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2007-12-03 Special Meeting
~ PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. _ _ CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable ~~ cast, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, amactive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DEC>3 2007,:` 7 00`~P~~ ~, ~° ' n.. SPECIAL MEETING ' ' -- ~ ~ MOUND CITYCOUNC'~L` ,; :,~ `~ *Consent A ems: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Call meeting to order 2. Truth In Taxation Public Hearing 3. Adjourn 1 .. rw~ ~~ NOTICE OF PROPOSED . v TOTAL BUDGET AID PROPERTY TA~CES The Mound City Council will hold a: public hearing on its budget and on the amount of propertytaxes it is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services the City will provide in 2008°' {~ SPENDING: The total budget amounts below compare the City's total 2007 total actual. budgei;with he amount the' City proposes to spend,. in 2008. 2007 Total Proposed 2008 Change from Bud et 2007-20Q8 ~. ~ :: ~ ,. Actual Bu'dget;~ g 6.23% $7,311,424 $7,766,446 TAXES: The property tax amounts below compare that portion of the current-budget levied;m property taxes in the city of Mound for 2007 with the property taxes the city proposes to collect in 2008: _ Pro osed 2008 Change from 2007, Property p 2007-2008 Taxes Property Taxes "' 8:62°~a .._ '$4,684;770 $5,088;430 <`, LOCALTAXiRATE COMPAI~ISOt~ The followmg;compares the city's currently IoCalt'a~z :. rate; the city's, .tax rate for 2008 if rio tax levy i~nCrease. is adopted, and ,the City's pro ~, posed fax rate for 2008. ;~ ~; :- ~ a '~ 2007,. ~ODBTax`Rate ifs 2008 Proposed Tax Rate NO ~Levy,,lncrease 'Tax Rate '. 36 029%° ~~ 3'6'405% ~ ~" •~~ 32.978% ~ ~ : ~~ , . ~~ ;, ` ` _ ..ATTEND T~IE~PIIBLIC HEARING . ,_ ~~~AI1 Mound city residents, are invited to attend ,the public- hearing of 'the City Council to ;express their opinions on the budget and on the proposed amount of 2008 property taxes. The hearing will beheld on ~~ ~ ~; -: .: ~ ; Monday, D.ecelm~her~ 3, 2007 at 7 Ku m._ r 1-~ Mound City Nall - 5341':Maywood Road,'Mound, MN If the discussion of the budget cannot be.completed, a time and place for continuing the discussion will be announced at tle'hearing.You are also invited to send your written ,comments to City,of Mound, City;Manager, 5341 Maywood Road; Mound, MN 55364. ~J 1 e '' .ls Your Proposed. Property Tax for 2008 f. Important information is printed on the back of this form. Property ID N0: 19-117-23 31 0129 MOUND MN 55364-9147 2006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: 187,800 HOMESTEAD .. y,: ~, 2007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2008 TAXES: 195,800 HDMESTEAD he taxable market values for property tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring of 2007. The period to discuss possible hanges has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. It is included. here for your information only: __ ~i) (2~: Actual 2007 Proposed 2008 Percent of Change Property Tax Property Tax $:1,798.72 . ;'1;838:87 ,; 2.2% ",. TOTAL excluding special assessments ~ Addresses for Correspondence Hennepin County A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 612-348-3011 City of MOUND Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 952-472=0601 STATE GENERAL TAX School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: Other Local Levies: School District Total Wegtonka Public Schools 5901 Sunnyfield Road East Minnetrista MN 55364 952-491-8007 Metro Special Taxing Dist. Metropolitan Council 390 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 I Other Spec. Taxing Dist: Fiscal Disparity Tax: Tax Increment Tax: Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: 5665.60 5606.13 5694.71 5630.27 ""~ `.: .! ,ate ,: °~,~ Budget Hearing Dates Times and Locations Dec 6, 2007 5:30 PM Commissioner Board Room A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 Dec 3, 2007 T:00 PM Mound City Hali 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 No meeting required " 5255.50.. 5228.78 No meeting required 593.47 543.13 5348.97 5321.91 Your school district was scheduled to hold a referendum at the November general election. If this r®ferendum Was approved by voters, the school distr.ict's property tax £or 2008 may be higher than the propos®d amount shown on this notice 544.46 544.77 No meeting required 5104.06 5116.22 No meeting required No meeting required No meeting required 529.50 530.99 Not applicable Thin is Not a Bii2 • Do Not Pay ~, us Your Proposed Proper$y Tax for 2008 • S ~• • Important information is printed on the back of this form. ~~ MOU~ 55364-1854 2006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: ~'2'D5,000 HOMESTEAD '~. 2007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2008 TAXES: 199,000 HOMESTEAD he taxable market values for property tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring of 2007. The period to discuss possible hanges has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. It is included here for your information only. Property ID N0: 19-117-23 23 0110 Actual 2007 Proposed.2D08 Percent of Change Property Tax Property Tax TOTAL excluding special assessments ~,._ ` $1 ~ 997.06 `S 1., 875 :`13 6 1% Addresses for Correspondence Hennepin County A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 612-348-3011 City of MOUND Maund Gity Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 952-472-0601 STATE GENERAL TAX School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: Other Local Levies: School District Total Westonka Public Schools 5901 Sunnyfield Road East Mfnnetrista MN 55364 952-491-8007 5740.67 5674.50. ~-~ ~ ! c t~ ~ .. -, ; ~. r, ., Budget Hearing Dates Times and Locations 5708.64 Dec 6, 2007 5:30 PM Commissioner Board Room A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 5642.96 Dec 3, 2007, 7:00 PM Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 Metro Special Taxing Dist. Metropolitan Council 390 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 Dther Spec. Taxing Dist: Fiscal Disparity Tax: Tax Increment Tax: Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: No meeting required 5280.64. 5232.80 No meeting required 5103.79 594.95 5384.43 5327.75 Your school district was scheduled to hold a referendum at the November general election:. If this referendum was approved by votars~ the school dis.triet's property tax. for 2008 may be higher tfian the proposed amount shown on this notice 549.48 545.68 No meeting required 5115.78 5118.55 No meeting required No meeting required No meeting required 532.20 531.50 Not applicable Check out the convenient payment options available to paY NEXT YEAR's property taxes http://www.hennepin.us or call 612 348-3011 This is Riot a i3i13 • Do Not Pay i • , s •"S Your. Proposed Property Tax far 200 • ~• . . ~. important information is printed ort the back of this form. 55 ISLAND VIEW bR MOUND MN 55364-9388 2006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: 2007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2008 TAXES: Property ID No: 30-117-2 3 21 0007 taxable market values for propert}r tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring of 2007. The period to discuss possible iges has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. It is included here for your information only. Actual 2007 Property Tax Proposed 2008 Property Tax Pepcent of Change 4 8 ' ' S 7 , 7 0 0 S 8 , 8 Y4 r 41 .14 .5% TOTAL excluding specie! assessments _ ` Budget Hearing Dates Addresses for Correspondence Times and Locations ' Hennepin County 52,907.81 53,395.71 Dec 6, 2007 5:30 PM A2400 Government Center Commissioner Board Room Minneapolis MN 55487 A2400 Government Center 612-348-3011 Minneapolis MN 55487 City of MOUND 52,648.02 53,080.73 Dee 3, 2007 7:00 PM Mound City Hall Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road --~" ~ ~ ~ 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 r 7 Mound MN 55364 952-472-0601 ^°~ / STATE GENERAL TAX No meeting required School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: 5988.26. 5982.5.1 No meeting required Other Local Levies: - 5400.50 5444.57 School District Total 51,388.76 51,427.08 Westonka Public Schools Your school district was scheduled to he ld a referendum at 5901 Sunnyfieid Road East the November general election. If this referendum was Minnetrista MN 55364 approved by Voters, the sehocil district' s property tax for 952-491-8007 2008 may be higher-than the propcs®d amoant shown on this notice Metro Special Taxing Dist. Metropolitan Council 5194.26 5218.87 No meeting required 340 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 Other Spec. Taxing Dist: 5454.52 5567.92 No meeting required Fiscal Disparity Tax: No meeting required Tax Increment Tax: No meeting required Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: 8107.11 5124.10 Not applicable This is Not a Bil4 • Do Not Pay 631 , 800 HOMESTEAD ~ ~y,~,,;,. ~ ~- 784,000 HOMESTEAD l~"C~ vv. - • .us ~~ MOUND MN 55364-1651 Dour Proposed Property Tax for 2008 i • ~ • Important information is printed on the back of this farm. Property ID ND: 24-117-24 24 0024 2006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: 1;,252,1.00 HOMESTEAD ~""` Q ~ ~} 2007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2008 TAXES: 1,439,900 HOMESTEAD he taxable market values for property tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring of 2007. The period to discuss passible hanges has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. It is included here far your information only. (~} 12) Actual 2007 Proposed 2008 Percent of Change Property' Tax Propeity Tax TOTAL excluding special assessments ~ Addresses for Correspondence Hennepin County A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 612-348-3011 City of MOUND Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 952-472-0601 STATE GENERAL TAX 515,1&6.14 817,170:63 55,757.65 56,652.02 55,243.25 56,034.99 `~ ~~~ ~~ p 13.4Y ', Budget Hearing Dates Times and Locations Dec 6, 2007 5:30 PM Commissioner Board Room A24D0 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 Dec 3, 2007 7:00 PM Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 No meeting required School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: ST,866.47. 51,849.44 No meeting required Other Local Levies: S787.4.8 5864.98 School District Total 52,653.95 52,714.42 Westonka Public Schools Your school district was scheduled to hold a referendum at 5901 Sunnyfield Road East Lhe Alovember general ele ctign. If this referendum was Minnetrista MN 55364 approved by voters; the school districts property tax £or 952-491-8007 2005 may be higher than the proposed amount shown on this notice Metro Special Taxing Dist. Metropolitan Council 5384.65 5428.77 No meeting required 390 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 Dther Spec. Taxing Dist: 5899.94 51,112.50 No meeting required Fiscal Disparity Tax: No meeting required Tax Increment Tax: No meeting required Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: 5196.7D 5227.93 Not applicable Check out the convenient payment options available to pay NEXT YEAR's property taxes http://www.hennepin.us or call 612 348-3011 This is Not a Bil5 e Do Not Pay is Y®ur Prap~sed Property Tax for 20U8 ' • ~• s Important information is printed on the back of thin form. ~ ~~ ' MDUND MN 55364-9131 12006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: 2007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2008 TAXES: Property ID N0: 19-117-23 34 0105 350,600 SEASONAL RES 437,800 SEASONAL RES taxable market values for property tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring of 2007. The period to discuss possible iges has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. It is included here far your information only. ~T) ~2~: Actual 2007 Proposed.2008 Percent of Change Property Tax Property Tax TOTAL excluding special assessments S 4 ,1' 3 2. 3:6 > ' " `S 5 , 0 0 3 '. =03 ` ' ' '' 21 . fi % ' Addresses for Correspondence Hennepin County A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 612-348-3011 City of MOUND Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 952-472-0601 STATE GENERAL TAX School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: Other Local Levies: School District Total Westonka Public Schools 5901 Sunnyfield Road East Minnetrista MN 55364 952-491-8007 ~' Metro Special Taxing Dist. i Metropolitan Council 390 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 Other Spec. Taxing Dist: Fiscal Disparity Tax: Tax Increment Tax: Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: Budget Hearing Dates Times and Locations 61,401.72 51,738.76 Dec 6, 2D07 5:30 PM Commissioner Board Room A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 51,276.49 61,577.48 Dec 3, 2007 7:00 PM. p~Q Mound City Hall ~L ~ o~ ( ~7 ~ 5341 Maywood Road j p Mound MN 55364 ~~ ~ ~© I 6 5823.62 X738.86 No meeting required 6172.98 6188..1=2 No meeting required 6347.47 6390.99 Your school district was scheduled to hold a referendum at the November general election. I~ thia rofer'endum was approved by voters., the school district's property tax for 2008 may be higher than tiha proposed amount shown on this notice 693.64 5112.07 No meeting required 5219.11 529D.81 No meeting required - No meeting required" No meeting required 555.07 669.30 Not applicable This is Not a Bil6 • Do Nat Pay ~ ~ ~ .us Your Proposed Property Tax for 2008 ~. tmportant information is printed on the back of this form. ~~~~ SAINT PAUL MN 55104-5171 2006 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR 2007 TAXES: 12007 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE FOR. 2008 TAXES: The taxable market values for property tax payable in 2008 was sent to you in the spring. of 2007. The period to discuss possible changes has passed and changes can no longer be made to your property valuation. it is included here for your information only. (.~~ _ (.2},. Actual 2007 Proposed 2008 Percent of Change Property Tax Propeity Tax Property ID N0: 13-117-24.12 0100 574,000 APT NHSTD 718,000 APT NHSTD TOTAL excluding specie(assessments ' ~ 7 ~-4 8 4 . 6 0 $ 9 , 14 7 .:10 2 2.2 Addresses for Cgrrespondence Hennepin County A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 612-348-3011 , 52,868.62 Budget Hearing Dates Times and Locations 53,564.50 Dec 6, 20D7 5:30 PM Commissioner Board Room A2400 Government Center Minneapolis MN 55487 City of MOUND Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 952-472-0601 II STATE GENERAL TAX School District 277 Voter Approved Levy: Other Lo-cal Levies: School District Total Westonka Public Schools 5901 Sunnyfield Road East Minnetrista MN 55364 952-491-8007 Metro Special Taxing Dist. Metropolitan Council 390 Robert Street North St Paul MN 55101 651-602-1374 Dther Spec. Taxing Dist: Fiscal Disparity Tax: Tax Increment Tax: Solid Waste Mgmt Fee: 52,612.33 53,233.86 Dec 3, 2007 7:00 PM Mound City Nall 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 No meeting required 5883.9]._, 5948,.99 No meeting required $389,.53 5460.2'0 51,273.4E 51,409.19 Your school district was scheduled to hold a referendum at the November general election: If this ref®rendum was approved by voters:;. the school,dist;let's property tax far 2008 may be higher than the propos®d amount shown on this notice 5191.64 5229.75 No meeting required 5448.40. 5596.15 No meeting required No meeting required No meeting required 590.17 5113.65 Not applicable ..~.~ - This is Not a Biz ~ Do Not Pay How Yaur City and County Property Taxes Are Determined Box 1 Total Proposed Local Budget divided t3y __ __ . -__..._ __.__..minus.-- _ _._--- __ _ _ __ __ Box 2 ? All Non-Properly Tax Revenue, eg: * State Aid * Fees, etc. ~; ... .: ...... .... ......... ,...;~:~:k = equals _~ Box 3 Property Tax Revenue Needed (Levy} -- Box 4 Assessor's Market Value _.. X fii mes Box 5 State Mandated Class Rates ____ =equals sox 6 Total. "Tax Capacity" s (Formerly Assessed i Vaiue). ' ::i-~.ae:+x_<aat•~:;::~+adifa~.'A.t:'!SO"xi'....; -. -'e~rivititi~ic~::S3.£~f Box 7 Property Tax Rate ("Tax Capacity" Rate) x S tea... ;;~.~:~.:~~rra:.~;.~~;;.r..<•:.,,r.,:w = equals YOUR PROPERTY TAX EQUALS: Your Property's Market value X 1 sg Ratefsl X "~`ax ~a itv" , Ed. Homestead Credit (83% of K-12 gen'l. educ. tax up to $390 in '00) 8 O OD N r N' CND COG N d O O O d p C N ti ~ ~ ~ 000 M ~ r N ~' r m N ~ r _ _ 41 _ et M._,_._. O . - 0 _ _ et . N O _ M_.... t~ __..- ~ --- N _-.M .._. M __~ ..... N _._M-.. d'__ _ . _ ti __ _ . __. ._..____. ~ K 0 d> C'7 ~ O rO^ dO' O ~ N ~' ~ 6H, ~ D ID ti 000 O 000 r 0~O ~ ~ N ~ CG r O 1 ~ O O M ~C! r r = O M O r M ~ ti CD CG r 1~ ~ N 00 00 N O M M ,d: N tD CV r r tD ~ r lJ.l N d' O O O O O 4 O O ~ O O 00 N N ~ O O C Gp O O O ~ r ~' 3 ti Op CD 0 h O O 0 t0 ~ N I~ r N ~ O r y O ~ 0 0 N t D ~ ~ CD ~ Chi O N r r ~ ~ 0 r 0 N 00 C D O O~ 0 0^ V O = N O r t~ M ~ DD i C N ~ d' r r ~ ~ m r ~ O O N L } ,N d N o t ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ LJ. ~~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~. ~ o ~ a O N ~ L ~ ~ ~ O r d _ c d `~° ~ N _ t'6 ~~ `' ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ G O H- -a ~+ ~ ~ 0) ~ c. ~ p~ °r tSf 3 O m a. ~ O V m UO Q D U ~ J ~ N ~ O ii ~ d _ ___.~ - - O Q df O ~ ,~ a t6 ~' 0) m 3 ~ H V ~- C +~+ ~.. ~ O C i ~ O O V L t0 ~ ~ d Q) ~ O CO G ~ t~ ~ 47 O = ~ V O ~ ~F t6 ~ w ~ N R V d •, i C a •~ L •~ ~ ~+ N ~ C ~ o ,~; r ~ "'a N ~ C ~ O .',' U r o ~!- ~ ~ ~ N O Z ~ 9 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ~ 2005 ' _ 2006 .2007 2008 2008 % INCREASE ACTUAL" ACTUAL APPROVED " REQUESTED PROPOSED (DECREASE) REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES 2,888,834 3,307,775 3,275,636 3,493,372 3,493,372 6.65% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 346,706 315,152 318,060 322,060 322,060 1.26% LICENSES 19,220 16,685 19,600 18,500 18,500 -5.61% NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 226,283 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89% GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES 499,988 502,948 498,000 495,400 495,400 -0.52% OTHER REVENUE 365,135 453,607 362,500 338,050 338,050 -6.74% INTERFUND TRANSFERS/BONDS 293,645 325.894 162.000 162.000 162.000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 4.639,811 5.196.855 4.879.096 5,077.282 5.077.282 4.06% EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL 77,172 78,771 84,590 79,629 79,629 -5.87% PROMOTIONS 3,750 5,250 5,500 8,200 64,648 1075.42% CABLE T.V. 42,141 42,263 43,000 43,200 43,200 0.47% CITY MANAGER/CLERK 290,935 312,079 336,445 350,488. 350,488 4.17% ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 435 16,956 2,850 17,925 17,925 5.71% ASSESSING 84,359 84,187 86,950 92,050 92,050 5.87% FINAAI~E - 244,696 285,088 361,930 379,806 -- 379,806 4.94% COMPUTER 18,647 9,459 13,950 20,000 20,000 43.37% LEGAL 130,772 123,130 135,460 140,507 140,507 3.73% POLICE 1,581,701 1,649,134 1,546,418 1,707,035 1,691,435 9.38% EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 6,071 7,268 7,100 7,100 7,100 0.00% PLANNING & INSPECTION 381,398 415,316 431,051 460,482 460,282 6.78% STREET 937,728 914,572 889,269 812,532 810,532 -8.85% CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 98,193 109,369 106,770 133,078 124,778 16.87% JANITORIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 PARKS 384,392 389,788 465,399 547,535 540,975 16.24% CEMETERY 7,641 7,797 10,447 33,771 10,771 3.10% RECREATION 3,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% CONTINGENCIES 28,773 13,870 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% TRANSFERS 475.216 434.652 304.610 326.850 326.850 7.30% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,797.020 4.898.949 4,853.438 5.206,888 5.207.676 7.30% INCREASE (DECREASE) -157,209 297,906 25,658 -129,606 -130,394 -608.21% UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, JAN 1 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT -37.046 -67.544 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, DEC 31 1.146.634 1.376.996 955.614 1.273.048 1-272.260 33.14%° UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: 23.90% 28,11% 19.69% 24.45% 24.43% 10 \° 0 Cfl X fSf N Q p' O si u;;~. ; ~ .:~. ;,T ~~ W W W Z W a ' ~ a ` ~ Za r-. O 0 ~ ~ N J V"~ W W ~ c a o ~ ~ a~ L ~_ O ~ `'' cn o ~, ~ _ c~ ~ ° a~~ ~ ~ ~ N c o ~~ U O L.. \ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ N U N C ~ > J p ~ ~ ~ I I ~ - U ~ 11 0 N _ tt~ ~'' ^L` W •^ Y / r n~ v W > OC ~ ~~; H ~ O ~ ~ ~ z Z W ~ D ~ ~R a ~ -p D. ~ . ~ a - ~ c~ ~~ ~ ~ i~ •U ct' ~ O ~ Z 00 o N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N O ~ V J ~ Q o W r W 1.. ~ ~- Z ~ o W C7 ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a i ~ o U ~ 12 CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP . ~ ~ 07 2pQg -.TAX LEVIES REVENUE -GENERAL PURPOSES REVENUE -LEASE PAYMENTS 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 3,746;880 6.3000% 2001AJUDGMENTBOND 368,440 364,060 368,250 366,860 FIRE RELIEF 21,800. 21,400 20,900 _.20,500 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2001C 33,350 67,890 71,010 ~ 72,120 . G.O. IMPROVEMENT2003A ~ 71,200 75,000 73,300 71,500 G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C 136,860 139,067 141,167 143,162 . G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A 143,340 28 500 141,494 3 144,179 .146,717 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES `2004C , 142 450 0,600 1 26,900 ..17,700 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A , 14,500 111,700 112,100 . G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C 0 35 000 66,700 31 68,600 65,100 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A , ,000 64,200 67,50b ; G.Q. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C 0 0 0 32,234 29,252 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A ~' 35,000 37,513 7b,308 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATE$ 2007C 0 0 0 0 118,270 LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN , •14.320 0 3 420 0 Q 42,460 : . , 0 , TOTAL~LEVY` 712 3 920 4 16 8 4 _ . . . 04 4.684.769 -~ 5.08 . ,8 8.62% SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) . ~~` 136 124 . ~. 190.41 g 27.30% - 2005 ?49S ~7 2008 TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,088,428 8.62% CERTIFIED-LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,088,428 FISCAL DISPARITY -278.460 - 70 - 4 6 -321.170 NET LEVY 3 434 4 931 3 ~ . . ~Q . ,E 4.381.343 4 76 8.81% CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 37.295 37.259 36.409 36.029 -1.05% Tax ~ ~ Tax $ Diff. Property Value: 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 540.43 X5,71 Property Valu®: 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 720:57 -7.61 Property Value: 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 900.71 -9.51 Property Value: 300,000 1,118.85 1,117.77 1,092.27 1,080:86 -11;41 ~ 3 9/11/2007 Tax Capacity Year 2007 3,750.00 Year 2008 3,900.00 Value ,a ;~ x 375,000 ~, 390,000 ~' '~~ ~ ?~ 4.00% ,:Y ,;. . .., Homestead Property State Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 County Tax 1,466.63 1,510.51 43.88 2.99% City Tax 1,365.34 1,405.1.3 39.79 2.91% School Tax 739.05 678.37 -60.68 -8.21 Metro Transit 48.56 49.30 0.73 1.51 Watershed 3 - 42.04 54.76 12.72 30.26% Mound HRA 51.00 52.61 1.61 3.16% Mosquito Control 18.71 18.92 0.20 1.08% Metro Council 32.89 31.63 -1.26 -3.83% Park Museum 26.25 28.04 1.79 6.82% HC Reg Railroad 32.66 38.42, 5.75 17.61% Solid Waste 58.91 61.74 2.82 4.79% Hennepin Parks 115.05 123.63 8.58 7.46% Total 3.997,E 4.053.04 55.95 1.40% Less MVHC* 34.90 Net Total 3,962.19 *Market Value Homestead Credit 21.40 4,031.64 69.45 1.75°!° 14 CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP TAX LEVIES REVENUE-GENERAL PURPOSES REVENUE -LEASE PAYMENTS 2001A JUDGMENT BOND FIRE RELIEF- G.O.IMPROVEMENT 2001 C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2003A G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2004C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2007C LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN TOTAL LEVY SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT ~~ HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT - AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) Property Value: Property Value: Property Value: Property Value: 11 /30/2007 1;~~'~. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 3,586,501 1.7500% 368,440 364,060 368,250 366,860 21,800 21,400 20,900 20,500 33,350 67,890 71,010 72,120 71,200 75,000 73,300 71,500 136, 860 139, 067 141,167 143,162 143,340 141,494 144,179 146,717 28,500 30,600 26,900 17,700 142,450 114,500 111,700 112,100 0 66,700 68,600 65,100 35,000 31,000 64,200 67,500 0 0 32,234 29,252 0 35,000 37,513 70,308 0 0 0 116,270 0 0 0 42,461 14.320 3.420 0 0 X12.920 -, _ 4.216.904 4.684.769 4.928.051 5.19% -, 136.124 136.124 173.281 189.926 27.30% 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 4,928,051 5.19% CERTIFIED LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 4,928,051 FISCAL DISPARITY -278,460 -285.070 -303,426 -321.170 NET LEVY 3.434.460 3.931.8.'i~ $1.343 4.606.881 5.15% CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 37.295 37.259 36.409 34.816 -4.37% Tax Tax Tax Tax $ Diff. 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 522.25 -23.89 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 696.33 -31.85 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 870.41 -39.81 300,000 1,118.85 1,117.77 1,092.27 1,044.49 -47.78 15 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES /,~~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 % INCREASE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED DDECREASE) REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES 2,888,834 3,307,775 3,275,636 3,339,007 3,339,007 1.93% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 346,706 315,152 318,060 322,060 322,060 1.26% LICENSES 19,220 16,685 19,600 18,500 18,500 -5.61% NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 226,283 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89% GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES 499,988 502,948 498,000 495,400 495,400 -0.52% OTHER REVENUE 365,135 453,607 362,500 318,050 318,050 -12.26% INTERFUND TRANSFERS/BONDS 293.645 325.894 162.000 162.000 162.000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 4,639.811 5 1_ , 96.855 4,879,096 4.902.917 4.902.917 0.49% EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL 77,172 78,771 84,590 79,629 79,629 -5.87% PROMOTIONS 3,750 5,250 5,500 8,200 64,648 1075.42% CABLE T.V. 42,141 42,263 43,000 43,200 43,200 0.47% CITY MANAGER/CLERK 290,935 312,079 336,445 350,4$8 348,488 3.58% ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 435 16,956 2,850 17,925 17,925 5.71% ASSESSING 84,359 84,187 86,950 92,050 92,050 5.87% FINANCE ~ - 244,696 285,088 361,930 379,806 379,806 4.94% COMPUTER 18,647 9,459 13,950 20,000 20,000 43.37% LEGAL 130,772 123,130 135,460 140,507 140,507 3.73% POLICE 1,581,701 1,649,134 1,546,418 1,707,035 1,691,435 9.38% EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 6,071 7,268 7,100 7,100 7,100 0.00% PLANNING & INSPECTION 381,398 415,316 431,051 460,482 460,282 6.78% STREET .937,728 914,572 889,269 812,532 810,532 -8.85% CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS 98,193 109,369 106,770 133,078 123,718 15.87% PARKS 384,392 389,788 465,399 547,535 545,175 17.14% CEMETERY 7,641 .7,797 10,447 33,771 10,771 3.10% RECREATION 3,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% CONTINGENCIES 28,773 13,870 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% TRANSFERS 475.216 434.652 304,610 326,850 326.850 7.30% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4.797.020 4.898.949 4.853.438 5.206,888 5,208.816 7.32% INCREASE (DECREASE) -157,209 297,906 25,658 -303,971 -305,899 -1292.23% UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, JAN 1 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT -37.046 -67.544 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, DEC 31 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: 23.90% 28.11% 19.69% UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES 33.38% 39.67% 30.85% NOTE: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE INCLUDES PARK DEDICATION AND COMPENSATED ABSENSES, UNDESIGNATED DOES NOT. 1.096.755 14.77% 21.10% 21.06% 30.12% 30.08% 6 11/30/2007 ,Tax Capacity Value Year 2007 3,750.00 375,000 "~ Year 2008 ~ 3,900.00 390,000 _ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-~~ 4.00% _ Homestead Property State Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 County Tax 1,466.63 1,510.51 43.88 2.99% City Tax 1,365.34 1,357.82 -7.51 -0.55% School Tax 739.05 678.37 -60.68 -8.21 Metro Transit 48.56 49.30 0.73 1.51 Watershed 3 - 42.04 54.7 12.72 30.26% Mound HRA 51.00 52.61 1.61 3.16% Mosquito Control 18.71 18.92 0.20 1.08% Metro Council 32.89 31.63 -1.26 -3.83% Park Museum 26.25 28.04 1.79 6.82% HC Reg Railroad 32.66 38.42 5.75 17.61% Solid Waste 58.91 . 61.74 2.82 4.79% Hennepin Parks 115.05 123.63 8.58 7.46% Total 3.997.09 4~~ $ 0.22% Less MVHC* 34.90 Net Total 3,962.19 *Market Value Homestead Credit 21.40 3,984.33 22.14 0.56°!° 17 CITY OF MOUND TAX LEVY RECAP 2Q05 2006 . ..2007 2008 TAX LEVIES " REVENUE -GENERAL PURPOSES 2,717,660 3,126,774 3,524,817 3,586,501 1.7500% RESERVE -GENERAL FUND EQUIP PU 0 0 0 155,844 REVENUE -LEASE PAYMENTS 368,440 364,060 368,250 366,860 2001A JUDGMENT BOND 21,800 21,400 20,900 20,500 FIRE RELIEF 33,350 67,890 71,010 72,120 G.O. IMPROVEMENT2001C 71,200 75,000 73,300 71,500 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2003A 136,860 139,067 141,167 143,162 G.O. TAX INCREMENT 2003C 143,340 141,494 144,179 146,717 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2004A 28,500 30,600 26,900 17,700 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2004C 142,450 114,500 111,700 112,100 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2005A 0 66,700 68,600 65,100 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2005C 35,000 31,000 64,200 67,500 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2006A 0 0 32,234 29,252 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2006C 0 35,000 37,513 70,308 G.O. IMPROVEMENT 2007A 0 0 0 116,270 G.O. EQUIP. CERTIFICATES 2007C 0 0 0 42,461 LEASE EQUIPMENT LOAN 14.320 3.420 0 0 TOTAL LEVY ,,712.920 -, 4.216.904 4.684.769 5.083.895 8.52% SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT) 136.124 136.124 173.281 189.926 27.30% 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,083,895 8.52% CERTIFIED LEVY 3,712,920 4,216,904 4,684,769 5,083,895 FISCAL DISPARITY -278.460 -285.070 -303.426 -321.170 NET LEVY 3.434.460 3.931.834 4.381.34 4.762.725 8.70% CITY PROPERTY TAX RATE 37.295 37.259 36.409 35.994 -1.14% Tax Tax Tax Tax $ Diff, Property Value: 150,000 559.43 558.89 546.14 539.91 -6.22 Property Value: 200,000 745.90 745.18 728.18 719.88 -8.30 Property Value: 250,000 932.38 931.48 910.23 899.86 -10.37 Property Value: 300,000 1,118.85 1,117.77 1,092.27 1,079.83 -12.44 11/30/2007 ~$ GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS GENERAL GOVT. CHARGES OTHER REVENUE INTERFUND TRANSFERS/BONDS TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL PROMOTIONS CABLE T.V. CITY MANAGER/CLERK ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION ASSESSING FINANCE COMPUTER LEGAL POLICE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING & INSPECTION STREET CITY HALL BLDG & SRVS PARKS CEMETERY RECREATION• CONTINGENCIES TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES INCREASE (DECREASE) UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, JAN 1 ADJUSTMENT TO AUDIT UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, DEC 31 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE AS A PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE AS A 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 % INCREASE ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED (DECREASE) 2,888,834 3,307,775 3,275,636 3,489,007 3,489,007 6.51% 346,706 315,152 318,060 322,060 322,060 1.26% 19,220 16,685 19,600 18,500 18,500 -5.61% 226,283 274,794 243,300 247,900 247,900 1.89% 499,988 502,948 498,000 495,400 495,400 -0.52% 365,135 453,607 362,500 318,050 318,050 -12.26% 293,645 325.894 162,000 12,000 12.000 -92.59% 4 639 811 5,196.855 4.879.096 4.902.917 4.902.917 0.49% . . 77,172 78,771 84,590 79,629 79,629 -5.87% 3,750 5,250 5,500 8,200 64,648 1075.42°k 42,141 42,263 43,000 43,200 43,200 0.47% 290,935 312,079 336,445 350,488 348,488 3.58% 435 16,956 2,850 17,925 17,925 5.71% 84,359 84,187 X6,950_ 92,050 92,050 5.87% 244,696 285,088 361,930 379,806 379,806 4.94% 18,647 9,459 13,950 20,000 20,000 43.37% 130,772 123,130 135,460 140,507 140,507 3.73% 1,581,701 1,649,134 1,546,418 1,707,035 1,691,435 9.38% 6,071 7,268 7,100 7,100 7,100 0.00% 381,398 415,316 431,051 460,482 460,282 6.78% 937,728 914,572 889,269 812,532 810,532 -8.85% 98,193 109,369 106,770 133,078 123,718 15.87% 384,392 389,788 465,399 547,535 545,175 17.14% 7,641 7,797 10,447 33,771 10,771 3.10% 3.,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 28,773 13,870 16,700 41,700 41,700 149.70% 475 21 434.652 304.610 326.850 326.850 7.30% 4.797.020 4.898.949 4.853.438 5.206.888 5.208.816 7.32°k -157,209 297,906 25,658 -303,971 -305,899 -1292.23% 1,340,889 1,146,634 929,956 1,402,654 1,402,654 50.83% -37,046 -67.544 1.146.634 1.376.996 955.614 1.098.683 1.096.755 14.77% 23.90% 28.11 % 19.69% 21.10% 21.06% PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES 33.38% 39.67% 30.85% NOTE: UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE INCLUDES PARK DEDICATION AND COMPENSATED ABSENSES, UNDESIGNATED DOES NOT. 30.12% 30.08% 9 11!30/2007 Tax Capacity Value ~ : - ;, Year 2007 3,750.00 375,000 ~ r Year 2008 3,900.00 .390,000 i~~~ ~~ `~ , , . ~~ 4.00% ,., , r~;e/ Homestead Properly ...?~~ :.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:~Q~BI;.:.:.:.:.:....;~n~r+;e~s~:;::::::::.:::::~n~r;::::::::: State Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 County Tax 1,466.63 1,510.51 43.88 2.99% City Tax 1,365.34 1,403.77 38.43 2.81% School Tax 739.05 678.37 -60.68 -8.21 Metro Transit 48,56 49.30 0.73 1.51 Watershed 3 42.04 54.76 -- 122 30.26% :Mound HRA 51.00. 52.61 1.61 3.16% Mosquito Control 18.71 18.92 0.20 1.08% Metro Council 32.89 31.63 -1.26 -3.83% Park Museum 26.25 28.04 1.79 6.82% HC Reg Railroad 32.66 38.42 5.75 17.61% Solid Waste 58.91 61.74 2.82 4.79% Hennepin Parks 115.05 123.63 8.58 7.46% Total 3.997.09 4.0 1 Less MVHC* 34.90 21.40 Net Total 3,962.19 4,030.27 68.08 1.72% *Market Value Homestead Credit 20