our kennel. Our kennel is currently being used by Orono, Minnetrista, Wayzata and South Lake Minnetonka Police Department to boazd their impounded animals. • _gg_ • 2008 Personnel needs Mound Police Department p.2 The following revenues will help to off-set the CSO Funding: 1. Boardin retention fees Minnetrista $500 Orono $500 SLMPD $500 2. School x-walk reimbursement 06/07 school ear $8,350 3.Outside a enc boardin fees $600 Total $10,450 Thank you for your consideration. • ,, • -90- • ~ MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: August 8, 2007 Subject: 2008 Capital needs ~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ In the 2008 budget, I am requesting funding for the following Capital improvements: Police Squads I am requesting two patrol vehicles to stay current with our fleet replacement plan. Our plan calls for vehicles to be retired after 80,000 miles or ten yeazs. Records Management System In 2008, I am requesting half the funds to implement a new records management system. . The Records Management System (RMS) is a web based system that allows staff to access records remotely, download reports and citations directly into the systems, and allows officers to view records and data and digital recordings from other police agencies. Currently, Minnetrista, Medina, Wayzata, West Hennepin Public Safety, and Three Rivers Parks are using the system. I hope to have our department on-line in early 2009. 9v "... • -91- • 0 0 N tr-i N ti • • 0 w O H U H V1 a a a H 0 a H v 0 0 N Q. a~ Q .~ 0 a N .,., ti 4r U b _92_ • Mound Police Department Squad Replacement Plan 2007 Squad #: Description: Purpose: Mileage: Replacement Year: 840 2005 Ford Crovvn Vic Patrol 26,000 2010 841 2001 Chevy Impala Investigations 78,000 2008 842 2002 Chevy Impala Reserve 78,000 2008 843 2002 Dodge Durango CSO 63,000 2009 844 2006 Ford Crown Vic Patrol 24,000 2010 845 2004 Ford Crown Vic Patrol 63,000 2008 846 2005 Chevy Colorado Investigations 7,500 2015 847 2003 Ford Crown Vic K9 74,000 ~ 2007 848 2005 Ford Crown Vic Patrol 62,000 2008 84g 2004 Ford Expedition Investigations 34,000 2012 850 2001 Chevy Impala Investigations 41,000 2011 851., 2007 Dodge Dakota Chief 11,500 2014 *** Based on 80,000 mile or 10 year replacement schedule*** • v, ~. i• -93- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 101-42115 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 • CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,522 4,746 3,600 3,600 3,600 0.00% 329 SIRENS/PHONE LINES 1,188 1,248 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 192 188 200 200 200 0.00% 381 ELECTRICITY 274 301 300 300 300 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 895 785 1.500 1,500 1.500 0.00% TOTAL 6.071 7.268 7.100 7.100 7.100 0.00% i• i• - 94 - si~s~2oo~ • 2008 Proposed Emergency Preparedness Budget 101-4150 Code Descri twn Amount 210 O ratin su lies ~ 5,600 ... . _...... 329...... _ __ Sirens/.. honelines __ _ .1,500 361 Gen. Liabili insurance 260 381 Electrici 300 208 Conference & schools 4,500 500 Ca ital outla • • -95- City of Mound r- /~ Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 42115 Emergency Preparedness E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies E 1 01-421 1 5-329 Sirens/Phone Linesl E 101-42115-361 General Liability Ins E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities E 101-42115-434 Conference & Traini Dept 42115 Emergency Preparedness • $3,600.00 $123.79 $1,500.00 $1,309.68 $200.00 $146.00 $300.00 $138.79 $1,500.00 $1,114.39 $7,100.00 $2,832.65 $3,476.21 3.44% $190.32 87.31% $54.00 73.00% $161.21 46.26% $385.61 74.29% $4,267.35 39.90% 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 12 -96- PLANNING 8~ INSPECTION • CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 102 OVERTIME, REG. 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY .135 POST RETIREMENT 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 203 PRINTED FORMS 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS • 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 308 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 400 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 404 MACHINERY/EQUIP REPAIRS & MAII 418 RADIO RENTALS 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSE • 101-42400 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 145,371 156,754 166,371 173,314 173,314 4.17% 1,063 1,214 1,000 2,000 2,000 100.00% 18,092 20,386 23,265 24,807 24,807 6.63% 18,910 20,871 27,076 27,140 27,140 0.24% 676 747 808 839 839 3.87% 5,513 6,051 5,021 7,013 7,013 39.66% 1,850 1,174 1,270 1,392 1,392 9.57% 1,974 1,711 2,000 2,400 2,400 20.00% 2,620 2,016 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00% 145 355 500 500 500. 0.00% 1,383 768 1,000 1,500 1,500 50.00% 247 173 500 500 300 -40.00% 198 89 300 300 300 0.00% 29,155 51,205 60,000 60,000 60,000 0.00% 0 0 100 100 100 0.00% 139,815 142,250 130,000 140,000 140,000 7.69% 500 256 500 300 300 -40.00% 1,361 1,256 1,000 1,500 1,500 50.00% 105 35 0 0 0 577 1,067 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 2,204 3,142 2,390 2,628 2,628 9.97% 0 0 0 0 0 1,141 1, 084 500 500 500 0.00% 0 0 500 500 500 0.00% 77 78 100 100 100 0.00% 565 135 100 100 100 0.00% - 97 - ai~srzoo7 PLANNING & INSPECTION 101-42400 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED • CODE 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 430 983 350 350 350 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,239 111 500 500 500 0.00% 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 0 0 0 0 0 _ _0_ 4 1..00.. . 1.00. 100... 0~00°fo_ 43$ LICENSES &-TAXES _ _ 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 247 1,401 1,300 1,600 1,600 23.08% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5.940 0 0 6.000 6.000 TOTAL $ ~ 460.482 460.282 6.78% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP `~ 41 16 431.051 454.482 454.282 5.39% • I~ - 98 - snsnoo~ • -~- Planning and Inspection Department 2008 Line Item Budget Detail / supplemental Information - - Code Budget 2008 Proposed Note: Additional Detail Line Items for Codes 101 Thru 135 Not Provided 200 Office Supplies 2400.00 - office chair ($400) -miscellaneous i• 202 Copy Machine & Fees 3000.00 - maintenance/copies, etc. 203 Printed Forms 500.00 - inspection forms, etc. 210 Operating Supplies 1500.00 - office supplies - HC section maps ($1000) 212 Motor Fuels 500.00 -portion of P/E vehicle 218 Clothing & Uniforms 300.00 - clothing allowance JN/SS -boots, etc. for P/E Tech 300 Professional Services 60,000.00 - special planning or related projects on behalf of City 308 Building Inspections 140,000.00 - consultant services (WAL) 321 Telephone 300.00 - PBI telephone(s) • 322 Postage 1500.00 - mailings, etc. -99- • 331 Use of Personal Auto -0- 351 Legal Publications 1500.00 - meeting/public notices, etc. 361 General Liability Insurance 2628.00 ....400 .. ....Repairs & Mainenance _ WOW.. _ _ _ _ __ 404 Auto Equip. Repair 500.00 - P/I portion of P/E vehicle 418 Radio Rentals 500.00 430 Miscellaneous 100.00 431 Meeting Expense 100.00 - supplies for PC meetings 433 Dues & Subscriptions 350.00 - Mn/APA, Municipals . 434 Conferences and Schools 500.00 - annual Mn/APA conf. - Municipals event(s) 435 Books and Pamphlets -0- 438 Licenses & Taxes 100.00 -vehicle tabs 440 Other Contractual Services 1600.00 - PermitWorks, etc. 500 Capital Outlay 6000.00 - LaserFishe software/equip. • -100- I, • co~rv of MouND City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Y Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 42400 Planning & Inspection E 101-42400-101 F T Empl Regular $166,371.00 $88,648.04 $77,722.96 53.28% __ ...._. E 101-42400=t02 FTEnpl Overtime $1";000.00'..... ._..$556.65... $443.35 00' $0 55.67% 00% 0 E 101-42400-103 Part-Time Employe $0.00 $0.00 . . E 101-42400-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $54.85 -$54.85 0.00% E 1 01-42400-1 1 3 Vacation Pay $0.00 $5,337.96 -$5,337.96 0.00% E 101-42400-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $4,711.41 -$4,711.41 0.00% E 101-42400-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $3,429.12 -$3,429.12 0.00% E 101-42400-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-42400-121 PERA $23,265.00 $6,796.79 $16,468.21 29.21% 00% 0 E 101-42400-122 FICA $0.00 $7,422.20 -$7,422.20 . 65% 55 E 101-42400-131 Employer Paid Heal $27,076.00 $15,068.83 $12,007.17 . . E 101-42400-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $733.44 -$733.44 0.00% E 101-42400-134 Employer Paid Life $808.00 $38.28 $769.72 4.74% E 101-42400-135 Employer Health Ca $5,021.00 $3,207.34 $1,813.66 63.88% E 101-42400-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 $2,090.70 -$2,090.70 0.00% E 101-42400-137 LTD $0.00 $493.49 -$493.49 0.00% E 101-42400-151 Worker's Comp Insu $1,270.00 $894.05 $375.95 70.40% E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $1,012.33 $987.67 50.62% E 101-42400-202 Duplicating and cop $3,000.00 $715.36 $2,284.64 23.85% E 101-42400-203 Printed Forms $500.00 $35.15 $464.85 7.03% 0 00% E 101-42400-210 Operating Supplies $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 63 $431 . 13.67% 101-42400-212 Motor Fuels $500.00 0 $68.37 25 $204 . $95.75 68.08% 101-42400-218 Clothing and Unifor $300. 0 . 0 $0 00 0.00% E 101-42400-220 Repair/Maint Supply E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs $0.00 $60,000.00 $0.0 $34,976.60 . $25,023.40 58.29% E 101-42400-305 Medical Services $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 50.00% 90% 29 E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection $130,000.00 $38,866.72 $91,133.28 . 76% 19 E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells $500.00 $98.79 4 $401.21 36 $467 . 53.26% E 101-42400-322 Postage $1,000.00 $532.6 00 $0 . $0.00 0.00% E 101-42400-328 EmploymentAdverti $0.00 . 00 $0 0.00% E 101-42400-331 Use of personal aut $0.00 $0.00 24 50 . 50 $775 48.30% E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publis $1,500.00 . $7 . 00% 73 E 101-42400-361 General Liability Ins $2,390.00 $1,744.73 $645.27 . 00% 0 E 101-42400-400 Repairs & Maintena $0.00 $49.54 -$49.54 . 00% 0 E 101-42400-404 MachinerylEquip Re $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 . 00% 0 E 101-42400-418 Other Rentals $500.00 $0.00 0 $500.00 00 $100 . 0.00% E 101-42400-430 Miscellaneous $100.00 $0.0 35 $3 . $96.65 3.35% E 101-42400-431 Meeting Expense i $100.00 00 $350 . $262.50 $87.50 75.00% pti E 101-42400-433 Dues and Subscr . 00 $500 $494.39 $5.61 98.88% E 101-42400-434 Conference & Traini . 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-42400-435 Books and Pamphle . 00 $0 $100.00 0.00% E 101-42400-438 Licenses and Taxes E 101-42400-440 OtherContractual S $100.00 $1,300.00 . $1,560.20 -$260.20 120.02% E 101-42400-500 Capital Outlay FA y~~~ _ _$0 00 m~~~W .$0.00 ~ ry.,m~ e$OAO ~ 0.00% Dept 42400 Planning & Inspection $431,051.00 $220,882.57 $210,168.43 51.24% • 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 13 -101- • 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-30604 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director f _ Date:...._ Augusfi 13, 2007 __ Re: 2008 Budget -Planning and Building Inspections Department • consideration: Respectfully, Staff offers the following supplemental comments regarding the proposed budget for the Planning and Building Inspection Department for 2008 for review and Code 200 -Office Supplies $400.00 is being requested to purchase a new chair for the CDD ofi'ice following the ergonomic training session held a few months ago. Council members are advised that the current chair was purchased "used" a few years ago and is not meeting current physical needs. $500.00 is being requested to purchase a current set of half-section maps from Hennepin County to replace the current office set which was purchased in approximately 1994. This amount represents 'h of the estimated cost with the remaining $500.00 being shared and included in the streets/water/sewer budgets. As the City Council may be aware, these maps are regularly used by several Departments including Planning, Public Works, Building Inspections and Parks in addition to our customers. Code 210 -Operating Supplies Code 500 -Capital Outlay $6000.00 is being requested to purchase hardware (scanner) and software from Laser Fiche to accommodate the conversion of our planning/building permit/packet information to an electronic retrievable format. This new system will ensure consistency with a Hennepin County mandate that requires that current building permit information is available electronically by a specified date and will also provide for an improved information management system for the P/BI Department. Council members are advised that this is the same system that is currently used by the City Clerk for maintenance of City records. -102- STREET 2005 • CODE ACTUAL 101 SALARIES, REG. 302,692 102 OVERTIME, REG. 11,834 121 PERA/FICA 38,197 131 HOSP./DENTAL 45,968 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 1,394 135 POST RETIREMENT 16,251 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 11,573 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,104 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 298 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 697 212 MOTOR FUELS 16,813 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS 5,144 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 2,074 • 221 EQUIP. PARTS & TIRES 19,800 223 BUILDING REPAIR 2,091 224 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS 68,259 226 SIGNS & STRIPING SUPP. 8,957 230 SHOP MATERIALS 8,339 232 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 193 236 CLEAR LANE SALT 0 237 DEICING SALT 0 238 CONCRETE SAND 0 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,281 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 268 321 TELEPHONE 13,985 322 POSTAGE 484 328 EMPLOYMNET ADVERTISING 937 . 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 103 101-43100 2006 2007 2008. 2008 ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 328,752 331,732 344,524 344,524 3.86% 14,065 12,000 16,000 16,000 33.33% 43,304 47,779 51,014 51,014 6.77% 55,542 76,753 76,939 76,939 0.24% 1,558 1,627 1,685 1,685 3.54% 17, 985 15, 668 19, 911 19, 911 27.08 17,212 18,550 20,404 20,404 10.00% 1,123 750 750 750 0.00% 384 400 400 400 0.00% 353 3,000 1,625 1,625 -45.83% 19,422 22,000 18,000 18,000 -18.18% 4,098 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 840 4,000 4,000 2,000 -50.00% 6,539 15,000 9,000 9,000 -40.00% 719 1,400 2,000 2,000 42.86% 59,576 50,000 22,000 22,000 -56.00% 9,609 11,000 15,000 15,000 36.36% 4,623 5,000 6,000 6,000 20.00% 0 500 500 500 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 27,479 5,000 9,000 9,000 80.00% 232 400 400 400 0.00% 10,856 11,000 10,000 10,000 -9.09% 779 100 500 500 400.00% 604 0 0 0 0 200 200 200 0.00% -103- 8/16/2007 STREET 101-43100 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 • CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 13,253 13,555 15,150 16,635 16,635 9.80% 381 ELECTRIC (ST. LIGHTS) 78,229 80,795 70,000 75,000 75,000 7.14% 383 GAS SERVICE 3,470 3,685 4,500 6,500 6,500 44.44% 384 GARBAGE 690 533 600 500 500 -16.67% __ 400 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 0 135 0 0 0 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 22,188 18,379 15,000 33,500 33,500 123.33% 418 RADIO CONTRACTS 284 222 500 500 500 0.00% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 310 60 50 200 200 433 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 223 346 100 350 350 250.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,725 1,005 750 1,500 1,500 100.00% 438- LICENSES & TAXES 294 229 0 400 400 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 11,668 6,627 15,000 10,000 10,000 -33.33% 455 PERMITS 10 6 260 260 260 0.00% • 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 480 613 500 500 500 0.00% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 219,168 162,728 128.000 3.835 3,835 -97.00% TOTAL 937.728 914.572 889.269 $12.532 810.532 _$.g5% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 718.560 751.844 761.269 808.697 806.697 5.97% i• -104- snsrzoo7 2008 STREET BUDGET • 101 Salaries 344,524 102. Overtime 16,000 Snowplowing, storm damage, catch basins, seal coating, sanding __ 103 Salaries: 121 FICA/PERA 51,014 131 Hospital/Dental 76,939 134 Life/Disability 1,685 135 Post Retirement 19,911 151 Workers' Compensation 20,404 • 200 Office Supplies 750 Envelopes, paper, pens, etc. 202 Copy Machine & Fee 400 Copies made at City Hall 210 Operating Supplies 1,625 Misc. tools, Marking paint, Cleaning Supplies, Light Bulbs, Paint Brushes, Flashlights, Batteries, Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Warning Lights, Lath, Water Cooler 212 Motor Fuels 18,000 13 Vehicles for diesel, 7 for Gas 218 Clothing & Uniforms 5,000 Rental Service Uniforms for 5 Men 220 Street Maintenance Supplies 2,000 Traffic Cones, Log Chains, Shovels, Rakes, Forks, • Blacktops Rakes, Street Brooms, Marking Tape and Paint Revised 8-14-2007 -105- L~ 221 Equ~ment Parts: Street Parts. butter Brooms, Tube Brooms, Broom far Trackless Sweeper, ~. Fitters, Bushings, Chain Sprockets, Belts, Dirt Shoe Runner, etc Truck Parts: Filters for Diesels and bas Trucks, Filters for Loader, Grade, Roller, Tanker, Vac-all, Plow B{odes, Curb Runners, _Cutting Edges, _ _. _.. Ptow Shoes. Wing Cutting Edges, Tires, etc. i• • 223 Building Repair 9,000 2, 000 224 Street Maintenance Material 22,000 Blacktop, ~ minus rock, Tnc Oil, Salt, Sand, Winter Mix, Rip- rap for storm sewers, ~ Clean, buckshot, landfill, Wnll Rock (Impacted by MSA allocation) 226 Signs & Striping Supplies Signs, Posts, Cap d~ Cross Sections, Striping crosswalks 5 Parking lots, Letter, Green Backing and Paint 230 Shop Materials Oil, Grease, Rags. Antifreeze 232 Landscape Material 236 Clear Lane Salt 237 Deicing Salt 238 Concrete Sand 300 Professional Services Engineering for Street Department 305 Medical Services Drug and Alcohol Testing 321 Telephone Phones for Public Works, Joyce,Vicki, Carlton 15,000 6,000 500 25,000 3,000 9,000 400 10,000 Revised &14-2007 -106- 322 Postage • 328 Employment Advertising 351 Legal Publications 361 General Liability Insurance I• i• 381 Electricity .Street Lights and Shop 383 Gas Service Public Works 384 Garbage Cans along Main Street 400 Repair and Maintenance 404. Auto Equipment Repair Repair to loader, sweepers, Vac-all, Transmission repair, Wheel alignment, Major engine work, Repair springs, Front-end work. 418 Radio Contract 800 System 430 Miscellaneous 433 Dues and Subscriptions 434 Conferences and Schools Sweeper School 500 200 16,635 __ 75,000 6,500 500 33,500 500 200 350 1,500 438 Licenses 400 440 Other Contractual Services 10,000 Sidewalk repair, Electrical repair of street lights, Safe-Assure 455 Permits 260 Revised 8-14-2007 -107- i• • Hennepin County Right-of-way Permits 460 Janitorial Services 500 CapitnlOutlay See capital outlay request sheet 620 Paying Agent Fees -108- 500 3,835 Revised 8-14-2007 i• ,, .r..., CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget ~., YTD Amt Balance Budget ~«~ Dept 43100 Streets E 101-43100-101 F T Empl Regular $331,732.00 $159,839.09 $171,892.91 48.18% 101-43100-102 F T Empl Overtime $12,000.00 $16,686.24 -$4,686.24 139.05% E 101-43100-103 Part-Time Employe $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-43100-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $6,238.30 -$6,238.30 0.00% E 101-43100-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $17,162.96 -$17,162.96 0.00% E 101-43100-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $9,222.97 -$9,222.97 0.00% E 101-43100-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $16,713.66 -$16,713.66 0.00% E 101-43100-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-43100-121 PERA $47,779.00 $14,799.83 $32,979.17 30.98% E 101-43100-122 FICA $0.00 $16,501.42 -$16,501.42 0.00% E 101-43100-131 Employer Paid Heal $76,753.00 $40,016.81 $36,736.19 52.14% E 101-43100-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $1,414.91 -$1,414.91 0.00% E 101-43100-134 Employer Paid Life $1,627.00 $85.33 $1,541.67 5.24% E 101-43100-135 Employer Health Ca $15,668.00 $6,979.04 $8,688.96 44.54% E 101-43100-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 $8,374.19 -$8,374.19 0.00% E 101-43100-137 LTD $0.00 $977.05 -$977.05 0.00% E 101-43100-151 Worker's Comp Insu $18,550.00 $13,055.74 $5,494.26 70.38% E 101-43100-200 Office Supplies $750.00 $576.49 $173.51 76.87% E 101-43100-202 Duplicating and cop $400.00 $99.36 $300.64 24.84% E 101-43100-203 Printed Forms $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-43100-208 Instructional Supplie $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies $3,000.00 $343.16 $2,656.84 11.44% 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels $22,000.00 $14,251.91 $7,748.09 64.78% E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Unifor $5,000.00 $2,230.36 $2,769.64 44.61% E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply $4,000.00 $636.62 $3,363.38 15.92% E 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts $15,000.00 $6,000.85 $8,999.15 40.01% E 101-43100-223 Building Repair Sup $1,400.00 $1,360.49 $39.51 97.18% E 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materia $50,000.00 $10,902.42 $39,097.58 21.80% E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Material $11,000.00 $9,019.35 $1,980.65 81.99% E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials $5,000.00 $4,705.83 $294.17 94.12% E 101-43100-232 Landscape Material $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 101-43100-236 Clear Lane Salt $0.00 $4,362.58 -$4,362.58 0.00% E 101-43100-237 Deicing Salt $0.00 $11,925.65 -$11,925.65 0.00% E 101-43100-238 Concrete Sand $0.00 $6,308.54 -$6,308.54 0.00% E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs $5,000.00 $9,638.89 -$4,638.89 192.78% E 101-43100-305 Medical Services $400.00 $130.00 $270.00 32.50% E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells $11,000.00 $6,522.20 $4,477.80 59.29% E 101-43100-322 Postage $100.00 $284.49 -$184.49 284.49% E 1 0 1-431 00-328 Employment Adverti $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publis $200.00 $33.43 $166.57 16.72% E 101-43100-361 General Liability Ins $15,150.00 $11,059.66 $4,090.34 73.00% E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities $70,000.00 $47,560.99 $22,439.01 67.94% E 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities $4,500.00 $2,976.94 $1,523.06 66.15% E 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $600.00 $330.65 $269.35 55.11% E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maintena $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Re $15,000.00 $7,987.03 $7,012.97 53.25% E 101-43100-418 Other Rentals $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous $50.00 $242.03 -$192.03 484.06% E 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscripti $100.00 $329.70 -$229.70 329.70% E 101-43100-434 Conference & Traini $750.00 $1,246.99 -$496.99 166.27% E 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes $0.00 $23.70 -$23.70 0.00% E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual S $15,000.00 $7,646.14 $7,353.86 50.97% 101-43100-455 Permits $260.00 $6.67 $253.33 2.57% 101-43100-460 Janitorial Services $500.00 $408.96 $91.04 81.79% E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA ~ $128,000.00 ~u~~ $129,559.55 -$1,559.55 tlveNWO 101.22% Dept 43100 Streets $889,269.00 $fi26,779.17 $262,489.83 70.48% -109- 08/1 6107 1 0:56 AM Page 14 i• MEMORANDUM TO: Carlton Moore FROM: Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent DATE:.... August 14,..2007... _ __ gE; Equipment Replacement - 2008 As requested, listed below is the justification for the purchase of the following in 2008 for Public Works. I am requesting replacement of the following: Streets: Cones and Barricades: Replacing stock for damaged and/or lost cones and barricades. • Water: Water Tester: Upgrade needed for newer technology Vehicle #185 - Peterbuilt Dump Truck. This vehicle will be 23 years old, and has high mileage. Recommend replacing with a new Dump Truck. Vehicle #193 -Chevy Step Van.-This van is 15 yeazs old and has high mileage. Recommend replacing with a 2008 Utility Van. Vehicle #190 -Chevy; 3/4 Ton Pickup -This vehicle was junked in April 2007. Recommend replacing this with a 1-ton 4x4 with plow Sewer: Camera Support Upgrade: Upgrade needed for new technology. Streets, Water & Sewer (1/3 cost charged to each department) Metal Break: Needed for fabricating of metal Pressure Washer: Replacement of small older unit. Required for washing heavy equipment • -110- i• .°~' H W ~ Z ~ ~ a O ~ u. O I I."" G. , V V o o 0 N 0 i• .~ ~~ goo a~ v a -a .__ > :~ o ~ c a a~ a ~ a d~' of °o o o ~ ~ V O O M ~ O t!~ 00 N e- ~r- r d L C ~N1 At D (J O O O OI t0[~ ~O!! 00 v~ I ~i d ~ d ~. .0 Q ... V r..i ~ ~ L _ th ~ , ~ =' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ` W N c N c °.' m ++ .,,!^^~ vI 0 0 0 O O M O to 00 ~O N r O O O +~p ~ M O ~ OD V M a~ L ~ d M Q N .~.. ~a ~~~ N d V ~ N Ri v o. ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tO CO C O O O O O O O O O O O O r O M ~ r er r r e- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C7 CO C O ~ 0 0 0 O O M 0 0 0 0 0 r O ~ c+~ et i C M ~' , M 3 ~ ~ N ^ C K d d 1- ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ 4 m _ M -- •n/ c~ 4 ~ ~... ~ M a L -~~~- PARKS • CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 102 OVERTIME, REG. 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 135 HEALTH CARE SAVING 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS • 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 221 EQUIPMENT PARTS 223 BUILDING REPAIRS 232 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY • 101-45200 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 155,188 156,696 197,410 203,687 203,687 3.18% 3,$27 2,549 10,000 15,000 15,000 50.00% 17,602 22,522 25,650 26,420 26,420 3.00% 22,325 23,946 33,582 37,035 37,035 10.28% 22,285 21,748 33,708 33,925 33,925 0.65% 768 803 1,013 1,077 1,077 6.38% 2,306 3,126 10,115 13,140 13,140 29.90% 4,256 6,008 6,480 7,122 7,122 9.91 1,463 1,400 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.00% 370 341 600 600 400 -33.33% 105 563 2,500 2,500 2,400 -4.00% 8,289 9,588 8,750 9,620 9,620 9.94% 1,829 3,256 2,660 2,660 2,660 0.00% 5,328 5,117 5,500 .5,500 5,300 -3.64% 3,264 782 6,000 6,000 4,500 -25.00% 2,603 2,141 3,080 3,080 3,080 0.00% 3,174 6,923 7,700 14,200 14,200 84.42% 220 0 3,000 1,000 1,000 -66.67% 152 906 1, 000 1, 000 500 -50.00% 2,918 3,408 4,000 4,000 3,900 -2.50% 191 216 700 700 400 -42.86% 777 52 400 200 200 -50.00% 643 0 100 .100 100 0.00% 2,990 3,062 3,420 3,758 3,758 9.89% 3,189 1,590 4,830 5,070 4,000 -17.18% -112- 8/16/2007 PARKS • CODE 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAIN. CONTRACTS 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 410 RENTALS 418 RADIO CONTRACTS 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSE 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV • 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 533 TREE REMOVAL 534 TREE PLANTING TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL • 101-45200 2005 2006 .2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED RE(,3UESTED PROPOSED 5,918 7,103 9,660 10,140 9,700 0.41% 2,845 3,149 6,440 7,740 6,500 0.93% 11,420 11,294 24,300 25,300 25,300 4.12% 3,391 2,689 6,580. 6,580 6,580 0.00% 6,422 4,053 5,740 9,680 9,680 68.64% 4,151 4,471 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.00% 0 0 500 500 500 0.00% 358 1,381 1,000 1,000. 1,000 0.00% 180 0 910 910 400 -56.04% 176 94 630 630 630 0.00% 0 415 3,010 3,410 3,410 13.29% 1,145 753 1,500 1,500 1,100 -26.67% 860 558 0 500 500 45,640 50,333 6,130 48,450 48,450 690.38% 35,824 26,752 20,000 27,000 27,000 35.00% 0 0 0 0 0 384.392 389.788 465.399 547.535 ~0 7 16.24% 302.928 312.703 ~,~ 472.085 465.525 5.98% -113- 8/16/2007 • August 16, 2007 PROPOSED PARKS 2008 BUDGET 45200 PROPOSED 101 Salaries, Reg.. Gino to figure 102 Overtime 15,000 103 Temp. Salaries 26,420 121 Fica/Pera Gino to figure 131 Hospital/Dental Gino to figure 134 Life Ins./Disability Gino to figure 140 Unempolyment 0 Gino to figure 151 Work Comp. Insur. 200 Office Supplies 1,300 202 Copy Machine & Fees 4 00 208 Instructional Supplies 0 210 Operating Supplies 2,400 Wood/Metal, Tools & misc. 212 Motor Fuels 9,620 218 Clothing & Uniforms 450 Park Super. Clothing Allowance 750 Boot Allowance 0 Jacket Allowance 1,000 Union Staff Clothing 450 Seasonal Staff Clothing 2,660 • 220 Repair & Maint. Supplies 300 5 Nuts/bolts, paint & etc. , 221 Equipment Parts i 4,500 r Playground equip. repa 223 Building Repair 3,080 Misc, Repair to Depot/IP Hall/Shop 3,080 232 Landscape Materials 500 Adopt Green Space 10,200 Beach Sand/Agri. Lime/Play Area 1,200 Mulch Streetscape 2,300 Greenway/Streetscape Plantings 14,200 300 Professional Services 1,000 Misc 1,000 305 Medical Services Drug Test/Physical Exam/Misc. 500 321 Telephone 900 3 4 Cell Phones & 2 Desk Phones , 322 Postage 400 328 Employment Advertising Summer Seasonal Employ Ad 200 351 Legal Publications Advertising Bids 100 -114- i• i• • PROPOSED PARK 2008 45200 Continued 361 Gen Liability Insur. Gino to figure 381 Electricity Elec. to Park Gar./Depot/Greenway 4,000 383 Gas Service Gas to Park Gar. & Depot 9,700 3$4 Garbage 1,500 Bags 5,000 Pick up service 6,500 400 Repair & Main. Contracts 1,300 Mound Bay in/out 500 Dock Theft 7,000 Swim beach spray 13,500 Park & Streetscape weed/fert. Spray 3,000 Lost Lake Weed Harvesting 25,300 404 Auto Repair Repair for vehicles 6,580 409 Other Equip. Repair 5,740 Repair for tractors/mowers 3,940 Bob Cat Tracks 9,680 410 Rentals Portable toilets for beach/skate park 5,500 418 Radio Contracts Two Hennepin County Phones Lease 500 430 Miscellaneous 500 Misc. 500 Lost Lake Dock Greenway LMCD Permit 1,000 431 Meeting Expense 400 433 Dues & Subscriptions Mn. Park & Rec., Nat. Park & Rec., Mn. Main. Super., Park Foundation 630 434 Conferences & Schools 600 Safe Assure 1,800 Fark Super. 300 Irrigation Training 300 Small Engine School 3,410 438 Licenses & Taxes Motor vehicle/trailer/tractor/misc. 1,100 440 Other Contractual Services 540 500 Capital Outlay 40,950 525 Other Improvements Electrical Upgrade Mound Bay Park 7,500 533 Tree Removal Trees on all city properties 27,000 -115- i• /, CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance ~ Budget Dept 45200 Parks E 101-45200-101 FT Empl Regular $197,410.00 $109,394.30 $88,015.70 55.41% E 101-45200-102 F T Empl Overtime $10,000.00 $6,053.04 $3,946.96 60.53% E 101-45200-103 Part-Time Employe $25,650.00 $19,193.00 $6,457.00 74.83% E 101-45200-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $2,391.81 -$2,391.81 0.00% E 101-45200-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $7,910.40 -$7,910.40 0.00% E 101-45200-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $5,692.09 -$5,692.09 0.00% E 1 01-45200-1 1 5 Sick Pay $0.00 $4,927.78 -$4,927.78 0.00% E 101-45200-116 Severance Pay $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-121 PERA $33,582.00 $7,918.82 $25,663.18 23.58% E 101-45200-122 FICA $0.00 $11,939.83 -$11,939.83 0.00% E 101-45200-131 Employer Paid Heal $33,708.00 $21,390.16 $12,317.84 63.46% E 101-45200-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $1,066.80 -$1,066.80 0.00% E 101-45200-134 Employer Paid Life $1,013.00 $55.68 $957.32 5.50% E 101-45200-135 Employer Health Ca $10,115.00 $4,286.04 $5,828.96 42.37% E 101-45200-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-137 LTD $0.00 $602.40 -$602.40 0.00% E 101-45200-140 Unemployment Co $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-151 Worker's Comp Insu $6,480.00 $4,560.93 $1,919.07 70.38% E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies $1,300.00 $553.42 $746.58 42.57% E 1 0 1-45200-202 Duplicating and cop $600.00 $175.28 $424.72 29.21% E 101-45200-203 Printed Forms $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies $2,500.00 $1,273.04 $1,226.96 50.92% 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels $8,750.00 $6,258.51 $2,491.49 71.53% E 101-45200-218 Clothing and Unifor $2,660.00 $1,651.32 $1,008.68 62.08% E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply $5,500.00 $3,450.38 $2,049.62 62.73% E 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts $6,000.00 $426.03 $5,573.97 7.10% E 101-45200-223 Building Repair Sup $3,080.00 -$49.38 $3,129.38 -1.60% E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material $7,700.00 $3,925.58 $3,774.42 50.98% E 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs $3,000.00 $2,863.00 $137.00 95.43% E 101-45200-305 Medical Services $1,000.00 $39.00 $961.00 3.90% E 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells $4,000.00 $1,880.79 $2,119.21 47.02% E 101-45200-322 Postage $700.00 $151.73 $548.27 21.68% E 101-45200-328 Employment Adverb $400.00 $1,022.88 -$622.88 255.72% E 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publis $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% E 101-45200-361 General Liability Ins $3,420.00 $2,496.64 $923.36 73.00% E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities $4,830.00 $319.68 $4,510.32 6.62% E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities $9,660.00 $4,951.85 $4,708.15 51.26% E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $6,440.00 $1,965.97 $4,474.03 30.53% E 101-45200-395 Gopher One-Call $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintena $24,300.00 $5,609.96 $18,690.04 23.09% E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Re $6,580.00 $508.90 $6,071.10 7.73% E 101-45200-409 Other Equipment R $5,740.00 $1,449.24 $4,290.76 25.25% E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $5,500.00 $2,776.37 $2,723.63 50.48% E 101-45200-418 Other Rentals $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 101-45200-430 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 $629.63 $370.37 62.96% E 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense $910.00 -$49.47 $959.47 -5.44% E 101-45200-433 Dues and Subscripti $630.00 $129.10 $500.90 20.49% E 101-45200-434 Conference & Traini $3,010.00 $252.27 $2,757.73 8.38% E 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes $1,500.00 $63.75 $1,436.25 4.25% E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual S $0.00 $759.64 -$759.64 0.00% E 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay FA $6,130.00 $5,287.51 $842.49 86.26% 101-45200-525 Other Capital Impro $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 101-45200-533 Tree Removal $20,000.00 $6,341.00 $13,659.00 31.71% 101-45200-534 Tree Planting ,.n $0.00 .._e....._.._.~..._ ,... $0.00 a ~...._y...W._ $0.00 ,~...w~,.,.,._~.~..,..-.._ ~ 0.00% ..~.....~ ..~...,....., Dept 45200 Parks . $465,398.00 $264,496.70 $200,901.30 56.83% -116- 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 16 • MEMORANDUM TO: Carlton Moore FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent DATE: August 16, 2007 RE: 2008 Line Item Requests CAPTIAL OUTLAY • Parks: 2008 1 /2 Ton 4X4 Pickup replaces 2000 Ford Ranger Pickup that has 113,000 miles. 2008 Push Mowers (2) replaces 2002 & 2003 John Deere Push Mowers that have 4 & 5 yeazs of commercial service. 2008 Zero Turn Mower replaces 2001 Toro Zero Turn Mower with 7 years of commercial use. All the above mechanical items have had a service use where weaz has shown the beginning of breakdowns and that limit reliability, pose a safety issue and point to future expensive repairs as the main components such as motors and drive trains will begin to fail. 2008 Walk Behind Snow Blower is a new piece of equipment that is needed to do snow removal on the Greenway floating wood pathway. This need is based on a requirement for a safe way to clear snow on the wood decking. To run a small tractor over an icy wood surface could easily lead to sliding off the deck which could injure the operator and damage the tractor. 2008 Water Fountain is for Weiland Park. • -117- Docks: 40 Wood Deck Sections to replaces 40 old deck sections at Edgewater (decking from 1997) and Devon (decking from 1998) Multiple Docks. Staff builds these decks at a savings to the Dock Program of approximately $100.00 per section. New Multiple Dock Complex is an item that is budgeted each year in anticipation of a request to install a multiple dock in an undetermined area to relieve congestion. Cemetery: 20 Tree Planting is in response to request from a few individuals to delineate the edge of the Cemetery. An old dilapidated chain link fence was removed to provide better appearance and not collect wind blown trash and leaves. City Hall: 60 Council Chamber Audience Chairs 10 City Council Conference Room Chairs City Council Chamber Audio Visual Upgrade is to replace an overhead projector with current technology to allow City Staff, General Public, Applicants and City Consultants to make presentations. • • LINE ITEMS 101-45200-525 $7,500 Electrical upgrade at Mound Bay Park. 101-45200-102 Overtime due to increased maintenance for Greenway, 5treetscape and weekend beach cleaning. 101-45200-232 Landscape Material needed to replenish mulch and plantings on Greenway and Streetscape. 101-45200-533 Tree removal cost figure is more in line with previous years 2005 and 2006 of $35,800 and $26,752. -118- ... m 0 U ca c 'ti ~ C D •~ N • • N -119- ~i i• PARK DEDICATION FEES CODE 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Note: 101-45000-34750 PARK DEDICATION FEES 101-24500 PARK DEDCN FEE FUND BAL 12/31 101-45220 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 0 0 15,000 0 0 -100.00% 0 0 45,000 0 0 -100.00% ~ Q 60.000 Q ~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Q 102.484 Q ~ -120- 8!16/2007 /, • CITY OF MDUND City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino Account Descr Dept 45220 Park Dedication Fees E 101-45220-300 Professional Sn/s E 101-45220-525 Other Capital Impro Dept 45220 Park Dedication Fees i• 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget ~~aaA~m~~„~s~ YTD Amt M ~ ~~~,ff Balance ~hr~n~,np~~ ~ Budget ~~~~, $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% $45,000.00 ~... "_, $0.00 ~ ., ' ..,,.....~....., ~. $45,000.00 ..._ .." ...~.... ,. 0.00% $60,000.00 $0.00 $ 60,000.00 0.00% 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 17 -121- • D Z /'~ }~/ ~G V • ~ ~ .~ C r+ N L o 0 v ~ a~ a . N i ~ .a o c ~ ~ a ~ 0 a N d ~ O ~ ~ d E- W ~ ~ W ~ -a L 0 I O ` O = it J ~ O a ~ V 1 - ~ a ° a U ~ 0 0 I I N t~l d ~~ ~ C ~ ~ d ~ Q. ~ D ~ 7 O In ~' -122- v ~`'~"- ~ ~~ , In February 2007, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGi) sent a survey on the use of park dedication to 110 Minnesota cities. A total of S6 cities returned surveys. 'This document summarizes the results of the 2007 Park Dedication Survey. The Survey is part of an ongoing effort by HKGi to understand the implications of statutory changes made in 2006 and to help cities define best practices for the use of park dedication. Later in 2007, we will be preparing a set of recommendations for park dedication regulations and the relationship to park planning. Use of Park Dedication Of the 56 cities that returned surveys, four of them do not currently require park dedication. The tabulation of results that follows relates to the 52 responding cities that use park dedication. Not every city applies park dedication tonon-residential development..Eight cities (15%) only require park dedication for residential development. Money from park dedication fees is used to both acquire land and to improve parks. Over 80% (42 cities) use park dedication revenues to develop new parks. Thirty-eight cities (73%) reported using funds for the improvement of existing parks. Most cities reported using revenues for multiple purposes. Only four cities use park dedication monies for a single purpose. The chart in Figure 1 shows the distribution of survey responses. Figure 1 Use ofMonies Collected From Park Dedication so az 40 - 37 38 30 zo zo 10 B o ........_ ....._._,......_. _..._ .............. ......_._~._.... __,___._~......, Park land Open space Development of Improvement of Other acquisition preservation new parks existing parks Many cities have not responded to the 2006 changes in the statute governing park dedication. Only 25% of the cities reported making amendments in its park dedication ordinance in response to the 2006 statutory changes. Among the statutory changes made in 2006 were the requirements to base a park dedication ordinance on an adopted "plan ;requirements to give consideration to private "parks" that are open to the public, a determination of need for the dedicated land, and limitations on collecting park dedication from the "resubdivision" of property. Response to 2006 Legislation Fee Adjustments Cities have worked to keep fees current. Almost half had adjusted fees in 2006 or 2007. The chart in Figure 2 shows the year of the most recent fee adjustment, the number of responses and the percent of survey responses. ®Q ~~ (c) 2007 Hoisington KoeglerGroup Inc. -123- • Cities use a variety of criteria as the basis far setting park dedication fees. The survey responses were: Rate of inflation - 11 Increase in property values - 17 Correlation to other cities - 17 . Relationship to CIP - 11 . Other - 10 The number of responses exceeds 52 because some cities reported using more than one criteria. Collection of Park Dedication The majority of cities (30 citiesl58%) collect park dedication in connection with the platting process. Nine cities {17%) collect park dedication fees through the building permit. Another nine cities responded that fees collected both platting and Figure 2 Year of ivlost7tecent Fee Adjustmen[ zoos Unknown ~y---~~~ i-- 15 12 - ~ .~ I 29% 23% ,~ ,f ~ 3 ~~ . . ~, ~~ .f; -:_; Prior to 2004 ! r~~ 9 __, 2006 17% 2004 ~ 10 0 2005 19% 0% 6 12% building permit. Residential Property The survey did not find a common approach for park dedication requirements. The responses suggest that approaches are tailored around the unique conditions in each city. The survey asked the city to select the response that matched the current park dedication requirements for residential property. The potential responses were: Cash or land equal to 10% of land value/area Cash or land equal to _% of land value/area (fill in percentage) Fixed rate per type of dwelling unit. Fixed rate per acre of land. $_/acre Other method of calculation The chart in Figure 3 summarizes the survey responses. The total number of responses is more than 52 because several surveys checked more than one method. Eleven cities reported using a land area/value ratio other than 10%. Five of these cities use a ratio between 5% and 8%. Two cities reported ratios between 11% and 16%. The other four cities did not indicate a specific ratio. Figure 3 Reported Requirements for Residential Property 19 t Other No response method 50 ao 30 zo to to tt to i 0 Cash or land Cash or land Ftxed rate Flxed rate equal to 10% equal to per type of per acre of ofland other%of dweliingunk land value/area land value/area Some of the other reported methods of determining park dedication for residential property include: 1 acre for every 75 residents. 1125th acre per unit. Per capita measure of city park system. Variable rate based on density. • ~~ Page 2 =124- i• i• 2% of plat area plus amount based on number of off-street parking spaces; Per capita adjusted for type of housing. 929 square feet per single family unit and 666 sf per multi-family unit. Table 1 lists the fixed fee cash dedication for residential property reported in the surveys. The average fee for single family homes is almost $2,600. For multi-family, the fee averages slightly less at $2,500/unit. Commercial-industrial Property As noted earlier, eight cities do not currently require park dedication for non-residential property The survey asked the city to select the response that matched the current park dedication requirements for commercial-industrial property. the potential requirements were: Cash or land equal to 10% of land value/area Cash or land equal to _% of land value/area (fill in percentage) Fixed rate per acre of land. $_/acre Other method of calculation. The chart in Figure 4 summarizes the survey responses. The surveys show a generally less complicated approach to park dedication for commercial and industrial property. 'Thirty cities base park dedication on a specific percent of land area or property value. Fo,~rteen of the seventeen cities that indicated a ratio Figure 4 Reported Requirements forCommercial-Industrial Property so ao - 30 zo i~ 13 73 10 9 i 0 Cash or land Cash or land Fixed rate per Other method No response equal to 1096 of equal to other acre of land land value/area % of land value/area ~ - Table 1 Fixed Fee Cash Dedication -Residential Property Single Family Duplex Townhouse Muhl-family Mobile Home $256 $256 $184 $184 $256 415 475 175 * 175 * 175 * 625 625 625 313 800 sao soo soo soo 1,000 1,000 1,000, 1,000 1,000 t,1oo 1,196 792 192 792 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,500 1500 1,500 750 750 500 1,soo 1,aoo z,oo6 1,soo 1,000 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,600 3,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,000 1,560 1,500 1,500 2,000 z,ooo 2,000 2,000 z,ooo 2,000 z,ooo 2,60o t,ooo z,ooo 2,000 2,375 2,375 2,375 2,375 2,475 2,475 2,475 2,475 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,230 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,308 3,258 3,458 3,212 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400, 3,400 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,355 3,810 5,800 5,000 3,800 3,800 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,300 5,400 4,700 4,900 3,250 m 5,550 *$1J5Poedroom Page 3 -125- i• i• other than 10% used a percentage of 3% fo 8%. Only Table one city reported a rate above 10% (11%). three cities Fxed Fee Cash Dedication - GommercialAndustrial Property did not list the rate. Commercial Industrial Other- Other- type amount Table 2 lists the fixed fee cash dedication for commercial-industrial property contained in the surveys. The overall average fee for commercial property is $10,500 per acre. If the two highest fees ($50,000 and $90,000} are removed, then the average fee drops to $4,900. For industrial property, the overall average is $6,700/acre. The average drops to almost $4,600/acre when the high fee ($50,000) is removed. Next. Steps Some survey respondents indicated interest in participating in a discussion forum on park dedication "best practices". HKGi plans to conduct this forum in this summer. Participants will be contacted via email with date and schedule for the forum. Participating Cities HKGi extends its sincere thanks to the following cities that participated in the 2007 Park Dedication Survey. Andover Apple Valley Arden Hills Bemidji Bloomington Brooklyn Center Buffalo Chanhassen Cloquet Cottage Grove Crystal Duluth Eagan East Bethel Eden Prairie Elk River Excelsior Faribault Forest Lake Fridley Grand Rapids Ham Lake Lakeville Little Canada Mankato Minneapolis Mound Mounds View North Branch Northfield Owatonna Plymouth Red Wing Robbinsdale Savage South St. Paul St. Michael St. Paul Wayzata Willmar Farmoreinformationaboutparkdedication,contadGregingraham(612.252.7132-gregC~hkgi.com)arRustyFifieid(612.252.7133-rusty~hkgl.com) Fee per acre S1,oo0 1,000 1,000 1,200 2,000 2,300 2,500 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,200 4,738 -5,100 b,400 6,615 7,000 7,058 1,500 1,800 11,000 12S0o 50,000 90,000 8,125 to 13,875 fee per 1,000 sf of building 705 1,737 Minnetonka New Brighton Orono Prior Lake Rosemount St. Anthony Stillwater Woodbury 51,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 NA 2,300 2,500 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,200 3,966 5,415 6,400 2,205 3,600 7,693 7,500 7,800 11,000 12,500 NA 50,000 410 437 Moorhead New Hope Otsego Ramsey Roseville St. Cloud Victoria Worthington Hotel 235 NA ®® Page 4 -126- NA NA NA PUD NA NA NA Publid institutional NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,200 2,000 Business park 85,000 • CODE i• • DOCKS 281-45210 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED REVENUE 34705 LMCD FEE 5,378 5,166 6,750 5,800 5,800 -14.07% 34715 PUBLIC LAND STRUCTURES PERMI 0 0 0 0 0 34725 DOCK PERMITS 118,493 111,633 108,573 115,500 115,500 6.38% 34735 MULTIPLE SLIP PERMITS 0 30,900 32,950 39,250 39,250 34745 WAIT LIST FEE 2,815 2,580 2,800 2,400 2,400 -14.29% 36200 OTHER 1,350 351 0 0 0 36210 INTEREST 6,551 11,043 4,500 4,500 4,500 0.00% 39101 SALES OF GENERAL FIXED ASSET: 0 2.225 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE 134.587 163.898 155.573 167.450 167.450 7.63% EXPENDITURES 101 SALARIES, REG. 13,429 16,784 16,469 18,841 18,841 14.40% 102 OVERTIME, REG. 500 500 500 500 500 0.00% 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 32,240 33,240 34,240 35,280 35,280 3.04% 121 PERA/FICA 4,290 4,760 4,966 5,534 5,534 11.44% 131 HOSP./DENTAL 244 1,875 2,121 2,120 2,120 -0.07% 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 26 37 40 42 42 5.85% 136 POST RETIREMENT 80 144 253 358 358 41.56% 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 1,335 1,163 1,250 1,379 1,379 10.31% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 422 250 600 600 600 0.00% 202 COPY MACHINE FEES 553 949 1,600 1,600 1,600 0.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,284 843 800 500 500 -37.50% 212 MOTOR FUELS 750 970 1,250 1,380 1,380 10.40% 220 REPAIR/MAINT. SUPPLIES 624 2,072 1,500 2,000 2,000 33.33% 223 BUILDING REPAIRS 380 610 440 .440 440 0.00% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 825 287 1,000 3,000 3,000 200.00% 301 AUDIT AND FINANCIAL 1,126 1,371 1,230 1,410 1,410 14.60% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 7,145 7,580 7,960 8,357 8,357 4.99% -127 - snsi2oo~ DOCKS • CODE 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE SERVICE 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSES 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS • 434 CONFERENCE & SCHOOL 439 LMCD FEES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 515 CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM RESERVE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 525 (RIP-RAP/DREDGING/STAIRS) 533 TREE REMOVAL TOTAL REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE -JANUARY 1 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TOTAL FUND BALANCE -JANUARY 1 FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TOTAL FUND BALANCE -DECEMBER 31 • 281-45210 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 423 644 750 750 750 0.00% 801 652 800 800 800 0.00% 34 35 150 150 150 0.00% 143 384 100 100 100 0.00% 1,773 1,804 2,020 5,913 5,913 192.74% 310 600 690 730 730 5.80% 1,250 1, 250 1, 380 1,450 1,450 .5.07% 500 630 920 970 970 5.43% 1,250 1,260 940 940 940 0.00% 690 840 820 1,380 1,380 68.29% 413 10 0 50 50 141 124 130 130 130 0.00% 90 90 90 90 90 0.00% 290 410 430 430 430 0.00% 5,813 5,799 7,090 7,000 7,000 -1.27% 11,740 11,322 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.00% 6,757 19,161 19,080 26,940 26,940 41.19% 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00% 3,520 19,662 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.00% 8.293 5 519 8.000 8.000 8.000 0.00% 110.484 143.631 195.609 215,164 215.164 10.00% 24,103 20,267 -40,031 -47,714 -47,714 19.19% 25,000 25,000 25,000 89.870 103, 406 103,406 124.067 148,170 114, 870 128.406 128.406 11.78% 0 0 0 74.839 80,692 80,692 -128- 7.82% 8!16!2007 LJ PROPOSED DOCKS 2008 BUDGET 4522.0 PROPOSED 101 Salaries, Reg. Gino to figure Secretary 1/5 = Street, Sewer, Water, Parks & Docks Park Super. 1/8 to Parks 102 Overtime 500 103 Salaries Temp. 18,750 Dock Admin. 5,390 Dock Inspector 11,140 Maintenance 35,280 121 Fica/Pera Gino to figure 131 Hospital/Dental Gino to figure 134 Life Ins./Disability Gino to figure 136 Post Retirement Gino to figure 151 Workers Comp. Insurance Gina to figure 200 Office Supplies Office Equipment 600 202 Copy Machine & Fees 1,600 210 Operating Supplies 500 Computer Program 500 212 Motor Fuels 1,380 220 Repair & Maint. Supplies Misc stair/dock repair/theft replacement 2,000 223 Building Repair 440 • 300 Professional Services 500 Encroachment removal 500 Dock Location Map 2000 Web Site 3,000 301 Audit & Financial Gino to figure 307 Admin/Computer Charge Gino to figure 321 Telephone 1 Cell 750 322 Postage 800 331 Use of Personal Auto 150 351 Legal Publications 100 361 General Liability Insur. 3700 Villa Docks Gino to figure 381 Electricity 730 383 Gas Service 1,450 384 Garbage Service 970 404 Auto Equipment Repair 940 409 Other Equip. Repair 1,380 430 Misc. 0 Admin. Asst. Uniform 50 431 Meeting Expenses 130 433 Dues & Subscriptions 90 434 Conference & School 430 439 LMCD Fees 6300 Dock Fees 700 Lost Lake Villa Multiple LMCD Fee .7,000 440 Other Contractual Services • Dock In10ut 16,000 July 31, 2007 -129- PROPOSED DOCK 2008 BUDGET 45210 CONTINUED 500 Capital Outlay 5,000 Dock Deck Replace 5,940 Farks C/0 Transfer 940 26 16,000 Multiple Slip Dock , 25,000 515 Capital Outlay Reserve 525 Other Improvements Rip Rap/Stairs/Docks/Dredge 20,000 Rip Rap 35,000 15,000 Dredge 533 Tree Removal Trees on all dock properties 8,000 • • -130- City of Mound ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino .~^.• • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 VTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 45210 Docks E 281-45210-101 F T Empl Regular $16,469.00 $3,337.35 $13,131.65 20.26% E 281-45210-102 F T Empt Overtime $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 281-45210-103 Part-Time Employe $34,240.00 $15,095.52 $19,144.48 44.09% E 281-45210-112 Comp Time Pay $0.00 $33.14 -$33.14 0.00% E 281-45210-113 Vacation Pay $0.00 $200.41 -$200.41 0.00% E 281-45210-114 Holiday Pay $0.00 $217.53 -$217.53 0.00% E 281-45210-115 Sick Pay $0.00 $108.75 -$108.75 0.00% E 281-45210-121 PERA $4,966.00 $1,261.25 $3,704.75 25.40% E 281-45210-122 FICA $0.00 $1,513.95 -$1,513.95 0.00% E 281-45210-131 Employer Paid Heal $2,121.00 $1,360.03 $760.97 64.12% E 281-45210-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $52.35 -$52.35 0.00% E 281-45210-134 Employer Paid Life $40.00 $2.75 $37.25 6.88% E 281-45210-135 Employer Health Ca $0.00 $151.07 -$151.07 0.00% E 281-45210-136 Post Retirement He $253.00 $0.00 $253.00 0.00% E 281-45210-137 LTD $0.00 $23.60 -$23.60 0.00% E 281-45210-151 Worker's Comp Insu $1,250.00 $879.61 $370.39 70.37% E 281-45210-200 Office Supplies $600.00 $349.14 $250.86 58.19% E 281-45210-202 Duplicating and cop $1,600.00 $272.26 $1,327.74 17.02% E 281-45210-210 Operating Supplies $800.00 $240.52 $559.48 30.07% E 281-45210-212 Motor Fuels $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 100.00% E 281-45210-220 Repair/Maint Supply $1,500.00 $1,348.55 $151.45 89.90% 281-45210-223 Building Repair Sup $440.00 $440.00 $0.00 100.00% 281-45210-300 Professional Srvs $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00% E 281-45210-301 Auditing and Acct'g $1,230.00 $1,052.21 $177.79 85.55% E 281-45210-307 AdmiNFinance/Com $7,960.00 $3,979.50 $3,980.50 49.99% E 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells $750.00 $275.13 $474.87 36.68% E 281-45210-322 Postage $800.00 $367.32 $432.68 45.92% E 281-45210-331 Use of personal aut $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 0.00% E 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publis $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% E 281-45210-361 General Liability Ins $2,020.00 $1,474.62 $545.38 73.00% E 281-45210-381 Electric Utilities $690.00 $690.00 $0.00 100.00% E 281-45210-383 Gas Utilities $1,380.00 $1,350.00 $30.00 97.83% E 281-45210-384 Refuse/Garbage Dis $920.00 $690.00 $230.00 75.00% E 281-45210-404 Machinery/Equip Re $940.00 $940.00 $0.00 100.00% E 281-45210-409 Other Equipment R $820.00 $820.00 $0.00 100.00% E 281-45210-430 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 281-45210-431 Meeting Expense $130.00 $130.00 $0.00 100.00% E 281-45210-433 Dues and Subscripti $90.00 $125.50 -$35.50 139.44% E 281-45210-434 Conference & Traini $430.00 $444.00 -$14.00 103.26% E 281-45210-439 LMCD $7,090.00 $4,603.00 $2,487.00 64.92% E 281-45210-440 Other Contractual S $16,000.00 $5,993.93 $10,006.07 37.46% E 281-45210-500 Capital Outlay FA $19,080.00 $3,283.15 $15,796.85 17.21% E 281-45210-515 Capital Outlay RES $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00% E 281-45210-525 Other Capital Impro $35,000.00 $15,633.00 $19,367.00 44.67% E 281-45210-533 Tree Removal w...e. $8,000.00 ...,w~..~,. ,.....~,,.,,.~ $2 905 00 ~..e...~., ..,...~..~,-..~. $5 095.00 .. .,. na m.~:.a.~ w.. 36.31% ....w~ Dept 45210 Docks $195 609.00 $72,894.14 $122 714.86 37.27% • 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 23 -131- City of Mound ', Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino • C1TY OF MOUND 2007 Account Descr 2007 Bud et 2007 YTD Amt 2007 YTD Balance % of Budget Dept 46300 Economic Development/HRA E 285-46300-300 Professional Srvs E 285-46300-430 Miscellaneous Dept 46300 Economic Development/H ~ ~ $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.59 ~, $45.59 ~ _ $0.00 -$45.59 _~... -$45.59 ~ _ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% • 08/16!07 10:56 AM Page 24 -132- Z ~0 • ~ O f- U • N F- N W d W ~a J 0 J a a U ao 0 0 N Q O N t N w 0 Q 1 1 N d .Q d ~ N c 0 Q i- v > :~ o c a ea a~ a~ d ~I N O p~ ~ U as 'a ~ d ~ ~ c+~ NI O VI N d 0 ~~ d 0 F• N ~` 4- -133- RECREATION-COMMUNITY SERVICES • CODE 500 SKATE PARK TOTAL i• 101-45000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 3.000 0 5.000 5.000 5.000 3.000 Q 5.000 ~.Q(~ ~.~ -134- 8/16/2007 i• July 6, 2007 PROPOSED RECREATION 2008 BUDGET 45000 PROPOSED 430 Recreation Program 0 440 Lifeguard Program 0 440 Music In The Park 0 440 Skate Park 5,000 i• • -135- City of Mound ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino •...~ CITY OF MOUND.. 2007 AccountDescr Budget Dept 45000 Recreation -Community Service E 101-45000-430 Miscellaneous $0.00 E 101-45000-440 Other Contractual S $0.00 E 101-45000-500 Capital Outlay FA $5,000.00 Dept 45000 Recreation - Community S $5,000.00 2007 YTD Amt $0.00 .$0.00 $1,927.53 $1,927.53 -136- 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 15 2007 2007 YTD % of Balance Budget $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $3,072.47 tl~,~wJN 38.55% ~' $3,072.47 38.55% • CODE 103 121 135 210 232 300 400 430 525 I• i• CEMETERY SALARIES, TEMP. PERAlFICA HEALTH CARE SAVING OPERATING SUPPLIES LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAIN. CONT. MISCELLANEOUS OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPTIAL EXF 101-45250 2005 2006 2007..... . .....2008.. _ 2008...... ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 5,640 5,840 6,020 6,230 6,230 3.49% 740 800 837 882 882 5.35% 90 120 181 249 249 37.98% 152 96 110 110 110 0.00% 0 5 500 500 500 0.00% 83 0 400 400 400 0.00% 936 936 2,200 2,200 2,200 0.00% 0 0 200 200 200 0.00% 0 0 0 23, 000 0 7.641 7.797 10.447 33.771 10,771 3.10% ~ 7.641 7,797 10,447 10,771 10.771 3.10% -137 - ai~si2oo7 i• July 16, 2007 PROBOSED CEMETERY 2008 gpDGE;T 45250 PROP08ED 103 Salaries, Temp. Paid to Park fund for service 6,230 121 PERA/Fica Gzrto to fa.gure 135 Health Care Saving Gino to figure 210 Operating Supplies Shovel/rake etc. 110 229 Landscape Materials Black dirt/Grass seed etc. 500 300 Professional Services Plot map update 400 400 Repair Maintenance Contract 1,000 Old marker repair. 1,200 Weed/fert. spray 2,200 430 Miscellaneous 200 525 Other improvements 4,000 Tree Plantings Along Cond. 22,840 Fence Along CoRd 4,000 or 22,840 • -138- City of Mound ~~ Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino ....~ • CITY ~F MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 45250 Cemetery E 101-45250-103 Part-Time Employe $6,020.00 $6,020.00 $0.00 100.00% E 101-45250-121 PERA $837.00 $837.00 $0.00 00 $0 100.00% 0.00% E 101-45250-122 FICA C $0.00 00 $181 $0.00 $181.00 . $0.00 100.00% a E 101-45250-135 Employer Health i . 00 $110 $0.00 $110.00 0.00% es E 101-45250-210 Operating Suppl . 00 $500 $479.25 $20.75 95.85% E 101-45250-229 Street Repairs . 00 $400 $0.00 $400.00 0.00% E 101-45250-300 Professional Srvs . 00 200 $2 $936.00 $1,264.00 42.55% E 101-45250-400 Repairs & Maintena . , $200 00 $103.55 $96.45 51.78% E 101-45250-430 Miscellaneous ~ n ~ _ ~~ ~ Dept 45250 Cemetery $10,448.00 $8,556.80 $1,891.20 81.90% 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 18 -139- i• ,O • ~ LL 0 E- U N c~ W w O J a a v 0 0 N `~N J"' O .. '~ ~~ ~oo ~~~ a vl i• >+ r.+ .O C .a ~ ~ d ~ ~ N d o ~. a~ Q 'a d _ o a E°- t~l ~~ o ~ ~+ OI D -140- CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS • CODE 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 321 TELEPHONE 322 POSTAGE 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 401 BUILDING REPAIR 430 MISCELLANEOUS • 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 600 COPY/MAILING MACHINE LOAN TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP • 101-41910 2005 2006 2007 2008 _ _.2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 0 0 100 100 100 0.00% 1,495 1,158 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 4,034 1,116 2,600 2,000 2,000 -23.08% 128 133 300 150 150 -50.00% 13,697 12,648 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 300 320 350 350 350 0.00% 891 911 1,020 1,118 1,118 9.63% 13,010 14,165 14,000 14,500 14,500 3.57% 10,694 10,637 14,000 12,000 12,000 -14.29% 1,313 1,582 1,400 1,500 1,500 7.14% 5,957 4,241 13,000 7,000 7,000 -46.15% 10,575 12,857 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 0 225 0 0 0 8,381 7,615 8,500 8,500 8,500 0.00% 16,432 19,993 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 4,447 18,421 0 19,360 11,060 6,839 3.347 0 0 0 98.193 109.369 106.770 ]8.078 109.778 2.82% 86.907 87.601 106.770 98.718 98.718 -7.54% -141- si~si2oo~ City Property and Bldgs - 41910 2008 Budget cct. # Budgeted for 200 Office Supplies 210 Misc Parts 220 Light Bulbs, Misc 300 Security, Monitoring, Web Page, Inet7 321 Telephone City Hall, Voice Mait 322 Misc. Postage- Mailing Machine 361 General Liability 381 Xcel Energy 383 CenterPoint 384 Garbage Pickup 400 Carpet Cleaning, Copier Maint., Postage Meter Maint. Window Cleaning, Weed Control, A/C Repairs • 401 Heatin /Air, Security, Cabling, Etc. 9 440 Rug Cleaning, Elevator Srvs 460 Mats, Janitorial 500 Capital Outlay -Chairs -Council Chamber Total • Gino 08/16/2007 Budget 08 Amount 100 1,500 2,000 150 15,000 350 1,118 14,500 12,000 1,500 7,000 15,000 8,500 20,000 11,060 109,778 -142 - 8/16/2007 City of Mound ', Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino •... • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget .~~w YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 41910 City Hall Building & Srvs 00 $100 $28.62 $71.38 28.62% E 101-41910-200 Office Supplies E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies . $1,500.00 $406.21 $1,093.79 27.08% E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply $2,600.00 $1,353.27 $1,246.73 52.05% 00% 0 E 101-41910-300 Professional Srvs $300.00 00 $0.00 89 085 $7 $300.00 914.11 $7 . 47.24% E 101-41910-321 Telephone & Cells $15,000. 0 . , 00 $0 , $350.00 0.00% E 101-41910-322 Postage E 101-41910-361 General Liability Ins $350.0 $1,020.00 . $744.61 $275.39 73.00% E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities $14,000.00 $6,836.04 40 $7,163.96 60 529 $6 48.83% 53.36% E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities Di $14,000.00 00 400 $1 $7,470. $956.43 . , $443.57 68.32% s E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maintena . , $13,000.00 $1,324.00 $11,676.00 10.18% E 101-41910-401 Building Repairs $15,000.00 $2,259.96 $12,740.04 15.07% 00% 0 E 101-41910-430 Miscellaneous l S $0.00 00 500 $8 $76.66 832.94 $8 -$76.66 -$332.94 . 103.92% E 101-41910-440 Other Contractua i . , 00 000 $20 , 408.91 $12 $7,591.09 62.04% ces E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Serv . , 00 500 $5 , $0.00 $5,500.00 0.00% E 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay FA . , 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41910-600 Debt Srv Principal . 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41910-611 Bond Interest . ,-~ ~ '~~-~.. ^ ~ ~_~~..F ~. p ty g De t 41910 Ci Hall Buildin & Srvs $112,270.00 .94 $49 783 $62,486.06 44.34% • • 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 8 -143- •; Z '°~ • U. ~' I- • N H N W ~' J H Q. a 0 0 N ~0 ~V c '~ ~ ~, ~ ~ N Q {~ V a o ~. ~ ad a d ~.+ r O ~ ~ C~ ~ 0' ~~ d *, C ~ ~. C ~ O NI O U A d .~ .Q N t~~ N' d t -144- PARKING DECK MAINTENANCE • CODE 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 223 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 401 BUILDING REPAIR 430 MISCELLANEOUS 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. • 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP r~ 285-46388 2005 2006 2007 2008 .2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED p p p 100 100 0 p p 200 200 p p p 2,000 2,000 0 p p 500 500 p p p 2,500 2,500 0 p p p 0 p p p 6,000 6,000 0 p p p 0 0 p p 500 500 p p p 2,000 2,000 0 p p 2,000 2,000 0 p p 1,000 1,000 0 0 p 5,500 5,500 p 0 p 0 0 p 0 35.000 35.000 Q g ~ 57.300 0 p p 22.300 22.300 -145- 8!16/2007 • • • ~POB~ DECK 2008 BUDGET 46388 pgppOSED 101 Salaries, Reg. 102 Overtime 103 Temp. Salaries 121 Fica/Pera 131 Hospital/Dental 134 Life Ins./Disability 140 Unempolyment 151 Work Comp. Insur. 200 Office Supplies 202 Copy Machine & Fees 208 Instructional Supplies 210 Operating Supplies Wood/Metal, Tools & misc. 212 Motor Fuels 220 Repair & Maint. Supplies 221 Equipment Parts 223 Building Repair 232 Landscape Materials 300 Professional Service. 321 Telephone 381 Electricity 384 Garbage 400 Repair & Maintenance 401 Building Repair 430 Miscellaneous 440 Other Contractual Serv. 3,000 Pressure Wash 2,000 Elevator Maint. 500 Capital Outlay 35,000 Sweeper Gino to figure 0 0 Gino to figrure Gino to figure Gino to figure D Gino to figure 100 0 0 200 0 500 0 2,000 0 2, 500 0 6,000 500 2,000 2, 000 1, 000 5,500 35,000 -146- Ju7.y 31 , 2007 i• 1• • COUNCIL CODE 103 SALARIES, COUNCIL 121 FICA/PERA 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 322 POSTAGE 350 PRINTING 351 LEGAL PUBLICATION 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSE 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SRVS TOTAL 101-41110 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 16,000 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 0.00% 1,224 1,263 1,260 1,260 1,260 0.00% 97 gg 9Q 101 101 12.44% 986 592 450 .600 600 33.33% 3,527 3,115 3,500 3,200 3,200 -8.57% 0 36 500 100 100 -80.00% 0 6,301 8,500 500 500 -94.12% 3,363 3,674 2,820 3,700 3,700 31.21% 5,136 4,823 4,780 5,000 5,000 4.60% 2,466 2,012 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.00% 6,885 6,751 6,990 7,678 7,678 9.84% 3,946 2,574 3,700 3,700 3,700 0.00% 790 862 500 900 900 80.00% 31,982 30,090 32,000 33,390 33,390 4.34% 770 11 500 .500 500 0.00% 0 81 0 0 0 77.172 ].771 84.590 79.629 79.629 -5.87% -147- 8/16/2007 COUNCI CODE 103 SALARIES, COUNCIL • Mayor $5,000 Four Council Members $3,500 each 121 FICA/PERA Social Security/Medicare 151 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE Gino Paid to L of Cities 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Binders, Cassettes, Paper, Etc. 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES Xerox Copies 210 .OPERATING SUPPLIES Plates, Water, Frames, Drop Cloths, Water, Stamps, PC small items 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Taping, Legal, Goal Setting Meetings City Code Recodification: $0 322 POSTAGE Mailing Newsletter, Etc. 350 PRINTING City Contact Jessen Press 351 LEGAL PUBLICATION Ordinances, Etc. The Laker 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. Gino • Gen Liab Share and Open Meeting Law 430 MISCELLANEOUS Cookies, Portrait, Flowers, Clocks, Others Employees Appreciation $1,500 Commissions Recognition $800 and Gifts $? 431 MEETING EXPENSE Misc Meetings, Coffee, Cups, Etc. 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS L of C: $8,800 LMCD: $23,640 Suburban Rate Authority: $900 Westonka Historical Society: $50 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS Mayor, Council Members, Advance Training TOTAL • 101-41110 2008 REQUESTED 16,500 1,260 101 600 3,200 100 500 3,700 5,000 2,500 7,678 3,700 900 33,390 500 79.629 -148- City of Mound /, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino ...- • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr ~ Bud et 9 YTD Amt _ :_~-~~ Balance „~,,~~,yz, Budget ~~,,~,~.~ Council Dept 41110 E 101-41110-103 Part-Time Employe $16,500.00 $11,000.00 $5,500.00 66.67% E 101-411 TO-122 FICA $1,260.00 $841.68 $418.32 66.80% E 101-41110-151 Worker's Comp insu $90.00 $63.25 $26.75 70.28% E 1 0 1-41 1 1 0-200 Office Supplies $450.00 $234.46 $215.54 52.10% E 1 01-41 1 1 0-202 Duplicating and cop $3,500.00 $1,384.04 $2,115.96 39.54% E 101-41110-210 Operating Supplies $500.00 $52.09 $447.91 10.42% E 101-41110-300 Professional Srvs $8,500.00 $0.00 $8,500.00 0.00% E 101-41110-322 Postage $2,820.00 $2;580.33 $239.67 91.50% E 101-41110-350 Printing $4,780.00 $3,179.56 $1,600.44 66.52% E 1 01-41 1 1 0-351 Legal Notices Publis $2,500.00 $358.20 $2,141.80 14.33% E 101-41110-361 General Liability lns $6,990.00 $5,595.77 $1,394.23 80.05% E 1 01-41 1 1 0-430 Miscellaneous $3,700.00 $1,086.71 $2,613.29 29.37% E 101-41110-431 Meeting Expense $500.00 $271.38 $228.62 54.28% E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscripti $32,000.00 $12,719.50 $19,280.50 39.75% E 101-41110-434 Conference & Traini $500.00 $620.00 -$120.00 124.00% E 101-41110-438 Licenses and Taxes $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 00% 0 E 101-41110-440 Other Contractual S ~. ~ $0.00 ~m _ _ .,~-.~, m R $0.00 _, $0• .~,~mo ..,...~e..r.. ,~ 00 . gra 0..,,,, Dept 41110 Council $84,590.00 $39,986.97 $44,603.03 47.27% • 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 1 -149- ~fl I t ~ ~~~• ~~ NIINNFT~ v '; ,'. ,. M: 9 • ~ `` LAKE MINNETONKA• CONSER'VATI;ON DISTRICT .• , . _ ~` ~w save:lxE~aK¢ 'y 18338 MINNETONKA-BLVD. • DEEPHAVEN, MINNESOTA,55391•~.TELEPHONE 9$2%745 0789•• FAX 952/745-9065 ".' Gregory S Nyb~ck, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~ s h '~~~ATION n~` ~' BDARD'MEMBER$:_ ,. , _ , . 'Tom Skramstad, Chair June 28, 2007 Shorewood ~ Katy Van Hercke, Vice Chair' • . , , _ . Minnetonka Tom Scanlon; Secretary • Spring Park, , Tom Seuntjene, Treasurer Tp: LMCD Member Cities- City. Administrators . Minneionka Beach GeneAjistatt . LMCD Board of'Directors . Greenwood.. Doug Babcock .. ronkaaay • FROM: ~ Greg Nybeck, Executive: Director.- - Mary_Bader Wayzata David Gross. SUBJECT:. Adopted 2008 LMCa. Budget.. ' : . Leigh•Harrod Lake Minnetonka Conservation. Distract: f the 200$ ~ Excelsior` steveJohnson = o EnclQsed.is a copy LMCD Bud et, which.was~recently adopted and certified by,the ( ) g Mound Andrew McQermott nl Orono •. ;. LMCD.Board of: Directors -Minnesota •State Statute ~ 036.635, Subd before •July 1 of each year, to ' d Pete Nelson: • ` Victoria , on,or .^9 requires th.e LMCD ;Boar submit a detailed budget of the, L(VICD's needs for the .... prepare and e .Herb Suerih` a •~ ' ' i . . governing body of,each mianicipaUty In; th calendar year.to 'the 'next ar, od ~haten . ; , ~,LMC.D with a statement of the• proporton~of the, budget to be provided. nnetrista ' ',, : by each municipality: _ .. ;Per enabling legislation; the, maximum levy the.; LMCD~colald forward to 086.E We.are, pleased to• forward an ;$504, , its memfjer cities in 2007 is ~ • , ' apprQVed "2008 LMCD l3ucget that is:'vvell below the,;maximum levy at /o increase. compared tq 20Q7. $ , )• 241`; :Thislevy is, a.5.8°, (300 820, $318 ' , .. •. , the addition ofi The primary contributing factor to this Increased levy is . , tinne position o~LMCD s#aff to more ~proactlvely;,educate anal ;;: '/2 a . ; enforce LMCD; Code at residentialsites on Lake Minnetonka. ' ur city. has any comments about the: adopted 2Q0$ LMCD; Budget, ; : If yo • - , . ~• please let me know • We are glad ao d,iseuss this ftlrthet.and are uired ~y state stafute to schedule a p.ublie..heanng on Phis matter, if , re ~ ~ q . -, ~ requested.: ~ :. • ~ . . . ~ a the~LMCD Board of Directors, I vvouldaike to thank~all•'l4- . On behalf of , for their: continued participation a,nd.support of LMCD. member cities . activities;. Please. feel frtreao~contact:a'ne. atthe LMCD office if related ' : ., - ; - , . you have questions or concerns: My a-mail ;address Is ' gnyb~eckCa~lmcd.org.:. ~s ~,~ _. ~ , •. • ' Web Page Address: http://www.lmcd org ` 5o%Recyc~edcontent- 20% Post.Consumet Weste , . . ~ ~ E-.mall Address: lmcd.~lmcd:org • • . - -150- ~ i• ~• CITY OF MOUND LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DLSTRICT YEAR ANNUAL DUES 2002 $18,791.76 2003 $19,793.20 5.33% 2004 $19.,940.00 0.74% 2005 $21,013.00 5.38% 2006 $22,024.00 4.81 2007 $23,639.00 7.33% 2008 $24,548.00 3.85% • . -151- V ~`'~. "~.• • • V 41~ ~_ Q J Z Waw Z W ~. O Q = Q Z ~ W N Z Y J 0) ~ W O O ~ N o V C ` ,. C ~ ti O J N d ~ V O O` C F- y- +~ ~ O ~"' N p C n, y ~ J N O O O ~"' N w O C V t6 0) sJ ~-~o 0 s '~ c N ~ ._ W O ~~ O) -~ o ~' _C N to . .C ~ C N Q - c ~ o o ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 M CO M 00 N f~ O M r t0 M ti 00 M 0C1 O N ti O M Ch CM ~ CD O) CO N N CA ~t r O CA M CA d' CO ~ d' O r O 01 N COO (MO ~ 0d_ M C~O ~ ~ ~ ti tD (~ N Nt,~ ER EH b4 M 6F} r fR N CA to ~ 64 ~ ~ ~ ~' M f~ to d' t0 O O) to M CA M O O M CO N O O O~ M d' O M N Cfy I~ V' -~ M N r r f~ CO tf> r CO f~ d_ Cn f~ O 1~ Cf> O to d~ M N O~ 0 (~' M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6N9 ~ ~ ER di EA ~ ~ ~ 0 O to N N oNO O O <l' ~ ~ Q1 ~!' 00 t~ OD 00 00 N M CA Ct~ CA M ~ Cp M ~! ~ N O •d' CD M M CO CD ~! CA t0 tD C[7 'dam ~ M O M M r O ~ N r t~ tL1 M 1(1 CO d' <n r Cl! O CA C19 L{7 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 6N9 ~ 6f- ~ EA !A ~ ~ M CA t0 M O ~ '~t 0 N r 00 N O 01 M CC) N CO O fit' CA M O r O) O M 1~ d' r 0 M t1 M M O M Ln N ~ Cfl ~ ~: to r r r~~~ M~ r N ~' 00 r ti ~' r O N V O CO N CO h N O O ~ M ti er r M O N M CO M O O) N N O N N N O CO Cn M ~? O t17 r~ a0 `7 O 00 r M ~f' f~ r N 6~9 ~ ~ 69 d' ER N r ~ N CA ~ d4 FR EPr 6f3 fA ER ifl CA D N d' N tai x~ ~ 0 0 0 \° 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 OZ .di O M M O M O O O N M M r M 0 d ~ O ~ r r ~ r CO ~ ~ 1~ r CV d' 00 ~- Z U ? 0 k ~ M E 0 ~0 000 fM0 O ~ r N n f~ m O o r ~ CA M M C O ti 0 0 M 0 `Q~ M ~ 0 0 0 r O r ~t ~ ,~ y~ M ~ I~ r h N to CA O CO N M M ~ 00 00 O d N r aM- ~ ~ CO I~ ti ~ r ~ CO ~ M ~ r ~ N h N M N 00 CO N ~ CA CO r 0 r r N r r O V N ~~ O 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 (O 0 0 I~ 0 0 O ~ O M O ~ O CD CD Oi f~• N tY) CA Cn .- O CD I~ tp ti 1~ r7 Gi O a0 ` % ; O ^ ~ r O M O 00 CA CA to CA M r r Imo- r I` f~ 00 M M 1n 0 CA 7 M O i- m oo r ui of o of v' ~ O of ao N ri ~ oo ~ ~ rn O` O M M t' N ~ M O D ~ u i o i u 1 N O~ N r 00 r r N r r M M 01 r ~ 00 to O O ti ~ ~ ~ 000 - C N to CA N O r ~!'1 M M O r t1' N O y O M t~ M O M to 'd_ I~ tf1 O r cl' r '++ '~ M nj r d' Cn ~f~ f~ r r el' V' m ~ v~ °o ~ N p tom/! aW O O O r CA O M N O 0 0 O 0 M N I M 0 N rn :.: N N O O t 0) 7 N .~c co N ro :9 ~_ M M m M O 0) a Z N a a~ J E m o x a o~ c > D~ p w~ ~ °' m a EQ- g x J Z W m¢ W Z Z~ Z Y O ~ ~ W V~~ Y z O~~ a 0 ~? "• O v oWo-152-_~ou~~nt->3~ d a O .y-~ C 0 E l9 C m 0 N C .~+ N C U m m a v 0 Y .~-. a~ C c_ 0 U L ~"' w 0 L 0 ~E N c m 0 E N a m E .~ c M ao M O N .~. m z a O ~E r m m U N m z Y C C .~ m a m U H N Z O H 0) a l0 U N Z U N m v 0r a tll C O E 0s Cif c .~ .~ d N •O O a :~ rn c .~ E ~ ~ ~ et m O ~ T N N ~~ N 'a M a~ m rn U ~ E ~' N '~ Z ~ n~0"~ U o ' ~ca _ ns N ~ X Z N N ~~„ N ... (- Z C;ero. poMOtirg oaaoonance To: Mayors & Administrators From: Marvin Johnson, President Date: June 5, 2007 Re: 2008 Dues Information League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Avenue West, St Paul, M N 55103-2044 (651} 281-1200 • (800) 925-1122 Fax: (651) 281-1299 • TDD: (651) 281-1290 www.lmnc.org At its May 17th meeting, the League Board of Directors voted to set a maximum dues schedule increase of 3.75 percent for the 2008 fiscal year beginning September 1, 2007. The actual amount will be determined at the Board's August meeting when it will adopt'the budget for the coming fiscal year. This preliminary action was taken to comply with the League's Constitutional requirement that members receive at least 60 days notice of intended dues increases.. Over the past ten years, annual dues schedule increases have averaged 3 percent. A 3.75 percent dues increase should provide the resources to maintain a high level of member services and to allow for a prudent budgeted operating contingency. This level of dues increase also anticipates additional resources dedicated to the' League's web site, which will be unveiled this fall. It will be a significantly improved resource for member cities. In addition, the proposed budget will reflect a new position to provide enhanced public relations assistance to cities, a Board priority. The Board takes its responsibility to prudently manage the League's assets very seriously. It also recognizes that reliance on League services continues to grow even as city budgets remain tight, and that it is important to ensure these services can be provided in a way that meets our members' high expectations and needs. The Board will do its best to balance these goals when it makes a decision on the exact dues increase in August. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I want to thank you for your continued support of the League. As always, we would welcome any comments you have about how League services might be made even better or about the proposed dues increase. Feel free to contact Jim Miller, Executive Director at 651-281-1205 or ~miller~a lmnc.or~ with any questions or comments. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -153- PROMOTIONS • CODE 430 SENIOR CENTER 430 PROMOTIONAL EVENTS 430 FESTIVAL TOTAL 1• • 101-41115 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 3,750 3,750 4,000 6,700 6,700 67.50% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.500 1.500 1, 500 1.500 0.00% -154- c c Q $~ ~QQ 49.09% snsizoo7 Promotions 2008 REQUESTED CODE 6,700 • 430 SENIOR CENTER 0 430 PROMOTIONAL EVENTS 1,500 430 .FESTIVAL TOTAL ~~ • • -155- I, ..~. • CITY OF MOUND AccountDescr Dept 41115 Promotions E 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous Dept 41115 Promotions City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 2 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget $5,500.00 $5,500.00 ,$0.00 P100.00%° .......~..~.,,..w $5,500.00 k..-..._.e-~A,$5,500.00 $0.00 100.00% -156- SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 10709 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 111, Minnetonka, IVrIV 55305-1529 Phone: (952) 541-1019 FAX: (952) 541-0841 Website: www.seniorcommunity.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 10, 2007 David F. Fisher President sharon Burnham Mayor Mark Hams and City Council Members 1st Vice President City of Mound Marvin Johnson 5341 Maywood Road 2nd Vice President Mound, MN 55364 John Lawson Treasurer Cheryl Fischer Dear Mayor Hanus and Council Members: Secretary Gloria Johnson On behalf of the elders who utilize the Gillespie Senior/Community Member-at-Large Center our, sincere. hanks for your support: Last year-the Cex~ter.aerved James Crist 2;560 lOCa.T area residents (most over the age of'75) offering a wide variety Member-at-Large of programs assisting residents of your community to remain independent Jonn Gray and as active as possible. For many the Center serves as the principal Marty Guritz point of access to needed services and information. Activities include Bonnie Hammel health & wellness opportunities (health screenings, physical exercise Sandy Hewitt Aiko Higuchi classes), counseling groups, congregate dining anal Meals-on-Whee s, tax Mike Holtz and energy assistance, recreational groups, a wide range of cultural and • Ron Klecker educational activities, many volunteer opportunities and transportation. Laurie Lafontaine The transportation service allows those people who no longer drive to Woody Love continue to grocery shop on their own and do personal errands without Jeanette Metz having to depend on others. Over 20,000 rides were provided in 2006. Dr. Chinyere (Ike) Njaka senator Gen Olson We are requesting $6,700 in calendar year 2008 from the City of Mound Keith Stuessi Eugene Winstead for staffing and program expenses. I am aware that a request is~ forthcoming from the Gillespie Center Board regarding support of the Benjamin F. Withhart Center but I want to get some request amount in at this time as cities work Executive ~ireotor & c.E.o. on budgets. Our first choice would be for the City to support the Gillespie Board request. The City will agree the Gillespie Center continues to be a PROGRAMS valuable asset to the citizens of the community and deserving of your . supporting Positive Aging support. We would be very willing to meet with the City Council * Transportation (workshop or regular meeting) to discuss our request. If there are * Community Senior Centers questions or snore information is needed please call me at (952) 541-1019. • Caregiver Support Services * Senior Outreach S1nC rel y~~~ ~ ~ • Frail Elder Support Services , ._~._.~,y * H.O. M.E. '..y ..c,.~,a.wj,` * Senior Oufreach r` t B zjamin F. Witl~liart Executive Director A Founding Member of Eldercare Partners • cc: Kandis Hanson, City Administrator 1(~~ A United Way Agency -157- • June 26, 2007 To: Honorable~Mound Mayor Mark Hams and City Council Members Mike Specht, John Besse, David 4smek, Greg Skinner From:, The Gillespie Center' Board of Directors' Harold'Pellett; Jim Lundberg; Skip. Johnson, Roger Reed, Ben Withhart; and Advisory. Council Member Donna Smith RE: The Gillespie Center Funding Requeat The Gillespie~Center serves the needs of the.people'of all ages from many Westonka cities. It~is a community center as well as a senior centez Seven years-ago through the extreme generosity of the Gillespie family, service organizations, ptivate.:donors, businesses, and. some Federal block grant funding - a sturdy massive structure was built in a magnificent setting ovei~loo eking Lost Lake in Mound, Most cities in Minnesota build and maintain their commwaity centers. Here The Gillespie Center. is a. gift from the • citizens of the VJestonka area. Maintains-ng the Center, however, is expensive; aad we're here tonight to ask for your help with operating. expenses. Our goal is to continue to build our endowment through continued fundraising; so that~in ten years we will be financially independent:. We feel we must also expand ~aur hours to evenings and week ends with many more opportunities for members of all ages~to participate in classes, events, programs and.trips, Each day now is filed with activities including a senior dining program. WeCan delivers Meals-on-Wheels from the Center which are provided by Volunteers of America. In the past year, there have been many intergenerational events involving students from azea_ schools. Room rentals for seminars, celebrations, and special events aze increasing. Recently our funding committee held a meeting at The Gillespie Center. We invited mayors 'and city council members from the cities of Mound, Spring Park; Orono, Long Lake, St. Bonifacius, Independence and Minnetrsta. Senator G.en Olson also attended. In addition to considering our committee's request; one mayor at our May 30 meeting suggested that Westonka area mayors meet to explore ways to help, solve the Gillespie Center's financial needs -and possibly form cooperative agreements. • Phone:952-472-6501 • Fax:952-472-6505 The Gillespie Center'is anon-profit, 501(C}3 charitable organization (Tax ID #41-1617933) --158- 2590 COMivIERCEBOVLEVARD-MOUND; MINNESOTA 553 4 • 'i I~~ THE G~LL~SPI~ G~N'1'~K 2590 COMMERCE BOULEVARD-MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 THE GILLESPIE CENTER. MEMBERSHIP BY CITY TUNE, 2007 - (from the current 13 page directory) Note: Many visitors who p articipate in TGC programs are not:. members. Ci'('Y Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TOTAL. Mound 40 33 34 24 30 35 37 33 28 33 31 25 13 396 Orono 5 6 7 5 3 3 3 2 2 4 6 1 9 4 9 7 7 6 4 4 2 10 4' 4 50 40 3 80 Spring Pk . Minnetrista - 2 6 9 7 10 3 2 7 15 9, 6 .. 4 2 8.2 St, Boni 1 2 2 1 2 0 2 3 Tonka Bay 2: 1 2 3 Shorewood 1 3 2 1 3 1 10 Maple Plain 1 Maple Grove 1 1 2 4 • M ayer - 1 2 Minnetonka 2 1 Victoria 1 1 1 4 1 7 Plymouth 1 Sun City 1 ~ 1 Undennrood ~ 1 4 -Long Lair 1 3 2 Olivia 2 2 Deephaven 2 1 Pelican. Rapids . 1 1 1 2 6 Watertown 2 1 Monticello 1 ~ Excelsor 1 2 1 1 '~ ,.~ Chanha~en 1 1 Ft Meyers 2 ~ 1 3 waconia 1 1 2 Unknown 2 2 4 Watertown . 1 1 Streatgr;•IL ~ 1 Gaston, NC ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 Big Lake ~ 1 1 1 Radondo Beach, CA 3 Chaska 3 1 1 ~y~~ 1 1 Independence 1 1 St Paui ~ . 2 2 Shorewood 1 1 Riverview, FI _,-159- Total 695 ~.- THE GILLESPIE CENTER 2590 COMMERCE BOULEVARD-MOUND, MINNESOTA 553b4 ~MOrltIs ~~ ~~~ 2006 1 1 .Eor c~ .~9`~# . lL1SQ~ Donations- 10,579 47,530. 325 12 ~ 33,479 • 27;940 37,000 '} 8,500 Dues . , 11,095 . 287 2,090 3,135 1, 200 Programs Net Fund Raising 12;664 67,862 390 5:1,749 966 19 65;000 ~ ...30,000 Rental • .. •25,5.33 4; '1;625 975 , 2;476 . 3,15.0 lntsrest ~ 0 0 . 3.,500. ~ Munxcipei Suppot# . • TOT~k1. 43,243 ~ 153932 142,245 .. . 155,850 • ~`~~~~ ' Mair3tenance 19,979 11.,195 293 4 5 ' 29,196 10,134 30, 000 10,000 '.~~~ ' -- , 35 12; 1;096 2 313 2;296 2;400 aX 1 RE .Staff (SGS) . ; 7,955' 20,115 21,255 226 37 22,800 37, 38{3 ~t~tii'ities 32,807 17;866. 47 1,243 11 ; ~ 3;903 ~ 3,100 - Misc. ~Legai, etc • , 0 343 ~ 9 10,000. 10,000 . lnsurancs , . TOTAL 108,557 ~ 43;608 114;010 1.1.5,.68.0 . M='' NET _ 45;.36.5 ~36~ 2$,2.35 40,170 Munici al Su . or1 Passed on to SGS 4,400 ~ 4,000 ~ 3,780 Mdund 3,750 3 500 3,000 . Spring Park 3,0.00 000 3;500' 3 , 3,500 3,000.. Minnetrista , 0 0 3,500 0 Net - ~ :. ....- , , - ~ • - - Building s,ooo Reserve 24,000 i~.,ooo i2,aoo Please 1Jote: Differences in total lines are due #o rounding • - Phone: 952-472-~- -~ 60-'ax: 952-472-6505 F;t Gm (ClR rhar;tahle ~rvani~atinn fT2x ID #41.1617933) ;, ,, ,,,,, _ ,,;,,,,,,,,;,; ,,,,.,.,,. ;, ,, ,,,,,,,,, - • 2x07 ~epor~ The Gillespie Center 2590 Commerce Boulevard- Mound, MN 55364 952-472-6501 www.ailies~iecenter.ara i• _ ~-161- /r~teraction r`z~ra~~agres ~L.gi~.v~J1 I• I• z z' S rn v x m z rn n O, O -n rn CU -~ _~ z z z G1 v m r O ~::. 3, m ~~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ o Z z' ~ ~ ~ c -~ ~ a ~ ~ c ~ a ~„~ r v o `gyp r ~ ra„ C w w w D ~ ~- ~ ~ C W V D' O J'1 t D O N ~ N ~ r ~ ~ ' ttl tJt W N N ~ ~ ~ p 1 P. V ~ e ~ O w ~,, ~ V V W O p 0 01 r ~ V ~t N , V N- Fr+ W "~ N cn o r ~ p ~ o ,~ ~ ~ cNi+ ~p . .. ~~ c~+ ~ ~ N ~ W N ®_ ~ O ~' O- N ~ V ~ C V O. ~ ~ N r o r N N o + o o u p O - ~ ~ w o O ~' -~1 V •a 1~O ~Vll O ~~a ~~ ~+ 1 D 'n a ~.. -~-162- I• Fervent ~f p'~pul~tfi~an ~.ge 6~ anc~ t~IdeT, Henn~epiri.~~aimt~, ~~~4' census. ~'1`tI ,~715~?j~'EO' ~?,y ~ ~: ~ET75Z15 ~'OC~E' ~0J5 `u - aayton Hassan ChampAn an over •{ a sue";:"n''.,'w;; ~_: i aluc u S~ ~fiif~ oius~ • ~ Shorewo o E Y ;.bJ .. ...3 t,~MfYV,'~,`.~ 'xM1 r` f: ort S na 6tn :~ . ... I>aterstate Hghwaps "~ ,:~ :~ ~. Y li;~ Gitie s of ~~ t~~. Percent EYderly Eden Prairie _ ._ ~' • Less T'i~an 6„0°~0 . 6.0°fo - 7.9°l0 10.0°l0 -1.1.x% 2 0 2 d Miles 12.0°la an d High er Souroe: U.S. C ensus Bureau, Summary FAe 1 Produced by: Hennepin CountyLl epartment of ChAdren, Fami~-1 63 ~duft Setviaes elderly raoe.apr 12f18101 The G;llespie Center d 2006 Tatat Served (undupl~Cate . ) Number of individuals served 2,500 Gender: i=emale ~ 1,740 Male 800 ~-ge` 0-18 months 6 19 35 months ~ 0 36-59 months 0 6Q=71 months (5 years old) 50 6~9 years 90 1Q-14 years- ~ 50 5-17 ears 1 y 20 - 1~8--~2-years 0 23-54 years ~ 240 55-64 years ~ 544 65-74 years ~ 700 75-84 years 696 85+years 104 Total 2,500 -~-164- THE GILLESPIE CENTER TRANSPORTATION ~IGtJRES "DIAL. A RIDE One Way Rides I ~ I Indi~duais ~:a:..., 2006 I 7,681 I I 20,707 • • THE GILLESPIE CENTER~DINING The Dining statistics. are submitted by the Volunteers of America. who provide the meats served at the Center Monday through Friday. Tfie Volunteers of America ask diners for a donation of 3.00 er meal. # Meats Served of Individuals- . Dining 630 *To provide a more social dining experience for seniors, the Center`started W.p.W. (What's on Wednesday} homemade lunches twice-a month-and from ]anuary 2007-May 2007 785 meals have;. been served. 2006 ~ 10,438- VOLU [STEERS The Center depends on volunteers to assist as receptionists, dining. hosts/hostess/servers, dishwashers, special event and fundraisers, maintaining gardens, library helpers, mailings, Cecyciing and to serve on the Advisory Council and The Gilles ie Center Board. ~ f 2oQ6 Num r o Hours Volunteers 1~ ~ I I 260 _,-165- i• ~• :_ .r 2,~p6-=pEFENSNE DRMNG CLASSES (#12~ ~{asses) TOTAL 257 . ATTENDEES. Long Lake . 9 Minnetrista 15~ Mound Orono Spring Park-. St. Boni -,-166 - NUMBER OF `~ ~' CAMS R EDUCATION RECREATION 400 ~- 22s 280 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS. H T R EDU 'tZ ~ RECREATI 5,000 8,400 8,200 2006 EDUCATION *TRIAp: (Law enforcement speakers program sponsored by the Mound Police Dept.} *Defensive Driving Classes *AARP Tax Assistance *Meet the Pharmacist *Peace of Mind Program on planning funerals, wilts, trusts, probates,etc. *Reverse Mortgage Program *Program on: 7FK Assassination *Program: "Wakening Your Senses at the Arboretum" by a Master Gardner *Realtor Visit *HUDJHRA ~~9ram; Three Rivers Park District Programs grogram: Churchill Travelogue *Program: Lecturer from St. Paul Chamber Orchestra *History program: Norway *History program: Celtic Music *History program: Civil War *History program: Argentina *Library Program *History program: "It's Your Hit Parade" *Veteran`s History Presentation *Veteran's Day Display & Speakers *i3ook Ciub *Pretenders Story Theater Group _~-167- !.Y ~T "CIE G~.LES C~I~ER• *J4[Vl IAV~Ra1GE ®F 9.25-/4~'YVI73~ ~ ®PrE~® R~r~r_tEATION ~o - ~~fternoon movies & popcorn *Waconia Fall Festival *Mystic Lake Casino trip *Turtle Lake Casino trip *Trumptsr Swan Viewing Trip "F^aster- Parade" *Chanhassen Dinner Theater Trip, *Minneapolis Institute of Arts Trip *Minnesota Science Museum & Omni Theater *Minnesol~ History Center trip *Senior Goif Outings *Minnesota Landscape Arboretum *-I-rip to the Landscape Plant Development Center ~Qld -.Log Theater plays *P1ay: "Dons Dress for Dinner" *Body Worid trip at MN Science~Museum M~EALTH. Shot ginic Drive *Lifeiine Screening *.Medicare-Part D *Heaith Insurance Counseling *Biood Pressure Checks *Heaithy Life Expo *Meet the Pharmacist *HaPPY .Feet SP~QAL pROGRAI~S . *Shopping Trips *American History Theatre: Lutefisk Champ *Senior Life Stories: 7- graders interviewed seniors *Arboretum Trip . *V1f.4.W. lunches *Mad jazz Group *Volunteer Appreciation. Breakfast *C'tty of Mound Public Works Appreciation Breakfast. *Winter luncheon & centerpieces. with Our,lady, of the .Lake students abve Memories Gass ;~morial Day Program & Music. . *Coffee House ~a *Musirai performances. during the. Holiday Bputique (area cho0ts and churches)`,. -.-168 - SRECIAL EVENTS * lebrate Mound~Westonka Homecoming Week live Your High School Memories Dinner ~i Program with W000's Roger Erickson -amity Friendly Tail Gate Party *Kid Friendly Lunch *Tonka Toys Remembered *Minnesota Hot Dish Dinner & Bingo *Holiday Boutique *Soup Suppers *Santa's Hidden Treasures *Cinco De Mayo *Sunday at the Center *Chinese New Year *St. Patrick's Day *Open blouse . ~~INDRAISING EVENTS *Holiday Boutique *Cuivers *Flour Power Events * ,O:W;Lunches ~a Market GRANT P.f~OGRAMS *Maldng Non-Toxic Household Cleaners *Reducirig Junk Mail *Getting Organized *Wrapping it up-Aiterr~ative Gift Wapping Party *Composting 1 _~-169- CpOPERAT~'E AGREEMENT 'PHIS AGREEMENT is made this 22nd day of ~,ainua.Ly, 2002 by and between, the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (Mound") and the Westonlca Senior Cit~ens Foundation, a Minn.esotanon-:profit. corporation ('Westonka . BACKGROUND .. . The Gillespie Senior Center is owned and operated by Westonka, and is operated on anot-for-profit basis as a clubhouse, meeting and recreational- facility serving senior citizens in commuzu-ties generally located. in the western.. Lake 1Vlinnetonka area» The work of the Center is recognized by communities in the area, and a number of them have made .financial contributions to assist the Center in its operations: - ' Mound.recognizestbe activities of Center to be a key and important P~ of public recreation for the citizens of the community. IWlound li~s;pxeviously made a;sgru:ficant contribution by approving an exemption from ro taxaixon foz_the Center, - ~ . , P Fes''. _ ., . ~ .. ,, .. , . ~. Due. to continuing unmet..finar~cial needs, the Westonka has requested that Mound consider • additional assistance.. Because of severe budget cenatrair'jts,;Moundwasunable to provide for a- monetary contribution to the Center ua. its 2002 $udget. ~ ~ ~ . . Mound is authorized by law to operate programs of public recreation; and to equip and maintain land,~buildings-.and other recreational facilities,to carry out such programs. Mound is further authorized by law to enter into agreements with nom-profit organizations as such parties may mutually agree to provide for such programs. ~ . - . t~GREE1ViENT ~. In light of the foregoing, the parties hereto do stipulate and agree as follows: 1. Consideration. The consideration if the mutual. promises and undertalan.gs hereinafter made which the partieseachdeem to be adequate consideration. - W estonka 2. Westonka Services to` Continue. During the term of this. Agreement, rcmaril senior agrees to contuiue;to,provide clubliause, mieeting and.recreational.ficilities serving p y . ; , citiiens°in tlie~western Lake Minnetonka. area,, including.Mourd. . 3. Services Provided to: VJestonka. During the terra of this Agreement, Mound will pro~id~ tlie~ following-services to the Center:: parking lot sweeping. --170- I • ^ Mowing, limited to one (l) time per week; no bagging or sw~P~g- ^ Secure broken windows and other openings, not due to storm dan-za.ge. ^ Respond to water and sewer emergencies. - ^ ,Snow plowing from parking areas and wallcway5, suited to removal by motorized vehicles. Snow hauling, when needed. - ^ Sanding of parking areas. - 4. ~ Additional Westonka Consideration. In addition to the consideration contained in paragraph 1 above, Westonka agrees during the term of this Agreement to do the following: - • Provide a meeting room' at the Center for use by Mound at no charge for one six-hour period per month. (Mound to be responsible for the set up and take-down of the~room before' and after the meeting) . ^ Sponsor a dinner for the Mound crews providing the services • Make coffee and restroom facilities available to.Mound crews while working at the Center. ^ Provide personnel to assist in Mound mass mailings anal newsletters. 5. Scheduling and 12.eauestina Services. As soon as possible after the exeeutiori of this Agreement, designated representatives of the partses will meet and formulate a schedule for performance of the services described in section 3 above, and~the process for requesting them. As to services that cannot be scheduled, in advance, for specific tunes, such as snow removal and other emergency services, the parties will formulate a response time schedule that will address, for . -example, the type of weather .event that will trigger snow plowing, and the timing for providing the service in the, case of such a weather event. Until a schedule°has been formulated for each service, Mound may, but is not. required, to provide such service. ' ` - 6. Liability and Indemnity. Mound indemnifies,.and agrees to defend and save harmless, Vt}'estonka, its officers.. agents and employees from any'claim or cause .of action for injury to persons or propertyoccasioned by or arising out of the negligence or willfiil or wanton misconduct of Mound, its officers agents or' employees, in the~perforniance of its obligations under this agreement. Mounds liability to Westonlca.under this Agreement~is limited to this section and section 7. 7. Consequential Damages. Mound skali be liable to Westonka for any Loss in rental income, or. from claims from. individuals scheduled to use Center facilities ("This'd Party Claims"}, resulting from the failure of 1Vlound to. perform any sere%ce as provided for in the schedule for that service; but only to the extent that Mound`s failure is due to the negligence or willful or wanton misconduct of Mound in perfailnance according'to the 'schedule: Failures to c'onply with the schedule that aze not due to such conduct by lvlound, or which are due' to c~reumstanees beyond Mound's control will not be the basis for claims under this section, and with respect to Third Party Claims, Westonka hereby indernni.fies and holds harmless Mound anal its officers agents and employees. ' Termination. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year from the date 8. T~~ of execution, and will automatically extend for successive one-year periods unless either party • notifies the other party in writing, within 30 days of the termination date that it elects not to extend the Agreement. _~-171- 9. Termination Dunne Term. Either party ~y terminate this Agreement d~.tring its initial term ~or any extension thereof. Such termu?dtion may be for cause, or for no cause. If the • .terrr~~~-is -for failurs;~ of tho. other party to perfon~ the ternLinating .party 'maY, at its election, -make the termination effective upon the giving of written notice of such to the-other party. If the termination is by Mound, and is not dug to a breach by Westonka, the termination shall nat be ' effective until Westonka has had a reasonable opportunity to obtain an alternate source for the services, or unti160 days following written notice of termination, whichever comes first. 10. Adclition or Removal of Services. The parties may, from time to time, agree to add or remove services from the schedule of services described in Section 3 above. The Center. will be subject to incremental charges far services in any subsequent agreements. 11. Miscellaneous. The pmvisions of this.. agreement ate intended to be binding on and inure to the benefit of parties- hereto and their successors dad assigns. This agreement is not intended, and sha11 not be construed to confer any right or cause of action on third parties not signatory hereto. Written notices required under this agreement will be either hand delivered or mailed. by registered mail at the following addresses: . In the case of notices to Mound; City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road R • Mound, MN 55364 . Attn: Kandis M. Hanson In the case of notices to W estonka: Westonka Senior Citizens.Foundation Crillespie Center 2590 Commerce Blvd. . Mound, MN 55364 Attn: Foundation President IN Wrrlv~ss ~V.~REO~; the partied have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. C ~ F lYYOUND . B , Pat eisel, Ntayor By; ~'~`'a"' Kandis Hanson, City Manager WEST SENIOR CITIZEN FOUNDATION C~-'~--- By: • Its: --172- ~c, ,; Bi • CITY OF SPRING PARK SPRING PARK, NIINNESOTA AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered' into by and between the City of Spring Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Spring Park," and Westonka Senior Citizens, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Westonka." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Spring Park has the authority pursuant to 1vlinnesota Statutes Sections 471.15 through 471.19 to operate a program of public recreation and to expend funds for the operation of such program; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 421..16, Subd. 1 provides that the City may also cooperate with non-profit corporations to achieve its recreation goals; and WHEREAS, a significant number of senior citizens reside in Spring Park; and WHEREAS, Spring Park does not presently, provide recreational programs and facilities for its senior citizen residents; and WHEREAS, Westonka is anon-profit corporation organized under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 317 which operates recreational facilities and provides .recreational programs for senior citizens residing in areas surrounding Lake Minnetonka including those residing in Spring Park; and WHEREAS, Spring. Park. desires to assure that senior citizens living in the City have convenient access to recreational facilities and the benefits of a recreational program; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish these -goals it is in the interests of Spring Park to enter into an agreement with Westonka whereby Westonka agrees to operate recreational facilities and programs accessible to the senior citizens of Spring Park; and WHEREAS, Westonka desires to provide these facilities and services. • NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO THAT: #20434 - Recreation Agreement -173- 1. Westonka agrees that for a period of at least one year from the date hereof it will • provide recreational facilities for, and operate recreational programs of interest to, senior citizens residing in the City of Spring Park. 2. Spring Park agrees to pay to Westonka the sum of $~~~,,n 30 days of final execution of this Agreement to help fund such facilities and services. 3. Westonka agrees that the funds received from the City shall be used for recreational programsand facilities available to senior citizens of Spring Park and for no other purposes, and that it will make reasonable efforts to promote such programs and services to senior citizens of Spring Park. NKA SENIOR CITIZENS, INC. ~C~e. Byrnes ?resident <• #20434 - Recreation Agreement 2 -174- CITY MANAGERlCITY CLERK 101-41310 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED • CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 218,496 233,073 248,480 255,020 255,020 2.63% 121 FICA/PERA 27,162 29,894 33,178 35,047 35,047 5.63% 131 HOSP./DENTAL 22,361 24,136 27,460 27,561 27,561 0.37% 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 1,021 1,081 1,183 1,212 1,212 2.49% 135 HEALTH CARE SAVING 3,242 6,027 7,524 10,296 10,296 36.84% 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 1,127 1,441 1,550 1,708 1,708 10.18% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,483 1,248 1,700 1,500 1,500 -11.76% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 2,342 2,352 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 851 40 200 200 200 0.00% 212 MOTOR FUELS 40 714 100 100 100 0.00% 218 CLOTHING/UNIFORMS 85 130 150 150 150 0.00% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 975 150 300 300 300 0.00% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 50 50 100 100 100 0.00% . 321 TELEPHONE/CELL 700 947 800 800 800 0.00% 322 POSTAGE 444 206 500 500 500 0.00% 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 651 0 650 650 650 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 1,706 1,747 1,950 2,144 2,144 9.96% 400 REPAIR & MAINT. CONTRACTS 600 258 300 300 300 0.00% 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR 0 0 0 0 0 430 MISCELLANEOUS 181 699 500 700 700 40.00% 431 MEETING EXPENSE 425 719 300 600 600 100.00% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,139 2,121 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 3,840 4,247 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 185 0 100 100 100 0.00% 0 0 120 0 0 -100.00% 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 546 799 600 800 800 33.33% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,283 0 0 2.000 2.000 • 1 07 6 44 ~Q ~ 4.17% TOTAL ~ ,, 6 44 ~ '~48.48g 3.58% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 2$9.652 -- 1~ , -175- silsr2oo~ CITY MANAGEWCITY CLERK CODE 1XX SALARIES: • City Mgr, City Clerk, Receptionist 151 Workers Comp 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Paper, Letterhead, Folders, Binders, Planner, Toner, Etc. 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES Xerox Copies 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES Water, Table, Monitor, Notary, Stamps, Etc. 212 MOTOR FUELS Gas for City Car, Business use of car 218 CLOTHING/UNIFORMS Yearly allowance 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Background Checks 305 MEDICAL SERVICES Eye exams, Etc. 321 TELEPHONE Long Distance, Cell, Misc. 322 POSTAGE Postage meter share 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO • Mileage reimbursements 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. Gino 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Typewriter, Etc. 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR Mechanic and parts 430 MISCELLANEOUS Plant, UPS, Others 431 MEETING EXPENSE MAMA, Chamber, Rotary, Misc. 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Nat'l, State, Metro, Lake Mtka, MAMA, Mn Co. Ins.(Drug Test) Municipals, Etc. City Mgr, Clerk, Elections 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS National, State, L of Cities, Metro Kandis, Bonnie and Jodi 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS Misc. 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL • Safe Assure, Etc. 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY PC & Software for City Clerk TOTAL 2008 REQUESTED 329,136 1708 1,500 2,500 200 100 150 300 100 800 500 650 2,144 300 0 700 600 1,200 5,000 100 0 800 2.000 350.488 -176- City of Mound ,, ....• • CITY OF MOUND Account Descr Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino Dept 41310 City Manager/City Clerk E 101-41310-101 F T Empl Regular E 101-41310-102 F T Empl Overtime E 101-41310-112 Comp Time Pay E 101-41310-113 Vacation Pay E 101-41310-114 Holiday Pay E 101-41310-115 Sick Pay E 101-41310-116 Severance Pay E 101-41310-121 PERA E 101-41310-122 FICA E 101-41310-131 Employer Paid Heal E 101-41310-133 Employer Paid Dent E 101-41310-134 Employer Paid Life E 101-41310-135 Employer Health Ca E 101-41310-136 Post Retirement He E 101-41310-137 LTD E 101-41310-151 Worker's Comp Insu E 101-41310-200 Office Supplies E 101-41310-202 Duplicating and cop E 101-41310-203 Printed Forms E 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies E 101-41310-212 Motor Fuels 101-41310-218 Clothing and Unifor 101-41310-300 Professional Srvs E 101-41310-305 Medical Services E 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-41310-322 Postage E 101-41310-331 Use of personal aut E 101-41310-361 General Liability Ins E 101-41310-400 Repairs & Maintena E 101-41310-404 Machinery/Equip Re E 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous E 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense E 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscripts E 101-41310-434 Conference & Trains E 101-41310-435 Books and Pamphie E 101-41310-438 Licenses and Taxes E 101-41310-440 Other Contractual S E 101-41310-500 Capital Outlay FA Dept 41310 City Manager/City Clerk • 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget $248,480.00 $122,976.75 $125,503.25 49.49% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $50.47 -$50.47 0.00% $0.00 $11,898.19 -$11,898.19 0.00% $0.00 $6,713.59 -$6,713.59 0.00% $0.00 $8,393.48 -$8,393.48 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $33,178.00 $9,939.70 $23,238.30 29.96% $0.00 $11,113.95 -$11,113.95 0.00% $27,460.00 $17,495.04 $9,964.96 63.71% $0.00 $800.10 -$800.10 0.00% $1,183.00 $41.76 $1,141.24 3.53% $7,524.00 $6,156.60 $1,367.40 81.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $724.08 -$724.08 0.00% $1,550.00 $1,090.80 $459.20 70.37% $1,700.00 $667.28 $1,032.72 39.25% $2,500.00 $873.24 $1,626.76 34.93% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $200.00 $162.93 $37.07 81.47% $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% $150.00 $40.22 $109.78 26.81% $300.00 $600.00 -$300.00 200.00% $100.00 $0.00 $100:00 0.00% $800.00 $273.88 $526.12 34.24% $500.00 $97.60 $402.40 19.52% $650.00 $0.00 $650.00 0.00% $1,950.00 $1,423.52 $526.48 73.00% $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $1.98 $498.02 0.40% $300.00 $237.24 $62.76 79.08% 200.00 $1 $588.88 $611.12 49.07% , $5,000.00 $2,869.10 $2,130.90 57.38% $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00% $120.00 $0.00 $120.00 0.00% $600.00 $529.12 $70.88 88.19% $0.00 $0.00 „. _ $0 00 .~. :..,rc ..,.-.0.00% $336,445.OO~ _ ~M$205,759.50 $130,685.50 61.16% -~77- 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 3 • • ,, August 13, 2007 TO: Kandis Hanson FROM: Bonnie Ritter RE: 2008 Capital Improvement Request I have requested $2000 for a new computer for the City Clerk. 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com It has been determined that with the importance of permanent records being prepared and temporarily stored on my computer, it is feasible to replace my computer in 2008 with one with more adequate performance standards and storage capacity. I realize budgets are tight, and thank you for considering the importance of this item. pnnted opn recycled paper -178- CODE 101 121 200 202 210 300 322 351 400 430 431 500 i• • ELECTIONS SALARIES, ELECT. JUDGES FICA/PERA/ETC OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY MACHINE & FEES OPERATING SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE LEGAL PUBLICATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS MEETING EXPENSE CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 101-41410 2005 2006 2007 APPROVED RE 2008 2008 QUESTED PROPOSED ACTUAL ACTUAL 0 2 821 0 3,000 3,000 0 563 0 625 625 0 229 0 275 275 55 886 50 300 300 380 611 100 2,700 2,700 0 5,467 0 6,500 6,500 0 377 0 500 500 0 235 0 .275 275 0 4,982 2,700 3,500 3,500 0 752 0 150 150 0 33 0 100 100 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 17.925 ~ -179- 8/16/2007 Proposed Elections 2008 Budget 101- 41410 Detailed Assumptions Proposed Amount Acct. # Description . 3,000.00 102 Sal_ salaries of city employees 625.00 151 FICA/PERA/ETC (for city employees) 275.00 200 Office Supplies ink cartridges for tabulators badges, index cards,pens 300.00 202 Copy Machine & Fees city hall copy machine use i• •,. 210 Operating Supplies Voter receipts, PVC's, AutoMark storage rack ballots 300 Professional Services Payroll for election judges 322 Posta e absentee ballots, misc. 351 Legal Publication required legal notices 400 Reaair and Maintenance maintenance agreement with Hennepin County for equipment 430 Misc 431 Meeting Expense mandatory training for Bonnie & Jodi 500 CapitalOutlay Total 2,700.00 6,500.00 500.00 275.00 3,500.00 150.00 100.00 17,925.00 7/19/2007 -180- City of Mound ~~ Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino .r- CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Account Descr Dept 41410 Elections 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-102 F T Empl Overtime . 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-103 Part-Time Employe . 00 $0 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-121 PERA $0.00 00 $0 . $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-122 FICA E 101-41410-131 Employer Paid Heal . $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 00% 0 E 101-41410-133 Employer Paid Dent $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 00 $0 . 0.00% E 101-41410-134 Employer Paid Life $0.00 $0.00 00 $0 . $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-135 Employer Health Ca $0.00 . 00 $0 $0.00 % E 101-41410-136 Post Retirement He $0.00 . 00 $0 $0.00 0 00 E 101-41410-137 LTD $0.00 00 $0 . $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-200 Office Supplies . 00 $50 $21.43 $28.57 42.86% E 101-41410-202 Duplicating and cop . 00 $100 $220.80 -$120.80 220.80% E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies . 00 $0 -$120.00 $120.00 0.00% E 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs . 00 $0 $1.26 -$1.26 0.00% E 101-41410-322 Postage . 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publis . 00 700 $2 $1,950.17 $749.83 72.23% E 101-41410-400 Repairs & Maintena . , 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-430 Miscellaneous . 00 $0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-431 Meeting Expense . $0.00 0.00% E 101-41410-500 Capital Outlay FA .v~K .H.m~ ~ _ •7ept 41410 Elections .. ~.. $2 850.00 $2,073.66 .34 $776 72.76% C~ 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 4 -~8~- FINANCE • CODE 101 SALARIES, REG. 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP./DENTAL 134 LIFE INS./DISABILITY 135 HEALTH CARE SAVING 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 212 MOTOR FUELS 218 CLOTHING/UNIFORMS 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 301 AUDIT & FINANCIAL • 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 321 TELEPHONEICELL 322 POSTAGE 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 430 MISCELLANEOUS 431 MEETING EXPENSE 101-41500 2005 2006 2007 2008 APPROVED REQUESTED PR 2008 OPOSED ACTUAL A CTUAL 177,366 204,181 250,913 260,895 260,895 3.98% 20,954 24,972 34,841 37,236 37,236 6.87% 26,384 30,413 42,423 42,392 42,392 -0.07% 830 961 1,215 1,260 1,260 3.70% 2,544 3,899 12,158 15,067 15,067 23.92% 946 1,131 1,220 1,341 1,341 9.91% 1,579 2,513 1,600 2,500 2,500 56.25% 1,022 1,179 1,000 1,200 1,200 20.00% 65 738 1,000 800 800 -20.00% 0 0 0 0 0 109 138 250 250 250 0.00% 589 g 700 700 700 0.00% 6,162 7,484 6,690 7,699 7,699 15.09% 0 50 100 100 100 0.00% 86 5 0 -0 0 #DIV/0! 1,628 1,937 1,900 1,900 1,900 0.00% 85 176 300 300 300 0.00% 0 0 800 800 800 0.00% 2,204 2,254 2,520 2,767 2,767 9.79% 105 1,556 100 100 100 0.00% 59 30 100 200 200 100.00% 8/16/2007 -182- • CODE 433 434 435 440 500 i• • FINANCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS OTHER CONTRACTUAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 101-41500 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 805 194 900 800 800 -11.11 $$7 1,025 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.00% 40 0 0 0 0 247 246 0 300 300 0 Q ~ 0 0 944 6 6 ~ ~ c7 80 ~ 4.94% -183 - snsr~oo~ Finance Department - 41500 2008 Budget cct. # Budgeted for 1 XX Full Time Salaries Gino Finance Dir./Trea, Accountant GL/Payroll, Accts Payable/Homestead 151 Workers Comp Gino 200 Paper, Pens, Labels, Binders, Envelopes, Covers, Letter Head, Toner, Etc. 202 Xerox Copies 210 Water, Towels, Stamps, Postage Meter Rental, Etc. Vendor Checks, P.O., Receipts, Blanks, W-2, Etc. 218 .Clothing Allowance 300 Managed Care, Henn. County, Special Assessments, Misc. GFOA Certificate 301 Audit Gino 305 Eye Exam/ Physical New Hire 322 Misc. Postage 331 Misc Use of Personal Car 351 Publication of Budget, Financial Statements, TIF 361 General Liability Gino 430 Misc 431 MNGFOA and other meetings 433 Dues and Subscriptions to GFOA, Munici-Pals Notary 434 MnGFOA Workshops, MnGFOA Conference., League of Cities Training, Clerical Workshops, Banyon Data Systems Worship 440 Other Contractual Safety Training 500 Capital Purchases Total 08/16/2007 Budget 08 Amount 356,850 1,341 2,500 1,200 800 250 700 7,699 100 1,900 300 800 2,767 100 200 800 1,200 300 0 379,807 -184- 8/16/2007 ~, ~.... • CITY OF MOUND AccountDescr City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino Dept 41500 Finance E 101-41500-101 F T Empl Regular E 101-41500-102 F T Empl Overtime E 101-41500-112 Comp Time Pay E 101-41500-113 Vacation Pay E 101-41500-.114 Holiday Pay E 101-41500-115 Sick Pay E 101-41500-116 Severance Pay E 101-41500-121 PERA E 101-41500-122 FICA E 101-41500-131 Employer Paid Heal E 101-41500-133 Employer Paid Dent E 101-41500-134 Employer Paid Life E 101-41500-135 Employer Health Ca E 101-41500-136 Post Retirement He E 101-41500-137 LTD E 101-41500-151 Worker's Comp Insu E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies E 101-41500-202 Duplicating and cop E 101-41500-203 Printed Forms E 101-41500-205 Computer Software E 1 01-41 500-21 0 Operating Supplies 101-41500-212 Motor Fuels 101-41500-218 Clothing and Unifor E 101-41500-300 Professional Srvs E 1 01-41 500-301 Auditing and Acct'g E 101-41500-305 Medical Services E 101-41500-315 Service Charges E 101-41500-321 Telephone & Cells E 101-41500-322 Postage E 101-41500-331 Use of personal aut E 101-41500-351 Legal Notices Publis E 101-41500-361 General Liability Ins E 101-41500-430 Miscellaneous E 101-41500-431 Meeting Expense E 101-41500-433 Dues and Subscripti E 101-41500-434 Conference & Traini E 101-41500-435 Books and Pamphle E 101-41500-440 Other Contractual S E 101-41500-485 Credit Card Charge E 101-41500-500 Capital Outlay FA Dept 41500 Finance • 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 5 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget~~~~~~ $250,910.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 $34,840.00 $0.00 $42,970.00 $0.00 $1,210.00 $12,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,220.00 $1,600.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 $6,690.00 $100:00 $o.oo $0.00 $1,900.00 $300.00 $800.00 $2,520.00 $100.00 $100.00 $900.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $362,470.00 $136,594.69 $0.00 $0.00 $7,487.23 $7.,210.24 $7,002.18 $0.00 $10,154.80 $10,598.72 $27,200.24 $1,061.96 $55.68 $4,792.55 $0.00 $745.20 $858.68 $2,327.34 $700.56 $0.00 $0.00 $46.46 $0.00 $143.20 $22.50 $5,722.97 $50.00 $o.oo $0.00 $836.57 $0.00 $437.80 $1, 839.62 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $1,022.27 $0.00 $257.98 $0.00 $0.00 $227,369.44 $114,315.31 54.44% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% -$7,487.23 0.00% -$7,210.24. 0.00% -$7,002.18 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $24,685.20 29.15% -$10,598.72 0.00% $15,769.76 63.30% -$1,061.96 0.00% $1,154.32 4.60% $7,367.45 39.41% $0.00 0.00% -$745.20 0.00% $361.32 70.38% -$727.34 145.46% $299.44 70.06% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $953.54 4.65% $0.00 0.00% $106.80 57.28% $677.50 3.21 $967.03 85.55% $50.00 50.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $1,063.43 44.03% $300.00 0.00% $362.20 54.73% $680.38 73.00% $100.00 0.00% $100.00 0.00% $700.00 22.22% $177.73 85.19% $0.00 0.00% -$257.98 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $135,100.56 62.73% -185- • • MEMORANDUM To: Kandis Hanson, City Manager From: Gino Businaro, Finance Director Date: July 30, 2007 Subject: Finance Department Personnel and Capital Needs In preparation of the 2008 budget, I want to address the status of the personnel and capital needs for the Finance Department. Per_ sonnel The Council approved an Accountant position for the 2006 budget in response to the ever increasing demands on the Finance Department. The Senior Accountant was hired in September of 2006 and has assumed many of the day to day, higher-level accounting functions of the Finance Director, which in turn has allowed the Finance Director to focus on more strategic initiatives surrounding debt policy, investments, internal controls, and to be more actively involved in management meetings. The increased pressure on Public Accountants to perform a more thorough analysis of internal controls (see attached memo) will result in a greater required workload for the Finance Department as we document, implement and administer a more comprehensive level of internal accounting controls. At the same time, we are also required to perform arbitrage rebate calculations on all of our debt issued since 2003. Arbitrage rebate determination is required by the IRS for issues oftax-exempt bonds in excess of $5 million in a calendar year. This is an example of the increased burden on the department to provide documentation and disclosure, regardless of whether or not the functions are performed in-house or outsourced. Since 1999, the volume of work has more than doubled in the Finance Department. Examples include the more complex agreements being entered into relating to redevelopment and TIF. The Finance Director is often called upon to assist with IT issues, PC support, and insurance claims. There is increased pressure for the Finance Department to offer electronic methods to accept payments from customer and increase our use of the Internet. Our current financial system will be seven years old in 2008 and major effort will need to go into determining the next phase. There have been many technological innovations that we are currently not taking advantage of that would increase the quality and quantity of data, and the efficiency in which it is produced. Last but not least, there is a need to increase the level of analysis to verify accuracy of information and analyze for trends that will ensure sound fiscal management both now and in the future. -186- • Even though the Finance Department can be seen as an administrative function, a considerable amount of revenues ($647 thousand in 2006) are generated from interest on investments of idle cash ($12 million to $15 million in 2006). Continued investment in the Finance Department personnel is critical to maintaining adequate service levels and systems in order to ensure clean audits, maintain the City of Mound's high credit rating, and to ensure the most productive use of our resources. Capital Investment ~._._.-~,--,~-_- _~--~~-~~re-~<--~~,,., .x,PrP all ~mnle- merited ~ri"20D1=2-0 1 ne server, r~, ~, auu luicuiv~a, ~..~~.. w.., .,, .,.---- ~ ~ -- - - There is an immediate need to upgrade the server as we have been experiencing interruptions in service due to low memory. The server currently supports the financial software, E-mail, Internet and Permit Works applications. The estimated cost of a new server is in the area of $6,000. We would like to also stagger the upgrades of the PCs and printers, and therefore will be requesting $2,200 a year for four years. Computer Operating Budget The Computer Budget includes $4,000 for web site upgrades. Customers have come to expect a certain level of technological sophistication including the acceptance of credit cards, on-line bill payment, permit applications, billing information changes, work order • requests, etc. Our web site needy to be interactive and do a better job at communicating the services and information available, as well as highlighting what makes Mound special. It should be a tool prospective citizens, developers and businesses can use to make their decision on whether to live, build or invest in Mound. A technology needs study was not included in this year's budget request, but the need continues to grow. City Hall, Docks and Police operate fairly autonomously when it comes to making decisions on investments in technology. A comprehensive study would highlight strengths and gaps and identify ways to achieve better integration and efficiency. A disaster recovery plan should also be part of the analysis to ensure no disruption to services in the event of severe weather or a catastrophe. Priorities need to be established based on needs and we would benefit from an expert's opinion on where and what to invest in. • -187- City of Mound August 16, 2007 Page Three • The City's low point for the first half of the year has occurred in May for the last several years. The balance at May 31, 2007 was a negative $35 thousand. As mentioned in last years letter the City was on pace to have a negative unreserved fund balance. The City has very little cushion for working capital and nothing designated for emergency needs or unplanned expenditures. We recommend that the City Council consider this declining undesignated portion of fund balance when planning for the 2008 budget. We believe that a higher fund balance designated for working capital could be set. Based on the trends in the graphs, a 35 to 40 percent undesignated target would provide more cushion for working capital and emergency needs. The City would need to add an additional $100,000 to $200,000 to reach 35 to 40 percent of planned expenditures. Implementation of this target could occur over several years. _ _ _ _ __ __ 2007 Audit Fees Audit standards are changing for the 2007 audit. These changes will affect every entity that receives an audit: The most significant change is a requirement that we obtain a more in depth understanding of controls in place and link our procedures directly to risks identified. Now, the City can control the extent of the extra work we need to do by a thorough documenting procedures and controls in place for each material transaction cycle. In general, we are anticipating an increase of 15 percent but this could be as low as 7 percent if the City has detailed documentation of internal controls. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the City and if you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, ABDO, SICK & MEYERS, LLP • Certified Public Accountants & Consultants Steven R. McDonald, CPA Managing Partner • -~$$- Page 1 of 1 Kandis Hanson From: "Jill Norlander" <JiIlNorlander@cityofmound.com> To: "'Sarah Smith"' <SarahSmith@cityofmound.com>; "'Kandis Hanson"' <KandisHanson@cityofmound.com>; "'Gino Businaro"' <GinoBusinaro@cityofmound.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:28 AM Subject: Credit Card Payments I'm getting a lot of comments from contractors about the convenience of not taking credit cards. Virtually everyone has said it would be well worth it if the City would accept credit cards and assess the 1 % (or whatever it costs) as a service fee to cover our costs. Just thought I'd pass this on. Jill Norlander Mound Planning 952-472-0607 952-472-0679 Fax • • 12/20/2006 -189- • CODE 200 205 210 309 400 434 _. _--__. 440 500 600 • • COMPUTER OFFICE SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE OPERATING SUPPLIES EDP/SOFTWARE SUPPORT & MAINT. CONTRACT CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY LEASE EQUIP. LOAN/FIN. SYSTEM TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 101-41920 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 0 31 500 250 250 -50.00% 54 0 300 300 300 0.00% 2,614 920 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 2,443 273 0 0 0 5,804 2,740 6,000 5,000 5,000 -16.67% p 0 250 250 250 0.00% 0 5,495 4,900 10,000 10,000 104.08% 0 0 p 2,200 2,200 7.732 0 0 0 0 18.647 9.459 13.950 20.000 43.37% 10.915 9.459 13.950 17.800 17.800 27.60% -190- 8/16/2007 Computer - 41920 2008 Budget cct. # Budgeted for 200 Envelopes, Printer Ribbons, Cartridges, Etc. 205 Software Upgrades, Misc 210 Computer Paper, Checks for Payroll and AIP, Parts for PC -- 400 Hardware Maint., Software Support,-User Group Fees Software Upgrades ,Network,. PC Support 403 Seminars, Banyon Training 440 Other Contractual. Services. -Technical Support and Services Web Site Upgrade 500 Capital Purchases Printer & PC Replacing more than five year old equipment Total • -191- 08/16/2007 Budget 08 Amount 250 300 2,000 5,000 ___ 250 6,000 4,000 2,200 20,000 8/16/2007 City of Mound ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino ....~ • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr ~ Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Dept 41920 Computer E 101-41920-200 Office Supplies $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00% E 101-41920-205 Computer Software - - $300:00- $0:00 - 9x300:00- 52 $573 fl:00% 71.32% E 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies $2,000.00 $1,426.48 . $0 00 0.00% E 101-41920-309 EDP, Software and $0.00 00 $0.00 7 74Q 1 $2 . 259.3 $3 45.67_°l° __ E 101-41920-400 Repairs & Main_t_ena _.____ .00.... $6,0 . . , 00 $0 , $250.00 0.00% E 101-41920-434 Conference & Traini $250.00 0 . 00 $0 900.00 $4 0.00% E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual S $4,900.0 . , 00 $0 0.00% E 101-41920-500 Capital Outlay FA $0.00 $0.00 . 00 $0 0.00°1° E 101-41920-.600 .Debt. Srrv Principal $0.00 $0.00 . $000 0.00% E 101-41920-611 Bond Interest $0.00 _ _ . $0.00 Dept 41920 Computer M..a._... . $13 950.00 $4,166.65 $9,783.35 29.87% • .. 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 9 -192- Z ~" U • N F- N W C'3 W H O J Q E" a a U 0 0 N d 0 L t O ! ( v _ _.. __.... .. d 0 0 .N ., O C 9+ 'C .~ 7 N -193- ASSESSING 101-41550 • CODE 2005 ACTUAL 2006 ACTUAL 2007 2008 2008 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED ' 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 75 31 100 100 100 0.00% 322 POSTAGE 409 40 100 500 500 400.00% 350 PRINTING 0 0 50 50 50 0.00% 440 OTHER CONTRACT SERV. 83.875 84,116 86.700 91.400 91.400 5.42% TOTAL 84.359 84.187 86.950 ~ ~ 5.87% • • ~ 94 _ sns~2oo7 i• City of Mound ~, .Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino •~..r. CITY OF MOUND 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 6 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget Account Descr rte. Dept 41550 Assessing E 1 01-41 550-202 Duplicating and cop $100.00 $20.80 $79.20 20.80% _.~-1Q1-4-1550-322-P-OStage- __ _ $1OD.00. _ _ _ _$227$ _$7.24- __._._22.76% 00% 0 E 101-41550-350 Printing E 101-41550-440 Other Contractual S ~ $50.00 $86,700.00 ....~~..~. ...~w...,.m. $0.00 $87,885.86 ...-._....,~ _..-..ww...,= $50.00 -$1,185 ;86 ~ m . 101.37% ..,~ nAr,t-a~.5~0-Assessing _ _..$86,950.00_. $87,929.42 _ _$979:42 __ _..1-01-:13 ° • -195- Hennepin County Assessor, Department - -. _ _______ - . ---------------------------------.._._.____...-------.._._....__......_..___...------ www.co.hennepin.mn.us A-2103 Government Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487-0231 __ _ -_ June 7, 2007 _ _ __ _ ....__ ............._. _ _ __ ____ _ __ _ __ The Honorable Mark Hanus _ __Mayor.of the City of_ 11!lound_ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor Hanus:: • • Re: Contract Assessment Estimate for the 2008 Assessment To assist you in your budgeting process for 2008, we are providing an estimate for our contractual assessment charge. This estimate of _$91 400.00 is based on current unit pricing rates, applied to 20% of your total residential, commercial, industrial, apartment and vacant land parcels which we annually appraise. This same unit rate is also applied to the current number of new construction units which we appraise annually. In addition, a charge is included for administration of statutory programs such as This Old House, limited market value and green acres. If you need more detail or have any questions, please feel free to call or write. Very truly yours, ~~~~G~. Thomas J. May Hennepin County Assessor TJM:j S Enc. cc: Kandis Hanson, Manager -196- Recycled Paper An Equal Opportunity Employer 101-41600 LEGAL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 EQUESTED PROPOSED • CODE ACTUAL .. ..PROFESSIONAL SERVICES --- 300 (City Attorney) 37,886 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 304 (Prosecution) 64,302 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 402 BOARD OF PRISONERS 450 (County Jail/Workhouse) 28.182 ACTUAL APPROVED R 35,345 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00% 72,937 65,000 70,000 70,000 7.69% 1,413 460 507 507 10.27% 13.435 30.000 30.000 30.000 0.00% TOTAL 130.772 ? ~ 140.507 140.507 3.73% • -197- 8!1612007 ~, • CITY OF MOUND 2007 2007 Account Descr n. Budget YTD Amt Dept 41600 Legal E 101-41600-300 Professional Srvs $40,000.00 $16,524.03 - --E 101-4-1800304 L-egal-Fees - - - $65,000:00 -$3$361 X60 E 101-41600-312 Legal Police $0.00 $1,336.33 E 101-41600-313 Legal-Liquor $0.00 $0.00 E 101-41600-314 Legal P/W $0.00 $784.41 E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I $0.00 $4,822.79 E 101-41600-318 Legal Parks $0.00 $174.00 E 101-41600-319 Legal/Docks $0.00 $198.00 E 101-41600-361 General Liability Ins $460.00 $2;437.44 E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners ~~ $30,000.00 a .,. ~$5,401~26 Dept 41600 Legal $135,460.00 $70,039.86 • City of Mound Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 7 2007 2007 YTD % of Balance Budget $23,475.97 41.31 _..._$26;638:40 _ _ 59.02% _ __ -$1,336.33 0.00% $0.00 0.00% -$784.41 0.00% -$4,822.79 0.00% -$174.00 0.00% -$198.00 0.00% -$1,977.44 529.88% $24,598.74 18.00% $65,420.14 51.71% -198- CABLE T.V. • CODE 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL ~• • 101-49840 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 42,141 42.263 43.000 43,200 43.200 0.47% 42.141 42.263 43.000 43.200 43.200 0.47% -199- 8116/2007 City of Mound ', CITY OF MOUND • Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance Budget $43,000.00 $10,775.36 $32,224.64 25 06% $43,000.00 $10,775.36 $32,224.64 25.06% AccountDescr ..~,~ Dept 49840 Cable N E 101-49840-300 Professional Srvs Dept 49840 Cable N • -200- 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 20 I • CODE CONTINGENCY 101-49999 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,070 2,916 1,700 1,700 430 MISCELLANEOUS 11,230 10,954 15,000 40,000. 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15.473 Q Q ~ I• • 1,700 40,000 166.67% 0 ___ TOTAL 98 77 13.870 x§.700 41.700 41.700 149.70% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPTIAL EXP 13.300 13.87Q 14 .700 41.700 149.70% 8/1612007 -201- CONTINGENCY CODE • OTHER 430 Unknown, Legal Labor Services $15,000 - -Ratny~ay~PeTSOnne~mmittee ;000 300 Community Mediation Services TOTAL 2008 REQUESTED 40,000 1,700 41.700 1 __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ I• -202- City of Mound ~, ~...r • CITY OF MOUN® Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 21 2oa7 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Account Descr Budget _.. __ ,. YTD Amt __ .,~,,;~.~z,~,~,~~, __ Balance Budget Dept 49999 Contingency & Misc. 00 700 $1 082.60 $5 -$3,382.60 298.98% E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs . , 00 000 $15 , $11,037.00 $3,963:00 73.58% Ef01-49999-430. Miscellaneous . , $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% E 101-49999-500 Capital Outlay FA . 00 $0 $0.00 0 00% E 101-49999-600 Debt Srv Principal $0 00 . ..,~ A,.,w...n-..~ Dept 49999 Contingency & Misc. ~ $16 700 00 $16,119.60 $580.40 96.52% • • -203- 101-49300 GEN. FUND TRANS. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQ_ UESTED PROPOSED • __ TF3ANSF-EEC. T-DARE" -- 326.850 326.850 7.30% 700 FIRE SERVICE FUND 475.216 434.652 304.610 47~ 16 434.65 '~~6 8 0 X 6 8 0 7.30% TOTAL • • - 204- snsrzoo7 GEN. FUND TRANS. CODE • 700 TRANSFERS Transfer to Fire Area Fund for Mound's Share of Operating Costs 2008 REQUESTED 326,80 Note: Levy for Fire and Police Rental: See Levy Sheet Levy for Mound Portion of Fire Relief: See Levy Sheet TOTAL • -205- City of Mound ~, Budget Expenditures by Fund Department Gino •...r • CITY OF MOUND AccountDescr Dept 49300 Fund Transfers E 101-49300-700 Transfers Dept 49300 Fund Transfers i• • 2007 2007 2007 2007 YTD % of Budget YTD Amt Balance ~ Budget ~~. $304,610.00 $272,872.85.... . W . ~.. $31,737.15 .89.58%_ ......... _.... ~..., ~........ ~ $304,610.00. _._ ., ~... ~ . $27,872.85 _ $31,737.15... _ _S9.b8et 08/16/07 10:56 AM Page 19 -206- GENERAL FUND REVENUE • 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED PROPOSED Dot GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES 48000 31010 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 2,565,173. 2,950,078 2,927,636 000 50 3,200;686 0 55 9.33% 1 48000 31020 DELINO. AD VALOREM TAXES 40,822 278 275 59,810 281,934 , 285,000 0 ,0 285, 0.00% 48000 31040 FISCAL DISPARITY -- , 561-- ----7- -6L10~ -- ----$060 _ _ x,000---- =1250°~-- - ------.. - 4800A- 31~J10---- PE:NAL~-IES-&-INTEREST - -- - - - , _ _ 0 846 9 5.000 5.000 0.00% 48000 35200 FORFEIT TAX SALE APPORT. , 834 888 2 3 307.775 3.275.636 3.552.686 8.46% TAXES . , INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 42000 33100 FEDERAL GRANT -POLICE 15,547 1,906 0 0 0 0 48200 33160 GRANTS FROM OTHER GOVT. UNI' 0 0 0 0 48200 33401 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 437 193 0 58 187 180,00 180,000 0.00% 48200 33402 MKT VALUE HOMESTEAD CR , 0 , 0 48200 33415 OTHER STATE GRANTS 0 000 60 43,960 60,000 60,000 0.00% 43000 33418 STATE AID FOR STREETS , 662 71 75,646 72,000 76,000 5.56% 42000 33421 POLICE PENSION AID , 060 6 6.060 6.060 6.060 0.00% 48200 33425 PERA STATE AID . INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 346.706 315.152 318.060 322.060 1.26% • LICENSES 800 11 400 11 12,100 6.14% 42000 32010 L1GIUOR LICENSES 12,400 , , 300 300 0.00% 42000 32020 BEER LICENSES 900 900 450 300 900 1,200 33.33% 42000 32030 GARBAGE LICENSES 330 300 300 300 0.00% 42000 32040 ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES 200 0 0 42000 32050 CIGARETTE LICENSES 200 0 900 900 42000 32072 PUBLIC GATHERING P. 0 0 300 200 -33.33% 42000 32175 FIREWORKS LICENSES 0 050 3 2,400 3,000 2,000 -33.33% 42000 32180 MISC. BUSINESS LICENSES T , 440 1 1.235 2.500 1.500 -40.00% 42000 32190 S MISC. BUSINESS PERMI , 220 19 16.685 19-.600 18.500 -5.61% LICENSES . NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 42000 32210 BUILDING PERMITS 135,876 151,906 140,000 200 140,000 0 0.00% -100.00% 42000 32215 FIRE PERMITS 0 0 p 84 0 0 #DIV/0! 42000 32220 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 918 9 17,579 15,000 15,000 0.00% 42000 32230 PLUMBING PERMITS , 718 9 12,237 10,000 10,000 0.00% 42000 32235 HEATING PERMITS , 0 0 0 42000 32236 PUBLIC LAND PERMITS 0 0 0 0 42000 32238 PLUMBING REGISTRATION 0 510 1 6,815 2,000 6,800 42000 32241 DOG/CAT LICENSES , 278 5 6,565 6,000 6,000 0.00% 42000 32270 GRADING/EXCAVATING , 0 0 0 42000 32290 MISC. P&I FEES 0 883 63 79,558 70,000 70,000 0.00% 42000 34104 PLAN CHECK FEES , 100 50 100 100 0.00% 42000 34310 CONTAINERS ON RIGHT OF WAY • & PERMITS 226.283 274.794 243.300 247.900 1.89% NON-BUS. LIC. - 207 - sip si2oo7 GENERAL FUND REVENUE 2005 2006 2007 2008 • ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED PROPOSED _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _. Dpt GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES.. __ 42000 34103 ZONING CHARGES 25 376 0 292 0 500 0 300 -40.00% 41000 34105 SALES OF MAPS, ETC. 60 100 400 100 -75.00% - 41000 34107 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES ~ 340 21 9;400- 10;000 _._ ~o~eeo- - °- - - ----o-eoo-- ._.42000 . :.._34114- RL. - PL-ANNINGCOMM:-Af : , 575 2 4,891 3,000 4,000 33.33% 42000 34210 DOG PICK-UP CHARGES , 0 257 500 1,000 42000 34215 KENNEL BOARDING FEES 20 0 0 42000 34220 FILING FEES 0 6 174 0 0 42000 34230 MISC. SERVICE CHARGES 696 107 109,727 108,000 108,000 0.00% 48100 37290 STREET LIGHT FEE , 1 10 48100 38051 FRANCHISE FEE -CABLE T.V. 031 74 07,441 77,600 4,000 4.64 ~° ° 48100 38055 ANTENNA LEASE CENTER POINT FRANCHISE FEE , 820 89, 1,157 0,000 000 90, 000 108 0 0.00 82% -1 48100 .38060 XCEL ENERGY FRANCHISE FEE 108.996 107.838 110.000 . . 48100 38070 GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES 499.988 502.948 498.000 495.400 -0.52% OTHER REVENUE 49300 34108 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 45000 34110 DEPOT RENTAL 42000 34191 SURCHARGES 42000 34203 ACCIDENT REPORTS • 45000 34750 PARK DEDICATION FEES RY SALE OF LOTS 45000 34940 CEMETE 42000 35100 COURT FINES 42000 35150 CIVIL FINES 41000 36100 NEW ASSESSMENTS 41000 36200 MISCELLANEOUS 48400 36210 INTEREST 48500 39101 SALE OF PROP. & EQUIPMENT OTHER REVENUE 49300 39203 TRANS. FROM OTHER FUNDS 49300 39210 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 47000 39310 PROCEED FROM SALE OF BONDS TOTAL TRANSFERS/BONDS TOTAL REVENUE BREAKDOWN BY PERCENTAGE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS GENERAL GOVERNMENT CHARGES • OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERS TOTAL 011 145 166,476 147,000 147,000 0.00% , 050 4 3,787 5,000 3,700 -26.00% , 854, 376 500 350 -30.00% 681 1 1,246 1,500 1,200 -20.00% , 0 0 p 0 #DIV/Ol 025 4 4,250 2,000 4,300 115.00% , 293 96 75,746 100,000 75,000 -25.00% , 0 1,750 0 0 #DIV/O! 054 2 11,225 3,000 3,000 0.00% , 465 33 17,662 40,000 15,000 -62.50% , 668 50 158,089 60,000 85,000 41.67% , 27.534 13.000 3.500 3.500 0.00% 365.135 453.607 362.500 338.050 -6.74% 0 939 11 0 12,633 0 12,000 0 12,000 0.00% , 281.706 313.261 150.000 150.000 0.00% 293.645 325.894 162.000 162.000 0.00% 5.28% 26% 62 63.65% 67.14% 69.16% 2.03% . 47% 7 6.06% 6.52% 6.27% -0.25% . 41 % 0 0.32% 0.40% 0.36% -0.04% . 88% 4 5.29% 4.99% 4.83% -0.16% . 78% 10 9.68% 10.21 % 9.64% -0.56% . 87% 7 8.73% 7.43% 6.58% -0.85% . 6.33% 6.27% 3.32% 3.15% -0.17% 0 10 ~ 0.00% 100.00/° 10, ~ :0~% % 0.0 8/16/2007 208 _ W = 0 D Z W Z ~ W N a > °C O W ~ O L Q ~ O O ~ 0 J N ~, a ~ Q C~ W W Z ~. W .,. N OM ~ Uj ~ O a N C o v i •~" ` \ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ V J ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ O a ~ o a m U E cd c 0 L a~ c -209- GENERAL FUND • SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES __ - __ 2005... ___ _ 2U08 - 2008... _ %iNCREASE _ _ _ 2006. - - - .2007 VED REQUESTED PROPOSED (DECREASE) ACTUAL A CTUAL AP PRO REVENUE - GENERAL-PROPERTY TAXES - - 2,888,834 3 307-,775 3;275,636- 3,552,686 3 3552!686 3 8.46% 6 % INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENU 346,706 31 5 319 600 28 500 18,500 5 6 1 LICENSES 19,220 6,68 NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & 283 226 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89°0 PERMITS GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES , , 7 050 338 338,050 -6.74% OTHER REVENUE 135 365 453,60 894 325 362,500 162.000 , 162,000 162.000 0.00% INTERFUND TRANSFERS/BOND£ 293.645 , TOTAL REVENUE 4,639.811- 5.196.855 4,879.096 5136.596 5.136,596 5.28% EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL 77,172 78,771 84,590 0 79,629 200 8 79,629 8,200 -5.87% 49.09% PROMOTIONS 3,750 141 42 5,250 42,263 5,50 43,000 , 43,200 43,200 0.47% CABLE T.V. CITY MANAGEWCLERK , 290,935 312,079 336,445 350,488 925 17 350,488 17,925 4.17% 5.71% ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 435 16,956 7 2,850 950 86 , 92,050 92,050 5.87% ASSESSING 84,359 696 244 84,18 285,088 , 361,930 379,806- 379,806 4.94% FINANCE COMPUTER • , 18,647 772 130 9,459 130 123 13,950 135,460 20,000 140,507 20,000 140,507 43.37% 3.73% LEGAL , 701 581 1 , 649,134 1 1,546,418 1,734,960 1,691,435 9.38% % POLICE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS , , 6,071 , 7,268 7,100 1 7,100 482 460 7,100 460,282 0.00 6.78% PLANNING & INSPECTION 381,398 8 415,316 572 914 431,05 889,269 , 812,532 810,532 -8.85% STREET CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 937,72 98,193 , 109,369 106,770 118,078 535 547 109,778 540,975 2.82% 16.24% PARKS 384,392 389,788 797 7 465,399 447 10 , 33,771 10,771 3.10% CEMETERY 7,641 , 0 , 000 5 5,000 5,000 0.00% RECREATION 3,000 773 28 13,870 , 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% CONTINGENCIES , 216 475 434.652 304.610 326.850 326.850 7.30% TRANSFERS . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4.797.020 4,898.949 4.853.438 5.219.813 5.136.228 5.83% INCREASE (DECREASE) -157,209 297,906 25,658 -83,217 368 -98.57% FUND BALANCE, JANUARY 1 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT -37.046 -67.544 ' 1 4 ~ ~' 46 82% FUND BALANCE, DECEMBER 31 1.14_ 6.634 ~7 1 + FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE 90% 23 28.11% 19.69% 25.28% 27.32% OF EXPENDITURES: . NOTE: UNDESIGNATED ONLY IS PART OF FUND BALANCE. • - 210 - 8/16/200 c ,,, W Q ~ W Z Z N ~ ~ W a ~ a o~ ~ a o W Z ~ o o N ~ ~ a ~ Q W W Z W C~ o~ ~~ U to r 7 a 0 0 CV d' -211- CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP 2005 2006 2007 2008 TAX LEVIES " REVENUE -GENERAL PURPOSES 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 250 368 3'366,860 ,..9'4700% REVENUE --LEASE-PAYMENTS - 368;440 -- 364,060 400 21 , -- 20,900 20,500 2001AJUDGMENTBOND 21,800 350 33 , 67,890 71,010 72120 FIRE RELIEF IMPROVEMENT 2001C O G , 71 200 75,000 73,300 167 141 71,500 143,162 . . G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2003A 136,860 340 143 139,067 141,494 , 144,179 146,717 G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C , 500 28 30,600 26,900 17 700 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A , 450 142 114,500 111,700 112,100 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2004C , 0 66,700 68,600 65,100 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A 000 35 31,000 64,200 67,500 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C , p 32,234 29252 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A 0 0 000 35 37,513 70,308 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C , 0 0 116,270 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A 0 0 0 42,460 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2007C 0 0 420 3 0 0 LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN 14.32 . 4~4~ ~ 1~ 11.00% TOTAL LEVY ,~~71?.$24 4~1~44 • SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) 136.1?4 ~,~,1?4 17~.2~]. ~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 27.30% TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,200,165 CERTIFIED LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,789 5,200,165 FISCAL DISPARITY -278.460 -285.070 -303.426 -303.426 NET LEVY ~ '$'~ ~ ~~~ CITY PROPERTY 295 37 37.259 36.409 37.471 TAX RATE . ~~'~~~ Tax Tax Tax Tax Property Value: 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 562.06 Property Value: 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 749.41 • Property Value: 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 936.77 Property Value: 300,000 1,118.85 1,1 i 7.77 1,092.27 1,124.12 -212- 11.00% 11.76% 2.92% 8/16/2007 i• ~~2 ~o~ O 00 G ~ a0 ~ Q~ CNG N ~ ~ M N O ~ ~ ~ ~ N ti N C Rf ~ ~ ~" N p_p O Ip M m N ~ r v 00 O d' O I` ~ t~ M ~ M ~ M 00 OD ~ W M ~ p ti N o M as cti aD ~C M 1 ~ o as > d' ~ d' ~' . . N ~. M ~ . ~ N ti 000 O o0O r 0~0 ~ O N ~ M ~ N d N G r - O ~ l a r CA CA O M M ~' 00 ti tO0 ~ r ti ~ ~ H C M e M 0 N ~ti M `aY O^ N ~ ~ a -^ O O O 0 0 ~ N ~ r d t[~ r x ~ w O r M CA ~ ~ ~ O O t C~ O O O ~O O N O ~ ti O~ O ' ~ cD 00 ~ t1! 0 h O N ~ ~ O O ~ r O r ci ti _ r 0 O 0 0 ~[! ~ ~ O ~ N • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ r O aD 0) tC ~ o ~! ~ to C O O _ ~ M ~ ~ ~ R N d~ '~" N ~ ~ me ~ M O O N L ~ ~ , R r.. ~ ~ > .~ ~ C ~ ~ LL. ~ V p Q. ~ ~ L .~.. v- ~ __ Q ~ . N ~ ~+ ~ N ~ d ~ Lt. d N ~ , .t~ p L y ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ d m ~ , ~ m a d ~ d ~- ~ V ~ d ` ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ Q D c a V ~ J ~ N N O ii U d N 7 O 2 O ~ a d ~ O ~ t- L _ +~+ C ~ O R ~ d ~ A d 0) y C = O p R V y~.d L i H O C O ~ d N d •la ~~„ ~_ y ~3 a .~ R m~ '^ O O ~ ~ ~C L •~ ~ d H OC o~ v~ N ~ C L o C~ V G S Z v . 1 . GENERAL FUND • SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 % INCREASE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED(DECREASEI REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES , 2,888,834 3,307,775 3,275,636 3,552,686 3 3,552,686 3 8.46% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3 5 3 319 600 500 18 18,500 5 61% LICENSES 19,220 16,68 , NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & 283 226 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89% PERMITS GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES , 499,988 502,948 498,000 495,400 050 338 495,400 050 338 -0.52% -6.74% OTHER REVENUE 365,135 453,607 894 325 362,500 000 162 , 162.000 , 162.000 0.00% INTERFUND TRp,NSFERSlBONDS 293.645 . . 811 639 4 5 196,855 ,879.096 5 136.596 5.136.596 5.28% TOTAL REVENUE . , EXPENDITURES 172 77 78,771 84,590 79,629 79,629 -5.87% CITY COUNCIL , 750 3 5,250 5,500 8,200 8,200 49.09% PROMOTIONS , 141 42 42,263 43,000 43,200 43,200 0.47% CABLE T.V. , 935 290 312,079 336,445 350,488 350,488 4.17% CITY MANAGER/CLERK , 435 956 16 2,850 17,925 17,925 5.71% ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 359 84 , 84,187 86,950 92,050 92,050 5.87% ASSESSING , 696 244 285,088 361,930 379,806 379,806 4.94% FINANCE , 647 18 9,459 13,950 20,000 20,000 43.37% COMPUTER • LEGAL , 130,772 123,130 4 135,460 418 546 1 140,507 035 707 1 140,507 1,691,435 3.73% 9.38% 1,581,701 1,649,13 , , , , 00% 0 POLICE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 6,071 7,268 16 7,100 051 431 7,100 482 460 7,100 460,282 . 6.78% PLANNING & INSPECTION 381,398 728 937 415,3 914,572 , 889,269 , 812,532 $ STREET CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS , 98,193 109,369 106,770 9 118,078 535 547 9,778 975 540 2.82% 16.24% PARKS 384,392 1 389,788 797 7 465,39 447 10 , 33,771 , 10,771 3.10% CEMETERY 7,64 000 3 , 0 , 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% RECREATION , 773 28 13,870 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% CONTINGENCIES , 216 475 434.652 304.610 326.850 326.850 7.30% TRANSFERS . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,797,020 4,898.949 4,853.438 5.191.888 5,136.228 5.83% INCREASE (DECREASE) -157,209 297,906 25,658 -55,292 368 -98.57% UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, JAN 1 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT -37.046 -67.544 1 634 146 1 1 !6. 6 ~~614. 1 ~d7 6 1.403.022 46.82% . . UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, DEC 3 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE AS A 23 90% 28 11 % 19.69% PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES 33.38% 39.67% 31.78% NOTE: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE INCLUDES PARK DEDICATION AND COMPENSATED ABSENSES UNDESIGNATED DOES NOT. • 25.95% 27.32% 37.66% 39.16% 8/28/2007 -2- City of Mound Fund Balance as a Percentage of Current Expenditures General Fund Only • 08/27/2007 i• • ear Budget Undesignated Fund Balance Actual Undesignated Fund Balance Actual Unreserved Fund Balance Actual Total Fund Balance 1996 0 34.75 /° 40.98% 53.26% 53.26% 1997 36.16% 47.43% 57.96% 57.96% 1998 37.00% 42.11 % 51.85% 51.85% 1 ggg 35.64% 41.06% 51.38% 51.38% 2000 30.77% 26.52% 36.30% 36.30% 2001 30.03% 34.98% 45.43% 45.54% 2002 ° 18.06 /° 45.39% 55.16% 55.16% 2003 20.24% 38.05% 47.10% 57.31 2004 18.35% 0 28.67 /o 36.97% 45.33% 2005 ° 20.08 /° 23.90% 33.43% 41.11 2006 19.74% 28.11 % 39.67% 47.10% 2007 20.00% ~ ~ ~ 2008 ~ ~ ~ ~ -3- r1 L_J 0 X (6 ~'- A Q.. O L a t!~ p p W p W ~ W ~ °- O~ ~ ~ p Z D. u. ~, O ~- o c J N o v a -~ z ~. W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 ~~ 0 0~ ~ ~ U c ~ t3 ~ m Z ~ C N V ~ ~ N N N ~ ~ o p ~ C ~ ~ L~ LL ~ `- v > ~ J O > ~ N ~ ~ ~ U ~ -4- • \° 0 d' N _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ i W ~ ~ 0 ~ I-- ~ ~ Z ~ ~ .~ Z W d. °- cn o ~ o ~ ~ o U = d' E w a ~ O ~ z oo o ~ ~ ~ O ~ N _ V J t~ ~ Q OC W W ~' ~ Z Y o W ~ :,_' c~ ~ C~ a. ~' N ~ ~ 0 U ~ 0.. -5- • CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP 2005 2006 2007 2008 TAX LEVIES REVENUE -GENERAL PURPOSES 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 3,858,617 9.4700% REVENUE -LEASE PAYMENTS 368,440 364,060 368,250 366,860 2001A JUDGMENT BOND 21,800 21,400 20,900 20,500 FIRE RELIEF 33,350 67,890 71,010 72,120 G.O. IMPROVEMENT2001C 71,200 .75,000 73,300 71,500 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2003A 136,860 139,067 141,167. 143,162 G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C 143,340 141,494 144,179 146,717 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A 28,500 30,600 26,900 17,700 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2004C 142,450 114,500 111,700 112,100 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A 0 66,700 68,600 65,100 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C 35,000 31,000 64,200 67,500 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A 0 0 32,234 29,252 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C 0 35,000 37,513 70,308 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A 0 0 0 116,270 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2007C 0 0 0 42,460 LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN 14.320 3.420 0 0 TOTAL LEVY ,~,j12.920 4.216.904 4.684.769 x.200.165 11.00% • SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) 136.124 136.124 173.281 189.934 27.30% ?????? 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,200,165 11.00% CERTIFIED LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,200,165 FISCAL DISPARITY -278.460 -285,070 -303.426 -321'.170 NET LEVY 3.434.460 3.931.834 4.381.343 4.878.995 11.36% CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 37.295 37.259 36.409 37.335 2.54% ?????? Tax Tax Tax Tax Property Value: 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 560.02 Property Value: 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 746.70 • Property Value: 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 933.37 Property Value: 300,000 1,118.85 1,117.77 1,092.27 1,120.05 -6- 8/28/2007 • Cit of Mound Y Certified Levy Amounts 1988 -Present Year General Fund Total Levy Amount HRA Levy Levy Amount 1988 1,208,008.00 1,394,007.00 23,000.00 1988 1,145,315.00 -5.19% 1,327,245.00 -4.79% 24,000.00 4.35% 1990 1,404,187.00 22.60% 1,583,795.00. 19.33% 0.00 -100.00% 1991 1,462,888.00 4.18% 1,620,464.00 .2.32% 24,000.00 0.00% 1992 1,542,985.00 5.48% 1,695,293.00 4.62% 24,000.00 0.00% 1993 1,580,595.00 2.44% 1,734,801.00 2.33% 24,000.00 0.00% 1994 1,635,280.00 3.46% 1,783,620.00. 2.81 % 24,000.00 0.00% 1995 1,659,200.00 1.46% 1,808,130.00 1.37% 24,000.00 0.00% 1996 1,713,545.00 3.28% 1,850,295.00 2.33% 24,000.00 0.00% 1997 1,745,900.00 1.89% 1,863,940.00 0.74% 24,000.00 0.00% • 1 gg$ 1,762,400.00 0.95% 1,879,410.00 0.83% 24,000.00 0.00% ~ ggg 1,749,360.00 -0.74% 1,868,660.00 -0.57% 24,000.00 0.00% 2000 1,859,210.00 6.28% 1,975,330.00 5.71 % 24,000.00 0.00% 2001 1,947,860.00 4.77% 2,065,800.00 4.58% 53,000.00 120.83% 2002 2,252,500.00 15.64% 2,394,870.00 15.93% 53,000.00 0.00% 2003 2,373,760.00 5.38% 2,814,100.00 17.51°l0 83,000.00 56.60% 2004 2,528,050.00 6.50% 3,321,960.00 18.05% 116,506.00 40.37% 2005 2,717,660.00 7.50% 3,712,920.00 11.77% 136,124.00 16.84% 2006 3,126,774.00 15.05% 4,216,904.00 13.57% 136,124.00 0.00% 2007 3,524,817.00 12.73% 4,684,769.00 11.09% 173,281.00 27.30% .7 -7-