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PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 140 AGENDA *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence.' Page 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. Swearing -in of Officer Mike Fournier 5. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes: October 9, 2007 regular meeting *B. Approve payment of claims C. Approve Change Order No. 1, Auditors Road Utilities Reconstruction Project, City Project No. PW -08 -01 *D. Approve Change Order No. 1 & 2, Mound Transit Center Parking Facility, City Project No. PW -0605 *E. Approve Pay Request No. 7 by Walker Parking Consultants for work on the Mound Transit Center Parking Facility, PW Contract No. PW -0605 *F. Accept City of Mound Water Emergency and Conservation Plan *G. Adopt resolution approving a Premises Permit Application for gambling at V.F.W. Post 5113 *H. Adopt resolution approving a Premises Permit Application for gambling at Dailey's Pub *I. Adopt resolution authorizing preparation and submittal of an Environmental Response Fund (ERF) grant application to • Hennepin County to conduct environmental testing in the Auditor's Road District I 5551 -5554 5555 -5581 5582 -5583 5584 -5587 5588 -5589 5590 -5592 5593 -5595 5596 -5598 5599 -5605 PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *J. Action adopting an Ordinance amending subsection 365 of the 5606 -5609 City Code as it relates to signage •6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minute per speaker) 7. Mound Westonka Superintendent Kevin Borg with an update on Westonka Schools and the proposed levy request on the Nov 6 school district ballot 8. Kathy Kardell of Ehler's & Associates on refunding of Tax Increment 5610 -5613 Bonds (temporary bonds for dump remediation) 9. Action on resolution receiving report and calling hearing on 2008 Street 5614 Improvement, Utilities and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City Project No. PW -08 -01 10. Action on resolution adopting a policy for neighborhoods wishing to add, 5615 -5621 alter or remove street signage 11. Planning Commission Case No. 07 -25 5622 -5646 Sketch Plan —11 -unit major subdivision with PDA -CUP (R -1) 6301 Lynwood Boulevard Applicant: Benson Group 12. Discussion/action on an Ordinance amending Section 610 of the Mound 5647 • City Code as it relates to water meters 13 2008 Levy and Budget discussion see insert 14. Miscellaneous /Correspondence A. Comments /reports from Council Members 5648 -5652 B. Reports: POSDAC Minutes — Oct 11, 2007 C. Correspondence: Superintendent Borg on Gillespie Center 5653 D. Other: LMCC Calendar 5654 -5656 15. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofinound.com. 40 2 COUNCIL BRIEFING October 23, 2007 On.coming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Oct 23 — 6:30 — Regular HRA meeting Oct 23 — 7:30 — Regular CC meeting Oct 28 — 3:00 — Ribbon Cutting at Transit District/WeCan Trek to the Deck fund raiser Nov 3 —10 -1:00 — Public Works Maintenance Facility public open house and presentation Nov 13 — 6:30 — Regular HRA meeting Nov 13 — 7:30 — Regular CC meeting Nov 15 — 6:00 — Tree Lighting Ceremony (location to be determined) Nov 20 —1:30 -3:30 — Flu Shots at City Hall Dec 3 — 7:00 — Truth in Taxation Hearing Dec 10 — 7:00 — Truth in Taxation Hearing continuation, if needed Dec 13 — 7:30 — Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission interviews Citv Hall Closing Veteran's Day Nov 12 Thanksgiving Nov 22 -23 Christmas Dec 24 -25 New Years Dec 31 -Jan 1 Budeet_Packets Please bring budget packets from past meetings. Replacement pages for those funds that could be affected are included in this packet. Thank you. • • • MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 9, 2007 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, October 9, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, John Beise and Greg Skinner Members absent: Mike Specht Others present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Acting City Manager Gino Businaro, David Blow, Amanda Schwarze, Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance • 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Beise, seconded by Osmek to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. • 4. Consent agenda Hanus requested the removal of Items 4A and 4F from the consent agenda for discussion. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to approve Items 4B through 4E on the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. (removed) B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $387,406.26. C. Approve Payment Request No. 5 by GMH Asphalt in the amount of $551,512.95 for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project ( #PW- 07 -01) D. Approve permits for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church 1. Approve temporary sign permit for special event promotional signage for holiday boutique 2. Accept fee for public Dance /live Music permit for Starlight Blast E. RESOLUTION NO. 07 -81: RESOLUTION RE- DEFINING THE PREMISES AND CONDITIONS FOR THE CLUB AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSES ISSUED TO THE V.F.W. POST 5113 F. (removed) -5551- Mound City Council Minutes — October 9, 2007 • 4A. Approve minutes Hanus wanted a change in wording in a section of the September 25th minutes. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Osmek to approve the September 25, 2007 minutes as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4F. Approve setting special meeting for discussion of 2008 budget and levy for October 30. 2007 at 6:30 p.m. Hanus stated that he has a conflict with the proposed date and asked the Finance Director if the budget could be ready for discussion at the next regular meeting of October 23, and if anyone on the council has a problem with holding the budget discussion at this regular meeting. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to hold discussion on the proposed 2008 budget at the regular meeting of October 23, 2007. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Public hearings A. Delinquent sewer and water bills Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing. David Blow, 4720 Manchester Road,`stated that during the last few years, while recovering from alcoholism, he has become delinquent in taxes, mortgage payments, etc., and asked the council to forgive the late fees so that he can pay the assessment in • full and not have it certified to his taxes. He is asking to have the $68.21 in late charges waived. Hanus stated that it's a struggle how to justify waiving his and not waiving others. Businaro stated that when requests come, staff makes a decision and informs the homeowner. Staff feels that if a mistake is made by the city, they will waive the fee, otherwise it is charged to the homeowner. It was determined that this case didn't meet the practice of waiving the late fees. Upon no other comments being offered, Mayor Hanus closed the public hearing. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 07 -82: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND WATER BILLS AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #16949. 5B. CBD Parking Maintenance Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no comment, closed the public hearing. U 2 -5552- • Mound City Council Minutes — October 9, 2007 MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 07 -83: RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2007 CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #16950. 5C. Miscellaneous Property Improvements Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing and upon hearing no comment, closed the public hearing. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 07 -84: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #16951. 5D. Abatement of hazardous building at 4807 Longford Sarah Smith stated that the property owner would like to review the itemized charges relating to this assessment, and requested that action be delayed until the next council meeting. • Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Beise to continue the public hearing until the October 23rd council meeting. Osmek stated that he does not want to continue this because the property has been an eyesore and blight on our community for years, and after having the letter returned from the owner, now he wants to come and talk about it. Sarah Smith stated that the public hearing notice was sent to the owner of record, and re -sent to the current known address, and the owner wants to review the itemized charges, which he has not seen to this point. Staff feels strongly that the charges are accurate. Osmek feels that the owners had ample opportunity to deal with the situation and has neglected to do so. The amount represents the actual cost to the city for removing the building that the owner should have done on his own, and there is no reason why we shouldn't assess this amount. He would like to act on this assessment now. Hanus withdrew his motion. Osmek stated that this property owner hasn't appeared at any previous meetings when this was discussed, and feels that it should be acted upon tonight. It started in 2003 with a fire, and was deemed hazardous in 2006. Mayor Hanus closed the public hearing. • 3 -5553- Mound City Council Minutes — October 9, 2007 • MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution and direct staff to provide the property owner with a detailed list of charges. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 07 -85: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS BUILDING AT 4807 LONGFORD ROAD AND CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR AT 8% INTEREST. LEVY #16952. 6. Discussion /Action on Ordinance Amending Section 610 of the Mound City Code as it Relates to Water Meters Hanus stated that the proposed ordinance reflects changes that he is suggesting. Skinner stated that he still prefers to have the reader installed inside the house. Beise also stated that he's not really a fan of changing the ordinance when we are down to only 16 meters left to be installed. Hanus stated that his concern is why we are insisting on having it in a specific location when there is no real overriding reason to have it in a specific location. Beise stated that there was a policy in place and only one person had a problem with placing it where all of the others have been installed, and thinks it should have stayed the way it was. Hanus stated that he doesn't agree with uniformity as being the only reason. Skinner doesn't feel that it should go any further than the one that they granted special concession for, and it's not just a uniformity thing. Osmek indicated that he is in favor of the ordinance, which would meat - that-a vote would result in a 2 -2 tie. Hanus suggested that in that case, action should be delayed until the next meeting when there is a full council present. No action was taken. • 7. Miscellaneous /Correspondence A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Engineering Progress Report Finance Dept — Sept 2007 C. Correspondence: Gillespie Center 8. Adjourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adjourn. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk In -5554- Mayor Mark Hanus 0 0 OCTOBER 23, 2007 CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOTAL $1,036,855.39 -5555- 100407SUE $651.61 OCT 101007SUE $553,258.90 OCT 101707SUE $8,028.99 OCT 102307SUE $4747915.89 - OCT TOTAL $1,036,855.39 -5555- City of Mound 10/04/071:03 PM I, Payments Page 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Batch Name 100407SUE User Dollar Amt $651.61 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $651.61 $0.00 In Balance Refer 100407 HANSON, KANDIS Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training ICMA CONFERENCE ADVANCE $400.00 Invoice 100407 10/4/2007 Transaction Date 10/4/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 100407 TARGET FINANCIAL SERVICES _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow RESTITUTION $251.61 Invoice 100407 10/4/2007 Transaction Date 10/412007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $251.61 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $651.61 $651.61 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $651.61 Total $651.61 -5556- • • • CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 101007SUE Payments City of Mound Payments Current Period: October 2007 User Dollar Amt $553,258.90 Computer Dollar Amt $553,258.90 $0.00 In Balance 10/10/07 2:24 PM Page 1 Refer 101007 CASH, PETTY CASH _ Project PW0701 Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -430 Miscellaneous FRAME $13.85 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage POSTAGE DUE $2.30 Invoice 101007 10110/2007 Transaction Date Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -322 Postage POSTAGE DUE $2.30 Invoice 101007 10110/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -21715 Flex Plan Medical Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -212 Motor Fuels PARKING, MOORE $5.00 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -21716 Flex Plan Dependents Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS $3.06 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Transaction Date 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS $1.75 Invoice 101007 10110/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS $1.75 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS Invoice 101007 •Cash Payment 10/10/2007 E 601- 49400 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS $1.31 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training U OF M MUNICIPALS $1.32 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -212 Motor Fuels FUEL $6.66 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -212 Motor Fuels FUEL $1.67 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -212 Motor Fuels FUEL $1.66 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -431 Meeting Expense DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING $3.00 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $46.94 Refer 101007 GMH ASPHALT _ Cash Payment E 401 - 43107 -500 Capital Outlay FA REQUEST #5 STREET RECONSTRUCTION $551,512.95 PROJECT Invoice 101007 10/1012007 Project PW0701 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $551,512.95 Refer 101007 QUAAS, SHELLY _ Cash Payment G 101 -21715 Flex Plan Medical 2007 FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNT $224.90 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $224.90 Refer 101007 ROBERTS, COLLETTE _ Cash Payment G 101 -21715 Flex Plan Medical 2007 FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNT $911.56 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -21716 Flex Plan Dependents 2007 DEPENDENT CARE FLEX SPENDING $241.00 Invoice 101007 10/10/2007 Transaction Date 10/10/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,152.56 -5557- City of Mound 10/10/07 2:24 PM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,728.64 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1.75 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $551,512.95 601 WATER FUND $5.28 602 SEWER FUND $10.28 $553,258.90 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $553,258.90 Total $553,258.90 -5558- • *I *I i CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: October 2007 Batch Name 101707SUE User Dollar Amt $8,028.99 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $8,028.99 $0.00 In Balance 10/17/07 1:43 PM Page 1 Refer 101707 A -1 RENTAL OF LAKE MINNETONK _ Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs P/W AND PARKS FACILITY OPENHOUSE $209.05 Invoice 44868 -B 10/17/2007 Project 08900 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $209.05 Refer 101707 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/1712007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE •Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 $300.00 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 $139.38 Cash Pa ment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells 09 -07 TELEPHONE SERVICE $1,024.65 $460.23 $251.82 $19.64 $693.09 $560.34 $560.34 $560.35 as y Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,130.46 Refer 101707 KURTZ, JAMES _ Cash Payment G 101 -21716 Flex Plan Dependents 2007 DEPENDENT FLEX SPENDING $68.50 Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Transaction Date 10115/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.50 Refer 101707 MINNETRISTA, CITY OF _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 1500 WESTWOOD DRIVE, MINNETRISTA $300.00 W/S PAYMENT Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 101707 MOUND POST OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage 10 -07 UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $139.38 Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -322 Postage 10 -07 UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $139.38 Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $278.76 Refer 101707 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POL Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 09 -26-07 GASOLINE CHARGES $3,018.88 Invoice 101707 10/17/2007 •Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,018.88 Refer 101707 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 6002835 -9 $23.34 Invoice 193840429 10/17/2007 -5559- Transaction Date 10/1612007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23.34 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $5,475.58 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $251.82 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $209.05 601 WATER FUND $699.72 602 SEWER FUND $699.73 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $693.09 $8,028.99 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $8,028.99 Total $8,028.99 -5560- 401 • City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 1 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Batch Name 102307SUE User Dollar Amt $474,915.89 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $474,915.89 $0.00 In Balance Refer 102307 ALPHA RUG AND CARPET CLEANI Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -06 -07 CARPET CLEANING $1,363.20 Invoice 2621 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,363.20 Refer 102307 AMERICAN MESSAGING _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells PAGER $18.61 Invoice D2062026HJ -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PAGER $18.61 Invoice D2062026HJ -B 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $37.22 Refer 102307 AMUNDSON, M. LLP _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES $1,410.56 Invoice 24622 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,410.56 _ Refer 102307 ANDERSON, JEFF _ • Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -434 Conference & Training 06 -07 -07 BRAINERD STATE CONFERENCE $174.70 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 . Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $174.70 Refer 102307 ARCHITECTURAL ALLIANCE _ Cash Payment E 401 - 46590 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -21 -07 THRU 08 -31 -07 P/W AND PARKS $1,310.00 FACILITY Invoice 2007092- 00 -0 -5 10/23/2007 Project 08900 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,310.00 Refer 102307 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $202.86 Invoice 463728304 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $50.68 Invoice 438727503 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $71.16 Invoice 463728903 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $324.70 Refer 102307 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -300 Professional Srvs EMBROIDER WESTERN WAIST PACKS $15.98 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.98 Refer 102307 BATTERIES PLUS, #018 _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts LIFT STATION BATTERY $77.73 Invoice 18- 188580 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.73 •Refer 102307 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $609.75 Invoice 42366900 10/23/2007 -5561- City Of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM 'k _ Payments Page 2 • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 10 -12 -07 DELIVERY CHARGE $4.40 Invoice 43574900 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,613.00 Invoice 42377800 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,056.00 Invoice 42377800 -B 10123/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $11,322.00 Invoice 42306400 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,400.85 Invoice 42306300 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS $115.65 Invoice 43526300 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $75.58 Invoice 43526200 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 110 -03 -07 DELIVERY CHARGE $3.86 Invoice 43526200 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,796.90 Invoice 42456300 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,332.10 Invoice 42440100 10/23/2007 _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $80.72 Invoice 43574900 -A 10/23/2007 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies PLASTIC CUPS $115.00 Invoice 43574900 -B 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20,525.81 Refer 102307 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $87.95 Invoice 673886 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $87.95 Refer 102307 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 GENERAL $158.75 ENGINEERING Invoice 0110030 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 GENERAL $191.25 ENGINEERING Invoice 0110030 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 GENERAL $158.75 ENGINEERING Invoice 0110030 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 GENERAL $158.75 ENGINEERING Invoice 0110030 -D 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 601 -16300 Improvements Other Than BI 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2355 CHATEAU $550.00 WELL #3 PUMPHOUSE Invoice 0110031 10/23/2007 Project PW0608 Cash Payment E 401 -43106 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2006 STREET $2,401.00 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Invoice 0110032 10/23/2007 Project PW0601 • Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 WCA $210.00 ADMINISTRATION Invoice 0110033 10/23/2007 -5562- City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 3 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Distribution System 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2006 STORM $245.00 SEWER PROJECTS Invoice 0110034 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110035 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Distribution System Invoice 0110036 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110037 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110037 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Project PW0604 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 WATER SYSTEM REMODEL 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 SINCLAIR BAYWOOD LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0705 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS Invoice 0110037 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS Invoice 0110037 -D 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -23089 MHR Phase II Auditors Road 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 MHR PHASE II AUDITORS ROAD •Invoice 0110038 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 EMERGENCY CONSERVATION SUPPLY Invoice 0110039 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Distribution System Invoice 0110040 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110041 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Distribution System Invoice 0110042 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 427 -43121 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110043 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 401 -43107 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110044 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110045 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110046 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -23077 Halstead Point #06 -02 .Invoice 0110047 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675-49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0110048 10/23/2007 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2280 COTTONWOOD DRAINAGE STUDY Project PW0604 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 WALNUT, RAMBLER, MAPLE ROAD DRAINAGE STUDY Project PW0704 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 FRANKLIN, GLADSTON DRAINAGE STUDY Project PW0604 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 AUDITORS ROAD TO SHORELINE UTILITIES RECONSTRUCTION Project PW0507 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0701 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 PORT HARRISON DRAINAGE STUDY Project PW0704 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 HIGHLAND AREA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0704 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 HALSTEAD POINTE #06-02 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 BASSWOOD, TONKAWOOD DRAINAGE -5563- $488.50 $3,377.00 $61.38 $61.38 $61.37 $61.37 $260.00 $849.50 $681.00 $13,175.00 $484.00 $19,542.00 $42,486.40 $3,587.50 $1,446.00 $65.00 $88.00 City Of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM _ Payments Page 4 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 401 -43103 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2007 RETAINING $1,735.50 WALL IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 0110049 10/23/2007 Project PW0702 Cash Payment E 401 -43108 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 09 -07 -07 2008 STREET $5,374.00 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 0110050 10/2312007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR Project PW0801 Total $97,958.40 Cash Payment E 330 - 47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees GEN OB EQUIP CERTIF SERIES 2004C $450.00 Invoice 3231 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 102307 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUP _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials BULBS $15.93 Invoice 97048185 -A 10/23/2007 PO 19397 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials BULBS $15.93 Invoice 97048185 -B 10/23/2007 PO 19397 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials BULBS $15.94 Invoice 97048185 -C 10/23/2007 PO 19397 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply BULBS $326.02 Invoice 97042068 10/23/2007 PO 19946 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373.82 Refer 102307 BROWN, JIM CULTURED SOD FAR Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic SOD $44.86 Invoice 8952 10/23/2007 Transacti on Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.86 Refer 102307 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHE Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance JULY AUG SEPT CJDN CHARGE $630.00 Invoice P07MN02713008 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.00 Refer 102307 BUSINARO, GINO Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MN GFOA CONFERENCE $152.77 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $152.77 Refer 102307 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/147 _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #847 BRAKE PADS $308.53 Invoice 6974 -48603 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs U -JOINT REPAIR KIT $15.97 Invoice 6974 -50217 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs FLARE KIT, EXTINGUISHER $54.33 Invoice 6974 -50846 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 10143100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BRAKE PAD $61.97 Invoice 6974 -50655 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 10143100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SEAL CLAMP, OIL FILTER, ETC $84.84 Invoice 6974 -50656 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $525.64 Refer 102307 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE -5564- C] 0 1 • City of Mound Payments CITY OF MOUND 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 5 Invoice 429588 10/23/2007 •Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $79.65 Invoice 429589 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $54.90 Invoice 428638 10/23/2007 -5565- Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $566.00 Invoice 47973 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $260.00 Invoice 48324 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $260.00 Invoice 47965 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $408.00 Invoice 49200 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,494.00 Refer 102307 CEMSTONE CONCRETE SOLUTIO Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 3000 PSI 3/4 FLY $206.43 Invoice 673569 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10117/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $206.43 Refer 102307 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5714383 $65.52 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16-07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5728173 $47.84 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5731601 $19.31 102307 10/23/2007 •Invoice Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16-07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5731601 $19.31 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5731601 $19.32 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5762358 $27.42 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5765631 $71.94 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #5765631 $71.94 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities 08 -16 -07 THRU 09 -17 -07 #6093897 $30.74 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/1712007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373.34 Refer 102307 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $311.20 Invoice 0198054618 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $311.20 Refer 102307 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 09 -07 COPIER MAINTENANCE $396.00 Invoice 88719 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $396.00 Refer 102307 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,064.15 Invoice 429588 10/23/2007 •Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $79.65 Invoice 429589 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $54.90 Invoice 428638 10/23/2007 -5565- City of Mound 10/18107 10:48 AM I, Payments Page 6 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,717.55 Invoice 428637 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $33.00 Invoice 430412 10/23/2007 Project 08900 Transaction Date Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $409.95 Invoice 430411 -A 10/23/2007 Invoice 335815 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $247.65 Invoice 430411 -B 10/23/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,930.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $180.00 Invoice 430472 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment _ E 401 -43107 -500 Capital Outlay FA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX $295.00 Invoice 430472 -B 10/23/2007 Transaction Date Transaction Date Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,081.85 Refer 102307 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials SUPPORTS AND STRAINER $54.47 Invoice 803119075 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.47 Refer 102307 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Cash Payment G 101 -22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 07 -07 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $1,125.00 Invoice 335420 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 475 -46387 -300 Professional Srvs 03-07 TRANSIT DECK II $2,025.00 nvoice 334733 1012312007 Project PW0710 Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs 03 -07 P/W AND PARKS FACILITY $2,340.00 Invoice 334734 10123/2007 Project 08900 Transaction Date Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs 09 -07 P/W AND PARKS FACILITY $1,440.00 Invoice 335815 10/23/2007 Project 08900 Cash Payment Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,930.00 Refer 102307 ELECTRIC PUMP Cash Payment Cash Payment _ E 401 -43107 -500 Capital Outlay FA LIFT STATION ARBOR LANE $15,189.00 Invoice 0034860 -IN 10/23/2007 PO 20222 Project PW0701 Transaction Date Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15,189.00 *I Refer 102307 EMMONS AND OLIVIER RESOURC Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs _ PROGRESS REPORT THRU 09 -30 -07 $10,681.00 Invoice 00126 - 0001 -1 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,681.00 Refer 102307 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENTAN _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts GASKET STRAINER $24.07 Invoice 6661 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SUCTION LINER, BOLTS, NUTS, ETC $345.22 Invoice 6689 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $369.29 Refer 102307 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $511.00 Invoice 586243 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $511.00 • Refer 102307 FIRE CONTROL EXTINGUISHER -5566- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: October 2007 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 7 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies 2007 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE $213.29 Invoice 43666 10/23/2007 PO 20195 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $213.29 Refer 102307 FULLERTON BUILDING CENTER Cash Payment G 601 -16300 Improvements Other Than Bi CEDAR FENCE Invoice 2110492 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 102307 G & K SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 10145200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -02 -07 UNIFORMS Project PW0608 10100 Total J, Invoice 6468635 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 10 -16-07 MATS Invoice 6468635 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 102307 GARIN, T.J. _ $253.47 $253.47 $15.18 $53.84 $148.80 $18.14 $55.72 $53.23 $108.74 $51.05 $32.70 $37.53 $79.27 $79.27 $79.27 $15.18 $53.84 10100 Total $881.76 Cash Payment R 101 -45000 -34110 Depot Rental DEPOT REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 102307 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ •Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 09 -19 -07 HOT AND COLD FILTER I ' 6251564 10/2312007 $100.00 $100.00 $60.55 nvoice Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.55 Refer 102307 GRADY, KEVIN _ -5567- Invoice 6455336 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 10 -02 -07 MATS Invoice 6455336 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 64620306 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -09 -07 UNIFORMS Invoice 6462033 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 6462033 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 6462027 10/23/2007 ash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 6462031 10123/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -09 -07 UNIFORMS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -09 -07 UNIFORMS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -09 -07 UNIFORMS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 10 -09-07 MATS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 10 -09 -07 MATS Invoice 6462029 10/23/2007 Cash Pa ment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -16-07 UNIFORMS J, Invoice 6468635 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 10 -16-07 MATS Invoice 6468635 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 102307 GARIN, T.J. _ $253.47 $253.47 $15.18 $53.84 $148.80 $18.14 $55.72 $53.23 $108.74 $51.05 $32.70 $37.53 $79.27 $79.27 $79.27 $15.18 $53.84 10100 Total $881.76 Cash Payment R 101 -45000 -34110 Depot Rental DEPOT REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 102307 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ •Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 09 -19 -07 HOT AND COLD FILTER I ' 6251564 10/2312007 $100.00 $100.00 $60.55 nvoice Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.55 Refer 102307 GRADY, KEVIN _ -5567- City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM _ Payments Page 8 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -434 Conference & Training 06 -07-07 BRAINERD FIRE CONFERENCE $135.70 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $135.70 Refer 102307 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $916.25 Invoice 94403 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $916.25 Refer 102307 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $16.00 Invoice 734543 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR - $18.00 Invoice 734774 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,554.01 Invoice 665896 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $79.29 Invoice 665895 10123/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $7,496.53 Invoice 665894 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609-49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $87.90 Invoice 665529 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $191.88 Invoice 662817 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $206.66 Invoice 663323 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $0.00 Invoice 662720 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,797.50 Invoice 665898 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $30.40 Invoice 665897 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR - $18.00 Invoice 734297 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,128.60 Invoice 669499 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,860.63 Invoice 669145 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $355.08 Invoice 669088 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15,736.48 Refer 102307 GUSTAFSON, BRUCE • 7 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 06 -07 -07 BRAINERD STATE FIRE $10.75 CONFERENCE Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.75 Refer 102307 HANLEY, PATRICK Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 06 -07 -07 BRAINERD FIRE CONFERENCE $47.75 • Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47.75 -5568- �e City of Mound 10118/07 10:48 AM Page 9 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Refer 102307 HANSON, RAY Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $30.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $30.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $30.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $29.99 Invoice 102307 10123/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $119.99 Refer 102307 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -227 Chemicals CHLORINE CYLINDER $85.00 Invoice 1117208 -RI 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.00 Refer 102307 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CLAMPS, GASKET $449.71 Invoice 6083379 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $449.71 Refer 102307 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO ash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals 09 -07 RADIO LEASE $820.48 nvoice 27098033 1 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $820.48 Refer 102307 HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WOR Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -455 Permits 04 -18 -07 CHATEAU LANE UTILITY PERMIT $215.00 Invoice UTIL00887 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $215.00 Refer 102307 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -450 Board of Prisoners 08 -07 ROOM AND BOARD $1,841.75 Invoice 002088 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,841.75 Refer 102307 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $255.85 Invoice 432695 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $255.85 Refer 102307 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I _ Cash Payment G 101 -23089 MHR Phase 11 Auditors Road 08-07 MHR PHASE II AUDITORS ROAD $2,781.25 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment G 101 -22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance 08 -07 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $1,082.98 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 401 -46377 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -07 GREENWAY PHAS 2 - CA $3,869.30 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,733.53 efer 102307 IKON OFFICE MACHINES _ Wash Payment E 222 -42260 -202 Duplicating and copying 10 -27 -07 THRU 01 -26 -08 $106.23 Invoice 74537046 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $106.23 -5569- Refer 102307 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs COMPOSITE REPLACEMENT BULB: Invoice 24512 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs COMPOSITE REPLACEMENT BULB; Invoice 24512 -B 10/2312007 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs COMPOSITE REPLACEMENT BULB; Invoice 24512 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs DIESEL OIL FILTER Invoice 24614 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #841 OIL CHANGE Invoice 24513 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #847 OIL CHANGE AND BRAKES Invoice 24536 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #840 REAR RIGHT TIRE Invoice 24573 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #848 AIR BLEND DOOR Invoice 24616 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #840 OIL CHANGE Invoice 24631 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -07 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN10070675 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -07 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN10070672 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -07 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN10070672 -8 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -07 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN10070672 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -07 CLEANING SERVICE Invoice MIN10070674 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 JERDE, MARCIA Cash Payment R 101 -41000 -36200 Miscellaneous Raven REFUND DEPOT RENTAL Invoice 1023047 10/23/2007 $20.57 $20.57 $20.58 $104.01 $27.99 $203.01 $47.63 $89.50 $31.04 Total $564.90 $1,227.95 $51.12 $51.12 $51.12 $568.71 Total $1,950.02 $100.00 *I Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 102307 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $9,351.35 Invoice 1329297 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $6,330.92 Invoice 1329298 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,216.23 Invoice 1329299 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $29.95 Invoice 1329300 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $367.35 • Invoice 1332698 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,555.44 Invoice 1332699 10/2312007 -5570- City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Payments Page 11 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $727.00 Invoice 1332700 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21,578.24 Refer 102307 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 670- 49500 -460 Janitorial Services 10 -13 -07 CLEANUP DAY $178.39 Invoice 101307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $178.39 Refer 102307 LAKE MINNETONKA COMM. COM Cash Payment E 101 -49840 -300 Professional Srvs 3RD QTR PUBLIC ACCESS FEE $11,084.91 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,084.91 Refer 102307 LAKER NEWSPAPER _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -300 Professional Srvs 10 -06 -07 COMP PLAN UPDATE $25.07 Invoice 778350 10/23/2007 Project 06002 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.07 Refer 102307 LAKESHORE COMMUNICATIONS, Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 01 -02 -07 COLUMN $545.00 Invoice 00116430 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $545.00 • Refer 102307 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS, ETC $171.86 Invoice 6091809 -A 10/23/2007 PO 19376 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS, ETC $171.86 Invoice 6091809 -B 10/23/2007 PO 19376 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials BOLTS, NUTS, SCREWS, ETC $171.87 Invoice 6091809 -C 10/23/2007 PO 19376 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $515.59 Refer 102307 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T _ Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $22.35 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $384.96 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $303.00 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $8,677.79 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $315.42 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $4,607.13 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $1,609.39 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $2,804.01 •Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $310.45 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 -5571- City Of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM I, Page 12 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $1,254.23 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $4,607.13 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 4TH QTR WORKERS COMP $1,497.64 Invoice 11899 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26,393.50 Refer 102307 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $142.00 Invoice 247056 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $913.55 Invoice 247055 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $18.45 Invoice 244504 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,282.95 Invoice 244503 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,356.95 Refer 102307 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 09 -20-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $266.20 Invoice 19824 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 09 -24-07 DELIVERY CHARGE $28.60 • Invoice 19836 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 09 -27 -07 DELIVERY CHARGE $272.80 Invoice 19861 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $567.60 Refer 102307 MARSCHKE, RON _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE FRAME MATERIALS $93.96 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.96 Refer 102307 MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCI Cash Payment G 601 -16300 Improvements Other Than BI 09 -07 2355 CHATEAU WATERTOWER $62.50 Invoice 59866 10/23/2007 Project PWO608 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.50 Refer 102307 METRO SALES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -03 -07 THRU 10 -08 -07 COPIER $24.73 MAINTENANCE Invoice 266260 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -03-07 THRU 10 -08-07 COPIER $24.73 MAINTENANCE Invoice 266260 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -03 -07 THRU 10 -08 -07 COPIER $24.73 MAINTENANCE Invoice 266260 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -03 -07 THRU 10 -08 -07 COPIER $24.74 MAINTENANCE • Invoice 266260 -D 10/23!2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $98.93 Refer 102307 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE -5572- 16 City of Mound 10/18/0710:48 AM Page 13 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 11 -07 WASTEWATER $119.95 $53,032.61 invoice 858006 10/23/2007 Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Reven REFUND WATER/SEWER Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $53,032.61 Refer 102307 MINNESOTA PIPE AND EQUIPMEN Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment G 601 -16300 Improvements Other Than BI AIR VALVE $412.75 Invoice 0213054 10/23/2007 Project PW0608 $10,485.83 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $412.75 Refer 102307 MINNESOTA PLAYGROUND, INCO _ $10,485.83 Refer 102307 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC _ Cash Payment R 101 -45000 -34750 Park Dedication Fees PLAY STRUCTURE AT TYRONE PARK 11 -07 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $45,000.00 Invoice 2007362 10/23/2007 PO 19932 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45,000.00 Refer 102307 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -382 Water Utilities 09 -07 WATER/SEWER Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 10 -07 LAKE AREA BUSINESS $99.00 Invoice 8580 10/23/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.83 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.00 Refer 102307 MORRIS, MATTHEW J. _ $515.02 Invoice 137176 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 BOOT ALLOWANCE 09 -19 -07 BLACKTOP $119.95 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/18/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $119.95 0 Refer 102307 MORT, ALLAN _ Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Reven REFUND WATER/SEWER $123.28 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $123.28 Refer 102307 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment E 895 -49990 -124 Fire Pens Contrib 10 -07 FIRE RELIEF $10,485.83 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,485.83 Refer 102307 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -412 Building Rentals 11 -07 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $782.00 Invoice 102307 10123/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $782.00 Refer 102307 MOUND, CITY OF _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -382 Water Utilities 09 -07 WATER/SEWER $60.83 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.83 Refer 102307 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 09 -24 -07 BLACKTOP $515.02 Invoice 137176 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 09 -19 -07 BLACKTOP $43.95 Invoice 137011 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 09 -06-07 BLACKTOP $406.24 Invoice 136543 10/23/2007 ash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 09 -05 -07 BLACKTOP $89.17 Invoice 136417 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,054.38 -5573- City Of Mound INKJET CARTRIDGE 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 14 ', Payments Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies Refer 102307 MYERS, TONY Invoice 403053571 -001 10/23/2007 PO 19394 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -200 Office Supplies Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 05 -13-07 FERGUS FALLS MNIAAI FIRE $330.25 CALENDAR REFILL INVESTIGATION Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE UNIFORMS $76.90 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE CERTIFICATION TEST $60.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $467.15 Refer 102307 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIRS AT STATION K -1 AND $1,778.84 WOODLAND /DOVE STATION Invoice 3068 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,778,84 Refer 102307 NEOPOST Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 10 -03 -07 THRU 10 -02 -08 MAINTENANCE $571.79 Invoice 43732936 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $571.79 Refer 102307 NORTHERN WATERWORKS SUPP _ Cash Payment E 450 - 46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA METERS $257.33 Invoice S01113503.001- 10/23/2007 P019398 Project 06001 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply METERS $702.66 Invoice S01113503.001- 10/23/2007 PO 19398 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $959.99 Refer 102037 NS/I MECHANICAL CONTRACTING _ Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -401 Building Repairs 09 -19-07 REPLACE BATTERY BACKUP $157.50 Invoice W12324 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $157.50 Refer 102307 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403052518 -001- 10/23/2007 PO 19393 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403052518 -001- 10123/2007 PO 19393 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403052518 -001- 10/23/2007 PO 19393 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403053571 -001 10/23/2007 PO 19394 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403646228 -001 10/23/2007 PO 19947 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies CALENDAR REFILL Invoice 403647688 -001 10/23/2007 PO 19947 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE Invoice 403193487 -001 10/23/2007 PO 20259 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo Refer 102307 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INCORPO Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -395 Gopher One -Call 09 -09 LOCATES Invoice 7090682 -A 10/23/2007 -5574- 10100 Total $73.46 $18.37 $18.37 $182.07 $90.33 $28.74 $70.89 61 •I $482.23 $95.70 • City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 15 APayments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -395 Gopher One -Call 09-09 LOCATES $95.70 Invoice 7090682 -B 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10117/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMP _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8160271 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8160842 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8160139 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8161672 10123/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Refer 102307 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY WINE WINE WINE WINE Total $191.40 $240.00 $2,764.88 $1,346.00 $2,198.02 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,548.90 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 13113336 10/23/2007 Refer 102307 PROTECTION ONE _ Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 _ Refer 102307 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR 2519806 10/23/2007 $17.90 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2519807 10/23/2007 $17.90 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2522491 10/23/2007 $17.89 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2522492 10/23/2007 $187.00 Total $187.00 $608.45 $1,120.30 $1,274.85 $594.20 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,597.80 Refer 102307 PROTECTION ONE _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -28-07 THRU 01 -27 -08 FIRE MONITORING $142.14 Invoice 102307 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -28-07 THRU 01 -27 -08 FIRE MONITORING $17.90 Invoice 102307 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -28-07 THRU 01 -27 -08 FIRE MONITORING $17.90 Invoice 102307 -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -28-07 THRU 01 -27 -08 $17.89 Invoice 102307 -D 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $195.83 Refer 102307 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $635.00 Invoice 916481 -00 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $496.00 Invoice 916721 -00 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $274.23 Invoice 919121 -00 10/23/2007 ash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,105.01 Invoice 919556 -00 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $93.86 Invoice 919579 -00 10/23/2007 -5575- City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 16 Payments I, CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,604.10 Refer 102307 RAYS SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal EDGEWATER CUT AND HAUL ELM $1,750.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 6001 RIDGEWOOD CUT AND HAUL ELM $485.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal PRIEST LANE TWO TREES $1,625.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 2954 IDLEWOOD CUT AND HAUL ELM $1,275.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 5976 IDLEWOOD CUT AND HAUL MAPLE $875.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 1611 MAPLE MANOR CUT AND HAUL ASH $895.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal TYRONE PARK $6,159.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10116/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,064.00 Refer 102307 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION _ Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Distribution System 08 -27 -07 2007 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT $176.17 Invoice 3722086 10/23/2007 Project PW0704 Cash Payment E 427 -43121 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -27 -07 ADUITORS RD UTILITIES $153.87 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 3722086 10/23/2007 Project PW0507 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $330.04 Refer 102307 REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals AIR AND OYXGEN $29.44 Invoice 837781 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $29.44 Refer 102307 SCHARBER AND SONS Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR RIGHT FRONT FENDER $25.00 Invoice 90600 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 102307 SCHOENHERR, BRADLEY T. Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 09 -19 -07 SFST TRAINING $37.50 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $37.50 Refer 102307 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, IN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 09 -15-07 THRU 09 -30 -07 PUBLICATION $12.50 Invoice 604841 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 10 -15 -07 PUBLICATION $12.50 Invoice 604841 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 102307 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR (SES) _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts REPAIR CHOKE LEVER $73.95 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $73.95 -5576- 61 0 1 • City Of Mound 10/18/0710:48 AM Page 17 Payments • o CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Refer 102307 SPECIALTY WINES AND BEVERAG _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $171.00 Invoice 17706 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $171.00 Refer 1 E +06 SPRINT WIRELESS Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells 08 -19 -07 THRU 09 -18 -07 CELL PHONES $11.04 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11.04 Refer 102307 ST. BONIFACIUS FORD, INCORPO Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #848 DOOR CONTROL BOX $52.02 Invoice 4044 10123/2007 PO 20193 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $52.02 Refer 102307 STS CONSULTANTS Cash Payment G 101 -23089 MHR Phase II Auditors Road THRU 08 -04 -07 MHR PHASE it $1,807.75 Invoice N20764 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,807.75 Refer 102307 SUSSMAN, MICHAEL E. _ Cashh ant E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 09 -16 -07 DULUTH, TZD CONFERENCE $75.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Invoice Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 102307 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,695.35 Invoice 1112688 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $72.35 Invoice 1112643 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,606.50 Invoice 1112642 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $115.50 Invoice 1112739 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,489.70 Refer 102307 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $72.80 Invoice 465327 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,827.60 Invoice 465328 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $492.00 Invoice 56481 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $295.00 Invoice 56360 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,965.55 Invoice 464403 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $191.90 Invoice 464396 10/23/2007 •Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $270.00 Invoice 56595 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $118.80 Invoice 466052 -A 10/23/2007 -5577- City of Mound WINE 10/18/07 10:48 AM Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Page 18 Payments 10 -04 -07 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 0005089 -IN -C 10/23/2007 CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $201.60 Invoice 466052 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,238.50 Invoice 466057 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,673.75 Refer 102307 THRIFTY WHITE DRUG STORE Cash Payment E 22242260 -210 Operating Supplies _ 09 -07 -07 PHOTO PROCESSING $6.47 Invoice 841826 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 09 -22 -07 PHOTO PROCESSING $7.99 Invoice 841830 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/1712007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14.46 Refer 102307 TROPHIES BY LINDA _ Cash Payment E 10142110430 Miscellaneous 2007 ANNUAL AWARDS $119.96 Invoice 18456 10/23/2007 PO 20198 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $119.96 Refer 102307 UHL COMPANY Cash Payment E 10141910401 Building Repairs CHANGED BATTERY, AND BACKED UP $441.13 hwoice 30587 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/18/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $441.13 Refer 102307 VERIZON WIRELESS (FIRE/FIN) _ Cash Payment E 10141310 -321 Telephone & Cells 10 -07 CELL PHONES $37.76 Invoice 1766299829 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 22242260 -321 Telephone & Cells 10 -07 CELL PHONES $2.25 Invoice 1766299829 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.01 Refer 102307 VIDEOTRONIX, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -220 Repair /Maint Supply REPIARS INTERVIEW CAMERA Invoice SVM2716006 10/23/2007 PO 20197 Transaction Date 10/15/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0005089 -IN -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 0005089 -IN -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 10 -04 -07 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 0005089 -IN -C 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0005085 -IN 10/23/2007 $170.00 Total $170.00 $1,024.00 $93.75 $23.75 $160.00 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,301.50 Refer 102307 WALDRON AND ASSOCIATES Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 09-07 RENTAL INSPECTION FEES Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 09 -07 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 102307 WALKER PARKING CONSULTANT $151.67 $6,290.45 Total $6,442.12 101 •I • I* City Of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 19 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 450 - 46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA THRU 09 -30 -07 TRANSIT PARKING DECK 1 $10,500.00 Invoice 21333810005 10/23/2007 Project 06001 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,500.00 Refer 102307 WELCH, BRIAN _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2007 WORK BOOTS $150.00 Invoice 102307 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 102307 WESTONKA MECHANICAL _ Cash Payment E 401 -43106 -500 Capital Outlay FA 1968 LAKESIDE LANE $90.45 Invoice 32170 10/23/2007 Project PW0601 Transaction Date 10/1112007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.45 Refer 102307 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC _ Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 09 -23 -07 HIGHLAND AND IDLEWOOD BREAK $641.25 Invoice 2005 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -440 Other Contractual Servic 09 -17 -07 DUTCH LAKE BOAT ACCESS $475.00 Invoice 1987 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic BARTLETT WATERMAIN BREAK $892.50 Invoice 2001 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/16/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,008.75 •Refer 102307 WINE COMPANY W Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,072.00 Invoice 176623 -00 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $832.10 Invoice 176393 -00 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $192.00 Invoice 177028 -00 10123/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $112.00 Invoice 177218 -00 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,984.10 Refer 102307 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,512.50 Invoice 206570 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $224.00 Invoice 207271 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/12/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,736.50 Refer 102307 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $460.00 Invoice 200847 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/11/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $460.00 Refer 102307 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 4802601 -1 $5,756.06 Invoice 193245150 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 6002837 -1 $166.34 *CashPayment voice 194172506 10/23/2007 E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 09-07 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,120.11 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 -5579- City of Mound 10/18/07 10:48 AM Payments Page 20 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: October 2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 0907 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,475.77 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 6002837 -1 $3,537.41 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -381 Electric Utilities 09-07 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,565.80 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -381 Electric Utilities 09-07 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,052.05 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,052.05 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 09 -07 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,392.57 Invoice 194172506 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 1019/2007 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $18,118.16 Refer 102307 Z WINES USA LLC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1419 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/17/2007 Refer 102307 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 57270206 -A 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 57270206 -B 10/23/2007 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 57270206 -C 10/23/2007 Transaction Date 10/9/2007 WINE Wells Fargo 10100 CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES Wells Fargo 10100 -5580- $334.00 Total $334.00 $22.13 $22.13 $22.12 Total $66.38 *I •I • I* • CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 330 G.O.2004 - C Equip Cert 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 427 SEAL COAT FUND 450 Parking Deck 1 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 895 FIRE RELIEF FUND Pre - Written Check -- — Checks to be Generated by the Compute Total City of Mound Payments Current Period: October 2007 10100 Wells Fargo $120,807.96 $6,612.25 $310.45 $450.00 $76,235.65 $19,695.87 $10,757.33 $2,025.00 $21,127.90 $67,626.71 $117,814.76 $178.39 $20,787.79 $10,485.83 $474,915.89 $0.00 $474,915.89 $474,915.89 -5581- 10/18/07 10:48 AM Page 21 BQ i_TON 8L M F== N K , i NC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 - Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 - FAX (952) 448 -8805 October 18, 2007 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Auditors Road Utilities Reconstruction City Project No. PW -05 -07 BMI Project No. C12.38507 Dear Ms. Hanson: Enclosed is Change Order No. 1 for the above - referenced project. This modifies the contract to be consistent with the October 9, 2007 revisions to the construction plans. The change order and plan revisions address the petroleum contaminated soils that have been found to be present generally between proposed sanitary sewer manholes 2 and 3. This issue was initially discussed in my September 25`x' letter to Carlton Moore. The—change order consists of test pit excavation, substitution of directional bore sanitary sewer construction for open cut between manholes 2 and 3 and segregation and stockpiling of contaminated soil anticipated to be encountered in the open cut west of manhole 3. Also included is additional concrete driveway and sidewalk removal in front of the Glass Plus building. The test pit excavation has been completed. This provided data on the soils and groundwater contamination which allowed formulation of a plan to address the contamination. The substitution of the directional bore minimizes the volume of contaminated soil that will need to be excavated. The contaminated soil that is excavated will be disposed of in the subgrade below the proposed Auditors Road street extension. This manner of disposal has been deemed acceptable by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, based on the tested level of contamination within the soil. This change order results in a net increase in the contract amount of $15,607.55 and in a revised total contract amount of $175,405.65. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Daniel L. Faulkner City Engineer DLFldlp cc: Carlton Moore Enclosure MANKATO, MN - FAIRM,O/�/'NIT, MpNp - SLEEPY EYE, MN - BURNSVILLE, MN • CHASKA, MN [�: M(.) L1N !(.'12385U7',Co,respondenceand Leiter io W LM8R,WI&&, WSEY MN • AMES, IA www.bolton- menk.com An Equal Opportunity Employer -5582- 10 19 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 PROJECT: Auditors Road Utilities Reconstruction CITY PROJECT NO: PW -05-07 BMI PROJECT NO.: C12.38507 OWNER: City of Mound, Minnesota DATE: October 16, 2007 CONTRACTOR: G.L. Contracting, Inc. DESCRIPTION: . WHEREAS, it has been determined that petroleum contaminated soil is present along the proposed sanitary sewer route, the City of Mound is directing a change in a portion of the sanitary sewer from open cut to directional bore construction. Also included is the addition of segregating and stockpiling contaminated soil encountered and of additional concrete driveway and sidewalk removal. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: Article 4.1 of the Agreement is hereby modified to include the items on the attached Schedule of Unit Prices for the installation of storm sewer castings. C There is no change to Article 3 pertaining to contract dates. CHANGE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT: Net Change in Contract $15,607.55 Previous Contract Amount $1'59,798.10 New Contract Amount $175,405.65 SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES Item No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount ADDITIONS: ENGINEER: Bolton 48 Mobilization For Test Pit Excavation 1 LS $800.00 $800.00 . 49 Test Pit Excavation 3.5 HR $148,90 $521.15 50 Segregate Contaminated Soil Stockpile And Cover With Po LV 460 CY $3.80 $1,749.00 51 Mobilization For Directional Bore 1 LS $2,750.00, $2,750.00' 52 10" Nominal (DIPS) HDPE -DRII Sanitary Sewer With Tracer Wire Directional Bore 126 LF $76.60 $9,651.60 53 Concrete Driveway and Sidewalk Removal 520 SY $7.00 $3 640.00 Total Additions: $19,110.75. DELETIONS: 8" PVC SDR 35 Pipe With Tracer Wire 1 i16l LF 1 $30.20 $3,503.20[ Total Deletions: $3;503.20 Net Increase In Contract ; $15,607.55. APPROVED: ENGINEER: Bolton Name 61 Title 0 Date CONTRACTOR: G.L. Contracting, Inc. Name Title Date • OWNER: City of Mound Name Title Date -5583- WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS October 17, 2007 Mr. Carlton Moore City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Mound Transit Center Parking Facility Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 City of Mound Contract No. PW -0605 Walker Commission No. 21- 3338.00/140 Dear Mr. Moore: Walker Parking Consultants 1660 S. Highway 100, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55,416 Voice: 952.595.9116 • Fax: 952.595.9518 www.walkerparking.com Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 for the Mound Transit Center are enclosed. The cost for Change Order No.--'r is $-293.64 covering a number of changes including Work necessary that was not included in the Contract Documents. Change Order No. 1 also included credit for less • foundation piling not required and credit for work that was valued engineered providing an equivalent but more cost effective product. See the change order for a full listing of work items. The cost for Change Order No. 2 is $1A8,010.20 for removal and disposal of contaminated soils. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS - Darwin L. Muzzy, . . Project Manager DLM /pc Enclosure • J: \21- 3338 -00 -Mound Transit Center PF \Correspondence \itrMoore Change Order Nos 1 and 2 101707.doc W1671-Ma PA-G+E 1 e F 2, 0 ,i. 1 TM -2001 Document G70 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 001 UvvlvtK: 1251 Mound Transit Center DATE: October 11, 2007 ARCHITECT: Mound, MN TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 21- 3338.00 CONTRACTOR: Graham Penn -Co. CONTRACT DATE: December 27, 2006. FIELD: ❑ 2995 Lone Oak Circle, Suite 5 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Ea¢an. MN 55121 OTHER: 11 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) 1. Elevator revision to hole -less hydraulic per ASI 001: Credit ($3,500.00) 2. (Part of Change Order 1, Item 7) 3. (Part of Change Order 1, Item 7) 4. Pile Length Reconciliation per ASI 01 Credit (26,268.00) 5. Aluminum curtainwall trim enclosue in Waiting Area 1,887.82 6. Electrical lighting contactor and control clock lighting with photocell 1,011.75 7. Pipe modification cast iron to PVC, Fiberglass Sump Pit Credit (5,824.79) 8. Poly Liner over buried contaminates 1,854.76 9. Modification to manhole connection due to existing conditions 3,291.24 10. Paint clock tower stairs over galvanized finish 3,507.05 11. Add (2) C8 x 11.5 members at Clock Tower landings erection 1,057.55 materials 1,147.11 12. Curtainwall finish revision to paint from anodized Credit (1,185.00) 13. Light fixture cover plate in Stair Tower • 190.64 14. Relocate Clock and add electrical box for future use 9,641.15 15.Stair enclosure curtain wall and roof revisions 10,388.12 16.Flag revised to aluminum for Clock and Stair/Elevator Towers 3,094.24 The original Contract Sum was The net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be increased by Zero ( 0 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is September 30, 2007 • $ 4,652,100.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,652,100.00 $ 293.64 $ 4,640,650.64 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. AIA Document G701 TO —2001. Copyright ®1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AL Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAa Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:37:39 on 10/12/2007 under Order No.1000285742_t which expires on 2/14/2008, and is not for resale. (3415125288) User Notes: -5585- C{PPIGC okaeRl 00! PA4A- 4 d,r- 2 , NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Walker Parldng Consultants Graham Penn - Construction, Inc. City of Mound ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) OWNER (Firm name) 1660 South Highway 100, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ADDRESS jQaA I — sBY(Signature) / If Y( , 4k a-.w. !mot ,. V-yr (Typed name) /o.r2�o7 DATE 2995 Lone Oak Circle, Suite 5 , Eagan, MN 55121 ADDRESS BY (Sign e) AOL- *,— e (Typed 714 ° 0 AT 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 ADDRESS BY (Signature) (Typed name) DATE Is • �J AIA Document G701 TM — 2001. Copyright 01979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA® Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAe Document, or any .L portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:37:39 on 10/12/2007 under Order No.1000285742_1 which expires on 2/1412008, and is not for resale. User Notes: (3415125288) WIN —Z =i: Document G701'" - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 002 vvrivF_rv. jgcg Mound Transit Center DATE: October 11, 2007 ARCHITECT: Mound, MN TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 21- 3338.00 CONTRACTOR: Graham Penn -Co. CONTRACT DATE: December 27, 2006 FIELD: ❑ 2995 Lone Oak Circle, Suite 5 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction OTHER: ❑ Raoan_ MN 55121 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) 1. Cost to removal and disposal of contaminated soils removed from the Mound Transit Center site: $148,010.20 The original Contract Sum was $ 4,652,100.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 293.64 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 4,652,393.64 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 148,010.20 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 4,800,403.84 The Contract Time will be increased by Zero ( 0 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is September 30, 2007 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Coos tract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and isContractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. C, Walker Parking Consultants Graham Penn -Co. ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) 1660 South Highway 100, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ADDRESS (Signature) Darwin L. Muzzy (Typed name) DATE 2995 Lone Oak Circle, Suite 5, Eagan. MN 55121 _ (Typed n te) a G d� '1 DAT Citv of Mound OWNER (Firm name) 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 ADDRESS BY (Signature) (Typed name) DATE AIA Document G701 TM — 2001. Copyright ®1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA! Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA! Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:49:23 on 10/12/2007 under Order No.1000285742_1 which expires on 2/14/2008, and is not for resale. (1623187028) User Notes- -5587- WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS October 3, 2007 Mr. Carlton Moore City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Mound Transit Center Parking Facility Payment Application No. 7 City of Mound Contract No. PW -0605 Walker Commission No. 21- 3338.00/360 Dear Mr. Moore: Walker Parking Consultants 1660 S. Highway 100, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Voice: 952.595.9116 • Fax: 952.595.9518 www.walkerpa rking.com We have reviewed the Pay Application and Certificate for Payment No. 7 for the amount of $547,327.17. It appears the oc ntractor has completed the work identified and we recommend payment as requested by the Contractor. Four signed copies of the original pay request are • enclosed herein. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS Darwin L. Muzzy, P.E. Project Manager DLM /pc Enclosure • J: \21- 3338 -00 -Mound Transit Center PF \Correspondence \Pay App 07 Moore 100307.doc o U O o W m o Z = a Z �O Q 0 Fl-�I❑E N O P+ O F Z W U 0 Z W CL O LL W a W G Z Q .0. U m M CD rN c � Z O U) U o ,n o 2 L o d CD M •o o � o . g o W O _ z 4�,_ 'l- o OU O O U C Y cc O O 7 N T LO C O Z w a o m CD U m Co CD cc a U C C o in U b = C N O N 0.2 O �° U o O C O c Q O N � a• O S` Z m- C O m m 0 N W O LL 7 ° OC ? 0 0 7 3 6 � (U w 3c O U O O u � � 3 =� U v p a N C -a E CL E a c .o m o L a) `o m > o '0 o oN C 3 � a m ._ y m E CL ap w w 0 N N O= �p C U U O 0 O N 0. om U c o C o a� U �' o a � L f=0 N 0 wo- ciWM LJZ� :�muc7 Z a .Q � � E S � C/) Z g C lo (-Ik I i r r � I Co NI SMpl N N co N O cc Lf) o o r U y N M O N r o o Zo2 a O Z H O O O W I Q z O y 78 z z �I O O O U U v 1= p L uj � U U Q a w o ? Q; U w 8 L o CL °- Z CL -1 m U O Q a �I I U U o N .,O 64 cj 0 Z p W Cl) c Q U v, p H �. f ca Q U W F- m ai v t U : „ = I U H CL o m-0 O o � - E v c E Q Q .0. U m M CD rN c � Z O U) U o ,n o 2 L o d CD M •o o � o . g o W O _ z 4�,_ 'l- o OU O O U C Y cc O O 7 N T LO C O Z w a o m CD U m Co CD cc a U C C o in U b = C N O N 0.2 O �° U o O C O c Q O N � a• O S` Z m- C O m m 0 N W O LL 7 ° OC ? 0 0 7 3 6 � (U w 3c O U O O u � � 3 =� U v p a N C -a E CL E a c .o m o L a) `o m > o '0 o oN C 3 � a m ._ y m E CL ap w w 0 N N O= �p C U U O 0 O N 0. om U c o C o a� U �' o a � L f=0 N 0 wo- ciWM LJZ� :�muc7 Z a .Q � � E S � C/) Z g C lo (-Ik I i M N � I N ° NI SMpl CLI N 4 ^j S ! N O cc �y p NI N C C d N CO N U y �I a ° 7 E a w O • , V 0 E Z, E ° vid E Zo2 H Z W Q a O LL W LU Q H W U N U H 2 Q N Z O V ° W ° � I 1 NI SMpl � I h O I o C 0 N N 1 0 m ' i n mOm L C O 0 0 O� N ° O , cU Lw A 0 I Ta O y 78 I p �I O O n O O ) Lo v o o a L Q cm col vi CO O vi v! O y O N E ? Q; E w 8 L o o E co w >. O w m � it o 0 0 0 o @ W �I I W m o U o N p O w U W o N .,O 64 cj 0 Z p CD LL Cl) c Q U v, p �I �. f ca Q U W F- m ai v t U : „ = I L H CL o m-0 O o � - E v c E Q 3 w a° co w C c E o o C Q>i 'j U 0) y p ° b � .I ~C C O O 7 p N 8 LLC • 9 o N N _ £ a c U uj ,a 'o x' U �' °' w oc - o o Z ° Q !W- r o h f 0 E U N E L pp U Q Q N Q O U Q m i- C .r N Z O V ° W ° OI O; Oi �i OI Oi O NI SMpl O 001 Oi 001 01 ti NI O� N ° co m = C'4 OI i N hhI °d O O ) Lo v 2 L O I- col vi CO O vi v! O y O N CO MI NI MI i LOI I N 72 n Z � C m I I I I i I I I N OI I ! O Ul I �i W o 0 z 64 f» 6% c ui 643, � 6'3, p �I W a) i- a F- M CL � Col c O0 _ z ( I O = I a U 0 c •3 I t LU N W C7 oa. a ca + ° z U. 0 O C W 0 a L Z O U) O —m M= O vU N o N O Q rU' ri + r> a d N 7 I- 0° a= y O �n Or N E° Z- O O U C O° c%� r~ F p W S O U U p c O O W FO- J U o Z U) Z U a t O D O LL M W C N Co CO �O Q Z J a N o m= O= Q O= a� v g o W E° E OI O OI _per O Q4 N w Z E L C U C - O Q I +� W Z y = ? S f O V OI O C V N M O M n' m 0 0 0 W o 0 0= W Q O_ cO z U F- co H H-1 a U m •n c act c' c" ui -5589- c6 oi N Z O V ° W ° U) z O F ° = U Q y °d 0 2 L O I- N O y O _ 2 (0 U W W N 72 n N rte, m O cn O Ul o = c' E i o 0 z z U 3 Q. Q U U o o N p W i- a F- Z N 01 N 0 r C7 _],2/21/2008 :43 FAX 9524720620 CITY OF MOUND -► BOLTON MENH 16 002 It Metropontan Council December 19, 2006 Tom Hovey Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 1200 Warner Rd. St. Paul, MN 55106 Re: Water Supply Plan — City of Mound Metropolitan Council File Referral No. 19876 -1 Metropolitan Council District 4 Dear Ms. Hovey: Environtnental Services The Metropolitan Council (Council) has completed its review of Mound's water supply plan update as .required under M sota6, lutes clomAl —I , chd...3 —AS. a9reU upDm.:Le•incbide the following comments with the Department of Natural Resources' comments on the water supply plan. The city is reminded that if there are any changes in demand projections or in other areas of the water supply plan, the city will need to provide the Council with the updated information as an amendment to the water supply plan when it submits its 2008 comprehensive plan. This letter completes the Council's review process. Should any questions arise on the Council's review comments or on the process it followed, please feel free to contact Sara Bertelsen at (651) 602 -1035. Sincerely, d Keith Buttleman Assistant General Manager, Environmental Quality Assurance Cc: Carlton Moore, City of Mound Mary Hill Smith, Metropolitan Council Member, District 3 Robin Caufman, Metropolitan Council Sector Representative www.metrowuzacil.org 390 Robert Street North • SL Paul, MN 55101 -1805 a (651) 602 -1005 . Fax (651) 602 -1477 • 7rY (651) 291 -0904 An BT.ct oppWnM&j &npbyte -5590- of nnl�F�r • 9 � W � pFIYATUIRk September 24, 2007 City of Mound Kandis Hanson, City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Ms. Hanson: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources DNR Waters, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 - . Telephoner (651) 772 -7910 Fax: (651) 772 -7977 RE: WATER EMERGENCY AND CONSERVATION PLAN APPROVAL, CIL' OIL MOUND Our office has completed the review of your Emergency and Conservation Plan (now called Water Supply Plan) for public water supply authorized under DNR Permit 1973 -1021. I am pleased to advise you that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.291, Subdivision 3, and on behalf of the Commissioner of Natural Resources, I hereby approve your Plan. This approval is effective upon the Department's receipt of a completed copy of the attached "Certification of Adoption" form. Please return the form to my office as soon as the City officially adopts the Plan. We encourage the City to continue your water conservation education programs and to consider adopting a is conservation rate structure (rate per unit increases as use increases and/or higher rates in summer to reduce peak demands). These types of efforts are key to assuring a sustainable water supply into the future. Thank you for your efforts in planning for the future of the City of Mound water supply and for conserving the water resources of the State of Minnesota. If you have any questions or need additional assistance with your water appropriation permit, please contact Area Hydrologist Kate Drewry at 651- 772 -7919, in our Metro area office. Sincerely, Dale E. Homuth Regional Hydrologist Enclosure c: Carlton Moore, City of Mound Public Works Director Chris Elvrum, Metropolitan Council Kate Drewry, Area Hydrologist Laurel Reeves, Water Appropriation Program Manager • DNR Information: 651- 296 -6157 • 1 -888- 646 -6367 • TTY: 651- 296 -5484 • 1 -800- 657 -3929 An Equal Opportunity Employer * Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Who Values Diversity i Minimum of 10% Post - Consumer Waste -5591- CERTIFICATION OF ADOPTION WATER EMERGENCY AND CONSERVATION PLAN City or Water System Name: Name of Person Authorized to Sign Certification on Behalf of the System: Title: Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: I certify that the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan approved by the Department of Natural Resources has been adopted by the city council or utility board that has authority over water supply services. Signed: Date: Fax (651/772 -7977) or mail this certification to: DNR Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 -5592- • CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 07 -_ RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING AT V.F.W. POST 5113 WHEREAS, the Northwest Tonka Lions Club has submitted a Premises Permit Application for gambling, abiding by the laws of Minnesota governing lawful and rules of the Gambling Control Board; and WHEREAS, the local government must adopt a resolution specifically approving or denying said application; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approves a Premises Permit Application submitted by the Northwest Tonka Lions Club, for V.F. W. Post 5113, for submission to the Gambling Control Board. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2007. • Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • Mayor Mark Hanus -5593- Minnesota Lawfcd Gambling LG215 Lease for Lawful Gam�►in Act[vi �._ - , w : � � �QZ _ x 1. i�eas fiat IW&a Son. Su�ttttwit new it a:arion.LL' 2 ttensuvd (ease � Subv* with Ix III s' pe to renewal: , 3 neYy or � rase vvithln 10 days afte[ row lessor surpes nnership. 4 AmeMed :. • Greokihes)intteieaise:._._.Rent Phis name. SogttbaritYchange •- tt�tchangesw�lbeeEfedive , �; -:1 ' .� ' .. , * t3cNh parGe�mu� am+d daie.�l c�rautges... :.,• Sub *0wnges,et*w9 10 days _beftre:theeffadvedateofft'dt organ¢alimm me f.._ 1�«>^'�t�'�TC►t1KC�. �10rS l !Dense nrrrnber ��rC�t83t� Qaytime;phone 955`a� aeddeM', otnrr►� arc lvc p xt� : 5�k1 . m=nd tit 553 1 4*7 _75 �rtae 1 t r totMb�r1 umn y t 44 bbd .. state Tip., t Ydme phoin W 51.t as mmeree 14"ofle$s4! iifsam0 W k3ti�dnrasslsgestaddr r Shit " r. owner wisain`"3A�Ii�'� Ptr9 tabsYYRtI tg devise __ _fi oa�rtls addlewt i WM table ;_BingC► *Sarbingo P�a�tliwuhbetl Rent e0041 QPWUNM - of tn6lig bl Ak. .. tor,rokuM�aerj of a tioensed, YAM a andoarme r Bar o " setae M } sgidpme a Ieasea `. :.._ w wvis�s by an employee of tfie tes* from a, aommon,am where that is �ttiiot fran arms wtrcre.food an6 bewxages are eoW.. wG -; : "' food and bOeraM are also sold. ;ll�oft�it„ Yes ._;,�, q � ify c _ ogt nDflegte r eUre • bataedon based:a therollov gor*natlonsofq - etoptxa4oit = earaperaticfn - . 3oara ;Doer- aticaial7a g deride . : : - ear opOri +nl� �s cie�e - Booth cperatsoaand baropemtiorr - b#pertsing devtoe a Boo npprplfjn r ,4,doq , aid pu�-t�b Ong de ride !'fie ir>a> ntea» gent a�oahed ! not: �ooeed X1,750 t,otai 7 ma **0 mrit; agovv' , r rtotexceed $2.SOU total pernrontl�lbra orgar>izafiorrsatttds.pnan�. for nt�atiot>s at,tti premises, i> .: ; . ° 3 s� Option r -o o lo% of hQrga,:P.Mft pe MX*11. gross pn�s A oFte peg month t. %g t�bepaid jD � � � �t�TJCS�K1'.4' 3,� j Op' ta io n B•e n gross P4s ars,$4AW or kw pwponft ,D to, B prOfS are $ W espe rna $a . � /per`qrth mOy be pd Amotmtty be. paid $ • . � per o may Paid too be ppald $ Dotson ;$o per rgor�it`an fire fit $4,flttD af' .grass OP ion $R o $ Pei monrti► Din ttre fir", t,tb0 dross prof. Arnotint tlo be paid $_ �_. Profits. Art ur `to be paid Plus, 016 m 10% of tits gross pt+of #s may be pall per nu tt on Pius, 0% to 20% of the gloss p . may be paid per month on gross' pns oYiM .4i izt be paid 9fo gross profits aver $1,004. Perge to be,pad 96 Bat•. B1r)go Rent Option D• o tD to%ofthe gross proft ter monthftm aN lawful X Opp R Nor maybe paid for bingo ' rn bAngadivitiesheiddw"biWoocasions, 9bar O oaxlucbed in a bar. , Option P., . A rate based on a cost,Ws.qt f r; 110%of a bates cost.pw squard foot for ie sptuie, as I Now Bingo l�lC�VI tY _ approved by the dkec#arafitlre t bud eoau+ci Norer>t patd�forbwbbw. ttatetobe .�. e.: Fr any new bingo activity rot P' *4loustti dinaPrett sPerinitApp ion, • lessormustattKhdocunterttai on,vas>tied v the aor rtifie rate arxi a appiicabie sto�be paid by the OWxh a separates of paper Ho hg the days araf,hours; tt bincjo w fl be tondo ed. org ntot art tot lessor: - -5594- 10 I* 1• Minnesota Lawful Gambling Annuaf Fee: $150 W07 Page 1 of 2 1214 Premises Permit 'Application FM BOMD USE ONLY Check organization Information " $ Organization Harris '3 Lioense number', — -- Chiefexecutiveoffic er(CEQ). i `a- �r + Daydmephone Gambling >temises llr>rformation Name of estabiishmenfi where gambling will jbe c Street address where premises is' located (Do not use a P.O. box number or ,nailing address) City Township County Zip code OR Ur 6 Does your organization own, the building where the gambling will be conducted? Yes No ff no, attach LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity Gambling Bank Account lnformation,must be in Minnesota) Bank name = Bank account number fo� 'K��evcn1.�t`1 Bank street ad ss City Statel;gp, code — All Temporary.and.Permanent Off -site Storage Spaces (for gambling equipment and records related to this site must be stored in Minnesota) Address (Do use I a P.O. box number) City Stateop code -5595- CITY OF MOUND • RESOLUTION NO. 07- RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING AT DAILEY'S PUB WHEREAS, the Mohawk Jaycees of Westonka has submitted a Premises Permit Application for gambling, abiding by the laws of Minnesota governing lawful and rules of the Gambling Control Board; and WHEREAS, the local government must adopt a resolution specifically approving or denying said application; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approves a Premises Permit Application submitted by the Mohawk Jaycees of Westonka, for Dailey's Pub, for submission to the Gambling Control Board. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2007. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -5596- Mayor Mark Hanus • • Minnesota Lawful.Gambling 6/07 LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Adivity Page 1 of 2 Check applicable item: 1. Lease for new application. Submit with new premises permit application.' �2. Renewed lease. Submit with premises permit renewal. . • _3. New owner. EffectVe date . / /_ Submit new or amended lease within 10 days after new lessor; assumes ownership. 4. Amended lease,. " • Check the change(sl in the lease: Rent Premises name Booth/bar, , Activity change. Other • Date, that changes will be effective, / • Both, parties .must initial and data all changes.'" " • Submit changes at least 10 days before the effective date of the change. Organization name , " License number Daytime ph-on r e Name of leased premises Street address ' City State Zip Daytime,phone Do���'s pv�,b al5l .��r�wlerce'BI� b 'fl(loutnd -c�t7 Name of legal owner of premises Business /street address City State Zip D mephone Name of lessor (if same as legal; Businesslstreetatidress City State ZipDaytime phone owner, write in , Check'(' ) :ail activities tha #wil .be.conducted! . xi «, x Pull -tabs —Pull with dispensing device .,.,_ 1pboards - _Paddlewheel _,Paddlewheel with table _Bingo '„Bar bingo !Tiptioard,s'.and ,Paddlewheel Rfent , q, ease require raffles) flbr ,. . Booth operation -'sales of gambling equipment an em by pioyee Bar operation -sales of gambling equipment within a leased (or volunteer) of a licensed organindon within a separate, enclosure " premises by an employee of the lessor from a common area where that is distinct from areas,whe're food and beverages are sold. , food and bevsrages.are also sold. — .. _... , ,,,r 777! W ,�i�lltt,Does!! fe0nduct 'arnblln a,til r�»` �,1�r �xfrbm a booth b rs3itiori at this locatlon7 '�.Yee"'.No If you answered yeS to the question above, rent limits are If you answered Hato the question above, rent limits are based on the following oombinatlons of operation: based on the following combinations of operation: Booth o`" 'All "': '. ' - Bar operation . Booth operation and pull -tab dispensing device - Bar•operation with pull -tab dispensing device Booth operation and bar operation - Pull tab dispensing device-only Booth operation,,,ar`operaklon, and pull tab dispensing device The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $1,750„ in total The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $2,500 in total per month for all oiganizations at this premises. pet, month for „all :organizations at this premises. CM P,LEhi; ONE OPTION. „ COMPLETE ONE OPTION: Option A: 0,W10% of the ross profits per month. ` Option k, O, to 20% of Oe gross profits per month. Percentage to, be paid ,_% Percentage to be'paid Option B: When gross profits are $4,000 or less per month, $0 to Option B: When gross profits are $1,000 or less per month, $0 $400 per month maybe paid. Amount to be paid $ to $200 per month may be paid. Amount to be paid $ Option C:' $O'to $400 per month the first $4,000 of gross Option C:1$O,to $200 pen month on the first $1'000 of gross profit. Amount to be paid $ profits. Amount to be paid $ Plus, 0% to 10% of the gross profits may be paid per month on Plus, 0% to 20% of the gross profits may be paid per month on gross profits over $4,000. Percentage to be paid °/a gross profits over $1,000. Percentage to be paid Bingo Bar Bingo --- Rent , . Option D. 0 to 10 /o of the gross profits per month from all lawful p o gambling ctivities held during bin occasions; excluding bar bin o. Option F: No rent may be paid for bingo n9 !1 90 g 9 conducted in a bar. Percentage to be paid Option E: A rate based on a cost per square foot, nok1to exceed 110 %0 of a comparable COSt,per sguare.fo0ltfor�leasedspace; as' `:.'.,New. Bingo Activity ”: • approved by the director of the Gambling Control i3oard;No rent maybe` For any new bingo activity not previously paid for b r,bingo,• Rate to be paid $ ' ' :per square foot; Induded in aPremisesPermit4olication, The lessormust attach tlocumentation; verifietl,by the organtzatlon, to the �a ch a separate sheet of paper listing'the , . confirm the cQmparabie rate and all applicable costs to be paid,by � , ", �, . , organization to.the lessor. , J... , ,+ _ ' i e1ays and hours that bingo will be conducted. -5597- ,a Number: 2886 anse Expiration: 1/31/2008 4 Premises permit requirements: 1. An annual premises permit fee of $150, 2. A separate resolution of approval including the. site address from the local unit of government, (The local unit of government does not sign this renewal application) and 3. A LG215 lease agreement for each site your organization does not own is required. site number 002 Lorees 4820 Hwy 12, Maple Plain, MN 55359 Township of (if applicable) _ Organization owns this site: N Does your organization conduct bingo at this site I's the local resolution of approval attached? Y / N Site number 003 Captain Ricks 4124 Main St, St. Bonifacius, MN 55375 "Township of (if applicable) Organization owns this site: N Does your organization conduct bingo at this site Is the local resolution of approval attached? Y / N Site number 004 All Stars Sports Bar 4637 Shoreline Dr, Spring Park, MN 55384 Township of (if applicable) Organization owns. this site: N Does your organization conduct bingo at this site I's the local resolution of approval attached? Y / N Site number 006 Daileys Pub 2151 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 "Township of (if applicable) Organization owns this site: N Does your organization conduct bingo at this site Is the local resolution of approval attached? Y / N Site number 007 Ox Yoke Inn 265 Co IRd 92 N; Independence, MN 55359 `— Township of (if applicable) Organization owns this site: N Does your organization conduct bingo at this site Is the local resolution of approval attached? Y / 5111 Check this box if this site has been discontinued or will not be renewed. Hennepin County Gambling account # 909622 Crow River Bank. Y N 2290 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 --------------------------------------------- If yes, the attach a list of the days and beginning times of your bingo activities.; ® Check this box if this site has been discontinued or will not be renewed. Hennepin County Gambling account # 909622 Crow River Bank Y / N 2290 Commerce Blvd, Mound, 'MN. 55364 If yes, the attach a list of the days and beginning times of your bingo activiti es.; Check this box if this site Hennepin County been discontinued or will not be renewed. Gambling account # 909622 Crow River Bank 2290 Commerce. Blvd, Mound, Y / N —� MN 55364 If yes, the attach a list of the days and beginning times of your bingo activities.; ® Check this box if this site has been discontinued or will not be renewed. Hennepin County Gambling account # 909622 Crow River Bank - 2290 Commerce Blvd, Mound, Y N MN 55364 If yes, the attach a list of the days and beginning times -of your bingo- activities.; ® Check this box if this site has been discontinued or will not be renewed. Hennepin County • Gambling account # 909622 Crow River Bank 2230 Commerce Blvd, Mound, • Y { N MN 55364 N- - --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- If yes, the attach a list of the days and beginning times of your bingo activities.; -5598- • 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith Date: 10/18/2007 City of Mound Planning and Building Department Re: Submittal of Environmental Response Fund (ERF) Grant Application — Auditor's Road Summary. For your review and consideration, a draft resolution has been prepared to authorize the preparation and submittal of an ERF grant application to Hennepin County to conduct additional environmental testing activities in the Auditor's Road District which follows the 2004 Phase II Report which was also funded by an ERF grant. Applications are due November 1 ". Recommendation. Approval. r� u • -5599- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 07-_ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE FUND (ERF) APPLICATION TO HENNEPIN COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, supports and approves the submittal of an Environmental Response Fund (ERF) grant application to Hennepin County for environmental assessment of properties in the Auditor's Road District. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October 2007/ Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -5600- Mayor Mark Hanus and — - • r� • • Hennepin County Hennepin Page 1 of 1 Text Nav I Site Map I October 18, 200 Iti Enter Keyword(s) Advanced Searc 'YOUR EMPL#'+fMENt M'EALT 4A#i11 EIIViRCiN19�i1 NTd f " P �� � f RTENT A1 OLUNT JUN42 � R�DzAlo it You are here: Home > Environment Property, & Transportation > Environment Environmental Response Fund Grant Award Criteria Grant Award Criteria Effective April 2005 Applications for ERF grants will be evaluated by considering at least the following objective criteria. Grants will be made in accordance with the statutory authority and stated policy of the County Board. The applications for ERF grants will be evaluated by the following: 1. There is a known threat to human health and /or the environment that would be reduced or eliminated by completion of the response action plan. 2. There is a potential threat to human health and /or the environment that will be quantified by completion of the assessment. 3. The community will derive social value from the proposed /potential clean up. To assess the social value, the application requires that you indicate the removal of blighting Influences and describe the benefit of your project to the community. 4. The likelihood that the site will not be investigated and /or cleaned -up without the use of ERF money. 5. There are local or other funds that will be committed to the project. 6. The applicant is a municipality, economic development agency, housing and redevelopment authority, or public non - profit organization. 7. For non - residential and mixed -use projects, the project creates economic development. 8. The project creates /retains /secures affordable housing or moderately priced market rate housing in communities that are substantially meeting their affordable housing. 9. The site has previously received an ERF grant for assessment and now needs to implement a RAP or conduct additional assessment. 10. The project requires no funding for acquisition - related costs (projects that do not require acquisition funds will score higher). 11. There is a public end -use planned for the property. 12. The project incorporates sustainable activities and features in the project design, construction and operation, and in the cleanup remedy. In addition to the above criteria, consideration will be given to the equitable distribution of the ERF between urban, suburban, and rural areas of the county. A Printer - Friendly Version Home I Your County Government I i Icensea r•ertiflcates & Registration I U$1 OF THE Emplovment & Volunteering I Health. Housing. & Social Services I Law, Public Safety. & Courts I Environment. Property. & Transportation s Copyright O 2007 Hennepin County, Minnesota I www.Hennepin.us Accessibility POUY I Contact Hennepin County I Security /Privacy Statement I DOWNLOADAIILE FORKS a • instructions for ERF Grant Appjj a ion • ERF Grant Application • More... RELATED LINKS t County Links • Environmental Response Fund (ERF) • ERF Policy Changes • Environmental Response Fund (ERE) Project Examples External Links • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • US EPA • Metropolitan Council • Department of Employment and Economic Development ■ P r fu CONTACT INFOitKATION 4 Environmental Services Department E -Mail DESMaii @co.hennepin.mn.us Phone: 612- 348 -3777 FAX: 612-348-8532 TOO: 612 -596 -6985 Address 417 N. 5th Street, Suite 200 Minneapolis , MN 55401 -3206 Office hours: 8:00 - 4:30 RIFIRENCE ■ Acronyms ■ County Board Meetings ■ Newsroom ■ Office Addresses Ordinances ■ Phone Directory http: / /wwwa.co .hennepin.mn.us /portal/site/Hc- 5601- menuitem.3f94db53874f9b6f68ce... 10/18/2007 HENNEPIN COUNTY • ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE FUND GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Department of Environmental Services 417 North 5t` Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 -1397 Contact: Dave Jaeger (612) 348 -5714 * ** PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NARRATIVE TO BE SURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE APPLICATION PROCESS * * * INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 383B.80 and 383B.81 and County Board resolution No. 97-6 - 410R1, Hennepin County established the collection of a mortgage registry and deed tax for deposit into an Environmental Response Fund (ERF). The authority to collect the tax originally expired on January 1, 2003, but has since been extended to January .1, 2008, by a 2002 amendment to Statute 383B.80 and County Board resolution 02 -728. Per the Board approved ERF policy, the ERF is to be used for the assessment and clean up of contaminated sites located within Hennepin County. This short narrative provides a summary of the ERF policy. A copy of the ERF Policy can be obtained upon request. • ERF grant applications will be accepted semi - annually with deadlines for application May 1 and November 1. Applications must be received at the Department of Environmental Services by 4:00 p.m. on that date. In addition to the semi - annual application deadlines, applicants may apply at any time for emergency funding to cover environmental issues, not identified by reasonable due diligence, that could potentially halt otherwise viable projects. A portion of the ERF will be reserved each year for such emergency funding requests. NOTE: Applicants can apply for more than one site. However, a separate application must be completed for each site. An electronic copy of the application can be obtained by E -mail request to david.jaeger@co.hennepin.mn.us. Please fill out the entire application. All applications must be complete upon submission in order to qualify for a grant. A resolution of support from the governing body of the municipality in which the site is located must accompany the application. You must submit the original application and one copy. PURPOSE/BACKGROUND: In 1997 the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners established the Environmental Response Fund. According to Minnesota Statute § 383B.81 the first priority for the ERF is the NL Industries/Tara Corporation/Golden Auto site in St. Louis Park. A portion of the ERF has been set aside for that site and the remainder of the ERF will be made available for other sites within Hennepin County. In broad terms the ERF is available for contaminated or potentially contaminated sites where assessment and/or cleanup -5602- • has been hampered because there is no other source of funds for the work, or where public use is intended. Although any contaminated or potentially contaminated site may be considered for an ERF grant, applications for the following types of projects are particularly encouraged: • Contaminated, or potentially contaminated, sites where the preferred end use is as publicly owned property (e.g. park space, schools, and municipal buildings). • Projects where contamination emerges as an obstacle to establishing a mix of affordable and moderately priced market rate housing. • Projects where contamination precludes economic development without outside assistance. • Infill properties or orphan sites that are too small to generate significant tax base increases and are not attractive to large development, but which nevertheless, disrupt the fabric of community life and contribute to blight. • Inspection and abatement of lead paint, asbestos, and lead contaminated soil at residences where the property owner can show financial need and that a potential hazard exists. This is largely intended as a preventative program, and is not meant for those residences that are eligible for assistance from other programs. FUNDING AVAILABILITY: The ERF is funded by the mortgage registry and deed tax. Therefore, the amount available in the ERF is subject to fluctuation. The revenue from the mortgage registry and deed tax has been deposited in the ERF since 1997. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Eligible applicants for this program are municipalities, • economic development agencies, housing and redevelopment authorities, non - profit organizations, public companies, and private individuals and companies. is QUALIFYING SITES: A site must meet the following criteria in order to qualify for an ERF grant: 1) The site must be in Hennepin County. 2) A resolution of support from the governing body of the municipality in which the site is located must accompany the application. 3) ERF grants will not be awarded to non -local government responsible parties. 4) A site must contain, or be suspected of containing, contaminants, pollutants or hazardous substances as referenced in Minnesota Statute § 115B.02 or petroleum related contamination that is not eligible for reimbursement by the Minnesota Petrofund. ERF grants will not be awarded to sites for tasks that are presently eligible for reimbursement from the Petrofund, U.S. EPA, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) programs. -5603- REQUIRED SCHEDULE: Assessments funded or partially funded by ERF grants must be • completed within one year of the award of the grant. Grants made for site cleanup must be spent within two years of the award of the grant. ELIGIBLE COSTS: The same format is used for applications for assessments and for clean- ups. If a response action plan (RAP) has not yet been prepared, the cost of RAP implementation can be requested in the application. Potentially eligible costs include, but are not limited to, environmental consulting fees, laboratory fees, site assessment, RAP development, remediation costs, acquisition through purchase or condemnation (if necessary to implement the RAP), demolition (if underlying soil cleanup is required by the MPCA for protection of health and the environment), residential asbestos abatement, and costs associated with the remediation of lead impacted soil at residences. Ineligible costs include, but are not limited to, attorney fees, work performed that is not in compliance with safety codes, work completed by unlicensed contractors, costs incurred prior to the award of the grant, and assessment or remediation work performed without an MPCA or MDA approved work plan. Your application must include a project schedule detailing the individual tasks and the associated detailed project budget. This information should be provided in Section VI of the application form. LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENT: The contribution of local or other funds for the project is strongly encouraged, but is not a requirement for the award of an ERF grant. However, the degree to which ERF money will be leveraged by other contributions to a project will be • considered in the site ranking process. When necessary Hennepin County will assist in the application for outside funding. LAND SALES: Land or property acquired with ERF assistance may be resold at fair market value. However, if the ERF is used for property acquisition, the ERF acquisition assistance must be refunded to the ERF when the property is resold. This stipulation will apply to the first sale of the subject property following cleanup. THE AWARD PROCESS: There are a large number of eligible contaminated sites in Hennepin County, and it is expected that the requests for assistance from the ERF will typically exceed the available resources. Therefore, a process has been developed by which applications for ERF grants can be evaluated in a fair and objective manner. The criteria list in the next section indicates the maximum point values for each criterion. All assigned scores will be relative to scores awarded to other applicants in each cycle. If insufficient applications of merit are received in any cycle, the total amount of available ERF money may not be distributed. All awards are subject to approval by the Hennepin County Board. At the County's discretion some applications may not be funded or will only receive partial funding. GRANT AWARD CRITERIA: Applications for ERF grants will be evaluated and ranked by considering at least the following objective criteria. Accumulation of a fixed number of points from the listed criteria does not guarantee the award of a grant, and other criteria may be • -5604- 10 considered in each round of applications. Grants will be made in accordance with the statutory authority and stated policy of the County Board. The applications for ERF grants will be evaluated by the following: 1. There is a known threat to human health and/or the environment that would be reduced or eliminated by completion of the response action plan = 20 points 2. There is a potential threat to human health and /or the environment that will be quantified by completion of the assessment = 15 points 3. The community will derive social value from the proposed/potential cleanup. To assess the social value, the application requires that you indicate the removal of blighting influences and describe the benefit of your project to the community = 15 points 4. The likelihood that the site will not be investigated and /or cleaned -up without the use of ERF money = 10 points 5. There are local or other funds that will be committed to the project = 5 points 6. The applicant is a municipality, economic development agency, housing and redevelopment authority, or public non - profit organization = 5 points 7. For non - residential and mixed -use projects, the project creates economic development = 5 • points 8. The project creates /retains /secures affordable housing or moderately priced market rate housing in communities that are substantially meeting their affordable housing goals = 5 points r� 9. The site has previously received an ERF grant for assessment and now needs to implement a RAP or conduct additional assessment =10 points 10. The project requires no funding for acquisition - related costs (projects that do not require acquisition funds will score higher) = 5 points 11. There is a public end -use planned for the property = 5 points 12. The project incorporates sustainable activities and features in the project design, construction and operation, and in the cleanup remedy = 5 points In addition to the above criteria, consideration will be given to the equitable distribution of the ERF between urban, suburban, and rural areas of the county. -5605- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 of • • (952) 472 -3190 Planning and Building Department • Memorandum - To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director Date: October 16, 2007 Re: Proposed Amendment to Sign Ordinance (City Code Chapter 365) Summary. At its October 8, 2008 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a proposed amendment to the sign regulations to allow for administrative approval of portable /temporary signs for public and /or quasi - public activities /events if placed on premise. Off - premise placement of portable signs would require written approval from the property owner(s). Placement on public property would require Council approval similar to the current regulations. A draft copy of the amendment has been attached. Recommendation. Approval. -5606- • • EXCERPTS • MOUND ADV S'ORY PLANNING COMMISSIONO+���" OCTOBER 8.2007 • Review of proposed amendments to City Sign Code (portable signs) This proposed amendment to the sign regulations allows for administrative approval of portable / temporary signs for public and /or quasi - public events if placed on premise. Off - premise placement of portable signs would require written approval from the property owners. Placement on public property would require Council approval similar to the current regulations. MOTION by Stevens, seconded by Ebert, to recommend Council approve the change as proposed by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. -5607- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. - 2007 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 365 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO SIGNS The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 365.10 is hereby amended to add a new subsection (ee) and is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 10. Except as may be specifically authorized by this Subd. 10 and Subd. 9 (f) of this Subsection 365.15, portable signs are prohibited. A portable sign used for the purpose of directing the public may be permitted under the following conditions: (a) Said sign is coincidental to, or used in conjunction with, a governmental unit or quasi - public function; and • (b) The period of use of said sign shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive days; and (c) Signs shall not be used more than four (4) • times during a calendar year; and (de) Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event; and /or on such other premises with written permission from the property owner and administrative approval of a temporary sign permit by the City of Mound Portable sign placement on public property reguires City Council approval. —as appFeved by the Gity GGURGil when _1rafll�tflhe -pe i+ ( RD 7-4 1 95-- 6 - -27-W • 16T.1101 • (e #) Such signs shall require the issuance of a permit but will be exempt from all fees; and • • (fff) In the instance of a multi -use facility, only one seasonal sign may be placed on the premises at any one time. Passed by the City Council this day of , 2007. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the day of , 2007 Effective the day of , 2007 -5609- EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC OTo: Kandis Hanson, City Manager From: Sid Inman and Kathy Kardell, Financial Advisors — Ehlers & Associates CW Date: October 17, 2007 G Subject: Refunding of Tax Increment Bonds. On July 12, 2005, the City of Mound ( "City ") issued its $3,875,000 Taxable General Obligation Temporary Tax Increment Bonds Series 2005D ( "2005 Bonds ") to pay for the clean up of the city dump and prepare the site for redevelopment. The 2005 Bonds were sold as a temporary issue and are due to be refunded no later than February 1, 2008. As background, the 2005 Bonds were sold as a temporary issue for two reasons: First, the City had only an estimate as to the cost to clean up the site to standards that allowed: fox residential redevelopment. The issue was sized based on the projected, tax.increment. Because there was concern that this was only an estimate and actual site conditions could be very different than the initial assumption, the City wanted the option to change its direction and only clean the site to a commercial standard. It was assumed that a commercial standard cleanup would cost less than the cost of cleaning the site to a residential standard. Second, the debt service payments on the 2005 Bonds were to come mainly from the tax increment estimated to be generated from the redevelopment project. While it was assumed that a property tax levy might be necessary, the City Council wanted to see how the redevelopment project progressed before making a final determination of proceeding with long term financing. As you are aware, after receiving some grants and paying for the clean up, the City has a little over $2,200,000 in the Dump Remediation Fund. Also, the condo market has slowed considerably and the projections for future tax increment indicate it will be less than originally projected. The City has three options for refunding the 2005 Bonds. First, it can sell long term, 20 year bonds to provide the definitive financing for the project. The advantage of this option. is it will not require any cash for the refunding. The disadvantage is that if the redevelopment project continues to be delayed, the bonds may require a large annual tax levy. The second option is to sell another three year temporary bond which will allow the City to monitor the condo market and see how the redevelopment project proceeds. This would. ,.., delay any need for a levy for three years. With this option the City could.elect to use all of the available cash to reduce the size of the refunding bond issue, as well as tc pay the annual interest expense. The disadvantage of this option is that it uses all of the cash on hand for the refunding and leaves no resources available for other projects. The third option is to sell another three year temporary bond but only use the amount of cash needed (currently estimated at $599,706) to pay the interest payments due over the three years. This alternative would allow the City to monitor the condo market and would also delay any need for a levy for three years. While it does utilize some of the available cash, it still leaves a substantial balance for the City to use for other purposes or hold on to it for the future refunding. -5610- • • • CJ ON of Mound October 17, 2007 Page 2 We think the third option is the best as it avoids the need for a tax levy for the next three years and provides time for the City to determine how best to use the cash. Please let us know if you have questions or comments. -5611- Preliminary - For Discussion Purposes Only City of Aound, MN Proposed Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2007 Mound Harbor Project - Refunding of Series 2005 Temp Bonds Bond Information Dated Date 11/1/2007 1st Interest Pymt 8/1/2008 1st Principal Pymi 8/1/2010 Average Coupon TIC Levy Collect Payment Year Year Date 2006' 2007 2007 2008 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 10/17/2007 EH.i.Eift3 � .trs��ynl iNa -5612- *I 01 C] 10 ■� C7 City of Mound Dump Remedlation Summary of Sources and Uses as of 10/6/2007 Sources: Proceeds from Sale of Bonds (Construction) $3,508,145 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds (Capitalized Int/Other) 326,688 Minnehaha Creek Watershed 114,000 Met Council - MEP Reimb 21,500 Metro Council 221,000 State Grant 1,476,985 TIF Revenue 3,380 Interest 91,207 Total Sources $5,762,905 Uses Veit and Company, Inc. $3,013,419 Retainage - Veit and Company, Inc. 158,601 Barr Engineering 226,875 MFRA 36,595 Kennedy & Graven 7,329 MHR Reimbursement (115,352) Misc/Other 21,976 Debt Service 321.451 Total Uses $3,670, 894 • Remaining Balance $2,92.01.1. Bond Payment Due February 1, 2008 $3,254,222 -5613- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 07- RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON 2008 STREET IMPROVEMENT, • UTILITIES AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted August 14, 2007, a report has been prepared by Bolton & Menk, Inc. with reference to the improvement of the following streets, known as the 2008 Street Improvement, Utilities and Retaining Wall Improvement Project: Alder Road Bellaire Lane to Commerce Blvd. Bellaire Lane Alder Road to Grandview Blvd. Birch Lane Rambler Lane to Lynwood Blvd. Chestnut Road Southview Lane to end Clover Circle Hillcrest Road to Hillcrest Road Cottonwood Lane Lynwood Alley to end Dutch Lane Linden Lane to Birch Lane Elm Road Bellaire Lane to Ironwood Lane Forest Lane Clover Circle to end Hillcrest Road Sycamore Lane to Grandview Blvd. Ironwood Lane Sunset Road to Elm Road Linden Lane Rambler Lane to Dutch Lane Maple Road Rambler Lane to end Mill Pond Lynwood Alley to end Rambler Lane Maple Road to Lynwood Blvd. Red Oak Road Clover Circle to Dutch Lane Southview Lane Clover Circle to Lynwood Blvd. Southview Lane Lynwood Blvd. to Chestnut Road Sunset Road Bellaire Lane to Grandview Boulevard Sunset Road Grandview Boulevard to Sycamore Lane • Sycamore Lane Hillcrest Road to Sunset Road Walnut Road Rambler Lane to end Willow Lane Clover Circle to end and this report was received by the Council on October 23, 2007, and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $1,254,000. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 27th day of November, 2007, in the council chambers of city hall at 7:30 p.m. and the City Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the City Council this 23`d day of October, 2007. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -5614- Mayor Mark Hanus Feasibility Report for 2008 Street Improvement Project 2008 Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound, Minnesota Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 October 16, 2007 MANKATO, MN • FAIRMONT, MN • SLEEPY EYE, MN BURNSVILLE, MN • CHASKA, MN WILLMAR, MN • RAMSEY, MN AMES, IA www.bolton- menk.com An Equal Opportunity Employer BO I_TON & M B N K , I NC• ' Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 • FAX (952) 448 -8805 October 16, 2007 tHonorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 I , RE: 2008 Street Improvement Project — City Project No. PW -08 -01 2008 Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project — City Project No. PW -08 -02 ' Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: As requested, we have prepared a feasibility study for the improvements of various City ' streets and retaining walls. We have included the proposed method of financing and maps showing the locations of the proposed improvements. it We are available to discuss this report at your convenience. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer DF /alb I MANKATO, MN • FAIRMONT, MN • SLEEPY EYE, MN • BURNSVILLE, MN • CHASKA, MN 1 • WILLMAR, MN • RAMSEY, MN • AMES, IA www.bolton- menk.com An Equal Opportunity Employer Feasibility Study For 2008 Street Improvement Project 2008 Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound, Minnesota I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Daniel L. Faulkner Date: October 16, 2007 Registration No. 19956 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FORWARD ....................................................................................................... ............................... I II. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .......................................................................... 3 III. INTRODUCTION: ........................................................................................................................... 4 IV. LOCATION: .................................................................................................................................... 4 V. EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................ ..............................6 VI. IMPROVEMENTS: ......................................................................................................................... 6 VII. EASEMENTS: ................................................................................................................................. 8 VIII. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: ............................................................................................................. 8 IX. PROJECT FINANCING: ................................................................................................................. 9 X. TYPICAL ASSESSMENT: .............................................................................................................. 9 XI. PROJECT SCHEDULE: ................................................................................................................ I I APPENDIX A t Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project Citv of Mound I. FORWARD This study has been prepared to evaluate the feasibility of the 2008 portion of the Street Reconstruction Program implemented in 2003 and continuing through 2012. The Street Reconstruction program was established to rate the condition of existing streets in order to establish a plan that would minimize long term roadway replacement costs and preserve the integrity of the city's infrastructure through routine maintenance. The preparation of this report reviews the feasibility of adhering to the programs' intent of cost effectively meeting the maintenance and preservation goals of the City of Mound for the 2008 portion of the Program. L C Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 1 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 Various criteria are used to evaluate each roadway section and existing infrastructure to determine the recommended construction required. The criteria used for rehabilitation work includes but is not limited to the following general evaluation considerations: A. Areas that have been the subject of resident concerns or complaints are reviewed for the feasibility of repairing the problem. B. Excessive pavement cracking and locations of total pavement failure (potholes, settlements, etc.), which signify subgrade failure and an increased rate of deterioration. C. Cracked, broken, settled or heaved curb and gutter are noted for replacement to prevent drainage into the subgrade that promotes more extensive deterioration of the pavement. D. Areas experiencing poor drainage are evaluated to see if pavement and curb drainage patterns can be modified to correct the drainage issues or if storm sewer modifications are required. ' E. Sanitary sewer lines are televised and structures are inspected and evaluated to determine if routine maintenance, rehabilitation or replacement is necessary. ' Additional consideration is given to locations of sanitary sewer that are experiencing high levels of inflow and infiltration (I &I) that lead to increased sewer costs for the City of Mound. Locations that necessitate maintenance are ' reviewed for repair options. F. Recommendations from the city's Hydraulic Water Supply System model include a recommendation for upsizing a section of watermain in this project area. The ' location and frequency of watermain breaks and repairs are investigated to determine if replacement is necessary to eliminate sudden water disruptions and avoid roadway patches and damage associated with the repairs. i L C Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 1 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 l F Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project Citv of Mound After the above evaluation has been completed, the following general practices are followed for the street improvements: L J ' 0 Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved C12.36557 ' Page 2 October 16, 2007 A. Roadways subject to watermain, sanitary, or storm sewer replacement are generally specified for reconstruction as the trenching operation required for this work would generally remove a majority of the roadway. B. Roadways that have significant cracking, pavement failures, or subgrade failures observed by roadway heaving and settlements as described above are designated ' for reconstruction. deterioration are C. Roadways experiencing only surface cracking or minor scheduled for milling and overlaying to rehabilitate the roadway surface, along ' with any necessary curb replacement to bring it back to a "new" condition. The findings from the above evaluations were used in determining the feasibility for the 2008 Street Improvement Project. The following recommendations meet the goals of the Street Rehabilitation Program by preserving and maintaining the infrastructure of the City of Mound in a cost effective manner. L J ' 0 Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved C12.36557 ' Page 2 October 16, 2007 it LI I Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project Citv of Mound II. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conclusions drawn from studies and investigations are: A. The proposed street, retaining wall, and utility improvements are feasible, essential, and cost effective. B. If the recommended upsizing of watermain is not constructed, two existing hydrants will have flows below adequate fire protection levels and if the recommended replacement of watermain is not constructed the potential for watermain breaks under newly improved streets will continue to increase. C. If the recommended streets are not constructed at this time, significant maintenance work will be required particularly in areas that have settlement, significant cracking, and poor drainage. D. Temporary construction easements and/or additional permanent right -of -way may be required in areas where: retaining walls are being repaired; utility replacement is near the right of way; there is major reconstruction of existing roadways. Based on these conclusions we recommend: A. The proposed street improvements in the Dutch Lake area be improved at an estimated total street project cost of $1,254,000. B. The utilities including watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer be reconstructed at an estimated total project cost of $1,041,000. C. The proposed retaining walls be reconstructed at an estimated total project cost of $201,000. D. All projects be included in construction bonds acquired by the city. E. The project be assessed in accordance with the City's Street Construction and Reconstruction Policies with the exception of the Village By The Bay as described in this report. © Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 3 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 I� n J Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound III. INTRODUCTION: On August 14, 2007, the Mound City Council ordered the preparation of an engineering Feasibility Report for the proposed 2008 Street Improvement Project. The purpose of this report is to determine in a preliminary manner, the feasibility of. reconstructing and resurfacing existing streets within the proposed project area, reconstructing existing retaining walls within the project area as necessary, and improving utility infrastructure in coordination with the street improvement project. IV. LOCATION: City of Mound staff along with Bolton & Menk performed an area wide evaluation of the existing streets in the Dutch Lake areas proposed for improvements in the 2008 construction season. The type of proposed street improvements was determined from the existing pavement condition and location of proposed utility improvements. Streets with poor pavement condition or underlying watermain scheduled for improvement would typically be reconstructed from curb to curb. Streets that do not have underlying utilities scheduled for repair and are not in need of full reconstruction will be milled and overlaid. Location maps are shown in Appendix A for all proposed improvements. A. Streets 1. Reconstruction: • Alder Road Bellaire Lane to Commerce Boulevard • Birch Lane Rambler Lane to corner • Clover Circle Southview Lane to Forest Road • Cottonwood Lane Lynwood Boulevard to End • Dutch Lane Linden Lane to Birch Lane • Hillcrest Road Sycamore Lane to Grandview Boulevard • Linden Lane Rambler Lane to Dutch Lane • Maple Road Rambler Lane to end • Mill Pond Lynwood Boulevard to end • Rambler Lane Maple Road to 150' east of Walnut Road • Red Oak Road Dutch Lane to Clover Circle • Southview Lane Clover Circle to Lynwood Boulevard • Southview Lane Lynwood Boulevard to Chestnut Road • Sunset Road Grandview Blvd to 150' east of Grandview Blvd • Sycamore Lane Hillcrest Road to Sunset Road • Walnut Road Rambler Lane to End Q Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 4 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 I Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound B. Mill & Overlay: • Bellaire Lane • Birch Lane • Chestnut Road • Clover Circle • Elm Road • Forest Lane • Ironwood Lane • Rambler Lane • Sunset Road • Sunset Road • Willow Lane C. Watermain Improvements: • Birch Lane • Clover Circle • Dutch Lane • Hillcrest Road • Hillcrest Road • Linden Lane • Maple Road • Rambler Lane • Red Oak Road • Southview Lane • Southview Lane • Sycamore Lane • Walnut Road D. Retaining Wall Replacement: • Birch Lane • Hillcrest Road • Lynwood Blvd • Maple Road • Rambler Lane Alder Road to Grandview Boulevard Lynwood Boulevard to corner Southview Lane to cul -de -sac Forest Road to Southview Lane Ironwood Lane to Bellaire Lane Clover Circle to end Sunset Road to Elm Road 150' east of Walnut Road to Lynwood Boulevard Sycamore Lane to Grandview Boulevard 150' west of Grandview Blvd to Bellaire Lane Clover Circle to end Rambler Lane to corner Hillcrest Road to Forest Road Linden Lane to Birch Lane Southview Lane to Clover Circle Sycamore Lane to Grandview Boulevard Rambler Lane to Dutch Lane Rambler Lane to End Maple Road to Walnut Road Clover Circle to Dutch Lane Clover Circle to Lynwood Alley Lynwood Alley to Chestnut Road Hillcrest Road to Sunset Road Rambler Lane to End • Red Oak Road • Sunset Road • Sycamore Lane • Walnut Road Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 5 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 u Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project Citv of Mound ' V. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing sub -grade soils around this area of the city are typically clayey loams with moderate to high susceptibility to freeze -thaw and shrink- swell. The existing streets and storm sewer were constructed around 1980 with the street widths ranging from 16.5 feet 1 to 40 feet measured from the face of curb. The original street sections were typically 3.5 inches of bituminous base and 1.5 inches of bituminous wear course with no aggregate base. The streets were also typically constructed with curb and gutter. A number of 1 streets have been seal coated and patched since the original construction and now have sections that have failed and require repair. Many of the existing retaining walls adjacent to the project are constructed of a natural limestone flagstone and range in height of 2 feet to 6 feet. Walls that have failing portions, large cracks, are unsightly, are leaning or have ' excessive vegetation growth between the stones will be replaced as part of the street proj ect. ' A majority of the watermain and sanitary sewer were constructed in 1962 and 1963, with the sanitary sewer constructed of vitrified clay tile and the watermain and forcemain constructed of cast iron pipe. The watermain has experienced numerous breaks and ' maintenance since its installation and the sanitary sewer has been televised by city staff and currently there are no segments within the Dutch Lake area that would require complete replacement. Inflow and infiltration (I &I) into the sanitary sewer has been a ' city concern for some time and it has been determined that the best solution is cured in place pipe (CIPP) lining of the existing sanitary sewer to be done under a separate proj ect. VI. IMPROVEMENTS: A. Streets: ' 1. Reconstruction: The proposed reconstruction will include the removal of all existing bituminous & excavating down to the sub -grade along with the removal ' and replacement of curb and gutter where required. The sub -grade under the streets will be corrected if needed and the street will be rebuilt with a layer of geo- textile fabric, 8 inches of aggregate base Class 5, and 3 -1/2 ' inches of bituminous pavement. 2. Mill & Overlay: 1 The streets that are proposed for mill & overlay will be milled at a variable depth of 2 inches at the curb to a depth of 1 inch at the centerline. This variable depth milling will produce a street that will have a cross slope of ' 3.0% and will leave more bituminous in place during construction to help minimize the degradation of the pavement under construction traffic. A final wear course of 2 inches will be placed over the entire street. Curb & gutter will be removed and replaced as needed along these streets. 0 Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved C12.36557 Page 6 October 16, 2007 I! Feasibility Report ' 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound ' 3. Watermain: LII [I 1 II Watermain improvements will be made throughout the 2008 Street Improvement Project to upgrade existing undersized lines, create a looping connection that will eliminate a dead end line, and to replace existing watermain lines that have had maintenance problems in the past. The proposed flow and fire protection improvements include the upsizing of a 6 -inch line to an 8 -inch line along Walnut, Rambler, and Birch ending at Dutch Lane, and a new looped line along Linden Lane that will eliminate the dead end line on Dutch Lane. It will also provide shorter services for three properties along Linden Lane. All watermain repairs will be paid from the City's Watermain Utility Fund and are not included in the street cost. 4. Storm Sewer: In several locations throughout the project catch basins will be relocated to locations that will properly drain the roadway and repositioned in the curb line to avoid "bump outs." Also, existing pipe sizes may be increased and/or additional inlets may be added to help drain low spots and overloaded areas. All inlet castings will be upgraded with high velocity grates. All storm sewer repairs will be paid from the City's Storm Sewer Utility Fund and are not included in the street cost estimates. Sanitary Sewer: All areas within the project are currently served by the city's sanitary sewer system. All lines will be televised by city staff and any needed repairs will be included with the project. The cost of repair or replacement will be funded from the Sewer Utility Fund. 6. Retaining Wall Replacement: Retaining walls adjacent to streets included in the 2008 Street Improvement Project will be reconstructed as needed to the city standard. Nearly all walls range in height from 2 feet to 6 feet and are typically very close to the back of curb. Wall replacement and evaluation criteria include: the extent of failed wall area; the number of large cracks; excessive vegetative growth between stones. Many of the walls are currently made of limestone flagstone. The new walls will be constructed of modular block in accordance with city standards and will be funded through the Retaining Wall Reconstruction Fund. C Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved 1 Page 7 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound VII. EASEMENTS: The existing street right -of -way ranges from 30 feet to 60 feet. Easements may be required in locations where there are significant repairs to the street section and where utilities scheduled for replacement are close to the existing right of way. The exact locations of the right -of -way and any easements will be determined during final design. Easement costs are not included in the 2008 Street Improvement Project estimates. VIII. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: © Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 8 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 The costs associated with the 2008 Street Improvement Project are outlined below. An ' itemized list and map for each area is available in Appendix A. East Dutch Lake Area $471,000 West Dutch Lake Area $783,000 Estimated Total Cost, 2008 Street Improvement Project$1,254,000 The costs associated with the retaining wall reconstruction are summarized below. An ' itemized list and location map of walls within to the 2008 Street Improvement Project are available in Appendix A. Estimated total retaining wall replacement cost included with the 2008 Street Improvement Project is $201,000. This cost is not included in the street cost. The total project costs associated with the 2008 Utility Improvements for watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer are estimated to be $1,041,000. The detailed estimate is not included in this report. These costs are not included in the street costs. The total estimated project cost for all 2008 improvements proposed for the City of ' Mound including all streets, retaining walls, and utilities is $2,496,000. These above stated estimates do not include the costs for any easements that may be required for construction. © Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved Page 8 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound IX. PROJECT FINANCING: The street project will be assessed according to the City's Street Construction and ' Reconstruction Policies. This policy states that two- thirds (2/3) of the costs for the project will be assessed to benefiting properties and the remaining one -third (1/3) shall be paid by the City. Public improvement bonds will finance all project elements with the associated street assessments levied over a period of time, which will be determined by the City Council (typically a 15 year period). The City's share of the project will be paid ' through the general levy. 2008 Street Improvement Project: ' Amount Assessed to Benefiting Properties (2/3) _ $836,000 Amount Paid by the City (1/3) _ $418,000 Total Estimated Street Costs = $1,254,000 ' Retainin g Wall Reconstruction: Amount Paid from Retaining Wall Reconstruction Fund = $201,000 ' Utility Improvements: Amount Paid from respective Utility Funds = $1,041,000 Estimated Total Project Costs = $2,496,000 X. TYPICAL ASSESSMENT: rThe assessments for commercial lots will be determined by the Combination Method and assessments for residential lots will be determined by the Unit Method as described in the City of Mound's Street Construction and Reconstruction Policies. The total amount assessed to the benefiting properties will also be reduced by the Utility Street Cost. The Utility Street Cost is determined by estimating the cost of repairing a street back to the ' standard city section due to the utility replacement if the street was not to be fully reconstructed for this project. The Street Utility Cost is paid from the applicable Utility Fund. ' The assessment amount of approximately $22,000 will be distributed among the three (3) commercial properties according to the Combination Method, as specified in the City's Street Construction and Reconstruction Assessment Policies. The assessable project cost for the commercial area is the proportional amount of the total assessable street improvement costs based on front footage. The total assessable commercial project cost is then spread over the three commercial properties based on each parcels front footage, area, and number of commercial properties. An itemized list of assessments is available in Appendix A. ' The Village By The Bay (VBTB) development is a unique scenario and staff is recommending a unique assessment calculation.. The VBTB development is comprised of multifamily townhomes and condominiums that contain a total of 99 individual units. ' The development itself has interior private streets that the residents are responsible for Q Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved C12.36557 Page 9 October 16, 2007 �I Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project Citv of Mound ' maintaining through special assessments through their association. The current City policy is to assess multifamily units at rate of three- quarters (3/4) of a typical assessment. ' Staff feels that these units would be assessed an unjustifiably large amount based on the current policy. Staff is proposing to assess the entire development on a potential single family build out based on its current zoning. The development is currently zoned for R -2 Residential which has a minimum lot width abutting a street of 60 feet. By applying this concept the VBTB development front footage along the project streets (Elm Rd. and Bellaire Ln.) is sufficient to accommodate 17 single - family lots. Therefore, 17 units are ' recommended to be assessed to VBTB which would ultimately be divided among their 99 units. This project includes a total of 217.5 equivalent residential units (ERU's) that will ' distribute the remainder of what is not assessed to the commercial properties by the Unit Method. These equivalent residential units include the 17 units from VBTB and the Hennepin County Library which could potentially be subdivided into three lots along 1 Bellaire Lane. The assessable portion divided by the number of ERU's determines the assessment. II Total Amount to be Assessed (2/3) _ $836,000 Amount Assessed to Commercial Units= $22,000 Amount Assessed to Residential Units = $814,000 Total Benefiting ERU's = 217.5 Typical Assessment = $814,000 / 217.5 = $3,743 Some potential exceptions to the typical single unit assessment are: multifamily homes with more than two dwelling units will be assessed three - quarters (3/4) of a typical assessment per unit (except for VBTB), corner lots with multiple streets that only have improvements on one or two sides of the lot will only be charged one -half (1/2), one -third (1/3), or two- thirds (2/3) of a typical assessment depending on how many streets the lot fronts. Also, new driveway aprons are to be fully assessed to the individual benefiting property. An average 16 -foot wide driveway apron constructed according to the city's standards is estimated to cost $800 each. The estimated assessment for the 2008 Street Improvement Project is higher than the previous year, which is primarily due to the larger lots in the Dutch Lake area. Even though the assessable street cost is lower than the previous year, there are approximately 100 fewer units that are to be assessed. The length of 2008 street improvements is also less than in 2007 but not in proportion to the fewer number of lots. When fewer units are assessed, the average assessment is increased. © Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved I1 Page 10 C12.36557 October 16, 2007 Feasibility Report 2008 Street Improvement Project Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project City of Mound XI. PROJECT SCHEDULE: October 23, 2007 November 27, 2007 November 2007 - January 2008 February, 2008 March, 2008 March, 2008 May, 2008 October, 2008 June, 2009 Summer, 2009 Council receives report and calls for Public Hearing Council holds Public Improvement Hearing and orders project Plans and Specifications prepared Council approves Final Plans and sets Bid Date Bids are opened Council Awards Contract Construction Begins Substantial Completion of Project Final Completion of Project Council holds Assessment Hearing © Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2007, All Rights Reserved C12.36557 Page 11 October 16, 2007 i n _ N x _ 8 � - 8 a I4 1 r m - - n i S \ LLJ - _ ut IN' 1 win 'PAW LLJ 11,100 mwwoD ! o Q .. 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M in i to stiv ell a . �?. ;r r - mn� ,�.: �,y� a. .A� se,+„ .3+iG�'•*� r� %pr."�. � � "��r` 1 �tr�, � ? ° ID o +� ^ a Un LM �A, O } !a e k N�►;� �„�"' m�� 3rNdl IFU y► a' a w 4+ T c r LO ul N kn LU Im Ln ZL+ r� r Kim. 71"T i r N 3 Ln q Ln SIT in tn i' 06 AA C4 LO L-- —J 1, T a } + Ip �,, " z 119 '�,, t�;'aYC • ���-. .£'.1114 WV N aa• s &'„ 'Will Ink J p,,fy a 6s f x IMML a • J;�a SSh"' E ^b4r ' R z, t,a*' {D+®. c ^s ,t._ v, __ _ rt n�-p• ! ✓"r # � •>r r .Y+�. �`"�"'..�'. ., • MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: October 15, 2007 Subject: City Petition Process ��rrrrrrrrr a rrrr�rrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ This memorandum is a follow -up to the memo I wrote you on September 21, 2007, and subsequently presented to the city council on September 25, 2007, regarding deficiencies in our street sign petition process. As you recall, I recommended to the council that the city adopt a Resolution which would create a standard policy and procedure for people who wish to add, remove, or alter city street signs, advisory signage, or street lighting in their neighborhood. The Resolution I recommended was as follows: 1. A petition must be initiated using a standard city petition form. • 2. There must be a responsible party who will submit the petition on behalf of their neighborhood. This person will act as the contact person and must provide their name, address, and phone number. 3. To submit a petition to the council for consideration, a minimum of 75% of the property owners in the subject area must sign the petition. U The City Council directed me to survey other communities to learn about their process because some members were concerned about the proposed resolution. I surveyed the following communities regarding their petition process: City of Bloomington • Contact person — Amy Marohn • Bloomington uses a formal and detailed process to address adding or altering street signs as part of their "Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program." The process involves contact notification letters, studies and interviews in place of a petition, staff input and then it is submitted to the council for consideration. The process must be initiated in writing. • Process requires 67 %, or two- thirds of property owner's agreement. • In some instances, property owners are assessed costs associated to the project. -5615- City of St. Louis Park • Contact person — Laura Adler • St. Louis Park uses a system similar, but not as detailed as Bloomington's process. • Requires written notice to imitate the process, which includes contact information from the petitioner. • The city conducts an on -site inspection to validate the matter and identify jurisdiction. The city develops the petition, which identifies the residents required to sign the petition. The area includes properties within 600 feet. This is referred to as a "basket weave pattern." 70% of residents must sign the petition for the process to be forwarded to the council for considerations along with staff recommendations. • It should be mentioned that St. Louis Park's documents state resident, however their staff states petitions must be signed by property owners. City of Minnetonka • Contact person - Verge Herrmann • Same system as St. Louis Park except the city only presents requests to the council twice a year. City of Plymouth • Contact person — Ross Beckwith • Plymouth has a less formal process. A petition can be initiated by calling Ross directly. He will conduct an on -site inspection and develop the petition to be signed. 100% of property owners are required to sign the petition for "No parking" signs and 70% is required for other regulatory signs before the petition will be forwarded to the city council for consideration. City of Eden Prairie • Contact person Randy Newton • Informal system • A resident can call Randy to initiate a petition and he develops the petition. • 67% of households in the affected area are required to sign the petition. If the petition is signed, the matter is changed administratively and does not go to the city council. According to Randy, "if push came to shove, I would require the signatures to be property owners." F) -5616- 01 .l *I • The Mound System After further inquiry, I am requesting the council to adopt the initial recommendations I made regarding this matter with the following language changes: Resolution far removing, adding, or altering city signage in a residential neighborhood 1. A petition must be initiated using a standard city petition application and form. 2. There must be a responsible party who will submit the petition on behalf of their neighborhood. This person will act as the contact person and must provide their name, address, and phone number. 3. To submit a petition to the council for consideration, a minimum of 75% of the property owners in the subject area must sign the petition. This process would be most similar to the St. Louis Park and Minnetonka petition system. Attached is a copy of the application and petition form I am recommending. Thank you I* I* -5617- Y 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD �/ • i OF MOUND MOUND; MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com How to Petition to Add, Alter, or Remove City Signage and Street Lighting in a residential neighborhood The Importance of your Petition The City of Mound recognizes the importance and the right of property owners to petition to add, alter, or remove traffic control devices, signage, or street lighting in and around their neighborhoods. To better serve our citizens and community, the Mound City Council has adopted an official policy that provides fair and uniformed treatment to property owners who wish to make enhancements to city signage or street lighting in their neighborhoods that are outside the parameters of standard city service. This policy may, or may not, apply to change requests that are governed by state rules, regulations, statutes, or are located on county, state, or other jurisdictional property located in the City of Mound. In some instances, cost associated to enhancements are assessed to property owners. The Petition Process To initiate a petition to add, alter, or remove city signage or street lighting, the property owner needs to properly fill -out the form on the back side of this information page and submit it to the city. Upon receipt of the application, the city will: • Respond in writing acknowledging the request and informing the petitioner which department is managing the request. • City staff will conduct an on -site inspection and mail, if applicable, a standard petition form to the petitioner. The petition will describe the change to be made and will identify which property owners within a 600 foot radius of the affected area must be contacted regarding the petition. 75% of the property owners identified on the petition must sign the form for the process to continue. • Once the petition is returned to the city, staff members will make recommendations and place the item on the city council agenda for considerations. • The petitioner will be notified in writing when the petition has been sent to the city council and the date their item is schedule to appear on the council agenda. printed on recycled paper 5618- •I 0 I* City of Mound Service Request EMU u Application of Petition Add street lighting Alter /remove City signage F-I Add street signage F—I Other traffic device Location of Change: Name of Petitioner Address: Contact phone numbers: Description of Change: Internal use only Date Received: Received by: Routed to: I&'1• r.. .1 «-. GT th r + .t, r-+ W ►� N �••+ �••� O \o th to C!i $ W wN W N N H-+ NNc� W ►-+ W t!1 ch ,p A ,.pp W wNNN w N N F-• W h-+ w •p E W wNNN w w N N tQ i.-+ w � w Ch w N A v� is W -A. A., tit Cis co cc cu cu ro cu o c� fD �° c� fD o 0 o a o co c�c c�a c�u c�u c�c b -5620- °i+ R C O � " a a o� n ` o cD ca � a �• o 0 �ro CD R • � Q O • ray E G..r C C ro� g n4 o �f C n o � O • *I • • CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 07 -_ RESOLUTION SETTING PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTAL OF PETITIONS FOR REMOVING, ADDING, OR ALTERING CITY SIGNAGE IN A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD WHEREAS, it has been determined that a defined policy and procedure would be beneficial when dealing with resident requests for removing, adding, or altering city signage in a residential neighborhood, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that to adopt the following procedure for consideration of petitions for removing, adding, or altering city signage in a residential neighborhood: 1. A petition must be initiated using a standard city petition application and form. 2. There must be a responsible party who will submit the petition on behalf of their neighborhood. This person will act as the contact person and must provide their name, address, and phone number. 3. To submit a petition to the Council for consideration, a minimum of 75% of the property owners in the subject area must sign the petition. • Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2007. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -5621- Mayor Mark Hanus 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: October 3, 2007 REQUEST: Sketch Plan Review for Woodlyn Ridge Subdivision at 6301 Lynwood Boulevard (with PDA -CUP) APPLICANT: B. Benson Group PC CASE NUMBER: 07 -25 P I D: 14- 117 -24 -33 -0024 ZONING: R -1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND. The City Council will review a proposed sketch plan for the property located at 6301 Lynwood Boulevard for a major subdivision to create (11) new single - family lots. The applicant is proposing to utilize the PDA -CUP process to allow a 25- foot front setback and side setbacks of 6 and 10 feet. Details regarding the project are contained in Planning Report No. 07 -25 which has been included as an attachment. A large scale copy of the proposal has also been attached as a separate document. C� PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. The proposed sketch plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its October 8, 2007 meeting. In general, the Planning Commission was favorable to the concept plan including the proposed front setback of 25 feet and a reduced setback on one side as they are similar to the Langdon Bay and Langdon Trails subdivisions. They also commented that they did not see the need for a sidewalk along the proposed cul -de -sac. The applicant informed the Commission that one of the significant issues mentioned at the neighborhood meeting was drainage and commented that the need for a conservation easement for woodlands along the wetland may not be merited due to the low quality of the trees. Tree removal was discussed and the applicant indicated that a detailed landscaping plan would be prepared and submitted as part of the preliminary plat and that they planned to preserve as many significant trees as possible. Lastly, it was mentioned that the wetland delineation was approved by the City and that the road issues with Hennepin County had been worked out as detailed in a letter dated October 3, 2007 which was • provided to the Planning Commission. Additional details are contained in the October 8, 2007 PC meeting minutes (draft.) -5622- • MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 2007 BOARD OF APPEALS CASE NO. 07-25 SKETCH PLAN 6301 LYNWOOD BLVD APPLICANT: B. BENSON GROUP O�gFT A sketch plan for a major subdivision, Woodlyn Ridge, was submitted for the 4.17 acre property at 6301 Lynwood Boulevard. The proposed subdivision includes 11 single family lots designed around a new street that would connect to Lynwood Boulevard with all lots having direct access off of the new street and no lots having direct access to Lynwood Boulevard. Chuck Alcon (developer): • Neighborhood meeting at Gillespie on September 19th; 13 people attended out of 66 invitations sent • Comments on storm waterman -agement are being address • • Screening — trees will be saved as much as possible to aide in screening including the low property north of Lynwood for headlight screening • Generally, comments were good and well thought out 140 Cara Otto (Otto and Associates) • Lot size and cul -de -sac length follow city requirements • Requesting some variance on front and side setback requirements • HC concerns about being addressed • Wetland buffer will meet the code and includes some retaining walls • Woodland buffer is being considered to protect'adjacent properties • Landscape plan will be submitted • Site currently drains to the south — pond is planned on the south edge of the development and would discharge into the adjacent wetland Claywell • She is concerned about the sump pumps running in the adjacent development. Otto said that this housing area sits 20 -25 feet higher than some of the home in Langdon Bay. • Will sidewalks be possible in the future? Smith indicated that Langdon Bay has sidewalks on one side because of its size. None of the cul -de -sacs in Langdon Bay have sidewalks. • Why should the two setbacks be less than code? Benson said he wanted to give a larger backyard, increasing house width and decreasing front setback. -5623- 44P I neighborhood, no sidewalks are fine Burma: He felt it was well thought out, g � • Ayaz: He questioned the setback variance; no sidewalks are fine Glister: Setbacks are okay Ebert: A lot of considerate thought for the neighbors; no more water; setbacks iffy but likes idea of more "neighborhood" feel Paulsen: He thought that, given it's an infill neighborhood, the smaller setbacks are fine *I 01 -5624- City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road • Mound, MN 55364 16 L` NOTICE OF WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT DECISION Name of Applicant: Langdon View, LLC Project Identification: 6301 Lynwood Blvd. Type of Application (check one): ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ❑ Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision ® Boundary Determination Date of Decision: October 3, 2007 Check One: ® Approved ❑ Approved with Conditions ❑ Denied List of Addressees: Ms. Sarah Smith, City of Mound, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Ms. Stacy Lijewski, Hennepin Conservation District, 417 North 5th Street Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401 -1397 Mr. Brad Wozney, BWSR, 520 Lafayette Road N, St. Paul, MN 55155 Mr. Joe Yanta, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Reg. Branch, 190 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55101 Mr. Wayne Barstad, REAE, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 Mr. Mike DeRuyter, Kjolhaug Environmental Services, 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, MN 55331 You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for the appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. Date of mailing of this Notice: City of Mound October 3 2007 Enclosure FAMOUMC1237929\2007\Benson Group Developmeu\WCA Decisions -5625- By: Title: Mark L. Perry, LGU Agent Hennepin County Transportation Department 1600 Prairie Drive 612- 596 -0300, Phone • Medina, MN 55340 -5421 763 - 478 -4000, FAX 763 - 478 -4030, TDD www.hennepin.us October 3, 2007 Ms. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Sketch Plan — B. Benson Group CSAH 15, Opposite Rambler Lane Section 14, Township 117, Range 24 Hennepin County Plat No. 3105 Review and Recommendations S Dear Ms , mi fi: We reviewed the above plan and offer the following comments: • The proposed 40 foot half right of way dedication from the traveled way centerline, plus a 10' wide documented trail easement are acceptable. • • The proposed street entrance with associated slope grading demonstrated on the sight - distance exhibit is also acceptable. We acknowledge the comment regarding the constructability of any west bound left turn accommodation and agree to waive this requirement. • Please remember to submit the Preliminary Plat for a more formal review when appropriate. • Please inform the developer that all proposed construction within county right of way requires an approved Hennepin County permit prior to beginning construction. This includes, but is not limited to driveway and street access, drainage and utility construction, trail development, and landscaping. Appropriate forms can be obtained by contacting our Permits Section at (612) 596- 0336. Please call me at (612) 596 -0355 with further questions or discussion. Sincerely, David K. Zetterstrom Entrance Permit Coordinator • DKZ /jj Cc: Plat Review Committee — Byers / Lindgren / Holtz / Drager / Lemke Cara Otto, Otto Associates An Equal Opportunity Employer —5626— Recycled Paper PLANNING REPORT • Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ®© ©® TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Jeff Miller, Staff Planning Consultant DATE: October 3, 2007 (revised October 16, 2007) MEETING DATE: October 8, 2007 APPLICANT: B. Benson Group REQUEST: Sketch Plan Review for Woodlyn Ridge Subdivision CASE NUMBERS: 07 -25 HKGi FILE NUMBER: 07 -12 LOCATION: 6301 Lynwood Boulevard PROPERTY ID: 14- 117 -24 -33 -0024 ZONING: R -1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential • APPLICATION SUMMARY A sketch plan for a major subdivision, called Woodlyn Ridge, was submitted for the 4.17 -acre property at 6301 Lynwood Boulevard by B. Benson Group on or around September 4, 2007. At its October 8, 2007 meeting, the Planning Commission will review the sketch plan for Woodlyn Ridge, a proposed new residential subdivision of 11 single - family lots, for this property. This property is located on the south side of Lynwood Boulevard in the area between Westedge Boulevard and Robin Lane. The subject property currently contains one single - family house and an accessory storage shed, which are owned by the applicant and would not remain as part of the proposed new residential subdivision, and has two (2) direct driveway accesses to Lynwood Boulevard. The sketch plan also includes a 0.20 -acre public right -of -way remnant (Butternut Road) that was previously vacated by the City Council in 2001. The proposed subdivision contains 11 single - family lots designed around a new street that would connect to Lynwood Boulevard with all lots having direct access off of the new street and no lots having direct access to Lynwood Boulevard. PROCESS Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, the subdividing owner, or authorized agent, shall apply and secure approval from the City of Mound in accordance with the procedures set forth in City Code Chapter 330.15, which includes three steps for a major subdivision. The submittal of a sketch plan is the first step in the major subdivision process and involves an informal review by Staff to outline various planning- related issues associated with a pending project and also • identifies items that will need to be addressed in subsequent submittals. Review by the Planning Commission is optional and not required by Code but recommended and encouraged for larger 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax(612)338 -6838 -5627- A 2 #07 -25 Woodlyn Ridge Sketch Plan • October 3, 2007 projects. Members are advised that the pre - application procedures for major subdivisions are contained in City Code Chapter 330.25. PROJECT ANALYSIS Details regarding this proposal are contained in the sketch plan application and supporting information that was submitted on or around September 4, 2007. The following planning and engineering related comments are offered for general discussion purposes and to identify issues that may need additional review in subsequent application submittals. LAND USE Comprehensive Plan – The City's current Comprehensive Plan guides this land for Low Density Residential, which allows single - family detached and attached housing types within the density range of 1 to 6 units per acre. The sketch plan proposes 11 detached single - family houses on 4.17 acres, which calculates to a gross density of 2.6 units per acre, so the sketch plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's guidance for the Low Density Residential designation. Zoning –The property is located in the R -1 (Single - Family Residential) zoning district, which has the following minimum requirements: — – • Minimum Lot Area 10,000 sq ft • • Minimum Lot Width 60 ft • Minimum Lot Depth 80 ft • Minimum Front Yard Setback 30 ft • Minimum Side Yard Setback loft • Minimum Rear Yard Setback 15 ft Minimum lot frontage on an improved public street shall be 60 ft, except that lots fronting on a cul -de -sac shall be 60 ft at the front building setback line. All of the proposed lots appear to meet the minimum lot area, lot width, lot depth and lot frontage requirements. The proposed building pads don't appear to meet the minimum front yard setback (30 ft) and side yard setback (10 ft) requirements with typical front yard setbacks shown at 25 ft and typical side yard setbacks shown at six (6) ft and (10) feet. Lot 1 & Lot 11, which are corner lots, appear to meet the minimum corner side yard setback of 30 ft. Members are advised that the applicant is planning to request approval of a PDA along with their major subdivision application. It is important to note that similar setback provisions were previously approved for both the Langdon Bay and Langdon Trails subdivisions. *I 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax(612)338 -6838 -5628- p. 3 • #07 -25 Woodlyn Ridge Sketch Plan October 3, 2007 Subdivision — The proposed residential development will require Major Subdivision approval since it would contain more than three (3) residential lots. PDA Concept Plan — The applicant is planning to utilize the Planned Development Area (PDA) process in accordance with City Code Chapter 350.460 for the residential development. The owner or owners of any tract or tracts of land in the residential district may submit to the City Council for approval, a plan for the use and development of such a tract of land as PDA by making application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) authorizing completion of the project according to the plan. The plan for the proposed project shall conform to the requirements of the use district within which the land is located. The number of dwelling units proposed for the entire site shall not exceed the total number permitted under the density control provision for the use district within which the land is located. The purpose of the PDA -CUP process is to provide a method by which parcels of land in the Residential Use Districts having unusual building characteristics due to subsoil conditions, topographic conditions, elevation of water table, unique environmental considerations, or because of the parcel's unusual shape or location in relationship to lakes, trees or other natural resources requires more unique and controlled platting techniques to protect and promote the quality of life in the City. In granting a CUP for a PDA, the City Council shall consider the advice and recommendations of • the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safety, morals and general welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. Section 350.525 of the Zoning Ordinance contains specific standards and conditions relating to granting a CUP that shall be considered by the City Council and Planning Commission. The PDA -CUP standards are included in City Code Chapter 350.525. I* Wetlands — A wetlands delineation report has been completed by Kjolhaug Environmental Services and a copy of the report was submitted to the City on October 2, 2007. A wetlands application was submitted to the City on September 25, 2007. The delineated wetlands are included on the submitted survey /sketch plan completed by Otto Associates, dated 8/22/07. A small portion of an existing wetland adjacent to the east side of the property is located on the subject property and the Butternut Road right -of -way remnant. Another existing wetland is located immediately south of the subject property but no portion of it is actually located on the subject property. The City of Mound is the Local Governmental Unit (LGU) for wetlands in accordance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. Wetland buffers are required for major subdivisions. Members are advised that wetland buffer "averaging" is allowed by current regulations. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -5629- p. 4 #07 -25 Woodlyn Ridge Sketch Plan October 3, 2007 Woodlands - The submitted site survey indicates the presence of existing trees and woodlands areas. Section 350.725 Subd 7 of the City's Zoning Ordinance contains tree preservation regulations that are intended to preserve wooded areas throughout the City and retain, as far as practicable, substantial existing tree cover. Since a grading plan is not required at the sketch plan stage, it is unclear how the applicant's grading needs would impact the existing woodlands. The City's wetland hydrologist has suggested that a woodlands buffer or conservation area should be retained round the edge of the development, if possible. Park Land Dedication — Dedication of park land and/or payment of fees in lieu of land dedication is required by the Subdivision Ordinance. The sketch plan application does not propose any land for park land dedication. INFRASTRUCTURE • Storm Water - Stormwater runoff and ponding issues will need to be consistent with the Mound Surface Water Management Plan and City Code Chapter-375 and will require approval by the Mound City Council. Due to the steep topography on portions of the site, the applicant's project • engineer has completed preliminary stormwater management calculations. These preliminary calculations were used to help determine the potential number of lots and the location /sizing of the stormwater pond. The proposed stormwater treatment pond would need to have vehicular access to enable future maintenance needs and the existing slopes in this area are quite steep. A plan for this access will be necessary. Streets /Pathways — The proposed 50 ft street right -of -way width and the proposed 28 ft width for back -to -back curb distance meets the City's minimum street design standards. The proposed 50 ft right -of -way radius and 41 ft back -of -curb radius for the cul -de -sac also meet the City's minimum street design standards. The proposed street access to County Road 15 is located approximately 100 ft west of the existing Rambler Lane access on the opposite side of County Road 15. Proposed street access and design issues are currently being evaluated in cooperation with Hennepin County. The City's Subdivision Ordinance Section 330.130 Subd. 11 requires that all plats with lots or tracts abutting on collector, minor arterial, state trunk highways, municipal state -aid street and county roads shall have concrete sidewalks installed between the lot line and the aforementioned streets in accordance with City specifications. Currently this section of County Road 15 has a bike lane on each side of the street. Grading / Utilities - A preliminary grading and utilities plan was not provided with the sketch plan and is not normally required at this stage. City sewer and water is available in County Road 15 but service depths will need to be verified. • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 I&T-191011 • • • p. 5 #07 -25 Woodlyn Ridge Sketch Plan October 3, 2007 CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the sketch plan application and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Parks Superintendent Fackler No comments. Police Chief Kurtz No issues. Public Works Supt. Skinner See Public Works Director's comments. Building Official, Waldron & Assoc No comments. City Engineer Faulkner The proposed street access is approximately 100 ft from the existing Rambler Lane intersection and will make the construction of a westbound bypass lane difficult if one is required by the County. With the speed limit of 30 mph, I don't think a standard bypass lane is critical, but "fitting" something in would be a good idea. The County will make this decision. _ The proposed stormwater treatment pond will need to have vehicular access for future maintenance and the existing slope is quite steep. A plan for this access will be necessary. City sewer and water is available in County Road 15 but service depths will need to be verified. City Wetland Hydrologist Perry (BMI) Wetland report for site received by the City on or around 10/2 and is under formal review._ Preliminary comments are provided on attachment. Public Works Director Moore City will need access to stormwater pond for maintenance. Stormwater calculations need to be provided as part of formal plan submittals. Hennepin County Transportation Applicant should be advised of possible need for additional ROW. County road is not centered in ROW. HC has identified the need for additional survey work in subject area. Sight distances and need for turn lane(s) are being evaluated by HC. Engineer Cara Otto, on behalf of developer, is working with HC on aforementioned issues. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -5631- p. 6 #07 -25 Woodlyn Ridge Sketch Plan • October 3, 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A neighborhood meeting was held by the developer on September 19, 2007 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Gillespie Center. It is anticipated that the developer and/or representative will provide an update of the neighborhood meeting as part of the Planning Commission meeting. PRELIMINARY STAFF COMMENTS • Further discussion with the applicant will be undertaken to evaluate the applicant's intent for utilizing a PDA -CUP process, particularly the use of smaller front and side yard setbacks, and the project's consistency with the City's PDA -CUP ordinance (ie. unusual site characteristics, preservation of natural features.) • Further exploration of the potential for preserving as much of the existing woodlands as is practical should be explored. Since a grading plan is not required at the sketch plan stage, it is unclear how the applicant's grading needs would impact the existing woodlands. • Street access and improvements relating to County Road 15 need to be coordinated between the City, County and the developer, including adequate right -of -way, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. • Stormwater runoff management calculations will need to be submitted to the City for • evaluation of the location and sizing of the proposed stormwater pond. • A plan for providing public access to the proposed stormwater pond for future maintenance purposes will be necessary. • Ownership status and potential conveyance of the 0.20 acre public right -of -way remnant (Butternut Road) that was previously vacated by the City Council in 2001 needs to be researched and clarified. U 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -5632- 3enahmark Tap Nut of Hydont 005.98 feet W- W -jZ to K I�Q�J 1 LIB, : DDBBe 2 W p of ti 2 4 4 PIS 1 UO2 54� I I 2ruQ m o W 01 —+� W •c yQQ fz Q I o �rri Z 1� ti�0 W t4- R p W rya ° Qa o4Wi� v � o �z8 ti ^Q- 1 pOjQ 2�vi a I igow t W j ac- mYZe�p 11 2 II II q c� I-2 p Qti° 1 W W�tuQp� � o h vq2 Y'8 °W W owl --Q� 1..4�itil -ti m N• o�� mo2 m�OQvN °��Z22 W °oWg J w2vn� O op 4N3� I p�0 a Inp �U22 3enahmark Tap Nut of Hydont 005.98 feet W- W -jZ to K I�Q�J 1 LIB, : DDBBe tW aY.a11929) ex. surmarmtabls ravb R wttw � Att v 30 NO.. PLAT (H.C.S.A.H. 5 Rr-.11 00207 55 RLrr100332 IpOxBO EdM Mve:989-46 —�- � rau1J _ s 993s7 t002� 100281 ex. bR. curb., btt 0+11b t "� 1oa� , 1 Be m _ 0=38 "'�pQ 4477 �..._ r o9xJ9 4470 / — _ — 52 .�EX.AiH -$rIIl loam -- �v0• 100.164 — ; RFne700i.64 1002 - / .2p•E : M= 98001.76 `(N�JVO raaa� — reel )� --' y"• .p — —' � — — '� LH eph amyl laar.9.5 ey. r JU-i , itil f \ \ \ R -98246 ' I t_jp M -9=26 — 1 59 999.62 • 9D934 , mas y1 r, -aadt i °& t I BD0.BD/ 1009.1 _ 12 'F `I 1 1 i� —•CPP 4•wdnut . t 1 r 12 cedar 898. / E: 96.62 \ \ 4 / 1 �' e�tM ye I L53 O — �DD7.5s E y"°Ig9&74/ _'i e 1/ 7._' 1T �,POL 1" l _ 80 � IP /4p ° j I � 'i t ll /• / 't00j srl � .l l 1 I 1�; �•� Gar, loam 10�tM Isow700287 i�; n I l / 10.079 sF l� i � ,x Hausa ( J Ex Nouas 24 /8'c.dor J / F \ A1,b ' / / / W Y1 / ro01 Janes I ,� 1 .-.-r s - �-__-'� • raax �� Qc� / e°0 r I �Q looz �fwm r ,W-T-• - 1 9m �, .79•��/j / 1 I -` 76chn 2 -7 araod E / I .. 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Ha1- 94 /q '11`.09' SF . 1 1 .961 9ee.74 60 ti D i \ 1 / / / i \ \ l • 70.50 . 4 \ L98&54 I 5 Fx Hmu •DBx i9 ( 984 \ 112 _ _966, - -�` ► \ ( 968 \ �5 71-V- �8�a QL 1 116• - 2 •creed/ 971.10 3 —1 _ _\ \ � g&1-- 24'mopl 4 �� � ¢ e. .98279 �,fl8xei\ '9a•9` � w9ttawd Ocs - 7L 83 ` wetMed . _ l i •s>z txt� \ \ /� y _1f7*9 Ex,ReDi�waNalyRCei) M 9681 Ex House Ex House EX mg ye � l'i I Y3 Y Sigh +�F�•�..Tu..••Y G. r�'' .�� 'iSy�a..S . ✓).x. 2 W J PIS 1 UO2 I I 2ruQ m o W 01 —+� W •c yQQ fz Q I o �rri Z R ° I 1-2top 0t —I t 1 pOjQ a I igow tW aY.a11929) ex. surmarmtabls ravb R wttw � Att v 30 NO.. PLAT (H.C.S.A.H. 5 Rr-.11 00207 55 RLrr100332 IpOxBO EdM Mve:989-46 —�- � rau1J _ s 993s7 t002� 100281 ex. bR. curb., btt 0+11b t "� 1oa� , 1 Be m _ 0=38 "'�pQ 4477 �..._ r o9xJ9 4470 / — _ — 52 .�EX.AiH -$rIIl loam -- �v0• 100.164 — ; RFne700i.64 1002 - / .2p•E : M= 98001.76 `(N�JVO raaa� — reel )� --' y"• .p — —' � — — '� LH eph amyl laar.9.5 ey. r JU-i , itil f \ \ \ R -98246 ' I t_jp M -9=26 — 1 59 999.62 • 9D934 , mas y1 r, -aadt i °& t I BD0.BD/ 1009.1 _ 12 'F `I 1 1 i� —•CPP 4•wdnut . t 1 r 12 cedar 898. / E: 96.62 \ \ 4 / 1 �' e�tM ye I L53 O — �DD7.5s E y"°Ig9&74/ _'i e 1/ 7._' 1T �,POL 1" l _ 80 � IP /4p ° j I � 'i t ll /• / 't00j srl � .l l 1 I 1�; �•� Gar, loam 10�tM Isow700287 i�; n I l / 10.079 sF l� i � ,x Hausa ( J Ex Nouas 24 /8'c.dor J / F \ A1,b ' / / / W Y1 / ro01 Janes I ,� 1 .-.-r s - �-__-'� • raax �� Qc� / e°0 r I �Q looz �fwm r ,W-T-• - 1 9m �, .79•��/j / 1 I -` 76chn 2 -7 araod E / I .. 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Ha1- 94 /q '11`.09' SF . 1 1 .961 9ee.74 60 ti D i \ 1 / / / i \ \ l • 70.50 . 4 \ L98&54 I 5 Fx Hmu •DBx i9 ( 984 \ 112 _ _966, - -�` ► \ ( 968 \ �5 71-V- �8�a QL 1 116• - 2 •creed/ 971.10 3 —1 _ _\ \ � g&1-- 24'mopl 4 �� � ¢ e. .98279 �,fl8xei\ '9a•9` � w9ttawd Ocs - 7L 83 ` wetMed . _ l i •s>z txt� \ \ /� y _1f7*9 Ex,ReDi�waNalyRCei) M 9681 Ex House Ex House EX mg ye � l'i I Y3 Y Sigh +�F�•�..Tu..••Y G. r�'' .�� 'iSy�a..S . ✓).x. 10 r nAk MAJOR SUBDIVISION �- APPLICATION 5341 Maywood Road,. Mound, MN 5364 Phone 952 - 472 -0600 FAX 952 - 472-0 620 P 01 lanning Commission Date Case No. 07 "�� City Council Date "� A,,,�,���. FEES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. S&P Q '42oa CHECK BOX TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE OFIIrJ(�� LV SKETCH PLAN REVIEW $200` Name of Proposed Plat Lot t1 Block r Subdivision M o w cr"b PRELIMINARY PLAT $350+$15 per lot' PID# t -`e2 �( FINAL PLAT $350 +$15 per lot' Zone CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/ PDA $350 ESCROW DEPOSIT $5,000 VARIANCE $200 TOTAL $ * CALL THE MOUND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO CONFIRM CURRENT FEES. .DI CACC 012IMT nR TYPF J PROPERTY Subject Address 473 -- -- i,a LV INFO EXISTING Name of Proposed Plat Lot t1 Block r Subdivision M o w cr"b % C� LEGAL DESCRIPTION PID# t -`e2 �( °- ^ o a.2 K Zone APPLICANT The applicant is: Aowner ___other Nae D. 5ti U.) �! Na % 14-A Address r L Hj s'i'b C C Pn t+q��j��A►� ti- Phone Home Work ��� � 73 �St9 OCJ �1 'V23Q Name �"..a� ya ,°p Address -- i� l t� St e. hJ�rgty� r'%Jrl/ ss3 9� OWNER (if other than applicant) Phone Home Work f t q�dv'v Name Address SURVEYOR/ ENGINEER Phone Home Work :2 2 6f. y %2.7 ax7,63 4k'L' Major Subdivision Information (12/29/2005) Page 4 of 5 -5634- Description of Proposed Use: lb I S-t'n S 1.2 G �. ► ,i ♦J. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. c s o PrJ k .. . S i .. _ / t �► \t1�2 4�w.. is 1,� �..1 f:_� l If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ .2A-a , pao RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPME9TY' Number of Structures` Number of Dwelling Units/Structure:_ Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit:_ sq. ft. Total Lot Area:(7 QrcWsq. ft. M ;d Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ( ) yes, (vf no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies • of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or explanation given why this is not the case. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided (including Section 330 of the Mound City Ordinance) and that 1 am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. '�� No. .'� "� '-� - Print Applicant's Name Applic nt's 1gnature Date he�lc�� '// 11 ( Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Major Subdivision Information (12/29/2005) Page 5 of 5 -5635- Date • September 4, 2007 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN. 55364 Attn: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Subj: Request for Sketch Plan Review Encl: 1) Major Subdivision Application with Sketch Plan Fee 2) Proposed Single Family Residential Sketch Plan 1. Enclosures 1) and 2) are hereby forwarded for your review and comment. The B. Benson Group, Inc. is proposing to develop the property at 6301 Lynwood Blvd. into 11 single family lots as shown on the enclosed sketch plan. The tentative schedule for this development is to proceed with approvals through Final Plat over the winter months with the objective of starting site construction as soon as possible next spring; site construction time will be minimal once -begun and a model(s) home is planned for the Fall 2008 Parade of Homes. • 2. Relative to the sketch plan itself, a wetland delineation has been completed by Kjolhaug Environmental Services and documented by Otto Associates, the Surveyors and Engineers for the project; the wetland delineation report will be provided separately. In the Southeast corner of the project there exists the remnant of Butternut Road which was previously vacated by City Council action July 24 2001; we would propose that the remaining 15' of this vacation be attached to this sketch plan along the entire adjacent property line and that this action be reviewed and approved at Preliminary Plat. This proposed development is obviously an in -fill project with little flexibility for exterior road alignment; the current dual driveway access of the present home is proposed to be replaced with a single entry street ending in a cul -de -sac. While this proposed configuration doesn't align with Rambler Lane, the proposed location is considered acceptable since the CSAH 15 access point will have minimal traffic with only 11 single family homes, the speed limit is 30 MPH, and the site lines in both the Easterly and Westerly direction are excellent. Due to the topography of the site, especially on the southern end, the Project Engineer has completed preliminary calculations for the required storm water management; while this is not typically done in the sketch plan phase this calculation has been very helpful in determining the number of lots and the location and preliminary sizing of the stoma water pond. The Preliminary Plat will be submitted after review of this sketch • plan using the PDA process. 3. The Developer will sponsor a neighborhood meeting for all residents within 350' of the parcel (quantity 66) at the Gillespie Center on -5636- • Wednesday September 19, 2007 from 7 -8 PM; comments, questions and concerns that surface from this meeting will be presented to the Planning Commission and the City Council during the review process. 4. Questions may be directed t the undersigned. Charles A. Alcon, Sr. Project Manager 763- 477.6073 • • -5637- N - 00150- E September 5, 2007 NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING You are cordially invited to attend a neighborhood meeting sponsored by the development group at The Gillespie Center, 2590 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN. 55364 from 7 -8 PM on Wednesday September 19, 2007. Representatives of the development group that plan to develop the property at 6301 Lynwood Blvd. will be present to explain the proposed single family residential development and answer questions regarding the development and the development process. The sketch plan of the proposed development is enclosed for your review prior to the meeting; questions may be directed to the undersigned at 763 -477 -6073. Chuck Alcon, Project Manager 0 7 -5639- • City of Mound, Benson Group Proposed Development My comments are two fold: Preserve and protect the existing wetlands. Preserve and protect as much of the existing woodland as is possible. I would like to see an established easement or marked buffer area for the existing woods to preserve as much of the woodland along the site boundary as possible. See attached figure. The location of the storm pond in the south end of the development is good. It is in an area that is almost a wetland. It has the hydrology to have produced a hydric soil, but is not quite wet enough to support wetland vegetation. It is also directly adjacent to a large wetland off site. This is a good use of this low area. If a storm pond had not been proposed, I would have suggested putting this entire end of the development into permanent buffer or easement, to protect the adjacent woodland vegetation and to protect the adjacent wetland.—In the attached figure, I have also • included an area around this to be marked as easement/buffer. As indicated on the figure, due to the location of existing wetlands on and off site and due to existing woodland, I have drawn a continuous "buffer" or easement area around the development. In order to better protect this buffer area, I would propose a building footprint on lot seven to be the same as lot 6 — 50 by 50 feet. This would provide just a little more space between the structure and natural area. I do not believe that this would decrease the value of the lot. Because of the natural area surrounding the lot, it is still a prime lot (as is lot 6). -5640- k � _ .13 �_ � s a .. 6 so Ll yyy y� — liven *ll,F, qq � /Q i.F,�iXy�•� E t I a pi ,nr _5 u, F�':,� c fir5� �� e g •k a ffi h i • d v �� � a d 9+ a " - �`�� �, 4 : � j�� a ��'4�#�' �, �. a�. rt• _ ' . °; � a � � � .., 9,� ^ *t s W 4 y - - Figure 3 — NWI Map (USGS Mound Quadrangle) 6301 Lynwood Boulevard Mound, Minnesota KES Project No. 2007 -096 1111111h, AA 1, 1 t OL,HA G ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY TN 1 inch — 280 feet I'U• ' A - Figure 4 — Soil Survey Map y � r �r KTOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY - 5643 -- 63.01 Lynwood Boulevard Mound, Minnesota KES Project No. 2007 -096 TN 1 inch — 200 feet • Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. --�- -' w !?iq 1: 1 wl� 4m. Figure 5 — DNR Protected Waters Map F�fw w i OWN Site Location;, Kellys West Oaks Corcoran, Minnesota KKT �ATr KES Project No. 2007 -060 JOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY -5644- TN 1 inch — 1,600 feet THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -5645- Cl c� d• CO LO ti�zo —Lo -1 zrac►� zgoo, I —n mlo0 110 3 1 ^0d •g•y1 ,ok=ri 'e'N'a �oius o;osauulnr Xpno� uldauuaN 3,? V8831 ONnoty cloy ;sa; uq ;o�oolad sa ;ouap 'ON 901' Y�L f{1d1`alglef �% 011 ; 6 0pawgry 10 along 10,a6,n'g .Ag Pa,IwVO .a1o>S :AB uraQ :al6Q air �/0O/8 aP Job f0 ell 3 a 5107 uo 1%l £ r+ % buuoq gos sa;ouap �p alao.au0 . UMOyS 6D pa>I10W pU0 ` .41 P ■rat .41 , p- - Pu., Paau•0!I AIOP 0 um 11041 / -1� main uopBue-1 L(44lnS Ojydwbodo,( 2g °°141r° ;as ad!d uoj! sa ;ouap O Mn 99M Pw 10•+:P pP- n .w A4 pa■dad a Pda * -uno V ■ JfaAjnS jo a;o: i/!ajao puno{ ;uawnuow uon sa;ousp • :b■■Wa 'Awns ■M P41 H!iN� A"a 4 1 +18 pal■anb.y 7—fi told P•wa< aV{ 0) 6ulP� rotosaw.M Wt—o qd•u, W 3OYNb31 aWIM 10 1.7 J. 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I Na•�f q r• uo, I n I / / ro',� , / / arxaa • L_� pp I.lvu••YI �,(.JI•PQ/Nyi YSLaa• `'• 7..j FM6fy/�y 1 t + sPOO Ja eL,,,� ZfOI-' D, aOOt I /W8%p4Q .aay/ dd7 Y � \ r\ I. \ - \� \ I ia"T"'. sl I Jau «. / 1 1 / m.0z yl! 1i KTSe• Haas �� �' 7 I ,P W1 U .a�1ry//tl1 11 •1 \ \ \ \ �. .qb � .\ \a[o o,0laao »a.11_gl / •.r.caJ�nma tl�ubrdH� l J /aY'r� '/ 46 S380d 10'3 = d38V N 04 r- NLf2 -6 b'7droza6, zrrwt -a -M-1 rb8f�- <•t1Y•e . ■•� or DDSSe I MT r, ,�OIaOI .ema,/ 1 —.v7� x'#10 its 1 ;1Da1 r <moi MN� (3t is � mra6, a'rm � a � � V .� �• �.�� 9 .` 'ON H'V'S'O'H) _ — Al r � (aaa/ nayw \ 1■ s6snol - ••17 �taD.iW J. 141 bl AaAjn,o oiqdE?,,,Bodoi )R Aeiun,o jo a%4-veoyipao 19 19 I* MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Gino Businaro, Finance Director Date: October 18, 2007 Subject: Summary of Changes to 2008 Budget The Mayor and Council received a complete budget packet in preparation of budget meetings held on August 23, 2007 and September 11, 2007, when the Preliminary Budget and Levy were approved. Below is a summary of changes that were requested during and since those meetings: Date Description of Change Impact Revised Page(a) 08 -28 -07 Add Gillespie Senior Trust Account 56,448.00 154-155 08 -28 -07 General Fund Levy % from 95% to 96.25% 48,232.71 207-210 08 -28 -07 Correct salaries on Council detail pages n/a 148 09 -11 -07 Change General Fund Levy Increase to 6.3% 107,547.00 207-212 09 -11 -07 Add Heating & Air Conditioning City Hall 15,000.00 141-142,144,12,15 09 -26 -07 Remove PC from City Manager Budget 2,000.00 175 -176, 12, 15 09 -26 -07 Add Cty Rd 15 /Greenway Plantings 4.200.00 112 -114, memo Subtotal - Net Impact on General Fund 132,962.29 10 -12 -07 Add Philbrook & Scherven Park Improvements 93,200.00 120, 12, 15, memo 08 -28 -07 MCES Charges from $ 670K to $565K (Fd 602) 105,336.16 45 08 -28 -07 Update Parking Deck Maintenance (Fd 285) 12,800.00 145-146 To summarize, the Preliminary Levy that was approved on September 11, 2007, reflected a 6.3% increase to the General Fund Levy and an 8.62% increase to the Total Levy. We have attached the revised pages as listed above that should be used to update your budget packet in preparation of the budget meeting to be held on October 23, 2008. Please let us know if you need any additional information in preparation for the meeting. 2008 PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS • DEPARTMENT PROPOSED DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT FUND City Manager /Clerk General Finance /Computer General Police General Plan ninghnspection General Streets General City Hall Bldg. 8 Srvs. General • ITEM PC - City Clerk Printer PC - Computer (2) 2008 Crown Victoria w/ Equip Setup Records Management System Copy Machine Laser Fiche Upgrade Cones, Barricades, and Signs (113) Pressure Washer for Shop (1/3) Metal Break for Shop Council Chamber Audience Chairs ( 60 @ $138 each) Council Conference Room Chairs (10 -@ $106 each) Audio Visual Upgrade for Council Chambers Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement Choose either Audio Visual or Chairs Parks General AMOUNT Dept. Request 112 Ton 4 x 4 Truck 0 Walk Behind Snow Blower (2) Walk Behind Mowers 0 Water Fountain 1,000 Z Turn Mower 1,200 Credit from Docks Fund (118) 2,200 Upgrade Electricity at Mound Bay Park Cemetery Dept. Request M 30,000 Tree Buffer Planting along CR 110 ( 20 @ $200 each) 0 Fence Park Dedication Funds POSAC Request 6,000 6,000 Philbrook Park Playground Structure 2,500 Philbrook Park Soil Borings 600 Scherven Park Playground Structure • TOTAL GENERAL FUND 835 835 ( *) The City will issue Equipment Certificates for Police, Streets and Parks' capital purchases. REQUEST AMOUNT TOTAL 2,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 2,200 60,000 60,000 M 30,000 30,000 15,000 0 90,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 600 600 835 835 3,835 8,300 0 1,060 1,060 10,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 10,000 26,060 31,500 31,600 ( *) 2,500 2,500 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 14,600 14,600 - 11,050 - 11,050 7,500 7,500 48,450 4,000 0 19,000 0 0 55,000 65,000 1,200 1,200 37,000 318.045 37.000 269.746 93,200 -12- Revised Page 1 of 4 10/15/2007 14D ul 10 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROPOSED REQUEST AMOUNT GENERAL FUND 318,045 269,745 AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND 22,880 12,280 LIQUOR STORE FUND 0 0 WATER FUND 192,335 192,335 SEWER FUND 21,335 21,335 DOCK FUND 26,940 26,940 HRA FUND 35.000 35.000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Page 4 of 4 -15- Revised 10/15/2007 le le 10 TOTAL 1.134.659 1.248.823 1"398.168 1.362.847 ,„362.547 - 2.55% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAUDEPRE 982. 879 1. 090 .949 1.162.908 1.128.091 1.127.791 -3.02% -45- Revised 10/15/2007 SEWER 602 -49450 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 321 TELEPHONE 9,926 9,583 8,500 10,000 10,000 17.65% 322 POSTAGE 1,856 1,929 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 1,223 2,239 500 500 500 0.00% 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 139 187 200 500 200 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 14,542 14,794 14,300 15,701 15,701 9.80% 381 ELECTRICITY 24,732 28,352 19,000 35,000 35,000 84.21% 383 GAS SERVICE 3,035 3,685 3,500 5,000 5,000 42.86% 384 GARBAGE 531 533 400 400 400 0.00% 388 WASTE DISPOSAL - MCES 513,153 543,348 636,390 564,664 564,664 - 11.27% 395 GOPHER ONE -CALL 1,687 1,163 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 400 REPAIR & MAINT. - 18,773 3,283 10,000 7,500 7,500 - 25.00% 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 6,675 15,593 5,000 10,000 10,000 100.00% 405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 138,710 144,964 144,960 156,860 156,860 8.21% 418 RADIO CONTRACT 284 351 500 500 500 0.00% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 97 194 50 100 100 100.00% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 167 207 200 300 300 50.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,807 1,774 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.00% 438 LICENSES & TAXES 182 115 150 400 400 166.67% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 24,746 37,382 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00% 455 PERMITS 60 272 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 479 613 500 500 500 0.00% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 75,550 21,335 21,335 - 71.76% 611 INTEREST 13,070 12,910 14,750 56,561 56,561 283.47% 620 PAYING AGENT FEES 266 282 500 500 500 0.00% TOTAL 1.134.659 1.248.823 1"398.168 1.362.847 ,„362.547 - 2.55% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAUDEPRE 982. 879 1. 090 .949 1.162.908 1.128.091 1.127.791 -3.02% -45- Revised 10/15/2007 PARKS • CODE 101 -45200 101 SALARIES, REG. 2005 102 OVERTIME, REG. 2008 103 SALARIES, TEMP. ACTUAL 121 FICA/PERA 131 HOSP. /DENTAL 197,410 134 LIFE INS. /DISABILITY 3.18% 135 HEALTH CARE SAVING 10,000 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 50.00% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25,650 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 3.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 33,582 212 MOTOR FUELS 10.28% 218 CLOTHING & UNIFORMS • 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 0.65% 221 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1,013 223 BUILDING REPAIRS 6.38% 232 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 10,115 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 29.90% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 6,480 321 TELEPHONE 9.91% 322 POSTAGE 1,300 328 EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 0.00% 351 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 600 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. - 33.33% 381 ELECTRICITY I* -112- Revised 10/15/2007 101 -45200 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 155,188 156,696 197,410 203,687 203,687 3.18% 3,827 2,549 10,000 15,000 15,000 50.00% 17,602 22,522 25,650 26,420 26,420 3.00% 22,325 23,946 33,582 37,035 37,035 10.28% 22,285 21,748 33,708 33,925 33,925 0.65% 768 803 1,013 1,077 1,077 6.38% 2,306 3,126 10,115 13,140 13,140 29.90% 4,256 6,008 6,480 7,122 7,122 9.91% 1,463 1,400 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.00% 370 341 600 600 400 - 33.33% 105 563 2,500 2,500 2,400 -4.00% 8,289 9,588 8,750 9,620 9,620 9.94% 1,829 3,256 2,660 2,660 2,660 0.00% 5,328 5,117 5,500 5,500 5,300 - 3.64% 3,264 782 6,000 6,000 4,500 - 25.00% 2,603 2,141 3,080 3,080 3,080 0.00% 3,174 6,923 7,700 14,200 18,400 138.96% 220 0 3,000 1,000 1,000 - 66.67% 152 906 1,000 1,000 500 - 50.00% 2,918 3,408 4,000 4,000 3,900 - 2.50% 191 216 700 700 400 - 42.86% 777 52 400 200 200 - 50.00% 643 0 100 100 100 0.00% 2,990 3,062 3,420 3,758 3,758 9.89% 3,189 1,590 4,830 5,070 4,000 - 17.18% -112- Revised 10/15/2007 ul I* I* -113- Revised 10/15/2007 PARKS 101 -45200 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 383 GAS SERVICE 5,918 7,103 9,660 10,140 9,700 0.41% 384 GARBAGE 2,845 3,149 6,440 7,740 6,500 0.93% 400 REPAIR & MAIN. CONTRACTS 11,420 11,294 24,300 25,300 25,300 4.12% 404 AUTO. EQUIP. REPAIR 3,391 2,689 6,580 6,580 6,580 0.00% 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 6,422 4,053 5,740 9,680 9,680 68.64% 410 RENTALS 4,151 4,471 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.00% 418 RADIO CONTRACTS 0 0 500 500 500 0.00% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 358 1,381 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 431 MEETING EXPENSE 180 0 910 910 400 - 56.04% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 176 94 630 630 630 0.00% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 415 3,010 3,410 3,410 13.29% 438 LICENSES & TAXES 1,145 753 1,500 1,500 1,100 - 26.67% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 860 558 0 500 500 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 45,640 50,333 6,130 48,450 48,450 690.38% 533 TREE REMOVAL 35,824 26,752 20,000 27,000 27,000 35.00% 534 TREE PLANTING 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 384.392 389.788 465.399 547.535 545.175 17.14% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL 312 .703 439.269 472.085 469.725 6.93% -113- Revised 10/15/2007 10 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus, City Council, and City pager Kandis Hanson FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent DATE: September 26, 2007 RE: Replacement Planting Quotes County Road 16 Streetscape and the Greenway • Attached are 2007 Quotes to replace plantings on County Road 15 and the Greenway in Mound. The average of the quotes is $6,351.33. I would like to request an additional $4,200.00 to be added to the 2008 budget to allow for purchase of replacement plantings. is This is an addition to line item 45200 -232. Currently this line item has $2,300 and I am requesting an additional $4,200.00 for a total of $6.500.00. This should allow for any price increases for 2008. - 113.1- Added 10 -15 -07 10 16 140 CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 952 -472 -0615 - Vicki Weber 952 -472 -0600 - Fax CO RD 15 STREETSCAPE QUOTES - SEPT 2007 KEY NAME ISIZE IROOT JORDERIBACHMANS LINDERS Ti�EES Amelanchier sp. Autum AB Brillance Servicebe 6' Ht BB 2 $312.00 $233.98 Fraxinus nigra 'FallgoW Fallgold FGA Ash 2.5" Cal. BB 2 $518.00 $298.98 Fraxinus'Northem Treasure' Norther NTA Treasure Ash #20 Cont. 1 $205.00 $77.99 Syringe reticulata wory Silk' Ivory Silk ISL Lilac 12" Cal IBB 3 $615.00 $428.97 �i�RtJBS Cotoneaster apiculatus CC Cranberry Cotoneaster #2 Cont. Pot 18 $261.00 $292.32 ComusSerima'Isanti' Isarib ID Dogwood #2 Cont. Pot 4 $47.20 $59.76' Diervilla ionicera Dwarf DBH Bush Honeysuckle #2 Cont. Pot 18 $212.40 $268.92 Picea abies'Niftrmie Bird's BNS Nest Spruce #2 Cont Pot 12 $203.40, $210.48 Rhus aromatica'Grow -Low' LGS Grol -o Sumac #2 Cont Pot 31 $329.22 $503.44 Ribes alpinum'Green Mound' GMC Green Mound Currant #2 Cont. Pot 6 $116.00 $97.44 p�RENNiAL`S kn purpurea'Kims ee high' PC jEchinaces Purple Coneflower 1 Gal. Cont. Pot 158 $692.04 $1,333.52 D'Oro' Stella SD lHernerocallis'Stelia D'Oro Da lily 1 Gal. Cont. Pot 59 $258.42 $497.96 Black - BES iRudbeckia'Goldsturm' Eyed Susan 1 Gal. Cont. Pot 77 $337.26 $649.88 t�I�ASSE Schizachyrium Little Bluestem LB Little Bluestem 'The Blues' 1 Gal. Cont. Pot 23 $140.30 $224.02 Sporobolus Prairie Dropseed PD Praire Dropseed 1 Gal. Cont. Pot 26 $142.741 $253.24 - 113.2- Added 10-15-0ep 7 26, 2007 AM CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 952 - 472 -0615 - Vicki Weber 952 - 472 -0600 - Fax is 0 GREENWAY PLANTING QUOTES - SEPT 2007 - 113.3- Added 10 -15 -07 Sept. 26, 2007 10 I* • MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Gino Businaro, Finance Director Date: October 18, 2007 Subject: Park Dedication Fee Summary Mayor and Council, below is a summary of the Park Dedication Fee Fund projected balances, activity and proposed budget items for 2008. Balance 1 =1 -2007 $160,283.85 Revenues YTD 4,400.00 Expenditures YTD 46,100.00 Additional 2007 budget 13.900.00 Projected Balance 12 -31 -2007 $ 104,683.8 19 10 August 16, 2007 pROpOSED PARKS 2008 BUDGET 45200 PROPOSED 101 Salaries, Reg. Gino to figure 102 Overtime 15,000 103 Temp. Salaries 26,420 121 Fica /Pera Gino to figure 131 Hospital /Dental Gino to figure 134 Life Ins. /Disability Gino to figure 140 Unempolyment 0 Gino to figure 151 Work Comp. Insur. 1,300 200 Office Supplies 202 Copy Machine & Fees 4 00 0 208 Instructional Supplies 4- Su lies 2,400 210 Opera ing pp Wood /Metal, Tools & misc. 212 Motor Fuels 9,620 218 Clothing & Uniforms 450 Park Super. Clothing Allowance 750 Boot Allowance 0 Zacket Allowance 1,000 Union Staff Clothing 450 Seasonal Staff Clothing 2,660 220 Repair & Maint. Supplies Nuts /bolts, paint & etc. 5,300 221 Equipment Parts Playground equip. repair 4,500 223 Building Repair 3,080 Misc, Repair to Depot /IP Hall /Shop 3,080 232 Landscape Materials 500 Adopt Green Space 10,200 Beach Sand /Agri. Lime /Play Area 1,200 Mulch Streetscape lg q O o (p,570 0 - ,36fr Greenway /Streetscape Plantings $ 1 300 Professional Services 1,000 Misc 1,000 305 Medical Services Drug Test /Physical Exam /Misc. 500 321 Telephone 4 Cell Phones & 2 Desk Phones 3,900 322 Postage 400 328 Employment Advertising Summer Seasonal Employ Ad 200 351 Legal Publications Advertising Bids 100 -114- Revised 10 -15 -07 -114- Revised 10 -15 -07 19 I* le PARK DEDICATION FEES CODE 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Note: 101 -45000 -34750 PARK DEDICATION FEES 101 -24500 PARK DEDCN FEE FUND BAL 12/31 101 -45220 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 45,000 93,200 g Q 60.000 93200 Q Q 102.484 9.284 —120— 2008 PROPOSED 0 - 100.00% 93,200 107.11% 93.200 Q 9.284 Revised 10/15/2007 • MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus, City Council, and Cit LManager FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Super! DATE: October 11, 2007 RE: Philbrook Park — Soil Borings • 1 would like to request an additional $1,200.00 to be added to the 2008 budget to allow for soil borings to be done at Philbrook Park, - 120.1- Added 10 -15 -07 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus, City Council, And City Manager FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superi DATE: October 12, 2007 RE: Playground Structure Replacement Philbrook Park and Scherven Park At the October 11, 2007 Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission meeting, the POSDAC discussed petitions from the Philbrook Park and Scherven • Park Neighborhoods requesting the City look at replacing the existing outdated play structures. • The Parks, Open and Space and Docks Commission unanimously recommended replacement of both structures. Minutes from the meeting will be completed for inclusion in the October 23, 2007 City Council packet. Staff estimates the cost for replacement structures as follows: Philbrook Park: $55,000.00 Scherven Park $37,000.00 I am requesting the replacement costs for these play structures be added to the 2008 budget. - 120.2- Added 10 -15 -07 I* I* V� -141- Revised 10/15/2007 CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 101.41910 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 100 100 100 0.00% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,495 1,158 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 4,034 1,116 2,600 2,000 2,000 - 23.08% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 128 133 300 150 150 - 50.00% 321 TELEPHONE 13,697 12,648 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 322 POSTAGE 300 320 350 350 350 0.00% 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 891 911 1,020 1,118 1,118 9.63% 381 ELECTRICITY 13,010 14,165 14,000 14,500 14,500 3.57% 383 GAS SERVICE 10,694 10,637 14,000 12,000 12,000 - 14.29% 384 GARBAGE 1,313 1,582 1,400 1,500 1,500 7.14% 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,957 4,241 13,000 7,000 7,000 - 46.15% 401 BUILDING REPAIR 10,575 12,857 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 0 225 0 0 0 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 8,381 7,615 8,500 8,500 8,500 0.00% 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 16,432 19,993 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,447 18,421 0 34,360 26,060 600 COPY /MAILING MACHINE LOAN 6.839 3.347 0 0 0 TOTAL 98.193 109.369 106.770 133"078 124.778 16.87% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 86.907 87 .601 106.770 98.718 98.718 -7.54% -141- Revised 10/15/2007 City Property and Bldgs - 41910 2008 Budget Budgeted for 200 Office Supplies 210 Misc Parts 220 Light Bulbs, Misc 300 Security, Monitoring, Web Page, Inet7 321 Telephone City Hall, Voice Mail 322 Misc. Postage- Mailing Machine 361 General Liability 381 Xcel Energy 383 CenterPoint 384 Garbage Pickup 400 Carpet Cleaning, Copier Maint., Postage Meter Maint. • Window Cleaning, Weed Control, A/C Repairs 401 Heating /Air, Security, Cabling, Etc. 440 Rug Cleaning, Elevator Srvs 460 Mats, Janitorial 500 Capital Outlay - Chairs - Council Chamber Total 16 -142- 10/15/2007 Budget 08 Amount 100 1,500 2,000 150 15,000 350 Gino 1,118 14,500 12,000 1,500 7,000 15,000 8,500 20,000 26,060 124,778 Revised 10/15/2007 U� CII-- �V l hi 0 0 m m ''' 0 0 a o a� a� a I'* N CJId d D Revised -144- 10/15/07 d y W �I H O aH V W Or Z c �a LL ° o a N a a V t3 co O ;�•� C4 I'* N CJId d D Revised -144- 10/15/07 141 10 140 PARKING DECK MAINTENANCE CODE 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 223 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 220 REPAIR & MAIN. SUPPLIES 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 381 ELECTRICITY 383 GAS SERVICE 384 GARBAGE 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 401 BUILDING REPAIR 430 MISCELLANEOUS 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV. 460 JANITORIAL SERVICE 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP -145- Revised 10/15/2007 285 -46388 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 5,800 5,800 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 9,500 9,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.000 35.000 Q Q Q 70.100 70.100 0 0 0 35.100 35.100 -145- Revised 10/15/2007 Parking Deck Maintenance 10 10/15/2007 t. # Budgeted for Amount 200 Office Supplies 100 210 Misc Parts 200 220 Light Bulbs, Misc 500 223 Buidling Repair Supplies 2,000 300 Professional Services 500 361 General Liability 5,000 381 Xcel Energy 6,000 383 CenterPoint 0 384 Garbage Pickup 500 400 Repairs & Maintenance 5,800 401 Clean & Maint waiting area, replace lights, windows, doors 4,000 signs & other building appertenances 430 Miscellaneous 1,000 440 $7,000 Pressure Wash 9,500 $2,500 Elevator Inspection 500 Capital Outlay - Sweeper 35.000 Total 70,100 -146- Revised 10/15/2007 16 10 10 COUNCIL CODE 103 SALARIES, COUNCIL Mayor $4,500 per year Four Council Members $3,000 each per year 121 FICA/PERA Social Security /Medicare 151 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE Gino Paid to L of Cities 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Binders, Cassettes, Paper, Etc. 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES Xerox Copies 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES Plates, Water, Frames, Drop Cloths, Water, Stamps, PC small items 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Taping, Legal, Goal Setting Meetings City Code Recodification: $0 322 POSTAGE Mailing Newsletter, Etc. 350 PRINTING City Contact Jessen Press 351 LEGAL PUBLICATION Ordinances, Etc. The Laker 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. Gino Gen Liab Share and Open Meeting Law 430 MISCELLANEOUS Cookies, Portrait, Flowers, Clocks, Others Employees Appreciation $1,500 Commissions Recognition $800 and Gifts $? 431 MEETING EXPENSE Misc Meetings, Coffee, Cups, Etc. 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS L of C: $8,800 LMCD: $23,640 Suburban Rate Authority: $900 Westonka Historical Society: $50 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS Mayor, Council Members, Advance Training TOTAL -148- 101 -41110 2008 REQUESTED 16,500 1,260 101 600 3,200 100 500 3,700 5,000 2,500 7,678 3,700 900 33,390 500 79.629 Revised 10/15/07 PROMOTIONS I • CODE 430 SENIOR CENTER 430 SENIOR TRUST ACCOUNT 430 FESTIVAL TOTAL u� 10 -154- Revised 10/15/2007 101 -41115 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 3,750 3,750 4,000 6,700 6,700 67.50% 0 0 0 0 56,448 0 11500 1, 500 11500 1.500 0.00% 3.750 L= 5.500 8.200 64,648 1075.42% -154- Revised 10/15/2007 Promotions CODE 2008 REQUESTED • 430 SENIOR CENTER 6,700 430 SENIOR TRUST ACCOUNT 56,448 $6 per capita x 9,408 population 430 FESTIVAL 1,500 TOTAL 64.648 • -155- Revised 10/15/07 CITY MANAGERICITY CLERK • CODE 101 -41310 101 SALARIES, REG. 2005 121 FICA/PERA 2008 131 HOSP. /DENTAL ACTUAL 134 LIFE INS. /DISABILITY PROPOSED 135 HEALTH CARE SAVING 233,073 151 WORKER'S COMP. INS. 255,020 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29,894 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 35,047 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 24,136 212 MOTOR FUELS 27,561 218 CLOTHING /UNIFORMS 1,081 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,212 305 MEDICAL SERVICES • 321 TELEPHONE/CELL 10,296 322 POSTAGE 1,441 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 1,708 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 1,248 400 REPAIR & MAINT. CONTRACTS 1,500 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR 2,352 430 MISCELLANEOUS 2,500 431 MEETING EXPENSE 40 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 714 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 100 438 LICENSES & TAXES 130 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 150 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 140 TOTAL 291935 312.079 336.445 350.488 348.488 3.58% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 289.652 312.079 336.445 348.488 348.488 3.58% -175- Revised 10/15/2007 101 -41310 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 218,496 233,073 248,480 255,020 255,020 2.63% 27,162 29,894 33,178 35,047 35,047 5.63% 22,361 24,136 27,460 27,561 27,561 0.37% 1,021 1,081 1,183 1,212 1,212 2.49% 3,242 6,027 7,524 10,296 10,296 36.84% 1,127 1,441 1,550 1,708 1,708 10.18% 1,483 1,248 1,700 1,500 1,500 - 11.76% 2,342 2,352 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.00% 851 40 200 200 200 0.00% 40 714 100 100 100 0.00% 85 130 150 150 150 0.00% 975 150 300 300 300 0.00% 50 50 100 100 100 0.00% 700 947 800 800 800 0.00% 444 206 500 500 500 0.00% 651 0 650 650 650 0.00% 1,706 1,747 1,950 2,144 2,144 9.96% 600 258 300 300 300 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 181 699 500 700 700 40.00% 425 719 300 600 600 100.00% 1,139 2,121 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.00% 3,840 4,247 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 185 0 100 100 100 0.00% 0 0 120 0 0 - 100.00% 546 799 600 800 800 33.33% 1.283 0 0 2,000 0 TOTAL 291935 312.079 336.445 350.488 348.488 3.58% TOTAL EXCLUDING CAPITAL EXP 289.652 312.079 336.445 348.488 348.488 3.58% -175- Revised 10/15/2007 CITY MANAGERICITY CLERK TOTAL -176- 2008 REQUESTED 329,136 1708 1,500 2,500 200 100 150 300 100 800 500 650 2,144 300 0 700 600 1,200 5,000 100 0 800 0 348.488 Revised 10 -15 -07 CODE • 1XX SALARIES: City Mgr, City Clerk, Receptionist 151 Workers Comp 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES Paper, Letterhead, Folders, Binders, Planner, Toner, Etc. 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES Xerox Copies 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES Water, Table, Monitor, Notary, Stamps, Etc. 212 MOTOR FUELS Gas for City Car, Business use of car 218 CLOTHING /UNIFORMS Yearly allowance 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Background Checks 305 MEDICAL SERVICES Eye exams, Etc. 321 TELEPHONE Long Distance, Cell, Misc. 322 POSTAGE Postage meter share • 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO Mileage reimbursements 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. Gino 400 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Typewriter, Etc. 404 AUTO EQUIP. REPAIR Mechanic and parts 430 MISCELLANEOUS Plant, UPS, Others 431 MEETING EXPENSE MAMA, Chamber, Rotary, Misc. 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Nat'l, State, Metro, Lake Mtka, MAMA, Mn Co. Ins.(Drug Test) Municipals, Etc. City Mgr, Clerk, Elections 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS National, State, L of Cities, Metro Kandis, Bonnie and Jodi 435 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS Misc. 438 LICENSES & TAXES 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL • Safe Assure, Etc. 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL -176- 2008 REQUESTED 329,136 1708 1,500 2,500 200 100 150 300 100 800 500 650 2,144 300 0 700 600 1,200 5,000 100 0 800 0 348.488 Revised 10 -15 -07 I* GENERAL FUND REVENUE Dot GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES 48000 31010 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 48000 31020 DELINQ. AD VALOREM TAXES 48000 31040 FISCAL DISPARITY 48000 31910 PENALTIES & INTEREST 48000 35200 FORFEIT TAX SALE APPORT. TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE 42000 33100 FEDERAL GRANT - POLICE 48200 33160 GRANTS FROM OTHER GOVT. UNIT 48200 33401 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 48200 33402 MKT VALUE HOMESTEAD CR 48200 33415 OTHER STATE GRANTS 43000 33418 STATE AID FOR STREETS 42000 33421 POLICE PENSION AID 48200 33425 PERA STATE AID le 10 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES 42000 32010 LIQUOR LICENSES 42000 32020 BEER LICENSES 42000 32030 GARBAGE LICENSES 42000 32040 ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES 42000 32050 CIGARETTE LICENSES 42000 32072 PUBLIC GATHERING P. 42000 32175 FIREWORKS LICENSES 42000 32180 MISC. BUSINESS LICENSES 42000 32190 MISC. BUSINESS PERMITS LICENSES NON - BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 42000 32210 BUILDING PERMITS 42000 32215 FIRE PERMITS 42000 32220 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 42000 32230 PLUMBING PERMITS 42000 32235 HEATING PERMITS 42000 32236 PUBLIC LAND PERMITS 42000 32238 PLUMBING REGISTRATION 42000 32241 DOG /CAT LICENSES 42000 32270 GRADING /EXCAVATING 42000 32290 MISC. P &I FEES 42000 34104 PLAN CHECK FEES 42000 34310 CONTAINERS ON RIGHT OF WAY NON -BUS. LIC. & PERMITS 2005 2006 2007 2008 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED PROPOSED 2,565,173 2,950,078 2,927,636 3,105,202 6.07% 40,822 59,810 50,000 55,000 10.00% 275,278 281,934 285,000 321,170 12.69% 7,561 6,107 8,000 7,000 - 12.50% 0 9.846 5.000 5.000 0.00% 2.888.834 3.307.775 3.275.636 3.493.372 6.65% 15,547 1,906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 193,437 187,580 180,000 180,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 60,000 43,960 60,000 60,000 0.00% 71,662 75,646 72,000 76,000 5.56% 6.060 6.060 6.060 6.060 0.00% 346.706 315.152 318.060 322,060 1.26% 12,400 11,800 11,400 12,100 6.14% 900 450 300 300 0.00% 900 300 900 1,200 33.33% 330 300 300 300 0.00% 200 200 0 0 0 0 900 900 0 0 300 200 - 33.33% 3,050 2,400 3,000 2,000 - 33.33% 1,440 1,235 2.500 1.500 - 40.00% 19.220 16.685 19.600 18.500 -5.61% 135,876 151,906 140,000 140,000 0.00% 0 0 200 0 - 100.00% 0 84 0 0 #DIV /01 9,918 17,579 15,000 15,000 0.00% 9,718 12,237 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,510 6,815 2,000 6,800 5,278 6,565 6,000 6,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 63,883 79,558 70,000 70,000 0.00% 100 50 100 100 0.00% 226,283 274.794 243,300 247.900 1.89% - 207 -4 Revised 10/15/2007 u� le 10 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Dpt GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES 42000 34103 ZONING CHARGES 41000 34105 SALES OF MAPS, ETC. 41000 34107 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 42000 34114 PLANNING COMM. APPL. 42000 34210 DOG PICK -UP CHARGES 42000 34215 KENNEL BOARDING FEES 42000 34220 FILING FEES 42000 34230 MISC. SERVICE CHARGES 48100 37290 STREET LIGHT FEE 48100 38051 FRANCHISE FEE - CABLE T.V. 48100 38055 ANTENNA LEASE 48100 38060 CENTER POINT FRANCHISE FEE 48100 38070 XCEL ENERGY FRANCHISE FEE GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES OTHER REVENUE 49300 34108 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 45000 34110 DEPOT RENTAL 42000 34191 SURCHARGES 42000 34203 ACCIDENT REPORTS 45000 34750 PARK DEDICATION FEES 45000 34940 CEMETERY SALE OF LOTS 42000 35100 COURT FINES 42000 35150 CIVIL FINES 41000 36100 NEW ASSESSMENTS 41000 36200 MISCELLANEOUS 48400 36210 INTEREST 48500 39101 SALE OF PROP. & EQUIPMENT OTHER REVENUE 49300 39203 TRANS. FROM OTHER FUNDS 49300 39210 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 47000 39310 PROCEED FROM SALE OF BONDS TOTAL TRANSFERS /BONDS TOTAL REVENUE BREAKDOWN BY PERCENTAGE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE LICENSES NON - BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS GENERAL GOVERNMENT CHARGES OTHER REVENUE TRANSFERS TOTAL 2005 2006 2007 2008 1.67% ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED PROPOSED - 0.18% 0.41% 0.32% 25 0 0 0 5.29% 376 292 500 300 - 40.00% 60 100 400 100 - 75.00% 21,340 9,400 10,000 10,000 0.00% 2,575 4,891 3,000 4,000 33.33% 0 257 500 1,000 0 20 0 0 6 174 0 0 107,696 109,727 108,000 108,000 0.00% 95,063 101,651 98,000 100,000 2.04% 74,031 77,441 77,600 74,000 -4.64% 89,820 91,157 90,000 90,000 0.00% 108,996 107,838 110.000 108.000 - 1.82% 499.988 502,948 498.000 495,400 - 0.52% 145,011 166,476 147,000 147,000 0.00% 4,050 3,787 5,000 3,700 - 26.00% 354 376 500 350 - 30.00% 1,681 1,246 1,500 1,200 - 20.00% 0 0 0 0 #DIV /0! 4,025 4,250 2,000 4,300 115.00% 96,293 75,746 100,000 75,000 - 25.00% 0 1,750 0 0 #DIV /0! 2,054 11,225 3,000 3,000 0.00% 33,465 17,662 40,000 15,000 - 62.50% 50,668 158,089 60,000 85,000 41.67% 27,534 13.000 3.500 3,500 0.00% 365.135 453,607 362.500 338.050 -6.74% 0 0 0 0 11,939 12,633 12,000 12,000 0.00% 281.706 313,261 150.000 150.000 0.00% 293.645 325.894 162.000 162.000 0.00% 5411.1a 4.06% 62.26% 63.65% 67.14% 68.80% 1.67% 7.47% 6.06% 6.52% 6.34% - 0.18% 0.41% 0.32% 0.40% 0.36% - 0.04% 4.88% 5.29% 4.99% 4.88% -0.10% 10.78% 9.68% 10.21% 9.76% -0.45% 7.87% 8.73% 7.43% 6.66% -0.77% 6.33% 6.27% 3.32% 3.19% -0.13% 100.QQ% 100.00 ° /u 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Revised 10/15/2007 Ll 0 • —209— Revised 10/15/07 -0 0 CD x as 0 W �o Z W LLJ Z >o W� O - poa U. oU. c -. o W W W a� (D o 3 CD 2 E N N 0 N m N LO o O O CA E co i O >C Cl) —209— Revised 10/15/07 10 10 I* GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 % INCREASE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED (DECREASE) _SzmI;I AL1L GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES 2,888,834 3,307,775 3,275,636 3,493,372 3,493,372 6.65% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 346,706 315,152 318,060 322,060 322,060 1.26% LICENSES 19,220 16,685 19,600 18,500 18,500 -5.61% NON - BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 226,283 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89% GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES 499,988 502,948 498,000 495,400 495,400 -0.52% OTHER REVENUE 365,135 453,607 362,500 338,050 338,050 -6.74% INTERFUND TRANSFERS /BONDS 293.645 325.894 162.000 162.000 162.000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 4.639.811 5.196.855 4.879.096 5.077.282 5.077.282 4.06% EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL 77,172 78,771 84,590 79,629 79,629 - 5.87% PROMOTIONS 3,750 5,250 5,500 8,200 64,648 1075.42% CABLE T.V. 42,141 42,263 43,000 43,200 43,200 0.47% CITY MANAGER/CLERK 290,935 312,079 336,445 350,488 348,488 3.58% ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 435 16,956 2,850 17,925 17,925 5.71% ASSESSING - 84,359 84,187 86,950 92,050 92,050 5.87% FINANCE 244,696 285,088 361,930 379,806 379,806 4.94% COMPUTER 18,647 9,459 13,950 20,000 20,000 43.37% LEGAL 130,772 123,130 135,460 140,507 140,507 3.73% POLICE 1,581,701 1,649,134 1,546,418 1,707,035 1,691,435 9.38% EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 6,071 7,268 7,100 7,100 7,100 0.00% PLANNING & INSPECTION 381,398 415,316 431,051 460,482 460,282 6.78% STREET 937,728 914,572 889,269 812,532 810,532 -8.85% CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 98,193 109,369 106,770 133,078 124,778 16.87% PARKS 384,392 389,788 465,399 547,535 545,175 17.14% CEMETERY 7,641 7,797 10,447 33,771 10,771 3.10% RECREATION 3,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% CONTINGENCIES 28,773 13,870 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% TRANSFERS 475.216 434.652 304.610 326.850 326.850 7.30% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4.797.020 4.898.949 4.853.438 5.206.888 5.209.876 7.34% INCREASE (DECREASE) - 157,209 297,906 25,658 - 129,606 - 132,594 - 616.78% UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, JAN 1 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT - 37,046 - 67,544 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, DEC 31 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: 23.90% 28.11% 19.69% UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES 33.38% 39.67% 31.78% NOTE: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE INCLUDES PARK DEDICATION AND COMPENSATED ABSENSES, UNDESIGNATED DOES NOT. -210- 1.270.060 32.91% 24.45% 24.38% 36.13% 36.05% Revised 10/15/07 10/15/2007 10 10 C7 -211- Revised 10/15/07 0 N _U-) N � C E Cl) W > o � C7 ~ W Z W a .� O _ ca o �ti Ewa,�- o LL v�4 Q Wit. o W W }' 06 Z � o W CD c� Q_ �, N U N � 0 U CC) _ r -211- Revised 10/15/07 I* CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP TAX LEVIES * REVENUE - GENERAL PURPOSES REVENUE - LEASE PAYMENTS 2001A JUDGMENT BOND FIRE RELIEF G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2001 C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2003A G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A G.O. EQUIP, CERTIFICATES 2004C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2007C LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN TOTALLEVY • SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) Property Value: •Property Value: Property Value: Property Value: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 3,746,880 6.3000% 368,440 364,060 368,250 366,860 21,800 21,400 20,900 20,500 33,350 67,890 71,010 72,120 71,200 75,000 73,300 71,500 136,860 139,067 141,167 143,162 143,340 141,494 144,179 146,717 28,500 30,600 26,900 17,700 142,450 114,500 111,700 112,100 0 66,700 68,600 65,100 35,000 31,000 64,200 67,500 0 0 32,234 29,252 0 35,000 37,513 70,308 0 0 0 116,270 0 0 0 42,461 14,320 3.420 0 0 8.62% 136.124 136.124 173.281 189.926 27.30% 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,088,430 8.62% CERTIFIED LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,088,430 FISCAL DISPARITY - 278,460 - 285,070 - 303,426 - 321,170 NET LEVY 3. 434,460 ,3,031.834 4.381.343 4.767.260 8.81% CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 37.295 37.259 36.409 36.029 -1.05% Tax Tax Tax Tax $ Diff. 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 540.43 -5.71 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 720.57 -7.61 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 900.71 -9:51 300,000 1,118.85 1,117.77 1,092.27 1,080.86 -11.41 Revised -212- 10/15/2007 • CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2007 I* • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 610 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO WATER METERS The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 610.40, Subd. 2, is hereby amended to read as follows 610.40 Meters. Subd. 2. Meters - Access and Repairs. Meters must at all times be easily accessible so that they may be examined and read by City employees. They must otheiwuse Damage due to the carelessness or neglect of the owner or occupants of the premises must be paid for by such owner or occupants. The cost of ordinary maintenance and repairs will be borne by the City. Meters owned by consumers will be under the control of the Superintendent. In case of breakage, stoppage, or other irregularity in the meter, the owner or consumer is to notify the Superintendent immediately. City employees shall, at all reasonable times, have access to premises for readings of meter or inspecting of plumbing. . (ORD. 04 -2007, 3/18/07) Anv person that refuses to allow current or updated meter reading to installed b appointment or inspected within a 5 -day notice by the City shall be immediately subiect to the surcharge herein provided in Subd. 8. This surcharge may be appealed to the City Council within 30 days of the final notice of the surcharge. In the event that the City Council denies the appeal, the surcharge becomes retroactive to the original date. If no appeal is received in writing by the City within 30 days of the final notice, the surcharge will be considered uncontested and will be applied. Passed by the City Council this 9th day of October, 2007. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the 20th day of October, 2007. Effective on the 21 st day of October, 2007. -5647- Mayor Mark Hanus PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND DOCKS ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES October 11, 2007 Members Present: Chair Mike Mason, Vice Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Teri Turner, Pat Meisel Absent: Don Heywood, Sue Pilling, Mike Specht Other Present: Sarah Smith, Community Development Planner, Jeff Miller, HGKi Planner Chair Mason called meeting to order at 7 :33 p.m. 1. Approval of agenda MOTION by Turner to approve the agenda as written. SECOND by Mason. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Approval of July 12, 2007 Minutes MOTION by Funk-to approve minutes as written. SECOND by Meisel. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present None present 4. Discuss: Mound 2030 Comprehensive Plan Jeff Miller HGKi, Planning Consultant for City of Mound addressed the commission. Miller reviewed the process for finalizing the Comprehensive Plan and highlighted the Parks and Open Space sections. Discussion followed on the difference between the Comprehensive Plan and a Park Master Plan. A public hearing regarding the Comprehensive plan will be held on October 22, 2007. 5. Discuss: Petition for Playground Replacement — Philbrook Park. Fackler stated most of the City's play structures are 15 -20 years old. The parks department put together a replacement plan for improvements and had hoped to replace 1 or 2 per year. The current structures have exceeded their use, and we can no longer get replacement parts for our older structures. According to code, we can't put a current up to code parts on older equipment with out upgrading the entire structure. Discussion followed on Park Master Planning. BE • *I 01 J1 • Vickie Pederson, 6087 Aspen Rd. Pederson addressed the commission and handed out colored photos. She commented on the safety issues with the current play structure. Pederson said the neighborhood has pulled weeds and cleaned up graffiti in the park. She stated one set of rails was recently replaced, and that is the only regulation spacing of bars on the structure, and small children fall through the older rails. I* Mason thanked Pederson for coming in. He stated what was said or presented was no surprise to anyone. The parks department is only allocated so many dollars per year, and they haven't been able to keep up with replacing play structures. Discussion followed. Mason said he appreciates public involvement and petitions to help make our case. Fackler stated on October 23, 2007 there will be a budget meeting and you can voice your opinion at that meeting. Greg Eurich, 5585 Sherwood Drive Eurich asked if anyone has approached private foundations for funding. Meisel stated she's aware of two grants, however, city's were not allowed to apply, it was meant for schools and daycares. Sarah Pederson - Weinhandl, lives in- Watertown, but grew up near Philbrook Park. She stated you may have major injuries at Philbrook Park with the current play structure. She asked if you could make minor replacements to make the play structure better. An example is the sand box could be removed that is not needed. Meisel asked if a "Band -Aid" effort could be put in place to address the safety issues. Fackler stated changes can't be made as it's against the standard of structure, and if it's so bad it can't be used, maybe it should be taken down. Sarah Pederson- Weinhandl commented the important point is that not everyone becomes aware of the problem until something happens, such as an accident or a structure being removed for safety issues. This would bring attention to the City. Jeff Anderson, 2221 Southview Lane. Asked the cost of a Master Park plan. Meisel stated it is about $20,000. Meisel stated the Parks department is the only department in the City without a plan. MOTION by Meisel to recommend to the City Council approval to replace the play structure at Philbrook. SECOND by Turner. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Discuss: Petition for Playground Equipment Replacement - Scherven Park -2- -5649- DRAFT Becky Hall, 4430 Manchester addressed the commission stating the Scherven • Park the structure is in similar disrepair as Philbrook. She has seen a significant increase of families with small children using park. The safety is a concern, the rails being spaced farther apart. A lot of rusting, paint chipping, rope ladder fraying, and the spring loaded toy is stationary. MOTION by Mason to recommend to the City Council approval to replace the play structure for Sherven Park. Second by Turner. Turner. Motion carried unanimously 7. Discuss: Crescent Access Dock Spacing: Fackler discussed possible options for adjusting dock spacing request on Crescent Park Commons. Mason asked about removing a non - abutting dock site, if one opens up. Fackler stated we won't know until early March after the dock applications are received in January and February. Fackler stated staff needs direction now so we can hold issuing any open sites. Mason stated if there were one or two docks voluntarily given up he'd like to see the docks spread out. Greg Eurich, 5585 Sherwood -Dr. stated he doesn't understand what the issue is if everyone has 30'. He asked what has changed. Mason stated the size of docks and boats has changed, and when the shoreline curves, you may have 30' at the shoreline, but not 30' into the water. Eurich stated trying to eliminate a dock space when there is a large waiting list isn't good. Fackler stated if you eliminate one space in the area, there are ways keep the non - abutting numbers the same. Options maybe to create a mandatory shared dock, or put in a straight multiple dock. Jim O'Donnell, 1743 Wildhurst Lane stated for the past 2 years there's been a site that hasn't been used. Fackler stated in the City's Ordinances you don't have to put a dock in or even have a boat in if you are awarded a site. Discussion followed. Tom Forsythe, 1745 Wildhurst Lane commented on the dock site that has been issued and not used for the past few seasons. He recommended not requiring the dock holder who does not put a dock to install a dock. Sid Blanchard 1749 Wildhurst Lane stated we need a use it or lose it clause with docks, if you are issued a dock site and don't put one in, you should be removed from the program. He said there's an abutter who doesn't put a dock in. Jim Power's asked him to bring up the idea that there are 5 -6 docks at Centerview that are unused. The docks for the Villa's will go into the system -3- -5650- *I DRAFT • next year. He would like one dock removed from Crescent Park and relocated to the Villa's if they become available. He recommends a dock be removed and each dock shifts 2 feet. If money is an issue, the neighborhood will make up collectively with loss of one dock. The neighborhood would like to see a decision made quickly, before docks are put in this spring. Fackler stated the docks at the Villas of Lost Lake will not be able to be issued to a non -Villa resident until the 2009 season, and then the docks could only be issued on a temporary basis. Additionally, the fees for the Villas 1.5 times higher than our regular dock sites. Discussion followed. Tom Forsythe asked if 0 -12 docks become available each year, could we have a priority setting that if someone wants to move from Crescent Park, could they be put on a priority list. Fackler stated Crescent Park would be high on the priority list. If dock sites are not renewed, options to ease congestion may be to add a mandatory shared dock or look at a multiple dock for Crescent Park. This issue will be brought back to the March, 2008 POSDAC meeting for discussion. MOTION by Mason that the Parks, Open Space and Dock Commission • review the first opportunity to remove 'Y'number of docks from Crescent Park to alleviate congestion and to make it safer. High priority that staff look at opportunities to make that happen. SECOND by Funk. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Discuss: Request to dredge dock site TP- 16853. Fackler stated he received a request to dredge a dock site. Dee Nelson Scott, 1731 Wildhurst Lane stated she has lived in Crescent Park for over 40 years and the area has changed over time by Mother Nature, Nature has encroached into their dock site over the years, and the area next to their dock is a nature conservation area (NCA). She showed the commission a photo of the dock area from the 1960's. She stated to be able to dock their larger boat, they would have to put out a very long dock. She is requesting their area be dredged about 7 -8 feet on the sides of dock. Mason asked where the line of the NCA is. Fackler stated staff would have to go to site and make measurements. Fackler said the DNR and Watershed have to approve the removal cattails and generally they would rather see a dock extension into open water verses removing natural materials. He felt the likely hood of the DNR or Watershed allowing a dredge is very minimal. • -4- I&IT -3 Z DRAFT Dana Jackson, 1760 Sumach Lane stated he's neighbors with Nelson's. The • winds come across into the bay and move the weeds and muck right up to their docks, and the last few docks suffer the most. He stated he called and talked to the Watershed District and it would be a minimal permit fee to clean out area to allow access for his boat at the dock. Discussion followed. MOTION at 9:50 pm by Meisel to extend meeting by 15 minutes. SECOND by Funk. Motion carried unanimously. Mason recommended staff come back with a cost of what a dredge would be and what we can we legally do. Funk asked that staff identify other areas that may need dredging. Discussion followed. 9. Discuss Park Master Planning: Fackler stated we put park plans from other communities into the packet. Meisel asked if we can put Park Master Planning as an agenda item on a future agenda. Discussion followed 10. Review Budget Expenditures Capital Outlay.- Fackler stated the next budget meeting is October 23 d. He stated he is • requesting an additional $4,500 for streetscape and greenway planting replacement and $1,200 for two soil borings at Philbrook Park. Discussion followed. Turner stated she's concerned about the lack of expanding programming and staffing. Basically we're down to mowing grass. Discussion followed. 11. Review calendar. Park Master Planning and dredge discussion will be added. 12. Reports: Mason made a comment that we spend time looking at parks, but also should look at open space area for ideas to utilize them for what they have to offer. MOTION by Meisel to adjourn meeting. Second by Funk. Meeting adjourned at 10:13 p.m. is -5- -5652- 10��q An Innovative District Modeling Educational Excellence September 12, 2007 Mayor Mark Hanus Mound City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Honorable Mark Hanus and members of the Mound City Council I am writing to thank you for your recent decision to provide annual support to help sustain the Gillespie Center. I'm sure the issue required considerable thought and discussion, and I'd like to add my appreciation for your recognition of the Center's value of in our community. First, I truly appreciate the collaborative approach Gillespie members are pursuing to sustain the center because it shows an effort to work together to meet the needs of the greater community. In the 10+ years I've lived and worked here, I've learned that it's easier to make good things happen when we all work together, and I commend the Gillespie volunteers and the City of • Spring Park for taking a collaborative approach. In my opinion, the most compelling aspect of the Gillespie Center is that it consistently demonstrates that it serves not just senior citizens, but the entire community. From an early childhood homecoming program, to the coordination of projects with our high school business /marketing (DECA) program, to the theme lunches that our students have participated in, the Gillespie has played an important role in both enriching the educational experiences of students and providing opportunities for different generations to get to know and learn from one another. I am particularly excited about a new initiative in which Westonka Schools will be working with senior citizens to improve literacy. Starting in November, we will invite adults, young and older, to bring preschool -age children to the Gillespie once a month for story time and activities. This intergenerational effort will help improve kindergarten readiness, and will also strengthen bonds within our community. I believe investing in the Gillespie Center brings service and support to our community and enriches the lives of young children through senior citizens. Thanks again for your decision to strengthen the community by supporting the Gillespie Center. Sin r y, •Kevin Borg Superintendent Independent School District 111 Educational Service Center • 5901 Sunnyfield Road East • Minnetrista MN 55364 • f: 952/491 -8012 • www.westonkaAl2nn.uq —5653— 2007 -10- 1811.,05 9524719151» 9524720620 P 2/4 t V N G 'a F 0 E G `a 0 S N M 0 z d a c 0 U 40 • z z . ° z° o rn G m 9 IL {L L=L N it O d If G° = n LL V m Li O m C � r ii � am► � � C0.1 � 10 � � m � S O � x W v 01g6 � ca V ° .0 L e e G m a C7 a 0 al o C C C= 5 . m c ° Z a O c Q C `y 9 = Z d' 9 2 67 OI C y d W 'auk g° ct0 > AW��, 5 1 serli it I I L I [ILL d a c 0 U 40 • 2007 -10 -18 11-05 • ul • W Z V Qi C C i ti N L E d 0 Z 9524719151>> 9524720620 -5655- P 314 t` ,O O V ,m. 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