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• PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA P *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve minutes: April 22, 2008 regular meeting 1025 -1028 *B. Approve payment of claims 1029 -1063 • *C. Action on Resolution Accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering 1064 -1067 Plans and Specs for the Wilshire Blvd Forcemain and Watermain Improvements (City Project PW- 08 -07) *D. Approve permits for Fire Department Fish Fry, as applied for by by the Fire Relief Association — June 7, 2008 (1) Temporary on -sale 3.2 malt liquor 1068 (2) Public Dance /Live Music permit 1069 (3) 1 -day Temporary Consumption & Display 1070 *E. Approve alcoholic beverages at Mound Depot for Employee Appreciation Event on August 21, 2008. *F. Action on Resolution Approving the Environmental Response Fund 1071 -1083 (ERF) Application to Hennepin County. *G. Action on Resolution Approving HKGI Contract Addendum for 1084 -1085 Planning Services for 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update *H. Approval of Application for Exempt Permit for OLL raffle 6/30/08 1086 -1087 *I. Action on Resolution of Sponsorship as Related to the Southwest 1088 • Trails Snowmobile Association PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCEL CHAMBERS. *J. Action on Ordinance Amending Section 906 of the Mound City Code 1089 -1090 • as it Relates to Storage, Display and Sale of Consumer Fireworks, and Providing for Licensing Same 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minutes per speaker) 6. Public Hearin Review /Action on Ordinance Amending Section 350 of the Mound City 1091 -1095 Code as it Relates to the Zoning Ordinance 7. Consideration/Action on Gillespie Center Funding Request 1096 -1098 8. Review /Action on PC Case No. 08 -02 1099 -1144 Variance(s) — New house construction — 5001 Wilshire Blvd Applicant: Rob Winkler — PC Recommendation: Denial 9. Consideration/Appointment of designated participant to GEARS board 1145 -1147 10. Discussion of Policy Dealing with Conflicts of Interest (with draft 1148 -1149 resolution) 11. Miscellaneous /Correspondence • A. Comments /reports from Council Members B. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits — April 2008 1150 ISO Public Protection Survey Information 1151 Suburban Rate Authority Update 1152 -1153 Gillespie Gazette 1154 -1155 C. Minutes: Planning Commission 4/14/08 1156 -1158 D. Correspondence: 12. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting • agendas maybe viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofmound.com. 2 • MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 22, 2008 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Mike Specht, John Beise and Greg Skinner. Members absent: None. Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Bill Baker, Randy Lee, Darlene Lehtola, Evert Lehtola, Sid Blanchard, Jim Bedell, Jim Powers, Tom Ptacek, Bill & Dorothy Netka, Amy Lyon, Amanda Schwarze, Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance • 3. Approve agenda Hanson requested the addition of Item 40, Resolution Appointing James Kurtz as Acting City Manager for the remainder of 2008, and Item 4P, Resolution Approving Second Amendment and Extension to Livable Communities Grant. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Hanus requested the removal of Item 4K for discussion. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of April 8, 2008 B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $439,630.89 C. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -36: RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR THE VFW POST #5113 D. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -37: RESOLUTION APPROVING A PREMISES PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 398 E. Approve Dock location Map Change at Excelsior Commons and Crescent Park as outlined in memo of April 1, 2008. F. Approve Independent Water Meter Reading Agreement between the City of Mound and • the City of St. Bonifacius -1025- Mound City Council Minutes - April 22, 2008 is G. Approve Change Order No. 2 for G.L. Contracting, Inc. for Auditor's Road Utilities Reconstruction — Project PW -05 -07 H. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -38: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR THE 2008 STREET IMPROVEMENT, UTILITIES AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT I. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -39: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR AUDITOR'S ROAD EXTENSION TO CSAH 15 (PROJECT NO. PW- 08 -06) J. RESOLUTION NO. 08-40: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2008 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS K. (removed) L. RESOLUTION NO. 08-41: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE LAKESHORE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LAKESIDE DECK AT 5075 WINDSOR ROAD. PID NO. 25- 117 -24- 12 -0239 M. ORDINANCE NO. 05-2008: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1005 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO HAZARDOUS BUILDINGS - SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS N. RESOLUTION NO. 08-42: RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $2,725,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2007A, PLEDGING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE SECURITY THEREOF AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF O. RESOLUTION NO. 08-43: RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES KURTZ, POLICE CHIEF, AS ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2008 • P. RESOLUTION NO. 08-44: RESOLUTION APPROVING SECOND AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION OF METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT 4K. Action on Resolution Approving a Variance for an Upper Floor House Addition at 3145 Island View Drive This variance request is to allow remodel and construction of an upper floor addition on the east side of the existing home at 3145 Island View Drive, which includes a small balcony on the east side which extends 18 inches beyond the proposed east wall of the addition. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance but included a provision that the 18" balcony be modified to conform with district regulations and not expand the nonconformity condition. Hanus feels that this small 18° balcony qualifies as an ornamental feature under City Code Chapter 350.440 and is an allowable encroachment. It was recommended that the proposed resolution be modified to delete 1(c) and add a provision allowing the 18" balcony as it qualifies until Chapter 350.440. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution as amended. The following voted in favor: Osmek, Specht, Hanus and Beise. The following voted against: Skinner. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 08-45: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A FRONT /CORNER SETBACK VARIANCE FOR UPPER FLOOR ADDITION AT 3145 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE. PID #19 -117- 23 -24 -0103. -1026- • Mound City Council Minutes —April 22, 2008 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. Jim Bedell, 2627 Wilshire Blvd., stated that he is concerned with the City Council purchase of land for a Public Works Facility. He stated that the city should cut the budget by 12% annually to match the lowering of property values in the city. Bill Baker, 4948 Wilshire Blvd., addressed the Council regarding a problem in his neighborhood with garbage cans lying at the end of driveways, along with flowerpots, unsightly woodpiles, and junk all over the yards. He stated that soon he'll have to deal with calling the city to report grass that's more than 12" tall, as he has for the past 3 years. He has reported it to the CSO who states he can't do anything because he can't see it, or it's on a county road. He also complained about a pothole on 125 that throws cars when they hit it. Hanson told him that she would have this all looked into. Baker stated that his taxes have gone up dramatically and he is receiving bad service from the City. 6. Action on Resolution Calling for Sale of Bonds for the 2008 Projects MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 08-46: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $1,675,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2008B, $1,885,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION UTILITY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2008C • 7. Discussion /action on generator at pump house at Well No. 8 Pursuant to direction by the Council at the last meeting, Carlton Moore presented options regarding the use of the diesel generator at well pump house #8 on Evergreen Road. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to stay on the Xcel program, which saves the city an estimated $1,225.50 annually, and not run the generator during peak times. It was noted that Well #3 can maintain the system for these typically short periods during high demand. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. Discussion /action on possible purchase of land for the Public Works Facility Hanus stated that he has been opposed to this project from the beginning and now it has three strikes against it, with the three possible sites being shot down. The Council appropriated $25,000 to do site searches. He has an alternative that's not perfect, but workable, at about 1/3 of the cost of what is currently being proposed. From now on he intends to be more vocal with his opinion and stated that people in this town don't support this project. Beise stated he was surprised that the committee, of which he is a member, hasn't seen Hanus' proposal that can be done at 1/3 the cost, and requested that they see it. Osmek stated that he feels some members of the Council are trying to ram this project down taxpayers' throats. Bill Baker, 4948 Wilshire Blvd., spoke in opposition to the proposed Public Works Facility. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Specht to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. • Motion carried. -1027- Mound City Council Minutes —April 22, 2008 • RESOLUTION NO. 08-47: RESOLUTION RESCINDING OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1765 COUNTY ROAD 110 NORTH, MINNETRISTA, MINNESOTA AND TERMINATING AND CANCELLING PURCHASE AGREEMENT MOTION by Specht, seconded by Beise to set a special meeting workshop for May 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. for discussion /consideration of the Public Works Facility. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 9. Miscellaneous / Corerspondence A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Finance Department — March 2007 C. Minutes: none D. Correspondence: none 10. Adiourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Specht to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1028- Mayor Mark Hanus • • • n MAY 13, 2008 CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOTAL $472,179.37 -1029- 042108CRCARD $10,394.00 APR 042308SUE $3,764.00 APR 042408SUE $800.09 APR 043007SUE $75,007.47 APR 050208SUE $530.00 MAY 050708S U E $30,005.48 MAY 051308SUE $351,678.33 MAY TOTAL $472,179.37 -1029- I� CITY OF MOUND City of Mound *Check Detail Register© April 2008 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 099181 4/21/2008 ELAN CREDIT CARD 05/08/08 7:48 AM Page 1 • E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials $16.28 0059 -A 03 -26 -08 PRIER TIRE SUPPLY E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials $16.28 0059 -B 03 -26 -08 PRIER TIRE SUPPLY E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials $16.29 0059 -C 03 -26-08 PRIER TIRE SUPPLY E 101 -43100 -434 Conference & Training $743.50 0066 03 -19 -08 ATSSA CONFERENCE E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair $44.00 0111 03 -24 -08 JOHNSTONS, REPAIR VAC E 101 - 43100 -230 Shop Materials $14.22 0709 -A 03 -31 -08 COMPUTERHOUSE, MOUND, E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials $14.22 0709 -B 03 -31 -08 COMPUTER HOUSE, MOUND E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials $14.22 0709 -C 03 -31 -08 COMPUTER HOUSE, MOUND E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies $395.63 1256 03 -21 -08 1000BULBS, LIGHT BULB E 101 -42110 -460 Janitorial Services $98.77 1679 04 -03 -08 SAMS, JANITORIAL CART E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies $48.90 1827 03 -21 -08 [NET 7 E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training $225.00 2824 03 -13 -08 GOVTRNGSVC, MCMA ANNU E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance $29.97 3153 03 -24 -08 1 &1 INTERNET, BASIC F E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts $207.84 3363 03 -10 -08 STARWEST HONDA, WATER E 101 - 41110 -430 Miscellaneous $165.00 4114 03 -27 -08 V &S JEWELRY, RETIREME E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous $1.98 4749 -A 03 -07 -08 MYWEATHER E 601 -49400 -430 Miscellaneous $1.98 4749 -B 03 -08 -08 MYWEATHER E 602 - 49450 -430 Miscellaneous $1.99 4749 -C 03 -08 -08 MYWEATHER E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies $44.77 4780 04 -04 -08 OFFICE DEPOT, DVD BUR E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies $10.65 4796 04 -04 -08 OFFICE MAX, CORD CONC E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts ($127.80) 4814 03 -13 -08 STARWEST RETURN EQUIP E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training $462.46 5942 03 -18 -08 GRANDVIEW LODGE, MCMA E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms ($51.72) 6664 03 -10 -08 OUTLET SHIRTS, RETURN E 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA $1,764.02 6783 03 -25 -08 DELL ON LINE, LAPTOP E 101 - 41310 -430 Miscellaneous $247.93 7229 03 -17 -08 ARROWWOOD RESORT, RIT E 609 - 49750 -200 Office Supplies $95.97 7268 03 -10 -08 OFFICE MAX, TONER CAR E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies $294.42 7500 03 -20 -08 CSI ERGONOMICS, BOARD E 101 -43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs /Maint $3,352.79 7591 03 -28 -08 NORTHERN TOOL, TIRE B E 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA $851.93 7835 03 -21 -08 BEST BUY #208 MONITOR E 601- 49400 -434 Conference & Training $410.18 9174 -A 03 -07 -08 MRWA TECHNICAL CONFER E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training $410.18 9174 -B 03 -08 -08 MRWA TECHNICAL CONFER E 101 -41500 -434 Conference & Training $80.00 9208 03 -18-08 GOVTTRNGSVC UPDATE S E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training $235.00 9213 03 -24 -08 HOLIDAY INN, ST, CLOU E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance $185.50 9299 03 -27 -08 AMAZON, MONITOR E 101 - 42110 -212 Motor Fuels $38.65 9371 03 -17 -08 HOLIDAY, ST. BONIFACI E 101 - 41310 -438 Licenses and Taxes $11.00 9462 -A 03 -17 -08 VCN MN STATE PATROL, E 601 -49400 -438 Licenses and Taxes $11.00 9462 -B 03 -17 -08 VCN MN STATE PATROL, E 602 - 49450 -438 Licenses and Taxes $11.00 9462 -C 03 -17 -08 VNC MN STATE PATROL, Total ELAN CREDIT CARD $10,394.00 10100 Wells Fargo $10,394.00 -1030- • • C� • CITY OF MOUND City of Mound *Check Detail Register© April 2008 Check Amt Invoice Comment Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $6,020.07 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $674.63 601 WATER FUND $3,149.65 602 SEWER FUND $453.68 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $95.97 $10,394.00 -1031- 05/08/08 7:49 AM Page 2 — �AL CITY OF MOUND City of Mound *Check Detail Register© April 2008 05/08/08 7:45 AM Page 1 • Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 027907 4/23/2008 PER IX, KENNETH E. E 475 - 46386 -500 Capital Outlay FA $3,764.00 042308 5575 SHORELINE OPTION AGREEMEN Total PERBIX, KENNETH E. $3,764.00 10100 Wells Fargo $3,764.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $3,764.00 $3,764.00 • • -1032- CITY OF MOUND City of Mound *Check Detail Register© 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 027908 4/24/2008 JESSEN PRESS INCOI E 101 -41110 -322 Postage Total JESSEN PRESS INCORPORATED 10100 Wells Fargo Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND • u April 2008 Check Amt Invoice Comment 2PORATED $800.09 042408 SPRING NEWSLETTER POSTAGE $800.09 10100 Wells Fargo $800.09 $800.09 -1033- 05/08/08 7:50 AM Page 1 City of Mound 05/08/08 7:46 AM Page 1 • *Check Detail Register© CITY OF MOUND April 2008 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 027922 4/30/2008 BERENT, BRIAN E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training $186.46 043008 04 -21 -08 BRAINERD FIRE SCHOOL Total BERENT, BRIAN $186.46 Paid Chk# 027923 4/30/2008 ELK RIVER FORD, INCORPORATED E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA $23,574.05 42767 #847 #1623 2008 CROWN VICTORIA E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA $23,574.05 42768 #STAFF #1624 2008 CROWN VICTOR Total ELK RIVER FORD, INCORPORATED $47,148.10 Paid Chk# 027924 4/30/2008 LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER COMMER E 222 - 42260 -430 Miscellaneous $250.00 043008 BANNERS E 285 - 46388 -430 Miscellaneous $1,400.00 043008 BANNERS E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies $400.00 043008 BANNERS E 101 - 42110 -430 Miscellaneous $250.00 043008 BANNERS Total LAKE MINNETONKA CHAMBER COMMER $2,300.00 Paid Chk# 027925 4/30/2008 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION E 101 - 41115 -430 Miscellaneous $12,000.00 043008 LMA TREATMENT OF PHELPS BAY Total LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION $12,000.00 • Paid Chk# 027926 4/30/2008 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES E101-41310-210 Operating Supplies $46.30 043008 2008 CITY DIRECTORIES E 101 -42400 -210 Operating Supplies $46.30 043008 2008 CITY DIRECTORIES Total LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES $92.60 Paid Chk# 027927 4/30/2008 STA -SAFE LOCKSMITHS COMPANY E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies $298.12 043008 REKEY CABINET Total STA -SAFE LOCKSMITHS COMPANY $298.12 Paid Chk# 027928 4/30/2008 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE E 101 - 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $321.34 043008 03 -07 -08 THRU 04 -06 -08 SQUAD C Total T- MOBILE CELL PHONE $321.34 Paid Chk# 027929 4/30/2008 TRUE VALUE, MOUND E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services $28.29 44791 TRASH BAGS E 101 -42110 -460 Janitorial Services $24.48 45170 MOP /BRUSH Total TRUE VALUE, MOUND $52.77 Paid Chk# 027930 4/30/2008 USAA SAVINGS BANK G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow $242.93 043008 CARD CARD CASE Total USAA SAVINGS BANK $242.93 Paid Chk# 027931 4/30/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS (PNV) E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells $313.62 1844634190 03 -11 -08 THRU 04 -10 -08 CELL PH G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone $174.89 1844634190 03 -11 -08 THRU 04 -10 -08 CELL PH E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells $289.53 1844634190 03 -11 -08 THRU 04 -10 -08 CELL PH E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells $220.81 1844634190 03 -11 -08 THRU 04 -10 -08 CELL PH • E 101 -42400 -321 Telephone& Cells $13.84 1844634190 03 -11 -08 THRU 04 -10 -08 CELL PH -1034- i CITY OF I MOUND City of Mound Check Detail Register© April 2008 05/08/08 7:46 AM Page 2 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 285 MOUND HRA • 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND • 10100 Wells Fargo $75,007.47 10100 Wells Fargo $64,092.80 $1,537.64 $1,400.00 $4,334.50 $2,486.21 $1,156.32 $75,007.47 - 1035 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total VERIZON WIRELESS (PM) $1,012.69 Paid Chk# 027932 4/30/2008 XCEL ENERGY E 609 - 49750 -381 Electric Utilities $1,156.32 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities $182.79 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 101 - 43100 -381 Electric Utilities $698.98 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 101 - 41910 -381 Electric Utilities $801.64 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 101 - 42110 -381 Electric Utilities $1,101.18 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 222 - 42260 -381 Electric Utilities $1,101.18 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities $4,044.97 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 E 60249450 -381 Electric Utilities $2,265.40 219174940 03 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 Total XCEL ENERGY $11,352.46 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 285 MOUND HRA • 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND • 10100 Wells Fargo $75,007.47 10100 Wells Fargo $64,092.80 $1,537.64 $1,400.00 $4,334.50 $2,486.21 $1,156.32 $75,007.47 - 1035 CITY OF MOUND City of Mound *Check Detail Register© May 2008 05/08108 7:54 AM Page 1 • Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 027936 5/2/2008 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER G 602 -16325 Distribution System $265.00 050208 5701 BARTLETT MOUND BAY PARK S Total HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER $265.00 Paid Chk# 027937 5/2/2008 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER(1) G 602 -16325 Distribution System $265.00 050208 5330 BARTLETT, LAKEWOOD STATIO Total HENNEPIN COUNTYTREASURER(1) $265.00 Fund Summary 602 SEWER FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $530.00 10100 Wells Fargo $530.00 $530.00 -1036- • • • City Of Mound 05/07/08 4:45 PM Page 1 *Check Detail Register© CITY OF. MOUND May 2008 -1037- Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 027941 5/7/2008 CASH, PETTY CASH E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training $1.83 050708 PARKING MUNICIPALS SESSION E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells $13.85 050708 CELL PHONE CASE E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training $15.00 050708 MN GFOA LUNCHEN E 101 -41500 -431 Meeting Expense $54.24 050708 BUSINARO RETIREMENT E 101 - 41500 -431 Meeting Expense $1.79 050708 BUSINARO RETIREMENT E 101 -43100 -500 Capital Outlay FA $5.00 050708 DUMP TRUCK TABS E 101 -41500 -331 Use of personal auto $10.00 050708 PARKING INVESTMENT MTG E 670 -49500 -434 Conference & Training $0.62 050708 PARKING MUNICIPALS SESSION E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training $1.83 050708 PARKING MUNICIPALS SESSION E 601- 49400 -434 Conference & Training $0.61 050708 PARKING MUNICIPALS SESSIONS E 602 -49450 -434 Conference & Training $0.61 050708 PARKING MUNICIPALS SESSIONS E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies $30.77 050708 BALES Total CASH, PETTY CASH $136.15 Paid Chk# 027942 5/7/2008 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER E 475 - 46386 -438 Licenses and Taxes $2,965.41 050708 13- 117 -24 -33 -0006 1ST HALF PRO • E 475 - 46386 -438 Licenses and Taxes Total HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER $13,270.26 050708 13- 117 -24 -33 -0005 1ST HALF PRO $16,235.67 Paid Chk# 027943 5/7/2008 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIRE) E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells $778.77 050708 THRU 04 -26 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES Total SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIRE) $778,77 Paid Chk# 027944 5/7/2008 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PM/) E 601 -49400 -212 Motor Fuels E 101 - 43100 -212 Motor Fuels $1,607.91 050708 THRU 04 -25 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES E 101 -45200 -212 Motor Fuels $2,692.66 050708 THRU 04 -25 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES E 602 - 49450 -212 Motor Fuels $120.75 050708 THRU 04 -25 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES Total SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA $1,192.98 050708 THRU 04 -25 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES (P/W) $5,614.30 Paid Chk# 027945 5/7/2008 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PARKS) E 601 -49400 -212 Motor Fuels E 101 - 45200 -212 Motor Fuels $14.42 050708 THRU 04 -26 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES E 101 -43100 -212 Motor Fuels $708.30 050708 THRU 04 -26 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES E 602 -49450 -212 Motor Fuels $14.42 050708 THRU 04 -26 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES Total SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PARKS) $14.42 050708 THRU 04 -26-08 GASOLINE CHARGES $751.56 Paid Chk# 027946 5/7/2008 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POLICE) E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels $4,084.68 050708 THRU 04 -26 -08 GASOLINE CHARGES Total SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POLICE) $4,084.68 Paid Chk# 027947 5/7/2008 SPRINT WIRELESS E 101 - 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $41.70 050708 03 -15 -08 THRU 04 -15 -08 ACCT #0 E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $41.70 050708 03 -15 -08 THRU 04 -15 -08 ACCT #0 Total SPRINT WIRELESS . $716.69 924573317 -07 03 -19 -08 THRU 04 -18 -08 CELL PH $800.09 -1037- City Of Mound 05/07/08 4:45 PM _ Page 2 • J *Check Detail Register© CITY OF MOUND May 2008 • • -1038- Check Amt Invoice Comment Paid Chk# 027948 517/2008 XCEL ENERGY E 285 -46388 -381 Electric Utilities $1,604.26 221159508 04 -08 #51- 8617257 -4 Total XCEL ENERGY $1,604.26 10100 Wells Fargo $30,005.48 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $8,524.44 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $778.77 285 MOUND HRA $1,604.26 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $16,235.67 601 WATER FUND $1,622.94 602 SEWER FUND $1,208.01 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $30.77 670 RECYCLING FUND $0.62 $30,005.48 • • -1038- City of Mound 05/08/08 8 :02 AM • Payments Page 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Batch Name 051308SUE User Dollar Amt $351,678.33 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $351,678.33 $0.00 In Balance Refer 51308 3D SPECIALTIES Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials HEAVY FRAME Invoice 426877 5/13/2008 $33.53 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $33.53 Refer 51308 AAA NURSERY AND LANDSCAPIN Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic CEMETARY BLACK DIRT Invoice 051308 -A 5/13/2008 5/13/2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic CEMETARY BLACK DIRT Invoice 051308 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -232 Landscape Material CEMETARY BLACK DIRT Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/28/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 ABDO SICK AND MEYERS, LLP Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 -08 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 401 -43107 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED AUDIT Invoice 239942 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED AUDIT Invoice 239942 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 670 - 49500 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED Invoice 239942 AUDIT 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi THRU 04 -07 -08 CERTIFIED AUDIT Invoice 239942 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 $119.81 $119.81 $239.62 Total $479.24 $4,098.00 $2,050.50 $751.50 $909.00 $1,627.50 $1,747.50 $2,895.00 $460.50 $460.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15,000.00 Refer 51308 ABLE HOSE AND RUBBER, INCOR Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -221 Equipment Parts HOSE FOR VAC TRUCK Invoice 1- 802618 5/13/2008 PO 20738 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo Refer 51308 ACTION FLEET, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA #842 SETUP Invoice 5439 5/13/2008 PO 20810 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo isRefer 51308 ADVANCED GRAPH/X, INCORPOR Cash Payment _ E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs LETTERING FOR K -E Invoice 15273 5/13/2008 PO 20809 -1039- $81.97 10100 Total $81.97 10100 $8,755.80 Total $8,755.80 $673.25 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $673.25 Refer 81307 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 _ Invoice 0081846 -IN 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 06 -08 WASTE SERVICES Invoice 051308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 06 -08 WASTE SERVICES Invoice 051308 8/13/2008 oeco� �1 ana Al 1MMAT/r SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 05 -08 WASTE SERVICEDS Invoice 051308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 05 -08 WASTE SERVICES Invoice 051308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 05 -08 WASTE SERVICES Invoice 051308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 670 - 49500 -440 Other Contractual Servic 04 -08 CURBSIDE RECYCLE Invoice 051308 8/1312008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 ALPHA VIDEO AND AUDIO, INCOR Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -500 Capital Outlay FA CHAMBER VIDEO EQUIPMENT Invoice SYSINVO7185 5/13/2008 PO 20725 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -500 Capital Outlay FA CHAMBER VIDEO EQUIPMENT Invoice SYSINVO7186 5/13/2008 PO 20725 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs CHAMBER RECORDING SYSTEM Invoice SYSINVO7187 5/13/2008 PO 20722 $114.25 $114.25 $53.34 $53.34 $53.35 $14,279.61 Total $14,668.14 $5,161.26 $2,406.41 $844.49 • Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,412.16 Refer 51308 AMERICAN MESSAGING _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. 05 -08 PAGER SERVICE Invoice D20440781E 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 517/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 AMUNDSON, M. LLP _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES Invoice 36880 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES Invoice 37316 5/13/2008 $249.51 Total $249.51 $857.93 $454.20 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,312.13 Refer 51308 ANDERSEN, EARL F., INCORPORA Cash Payment E 450 -46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA BENCHES Invoice 0081846 -IN 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo Refer 51308 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463811409 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo oeco� �1 ana Al 1MMAT/r SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment Invoice 20371 -S Cash Payment Invoice 20388 -S $3,284.47 Project 06001 10100 Total $3,284.47 $93.91 10100 Total $93.91 E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic AUTOMATIC ALARM DIALING 5/13/2008 E 601 -49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic MEMORY UPGRADE 5/13/2008 -1040- $10,395.47 • $88.71 -1041- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM • // Payments Page 3 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Transaction Date 4/25/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,484.18 Refer 51308 B & B SHEET METAL AND ROOFIN Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -401 Building Repairs REPAIR ROOF LEAK Invoice 3642 5/13/2008 $339.01 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs REPAIR ROOF LEAK Invoice 3688 5/13/2008 $553.65 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $892.66 Refer 51308 BECK, KENNETH Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program REIMBURSE TACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING $1,633.72 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/25/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,633.72 Refer 51308 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 80696500 -A 5/13/2008 $12.50 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies LIQUOR Invoice 80696500 -A 5/13/2008 $56.45 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 44448100 5/13/2008 $1,394.10 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE 80723100 -A 5/13/2008 $95.80 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 80723100 -B 5/13/2008 $33.70 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 04 -25 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 80723100 -C 5/13/2008 $4.09 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 44518000 -A 5/13/2008 $3,280.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight 04 -25 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 44518000 -B 5/13/2008 $86.40 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 44527100 5/13/2008 $727.10 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,690.14 Refer 51308 BELLE SERVICES CORPORATION Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -221 Equipment Parts GRAFFITI REMOVER Invoice 28059 5/13/2008 PO 20880 $69.23 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $69.23 Refer 51308 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -431 Meeting Expense COFFEE Invoice 714753 5/13/2008 $43.95 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE Invoice 714738 5/13/2008 $27.95 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $71.90 Refer 51308 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUP Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies LAMP BULBS 97872711 5/13/2008 PO 20584 $88.69 •Invoice Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies LIGHTBULBS Invoice 97723837 5/13/2008 PO 20784 $206.08 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 _ Total $294.77 -1041- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 4 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Refer 51308 BRAUN PUMP AND CONTROLS, IN Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR SEALS AND MOTOR HOUSING $2,321.56 Invoice 11211 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,321.56 Refer 51308 BRENSHELUFINE LINE DESIGNS Cash Payment G 101 -23150 New Construction Escrow 4743 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE #2007 -00490 $5,000.00 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance INSTALL COLUMNS, LINTEL, TRUSS, ETC $18,916.33 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23,916.33 Refer 51308 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS _ Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -220 Repair /Maint Supply RED BALL DIAMOND AGG $106.82 Invoice 28183 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $106.82 Refer 51308 BUILT RITE CONCRETE _ Cash Payment G 101 -23007 Erosion Control Escrow #2006 -00758 5408 LYNWOOD $500.00 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 51308 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREN T Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 04-23- INTOXILYZER RECERTIFICATION, $50.00 WITTKE Invoice 4085591 5/13/2008 PO 20816 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 51308 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (PIM _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -409 Other Equipment Repair OIL FILTERS $3.93 Invoice 6974 -64823 5/13/2008 $12.05 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Invoice 6974 - 65049 -A 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials PLASTIC SEAT COVERS $12.05 Invoice 6974 - 65049 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials PLASTIC SEAT COVERS $12.06 Invoice 6974 - 65049 -C 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts HAND GUN FILLER $47.67 Invoice 6974 -64613 5/13/2008 $28.29 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -221 Equipment Parts TRACTOR LAMP Invoice 6974 -64726 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS $27.62 Invoice 6974 -64419 5/13/2008 $4.76 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts EXHAUST SYSTEM CEMENT Invoice 6974 -64215 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS $30.98 Invoice 6974 - 65800 -A 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS $10.71 Invoice 6974 - 65800 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS $10.71 Invoice 6974 - 65800 -C 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts OIL FILTERS $9.99 Invoice 6974 - 64242 -A 5/13/2008 -1042- is • • City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM • ® Payments Page 5 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -221 Equipment Parts OIL FILTERS 4577 ISLANDVIEW DR BLACK DIRT Invoice 6974 - 64242 -B 5/13/2008 Invoice 2079 $9.99 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -221 Equipment Parts OIL FILTERS Transaction Date 4/28/2008 Invoice 6974 - 64242 -C 5/13/2008 $120.00 $9 99 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS Invoice 6974 - 63993 -A 5/13/2008 E 101 - 42400 -440 Other Contractual Servic $8.42 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS 5/13/2008 Invoice 6974 - 63993 -B 5/13/2008 $10.11 $8.42 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTERS Invoice 6974 - 63993 -C 5/13/2008 5/13/2008 $8.42 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $256.06 Refer 51308 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE Invoice 96033 -C Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $10.11 Invoice 78737 5/13/2008 E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic $420.00 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $420.00 Refer 51308 CHIEFS POLICEASSOC M/NNESO $10.12 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -434 Conference & Training LEADERSHIP ACADEMY, SUSSMAN, BECK Invoice 1545 5/13/2008 PO 20800 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo *Refer 51308 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Fash Payment E 609 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 0108059116 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/25/2008 Wells Fargo Refer 51308 CONCEPT LANDSCAPING $850.00 10100 Total $850.00 $346.00 10100 Total $346.00 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 4577 ISLANDVIEW DR BLACK DIRT Invoice 2079 5/13/2008 $120.00 Transaction Date 4/28/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120.00 Refer 51308 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -21 -08 THRU 04 -20 -08 COPIER OVER Invoice 96033 -A 5/13/2008 $10.11 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -21 -08 THRU 04 -20 -08 COPIER OVER Invoice 96033 -B 5/13/2008 $10.11 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -21 -08 THRU 04 -20 -08 COPIER OVER Invoice 96033 -C 5/13/2008 $10.11 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -21 -08 THRU 04 -20 -08 COPIER OVER Invoice 96033 -D 5/13/2008 $10.12 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic CREDIT COPIER DOWN THREE DAYS Invoice CM6538 5/13/2008 $435.60 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic CREDIT COPIER DOWN THREE DAYS Invoice CM6538 5/13/2008 - $100.00 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $376.05 Refer 51308 CORCORAN, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101- 42110-434 Conference & Training 06 -12 -08 ATTACK TRAINING 1002 5/13/2008 PO 20815 $75.00 wInvoice ransaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 51308 COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS -1043- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 6 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 05 -08 CLEANING SERVICE $1,466.51 Invoice 7070130653 5/1312008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,466.51 Refer 51308 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $846.45 Invoice 453989 5/13/2008 $57.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 453990 5/13/2008 $360.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 454048 -A 5/13/2008 $32.50 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 454048 -B 5/13/2008 $38.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 454839 5/13/2008 $2,351.70 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 454838 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,685.65 Refer 51308 DYNAMEX DELIVERS NOW _ Cash Payment E 475 -46387 -300 Professional Srvs 04 -15 -08 GRANT REPORTS $78.75 Invoice 1350311 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $78.75 • Refer 51308 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts #208 FLUSH MOUNT LIGHTHEAD ASSEMBLY $143.28 Invoice JER102408 -4A 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $143.28 Refer 51308 EMMONS AND OLIVIER RESOURC _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs 03 -08 WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN $5,395.00 Invoice 00126- 0001 -3 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,395.00 Refer 51308 ERICKSON, JAMES Cash Payment G 101-231764936 Glen Elyn Variance Ed 4936 GLEN ELYN ROAD #07 -30 $610.50 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $610.50 Refer 51308 FRIDLEY, CITY OF _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow HOWMOBILE RENTAL DOWN $700.00 PAYMENT Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $700.00 Refer 51308 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE $1,171.39 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 05 08 TELEPHONE SERVICE $526.13 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE $287.88 • Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -321 Telephone & Cells 05-08 TELEPHONE SERVICE $560.75 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 -1044- -.- _ City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM • Payments Page 7 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $560.75 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $560.75 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $19.64 Cash Payment E 60949750 -321 Telephone & Cells 05 -08 TELEPHONE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $729.19 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,416.48 Refer 51308 FULLERTON BUILDING CENTER Cash Payment E 450 -46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA CEDAR Invoice 2116609 5/13/2008 $304.02 Cash Payment E 450 - 46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA Project 06001 CONCRETE MIX, FENCE BOARDS Invoice 2116505 5/13/2008 $843.96 Project 06001 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,147.98 Refer 51308 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 10141910 -460 Janitorial Services 05 -06-08 MATS Invoice 6733583 5/13/2008 $187.16 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -08 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6691620 -A 5/13/2008 $50.91 •Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -08 -08 UNIFORMS $34.93 Invoice 6691620 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -08 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6691620 -C 5/13/2008 $37.53 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -230 Shop Materials 04 -08 -08 MATS Invoice 6691620 -D 5/13/2008 $46.20 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials 04 -08 -08 MATS Invoice 6691620 -E 5/13/2008 $46.20 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712580 5/13/2008 $74.87 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 04 -08 -08 MATS Invoice 6691620 -F 5/13/2008 $46.19 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -15-08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6702056 -A 5/13/2008 $15.18 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 04 -15 -08 MATS Invoice 6702056 -B 5/13/2008 $54.91 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -22 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6712578 -A 5/13/2008 $50.91 Cash Payment E 60149400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -22 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6712578 -B 5/13/2008 $23.40 Cash Payment E 60249450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -22 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6712578 -C 5/13/2008 $37.53 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712578 -D 5/13/2008 $47.69 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -08 MATS 6712578 -E 5/13/2008 $47.69 •Invoice Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712578 -F 5/13/2008 $47.68 -1045- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 8 Payments ..rs• _ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -15 -08 UNIFORMS $50.91 Invoice 6702055 -A 5/13/2008 $31.82 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -15 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6702055 -B 5/13/2008 $37.53 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -15 08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6702055 -C 5/13/2008 $42.74 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -230 Shop Materials 04 -15 -08 MATS Invoice 6702055 -D 5/13/2008 $42.74 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials 04 -15 -08 MATS Invoice 6702055 -E 5/13/2008 $42.75 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials 04 -15 -08 MATS Invoice 6702055 -F 5/13/2008 $158.40 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712579 5/13/2008 $50.91 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -29 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6723091 -A 5/13/2008 $30.77 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -29 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 3723091 -B 5/13/2008 $37.53 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -29 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 3723091 -C 5/13/2008 $42.04 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 3723091 -D 5/13/2008 $42.04 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 3723091 -E 5/13/2008 $42.04 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -230 Shop Materials 04 -22 -OS MATS Invoice 3722091 -F 5/1312008 $ 29 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -460 Janitorial Services 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712577 5/13/2008 $18.63 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 04 -22 -08 UNIFORMS Invoice 6712582 -A 5/1312008 $56.79 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 04 -22 -08 MATS Invoice 6712582 -B 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,630.91 Refer 51308 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SWITCH TURN SIGNAL ASSY, ETC Invoice 4495 -A 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SWITCH TURN SIGNAL ASSY, ETC Invoice 4495 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SWITCH TURN SIGNAL ASSY, ETC Invoice 4495 -C 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 RP-r 51308 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6432881 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Refer 51308 GOPHER SIGN COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 74829 -A 5/13/2008 04 -25 -08 HOT AND COLD COOLER Wells Fargo TRAFFIC CONES -1046- $261.32 $112.81 $29.77 Total $403.90 $57.11 10100 Total $57.11 $203.91 U • • City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM WINE Invoice 46418 5 Page 9 J�® Payments E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L CITY OF MOUND Invoice 45273 5 5/1312008 Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply TRAFFIC CONES Invoice 749383 5 Invoice 74829 -B 5/13/2008 $203.91 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply TRAFFIC CONES Invoice 38976 5 Invoice 74829 -C 5/13/2008 $203.90 Transaction Date 4/28/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $611.72 Refer 51308 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, 1NCORPOR •Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE 5/13/2008 Invoice 100082 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E $1,069.55 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,069.55 Refer 51 308 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L Cash Payment E E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 46418 5 5113/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 45273 5 5/1312008 Cash Payment E E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale C CREDIT — LIQUOR Invoice 749383 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 38976 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 38975 5 5/13/2008 •Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 38974 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 42506 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 42505 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 42504 5 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 72130 5 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4 4/18/2008 W Wells Fargo Refer 51308 H HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Pa ment E E 101 4 $2,871.30 $2,058.48 - $184.10 $511.15 $37.16 $10,284.27 $1,644.50 $25.20 $399.82 $0.00 10100 Total $17,647.78 y - 3100 -226 Sign Repair Materials 10'- 3/16" X 2 -1/2" FLAT Invoice 77379 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -210 Operating Supplies R.V. REPAIRS Invoice 77374 5/13/2008 PO 20808 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 HENNEPIN COUNTY /NFORMATIO Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals 03 -08 RADIO LEASE Invoice 28038034 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -450 Board of Prisoners 03 -08 PROCESSING FEE Invoice 1954 5/13/2008 • Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER -1047- $21.87 $47.81 Total $69.68 $967.00 Total $967.00 $408.30 Total $408.30 -1047- $21.87 $47.81 Total $69.68 $967.00 Total $967.00 $408.30 Total $408.30 City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 10 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment R401-46000-36100 Special Assessments SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $0.15 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $0.25 Cash Payment R 401 - 46000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5113/2008 Special Assessments SHERWOOD DRIVE IMPROVEMENT $9.00 Cash Payment R401-46000-36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments 1999 NORWOOD IMPROV PROJ $1.50 Cash Payment R401-46000-36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 ABATEMENT 4717 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $1.50 Gash Payment R 401 - 46000 -36100 Special Assessments SUPPL NORWOOD LANE Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 R 351- 47000 -36100 Special Assessments BLVD STREET $7.50 Cash Payment 002 ROVE Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments MOUND VISIONS 2ND ADDITION $12.00 Cash Payment R 366 -47000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments 2003 STRET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT $57.00 Cash Payment R 366 -47000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 47000 Special Assessments 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT $163.50 Cash Payment R 367 - -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments ABATEMENT 4717 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $1.50 Cash Payment R 101 -41000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5113/2008 47000 Special Assessments 2005 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT $486.00 • Cash Payment R 368- -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 $3.00 Cash Payment R 101 - 41000 -36100 Special Assessments MODULAR WALL Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments RICHMOND ROAD IMPROVEMENT $3.00 Cash Payment R 101 -41000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720 - 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments 2006 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT $322.50 Cash Payment R 369 -47000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments 2007 DELINQUENT WATER /SEWER BILLING $367.50 Cash Payment R601-49400-36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments 2007 CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE $13.50 Cash Payment R 101 -41000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Special Assessments MISC PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT $18.00 Cash Payment R 101 -41000 -36100 Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 $1.50 Cash Payment G 101 -23123 4807 Longford Rd Abatemen LONGFORD ROAD ABATEMENT Invoice 10- 47720- 671500 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4124/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,468.90 Refer 51308 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE $273.62 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training FIRE OFFICER 1 -2, FLAIG Invoice 00148314 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $273.62 Refer 51308 HIGHWAY TECHNOLOGIES $116.25 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic SIGN RENTAL Invoice 286617 -001 5/1312008 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $116.25 • Refer 51308 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ $169.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 449369 5/13/2008 1�: City Of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 11 • .Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $169.00 Refer 51308 HOME DEPOT /GECF (P/W) Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply WOOD EDGING FOR COUNCIL CHAMBER $18.15 Invoice 2018497 5/13/2008 PO 20541 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CONDUIT, COVER, BOX, ETC Invoice 6992671 5/13/2008 $76.48 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply MAILBOXES, ETC Invoice 9993720 5113/2008 $202.44 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $297.07 Refer 51308 INFINITY WIRELESS Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -409 Other Equipment Repair HANDMIC AND BATTERY Invoice 23737 5/13/2008 PO 20789 $303.67 Transaction Date 4/25/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $303.67 Refer 51308 INFRATECH Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA #08 -162 CAMERA TRIPOD SYSTEM $2,864.01 Invoice 0800192 5/13/2008 PO 20735 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply PAINT Invoice 0800197 -A 5/13/2008 $102.24 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply PAINT 0800197 -B 5/13/2008 $102.24 •Invoice Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies METAL LOCATOR Invoice 0800199 5/13/2008 PO 20911 $727.51 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,796.00 Refer 51308 INTOXIMETERS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies MOUTH PIECES Invoice 245259 5/13/2008 PO 20795 $191.70 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $191.70 Refer 51308 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #841 OIL CHANGE Invoice 25730 5/13/2008 $28.99 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $28,99 Refer 51308 J AND K AUTO WHOLESALE AUTO Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CLEANED K -9 UNIT Invoice 55573 5/13/2008 PO 20817 $125.00 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.00 Refer 51308 JESSEN PRESS INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -350 Printing SUMMER NEWSLETTER Invoice 2071 5/13/2008 $1,120.00 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,120.00 Refer 51308 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 376570 5/13/2008 - $40.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE • Invoice 376569 5/13/2008 -$8.24 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 376568 5/13/2008 - $24.80 -1049- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 12 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE -$24.80 Invoice 376567 5113/2008 '$4.12 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 376566 5/13/2008 '$24.80 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 376565 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE -$3.56 Invoice 376564 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE $4,67 Invoice 376281 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE -$6•92 Invoice 376571 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $323.80 Invoice 1432243 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,747.85 Invoice 1432244 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $26.25 Invoice 1432245 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $516.50 Invoice 1432246 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $807.33 Invoice 1425279 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $723.95 Invoice 1425280 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,989.58 Invoice 1425281 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE $14.67 Invoice 374928 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,341.05 Invoice 1428608 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $135.52 Invoice 1428609 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $31.95 Invoice 1428610 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,039.02 Invoice 1428611 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $15.78 Invoice 1429111 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,542.00 R fer 51308 JUBILEE FOODS e - Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 05 -01 -08 LEMONS /LIMES Invoice 041708 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -430 Miscellaneous MEETING SUPPLIES Invoice 041708 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82912 5/13/2008 $77.85 $21.44 Total $99.29 03 -08 PARKS/ PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Project 08900 -1050- $2,088.24 lei is C] CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82969 -A 5/13/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -22908 Mound Harbor Renaissance Invoice 82969 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82969 -C 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82969 -D 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 475 - 46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82969 -E 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 82969 -F 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Refer 51308 LAKE MINNETONKA COMM. COM Cash Payment E 101 -49840 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 517/2008 Refer 51308 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATI 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 13 03 -08 MISC BILLABLE $308.00 03 -08 MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE $2,219.00 03 -08 AUDITORS RD BECKEL $140.00 03 -08 AUDITORS RD PERBIX $209.00 03 -08 AUDITORS RD JOHNSON $98.00 03 -08 AUDITORS RD HOM $343.77 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,406.01 1ST QTR LEVY PAYMENT $11,249.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,249.50 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2ND QTR LEVY PAYMENT Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 • Transaction Date 4/30/2008 $6,136.75 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,136.75 Refer 51308 LAKE RESTO Cash Payment RATION, INC. E 675 - 49425 -440 Other Contractual Servic BEACHWOOD POND TREATMENTS Invoice 55221 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 LAKER NEWSPAPER Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 04 -26 -08 ACCOUNT POSITION Invoice 829718 5/13/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -23174 Woodlyn Ridge Development 12 -27 -07 WOODLYN Invoice 800568 -B 5/13/2008 RIDGE DEVELOPMENT Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 1985 PETERBILT TANDEM DUMP TRUCK Invoice 818591 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -230 Shop Materials NON -FLAM PENTRTING OIL Invoice 6755871 -A 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials NON -FLAM PENTRTING OIL Invoice 6755871 -B 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials NON -FLAM PENTRTING OIL Invoice 6755871 -C 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/ $529.84 $529.84 $236.99 $10.80 $165.65 $413.44 $71.83 $71.83 $71.82 30!2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $215.48 Refer 51308 LOBE TECH, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 43100 -230 Shop Materials DRUM USED FILTER PICKUP •Invoice 1525078 -A 5/13/2008 $11.67 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -230 Shop Materials DRUM USED FILTER PICKUP Invoice 1525078 -B 5/13/2008 $11.67 -1051- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 14 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -230 Shop Materials D DRUM USED FILTER PICKUP $ $11.66 Invoice 1525078 -C 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 T Total $35.00 Refer 51308 LUSTRE -CAL NAMEPLATE CORPO _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies N NAMEPLATES $ $529.00 Invoice 223627 5/13/2008 PO 20957 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 T Total $529.00 Refer 51308 MADSEN, STEFFAN _ Cash Payment E 401 -43107 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Refer 51308 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 314587 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 317226 5113/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 317225 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 311978 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 311979 5113/2008 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Refer 51308 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY ash Paym Cent E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 20960 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight • Invoice 20968 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 20994 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 21004 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Refer 51308 MEDTOX LABRATORIES Project PW0701 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $835.00 BEER $1,313.20 BEER $757.46 BEER $4,521.80 BEER $4,392.28 BEER $71.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,055.74 04 -03 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $141.60 04 -07 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $14.40 04 -10 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $181.20 04 -14 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $7.20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $344.40 - $32 45 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -305 Medical Services DRUGS OF ABUSE URINE TESTING Invoice 03200185956 5/13/2008 PO 20806 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.45 Refer 51308 MERTZ, BLEDSAWAND BENSON _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees 04 -08 PROSECUTION SERVICES $6,007.56 Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,007.56 Transaction Date 5/512008 Refer 51308 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 05 08 WASTEWATER $47,055.32 Invoice 872645 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,055.32 Refer 51308 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF -1052- •I ash Paym Cent E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 20960 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight • Invoice 20968 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 20994 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 21004 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Refer 51308 MEDTOX LABRATORIES Project PW0701 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $835.00 BEER $1,313.20 BEER $757.46 BEER $4,521.80 BEER $4,392.28 BEER $71.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,055.74 04 -03 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $141.60 04 -07 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $14.40 04 -10 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $181.20 04 -14 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $7.20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $344.40 - $32 45 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -305 Medical Services DRUGS OF ABUSE URINE TESTING Invoice 03200185956 5/13/2008 PO 20806 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.45 Refer 51308 MERTZ, BLEDSAWAND BENSON _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees 04 -08 PROSECUTION SERVICES $6,007.56 Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,007.56 Transaction Date 5/512008 Refer 51308 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 05 08 WASTEWATER $47,055.32 Invoice 872645 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,055.32 Refer 51308 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF -1052- •I Project PW0701 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $835.00 BEER $1,313.20 BEER $757.46 BEER $4,521.80 BEER $4,392.28 BEER $71.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,055.74 04 -03 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $141.60 04 -07 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $14.40 04 -10 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $181.20 04 -14 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $7.20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $344.40 - $32 45 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -305 Medical Services DRUGS OF ABUSE URINE TESTING Invoice 03200185956 5/13/2008 PO 20806 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.45 Refer 51308 MERTZ, BLEDSAWAND BENSON _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees 04 -08 PROSECUTION SERVICES $6,007.56 Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,007.56 Transaction Date 5/512008 Refer 51308 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 05 08 WASTEWATER $47,055.32 Invoice 872645 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,055.32 Refer 51308 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF -1052- •I Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -305 Medical Services DRUGS OF ABUSE URINE TESTING Invoice 03200185956 5/13/2008 PO 20806 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.45 Refer 51308 MERTZ, BLEDSAWAND BENSON _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees 04 -08 PROSECUTION SERVICES $6,007.56 Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,007.56 Transaction Date 5/512008 Refer 51308 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 05 08 WASTEWATER $47,055.32 Invoice 872645 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,055.32 Refer 51308 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF -1052- •I Refer 51308 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF -1052- •I --` City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 15 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2008 QUERY PAWN SYS Invoice 40650004368 5/13/2008 PO 20801 $240.00 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $240.00 Refer 51308 MINNESOTA DEPT PUBLIC SAFET Cash Payment, E 60149400 -440 Other Contractual Servic TIER REPORT WELL #7 Invoice M -2287 5/13/2008 PO 20912 $100.00 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic TIER REPORT WELL #3 Invoice M -2286 5/13/2008 PO 20912 $100.00 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic TIER REPORT WELL #1 Invoice M -2285 5/13/2008 PO 20912 $100.00 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic TIER REPORT WELL #8 Invoice M -5708 5/13/2008 PO 20912 $100.00 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 51308 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -340 Advertising 05 -08 1/4 AD LAKE AREA BUSINESS $99.00 Invoice 9360 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.00 Refer 51308 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF - WATER Invoice 392743 5/13/2008 $77.50 ransaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.50 Refer 51308 MINUTEMAN PRESS Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -350 Printing LAMINATING VARIOUS SIZES Invoice 9619 5/13/2008 $131.62 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo• 10100 Total $131.62 Refer 51308 MNSPECT Cash Payment R 101 - 42000 - 32220 Electrical Permit Fee 04 -08 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 - $137.00 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments 04 -08 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $4.00 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 04 -08 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 - $177.63 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 04 -08 BUILDING INSPECTIONS Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $3,673.36 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,354.73 Refer 51308 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -412 Building Rentals 05 -08 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $811.75 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $811.75 Refer 51308 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -382 Water Utilities 03 -08 WATER /SEWER Invoice 051308 5!13/2008 $59.68 Cash Payment G 475 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 03 -08 WATER /SEWER Wransaction nvoice 051308 5/13/2008 $181.86 Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $241.54 Refer 51308 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS -1053- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 16 1, Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 04 -30 -08 BLACKTOP $373.80 Invoice 141287 5113/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373.80 Refer 51308 MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS $102.34 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 04 -08 MUSIC SERVICE Invoice A202319 5/13/2008 $102.29 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 05 08 MUSIC SERVICE Invoice A292084 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $204.63 Refer 51308 NAPA GUINE PARTS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts GAUGE $25.87 Invoice 5895557 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -221 Equipment Parts NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH $36.07 Invoice 628638 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.94 Refer 51308 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR LIFT 11 $836.69 Invoice 3222 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/28/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $836.69 Refer 51308 NORTHERN WATERWORKS SUPP Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair / Maint Supply METERS $1,201.82 Invoice S01137479.001 5/13/2008 PO 20915 Transaction Date 515/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,201.82 Refer 51308 OBD DIAGNOSTICS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs VEHICLE SCANNING EQUIPMENT $115.90 Invoice 5923 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $115.90 Pp-far 51308 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426769920 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426962709 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426961767 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 428037905 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20498 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 425435627 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20785 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 425612725 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20785 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 424899198 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20785 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 424881633 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20326 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $324.43 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES - $50.86 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $47.98 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $174.22 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $200.84 RETURN BATTERIES - $60.15 LABELS $68.03 • • RETURN DVD - $19.19 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $41.60 • -1054- • CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427968275 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20668 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 428179672 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20669 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427167436 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -200 Office Supplies *Invoice 426770304 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427167437 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20803 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 426876872 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20666 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 427167141 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20598 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -200 Office Supplies ,*,Cash 427275089 -001 5/13/2008 PO 20901 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Refer 51308 PAUST/S AND SONS WINE COMP 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 17 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $37.44 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $41.60 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $31.20 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $14.56 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $10.40 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $6.24 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $12.49 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $12.49 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $23.39 RETURN -- KEYBOARD -$47,98 MOUSE $19.19 KEYBOARD $28.78 PENS $23.61 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.70 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $4.82 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $6.53 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $3.69 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.84 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.99 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $1.69 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.55 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES $2.55 CHAIR, CALENDAR REFILL $247.44 MONITOR $223.64 Wells Fargo -1055- 10100 Total $1,439.75 City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 18 Payments /CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE $ $628.00 Invoice 8183048 -A 5/13/2008 $ 04 -28 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $9.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight 0 Invoice 8183048 -B 5/13/2008 $ $811.48 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 8182258 -A 5/13/2008 $ 04 -21 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $15.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight 0 Invoice 8182258 -B 5/13/2008 .Wells F Fargo 10100 T Total $ $1,463.48 Refer 51308 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE $ $3,504.85 Invoice 2600843 5/13/2008 $ $16,136.35 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 2600842 5/13/2008 $1,150.50 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR $ Invoice 2595188 5/1312008 $617.15 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE $ Invoice 2595189 5/13/2008 $30.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR $ Invoice 2595190 5/13/2008 $ $106.15 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 2597802 5/1312008 $1,721.45 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE $ Invoice 2597803 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 T Total $ $23,266.45 Refer 51308 PLAYPOWER LT FARMINGTON, IN _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -221 Equipment Parts N NET CHAIN $ $211.00 Invoice 140013348 5/13/2008 PO 20878 Transaction Date 4/28/2008 W Wells Fargo 10100 T Total $ $211.00 Refer 51308 PLUNKETT'S, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic A APR, MAY, JUNE PEST CONTROL $ $99.67 Invoice 1131155 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 T Total $ $99.67 Refer 51308 PLYMOUTH, CITY OF _ E 101 42110 - Cash Payment Invoice 051308 5/1312008 PO 20814 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo Refer 51308 POSITRON PUBLIC SAFETY SYST Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance Invoice 30001442 5/13/2008 PO 20805 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Rafar 51308 OUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 996240 -00 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 996226 -00 5/13/2008 2008 PC ENFORS 10100 Total $275.00 Wells Fargo 10100 CREDIT —WINE CREDIT —WINE -1056- $3,600.00 Total $3,600.00 - $560.00 - $240.00 • • • City of Mound Payments CITY OF MOUND 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 19 Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 001943 -00 5/13/2008- - $24.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 005066 -00 5/13/2008 $1,916.96 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 005060 -00 5/13/2008 $2,568.47 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 996107 -00 5/13/2008 $969.44 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 996098 -00 5/13/2008 $1,615.40 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 002064 -00 5/13/2008 $93.86 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 002215 -00 5/13/2008 $559.80 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 002248 -00 5/13/2008 $2,629.01 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,528.94 Refer 51308 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic CONFERENCE RM RECEPTACLE Invoice 1865 5/13/2008 $735.92 . Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 RANDY'S SANITATION $735.92 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 04 -08 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $143.50 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos 04 -08 GARBAGE SERVICE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $151.58 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION $295.08 Cash Payment E 401 -43108 -300 Professional Srvs 04 -07 -08 2008 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 3904375 -A 5/13/2008 $212.94 Cash Payment E 401 -43102 -300 Professional Srvs Project PW0801 04 -07 -08 2008 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 3904375 -B 5/13/2008 $219.96 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Project PW0806 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $432.90 Refer 51308 SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS, IN Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/1312008 $380.16 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $1,077.12 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $1,457.28 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $823.68 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $633.60 Payment E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR .Cash Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $443.52 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR Invoice 48 5/13/2008 $380.16 -1057- City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Invoice N29352 5/13/2008 Cash Payment Page 20 Payments 5/13/2008 Transaction Date CITY OF MOUND Refer 51308 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY _ Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR $570.24 Invoice 48 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -434 Conference & Training 12 -21 -07 SAFETY SEMINAR $570.24 Invoice 48 5!13/2008 Transaction Date 5/8/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,336.00 Refer 51308 SCHARBER AND SONS $36.52 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair LOW VIS GAL Invoice 02- 2072480 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/1812008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $36.52 Refer 51308 SCHWAAB, INCORPORATED _ $20.26 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies REPLACEMENT PAD, BLACK Invoice X13060 5/13/2008 PO 20583 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.26 Refer 51308 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 05 -08 BURGLARY AND FIRE MONITORING $76.40 Invoice 575975 5/1312008 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $76.40 Refer 51308 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, IN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 05 -15 -08 PUBLICATION $15.00 Invoice 816049 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer 51308 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LABORAT _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies INK PAD REFILLS $46.43 Invoice 0478662 -IN 5/13/2008 PO 20799 Transaction Date 4/22/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $46.43 Refer 51308 SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL _ Cash Payment E 101 -41115 -430 Miscellaneous 2008 CITY CONTRIBUTION $1,500.00 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 51308 SPRINT WIRELESS (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells 03 -19 -08 THRU 04 -18-08 CELL PHONE $44.64 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 517/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.64 Refer 51308 ST. PAUL, CITY OF Street Maint Materials ASPHALT SALES TAX BALANCE DUE $27.79 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -224 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 515/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.79 Gcfcr r-1 ,AnR .ST.4 CONSULTANTS _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice N29352 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 475 - 46386 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice N29370 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Refer 51308 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY _ AUDITORS ROAD DISTRICT $1,135.00 5555 SHORELINE DRIVE DEMO SURVEY $2,091.95 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,226.95 -1058- • 61 • — City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM • Payments Page 21 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2008 FIRST HALF MEMBERSHIP DUES Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $400.00 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 TACTICAL SOLUT IONS $400.00 Cash Payment E 101- 42115 -210 Operating Supplies GAS MASK POUCH Invoice 588 5/13/2008 PO 20820 $197.67 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 9 10100 Total Refer 51308 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN $197.67 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1156534 5/13/2008 $24.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1156527 5/13/2008 $3,256.43 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1156591 5/13/2008 $5,248.90 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP AN $8,529.33 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale _ BEER Invoice 67315 5/13/2008 $412.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER 67467 5/13/2008 $684.00 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 488710 5/13/2008 $86.60 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 488719 5/13/2008 $9,941.60 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 489737 5/13/2008 $98.50 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 489745 5/13/2008 $4,283.95 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo 9 10100 Total Refer 51308 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY $15,506.65 Cash Payment E 101 43100 -224 Equipment Parts ALUMINIUM WIRE Invoice 213519 5/13/2008 $15.98 Transaction Date 4/21/2008 Wells Fargo g 10100 Total Refer 51308 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, INC. $15.98 _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies PRINTER RIBBONS Invoice 22659 5/13/2008 PO 20582 $38.02 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies PRINTER RIBBONS Invoice 22630 5/13/2008 PO 20582 $132.91 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo g 10100 Total Refer 51308 TRI COUNTY BEVERAGE AND SUP $170.93 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 204591 5/13/2008 $300.20 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Wells Fargo 9 10100 Total _Refer 51308 TRUE VALUE MOUND $300.20 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $9.20 -1059- City Of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 22 _ Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $34.20 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Operating Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $28.20 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Invoice 051308 5113/2008 Shop Materials 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $53.95 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Shop Materials 04 08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $54.59 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Shop Materials 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $53.92 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Building Repair Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $25.29 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -223 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Building Repair Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $25.29 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -223 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Building Repair Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $25.30 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Operating Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $81.71 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -210 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Repair /Maint Supply 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $65.01 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Invoice 051308 5113/2008 Repair /Maint Supply 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $5.85 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -220 • Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 41910 Operating Supplies 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $20.22 Cash Payment E 101- -210 invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -221 Equipment Parts 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.12 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 49450 Repair /Maint Supply 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $10.83 Cash Payment E 602- -220 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Repair /Maint Supply 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $11.58 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Invoice 051308 5/1312008 Police RV - Command Centr 04 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $11.25 Cash Payment G 101 -22804 Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $555.51 Transaction Date 5/6/2008 Refer 51308 TURTLE MAC AND KEY PRINTING $77.51 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $69.76 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $77.51 Cash Payment E 101- 41500 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $58.13 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5113/2008 PO 20954 $27.13 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $19.38 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $11.63 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $23.25 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 -1060- - --� City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM • / Payments Page 23 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -200 Office Supplies MAILING LABELS Invoice 18182 5/13/2008 PO 20954 $23.25 Transaction Date 4/30/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED $387.55 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -110 Clothing Allowance INITIAL ISSUE, CLARK Invoice 422018 5/13/2008 PO 20792 $749'95 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -110 Clothing Allowance INITIAL ISSUE, CLARK Invoice 422031 5/13/2008 PO 20792 $1,643.39 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms INITIAL ISSUE, WOCKEN Invoice 422373 5/13/2008 PO 20793 $1,170.08 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -219 Safety supplies RETURN TASER Invoice 419368 5/13/2008 PO 20771 $867'92 Transaction Date 4/25/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51808 VERIZON WIRELESS (MANAGER) $2,695.50 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -321 Telephone &Cells 03 -04 -08 THRU 04 -03 -08 CELL PHONE Invoice 1841439333 5/18/2008 $43.25 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 _ Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 VESSCO, INCORPORATED $43.25 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -227 Chemicals DIAPHRAM, O- RINGS, ETC • Invoice 42148 5/13/2008 $105.39 Transaction Date 4117/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 WEIST, KATHY $105.39 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE MAPS Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 $10.56 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 9 10100 Total Refer 51308 WESTS/DE WHOLESALE TIRE AN $10.56 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA #508, #5628 MOUNT FLOAT, TIRE BALANCE Invoice 599512 5/1312008 $35.33 Transaction Date 4/17/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC $35.33 Cash Payment E 601-4940 0 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 04 -18 -08 CARDINAL LANE CURB STOP Invoice 2284 5/13/2008 $712.50 Cash Payment E 401 - 43102 -500 Capital Outlay FA AUDITORS ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 2279 5/13/2008 $805.00 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance PW0806 Invoice 2281 5/13/2008 04 -10 -08 BAYPORT CURBSTOPIect $720.00 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51308 WINE COMPANY $2,237.50 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT --WINE Invoice 189769 -00 5/13/2008 - $20.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 191668 -00 -A 5/13/2008 $1,180.00 Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight 04 -24 -8 DELIVERY CHARGE •Cash Invoice 191668 -00 -B 5/13/2008 $14.95 Transaction Date 5/7/2008 Wells Fargo 9 10100 Total Refer 51308 WINE MERCHANTS $1,174.95 - 1061 City of Mound 05/08/08 8:02 AM Page 24 I, Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2008 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,638.75 Invoice 229395 5/13/2008 $144.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 227781 5/13/2008 $3,021.50 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 228541 5/13/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,804.25 Transaction Date 4/18/2008 Refer 51308 WINE NEWS INCORPORATED $14.85 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 05 -08 PUBLICATION Invoice 808798 5/1312008 10100 Total $14.85 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo Refer 51308 WOLFE, CRAIG - $523 26 Cash Payment G 101 -23180 4774 Kildare Road #07 -32 V 4774 KILDARE ROAD #07 -32 VARIANCE Invoice 051308 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 4/24/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 51308 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 04 -08 #51- 7890142 -3 Invoice 221130843 5/13/2008 Transaction Date 5/5/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 -1062- Total $523.26 $734.96 Total $734.96 • • CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary City of Mound Payments Current Period: May 2008 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 Wells Fargo 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $107,936.95 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $5,315.78 285 MOUND HRA $751.50 351 2001 -C G.O. Improvement $81.71 366 2003 -A G.O. Improvement .50 $7$7.00 367 G.O. 2004 - A Improvements $ 368 G.O. 2005 - A Improvements $163.50 369 G.O. 2006 - A Improvements $486.00 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $322.50 450 Parking Deck 1 $5,082.54 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $4,432.45 601 WATER FUND $4,278.33 602 SEWER FUND $24,763.45 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $57,206.42 670 RECYCLING FUND $124,943.43 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $14,740.11 $1,097.16 $351,678.33 . Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $351,678.33 Total $351,678.33 -1063- 05/08/08 8:03 AM Page 25 Cam- NI` i 1 -.V r< i Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane - Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55398 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 FAX (952) 448 -8805 May 8, 2008 City of Mound Attn: Mr. Carlton Moore, Public Works Director 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 -1627 Re: Wilshire Boulevard Forcemain and Watermain Improvements City Project No. PW -08 -07 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: 1 V �• As requested, we have evaluated the feasibility of the proposed forcemain and watermain improvements on Wilshire Boulevard and estimated the related project costs. The improvements are consistent with our discussions with your public works staff and are shown on the attached exhibits. Exhibit Sheet 1 shows the proposed construction and Sheet 2 shows the proposed pipe removals and abandonments. Proposed Forcemain Improvements, The existing 4 -inch forcemain from the Lakewood Lane lift station (E-4) extends northeast from the station at Lakewood Lane and Bartlett Boulevard and connects to the existing 8 -inch Metropolitan Council forcemain on Wilshire Boulevard. This project proposes to disconnect the 4 -inch forcemain from the 8 -inch forcemain and to extend new forcemain about 190 feet north to the 15 -inch gravity sewer manhole in front of the fire station. This eliminates the need for Station E-4 to share a forcemain with other lift stations which reduces the pumping rate of Station E -4 when the other lift station is operating. In addition, this improvement would likely decrease the time that both stations need to operate. Also, failure of a check valve in Station E -4 would result in the station being flooded by the flow from the 8 -inch forcemain. This forcemain will be done by directional drilling except for the connections at the ends to minimize disruption of Wilshire Boulevard. Proposed Watermain Im roy ents Wilshire Boulevard currently has an 8 -inch watermain on the east side and an older 6 -inch watermain on the west side. This project proposes to abandon the 6 -inch watermain in front of the fire station, as shown on the exhibits. Also included is the reconstruction of watermains in the Wilshire Boulevard /Maywood Road intersection to provide a more logical main configuration and to replace the existing valves. Currently there is some uncertainty with the main configuration and isolation of individual sections of watermain has been a problem. An 8-inch connection between the 6 -inch and 8 -inch watermains exists at the fire station south property line. This main is proposed to be reconstructed and disconnected from the watermain to be abandoned. This main connects the Lakewood Lane watermain to the 8-inch Wilshire Boulevard main. n U • Mankato, MN •Fairmont, MN •Sleepy Eye, MN • Burnsville, MN • Chaska, MN • Willmar, MN - Ramsey, MN - Ames, IA www.bolton- menk,com An Equal Opportunity Employer -1064- Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Page 2 May 8, 2008 • The existing water service lines to the fire station and to Shirley Hills School appear to be connected to both the 6 -inch and 8 -inch watermains. The project includes excavation to confirm this and elimination of the service connections to the 6 -inch main. The 6 -inch watermain on Wilshire Boulevard, between Maywood Road and Shoreline Drive, will be retained as the service stubs to adjacent properties are connected to the 6 -inch watermain. The project does include replacement of the 6 -inch valve at Shoreline Drive. The new watermain construction will be done by open trench methods which will require some temporary street closures. The majority of the existing watermain will be abandoned in place by filling it with sand or grout. This includes the 10 -inch watermain to old Well No. 6 on the south side of the fire station, which is already abandoned. Estimated Project Costs The proposed project is feasible from a technical standpoint. The project is necessary to provide improved operation and maintenance of the water system and of the Lift Station E -4 forcemain. The total estimated project cost is $149,742.00, as detailed on the attached spreadsheet. The total cost includes an allowance for indirect project costs including, but not limited to engineering, surveying, administrative, fiscal and legal costs. Funding from the proposed improvements will be from the utility bond sale, with repayment through the Sewer Fund for the forcemain and through the Water Fund for the watermain improvements. We request the Council to accept this Engineering Report and authorize preparation of final plans and • specifications. Respectfully submitted, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer DLF1dlp Enclosure • Mankato, MN - Fairmont, MN - Sleepy Eye, MN - Burnsville, MN - Chaska, MN Willmar, MN - Ramsey, MN -Ames, IA www.bolton-menk.com An Equal Opportunity Employer -1065- WILSHIRE BOULEVARD FORCEMAIN AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS • BMI PROJECT C12.40153 CITY OF MOUND PROJECT NO. PW -08 -07 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE CnarrGnnolN FITTINGS r+nnir-DPTi= rl IRR REMOVAL rnnir%PI=TF SInFWALK REMOVAL n rrnnirRFTI- nRIVEWAY APRON REMOVAL rnnirRpTF N IRK AND GUTTER .i I rnnirpPTF SInEWALK r+nn�G nRI AY APRON e ,:a en\A /rt IT RITUMINOUS DtAnvr- RITI IMINOUS 70 Lb5 80 LF 350 SF 50 SF 80 LF 350 5I- 50 SF 470 LF 910 S� .00 $490.00 $6.00 $2.00 $3.00 $30.00 $8.00 $10.00 $2.00 $700.00 $150.00 2,400.00 2,800.00 $500.00 $940.00 3,185.00 15 6" DIP WATERMAIN APPROX. LF $40.00 UNIT 35 ITEM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NO. 17 6" GATE VALVE 2 EACH $1,600.00 $3,200.00 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 2 4" FUSIBLE PVC FORCEMAIN - 175 LF $40.00 $7,000.00 WATERMAIN FITTINGS DIRECTIONAL BORE 20 LF -$50.00 $1,000.00 3 4" DIP FORCEMAIN 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 4 CONNECT TO EX. MANHOLE 24 1.5 BITUMINOUS BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE 980 TONS $125.00 CONNECT TO EX. 4" CIP AND PLUG EX. 8" 25 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 Y A " TFF 1 50 SY $8.00 CnarrGnnolN FITTINGS r+nnir-DPTi= rl IRR REMOVAL rnnir%PI=TF SInFWALK REMOVAL n rrnnirRFTI- nRIVEWAY APRON REMOVAL rnnirRpTF N IRK AND GUTTER .i I rnnirpPTF SInEWALK r+nn�G nRI AY APRON e ,:a en\A /rt IT RITUMINOUS DtAnvr- RITI IMINOUS 70 Lb5 80 LF 350 SF 50 SF 80 LF 350 5I- 50 SF 470 LF 910 S� .00 $490.00 $6.00 $2.00 $3.00 $30.00 $8.00 $10.00 $2.00 $700.00 $150.00 2,400.00 2,800.00 $500.00 $940.00 3,185.00 15 6" DIP WATERMAIN 210 LF $40.00 $8,400.00 35 LF $45.00 $1,575.00 16 8" DIP WATERMAIN 4 EACH $1,450.00 $5,800.00 17 6" GATE VALVE 2 EACH $1,600.00 $3,200.00 18 8" GATE VALVE CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN 7 EACH $1,000.00 $7,000.00 19 20 REPLACE 6 GATE VALVE 1 EACH $2,500.00 $7.00 $2,500.00 $5,600.00 21 WATERMAIN FITTINGS 800 200 LB LF $10.00 $2,000.00 22 REMOVE EXISTING WATERMAIN 550 LF $7.00 $3,850.00 23 ABANDON EXISTING WATERMAIN WEARING COURSE -TONS $135-00 $12,150-00 24 1.5 BITUMINOUS BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE 980 TONS $125.00 $22,500.00 25 26 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD. 400 TONS $22.00 $8,800.00 $400.00 50 SY $8.00 27 SOD SUBTOTAL $110,920.00 MOBILIZATION - 5% $5,546.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $116,466.00 CONTINGENCY - 5% $5,546.00 ENGINEERING, ADMINISTRATIVE, FISCAL, LEGAL & MISC. FEES - 25% $27,730.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $149,742.00 F: \MOUN \C1240153 \Cost EstimatesTORCEMAIN AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS COST EST.xis -1066- • • R 9 t A A e4 • O N N w m S 1 4" WM I rn m U1 0 v m O O n z O R Z s C rn �Z D z o Z m z -a � N O = N � 6" WM I I m m n m C c� 4rn _� O m m _ Ng D mm r r x .� m • f*1 00 on A m oN C O 1 fi Z r? m - < < N � � W 0 m S' O 2 Z D< O D D 0 a �; A p in r i 1 r 2 > _ ; m G D m m m m < o D m om r^ 0 z m z r^ m i Z Z < m D D m O m D ci 1D z m m f rn m m A n m Z �Z 40 � Z o Z D Z O A z m 4 a Z m m �• CD 0 m a� N 5- Z CI MAYWOOD RD I rn m U1 0 v m O O n z O R Z s C rn �Z D z o Z m z -a � N O = N � 6" WM I I m m n m C c� 4rn _� O m m _ /---11 1 1 6•• WM I Ng D mm r r x .� m • f*1 00 on A m oN C O 1 fi Z r? m - < < N /---11 1 1 6•• WM I 0 0 0 CITY OF MOUND . RESOLUTION NO. 08- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WILSHIRE BOULEVARD FORCEMAIN AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS (CITY PROJECT NO. PW- 08 -07) WHEREAS, a report has been prepared by Bolton & Menk, Inc. with reference to improvements of the Wilshire Boulevard forcemain and watermain; and, WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Mound, Minnesota 1. The Council will consider the improvement of the Wilshire Boulevard forcemain and watermain in accordance with the report. 2. Such improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 3. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of May, 2008. C7 Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -1067- Mayor Mark Hanus CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 TEMPORARY ON -SALE 3.2 MALT LIQUOR PERMIT Event: Mound Fire Department Relief Association Date(s) of Event: June 7, 2008 2008 Fish Fry and Dance Address of Event: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Chairperson of Organization: Gregory S. Pederson Address: Work: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Home: 6087 Aspen Road Mound, MN 55364 Mound, MN 55364 Home Phone: 952 -472 -5785 Work Phone: 952 - 472 -3533 Minnesota State Statute 340A.403 - 3.2 percent malt liquor license Subd. 2. Temporary licenses. (a) A club or charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization may be issued a temporary on -sale license for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor. (b) The temporary license may authorize the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor in any school or school buildings. (c) Temporary licenses are subject to the terms set by the issuing county or city. State Statute does not require additional insurance for temporary 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses. e *1,a 2ooce:>� Dat4 Applicanid Sioature Date � (3--C) %' Date 4t"4, U a affel.: Approv -City Clerk Approv - Police Dept. • • CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC DANCE/LIVE MUSIC PERMIT APPLICATION EVENT: Mound Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance 2008 LOCATION OF DANCE /LIVE MUSIC: in front of Mound fire station on drive apron and in roadway on Wilshire Blvd. TYPE OF DANCE /LIVE MUSIC: Variety of dance, rock -n -roll, and oldies TIME PERIOD OF DANCE /LIVE MUSIC: Saturday June 7, 2008 from 8 pm —12:30 pm (HOURS PERMITTED: Mon -Sat: 8pm- 12:30am — Sunday: 8pm- 11:30pm) CHAIRPERSON OR APPLICANT: Mound Fire Department Relief Association TITLE: Fire Chief Gregory S. Pederson ADDRESS: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. ADDRESS: 6087 Aspen Road Mound, MN 55364 Mound, MN 55364 HOME PHONE #: 952 - 472 -5785 HOME PHONE #: same WORK PHONE #: 952- 472 -3533 WORK PHONE #: s e g !� z c og e Date I Applicant's Signa e -1069- `°` Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St. /Suite 133 St. Paul, MN 55101 -5133 (651)296 -6439 FAX (651)297 -5259 TDD (612)282 -6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TEMPORARY CONSUMPTION & DISPLAY PERMIT (City or county may not issue more than 10 permits in any one year) TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION L a' NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE O CQANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER u '&d- o S 1 3 STREET ADDRESS • CITYMb d STATE.. IP CODE 6.6-5G4- W i Lsh t rte � � NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE (q51- 47Z.- 55:5-3 (454' 4?2 - 6-7 DATE SET UPS WILL BE SOLD TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Ftlr�° �'�°-� �`�h• 200 S CLUB CHARITABLE RELIGIOUS HER NONPROFI ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME rE s V,Q ADDRESS 222 1 SouTwvlew ZhNe (vMOL.4d MN ss3 ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME PftuL- 4A5 T ADDRESS 5-z5 F-de-n goad mound u S5'36 OR ANLZATION OFFICER'S NAME C^1 RP�p SECREtl�R ADDRESS '740 Rd. , h,%e 4ViC44 553 Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe 10 - Pron-L a4 P4vtAkcl FkrL 54o.4 -on i �n M&LA acDnava• us may; Gi h ( ► n Lo ^� G-1%e 4— APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO LIQUOR CONTROL CITY /COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT PERMIT DATE (Not to exceed $25) 40 DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the permit for the event PS -09098(12/98) -1070- is 6f If • • 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith Date: 5/6/2008 Re: Submittal of Environmental Response Fund (ERF) Grant Application — Former Glass Plus Property in Auditor's Road Summary. For your review and consideration, a resolution has been prepared to authorize the May 1 submittal of an ERF grant application to Hennepin County to request grant dollars for environmental investigation and remediation on the former Glass Plus property located at 5533 Shoreline Drive in the Auditor's Road District. Hennepin County Staff indicated that an official resolution could be forwarded as soon as possible following the May 1 grant deadline. A copy of the grant application has been included as an attachment. Recommendation. Approval. • • -1071- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 07- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE FUND (ERF) APPLICATION TO HENNEPIN COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, supports and authorizes the May 1, 2008 submittal of a Environmental Response Fund (ERF) grant application to Hennepin County for environmental investigation and remediation activities for the property located at 5533 Shoreline Drive in the Auditor's Road District. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember The following voted in the affirmative: The following voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of May 2008 Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1072- Mayor Mark Hanus and • • • • U 0 Environmental Response Fund Grant Application Cover Page Applicant: City of Mound, MN Address: 5341 Maywood Road Phone: 952.472.0600 Fax: 952.472.0620 E -mail: Kandishanson @cityofmound.com Municipality: City of Mound, MN Project Contact Person: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director and Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Phone: 952.472.0604 Fax: 952.472.0120 E -mail: Sarahsmith(cDeityofrnound.com / Carltonmoore @cityofmound.com i Application Preparer: Sarah Smith Phone: 952.472.0604 i E -mail: See Above Fax: 952.472.0620 I. SITE INFORMATION Name of Site: Auditor's Road District (new Mound "main street ") (Building name, location, reference, etc.) Site Address: 5533 Shoreline Drive in Auditor's Road District City (or Township): Mound, MN Hennepin County District No: 7 -1073- Property Identification No. 13- 117 -24 -33 -0076 (former Glass Plus) • If enrolled in an MPCA program, list the following: VIC /Petroleum Brownfield's Program I.D. #: Not at present / plan on enrolling in both programs. LUST Program I.D. # Other 1. Is this site the previous recipient of an ERF grant for assessment? YES NO 2005 Phase I and Phase II reports were previously prepared for Auditor's Road District in Mound. Additionally, "new" environmental testing was done by STS in mid 2007 at the request of the City of Mound to obtain additional information regarding results of a 1996 Remedial Investigation of the former Glass Plus site. Additional details are provided below: A Remedial Investigation (RI) of release(s) from former underground storage tanks was completed at the former Glass Plus site in 1996. The RI identified is that groundwater impacted with petroleum and non petroleum compounds exist at the property. Petroleum and non petroleum impacts above the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Health Risk Limits (HRLs) and /or EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) were identified in a groundwater sample obtained from former monitoring well (MW -3) on the site. A Phase II ESA completed in 2005 identified petroleum impacted soils on the Curtis L Johnson Estate property and the former Glass Plus site. A Limited Phase II ESA was completed by STS on the former Glass Plus site in 2007. The Limited Phase II report identified petroleum and non petroleum impacts (1,2 — Dichloropropane and Trichloroethylene) above the MDHHRLs in a confirmatory groundwater sample obtained from the site. The sampling point was located on the former Glass Plus site near the adjoining Curtis L Johnson Estate property located at 5545 Shoreline Blvd. . 2007 (currently underway) Phase H MPCA VIC work plan / Phase II MPCA VIC investigation / RAP and DRAP preparation and submittal to the MPCA for enrollment in the Petroleum Brownfield's Program (former VPIC) as well as the MPCA Mprogram(s), as appropriate, for subject property and property at 5545 Shoreline Drive. • -1074- • 2. Is this application for an assessment, RAP development, or cleanup? • Building demolition survey • Demolition and abatement specifications • Building demolition required for clean up of contaminated soils below the building. 3. Does this application request funds for property acquisition? YES NO 4. Current property owner: Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) 5. Property owner after cleanup: Mound Harbor Renaissance Development (MHRD) and /or City of Mound/ Mound HRA 6. Is the property under the applicant's control? YES NO Property at 5533 Shoreline Drive is owned by Mound HRA If not, what steps will need to be taken to gain control? N/A • 7. Current environmental consultant and legal counsel, if applicable: Consultant: STS Consultants Phone: 763.315.6300 Attorney: John Dean, Kennedy & Graven Phone: 612.337.9207 8. Legal description of the site: 5533 Shoreline Blvd: Lot 5 and My 50 FT of Lot 6 Subject to Road, Auditors Subd. No. 170 (former Glass Plus) 9. Acreage of site: 14,655 SF (.34 acres) Note: Total size of Auditor's Road District (all properties) is 6 acres 10. Attach an accurate and legible location map and site diagram showing locations of relevant site features such as buildings, retaining walls, suspected/known areas of contamination, etc. (photographs are helpful). The map should include the property boundaries, a scale bar and a north arrow. Refer to attached maps and STS proposal and /or application materials previously submitted during Fall 2007 ERF grant cycle. 11. What is the current zoning/land use of the site: Zoning is B -1 commercial Current land use is commercial 0 12. Will the proposed final use of the site require a zoning change? YES NO -1075- • If yes, describe the expected zoning and the necessary procedure for obtaining the change: Anticipated zoning is Pedestrian District Planned Development Area (PDA). District standards are already established in Zoning Ordinance and property is guided for redevelopment (Pedestrian) in approved Comprehensive Plan. The process for amending the Zoning Ordinance is outlined in Section 350 of the Mound City Code and in general includes formal review by the Planning Commission and a City Council public hearing. 13. Current economic condition: Auditor's Road, which is slated to become the City's "new" mainstreet, was constructed approximately 5 years ago in anticipation of the pending redevelopment efforts and is located immediately north of the Lost Lake Greenway trail and pier which were completed in 2004. The Auditor's Road District includes both vacant and developed land and presently includes (6) buildings. In 2003, the former Longpre building located at the intersection of Commerce Boulevard and Shoreline Drive was purchased and demolished by the Mound HRA. In 2004, the property commonly known as "Glass Plus" was purchased by the Mound HRA and was originally slated to be redeveloped as a hotel, however, the project was terminated by the developer (BFL2) in • December 2004 and was turned back to MHR as allowed by the development agreement. The present plans for the east end of Auditor's Road include a proposed restaurant /retail anchor and was tentatively slated for redevelopment by 2006 -2007 but unfortunately has been delayed due to market conditions. At present, development in the Auditor's Road District (east end) is expected to begin as soon as an "east end" tenant is procured by MHR, the City's development partner. Work in "Phase F'(east end) of the Auditor's Road District will also include a surface /structured parking facility, which will be financed, in part, by a $1.15M Livable Communities grant. Additionally, a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) grant was awarded by Hennepin County to the City in 2007 in the amount of $200K for this project. Vacant lot: Developed site(s) (describe below): X 14. If the site is currently developed with building(s) but is not occupied, how long have the building(s) been vacant? Glass Plus — business operations ceased in 2003 following purchase by Mound HRA in 2003; building is used for cold storage by Mound Parks and Police Department(s). 15. If this application is for a RAP implementation, is demolition required to implement the RAP? YES NO • -1076- If yes, describe the structure(s) to be demolished (include age and condition). The Glass Plus building is located in the Auditor's Road District and is needed for the east end restaurant /retail /office project under consideration by MHR (to include surface /structured parking facility) and will be demolished to accommodate the redevelopment activities. Building has not been occupied since 2003 and is in a deteriorating condition. According to Hennepin County data, the building was constructed in 1959. 16. If yes, does demolition require asbestos and/or lead paint abatement? YES NO II. SITE HISTORY Please attach a brief synopsis of the site's history. Explain why the site is believed to be contaminated (if the application is for an assessment grant) or how the site came to be contaminated. Also list the titles and dates of any supporting environmental reports, historical information, etc. Please refer to STS proposal dated October 31, 2007 which was submitted previously as part of Fall 2007 ERF grant application cycle. • III. CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATION INFORMATION 0 (Complete this section if your application is for an assessment and /or RAP development.) 1. Current status of the investigation: A. Is the site enrolled in the MPCA VIC or VPIC program? YES NO Comment: Enrollment is pending. B. Has a Phase I Environmental Assessment been completed? YES NO (If yes, please attach a copy to this application) C. Do you have an approved work plan for a Phase II investigation? YES NO Comment • Work Plan submittal pending Staff /consultant met with MPCA Staff regarding same on 419108. (If yes, please attach a copy of the work plan and cost estimate to this application) D. Has any portion of the work plan been implemented? YES NO -1077- E. Please provide copies of any approval and/or comment letters that you have • received from the MPCA and copies of any reports documenting investigation activities that have been conducted to date. Refer to information contained in STS proposal regarding previous environmental investigation undertaken in subject area(s.) 2. Briefly summarize the identified contamination at the site to date (contaminants, concentrations, etc.) and the objective of the future planned investigation. If no soil or groundwater samples have yet been collected at the site, please say so. Refer to information contained in STS proposal regarding previous environmental investigation undertaken in subject area(s.) IV. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION - (Complete this section if your application is for a cleanup.) Clean up costs include anticipated asbestos and regulated waste abatement and building demolition costs. A proposed cost breakdown is provided below: V. COST RECOVERY 1. Is the site receiving funding from any other state or federal funding program(s)? YES NO 2. Has the site been identified as a state or federal Superfund site? YES NO • 3. Has the party responsible for the contamination been identified? YES NO If yes, who is the responsible party (RP)? Is there any financial commitment by the RP for the cleanup? YES NO 4. Are there available resources for the RP to pay for the cleanup? YES NO Please explain: 5. Is a cost recovery plan to recover costs from responsible parties in place? YES NO If yes, please attach the plan and amount of costs to be recovered. Has consent of the Attorney General been obtained? YES NO NOTE: It is not required that you have a plan to recover costs from the party responsible for the contamination. However, if you are planning on recovering your • costs from the responsible party, attach information on the process. M MUMN • • • VI. COST ANALYSIS: INVESTIGATION, CLEANUP AND PROJECT COST BUDGETS 1. What is the grand total of investigation, cleanup and other project costs for the site? Clean up costs for soils remediation will be determined after investigation and RAP development. Investigation, clean up and projects costs budgets are provided in the budget table below. 2. How much funding are you requesting from ERF$ $64,500.00 3. Please fill out the following budget table to identify the assessment, cleanup, and project costs for the site. Include a time -line for completion of the assessment and/or clean up. Be clear and explicit, and include as much detail as possible. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Would any of the contaminated soil volume to be excavated have to be removed whether clean or contaminated to complete the development plan? If so, please subtract the estimated cost of excavation, hauling and placement of this volume of "clean" soil from the Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Activities cost. This detail should be included in table below. BUDGET TABLE Assessment and /or Investigation and RAP Implementation Activities Amount STS Proposal 300608 -0229 Asbestos and regulated waste survey $ 4500.00 Asbestos and regulated waste abatement $25,000.00 (estimate) Building demo specs / demo activities $35,000.00 (estimate) SUBTOTAL (I) $64,500.00 Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Amount Activities N/A Cleanup Activities — Clean Soil Handling Costs = SUBTOTAL (II) SUBTOTAL (II) $ -0- TOTAL Investigation and Cleanup 7 -1079- SUBTOTAL (I) + SUBTOTAL (II) $64,500.00 Other Project Activities necessary to implement RAP (i.e., acquisition costs, Amount demolition and all related pre -demo abatement and special waste disposal) N/A SUBTOTAL (III) N/A TOTAL Investigation, Cleanup and Other Project Activities SUBTOTALS (I) +(II) + (III) $ 64,500.00 4. Is there a possibility that the site will be investigated and/or cleaned up without ERF money? YES NO Please explain: Funding for redevelopment activities is limited. 5. Have other sources of funding for this project been identified? YES NO A. If yes, what are the sources of funding and dollar commitment from each? N/A B. If no, what efforts have been made to secure other funding? (Attach letters of rejection for funding requests, city council minutes, etc). Also attach a narrative explaining why the project cannot be financed exclusively with local resources. At present, the estimated financial gap for the "east end retail project" in Auditor's Road shows an estimated $350 -$500K deficit and does not include costs associated with soils investigation or remediation. 8 t:l • • • The City /HRA have been reliant upon partnerships with cooperating agencies to assist with grants and other related funding in order to continue its redevelopment efforts. VII. SITE VALUE 1. What is the current (pre - cleanup) estimated value of the site? Market Value per Hennepin County (Pay 2008) is $ -0 - for Glass Plus 2. What is the estimated total cost of development, including environmental investigation and cleanup activities? Refer to Budget Table A. How was this figure determined? STS Consultants B. Who determined it? Bill Tepley of STS Consultants VIII. REDEVELOPMENT 1. Explain the likely use of the site after investigation and cleanup and how this was determined (give examples of prospective developers, interested parties, zoning requirements, etc.). • Property is included in City's redevelopment districts following initiation of Mound Visions (1991) program and preparation of concept masterplan for "new" downtown Mound. Sketch plan for MHR project approved in 2004. City /HRA approved redevelopment agreement with Mound Harbor Renaissance in 2005 to undertake redevelopment efforts. Land use applications and plat(s) approved for Lost Lake District also approved in 2005. East end of Auditor's Road (Phase 1)is currently under discussion /consideration including procurement of anchor restaurant /retail tenant, which is expected to be the "catalyst "for the west end of Auditor's Road District (Phase H.) 2. Describe how this project will incorporate sustainable activities and features in the project design, construction and operation, and/or in the cleanup remedy. Sustainable activities or project design may include but are not limited to: deconstruction and salvaging for building and/or material reuse, development planning that incorporates the cleanup remedy (i.e., building footprint /parking lot and site grading as capping feature), and environmentally friendly building and site design (i.e., sustainable building design and natural landscaping, green renovations and preservation, low /no stormwater discharge management, and greenspace enhancement /development). City was recipient of Metropolitan Environmental Partnership(MEP) grant from the Metropolitan Council and also received $1.5M in funding from the • Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to incorporate innovative stormwater strategies in downtown Mound. To date, unique and creative measures have -1081- been included in 4 areas of downtown including Lost Lake, Wolner Field, the Transit Center parking deck and Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. • 3. Describe how the community will derive benefit from the project. Provide a description of to what extent the project will remove blight; also indicate other benefits such as green space creation, affordable housing creation, tax base increase or other economic benefits, etc. to help quantify the community benefit of your proj ect. The redevelopment plan for downtown Mound includes several important themes and strategies including, but not limited to, the following: • Establishing a traditional downtown by creating a distinctive community place for Mound. • Creating a central core of traditional, multi -story "main street" type buildings with retail along the street and office or housing uses located above and keeping the downtown vital by mixing retail, entertainment and office uses with a wide range of lifecycle housing • Connecting the downtown area with new sidewalks and trails and traditionally designed streets. • Providing central, downtown parking areas including both structured and surface lots. • • Projecting /enhancing the City's natural resources through the incorporation of unique stormwater plans. • Planning for regional transportation connections (ie. Dakota trail /future LRT route and transit station.) 4. Will permanent jobs will be created by the project? Yes. If so, how many permanent jobs are anticipated? Unknown. 5. If the site will be redeveloped for residential use, provide the following data (use addition sheets if needed): According to original sketch /master plan (2004) submitted by MHR, approximately250 new residential units of varying design and density (rowhouses /senior apartments /condominium flatsltownhouse) are programmed for the "new downtown " and are part of a mixed -use concept to help promote a healthy, sustainable downtown. However, due to current economic conditions and the housing market especially for condominiums, the proposed mix of the use(s), including, but not limited to, the housing component(s) may need additional evaluation and possible refinement. �J 10 -1082- 6. Does this project contribute to the local municipality's approved livable • communities housing mix goals? If so, in what way? If not, in what other way does this project create benefit for the local community? It is anticipated that the City's "new" downtown will be a state and possibly national model for innovative ways to handle stormwater for redevelopment efforts according to MCWD Staff. No affordable components are included in the MHR proposal. However, the City continues to evaluate its housing strategies and also meets numerous housing goals established by the Met. Council to improve livability. In recent years, the City of Mound had one of the higher scores for Lake Minnetonka communities related to its affordable housing stock/inventory. IX. RESOLUTIONS A resolution must be adopted prior to submission of the application package. The required element is a resolution from the governing body of the city where the project site is located, which supports the project. The following blank resolution is included as an example for your convenience. You may choose to reformat it, but make sure to include all of the statements that appear in our example. A resolution authorizing the submittal of the grant application will be forwarded to the Mound City Council for action at its May 13, 2008 meeting • and will be provided upon adoption. is 11 -1083- 5341 Maywood Road U11T OT autrit • Mound, MN 55364 Planning and : . . Department (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director Date: 5/8/2008 Re: HKGI contract amendment — comprehensive plan update Summary. A contract amendment from HKGI is included for review /approval by the City Council to cover the remaining work associated with the 2008 comprehensive plan update which is due later this year. As the City Council may recall, the draft plan is currently out for 6 -month review by adjacent governmental units / public agencies until on or around June 1St as required by state statute and Metropolitan Council rules. In general, the proposed work to be undertaken under the contract amendment is associated with review of any and /or all comments received during the 6 -month review period and associated meetings for the proposed "final' plan update which includes including a Planning Commission public hearing and City Council meeting. • Recommendation. Approval. O Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design M13 • Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. May 6, 2008 [on Kandis Hanson City of Mound 5341 Maywood Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Re: Contract Amendment -2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Dear Ms. Hanson: This letter outlines an amendment to the Scope of Services, Fee Schedule and other elements which together constitute the February 14, 2006 agreement as amended by an addendum dated October 6, 2006 between the City of Mound and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.. for the 2008 Update of the Comprehensive Plan. This amendment authorizes Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. to provide the following additional services: 1. Review and respond to comments from agencies on the Draft Comprehensive Plan. 2. Revise the plan as needed based on the comments received. 3. Prepare agenda materials for and attend a planning commission public hearing meeting 4. Prepare agenda materials and attend the final city council meeting • As allowed by Section B, the City of Mound and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. agree as set forth below: A. Additional compensation in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to complete the above referenced tasks. B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The CLIENT and the CONSULTANT have made and executed this Agreement for Professional Services, This day of 12008. CLIENT City of Mound Name CONSULTANT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. . R. Mark Koegler, President Title 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401 -1659 Ph (612) 338 -0800 Fx (612) 338 -6838 CADocuments and SettingslSarah SmilhlLocal SeningslTemporary Internet FilesIOLKIC751May 6 Contract Addendum.doc -1085- Minnesota Lawful Gambling Page 1 of 2 6/07 LG220 Application for Exempt Permit For Board Use only Check# An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: Fee IS $50 for • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. each event $ ORGANIZATION INFORMATION' Organization name Previous gambling permit number Type of nonprofit org ization. Check one. ❑ Fraternal [religious ❑ Veterans ❑ Other nonprofit organization Mailing address g a s- Co>uA4 City ot�a� State/Zip ode M M County A] N Name of Oaf f exec tive officer (CEO) Daytime phone number ATTACH A COPY OF Qom. OF THE FOLLOWING FOR PROOF OF NONPROFIT STATUS * Do not attach a sales tax exempt status or federal ID employer numbers as they are not proof of nonprofit status. _ Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation OR a current Certificate of Good Standing. Don't have a copy? This certificate must be obtained each year from: Secretary of State, Business Services Div., 180 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651 - 296 -2803 _ Internal Revenue Service - IRS income tax exemption [601(c)] letter in your organization's name. Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, send your federal ID number and the date your organization initially applied for tax exempt status to: IRS, P.O. Box 2508, Room 4010, Cincinnati, OH 45201 _Internal Revenue Service - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: a. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a registered nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling b. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. k./Internal Revenue Service -proof previously submitted to Gambling Control Board If you previously submitted proof of nonprofit status from the Internal Revenue Service, no attachment is required. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION N e of premises where ga bling activity ill be ndu ( d for raffle p, list the site where the drawing will take place) Address d n t usel9b box) City Zip Code, lunty Daie(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will conduct: El *Bingo I rb Raffles ❑ *Paddlewheels ❑ *Pull -Tabs ❑ *Tipboards * Gambling equipment for pull -tabs, tipboards, paddlewheels, and bingo (bingo paper, hard cards, and bingo number selection device) must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Gambling Control Board. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.gcb.state.mn.us and click on List of Licensed Distributors, or call 651 - 639 -4076. 1:. 0 • • U • LG220 Application for Exempt Permit Page 2 of 2 6/07 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT If the gambling premises is within city limits, If the gambling premises is located in a township, both the city must sign this application. the county and township must sign this application. Check (4) the action that the city is taking on Check (4) the action that the county is taking on this application. this application. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1 st class city). days. The application is denied. application is denied. _The �( j Print county name Print city name r' l D W A On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application. On behalf of the city, / acknowledge this application. Signature of county personnel receiving application Signature of city personnel receiving application Title Date Title Date / / TOWNSHIP: Onbehalfof the township ,l acknowledge that the organization is applying forexempted gambling activity within the township limits. [A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application [Minnesota Statute 349.213, subd. 2)] Print township name Signature of township official acknowledging application Title Date CHIEFI EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned tot Board within 30 days of the date of our gambling activity. Chief executive officer's signature Date T / oZ .7- Complete an application for each gambing activity: Financial report and recordkeeping • one day of gambling activity required • two or more consecutive days of gambling activity A financial report form and instructions will be • each day a raffle drawing is held sent with your permit. Within 30 days of the Send application with: activity date, complete and return the financial • a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and report form to the Gambling Control Board. • $50 application fee for each event. Questions? Make check payable to "State of Minnesota." Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling To:, Gambling Control Board Control Board at 651 - 639.4076. 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 Data privacy. This forn will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. Al the other information you provide will be private data until the Board issues your permit. When the Board issues your permit, all of the information provided to the Board will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your name and your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data are available to: Board members, -1087- Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Department of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order, otter individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent CITY OF MOUND • RESOLUTION NO. 08 -_ RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP AS RELATED TO THE SOUTHWEST TRAILS SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City of Mound has acted as legal sponsor for Southwest Trails Snowmobile Association since 1991 with regards to their state grant -in -aid funds; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue with this sponsorship, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. That the City of Mound continue to act as legal sponsor for annual applications for the DNR Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program (grant -in -aid program) as submitted by the Southwest Trails Snowmobile Association 2. That the City of Mound may enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota for the specific grant program mentioned above 3. That the City of Mound will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement 4. That the Finance Director act as the fiscal agent on behalf of the City • of Mound Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of May, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Mark Hanus 1.. :7 • CITY OF MOU May 8, 2008 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bonnie Ritter 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: www,cityofmound.com RE: Sale, Possession and Use of Consumer Fireworks Ordinance Amendment The attached proposed ordinance has been reviewed by John Dean and the suggested changes will conform the ordinance to state statutes. is printed on recycled paper -1089- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2008 is AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 906 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO STORAGE, DISPLAY AND SALE OF CONSUMER FIREWORKS, AND PROVIDING FOR LICENSING SAME. The City of Mound does ordain: That Subsection 906.15 hereby be amended to read as follows: 906.15. buil/diRgs aJ.,aNeWs by the Zoning 9r- dinanee. [Blank l. That Subsection 906.35 hereby be amended to read as follows: 906.35. Conditions of License. A license to sell consumer fireworks shall be issued subject to the following conditions: a. The license is non - transferable, either to a different person or location b. The license must be publicly displayed at the licensed premises c. The premises are subject to inspection by the City Police and Fire Departments at any time when licenses is engaged in selling or displaying fireworks for sale, inspect the premises to determine compliance with this section. Licensee must discontinue selling or displaying fireworks for sale until compliance with all provisions of this section, the fire code, and any • other state or federal regulations are met. d. pv +c ri er n +nrnn c 1 display, calcs nr +ro ncinn+ r6 rf firnwerLs ire -1- peffnitted e. No signs, banners, pennants, or any other form of advertising shall be displayed unless in compliance with the City of Mound sign ordinance. All permits required by the sign ordinance shall be obtained. f. Storage and display for sale of consumer fireworks on the premises must be in compliance with the LJRifeFm FiFe Gede National Fire Protection Association Standard 1124 (2003 edition) which is incorporated herein by reference. g. No person shall sell consumer fireworks to a person younger than 18 years of age. Licensee and licensee's employees selling fireworks must be at least 18 years of age. Vendors of legal fireworks must verify the age of the purchaser by the use of photographic identification. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of May, 2008. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the 24th day of May, 2008. • Effective the 25th day of May, 2008. -1090- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: May 5, 2008 SUBJECT: Review of Proposed Zoning Text Amendment(s) — City Code Chapter 350.310 (Definitions) and 350.440 (Required Yards and Open Space) APPLICANT: City of Mound SUMMARY. The City Council will hold a public hearing to review a proposed text amendment to City Code Subsections 350.310 (Definitions) and 350.440 (Required Yards and Open Space) to clarify the regulations, including intent, with regard to retaining walls. A copy of the proposed ordinance has been included. REVIEW PROCEDURE. Minnesota State Statutes 462.357 Subd. 3 states that no zoning ordinance or amendment can be adopted until a public hearing is held by the • planning agency or by the governing body. Additionally, the notice of the public hearing must also be published at least (10) days prior to the hearing date. City Code Subsection 350.520 also requires that any proposed text amendment which is not initiated by the Planning Commission must be referred to the Planning Commission for review and must not be acted upon until it has received the Planning Commission's recommendation. The notice of public hearing was published in The Laker on May 2, 2008 and was also posted at City Hall on April 28, 2008. Therefore, all publication requirements have been satisfied. DISCUSSION. • According to the City Code Subsection 350.310, the definition of a "structure" is as follows: Subd. 132. Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, except the following: (1) on -grade stairways and steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and landings connected to such stairways or steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and 6 feet in length; (2) boardwalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; (3) driveways not exceeding 20 feet in width; (4) sidewalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; and (5) retaining walls not exceeding 4 feet in height. • The Building Code does not consider a retaining wall to be a "structure" unless it exceeds 4 feet in height. For walls exceeding 4 feet, structural engineering certification and a building permit is required. -1091- Historically, retaining walls been considered to be an engineering and /or • landscaping element and therefore have not been considered a structure and subject to setback and bulk standards from a zoning perspective. • The amendments, as proposed, will alleviate disconnects and /or inconsistencies in the zoning code. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. The need for possible amendments to the zoning ordinance related to retaining walls was discussed by the Planning Commission at its April 14, 2008 meeting. By consensus, the Planning Commission was supportive of amending the Zoning Ordinance including but not limited to, City Code Chapter 350.310 and 350.440 to clarify the regulations pertaining to retaining walls including adding them as allowable encroachments. A copy of the April 14, 2008 Planning Commission meeting minute excerpts have been included. LJ 2 -1092- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2008 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 350 (ZONING ORDINANCE) RELATED TO FENCES The City of Mound does ordain: Amend City Code Subsection 350.310 (Definitions) Subd. 132 as follows: Subd. 132. Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, except the following: (1) on -grade stairways and steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and landings connected to such stairways or steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and 6 feet in length; (2) boardwalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; (3) driveways not exceeding 20 feet in width; and (4) sidewalks not exceeding 6 feet in width=; and (5) F9taining walls net ovnaod' 4 foot im h01nh� Amend City Code Subsection 350.440 (Required Yards and Open Space) to add a new Subdivision 3 (1) as follows: I Retaining walls shall be considered to be an allowable • encroachment provided that a building permit, to include all required information, is submitted for any retaining wall(s) which exceeds 4 feet in height. Passed by the City Council this day of , 2008. Published in The Laker the day of , 2008. Effective on , 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk C -1093- Mayor Mark Hanus MINUTE EXCERPT • MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 14, 2008 REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE REGULATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS RELATING TO RETAINING WALLS Staff requests a discussion regarding the need for a possible amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the existing provisions, including intent, with regard to retaining walls, including the definition of a structure. It is proposed to clarify the definition and add it to the allowable encroachments. Planning Commission agreed with staff. -1094- • • 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 i City of Mound Planning and Building Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director Date: April 11, 2008 Re: Proposed Amendment(s) - Zoning Ordinance — retaining wall L-fto Overview. Staff would like to discuss with the Planning Commission the need for a possible amendment(s) to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the existing provisions, including intent, with regard to retaining walls which would include, but may not be limited to, a proposed revision to City Code Chapter 350.310 (definitions) and inclusion of a provision in Chapter 350.440 (required yards and open space.) Preliminary Comments. The definition of "structure" as provided in the City Code is provided below: • Subd. 132. Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, except the following: (1) on -grade stairways and steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and landings connected to such stairways or steps not exceeding 6 feet in width and 6 feet in length; (2) boardwalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; (3) driveways not exceeding 20 feet in width; (4) sidewalks not exceeding 6 feet in width; and (5) retaining walls not exceeding 4 feet in height. • The building code does not consider a retaining wall to be a "structure" unless it exceeds 4 feet in height. For walls exceeding 4 feet, structural information/certification is required. From a land use standpoint, a retaining wall should not be considered a structure and therefore should not be subject to setback and /or other bulk regulations. Generally speaking, retaining walls are considered to be an engineering and /or architectural element. • Staff will provide further comment on this issue as part of the meeting. is -1095 - W* May 7, 2008 To: Honorable Mound Mayor Mark Hanus and City Council Members John Beise, David Osmek, Greg Skinner, Mike Specht From: The Gillespie Center Board of Directors' Harold Pellett, Jim Lundberg, Skip Johnson, Roger Reed, Ben Withhart, Donna Smith ` RE: The Gillespie Center Funding Request The Gillespie Center serves the needs of the people of all ages from many Westonka cities. It is a community center as well as a senior center. Eight years ago through the extreme generosity of the Gillespie family, service organizations, private donors, businesses, and some Federal block grant funding — a beautiful building was constructed in a magnificent setting overlooking Lost Lake in Mound. Most cities in Minnesota build and maintain their community centers. Here the Gillespie Center is a gift from the citizens of the Westonka area and is owned by its members. Maintaining the building, however, is expensive; and we're here tonight to ask for your help.. Our goal is to-keep building our endowment through continued fundraising, so that in ten years we will be financially independent. We feel we must also expand our hours to evenings and week ends with many more opportunities for members of all ages to participate in classes, events, programs and trips. Recently our funding committee held a meeting at the Gillespie Center. We invited mayors and city council members from the cities of Mound, Spring Park, Orono, and Minnetrista. In addition to learning more about the center, the city leaders recognized the challenges we've faced over the past two years. Today, the Gillespie Center is a friendly, busy hub of activity each weekday; and dedicated members continue to serve hundreds of volunteer hours every year. The Gillespie Center now has a Board of Directors who strongly believes that this beautiful facility has the potential to be a dynamic community center to serve the needs of all Westonka area residents for generations to come. To reach that goal, we need your help. • Phone: 952-472-6501 ♦ Fax: 952-472-6505 The Gillespie Center is a non - profit, 501 (03 charitable organization (Tax M #41- 1617933) -1096- AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GILLESPIE CENTER AND THE CITIES OF • MOUND, NIINNETRISTA, SPRING PARK, and ORONO Whereas, The Gillespie Center, ("The Center") a Minnesota Non -Profit Corporation, owns and operates a debt -free building with a replacement cost of at least $4,000,000 which was built with non - governmental funds and is located at 2590 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN. This building is primarily used as a Senior Center, and brings needed assistance and entertainment to a great number of citizens of an extensive area And Whereas, The Center through fund raising activities and donations has managed to raise about $175,000 per year, spending about 2/3 of this to maintain the building and about 1/3 for salaries. Most of the work is done by volunteers. No officers or Board members are paid. And Whereas, A substantial endowment fund is needed to secure the fixture of The Center and. to fund more activities. Several individuals have pledged a total of $350,000 over 5 years beginning in 2006 and it is expected that The Center will receive bequests from time to tune. As money is received, it is handled by The Minneapolis Foundation. The goal for an endowment is $3,000,000. To the extent that funds can be received from Municipalities, The Center's usual fixed raising activities will be available for endowment building •NOW, THEREFORE it is hereby agreed by and between The Center and the cities of Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park, and Orono as follows; 1. The Center will endeavor to meet and surpass its recent record of raising funds and delivering services, benefiting the citizens of this area. 2. On or before September 1 st of each year, The Center shall give a written report to each 'City of the previous 12 month's fund raising success and activities. If The Center does not meet its fund raising goal for 2 consecutive 12- month periods (See Appendix B), this agreement may be cancelled by action of % of the Core Cities. 3. The participating cities are defined as Minnetrista, Mound, Orono, and Spring Park. . 4. Every three years beginning in January 2011, each City may appoint a Council Member to review The Center's progress with The Gillespie Center Board. After such review and consultation, the cities may set the fund raising goals for the subsequent 3 years and recorded in Appendix B of this agreement 5. If at any time the endowment funds attain the total of $3,000,000, this agreement shall terminate at the end of that calendar year. 6. Allocation of payments among cities shall be based as follows (See Appendix A for projected total payments): a) $6.00 per year per resident for Mound, Minnetrista and Spring Park b) $6.00 per resident for those portions of Orono, south and west of Highway 84 7. Each city will pay to The Center for staffing and operation the amounts set forth in Appendix A before the end of the month of January for each calendar year, beginning in 2008. These figures may be adjusted by agreement of the cities and The Center, based on the 2010 National census data. 8. The fundraising goals for the year shall be set forth in Appendix B. 9. This agreement shall be in effect from the date of its ratification by all parties until December 31st, 2019 (unless sooner canceled pursuant to items 2 or 4 above). Each jurisdiction shall provide The Center with an approved resolution agreeing to the terms of this agreement, as well as signatures of the presiding Mayors (See Appendix Q. • " draft 3/25/2008 -1097- Appendix A: 1. For Periods 1 -3, the projected contract costs are as follows (totaling $131,928 in funding): a. Mound will pay $56,448 based on population of 9,408 b. Minnetrista will pay $34,356 based on population of 5,726 c. Spring Park will pay $11,124 based on population of 1,854 I Orono will pay $30,000 based on estimated population of 5,000 for the area nearest The Center 2. Periods 4 -10 shall be calculated pursuant to the main body of the agreement. - -- - Appendix B: 1. The fundraising goal for the Period 1 (9/1/2008 through 8/31/2009) shall be $175,000, prorated to the date of enactment for the first period. A minimum of 90% of these funds must be deposited to the endowment account. 2. The fundraising goal for the Period 2 (9/1/2009 through 8/31/2010) shall be $175,000.. A minimum of 90% of these funds must be deposited to the endowment account. 3. The fundraising goal for the Period 3 (9/1/2010 through 8/31/2011) shall be $175,000. A minimum of 90% of these funds must be deposited to the endowment account. 4. The fundraising goals for Periods 4 -10 shall be set after the review, as defined in the main body of the agreement. Appendix C: Gillespie Center Gillespie Center Dated Mayor of Minnetrista Minnetrista City Clerk Dated Mayor of Mound Mound City Clerk Dated Mayor of Orono Orono City Clerk Dated Mayor of Spring Park Spring Park City Clerk Dated �.. Executive Summary • Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ©® TO: Mound City Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner DATE: May 7, 2008 SUBJECT: PC Case #08 -02 - 5001 Wilshire Boulevard Variance SUMMARY Original Plan. The applicant, T. Rob Winkler, submitted a variance(s) application in order to replace the existing home at 5001 Wilshire Boulevard with a new one. Details regarding the variance(s) application to allow a front setback of 8.26 feet and a lakeshore setback of 45.6 feet are contained in Planning Report No. 08 -02. Staff did not support the application. The Planning Commission reviewed the variance request at their April 14th meeting where a motion for denial was recommended unanimously. The Planning Commission could not find the is hardship justifying the variance request. They felt that the lot was sufficient in size to build a conforming structure. Modified Plan. Since the Planning Commission's review in April, the applicant has provided modified plans to address the concerns raised. It should be noted that the applicant requested that the Planning Commission not table their review of the variance application at the 4/14 meeting. Thus, the revised plans have not been submitted to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. To assist with the consideration of the variance request in light of the modified plans, Staff has summarized below the plan modifications, proposed dimensions, and Staff's recommendation. PLAN REVISIONS The primary changes between the original plan and modified plan include: • The garage has been made to completely tuck under the house. This has reduced the front yard setback variance request from 21.74 feet to 14.84 feet. It also means that the driveway (to the access driveway) is now between 28 and 32 feet in length. The driveway has also been widened from 15 feet to 24 feet. While this increases the hardcover on the property, this change will ensure at least two guest vehicles can be accommodated in the driveway. • The bump out in the main floor master bedroom has been eliminated so the house is now fully behind the ordinary high water level (OHWL) setback. • The main floor deck adjacent the living room was revised to be behind the ordinary high • water level (OHWL) setback. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1099- • PROPOSED DIMENSIONS Standard Required Proposed/Existing March 2008 Proposed/Existing - -- - - - -Ma 2-008 - _._.---- ._.... Dimensions Variance Dimensions Variance Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. 6,719 sq. ft. - 6,719 sq. ft. - Lot Width 60 feet 55 feet - 55 feet - Lot Depth 80 feet 101+ feet - 101+ feet - Front Yard Setback 30 feet 8.26 feet 21.74 feet 15.16 feet 14.84 feet Rear Yard Setback 15 feet 45.6 feet - 50 feet - Side Yard Setback — East 10 feet 10 feet - 10 feet - Side Yard Setback — West 6 feet 6 feet - 6 feet - OHWL Setback 50 feet 45.6 feet 4.4 feet 50 feet - Hardcover (max 40 %) 2,687.6 sq. ft. 2,339 sq. ft. (34.8 %) - 2,378 sq. ft. (35.4 %) - It should be noted that the balcony and spiral staircase adjacent the dining room on the main floor extend into the side yard area. At its closest they are 6.5 feet from the side property line. After reviewing Section 350.440, Staff has concluded that neither the steps nor deck are an encroachment into the yard area. Subd. 2 specifically notes that stairs are allowed as long as they do not extend to a distance of less than two feet from a lot line. Subd. 3 allows decks, balconies • and the like, which are attached to the principal building and extend in elevation above the height of the ground floor elevation of the principal building. For the proposed east side deck, a six (6) foot setback is required in this location and has been shown. These structures do, however, have to comply with the lakeshore setback, which has been done on the modified plans. Staff has noted that the front retaining walls are immediately adjacent to Brighton Boulevard. While this is allowable, Staff is concerned about ensuring proper drainage of the site and roadway. Staff will therefore be working closely with the applicant on the retaining walls' design and construction. The applicant has inquired about the portion of Brighton Boulevard that extends across his property which is shown on the survey provided. The City Attorney has been asked to review the matter but such review should not delay a determination by the Council on the validity of the requested variance. Staff does note that the hardcover calculations provided do not include the roadway. Staff estimates that it will add about 55 square feet of impervious surface, which still keeps the hardcover amount under the maximum allowance. • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 SU11111 • At the 4/14 PC meeting, it was brought up by the neighbor that there is a difference in surveys between the abutting properties including the subject lot. The two surveys show different bearings, or directional angles, of the shared property line. Members are advised that this issue is currently being evaluated by the surveyor, in cooperation with Staff, including verification of the DISCUSSION Staff notes that the replacement of the existing home will result in a number of improvements: • the amount of livable floor area will increase as the existing home has only 450 square feet • traffic safety will increase due to the driveway being moved from Brighton Boulevard to the access driveway off of Wilshire Boulevard • the setback from Brighton Boulevard for the proposed home will be increased as the existing house is on the property line. The changes proposed in the May 2008 modified plans have reduced the number of variances needed to one and addressed concerns raised by Staff and the Planning Commission at the April 14ffi meeting. First, the encroachment into the ordinary high water level setback has been eliminated, which better protects the lake. Second, the front yard setback variance request has been reduced by tucking the garage under the house. This, combined with the widening of the driveway, is providing sufficient parking for at least two guest vehicles. is RECOMMENDATION Staff commends the applicant for his effort in addressing the concerns raised by the Planning Commission and Staff. Staff finds the front yard variance request acceptable because the replacement of the existing home would be an improvement as it eliminates the nonconforming size of the home, the variance to the setback along Brighton Commons, and unsafe driveway access. Staff recognizes that the setback standards for this lot limit the buildable area. The lot is 3,200 square feet less in size than R -1 lots should be. As a result of the lot's width/depth it is required to have a 30 foot front yard setback and at least one side yard setback of 10 feet. For comparison purposes, lots zoned R -lA, which have a minimum size of 6,000 square feet have a front yard setback of 20 feet and side yard setbacks of 6 feet. ACTION REQUESTED Staff respectfully requests City Council direction on the variance request. Staff would suggest the following are possible actions: 1) Remand the variance application back to the Planning Commission for additional review and a recommendation in light of the modified plans. 2) Direct Staff to prepare a resolution for future consideration by the City Council which • would approve the variance request. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1101- 3) Direct Staff to prepare a resolution for future consideration by the City Council denying • the variance request. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Of note, the variance was received and deemed complete on rebruary 26, 2UU8. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. The City's deadline for action on the variance was April 25, 2008. Members of the Council are advised that the City executed a 60 -day extension pursuant to M.S.S. 15.99 on March 18, 2008, with a copy emailed and delivered on April 25, 2008. The deadline for action on the variance has been extended to on or around June 23, 2008. • • 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax(612)338 -6838 -1102- MINUTE EXCERPT MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 14, 2008 - -- - - =- BOAR -D-O� A�I�ALS -- - -- - - - -- - - -- CASE #08 -02 VARIANCE — NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION 5001 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD ROB WINKLER The applicant is requesting variances to replace the existing home. The existing lot of record totals 6,719 SF. A 21.74 foot variance from the front setback requirement and a 4.4 foot variance from the lakeside are requested. The replacement of the home would be an improvement to the 80+ year old structure in both condition and size. Applicant proposes to move the driveway off of Brighton Blvd to Wilshire, which is a significant safety improvement. Staff recommends denial of the variance request due ack of justifiable hardship. Rob Winkler (applicant) said his father had a vi for the rovement of the property. The neighbor's deck is 15 ft from the water; m drive ay to Wilshire Blvd far improves the access safety; will be owner „ cupi to improve care of property; side yard setback is improved; parking ability will be e Tim Oskey (builder - 7407 Way BI ) re 'ewed the changes in the plan and indicated that the impact on the lakeside is ire feet. Paulsen asked if the gar a coul e` eked under more than it is. Winkler felt it would impede the design of the ii'ti ior. Skinner thought that, no matter how much improved the access is it's still a tight access. Michael asked the applicant if he would be willing wait until next meeting and to rework the plan to become more conforming. The applicant preferred to move to the City Council. MOTION by Glister, seconded by Michael, to recommend denial of the variance as requested due to lack of justifiable hardship. Findings of Fact: 1. 3000 SF ( + / -) house on a 6700 ( + / -) lot 2. Hardship has not been demonstrated; conforming house could be constructed. 3. Variance(s) have not been minimized. • MOTION carried unanimously. -1103- • THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 0 1 -1104- • re • • • 0 Ln 0 0 1 0 r� cn CD CD ccC ~'O CD CD Zr o O O cD O 5 o C 00 cAu o r° c� o CD CD 0 cD ~ C/2 (Tq ° iv CD X71 P- CD O -- P. e!. o. = � b ° O a CD � a O �' 0 O UQ � �. p ,mot' ��. � P. 0 CD CD R° C-D. °o0 O t lto O a� o ft C P E � n O CD rig' v� n CD Y' ►*� O CD rL CD _ rj<QD Gi O p. p, w o' w 4 o ?� CD v to CD 0 • o a a, � ~n� iD.��'� CD �° ate. Z pCD0 Cn -•;•M C, ��c�... CDo o0 w w F CD o � o �' o CD O° cD �oo a in g. CD O •C.D O . i ° r �D, CCDD CD CD CD 00 n Q O 0 ��! � � • w 0 CD 0 UQ IZ3 o c, �' 0 Q u o CD °' c�- 0 Cam CD CD 0 w r �. ►CD fy ,��. C p v� �D CD (�D O E N 9 � � S in' 0" CDZ C f O �" w � CD CD CD o M ID W C C p. � ('D CD O .y :=F- 0 CD r+ O o :r ,- C h CD CD p, Pp O CD 0 r r ° o O R� VO CD y n p C CD CD CD C A� tv CD 1•-r CD CL O CD CD "r•3' � CD p c o CD o s� o 9 �c cD �° 0 � . 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DONB AW wllrory eErEwc aZC AR a=fGFE f1EWV9E AID IT NI A99LKD THAT TIE dA°PLlER -09E9T as AVAILAECE. e anrxAL carRRACioR ArD/oR Norearrae a ;bPONpIBLLf1Y FOR TK UECKIW AND VCWfk:AT !TAllb, AID NOTEb. Ab W11. AD LONbTRN.'.TK]N Tt �itJ IW� � N1�FEDBUL. 6�TplE � LOG�1 'D 01mINANGEb. JKS IHILN AR TO DE CgtlTRWTED M AREA9 T � aY R�Y�tED /1tD NCPEOIED by A COIL'D �OFpa011pL fAMWM WIN M fMLTIW.Po[ COI ealoN CE RAW a41L RGIAIN tNE P FW W OF bn c AND bN41 Not K cDPm M RPRODVCED w �ftlQ1l OP Q11! DMFTa6 � Dla4M, INL. OR M 4•.'Y 1'!RE PRPAACp fQt. �i 1) ALL B .I ADM ARE TO DEW- x10 UNL NOTED OTI "I00). Modifications based on comments from Planning meeting 21 pYNE WWIRAOTOR TO VERIFY ALL POWC" A DOOR LAZES, b) OW&WOONTKAVOR TO SPEO. ALL FLOORING MATERIAL. 4) 0W'6WCONTRAO7OR TO VERFY ALL 1. Garage was pulled back 8 Ft to a complete tuck under, b' "" "'" M" ° thus reducing the footprint of the house and increasing FLUGN BEAM, (OW DROP!°F.D %'AM T) ALL !FADERS ARE DROPPED UVLEb6 b: the size of the driveway (also widened to 24 Ft) e) ENE eEL F16M ON ROOF TPoS5E5 2. The deck was cut to completely sit behind the OHW set a BEDROOM f back 3. The master bedroom wall bump out peak was removed I MASTER — now fully behind the OHW set back ORYERJ EQ DIbGLAII4R GiR MNPTIW � D6kNy NG. MDR D9 fliWrfL+- ''� Vd.3 AND VYDINVNtYNT. Tana+RGII AID DEbkNlD4 CR ORAft:R6TMI AR WEtI% � LCSI611 Rte. RCGOMe1IDb TW�i A OY IRIIGTMAL BKI R RTAR® tO 1WUtC M AIA. bURDIN4G. YAM AND GtRlDTMAL NCMN pE RA11b AR fOR DID WWO p AND aK MyfALTUifl{b,EWNeRIW 9TAPf.AW I ORALIL ZFB Of IMTaFIKb AID PROdiGTb bPEOfiED ON :CEPim NDiATRY 01AIDARD9 ND M ND YUr N AIAPO,piLRbK LRLCG REaebteD br tIE cLeNr. DONB AW wllrory eErEwc aZC AR a=fGFE f1EWV9E AID IT NI A99LKD THAT TIE dA°PLlER -09E9T as AVAILAECE. e anrxAL carRRACioR ArD/oR Norearrae a ;bPONpIBLLf1Y FOR TK UECKIW AND VCWfk:AT !TAllb, AID NOTEb. Ab W11. AD LONbTRN.'.TK]N Tt �itJ IW� � N1�FEDBUL. 6�TplE � LOG�1 'D 01mINANGEb. JKS IHILN AR TO DE CgtlTRWTED M AREA9 T � aY R�Y�tED /1tD NCPEOIED by A COIL'D �OFpa011pL fAMWM WIN M fMLTIW.Po[ COI ealoN CE RAW a41L RGIAIN tNE P FW W OF bn c AND bN41 Not K cDPm M RPRODVCED w �ftlQ1l OP Q11! DMFTa6 � Dla4M, INL. OR M 4•.'Y 1'!RE PRPAACp fQt. Y _ rPRRtIY LIE _ _ _ • 1 1 I 2ND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN B.EVATWN 9454' FD VVB_ RNIREO Muw ftfT . MW fa R -1112- fROFRTT LIES 1 I ) PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTI( (FOR VARIANCE PURPOSES ONI LP AP 1 1 I WAGNER i ° CLOW a BEDROOM f I MASTER ORYERJ LARFFT DAY 0 10.'W�. 1 BEDROOM CAIIPET ® a 1 0 1 1 _... -- � n >k \\- ua 1 I I I T"Y wwr4r I T // 1 Ilr - - -- i i LIVING I I J - - L15 IN& L - - -J g . 1 II ROOM I Q O -- I FROOW r - - -� 1 cARreT l a n e 6AWET II I I II jL -- —J L-- -. —J�fi - - - -� r - - - -,I ° � i I I 3 l a ° •• I I I I I DECK 1 Ir III , 'az•eoNV/urw II 1 MPOO CaFPewfD�l L _ J L----J L_ —J _ _ a0m 1 i o 114' I I I I LL, - - -- L - -- J I / STOOP CEDAR 1 fLUEX SAN I 1 n / t „ a v - - --- DINING 9 I =9 r • I S 1 I r -� � I; p 4 - ROOM KITCHEN A n 96' RF6 o' O N !% p Y _ rPRRtIY LIE _ _ _ • 1 1 I 2ND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN B.EVATWN 9454' FD VVB_ RNIREO Muw ftfT . MW fa R -1112- fROFRTT LIES 1 I ) PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTI( (FOR VARIANCE PURPOSES ONI • • • I fFw I 1 f I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( I I I I I 11 ILE P, I pp I I 1 L{ I lam• � •. Ifll ' ' I I I I - ® �J� 1 1+ I z 1y� _ I S I I I Z cec eeee= 4 ° � 4 6 88 y e • K �Z wiY1V6.w: G15TOM DE918N POR—. 7706 $ n °w «K t Rae Ygoam ..... . na wLSnee -1113- • • �.1 =Dnl�= '���h —i Ills WIN 1J nll _ ' - NJ .� f JIM on 'Ems 5P �I =L -I =� i im mom �D � ■ p. AAA CUSTOM - ®— 'tea I T. Ras YV_J OLVP MOam ........ ........ ....... — MdlND� MN -1114- I I I I I 1 I I � I I r - - -- - - -- - - - - -I ' L- -- ----- - - - - -' T= ------ - - - - -F A A �0� A � C { CL5TOM DE516N FOR.. ,�, T.6af itl , affl .a l- MOUND, MN ...... �'�nwlnfa+l.nm -1115- 01 *I • \ I I I II I I I 1 1 I I I I } I it I �x 0 < I I .�I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 3 I I l 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I Mi I I I I I I I I 1 I I � I I r - - -- - - -- - - - - -I ' L- -- ----- - - - - -' T= ------ - - - - -F A A �0� A � C { CL5TOM DE516N FOR.. ,�, T.6af itl , affl .a l- MOUND, MN ...... �'�nwlnfa+l.nm -1115- 01 *I • \ I I I II I I I 1 1 I I I I } I it I �x 0 < I I .�I I I I I I I I 1 I I � I I r - - -- - - -- - - - - -I ' L- -- ----- - - - - -' T= ------ - - - - -F A A �0� A � C { CL5TOM DE516N FOR.. ,�, T.6af itl , affl .a l- MOUND, MN ...... �'�nwlnfa+l.nm -1115- 01 *I • 10 10 I* -1116- OUSTOM MISN FM- E44 mu*m W-Vu z Q, 00 k 2w PII -J' Li Z Ig 11 If OZ C -1116- OUSTOM MISN FM- E44 mu*m W-Vu Col, John E, Sobraske 5009 Wilshire M 5 Blvd, 5. • Mound, MM 55364.1844 m 71, / e vc � C -- a6 f,=-6 vd-I �2 f1 C h CQfD t v� IM0-6 LIA,��t� j-0E \)CAII O�r4l �d -fb- PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING •Mound City Hall 10 March 2008, 7pm Regarding PC Case No. 08 -02, 5001 Wilshire, Rob Winkler. Encl 3. Comments by owner of 5009 Wilshire - J.E. Sobraske 1. Current sate of property at 5001 Wilshire is basically deplorable. Any improvement would be welcomed. The condition of the property adversely effects the current and future value of the surrounding properties. 2. The property is a magnet for trespassers -particularly those who use the adjacent swimming area. Also people who live in the area without access to the lake use the 5001 dock for passenger pickup and drop off. 3. The fence between the 5001 property and the adjacent swimming area has been vandalized several years ago. It has never been repaired, even though I have asked the owner to repair it on several occasions. 4. Part of the overall problem in regard to the various forms of trespassing is that no one is supervising the swimming beach except the neighbors. Mound has not supplied a life guard for several years. 5. Although I have not been given the recent survey results, as I watched the surveyor, he did not use the iron monuments I am familiar with. Just as an aside. I taught surveying at West Point, United States Military • Academy. The survey I had taken in 1996 is at enclosure 1. Also a sketch of the ground features related to that survey is at enclosure 2. 6. As I was writing this I am unaware of the impact of the variance on my property. I will strongly resist any request for a variance related to my property. If the request for a variance not related to my property is turned down, I request that the owner of 5001 Wilshire be required to bring the property up to reasonable standards. Currently the property only provides a harbor for a very expensive boat. �1 John E. Sobraske Colonel, USA, Ret. 3 encl. as -1118- (HCSAN [q0.125) WILSHIRE BLVD. S.- GuIT7 uc) NTe4-7'13''W ___ 110.84DEED EAST LINE POE 110.96MEASJ OFIBLOCK40 5A8 OL3 0 UTH� CORNER ER -10 101. AST CO �r 19 OF BLOCK 40 0 ;D 0 o% z vo 0.0 6.0 SRAM Ll VA Q. f 0 0 S LOOR S -6 G'0 C4 vis-ritiG ORC DEcK -rjMB5-R RETAINING WALL +1 S fii7 ME '.9 OROMAIRY HIGH WATER 929.4 CONTOUR EDGE OF WATER ON MAY 29, 1996 COOKS 13AY LAKE MINNETON.KA ANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: ' Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, if "o" is filled in, then denotes ind iron monument, n_. 11 - , --f -1119- 14D 1 •I C" 10 (HCSAN N0125) WILSHIRE BLVD. S. I I O.84 DEED I=AST LINE N - W4'7'13"W _ -- 110, ss MBAs. -- of 13LOCK 44 POE ���___ - - -- 770 SOUTHEAST CORNER- 10 soQy� '� 0I~' BLOCK 4-0 I* r j . 1 V'V- .� tn I(PP 00 ~ 1 5.g 6.0� IGA FpAtAs VIN 1E .U• 5009 c N FIRST E '3 -66,o i r CY IrXISTIHG gecK R s 1 4 1 i i TIMBER RETAINING WALL 1 - -- - --` 539°97'28 "E ORMWARY HIGH WATER 929.4 CONTOUR EDGE OF WATER p ON MAY 19, 1996 COOKS BAY • LAKE M ANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: ' Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, if "o" is filled in, then denotes Ind iron monument. r- -. 11 . A —t' -1120 - 101 10) PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ©� TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp DATE: March 6, 2008 MEETING DATE: March 10, 2008 APPLICANT: T. Rob Winkler REQUEST: Variance CASE NUMBERS: 08 -02 HKGi FILE NUMBER: 08 -05 LOCATION: 5001 Wilshire Boulevard PROPERTY ID: 24- 117 -24 -13 -0034 ZONING: R -1 Single Family Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND. The applicant, T. Rob Winkler has submitted an application for a variance in order to replace the existing home at 5001 Wilshire Boulevard with a new one. The existing lot of record totals 6,719 square feet. According to Hennepin County data, the current house was built in 1920. The property was originally platted as part of Block 40 of the Wychwood Subdivision. Staff review of the plat shows that the right -of -way to the north of the property includes both Wilshire Boulevard and the access road. To the east of the property, Brighton Boulevard is actually constructed on Brighton Commons rather than on dedicated right -of -way. PROPOSED DIMENSIONS 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1122- Required Proposed/Existing Variance Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. 6,719 sq. ft. - Lot Width 60 feet 55 feet - Lot Depth 80 feet 101+ feet - Front Yard Setback 30 feet 8.26 feet 21.74 feet Side Yard Setback — East 10 feet 10 feet - Side Yard Setback — West 6 feet 6 feet - OHWL Setback 50 feet 45.6 feet 4.4 feet Hardcover (maximum 40 %) 2,687.6 sq. ft. 2,339 sq. ft. - (34.8 %) 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1122- p. 2 #08 -02 5001 Wilshire Boulevard Variance March 10, 2008 CITY DEPARTMENT / AGENCY REVIEW. Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded. to all City departments and involved public agencies for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: Fire Chief Pederson Police Chief Kurtz Parks Director Fackler Building Official Waldron & Assoc Engineering Technician Hanson City Engineer Faulkner Dave Zetterstrom, Hennepin County DISCUSSION No comments. No comments. Note that there is a Mound City beach and lake access to the south of this property. No comments. A public lands permit for driveway may be required. Applicant should fill out application in the event it is needed. Public lands permit approval requires Council action. New driveway location safer than existing, though still far from ideal. No objections with proposed driveway relocation on to acesss road in ROW. At this time, it does not appear a permit will be required from the County for the driveway. In July 1991 a variance (Resolution #91 -105) was granted for this property recognizing the existing nonconforming dwelling and allowing the construction of a conforming deck. Of note, the resolution recognized that the lot size was nonconforming. The resolution also identified the yards adjacent to both Wilshire Boulevard and Brighton Commons as front yards. After review, Staff would suggest that only the portion of the property adjacent Wilshire Boulevard is the front yard as it is the only portion of the property adjacent to a public street. The portion of the property adjacent Brighton Commons is then a side yard rather than a front yard. Staff also does not believe it is a corner lot because it is not adjacent to a street so the side yard setback is 6 feet on one side and 10 feet on the other for an existing lot of record. If the Planning Commission would determine Brighton Commons to be a street, the applicant would then need a corner yard setback adjacent to Brighton Commons of 20 feet. The replacement of the existing home is an improvement as it has only 450 square feet of floor area, rather than the 840 square feet required. The applicant will also be moving the driveway from Brighton Boulevard to the access driveway off of Wilshire Boulevard. This will be a significant safety improvement. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1123- • 0 I011 p. 3 1108 -02 5001 Wilshire Boulevard Variance March 10, 2008 • The applicant is proposing to construct the home only 8.26 feet from the front property line, thus needing a 21.74 foot variance from Wilshire Boulevard. Please be aware that there is a small seven to ten foot strip between the front property line and the access driveway. If allowed, the driveway would be 15 feet wide and between 18 and 21 feet deep. • The applicant is also asking for a four foot variance to the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM.) The applicant indicated that the request will allow the house to closer match the neighboring property in order to avoid some view obstruction. Staff does not support the extension of the home, including the deck, into any portion of the setback from the OHWM. • The survey indicates the proposed home will have a full basement. The proposed dwelling low floor will be 934 feet for the garage and 934.7 feet for the basement. The applicant should be aware that the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE) for the City of Mound is 933 feet. Floodplain regulations require that the lowest floor of all structures including basements and crawl spaces must be constructed at or above the RFPE. • The variance application was deemed to be complete on February 26, 2008. MS 15.99 requires applications to be approved or denied within 60 days unless an extension is •) executed by the City. Additional extensions beyond the 60 -day "City extension" must be provided by the applicant. 9" STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend Council denial of the variance request. As noted previously, Staff does not support the extension of the home, including the deck, into any portion of the setback from the ordinary high water level. Staff believes that are several positive aspects of the proposed project as replacement of the existing home would be an improvement as it eliminates the nonconforming size of the home, the setback along Brighton Commons and poor driveway access. However, Staff is unable to determine the hardship justifying the requests or whether the request is the minimum variance(s) needed. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 -1124- RECEIVED FEB .1 .2008 MOUNDPLANNING 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 -472 -0600 FAX 952 -472 -0620 VARIANCE APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date Hi!k(LC-N IZ' Zaoa Case No. City Council Date � I A&.c,9 `Z� % Zzr_>g Please type or print legibly SUBJECT Address__ 5-co L S Aiti£ b LV D PROPERTY LEGAL Lot Block DESC. Subdivision PID # Zy SUO '9 q Plat# ZONING DISTRICT (0 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B -2 B -3 PROPERTY Name Address ��yZ� - ..�� __ ��_ %�Lyi�•o�TN - I , M t�! OWNER Phone Ho APPLICANT Name " (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) Phone Home Work Fax 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes`(4 No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. JOLLI Z3"— r / _ >141'6W noel -#9J - loS" 2. Detailed description of, p roposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): i Sk _VA 0& A AJ c_G e C# M 6-ml Variance information (4/18/2007) Page 4 of 6 -1125- • • Q 0) Case No M �_� 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No's If no, specify each non - conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, lot area, etc.): S JEK VA(,ptk & A-TrACA A- EAT- 10) • SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) Front Yard: (&S E W) —�>O— ft. ft. �Z ft. Side Yard: (N S E U) ft. �v ft. ft. Side Yard: ( N S( )W) � ft. i D ft. ft. Rear Yard: (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. Lakeside:. (I& W) '50 ft. ft. ft. : (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. Street Frontage: ft. ft. ft. Lot Size: to. cr>o sq ft _(c� 1 q sq ft2$ I sq ft Hardcover: 0G 8, sq ft sq ft _sq ft 4. Does the presentji se of the property i>oitm to all regulations for the zotring district in which it is located? Yes %4 No ( ). It no, specify each non - conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) topography () soil too small ( ) drainage existing situation ( ) too shallow 'shape (} other: specify Please describe: Variance information (4/18/2007) Page 5 of 6 -1126- Case No. 6. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes O, Noo, if yes, explain: 7. Was the hardship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yeftp� No( ). If yes, explain: Sa VA4,A tics- A- rrAe &&Z 8. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes'4-A 11, No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? • 9. Comments: SF E, VA0-, Ank E_ I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that 1 have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Signature._ Applicant's Sig Variance Information (4/18/2007) Page 6 of 6 3 -1127- Date / 9 o� Date / d 0 Variance Attachment 1. answered on application 2. Newly constructed home with the demolition of existing building. Two story home with walkout, and five bedrooms. Home will become primary residence. 3. Present cabin lies immediately on the side lot line with no setback. The cabin is also approximately 8 feet from the road and 2 ft below the road in elevation. The cabin floor elevation is approximately one foot below the 933 foot elevation required. The deck of the cabin minimally encroaches over the 50 foot high water set back. 4. answered on application 5. The lot is quite small (6719 SF) and sits skewed with angled lot lines to the service road. The service road to the cabin is at a very busy and dangerous intersection. The drive way is currently a sort of hidden driveway to fast traffic coming over the bridge on Wilshire and around the curve onto Brighton. One must back up and out into the road, with limited and poor site lines to oncoming traffic, further avoiding the median curbs before they can drive away. The neighboring property sits much closer to the lake than the 50 foot set back from the high water mark. • F 6. answered on application 7. The current road was constructed across the corner of the lot. 8. The intersection in front of this property with the road running across the corner of the lot is certainly unique to this property. 9. I am asking to be considered for an 8 foot front yard set back (similar to a garage opening to the side lot line) in order to place the house square to the lot shape, and direction the dnveway to eft on1A, am ex�staiGeda� ar entrance and exit from the property with far improved site lines to traffic. I am further asking for a four foot variance toward the lake to closer match the neighboring p caparty- which will remainVlaser �to: the water, order to, avoid some view o-bs wt102r -1128- r" A114, HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS EPP- (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS: OWNER'S NAME: K06 V114k ulz. LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 300k = (for all lots) ........ ............................... LOT AREA 6 ;3 SQ. FT. X 40% _ (for Lots of Record) ............................. Z S a Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.B.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE X = X - TOTAL HOUSE .................................................... I��Z DETACHED BUILDINGS X - (GARAGE/SHED)- - X - TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... DRIVEWAY, PARKING X l03 AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. X 7iWi- X - TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ......... ............................... 289 DECKS Open decks (1/4° min. X = Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not X = counted as hardcover. X = TOTAL DECK.._ .................................................. X= X 92 TOTAL OTHER ..................... ............................... �- TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ............................. I...................... dip C9 OVER(indicate difference) .: ...................... :............................................ PREPARED BY Wito L - DATE L113j Revised 05/05/05 FEB 2 Zt) -1129- MOUND PLANNING C] •I •I 16 10 -113O- -- ^ . �=. 1 =. 1) 11 ]1,1 - — �3 ►, I�{lyj�I i4�! �' Ii��i\ Ei— E:E:E�1111111111IIlIII �-a eJ �rE l liD ➢8� �qi t�11���L �� � � e �'�_���� i C� EI�_�r��� 1'�:�.»,r 1 IIIINI __ 7irlC:l;:l;: HIP, IS 1 `1 — _'_ s���tt° LI��!I :�';��� —!! uu •1111111111 �' � 111 -flip ;. t�_� IIIIIAI) ' 11 ' �pls� {6�l,� �� ➢6!I 11I ' it IWO- �© ����i � •�i �� 1� 11 �,!- . �R� ➢�r�7mla`�1a1 11 � -11 VI� �— �� f� ➢1 # e q 1 # .. 1 1. �J �ir� =u�lr�^� Hill 11 it rr: Y • d I(Ir�w1 M TOM DOOM FM_ - ®win � yy �3r ��'I T.RM lN lfl -1131 - Ul+ • • • 10) WaTom VCSSN I'm_ ram" BLYP MOLRPtm -1132- all ���li I 1� �,wil - -■ -. I�\ 'ism lie JIM I RM FIFO 7/.,— � �; AM MEN WaTom VCSSN I'm_ ram" BLYP MOLRPtm -1132- 4!�[ {{E� i t, I I I I i t I I i _ 1 I I 4 + J I I I I II I I i it I I I i i t I IL-- '----- - - - - -I I Z . 'Till $i gk it `����y$ fill, 01 a�aIf PRO C ���4lEl�a it a E a Z i al !=° I! mow. =TOM Vft" FOR.. W O �S.'l.. • -*= e.lollm� �ese*.nr —1133— • 01 0� 10) ul T A aZ L a i, �I A C - 70 m r � Eg k €Z�! t _ FC �P L610 aZ A C - 70 m r � Eg k €Z�! t _ FC �P L610 8 t r. KYiR ,Me - W F NW- q. YI,M -1134- ., . aeTOM DEIGN FOR_. T. ROB VOKAW mm" W AC, w wvnKO e, rrae,.e am.w a I I I I I , I ' 1 I 1 , 1 I I 1 � I I II II� I I r_� 1 II II 1 � , I I I , I I 1 I I - I i cusroM not+ FOR- -1135- . I(1 in�srw ewn�xlc walanw 0 'O 70 �F iEL �exx� so 64i� Z i cusroM not+ FOR- -1135- . I(1 in�srw ewn�xlc walanw 0 LM O 2 te rra p �c"D CD ?wN�.��'GC CO O ~n CD � o n �_ C•�c o vs�c�.c~D'v'C v'°,� �c�D ��Fdob bdG� uQ ts' ., 0 ,o �, �' p ss. o CD 0 0 0 cD sv yy PD a o �: co 0 0 o° t� o� 9 -0 9 o w cu o t 9..c � cu CD A. p '� • O C� ° x• `� Cy Ks' 0 co �n �y '-'' p n '-� p (D �o w CD (IQ (iQ UQ CD ° U4 v. Vi N UQ Q4 ►� `p n N -t r"n • * (D VO `C N O C�ld1 CD t3' CL w o CD ' � ° 0 , A H cv cD p C o ° o ID o , ° o iOC- N C° y o d " oCD O .P ' o B � CD � , CD O, 0 o CD rA -p. O o ° cy C �� — CDC 0 O O O o b CD 0 r(AD (D CD 0 (D 0 Co - 9 CD 0 CD CA CD UQ Z CD 71 ID w cY O c -. `c cro �; � � �, C w �» cD p � � CD �' �+, UQ r* coo (JQ ° CD �, ° (� 0 uQ ° o CD CO, CD Ri CD 0 0 CL PA 0 o f CD o m �` 0, 0 a. � ° �• °� c°D o co o � �. . a � ° �. (D CD CD o ^' r. w o cD '�. CD E o ° co o o+ CD cr C� C) aQ CL r CD O !y "c3 ..O c dD OQ W CD O' CD p. 't3 CD W , +, O 0 Q A . r, CD p O En CD CD (D 0 " ' CD a 0 0 CPD. �e L O P 0 N• CD CD 0 O C Q�N o ° y N N CD Co ° * �, c RL CD p, O CD 0 q 0 0 , N (D i p a ,� x cD 00 ' W (D QQ N �q O co C3 CD o. �°-n do �0 CD CD " O coo o is ',g `� "' � � o c�. bd ° x„ �n CD co oa O N cp 0 O '' '� • r '� p " `+� �m co CD CD W rzn m L N� CA > rn rn 0 rn (•��, to ; O N 0 LL' ° �— m z m _`% / 6 rn o OD� jb M "FIA10 0) w4w-.,o- XU.l 7%�s $30L XWT �11 4r Mwo 11 3,7 -1137- go flL f .max M "FIA10 0) w4w-.,o- XU.l 7%�s $30L XWT �11 4r Mwo 11 3,7 -1137- go flL one t F/N N. tQ 15 5ca,le ti 196', 1P6. July, I3 , 19 41 _ r RSSEiLOTIOR To cvacva 1tIT8 T86 PL NahNa CCMXI to RgCptiNl a.' gYI8TI513 tJ02�CONFOPAING DWNLLING TO -ALLOW . CONSTRUCTIOX OF a CONropXING DICK FOR TRpT PART OF BLACK 401 WYCHWOOD, PID #24-117-2d Cl08E (5 91 � ILSHIRS BLVD.) Q88R8A8, the applicant has applied for a variance to recognize existing nonconforming setbacks to the principal strue- tuts and an undersized parcel to allow construction of -a conform-- ing deck for that part of Block 40, wychwood, 5001 Wilshire Blvd., and: WRBRSRS, the subject property is ldcated with the R-Single Family Zoning District and is a corner lot, accord- ing to the City code requires a lot area of 10,00o square feet, a • rd setback to Wilshire Blvd., a 201 front yard set- .300 front ya to Brighton Camman, a lo' side yard setback to the north property line, ck to the ordinary high orator. and a 50' setba NgSRgRS, the following nonconformities exist on the subject parcel: • s undersized as it only has 7,761 square feet of 1) The lot i lot area. 2) The principal structure is setback 2,5 feet to the front property line abutting Brighton Common. 3) The principal structure is setback 21.7 feet to the front property line abutting Wilshire Blvd. 4) The principal dwelling is undersized as it has only 450 square feet of QSSR8X8, the pre - existing deck had deteriorated to a point where it.fe11 from the structure, ands wggRZA8, the proposed deck meets all the setback requirements and Will enhance the owner's use of the property as a summer cabin, and; RBERLM, section 23.4041 Subdivision (8) provides that alterations may be made to a building containing a lawful, non - conforming residential property when the alterations will improve not increase the the livability thereof, but the alteration may number of units, ands -1139- i V I 197 • July 23, 1991 wRzREAO, the _planning -commission has reviewed the request and doers- - recommend approval to- afford the owners reasonable use of.their property.,. VOW, T8UMORE, Ba IT REeoLVU, by the city Council of 'the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby recognize the existing nonconformities resulting in the following variances: a* it lot size variance of 2,239 square feseti b. a front yard setback variance of 17.5 feet to Brighton Common; C. a front yard setback variance of S.3 feet to Wilshirs Blvd.i and, d. a dwelling size variance of 390 square feet to allow construction of a conforming deck for the property located at that part of Block 40, Wychwood, 5001 Wilshire Blvd, 2. The City Council authorizes the violations and authorizes the alterations set.forth below, pursuant to Section 23..404, subdivision (s) with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject• to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.4o4. 3. It is determined that the livability of the residential property will be improved by the authorization of the fol- lowing alterations to a nonconforming use of the property to afford the owners reasonable use of their land. a. Construction of a 12' x ZO' conforming dock at the lakeside of the dwelling. 4. This variance is granted for the following legally described property: iLlI that part of 810ot 40, of wyouvood, according to the plat tiberoof on file and of record in the office of the Rn.gis rsr of Titles in and for said County, lyitg southeasterly of the followinq described lines commencing at the Southeasterly carnex of said BlooX 401 thence Northvosterly along the Easterly ling► of said Block 40 a di t"*' t►f 55.0 feet to the Point of b4giaainq oi! the liar beinq descaribedl tbenao dofleatLao to the left LOI d49rsms 5.9 . feet to the shore of Lake xianstonka and there teriinat- irig. -1140- 1•), 10-1) 198 July .23, 1991 This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin county Pursuant to min- nesota State Statute, . Section 462.36j, SubdiViS . ion 30. - 'Mix. shall be considered a restriction on how- this property may be used. 5. The property owner shall have -..the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin county and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clark. The foregoing resolution was moved by mayor Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Jensen. The following councilmembers vot*4 in the affirmative: Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith.,. The following councilmembers voted in the negative: none* t) -1141- ~' • ~~ Se{acted Parcel Data Parcel ID: 24117-2413-0034 Owner Name: TODD ROBERT WINKLER Parcel Address: 5001 WILSHIRE BLVD, MOUND, MN 55364 Property Type: RESIDENTIAL LAK Homestead: NON-HOMESTEAD Area (sgtt): 6272 Area (acres): 0.14 A-T-B: TORRENS Market Total: $611,000.00 Tax Total: $4,322.42 Date Printed: 3/5/2008 1:28:13 PM Current Parcel Date: 2/21/2008 Sale Price: $0.00 Sale Date: 02/1995 Sale Code: http://gis.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCProperlyMap/Locator.aspx?PID=2411724130034 3/5/2008 ~7 ,.,. -1142- Hennepin County Properly Map -Tax Year: 2008 Tha data contained on this page k dedved from~a wmpgatfan of records and maps endmay oaMaM'discrapartcis that wn Doty be disclosed try an accurate survey performed by a licensed. ~'; ;. huui wrveyor. The perimeter amt area (square footage and eves) aro approximates end may contain discrepandes,~ Tha informatbn on thh: page should tx used for reference purposes only, Hennepin County does not guarantee the accuracy of material herein wntained and is not r~ponslole for any misuse or misrepresentation of this lnfwmatbn or its derlyetNes. Hennepin wuei~y t3ai~c~uc rYCiiaja • i• ;: 'S",.., t ,~ • http://gis.co.hennepin.mn.us/HCPropertyMapBirdseye.aspx?PID=2411724130034 2/22/2008 -1143- • THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C7 -1144- ;. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Apri129, 2008 Mr. Mark Hanus Mayor 4446 Denbigh Rd Mound, MN 55364 RE: Metro Sales Tax for Transit Dear Mayor Hanus, We have been receiving many inquiries into how cities will be participating in the new'/4¢ sales tax for transit in the metropolitan area. Many of the details surrounding the Grant Evaluation and Ranking System (GEARS) board have yet to be determined but the following is a general outline of how the process is moving ahead. • A comprehensive transportation bill was passed into law during the 2008 legislative session - HF 2800/ SF 2521. Contained in that bill was a provision fora 1/4 ¢ metro sales tax. The choice to levy that sales tax fell to the seven metropolitan counties -Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington. To date five of the seven -Anoka, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington Counties have voted to levy the tax dedicated for transit. The first day of collection will be on July 1st, 2008, with the counties not beginning to receive the proceeds of the tax until September. The legislation also called for $30.8 million of the proceeds to be paid to the Met Council to fund its operating deficit by June 30, 2009, a payment schedule of which will need to be worked out. The legislation called for a tiered system of committees, much like the TAS/TAC process at the Metropolitan Council, to prioritize the estimated $100 million in annual revenue. The joint powers board, made up of elected county officials will have the ultimate say on how and where the money is spent. Working closely with the joint powers board will be the GEARS committee. This committee will be made up of one county commissioner from each county and elected city officials from participating counties. The GEARS board will be responsible for evaluating applications and prioritizing projects to be funded by the joint powers board. The city participation on the GEARS committee is based on population. For each participating county one elected city official is guaranteed. For each increment of 400,000 persons in a participating county, ari additional city elected official will be placed on the GEARS board. Metro • 145 University Ave W • St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 a Phone (651) 215-4000 • Fax (651) 281-1299 • www.amm145.org -1145- • Cities was tasked in the legislation with calling a meeting of all cities in the Metropolitan Area who could participate in the GEARS board for an official election of members to the Board. At this time, based on population estimates: Hennepin County - 3 total elected city officials Ramsey County - 2 total elected city officials Anoka County - 1 total elected city official Dakota County - 1 total elected city official Washington County -1 total elected city official (At the official start of the GEARS board new population estimates from the Met Council should be available and we will reassess population numbers at that time.) The joint powers will have its first official meeting on May 7`", 2008. It is anticipated they will direct the GEARS board to be up and running by September. Consistent with this timeline Metro Cities anticipates calling together the first of probably two meetings .to outline the GEARS board responsibilities, put an election process in place and designate the local elected officials who will be participating. The first of these meetings will likely be around the end of July. and the next one roughly two weeks after that in August. The purpose of this letter is to provide information about the GEARS process and to give you an opportunity to think about designating a representative for the election. By law; the designated • participant, from a city to the GEARS board must be an elected official. Please keep this time line in mind and look for more communication concerning specific dates and process in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Sarah Erickson at Metro Cities. 651-215-4003 or saran@amm145.org Attachment: HF 2800/SF 2521, language defining the GEARS committee. cc: City Manager/Administrator -1146- Executive Director -Metro Cities zo.ze Subd. 5. Grant application and awards; Grant Evaluation and Ranking System zo.zs(GEARS) Committee. ~ The joint powers board shall establish a rg ant application • zo.z6process and identify the amount of available funding for grant awards. Grant applications zo.z~must be submitted in a formprescribed by the joint powers board. An applicant must zo.zaprovide in addition to all other information required by the 'oi int powers board the zo.zsestimated cost of the proiect the amount of the Qrant sought possible sources of funding zo.3oin addition to the grant sought and identification of any federal funds that will be utilized zo.3iif the grant is awarded A grant application seeking transit capital funding must identify zo.3zthe source of money necessary to operate the transit improvement. 20.33 (b) The joint powers board shall establish a timeline andprocedures for the award of zo.34grants and may award grants only to the state and political subdivisions. The board shall zo.3sdefine objective criteria for the award of grants which must include but not be limited to, zo.3econsisten~ with the most recent version of the tran_portation policy plan adopted by the zi.iMetropolitan Council -under section 473 146 The joint powers board shall maximize the zi.zavailability and use of federal funds in ~roiects funded under this section. zi.3 ~c) The joint,powers board shall establish a GEARS Committee which must consist zi . 4 of: zi . s (1) one county commissioner from each county that is in the metropolitan zi . 6transportation area, appointed by its county board; zs . ~ (2) one elected city representative from each county that is in the metropolitan zi . stransportation area; zi.9 (3) one additional elected city representative from each county for every additional zi . i o400 000 in population or fraction of 400 000 in the county that is above 400,000 in zi.ispopulation; and zi.iz (4) the chair of the Metropolitan Council Transportation Committee. zi.i3 (d) Each city representative must be elected at a meeting of cities in the metropolitan • zi . z4transportation area which must be convened for that purpose by the Association of zi.~sMetropolitan Municipalities. zs.i6 (al The committee shall evaluate rg ant applications following objective criteria zi.z~established by the joint~owers board and must provide to the 'o~ int powers board a zz.isselection list of transportation projects that includes a priority ranking. zi.i9 ~t~ A grant award for a transit proiect located within the metropolitan area, as defined zi.zoin section 473.121 subdivision 2 may be funded only after the Metropolitan Council zi.zireviews the project for consistency with the transit portion of the Metropolitan Council zi.zzpolicy plan and one of the following occurs: za.z3 (1) the Metropolitan Council finds the proiect to be consistent; za.zq ~) the Metropolitan Council initially finds the proiect to be inconsistent but after a z2.zsgood faith effort to resolve the inconsistency through negotiations with the joint powers zi . z6board, agrees that the grant award may be funded; or zi.z~ (3) the Metropolitan Council finds the project to be inconsistent, and submits the zs.zsconsistencYissue for final determination to a panel which determines the project to be zi.z9consistent The panel is composed of a member appointed by the chair of the Metropolitan zi.3oCouncil a member appointed by the joint powers board and a member agreed upon by zi.3sboth the chair and thejoint powers board. zi .3z fig) Grants must be funded by the proceeds of the taxes imposed under this section zi.33bonds notes or other obligations issued b~ the join~owers board under subdivision 7. zi .34 ~h) Notwithstandingthe provisions of this subdivision, in fiscal year 2009, of the zs.3sinitial revenue collected under this section the join~owers board shall allocate at least zi.36$30 783 000 to the Metropolitan Council for operating assistance for transit. -1147- FOR DISCUSSION ONLY DRAFT • RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION SETTING A POLICY FOR DEALING WITH OFFICIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHEREAS, the integrity and dedication of the Council to fulfilling the duties of office are of primary importance to the community; and WHEREAS, it is of utmost importance that the Council by its actions convey to the public the Council's respect for its obligations to make decisions in an open, fair and impartial way without economic or financial influence; and WHEREAS, there will arise from time to time situations where the participation of a Councilmember in a matter before the Council would constitute an official conflict of interest under the law; and • WHEREAS, it is of importance to the Council and to the public to have a clear understanding of the rules that the Council intends to follow in such situations; and WHEREAS, the observance of the rules will allow the public to make judgments regarding the commitment of Councilmembers the standards which they have imposed on themselves. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: A. Whenever a member's participation in the consideration of an action before the Council would constitute an official conflict of interest under the law: 1. Such member will not participate, as councilmember, in the discussion of the matter at any meeting of the Council at which the matter is being considered. 2. Such member will not participate in any vote on the matter, and the official roll of the votes will indicate that the member has abstained due to an official conflict of interest. 332553v2 JBD MU220-1 -1148- 3. If the member does vote notwithstanding the official conflict, the member's • vote will not be counted. 4. At the time the matter is called on the agenda, any member having an official conflict of interest shall leave the dais and, at the member's discretion, shall either leave the council chambers or be seated in the back of the chambers during the discussion and the vote on the matter. Provided, however that the councilmember shall not be required to leave the dais in situations in which, in the deternunation of the Presiding Officer (subject to the procedure in Section 155.05 of the Code), the official conflict is of a minor nature posing only negligible financial or economic benefits to the member. The provisions contained in 1, 2 and 3 above will be applicable whether or not the member is required to leave the dais. 5. In any matter in which a member is a petitioner or applicant for any action requiring Council consideration, with the consent to the Council, and subject to all of the provisions of this policy, the member may present the petition or application to the Council in the same manner as any resident of the City. B. Whenever a matter is being considered at a closed or executive session of the Council, and with respect to such matter, a member has either an official conflict of interest under the law, or the member otherwise has a personal interest in the matter being discussed, such member shall not attend the closed or executive session. i• Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota this _ day of , 2008. Mark Hanus, Mayor Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • 332553v2 JBD MU220-1 -1149- Harbor Wine 8 Spirits April 2008 Date Weather 4/1/2007 Sun Hi 30s 4/2/2007 Sun Hi 30s 4/3/2007 Sun Lo 40s 4/4/2007 Sun Hi 40s 4/5/2007 Sun Lo 50s 4/6/2007 4/7/2007 ovrest 40 4/8/2007 ovrest 40 4/9/2007 ovrest hi 30s 4/10/2007 rainsnw38 4/11/2007 rainsnw 35 4/12/2007 sun 37 4/13/2007 4/14/2007 sun l0 40s 4/15/2007 sunwnd 70 4/16/2007 sun l0 60s 4/17/2007 sun 58 4/18/2007 ovrest mid 50s 4/19/2007 ovrest mid 50s 4/20/2007 4/21/2007 sun78rainlt 4/22/2007 sun 60 4/23/2007 sun mid 70s 4/24/2007 CLDRAIN 50 4/25/2007 cldrain 45 4/26/2007 snow 30 4/27/2007 4/28/2007 SUN 45 4/29/2007 sun 54 4/30/2007 sun 65 Totals Cust 08 Cust 07 Variance Sales 08 Sales 07 Difference +/. Cash +/- 267 267 5992.61 5992.61 0.03 228 272 -44 4172.84 4848.9 -676.06 0 273 239 34 4712.64 4338.14 374.5 0 479 235 244 10319.74 4660.63 5659.11 -0.01 510 270 240 11519.32 4809.99 6709.33 3.32 435 -435 10315.44 -10315.44 255 651 -396 4873.92 15542.6 -10668.68 -5.08 225 225 4696.25 4696.25 0.62 280 214 66 5614.53 3554.89 2059.64 0 287 209 78 5498.61 3419.92 2078.69 -1.08 449 217 232 9941.29 4345.15 5596.14 -0.78 475 233 242 11528.18 4489.6 7038.58 -0.71 483 -483 10722.85 -10722.85 251 498 -247 4818.26 11271.83 -6453.57 3.02 280 280 5173.49 5173.49 0 270 259 11 4608.04 4693.43 -85.39 0.35 284 253 31 5303.65 4800.79 502.86 0 465 254 211 10856.91 5079.8 5777.11 -6.84 545 274 271 13977.99 5239.67 8738.32 8.17 468 -468 10472.59 -10472.59 291 595 -304 5473.95 13387.73 -7913.78 5.87 264 264 4726.49 4726.49 280 300 -20 5578.73 5251.35 327.38 0 218 217 1 3700.86 3858.86 -158 -10 482 246 236 11255.54 3841.72 7413.82 -0.22 577 290 287 14267.57 5291.46 8976.11 -2.12 475 -475 10290.02 -10290.02 258. 628 -370 4650.8 14979.96 -10329.16 0 231 231 4597.3 4597.3 0.09 259 238 21 5085.17 4458.35 626.82 0 8683 8453 ,/ 230 182944.68 173965.67 /8979.01 -5.37 '~./ •i •i •i -1150- • ISO PUBLIC PROTECTION SURVEY POST SURVEY INFORMATION What to Expect Following the ISO Survey CC/~' I • Field Representative will complete write up of survey, and submit the Public Protection survey results to the ISO Regional Processing Center for processing and review. Survey Received at Regional Processing Center: • Regional Processing Center will review the survey results for completeness and accuracy. • Regional Processing Center sends out survey results letter to community officials. • This notification includes the following: • Survey Summary -your survey results • Fire Alarm • • Fire Department • Water Supply • Hydrant Flow Data Summary -the results of the flow tests conducted during the onsite survey. • Classification Detail - a listing of the specific credit your community received and maximum credit available. • Improvement Statements -indicate the performance needed to receive full credit for each specific item evaluated, and areas in which improvements are needed. • Home Office sends out a Grading Survey Evaluation to the community official who worked with the Field Representative. This is the community's opportunity to comment on the quality of our survey process. Survey Results Processing: • Insurance companies will be advised of survey results within six months of the final processing by the Regional Processing Center. However, you should receive your survey results prior to notification of the insurance companies. • If you have not received your notification letter within approximately 180 days of the final survey visit; or at anytime if you have specific questions about the survey, you should contact the Regional Processing Center at 1-800-444-4554, select option #2. • Complete information concerning the fire suppression. Rating Schedule and other information concerning ISO's programs can be found on-line at www.isomiti~ation.coin L ISO appreciates your. time and cooperation during the course of our survey. ISO is committed to providing the insurance industry with accurate information, and your assistance makes this possible. Thank you. -1151- C H A R T E R E D Offices in 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Six[h Street Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN 55402 Saint Paul (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax St. Cloud h[tp://www.kennedy-graven.com Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer • Jabs M. STROMMEN Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9233 Email: jstrotrrrnen@kennedy-graven.com Apri122, 2008 Ms. Kandis Hanson City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364-1627 RE: Suburban Rate Authority Dear On behalf the other thirty members of the Suburban Rate Authority, I want to convey their collective appreciation of Mound's long-standing membership in this vital • organization. Much has been accomplished through the joint efforts of SRA cities for over thirty years. This letter will give you a brief update on recent utility issues addressed by the SRA on behalf of its member cities. The SRA is currently involved in several matters of importance to all municipalities. Street Lighting. Over the past nine months, a work group consisting of SRA member delegates in public works has been reviewing the high costs cities pay for street lighting equipment and maintenance services from their incumbent electric provider. During 2008, this SRA work group is expected to reach a point where it can make recommendations to the Board and SRA member communities on cost saving alternatives. Given the large budgets many cities have for streetlighting equipment and maintenance, these savings could be significant. Municipal Pumping Rates. In Xcel's 2006 rate case, the SRA has fought successfully to preserve the favorable electric pumping rate to Xcel customers. The SRA has also met over the last year-and-a-half with Xcel on matters affecting the efficient operation of city municipal pumping operations. Important operational efficiencies have been identified, and the SRA expects to report those to its members in 2008. -1152- • Utility Relocation Costs -Multi-Governmental Projects. Cities are facing a new challenge from telephone companies on the city's right to require relocation at the telephone company's expense when the city is carrying out a public project in a county road. This is a very common multi-governmental project type. The SRA is reviewing this issue now and will advise its members of processes available to keep project cost down by maintaining the right to require utilities to relocate at their own expense. Gas and Electric Franchise Renewals. The SRA has assisted its members in issues arising when cities negotiate franchise renewals with their utility providers. More cities in Minnesota are exercising their right to charge franchise fees for the utility's use of public land in the city. Franchise fee amount and design, and right-of--way management terms are important provisions in all franchises. The SRA has long-standing expertise available to its members. Gas, Electric and Telephone Ratemaking. Xcel, CenterPoint Energy, Qwest, and other utility providers to residents and businesses in SRA cities petition to the PUC for rate increases on a regular basis. The SRA is always there to protect the unique interests of Twin City suburban communities. All three of these providers are expected to seek rate adjustments before the end of 2009. Again, we appreciate your city's continued membership. The SRA has accomplished many things in its 30-plus year history in utility matters that individual cities would not • have been able to achieve alone. I also enclose the 2008 first-half assessments. Please remit directly to John Wallin of Edina. Thank you. ~ ~ ~O U ~ ~l If you have any questions at all about current SRA activities or needs, please contact me. Very truly yours, I{E DY G EN, CHARTERED ~ r~ James M. Strommen Enclosure cc: SRA Executive Committee r~ -1153- MESSAGES FOR YOU... • I think that Spring has finally arrived! Did you get to the Minnesota Dinner? It was yummy as usual. Thank you to Barb and to the Hot Dish Ladies. Have you seen Barb's cooking segments on Seniors on the Go? Congratulations to our Co-President Harold Pellett for receiving a prestigious Horticul- tural Award for his research. We have an article posted on the bulletin board if you want to read about it. It is nice he still has time for us. In fact, all of our Board Members do so much behind the scenes-for our Center to keep it all going. Without their knowledge and business acumen, among other things, we wouldn't be where we are today. We are constantly moving forward. I would also like to thank Wendell Wendt who has. done so much for the Center in accounting and monitoring our heating and cooling sys- tem, etc. He has spent many hours volun- teering for us for a number of years. All members can come to a Board meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. as well as our Membership meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. You can also come to lunch that day too. Speaking of meetings, we recently met with council members from 4 cities. Donna Smith has done a terrific job with contact- ing all the cities and organizing meetings in support of the Center. At the recent meet- ing, two mayors from Mound and Spring Park spoke insightfully and positively about the future. All the other cities were repre- sented by council members. Well that's it for now. Stop and talk to me if you have any questions or opinions. See you around, Linda Hugh-Advisory Chair Hello members, As I write this, spring is teasing us with its appearance. How wonderful it looks and feels! Spring is the season of planning, planting and growing. Can we apply this to TGC? What would you like to see take root and grow here. Do you have a new program or activity in mind? Maybe you just see a new way to do something. Please share your thoughts with Mindy, any Di- rector, or member of the Advisory Council. This is your center and your ideas are important. ForTGC to continue to grow and flourish, many people are needed to help. Have you given any thought to volunteering here? Maybe you have offered, but the opportunity has note come along to help. If we had a Volunteer Coordinator, we might be more efficient at matching the job with the individual. Are you good at organizing, enjoy meeting people and. able to match their interests with our needs? You might be a great Vol= unteer Coordinator! How about considering it? Contact Harold, Mindy or I if you are interested or just want more information. Let's explore the idea together. Much of our record keeping and data is now done and kept on the computer. Are you knowledgeable about, comfortable with and efficient with computers? There is certainly a place for your expertise at TGC. You can set the amount of time you will vol- unteer. Our Spring Plant Sale will be held the Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday before Mother's Day. Could you be the cashier for one or more two hour shifts? Your help would be appreciated. Another item that I have on my mind is the lunch program. Many of you (including me) did not want us to be without one. We now serve lunch on Wednesday and Friday with some spe- cial lunches on Membership meeting day, in conjunction with a program, etc. -But we will soon have to reach a decision on the programs future. Are you one of us who have bemoaned the fact that we don't have a five day program:- Would you be will- ing to commit to eating here one day a week? The menu is printed elsewhere in the Gazette. Won't you find a meal you like and plan to attend? Call the front desk for reservations. If enough are willing to make this commitment, we will be able to expand the days lunches are offered. Do you want to see lunches every day? Do you want us to be able financially to hire a cook? Help us solve this di- lemma. Support the effort. Please. Barb Calhoun ~~~~ ~a~~~,.~-k. I thoroughly endorse all of the information written by Barb. The Center can be as great as we, the members make it. We want and need your help and ideas. Let's make this great Center even better: Harold Pellett Co-Presidents -1154- rl~~~:~ P~~ FOR YOUR INFORMATION • Hello everyone, Happy Spring to you! . What a refreshing time of the year. We hope you will make the time to stop by and see us at the Center. The Gillespie Center Plant Sale is May 7-i0. Check it out and- buy a beautiful flowering plant for your Mom, friend or for your house. The Plant Sale is a fundraiser for the Center. Now that Spring is here, Gert Frevert will be busy tending to the flowers at the Center. If you are interested in helping out and enjoying the great outdoors at the same time, please contact me. On the morning of May 2, the Westonka Area Learning Academy Students will be raking and clean- ing up the grounds at the Center. We are very thankful for their help. join us for the May programs at the *May 6 at i p.m.: Membership meeting *May 7-10: Gillespie Center Plant Sale *May 14 at 10:45 a.m.: Dr. Joel Branes "Active People Deserve Good Posture" *May 15 at 9 a.m.:Grand Buddies BookClub *May 21 at 10:30 a.m.: Kristin & John Beise "The Right Realtors Review" Hot topics & questions *May 28 at -10:45 a.m.:. Barbara Hannah, Huber Funeral Homes Peggy Sunddendorf, Attorney-At-Law Thanks for the Memories" *Check out our hiking club. Call the Center for more information. *Back by popular demand...I am so happy to report... AI & Alma's Boat Cruises on Mondays in June, July and August. Please invite your ~nds & family to go cruising with us and ise money for the Center. Thanks again to all the volunteers who help at the Center. You are the best! Enjoy the spring sunshine! See you soon. Mindy Anderson, Center Director Dear Members, Bringing city leaders to the Gillespie Center to learn how our great facility can provide opportunities for their cities' citizens, was the purpose. of an April 10 informal supper meeting. In- vited were the mayors and city council members of Mound, Min- netrista, Spring Park and Orono. After a tasty meal prepared by Barb Calhoun and Donna Easthouse,, we viewed an informative DVD created by Harold Pellett and Jim Lundberg. It shows the Gillespie Center as a friendly, busy hub of activity each week day; and addresses the need to be open evenings and week ends to better serve the needs of people of all ages from many Westonka cities. After all of the city leaders and Gillespie board members introduced themselves, we had a meaningful discus- sion of our success-and of our needs. City leaders offered sug- gestions that will help our committee develop a plan that in- cludes funding for maintaining our building and for expanding our services. We will be presenting a final plan to each of our four city councils this summer. Our committee includes Gillespie Board members Harold Pellett, Jim Lundberg, Ben Withhart, Roger Reed, Skip Johnson and me-Donna Smith. 200$ BUSINESS SUPPORTER We have started a way of recognizing local businesses that provide support to The Gillespie Center by acknowl- edging them as Business Supporters. They support The Center by their. monetary donations, providing services without charge or at a reduced cost, or by providing gift cards that we can raffle or provide as prizes at some of the events. To date, the following businesses have joined our 2008 Business support group: *AI & Alma's Supper Club & Boat Charters *Cub Foods *Koenig & Schwert II, Attorneys *Dr. Robert Lauer, DDS *Notch Engineering * Permatop Several other business people also support the Center through .their individual memberships. Unfortunately our, database isn't set up to identify aft of these folks. We really appreciate the support that we receive from local businesses and urge -1 155 -'gym to patronize their businesses. MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 14, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Geoff Michael; Commissioners: Christine Ebert, Becky Glister, Michael Paulsen, Eva Stevens and Greg Skinner. Absent and Excused: Suzanne Claywell, Orv Burma. Absent: Jorj Ayaz. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. The following individuals were present: Tim Oskey (500_ ilshire Blvd), Jack Sobraske (5009 Wilshire Blvd), Randy Lee (5075 Windsor Rd) APPROVAL OF MARCH 10 2008 MEETING MINUTES ~. MOTION by Stevens, second by Paulsen tm approve the minutes of the March 10, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION married unanimously (Glister abstained). APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS Chair Michael added an it~rri ~ur~der`New/Old Business. m MOTION by Stevens, seconded .by Ebert, to approve the agenda as proposed/amended. MOTION carried unanimously BOARD OF APPEALS CASE #08-02 VARIANCE -NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION 5001 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD ROB WINKLER The applicant is requesting variances to replace the existing home. The existing lot of record totals 6,719 SF. A 21.74 foot variance from the front setback requirement and a 4.4 foot variance from the lakeside are requested. The replacement of the home would be an improvement to the 80+ year old structure in both condition and size.- Applicant proposes to move the driveway off of Brighton Blvd to Wilshire, which is a significant safety improvement. . Staff recommends denial of the variance request due to lack of justifiable hardship. Rob Winkler (applicant) said his father had a vision for the improvement of the property. • -1156- Planning Commission Minutes April 14, 2008 The neighbor's deck is 15 ft from the water; moving the driveway to Wilshire Blvd far • improves the access safety; will be owner occupied to improve care of property; side yard setback is improved; parking ability will be improved; Tim Oskey (builder - 7407 Wayzata Blvd) reviewed the changes in the plan and indicated that the impact on the lakeside is only 14 square feet. Paulsen asked if the garage could be tucked under more than it is. Winkler felt it would impede the design of the interior. Skinner thought that, no matter how much improved the access is it's still a tight access. Michael asked the applicant if he would be willing wait until next meeting and to rework the plan to become more conforming. The applicant preferred to move to the City Council MOTION by Glister, seconded by Michael, to recommend°denial of the variance as requested due to lack of justifiable hardship. ~ ¢' Findings of Fact: 1. 3000 SF (+/-) house on a 6700 (+/-),lot 2. Hardship has not been demonstrated; conforming house could be constructed. • 3. Variance(s) have not been minimized,... MOTION carried unanimously. ` CASE #08-04 VARIA E - HOUSE ADDITION 3145 ISLAND VIEW DRI MICHAEL MADER Applicant is requesting a 15.7SF variance approval to allow remodel and construction of an upper floor addition on the east side of the existing home. The existing structure is nonconforming due to a deficient setback on the east side. The project contemplates "filling up"-the slanted part of the roofline and an ornamental deck (15 SF) off the new master bedroom. The additional living area contemplated on the upper floor expands the nonconformity upwards but does not expand the footprint. The ornamental deck does encroach into the current yard area. Stevens asked why the entrance step below the proposed ornamental deck is okay. Smith replied it is an "allowable encroachment" according to the code. Michael Mader (applicant) indicated that they could cut it back to less than 18 inches, if necessary. MOTION by Michael, seconded by Glister, to recommend Council approve construction of the upper level without the deck. MOTION carried unanimously. • -1157- Planning Commission Minutes April 14, 2008 CASE #08-05 VARIANCE -LAKESIDE DECK 5075 WINDSOR ROAD RANDY LEE /ANDY BAER • Applicants are requesting a 6 ft variance for construction of two lakeside decks. The existing home was constructed in 1997, including sliding glass doors and ledger boards to accommodate future deck construction. At present, a ground level paver block patio is located behind the house. The proposed project includes a new attached lakeside deck on the south side of the house off the living/family room. A second deck on the east side off a bedroom is also being .constructed and appears to extend slightly into the Lakeshore setback area but will be trimmed back to conform to current regulations according to the applicant. MOTION by Stevens, seconded by Ebert, to recommend Council approve the variance as recommended by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously (Skinner absent). REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE REGULATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS RELATING TO RETAINING,WALLS Staff requests a discussion regarding the need for ~,ossible amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the existing provisions, including intent; with regard to retaining walls, including the definition of a structure. It is propo ed f~f clarify the definition and add it to the allowable encroachments. ~ Planning Commission agreed with staff. - OLD /NEW BUSINESS - p a. Chair Michael advised the Commiss~ton of the resignation of Christine Ebert. b. Staff /Council update - Sa Smith and Greg Skinner • Grant extension for parking ramp 2 • Halstead Pointe neighborhood meeting April 15tH • HP Preliminary Plat coming soon • One vacation application under review • Comp Plan will be coming back after 6 month review ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ebert to adjourn seconded and carried by affirmation at 8:58 p.m. Chair Geoff Michael •i • -1158-