1957-02-13VILLAGE OF MOUND i715 Rate Brazman moved, Lock, art seconded, and it was unanimously carried to pass the following resolution: RESOLVED That the Village Council of the Village of Hound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, hereby accepts the offer of the NOP~HE~ STATES POWER CC~PANY, a ~gn~esota corporation, to furnish the electric energy necessary for the operation of municipal water pumping equipment at the Village's pumping stations as now located, and hereby approves all rates, terms, conditions, and specifications contained in the proposed form of Municipal Water Pumping Contract made a part of the offer of said Company, and the proper officers of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforesaid Contract for and in the naue of the Village, and to affix the corporate seal thereto. UNION WAGE DISCUSSION Lockhar~ moved, Adams seconded, and it was unanimously carried to stay with the proposal of January 22, 19~7 meeting in regard to holidays. LEAGUE OF LAKE MINNETONKA Mb~ISIPALITIES, INC Rra~an ~ved, Adams seconded, and it was unanimously carried to approve the proposed bill:, to ~e presented t~ this year's legislature in regard to Leage of Lake Minnetonka Municipalitiea, Inc. FEBHIAI~ MEETING Due to the fact that February 12th is LLncoln's Birthday, motion was made seconded and carried to adjourn to the regular meeting set for February 13, 1957. MINU~ES. OF RE~LAR MEETING, February 13, 1957 Meeting called to order in the Fire Station at 8:00 ~.M. Present were Mayor Behmler, Trustees Livingston, Adams, Lockhar~ and Brazman, and Manager Boxell. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 7th were read. Livingston moved, Adams seconded, and it was unanimousl~ carried to approve the minutes as read. ~inutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 10th were read and on motion by Lockhart, second by Brazman, it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes as read. 1716 VILLAGE OF MOUND Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of January 22, 1957 were read. On motion by Brazman, seconded by Lockbart, it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes as read. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of January 29, 1957 were read. On motion by Brazman, seconded by Adams, it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes as read. Livingston moved, Adams seconded, and it was unanimously carried to in- struct the Village Manager to prepare the deeds, permits and waivers which are to be signed by affected property owners, and to have members of the Chamber of Commerce, Greater Mound, Inc., and American Legion aid with this work, also to be representatives on committees with members of the Village Council and Village Manager in calling upon affected property o~ners for the signing of said deeds, permits and waivers. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Brazman moved, Loc~hart seconded, and it was unanimously carried to have the Village Manager contact one of the three following bonding companies and set a date for them to meet with the Council: 1. Allison-Williams Company 2. Juran & Moody, Inc. 3. T. G. Evensen & Associates WATER TANK MAINTENANCE BIDS The following bids were received on the water tank maintenance: 1. Dixie Tank & Bridge Co., Memphis Tennessee: 2 bids - $4,500.00 98 .0o 2. Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Pittsburg, Kansas: $785.00 3. Woodward Tank Co., Frazee, Minnesota: $895.00 4. National Tank Maintenance Corporation, Des Moines, Iowa: $995.00 5. Larson Tank Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota: $895.00 Brazman moved, Lockhart seconded, and it was unanimously carried to table the bids for further consideration. MONTHLY BILL~ Livingston moved, Adams seconded, and it was unanimously carried to pay the following bills in the General Fund where funds are available: GENERAL Philbr6-ok & Dale 12 43 eee .e eee e · ee Watertown Telphone .......... 25.65 Barbara Heyman .............. 47.45 Miller Davis Co ............. 67.64 Wendell-Northwestern, Inc... 16.96 Ditto, Inc .................. 7.66 State Bank of Mound ........... 19.30 Imperial Supply Co ............ 1.84 Uppertonka CoUncil ............ 100.00 Mound Jewelers ................ 5.45 R.E. O' Donnell, Postmaster ..... 15.00 Minnetonka Pilot .............. 12.60 VILLAGE OF MOUND ,i717 GENERAL (continued) Philbrook & Dale ................ 2.64 Watertown Telephone ......... 5.75 Mickelson Motors............. 210.25 " " 179 40 " " 8 10 Northern S%ates ~;~. ~. 2~3.40 " " " 10 60 " " " 11 04 Standard Oil Co .............. 96.60 . . ~.~ " " 5.63 B~d's Pare 0il G~a~e ........ ?.?5 " " " " · 2 55 ~d ~~ Co ............. 35 ~h~ Ho~ist ............. 5.00 Walter S. ~oth & ~n ........ 2.72 ~ilb~ok & D~le .......... ... 2.64 St~da~ ~1 ~o .............. ~.~ ~d's ~ ~1 G~age ........ 15.25 " " " " .... ~ 20 " " " " 72 89 ~e's 66 Se~ee ........... 4.00 " " 5 50 ~ ~, ~e~ff ............ 2.20 ~h ~e K~nels ........... 6.00 GENERAL (continued) Mound Hardware Co...... ...... ...... 26.40 Philbrook & Dale ................... 5.2? Watertown Telephone.. ......... . .... 7.7% Northern States Power Co ........... 75.24 B~d' s Pare Oil Garage ............. 5.50 " " " " ............. 119.80 " " " " . .13.7~ Helen A. Newell, Assessing ......... 38.50 Mound Hardware, Dump ............... 4.60 Lansing Minnetonka Hardware ........ 7.74 Niccum Excavating .......... . ..... . 130. O0 Harold Peterson, Building Insp ..... 180.00 Total ~eneral Fund: ............. 2,621.66 Livingston meved, Adams seconded and it was unanimouslycarried to pay the bills in the Park, Poor, Water and ~ond & Interest Funds where funds are available: PARK FU~D Philbrook & Dale ............. POOR F~ND Sub. Henn. Co. ~elief ...... BOND & IN~. Project #6 Principal ................ Interest ,. ................ Service Cha~ge ........... 1.13 ~9.02 200.0O 4.00 1.~ WATER FUND Philbrook & Dale ................. 5.27 Mickelson ~otors .................. 42 Northern States Power ............ 2.00 Standard Oil ..................... 16.30 " ". .............. ....... 21.30 Bud's Pare Oil Garage ............ 7.50 I~und Hardware ................... 6.81 Geo. Ryan Co ..................... 18.17 Badger Meter Mfg -Co 74 43 Amy Anderson, Freight ............ 4.11 Adams moved, Livingston seconded, and it was ,mnanimously carried to pay the liquor bills where funds are available: I~Q~o~ ~m) Not erman -Weber .............. llO. 62 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co ...... 4.24 Distillers Distributing Co.. 1, O21.69 Minnetonka Beverage Co ...... 301.24 LIQUOR FUND Pt~-m:gglr .................... Halverson Candy & Tobacco ........ Red Dot Foods .................... Total On Sale 3.27 172.20 12.20 VILLAGE Of MOUND LIQUOR FUND (Continued) Manning-~eraon Co ........... Buckingham Beverages .......... Chaska Beverage Co ............ O. M. Droney Beverage Co ...... Schlitz Beer Co ............... Seven-Up Bottling Co .......... St. Boni Beverage Co .......... Carter Beverage Co ............ McKesson & Bobbins ............ F~mous Brands, Inc ............ Ed. Phillips & Sons ........... Old Peoria Co., Inc ........... Griggs Cooper & Co ............ Lynn Johnson Company .......... Off Sale 349.45 417.73 88.03 9.15 7.72. 38.0o 20.85 294.52 72.86 .75 363.88 342.76 861.08 §90.92 LIQUOR FUND (Expenses) Philbrook & Dale ............... 8.29 Watertown Telephone ............ 9.25 Mound Hardware Co .............. 2.19 American Linen Co .............. 36.74 Mrs. Gretchen LaBelle .......... 7.20 Ingeal O. Haugsness ............ 3.00 Edward Don & Co ................ 38..~..80 10~.~7 Februar~ Invoices & Discounts Taken nils~'i ~lers .......... ' ........... 190.89 Ed. Phillips .................. 6~?.31 Griggs Cooper .................. 511.83 1,360.03 VILLAGE ATTOEIEY Lockhart moved, Adams seconded and it was unanimously carried to accept the resignation as requested by Miss Bonham by March 1, 1957. COUNTY RELIEF BILL Livingston introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: ~S placing Rmral Hennepin County on a county system of direct relief to be administered under the County Welfare Beard would not be to the best interest of Rural Hennepin County, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Council of Mound, Minnesota go on record as opposing the adoption of County Relief Bill H.F. 72.aud S.F. 60, introduced in the 1957 session of the Minnesota Legislature. Adams_.secanded the motion and on roll call the vote as as follows: Livingston Yea Adams Yea Lockhart Yea Brazman Yea Behmler Yea and so the resolution was passed. The following bids were received for Police Car: 1. Mickelson Motors, Mound: $1,220.00 Ford. 2. Delano Motors, Delano: Two bids: $1,905.69 Dodge $1,647.25 Plymouth 3. Country Living, Inc., Spring Park: $1,720.00 Studebaker VILLAGE OF MOUND Brazman moved, Adams seconded to'accept the lowest bidder in the car which comes up to specifications called for. The vote was two ~as and three nays, so the motion lost due to lack of majority. Lockhart moved, Livingston seconded that the bids be tabled for further consideration. The vote was four yeas and one nay, and so the motion carried. Lockb~rt moved, Adams seconded and it was unanimously carried to adjourn and reconvene February 18, 1957 at 8:00 P.M. in the Fire Station. ~j~r ' Village Mankg&r MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, February 18, 1957 Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. in the Fire Station. Present were Mayor Bebmler, Trustees Livingston, Adams, Brazman, Attorney Bonham and Manager B~. xell. ALLEY VACATION (See Page 1706) Trustee Brazman offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, a majority of the property owners abutting upon the following described alley: That certain alley located in Block One (1), Rearrangement of Block Ten (10) Abraham Lincoln Addition to Lakeside Park, County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, said alley being twelve (12) feet in width and running first in a westerly then in a northwester]~direction from the west line of Birch Street to the east line of vacated Laurel Street, said alley now separating Lots One (1), Two (2), and Thr~ (3) on the North from Lots Four (4), Five (5) and Twelve (12) on the South, ~11 lots being in Block One (1), arrangement of Block Ten (10), Abraham Lincoln Addition to T~keside Park, County of Hennepin and State of MZnnesota; have requested the Village Council in a petition dated December 5, 1956, to vacate such alley according to law, and Whereas, a public hearing was held ma January 7, 1957 before the Village Council in the Village Hall on such petition after due published and posted ' notice had been given by the Clerk on December 27, 1956 and all persons inter- ested were given an opportunity to be heard, and, Whereas, it appears that it will be for the best interest of the Village to approve such petition, Now, Therefore, Be It ~esolved, that such petition is hereby granted and the alley above mentioned is hereby vacated ~s a public alley. Trustee Edams seconded the motion, and the roll being Called, the vote was