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PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 'r ► ( e-� • AGENDA *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Call meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims 1700 -1730 *B. Approve Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission recommendation 1731 -1735 to provide winter maintenance to the Dakota Trail and to approve the Three Rivers Park District Regional Trail System 2008 -2009 Winter • Use Permit *C. Approve a resolution approving a Public Lands Permit for property 1736 -1741 located at 2640 Shannon Lane — Greg Christlieb *D. Approve a resolution approving a Public Lands Permit for property 1742 -1768 located at 3000 Highland Boulevard — Eric and Sharla Stafford *E. Approve a resolution approving a Public Lands Permit for property 1769 -1775 located at 2346 Cypress Lane — Dave Willette *F. Approve a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of $150,000 1776 -1780 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2008D, and levying a tax for the payment thereof *G. Approve Planning Commission recommendation for appointments to 1781 -1782 fill vacancies for Planning Commissioners 1. Stephen Ward (term expires December 31, 2010) 2. Jackie Peters (term expires December 31, 2008) *H. Approve request for reduction in retainage by Graham Penn -Co from 1783 -1784 $241,609.72 to $60,402.43 U PLEASE TURN OFF_ CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *I. Approve Truth in Taxation Hearing meetings 1. December 1, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. 2. December 8, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. for Continuation, if needed • *J. Approve application by Mound Fire Department Relief Association 1785 -1786 application for a Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Permit *K. Approve Contract Agreement for Federal Representation Services — 1787 -1792 Downtown Redevelopment *L. Approve resolution accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering 1793 -1795 advertisement for bids for 2008 Storm Drainage Improvement Project + Appendix 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to three minute per speaker) 6. Presentation by Nat Kale of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District regarding 1796 -1802 pilot shoreline stabilization/erosion project proposal for Centerview Park 7. 2009 Budget A. Action on a resolution approval the 2009 Preliminary General Fund 1803 -1805 Budget in the amount of $ ; setting the preliminary levy at $ ; and approving the preliminary overall budget for 2009 B. Action on a resolution approving a 2008 Early Retirement Incentive Plan 1806 -1817 for City of Mound Employees C. Action on Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission recommendation 1818 to allocate monies donated in 2008 again in 2009 for milfoil treatment in Phelps Bay D. Action on a resolution approving a levy not to exceed $ for 1819 the purpose of defraying the cost of operation, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound for the year 2009 8. Approve minutes of the July 22, 2008 regular meeting 1820 -1824 9. Miscellaneous /Correspondence A. Comments /reports from Council Members B. Reports: Finance Department — July 2008 1825 -1826 Fire Commission Meeting — July 24, 2008 1827 -1838 C. Minutes: POSDC —August 14, 2008 1839 -1841 D. Correspondence: 10. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www. cityofinound. com. lb 2 COUNCIL BRIEFING August 26, 2008 • Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Aug 26 — 6:30 HRA workshop — Hartford Group concept for Auditors Road Dist Aug 26 — 7:30 — CC regular meeting — budget and levy approval Aug 29 — Seasonal Hours end Sept 9 — 7:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m. - Primary Election Sept 12 — 6:30 - Taste of the Lakes — Bayview Event Center Sept 15 — 7:00 — Rescheduled Planning Commission meeting Sept 16 — 6:30 — Rescheduled HRA meeting Sept 16 — 7:30 — Rescheduled CC meeting Sept 30 — 6:30 — Rescheduled HRA meeting Sept 30 — 7:30 — Rescheduled CC meeting Oct 11 — 8:00 -3:00 — Recyling Day Oct 14 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Oct 14 — 7:30 — CC regular meeting Oct 28 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Oct 28 — 7:30 — CC regular meeting Oct 26 — WeCan Haunt the Deck benefit Nov 4 — 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Election Day Nov 8 —1:00 p.m. — Veteran's Plaza Dedication Nov 18 —1:30 -4:00 — Flu Shot Clinic Nov 20 — 6:00 - Tree Lighting Ceremony •Dec 1— 7:00 — Truth in Taxation Hearing Dec 8 — 7:00 — Truth in Taxation Hearing continuation, if needed Dec 9 — 7:30 - CC regular meeting — budget and levy approval City Hall Closings Sept 1 Labor Day Nov 11 Veteran's Day Nov 27 -28 Thanksgiving Absences FYI: My scheduled medical leave (Sept 10 -30) will preclude me from attending the City Manager's International Conf at Richfield, VA in Sept. FYI Arbitration for the Police Supervisor's Unit is scheduled for Oct 21. Word will be received on the Police Patrol arbitration by Sept 5. • `�?) av_ 0/-� • :7 0. AUGUST 26.2008 CITY COUNCIL MEETING TOTAL $194639414.04 -1700- 081308SUE $1,0967021.77 AUG 082008SUE $25,966.24 AUG 082108CRCARD $3,216.45 AUG 082608SUE $338,209.58 AUG TOTAL $194639414.04 -1700- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 081308SUE Payments City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 User Dollar Amt $1,096,021.77 Computer Dollar Amt $1,096,021.77 08/12/08 2:31 PM Page 1 -1701- *I r $0.00 In Balance Refer 81308 ANDERSON, JEFF _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 08 -13 -08 RESCUE TRAINING, DENVER $200.00 Invoice 081308 8113/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10160 Total $200.00 Refer 81308 BAER, ANDREW _ Cash Payment R601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Reven 5075 WINDSOR ROAD REFUND $72.78 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72,78 Refer 81308 BERENT, BRIAN _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2008 BOOT ALLOWANCE $114.45 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/7 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114.45 Refer 81308 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR _ Cash Payment E 361 - 47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 2007A GEN OB IMPROVEMENT $450.00 Invoice 3659 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49460 -620 Fiscal Agent's "Fees 20078 GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE $157.50 Invoice 3658 -A 8113/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 2007B GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE $216.00 Invoice 3658 -B 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -620 Fiscal Agents Fees 20078 GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE $76.50 Invoice 3658 -C 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 333 -47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 2007C GEN OB EQUIPMENT CERT $450.00 Invoice 3657 8113/2008 Cash Payment E 375-47100 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees 2008A TAXABLE GEN TEMP TAX $450.00 INCREMENT REFUNDING Invoice 3660 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,800.00 Refer 81308 GMH ASPHALT _ Cash Payment E401-43107-500 Capital Outlay FA PAY REQUEST #8 $307,174.00 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PW0701 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $307,174.00 Refer 81308 HENTGES, S.M. AND SONS, INCO Cash Payment E 401 -43108 -500 Capital Outlay FA PAY REQUEST #2 $415,406.36 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PWO801 Transaction Date 8111/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $415,406.36 Refer 81308 KRAUTKREMER, AMY _ Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Reven 6123 LANGDON TRAIL $66.11 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $66.11 Refer 81308 KUSSKE CONSTRUCTION COMPA _ Cash Payment G 675 - 16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sy PAY REQUEST #5 $60,425.70 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PW0704 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60,425.70 -1701- *I r City Of Mound 08/12/08 2:31 PM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Refer 81308 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $23.62 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $398.52 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $312.91 Invoice 13496 8/1312008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $8,968.18 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $324.72 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $4,761.58 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $1,661.98 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $2;898.87 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $321.77 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $1;295.93 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 •Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $4,761.58 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP $1;546.84 Invoice 13496 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27;276.50 Refer 81308 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPO _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -202 Duplicating and copying 07 -21 -08 THRU 08 -21 -08 COPIER $190.03 Invoice 103737516 "8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/1112008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $190.03 Refer 81308 PEDERSON, GREG _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 08 -13 -08 RESCUE TRAINING, DENVER $200.00 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/11 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer n 81308 RAMSEY EXCAVATING, INCORPO _ Cash Payment E 401 -43102 -500 Capital Outlay FA AUDITORS ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS $121,642.89 Invoice 081308 8%13/2008 Project PWO806 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $121,642.89 Refer 81308 SCHOENHERR, BRADLEY T. _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 07 -19 -08 K -9 TRIALS $396.95 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $396.95 Refer 81308 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $21.65 081308 8/1312008 SInvoice Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $329.20 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 -1702- '-- City Of Mound 08/12/08 2:31 PM Page 3 J& Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $68.85 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash•Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $9,98 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $7.44 Invoice 081308 .8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $17.00 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $58.93 Invoice 081308 8113/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.75 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.25 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PWSHOP Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.25 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PWSHOP Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $39.22 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PWSHOP Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $10.97 Invoice 081308 8113/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $11.69 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $6.91 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment G 609 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $9.03 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 07 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $17.55 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/5 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $687.67 Refer 81308 TURNQUIST, MICHAEL _ Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Raven 5925 HILLREST ROAD REFUND $607.88 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $607.88 Refer 81308 VEIT AND COMPANY, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -500 Capital Outlay FA FINAL PAYMENT $158;601.01 Invoice 081308 8/13/2008 Project PWO511 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 . ........ _ ... Wells Fargo 10100 Total _ _ .. ... $158,601.01 Refer 81308 XCEL ENERGY _ .... Cash Payment E 285-46388 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 8617257 -4 $1.,159.44 Invoice 233601800 8/13/2008 Transaction Date 8/4/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,159.44 -1703- C7 61 'r CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 MOUND HRA 333 G.O.2007 - C Equip Cert 361 G.O.2007 - A Improvements 375 TIF 1 -3 Debt Service 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 10100 Wells Fargo $17,532.11 $3,298.87 $321.77 $1,170.41 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $844,223.25 $158,601.01 $2,410.83 $5,038.45 $1,572.87 $60,502.20 $1,096,021.77 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $1,096,021.77 Total $1,096,021.77 • -1704- 08/12/08 2:31 PM Page 4 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.09 Refer 82008 SAMS CLUB _ Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -21 -08 EE APPRECIATION EVENT $196.52 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 PO 21103 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $198.52 Refer 82008 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE Cash Payment City of Mound 08/19/08 2:00 PM Page 1 $34.11 Payments 8/20/2008 CITY OF MOUND 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone Current Period: August 2008 $31.20 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 $1,980.97 Batch Name 082008SUE User Dollar Amt $25,966.24 8/18/2008 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $25,966.24 Refer 82008 VERIZON WIRELESS (PMK $0.00 In Balance Refer 82008 MOUND POST OFFICE _ #0007255352 REFUND NOT CITIES Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage 08-08 UTILITY BILLING $150.05 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 Transaction Date Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -322 Postage 08 -08 UTILITY BILLING $150.04 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.09 Refer 82008 SAMS CLUB _ Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -21 -08 EE APPRECIATION EVENT $196.52 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 PO 21103 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $198.52 Refer 82008 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -321 Telephone & Cells 07 -03 -08 THRU 08 -02 -08 CELL PHONE $34.11 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone 07 -03 -08 THRU 08 -02-08 CELL PHONE, HOFF $31.20 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 $1,980.97 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.31 Refer 82008 VERIZON WIRELESS (PMK _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow #0007255352 REFUND NOT CITIES $97.27 Invoice 082008 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -381 Electric Utilities 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $97,27 Refer 82008 XCEL ENERGY 7 *I Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 06-08 #51- 6002837 -1 $211.97 Invoice 231417834 8120/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,950.64 Invoice 231417834 8120/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 06-08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,980.97 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 06-08 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,503.69 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -381 Electric Utilities 06-08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,644,28 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -381 Electric Utilities 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,098.00 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -381 Electric Utilities 06 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,098.00 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 06- 08#51- 6002837 -1 $1,370.39 Invoice 231417834 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $242.93 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $803.91 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,989,97 • Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 -1705- i 0 I* • City of Mound 08/19/08 2:00 PM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 �� ,. . ..:; „tea, "„ x, >. s*. R� „ -., , . - ..... : • ,.. Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,749.23 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 $34.11 601 WATER FUND Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -381 Electric Utilities 07-08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,960.96 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 $3,605.24 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,334.85 Invoice 235696742 . 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51. 6002837 -1 $1,334.85 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 07 -08 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,032.41 Invoice 235696742 8/20/2008 Transaction Date 8/15/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25,307.05 Fund Summary Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $25,966.24 Total $25,966.24 S'Le1-11 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $9,370.09 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $2,432.85 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $34.11 601 WATER FUND $5,120.99 602 SEWER FUND $5,402.96 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $3,605.24 $25,966.24 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $25,966.24 Total $25,966.24 S'Le1-11 CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 082108CRCARD Payment City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 Computer Dollar Amt $3,216.45 Posted Refer 82198 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 099190 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training 07 -28 -08 COUNTRY INN, MANKATO, KIVISTO Invoice 0706 8/21/2008 E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training 07 -28 -08 BEST WESTERN, MANKATO, E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 4762 RITTER Invoice 5814 8/21/2008 PO 20675 Invoice 4972 -B Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -05 -08 MY WEATHER Invoice 4598 -C 8/21/2008 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -05 -08 MY WEATHER Invoice 4598 -B 8/21/2008 Invoice 6262 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -05 -08 MY WEATHER Invoice 4598 -A 8/21/2008 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training 07 -28 -08 COUNTRY INN, MANKATO, SKINNER Invoice 4205 -C 8121/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 2311 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 4205 -A 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 4762 8/21/2008 PO 21039 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 6682 -C 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 6682 -B 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials Invoice 6682 -A 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 4972 -C 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 4972 -B 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 4972 -1 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 4205 -B 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels Invoice 6262 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 3445 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 1603 8/21/2008 PO 20891 07 -29 -08 OFFICE DEPOT, SIGN HOLDER 07 -28 -08 COUNTRY INN, MANKATO, SKINNER 07 -11 -08 FEDCO ELECTRONICS, UPS BATTERIES 07 -25 -08 HOLIDAY STORES, MANKATO, BATTERIES Project PWSHOP 07 -25 -08 HOLIDAY STORES, MANKATO, BATTERIES Project PWSHOP 07 -25-08 HOLIDAY STORE, MANKATO, BATTERIES Project PWSHOP 07 -08 -08 MYWEATHER 07 -08 -08 MYWEATHER 07 -08 -08 MYWEATHER 07 -28 -08 COUNTRY INN, MANKATO, SKINNER 07 -28 -08 HOLIDAY, MANKATO #852 FUEL 07 -21 -08 [NET 7 INTERNET SERVICE 07 -09 -08 NRPA CONGRESS, CONFERENCE, FACKLER -1707- 08/21/08 7:52 AM Page 1 $293.73 $148.90 $1.99 $1.98 $1.98 $66.28 $40.37 $65.27 $79.83 $1.78 $1.78 $1.78 $1.99 $1.98 $1.98 $65.27 $63.89 $52.80 $390.00 91 • City of Mound 08/21108 7:52 AM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -434 Conference & Training 07 -07 -08 AIR TICKETS, ATLANTA, NRPA $472.00 CONVENTION Invoice 2811 8/21/2008 PO 20889 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 08 -05 -08 SUPERAMERICA, MOUND, ACTIVE $5.98 SHOOTER SCHOOL Invoice 5539 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 08 -04 -08 CUB FOODS, SHOREWOOD, $116.61 ACTIVE SHOOTER SCHOOL Invoice 5196 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 07 -28 -08 OUR DESIGNS, FLAGS $43.80 Invoice 3744 8/21/2008 PO 20972 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -431 Meeting Expense 07 -31 -08 THREE RIVERS PARK, AWARDS $133.63 DINNER Invoice 4913 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 41110 -430 Miscellaneous 08 -01 -08 SCHAAF FLORAL $50.18 Invoice 0165 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 07 -25 -08 SYX TIGER DIRECT, POWER $344.19 SUPPLY Invoice 8859 8/21/2008 PO 21049 Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -21 -08 TARGET, CHASKA, SAFETY FAIR $410.53 Invoice 0123 8/2112008 Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -21 -08 OFFICE DEPOT, CHANHASSEN, $106.36 Invoice 2567 8/21/2008 SAFETY FAIR Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -21 -08 HOME DEPOT, CHASKA, SAFETY $105.24 FAIR Invoice 5342 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 07 -21 -08 1 &1 INTERNET $29.97 Invoice 3157 8/21/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies 07 -11 -08 SYX TIGER DIRECT, MOUSE, $89.33 SWITCH Invoice 9245 8121/2008 PO 21040 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -431 Meeting Expense 08 -01 -08 SCOTTY B'S, TRAIL MTG $26.05 Invoice 4782 8121/2008 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,216.45 • -1708- Il CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 222 601 602 609 City of Mound Payments 08121/08 7:52 AM Page 3 is Current Period: August 2008 BATCH Total $3,216.45 10100 Wells Fargo $2,696.50 $43.80 $71.01 $364.77 $40.37 $3,216.45 Pre - Written Check $3,216.45 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $3,216.45 - 1709- 01 • �� A, • CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 Batch Name 082608SUE User Dollar Amt $338,209.58 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $338,209.58 $0.00 In Balance Refer 82608 ACTION FLEET, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs STROBE TUBE, CUP HOLDER Invoice 5853 8/26/2008 PO 21055 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 AMERICAN MESSAGING _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. 08 -08 PAGER SERVICE Invoice D20440781H 8/26/2008 Total $977.25 Transaction Date 8/2112008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 AMUNDSON, M. LLP 08/21/08 8:16 AM Page 1 $68.48 Total $68.48 $128.24 Total $128.24 -1710- Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES $977.25 Invoice 43834 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8R /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $977.25 Refer 82608 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $274.32 Invoice 460821904 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $76.86 Invoice 460822206 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -09 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 460822206 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $88.65 Invoice 460822108 -A 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08-08 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 460822108 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $53.20 Invoice 460822906 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -16-08 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 460822906 -B 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $25.62 Invoice 460822808 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -15-08 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 460822808 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $217.32 Invoice 460822608 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -13 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 460822608 -B 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $740.97 Refer 82608 ASPEN EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 601,49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #704 AIR COMPRESSOR $88.01 Invoice 1242617 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #704 AIR COMPRESSOR $88.01 Invoice 1242617 -B 8/26/2008 . Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $176.02 Refer 82608 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY _ -1710- City of Mound 08/21/08 7:46 AM / Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Mr Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -11 -07 THRU 07 -11 -08 DUMP $456.60 Invoice 81178700 -A 8/26/2008 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ REMEDIATION SUPPLIES Invoice 2327F27RAI -10 8/26/2008 Project PWO511 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $456.60 Refer 82608 BEDELL, STEVE _ E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa Cash Payment G 101 -23007 Erosion Control Escrow 4969 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE #2007 -00386 $750.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 8/29/2008 Cash Payment E 60949750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R Cash Payment G 101 -23150 New Construction Escrow 4969 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE #2007 -00386 $5,000.00 Invoice 082608 8/2612008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 45155400 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 45719300 -A 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08-08 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 45719300 -B 8/26/2008 8/7/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX Invoice 81178700 -A 8/26/2008 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES Invoice 81178700 -B 8/26/2008 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES Invoice 81213300 -A 8/26/2008 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 60949750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 81213300 -B 8/26/2008 E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 81213300 -C 8/26/2008 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 45808000 8/26/2008 8/29/2008 Cash Payment E 60949750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 81213300 8/26/2008 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 45731800 8/26/2008 E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs Total $5,750.00 $842.75 $865.10 $18.45 $26.00 $46.00 $194.40 $5.70 $55.43. $1,250.95 $255.53 $1,673.53 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,233.84 Refer 82608 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $49.45 Invoice 734686 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $34.45 Invoice 438020 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/29/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $83.90 Refer 82608 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $73.13 Invoice 0118212 -A 812612008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118212 -B 8126/2008 SERVICES 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11 -08 MISC ENGINEERING SERVICES -1711- $73.13 • *I '• City of Mound 08121108 7:46 AM Page 3 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 ,,.�n:?�'',„cr,�;w<a. i. '._ :v;..rt.,�.: <r 3"�,wa...._ -s a.. ;..s ,..: Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $73.12 SERVICES Invoice 0118212 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118212 -D 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 MISC ENGINEERING SERVICES 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 WCA ADMINISTRATION Invoice 0118213 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset- Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -081 &1 ANALYSIS REPORT Invoice 0118314 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset- Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07.11 -08 SINCLAIR BAYWOOD LIFT STATIONS Invoice 0118315 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118316 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118217 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs I •; Invoice 0118217 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118217 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 67549425 -300 Professional Srvs Project PW0705 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Project 06002 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11 -08 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11.08 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 06 -14 -08 THRU 07.11 -08 UPDATE STREET AND UTILTIY MAPS Invoice 0118217 -D 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 WALNUT RAMBLER DRAINAGE STUDY Invoice 0118218 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118219 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118219 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 675-49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118219 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 -43107 -300 Professional Srvs Project PW0704 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 AUDITORS ROAD UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0507 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 AUDITORS ROAD UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0507 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 AUDITORS ROAD UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Project PW0507 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 0118220 8/2612008 Project PW0701 Cash Payment G 101 -23192 4944 Islandview Drive #08-0 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 4944 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE #08 -06 Invoice 0118212 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset- Distribution Sy 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11 -08 PORT HARRISON DRAINAGE STUDY Invoice 0118222 8/26/2008 Project PWO704 10 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset- Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 HIGHLAND AREA DRAINAGE STUDY Invoice 0118223 8/26/2008 -1712- Project PWO704 $73.12 $564.00 $202.50 $986.00 $916.50 $92.63 $92.63 $92.62 $92.62 $2,839.50 $2,516.40 $2,516.40 $1,258.20 $7,299.00 $67.50 $3,457.00 $877.50 City of Mound 08%21/08 7:46 AM /, Page 4 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 67549425 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 SWPPP UPDATE $810.00 Invoice 0118224 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 42743121 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 MSA SYSTEM $270.00 UPDATE Invoice 0118225 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 - 43108 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118226 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 -43102 -300 Professional Srvs 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 2008 STREET RECONSTRUCTION Project PWO801 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11 -08 AUDITORS ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 0118227 8126/2008 Project PWO806 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 2008 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 0118228 8/26/2008 Project PWO804 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 208 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 0118229 8/26/2008 Project PWO803 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sy 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 WILSHIRE WATER /FORCE MAIN Invoice 0118230 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118231 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 -43103 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118232 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118233 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0118233 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs invoice 0118233 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Project PWO807 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION Project PWO902 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 BENCHMARK BOOK UPDATE 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 BENCHMARK BOOK UPDATE 06 -14 -08 THRU 07 -11 -08 BENCHMARK BOOK UPDATE 06 -14-08 THRU 07 -11 -08 BENCHMARK BOOK UPDATE $49,570.86 $17,148.00 $2,632.75 $1,692.00 $2,232.50 $1,985.00 $135.00 $56.25 $56.25 $56.25 $56.25 Invoice 0118233 -D 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100,864.61 Refer 82608 BUILT RITE CONCRETE Cash Payment G 101 -23121 5408 Lynwood #2006-00758 5408 LYNWOOD BLVD #2006 -00758 $500.00 Invoice 082608 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 1881 COMMERCE BLVD PLAN REVIEW - $68.93 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $431.07 Refer 82608 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/149 Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #849 OIL FILTER $17.11 Invoice 6974 -74212 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #186 BATTERY $175.68 Invoice 6974 - 74413 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs AUTO BATTERY $34.83 Invoice 6974 - 74485 -A 8/26/2008 -1713- • lI 11 u =Ak � � CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 08/21/08 7:46 AM Page 5 Current Period: August 2008 ";s. M.�",i Cash Payment E 601 - 49400-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs AUTO BATTERY Invoice 6974 - 74485 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs AUTO BATTERY Invoice 6974 - 74485 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BATTERY Invoice 6974 -74412 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BRAKE FLUID Invoice 6974 - 74236 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BRAKE FLUID Invoice 6974 - 74236 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BRAKE FLUID Invoice 6974 - 74236 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 10143100 -221 Equipment Parts #186 OIL FILTER Invoice 6974 -74365 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE Project PWSHOP Project PWSHOP Project PWSHOP Total $34.83 $34.84 $87.84 $6.56 $6.56 $5.56 $7,99 $412.80 -1714- Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $334.00 Invoice 79299 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/15/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $334.00 Refer 82608 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5714383 $86.70 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 35728173 $53.75 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16 -08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5731601 $29.41 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5731601 $29.41 Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5731601 $29.41 Invoice 082608 812612008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5762358 $19.54 Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -383 Gas Utilities 06-16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5765631 $92.92' Invoice 082608 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5765631 $92.92 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities 06 -16-08 THRU 07 -21 -08 #5093897 $42.62 Invoice 082608 812612008 Transaction Date .r 8/18/2008 ". Wells Fargo 10100 Total $476.68 ,,,,�, ,� —1 , Refer 82608 . <, ...... Kam., >..., . ... ,— CITY HEIGHTS, INCORPORATED _ ,,., " , — , .. . a, m,,... , . ,,.. %, Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services 07 -16-08 WINDOW CLEANING $321.63 Invoice 22112 -A 8/26/2008 PO 20968 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -460 Janitorial Services 07 -16-08 WINDOW CLEANING $321.63 Invoice 22112 -B 8/26/2008 PO 20968 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $643.26 Refer 82608 CMI, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -210 Operating Supplies INTOX MOUTH PIECES $83.52 Invoice 730077 8126/2008 PO 21057 -1714- City of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM Page 6 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Transaction Date 8/14 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $83.52 Refer 82608 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $190.00 Invoice 0118056630 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $326.30 Invoice 0108198722 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $516.30 Refer 82608 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 10141910440 Other Contractual Servic 08 -08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $204.10 Invoice 98969 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 10142400440 Other Contractual Servic 08 -08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $14.29 Invoice 99066 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 10143100440 Other Contractual Servic 08 -08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $3.57 Invoice 99066 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400440 Other Contractual Servic 08-08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $3.57 Invoice 99066 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 08-08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $3.57 Invoice 99066 -D 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -440 Other Contractual Servic 08-08 COPIER MAINTENANCE $3.57 Invoice 99066 -E 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $232.67 Refer 82608 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $84.50 Invoice 470055 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $43.35 Invoice 469147 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,063.82 Invoice 469146 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $107.00 Invoice 469295 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,298.67 Refer 82608 DOBOSZENSKI AND SONS, INCOR _ Cash Payment E 401 -46540 -500 Capital Outlay FA GREENWAY TRAIL $29,600.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $29,600.00 Refer 82608 EXTREME BEVERAGE _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX. Invoice 698168 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Refer 82608 FIRE CONTROL EXTINGUISHER _ E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies 8126/2008 PO 21058 E 285-46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies 8/26/2008 E 285 -46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies Cash Payment Invoice 44502 Cash Payment Invoice 44362 Cash Payment Invoice 44346 8/26/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE 2008 CERTIFICATION OF PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS -1715- $90.00 Total $90.00 $150.72 $60.80 $40.00 • • Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE $125.07 Invoice 44347 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE $272.37 Invoice 44345 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies 08 -18 -08 SERVICE CALL RECHARGE $28.00 Invoice 44342 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 City of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM Refer 82608 FRANK MADDEN AND ASSOCIATE Cash Payment Page 7 Cash Payment E 101 -49999 -300 Professional Srvs Payments $314.20 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 2117348 -8 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment CITY OF MOUND 07 -08 ARBITRATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE $6,062.10 Cash Payment Current Period: August 2008 CEDAR POST Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 1;9 's 3 c s. Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE $125.07 Invoice 44347 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 2008 INSPECTIONS AND RECHARGE $272.37 Invoice 44345 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies 08 -18 -08 SERVICE CALL RECHARGE $28.00 Invoice 44342 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $676.96 Refer 82608 FRANK MADDEN AND ASSOCIATE Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -223 Building Repair Supplies Cash Payment E 101 -49999 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 LABOR RELATIONS SERVICES $314.20 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 2117348 -8 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 101 -49999 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 ARBITRATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE $6,062.10 Cash Payment HEARINGS CEDAR POST Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment Transaction Date 8/12/2008 , -„ .....y.. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,376.30 . -1-1 ,w.,. ,., Refer 82608 . . - .. _ FULLERTON BUILDING CENTER 08 -05 -08 UNIFORMS $27.56 Cash Payment E 450 -46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA CEDAR FENCE Invoice 2116722 8/26/2008 $862.44 ....... Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -223 Building Repair Supplies CEDAR FENCE Invoice 2117348 -A 8/26/2008 08 -05 -08 UNIFORMS Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -223 Building Repair Supplies CEDAR FENCE 2117348 -8 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies •Invoice Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies CEDAR FENCE Invoice 2117348 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -221 Equipment Parts CEDAR POST Invoice 2117406 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 450 -46388 -500 Capital Outlay FA POSTS Project 06001 $135.47 $176.42 $176.42 $176.43 $131.69 $66.01 Invoice 2117270 8/2612008 Project 06001 Transaction Date 8/15/2008 - .s....:.. Wells Fargo 10100 Total ..'.:,. v ,.,, $862.44 ....... ,..r±ff&Y!g5qu., 3 �q. .Rq.e.s.. .FNr fx.,p.....:, , Y.'•: :.. a:V<rk .<, , -: .,.:..: .. :: �v Refer 82608 G & K SERVICES <. .srt..,.:.+ .,.. .,. . ,.. ,. .., .. -. .. ... .. Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -05 -08 UNIFORMS $16.77 Invoice 6868686 -A 812612008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 08 -05 -08 MATS $141.23 invoice 6868686 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 08 -12 -08 MATS $177.03 Invoice 6881239 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 10143100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08-05 -08 UNIFORMS $65.25 Invoice 6868685 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -05 -08 UNIFORMS $27.56 Invoice 6868685 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 60249450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -05 -08 UNIFORMS $41.38 Invoice 6868685 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 08 -05 -08 MATS $44.55 Invoice 6868685 -D 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601.49400 -230 Shop Materials 08 -05 -08 MATS $44.55 Invoice 6888685 -E 8/26/2008 •Cash Payment E 602.49450 -230 Shop Materials 08 -05 -08 MATS $44.55 "Invoice 6868685 -F 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 08 -12 -08 MATS $57.04 Invoice 6868686 8/26/2008 -1716- City of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM Page 8 Payments I, • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 A ..::III;§ k Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services 08 -12 -08 MATS $58.59 Invoice 6881241 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -12 -08 UNIFORMS $59.84 Invoice 6881238 -A 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -12 -08 UNIFORMS $27.56 Invoice 6881238 -B 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 08 -12 -08 UNIFORMS $41.38 Invoice 6881238 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 08 -12 -08 MATS $50.02 Invoice 6881238 -D 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 08 -12 -08 MATS $50.02 Invoice 6881238 -E 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 08 -12 -08 MATS $50.02 Invoice 6881238 -F 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/1112008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $997.34 Refer 82608 GLACIAL RIDGE, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -400 Repairs & Maintenance PAVER REPAIRS _$112.50 Invoice 1064 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $112.50 Refer 82608 GLASS PLUS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies DEPOT WINDOWS $154.43 • Invoice 11444 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 ., ,� .� r..... , Wells Fargo ... 10100 Total $154.43 Refer 82608 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 07 -21 -08 CLEAN EQUIPMENT $60.55 Invoice 6521155 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.55 Refer 82608 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $113,97 Invoice 95449 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $207.85 Invoice 85451 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $11,689.28 Invoice 95450 812612008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT— LIQUOR - $32.40 Invoice 757810 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR -$9.00 Invoice 758125 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR - $478.23 Invoice 758282 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $191.90 Invoice 98702 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $336.24 Invoice 98701 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 98432 8/26/2008 WINE $639.50 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $88,20 Invoice 98353 8/26/2008 - 1717 � 0 City Of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM Page 9 Payments CITY OF AROUND Current Period: August 2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Refer 82608 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 7726793 8/2612008 PO 20861 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,747.31 CLAMPS, NET WRENCH, ETC (3) $303.91 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -230 Shop Materials FENCING Invoice 78009 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials FENCING Invoice 78009 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials FENCING Invoice 78009 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #1604 CHAIN Invoice 78052 8/2612008 Total $303.91 $311.25 $57.11 Project PWSHOP Cash Payment E 10141600 -450 Board of Prisoners $57.11 Project PWSHOP Invoice 2008 6 - MOUND 8/26/2008 $57.10 Project PWSHOP Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,908.00 $139.93 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $311.25 Refer 82608 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R _ Cash Payment E 10141600 -450 Board of Prisoners 06-08 ROOM AND BOARD $1,908.00 Invoice 2008 6 - MOUND 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,908.00 82608 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ •Refer Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $450.45 Invoice 460820 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.45 Refer 82608 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I _ Cash Payment E 401 -46540 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 FLAGPOLE MEMORIAL GREENWAY $2;495.00 Invoice 007 - 024 -7 -A 8/26/2008 Project 08006 Cash Payment E 401 -46540 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 MOUND VISIONS $1,591.97 Invoice 007 - 024 -7 -B 8126/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -23192 4944 Islandview Drive #08 -0 07 -08 49441SLANDVIEW DRIVE #08-06 $20.75 Invoice 007 - 005 -8 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -23135 5234 Lynwood Blvd #07 -07 07 -08 5234 LYNWOOD BLVD #08 -12/13 $20.75 Invoice 007 - 005 -8 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -23196 3165 Priest Lane #08-11 Vari 07 -08 3165 PRIEST LANE #08 -11 $145.25 Invoice 007 - 005 -8 -C 812612008 Cash Payment E 10142400 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 MISC PLANNING $166.00 Invoice 007 - 001 -7 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 - 46540 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 FLAGPOLE MEMORIAL GREENWAY $20.75 Invoice 007 -001 -7 -B 8/26/2008 Project 08006 Cash Payment E 40146540 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 GREENWAY PHASE 2 CA $999.44 Invoice 005 -036 -6 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 101.23089 MHR Phase 11 Auditors Road 07 -08 MHR PHASE 2 AUDITORS ROAD $402.52 Invoice 007 -073 -8 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 401 -43102 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 AUDITORS RD STREET $939.09 IMPROVEMENTS 008-003-8 8/26/2008 Project PWO806 •Invoice Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,801.52 Refer 82608 HOME DEPOT /GECF (P/M _ -1718- City Of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM li Page 10 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply VACUUM FILTERS DOG FOOD $95.47 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 PO 20949 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -445 Dog Kennel Fees Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply RETURN DRIP EDGE 8/26/2008 - $32.50 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Transaction Date 8/11 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.97 Refer 82608 HYDROLOGIC WATER MANAGEM _ 8/26/2008 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -220 Repair /Maint Supply BOX, VALVE, DRIVER, ETC Invoice 1484119 $71.57 Invoice 0357390 -A 8/26/2008 PO 20945 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply BOX, VALVE, DRIVER, ETC $110.00 Invoice 0357390 -B 8/26/2008 PO 20945 LIQUOR Invoice 1484118 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8114/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $181.57 Refer 82608 INFRATECH _ 8/26/2008 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials RUBBER GLOVES Invoice 1487587 $38.34 Invoice 0800463 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply LEADER HOSE, ETC $171.47 Invoice 0800451 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $209.81 Refer 82608 JESSEN PRESS INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -350 Printing 2008 FALL NEWSLETTER $1,217.30 Invoice 5730 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,217.30 Refer 82608 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -445 Dog Kennel Fees DOG FOOD Invoice 006007 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -445 Dog Kennel Fees DOG FOOD Invoice 722647 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 388027 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1484119 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX Invoice 1484120 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1484118 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 389105 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1487587 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1487586 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R LEMONS, LIMES Invoice 081208 8/26/2008 -1719- $22.03 $76.66 Total $98,69 -$7.58 $3,105.95 $34.99 $10,780.30 - $17.26 $1,132.60 $433.74 Total $15,462.74 • lei $29.00 is U� City of Mound 08/21/08 7:47 AM Page 11 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies PAPER PRODUCTS $36.22 Invoice 081808 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.22 Refer 82608 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 AGENDA ITEMS $66.00 Invoice 85016 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -431 Meeting Expense Cash Payment G 101 -23089 MHR Phase II Auditors Road 07 -08 MHR AUDITORS ROAD PHASE II $1,702.00 Invoice 85016 -B 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 LAND PURCHASE JOHNSON $273.00 Invoice 85016 -C 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -400 Repairs & Maintenance Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs 07 -08 LAND PURCHASE HOM $70.00 Invoice 85016 -D 8/26/2008 Transaction Date Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,111.00 Refer 82608 KILLMER ELECTRIC COMPANY _ •Refer Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 5468 LYNWOOD REPLACE POLE $5,513.00 Invoice 66710 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities NEW POLE LIGHTS $180.00 Invoice 66970 8/26/2008 Transaction Date Refer 82608 8/7/2008 KURTZ, JAMES •Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -431 Meeting Expense Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -431 Meeting Expense Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42115 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Refer 82608 LAKE MANAGEMENT, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -400 Repairs & Maintenance Invoice 27755 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -400 Repairs & Maintenance Invoice 27756 8/26/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,693.00 ROTARY GOLF $50.00 SAFETY FAIR $70.00 07 -23 -08 TRAINING $40.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $160.00 BEACH TREATMENT (7) DUTCH LAKE TREATMENT $3,994.00 $551.00 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo ' 10100 Total $4,545.00 Refer 82608 LAKE RESTORATION, INC. Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -440 Other Contractual Servic BEACHWOOD POND TREATMENT $529.84 Invoice 62638 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $529.84 Refer 82608 LAKER NEWSPAPER _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs 08 -09 -08 TI F GRAPH REPORT $99.50 Invoice 858438 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 41410 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 08 -09 -08 CANDIDATE FILING $29.45 Invoice 858435 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $128.95 82608 LAKESHORE COMMUNICATIONS, _ •Refer Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising 08 -05-08 BOX AD $60.00 Invoice 0118532 8/26/2008 -1720- City of Mound 08/21/08 8:14 AM Page 12 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.00 Refer 82608 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -361 General Liability Ins BRIGHTON SEWER BACKUP $379.54 Invoice 11064269 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/7/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $379.54 Refer 82608 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $9,516.05 Invoice 359052 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $20.00 Invoice 359053 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,671.34 Invoice 361837 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $80,00 Invoice 361838 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 817 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,287,39 Refer 82608 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 07 -17 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $273.60 Invoice 21059 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 07 -21 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $21.60 Invoice 21062 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 07 -23 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $217.20 Invoice 21092 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 07 -31 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $601.20 Invoice 21105 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,113.60 Refer 82608 MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCI _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 07 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $13.13 Invoice 62,1823 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 07 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $13.13 Invoice 62J823 -B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 07 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $13.12 Invoice 62J823 -C 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 07 -08 MISC ENGINEERING $13.12 Invoice 62J823 -D 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $52.50 Refer 82608 MER77, BLEDSAW AND BENSON _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees 07 -08 PROSECUTION SERVICES $7,042.61 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 817/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,042,61 Refer 82608 MIDWEST LIGHTING PRODUCTS _ Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply LIGHT BULBS $587,76 Invoice 00049620 8/26/2008 PO 20893 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $587.76 Refer 82608 MINNESOTA HIGHWAY SAFETY A Cash Payment E 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 07 -24 -08 PIT TRAINING, TRAUX $439.00 Invoice 683 8/26/2008 PO 21062 —1721- *I -1722- $28.11 $188.40 Total $216.51 $19.90 City Of Mound 08/21/088:14 AM i� Payments Cash Payment Page 13 07 -08 WATERISEWER Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 CITY OF MOUND G 475 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -08 WATER/SEWER HOM Invoice 082608 Current Period: August 2008 Transaction Date Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 82608 $439.00 Refer 82608 MINNESOTA WASTEWATER OPER _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200440 Other Contractual Servic TRAILER WIRE Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, SKINNER $68.33 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 PO 20946 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, SKINNER $68.33 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 PO 20946 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -434 Conference & Training 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, SKINNER $68.34 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 PO 20946 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training 2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, WELCH $205.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 PO 20946 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $410.00 Refer 82608 MINUTEMAN PRESS _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -350 Printing PATROL WARNING NOTICES $332.92 Invoice 9965 8/26/2008 PO 21052 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies BUSINESS CARDS, FACKLER $35.14 Invoice 10002 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $368.06 Refer 82608 MNSPECT _ Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 07-08 BUILDING INSPECTIONS $9,863.64 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments 07 -08 ELECTRICAL SURCHARGE -$7.50 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment R 101 -42000 -32220 Electrical Permit Fee 07 -08 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - $209.00 Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,647.14 Refer 82608 MORRIS, MATTHEW J. _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE ROTARY EVENT $50.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 82608 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -124 Fire Pens Contrib 08 -08 FIRE RELIEF - $10,800.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,800.00 Refer 82608 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -412 Building Rentals 09 -08 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $811.75 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $811.75 -1722- $28.11 $188.40 Total $216.51 $19.90 Refer 82608 MOUND, CITY OF _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -382 Water Utilities 07 -08 WATERISEWER Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment G 475 -22801 Deposits /Escrow 07 -08 WATER/SEWER HOM Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 82608 NAPA GUINE PARTS COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 - 45200440 Other Contractual Servic TRAILER WIRE Invoice 5435601 8/26/2008 -1722- $28.11 $188.40 Total $216.51 $19.90 City Of Mound 08/21/08 8:14 AM Page 14 ii, Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008' Cash Payment E 10145200404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BALL MOUNT, HITCHPIN $67.80 Invoice 5435173 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RETURN WIRE, ADAPTER - $36.93 Invoice 5435600 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.77 Refer 82608 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI _ Cash Payment E 60249450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR PUMP #1 NORTHERN LIFT $456.50 Invoice 3330 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $456.50 Refer 82608 NS/7 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 08-08 THRU 10 -08 PREVENTATIVE $1,020.00 MAINTENANCE Invoice C000569 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,020.00 Refer 81308 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $122.72 Invoice 437281398 -001 8/13/2008 PO 21048 Cash Payment E 10141500 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $24.26 Invoice 438510664001 8/1312008 PO 21032 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $73.57 Invoice 4381125867- 001 8/13/2008 PO 21054 • Cash Payment E 101-41110-200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $38.47 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $34.62 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $38.47 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 10142400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $28.85 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 10145200 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $13.46 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $9.62 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/1312008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $5,77 Invoice 439457490 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $11.54 Invoice 439457490 - 001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $11.54 Invoice 439457490 -001 -1 8/13/2008 PO 20698 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGES $148.42 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies PENS, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $14.81 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $2.45 Invoice 439707665 - 001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $9.39 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 • Cash Payment E 10142400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $5.31 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 -1723- • i� CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments 08/21/08 8:14 AM Page 15 -1724- Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $4.08 Invoice 439707665- 001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $2.86 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $2.46 Invoice 439707665 -001- 8/1312008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $3.67 Invoice 439707665 -001 -1 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $3.67 Invoice 439707665 -001 -J 8/13/2008 P020948 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies CALENDARS $25.18 Invoice 439707665 -002- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 10142400 -200 Office Supplies CALENDAR $12.58 Invoice 439707665 -002- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $0.78 Invoice 439857104 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $2.22 Invoice 439857104 - 001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $3.00 Invoice 439857104 -001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $1.70 439857104001 - 8/13/2008 PO 20948 •Invoice Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $1.31 Invoice 439857104 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $0.91 Invoice 439857104 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $0.79 Invoice 439857104 -001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $1.17 Invoice 439857104001- 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPILES $1.17 Invoice 439857104 -001 -1 8/13/2008 PO 20948 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $660.82 Refer 82608 PAINS MASONRY _ Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 07 -25 -08 MAIN BREAKS $10,230.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,230.00 Refer 82608 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMP _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,653.34 Invoice 8194380 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight 08 -18 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $30.00 Invoice 8194380 -B 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,154.01 Invoice 8193594 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -11 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $32.50 Invoice 8193594 -B 8126/2008 • Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,869.85 Refer 82608 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ -1724- City Of Mound 08/21/08 8:14 AM I, Page 16 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT LIQUOR -$6,68 Invoice 3390962 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT- LIQUOR -$8.46 Invoice 3390961 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $69.25 Invoice 261616 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $810.80 Invoice 2541615 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $40.00 Invoice 2644331 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE2644330 $393.05 Invoice 3390962 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $253.14 Invoice 2644329 8/2612008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 total $1,551.10 Refer 82608 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $558.50 Invoice 044833 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $36.50 Invoice 044834 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $96.00 Invoice 044418 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,338.71 Invoice 044893 -00 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR -$9.41 Invoice 044556 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $240.00 Invoice 044333 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,432.53 Invoice 047592 -00 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $344.00 Invoice 047591 -00 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,556.83 Refer 82608 RAYS SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal THREE POINTS BLVD $1,450.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal TUXEDO BLVD $845.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 2931 BRADFORD, SWENSON PARK $785.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal CLOVER CIRCLE $365.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 4653 CARLOW $585.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal WATERSIDE ROAD BRANCHES $75.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal HIGHLAND BLVD $4,675.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 -1725- • *I • Ul [7 City of Mound 08121/08 8:14 AM Page 17 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash; Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 5057 THREE POINTS BLVD $335.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 3006 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $485.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal BELMONT LANE $185.00 Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal DUNDEE PARK $185.00 Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal BAYRIDGE ROAD $175.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 5782 ELM STREET $385.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal TONKAWOOD $100.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal 2764 CARDIGAN STREET $895.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal DUTCH LAKE LANDING $795.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal AL & ALMAS AREA $2,400.00 Invoice 082608 8/2612008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,720.00 Refer 82608 RESOURCE RECOVERY TECHNOL _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -232 Landscape Material PLAYGROUND MATERIALS, WOODCHIPS $905.79 Invoice 63905 8/2612008 Transaction Date 8/19/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total, $905.79 Refer .82608 RMH SERVICES, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 -49999 -430 Miscellaneous 07 -28 -08 5114 JENNINGS ROAD MOWING $213.00 Invoice 2599 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 10149999 -430 Miscellaneous 07 -28 -08 5174 TUXEDO BLVD. Invoice 2600 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous 07 -28 -08 4539 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE $133.13 Invoice 2601 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 811512008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $399.38 Refer 82608 ROTARY CLUB OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Refer 82608 SCHARBER AND SONS Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 02- 2004422 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 02- 2004422 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 02- 2004422 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 02- 2004323 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 02- 2004323 8/26/2008 ROTARY GOLF SCRAMBLE Wells Fargo 10100 SPRING FOR CHAIN SAW SPRING FOR CHAIN SAW SPRING FOR CHAIN SAW PARTS FOR CHAIN SAW PARTS FOR CHAIN SAW -1726- $150.00 Total $150.00 $0.43 $0.43 $0.43 $7.14 $7.14 CITY OF MOUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 08/21/08 8:14 AM Page 18 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts PARTS FOR CHAIN SAW $7.13 Invoice 02- 2004323 8/2612008 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair FUEL PUMP $31.34 Invoice 02- 2004322 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.04 Refer 82608 SEAL TEK Cash Payment E 601 - 49400440 Other Contractual Servic 2858 PELICAN POINT CIRCLE SEALCOAT $275.00 DRIVEWAY Invoice 082608 8126/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $275.00 Refer 82608 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 609 - 49750440 Other Contractual Servic 09-08 BURGLARY AND FIRE MONITORING $75.94 Invoice 584061 8/26/2008 Refer 82608 SUNSET CONSTRUCTION, INCOR _ Transaction Date 8/18 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.94 Refer 82608 SHADOW PLASTICS, INCORPORA _ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 82608 TAYLOR J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispos GARBAGE BAGS BEER $1,690.74 Invoice 62378 8/26/2008 Transaction Date ,—., ,, .. 8/19/2008 ..... , --, ........ _...%l'.1. Wells Fargo 10100 1..... -.... 1. .. _- Total $1,690.74 Refer 82608 SKINNER, GREG _ ., .., : -... ........„ .... ..:... .... ... Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE ROTARY GOLF $16,67 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 601. 49400 -430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE ROTARY GOLF $16.67 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE ROTARY GOLF $16.66 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 82608 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 08 -01 -08 HVAC MAINTENANCE $315.00 Invoice 189 -76 8126/2008 PO 20597 Transaction Date 8/11/2008. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $315.00 Refer 82608 STREICHER'S _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies TARGET TRAINING KIT $981,99 Invoice 1533116 8126/2008 PO 21034 Transaction Date 8/15/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $981.99 Refer 82608 STS CONSULTANTS _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 07 -31 -08 AUDITORS ROAD $10,653.40 PROPERTY ACQUISITION • 401 Invoice N33239 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8120/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,653.40 Refer 82608 SUNSET CONSTRUCTION, INCOR _ Cash Payment G 101 -23007 Erosion Control Escrow 5759 LYNWOOD BLVD #2007- 00402/428 $750.00 Invoice 082608 8/2612008 Transaction Date 8/20/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 82608 TAYLOR J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $252.50 Invoice 1197827 8/26/2008 -1727- -1728- City Of Mound ` 08/21/08 8:14 AM Payments Page 19 CITY of MOUND Current Period: August 2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $18.00 Invoice 1192547 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $77.00 Invoice 915890 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $44.00 Invoice 915891 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,292.96 Invoice 1192546 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale CREDIT —BEER - $62;50 Invoice 915649 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,190.95 Invoice 1192502 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,812.91 Refer 82608 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $284.00 Invoice 506023 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight BEER $269.55 Invoice 68764 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,931.05 Invoice 506071 8126/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $160.60 Invoice 506072 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $502.00 Invoice 68661 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $160.85 Invoice 505121 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,400.10 Invoice 505128 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,708.15 Refer 82608 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -430 Miscellaneous NOZZLE $6.39 Invoice 49305 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 421.10 -430 Miscellaneous ADHESIVE $14.90 Invoice 49761 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/1112008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21.29 Refer 82608 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LOC 90 _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -418 Other Rentals AIR AND OXYGEN $33.14 Invoice 898013 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/21/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $33.14 Refer 82608 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,109.00 Invoice 009593 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -12 -OB DELIVERY CHARGE $12.00 Invoice 009593 -B 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,121.00 Refer 82608 WACONIA FORD MERCURY Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs WINDOW SWITCH $45.71 Invoice 48728 8/26/2008 -1728- City Of Mound 08/21108 8:14 AM Page 20 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: August 2008 -1729- • 01 • Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #404 CONNECT CLAMP $75,22 Invoice 48726 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8711/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120.93 Refer 82608 WELCH, BRIAN _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -430 Miscellaneous REIMBURSE ROTARY EVENT $50.00 Invoice 082608 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/18/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 82608 WHELAN DAVIS COMPANY, INCO _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -401 Building Repairs 01 -01 -08 THRU 06 -30 -08 HVAC $998.50 MAINTENANCE Invoice 8693 -A 8/26/2008 PO 20449 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -440 Other Contractual Servic 01 -01 -08 THRU 06 -30 -08 HVAC $998.50 MAINTENANCE Invoice 8693 -B 8/26/2008 PO 20449 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -401 Building Repairs 06 -09 -08 REPAIR CONDENSOR FAN $362.50 Invoice 8693 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 06 -09 -08 REPAIR CONDENSER FAN $362.50 Invoice 8693 -B 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/14/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,722.00 Refer 82608 WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $300.00 Invoice 198792 -000 -A 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -07 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $6.40 Invoice 198792 -00-B 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $336.00 Invoice 188257 -00-a 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 08 -14 -08 DELIVERY CHARGE $6.40 Invoice 188257 -00 -B 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/11/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $648.80 Refer 82608 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,140.00 Invoice 240723 8/26/2008 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $220.00 Invoice 241541 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8111 /2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,360.00 Refer 82608 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 06-08 #51- 6002836 -0 $100.42 Invoice 230806629 8/26/2008 Transaction Date 8/12/2008 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.42 -1729- • 01 • A A • CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 MOUND HRA 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 427 SEAL COAT FUND 450 Parking Deck 1 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND City of Mound Payments Current Period: August 2008 10100 Wells Fargo $74,034.46 $12,820.83 $533.41 $241.30 $109,799.11 $270.00 $201.48 $11,740.90 $16,398.42 $10,928.23 $89,436.56 $11,804.88 $338,209.58 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $338,209.58 Total $338,209.58 • -1730- 08/21 /08 8:14 AM Page 21 • MEMORANDU TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent DATE: August 19, 2008 RE: TRPD Dakota Trail — Winter Trail Activities At the August 14, 2008 POSDC meeting the Commission discussed a request from Three Rivers Park District regarding winter use on the section of trail in the City of Mound. Below is an excerpt from the meeting minutes: Discuss: TRPD Regional Trail - Winter Trail Activities Fackler stated a request came in from TRPD regarding winter use of the Dakota Trail. If the trail is open for winter use the City would be responsible to plow, sand and • repair if needed along with policing. Commission feels strongly to keep the trail plowed in the winter for walking and jogging use. MOTION by Meisel to have the trail plowed and maintained over the winter months. SECOND by Wilkus. Motion carries unanimously. C, -1731- Memo TO: Kandis Hanson DATE: August 1, 2008 City Manager City of Mound �}� FROM: Margie Walz, Associate Superintendent m" Division of Parks and Natural Resources 763/559 -6746 SUBS: Regional Trails - 2008 -2009 Winter Trail Activities Permit PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS REOUEST BY SEPT BER 22, 2008 Enclosed is a copy of the 2008 -2009 .Winter Use Permit request form for. regional trail segments located within your community. Please determine the level of winter use you are requesting, fill out the application form and follow the procedures outlined beldw. If your community does not plan to authorize any winter use activities, please indicate (none) in the. box at the top of the permit and return it so that the trail can be signed as CLOSED, by order of your city council. The Winter Use Permit ultimately authorizes your City to utilize the section of trail for the use you request. Permitted activities are determined by individual communities, contingent upon approval from the Park District's Board of Commissioners. An updated Certificate. of Insurance, naming Three Rivers Park District .as an additional named Insured{ should be submitted with the permit application. Coverage will need to show inclusive dates from November 15, 2008 and March 31, 2009. Please include proposed rules and regulations for winter use, as well. Permit requests should be submitted to Janet Haben, Administrative Assistant, and include apRronriate meeting minutes): Some cities have elected to pass board motions authorizing multi -year Winter Trail Activities Permit applications. This is completely acceptable to the Park District and may save you administrative time. , If your .city has already pre- authorized multi - years, please submit an updated Winter Use Permit and Certificate of Insurance, If you have questions regarding this, please contact me at 763/559 -6746. Thank you. L c: Jonathan Vlaming, Senior Manager of Planning 3000 Xenium Lane N., Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 7631559 -9000 Fax: 763/559 -3287 -1732- THREE RIVERS PARK DISTRICT REGIONAL TRAIL SYSTEM 2008 -2009 WINTER USE PERMIT Dame of City City Mall Phone Contact Person Phone Regional Trail From to Authorized 2008 -2009 Winter Activities Regional Trail From to Authorized 2008 -2009 Winter Activities Regional Trail From to Authorized 2008 -2009 Winter Activities Regional Trail From to Authorized 2008 -2009 Winter Activities Authorization is hereby requested from the Park District -Board of Commissioners to use portions of the Regional Trail Corridor for winter use activities between November 15, 2008 and March 31, 2009, as determined by each municipality within guidelines set forth herein on District property located within individual City boundaries. It is understood and agreed that approval from the Park District Board of Commissioners is contingent upon the following conditions: 1. The City agrees to 'defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Park District, Its officials, ` officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments., damages, losses, costs or expenses, Including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or, omission of the City, its respective contractors, anyone directly or Indirectly employed by the, and /or anyone for whose acts and /or omissions they may be liable for related to the winter .use of the Regional Trail Corridor. If City maintains general liability insurance at the time this permit is issued, City shall provide the Park District With a Certificate of Insurance, naming Three Rivers Park District as an additional named insured. 2. The City agrees to maintain the trail, including, but not limited to, any , plowing, sweeping, sanding, packing, trash pick -up, and ;sign replacement, between November 15, 2008 -March 31, 2009. For ice control on aggregate trails, Cities agree to use buff colored, 3/8" clear limestone chips from Edward Kramer and Sons, Burnsville, MN. Edward Kramer and Sons is the only aggregate pit that supplies the buff colored limestone that has been specified for use on these trails. Paved trails can be treated with a salt/sand mixture or other approved chemical treatments. The City further agrees to immediately address all safety issues on or adjacent to trails. 3. The City will provide signage at locations approved by the Park District, notifying the public of authorized winter activities within its city limits; activities may Include, but - 1733!- r 1 U is • are not limited to, hiking, biking, -cross-country siding, snowshoeing; or pet walking. • Winter use signs must..be Installed by the City at designated locations prior to November 15, 2008 and 'removed by the City no later than April 15, 2009. These . signs. are totally the -responsibility of each municipality. 4. Snowmobiling is not allowed on Park District regional trails. Permitted use for snowmobiles will be limited to direct crossings only: The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA) does not allow Snowmobiling or other motorized use within Its corridors. The Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail and the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail are located on HCRRA corridor property and permission for a snowmobiling crossing of either corridor must be obtained from the HCRRA prior to requesting permission from the Park District for a snowmobile crossing of the regional trail within the corridor. If a snowmobile crossing is permitted, cities must take steps . to keep snowmobiles from damaging paved trails, bridges and other property. 16 • 5. The City agrees to enforce rules and regulations established by the municipality as part of its request for a Winter Use Permit. 6. The City agrees to repair all trail surface damage that occurs as a result of winter trail activities and /or maintenance, including, but not limited to, bituminous /concrete repair, bridge deck repair, grading or adding 'aggregate pursuant to. guidelines established by the Park District, 7. The City, 'agrees' that winter trail use will -be- available to -all- persons, regardless of residence. Each City Is required to submit its annual permit requests, including proposed rules and regulations, by September 22, 2008,, after which the Park District may take up to 45 business days to process. Each permit request must be submitted as a result of formal City Council action, with accompanying verification, agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined by the Park District's'Winter Use Permit. It should be further understood that no winter activity will be allowed on segments.of the Regional Trail Corridor where municipalities do not request and receive permits. The Park District reserves the right to terminate a permit at any time, if the conditions set forth herein are not followed. Signed: Date: Title: (Authorized Representative of the City) -1734- .,W • MEMORANDUM TO Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Parks DATE: August 19, 2008 RE: Public Lands Permit 2640 Shannon Lane — Greg Christlieb At the August 14, 2008 Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission Meeting, the Commission recommends approving the Public Lands Permit for 2640 Shannon Lane requesting to run electrical service to a commons dock. Below is the excerpt from the August 14, 2008 meeting minutes: 7 Discuss: Public Lands Permit for 2640 Shannon. Lane Fackler summarized the °public lands permit application requesting to extend electrical to commons dock by applicant: MOTION by Funk to approve public lands permit with staff recommendations. SECOND by Wilkes. Motion carries unanimously. Attached is the Public Lands Application, staff recommendations and a draft resolution for approval. • -1735- � 0') I • -b F- PUBLIC LANDS REPORT TO: Parks, Open Space and Docks ,��C 1 ", ' n FROM: dim Fackler, Park DATE: July 22, 2008 SUBJECT: Electrical Power to Dock on APPLICANT: Greg Christlieb LOCATION: 2640 Shannon Lane REQUEST: Install underground wire from house to dock for electric power to commons dock. 320.01 SRecial Permits for Certain Structures on Public Land. Subd.1. Construction on Public Land Permit. Construction of any kind on any public way; park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, is unlawful unless a special construction on public land permit is issued as provided in this section. Any proposed construction, special use or land alteration shall require the applicant to provide necessary drawings to scale, specifications of materials to be used, proposed costs, and purpose for change. All special permits shall require a survey by a registered land surveyor before a special permit will be issued. Survey shall comply with the Mound . Building Code survey requirements. Copies of such surveys, drawings, specifications of materials, proposed costs and statements of purpose shall be furnished to the City and kept on file in the City offices. No special permit shall be issued unless approved by a simple majority of the Council members. (ORD.108 -2000, 7/16/00) CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: - 1736- Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent: • If the City would need to do work in the area and remove wire, the City is not responsible to replace it. City needs a location drawing with wire noted. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director: No filling or grading in Shoreline Overlay District or wetland flood plain without Prole' Permits. Check with MnSpect for any building code regulations Ray Hanson Engineering/Planning Technician: Wire needs to be installed in conduit Conduit location will need to be on an asbuilt plan for future location Asbuilt to be done by a registered land surveyor Electrical permit and inspection required Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent: No comments Carlton, Public Works Director: No comments SM INSPECTION City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. PHOTOGRAPHS Survey included in application RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval; of permit application with conditions noted by staff. CITY COUNCEL REVIEW Is required. ATTACHMENTS: • Public Lands Permit Application dated June 30, 2008 • Site survey 2 -1737 - *I 0 • I ist - I 1-� V. � -I 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 - 472 -06W Fax 952- 472-0620 PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION Date Received RE �u JUL 1 2008 OF Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission Date City Council Date DISTRIBUTION _- Building Official Parks Director DNR MCWD Public Works Other Check one CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT — new construction. NOTE:- NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320, Subd. 1). [� PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT - to allow repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill,. etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4). yucture or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, W;etc. are all, NONCONFORMING USES. It is the Intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which . pans that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. Ail permits are anted for a limited time and are non - transferable. Stairway construction must meet the. State Building Code when the rmit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. APPLICANT Name Address J . -'v N �� L.au , 4+�/r✓ �'1!V Phase (H) 7 (VU) rte'+f (M) ABUTTING Address 6 @ � N D" L o Vei � PROPERTY Lot irv0 Flo ff Ado f-1' off-2 _040-2— Block,_ LEGAL DESC. Subdivision PID # % / °� " 0) Plat # ZONING DISTRICT R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B-2 B -3 Fjblic Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 119108 -1738- PUBLIC Name EE c gs t ©x L-Alvv c 1Cq*""-0fvS, � ,PROPERTY I Dock Site* � � Shoreline Type P rO �•r� -� CONTRACTOR Name! heN J� Address �r `i ® .s Gf.9 -s�)-J.o Aj L ^ Phone (H) �'% z ' r %�!L (W) (M A FEE OF $200.00 APPLIES IF VALUATION OF PROJECT EXCEEDS $1,000.00 AND NO PUBLIC BENEFIT IS DERIVED. PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) $ + Public Lands Permit Application Page 2 of 2 Revised 119108 -179- 01 0 1 [7 ul I� Sffz4.IV-IVOIV LVVE S 0016'32" E MCI no-- Z 00 C)� P- 00 W —177 --60.00-- S 00'27'01" E 'EYCELS.rOR L4jVE -1740- p r- m < CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 08- • RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR 2640 Shannon Lane WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a Public Lands Permit for extending electrical service from his residence a commons dock, and WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of Tuesday, August 26, 2008, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Public Lands Permit as submitted by Greg Christlieb for 2640 Shannon Lane with the following conditions:. 1. If the City would need to do work in the area and remove wire, the City is not responsible to replace it. 2. No filing or grading in the Shoreline Overlay District or wetland flood plain without proper permits. • 3. Applicant to check with Building Official for any buildit code requirements. 4. Wire needs to be installed in conduit. 5. Conduit location will need to be on an asbuilt plan for'future 6. Asbuitt to be prepared by a registered land surveyor 7. Electrical permit and inspection required. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1741- Mayor Mark Hanus • • 0 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Parks DATE: August 19, 2008 RE: Public Lands Permit 3000 Highland Blvd — Eric and Sharla Stafford At the August 14, 2008 Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission Meeting, the Commission recommends approving the Public Lands Permit for 3000 Highland Blvd for a retaining wall. Below is the excerpt from the August 14, 2008 meeting minutes: Discuss: Public Lands Permit 3000 Highland Blvd Fackler summarized after- the- -fact public lands permit submitted for 3000 Highland Blvd. Eric Stafford, 3000 Highland Blvd, addressed the commission. He stated his whole intent was to clean up the area and take care of erosion. He wasn't aware it was an easement bluff. The portion of the wall that extends on to Public Lands will be removed. MOTION by Beise to recommend the City Council approve Public Lands Permit with staff recommendations. SECOND by Wilkus. Motion carries unanimously. Also, attached are comments from the Planning Commission, staff correspondence, and the .. Public Lands Application with supporting documents. Based on recommendations from the PODSC and Planning Commission attached is a draft resolution for approval. -1742- MINUTE ' EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION • JULY 14, 208 PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT LANDSCAPING / GRADING I RETAINING WALLS IN BLUFF EASEMENT 3000 HIGHLAND BOULEVARD ERIC AND SHARLA STAFFORD Applicant has requested (after the fact) permission to complete a landscaping, grading and retaining wall project started in 2007 along the lakeside of their property. The applicants purchased the house in 2006 and were unaware of the bluff easement on the property. Therefore, the owners undertook noxious weed and vegetation alteration activities and started a retaining wall project. A site inspection was conducted by Staff in fall 2007 and issued a Stop Work Order due to unauthorized work in the bluff. Staff recommends the Public Lands permit li tion be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. After the fact permitting will be and may include, but is not limited to, grading and /or building pe ouble fees to apply. • 2. Retaining walls extending t djacent public parcel shall be removed. 3. Walls shall be- limited to no mo a than 4 feet or a building permit shall be required. 4. Any disturbed areas on public property shall be restored by the applicant subject to review and acceptance-- by'Mound Staff. 5. Applicant shall expose shared property irons on the north side of the property so Mound Staff can install public property signape 6. Recommended conditions from Parks Superintendent and P/I Technician. Burma felt there was a clear misunderstanding of the property owner and no intent to deceive. MOTION by Burma, seconded by Stevens, to recommend Council .approve the public lands permit with Staff recommendations, including softscaping on top of the retaining walls. MOTION carried unanimously. Smith suggested that staff research with the City Attorney whether the bluff easement is adequate and whether a hold harmless agreement should be executed on the walls. Paulsen asked if there would be a landscape plan. Smith said some sort of plan will be required consistent with Best Management Practices. • -1743- • FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, Jim Fackler, Parks Superintendent, Ray Hanson, Planning and Engineering Technician DATE: July 10, 2008 SUBJECT:. Public Lands Permit Application Land alteration / construction activities in bluff easement (After the Fact) APPLICANT: Eric and Sharla Stafford LOCATION: 3000 Highland Boulevard REQUEST Eric and Sharla Stafford, who own the property at 3000 Highland Boulevard, have submitted a Public Lands Permit (After the Fact) application requesting permission to complete a landscaping / construction / retaining wall project started in 2007 along the lakeside of their property which is located in a bluff easement which was placed on the property as part of a 2004 waiver of platting which created the subject lot. Details from the applicant are contained in the attached narrative. 320.01 Special Permits for Certain Structures on Public Land. Subd.1. Construction on Public Land.Permit. Construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, is unlawful unless a special construction on public land permit is issued as provided in this section. Any proposed construction, special use or land alteration shall require the applicant to provide necessary drawings to scale, specifications of materials to be used, proposed costs, and purpose for change. All special permits shall require a survey by a registered land surveyor before a special permit will be issued. Survey shall comply with the Mound Building Code survey requirements. Copies of such surveys, drawings, specifications of materials, proposed costs and statements of purpose shall be furnished to the City and kept on file in the City offices. No special permit shall be issued unless approved by a simple majority of the Council members. (ORD. 108-2000,7/16/00.) -1744- BACKGROUND Subject property was part of a waiver of platting approved in 2004 which created • 2 lots including 3000 /3002 Highland Boulevard. A condition for approval included the preparation and recording of a bluff conservation easement for the purpose of limiting and restricting vegetation /topographic alterations on the lakeside of the property. Copies of these documents have been included as. attachments. Copies of the planning report for the waiver of platting are on file and will be provided upon request. Building permit (2004- 00064) for the new house was issued to Suncrest Builders on 2/23/05. As -built survey was approved on 12/305 subject to conditions (copy attached). Certificate of occupancy was issued on 7/11/06. The applicants purchased the property in July 2006 and were unaware of the bluff easement on the property. Therefore, the owners undertook noxious weed and vegetation.alteration/trimming activities (ie. dead, diseased trees, buckthorn, etc.) on the lakeside of the property and started a retaining wall(s) project after contacting the City regarding permitting for retaining walls. A site inspection was conducted by Staff in Fall 2007 regarding land alteration activities being done on the lakeside of the subject property by a contractor which included grading and retaining wall construction. Staff issued a Stop Work Order due to unauthorized work and the contractor was formally advised of local / agency regulations as well as the existence of the bluff easement on the property which was a; condition of the waiver of platting approved for the property. • CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the. request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: • 2 -1745- Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent • Review by POSDAC required. Tentative date for POSDAC is August 14, 2008 but may be subject to. change. Applicant to confirm meeting date with Parks ]Dept. prior to meeting. • Any appearances or structures constructed on adjacent public parcel should be removed. lie Applicant to be responsible for site restoration of any and/or all disturbed areas on public property. • Applicant shall identify survey boundary along shared lot line on public parcel so City marker(s) (ie. park sign) can be installed. • No further activity or use ft. alteration, stockpiling, storage, trimming, etc.) on adjacent public property is allowed or authorized. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director • Retaining walls are not subject to setback requirements. Any retaining wall exceeding 4 feet requires a building permit and the submittal of plans and specifications signed by a professional engineer. Retaining walls are allowed subject to other governing provisions with the 50 -foot lakeshore . setback area. • Shoreland alterations are contained in City Code Chapter 35.0.1225 The applicable sections are outlined below: Alterations and grading and filling activities which involve movement more than 10 cubic yards in on steep slopes or, within shore or bluff impact zones generally require issuance of a grading permit in accordance with City Code Chapter 350.1200 (Shoreland Regulations) but are subject to certain exceptions including, but not limited to, the provisions contained in City Code. Chapter 350.1225, Subd. B (1) which reads as follows: "Grading, filling and excavations necessary for the construction of structures and driveways under validly issued construction permits for these facilities do not require the issuance of a separate grading permit" In shore/bluff impact zones and on steep slopes on private property, limited clearing of trees and shrubs and cutting, pruning and trimming of trees is allowed to provide a`view to the water Tfrom. the principal dwelling site and to accommodate the placement of stairways and landings, picnic areas, access paths, beach and watercraft access areas and permitted accessory structures of facilities, provided that: • -1746- the screening of structures as viewed from the water assuming • summer left on conditions is not substantially reduced. the above provisions are not applicable to the removal of trees, limbs or branches that are dead, diseased or pose safety hazards. The removal of dead/diseased vegetation / trees on the "upper" bluff covered by the bluff easement on the property was undertaken by the builder. As mentioned above, these types of activities are exempt from the vegetation removal regulations. Based on discussion with the builder, vegetation loss on the bluff also occurred when the new sewer line(s) needed for the new house(s) were installed and lakeside steps were constructed. Stairways / landings are allowed appurtances in the shoreland overlay district subject to conditions. Building permits for lakeside stairs are not required. • The need to amend the approved waiver of platting resolution and easement may be required. As shoreland and bluff areas are regulated by City Code Chapter 350.1200, which includes provisions for vegetation and topographic alterations, the need for the bluff easement should be discussed / evaluated. • The applicants have commenced re- vegetation activities in the disturbed areas around the stairs which were impacted by the retaining wall construction/land alteration activities. The applicants have been working with P/I Technician • regarding restoration activities including erosion control. • If applicable, any work done below the 929.4 Ordinary High Water Mark may require additional permitting from the`DNR and /or MCWD including but not limited to a Work in Public Waters Permit and Shoreline Alteration Permit (ripraP.) • Previous survey(s) show "steps" in easement area and the applicant has commented about finding remnants of retaining wall materials in subject area. Lakeside area also includes a sanitary sewer easement which runs between the upper and lower areas. • Buckthorn is considered to be a noxious and invasive plant. • All regulations of the City Code including the R -1 District for a lot of record apply to the.subject property. Ray Hanson — Engineering /Planning Technician • It is Staff's understanding that the retaining walls will not exceed 4 feet in height upon project completion. • -1747- • • Due to topography in subject area;,the restoration of the area without significant grading/filling and/or some sort of retaining wall or structural system may be difficult. Members are reminded that a sanitary sewer line is located between the "upper" and "lower" bluff area(s) which must be maintained undisturbed. • Erosion control measures need to be maintained until adequate ground cover has been permanently established. • Staff to monitor new vegetation planted on previously disturbed areas. Applicant will be responsible for replacement of plantings which do not survive to ensure permanent ground cover is being maintained. Staff also to evaluate the need for additional overstory trees to increase canopy. Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent No comments. Carlton, Public Works Director No comments received. Dan Menth, Building Official No permits required from Building Official unless walls are over • 4 feet. . AGENCY ROUTING Copies of the Public Lands Permit application was forwarded to the DNR Area Hydrologist and MCWD for review. No comments were received. • SITE INSPECTION City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Public Lands Permit application be approved subject to the following conditions: After the fact permitting per code will be required and may include but is not limited to, grading and/or building permits. Double fees to apply. 2. Retaining walls which extend on to the adjacent public parcel shall be removed. Walls shall be limited to no than 4 feet or a building permit shall be required including the submittal of all involved information including but not limited to, signed, engineered drawings. -1748- V 4. Any disturbed areas on public property shall be restored by the applicant with such work being subject to review and acceptance by Mound Staff. • 5. Applicant shall expose shared property irons on the north side of the property so Mound Staff can install public property signage. 6. Recommended conditions from Parks Superintendent and P/I Technician. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW Review of the application by the City Council is required. At this time, no date has been set. ATTACHMENTS: • Applicant narrative • Public Lands Permit application dated 6/2/08. • Site survey • Waiver of platting resolution and bluff easement document(s) • Aerial photo(s) 9� 6 - 1749 • To; Sarah Smith, Community Development Director From: Eric & Sharla Stafford Date: 612/2008 Re: Regarding 3000 Highland Blvd Sharla and I purchased this home in July '06. We sold our home over the 4s' of July and needed a place quickly. The seller/builder of 3000 Highland Blvd was motivated to move the property and we were able to get the best terms on the home by closing in less than two weeks. We were not aware of any easements on the property that would prevent us from our enjoyment and use of the property. We had tons of wild buck thorn and very invasive weeds that had taken over the bluff. I would trim the weeds down and they just grew more aggressively. It got to the point where the weeds were covering our stairway to the lake and 4- 5'thistles were leaning over the steps making it hard to get to our dock. We began thinning the weeds out to try to get control of the bluff and clear our stairwell. We realized that we were going to have to cut down or kill the weeds and buck thorn and re -plant • native plants and ground cover that would protect the bluff, While on the north side of the stairwell we discovered retaining walls that had been there for many years that had fallen down and were in disrepair. We had checked with the city office and asked about replacing/improving retaining walls and we were instructed that as long as the walls didn't go over four feet from the ground that a permit would not be required for the work. We hired a professional landscaper; Todd's Landscaping, to begin work on the hill and we directed them to make sure the walls didn't go over four feet and that we stayed off the city park lot. The city lot was marked by a sign and we were well'within that sign marker. The marker was knocked down by the landscaper's crew, by accident and we did find out later this was not an official marker. As we were in process of replanting the hill on south side of steps our landscaper noticed that flat part of the yard looked like it may be eroding so he suggested adding. a wall to the south side as well to protect the yard and lake from erosion. Our neighbors at 3002 Highland felt that this wall was on their property so they called the city and the project was shut down until a survey was taken and city reviewed the project. At this point we were made aware by city that our hill was part of a bluff restriction. We hired Otto & Associates to do a complete lot survey. We found that we were indeed well within our property on the south/neighbor's side and in fact our neighbors at 3002 Highland Blvd were in our property. Also we did find that walls on the north side were just crossing over into the park Our intentions were to stay within our property boundaries — we did not intend to be on the park at all. We informed the city that we would remove that portion of the walls that were on city property. Ray and I met May 286, 2008 and he requested that we complete the following: -1750- June 2, 2008 • Seed an area on the city land next to property and trench in an erosion control fence until the seed takes. • Leave -the small pile of river rock on city lot until project is complete • .Remove some unnecessary erosion control fencing • Trench in a drain the from upper hill through flat yard under steps to divert storm water past south retaining wall • Re- vegetate the south hill between the lake and retaining wall We have hired Otto & Associates to draw the walls on the plat with Sluff and utility easements on them and submitted our plans to the city. Regards, Eric & Sharla Stafford -1751- 2 •I 401 *I � 0 --a 61 6341 'Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 -472 -0600 Fax 952 -472 -0620 PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION Date RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2008 Dock Commission Date City Council Date Building Official Parks'Director 17I �TRIE3UTI ON 9 . DNR MCWD Public Works O her CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT - new construction.. NOTE; NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR, OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320 Subd. 1). ❑ PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT -to allow repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE - to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ LAND ALTERATION - change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4). Otructure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, heds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. it is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which leans that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are ranted for a.limited time and are non - transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the ermit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. APPLICANT Name Address Phone (H) ABUTTING I Add PROPERTY LEGAL (W) I- Lot Block DESC. � .Subdivisi P I D # ZONING DISTRICT R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 12/03/03 -1752= Plat # PLIC PROPERTY Name Dock Site # Shoreline Type COhITRACTOR 4 Name, Address C-fC) I PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) DESCRIBE REQUEST & PURPOSE Applicant's Signa Public Lands Permit Application Page 2 of 2 Revised 12/03/03 -1753- 011(4 *I • Date 011(4 *I �e ro op vi oa -1754- CD N. cl Aro -1754- 13 12 ve to o son IM oixt. -175 fi ti 0 � A *I MAT I* 10 I* TRANSFER ENTERED WIENNEPIN COUNTYTOMAYER SEMI DEC. 2 7 2004 H N N UNITY MINN. ! DERM STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) CERTIFICATE City of Mound Ma OF 7W REMIM OF PPLES REED ON DEC 2 7* 2W4 REGz#; TRA/0F rITLES 9Y -- D-EPUTy 1, the undersigned, being duly qualified and the City Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesotaj,* hereby attest and certify that: 1. As such officer, 1 have the legal custody of the original record from which the attached and forgoing extract was transcribed. 2. 1 have carefully compared said extract with said original record. 3. 1 find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript from the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City held on the date indicted in said extract, including any resolution adopted at such meeting, insofar as they relate to: RESOLUTION NO-04-110 RESOLUTION APPROVING A WAIVER OF PLATTING AND LOT WIDTH • VARIANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DIVIDING A TAX PARCEL INTO THE TWO ORIGINALLY PLATTED LOTS LOCATED AT 3000 HIGHLAND BOULEVARD, LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, THE' HIGHLANDS P&Z CASE #04-32 AND 04 -33 PID #23- 117 - 24-41 -0008 Said meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof as required by law on the 28�' day of September, 2004. WITNESS my hand officially as such Clerk, and the seal of said City, this 29th day of September, 2004. -1 ge��e Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1757- • 10 19 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 04 -110 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A WAIVER OF PLATTING AND LOT WIDTH VARIANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DIVIDING A TAX PARCEL INTO THE TWO ORIGINALLY PLATTED LOTS LOCATED AT 3000 HIGHLAND BOULEVARD, LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, THE HIGHLANDS, PID # 23- 117 -24 410008 P & Z CASE #04 -32 AND 04 -33 WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted an application for a waiver of platting and variances in order to divided the current tax parcel into the 2 original platted lots. The property is a lakeshore properly located on Cook's Bay. The property includes lots 1 and 2 of Block 2, The Highlands. As proposed, each lot would become a separate tax parcel. The lots are undersized for building width at 50 feet. Minimum width in the R -1 District is 60 feet; and, WHEREAS, City Code Section 330:12 and 350:530 Subd. 1 outlines the criteria for granting waiver of platting and variances in the City of Mound. In addition Section 330:170 of the Subdivision Ordinance applies for variance review for subdivisions. A variance may be issued to provide relief to the landowner in those areas where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his or her land; and, WHEREAS, the parcel is considered a lot of record; and, WHEREAS, the original residence was constructed around 1920 and straddles lots 1 and 2 The house is conforming to all building setbacks. A single car detached garage sits on the north property line. A shed is also about 2 feet from the property line; and, WHEREAS, the original water well is located on the northeastern corner of the home indicated as "underground storage" on the survey. The property owner has stated that the well has been capped, although the City has no documentation on file; and, WHEREAS, the property has over 60 feet of elevation change from Highland Blvd to Lake Minnetonka. The lakeside of the home contains a bluff. The survey accurately depicts the top of bluff and 10 feet setback; and, 1 -1758- Resolution No. 04 -110 WHEREAS, Nearly all of the Highlands Lakeshore. parcels are the original platted lots, most of which are in the .50 feet width range, less than the 60 feet minimum width requirement for the R -1 District; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended that the Council approve the waiver of platting and variances as requested by the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: The City does hereby approve the waiver of platting and lot width variances as requested with the following conditions: a. The properties will be assigned applicable setbacks for lot of record status. b. Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet wide along the front lot lines and 5 feet in width along side and rear lot lines so as to allow for. recording at Hennepin County. The proposed legal descriptions far the easement(s) shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. c. Property owner address status of the existing retaining walls at the time of building permit for the new residences. Any removal or modification to the wall would need to re- establish a grade and vegetation consistent with standards in Section 350:1225' of the Shoreland Management Regulations. Additional insight from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's publication, "Best Management Practices Handbook" shall be used to guide grading and vegetation activities. d. Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced. e. Payment of deficient street unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.4.5, prior to recording. f. Sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges of $1500.00 each shall be paid prior to recording. g. Park dedication fees of $1100.00 be paid prior to recording. h. Hardcover on the new lots be subject to 40 percent maximum for lots of record. EA -1759- *I 01 • • Resolution No. 04-110 I. The applicant,prepare and submit a conservation easement for the protection of vegetation and slope of the bluff. The bluff conservation easement shall be reviewed and approved by City Staff prior to recording. j. The applicant provide financial guarantees in a form acceptable to the City for the purposes of installing private utilities to serve each newly created property. 3. This waiver of platting and lot width variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, THE HIGHLANDS 4. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution. with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. Adopted by the City Council this 28h day of September, 20047 /s/ Bonnie Ritter Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • /s/ Pat Meisel Pat Meisel, Mayor CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO., INC. 411 CHESTNUT' ST. P,O. BOX 106 0WOKA, MN 55318 3- -1760- a- W t I DEC 2720 ell anis COPY�. i11 EASEMENT 3(D cb PILt- , o04, THIS AGREEMENT made this 9th day of` November z between �Evon C All en. as personal reproststive of the estate of filwood C. Uner. also 1024vn N Elwood Chester Uner_ , party of the first part, and the CITY OF MOUND, a municipal corporation unifier the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part. wnNESSETH: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION to City of Mound. a municiDal corporation in hand paid by said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, the following: A bluff conservation easement over' all that Part of Lot 1, Block 2 The Highlands, Hennepin CoungrjAinnesota lying Easterly of a line drawn from a point on the South line of said Lot 1, distant 152.00 feet Easterly of the Southwest corner thereof to a point on the North line of said Lot 1, distant 148.00 feet-Easterly of the Northwest comer thereof and Westerly of a line drawn from a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 1, distant said Lot 1, to a point on the 204.00 feet Easterly of the southwest comer of North line of said Lot 1 distant 193.00 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 1,. also over all that part of said Lot 1, lying Easterly of a line drawn from a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 1, distant 247.68 feet Easterly of the Southwest comer mar f Point on the North line of said Lot 1 distant 234.07 feet Easterly the Northwest said Lot 1. This instrMent drafted by: Affecting Certificate No. State Deed Tax Due Hereon: Julie Johnson 6371 Bay Ridge Road, Mound, MN 55364 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said party has hereunto set her hand the day and year first above written. -- in presence of: EVOn C. AlleII — STATE OF �� �° ---, CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & MU CO., INC. 411 CHESMUTS'f, SS. COUNTY OF Gtr! -d --) CHAS k MN 55318 On t't day of 2004, before me, allotary Public reozesEative of the within and for said County, personally app. eared Evon Elwood C All°" as personal Chester Uner , tome known to be the person Elwood C Uner also known as who executed the foregoing insri ument and aexno wledged that she executed the described in and same -as a free act and deed- _ FLUC" lII.E M 1 1.ER NOTARY Pi -17`61 - Notary Public .. rr nc rn 09AI n I ►ham fOlun«SSiOfI CXQ I* I* Property Information Search by Street Address Result page Page 1 of 2 Estimated Market Value: $1,200,000 Metes COUWr N $1,085,600 �....� Property Information Search Result Total Improvement Amount: The Hennepin County Property Tax web database is updated $12,512.91 Total Special Assessments: daily (Nonday -- Friday) at ApproxlmaitelY 4:15 p•m. (CST) Search Byf , $171.95 "Pirael�bata for Taxes Payable 200$ ,.. Gfck Here for the 2008 State Eopy to be useii when fllfnq for the: 2001 M -3PR StBtet,Refund Print 4n.... , propertyIDl ZS- Ir7�24�4 -0036 ., Address: 3oo0: HIGHLAND BLVD I+rrins MuniptPalfty: MOUND ` School Dist: 277 Construction year: 2005 Watershedi 3 ' Approx. Parcel Slie: t6X275XSOX285 Ise, wer Dist': HOUSE -or 'lu*W3NG" Owner.Name: E D STAFFORD & S K STAFFORD #0— Taxpayer Name ERIC ,V 8i SHARLA K STAFFORD Address: 3000 HIGHLAND BIND STREET NAME: MOUND MN 35364 (at Nast first 3 characters)'. Highland Blvd Moat CtlTrerit Sales Information UNIT # (if applicable) Sales prices are reported as listed on the Certificate of Real Estate Value and are not warranted to represent arms4enpth transactions. Sale Date: July, 2006 Search C Or, Sale Price:'' $1,500,000 Transaction Type: 20 records per page Tax Parcel Description Addition Name: THE HIGHLANDS Lot: Ob1 Bloc k• 002 Mates & Bounds: Abstract or Torrens. TORRENS, Value and Tax Summary for Taxes Payable 2008 Estimated Market Value: $1,200,000 Limited Market Value: $1,085,600 Taxable Market Value: $1,085,600 Total Improvement Amount: Total Net Tax: $12,512.91 Total Special Assessments: $456,700 Solid Waste Fee: $171.95 Total Tax: $12,684.86 Property Information Detail for Taxes Payable 2008 Values Established by Assessor as of January 2, 2007 Values: Land Market $507,000 Building Market $693,000 Machinery Market Total Market: $1,200,000 Land Limited $456,700 Building Limited $626,900 Total Limited: $1,085,600 qualifying Improvements Classifications: Property Type RESIDENTIAL LAKE SHORE Homestead Status HOMESTEAD Relative Homestead Agricultural Exempt Status Hennepin! County 1s providing this Information as a public service. Tax related questions: taxinfooco.hennepin , mn.us http: / /wwwl6.co.hennepin.mn.us /pins /addrresu' 1762- 7/10/2008 HennepM UCtmty Ubtique A nal rage i ul �. *I el http:// gis. co. hennepin. mn. us/ HCPropertyMapBirdseye.aspx ?PID= 2311724410036 7/10/2008 -1763- • • 1 1 1A DM 2 7Ab4 DEC 27 1!i n COPY EASEMENT November 2004, THIS AGREEMENT made this 9 th day of between Evon C Allen, as personal renrestative of the estate of Elwood C. Uner also losovvn as Elwood Chester Uner ,party of the first part, and the CITY OF MOUND, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Ivlinnesot8, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE f tthO seco d P� the receipt of which is a rnnunicipal corporation in hand p Y per' of the second part, its hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the said party successors and assigns, the following: The Highlands, A bluff conservation easement over alElll tehrlt poart eodtmlwn Block from a point on the South line Hennepin County Minnesota feet Easterly Y of said Lot 1, distant 152.00 feet 48 00 feet Easterly of the Northwest °mer thereof the North line of said Lot 1, distant stant and Westerly of a line drawn ufrome �com °IIof said Lot 1, o a point on the North line of 204.00 feet Easterly of-the said Lot 1 distant 191.00 Easterly f a lthine drv�n froze po' t on the Southerly line of that part of said Lo lying said Lot 1, distant 247.68 feet Easterly 234 07 feet Easterly said the Northwest comer of t on the North line of sod Lot 1 distant said Lot 1. This instrument drafted by: Julie Johnson Affecting Certificate No. State Deed Tax Due Hereon: 6371 Bay Ridge Road Mound, MN 55364 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said party has hereunto set her hand the day and year first above written. In presence of: Evon C. Allen CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE GO, INC, STATE OF " �O 411 CHESTNOT.ST. )SS. P.O. Bbi 106 CHASKA, MN 55318 COUNTY OF Public 2004, before me, allotary On this day of n� within and for said County, personally appeared Evon C Alie as personal represtatzve oerth —son estate of Elwood C. Uner also known asoElwoom h ert a acknowledged tha she the e sited the described in and who executed the for g g same as a free act and deed. _ y LUCILLE MILLER Notary Public 5 NOTARY PUBLIC _ 74_on exp��sy STATE OF COLORADO s C' Resolution No. 04-110 WHEREAS, Nearly all of the Highlands lakeshore .parcels are the original platted lots, most of which are in the 50 feet width range, less than the 60 feet minimum width requirement for the R -1 District; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended' that the Council approve the waiver of platting and variances as requested by the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City.Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does: hereby approve the waiver of platting and lot width variances as requested with the following conditions: a. The properties will be assigned applicable setbacks for lot of record status. b. Provide drainage and utility easements, 10 feet*wide along the front lot lines and b feet in width alongside and rear lot lines so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County. The proposed legal descriptions for the easement(s) shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. C. Property owner address status of the existing retaining walls at the time of building permit for the new residences. Any removal or modification to the wall would need to re- establish a grade and vegetation consistent with standards in Section 350:1225 of the Shoreland Management Regulations. Additional insight from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's publication, Best Management Practices Handbook" shall be used to guide grading and vegetation activities. d. Concrete driveway aprons must be provided when the new driveways are constructed, and the driveways must be hard surfaced. e. Payment of deficient street unit charges, in the amount of $1,768.45, prior to recording. f. Sanitary sewer and watermain area trunk charges of $1500.00 each shall be paid prior to recording. g. Park dedication fees of $1100.00 be paid prior to recording. h. Hardcover on the new lots be subject to 40 percent maximum for lots of record. I -1765- • • 10 10 F_ -I Resolution No. 04110 I. The applicant prepare and submit a conservation easement for the protection of vegetation and slope of the bluff. The bluff conservation easement shall be reviewed and approved by City Staff prior to recording. j. The applicant provide financial guarantees in a form acceptable to the City for the purposes of installing private utilities to serve each newly created property. 3. This waiver of platting and lot width variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, THE HIGHLANDS 4. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. Adopted by the City Council this 28h day of September, 2004. /s/ Bonnie Ritter Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk /s/ Pat Meisel Pat Meisel, Mayor CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO., INC- 4`1 A CHEMUT ST" P'0. BOX 106 CHaSYJ�, MN 55318 3 -1766- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 08- • RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR 3000 Highland Boulevard WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking an after - the -fact Public Lands Permit for Land alteration / construction activities in bluff easement, and WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of Tuesday, August 26, 2008, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Public Lands Permit as submitted by Eric and Sharla Stafford for 3000 Highland Boulevard with the following conditions: 1. After the fact permitting per code will be required and may include but is not limited to, grading and /or building permits. Double fees to apply. 2. Retaining walls which extend on to the adjacent public parcel shall be removed. 3. Walls shall be limited to no more than 4 feet or a building permit shall be • required including the submittal of all involved information including but not limited to, signed, engineered drawings. 4. Any disturbed areas on public ,property shall be restored by the applicant with such work being subject to review and acceptance by Mound Staff. 5. Applicant shall expose shared property irons on the north side of the property so Mound Staff can install public property signage. 6. Applicant to be responsible for site restoration of any and /or all disturbed areas on public property. 7. Applicant shall identify survey boundary along shared lot line on public parcel so City markers(s) (i.e. park sign) can be installed. 8. Erosion control measures must be maintained until adequate ground cover has been permanently established. 9. Staff to monitor new vegetation planted on previously disturbed areas. Applicant will be responsible for replacement of plantings which do not survive to unsure permanent ground cover is being maintained. Staff to evaluate the need for additional overstory trees to increase canopy. 10. Area(s) on top of retaining walls shall be softscaped / planted. Staff will cooperate with applicant to determine appropriate plantings for subject area. 11. The bluff consery ation easement is reviewed by the City Attorney to determine whether it needs to be amended and /or restated. Applicant shall be responsible for any proceedings subsequent including involved costs. -1767- • Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 10, 0. - 1768.- Mayor Mark Hanus PUBLIC LANDS REPORT TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: August 20, 2008 SUBJECT: Planting on Public Right -Of -Way APPLICANT: Dave Willette LOCATION: 2346 Cypress Lane REQUEST: Plant Day Lillies on public right -of -way boulevard in front of 2346 Cypress. Below is an excerpt from an email request from David Willette: BACKGROUND *We want to improve the public property along Cypress Lane west of our Cypress Commons Property (Former Bowling Alley) *We have struggled with a landscape detail that would look nice and be maintenance free. The easiest option would be a weed matt and landscape rock. We dislike this option because it looks COLD and the young people like to throw rocks. *We have and issue with salt from our parking lot. We have been afraid the salt will kill plantings. *We decided to install a weed matt and wood mulch. We found wood mulch to be a poor choice. It looks bland and has to be maintained with round up ( weed poison ). Also the water from our parking lot washes the mulch onto the side walk, I am frustrated that no one has complained to us about how unsightly it looks. Well it bothers us and we have a solution. PROPOSAL *We have monitored the Day Lilies on county road 15, that seem to be very salt resistant and grow in solid. We have added more parking curbs to slow the water flow to solve the washing issue as the new curb alignment slows down the flow of the water, and -1769- • *I • concentration. of flow caused by our building down spouts and will water the proposed • plantings *We have allowed the weeds to grow, which looks awful, but has proven to us that solid plantings will control our water and the sidewalk will look clean. *In summary we plan to plant Day Lilies. When they grow in solid we envision a solid landscape of flowers in place of the weeds. *To accomplish this dream we need to remove our existing matt and the weeds, re -grade and add some black dirt as preparation to plant the Day Lilies. 320.01 Special Permits for Certain Structures on Public Land. Subd.1. Construction on Public Land Permit. Construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, is unlawful unless a special construction on public land permit is issued as provided in this section. Any proposed construction, special use or land alteration shall require the applicant to provide necessary drawings to scale, specifications of materials to be used, proposed costs, and purpose for change. All special permits shall require a survey by a'registered land surveyor before a special permit will be issued. Survey shall comply with the Mound Building Code survey requirements. Copies of such surveys, drawings, • specifications of materials, proposed costs and statements of purpose shall be furnished to the City and kept on file iri `the City offices. No special permit shall be issued unless approved by a simple majority of the Council members. (ORD. 108-2000,7/16/00) 0 CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: -1770- Jim Fackler, Park Superintendent: • No Comments Sarah Smith, Community Development Director: 1. Owner shall be responsible for planting activities and involved maintenance. 2. City shall not be responsible for replacement of planting and/or involved materials in the event ROW is disrupted (ie. road or utility work, etc.) 3. Refer to comments from Parks and Public Works Department. 4. Sedimentation control shall be maintained and established Ray Hanson — Engineering/Planning Technician: 1. Applicant needs to be aware of any underground utilities and have such located. 2. Any future work needed on any public utilities that require removal of plantings would be replaced at applicant's expense.. 3. City of Mound_is not responsible for maintenance of plantings 4. City of Mound is not responsible for replacement of plant material due to drought, winter kill, or other acts of nature that may occur. Greg Skinner, Public Works Superintendent: See Ray Hanson's Comments SITE INSPECTION City Officials and Board Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of permit application with conditions noted by staff. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW Is required. ATTACHMENTS: • Public Lands Permit Application dated August 20, 2008 • Site survey -1771- • is r Y - PUBLIC LAND RECEIVED APPLICATION 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 • Phone 952 - 472 -0600 Fax 952- 472 -0620 AUG 2008 Date Receiv Parks, Open Space and Docks Commission Date City Council Date DISTRIBUTION Building Official Parks Director R Public Works Check One MC1ND Other ❑ CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT — new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320, Subd. 1). ❑ PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT — to allow repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is ". condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4). f anstructure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, s, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which s that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non - transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. APPLICANT ABUTTING PROPERTY LEGAL DESC. Name Address Phone (H) (W }���-1 -4�C ;(M) ',:�3 zlq a 3 sz-) Lot Block Subdivision PiD'# Plat # ZONING DISTRICT R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B -2 B -3 Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 119108 -1772- Members Present: Chair Mike Mason, Vice Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Pat Meisel, Mike Wilkus, City Council Representation John Beise Sue Pilling arrived at 7:50 p.m. Others Present: Park Superintendent Jim Fackler, Administrative Assistant Vicki Weber, Dock Administrator Katie Hoff, Dick Osgood, LMA Absent: Don Heywood Chair Mason called meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Beise to approve agenda. SECOND by Meisel. Motion carries unanimously. 2. Approval of June 12, 2008 Minutes: MOTION by Beise to approve minutes as written. SECOND by Meisel. • Voting for: Beise, Funk, Meisel. Abstained: Wilkus,, Mason, Motion Carries. 3. Comments and suggestions from citizens present None Present" 4. Discuss: Phelps Bay Milfoil Treatment =Dick Osgood, LMA Dick Osgood from the Lake Minnetonka Association (LMA) updated the commission on the milfoil treatment on Phelps Bay, Grays Bay and Carmens Bay. LMA is asking for financial support from area cities, counties, regional and state agencies along with lake users to help fund the milfoil aquatic herbicide treatment program. He stated the City of Mound is asked to consider contributing the same dollars as last year, which was $12,000. Discussion followed. MOTION by Meisel recommending the City of Mound to allocate monies in the budget to include the same amount of money donated in 2008 again in 2009 for milfoil treatment in Phelps Bay. SECOND by Pilling. Motion carries unanimously. - 1 - -1773- � 0 14D 140 JaIJULU uwI u a •s4uawy0ooa0u9 JO s}uawanojdwl aay10 xuo Mot's o} }jjod.md IOU seop }1; Uoaaay} 101 6u1NJdd puo 6uipllnq 6upsixa u0 10 uol}p0Ol ay} puo % doad paq.i0sap anogo ay} 10 salJ0punoq ayl SMOgS AGAins s141 _ S d }iufl SON AGla14S 'C X0018 'Li 0; Ot SIol :S3SIW38d JO N011dIdOS30 1V031 Y:.Ul 1. > DO ar L rC CL cua V r _ CD s..: ro V-N �► oz \ n.f p• 4 946) OTT 3 „o£ 9,c669 (¢ tbs) (5•�bs) 446) to 46 Z•oZ �zs ---------------- ----- --------- ----- (Z 446) ----- LL'£46 A313 NOOl3 0Z 00'OZL 3 .-0£ ,99n69 N w I ()c j lmim k Ni 1n'i NISI -ANN"�H 99 m U) r D Z m c a 99 ---- ------- -- - - -- ---------- ---- -- (L 'O46) (8'£46) --------- ----- ---- =-------- - -- - -- -tr6)----------------- Z ^? ti d01NOV18 (q Z46) w -- r f M o Nona JNIlSIX3 ---------- ------- - - - - -- - J6t)CT - ------------------------ (£ £46) ' (0 tC£b6 - A313 (Z't46) (L'£46) N OlOHS32lHl (�£46) i• r ' (9'£46) as Z ° �1VM301S 31383NOO zooz (000,6) Z8£6) (Z'446) -6t -- 9 -��— ----------------------- - -£46) - - - - -- - - -- 0Z 00'OZL 3 .-0£ ,99n69 N w I ()c j lmim k Ni 1n'i NISI -ANN"�H 99 m U) r D Z m c a 99 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 08- • RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR 2346 Cypress Lane WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a Public Lands Permit for planting day lilies on the public right -of -way , and WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of Tuesday, August 26, 2008, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Public Lands Permit as submitted by David Willette for 2346 Cypress Lane with the following conditions: 1. Owner shall be responsible for planting activities and involved maintenance. 2. City shall not be responsible for replacement of planting and /or involved materials in the event ROW is. disrupted (ie road or utility work, etc). 3. Sedimentation control shall be maintained. • 4. Applicant needs to be aware of any underground utilities and have such located. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1775- Mayor Mark Hanus • CITY OF MOUND • RESOLUTION NO. 08 = Resolution ProVd,ing for the Sale of $160,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2008D A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $160,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2008DB (the "Bonds "), to finance the cost of the acquisition of equipment purchases; B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. Authorization; Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds 2. Meeting: Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:30 P.M. on September 16, 2008, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. • 3. Official Statement: In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an offering memorandum for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk- -1776- Mayor Mark Hanus BOND ISSUE PRE -SALE REPORT $160,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates Series 2008D August 26, 2008 Proposed Issue: $160,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates, Series 2008D to be secured by the full faith and credit of the taxpayers of the City of Mound. Purpose: The 2008D Bonds are to fund the purchase of $150,000 of equipment identified in the Capital Improvement Plan. Authority and The 2008D Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Rating: Chapter 412301. The City is currently rated Aa3 by Moody's. Because the financing is relatively small and is shorter in term, we do not recommend a rating for this issue. Term /Call Feature: The 2008D Bonds are being issued for a five -year period. Interest is payable each six months. Principal on the 2008D Bonds will be due on February I in the years 2009 through 2013. The 2008D Bonds will be non- callable. Funding Sources: It is the intent of the City to levy property taxes to support 105 %0 ofthe debt service beginning with taxes payable in 2009. The debt levy necessary to pay principal and interest payments is outside of the statutory debt limits imposed for Pay 2009. Discussion Issues: The Bonds count against the City's legal debt limit of 3% of market value. After this issue, the City would have well over $32 million in bond capacity remaining under the statutory debt limit. -1777- • 0 1 is El r' The City has initially identified the following qualified equipment purchases: Police Vehicles (2) $ 60,000 Parks Plow Truck $ 32,000 Mowers (3) $ 17,000 Council Chambers Video Equip $ 10,000 Council Chambers HVAC $ 15,000 Shop Equipment $ 6,000 Generator $ 7,000 Snow Blower 3,000 Total $150,000 On behalf of the City, we will solicit bids from local banks to purchase the bonds. The bid with the lowest true interest rate will be recommended to the Council for acceptance. We have reviewed all outstanding indebtedness for the City and will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any future opportunities. Arbitrage: With increasing short-term investment rates, IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn 'on bond proceeds is more of a concern. Because the City is issuing less than $5,000,000 in this calendar year, the proceeds can earn interest without restriction for three years. The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. Schedule: Pre -Sale Review by Council: August 26,QU8 Distribute Offering Memo: September 4, 2008 Bond Sale /Council meeting to award: September T6,,' 2008 Estimated Closing Date: October Attachments: Sources and Uses and Debt Service Estimates Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Dave Callister (651)`6'7= 8553 Bruce Kimmel (61)'697-W; Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard (651) 697- $534 ; Debbie Holmes (651)697- 853,6 Bond Sale Coordinator Connie Kuck (651) 697 -8527 - 1778- -1779- 4 City of Mound, MN $160,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2008C T - - 1 !% -1_ ___ O It AAO 1JCL6GU VGLVVGI O, L.VVO Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 10/08/2008 - 02/01/2009 35,000.00 08/01/2009 - 02/01/2010 30,000.00 08/01/2010 3.750% - 3.750% 1,883.33 2,343.75 2,343.75 1,781.25 - 36,883.33 2,343.75 32,343.75 1,781.25 - 36,883.33 - 34,687.50 02/01/2011 30,000.00 08/01/2011 - 02/01/2012 30,000.00 08/01/2012 - 02/01/2013 35 000.00 3.750% - 3.750% - 3.750% 1,781.25 1,218.75 1,218.75 656.25 656.25 31,781.25 1,218.75 31,218.75 656.25 35,656.25 33,562.50 - 32,437.50 - 36212.50 Total $160,000.00 - $13,883.33 $173,883.33 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $370.22 Average Life 2.314 Years Average Coupon 3.7499991% Net Interest Cost (TIIQ 3.7499991% True Interest Cost (TIC) 3.7518630% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 3.7518630% — All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 6.6942704% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 3.7499991% Weighted Average Maturity 2.314 Years Ser 08 $150K Equip certs I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 8/20/2008 1 12 :17 PM -1780- Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: August 18, 2008 Re: Planning Commission Appointments — Recommendation(s) from August 11, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting Planning Commission Vacancy. There are currently (2) vacancies on the Planning Commission following the resignations of Chris Ebert and Jorj Ayaz. Planning Commission Vacancy and Application Process. The press release regarding the Planning Commission vacancies was published in the Laker and was also posted at City Hall. Additionally, Staff also contacted previous applicants regarding their interest. Members of the City Council are advised that four (4) applications were received prior to the August 6, 2008 deadline as follows: Chris Carlson Ray Salazar Stephen Ward Jackie Peters PC Interviews and City Council Participation. The Planning Commission interviewed the candidates as part of its August 11th meeting. Members of the City Council were provided a copy of the applicant information and were invited to attend the August 11th Planning Commission meeting so as to participate in the interview process. Mayor Hanus and Council Member Osmek attended the meeting. Additionally, Greg Skinner was present as he is the City Council liaison to the Planning Commission. PC Review and Recommendation. Following interviews, the Planning Commission voted for its preferred candidates and recommends that Stephen Ward be appointed to the Planning Commission for the duration of Chris Ebert's term which expires in December 2010 and that Jackie Peters be appointed for the remainder of Jorj Ayaz's term which ends on December 31, 2008. A copy of the August 11, 2008 PC meeting minute excerpts has been included -1781- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 2008 OLD / NEW BUSINESS 1. Planning Commission Candidate Interviews - In case of a tie — revote on the 2 tied - Because we are filling 2 positions we will vote once and take the bottom 2 vote getters - Lowest vote getter would get the longer term 7:10 Chris Carlson — built a house in Mound; business owner in Plymouth; no pet projects, no agenda; no particular reason to be a PC; would like to drive by the new parking ramp and see it more than 1/3 full before we build another one; would like to wrap things up that have been started; would listen to what an applicant wanted to do with their property; impact on the property and surrounding property would be considered. 7:20 Ray Salazar — Enjoys Mound and I $h ds to stay; business owner; wants to become more involved; would like to se retail / restaurants; he's not uniquely qualified but he's a taxpayer and he a as a new commissioner he would stop, look and listen to learn how things are; sted because the PC gives a broad scope • of what's happening in town; wo I ' eto see more emphasis on individual residences and cleaning up; he would want kn w why a variance,. is it good for surrounding property. 7:30 Stephen Ward — New to Mound; fresh perspective; want to contribute to the community; small business experience; Marketplace / downtown has a lot of potential; trails tie the rural T smaU town together; wants to affect the future of Mound development; meet the needs of current residents and businesses; would like to see what the motivation of variance applicant. 7:40 Jackie Peters - 5 -year resident of Mound; Mound business owner; local business owner makes her unique; entrepreneur; she's a progressive, new ideas, keep history but also look ahead; PC is where it all starts; would like to change the image of Mound, make people proud to be from Mound; help make the downtown flourish; would ask applicants why a variance is needed and whether it helps the area or not. Voting results: First choice — Stephen Ward with 8 votes Second choice — Jackie Peters with 15 votes Third choice — Ray Salazar with 16 votes Fourth choice — Chris Carlson with 21 votes Planning Commission will recommend Stephen Ward for the position expiring in 2010; • Jackie Peters for the position expiring in 2008. -1782- 40 WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS June 20, 2008 Mr. Carlton Moore City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Mound Transit Center Parking Facility Payment Application — Partial Release Retainage City of Mound Contract No. PW -0605 Walker Commission No. 21- 3338.00/360 Dear Mr. Moore: Walker.Parking Consultants 1660 S. Highway 100, Suite 350 Minneapolis, hAN 55416 Voice: 952.595.9116 • Fox: 952.5 95.9518 www.walkerporking.com We have reviewed a pay application from Graham Penn -Co for a partial' release of the retainage. Retainage per the last pay'' application was $241,609.72. The Contractor requested the amount be reduced to $60,402.43. After review of the outstanding work, we recommend a partial release of retainage at this time, reducing the retainage to $150,000.00. We recommend the reduction of the retainage and payment of $91,609.72 to the Contractor. We have modified the application for payment and have attached four signed copies enclosed herein. We have attached emails indicating some of the work outstanding. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, WALKER PARKING CONSULTANTS Darwin L. Muzzy, .E. Project Manager . DLM /pc Enclosure J: \21- 3338 -00 -Mound Transit Center_PF \Correspondence \Pay App Retainage Partial Release Moore 062008.doc -1783- • • • • N 0 N Cp N p OD -I 9) p :A W N -' P W n r r 0 7 n O W > o o m O CJ Z � � O ^ U'1 F n z Z� m m 5 o° o ° D = c� 3 D y m --j - I m y D° �• c�° X 0 0 O O 0 D r n O D r C 1— Z 3 cn o= m 7 y �G O m -n m C O? m o v O m CC 0 -ZI O Z O N CT O r O w+ o ~ S -Zi oo m O N L7 CD Gi c) W v O n v m w o w ° a m = a o �m + O N q O rn 0 -i a m O r2 CL A m m CA CS N (w1 D O O `� r W CA CD �DC° v m I-Ge 0 69 69 40 O N 69 69 iii - o � O W 4 s s al W W ao 0)) (P .p Q r N SO iP N v IO i I s OD IV � OD co W O ft I N ,4 174 CO N � � s IO 'O 1 C CD 0 N p co vs nBaD -:t n 0 0 0 �z `� ° [G) a rn O i m O 8 0 m o m m rL �+ O O a S t!) 0 K CD m � N m co o CD a O m m= g o `D to o (n s rn m CD CL a `� CD r e y. .O-w O iL7 O O N W O m O v N -Di ._•. v C '• O CD o to xCD V O 0 O m O z m .. .. cn c o N v m v W ID 3 o! m ° i13 �a 3 0 m m o rn °o m 0 z N p OD -I 9) p :A W N -' P W n r r 0 7 n O W > o o m O CJ Z � � O ^ U'1 F n z Z� m m 5 o° o ° D = c� 3 D y m --j - I m y D° �• c�° X 0 0 O O 0 D r n O D r C 1— Z 3 cn o= m 7 y �G O m -n m C O? m o v O m CC 0 -ZI O Z O N CT O r O w+ o ~ S -Zi oo m O N L7 CD Gi c) W v O n v m w o w ° a m = a o �m + O N q O rn 0 -i a m O r2 CL A m m CA CS N (w1 D O O `� r W CA CD �DC° v m I-Ge 0 69 69 40 O N 69 69 iii - o � O W 4 s s al W W ao 0)) (P .p Q r N SO iP N v IO i I s OD IV � OD co W O ft I N ,4 174 CO N � � s IO 'O 1 C CD 0 N p co vs nBaD -:t n �c2Z8= m m �z `� ° 3��cn m° c W n Z a 3 w Z ig i m O 8 Z N 0 O. CD ={ 4 m a a Z Q O n N � 'p Q, A -r a .+ CD D iz Y C) O m m= g o to o (n s rn m r m y. .O-w O iL7 O O N W O m O O.O� N -Di ._•. C '• O CD o to xCD V O 0 O m 0 m .. .. c o N W ID 3 o! m ° i13 �a 3 0 m m o rn °o m m o_ i 3 O o N n m CC d c m o' '{ W 'O o : ��3�� CL CD CD a m ` BCD n m a 3 � to 6 3 = Y ? o s3 W 3 a � � = � ril , I (� D C co � % T n a 3 A � o = E m CD O S 0 O CD y y o o R[ a rn n` m r- CD 0 = 38 > a -I d -n Fn � m i �' c O 4 0 a) 3 c m in m o v' co csDi o 3F 3 v O 1 0) � b o a A -73 CD CL CL 0 0 = a o o J m o m— c U) m Z z Z7 Q1 m° • q DO) O Q m G3 CL CD o 4 (`j f+W;.. m CD ,�. O m a �. m r- • O— � i 3 = CA CD 0) wm, g C m o CD -4 � C*, y � 0 A _1 n D 0 o 3 g C � O = CD 7 N M CD D o D -0 o O z CD -� CD CD � y � rn O °w 0 � CA CD = n 8ai zz 3 z a CD CD o z n m S 3 c0 C 'D O C N 0 =D R O 3 U. CC CD n o C O C ID � p C' N CL 0 cr N to U D — -0 c - m 0 g O N Cl N 3 = c N C CL al � � m t ;CDC` CL CD m s d v (D N cr I CD CD i < CD CD o m Fr O 7 , (D $ o O 7 O: o a) N I i i n F T r ) T i 7 i 7 D D D 5' -n X O N @ n 0) z 3 3 CD CD O O E; 0! o 't1 n p (i ii CD = rn CA N) CD o _ 3 O O � w n c m L ° X m o .. z �. Ch ul oQ a C.) Q < D o a C 0 o ;o C) Cl) pCD m n oai 'vni z m rt z o (a rn CD CA �c 3 ° rn —+ C O O N n O � c = m 3 m o O X r v O n C m V O N m cc 0 0 s X n Z m c) 0 O ccn r- z r `mm 22O -Di v-�i-0, op 0 0 O m 0 m .. .. c o N W M m ° i13 �a tj U) rn °o m O � c = m 3 m o O X r v O n C m V O N m cc 0 0 s TO: Kandis Hanson, Mound City Manager FROM: Greg Pederson, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Mound Fire Department Relief Association Annual Firefighter Recognition Dinner 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Main: 9U.472.3555 Fax 952.472.3775 www.moundfirexom August 12, 200 8 The Mound Fire Department Relief Association and its membership take time once a year to formally recognize the active firefighters, retired firefighters and their spouses. The recognition dinner also gives me the opportunity to thank all of the active and retired firefighters and their spouses for their years of community service. This recognition event will be paid for by the relief association, by utilizing some of the fish fry proceeds. No fire department budget money is ever used for this event. The past two years, this event was held at the Mound fire station and it was a big success. I plan to host the event at the fire station again this year on September 6, 2008. In order to keep all of the appropriate permits and paperwork in order, I have completed the permit requests for the event and forwarded them to City Clerk Bonnie Ritter. Please process these permit applications through the Mound City Council members as necessary or appropriate for approval. Thank You, Greg ederson Fire Chief Cc Bonnie Ritter, Mound City Clerk Enclosure -1785- • 401 [7 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 TEMPORARY ON -SALE 3.2 MALT LIQUOR PERMIT Event: Mound Fire Department Relief Association Date(s) of Event: Sept. 6, 2008 Annual Firefighter Recognition Dinner Address of Event: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. (Fire Station) Chairperson of Organization. Gregory S. Pederson Address: Work: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Home: 6087 Aspen Road Mound, MN 55364 Home Phone, 952- 472 -5785 Work Phone: 952 - 472 -3533 Mound, MN 55364 Minnesota State Statute 340A.403 — 3.2 percent malt liquor license Subd. 2. Temporary licenses. (a) A club or charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization may be issued a temporary on -sale license for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor.: (b) The temporary license may authorize the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor in any school or school buildings. (c) Temporary licenses are subject to the terms set by the issuing county or city. State Statute does not require additional insurance for temporary 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses. AuG. 12, ;Z00'6 Date AppVcadiA , Signature Date LApprov — City Clerk S-12"og Date Approval — Police Dept. am ::0 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager/ Sarah Smith, Comm. Dev. Director Date: August 20, 2008 Re: Contract Agreement for Federal Representation Services - Downtown Redevelopment Summary. As the City Council is aware, Bob Long, on behalf Lockridge Grindal Nauen (LGN) was present at the July 22 2008' City Council meeting and discussed a proposal to provide services seeking funding sources related to the City's redevelopment efforts at the federal level. Following discussion, Staff was directed by the City Council to work with LGN and bring a contract back to a subsequent City Council meeting for formal action. Staff Comments. • Details regarding the proposal are contained in the May 19 2008 letter to City Manager Kandis Hanson which was previously provided in the July 22, 2008 agenda packet. • Members are advised that LGN has been very successful with funding, procurement at the federal level. • MHR has agreed to pay for 50 percent of the costs of any contract with LGN for lobbying services (the contract amount is estimated to be $36,000) with a cap of $18,000.00. In the event the federal funding for the project was obtained, the full cost of the lobbying services would be paid by the City /HRA. • Members are advised that additional costs associated with preparation of concept plans, etc. necessary for the federal proposal(s) will be required and would be the responsibility of the City. Recommendation. For .review and consideration, a contract has been prepared and reviewed by Staff including City Attorney and is recommended for approval. CADocuments and Settings \Sarah Smith \My Documents\ Memorandums\ 2008 \memomcgrannaugustoontractdoc -1787- 01 C7 •' AGREEMENT 16 LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Agreement entered into this day of _ 200$ between Lockridge Grindal Nauen, P.L.L.P. (LON), Suite 210, 415 Second Street N.E., Washington D.C. 20002, and the City of Mound (City), 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364. I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The parties agree that Dennis McGrann and the LGN Fed^re roup shall serve the City on a contract basis as Federal Legislative Representanly to the general direction of the City Council, the Legislative Representativ t Mound's Federal Legislative Priorities. The Legislative Representative is al a means and manner in which they perform the requirements of the Agreement but the oval df'all legislative positions resides with the City. By way of example, but not by w imitation, the Legislative Representative's duties shall include: 1. Carefully and completely analyze each critical issue area to devise and implement a federal strategy to maximize opportunities to secure federal resources. 2. Communicate and advoc th velopment priorities to members of Congress and representat of'fencies. 7. r ral legislative, regulatory, and ;administrative developments that ma City's priori ties, including each step of the Congressional Appprocess and those programs and designations important to the City's interests. 8: Serve as the City's liaison with federal administrative agencies significant to Mound. 9. Apprise the City of any Federal agency rules /developments that may impact legislative ,priorities. Page 1 of 5 -1788- 10. Attend and provide assistance and consultation to City representatives during • visits to Washington D.C. 11. Provide legislative consultation on public relations, strategy, and analysis. 12. Communicate through frequent telephone and /or email communications and written summaries of action taken on behalf of the City as well as future and suggested action to help reach City goals. 13. Prepare an annual report prior to the end of the Agre nt period that identifies results obtained for the City, issues still pending, a ential objectives for future legislative priorities. 14. Provide special assistance;'' as requested. II. DURATION This agreement shall be for the period October 1, 2008 to September 30, 200 may be terminated with or without cause, by either party on at least 30 days notice in wri delivered to the other at the address first stated above. Compensation shall be limited to the sum actually payable on the date of termination. Ill. LIMITATION ON DELEGATIO ONAL SERVICES BY LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE The work and services pro ' erein sh di ervised by Dennis McGrann, and no other persons 'o N Fed e ions Gr shall be engaged upon such work or services exc n the, n cons f the City. This provision shall not apply to secretarial, clerical other incid I servic eded by the contractor to assist in the performance of this ment. IV. FACILITIES The Federal Legislative Rep re tive shall maintain office space and telecommunication service at its own, expense. All o ocket expenses shall be the responsibility of the Legislative Representative, excludi - approved fees and travel. V. COMPENSATION The City shall pay the Federal Legislative Representative the sum not to exceed Thirty Six Thousand Dollars ($36,000) for work performed by the Legislative Representative' under this agreement during the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30,'2009. Compensation by the City for work performed by the Federal Legislative Representative shall be due and payable to the Legislative Representative in monthly installments of $3,000.00 on the first day of each month from November 1, 2008 to October 1, 2009. The Federal Legislative Representative shall not be entitled to any further compensation or reimbursement for the services required by this agreement unless agreed to in writing by both parties. Page' 2 of 5 -1789- 01 • VI. INSURANCE • Legislative Representative agrees that in. order to protect itself as well as the City from claims arising out of Legislative Representative's activities under this Agreement, it will at all times during the term of this Agreement keep in force policies of insurance providing: 1. General Liability, Professional Liability, and Automobile Liability insurance. 2. Workers' Compensation Insurance. Limits per applicable State and Federal Laws. 3. All such policies shall provide limits not less than the tort liability limitations set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 466.04. 4. City shall be endorsed as an Additional I ed on all policies obtained and maintained; under this clause. All poli all provide that they shall not be canceled, materially changed, or n wed without thirty days prior notice thereof to the City. 5. Certificates of Insurance evidencing s required under this clause must be provided to the City as reques VI1. INDEMNITY The Federal Legislative Representative agrees it will defend, in fy, and hold harmless the • City, its officers, and emplo ainst any and all liability, loss, c sts, damages and expenses which the City, its officer ees may hereafter sustain, incur, or be required to pay arising out of the con s pe nce or failure to adequately perform its obligations pursuant to this ag nt. This i my will not constitute a waiver of any liability limits applicable to the Ci er Minn Statutes, Chapter 466, VIII. DATA PRIVACY All data collected, created, re , maintained, or disseminated for any purposes by the activities of the contractor becau this agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Stat hapter 13, as amended, the Minnesota Rules implementing such Act now in force o as adopted, as well as Federal regulations on data privacy. IX. MERGER AND MODIFICATION 1. It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the parties is contained here and that this agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter. All items referred to in this agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this agreement. 2. Any material alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment and signed by the parties: • Page 3 of 5 -1790- X. NONDISCRIMINATION • During the performance of this agreement, the Legislative Representative agrees to the following: No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, public assistance status, criminal record, creed, or national origin be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all applicable .Federal and State laws against discrimination. XI. MATERIAL AND WORK PRODUCTS All reports, memoranda, handwritten notes, referrals and correspondence generated by the contractor in fulfilling this agreement become the property of the City. The contractor shall prepare and maintain all records required by the -City or> stantiate the amount and types of services rendered and for other purposes. The City form the contractor of the need for and nature of all such records. XII. SEVERABILITY Every section, provision, or part of this agreement is verable from every other section, provision, or part thereof to the extent that if 7an,;ions, provisions or part of this agreement shall be held invalid by a "court of competion, it shall not invalidate any other section, provision or part thereof. XIII. RECORDS-AVAI AND RETENTION • Pursuant to Minneso ute 16 , Subd. 4, the Federal Legislative Representative agrees that the City, the S editor, or of their duly authorized representatives at any time during: normal business ho d as oft , they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the rig h a r t, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., wh rtinen punting practices and procedures of the Federal Legislative Repres ve and involve ansactions relating to this agreement. Federal Legislative Representative ag o maintain these records fora period of three years from the day of termination of this agree XIV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACT Nothing contained in this agreement is intended or should be construed as creating the relationship of co- partners or joint ventures between the parties. No tenure or any rights or benefits, including worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, medical care, sick leave, vacation leave, severance pay, PERA, or other be 'available to City employees, shall accrue to the Legislative Representative or employees of the Legislative Representative performing services under this agreement: XV. ETHICS Federal Legislative Representative shall, to the extent applicable, comply with all provisions of the Ethics and Government Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 10A, and the rules promulgated there under, including but not limited to statutory sections 10A.03, 10A.04, 10A.05 and 10A.07. • Page 4of5 -1791- 10 0 I• XVI. NOTICES All notices hereunder shall be sent to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Attention: Kandis Hanson FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE: Lockridge Grindal Nauen, P.L.L.P. Suite 210, 415 Second Street N.E. Washington D.C. 20002 Attention: Dennis M. McGrann AND IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have IIOCKRIDGE'GRIND'A'L this ag _ ent on the date aforementioned. CITY OF MOUND NAUEN'P.L.L.P City Harry E. Gallaher Date Managing Partner Page 5of5 -1792- Btu E_TOt`J 8A. NA r-== N K , I CV (=_ Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane - Suite 200 - Chaska, MN 5'5318 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 - FAX (052) 448 -8805 August 19, 2008 City of Mound Attn: Carlton Moore 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Engineering Report 2008 Storm Drainage Improvements City Project No. PW -08 -03 Honorable Mayor and Council Members, This report provides a summary of four areas of drainage concern within the City and approval is requested to proceed with'prcjeet design; in order to complete the project this fall. Included is an assessment of the condition of those areas identified by Staff and the City's Storm Water Management Nan for improvements in 2008. An overall project location map, site - specific preliminary design drawings and selected photographs are attached in an appendix for your. perusal. The results of our analysis, conclusions and recommendations are as follows: Findings .& Recommendations City staff has identified various areas of localized flooding, degraded storm sewer and/or excessive erosion and sedimentation. Four areas have been evaluated (Figure 1) and subsequent preliminary designs have been prepared to remedy each site - specific problem. The following is a summary of those areas as well as the proposed solution and estimated project costs. 1. Area 1: Tuxedo Street Floodin Findings: The Tuxedo street flooding occurs in the low area between Piper :Road and Brighton Boulevard as a result of undersized storm sewer and a degraded outlet channel (Figure 2). The storm sewer system drains approximately 7.5 acres and discharges to a flat drainage-channel, which conveys the runoff approxiniiiely 100 'feet into a wetland area and ultimately to Phelps Bay. Sediment buildup in the channel and lack of gradient throughout the system I cause stormWater to back up in the street during high intensity rainfall events. -1793- lei • 10 16 Total Construction $1405.00 Soft Costs (30 %) $4,201.50 Total Project (Site): $18,206.50 3. Area 3: Wilshire Storm Sewer Findings: The Wilshire storm sewer problem is located approximately 200 feet north. of the Wilshire/Bartlett Boulevard intersection (Figure 6). The two existing catch basins in the area are in poor condition and have caused premature failure of the adjacent street section. Recommendation: The recommended improvements include: catch basin replacement(s) and street patching. This improvement will seal the storm sewer from the surrounding soils and prevent- future road failure. The estimated costs associated with the proposed work are as follows: Construction Subtotal: $7,350.00 Soft Costs (30 %) $2,205.00 Total Project (Site); $9,555.00 4. Area 4 Cedar /Noble Drdinaze Restoration Findings: The Cedar/Noble drainage restoration area is located in a vacant lot at the intersection of Cedar Lane and Noble Lane (Figure 7). The area is overgrown and contains a large amount of vegetation debris and litter, as the area has been used in the past as a dumping ground by residents. The area receives runoff from nearby lots and an incidental wetland has formed along the drainage way due to the flat ditch grade and inadequate storm sewer outlet. Recommendation: The recommended improvements include: clearing & grubbing, site grading and treatment pond construction (Figure 8). The proposed project will improve the overall aesthetics of this area. Project development has been coordinated with the residence abutting the city property to the south to improve drainage from his property. In addition, the proposed improvement will provide adequate drainage of the city lot as well as add treatment to runoff currently entering Lake Minnetonka untreated. The new pond area would remove approximately 2.2 lbs of phosphorus from the watershed, or 5.4% of Mound's load reduction allocation -1794- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 08-- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDERING ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2008 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, a report has been received by Bolton & Menk, Inc. with reference to the 2008 storm drainage improvements; and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The Council will consider the 2008 storm drainage improvements in accordance with the report. 2. Such improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 3. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the `making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published in the official city newspaper, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Clerk until 11:00 a.m. on Monday, September 22, 2008, at which time they will be publicly opened in the council chambers of city hall by the City Clerk and Engineer, will then be tabulated and will be considered by the City Council at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 30, 2008, in the council chambers. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 5% of the amount of such bid Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1795- Mayor Mark Hanus *I *I 0 Appendix Figures CL `5(P 11NN NMI eACLO tl kN6, BOLTON 8L MENK, INC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT, MN SLEEPY EYE, MN WILLMAR, MN BURNSVILLE. MN CHASKA, MN RAMSEY. MN AMES. IA (E)Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2008, All Rights Reserved dovidpo Figure 1— Overoll.dwg H: \MOUN \C1240097 \CAD No Project 8.5x11.0in :1 f 0 2500 5000 SCALE FEET CITY OF MOUND 2008 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATION MAP 8/19/08 1:46 pm FIGURE N0. 1 It D AREA 3 W ILLSHIRE SI ORM SEWER CAMAREA E aSTORM SEWER nKLMN'�+ D AREA 1 o ✓C:W TUXEDO STREET FLOODING BOLTON 8L MENK, INC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT, MN SLEEPY EYE, MN WILLMAR, MN BURNSVILLE. MN CHASKA, MN RAMSEY. MN AMES. IA (E)Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2008, All Rights Reserved dovidpo Figure 1— Overoll.dwg H: \MOUN \C1240097 \CAD No Project 8.5x11.0in :1 f 0 2500 5000 SCALE FEET CITY OF MOUND 2008 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATION MAP 8/19/08 1:46 pm FIGURE N0. 1 It Area 1: Tuxedo — Street & Storm Catch Basin FIGURE 2 0 BOLTON 8L MENK, INC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT, MN SLEEPY EYE, MN WILLMAR, MN BURNSVILLE, MN CHASKA, MN RAMSEY, MN AMES, IA ©Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2008, All Rights Reserved davidpo Figure3_Tuxedo.dwg H: \MOUN \C1240097 \CAD No Project 8.5x11.0in :1 f 0 30 60 SCALE FEET CITY OF MOUND AREA 1: TUXEDO DRAINAGE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS '20/08 2:17 pm FIGURE N0. 3 P Area 2: Cambridge — Street Degradation FIGURE 4 BOLTON 8& MENK, INC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT. MN SLEEPY EYE, MN WILLMAR, MN BURNSVILLE, MN CHASKA. MN RAMSEY, MN AMES, IA ©Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2008, All Rights Reserved daAdpo Figure5_Cambridge.dwg H: \MOON \C1240097 \CAD No Project 8.501.01 1:1 I� 1 J r 0 30 60 SCALE FEET CITY OF MOUND AREA 2: CAMBRIDGE STORM PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ilE am FIGURE N0. 5 FIGURE 6 sr. y t v Area 3: Willshire Blvd. — Catch Basin Replacement FIGURE 6 Area 4: Cedar/Noble Drainage — Ditch Erosion Area 4: Cedar/Noble Drainage — Trash Collection FIGURE 7 BOLTON 8& MENK, INC. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors MANKATO, MN FAIRMONT, MN SLEEPY EYE, MN WILLMAR, MN BURNSVILLE, MN CHASKA, MN RAMSEY, MN AMES, IA ©Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2008, All Rights Reserved davidpo Figure8_Noble.dwg H: \MOUN \C7240097 \CAD No Project 8.5x11.01n 1 f 0 30 60 SCALE FEET CITY OF MOUND AREA 4: CEDAR /NOBLE DRAINAGE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 8/20/08 10:59 am FIGURE N0. 8 Request: Add to Consent Agenda for 8126108 August 25, 2008 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bonnie Ritter RE: Temporary On -sale Liquor License for Lake Minnetonka Regional Arts Council Attached is the application for a temporary on -sale liquor license from the Lake Minnetonka Regional Arts Council for an event to be held on 9/20/08. They have requested that this be added to the consent agenda for the 8/25 council meeting. Th k -you. c Bonnie Ritter City Clerk Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101 -5133 (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282 -6555 WWW.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A I TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION T NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER t,ka ,Utn�K,L r ��' �a� 7i�o —��(o V 5,6 STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 2.33 fir► irce �i,v�f M 1v 3& ry NAME 0 ,4 PERSON ING APPLICATION F� BUSINESS PHONE (ft_g91- HOME PHONE qV00 DATES LIQUOR WILL BE OLD R _ Z� ,.Q/ TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Z1o31 n �t u� . ORGANIZATION FFICER'S NA E ADDRESS 5� /) �, p W Ylt YLt ,- Wiva(A#tww ORGANIZA ION FIC R'S NAME ADDRESS u re r 10 0('�4 ",elrdd j h `FYI f� Location license wilqt � u d. f utd or area, describe �an �Qr- Will thi applicant contract for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. A _ Will the applicant carry liquor liability insurance? If so, please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY /COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and /or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS -09079 (05/06) 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: 8/26/2008 Re: August 26, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda — 2008 Mt. Olive Church Fall Festival SUMMARY. Mount Olive Church is requesting approval of a temporary sign permit to allow placement of portable signage associated with the 2008 Fall Fun Festival being held in September. In summary, the following signs are proposed: Freestanding / Portable Signs — two locations including "corner" of church property at Bartlett and Wilshire and Super America (with owner permission) Pond Arena Information Board / Portable Sign — proposed location is Rita Away Oil (with owner permission) near Shoreline and Wilshire. The proposed time period for the temporary signs is September 5 through September 29. :KII► IL �1a I • Portable Signs. City Code Section 365 allows for the placement of portable signs and is eligible for administrative approval in most instances subject to conditions including a 10-day allowance. A copy of the portable sign regulations, including the 2007 amendments, is attached. Council approval is requested as the proposed time period exceeds the 10-day provision. • Community Event Signage. Temporary sign permits (including portable signs) have been have been issued for the MID Fish Fry, OLL Incredible Festival and Spirit of the Lakes Festival. • No signage can be placed on public property without Council approval. • No fee is required for portable signs. RECOMMENDATION. City staff recommends that the City Council approve the temporary sign permit request for the 2008 Mount Olive Fall Festival subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant(s) shall work with Staff to evaluate all proposed sign locations to ensure conformity with the requirements for portable signs in accordance with City Code Chapter 365.10. Property owner permission is obtained prior to sign placement and shall be provided to Mound Staff. Docuents\M and Settings \Sarah emosigy fA t Documents\ Memorandums\ 2008\ memosignordinancemountolive2008 .doc 2. The requested time period of 9/5 through 9/29 is approved. 3. No sign shall be placed in the ROW or obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic. • Page 2 s Q4GXOF 11 MOUNP-- 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 -472 -0600 Fax 952 - 472 -0620 TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION — qQ % w'14 0 SIGN Company Named CONTRACTOR Address Contact Person `"' r ums 0 r . Phone Q�I ��-' '-f �-� �7�� Fax/ Other NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FOR: SIZE OF SIGN REQUESTED: 3 feet high x (0 feet wide = square feet SEASONAL SIGN to be in place from 9, l LQS to / / (dates) FREE. STANDING SIGN height from ground level to top of sign feet DATES SIGN(S) TO BE DISPLAYED DESCRIBE SIGN (message, materials, etc.). 1 , - Di c hu..rc h - --:�n -to 41. 5 Sep-ttm be r a7 �u.n � �oo�, � �►es � ,rnc�,s� APPLICANT'S SIGVA IY _ i n DATE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SPECIAL CONDITION�COMMENTS: Qa'r7 1qu I ►N �4 �P il RECEI ED BY DATE PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED BY & DATE COPIED APPROVED ZONING CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. 14-2007 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 365 OF THE CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO SIGNS The City of Mound does ordain: Subsection 365.10 is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 10. Except as may be specifically authorized by this Subd. 10 and Subd. 9 (f) of this Subsection 365.15, portable signs are prohibited. A portable sign used for the purpose of directing the public may be permitted under the following conditions: NIP (a) Said sign is coincidental to, or used in conjunction with, a governmental unit or quasi public function; and (b) The period of use of said sign shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive days; and (c) Signs shall not be used more than four (4) . times during a calendar year; and (ede) Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event; and /or on such other y premises following approval of a temporary sign permit by the City of Mound. Y Administrative approval of a portable sign permit is permitted if the following conditions are met: 1. The sign is not being placed on public Property. 2. Written permission from the property owner of record ;is provided :if being located of- premise. Ordinance No. 14 -2007 3. The criteria referenced in subsections (a), (b), and (c) above are met. 4 The proposed location of the sign is reviewed and deemed acceptable by Mound Staff, which shall include the Police Planning and Engineering Departments, based on the following criteria. The sign is not being placed in the road right -of -way. The sign does not obstruct the sight triangle for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Placement of the sign does not create any _potential traffic or other related hazard, (e) Portable sign placement on public property requires City Council approval; and as as the peFmit. (ORD 7-4 1996 5) ting the (f) Such signs shall require the issuance of a permit but will be exempt from all fees; and (g) In the instance of a multi -use facility, only one seasonal sign may be placed on the premises at any one time. Passed by the City Council this 11th day of December 2007. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the 22 °d day of December; 2007. Effective the 23'd day of December, 2007 5341 Maywood Road City of • • • Mound, MN 55364 Planning and Building (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Development Director, Jim Fackler, Parks Superintendent Date: August 19, 2008 Re: MCWD Pilot Project Proposal for Centerview Park — Shoreline Bank Stabilization Summary. Nat Kale of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) will be present at the August 26, 2008 meeting to discuss a pilot project in cooperation with the City of Mound at Centerview Park to demonstrate an altemate method for shoreline /bank stabilization and erosion control. Comments. • Generally, rip rap is the preferred method used to for shoreline stabilization. As the City Council is aware, the City and MCWD have cooperated on several stormwater management projects including Lost Lake, Wolner Field and. the •` Mound Transit Center project(s) • The MCWD is looking at doing a handful of projects throughout the watershed district -to demonstrate alternate forms for shoreline stabilization. Specifically, they are looking for site(s) which have access to provide for ongoing inspections, etc. • Any and all permitting associated with the proposal, if approved, would be procured by the MCWD. • The cost of the pilot project would be paid for by the MCWD. • If the project is approved, it is anticipated that a cooperative agreement between the City and MCWD will be required. • Members are advised that Staff is concemed with regards to maintenance associated with the proposal including but not limited to, garbage /refuse. • The proposal has not been forwarded to the POSDAC however the City Council, at its option, may remand the proposal if its feels their review will be beneficial to the City Council. • Please refer to the support materials which have been submitted by the MCWD and included as attachments which provides a detailed overview of the proposed project. • CADocuments and Settings \Sarah SmitlWy Documents\ Memorandums\ 2008\memomcwdpilotprojectcenterview .doc -1796- Page 1 of 1 Sarah & Jim, I'm sending some materials about our proposed project at the Centerview site, including: 1. A proposed cross- section of the site; 2. The concept plan that you saw before; 3. A bullet list of maintenance actions, both within 3 years of construction (MCVWD responsibility) and afterward (City responsibility); and finally 4. A short description of the project. The maintenance is an issue that I will bring up to our Board this Thursday. Neither our O &M manager (Renae) nor I are very excited by the idea of building projects on city property, then asking them to maintain them for us. I will let you know which direction the board swings on this; if they decide that we should simply maintain our own projects, then it will be a non - issue. Please let me know if there's anything else you would like to see, and keep me updated on how far along this is /who has seen it. If there is anyone else I should be including in these emails, let me know. Thanks, Nat Kale Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Planner /GIS Specialist 952 - 471 -0590 x 229 8/19/2008 -1797- 101 • 0 Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Restoration Project __ The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District is in the process of revising rules, including Rule F: Shoreline Protection. In order to better promote water quality within the District, this rule will encourage natural landscaping and stabilization along shorelines to a greater degree than the existing rule. The Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Restoration Project compliments this change by classifying the shoreline around the lake according to likelihood to erode, and by creating five demonstration sites of natural stabilization (bioengineering) to show homeowners and contractors how to work with a variety of shoreline conditions. The classification portion of this project accounts for three factors. 1. Fetch - The distance from the far end of the lake to point on the shore being classified, as measured along summer prevailing winds. Summer prevailing winds around Lake Minnetonka are generally southeast to northwest, so fetch on the southeastern shoreline is usually zero. The fetch is highest across large bays on the northwest shore. Higher fetch indicates higher erosive potential. • 2. Slope - The pitch of the land immediately adjacent to the shoreline. Greater slope indicates higher erosive potential. 3. Soils - Soils are classified according to their erodibility by the USDA NRCS, among others. Sandier, less cohesive soils indicate higher erosive potential than clay and more cohesive soils. MCWD combined each of these factors to classify all the shoreline of Lake Minnetonka into four categories - High, Potential, Low, and Sensitive. "High" shoreline has the greatest potential for erosion, "Low" has the lowest, and "Potential' is indeterminate, meaning there were not enough data to classify it. "Sensitive" shoreline indicates the presence of a wetland. The Headwaters of the Minnehaha Creek at Grays Bay already serves as one of the five demonstration sites. MCWD will construct the other four sites on a variety of site conditions, ideally the four classification categories. These publicly accessible sites will serve as examples to homeowners and contractors who will construct bioengineered solutions to erosion problems on shorelines. They will demonstrate a variety of techniques, from mixed hard and soft armoring (interspersing vegetation with rock or • other durable shoreline protection) to pure vegetative solutions, with plants running from the waterline up several feet out of the water. MCWD will be directing anyone -1798- who asks about soft or green shoreline stabilization to these sites, and will encourage local municipalities to do the same. MCWD hopes to begin installation this winter, with final work wrapping up in the spring.' The District would maintain these sites.for three nears.: after.which the site.ecou.l.d be -1799- 01 *I • -1800- i £ *I m z O rr-m0 O0G • m'' mmm C. z m -x -� -< m rn zmZ Z4i -Ir>0 0 <w 2'mP m os CMN o �c�o0 m z -i A0 om O � Cl) ztn��0 o Cl , _ O m " Z4 CD n c m� p' O vcm mm. N MB ol �- OJ GA11n11 DIT.TAI ►f/1T �YwP!f -�+Ai1'n�rr��lr+.w -�n�� ° o t�. " g ca *q i -1801- n �0mc m men o� C 0 0�1r z . � r 0 z mm zrnaAi %9 a,2A,b Drm f Z Dd rnbD � W r fa to -n mam o 5" M, m c o00 a° c c m mm'rn ca m ,s- mracnr 3 *I m z O rr-m0 O0G • m'' mmm C. z m -x -� -< m rn zmZ Z4i -Ir>0 0 <w 2'mP m os CMN o �c�o0 m z -i A0 om O � Cl) ztn��0 o Cl , _ O m " Z4 CD n c m� p' O vcm mm. N MB ol �- OJ GA11n11 DIT.TAI ►f/1T �YwP!f -�+Ai1'n�rr��lr+.w -�n�� ° o t�. " g ca *q i -1801- • • 0 July 28, 2008 The Kestrel Green Roofs + Living Walls Urban frees + Stormwater NaturalI..andseapes + Shorelines Lake Minnetonka Shoreline Stabilization Long -Term Maintenance Requirements The maintenance period is in the first few years after planting. A plant or seed mix will include a variety of species, including some that will flourish immediately to help outcompete invasive species. Typically the first two to three years of vegetation maintenance is included in a planting contract, and those services include mowing, invasive control, and plant and seed replacement. Specific long -term maintenance depend on the project and its location. Where conditions allow, a preferred method of invasive species control is burning, but this may not be feasible in a residential setting. Mowing can help keep invasives at bay in those settings. ❑ Years 1 -3: 6 times annually inspect and spot treat invasive vegetation: 4 hours each application. As needed, split rail weeds, mow and mulching. ❑ Years 3 -5: 4 times annually inspect and spot treat invasive vegetation: 4 hours each application. As needed, split rail weeds, mow and mulching. ❑ Years 5 and forward: 2 times annually inspect for and spot treat invasive vegetation: 4 hours each application. As needed, split rail weeds, mow and mulching. $25 chemical application, once in late spring, once in late summer. ❑ Annually, and as needed, check angler's access paving stones for stability and reset as needed: 2 hours • Annually, and as needed, check rails in split rail fence: 2 hours • Every 3 years trim back willow and dogwood woody vegetation: 8 hours • Every 3 years, and as needed, add wood chip (utility grade) mulch where initially installed to settled depth of 3 ". Do not mound against tree trunks or woody shrubs. ❑ In years 1, 2, and 3, mow herbaceous vegetation when it exceeds 10" tall. Approximately 2 -3 mows needed annually, one hour each mow. Use mower height of minimum 8 ". ❑ In years 4 —10, mow once annually when vegetation is above 24". Mow no lower than 16 ". One hour each mow. ❑ Annually and as needed, check condition of interpretive signs for damage. Replace as needed Expected life span is 15 — 20 years. The Kestrel Design Group, Inc. 7101 Ohms Lane, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (952) 928 -9600 Fax (952) 224 -9860 www kestreldesienprouo con Printed C;r 30% post- con 7, met, vvaste -1802- BE IT RESOLVED;.that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following preliminary 2009 General Fund Budget appropriations: City Council 81,336 Cable TV 45,230 City Managers /Clerk 356,533 Promotions 74,348 Elections /Registration 3,155! Assessing 96 650 ' f=inance 352,6Q7 Computer '551800 > Legai 140,533, r. Police 1,747,547 Emergency Preparedness ........ .... ::.. _: 7,600' Planning/Inspections 433,267 Street 863,269 "70ity Hall Bldg. & Srvs. 115,664, Parks 633,954 recreation 5,006 Park Dedication 0' Cemetery 11,128 Contingencies 41,700. Transfers 341,888: r r` � Vii' "t'P' OTAL GENERAL FUND 5,407,13' - 1.803- • • • • 10 0 Resolution No. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following preliminary taxes for collection in 2009: SPECIAL LEVIES HRA Lease Revenue Bonds - Lease Payment 366,860 Banded Indebtedness - 2001A Judgment Bond 20,100 Fire Relief 74,404 G.O. Improvement 2001 C 69,700 G.O. Improvement 2003A 181,854 G.O. Tax Increment 2003C 146,717 G.O. Improvement 2004A 0 G.O. Improvement 2005A 72,100 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2005C 65,300 G.O. Improvement 2006A 31,520 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2006C 73,353 G.O. Improvement 2007A 116,385 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2007C 41,085 G.O. Improvement 20088 150,700 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2008D 38,729 Total Special Levies 1,448,807 PRELIMINARY REVENUE LEVY 3,726,374 Preliminary Certified Levy 5,175,181 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the preliminary overall budget for 2009 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above 5,407,134 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Area Fire Service Fund 1,038,710 Dock Fund 229,121 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,267,831 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Recycling Fund Liquor Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Storm Water Utility Fund TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS SUMMARY General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds "TOTAL ALL FUNDS Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Mark Hanus -1805- 241,509 592,292 1,383,379 1,589,741 222,341 4,029,262 5,407,134 1,267,831 4,029,262 10,704,227 01 *I 01 • 2008 VOLUNTARY EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PLAN FOR CITY OF MOUND EMPLOYEES The City of Mound VOLUNTARY Early Retirement Incentive Plan is designed to provide employees who wish to retire /resign an option to do so by offering some extra financial resources. This program will aid the City in reducing expenditures and avoid reductions in benefits and/or layoffs in order to respond to the current budget challenges. This is a one -time offer and the deadlines are firm. • For a detailed description of your eligibility for the Incentive Plan, the benefits it offers and other important information, see the items below. • 1. EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PLAN a. Employee Eligibility b. Retirement Incentive Plan Benefits c. Retiree Health Insurance Continuation 2. FACTORS TO CONSIDER 3. RESOURCES 4. PROCEDURE and NOTICE/RELEASE FORM s � • 1. EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PLAN • A. Employee Eligibility You. are ELIGIBLE to. participate.in.this. voluntary Early Retirement. Incentive Plan if you meet the following four (4) requirements: 1. You must be eligible for a retirement annuity from a public retirement plan such as Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) and have been a regular full -time City of Mound Employee for at least twenty (20) years prior to your expected retirement date. 2. You must not be a Department Head. 3. You must notify the city manager by October 15, 2008, using the Participation Agreement and General Release form of your intent to retire under the Incentive Plan, and 4. You must retire on or before December 31, 2008. B. Early Retirement Incentive Plan Benefits The following benefits will be paid within 30 days after the date of retirement: 1. A lump -sum payment by the City of Mound to the Minnesota State Retirement System Health Care Savings Plan (MSRS HCSP) of an amount equal to one percent (1 %) of current annual pay for each full year of service with the City of Mound, based upon the current rate of pay at the time of retirement. 2. A lump -sum payment by the City of Mound to the MSRS HCSP of any remaining accrued sick leave above and beyond sick leave which is severance- eligible sick leave as determined by existing contract agreements or policies governing the terms and conditions of your employment. This would result in 100% of accumulated sick leave paid to you. 3. Payment by the City of Mound to the MSRS HCSP, in a lump -sum, of any severance payments for which you are eligible as determined by existing contract agreements or policies governing the terms and conditions of your employment. 4. Payment of unused vacation as determined by existing contract agreements or policies governing the terms and conditions of your employment paid directly to: (a) the MSRS HCSP; (b) a City of Mound sponsored 457 plan (not to exceed maxium contribution allowed by the IRS, including any catch -up provision); or (c) in a cash payout subject to income tax. You may elect to use and exhaust your vacation, including that accrued over 480 hours, before your actual employment termination - 1807- date up to and including December 31, 2008 subject to the approval of • your department head. Note:; Payments made to MSRS,.HCSP..:Ar_!,lot subject to:tax both, when it is.. placed in your account and when you withdraw, funds to pay for eligible reimbursable health and/or dental premiums and out -of- pocket expenses. For information about this Plan, please visit the MSRS Website at www.msrs.state.mn.us/hesp The Early Retirement Incentive Plan benefits listed above will be issued to you only after you have signed a Participation Agreement and General Release form (without rescission) AND have retired from city employment on or before December 31, 2008. C. Retiree Health Coverage Continuation All regular City of Mound employees are eligible for COBRA sponsored health coverage continuation under Minnesota Statute 471.61, subdivision 2b. There are no city contributions for your retirement healthcare premiums. You may use funds from your MSRS HCSP to pay for your retirement health insurance premiums. Minnesota Statute 471.61, subdivision 2b Continuation If at the time you retire you are eligible to receive a retirement annuity from a • Minnesota public retirement plan such as PERA (your pension service credit need NOT be exclusively with City of Mound), you may remain in the city's Employee's Health Plan indefinitely by paying the full premium yourself. You will have the same benefits, health plan and open enrollment options as active regular employees. • For 2008, the total monthly expense for the City of Mound Employee's Health Insurance Plan is: Medical Insurance Plan Health Partners Open Access Plan Health Partners Distinctions Plan Health Partners High Deductible Health Plan with HSA Employee Only $497.23 $463.24 $355.07 Employee & Spouse $1,057.86 $988.09 $757.10 Employee & Child(ren) $1,002.29 $933.50 $715.27 Family $1,308.91 $1,219.10 $934.04 PLEASE NOTE: The City of Mound Employee's Health Plan may have Plan design changes in coming years (i.e. co -pays, annual out -of- pocket maximums, etc.) and premium expenses are likely to increase. 2. FACTORS TO CONSIDER • The Incentive Plan may be of value to you IF YOU CAREFULLY EVALUATE YOUR INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES and THEN- decide if it is right for you: Every employee's personal situation is unique. Only YOU can decide if the benefits and advantages of this Incentive Plan offers outweigh any disadvantages of leaving city employment during the Incentive Plan period. The City cannot advise you as to whether leaving city employment during the Incentive Plan period makes sense for you. Talk to your family, legal advisor, financial advisor, and/or other advisor(s). Only you can make this decision. Remember there are many factors to consider — financial and non - financial. Take the time to think through your decision. Listed below are a few factors to consider, but you will probably identify other factors that apply only to you. As you read the items below, jot down your thought and make sure you get answers to your questions. Your pension with the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) If you leave the city earlier than originally planned, how will your pension be impacted? What are your employee contributions in the event you decide to take a refund from PERA rather than apply for your retirement benefits? Will PERA be your only retirement income, or do you have other sources of retirement income (for example, an Individual Retirement Account or other personal savings)? Obtain detailed information and/or benefit estimates from PERA • directly to help answer these questions. Also, obtain detailed information from any other pension plan and/or IRA for which you are eligible. Plan ahead and don't wait until the end of the Incentive Plan period. PERA telephone number: (651) 296 -7460 PERA website: www.mnpera.org • Other city - sponsored retirement savings Are you a participant in one of the City of Mound deferred compensation plans? If yes, what are your account balances? Review your most recent account statements and/or request a current account balance. Also, ask about payout options and taxation of funds if you decide to withdraw funds. Minnesota State Deferred Compensation Plan Telephone: 1- 877 -457 -6466 ICMA Retirement Corporation: Telephone: 1 -800- 669 -7400 ING Deferred Compensation Plan, Telephone: 952- 225 -0348 Edward Jones Deferred Compensation Plan: Telephone: 952 -471 -3480 (Navarre) or (952)472 -0400 (Mound) • • Health Coverage • Doyouu have other health coverage options, if you leave city ern loyment? What . will you pay to continue city- sponsored health coverage? What will your cost be 1f - �Yrr R- on -A�g Health Care Savings Plan benefit you? • Other Income If you leave city employment, will you have sufficient income to meet your personal expenses? Consider all of your expenses such as rent, mortgage payments, health coverage costs, car payments, other family expenses, and so on. Release of Claims Part of the Participation Agreement and General Release provides for a release of claims against the City of Mound. You will have at least fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of this Incentive Plan description (which includes the Participation Agreement and General Release form) to decide whether to participate in the Incentive Plan. During this fifteen (15) calendar day period, talk to your lawyer about whether signing the Participation Agreement and Release form is right for you. • Taxes Lump -sum payments which are paid directly to employees and are not deposited in a MSRS HCSP or 457 plan, are subject to special tax withholding. Any taxable lump -sum payments you receive as benefit (accumulated vacation pay severance) • will also be subject to this special withholding. Consider what your after -tax payment will be once this withholding has occurred and take this into account in your financial planning. •,7 Likelihood of Future Involuntary Layoffs A major reason for offering this early retirement incentive plan is to respond to reductions in funding and revenues and to reduce the number of employee layoffs needed. Implementation of the Early Retirement Incentive Plan, while an incentive to eligible employees to consider retirement, does not guarantee that involuntary employee layoffs will be avoided in the future. Personal Factors For,many individuals whether employed at the City of Mound or elsewhere, working provides enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment and purpose. On the other hand, for others a job is simply a paycheck. What's your situation? Do you enjoy your job at the city because it gives you a certain amount of satisfaction and sense of fulfillment or do you believe you might find new challenges and opportunities elsewhere? Ask yourself these questions but also consider all other factors that could impact your decision to leave the City of Mound employment under the Incentive Plan. For example, will your cost of living be higher or lower if you do not work? -1810- 3. RESOURCES • You may have very specific questions about other benefits and how they will be impacted. i€ yQU leays emplgynents.Hre_ a. -lt cal rQree to keJp__yQuid answers: • Social Security Administration: Telephone: 1- 800 - 772 -1213 or Website: www.ssa.gov • Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA): Telephone: 1- 800 -652- 9026 or Website: www.mnpera.oriz • Minnesota Health Care Savings Plan: Telephone: 651 -284 -7804 or Website: www.msrs.state.mn.us • Minnesota State Deferred Compensation Plan Telephone 1- 877 -457 -6466 • ICMA Retirement Corporation: Telephone: 1- 800 -669 -7400 • ING Deferred Compensation Plan, Telephone: 952. 225 -0348 • Edward Jones Deferred Compensation Plan: Telephone: 952 -471 -3480 (Navarre) or (952)472 -0400 (Mound) 4. PROCEDURE AND PARTICIPATION/RELEASE FORM a. Carefully review this Incentive Plan and get answers to your questions. While the Finance staff can answer questions about the Incentive Plan and help you review your current city sponsored benefits and provide an estimate of your Early Retirement Incentive, they will not advise you. Consult with a lawyer and financial advisor. The decision to participate in the Incentive Plan is yours and • yours alone. Be comfortable with the decision you make. To obtain an estimate of your benefits under the Incentive Plan, contact Catherine Pausche, Finance Director, at 952- 472 -0633. b. If you decide that this Incentive Plan is right for you, go to Step c. If you do not think this Incentive Plan is right for you, do nothing. c. If you wish to leave the City of Mound employment under the 2008 Early Retirement Incentive Plan, do the following: 1. Make sure you have carefully reviewed all of the Incentive Plan information. You have at least forty -five (45) calendar days after you receive this Incentive Plan description to make your decision (available to employees to review on August 27, 2008). 2. Complete the Participation Agreement and General Release Form (the Form). Be sure to sign and date the Form and have it witnessed. 3. Make three copies of the Form. • -1811- • 4. No later than October 15, 2008; give one copy of the Form to your supervisor. This is your formal retirement notice to the City of Mound. 5. Send one copy to Kandis Hanson, City Manager. I,* I',, 6. Keep one copy for your records. Under the Incentive Plan, you may rescind your election to leave employment provided you do so no later than October 30, 2008 or fifteen (15) calendar days after you sign your Form, whichever comes first. Delivery of your written rescission can be either by hand or by certified mail return receipt requested, postmarked no later than fifteen (15) days after you sign your Form. Your rescission should be sent to: Catherine. Pausche, Finance Director, City of Mound. -1812- 2008 EARLY RETIREMENT ....,.,,.....PARTICIPATION A;GRiEEMENT-.and- GENERAL. - RELEASE- F-- OR.M- __..__,_— I, (Employee: print or type your name) the undersigned Employee ( "Employee ") for the City of Mound, voluntarily agree to retire under the 2008 Early Retirement Incentive Plan ( "Incentive Plan") and to execute this General Release of All Claims (the "Release "). For purposes of this Agreement and Release, the term city refers to City of Mound and includes the city's past, present and future officers, officials, employees, volunteers, and agents. A. Retirement By signing this Participation Agreement and Release, I will voluntarily separate from the City of Mound employment and will retire on or before December 31, 2008 in exchange for the payments and benefits provided under the Incentive Plan. I understand that by participating in the Incentive Plan and signing this Agreement, I may not return to employment in a regular position in my same job classification with the city for 24 consecutive months. My estimated date of retirement is , 2008. B. Benefits Paid under the Incentive Plan I understand that the following benefits will be paid to me within 30 days after I retire: Payment by the City of Mound on my behalf to the Minnesota Sate Retirement System's Health Care Savings Plan (MSRS HCSP) of a total incentive including an amount equal to one percent (1 %) of my current annual pay for each full year of service with the City of Mound, based upon the current rate of pay at the time of retirement. In addition, an amount of any remaining accrued sick leave that is above and beyond the standard severance amount, resulting in 100% of accumulated sick leave being paid. Both of these incentives are in addition to the standard severance for accrued sick time and accrued vacation hours as determined by existing contract agreements or policies governing the terms and conditions of my employment. C. My Acknowledgement of the Consideration and Purpose of the Release I acknowledge that I would not be eligible for the payments and benefits under the Incentive Plan unless I sign (and then do not rescind) this Participation Agreement and Release. I received the Incentive Plan materials authorized by the City Council Resolution and reviewed them. The materials include descriptions of who is eligible for the Incentive Plan and the time limitations under the Incentive Plan. The city -1813- r� L • encouraged me to seek counsel from a financial advisor and lawyer before signing • _ this agreement. ,_T- hare- ar- 4ea�z�3�alenda3'11a +.�_� ,aa .,sxh�f��r� - 1�P-Rar- ta�na- tr}r -�- Agreement and Release. I understand that I may knowingly and voluntarily agree to waive the 45 calendar day consideration period by electing to sign the Release before the 45 calendar days have passed. The city encouraged me to take my time and carefully evaluate my circumstances before deciding if signing the agreement is the right thing for me to do. D. What I am Releasing In consideration for the payments and benefits under the Incentive Plan, I fully release and discharge the City of Mound from any and all claims, charges, complaints, liabilities of any kind, known or unknown (each a "claim "). I understand that by releasing the City of Mound from each and every claim, I am releasing all of my rights to bring any claim against the City of Mound based on any action, decision, or event occurring prior to my signing this Agreement, including, without limitation, the terms and conditions of my employment with the City of Mound and the ending of my employment. Except as permitted by law, I will not commence any proceeding relating to any claim, and if the law permits me to commence during such a proceeding, I agree that I may not seek to recover any monetary damages or other relief, as a result of any such proceeding. My release includes any claim based upon THE AGE DISCRIMINATION IN • EMPLOYMENT ACT, 29 U.S.C. ss621, et se g.; federal, state or local employment discrimination laws, regulations or requirements, including, but not limited to Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. ss2000e, et sea.; the Americans with Disabilities Act 42 U.S.C. ss12101, et s2g.; and the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 363; any other statute, ordinance, or regulation; any contract, quasi - contract or promissory estoppel; any tort, including wrongful discharge, misrepresentation, fraud, infliction of emotional distress, or defamation; or any other legal or equitable theory. I also release and waive rights and claims I may have under the Veterans Preference Act, Minn. Stat. 197.46 E. What I am Not Releasing I am not releasing any claims for post - termination benefits, such as retirement benefits, under the provisions of any employee benefit plan. I also am not waiving any rights I have with regard to events that occur after the date of this Release. I am not waiving or releasing workers compensation benefits with the exception of claims under Minnesota Statute 176.82 -1814- F. If I Want to Rescind this Participation Agreement and Release I understand that I have fifteen (15) calendar days from the day I sign this • Participation Agreement and Release in which to change my mind and rescind it. Ire or r- fertlus rgsgiwAon- to- be- e-ffcody"mu-st= be -in-- twig and del��ered_to _ ............ ... Catherine Pausche, Finance Director within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date I sign this agreement. I understand that my delivery of a written rescission can be either by hand by 4:00 pm on the last day or by certified mail return receipt requested, postmarked on the last day. Employee Signature Witness* * Witness signature does not need to be notarized / /2008 Date Signed EMPLOYEE - Once signed and dated: • • Make THREE COPIES of this Form • Keep one copy for your records • Give one copy to your supervisor • Submit one copy to: Kandis Hanson, City Manager • -1815- City fo Mound 2008 Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Plan umrrmary ....- Eligibility Criteria: (1) Eligible for PERA retirement annuity (2) At least 20 years of service with the City of Mound (3) Not a Department Head (4) Must retire on or before December 31, 2008 Profile of Employees who meet this criteria: Average # of years with City 28 Average Salary 59,176 Average Cost of Benefits 21,130 Average` Standard Severance (Accuftlated Sick and Vacation Time) 35,723 Averagv�pf, .1 % of Salary Per Year of Service 19,001 Average Balance of Additional Sick Pay Paid as Part of Incentive 7,011 Average Potential Savings * - Year One (Equal to Average Salary and Benefits Less Severance and Incentives) 18,570 Average, Potential Savings * - Year Two & Beyond (Equal toAverage Salary and Benefits) 80,306 * Savings estimates do not reflect the cost of any promotions or hires needed, if any. In no case would an employee who retires under this plan be replaced by another full -time: employee in a 1:1 ratio. Reorganization initiatives will be implemented to prevent that from happening. tm CITY OF MOUND _ RESOLUTfON NO.08- PLAN FOR CITY OF MOUND EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, budget shortfalls necessitate that the City of Mound implement cost saving measures to meet financial constraints; and WHEREAS, salary and benefits comprise over 60% of the General Fund budget; and WHEREAS, reorganization opportunities exist to help reduce budget shortfalls; and WHEREAS, a voluntary early retirement incentive plan will facilitate reorganization efforts through voluntary employee departures. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the City Manager to implement the Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Plan for the City of Mound Employees as show in Exhibit A, and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1817- Mayor Mark Hanus • Cj 10 140 lie MEMQRANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Superint DATE: August 19, 2008 RE Request for Continued Funding for AquVtic Invasive Species Control on Phelps Bay At the August 14, 2008 POSDC meeting the Commission discussed a request for the City to continue funding for the aquatic herbicide program on Phelps Bay. Below is an excerpt from the meeting minutes: Discuss: Phelps Bay Milfoil Treatment — Dick Osgood, LMA' Dick Osgood from the Lake Minnetonka Association (LMA) updated the commission on the milfoil treatment on Phelps Bay, Grays Bay and Carmen Bay. LMA is asking for financial support from area cities, counties, regional and state agencies along with lake users to help fund the milfoil aquatic herbicide' treatment program. He stated the City of Mound is asked to consider contributing the same dollars as last year, which was $12,000: Discussion followed. MOTION by Meisel recommending' the City of Mound to allocate monies in the budget to include the same amount of money donated in 2008 again in 2009 for milfoil treatment in Phelps Bay. SECOND by Pilling. Motion carries unanimously. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO.08 -XX • _ RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO _ EXCEED $XXX,XXX FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AND FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2009 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a resolution from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound, entitled "Resolution Authorizing The Levy of a Special Benefit Levy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 "; and WHEREAS, the. City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound,... NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cityf.Mound, Minnesota, that' a special tax be levied upon real and personal property`s hhin the City of Mound in the amount not to exceed $257,653, or the maximum amount allowed. k BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, not to exceed $257,658., or the maximum amount allowed; is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, and such' proposed special levy shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before September 15, 2008. The find special levy shall be certified to the County Auditor of Hennepin County by December 29, 2008. Adopted by thb" "City Council this 26th day of August, 2008. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Mayor Mark Hanus • [7 ...... .... The City u 10 • of MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2008 City o r session on Tuesday, Members, present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, John Beise, and Greg Skinner Members absent: Councilmember Mike Specht. Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Amanda Schwarze, Kathy Rice; Dick & Helen Hal varson, Mary Pat McNeil, Greg Smith, Gene Hanson, Pat McGrath, Jan Zingsheim, Donna Smith, Jason David, Jerry Henke, Darlene Duvick - Bjork, Mark Bergerson, Larry Melsness, N. Tkachenko, June Dahlquist, Jim Dustrude, Lisa Jensen, Jason David, Kevin Hultgren. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which even will be remove from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Hanus requested the addition of Item 41, ERF Grant Agreement with Hennepin County. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Osmek requested the removal of item 4B(2) from the consent agenda. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon, roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $461,774.11 B. Approve 2008 Incredible Festival permits 1. Temporary sign permit 2. (removed) 3. Exempt permit for bingo, 4. Public Dance permit C. Approve Pay Request No. 2 from S.M. Hentges,, & Sons in the amount of $415,406.36 for work on the 2008 Street Improvement Project (PW- 08 -01) D. Approve Pay Request,No. 2 from Ramsey Excavating, inc. in the amount of $121,642.89 for work on the Auditor's Road Street Extension Project (PW- 08 -06) -1820- Mound City Council Minutes - August 12: 2008 - E. Approve Pay Request No. 8 from GMH Asphalt, inc. in the amount of $308,174.00 for work on the 2007 Street Reconstruction_project, and reduce retainer from 5% to 1 % (PW 07 -01) F. Approve Pay Request No. 5 from Kusske Construction in the amount of $60,425.70 for the 2007 Storm Drainage Improvement Project (PW- 07 -04) G. Approve Engineering Services proposal from American Engineering Testing, Inc. in the amount of $7,500 to perform an analysis of the existing concrete pavement on Island View Drive and provide improvement options H. Approve Final Pay Request from Veit & Company for excavation at Lost Lake Dump in the amount of $158,601.01 (PW- 05 -11) I. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -79: RESOLUTION TO FORMALLY ACCEPT AN ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE FUND (ERF) GRANT INTHEA MOUNT OF $10,170 TO CONDUCT ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING IN THE AUDITOR'S ROAD DISTRICT AND EXECUTING ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE FUND (ERF) GRANT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY 413(2) Approve Temporary On -sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Permit for Incredible Festival Osmek stated he pulled this item from the consent agenda because he is a member of the Knights of Columbus and will be working at the beer tent. He intends to abstain from the vote to avoid any possible perceived conflict of interest. MOTION by Beise, seconded by Hanus to approve the Temporary On-sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Permit for Our Lady of the Lake for their Incredible Festival on September 6, 7 and 8, 2008. The following voted in favor: Hanus, Beise and Skinner. The following voted against: None. Osmek abstained. Motion carried. 5. Public hearing 2007 Street Reconstruction Proiect (PW- 07 -01) City Engineer Dan Faulkner reviewed` the project and gave a breakdown of the project costs and proposed assessments. Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. Jerry Henke, 2333 Fernside Lane, expressed concern over the angle where his driveway meets the apron and street. He also stated that there is no drainage 'pipe behind the retaining wall in front of his home that was recently replaced. Carlton Moore suggested that the city have centerline shots taken to determine if the angle is normal or not. Moore will arrange to meet with Henke on sight to resolve issues. Kathy Rice, 2044 Arbor Lane, also commented on the apron issue. She lives on the downside of a hill and the apron is now built so that water will run right into her garage. Moore will also arrange to meet with them on site. Darlene Duvick- Bjork, 2189 Fairview Lane, stated that when co' nstruction began the contractor backed over her arborvitae' tree and broke off a faucet. No one addressed the tree, but they replaced the faucet with a metal thing that you can't turn on or off. She also expressed concern over the bump at the entrance to her driveway. These concerns will be researched by the City. -1821- 0 • • • Mound City Council Minutes —August 12. 2008 Mark Bergerson, 2385 Chateau Lane, stated that he is happy to pay the assessment .. ana nappy wi n ine wyrK;G7wl nC7l w,lf LI LV ���tC�Cv�l wIICII G V�1, w�OG.ca�.�w�,.,�r. _... .v _.._. that the people that can't afford to pay it off will be paying more, with the interest charge, and the people that can afford to pay interest won't be charged any because they will pay it off within the next 30 days. Hanus explained to him that the City has to pay, interest on the bonds that were issued for the project, and it's hard to get a loan without interest. Bergerson again stated his satisfaction with the project. Richard Halvarson, 250.1 Emerald Drive, asked if all the property owners on Glendale were assessed the same amount and Osmek explained the assessment policy as it relates to the unit and ' /z unit charge. Halvarson explained that he had a maple tree that died because of the project and the city removed it but didn't replace it. Moore stated that past practice has been that if the tree ,is destroyed because of the project the resident has the option to have it replaced. Halvarson will be in contact with Moore about the tree. Pat McGrath, 2400 Chateau Lane, questioned why he was charged extra for an apron when he, in fact didn't receive one. Moore checked his notes and stated that it appears that the charge that was put on 2400 Chateau Lane should have gone on 2440 Chateau Lane and that McGrath's assessment should be adjusted. Larry Melsness, 2612 Wilshire Blvd, had the unit method of the assessment policy, explained to him. Mr. Tkachenko, 4932 Northern Road, asked for clarification of his assessment charges, and was given the breakdown of the unit plus the apron charge. He also stated that during construction heavy equipment was parked in front of his driveway. During this time his daughter hit a piece of the equipment and he now has a $1500 car repair bill besides the assessment. Osmek stated that if the equipment is blocking his driveway during off, construction hours; he has the right to call the police because he has the right to access his driveway. Tkachenko will contact the city as far as liability for the car. June Dahlquist, 5001 Rosedale Road, asked why her assessment is so much higher than the neighbors and was told that the additional amount is for the apron charge. She stated that she has a cement driveway and some was wrecked when they dug the hole in the street for placement of a new hydrant. Osmek stated that this will be looked at and if found to be the result of the hydrant placement, it will be charged to the utility fund. Jim Dustrude, 2001 Arbor Lane, stated he was also speaking for the owners of 2003 and 2009 Arbor Lane. He stated their properties aren't directly served by the, public street because they have ,a private road that continues beyond the cul -de -sac that they maintain themselves. Moore stated that there are numerous properties on Three Points and the Highlands where private drives go to other parcels behind abutting properties and all parcels get assessed for. one unit. The apron charge should be split equally between the properties, which is what it shows on the proposed final assessment roll. Dustrude also questioned the height of the manholes and Moore will have this reviewed. -1822- Donna Smith, 2531 from - Bolton &-Men.k, of residents, ap Mound City Council Minutes - August 12. 2008 Drive, complimented the City Engineer and Project Manager Za#hat.theu er areat.andalways.. then_ e. to:.answp- r__aj.estinns_.-..... .............._.. ►reciates the new road and thanked the City. Greg Smith, 5554 Bartlett Blvd., questioned the removal of some of the curb and aprons because some looked to be in good condition and asked if he is being assessed for curb replacement or apron. Osmek stated that they were not assessed for the curb replacement individually and it is part of the project as a whole and he does not have an individual apron charge. Smith stated that the dropped curb he has now works for him and the net of it is that everything is cool as far as he's concerned: Mary Pat McNeil, 5554 Bartlett Blvd., asked when Bartlett will be improved and Moore sated that it will be a number of years down the road. Lisa Jensen, 5011 Rosedale Road, asked about the manhole placement and Faulker informed her that typically they are Y2 inch below the pavement level. Jensen also asked who is responsible for chips in the cement and waste cement being left in a neighbor's yard, and Moore state he will check this out. Jason David, speaking for his mother, Debra Anderson, 2460 Chateau Lane, expressed concern with the apron where it meets the driveway. He stated it sunk away from the driveway and comes in from an angle and over the winter ice will be a problem. Carlton stated he will look at this and add to the contractor's punch list which will be addressed before final payment is made to them. Kevin "Hultgren, 2441 Chateau Lane, `stated the improvements look good except he wishes he could slow down the traffic down his street. Hanus told him he could petition the City for stop signs to have staff review. Hultgren also stated there is a crack in the curb in front of his house and there are also, shale pop outs. He also stated that in places_ the wear course is 1" higher than the curb and Moore stated that is normal height for wear course. Mayor Hanus closed the public hearing at 9:23 p.m." Osmek proposed that the apron charge for 5001 Rosedale be removed from the assessment roll because the reason for apron removal and replacement was because of watermain work. He also proposed that the apron charge be removed from 2400 Chateau Lane as it was charged to this property in error. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise to adopt the following resolution, adopting the assessment roll, with the changes made as suggested above All voted in favor. Motion' carried. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -80 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR 2007 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT - LEVY #17170 -1823- • Mound City Council Minutes - August 12. 2008 ........ _ .....__ ._.... _ 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the auenda• 7. Discussion of Three Rivers Park District request regarding Winter Trails Activities Permit Carlton Moore stated that Three Rivers is asking the City to agree to plow the trail in the winter, thus accepting liability if any damages occur because of the maintenance. Discussion continued on the pros and cons of maintaining the trail in the winter. No action as taken at this time. 8. Approve minutes MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise, to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2008 meeting. The following voted in favor: Osmek, Specht, Hanus and Beise. The following voted against: None. Skinner abstained because he was absent from that meeting. Motion carried. 9. Miscellaneous /Correspondence A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Engineering Project Status Parks Building — OSHA Violation Update C. Correspondence: Gillespie Gazette Mediacom • 10. Adiourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Beise, to adjourn at 9:38 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried.' Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 5 -1824- GENERAL FUND Taxes Business Licenses Non-Business Licenses /Permit Intergovernmental Charges for Services Court Fines Street Lighting Fee Franchise Fees G.O. Equipment Certificates Charges to Other 00'itls Park Dedication Fees Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUE" FIRE I I FUNb DOCK-FUND MOUND HRA WATER FUND SEWER FUND LIQUOR FUND RECYCLING FUNDj,. STORM WATER UTILITY INVESTMENTS (Net. of Exp) Y CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT July 2008 58.33% BUDGE July 2008 REVENUE Y- T D ... REVENUE ... -PER VARIANCE C ENT- RECEIVED 3,339,007 639,124 1,897,279 -1,44 4,728 56.82% 18,500 375 17,375 93.92% 247,900 21,671 87,730 -1 35.39% 322,060 33,030 63,030 -25:9,0.30 19.57% 89,400 972 84,362 ..,�5,038 94.36% 55,000 5,126 36,812 4118,188 -66.93% 1089000 8,915 63,925 .44 075 59.19% 298,000 65,979 163,062 .1, :938 54.720/6 150,000 0 0 .1 000 0.0000 12,000 -150 6,066 5,934 50.55% 0 1,100 1,100 :41,100 0.00% 263,050 4,403 21,625 -f .241,425 78 -?.AQ 551 1,107,774 66,382 620,345 -497,429 .00% 56.00% 167,450 1,248 156,676 4.1b,774 0.676/6 25,273 6,532 6,532 8,741 25.85% 966,000 175,145 550,144 5,856 56.959/6 1,522,500 123,336 796,536 .7259964 52.32% 2,600,000 282,153 1,468,102 -1,446. 1,898 56-47% 220,600 14,626 115,664 1�64,936 � 52.43% r� 175,000 12,736 88,283 ,f6,717 50.45% 18,441 151,305 i51,305 -1825- • • � 0 C GENERAL FUND Council Promotions City Manager /Clerk Elections Finance Assessing Legal City Hall Building & Srvcs Computer Police Emergency Prepardeness Planning/Inspections Streets Parks Park Dedication Fees Cemetery Recreation Transfers` Cable TV Contingencies GENERAL FUND TOTAL Area Fire Service Fund Dock Fund HRA Fund Capital Projects' Transit Parking Deck TIF 1 -2 Downtown Mound TIF 1 -3 MHR Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor Fund Recycling Fund Storm Water Utility CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT July 2008 58;33% BUDGET July 2008 EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE VARIANCE PERCENT EXPENDED 79,629 3,506 37,971 41,658 47:68% 64,648 0. 17,250 47,398 26.68% 348,488 37,179 190,164 158,324 54.57% 17,925 98 1,889 16,036 10.54% 379,807 27,002 187,805 192,002 49.45% 92,050 90,464 90,547 1,503 98.37% 140,507 5,899 61,011 79,496 43.420/6 123,718 5,523 74,912 48,806 60:55% 20,000 0 4,293 15,707 21.47% 1,890,110 177,199 1,183,446 706,664 62.61% 7,100 746 4,501 2,599 63.39% 460,283 41,980 176,873 283,410 38.43 % 810,532 70,573 438,261 372,271 54.07 %0 545,174 66,073 338,039 207,135 62:01 %0 0 0 0 0 #DIV,F 10,771 240 8,537 2,234 ` 79:1.6% 5,000 0 51 4,949 1:&% 488,696 40,724 285,074 203,622 58.33% 43,200 11,307 22,557 20,643 52.91% 41.70 M 56,738 _15,038 136:060/6 5.569.338 578.832 3.179.919 2.389.419 57,40% .P4) 1,107,773 54,714 644,597 463,176 58.9 %a . j�! °r 215,164 4,474 68,392 146,772 31.70% 70,100 50,044 20,056 71A, 0% 1,480 308,804 773,297 - 771,817 0 40,130 53,838 - 53,838 ' 0 0 1,457 -1,457 0 6,756 965,018 - 965,018 1,374,387 76,015 884,684 489,703 64..576/6 1,362,546 123,766 839,574 522,972 61.62% 551,013 43,842 280,818 270,195 50696% 239,980 16,058 120,851 119,129 50.36% 154,668 15,471 98,839 55,829 63:90% -1826- Mound Fire Department Fire Commission Meeting Thursday July, 24, 2008 11:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Old Business and Miscellaneous • Insurance Services Office (ISO - PPC) Audit May 2008, awaiting results • Year -to -Date MFD Fire and Rescue call activity comparison for 2008 • MFD NEWS Flash! 2. Financial Topics and Considerations • Review - Assistance to Firefighters Grant requests for 2008/09 • Quick review of MFD Budget Management and Cost Saving Initiatives • The Volunteer Fire Service — A "Budget Bargain" • The City of Mound, A very good fire protection partner! 3. Fire Budget, Facility Costs, and Fire Formula • 2009 Fire Department Line Item Budget -- review and questions • Facility costs and proposal for removing debt service from regular fire formula • • 2009 Cost breakdown by City • 2008 Cost revision based upon new facility formula allocation • Discussion on all of the above budget items 4. Other miscellaneous • Fire Commission - remaining meetings for 2008 5. Adjourn -1827- • a 9 \\\ B� 2 � -© \\ �a dy � #2\ Win» «} � 2?\ R; » 4 -A: � dzz ��\ \\ � � \,d �. � ƒmod w: ?y» � d }\ �AD� : >y< Year 2003 2003 2004 Mound Fire Department Fire Department Grant Summary Description of grant items S$ amount Life Safety Trailer for HazMat -; $ 39,850 fully equipped with decontamination and detection equipment. 800 MHz Radios — mobiles and portables Federal funds to investigate for cleanup of the Western Area Fire Training site 2004 Firefighter Safety — Fill station, Thermal Imaging Camera, Gas Detector 2005 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (air tanks and masks for firefighters) 11., 2006 2007 $ 30,800 $ 242,500 (T) $ 24,250 M $ 23,185 $ 15,750 1 -1831 - 11 .1Lb,J IU° $ 109,543 *' Source UASI/DEM HC Emergency. Preparedness Metropolitan Radio Board C] 91 *I MFD Grant summary continued • Ul r i LJ Year Description of zrant items 2006/07 Federal Funding to clean up Western Area Fire Training Academy site Ground contamination issues 2008/09 Tanker Pumper 2500 gallon Apparatus with 1,000 GPM pump 2008/09 Training funding assistance — Driving Fire Officer 11, HazMat, Fire Motor Operator $$ amount Source $ 5 — 6 million* U.S. Economic Development Administration $ 173,601* Homeland Security Assistance to FF Grant program $ 19,130* Homeland Security Assistance to FF Grant program * NOTE: indicates some matching funds required, either 5% or 10% 2 -1832- 00 O O N W Q� � b � o o V a� wo CN 0 0 N c p N p b i ME cd �bA � � � O T3 �+S"'• O C11 0 Cd '0 G p V N U N j O U rn O O O 3 pM-i C O O+ N 14 U N Lpi U �:)b U ai UAA 04 w 0 o 0 0 o o 0 w v a a a wa a a d 'r CO 0 O O 4-4 qgs cd JCU -0 y 'C U U En ' E-� o pU W v b .�° leig cc cc • • W • • • • -1833- 7 rA N U 0 U O ca too 0 y c 'Ci p cd Q+ °u Q 4� vi c� bA O O N c rn 'bb 2 � Cry =.yi V] Ci O O tio .—i .� (i a., G) L: rc., cd�+ w � w. o 0 0 0 o o o wa a a a wa a � w�a a a al 'yam 4. Cd 40. co cl Q,U a. 46 �b A �n • Ja 408 0 AWL -1834- Z415WWkeBwkvaW M=WA iSb3b+t The Mound Fire Department is a reflection of Good Fire Service Partners! Did you know? • All five fire service cites /partners share in the budget and all costs related to the Mound Fire Department, including all administration, operational, equipment, and facility costs which ultimately benefits all area residents. The result is a healthier fire department which is better staffed, more qualified, well trained, and substantially equipped. • The City of Minnetrista recently purchased a new 3000 gallon Tanker Pumper Truck which will primarily benefit the Minnetrista residents; however this truck will also serve and benefit all Mound Fire service area customers. Plus our mutual aid partners. • • The City of Mound absorbs many of the general maintenance and basic utility costs is related to the Public Safety Facility including: landscape maintenance, grass cutting, snow plowing, building sewer and water supply. No charges on the budget for these items. • Four (4) Mound firefighters work for the City of Mound as public works or parks employees. These four firefighters respond to calls to all MFD protection area cities during work hours at no charge to the fire budget or to the other cities. This greatly helps improve the WD daytime firefighter staff and response times. • Mound firefighters reside in three of our protection communities, including Mound (34), Minnetrista (7), and Spring Park (3). • All Mound firefighters are dedicated to, and appreciate the support they receive from the five cities they serve and protect. Increased fire call activity and responses to all five protection cities creates an environment of pride, ownership, and firefighter on-the-job training plus valuable experience.. _. Contact: Gregory S. Pederson Mound Fire Chief Mound Fire Department 952/472 -3555 -1835- • Mound Fire Department August 2006 (revision July 23, 2008) Fire Contract Formula Comparison and Explanation Old Fire Contract: the old and obsolete fire contract formula has two components (or factors). The components and allocation of costs was based upon two factors U & V. The breakdown or allocation of costs was based on equal parts of the following two factors which equal 100 %. • Utilization (U) — 50% of the fire service formula and costs were based upon each. individual cities average percentage of the total firefighter personnel hours used for the most recent previous three (3) year period. Value of Property (V) — 50% of the fire service formula and costs were based upon the percent market valuation of entire property from the previous tax year as provided by the Hennepin County Assessor. Each cities market valuation percentage is based upon their cities percent of the total market valuation of all the properties within. the Mound Fire Department service area. New Fire Contract Formula: 1. The new fire contract and budgeted costs for operations, the annual pension contribution, and all capital equipment will be based upon and include four • components or factors. The total allocation of the costs for the budget items listed above and for each contracting party will be based upon the four allocation factors. The factors are not weighted equally but utilize more components than the old formula including: U & V -L & V -S & P These factors are weighted as described below and equals a total of 100 %. • Utilization (U) — 20% of the fire service formula and costs will be based upon each individual cities average percentage of the total firefighter personnel hours used for the most recent previous three (3) year period. • Value Land (V -L) — 20% of the fire service formula and costs will be -based upon each individual cites average percent of market valuation of land from the most recent previous three (3) year period as provided by the Hennepin County Assessor. Each cities market valuation of land percentage is based upon their cities percent of the total market valuation of all the land values within the Mound Fire Department service area. • Value Structure (V-S) — 30Q/a of the fire service formula and costs will be based upon each individual cities average percent of market value of structures from the most recent previous three (3) year period as provided by the Hennepin County Assessor. Each cities market valuation of structure percentage is based upon their cities percent of the total market • valuation of all the structure values within the Mound Fire Department service area. - 183(0- • Population (P) - 30% of the fire service formula and costs will be based upon each individual cities average percent of total population in the • Mound Fire Department service area from the most recent previous three (3) year period. The population figures are to be provided by each city clerk and verified. 6 • 1 U = Utilization V = Valuation of Property V -L = Valuation of Land V -S = Valuation of Structure P = Population 2. The new fire contract and all costs related to the facility payments (or debt service) will be allocated among users based on one of two factors. a. The same basic formula allocation factors or components as listed above. OR b. The overall budget contribution "average percentage" paid by each individual city since the new facility completion. This calculation will be based upon a rolling and continuous budget contribution average (refer to example calculation page attached). NOTES: The facility debt service payments will be separated from the operational budget, pension plan contribution, and capital equipment budget plan. The facility contribution allocation and budget contribution made by each city each year will be based upon the lesser of the two $$ amounts as calculated by option a. or b. as listed above. Recommended Formula Options — Fire Commission - 1856A - • W E WG 'e co C m ic G / = N iia O N I• 11 I I b C O V O C O V N m8 g^ 1I N b V LL �a �m Rig W —10207- a N N N M N tV r N m8 g^ 1I N b V LL �a �m Rig W —10207- a N N N M OiN A a�N W Y N M YYYYA C dp mN �� �N N N M .qp pq m f�iWVj ICJ N y o O � p S� p O py O Ol p S 94 C4 i A M N M 0j O� MA NN N to m Y < AO m N N h O W N A lr 0 y0i °D o V ao N N M 44 N O N O O C C V N m8 g^ 1I N b V LL �a �m Rig W —10207- a N N N M • s z s Z g P a z E z r • V m � 0 � LD m LL o O N C) S O 0 w oT0 m SS o 6 S � m 0 0 co � M N 0 co D p p T N M N N w N W 611 N O N O S O co go Mme V) pS ^ co arz coZR nO� co pp OD p� Oto NE~D b V�'p m NNq M �j O p T 10 ww Nw N O S pb O O O pw O O h �3 /o �Q do pmo oc co g f*dp "' OO SOD T IOC W 0 -1, N M C Pi N C4 p NN M O S pwN lD O pM q a N W O O. N r co p NN MO t7`� W W rNtr ko � .;N T M In r Yl w OS p400 'pS pN -- SO SS Co. 00 ° °f 'D Cl p co G T o � � N N m C4 T 9i N M O f� M 00 N N p w - N N N ypppt N V l0 cc C C 0 C C W tC6 Q m UV �UV BEE �o0 UU O a m 3 Tu z s 9 z L 1 k2 L °o N O aa� O N O N V O T N O {V 0 N S N to O w 8 �t N N 7 C F N o� N O PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND DOCK ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES • August 14, 2008 Members Present: Chair Mike Mason, Vice Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Pat Meisel, Mike Wilkus, City Council Representation John Beise Sue Pilling arrived at 7:50 p.m. Others Present: Park Superintendent Jim Fackler, Administrative Assistant Vicki Weber, Dock Administrator Katie Hoff, Dick Osgood, LMA Absent: Don Heywood Chair Mason called meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Beise to approve agen, CORD by Meisel. Motion carries unanimously. 5. Discuss: Public Lands Permit — 3000 Highland Blvd •Fackler summarized after - the - fact. public lands permit submitted for 3000 Highland Blvd. Eric Stafford; 3000 Highland Blvd;, addressed the commission.., He stated his whole intent was to clean up the area and take care of erosion. He wasn't aware it was an easement bluff. The portion of the wall that extends on to Public Lands will be removed. MOTION by Beise to recommend the City Council approve Public Lands Permit with staff recommendations. SECOND by Wilkus. Motion carries unanimously. 6. Discuss: ° Public Lands Permit for 2640 Shannon Lane , Fackler summarized the public lands pe plication requesting to extend electrical to commons dock by i MOTION by Funk to approve public perm with staff recommendations. SECOND, Vill Motion carries unanimously. 7. Discuss: TRPD Regio ail Trail Activities • Fackler stated a u from TRPD regarding winter use of the Dakota Trail. open for winter use the City would be responsible t low, nd repair if needed along with policing. Commission f s ngly to keep the trail plowed in the winter for walking and jogging use. MOTION by Meisel to have the trail plowed and maintained over the winter months. SECOND by Wilkus. Motion carries unanimously. 8. Discuss: Vacation rentals using Commons Docks. Fackler stated the City is aware of about three Lakeshore homes that rent their homes for vacation rental and have commons docks and wanted the Commission aware of this. Discussion followed. Commission requested staff to keep informed on the vacation rentals, and re- address if it becomes a problem. 9. Review: Calendar Calendar was reviewed. 10. Reports: -2- -1840- City Council Representative Beise reported the budget is going to be incredibly tight for 2009. The 2007 street assessment was approved at last council meeting. Beise would like to 'have`a discussion on dogs in parks on our next agenda. Park Superintendent Fackler reported the Philbrook' Park play structure is in the process of being installed. Our surnmerhelp has done a :great job this year, and many are leaving in the next couple of weeks to go back to school. The City is looking into an agreement on the Villa Docks to open unused Villa docks for one year rentals. The west boat landing on Dutch Lake will be redone this year, and the east one is scheduled for next` year. Commissioner Comments: Pilling stated she has concerns about the safety of the skate park, and has heard illegal activities are taking place at there. She asked if we receive feedback from the police department regarding activities going on there. Discuss' ollowed on possibly installing security cameras at the park. QW"pqLpn was given to staff to request feedback from police departm° n ivities at Skate Park. Meisel asked if the Crime Preventi u m e able to help pay for security cameras. Fackler has stat e 's''b in very little vandalism at the skate park. -3- -1841- D by Funk. Meeting adjourned • *I •