MAY 6, 2008
The City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, May 6,
2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Mike Specht, John
Beise and Greg Skinner
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson; Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Parks
Superintendent Jim Fackler, Bill Jacobwith, Mary Moon, Amanda Schwarze, Pat Meisel
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Committee seeking direction on the Public Works Maintenance Facility Project
Beise stated that the committee is basically looking for ideas as to how to scale back the plans
in a workable fashion to arrive at the numbers that we're looking at.
Hanus' thought is to first throw out the space needs study. He wants an improved version of the
plans using our existing property, doing this as effectively and efficiently as possible. This
would include the demolition of Island Park Hall. He also suggested getting a bid for contracting
our mowing services. If this proves to be feasible it would alleviate purchase, maintenance and
storage of a lot of equipment.
Hanus also stated that he needs to see a cost benefit analysis no matter what plan is to be
considered. This is simple enough that we can sketch plans on a piece of paper and give to a
developer for bids. If this city doesn't figure out a new way to do business it will go the same
way as the school district. Both parties have been screwing this thing up for a long time. He is
suggesting that we change the way we do business. In his opinion there are two choices; either
go with a very, very scaled down version that will carry you for many, many years, or do nothing.
Those are the two choices.
Fackler voiced his concern over making improvements that don't meet their needs. Skinner
stated that the public doesn't want them to come back in 5 or 10 years and say that they need
more because it wasn't done right and wasn't adequate when improved.
Beise stated that they still haven't seen a reduced plan with reduced costs. Hanus stated that
what he is proposing won't meet the space needs study but will be better than what they have
today. Skinner stated that the present work standards are not adequate. There are definitely
safety and welfare concerns with the present conditions.
Osmek stated that Skinner needs to separate himself and be here tonight as a councilmember
representing the people, not as an employee. It has to be decided how much money the public
will tolerate. He won't support the big bucks, and the public tolerance is very low right now.
Beise asked when talking about what to do about the parks, he's open to hear about what we
can do, but how do we determine how far we go? Who determines that need and does that
study and determines if that price is right or not, because the professional firms' studies have
been thrown out in the past. Hanus wants it done internally as much as possible, and then
passed on to a contractor who has the in-house services to make the plans.
Fackler would like to invite anyone to his shop at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and see what issues
they are dealing with, so they can see the number of people in the building, the number of
pieces of equipment and the conditions that they are working in. He feels the committee needs
direction on costs and needs.
Discussion continued as to conflicting thoughts on the efficiency of a scaled down project.
Osmek stated that he will not support a 9 or 10 million dollar project, but would possibly agree
with a 3 million dollar project. Skinner stated that with a 3 million dollar project the taxpayers
money would be wasted because it wouldn't solve their present needs problem.
Carlton Moore asked for clarity and direction on the next step. Hanus suggested internally
preparing sketches and then get a contractor involved to develop that plan further. Once the
contractor provides some harder concepts on paper that will more meet the code requirements,
then come back and start paring that down and pairing it up with some real cost dollars, trying to
stay within the predetermined budget. Then ultimately you come full circle and you have the
plans and bids. The goal should be to accomplish as much as you can without money going out
first. It won't address the current needs study. The point is going through a back door route
and starting with a general consensus that we're going with so many bays, etc.
Beise stated that the first step should be to get the cost of what it will take to bring the buildings
up to code. Moore stated that once you touch the building the whole building has to be brought
to code, including remediation of ground contamination. He asked if the Council wants him to
get to the point of what they can get for a certain amount of money. If it turns out that bringing
up to code takes the majority of the money available it may not pay to do anything.
Specht stated that the number one concern needs to be the safety and welfare of the
employees. Fackler stated that if the project isn't going forward, he needs to address needed
improvements in the upcoming budget process.
After discussion regarding the committee make-up, it was moved by Specht, seconded by Beise
that Dave Osmek replace Greg Skinner as a member of the Public Safety Facility Committee,
and to also add to the committee a member of the Public Works Department. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Skinner stated that the fact that the City uses two acres out in Minnetrista for equipment storage
needs to be considered.
Hanus stated again that he would like to get bids on farming out the city's mowing services.
Osmek asked that Fackler also provide a comparison of what the city would save in manpower,
etc. if not mowing.
3. Adiourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Skinner to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
~ Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk