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2011-03-22 CC Agenda Packet
0 • PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA ............... .................................... ............. . ......................... ....................................... ...... .. ... ........ ............................................... ........................... ... ................................_............................... _ ... ................................. _ ..... ....... _..... MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 22,2011 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ...................... .... ............... ............... ......... .............. ................ ....... ........ ..._ - *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent A eg nda *A. Approve minutes from March 8, 2011 regular meeting 435 -437 *B. Approve payment of claims 438 -468 *C. Approve Resolution Approving Public Lands Permit for Property at 469 -482 4771 Island View Drive *D. Approve setting special City Council meeting workshop April 9, 2011, 483 8:00- 12:00, for purpose of attending and participating in Planning Commission Land Use Training at Mound City Hall *E. Approve Agreement for Disposal between Specialized Environmental 484 -486 Technologies, LLC and the City of Mound for compostable yard waste dumping services beginning April 4, 2011 *F. Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering 487 -488 Advertisement for Bids for the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Southwest Island Area (PW- 11 -01), and the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Highland Area (PW- 11 -02) *G. Approve Pay Request No. 4 and Final from Wilkus Architects in the 489 -490 amount of $5,005.65 for Pump House Interior Build -Out 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Mark Ruff, of Ehlers and Associates, presenting pre -sale report for $6,405,000 491 -499 • General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011B, and requesting action on a Resolution Providing for the Sale of $6,405,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 201 1B PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 7. Phil Jensen, Hennepin County Assessor, presenting 2010 Assessment Report • 8. Discussion/action regarding review of proposed MCWD amendments to stormwater management and administrative rules 9. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, with Planning Commission recommendations A. Discussion/action on Resolution Adopting Land Use Amendments for Properties at 4867/4873 Shoreline Drive as guided by the Comprehensive Plan (Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial) B. Discussion/action on Resolution Approving Expansion Permit for Property at 1736 Shorewood Lane Applicant: Mark Krawiecki Recommendation: Approval subject to conditions 10. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: C. Minutes: Parks & Open Space Comm: Feb 10, 2011 Planning Comm: Feb 15, 2011 D. Correspondence: DEED letter regarding status change of 2005 Contamination Cleanup Grant and monitoring •report: Mar 3, 2011 11. Adjourn • 500 -501 502 -542 543 -568 569 -616 617 -618 619 -620 621 -627 Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cLtyofinound.com. COUNCIL BRIEFING March 22, 2011 • Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Mar 22 — 6:55 — HRA regular meeting Mar 22 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting Apr 9 — 8:00am — Joint Planning Comm/City Council Training Apr 12 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Apr 12 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting — City Manager's performance evaluation Apr 19 — 6:30 — Supervisors' Annual Reports to the City Council Apr 26 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Apr 26 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting May 1 — Seasonal Hours begin May 9 — 5:30 — Step To It Challenge — Transit Center May 10 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting May 10 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting May 14 — 8:00 -3:00 - Recycling Day May 14 — 8:00 — Farmers' Market & More first day of sesason May 21 — Trista Day May 24 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting May 24 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting June 4 — 3:00 -12:00 — Fire Department Fish Fry and Dance June 6 —12:00 — DARE Open June 25 — Arts Council Talent Show July 14 -16 — Spirit of the Lakes Festival • Aug 2 — Night to Unite Oct 8 — 8:0042:00 — Recycling Day Oct 30 — Seasonal Hours end Nov 6 - Daylight Saving Time ends Nov 17 — 6:00 — Tree Lighting Ceremony City Hall Closings May 30 Memorial Day City Official's Absences Mar 25 -Apr 4 Heidi Gesch Apr 27 -May 9 Ray Salazar Music in the Park June 16 July 14 June 23 July 21 June 30 July 28 r� U MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MARCH 8, 2011 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Kelli Gillispie, Ray Salazar, Heidi Gesch, and David Osmek Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Finance Director Catherine Pausche, Derek Goddard, Amanda Schwarze Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion • carried. 4. Consent agenda Osmek requested the removal of Item 4C for discussion. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Gillispie to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $582,740.95 B. Approve Parks and Open Space Commission appointment of Derek Goddard to till term vacancy to expire end of 2011 C. (removed) 4C. Approve temporary sign permit for 2011 Mound Farmers' Market & More Osmek questioned the sign permit application as to what locations are being requested for what times. The application is vague and appears to be abusing the system by not saying exactly what locations they are requesting for what period of time. The application needs to; conform with regulations, and identify what banners go where at what times. Gesch also questioned the statement "two banners for period between April 17 to May 15; then 2 weeks at other locations as referenced below, with dates to be determined as property owners allow". She asked if that means that two banners will be in two locations followed by two weeks at the next two locations listed. She also asked for clarification on the application. • MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to remand this request back to City Staff for further clarification. All voted in favor. Motion carried. -435- Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2011 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the aaenda. • None were offered. 6. 2011 Street Lighting Replacement Project and additional electrical service to Mound Bay Park Carlton Moore reviewed the proposed 2011 Street Lighting Replacement Project, which is to continue the street lighting project from approximately 200 feet south of Bartlett Boulevard (where the 2010 project left ended) to Highland Boulevard. It is recommended to use the same pole and fixture used on the previously project and to bury all electrical in conduit. Since the City will not be using its $296,000 MSA allocation for a street project this year, it is recommended that these funds be used for this project, estimated at $150,000. Along with this project it is recommended to install additional electrical power to Mound Bay Park for activities that take place there. The cost to add this electric service is estimated at $10,000 and it is recommended that street lighting funds be used for this portion. Osmek suggested adding a fee for electrical power to the permit that groups get for use of the park, if feasible. He also suggested that the electrical service for Mound Bay Park be financed from the park dedication fund, but that can be decided at a later date. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 11-17: RESOLUTION ORDERING THE 2011 STREET LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PROJECT AND ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO MOUND BAY PARK PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS • AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 7. 2011 Lift Station Reconstruction Project Dan Faulkner presented a report for the proposed 2011 Lift Station Improvement Project to include the lift stations at 4922 Three Points Blvd (Cl), 3303 Waterbury Road (N1) and 4956 Island View Drive (R1), with R1 being included as an option. Osmek stated that he would like to see only the Waterbury one done because it is in the 2011 Street Project area, and trying to squeeze one more year out of the other two. Carlton Moore stated that they are in dire shape but it is possible to get through another year. Hanus would like to get the maintenance history of the lift stations being proposed for reconstruction in the future, as this information would help with the decision process. Hanus asked if the Three Points one is the worst of the three and Moore stated that it is. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to adopt the following resolution (only approving the Waterbury Road lift station). Hanus offered a friendly amendment to approve the Waterbury lift station, and add the Three Points one as an option. Osmek did not accept this amendment and stated he only intends to approve one lift station for improvement in 2011. Upon vote taken on above motion, all voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 11 -18: RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2011 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT • -436- Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2011 8. Discussion /Action on Planning Commission candidate appointments • MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the following appointments for the Planning Commission: Chris Carlton for a term to expire on December 31, 2011; Jeffrey Bergquist for a term to expire on December 31, 2012; and Doug Gawtry and George Linkert for terms that will expire on December 31, 2013. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 9. Approve minutes MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2011 regular meeting. The following voted in favor: Gillispie, Salazar, Hanus, and Gesch. The following voted against: None. Osmek abstained from voting because he was absent from that meeting. Motion carried. 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager — Hanus stated that the cities of St. Bonifacius, Minnetrista and Mound have been meeting with regard to fire services, and that he and Kandis Hanson are also meeting on other departments to discuss other potential savings. He asked that Councilmember Gesch participate in these discussions and she agreed. B. Reports: None C. Minutes: Planning Commission — January 4, 2011 Parks and Open Space Commission — January 13, 2011 Docks and Commons Commission — January 20, 2011 D. Correspondence: Gillespie Gazette 11. Adiourn • MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -437- Mayor Mark Hanus YEAR City of Mound Claims as of 03 -22 -11 BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2010 042010CRCARD $ 6,188.08 2010 CITYAP8 $ 22,283.52 2011 JAN 11CRCARD $ 6,374.46 2011 0302CITYMAN $ 18,810.64 2011 0309CITYMAN $ 50,622.01 2011 031711CITY $ 1,181.08 2011 032211CITY $ 281,161.21 TOTAL CLAIMS $ 386,621.00 *Inadvertently omitted from previous council batches .; 0 7 •I •CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: April 2010 05/12/10 10:38 AM Page 1 Batch Name 042010CRCARD User Dollar Amt $6,188.08 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $6,188.08 $0.00 In Balance Refer 42010 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 099237 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41410 -210 Operating Supplies 03 -11 -10 DICKEY MANUFACTURING, STOCK SEALS Invoice 8171 4/20/2010 PO 22515 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft 03 -12 -10 ABODE.COM, UPGRADE Invoice 5134 4/20/2010 PO 21804 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -434 Conference & Training 03 -22 -10 BEST WESTERNS, CONFERENCE, RITTER Invoice 0315 -A 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training 03 -22 -10 BEST WESTERNS, CONFERENCE, RITTER Invoice 0315 -B 420/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 03 -05 -10 AMERICINN, BAUDETTE INTERVIEW Invoice 6705 420/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 03 -22 -10 WWW.IANDI.COM Invoice 3784 4202010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 03 -25 -10 VICTORYSTORE, SIGNS FOR SKATE PARK •Invoice 0093 420/2010 ANNUAL MEETING Cash Payment E 101 - 42110-431 Meeting Expense 0402 -10 LUNDS, Invoice 3384 4202010 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -455 Permits 03 -18-10 HENNEPIN COUNTY, WATERMAIN BREAK PERMITS Invoice 6087 420/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -22 -10 KOHLS, UNIFORMS Invoice 1252 420/2010 Cash Payment G 281 -22821 Slip Maintenance Escrow 03 -24 -10 DREAMSCAPE, VILLA DOCK LIGHTS Invoice 0045 4202010 PO 22445 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -31 -10 SIERRA TRADING POST, 2010 WORK BOOTS Invoice 7283 420/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds 03 -22 -10 INET 7 03 -18 -10 THRU 04 -18-10 Invoice 0017 420/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft 04 -01 -10 DELL, DELL COMPUTER, PRINTER, HANSON,K Invoice 5172 420/2010 PO 21954 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds Invoice 0023 Cash Payment Invoice 0199 Cash Payment Invoice 1350 Cash Payment 4202010 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 420/2010 E 222 - 42260 -430 Miscellaneous 420/2010 E 222 -42260 -219 Safety supplies •Invoice 7250 420/2010 PO 21932 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -208 Instructional Supplies Invoice 0156 420/2010 PO 21945 04 -01 -10 MOUND METRO RV #402 MOVING BOXES 03 -10-10 CELLULAR PHONE, CHARGER SET 03 -11 -10 EBAY 03 -12 -10 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY, 16 FT 03 -15 -10 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION, TRAINING MANUALS -439- $57.91 $170.57 $286.56 $286.56 $166.80 $35.97 $64.16 $19.24 $430.00 $98.58 $533.39 $155.41 $3.40 $709.23 $14.77 $14.98 $49.62 $41.93 $42.25 �� I, CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: April 2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 1144 4/20/2010 PO 22046 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 0504 -D 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 05/12/10 10:38 AM Page 2 03 -17 -10 NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE, $619.96 CAMERA 03 -29 -10 SEARS, WORK BOOTS $9.59 03 -22 -10 NATL FIRE SPRINKLER, ON -LINE $250.00 COURSES Invoice 2494 420/2010 PO 21949 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training 03 -08-10 DELTA AIR, ICMA CONFERENCE Invoice 7459 4202010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training 03 -16 -10 GOV TRAINING, ICMA CONFERENCE Invoice 7037 420/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware/Soft 03 -24 -10 DRIVER UPDATES, HANSON, K. Invoice 7497 420/2010 Invoice 4157 -A Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware/Soft 03 -24 -10 DRIVER UPDATES, HANSON, K. Invoice 1325 420/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft 03 -24-10 DRIVER UDPATES, HANSON, K. Invoice 3296 420/2010 Invoice 5484 -A Cash Payment E 101 - 41310-431 Meeting Expense 03 -29 -10 SCOTTY B'S WATERSHED MTG Invoice 7511 420/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training 03 -08 -10 AWWA CONFERECE Invoice 3541 4202010 Invoice 9104 -A Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous 03 -11 -10 MN STATE PATROL, 2010 VEHICLE INSPECTIONS Invoice 1361 4202010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -223 Building Repair Supplies 03 -15 -10 DOMINO RETAIL SALES, KEYLESS ENTRY Invoice 8376 -A 420/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -223 Building Repair Supplies 03 -15 -10 DOMINO RETAIL SALES, KEYLESS ENTRY Invoice 8376 -B 420/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies 03 -15 -10 DOMINO RETAIL SALES, KEYLESS ENTRY Invoice 8376 -C 4202010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 0032 420/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4157 -A 4202010 PO 21808 Cash Payment E 60149400 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4157 -B 42012010 PO 21808 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 4157 -C 420/2010 PO 21808 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100430 Miscellaneous Invoice 5484 -A 420/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 5484 -B 420/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 5484 -C 4202010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 9104 -A 420/2010 03 -22 -10 PALMER PERFORMANCE 03 -26 -10 BESTBUY, DIGITAL CAMERA 03 -26-10 BESTBUY, DIGITAL CAMERA 03 -26 -10 BESTBUY, DIGITAL CAMERA 03 -26 -10 MY WEATHER 03 -26 -10 MY WEATHER 03 -26 -10 MY WEATHER 03 -29 -10 TARGET, PHONE HOLSTER ..m $519.30 $199.00 $19.95 $39.90 $9.95 $12.65 $685.60 $34.50 $82.08 $82.08 $82.09 $99.95 $64.36 $64.36 $64.36 $1.98 $1.98 $1.99 $3.57 • 1� u • CITY OF MOUND Payments • •.... CITY OF MOUND • Current Period: April 2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells 03 -29 -10 TARGET, PHONE HOLSTER Invoice 9104 -B 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells 03 -29 -10 TARGET, PHONE HOLSTER Invoice 9104 -C 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -29 -10 SEARS, WORK BOOTS Invoice 0504 -A 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -29 -10 SEARS, WORK BOOTS Invoice 0504 -B 4/20/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -29 -10 SEARS, WORK BOOTS Invoice 0504 -C 4/20/2010 Transaction Date 5/10/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $3,173.15 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,018.74 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $533.39 601 WATER FUND $1,284.39 602 SEWER FUND $168.82 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $9.59 $6,188.08 Pre - Written Check $6,188.08 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $6,188.08 -441- 05112/10 10:38 AM Page 3 $3.57 $3.58 $16.80 $16.80 $16.80 Total $6,188.08 Ak Z/11 CITY OF MOUND Batch Name CITYAP8 Payments CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 User Dollar Amt $22,283.52 Computer Dollar Amt $22,283.52 03/17/118:57 AM Page 1 $22,283.52 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $22,283.52 Total $22,283.52 -442- • • $0.00 In Balance Refer 84 HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC WOR _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -237 Deicing Salt SAND /SALT THROUGH 12/31/10 $13,842.60 Invoice 1000003698 12/31/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -238 Concrete Sand SAND /SALT THROUGH 12/31/10 $8,043.92 Invoice 1000003698 12/31/2010 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21,886.52 Refer 82 SIMPLEX GRINNELL Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic SERVICE CALL TROUBLE ON PANEL AT PW $397.00 BLDG 9 -29 -10 Invoice 65951346 9/29/2010 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 3/1412011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $397.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $21,886.52 602 SEWER FUND $397.00 $22,283.52 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $22,283.52 Total $22,283.52 -442- • • I, •CITY OF MOUND • • Batch Name JAN 11CRCARD Payments CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: February 2011 User Dollar Amt $6,374.46 Computer Dollar Amt $6,374.46 Invoice 1317 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies NORTHERN TOOL 40OPS1 PW HOS Invoice 4359 2118/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs NORTHERN TOOL TWO WHEELER REPAIR Invoice 4342 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -430 Miscellaneous ATLAS NOTARY SUPPLY NOTARY STAMP Invoice 0442 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET SERVICES Invoice 0014 2/18/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds STEAM BRITE INC. MOISTURE SENSOR FOR IKM Invoice 8193 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA DELL COMPUTER T5500 WORKSTATION PACKAGE Invoice 71117297492535 2/18/2011 Transaction Date 3/8/2011 Due 12:00:00 AM Wells Fargo 10100 -443- Total 03/08/11 2:47 PM Page 1 $200.00 $214.52 $16.91 $113.67 $99.00 $57.13 $12.07 $900.00 $60.00 $120.00 $140.00 $182.36 $42.89 $19.25 $43.90 $156.50 $3,996.26 $6,374.46 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 WELLS FARGO Ck# 052761 E 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training MARCH 2011 CLERK'S CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Invoice 5454 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies TARGET.COM PORTABLE GARMIN GPS Invoice 6037 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -308 Building Inspection Fees AMAZON.COM CAMERA MEMORY CARD & CASE Invoice 7652 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER Invoice 8129 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION & TESTING CLASS TONY MYERS Invoice 8906 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies OFFICE MAX- PLANNER, PENS RIBBON Invoice 3033 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies POINT OF SALE MATERIALS Invoice 4671 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs KWIK TRIP 200 CAR WASH PASSES Invoice 0081 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -431 Meeting Expense DOMINO'S PIZZA LAKE AREA EMERGENCY RESPONSE UNIT MTG Invoice 7468 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions INTL ASSOC. OF CHIEFS OF POLICE 2011 MEMBERSHIP- KURTZ Invoice 0055 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms SIERRA TRADING POST 2011 BOOT rA- _n Invoice 1317 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies NORTHERN TOOL 40OPS1 PW HOS Invoice 4359 2118/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs NORTHERN TOOL TWO WHEELER REPAIR Invoice 4342 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -430 Miscellaneous ATLAS NOTARY SUPPLY NOTARY STAMP Invoice 0442 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET SERVICES Invoice 0014 2/18/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds STEAM BRITE INC. MOISTURE SENSOR FOR IKM Invoice 8193 2/18/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA DELL COMPUTER T5500 WORKSTATION PACKAGE Invoice 71117297492535 2/18/2011 Transaction Date 3/8/2011 Due 12:00:00 AM Wells Fargo 10100 -443- Total 03/08/11 2:47 PM Page 1 $200.00 $214.52 $16.91 $113.67 $99.00 $57.13 $12.07 $900.00 $60.00 $120.00 $140.00 $182.36 $42.89 $19.25 $43.90 $156.50 $3,996.26 $6,374.46 CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND CITY OF MOUND 03/08/112:47 PM Payments Page 2 • Current Period: February 2011 10100 Wells Fargo $1,822.01 $444.10 $3,996.26 $112.09 $6,374.46 Pre - Written Checks $6,374.46 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $6,374.46 -444- • • i i r i r • I* CITY OF MOUND \� Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Batch Name 0302CITYMAN Payment Computer Dollar Amt $18,810.64 Posted Refer 1 ELK RIVER FORD, INCORPORATE Ck# 037237 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA 2011 FORD CROWN VIC- INTERCEPTOR VEHICLE Invoice 030211 3/2/2011 PO 23070 Transaction Date 3/1/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 2 MINNESOTA DEPT NATURAL RES Ck# 037238 3/312011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -438 Licenses and Taxes PUBLIC WATERS PERMIT APP FEE FOR BLUFFS PARK SAND BLANKET Invoice 205297 2/28/2011 03/03/112:39 PM Page 1 $18,660.64 Total $18,660.64 Transaction Date 3/1/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary BATCH Total 10100 Wells Fargo 101 $18,810.64 $18,810.64 Pre - Written Check $18,810.64 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $18,810.64 -445- $150.00 $150.00 $18,810.64 CITY OF MOUND 03/16/112:24 PM Page 1 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Batch Name 0309CITYMAN Payment Computer Dollar Amt $50,622.01 Posted Refer 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPLORER, Ck# 037245 3/912011 Cash Payment G 101 -22806 Police Explorers DOWN PAYMENT FOR EXPLORER STATE $1,072.00 CONFERENCE Invoice 030911 3/8/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,072.00 Refer 2 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE Ck# 037241 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs PERFORM SCAN TEST ON COOLANT $85.86 SENSOR Invoice 12926 2/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs FAN HUB #185 STREETS $366.20 Invoice 12791 1/28/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs AIR TANK #195 -SEWER $194.77 Invoice 12791 1/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $646.83 Refer 3 SPRINT WIRELESS Ck# 037248 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE JAN 15 THRU FEB $319.92 142011 Invoice 772348811 - 039 2/18/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $319.92 • Refer 4 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO Ck# 037243 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -418 Other Rentals RADIO LEASE AND ADMIN FEE $1,214.03 Invoice 110138036 1/31/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,214.03 Refer 5 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Ck# 037244 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair COPIER REPAIR - REPLACED DRUM 2 -23 -11 $275.15 Invoice 1027084614 2/23/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $275.15 Refer 6 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Ck# 037246 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $1,164.17 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $4,298.49 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $3,268.64 01 -11 THRU 2 -01 -12 -1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $1,499.99 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $4,298.49 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT invoice 19790 Cash Payment 2/23/2011 E 101 -42400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $291.04 • 01 -11 THRU 2 -01 -12 -1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 -446- -447- CITY OF MOUND 03/16/112:24 PM Payments I, Page 2 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 101-42110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $8,104.44 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12 -1 ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 10141500 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $291.04 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 28145210 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $291.04 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 101-41110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $22.39 01 -11 THRU 2 -01 -12 -1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $1,388.06 01 -11 THRU 2 -01 -12 -1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Cash Payment E 101-41310 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2- $358.21 01 -11 THRU 2- 01 -12- 1ST QTR INSTALLMENT Invoice 19790 2/23/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25,276.00 Refer 7 FRONTIER(CITIZENS COMMUNICA Ck# 037240 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 10143100 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1111 TO 3/29/11 $531.35 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 •Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $235.52 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $392.53 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $942.06 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $115.13 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $547.45 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $531.35 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE 3/1/11 TO 3/29/11 $622.19 Invoice 030911 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,917.58 Refer 8 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Ck# 037242 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -210 Operating Supplies HOT & COLD WATER CITY MANAGER $6.73 Invoice 7185036 2/23/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6.73 Refer 9 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD Ck# 037242 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 10141910 -210 Operating Supplies 5TH FLOOR BREAKROOM HOT & COLD $121.52 WATER Invoice 7184041 2122/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $121.52 10 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMER/CA (POL Ck# 037247 3/9/2011 •Refer Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels GASOLINE 01 -22 -11 THRU 02 -22 -11 $2,944.63 Invoice 030911 2/22/2011 -447- CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 Ck# 037239 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3-31 - Invoice 002443397 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3-31 - Invoice 002445286 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3-31 - Invoice 002445286 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3 -31 -1 Invoice 002445286 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3 -31 -1 Invoice 002445284 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3 -31 -1 Invoice 002445284 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE 3 -1 -11 THRU 3 -31 -1 Invoice 002442501 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 670- 49500 -440 Other Contractual Servic CURBSIDE RECYCLING Invoice 002442005 2/25/2011 Transaction Date 3/9/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Fund Summary 101 222 281 601 602 609 670 10100 Wells Fargo $23,366.34 $3,874.74 $291.04 $1,727.12 $5,072.31 $2,010.25 $14,280.21 $50,622.01 Pre- Written Checks $50,622.01 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $50,622.01 KM BATCH Total 03/16/112:24 PM Page 3 Total $ $2,944.63 11 $ $162.77 Total $14,827.62 $50,622.01 • • • CITY OF MOUND 03/17/11 9 :47 AM Page 1 Payments • l CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Batch Name 031711CITY User Dollar Amt $1,181.08 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,181.08 $0.00 in Balance Refer 132 BERENT, BRIAN _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260434 Conference & Training TRAVEL ADVANCE FOR DECISION MAKING $250.00 COURSE AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN BRAINERD MN 4-9,4-10-11 Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 131 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260409 Other Equipment Repair WIPER BLADES FOR TAHOE $15.43 Invoice 6974 - 149579 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair FUEL FILTER, OIL, OIL FILTER $96.05 Invoice 6974 - 148698 2/14/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -430 Miscellaneous FINANCE CHARGE $2.34 Invoice 022811 STMT 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $113.82 Refer 134 MOUND POST OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $154.68 •Invoice 031611 3/16/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $154.69 Invoice 031611 3/16/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $309.37 Refer 116 MUNICIPALS _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -434 Conference & Training MUNICIPALS SPRING WORKSHOP $60.00 NORLANDER, NELSON, ROBERTS Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training MUNICIPALS SPRING WORKSHOP $30.00 NORLANDER, NELSON, ROBERTS Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400434 Conference & Training MUNICIPALS SPRING WORKSHOP $30.00 NORLANDER, NELSON, ROBERTS Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Cash Payment E 10141500 -434 Conference & Training MUNICIPALS SPRING WORKSHOP $60.00 NORLANDER, NELSON, ROBERTS Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $180.00 Refer 117 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials KEYS $4.25 Invoice 080304 2/22/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies PAINTER'S TAPE & SHARPIES $10.24 Invoice 080334 2/23/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply AUTO SPONGE MOP $12.81 Invoice 080537 3/4/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies TRASH BAGS, CLEANING SUPPLIES $31.51 •Invoice 080601 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -210 Operating Supplies URINAL BLOCK $3.17 Invoice 080616 3/7/2011 Project SA -2 -449- CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Invoice 080057 Cash Payment Invoice 080069 Cash Payment Invoice 080156 Cash Payment 2/12/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 2/13/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 2/16/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080216 2/17/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080283 2/21/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080408 2/26/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080410 2/26/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS WHITE PAINT BRACKET, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS FF SILLCOCK WHL HANDLE CONDUIT, GRAY PVC FLAT MEND PLATE, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS, BULK STRAP Wells Fargo 10100 Total -450- 03/17/11 9:47 AM Page 2 $16.03 $19.74 $24.01 $17.60 $2.98 $1.18 $7.88 $8.53 $0.43 $38.45 $10.26 $3.52 $21.10 $17.08 $2.66 $25.53 $2.12 $12.80 $9.81 $2.66 $2.45 $19.09 $327.89 • • • Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials RED WARNING - SAFETY FLAGS Invoice 080627 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN SHOP MATERIALS Invoice 080628 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies TOOL BOX, PAIL, PAIL LID Invoice 080654 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies DISH SOAP, TOGGLE Invoice 080661 3/9/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms GLOVES Invoice 080663 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080381 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080433 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080440 212812011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080470 3/1/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials OUTLET STRIPS Invoice 080487 3/2/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080543 3/4/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies CONDUIT Invoice 079783 2/112011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies BULK STRAP Invoice 079839 2/3/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies STORAGE CRATE Invoice 079934 2/8/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies STRAP Invoice 080051 2/12/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies STRAP, BUNGEE CORD, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS Invoice 080057 Cash Payment Invoice 080069 Cash Payment Invoice 080156 Cash Payment 2/12/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 2/13/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 2/16/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080216 2/17/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080283 2/21/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080408 2/26/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 080410 2/26/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS WHITE PAINT BRACKET, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS FF SILLCOCK WHL HANDLE CONDUIT, GRAY PVC FLAT MEND PLATE, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, WASHERS, BULK STRAP Wells Fargo 10100 Total -450- 03/17/11 9:47 AM Page 2 $16.03 $19.74 $24.01 $17.60 $2.98 $1.18 $7.88 $8.53 $0.43 $38.45 $10.26 $3.52 $21.10 $17.08 $2.66 $25.53 $2.12 $12.80 $9.81 $2.66 $2.45 $19.09 $327.89 • • • 0 CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 10100 Wells Fargo $181.89 $482.64 $184.68 $300.36 $31.51 $1,181.08 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $1,181.08 Total $1,181.08 • -451- 03/17/11 9:47 AM Page 3 I, CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 032211 CITY Payments CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 User Dollar Amt $281,161.21 Computer Dollar Amt $281,161.21 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTIN _ Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs 2011 STREET PROJECT ENGINEERING PW11 -01 SW ISLAND Invoice 50546 2/28/2011 Project PW1101 Cash Payment E 401 -43127 -300 Professional Srvs 2011 STREET PROJECT ENGINEERING PW11 -01 HIGHLANDS Invoice 50546 2/28/2011 Project PW1102 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 2 AMSTERDAM PRINTING _ Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -210 Operating Supplies EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS Invoice 2747217 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 129 AMUNDSON, M. LLP $747.49 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R TOBACCO Invoice 105275 3/16/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Transaction Date 3/1712011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 3 APACHE GROUP - Cash Payment E 10141910 -210 Operating Supplies C FOLD TOWELS, BATH TISSUE Invoice 146101 3/2/2011 $23.74 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 4 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 459106807 3/9/2011 Cash.Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 459106807 3/9/2011 Total Total 03/17/119:20 AM Page 1 $4,616.80 $3,343.20 $7,960.00 $45.75 $45.75 $592.07 $592.07 $279.16 Total $279.16 $90.72 $1.00 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 120 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DES /G _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies PURCHASE CANVAS, SNAP HOOKS, VELCRO; EMBROIDER MOUND FIRE ON BAGS $119.40 Invoice 030311 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies EMBRODER MOUND FIRE TURTLENECKS $747.49 Invoice 030311 3/3/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $866.89 Refer 5 ASPEN EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts MINI JOYSTICK $23.74 Invoice 10082344 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MAIN SLIDE WEL $287.74 Invoice 10082848 3/8/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $311.48 Refer 6 BATTERIES PLUS, #018 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -402 Building Maintenance BACKUP POWER SUPPLY FOR PS POWER $47.00 SUPPLY Invoice 018 - 227743 2/25/2011 -452- • 0 � • CITY OF MOUND 03/17/119:20 AM I, Page 2 � Payments • •..r CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 22242260402 Building Maintenance BACKUP POWER SUPPLY FOR PS POWER SUPPLY Invoice 018 - 227743 2/25/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 7 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 57361100 3/9/2011 Invoice 0138276 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 57361100 3/9/2011 G 101 -23227 5248 Sulgrove Rd #10- 03/04/ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 57361100 3/9/2011 REVIEW Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R GIFT BAGS Invoice 84928900 3/11/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R GIFT BAGS Invoice 84929000 3/1112011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 57223300 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 57223300 2/28/2011 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR 57409500 3/11/2011 2/24/2011 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 57409500 3/11/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 57326700 317/2011 Cash Payment E 609.49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 57326700 3/712011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 57421600 3/14/2011 Total Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 121 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals Invoice 926714 3/512011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 927526 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Refer 8 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ MARCH, APRIL, MAY 2011 WATER LEASE COFFEE Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING Invoice 0138276 2/24/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -23227 5248 Sulgrove Rd #10- 03/04/ 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING FINAL PLAT REVIEW Invoice 0138280 2/24/2011 Cash Payment G 101-232381736 SHOREWOOD PL11 -0 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING 1736 SHOREWOOD LAND USE APPLICATION Invoice 0138280 2/2412011 Cash Payment G 101 -23237 4757 Island View Drive 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING 4757 ISLAND • VIEW DRIVE PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT Invoice 0138280 2/24/2011 -453- $47.01 $94.01 $844.00 $1,998.75 $52.70 $18.00 $9.00 $1,140.00 $31.00 $764.00 $6.20 $906.25 $44.00 $3,312.75 $9,126.65 $64.13 $36.95 $101.08 $487.50 $275.00 $71.00 $71.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING WCA ADMINISTRATION Invoice 0138277 2124/2011 Cash Payment E 60149400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138278 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138279 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 42743121 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138281 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 40143109 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138282 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 40143109 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138283 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138284 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 10143100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138285 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138286 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138287 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 40143127 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138288 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138289 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138290 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138291 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138292 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -46590 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138293 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0138294 2/24/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 111 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING WATER SYSTEM MODELING 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4-11 ENGINEERING I & 1 ANALYSIS 1-8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING MSA SYSTEM UPDATE 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING ISLAND VIEW DRIVE Project PWO902 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4-11 ENGINEERING TONKAWOOD 2009 STREET PROJ Project PW0901 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING 2009 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION Project PWO904 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING GIS UPDATES 1-8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING MCES FLOWS -CITY CHARGES 1 -8 -11 TO 24-11 ENGINEERING SW ISLAND STREET RECONSTRUCTION Project PW1101 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING RIDGEWOOD /I DLEWOOD /HIGHLAND STREET PROJECT Project PW1102 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4-11 ENGINEERING 2010 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Project PW1003 1 -8 -11 TO 24-11 ENGINEERING SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING 2010 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 1 -8 -11 TO 24-11 ENGINEERING LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE PLAN 1 -8 -11 TO 2-4 -11 ENGINEERING PW BLDG MANCHESTER - LYNWOOD SITE 1 -8 -11 TO 24-11 ENGINEERING 2011 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Wells Fargo 10100 Total -454- 03/17/119:21 AM Page 3 $71.00 $1,865.00 $2,346.00 $1,846.00 $1,417.00 $4,657.00 $552.50 $164.00 $71.00 $25,923.00 $17,672.00 $142.00 $1,093.00 $4,669.00 $355.00 $8,292.50 $2,228.50 $74,269.00 • r� • CITY OF MOUND 03117/119:21 AM Page 4 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $933.89 invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $1,338.62 Invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $2,095.88 Invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $543.08 Invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $884.40 Invoice 021611 2/1612011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $884.41 Invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities DEPOT 1 -19 -11 TO 2 -16 -11 GAS BILLING $278.01 Invoice 021611 2/16/2011 Transaction Date 3/1612011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,958.29 Refer 90 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $12.57 Invoice 00045514 2/28/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.57 Refer 68 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING C _ •Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $523.28 Invoice 439477 3/10/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $523.28 Refer 66 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $158.90 Invoice 0188053816 3/10/2011 Transaction Date 3114/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $158.90 Refer 128 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $273.00 Invoice 41237 3/14/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $273.00 Refer 10 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $902.50 Invoice 591399 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,066.90 Invoice 592320 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,969.40 Refer 130 EXTREME BEVERAGE _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $315.00 Invoice 80 -231 3/16/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $315.00 Refer 122 FIRE SAFETY USA, INCORPORATE _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS $205.00 •Invoice 43221 3/7/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $205.00 Refer 9 FRIDLEY, CITY OF - -455- CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival 2011 SPIRIT OF THE LAKES SNOWMOBILE RENTAL Invoice 2011SOTL 3/14/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 11 G & K SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services 3 -14 -11 MATS Invoice 1006866680 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 3 -7 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006855746 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 3 -7 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006855746 317/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 3 -7 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006855746 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 3 -7 -11 MATS Invoice 1006855746 317/2011 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services 3 -7 -11 MATS Invoice 1006855743 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services 3 -7 -11 MATS Invoice 1006855749 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 3 -7 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006855750 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 3 -7 -11 MATS AND SUPPLIES Invoice 1006855750 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services INVOICE PAID TWICE Invoice 1006789704 1/24/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2 -14 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006822720 2/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 2 -14 -11 MATS & SUPPLIES Invoice 1006822720 2/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2 -28 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006844678 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2 -28 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006844678 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2 -28 -11 UNIFORMS Invoice 1006844678 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 2 -28 -11 MATS Invoice 1006844678 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 73 GAMET/ME 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 5 $2,400.00 Total $2,400.00 $55.33 $22.02 $23.82 $27.79 $141.02 Project SA -2 $67.28 $166.70 $27.34 Project SA -2 Total Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Invoice 794776 3/7/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 112 GFOA NATIONAL Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2011 NATIONAL GFOA MEMBERSHIP, PAUSCHE Invoice 0123003 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 12 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ -456- • $74.63 • - $79.82 $22.65 $70.17 $22.02 $23.82 $27.79 $114.73 $807.29 $305.24 $305.24 $170.00 $170.00 • CITY OF MOUND 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 6 •CITY OF MOUND Payments Transaction Date 3 Refer 72 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies Current Period: March 2011 •Cash Invoice 2658530 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -395 Gopher One -Call GOPHER STATE ONE CALL FEB 2011 $31.32 Invoice 7435 3/3/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 15 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S AC Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -395 Gopher One -Call GOPHER STATE ONE CALL FEB 2011 $31.33 Invoice 7435 3/3/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 16 HIGHWAY TECHNOLOGIES Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.65 Refer 14 H & L MESABI AGGREGATE CONS _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts SNOW PLOW BLADE & BOLTS $2,821.95 Invoice 82618 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts SNOW PLOW BLADE & BOLTS $229.42 Invoice 82730 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair SNOW BLOWER BLADE, BOBCAT BLOWER $504.68 BLADE, BOLTS Invoice 82729 3/712011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,556.05 Refer 13 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -227 Chemicals CHLORINE CYLINDER $60.00 Invoice 3200989 RI 2/28/2011 /14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.00 Transaction Date 3 Refer 72 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies 6X12 -1/2 CLAMPS •Cash Invoice 2658530 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies RETURN 6X12 -1/2 CLAMPS Invoice 2595451 2/18/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 15 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S AC Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners FEB 2011 PER DIEM & PROCESSING FEE Invoice 3514 2/28/2011 _ Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 16 HIGHWAY TECHNOLOGIES _ Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 5792 LYNWOOD SIGN RENTAL Invoice 401114 - 001 2/21/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 17 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 551610 3/7/2011 Transaction Date 3/1412011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 18 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I _ Cash Payment G 101 -23227 5248 Sulgrove Rd #10- 03/04/ PROF SVCS FEB 2011 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 3/4/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -23227 5248 Sulgrove Rd #10- 03/04/ PROF SVCS FEB 2011 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 314/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -23236 Westonka Animal Hospit #10 PROF SVCS FEB 2011 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 314/2011 •Cash Payment G 101-232374757 Island View Drive PROF SVCS FEB 2011 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 3/4/2011 Cash Payment G 101-232355309 Shoreline Drive CUP PROF SVCS FEB 2011 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 314/2011 -457- $113.33 - $49.30 $64.03 $338.96 $338.96 $167.56 Total $167.56 $172.50 Total $172.50 $249.00 $7.65 $498.00 $243.55 $401.90 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/119:21 AM / ,1 Payments Page 7 CITY OF MOUND • Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment G 101 -23238 1736 SHOREWOOD PI-111-0 PROF SVCS FEB 2011 $103.75 Invoice 007 - 005 -36 3/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING FEB 2011 $311.25 Invoice 007 - 001 -34 3/4/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,815.10 Refer 123 HOME DEPOT CREDIT (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING $122.35 Invoice 1111888 2/13/2011 Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies FINANCE CHARGE AND LATE FEE $40.22 Invoice 030811 3/8/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $162.57 Refer 83 HOME DEPOT /GECF (P/K9 _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply FILTER VACUUM, NOZZLE, BRUSHES $57.95 Invoice 030811 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies PLYWOOD $272.92 Invoice 031111 3/11/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $330.87 Refer 20 /NTRCOMM TECHNOLOGY Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic FIX COMPUTERS FEB 2011 $273.60 Invoice 57282 3/5/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $273.60 • Refer 22 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services MARCH 2011 JANITORIAL SERVICES $519.15 Invoice MIN03110339 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $519.15 Refer 21 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,767.65 Invoice 1478137 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $158.80 Invoice 1478138 3/712011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $130.00 Invoice 1498609 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $239.90 Invoice 1478135 3/4/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $74.50 Invoice 1515471 3/4/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale CREDIT -BEER - $31.00 Invoice 1478168 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,860.35 Invoice 1478167 3/14/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,200.20 Refer 23 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,204.81 Invoice 1014753 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,016.80 • Invoice 1014754 3/9/2011 rZ'���. CITY OF MOUND 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 8 Payments • •.. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rese MIX Invoice 1014755 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 489086 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010632 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1010633 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1010634 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1010635 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1010636 3/212011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1010637 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 24 JUBILEE FOODS _ 10100 $34.25 -$8.27 $529.19 $1,802.10 $29.25 $1,122.45 $272.24 $60.50 Total $6,063.32 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -431 Meeting Expense 3/9/11 AREA CITIES HEALTH CARE MEETING $13.48 Invoice 031011 3/10/2011 •Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13.48 Refer 25 LAKESHORE WEEKLY COMMUNIC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising ADVERTISING Invoice 00125194 3/1/2011 _ Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $201.50 $201.50 Refer 114 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T _ Cash Payment E 101-41110 -361 General Liability Ins VOLUNTEER ACCIDENT INSURANCE 2011 $733.00 Invoice 19903 3/7/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $733.00 Refer 26 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA 8200 2 -10 -11 TO 3 -9 -11 $23.44 OVERAGE Invoice 1222890 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA C652 BLACK & WHITE COPIES 2 -14-11 TO 3 -13 -11 Invoice 1226233 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA C652 COLOR COPIES 2 -14- 11 TO 3 -13 -11 Invoice 1226233 3114/2011 _ Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 86 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 2 -17 -11 FREIGHT Invoice 25058 2/17/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 2 -21 -11 FREIGHT 25066 2/21/2011 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 2 -24 -11 FREIGHT Invoice 25089 2/24/2011 -459- $68.61 $107.41 $199.46 $171.60 $31.20 $282.10 I =1 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 03/17/119:21 AM Page 9 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 2 -28 -11 FREIGHT $53.30 Invoice 25099 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $538.20 Refer 27 MERTZ, CRAIG M. LAW OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -304 Legal Fees FEB 2011 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $6,374.37 Invoice 030111 311/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,374.37 Refer 28 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS APRIL 2011 WASTEWATER $54,37P.92 Invoice 0000954272 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54,372.92 Refer 69 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MA/NTENA Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2 -14 -11 WINDOW WASH $51.30 Invoice 921082217 3/6/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $51.30 Refer 91 MINNESOTA BOARD PEACE OFFIC Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MCKINLEY 2011 POST BOARD RENWAL $90.00 Invoice 2713 3/1/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions HOOPER 2011 POST BOARD RENEWAL $90.00 Invoice 2713 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $180.00 Refer 29 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 1/2 PAGE AD IN WEST LAKE BUSINESS $198.00 Invoice 13031 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $198.00 Refer 109 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MONTHLY CHLORINE REPORT $77.50 Invoice 540505 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.50 Refer 51 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training MN SPRING MTC TRAINING EXPO 2011, GRADY, GEISE APRIL 12 -13 Invoice 185054 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -434 Conference & Training MN SPRING MTC TRAINING EXPO 2011, GRADY, GEISE APRIL 12 -13 Invoice 185054 3/14/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 124 MINUTEMAN PRESS _ $45.00 $45.00 Total $90.00 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies FIRE DEPT LETTERHEAD AND MATCHING $415.70 ENVELOPES Invoice 12894 3/8/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $415.70 Refer 125 MMS - A MEDICAL SUPPLY COMP _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 3409284 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 15 STETHOSCOPES $79.80 Wells Fa_460_ 10100 Total $79.80 • 0I lr �I u CITY OF MOUND Payments is CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Refer 71 MNSPECT _ Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees FEB 2011 INSPECTION FEES Invoice 5146 3/1/2011 Cash Payment R 101 -42000 -32220 Electrical Permit Fee FEB 2011 INSPECTION FEES Invoice 5146 3/1/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments FEB 2011 INSPECTION FEES Invoice 5146 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 30 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -124 Fire Pens Contrib MARCH 2011 FIRE RELIEF PMT Invoice 030111 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 110 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -412 Building Rentals APRIL 2011 COMMON AREA MTC AND INSURANCE Invoice 040111 4/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 31 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE, LLC _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies •Invoice IN76611 312/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 85 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 554885150001 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 554885150001 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 554099653001 312/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 32 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8296351 -IN 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8296351 -IN 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 8296344 -IN 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8296344 -IN 317/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8297280 -IN 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8297280 -IN 3/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 8297236 -IN 3114/2011 • Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 33 PERBIX, KENNETH E. _ TOURNIQUET 03/17/119:21 AM Page 10 $3,535.79 - $250.00 - $85.00 Total $3,200.79 $11,802.08 Total $11,802.08 Wells Fargo 10100 POST IT NOTES, NOTE DISPENCERS POST IT NOTES, FOLDERS, CLIPS LIQUOR STORE LAMINATED POUCHES Wells Fargo 10100 WINE FREIGHT LIQUOR FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT LIQUOR -- TASTING Wells Fargo 10100 -461- $956.25 Total $956.25 $330.68 Total $330.68 Total $18.10 $13.91 $159.16 $191.17 $1,035.39 $12.50 $277.92 $4.50 $317.66 $5.25 $0.00 Total $1,653.22 CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND CREDIT ON FINAL BILL 5575 SHORELINE DRIVE Invoice 031511 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 75 PETTIBONE, P.F. AND COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 22379 3/10/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 34 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2039506 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2039507 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2036470 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2036471 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2036472 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 35 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS 03/17/119:21 AM Page 11 $3.75 Total $175 MINUTE BOOKS AND RESOLUTION SHEETS $295.85 Wells Fargo 10100 Total, $295.85 LIQUOR WINE LIQUOR WINE WINE Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 429645 -00 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 429631 -00 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 426601 -00 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREIDT— LIQUOR Invoice 426114 -00 3/1/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale CREIDT —WINE Invoice 426114 -00 3/1/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 426602 -00 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 36 ROBERTS, COLLETTE Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions NOTARY COMMISSION FILING FEE Invoice 021011 2/10/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 37 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2 -2 -11 CALLBACK ON ELEVATOR AT TRANSIT CENTER Invoice 7151397143 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2 -1 -11 CALLBACK ON TRANSIT CENTER ELEVATOR Invoice 7151399563 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2 -16 -11 CALLBACK ON ELEVATOR AT TRANSIT CENTER Invoice 7151399565 2/28/2011 -462- $112.20 $1,648.75 $283.85 $1,233.00 $147.00 Total $3,424.80 $3,075.00 $649.38 $652.00 - $30.44 - $101.98 $2,482.05 Total $6,726.01 $20.00 Total $20.00 $744.64 $467.83 • • $467.83 • CITY OF MOUND 1LPayments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 58 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 02/28/11 WINE SPECTATOR MAGAZINE Invoice 744806 2/25/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 38 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORA T1 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA PANASONIC TOUGHBOOK & VEHICLE MOUNT FOR NEW SQUAD CAR Invoice B00235245 2/25/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA CAR ADAPTOR FOR PC & EXTENDED WARRANTY ON COMPUTER Invoice B00237829 3/3/2011 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 12 Total $1,680.30 $15.00 Total $15.00 $4,484.48 $389.03 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA KINGSTON MEMORY 2GB FOR NEW SQUAD $51.30 Invoice 800233842 2/24/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,924.81 Refer 39 SIRENNET.COM _ Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program LIGHTS FOR NEW SQUAD $266.64 Invoice 0120325 -IN 2/24/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA REAR SEAT FOR NEW SQUAD $390.90 •Invoice 0120613 -IN 3/2/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program LIGHTS FOR NEW SQUAD $543.77 Invoice 0120665 -IN 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA LIGHTS AND HEADLINER BRACKET FOR $356.10 NEW SQUAD Invoice 0120668 -IN 3/312011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,557.41 Refer 40 SOUTH LAKE MINNETONKA POLIC Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training USE OF FIREARMS RANGE 2 -10-11 1.5 $75.00 HOURS Invoice 021711 2/17/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 67 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $216.00 Invoice 1472151 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY $1.00 Invoice 1472151 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $217.00 Refer 41 SOUTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATIO _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow SOUTHWEST TRAILS 2011 VOUCHER #2 $7,735.60 609718032 A Invoice 030411 3/4/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,735.60 Refer 126 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIR _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -212 Motor Fuels 1 -27 -11 TO 2 -19 -11 FIRE DEPT FUEL $1,039.39 Invoice 031911 3/19/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,039.39 Refer 89 STONE, JOHN - -463- 1=4 CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 022511 2/25/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 44 STREICHER'S CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 REIMBURSE CLEANING CAR FROM HYDR. OIL SPRAY DURING WATER MAIN BREAK 03/17/119:21 AM Page 13 $133.63 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $133.63 Cash Payment G 101 -22803 Police Reserves PATCHES FOR RESERVE UNIFORMS $25.57 Invoice 1818114 3/3/2011 BEER $4,229.25 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.57 Refer 42 SUN PATR/OIT NEWSPAPER _ BEER $701.35 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -351 Legal Notices Publishing COMP PLAN HEARING 2/19/11 NEWSPAPER $44.10 Total $7,002.75 NOTICE Invoice 0111128714 2/16/2011 Cash Payment E 609-49750 -340 Advertising SPRING WINE SALE ADS FEB 2011 $565.19 Invoice 0211129198 2/27/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising SPRING WINE SALE ADS WITH COUPON $550.00 CLIPPER Invoice 0211129198 2/27/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,159.29 Refer 43 SWAR7ZER, BRIAN Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2011 BOOT ALLOWANCE, SWARTZER $149.99 Invoice 031411 3114/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $149.99 Refer 45 TERRA GENERAL CONTRACTORS _ Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -401 Building Repairs PROGRAMMABLE LOCKS AT MOUND $2,946.00 TRANSIT CENTER Invoice 11- 992 - 20110228 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,946.00 Refer 46 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 00774170 3/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 629971 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 630160 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 630159 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 631043 3/12/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 631051 3/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 631052 3/15/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 70 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone Invoice 030311 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 030311 3/3/2011 BEER $431.00 BEER $1,375.40 BEER $4,229.25 BEER $112.75 BEER $113.00 BEER $701.35 BEER $40.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,002.75 HOFF CELL PHONE BILL 2 -3 -11 TO 3-2 -11 $22.50 HOFF CELL PHONE BILL 2 -3 -11 TO 3 -2 -11 $44.53 -464- • *I CITY OF MOUND 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 14 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.03 Refer 47 TRUAX, TODD Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance JAN 2011 REC CO ES /E FORS UPDATE, $165.00 Invoice 11 -0001 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $165.00 Refer 49 TRUE VALUE, MOUND _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CABLE TIES, PLIER SET, HAND WIPES $40.35 Invoice 079758 2/1/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 2 -7 -11 FED EX SHIPPING CHARG $9.17 Invoice 079900 2/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CAR WASH, LENS TAPE $13.34 Invoice 080098 2/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies MASKING TAPE, FASTMELT MELTER $8.53 Invoice 080320 2/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $71.39 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Refer 50 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP $507.85 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies GARAGE DOOR REPAIR Invoice 346974 3/3/2011 •Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $507.85 Refer 52 US BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSO _ Cash Payment E 351 - 47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees BONDS O 1 -31 -12 ADMIN FEE 2001C GO $431.25 Invoice 2808401 2/25/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $431.25 Refer 119 USA BLUEBOOK _ $313.38 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair/Maint Supply HYDRANT REPAIR KITS Invoice 347819 3/8/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $313.38 Refer 127 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LOC 90 $48.40 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals AIR CYLINDER RENTAL Invoice 825232 2/28/2011 Transaction Date 3/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $48.40 Refer 53 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ $72.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0036410 -IN 3/3/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.00 Refer 118 WACONIA FORD MERCURY $175.23 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts BOLT -NUT Invoice 60497 2/24/2011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $175.23 Refer 81 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE • Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LEAK LOCATE 2 -24 -11 AT 5574 SHERWOOD $335.70 DRIVE Invoice 2414 3/2/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells F :465_ 10100 Total $335.70 I, CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 Refer 92 WAYZATA, CITY OF _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA REGISTRATION FOR NEW SQUAD #844 Invoice 030811 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA REGISTRATION FOR NEW SQUAD #841 Invoice 030811 3/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -438 Licenses and Taxes REPLACEMENT LICENSE PLATE FOR #1604 Invoice 030411 3/4/2011 Transaction Date 3/15/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 54 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AND Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TIRES - -PARKS Invoice 655624 3/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts TIRES Invoice 655287 2/24/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 76 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC Total Total 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 15 $20.00 $20.00 $14.50 $54.50 $470.04 $327.88 $797.92 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR WATERMAIN AT 3148 WEST EDGE $3,600.00 ON 3-6 -11 Invoice 3048 3/11/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR WATERMAIN AT SHERWOOD 2 -25-11 $3,751.38 Invoice 3046 3/4/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,351.38 Refer 55 WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $444.00 Invoice 263969 -00 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $11.55 Invoice 263969 -00 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $684.00 Invoice 264519 -00 3/10/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $11.55 Invoice 264519 -00 3/10/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,151.10 Refer 56 WINE CONNECT _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising MARCH 2011 WEBSITE FEE $95.12 Invoice 762 3/1/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.12 Refer 57 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 353528 3/2/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 354325 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 311412011 Refer 59 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 721339 3/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 723941 3/16/2011 WINE $1,724.50 WINE $1,779.75 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,504.25 BEER BEER -466- $812.60 • • $4,183.60 • 0 ' CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale B BEER Invoice 723942 3 3/16/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale B BEER Invoice 723943 3 3/16/2011 Transaction Date 3 3/14/2011 W Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 60 W WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT - Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 538031 3 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 538030 3 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 538029 3 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 538028 3 3/3/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 541264 3 3/10/2011 Cash Payment E E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 541263 3 3/10/2011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale L LIQUOR Invoice 541262 3 3/10/2011 •Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale W WINE Invoice 542067 3 3/1112011 Cash Payment E E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale C CREDIT — LIQUOR Invoice 825519 3 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 W Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 113 W WITTKE, JAMI Cash Payment E E 101- 42110 -434 Conference & Training P PER DIEM FOR DARE TRAINING Invoice 020711 2 2/712011 Transaction Date 3/16/2011 W Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 61 X XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities E TO 3-2-11 STREET LIGHT E2-3-11 T Invoice 273422302 3/3/2011 E Cash Payment E E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities S ELECTRIC C SHORELINE LIFT T I v 03/17/119:21 AM Page 16 $155.00 $21.50 Total $5,172.70 $33.38 $651.86 $39.95 $3,776.75 $829.35 $105.75 $390.22 $96.00 -$9.93 Total $5,913.33 $120.00 Total $120.00 $5,088.78 $616.01 n Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities VD LIFT STATION ELECTRIC CHARGE 4873 Invoice 273017547 2/28/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities ELECTRICITY 1 SHORELINE/COMMERCE 2-24-11 EET LIGHT Invoice 273040801 2/28/2011 2-8-11 TO Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -381 Electric Utilities CHARGE 3 -7 -11 CIVIL ALARM ELECTRICITY Invoice 273965718 318/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities SHORELINE 27 LIGH SHALL LIGHTS & 5510 • Invoice 274157555 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 -467- $164.59 $1,015.78 $25.52 $489.09 Total $7,399.77 Invoice 274157555 3/9/2011 Transaction Date 3/14/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 -467- $164.59 $1,015.78 $25.52 $489.09 Total $7,399.77 CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2011 Fund Summary Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $281,161.21 Total $281,161.21 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 17 CJ • • 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $49,520.64 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $15,572.50 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $44.53 285 MOUND HRA $4,626.30 351 2001 -C G.O. Improvement $431.25 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $65,921.50 427 SEAL COAT FUND $1,846.00 601 WATER FUND $10,450.89 602 SEWER FUND $67,850.07 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $63,591.53 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $1,306.00 $281,161.21 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $281,161.21 Total $281,161.21 03/17/11 9:21 AM Page 17 CJ • • • MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council FROM: Jim Fackler, Public Works Superintendent DATE: March 18, 2011 RE: Public Lands Permit — 4771 Island View Drive At the March 17, 2011 meeting, the Docks and Commons Advisory Commission (DCAQ Commission approval of a Public Lands Application submitted by John and Linda Verkennes to remove and replace a stairway system, to include a new landing, on Devon Commons which is adjacent to their property at 4771 Island View Drive. Below are • excerpts from the March 17, 2011 meeting minutes (draft. Public Lands Permit — 4771 Island View Drive Fackler summarized the public lands permit packet memo for the proposed stairway in the same footprint of the existing deteriorating stairway. Staff recommends approval of this permit with conditions noted in the packet memo including, but not limited to comments from Staff and construction of the proposed stairway /landing to meet the requirements of the building code and zoning ordinance. Rodney Beystrom referred to building code as it relates to rise /run, width between railings and handrail height. John Verkennes agreed to make the changes required to meet the building code for the stairway. MOTION by Funk to approve the staff recommendation with the changes noted. SECOND by Drahos. MOTION carried unanimously. Additional Comment. The applicants have informed Staff that they are not able to attend the March' 22, 2011 Council meeting, due to a scheduling conflict. -469- e ^ ta.&A z 49� c� _ r T CITY OF MOUND • RESOLUTION NO. 11 -_ RESOLUTION APPROVING A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR 4771 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE WHEREAS, the applicants, John and Linda Verkennes, owners of the property at 4771 Island View Drive, are seeking a Public Lands Permit to replace a stairway on a portion of Devon Commons which will also include a landing; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 62 -11, requires City Council approval by a majority vote for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park or commons; and WHEREAS, details regarding the request are contained in the Public Lands Permit Report dated March 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the Public Lands Permit subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Docks and Commons Advisory Commission considered this request at their meeting of Thursday, March 17, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this request at their meeting of Tuesday, March 22, 2011. is NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Public Lands Permit as submitted by John and Linda Verkennes for 4771 Island View Drive with the following conditions: • 1. No clear cutting; selective cutting only subject to approval by Public Works Superintendent with activities to be consistent with the City Code including Mound's shore land regulations. 2. Installation of new stairway shall be in same location as existing facility. 3. No filling or grade alteration at or below 931.5 elevation is allowed unless a separate floodplain alteration permit is approved by City Council. A grading permit will be required for the annual movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards in shore impact zones. Applicant to work with Public Works Supervisor Ray Hanson regarding both, if applicable. 4. Appropriate sediment and erosion control measured must be maintained on site until such time as vegetation has been established and /or subject area has been properly restored. Applicant to coordinate involved erosion control activities with Public Works Supervisor Ray Hanson. 5. The new stairway system shall conform to the building code including recommendations from the Building Official in the Public Lands Permit Report dated March 11, 2011. Prior to commencing construction, applicants shall contact MnSpect to confirm whether a building permit is required. 6. Prior to commencement of project, applicants shall contact Public Works Superintendent Jim Fackler to coordinate construction activities. -471- Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -472- Mayor Mark Hanus • • • • L CITY QF MOUND PUBi,iC`.OR DDFARTMFNT 5341voand lto Mo ' 1VtN�53G4 PUBLIC LANDS REPORT TO: Docks and Commons Commission FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director and Jim Fackler, Public Works Superintendent DATE: March 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Public Lands Permit Application APPLICANT: John and Linda Verkennes LOCATION: 4771 Island View Drive REQUEST: City Code Section 62 -11 regulates use of public lands in the City of Mound and states that construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, is unlawful unless a special construction on public land permit is issued. The applicants, John and Linda Verkennes, are requesting a Public Lands Permit to replace an existing stairway on the Commons abutting the property located at 4771 Island View Drive due to deterioration. The proposed replacement stairway, which is to a include a landing, is to be constructed in the same location as the existing structure. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. All written comments received to date have been summarized below: -473- 1 Public Works Superintendent 1. Proposed concept plan is acceptable. • 2. No issues with proposed landscaping lights. Building Official 1. As the code now requires a 7 3/ "maximum rise / 10" run, the proposed stairway to be constructed will need to be revised accordingly as a 8" rise / 10" run was shown was shown on the submitted plan. 2. Use of the requested materials (veranda decking) has alternate code regulations for stair treads. 8 inches on center is maximum for the stair jacks. Suggest that applicant contact MnSpect regarding same. 3. As staircase is not connected to the house, a building permit is likely not required. The structure does, however need to be constructed according to the building code. 4. Does not appear to be any issue with the location of the proposed stairway related to the existing retaining wall. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director 1. The photos of the subject site depict an existing stairway located on the Commons which is to be replaced. 2. The City's shoreland regulations are contained in City Code Section 129- 385. Specifically, regulations for stairways, lifts and landings are contained in City Code Section 129 -385 (d) (2) (c). In summary, stairways for residential properties in shoreland areas are permitted as long • as they do not exceed four (4) feet in width. Also, landings up to 32 square feet are allowed for residential properties in shoreland areas. Members are advised that the stairs are proposed to be 4 feet in width; the landing is 24 square feet. The complete excerpts of this section have been included as an attachment. 3. No clear cutting; selective cutting only subject to approval by Park Superintendent with activities to be consistent with the City Code including Mound's shoreland regulations. 4. No filling or grade alteration at or below 931.5 elevation is allowed unless a separate floodplain alteration permit is approved by City Council. A grading permit will be required for the annual movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards in shore impact zones. Applicant to work with Planning and Engineering Technician Ray Hanson regarding both, if applicable. 5. Appropriate sediment and erosion control measured must be maintained on site until such time as vegetation has been established and/or subject area has been properly restored. Applicant to coordinate involved erosion control activities with Planning and Engineering Technician. • -474- 2 Ray Hanson — Engineering/Planning Technician • 1. The materials proposed to be used should be evaluated by the Building Official. Also, it should be confirmed that there are no code issues with the stairway location related to the retaining wall. Refer to comments from Building Official above related to same. SITE INSPECTION City Officials and Commission Members are encouraged to visit the site prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this permit with conditions noted above including, but not limited to comments from Staff and construction of the proposed stairway/landing to meet the requirements of the building code and zoning ordinance. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW Is required. ATTACHMENTS: • Public Lands Permit Application dated February 7, 2011 • Concept plan • Copies of file survey(s) • • Photographs • -475- 3 Attachment — Excer p t f rom City Code (Statrways/Lfts and Landings) C. Stairways, lifts, and landings. Stairways and lifts are the preferred alternative to major topographic alterations for achieving access UP and down bluffs and steep slopes to shore areas. Stairways and lifts must meet all of the following design requirements: 1. Stairways and lifts must not exceed four feet in width on residential lots. Wider stairways may be used for commercial properties, public open -space recreational properties, and planned development areas. 2. Landings for stairways and lifts. on residential lots must not exceed 32 square feet in area. Landings larger than 32 square feet may be used for commercial properties, public open space recreational properties, and planned development areas. 3. Canopies or roofs are not allowed on stairways, lifts, or landings. 4. Stairways, lifts, and landings may be either constructed above the ground on posts or pilings, or placed into the ground, provided they are designed and built in a manner that ensures control of soil erosion. • 5. Stairways, lifts, and landings must be located in the most visually inconspicuous portions of lots, as viewed from the surface of the public water assuming summer, leaf - on conditions, whenever practical. 6. Facilities such as ramps, lifts, or mobility paths for physically handicapped persons are also allowed for achieving access to shore areas; provided that they comply with the dimensional and performance standards of subsections (d)(2)c.I through 5 of this section in addition to the requirements of Minn. Rules ch. 1340. -476- 4 nAAL PUBLIC LANDS APPLICATION, F� 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 • . Phone 952 - 472 -0600 Fax 952 - 472 -0620 > Date Received Parks & Open Space Commission Date City Council Date 740 Docks & Commons Commission Date DISTRIBUTION Building Official Parks Director DNR MCWD vZ- 1 Public Works g14 a Other Check One ❑ CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT -- new construction. NOTE: NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT HOUSES OR OTHER BUILDINGS ON PUBLIC LAND (City Code Section 320, Subd. 1). PUBLIC LAND MAINTENANCE PERMIT — to allow repairs to an existing structure (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ CONTINUATION OF STRUCTURE — to allow an existing encroachment to remain in an "as is" condition (City Code Section 320, Subd. 3). ❑ LAND ALTERATION — change in shoreline, drainage, slope, trees, vegetation, fill, etc. (City Code Section 320, Subd. 4). Oe structure or work you are requesting is an activity on publicly owned lands. Structures like boat houses, patios, sheds, etc. are all NONCONFORMING USES. It is the intent of the City to bring all these uses into conformance, which means that those structures will at some time in the future have to be removed from the public lands. All permits are granted for a limited time and are non - transferable. Stairway construction must meet the State Building Code when the permit is for new construction, or a new permit is applied for due to a change in dock site holder. Please tune or nrint lealbly APPLICANT Name - fa krt Lf 1-7 ( ��ta�c�- V iv(A) --Dr Address Phone (W) (M) q77 h: ABUTTING Address / PROPERTY � � Block LEGAL Lot DESC. Subdivision 490SA�-- Plat# PID# ZONING DISTRICT R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B -2 B -3 Public Lands Permit Application Page 1 of 2 Revised 7 -7 -09 -477- PUBLIC PROPERTY Name Dock Site # Shoreline Type CONTRACTOR Name Cep %(3 IM &V- j PTt-9 e P t e) Address / 0 L41 S 'f 4 Ve 6k-qlo /11 A/ r Phone (H) A FEE OF $200.00 APPLIES IF VALUATION OF PROJECT EXCEEDS $1,000.00 AND NO PUBLIC BENEFIT IS DERIVED. ,J PROPOSED COST OF PROJECT (INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS) DESCRIBE REQUEST & PURPOSE RMJIV irwoL )40 1,1ke 0LAe 16deferl rql4v) oyeC fi,wve : S+QiTUUOLj. tC lxgl -e C ki rl�iMf�'tBt�� Gltr►ct%t �1 � 1 Sfzcv j fQ • Applicant's Signature Date a/7 /l (; t I . • Public Lands Permit Application _478_ Page 2 of 2 Revised 7 -7 -09 Rc8 Bob stom Be gean Carpentry, 11518 Quist Ave- SW cokato, MN 55321 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: • • WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT -479- 60�Ae- C1- Ic 5oLa.�- LCC KT Wlv\kTe-6 (�eAq OV- 5vimei) MI �LA) i y i j`jj v lEmFoA ,PcST ? Ts 491 NA11 NN� 1 in -3 sn w iJ- t 49 a i a } i i i � 1\ P 'r 1 ny Se 'Zyye • 01 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING WORKSHOP MOUND CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the Mound City Council will hold a special meeting workshop on Saturday, April 9, 2011 from 8AM to 12PM Noon in the Council Chambers at Mound City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN for the purpose of attending and participating in Planning Commission and land use training being conducted by Mound Staff and consultants. The special City Council meeting workshop is open to the public. Posted: March 14, 2011 MEMORANDUM Date: March 17, 2011 To: City Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Catherine Pausche, Finance Director/Treasurer Subject: Specialized Environmental Technologies (SET) Contract The City of Mound has contracted for residential disposal of compostable materials since 2001. This contract is funded by the Recycling Fund. • Through education and word -of- mouth, participation in this program has grown over the years. The contract has a base amount for 2,500 cubic yards and a variable amount for every cubic yard over 2,500. In 2009, residents dropped off more 3,277 cubic yards, at a cost of $17,800 to the City. Although this was over the budget of $14,000, it was off -set by savings achieved in the semi -annual recycle day when the fall clean-up hours were shortened and less overtime was paid • by flexing schedules. The vendor has reduced the rates to bring the 2010 contract more in line with our budget compared to the 2009 rates. In 2010, the total contract including overages was $12,623.70. They have duplicated the 2010 contract for 2011. Staff recommends approval of the contract between Specialized Environmental Technologies, LLC and the City of Mound. Please let Catherine know if you have any questions regarding this matter at (952)472 -0633. • -484- AGREEMENT FOR DISPOSAL BETWEEN • SPECIALIZIED ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLIGIES, LLC. AND THE CITY OF MOUND This agreement is made and entered into by the City of Mound and, hereinto referred to as the City, and Specialized Environmental Technologies, LLC., or any successor, hereinto referred to as SET. Section 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT This agreement will commence April 4, 2011 or when site is opened for the season, and shall expire November 30, 2011 or when the site is closed for the season. Section 2. AREA TO BE SERVED SET will accept delivered, compostable yard waste material, without charge, from the private (i.e., non - commercial) residents of the City of Mound provided the material is prepared and delivered to the facility in a manner reasonably acceptable to SET. The residents of the City will be required to show proper identification to show that they live in the City of Mound. Section 3. COMPOSTABLE MATERIALS • The following are examples of the materials that will be accepted at the yard waste composting facility at no charge to residents of the City of Mound: • Grass/Lawn Clippings Garden Waste Leaves Weeds Mil Foil Items may be added to or deleted from this list as agreed between the parties or required by law. Section 4. PAYMENT For the operation of accepting material from the residents of the City of Mound, the City will pay $12,500.00 up front to cover the material brought in by the residents of the City of Mound. SET shall keep records of all yardages that are brought into the facility by the residents of the City. The $12,500.00 will cover 2500 cubic yards. If the total for the year is less than 2500 cubic yards SET will refund to the City the difference at $5.00 per cubic yard for every cubic yard under 2500. If the total for the year is more than 2500 cubic yards the City will pay SET $2.00 per a cubic yard for every cubic yard over 2500. -485- Section 5. CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION • Either party may terminate this Agreement for a material breach of the Agreement by the other party after giving written notice of breach and allowing the other party thirty (30) days to correct the breach to the satisfaction of the complaining party. Except as provided in the paragraph above, this Agreement may be canceled by either party only after thirty (30) days negotiation period and ninety (90) days notice to the other party. Section 6. APPLICABLE LAW This agreement is entered into, and governed by, laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding upon either parry except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement In witness thereof, the parties hereto executed this agreement on the day of 2011. CITY OF MOUND SET PS Kandis Hanson Robert Friend City Manager Specialized Environmental Technologies • Sim N� ;r March 16, 2011 ESC) L`r'T" N & M EE N K If Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 448 -8805 www.bolton-menk.com Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvements City Project Nos. PW- 11 -01, PW- 11 -02, PW -11 -04 Final Plans alid Specifications Dear Mayor and City Council Members: t r*--J(=� The 201 lstreet, utility and retaining wall improvement project plans and specifications have been completed and we are requesting approval of these plans in order to move ahead with the project as presented at the public improvement hearings. The project is part of a 10 -.year Street Reconstruction Program that began in 2003 with an annual project being completed in each of the subsequent 6 years through 2009. The proposed 2010 project was not authorized but rather delayed to the current year. • The project consists of two separate neighborhood areas referred to as the Highland Area and the Southwest Island Area. The Highland Area consists entirely of an end to end route from Westedge Boulevard (County Road 44) along Ridgewood Road/ldlewood Road/Highland Boulevard to Bartlett Boulevard (County Road 110). This is a. designated State Aid route but no state aid funds will be used on this project as it will not be reconstructed to state aid standards'due to the onerous requirements to meet these standards. The Office of State Aid has indicated this is an acceptable manner in which to proceed and the route can remain on Mound's State Aid system. Separate project Feasibility Reports were prepared that the Council received on August 24, 2010. Subsequently, Public Improvement Hearings were held on October 12, 2010 for the two .street improvement areas, as required by State Statute 429 governing special assessments. In addition, we have followed up on all the comments received at the public hearings. While both project areas are included in one plan set and will be bid as one project, costs will be kept separate for future project area assessment purposes. The final plans are consistent with the respective Feasibility Reports. We are requesting approval of the attached resolution approving final plans and specifications for the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall and authorizing advertisement for bids to be received on April 19, 2011. We anticipate requesting award of bid at the following Council meeting on April 26, 2011. Sincerely, BOLTON& MENK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer • F: Docummt /Mound/C12101482Xonespondence DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is -487 1 opportunity employer CITY OF MOUND — • RESOLUTION NO. 11- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2011 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - SOUTHWEST ISLAND AREA (PW 11 -01), AND THE 2011 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – HIGHLAND AREA (PW- 11 -02) WHEREAS, pursuant to resolutions passed by the City Council on October 12, 2010, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the following proposed improvement projects: 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project for the Southwest Island Area (PW- 11 -01), and the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project for the Highland Area (PW- 11 -02), and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Mound, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published in the official city newspaper, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Clerk until 10:00 a.m. on April 19, 2011, at which time they will be publicly opened in the council • chambers of city hall by the City Clerk and Engineer, will then be tabulated and will be considered by the City Council at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, in the council chambers. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 5% of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk r� .• • ARCHITECTS, INC MEMORANDUM Date: March 7, 2011 To: Carlton Moore Director of Public Works City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 From: Chris Guerrera WILKUS ARCHITECTS, INC. 11487 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Via: E -mail Project: Pump Hose Remodeling Mound, Minnesota Carlton, Please note that Payment Request #4, dated February 28, 2011, provided to your attention • and processing on Monday March 7, 2011 has been reviewed. The payment indicated recommendation payment of the amount noted. Please contact me if you require any additional information. Regards, Chris Guerrera cc: File 11487 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota SS344 ph.951.941.8660 • 1x.952.941.2755 info @wilkusarch.com m TWO' N CD as a E O V C C m Y Q �p O M ,Oy N O C r w O O CVV� •p M N e -wn, O N O O LLI U Z W �Oy, 0 0 0 1.- Z V D�OCW a w O 02 d a u u a. 0 M .b M W11 0 en 'v 4 3w) N d _ Oc 3 ~w v w C S d V S Q 0 O _7 M � O �U y O bD F N 94 O O !i 12 0 0 8�w � ti N Ja � 0 m Y u c a �w cd U y y ld w•p CW� ;°'� 0 a8 �8 ° U p _ �wUu� A s R� c IgoZ O s C H �y U 0 a8 ° 6 -8 q- t Xtf s � a� 8 Jb Q t -•SU CL o d b LL �� Eg W c� ° W 0� o. Cg VU� C1 U) LU B o W v a s a . X X X O O O W U O LLJ W= �z F ~ U CL �0 C 00 0 O F- a a o 1 vi bs U 6 ) �p O M ,Oy N O C r w O O CVV� •p M N e -wn, O N O O LLI U Z W �Oy, 0 0 0 1.- Z V D�OCW a w O 02 d a u u a. 0 M .b M W11 0 en 'v 4 3w) N d _ Oc 3 ~w v w C S d V S Q 0 O _7 M � O �U y O bD F N 94 O O !i 12 0 0 8�w � ti N Ja � 0 m Y u c a �w cd U y y ld w•p CW� ;°'� 0 a8 �8 ° U p _ �wUu� A s R� c IgoZ O s C H �y U 0 a8 ° 6 -8 q- t Xtf s � a� 8 Jb Q t -•SU CL o d b LL �� Eg W c� ° W 0� o. Cg VU� C1 U) LU B o W v a s a . U C y o p O y C a CO) w Q a� OG d � V O QU Q G 0 W z S V m W Z Z N C7 C7 W N Q H O W 0 N ME o •ti 9) IL Z O �4 M 04. 0 3 0 0 0 6s M N F. M U -1 20 O C °o 0 69 O C7 0 'U O 1 s 3 � � two u t c w s U + M 4. 0 A O W 0 Z N O U old a �. v � —490- � O M h Oi h t� l� O W LU Q O Z .. W ",!&: U Q U) W •° a c> a� y z 'o 1:: a N d IF O W —W J V t0 1� OO w� O O O O O O O O V W Q y Q C 00 1 vi bs 64 6 ) U C y o p O y C a CO) w Q a� OG d � V O QU Q G 0 W z S V m W Z Z N C7 C7 W N Q H O W 0 N ME o •ti 9) IL Z O �4 M 04. 0 3 0 0 0 6s M N F. M U -1 20 O C °o 0 69 O C7 0 'U O 1 s 3 � � two u t c w s U + M 4. 0 A O W 0 Z N O U old a �. v � —490- � O M h Oi h t� l� O W LU Q O Z .. W ",!&: U Q U) W •° a c> a� y z 'o 1:: a N d IF O W —W J V t0 1� OO w� so Y V W Q y Q O G W� w 33 O V 0 may. Y. y je Wt3 IS V R •a O � o °o c n Co c J z � = C N {L y ~ M W y Z� 4 M r z o � m �na CO O m !� v �c w N Z c 0 w• 3 e� w NI T� c TY O o0 �N �o =�c c o ° Ya m$ °a dF ° <� Few a� m c w � T c0 a ao my C� �a n� g• E O= F- Obi Cog ;=!e 3s H a 0 r �ao J' ici83 Resolution No. • Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $6,405,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2011 B A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $6,405,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 20118 (the "Bonds "), for the public purpose of financing the 2011 street and utility reconstruction projects, and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting, Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet on April 12, 2011, 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. • 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this 22nd day of March, 2011. City Clerk -491- Debt Issuance Services March 22, 2011 Pre -Sale Report for Approximately $6,405,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011 B U r� 0 -492 - Pre -Sale Report March 22, 2011 City of Mound Page 1 Debt Issuance Services • Details of Proposed Debt Proposed Issue: $6,405,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011B Purpose: The Bonds are intended to pay for the costs of the 2011 street and utility reconstruction projects including the SW Island Area and the Highland Area. In addition, certain sanitary sewer costs will be financed such as the N1 project and the 2010 lift stations. Approximately $3,382,039 will be costs for the street improvements and retaining walls. Approximately $2,815,523 will be for water, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer work attributable to the respective enterprise funds. The remaining bond proceeds will pay for capitalized interest, underwriter's discount, and costs of issuance. The breakdown of the various costs is attached. Funding Sources: The Bonds will be paid with water utility revenues, storm sewer utility revenues, sanitary sewer utility revenues, special assessments, and a tax levy. Attached to this report is a schedule of annual debt service costs and the specific revenues available in each fiscal year to pay the debt. The • utility revenues will be available for debt service for the first interest payment on February 1, 2012 and will continue for 20 years of payments. The assessments and property tax levy will be delayed until taxes payable in 2013. Capitalized interest and pre -paid special assessments will pay debt service prior to the regular property tax and assessment revenues being received in 2013. The assessments and taxes will be received over a 15 year term from 2013 to 2027. It is the intent of the City to levy $1,412,800 in special assessments against benefitting property owners at a rate of 2 percent above the True Interest Cost (TIC) of the bonds. Authority: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429 (street and assessment portion), Chapter 444 (utility debt), and Chapter 475 (general bond statute). Because the utility portions of the Bonds are paid 100% with revenues, there is no requirement for a referendum nor does the Chapter 444 portion of the Bonds count against the City's debt limit. Because the City will pay at least 20% of the Chapter 429 portion of the Bonds with special assessments, the Bonds can be a general obligation without a referendum and will not count against the City's debt limit. Structure and Term: The Bonds will be repaid over a 20 year term with the first interest • payment on February 1, 2012, first principal payment on February 1, 2013, and the final principal payment on February 1, 2032. The Bonds are expected to be callable on or about February 1, 2020. �--� Debt Issuance Services �._,.1 _J Risk Factors: The City is projecting $339,072 of the special assessments will be pre -paid in the fall of 2012 when the assessments are levied. The City plans to use these funds to make payments due on August 1, 2012 and February 1, 2013. If additional assessments are pre -paid immediately or over time, the tax levy may need to be adjusted down because Bonds will not be immediately callable. If lower amounts of pre -paid assessments are received, the City will need to fund debt service with other resources on February 1, 2013. Arbitrage Monitoring: The IRS is stepping up enforcement of rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds is more of a concern. Because the City is issuing more than $5,000,000 in this calendar year, the proceeds must meet certain spend down requirements or be required to repay certain interest earnings to the IRS. The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. Rating: It is anticipated that Standard & Poor's will rate the Bonds at a "AA" level, which is two steps below the highest possible rating of a AAA. Bank Qualification: Because the City is issuing less than $10,000,000 in new construction obligations in the calendar year, the City will be able to designate the . Bonds as "bank qualified" obligations. Bank qualification broadens the potential bidders for the Bonds, resulting in lower interest costs Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council: March 22, 2011 Distribute Official Statement: March 25, 2011 Conference with Rating Agency: Week of April 4, 2011 City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds: April 12, 2011 Estimated Closing Date: May 5, 2012 Attachments Resolution Authorizing Ehlers to Proceed With Bond Sale • Sources and Uses of Funds Annual Debt Service and Revenues -494- 0 E Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Stacie Kvilvang Mark Ruff Financial Analyst: Alicia Gage Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Bond Sale Coordinator: Alicia Aulwes Debt Issuance Services (651) 697 -8506 (651) 697 -8505 (651) 697 -8551 (651) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. -495- rl C1 \ M H d m E -W N W -W H O V V �O L a 0 O O O O Li O I� O 1� I� 00 M e-i V► N 0 O pO °O o O O to an N M M qzr N 4A, 0 oo oo 0 tD O V1 O N 66 r-4 M r-i In 1 AA. An C 2 O Q J 0 O O � O M O � o O N � 111 V�- V� 2 .a In 4) OJ ul a, Qj N Vl W - 496 - ;J p C Rf t L co .O C t0 _N 3 N C 7 O E O 7 N N .a C O .0 4- O a° Ln X O G. sZ eo 11 N H O v N R1 N N N N RI O fn N 11 O ° U O N ` N M O aJ O 00 C ONO rN-1 a° M Rt + M ia- -Ln in c R r r C n N M aJ O z Ix C r-1 ri O N V C O N W N N 0 z O 00 i 6 W_ O a J a U co 0 z O Im a W a LL .a d ul a, N Vl W Q ;J p m m +. N N o d C N F- H d +° y 'A CL F -- to X mop ul a 9 c R r r C n N M aJ O z Ix C r-1 ri O N V C O N W N N 0 z O 00 i 6 W_ O a J a U co 0 z O Im a W a LL pe i °a e 6 • y 4 d -4yi- g �: ��xxsss�:s�aassm, -- - - - - -- -a -aa w NNNI'.NNw.N N N F o7Rxx�RiRx�Rx�RKpm�F.'�5��8 Oa---- ---OOb O .� Ri O a 0 ^ 0 a 0 ^aa�av��6 0 0 0 0 a O w a Y a m�mma�� a a O C a axx xsaa a -x w x is a ;; a��a$ S� ayy HOC ^cE ^OG'�CC CCw.6w CC U ■'��, pp ��pp VV ryry OpQ ♦♦ CC (w(�YYp Cp E �S -ei ei x.�.�vxx�li lTl��x�X171 �xi�R' Gp NON�� aN�T1 ryry44�`1 I1S�w ♦♦ ��ll �ciV O. r t{V� da- -O$' aD0 - ^aaC {ryryy p O ��IVtas a O'asssaa mVY3 '"'"'m81N1`.lV'�'IwN'tR. ssaas an °m°mc n is 9:9 gxxs°cexx�x���m R1 3� 42o vg A., a �" xnit; d� a SEE.w I I soQ!.Q s§82o 2 �$�ao$m� °I;!gGI _ 6HEI=a ^waiwN I GG lei ui vOi l�i.NNNtVN f c a4 x Q If H w.°pO$UHMryC V1- "Uaw^ 0 N 1 ° MS IS VNNNsCl�nON�NOnNt1°I N SC aT� ^ ��E Y. 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W NM V W WnW W O NMer N N fV u9 NNNcvNNNMM fQ_A aDWO� C N 1an a0 Tt0 w M M 80n nn0MN M M M O on 1n rl. of O fn C aD co co Ni�pp V 00 M 0 Ln nt� t0 O 0 M U CZ a0 Z f - Oi -- n N — —of N N aD efMMNOM1nNWU1 N N N W 0 f�� r• N M0101O a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V O O O N N N O O O N N N O O O N N N +.r O O O N N N C, O O O N N N Q LL O a V C -499- • u LL 7 U LL — • 0 ++ • N O aD O eT W 1Da01�a aD M M a00 -�OfM M M M 0 10 10 000aD NI��t�.- 10 0 10 Mtn O�V'aDf000� ap aD M <O N10 M 0 0 Af�atM 0 Cd EI d Ir a fMI� t� OOOO Oi n W V'O 1--m W W aD 0 v0MhOC a0 n Af0 t01n U)- 10<MN�� fl, Oi a' U)" y � - N H a �U • O Q LM F L N d O . 1��+ �n0000101010100001n ON <10 aD u�O WON Mln V, v1n In lnQ 1D ►� cc • C G� W M L� Q W -- O��fV NN fV Nf7MMMMtM4YVtI'V�V< co O (0 y '".`. O C � O• � Vp� yp a O. 0808008op 8 0 0 0 0 08 0 0 8 pp 00800800800 0 0 00000008000 ro ` a.3 N O. O. 7 0 c u) 0 O e- uI 1n 6 — N 0 0 ui N N N 0 0 0 M M sf -� 1 0 W) < u1 10 0 0 0 fC n a0 -- -.- 1n 0 10 CID W O -- 0 h ap O' n. a W O 1- pp d 0 I- CJ 0 0� H •C IL r .�- �r���. �.- N NM �� 0 o r e-NM V pV!;: V W O N NM N N N <N�p N N N I�NWORN N N N M M M O O O O N C Ole O O O O O O O O O O Q"�"Q O O Q'QQQCc!'Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c'! aQ �aa rNio tq E ° �aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a pcp O. W NM V W WnW W O NMer N N fV u9 NNNcvNNNMM fQ_A aDWO� C d 0 0 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 oat m 'O Ca N f�� r• N M0101O naD W NNNNNNNNNN N p G1 Q H >d J} O O N N O O O N N N O O O N N N O O O N N N O O O N N N O O O N N N C, O O O N N N Q -499- N. d'; W: W: E r I W a O O W _Z rh W Z J V W 0 W Y cQ G O W Z Z 2 Y R -500- N • • • ° 0 N e e e e• e e e e e e e e e W CO M et Os M v- N T- 0 a 0 r LO C7 V CA N tG N Lei r C LO r r eM 4 MI.: �- r Y y Q Lo e- N N M 'CF V- 0 N 0o 'r- O r �� M N� t o O5 N (o N p 0 0 0 N N M N 0) CM t co Ln O 9 p CV 00 00 O Co M N CO r LO CO N� 0o r (o r- p M 00 t o� 0 0 N O M d f` ~ O C) O 1` 1-- 00 (o OD t0 f� Co 00 1` CO CD CO Ln (V 1- Ln O 00 (o T- all e- 0 0 0 CA N Z r r r r Of O O N Oo M M Ln 14, O M 00 Lo Ln 'o 1• 1` LA Co M 1` ti m O r O (M 6 6 0 ,q, r U, N to co N N LA O Co M �- co t � Oo N � o \° \0 0 0 0 \° \° 0 \o 0 \° 0 \° 0 \° 0 o \° o M O 00 Co Op M r N L(i O p 0 0 M M O r CV e- O C7 O q_ W a am y O w O Z Z C a Q Z 0 CL �C7 =yzI - zzzZZ OW CD ul 12 120 W X w Z Z Z pR x IL 0 a 0> owC7�2 caV)) - 3Q -500- N • • • • ITT oz • R cL O N O N O M O N O n O f0 O r0 O r O et o O 0 O 0 ao 0 f0 0 r CID r; m of Go co r; n co r co of r- m co (7 m Q O r N N "1 N W O d' M N N L r p M o to 0 N c 0 O \° c ap N N o c7 e N CD O 0 M 0 � CO C r� O O 9 p O N -f C� o pi O Y L M N M r O CO N ao r r0 �' O M Co O 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 o o O � O M C O IQ O O O n t` CO to co 9 n co co t0 C1 C� uo N 1 O M O Co fo r O r r O r O O O N r co 4 Co Q o 0 0 0 0 0 M o o 0 0 0 3° 3° O CD aD 1n M M C.? to 1- d' 1 O M O W U� fh O W n M h O L r M N M O r N N O O to M r ��Cppl O r Q O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 c o O M n •"' O r Co (U W M r N O O p O O T c+j O N O Q O A M N M O N N O N M M M r p Oo N In U� °gyp N co Cl) M C7 t0 1\ n r O O N N N a Q O Cl) V' cc ��c O N r oe 'Q O 1n M CD r (O M r N N O tq O 00 00 t0 r co t` It N M N h N co N M n O Goo r N O O` o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 M 0 O 0 M M N OR r N d' O M V' cD O r M n N r co ri N r �- � N N n M to � M co O r to r la� I M o o ° Q C! O r M N co W N O r t• V' N co OD O O O N r V' to c0 m N N m M N O Q N O O M GGG 0 0 0 0 o r r Ln r m co r c6 ri r N co M co io co M - co r r M O N r N Q I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wn O M to N O O N O th 't q r N ti O N N N O r O M N N � � O o e o 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O� M f0 M M n O fD h � W t0 M to N N N N M r aD N N r O N N N a z a m z N o 0 m Im 0 W O o° O z z a Q z L V Q = Z O O F iO O g a J W W W W G z O Z W z Qa Y S C O w IL) W 5 z z z O g O o O � ai z a C7 a -a, o m 1 u=i 19 3 3 00 fib^ I 2011 ASSESSMENT GROWTH RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN -0.8% -5.5% EXCELSIOR -4.5% -0.6% GREENWOOD -2.1% -6.2% MINNETONKA BEACH -6.6% -2.0% MINNETONKA -2.4% 0.0% MINNETRISTA -5.2% -4.8% MOUND -7.4% -11.2% ORONO -5.3% -8.2% SHOREWOOD -3.9% -4.3% SPRING PARK -5.2% -8.2% TONKA BAY -1.7% -4.9% WAYZATA -0.8% -0.3% WOODLAND -4.0% -6.4% -501- • • 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 • Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director / Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: March 16, 2011 Re: Review /discussion of proposed MCWD amendments (stormwater management and administrative rules) Summary. The MCWD has proposed amendments its Stormwater Management and Administrative Rules that were distributed for a 45 -day review period on February 14, 2011. The comment period ends on March 31, 2011. For review and discussion by the Council, a copy of the amendments to the Stormwater Management and Administrative Rules have been included as attachments. Additionally, a memorandum Doug Carter of Bolton & Menk, the City's engineering company, has been included which provides an overview of the proposed stormwater rule. Mound Staff and Consultants are currently reviewing the proposed administrative rules amendments. Staff will provide additional comments at the meeting and • respectfully requests input from the Council whether a formal comment/response letter should be prepared on behalf of the City. U:1SSmith\My Documents \Memorandums12011Mer- 502_✓D comments - March Rule N.doc • = BOLTON N K • Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 448 -8805 www.bolton- menk.com MEMORANDUM Date: March 17, 2011 To: Dan Faulkner, P.E., David Martini, P.E., Jake Saulsbury, P.E., Kreg Schmidt, P.E. From: Douglas Carter, P.E., LEED AP Subject: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Draft Stormwater Management Rule Revision This letter summarizes our involvement in the Draft Stormwater Management Rule Revision (Draft Rule) Process. We were a member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) representing Mound, Deephaven, Woodland, Greenwood, and St. Bonifacius that met and provided comments during the development of this Draft Rule revision. Copies of the TAC meeting minutes were previously distributed at the time the TAC meeting took place. The Draft Rule development process was administered by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) and was reasonably well organized and well attended by all TAC members. The Draft Rule appears to be a modest change from the existing stormwater management rule, given some of the revised rules from the MCWD we have reviewed in the past. The major modifications to the draft rule are summarized below. The MCWD has included a section of definitions for all of the terms that are used within the rule. This will clear up any confusion as to rule applicability and assist our communities in applying the rules in a fair and equitable manner. They have removed the table that identifies project types on one axis and project area on the other. In its place they propose to manage sites by whether or not they are decreasing or increasing net impervious surface and the area of overall site disturbance. The overall site area is no longer a factor in the stormwater management strategy. This modification is more in line with other metro -area watershed organizations. Projects that result in an increase in impervious surface will be required to infiltrate or "abstract" 1 -in of runoff from the sites impervious surface. The MCWD had volume control requirements in the previous Stormwater Management Rule but it was only applied to landlocked basins. This new application of volume control management is significant but it is in line with many other watershed and municipal requirements in the metro -area. Current volume control requirements in the metro -area range from 0.5 -in to 2.8 -in. Based on that range a 1 -in abstraction requirement appears reasonable at this time. For projects that increase overall impervious surface there can be no increase in total phosphorous load from the site. This is a modification to the existing rule, but reasonable in nature. There are very stringent requirements for farmed agriculture land that is to be developed but that requirement should not significantly affect our client communities. CADocumems and Settings\ssinithEocsi SettiogATenpornry hrtemU Files \ContatOutlooldU4EY077A\MCWD Storm— Rule Revision Comments 03 -17 -11 (3).docc DESIGNING FOR A 13FUER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is a-5Q3- opportunity employer • • + ; Page 2 • There is a new provision for regional stormwater management. This provision will benefit our communities by providing additional built -in flexibility for developing larger public improvement projects. Under the existing rule this process had to be negotiated on a one by one basis by city staff and was not always seen as fair and equitable. The most significant modifications to the draft rule are the new exclusions. For our communities they appear to streamline the day - to-day building permit applications that we see most often. This will be a benefit to our communities. The following activities do not require a permit under the Draft Rules. • Construction or reconstruction of a single - family home. • New development for a residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use that will result in less than 20% impervious surface over the site or on a site that is less than 1 -acre in size. • Redevelopment for a residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use that is on a site of 1 to 5 acres that will result in at least a 10% reduction in impervious surface. • Redevelopment for a residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use that is on a site of 5- acres or greater where the proposed activity disturbs less than 40% of the site and results in at least 10% reduction in impervious surface. • Construction of a new road or reconstruction of an existing road, trail, or sidewalk that will create • less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface. • Construction of a trail, or sidewalk that will not exceed 12 -ft in width and will be bordered on the downgradient side by a pervious buffer averaging at least one -half the width of the sidewalk or trail. While the above - mentioned exclusions appear to benefit our clients, the Draft Rules overall may have the effect of increasing municipal project costs based on the new infiltration requirement. Additionally there may be additional staff time required for projects that are proposed in locations with minimal infiltration capacity. A consensus will have to be reached between the municipality and the MCWD as to how the abstraction requirement will be achieved in those situations. Overall while the Draft Rules represent a modification to the regulations administered by the MCWD they are not out -of -line or significantly more restrictive than other metro -area watershed management organizations. If you have any questions, give me a call to discuss. -504 - CADocoments and Settings \ssmithlmcal Settings \Tempuaty Internet Files\CoMert.Oudook\U4EYG77A\MCWD Stmnawatc Rule Revision Comments 03- 17- 11(3).docx DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bohon & Monk is an equal opporiuniy employer: PROTECTING WA Rain that falls onto pavement and other hard surfaces cannot soak into the ground as it would in nature. Instead, it can pick up pollutants and debris and carry it into our lakes, streams and wetlands - among our region's most valuable resources. This can harm recreation, fish and wildlife habitat, and property values near affected water bodies. OUR GOAL: Elevate public understanding and increase implementation of best practices that protect our region's water quality in a cost - effective and reasonable way. �q z ■ Who is affected? The proposed rule only affects property on which new development, redevelop- ment or roads are being built; it does not apply to single - family homes. ■ What if i cannot meet the requirements? The MCWD will work closely with property owners and developers to develop reasonable solutions to achieve "no net increase" in phosphorous levels and control runoff volume. If volume control is difficult, applicants to seek a lower volume standard pro- vided water quality goals are achieved. Volume control alternatives may include preserving and planting trees, enhancing soils and vegetation, or improving filtration. ■ How were the proposed changes developed? Changes to this and other MCWD rules were guided by the District Comprehensive Plan, which is required by state law and was approved in 2007 by Hennepin and Carver counties. A Rulemaking Task Force (citizens, builders, developers and community leaders) and a Technical Advisory Committee (including staff from local governments, county and state agencies, engineers and other parties) worked with MCWD staff to recommend revisions to the rule. x� WHAT'S NEXT? A 45-day public comment period is open until March 31. Submit comments to James Wisker at jwisker @minnehahacreek.org or call 952.641.4509 for information. On April 7, the MCWD Board will conduct a workshop to review comments and discuss the need for addition revisions. A public hearing is scheduled for May 5. Following review and discussion, the Board ma schedule a meeting to take formal action on the proposed changes. -5 5- MINNENANA CREEK 952.471.0590 WATERSHED DISTRICT °UAU" OF "om. °"U1.1 of UN www.minnehahacreek.org r� MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS RULE Ni STORMWATER MANAGEMENT RULE Proposed Revisions January 27, 2011 DEFINITIONS: • Abstracti practices the Abstra Rule. • Design St probabilit, rainfall depths to be used are as follows: o 1 -year event = 2.4" in24 hours 0 10 -year event= 4.1" i 0 100 -year event = 5.9" • • La - � 'ng a', ' orTafffWturbance means any disturbance to the and s t ex soil and, through the action of wind or water, may ult in soil er or th ment of sediment into waters, wetlands or storm or onto a nt pr rty. Land - disturbing activity includes but is not lima " to the dem 'on of a structure or surface, soil stripping, clearing, grub b r ading, cavat1 91 filling and the storage of soil or earth materials,, but does clu agricultural activi • Linear Rec ction Project means rebuilding a road, sidewalk or trail within existing righ ' f way, and may include an increase in the area of impervious surface. Rehabilitation, including mill and overlay, of a road, sidewalk or trail within existing right -of -way in a manner that disturbs and/or replaces only the existing pavement and does not involve the addition of impervious surface area or the exposure of underlying soils is not considered a Linear Reconstruction Project. • Linear Transportation Project means construction of a new road, trail, or sidewalk or reconstruction of an existing road, trail, or sidewalk (see Linear Reconstruction Project). 2/8/2011 12:52 PM W11-1 1. • Meadow Condition shall be modeled using an event mean concentration of 0.04 mWL of Total Phosphorus in runoff in accordance with the Minnesota Pollution • Control Agency's Minnesota Stormwater Manual and the MCWD Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Pollutant Loading Study (HHPLS). For runoff rates, meadow condition shall be modeled usinp, curve numbers corresponding to soil and cover types "meadow," "brush," or "woods," as appropriate, provided in Table 2 -2c of the Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) Technical Release 55 (TR- 55 ). • Parcel or Site means a contiggous area of land under common ownership, communities and landscapes; (b) Preserve, maintain and improve the aesthetic, physical, chemical and biological composition of surface waters and groundwater within the District, • (c) Limit or reduce stormwater runoff from drainage within the watershed to decrease the negative effects of land - disturbing activities on surface water quality and flooding; • -507- 2 • • (d) Protect and maintain existing groundwater flow, promote groundwater recharge and improve groundwater quality and aquifer protection; and (e) Promote the preservation and use of native vegetation for the purpose of stormwater runoff abstraction and pollutant load reduction; (f) Promote nondegradation of water quality from new development and improvement in water qualijy through _ opportunities provided by redevelopment• and 2. REGULATION. , impervious surface or change ag the contours of direction, peak rate, volume, or water quality of submit- without first submitting a stc securer a permit from the District sections 3 and 7 -11 below. Redeveli .�� -5038- -5038- mere but 1_„s thaa o nh+ (4) aef;es, the best faaaageraefft p ti • oo r� (1) For- all development or- Fedevelepment-, the best mamgement pFaefiees . . et fefth in seetieff 3 of this Fule are feqt*ifed; 0 -509- 4 , 0641410 r� (1) For- all development or- Fedevelepment-, the best mamgement pFaefiees . . et fefth in seetieff 3 of this Fule are feqt*ifed; 0 -509- 4 • • (24 For- d Elevelopmefft r-edeve 1 meat et .hies n., s;tos A-If o o half( ) OF r-e or- mefe but less than eight (8) a t f i4h ' ee4i n A oft-his PAe a r-equir-ed5 , - -51g- Y ! fequir-ementsiander- this seetien, development or- redevelopment Activity subject to this rule on adjacent sites under common or related ownership shall be,,considered in the aggregate, and:-Tthe requirements applicable to a deve� acfiyibLunder this seefien -rule will slag be determined that has occurred on the site, or on adjacent sites under since the date this rule took effect (lanuary 2005). elepmeet the to all development elated ownership, • (1) on a site that is between one and five acres in size that will result in at least a 10 percent reduction in impervious surface• or (2) on a site of five acres or greater where the proaosed activity disturbs less than 40 percent of the site and results in at least a 10 percent reduction in iWervious surface. • -511- 6 (d) LINEAR TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS: Construction of a new road or • reconstruction of an existing road, trail, sidewalk, or other linear transportation project: • • (l.) that will create less than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface, or (2) for the construction of sidewalks and trails that will not exceed 12 feet in width and will be bordered on the downg adient side(s)by a pervious buffer averaging at least one -half the width of the sidewalk or trail. from the site as moaelea m meauow conulnon. (2) Peak runoff rates for the 1 -, 10- and 100 -year desi gn storms maynot increase within a specific drainage area of the site so as to create or exacerbate drainaze or erosion problems. (c ) VOLUME CONTROL. -512- 7 (1) The stormwater management plan must provide for the abstraction of the first one inch of rainfall from the site's impervious surface. Credit • toward compliance with the one inch volume control standard will be calculated b the he applicant using indusgy accepted hydrologic models and Appendix A: Volume Abstraction Credit Schedule, following guidance provided in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Minnesota Stormwater Manual. (2) Where an applicant demonstrates that it is infeasible to meet the one {a)(1) BMPs addressing the potential water resource impacts associated with the proposed activity must be incorporated in all pfejeet to limit creation of impervious surface, maintain or enhance on -site infiltration and peak flow control and limit pollutant generation on and discharge from the site. BMPs may include site design, structural and non - structural practices. -511- • C7 07� BMPs must be designed and installed in accordance with generally • accepted design practices and guidance contained in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Minnesota Stormwater Manual APGA mafmal "Weteeting Water- Qoajity in Urban Afeas (revised My 199 1) and its subsequent revisions;; ansistent with thM fnamW. • Le� HIGH WATER ELEVATION. (d)- UI All applications ' ON -514- 9 mmm "r MPH. Mm ►� control requirement in subsection 3(a)(2), where ap licable; (d) For sites that are greater than five acres, the stormwater management plan must meet the volume control requirement in subsection 3(cl and the phosphorus control requirement in subsection 3(a)(2), where applicable. :7 5. REDEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS — INCREASED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE A stormwater management plan submitted to the District that proposes to increase • -515- mrm control requirement in subsection 3(a)(2), where ap licable; (d) For sites that are greater than five acres, the stormwater management plan must meet the volume control requirement in subsection 3(cl and the phosphorus control requirement in subsection 3(a)(2), where applicable. :7 5. REDEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS — INCREASED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE A stormwater management plan submitted to the District that proposes to increase • -515- impervious surface through redevelopment must meet the following requirements (see • Table 3): • (a) For sites that are one acre or less Best Management Practices are required in accordance with subsection 3(d); fib) For sites that are greater than one acre and the proposed activity disturbs less than 40 percent of the site or results in an increase in impervious surface of less than 50 percent, the phosphorus control requirements of subsection 3(a), rate (a) An applicant may comply with this rule by providing equal or greater phosphorus control rate control or volume control through a regional nal or subwatershed plan approved by the District such a plan must provide for an annual accounting to the District of treatment capacity created and utilized by projects or land - disturbing activities within the drainage and treatment area of the plan. -516- 11 (b) District approval of a regional or subwatershed plan will be based on a determination that: (1) the use of a regional facility in place of onsite stormwater management will not result in adverse impacts to local groundwater or natural resources located upstream of the regional facility including but not limited to reduced water quality altered wetland h drologL-changes to stream velocities or baseflow, erosion or reduced groundwater recharge, and (c) -Individual project sites utilizi volume control requirements mu; accordance with subsection 3(d). (d) The applicant, before commei demonstrate that it holds the lega facility or facilities in the plan ar maintenance document satisfvjne _ACT ON DOWNSTREAM WA. 3(o a) No new point source may yl-,ph t v body wi thout pretreatment . for sediment an t removalment,r " ay be provided by non- structural Ztw" Ana ty chanw that discharges from an existing point source is noin urce_ 1) Increas „ the 96unce in water level for any downstream lake or getland be ;d the limits specified in Table 1 below based on Burl - cipitation event of critical duration with a return frequency of 1, 10,100 years :,. ,�, , �,.,., <,, +e.�,.ea a.�;., ,, � w� Site is lees: or (2) Increase in the duration of inundation for any downstream lake or wetland beyond the limits specified in Table 1 below based on management classification for- the lake or- w-edand siffieeptibility elass, during a precipitation event of critical duration with a return frequency of 1, 10, or 100 years in the he h-' a h the t 4 aa -517- 12 • • (3) Change in the elevation of the runout control of any lake or wetland • beyond the limits specified in Table 1 below based on mana eg ment classification. is water-body, so as to! (a) ineftase the betmee in Watff le-Vel 8F &WR600-Of inundation feF my dowastFeam lake OF Wetlafid beyond the limit speeified below WaSS; Or (b) - isreaSO the efie OF 100 y • peak f f , Vdi 1 1V f ; into )f the bed OF banks of a watmewse. ry: Tahle 1 - Imparts nn rinumetream u�atarhn�iv Wetland Permitted Inundation In a `, Runout Management Bounce for 1 -, Period for 1 P od for Control SuseeptibiW 10 -, or443�-e Year Event �i00 -Yea , Elevation Class/ 100 - Year y4 Event Waterbody Event = - 4 1-;, Preserve Eughly Existing Existing Exi No nan e suseeptib}e ISM wed Manage 1 Existing plus Ex 1 Exis ' ` As 2 No chance 114odomtely 0.5 feet day 1 sas+c�zplil�e Manage 2 E `': g plu , Existing �' us 2 Existing plus 0 to 1.0 ft g3`:. , days &` 14 days above existing suseeeMN . runout wedand g Manag t - Existing plus 7 Existing plus 0 to 4.0 ft w 21 days above existing runout wet LakesExio sting N/A N/A No change 9. FINANCIAL AS' I RANCE. (a) A performance bond, letter of credit or other financial assurance consistent with the District Financial Assurance Rule may be required for any project that requires the installation of stormwater best management practices The financial assurance shall be maintained until the stormwater best management practice has been constructed and stabilized in accordance with District rules and as shown on a set of as built drawings submitted to the District • 10.6:- REQUIRED EXHIBITS (SUBMIT IN DUPL4C_A4;9). -518- 13 (a) if 5 of thi fine ply to a pr-apesed de; ekgx ,eR _pPlans certified by a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota and reflecting the following items shall accompany the permit application (one set of plans must be full size; one set must be reduced to a maximum size of 11" x 17" r, p ovide electronic ArcGIS or CADD files when available): (1) Property lines and delineation of lands under ownership of the applicant. (2) Delineation of the subwatershed cons proposed and existing subwatersheds on (3) Proposed and existing (4) Delineation of existing areas. (C5 Existing and on -site. q4(611 related year and plans and and from off -site and and high water elevations at two foot intervals, )), 1929 datum. for of all proposed stormwater and rate analyses for the 1_, 10- and 100_ for existing and proposed conditions. (4-OU9 All ologic, water quality, and hydraulic computations mpleted t esign the proposed stormwater management facilities iudinL off volume abstractions. ) elineation of any flowage easements or other property interests to stormwater management purposes, including, but not limited to, county or judicial ditches. (S)Q21 For applications proposing infiltration, a soil sampling plan and the resulting ildentification, description, permeability, and approximate delineation of site soils in , for- appheafiefts Investigation methods shall include soil pits or hand augers. Borings at the location of the -519- 14 • • • C7 • infiltration facility must extend at least five feet deeper than the proposed bottom elevation of the infiltration facility. (c ) For applications r) osing tree preservation or planting, a site map showing existing trees larger than six inches in diameter, including species diameter, and associated drip lines (canopy area). Tree map must designate trees to be removed and trees to be added. (d) For applications proposing soil amendments a soil amendment plan following Manual. (14)M Documentation indicating confoi stormwater management plan. When documentation that the municipality has 04)W Documentation that C National Pollutant Discharge 1.1. MAINTENANCE. an exisunj n does not ias avmwa rommeet aas meeivea a System ES) Stef mwaterPermit equired by the (a) All stormwater management structures and facilities must be designed d for maintenance access and properly maintained in perpetuity to assure that they continue to function as designed. Permit applicants must provide a maintenance -520- 15 plan that identifies and protects the design, capacity and fiu►ctionality of onsite and offsite stormwater management facilities; specifies the methods, schedule and • responsible parties for maintenance; provides for the maintenance in perpetuity of the facility; and contains at a minimum the requirements in the District's standard maintenance declaration. The plan will be recorded on the deed in a form acceptable to the District. A public entity assuming the maintenance obligation . may do so by with the District a document signed by an official with authority. -521- 16 is • • Table 2: Stonnwater management requirements for redevelopment resulting in a decrease in impervious surface Site Size I Site Disturbance I Impervious Surface Reduction Requirements < 1 acre N/A Reduced impervious surface Incorporate BMPs 10% reduction in im ep rvious None < 40% site surface disturbance 0 - 9% reduction in impervious. Incorporate BMPs 1 -5 acres 4 k /A > 40% site disturbance 10% reducti s 0 - 9% reduce sl OR >5 acres < 40% site disturbance 10 %xeducti si 0-9% i sl > 40% s' distur ce > 1 acre Table 3: Stonnwater mat MJ > 40% Site Disturbance None None C Volume control required for site's impervious surface < 1 acre 4 k /A Incorporate BMPs N/A OR Control, AND Impervious Surface -522- 17 : 11(0% Site Disturbance Volume Control. Rate Additional OR Control, AND Impervious Surface ° < 50% Increase in Impervious Phos horns Control > 1 acre > 40% Site Disturbance Volume Control, Rate Entire Site's OR Control, AND Impervious Surface ° > 50% Increase in IM pervious Phosphorus Control -522- 17 z w� av -523- • • C v .. O o O v y0 ,tE w .� O v O CA > a'i " v 0 v •� v 45 E v v v v o v N O 4 0 O > \ 1 A O .+ N * U V > in v� 5 1 1 v j O j ° 00°• C 05 = � ° ° > ;toy" >1 Ql ✓1 Q "al Q O ,O aS �" • c� U L •° v v it 0 -� 4-I v cd .b O co m cC v w+ y ,SU,,, O 0 � aU' 'b • � � 0 c Q' tA 0 •--+ O i cr, O V3 O O � O v � • �� O.U'". w0 '0 v O fi ,� ❑❑ O tj ..r U A fi z z Q 0 co Cd H y fj as 4-4 3 0 E v o o z; co o -d v o R 0 a a �r� U w 3A -523- • • • • 0 0 h II • a� v a� Q f ooi ool NI 00� "D I Q) � U Q V L O x FJ cd FI w a z ck k ;I -524- U O U H v MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS • Adopted Janvar-y 13, 2W RULE A; PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS RULE Proposed Revisions January 27, 2011 1. APPLICATION REQUIRED. Any person undertaking active which a permit is required by these rules shall first submit fepfeview-a p li"cation, to the District -a -reae. Th e di tion must in all exhibits required by t wwVplicable District rules the M _ All p hcah must bear the al signature of the landowner. v, 5x policies and rules; An interested person may intery to intervene with t before shall state the a of ' 1 the annlican eived a e a before the time t-,k' , ing by filing a written request ciso �, th e application._ The request Irso interest and a copy shall be hand- delivered to a lic nt's address stated in the application An int er shall have the rights of a party in the 2. FORMS. PZ%Wnlv vermimpff,applications shallusina the abplicable District forms will be accepted. A reg r a v ce or exception from pny District rule rovision s must be submitted ' Q, the District, ineludiRg avmjanee &fmif a variance is from the Permit Applications web Wage.- (www.minnehahacreek.orglpermit apps phnl Permit applications sha4must be addressed to: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 Attn: Permitting -525- • 3. FEES. District permit fees are set forth in the District Permit Fees Rule A permit application . is incomplete and will not be processed by the District until the applicable fees are paid Failure to timely pay fees is grounds for permit revocation. 4. ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATION. The District shall act within 45 days of receipt of ana complete application and set of exhibits in compliance with the submittal requirements of these rules, as determined by the District._ Permit decisions will be made by the Board of Managers except as elegated to staff by written resolution. The . The Board will review a staff indecision on the applieatWsapplicant's request. Variance requests will be acted on a Board pursuant to Rile Lthe Variances and Exceptions Rule. The District may approv. -an application and,4€ appag; may impose reasonable conditions on approval. C itions include, as otherwise consistent with the rules, requirements for Fetiesfinancia; s fiances, nance agreements and deelaatie asdeclarations and may require that es e ocuments be rly executed or recorded before permit issuance.'_ NZ The District may reconsider and revoke a permit if it serial error or ' misrepresentation was made in the application and that th ect information was available at the time of the application. The Distric , sus end or rev ermit if relimin or final subdivision approval received from the re Iffikt,municipality Mkinty are not consistent with the conditions of the permit. t 4In the event of a material change from a ro* d W ns o ations after conditional or final • District approval of an apallOWn. a ermittee i t submit Wormation necessM for the District to reevaluate cG&IianAlk District Aes. 5. CONFORMITY PLAN. istrict will review applications for permits involving land evelopme ei ant demonstrates that the plan has received prelimmi om a unicip in which development is to take place. The require "t? of prep` m 1 approval shall mean: (a) Preliminary plat approval if requ' r the develop or (b) Rat approval is not required, approval by the municipal PI in ission or a"h'tten s ment from the responsible municipal official that, on prelimin ew, the deve `went appears to meet municipal approval requirements. �k -56. NOTIFICATI Persons applying for a District permit must supply a certified list of property owns i 'ailing labels for each property Geaa4er ee- within 600 feet of ache parcel on which the proposed project is to occur. Certified lists may be obtained from county property information services At the request of the applicant and at the applicant's expense the District will supply the mailing list and labels. District staff will send notice of the proposed project to the individuals on the mailing list for the applicant at the appheaaftWlicant's expense. A copy of the list will be retained with the application at the District office. The application will not be deemed complete and will not be processed until the list has been submitted to the District: or the applicant has requested the applicable list and labels from the District Notification is not required for a Fast- Track permit under the Erosion Control Floodplain Alteration Dred ing and Shoreline & Streambank Stabilization rules. -526- 6 7. ALTERNATIVE NOTIFICATION. The District, on written notification for any of the following projects: (a) A linear project, including but'not limited more in length. (b) A project on a parcel or contiguous parce no more than five percent of the area will be not include a wetland 'tkll . may approve alternative one -half mile or 100 acres offrhore, where ;d the disturbed area does (c) A project where the app oses to com tifcation under this rule with notification required un` r the x 1 paoceesof another governmental body. The applicant m. de to that an rnative means of notification will provide adequate not ,residen ' ar the prop d activity. 4 4- 8. TU%4E FOR S ete,- rmit application which includes all required exhibits sh * ; d by istrict 1 full days prior to the scheduled meeting date of the B of Man to ittals or submittals with incomplete exhibits will be sched to a subseaue tiny 9. PERMIT RENEWALS AND TRANSFERS. A permit is valid for a-one year -per -iod from the date the applicant is advised in writing that the District has approved the permit unless ithe permit is eise- suspended or revoked. The valid period of a permit is not extended while the applicant complies with conditions precedent to actual issuance of the permit. To renew or transfer a permit, the permittee must notify the District in writing, prior to the permit expiration date, of the reason for the renewal or transfer request. The District may impose different or additional conditions on a renewal or deny the renewal in the event of a material -527- • • • change in circumstances etheF than a ehange iH Distf iet fules.. On the first renewal, a permit will • not be subiect to additional or different requirements solely because of a change in District rules. New or revised rule requirements will not be imposed on renewal of a permit where the permittee has made substantial progress toward completion of the permitted work. A transfer shall be approved unless the District finds that the proposed transferee has not demonstrated the ability to perform the authorized work in accordance with the conditions of the permit, in which case the Board n;may impose conditions on or deny the transfer._ Permit transfer does not extend the permit term. first and third Thufsday of eaeh men4h, ae earlier- than 6-.00 • 10. BASIS FOR DECISIONS. All interpretations of these rules t decisions under these rules will incorporate and be consistent with District purpos M' t fo'��;.Minnesota Statutes sections 103B.201 and 103D.201 L' C7 -528- MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS RRIZIRION RIJUR11 A= VAT SOTA STATUTES §103D.34! Adopted Januaff 13,2W RULE A PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS RULE Proposed Revisions January 27, 2011 1. APPLICATION REQUIRED. Any person undertaking activi which a permit is required by these rules shall first submit fopfeview -a pe cation, esig -Cr - to the District- as- a�a3�e. L tion must inaft all exhibits —And soeh -At—hp-w- i—nfemmetiea required by deseannlicable District rule with the svitA4A AqtAblished by these mles.. _ All p licati must bear the al signature of the landowner. policies and rules, (b ) An interested person may interven to intervene with t before the shall state the a of ' persc the applic eived a I e applieaai before the time o sion. An . • pr-fuu g by filing a written request • I decisio the application._ The request interest and a copy shall be hand- delivered to lic nt's address stated in the application er shall have the rights of a party in the 2. FORMS. nl erm pplications slalusing the applicable District form(s) will be acce ted. A r r a VaAnce or excq2tfion from M District rule provision(s) must be submitted n the District, inehiding a varianee fefm ife variance io requested,- whieh you r exception form. District application forms are availabl from the Permit Appli ations web page;_lwww.minnehahacreek.org/ /permit apps.php). Permit applications sha4must be addressed to: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Blvd. Deephaven, MN 55391 Attn: Permitting • -529- 3. FEES. District permit fees are set forth in the District Permit Fees Rule A permit application • is incomplete and will not be processed by the District until the applicable fees are paid Failure to timely pay fees is grounds for permit revocation. 4. ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATION. The District shall act within 45 days of receipt of aaa complete application and set of exhibits in compliance with the submittal requirements of these rules, as determined by the District._ Permit decisions will be made by the Board of Managers except as elegated to staff by written resolution. The 4-: to peffflit ae delegated to staff by Beafd feseMea. The Board will review a staff l cision on the appheant-'sapplicanf s request. Variance requests will be acted on a Board pursuant to l?lse Lthe Variances and Exceptions Rule. The District may app rov an application andrW appre . , may impose reasonable conditions on approval. C lions include, as otherwise consistent with the rules, requirements for swetiesfinanc' s ces, Hance agreements and desla}atie nsdeclarations and may require that ese cuments be ly executed or recorded before permit issuance. The District may reconsider and revoke a permit if it rial error or misrepresentation was made in the application and that th ect information was available at the time of the application. The Districtimay sus en a permit if preliminya or final subdivision a royal received from the re JlAhLLnuniciDality ollftnty are not consistent with the conditions of the permit. • 4In the event of a material char a from an,nroo d s o ations after conditional or final District a roval of an annfilftL a DermitteeWt submit Wormation necessM for the District to reevaluate cArblian-3fth District S. 5. CONFORMITY PLAN. T istrict will review applications for permits involving land velopm ant demonstrates that the plan has received prelimin om unicip in which development is to take place. The require t of prep m approval shall mean: (a) Preliminary plat approval if req ' r the develop or (b at approval is not required, approval by the municipal PI in ssion or a tten s ment from the responsible municipal official that, on prelimin w, the deve ment appears to meet municipal approval requirements. 36. NOTIFICA Persons applying for a District permit must supply a certified list of property own ailing labels for each property within 600 feet of athe parcel on which the proposed project is to occur. Certified Ists may be obtained from cg11M propeM information services. At the request of the applicant and at the applicant's expense the District will supply the mailing list and labels. District staff will send notice of the proposed project to the individuals on the mailing list for the applicant at the appli anfsap hp 'cant's expense. A copy of the list will be retained with the application at the District office. The application will not be deemed complete and will not be processed until the list has been submitted to the District- or the applicant has requested the applicable list and labels from the District. Notification is not required for a Fast- Track permit under the Erosion Control, Floodplain .Alteration, Dredging and Shoreline & Streambank Stabilization rules. -530- 6 7. ALTERNATIVE NOTIFICATION. The District, on written notification for any of the following projects: (a) A linear project, including but not limited more in length. (b) A project on a parcel or contiguous parcel' s9 more than five percent of the area will be di not include a wetland. #. (c) A project where the al with notification required body. The applicant adequate note' 4-. 8. TIME FOR exhibits ?sh of the B of Man sched a subsea 0 that an alFrnative m6, the prop d activity. approve alternative one -half mile or 100 acres oore, where :d the disturbed area does ftification under this rule of another governmental of notification will provide ete emit application which includes all required by strict 1 full days prior to the scheduled meeting date gate ttals or submittals with incomplete exhibits will be 9. PERMIT RENEWALS AND TRANSFERS. A permit is valid for a -one year-perW from the date the applicant is advised in writing that the District has approved the permit unless itthe permit is edwrwise- suspended or revoked. The valid period of a permit is not extended while the applicant complies with conditions precedent to actual issuance of the permit To renew or transfer a permit, the permittee must notify the District in writing, prior to the permit expiration date, of the reason for the renewal or transfer request. The District may impose different or additional conditions on a renewal or deny the renewal in the event of a material -531- • is • • • • change in circumstances . On the first renewal, a permit will not be subject to additional or different requirements solely because of a change in District rules. New or revised rule requirements will not be imposed on renewal of a permit where the permittee has made substantial progress toward completion of the permitted work. A transfer shall be approved unless the District finds that the proposed transferee has not demonstrated the ability to perform the authorized work in accordance with the conditions of the permit, in which case the Board Disaiet -may impose conditions on or deny the transfer._ Permit transfer does not extend the permit term. 10. BASIS FOR DECISIONS. All interpretations of these rules t decisions under these rules will incorporate and be consistent with District purpos t fo ti. innesota Statutes sections 103B.201 and 103D.201 I� s Ua -532- MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS • p ENFORCEMENT RULE Proposed Revisions January 27.2011 VIALATIONINVESTIGATION OF to determine whether a violation of e; ermit issued by flie -or an Lal The Board of staff. • to these mles;Minnesota Statutes section 103D.545 and 103D.551. 5. LIABILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT COSTS. The permittee or owner of a property that is a misdemeanefthe subject . • -533- • • • �:-of District enforcement efforts will be liable for associated costs incurred by the District, including but not limited to the costs of inspection and monitoring of compliance, engineering and other technical analysis legal fees and costs and administrative expenses. -534- \ _ -534- MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS Rule 1- VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS RULE As Amended M 25 2000 Prouosed Revisions January 27, 2011 1. VARIANCES AUTHORIZED. The Board of Managers the -kee l- strict compliance with provisions of these 2. STANDARD. In 0WeP4eTo grant a variance, the based on a showing by the applicant: Lai that thebecause of special condi o not District, fie- strict compliance i for variances from rules. "must determines which apse or structures in the merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, the v ance will not impair or be contrary to the intent of these rules. -4 3. TERM. A variance gmated _ r exception not will remain valid only as long as the underlyigg.permit remains valid. 4. VIOLATION. A violation of any condition set-feof approval of a permit subject to a variance shall be onstitute grounds for termination of the T'� Mies a 6 variance. -535- is • 5. EXCEPTIONS. The Board of Managers may grant an exception from a provision of these • rules requiring a particular treatment or management method, or setting forth a design specification of such a method, on a determination that the proposed application, with such further conditions as the Board may impose, will achieve a greater degree of water resource protection than would strict compliance with the provision. • • 6. SUPERMAJORITY REQUIREMENT. A variance or exception must be approved by a two - thirds majority of managers voting. AK -536- MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS As Amended May 25,2000 Rile t. Foss rt,aFg a r ,.E Cases PERMIT FEES RULE Proposed Revisions January 27, 2011 a 1. FINDINGS. The Board of Managers finds that: (a) public awareness of and compliance with ermi l - g process licy of charging a minimal permit applic fee. B encouraging Na p seek permits for potential projects, the public y red d inspection an ro rcement costs; (b) it is in the public interest to , ' large-scale development ' ctivities in s e 1 cations; be inspected by District staff to provide the Board o sufficient ' tion to evaluate compliance with District rules and a licab d (c) from me to perform requirin permit from the District without a permit, antid p pe ork in viol 'on of an issued District permit. The Board finds that i f en gin g inspectio analysis in such cases exceed those where the applic c d with Dis requirements. The Board further conclu t i swa subject to the District's annual tax levy I sh osts incurred because of a failure to meet t .ct requir The e, the Board adopts a rule charging fees to the responsible ons in such c ' -7 (b) single fmaily residential develepments gFeater- die" 5 aer-es or- of- my size if %ithia the WA MMAAA&6"o -537- • • • • • a The District will charge applicants an initial permit processing fee in accordance with a schedule set, and revised from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Managers to account for the expected processing and initial inspection costs based on the bMe and extent of the proposed activities and the applicable rule requirements. A permit application will not be deemed complete and will not be acted on by the District until the permit processing fee ee is paid. A current fee schedule may be obtained from the District fale-of an issued , werk shall pr-emp* apply fer- a pemit. If a peanit has pmAeu* been issued, the Board sha permit4ems- 5*1:11 (b) Upen r- eeeipt eW-, and the Board of Managers may deny a permit application emits Effid G plebe of a a leetio and � „t.rQiQ Q13Q that th WEW4 ♦ b «.Y «� „ ,, . «ter J 'zing Yew ri«e,l : ,.,.,,.a..« a ..it n:�+..: , +..egUiFo«,e « +s, +l.e >?,,.,.a « rrevoke a �. e • �. permit Upon permit apprey -W the Be fd shall notify the « h t' 1.1 fer- +1. f r « t 1�C J Ya y yy ite pafagwph 2 -e€ this-m4e of the fee due.- The fee 1, tl b d + +t, Di t fi + °c-zcc�aaa cr wPc�atrcv- a�rviacravc within d4ty (30) days &efn the date ef pemi4 appr-evW and sha4l be r-erseived by4he based on nonpayment of fees. 3. RECOVERY OF FEE. The feefees provided by any legal action authorized by law. mAwill be charged to Minnesota. -539- hermit fee any governmental unit in the State of • • C7 • • MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS FINANCIAL ASSURANCES RULE Proposed Revisions January 27, 2011 (a)POLICY. It is the policy of the Board of Lal conserve the water resources of the DA rules in the performance of activities within (b) Requi ' r+ uire a bond Ar- A14- permit application -, condition and compliance with District rules resources of the District. (a) A financM deposit or other to be submitted with a of the authorized activities conserve the water bond, letter of credit, cash escrow hs#iet shallassurance) may be of sandblaaket-. issuance of a permit under the A financial assurance will not be r aired of an agency of the United States or of any governmental unit or political subdivision of the state of Minnesota. -540- 3. FINANCIAL ASSURANCE CRITERIA The required amount and duration of financial assurances will be set by the Board of Managers by resolution • iaeeessai5, to eeve and subject to periodic review and revision in consideration of the following criteria, which apply to all financial assurances required by the District rules (The current schedule of financial assurance amounts and durations may be obtained from the District office or website: www.minnehahacreek.ore.) (a) Required amounts and durations of financial assurances will be set to ensure against potential liabilities to the Districts includins but not limited_ _to: -& 1 A lication field inspection, and related fees authorized under Minn. Stat. 6, OQ The cost of fmintaining implem crXA maii measures quir d by the (s� The cost of remedying damaAM101Wng fro ermit noncom ce or for which the permittee otherwise is respon (a(b) The st f fimancial assurance s hall be in acceptable to the District. A commercial ce m e issued b a surety n licensed and doing business in Minne em be obtained from the District • nifino nr �vaHeifu no���ni.rn.. 1 (c� The financial assurance instrument s ontain a provision stating that it may-w- ill not be canceled without at least thirty (3 days prior written notice to the District by the surety. (e) Financial assurances shall be required of and submitted by the permit applicant but the surety principal may be the landowner or the individual or entity undertaking the proposed activity. (f) When a cash escrow is to be provided to fulfill District financial assurance requirements, the permittee /escrow provider will be required as a condition of permit • -541- issuance. transferor renewal to enter into a cash escrow agreement wi • Permit approval may be revoked for failure to comply with this requirement. -54. SUREWTINANCIAL ASSURANCE RELEASE. (a) For a financial assurance covering a single project, on written notification of project completion, the District may inspect the project to detennifte if it is eeffstmeted in If the project has been completed in accordance with the terms of the per District rules and there is no outstanding balance efee� Owed to the DistCanentation egg btA not unpaid Rule permit fees, the District financial assurance. Final ins ection compliance includes but i confirmation that the site has been ve etated and stabilized to revent a io in accordance with District rules and stormwater m m t fea ve been constructed or installed and are functionin as i e . If the Dis oes not i estedinspect the project and mademake ete 'n 'on of the proj o phance with the above criteria within 45 days of eceipt written notific of project completion, the finan s c will become ediatel eligible for release. 1 The District may re n of a financi urance submitted to assure erformance if the District s entire amo no Ionizer re wired to ensure com liance with the A= co d strict rules. 5 ecific District • rules mav inWmieadditional cn der 71 artial return of a performance assurancofflaVOWNhhorized. law (b) A man assurance su ed to satisfy the financial assurance ree uirement for mo will be released by the District on wri � + f the al i tions listed in either of the following (1) PuJassuran insp on by the District of the final project covered by the he strict determines that the project ishas been completed in rdhe terms of the permit and District rules and there is no o ce e€eey owed to the District for , aid Rule - permit fees. If the District hasdoes not s ect the project and remake a determination of the project's compl ce with the above criteria within €erve45 days of District receipt of written notification of final project completion, the suety -is- deemed releasedfinancial assurance will be immediately eligible for release. (2) The applicant submits a new &umtyfmancial assurance in a form and amount satisfactory to the District. -542- Executive Summary Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. TO: Mound City Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner DATE: March 15, 2011 HK a I SUBJECT: PC Case 11 -03, 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive Comprehensive Plan Amendment REQUEST SUMMARY The applicants have submitted requests for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation of the properties located at 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive from medium density residential (MDR) to neighborhood commercial (NC). These requests were received on January 27, 2011 (letter) and January 24, 2011 (email) respectively. The applicants are Craig and Jackie Piepkorn, owners of 4867 Shoreline Drive, and Wayne and Linda Ehlebracht, owners of 4873 Shoreline Drive. The applicants had previously requested rezoning of the subject parcels from R -2 Two - Family Residential to B -2 General Business District. However, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) was deemed needed prior to the consideration of the rezoning request. According to Hennepin County records, the 4867 Shoreline Drive property is 0.3 acres in size and has a single - family home that was constructed in 1930. The 4873 Shoreline Drive property is 0.83 acres in size and has a single - family home that was constructed in 1915. REVIEW PROCESS Minnesota State Statute 462.355 requires that the Planning Commission conduct a noticed public hearing on any comprehensive plan amendment. The notification procedures were satisfied for the Planning Commission public hearing on March 1, 2011. The same statute requires that a resolution to amend a comprehensive plan must be approved by a two- thirds vote of all the members. The proposed amendment must then be sent to the Metropolitan Council for review and determination that it is in accordance with the regional system plans. In addition to the Planning Commission report, the required Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Form has been included for your review and reference. Once approved by the Metropolitan Council, the City Council will need to finally adopt the amendment. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND FOLLOW -UP The Planning Commission held a public hearing and reviewed this case at their March I It meeting. As noted in the March 1, 2011 draft Planning Commission minutes included for your reference, the Planning Commission did not receive any comments from adjacent property owners. Clarification was requested on the types of uses that would be permitted to occur in the -543- is • U proposed district. The following is an overview of the intent of the districts as described by the • Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan describes Neighborhood Commercial as providing a variety of retail commercial and office uses that have a neighborhood scale. They are located along collector and arterial roadways to minimize the impact on the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Zoning Ordinance The zoning ordinance has three commercial districts: B -1, B -2 and B -3. The City has previously deemed the B -2 and B -3 districts as being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan Neighborhood Commercial designation. The intent of these districts is provided below. Please refer to the use chart in Section 129 -135 of the Zoning Ordinance for the list of permitted and conditional uses. • B -2 District - the general business district will allow local retail sales and services along with office space opportunities to serve local population demand and needs of non highway orientation. This district will encourage compact center for retail sales and services by grouping businesses in patterns of workable relationships, by limiting and controlling uses near residential areas and by excluding highway oriented and other business that tends to disrupt the shopping center or its circulation patterns. • B -3 District - the neighborhood commercial center shall function as a small service area which may supply local retail sales to nearby residents. . While the applicants have indicated the intent to use the property at 4867 Shoreline Drive for a veterinary clinic, it is important to recognize that the comprehensive plan amendment needs to be evaluated on its own merit as this comprehensive plan amendment does not indicate future approval of any particular use or configuration. As has been shared previously with the applicants, the reguiding of the properties for the Comprehensive Plan does not indicate future approval of rezoning or a particular development proposal. If rezoned to B -2 as initially requested, the properties will need to meet the minimum standards identified in Section 129 -137, which include, but are not limited to: • Lot area of at least 20,000 square feet/0.46 acres • Lot width of at least 80 feet • Front, side and rear setback of 30 feet. However, side or rear setbacks when abutting residential are 50 feet. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted 3 -0 to recommend City Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment with the conditions recommended by Staff. Based on this recommendation, Staff has prepared a draft resolution for your consideration. Please note that the resolution approves the amendment contingent upon the approval of the Metropolitan Council. Minnesota State Statute 462.355 requires that a resolution to amend a comprehensive plan must be approved • by a two- thirds vote of all the members. -544- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS GUIDED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, to implement the Mound Zoning Map as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes Section 473, the City has determined that the following land use plan changes are appropriate; and, PID Property Address Existing Comprehensive Plan Proposed Comprehensive Plan 1311724440020 4867 Shoreline Drive Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial 1311724440091 4873 Shoreline Drive Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 462, Section 355, Subdivision 2 of the Minnesota State Statutes, the Planning Commission held an official public hearing on March 1, 2011 to • allow formal public comment on the proposed comprehensive plan amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the matter at its March 22, 2011 meeting and recommended approval of the aforementioned comprehensive plan amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound that the Land Use Plan amendments to the Comprehensive Plan as described above are adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to review and approval by the Metropolitan Council. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -545 - 1 Mayor Mark Hanus • • i. BOLTON 8 MINK, V11 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 448 -8805 www.bolton- menk.com MEMORANDUM Date: March 22, 2011 To: Dan Faulkner, P.E., Bolton & Menk, Inc., Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works, City of Mound. From: Douglas Carter, P.E., LEED AP, Bolton & Menk, Inc. 1 NC® Subject: Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Draft Procedural Requirements Rule Revision, MCWD Draft Enforcement Rule Revision, MCWD Draft Variance And Exception Rule Revision, MCWD Draft Permit Fees Rule Revision, MCWD Draft Financial Assurances Rule Revision This letter summarizes our review of the above - mentioned Rule Revisions. Procedural Requirements Rule Revision -The changes to the Procedural Rules are, for the most part, straight forward. The watershed is now requiring all exhibits to accompany permit applications. They are encouraging (in writing) applicants to submit their plans early in the project development process. They are clarifying that application for a permit is also an implied consent to entry and inspection of project area by MCWD staff. They specify that only MCWD forms will be accepted for permit applications. They specify that a permit application is incomplete if not accompanied by the required permit fees. They also specify in the Rule that permit renewals are not subject to changes in district requirements during the life of a permit. Enforcement Rule Revision -The changes to the Enforcement Rule are also, for the most part, straight forward. The watershed has specified that an Administrative Compliance Order may include the applicant being required to seek an after -the -fact permit or the MCWD requiring that land disturbing activities cease on the property. The Administrative Compliance Order will also require the property owner to appear before the MCWD Board and explain the situation. The MCWD Board will now have the latitude to seek judicial enforcement of an Administrative Compliance Order and the property owner, if found in violation, will be responsible for all associated costs. Variance & Exception Rule Revision -The changes to the Variance and Exceptions Rule are focused on establishing a checklist of requirements for granting a variance. If an applicant would like a variance or exception they must demonstrate to the MCWD Board that the following conditions are met. a) Special conditions inherent to the property exist and strict compliance will cause an undo hardship; b) The hardship was not created by the property owner; cj The variance is not a convenience to the property owner; d There is no feasible alternative; CAUs \dougca\Desktop\M0UND - MCWD Adminsmtiv Rule Revision Comments 03- 22- 11.dacx �""1�] , t • ' '(_A \1 DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW L f J Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer pN &� e) The granting of a variance is not contrary to the intent of the Rules. Permit Fees Rule Revision -The changes to the Permit Fees Rule are worth noting. The watershed has specified here, as well as the administrative rules, that a permit application will be considered incomplete without payment. The other two revisions to this section of the administrative rules are most substantive. The MCWD will be charging for ALL permit- related services. This includes, but is not limited to, "...the District's actual cost of administrating and enforcing permits, as well as the actual costs of field inspections or investigations of the area affected by a proposed activity, analysis of the proposed activity, and engineering and other technical analysis, legal fees, and costs and administrative expenses, as well as any monitoring of permitted activities required." This requirement is waived for other city, state, and federal government agencies. This requirement would appear to be a revenue generator for the MCWD when combined with the initial request to get them involved early in the project development. That early involvement, will add to the overall permit costs. The final revision states that if invoices are not paid in 30 days an applicant will be in violation of their permit. Financial Assurances Rule Revision -The changes to the Financial Assurances Rule are largely procedural detailing what types of surety will be accepted, when surety will be reduced, when it needs to be increased and when it will be refunded. Overall I believe that the Administrative Rule Revisions will not change the manner in which cities interact with the MCWD. The changes to the fee structure for Permits are the most striking. I was under the assumption that the MCWD is funded through property tax assessments. I do not believe they should charge for all professional services and staff time related to permit management when the scope of those services is not agreed to in advance by all parties. That may have the adverse effect of potential applicants not using the District as a resource early in the project development process. If you have any questions, give me a call to discuss. CAUsersklougca\Desktop\M0UND - MCWD Adminstrative Rule Revision Comments 03- 22- 11.docx DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer. • March 15, 2011 Craig and Jackie Piepkorn 4820 Canterbury Road Mound, MN 55364 Wayne and Linda Ehlebracht 4873 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 W®: wwwxityotmound.com Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Requests for Properties Located at 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive and City Execution of 60-Day Extensions for ApprovaMenial This letter is in regard to the comprehensive plan amendment requests that were submitted for the properties at 4873 Shoreline Drive and 4867 Shoreline Drive and deemed to be complete on January 24, 2011 and January 27, 2011, respectively. As provided by Minnesota Statutes 15.99, please be advised that the City of Mound is hereby • executing extensions for an additional (60) days related to the City's timelines for approval or denial of the comprehensive plan amendment requests. Therefore, the City's extended timelines for action on the comprehensive plan amendment requests are on or around May 23, 2011 for the property at 4873 Shoreline Drive and on or around May 25, 2011 for the property at 4867 Shoreline Drive. The purpose for the extensions is to allow for additional time for review and action of the comprehensive plan amendment requests by the City of Mound ail the Metropolitan Council including, but not limited to, the preparation of any and/or all reports and documents associated with City Council and Metropolitan Council review and pending actions. As you are aware, the requests were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its March 1, 2011 meeting and were recommended for approval, subject to conditions, and are anticipated to be forwarded to the City Council for review and action at its March 22, 2011 meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 952- 472 -0604 or by email at SArahamlthe7a,oityofmound.com. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Sly, 1 S Community Development Director -546- @on p*er pMW MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 1. 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ward welcomed the public and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Kelli Gillispie and Ray Salazar. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Consultant Planner Rita Trapp. The following individuals were present: Phil Lindquist (2319 Norwood La), Wayne Ehlebracht (4873 Shoreline Dr), Craig and Jackie Piepkorn (4820 Canterbury Rd) BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING CASE NO 11 -03 COMPREH I PLA AMENDMENTS 4867 AND 4873 SHORELINE DRIVE APPLICANTS: CRAIG & JACKIE PIEP I & WAYNE EHLEBRACHT Applicants have requested a co eh siv Ian amendment as preparation for a • rezoning request from residentia al. The two properties total 1.13 acres in size. They are bordered b hood Commercial on the east, Medium Density Residential (townt es n the s , ow Density Residential on the south and Park and Open Space /Low De ' R dential across the county road to the north. Generally, staff believes the p oposed land use change could be appropriate. Staffs main concern is whether this detracts from or competes with the City's stated focus on the commercial areas in and around downtown. As always, consideration should be given whether this will negatively impact residential property owners to the west and south. Staff notes that there are code regulations which require buffers between commercial and residential uses which should mitigate potential impacts. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, the following conditions should be included: 1.Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the comprehensive plan amendment request. 2. No future approval of any rezoning is included as part of this action. 3. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action. Salazar clarified the development plans. Dr. Piepkorn indicated the new facility would • -547- Planning Commission Minutes March 1, 2011 be located on the 4867 Shoreline Drive property. • Gillispie inquired as to time frame for construction. Dr. Piepkorn said construction is planned within the next 2 to 3 years. • • CHAIR WARD CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING MOTION by Salazar, second by Gillispie, to approve the comprehensive plan amendment as recommended by staff. MOTION carried unanimously. -548- tMetropolitan Council Local Planning Handbook I Amendment Form Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form AMENDMENT NAME Shoreline Drive This form is available in MS Word format on the Metropolitan Council's website: http://www.metrocouncil.org/plannin-q/assistance/resources.htm. COMMUNITY PROFILE AND AMENDMENT OVERVIEW 1. Provide the following information: Local governmental unit City of Mound Contact name Sarah Smith Contact title Community Development Director Address 5341 Maywood Road City, State, and Zip Mound, MN 55364 Telephone number 952 -472 -0604 FAX number 952 - 472 -0620 Email address sarahsmith(cD-citvofmound.com Date of 23, 2011 2. Identify type of amendment and describe. Check all that apply: X 2a. Land use change Change from medium density residential (MDR) to neighborhood commercial NC 2b. MUSA Expansion or Change 2c. Text Change 2d. Other 3. Provide a description of the amendment. General location South side of Shoreline Drive between Montclair Lane and Norwood Lane. Brief description The amendment would change the land use designation for two parcels, 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive, from medium density residential (MDR) to neighborhood commercial (NC). Affected area. in acres 1.13 acres • -549 - November 2009 1 SECTION 1: PROCESS OVERVIEW hftp://www.metrocouncil.o[g/planning/LPH/LPHSectl .pdf • 4. Indicate official local status of the plan amendment. (Check all that apply.) The local governing body must take action on the proposed amendment before submittal to the Metropolitan Council. Action Acted upon by Planning Commission Approved by governing body, contingent upon Metropolitan Council review Date of Action March 1, 2011 March 22, 2011 (pending) 5. List adjacent local governments, school districts and other jurisdictions and the date the copies were sent. Notifying adjacent governmental units and affected school districts is one of the criteria the Council will use in determining whether an application is deemed complete for review. Notification of adjacent governmental units and affected school districts were not needed as the comprehensive plan amendment is minor in nature. The combined size of the two parcels is just over 1 acre and the amendment will not make significant changes to the City's forecasts. The two affected parcels are located approximately 800 feet from the nearest adjacent governmental unit of Spring Park. The City only requires public notice of parcels which are within 350 feet of the affected parcels. 6. Identify outstanding issues or conditions made in the Metropolitan Council's review of the municipality's 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update or subsequent comprehensive plan amendment? • X No, the Council's review did not identify any issues or conditions. Issue /Condition Steps taken or future planned actions, including date • 7. Will /has an environmental review (Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Environmental Impact Statement or Alternative Urban Areawide Review) be /been completed for the site? none re uired. Yes, indicate type of review and approximate date of completion. Include a summary of findings, if completed: -550 - November 2009 2 SECTION 2: FORECASTS hftp://www.metrocouncil.org/planning/LPH/LPHSect2.pdf 8. Does the plan amendment change the population, household and employment forecasts that appear ' the Metropolitan Council's published forecast tables? (Published forecast tables are online.) X No: no change in community-level forecasts Yes: identify the net changes to community -level forecasts due to the plan amendment: SECTION 3: LAND USE hftp://www.metrocouncil.ora/plannina/LPH/LPHSect3.pdf 9. Does the plan amendment propose any impacts to wetlands located on the site? X No wetlands on the site. No impacts to wetlands located on the site. qqw Yes, describe the type of wetland, potential impacts and mitigation plans: 10. Describe land use changes in acres, applicable to this amendment site, using the following, tables and filling in the community's specific land use categories: Not Applicable. Medium Density Residential 1.13 0 7 to12 units /acre 7 -12 units /acre 8 to 14 units 0 units Neighborhood Commercial 0 1.13 NA NA Total 1.13 1.13 8 to 14 units p CPA = Comprehensive Plan Amendment • -551 - November 2009 3 � P �8 }5 �' 6 ¢� l�+. �g I { h.A�d -'S V iL� �a e- •E ? { °.� i- sa,^P� WA Households SECTION 3: LAND USE hftp://www.metrocouncil.ora/plannina/LPH/LPHSect3.pdf 9. Does the plan amendment propose any impacts to wetlands located on the site? X No wetlands on the site. No impacts to wetlands located on the site. qqw Yes, describe the type of wetland, potential impacts and mitigation plans: 10. Describe land use changes in acres, applicable to this amendment site, using the following, tables and filling in the community's specific land use categories: Not Applicable. Medium Density Residential 1.13 0 7 to12 units /acre 7 -12 units /acre 8 to 14 units 0 units Neighborhood Commercial 0 1.13 NA NA Total 1.13 1.13 8 to 14 units p CPA = Comprehensive Plan Amendment • -551 - November 2009 3 • • 11. Housing: If the proposed amendment changes the amount of land city wide staged for development by 2011 for medium density, high density or mixed use residential development, complete the following table to identify the amount of land available pre and post amendment: * "Developable" means land planned for urban residential development, infill or redevelopment before 2011. ** Amendment acres from the municipality's response to Question #10 above. 12. Mississippi River Critical Area/MNRRA: Does the proposed amendment include any land within the designated Mississippi National River and Recreation Area ( MNRRA) and Critical Area boundaries? X Not Applicable, not a community within CA / MNRRA boundaries No, site is not within CA / MNRRA boundaries Yes, describe how Critical Area guidelines and voluntary MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan policies are being addressed. November 2009 -552- 4 Acres city -wide A Acres city-wide for each land use category f for each land use category Pre-amendment P Post- amendment Fill in all land use P categories that allow for D Developable Acres D Developed Acres multifamily residential T Total D Developed D Developable T Total development A Acres a acres A Acres* A Amendment F Final A Amendment F Final A Acres a b b a a -b =c d d c c +d =e f f b b+f= e e+ =h Medium Density Residential 4 45 2 25 2 20 0 0 2 20 - -1.13 2 23.87 4 43.87 7 to 12 units per acre Pedestrian 1 18 0 0 1 18 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 1 18 7 to 20 units per acre Destination 2 25 1 13 1 12 0 0 1 12 0 0 1 13 2 25 7 to 20 units p er acre Linear 2 29 1 19 1 10 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 19 2 29 7 to 12 units per acre Total Residential 1 117 5 57 6 60 0 0 6 60 - -1.13 5 55.87 1 115.87 Neighborhood 1 17 1 14.59 2 2.41 0 0 2 2.41 + +1.13 1 15.72 1 18.13 Commercial The proposed land use change does not affect the amount of land staged for medium, high or mixed use residential development. In the Comprehensive Plan, these parcels are currently guided medium density residential. However, they are not specifically identified as having the potential for redevelopment for the purposes of meeting the City's housing goals. The exclusion of these properties was due, in part, because of their lot size and the presence of existing single - family homes on the property. While the City envisioned that redevelopment may ultimately occur, the timing was uncertain as it would likely be dependent on the participation of multiple owners. Thus, the City considered these parcels part of column b developed acres rather than column c developable acres. The city intended to rely on other, larger areas of the City to accommodate planned residential growth. "Developable" means land planned for urban residential development, infill or redevelopment before 2011. ** Amendment acres from the municipality's response to Question #10 above. 12. Mississippi River Critical Area/MNRRA: Does the proposed amendment include any land within the designated Mississippi National River and Recreation Area ( MNRRA) and Critical Area boundaries? X Not Applicable, not a community within CA / MNRRA boundaries No, site is not within CA / MNRRA boundaries Yes, describe how Critical Area guidelines and voluntary MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan policies are being addressed. November 2009 -552- 4 November 2009 -552- 4 SECTION 4: TRANSPORTATION hftp://www.metrocouncii.ora/planning/LPH/LPHSect4.pdf 13. Complete the following table using the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, Edition, to show whether this plan amendment increases or decreases trip generation from the plan* land use and transportation element of the community's comprehensive plan. Est. average daily traffic 64 550 Est. peak hour traffic 5 AM Peak)/ 6 PM Peak 87 AM Peak)/ 67 PM Peak VW ..1W1.UU. FuaI. VV►,uV, fill ,,u „p ► u- illuuziC wdai uawu wr meutum uens11y Kesicrential and Specialty Retail Center was used for Neighborhood Commercial. 14. Will these changes require improvements to the existing local and regional road network or interchanges beyond what is in the community's current transportation plan? X I No, existing local and regional road networks can accommodate increase. I I Yes, describe improvements and who will pay for them: Access 15. If the site has direct access to a principal or "A” minor arterial, is location and spacing consistent with applicable County guidelines or MnDOT's Access Management Guidelines (hftp://www.oim.dot.state.mn.us/access/index.htmi)? Not applicable, no direct access to a No or "A" minor arterial. Yes, describe: Any future development on the site will need to meet Hennepin County's guidelines for X access spacing. Access will be able to be provided from the side streets of Montclair and Norwood Lanes as well. Transit and Other Modes of Transportation 16. Will this amendment enhance access to transit services, increase or decrease the demand for transit services or warrant the extension of new transit service? X No, not currently served by transit or will not affect transit. Yes, list existing routes, describe changes and identify proposed /necessary transit facility improvements (e.g. shelters, park and rides): • -553 - November 2009 5 17. Does the plan amendment include Traffic Demand Management (TDM) strategies or land use and urban design measures, if applicable? • X No, explain: The amendment is minor in nature. Yes, describe (e.g. car and van pooling, flexible work hours, mixed land uses that discourage vehicle trips and promote walkinq, bikinq, ridesharinq, and transit): 18. Does the plan amendment include pedestrian and bike access and facilities, including crosswalks, bridges, trails, sidewalks, and bike racks, if applicable? No, why not: X Yes, describe: There is a sidewalk located on both sides of Shoreline Drive. The sidewalk will continue to be required as part of any redevelopment of the subject parcels. Aviation 19. Does the plan amendment affect any airport functions? X Not applicable, site not within airport influence area or search area. No, site within airport influence area or search area but no impacts. Explain: Yes, describe relationship to airport safe /noise zones, land use compatibility or other possible impacts: SECTION 5: WATER RESOURCES http: / /www.metrocouncil.org /planning /LPH /LPHSect5.pdf Wastewater • 20. What type of wastewater treatment will be utilized to serve the proposed amendment? • Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS). Private) Owned/Community Treatment System. Local/Municipal Owned Wastewater Treatment Plant. X Reqional Wastewater Treatment. _ 21. Complete the following table, to show whether this plan amendment increases or decreases wastewater flow from currently planned land use and sewer flow projections. ,i `p y�� 'is{.,`.9. -lh`n �hF .1�, � �C'3V <f �� F" � � � �r � �i' 4f '# C "i �`� t. .$; y ✓k, ���r� '�ar�4rr'N�}h' V i � a l } � i yP9 ��! ik •f�=� �` Mgd = million gallons per day -554 - November 2009 6 22. Does the local wastewater system have adequate capacity, or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? Yes, explain: No The local wastewater system has the ability to accommodate the proposed land uses. • This amendment does not make a significant change to wastewater flows. 23. Does the regional wastewater system have adequate capacity, or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? Yes, explain: The regional wastewater system has the ability to accommodate the proposed land uses. This amendment does not make a significant change to wastewater flows. 24. Has the community and /or Metropolitan Council identified an inflow and infiltration (I &I) problem? Yes, describe the steps taken to address the 1/1 issue and plans for future action: In 2007 the City adopted an Inflow /Infiltration Reduction and Lift Station Reconstruction Plan which include a 10 -year implementation plan with sewer pipe lining and lift station replacement. No, the City/Twp does not have an identified 1/1 problem. 25. Identify interceptor(s) that will be impacted by these changes and indicate if flows will be diverted from one interceptor service area to another? The proposed amendment is minor in nature and will not have a significant impact on the ability of the interceptor to handle proposed flows. 26. Does the plan amendment include any wastewater flow to an adjacent community? For new intercommunity agreements, the receiving community must also amend the sewer element of its plan. Yes, enclose a copy of the i No. Surface Water 27. Will stormwater runoff generated from proposed amendment be treated on -site? No, check one of the following and describe: Runoff will receive no treatment: Runoff will be treated off -site, identify off -site treatment facility: Yes, describe type and level of on -site pollutant removal treatment/mitigation plans: Specific development plans have not been submitted as part of the request. However, all future development will need to follow the regulations and best management practices of the City's Grading, Soil Erosion, Sedimentation Control and Stormwater Management regulations and Local Surface Water Management Plan. -555 - November 2009 7 • 28. Does the community have an updated stormwater management plan, including best management practices and implementation strategies? Year adopted: 2010 No, explain: 29. Does the community have an adopted erosion control ordinances? X Yes, Year adopted: 2002 No. Water Supply 30. Does the community have an updated water supply plan? Year adopted: 2007 0 31. Will the proposed plan amendment increase or decrease projected water use from the community's current water supply plan? X I No increase or decrease in projected water use from water supply plan. water supply plan amendment to describe necessary facilities improvements or SECTION 6: PARKS http: / /www.metrocouncil.org /planning /LPH /LPHSect6.pdf • 32. Does the amendment include, or is it adjacent to or within Y2 a mile of an existing or planned regional park, reserve or trail, as identified in the 2030 Regional Parks Plan? X Yes, describe potential impacts and mitigation plans: The Dakota Rail Regional Trail is located north of Shoreline Drive. The use of the property for Medium Density Residential or Neighborhood Commercial does not impact the regional trail. No. 33. Does the community have a Parks & Open Space Plan including regional park elements? X Yes, Year adopted: Adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan in 2010. No. SECTION 7: IMPLEMENTATION http: / /www.metrocouncii.org /plannina /LPH /LPHSect7.pdf 34. Will the plan amendment require changes in zoning or subdivision ordinances, capital improvement program (CIP), or other official controls? No. X Yes, describe proposed changes and timeline: A rezoning of the property from R -2 Two Family Residential to B -2 General Business will need to occur. The rezoning process will commence if and when a Comprehensive Plan Amendment is complete. • -556 - November 2009 8 35. Does the community have natural resources protection ordinances, including wetland, tree preservation, and steep slopes? X Yes, identify: Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance contained wetland protection provisions, • Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance is the City's Shoreland Protection regulations, including bluffs. The tree preservation regulations are in Section 129 -317 of the Zoning Ordinance. No. • • -557 - November 2009 9 • r� U .a C c 0 ca 5 U O C C U M a? O . V O Q C w O Q. c C 7 X O N (D O E .0 N CO 3 N =) rncM0 E(Dtai 0ca - ui .- -v O C — C � •p > ._ E N co�c� O'a 00 &-- 3 M y c c O U O o'v,"�v ,0 0 m 'v" co N - O m 0 N O N pp) C M 75 E ki N > C m O M O 'v 9+ 0 M W C O ? p w 0c•Ecmom i N C M V O N . N '00 N C N C N O 0 10 N N N (D C C .0 0 0 �c�wd C. O ` O K 0 N W Q.� W N Napi�c�ao� > Q C v 5.5 O M O 44) CL O N CL N rn C :0 7 U c N .O m O m `O m CL U Q 7 d N 3 0 C m v C m 3 a� v c m O c D D C D C D a 0 y v � C 7 E U C• O a, N A 'O D m D aE i� D O o� w 210- ) M uo 0 I �I D 1 D L O 94 01 O O N 6 d E 0 z PLANNING REPORT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ®® , TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp DATE: February 22, 2011 MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 APPLICANTS: Craig and Jackie Piepkom (4867)Mayne and Linda Ehlebracht (4873) REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CASE NUMBERS: 11 -03 LOCATION: 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive PROPERTY ID: 1311724440020 and 1311724440091 ZONING: R -2 Two - family residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Medium Density Residential PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the comprehensive plan amendment. Members are advised that the required Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Laker on • Saturday, February 19, 2011 and was mailed to all property owners within 350 FT, according to Hennepin County tax records, on February 18, 2011. The Notice of Public Hearing was also posted on the bulletin board at City Hall on February 15, 2011. Members are advised that the required notification procedures have been satisfied. REVIEW PROCESS The review process for a comprehensive plan amendment extends beyond the Planning Commission and City Council to include the Metropolitan Council. Generally a Comprehensive Plan Amendment also requires a 60 -day review and comment period for adjacent governmental units and affected school districts. However, the Metropolitan Council has determined that comprehensive plan amendments which meet the following criteria are not required to include this 60 -day review: 1) An amendment which involves a site of 40 acres or less as this one does. 2) An amendment such as this one which does not change the community's growth forecasts for 2010 -2030 or TAZ allocations. 3) An amendment which involves an area that is located such that no adjacent governmental unit falls within the City of Mound's defined distance of 350 feet for public hearing notice. • 123 N(- 559 -rd Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 p• 2 #10 -13 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive • February 22, 2011 BACKGROUND The applicants have submitted requests for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation of the properties located at 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive from medium density residential (MDR) to neighborhood commercial (NC) that were received on January 27, 2011 (letter) and January 24, 2011 (email) respectively. The applicants are Craig and Jackie Piepkorn, owners of 4867 Shoreline Drive and Wayne and Linda Ehlebracht, owners of 4873 Shoreline Drive. The applicants had previously requested rezoning of the subject parcels from R -2 Two - Family Residential to B -2 General Business District. However, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) was deemed needed prior to the consideration of the rezoning request. • According to Hennepin County records, the 4867 Shoreline Drive property is 0.3 acres in size and has a single - family home that was constructed in 1930. The 4873 Shoreline Drive property is 0.83 acres in size and has a single- family home that was constructed in 1915. The following table summarizes the existing land uses and land use plan designations for surrounding properties. Direction Existing Land Use Land Use Plan Designation East Commercial Neighborhood Commercial West Townhomes Medium Density Residential South Single Family Homes Low Density Residential North Dakota Rail Regional Trail, Seton Park and Single Family Homes Park and Open Space and Low Density Residential As indicated in the attached letter from Dr. Craig Piepkorn, the applicants are requesting the Comprehensive Plan amendment so as to allow the construction of a new Westonka Animal Hospital facility on the site. The applicants have indicated that they have maximized the use of their current building and need a new site. ANALYSIS The applicants have requested reguiding of two properties, totaling 1.13 acres in size, along the south side of Shoreline Drive from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. In determining whether the proposed land use change is appropriate, consideration should be given as to whether the change is in keeping with the vision for the greater community. In Chapter Three of the Comprehensive Plan, Mound's Vision is described as follows: Located on the western shores of Lake Minnetonka, Mound is a full- service community that recognizes and appreciates its unique setting. Its strong neighborhoods, quality schools, walkability and lake access make it a desirable place for residents of all ages. In the heart of the community, downtown is easily accessible with places for people to live, shop, work and • gather. Our commitment to preserving the natural environment ensures 123 NL560 Frd Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 p. 3 #10 -13 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive February 22, 2011 • everyone can enjoy the community's four lakes and numerous wetlands, varied topography, open spaces and parks. Chapter Three of the Comprehensive Plan also outlines a set of goals and policies for the areas of land use, housing, parks, open space and recreation and transportation. In addition to serving as the basis for the creation of the Comprehensive Plan, the goals and policies are to be used in evaluating ideas and proposals that may result in changes to the Comprehensive Plan. To assist in the review of the proposed land use change, the following five land use policies were identified as being relevant to the evaluation: 1. Promote land use pattern changes that are compatible and transitional with existing development patterns. 2. Encourage improvement and redevelopment of existing commercial areas to enhance available services, provide employment opportunities and expand the tax base. 3. Support the redevelopment of older business areas through close coordination with the business community and by undertaking public action when feasible, including but not limited to, HRA activities, tax increment financing, and the provision of public improvements. 4. Promote a mix of downtown businesses including retail, offices, entertainment and services. Maintain the downtown and its periphery as the focus of Mound's commercial activity. • 5. Support the continued operation and enhancement of the community's employment centers by discourage the expansion of these areas into adjacent residential neighborhoods. Generally Staff believes the proposed land use change could be appropriate. The properties to the east are already neighborhood commercial so the extension of this area is compatible. Based on discussions from the Comprehensive Planning Process, Staff would suggest that further expansion of neighborhood commercial along Shoreline Drive is not what has been historically intended. However, Staff recognizes that this is unlikely since the townhomes on the west side of Norwood Lane were constructed around 2000 and will likely not redevelop for a number of yam• Staff s main concern about the proposed change is whether this detracts from or competes with the City's stated focus on the commercial areas in and around downtown. Staff recognizes the value for the property owner of keeping their new facility around their existing facility for the ease of client retention. As stated above, this concern is somewhat minimized due to the limit of the neighborhood commercial area to extend further to the west. As is always the case when one changes proposed land uses from residential to commercial, consideration should also be given as to whether this will negatively impact property owners to the west or south. Staff does note that there are City Code regulations which require buffers between commercial and residential uses which should mitigate potential impacts. is 123 Nc-561 -ird Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 p. 4 #10 -13 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive • February 22, 2011 In addition to reviewing the proposed change for potential land use implications, Staff did review potential impacts to utility and infrastructure systems. The attached Comprehensive Plan Submittal Form, which is required by the Metropolitan Council, outlines the evaluation of the proposed land use change. Staff's analysis found that the proposed change does not have a significant impact on public utilities and infrastructure. The most notable change can be found in the potential traffic generation rates identified in question 13 on page 4. For this site, the estimated average daily trips for a medium density residential development would be 64 trips, while the trips for a neighborhood commercial development would be 550 trips. The ability to have site access from both Norwood and Montclair Lanes may help to further distribute traffic and reduce the impact the development would have on Shoreline Drive. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. Comments received are summarized below: Kandis Hanson, City Manager No comments. Dan Faulkner, City Engineer No comments. Ray Hanson, Eng Tech. No comments. • Dan Menth, Building Official No comments. Greg Pederson, Fire Chief No comments. Jim Kurtz, Police Chief No comments. Jim Fackler, Parks Supt. No comments. Sarah Smith, CDD Date of completeness for the amendment request for the 4873 Shoreline Drive property is January 24, 2011. Date of completeness for the 4867 Shoreline Drive property is January 27, 2011. State Statute requires approval and/or denial of land use applications within 60 days unless the City executes an extension. STAFF RECOMMENDATION If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, the following conditions should be included: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the comprehensive plan amendment request. 2. No future approval of any rezoning is included as part of this action. 3. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 123 NL562 -'rd Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 P. 5 #10 -13 4867 and 4873 Shoreline Drive February 22, 2011 • CITY COUNCIL REVIEW The comprehensive plan amendment, including the recommendation from the March 1, 2011, Planning Commission meeting, will be presented at an upcoming City Council meeting (date yet to be determined). • 123 Nc.563 -rd Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 Sarah Smith From: Sent: Monday, January 24, 1 9:49 AM • To: Sarah Smith Subject: Re: 4873 Shoreline r� • I request for a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive plan for 4873Shoreline Dr. Mound MN.5536 for rezoning application dated 1 -13 -2011 thank you, Wayne E.Ehlebracht -564- Westonka Animal Hospital & Laser Surgery Center 4861 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 Phone: (952) 472 -4900 FAX: (952) 472 -6367 • Email: westonka@citlink.net January 26, 2011 Sarah J. Smith Community Development Director City of Mound Dear Ms. Smith and Planning Commission: J-4 1V 2 y loll We are requesting an amendment to Mound's Comprehensive Plan. We would like the properties at 4867 Shoreline Drive and 4873 Shoreline Dive, in collaboration with Wayne and Linda Ehlebracht, to be moved from medium density residential use to proposed commercial use. Between these two properties, they occupy the frontage to Shoreline Drive between Montclair Lane and Norwood Lane. Currently, the block to the east of 4867 Shoreline is zoned B -2 and is where Westonka Animal Hospital is located. These two properties are divided by Montclair Lane. To the west of 4873 Shoreline is a residential area. Our reason for making our request is that as owners of Westonka Animal Hospital, we would like to tear down the house at 4867 Shoreline and construct a new veterinary facility that would better meet the needs of our clients and serve the community. Physically, we have maximized our building to its full potential and now are looking to expand. Westonka Animal Hospital has been a part of the Mound community since 1966 and we would like to continue to stay in Mound. We have requested a survey of 4867 Shoreline Drive. Dependent upon rezoning, we will compose a detailed site plan. We welcome any questions you may have and look forward to working with the City of Mound to get this project moving forward. Respectfully submi Dr. Craig L. Piepkorn Dr. Jackie W. Piepkorn -565- • • • I* /rulrlp /I %� • % •. 13!i III r ►� �. /i . • � 'maul 1- ='. -.a �i' :!� <_c�_ °'�� n n ■■m u■. ► /pit n ■► === .1►i�1 .►,�r!..� � �• ���I�(fIII1M��/ : a1; ���. s ►•e6 ■.• n■ 11 .!,. �•,�� .�i w, �_� �' G °o�Qp����, � . i. ,on l■ 1 1111111 nil' � � �aliililiiaU ► `�•� �l i .� /1 / ■IIIIi� I ■1 �r CIIIIIIII �— � '1� � �■.. .._ .,■ _ ! = a1 _III ; � wOI�� � II► ' \� I ms.- .. ■5a� \luu.u� G i� = �. G ■i�����= ' - �i.;��w►p /�i.� �: � ICI um „ ra an y . Ir t_ .T� W o CL Q !� C • M E c O c al Qi Q O c O N d w O � U m 3 G O c 5 a o U �, A c 0 N 8 6 L C 6 p N_ ii/ C m N U 7 C 2 0 Q L C N V V C Y CI °, .H Y C 35 O O _ E 2 z IL a S a. a a 2 LL U) /rulrlp /I %� • % •. 13!i III r ►� �. /i . • � 'maul 1- ='. -.a �i' :!� <_c�_ °'�� n n ■■m u■. ► /pit n ■► === .1►i�1 .►,�r!..� � �• ���I�(fIII1M��/ : a1; ���. s ►•e6 ■.• n■ 11 .!,. �•,�� .�i w, �_� �' G °o�Qp����, � . i. ,on l■ 1 1111111 nil' � � �aliililiiaU ► `�•� �l i .� /1 / ■IIIIi� I ■1 �r CIIIIIIII �— � '1� � �■.. .._ .,■ _ ! = a1 _III ; � wOI�� � II► ' \� I ms.- .. ■5a� \luu.u� G i� = �. G ■i�����= ' - �i.;��w►p /�i.� �: � ICI um „ ra an y . Ir t_ .T� I • I 1 O c y 'N a W _ U N " V5 o � ci o� U_ C C ID 0 E c= a° L m q m C O `p m i `o m m U Q c Q o .� 0 N S Y J S Z 0 J C .Y C �- 0 C J a a a a CL a ? d N = li • • rI > M N W > c CU � J U ar a _ v _ c ai o gZ ti - Ua O d O W O .N Q C O U U O U. 2yy 4) E fa •� C: p� o V °� °� 0) a� m c c L m c L i w = F y = z z a 0 a a 0 a Z J ' d a LL to � td F 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952)472 -0604 • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 16, 2011 SUBJECT: Expansion Permit — upper floor addition over existing house footprint OWNER: Mark Krawiecki CASE NUMBER: 11 -03 LOCATION: 1736 Shorewood Lane ZONING: R -1A Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential SUMMARY Mark Krawiecki is requesting expansion permit approval to allow construction of an upper floor addition to his home at 1736 Shorewood Drive. The proposed addition • would be constructed within the existing building footprint. The requested setbacks are described as follows: Required Existing / Requested Expansion Permit Front (west) 20 feet 7.2 feet Side (north) 6 feet 2.1 feet PROJECT DETAILS. Please refer to Planning Report No. 11 -010 which provides an overview of the project and includes supporting documents related to the request. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW. In general, the Planning Commission was favorable to the request as the setback(s) for the addition are within the same footprint. Discussion also took place about the applicable building /fire code requirements for the proposed addition as discussed in the Planning Report which the applicant was aware of as he had preliminary discussions with MnSpect related to same which includes but not limited to fire rating of certain walls /appurtances and removal of the upper floor window in the bathroom. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the expansion permit request as submitted and as recommended by Staff for an upper floor addition to the existing house at 1736 Shorewood Lane subject to the following conditions: • 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. -569- 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included • as part of this action in the event the expansion permit application is approved. 3. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Proposed addition must be modified to meet the fire code to include fire rating of involved walls and removal of any opening(s) located within three (3) feet of lot line. 5. An expansion permit granted will automatically expire and be of no further force and effect if no building permit has been issued within one year of the date of approval of the expansion permit unless an extension is approved pursuant to the regulations contained in City Code Section 129.40 which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 6. Applicant shall ensure that runoff from the roof does not drain on to neighbor's property. 7. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. • 8. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 9. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 10. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. 11. Applicant is required to implement all of the recommendations identified in the February 4, 2011 letter from Tibbits Engineering, 12. No grading or alteration is permitted below the 931.5 100 -year floodplain elevation for the MCWD unless a floodplain alteration permit is approved by the City Council. 13. All new construction shall take place at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. The minimum required elevation for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 14. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). • -570- • 15. Mechanical equipment can be located up to two (2) feet into setback areas. 16. Final verification of the building height shall be required. 17.Applicant.shall be responsible for procuring access agreement(s) and /or easements from adjacent property owner(s) to allow for construction of proposed second story addition. 18.All recommendations from Mound Staff and consultants contained in Planning Report No. 11 -01. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • City policy requires that abutting property owners are notified by mailed notice. Abutting property owners at 1730 and 1742 Shorewood Lane were notified of the 3/1 Planning Commission meeting by mail on February 24, 2011. Additionally, notice of the 3/1 meeting was also sent to two property owners of the parcels located at 1723 and 1733 Shorewood Lane that are located on across the street from the subject property on February 25, 2011. One of the owners across the street stopped in at City Hall and viewed the plans prior to the 3/1 meeting. • Additionally, as was mentioned at the March 1St Planning Commission, Staff also sent out a letter to the owner of record of the property at 1720 Resthaven Lane. While the property fronts Resthaven Lane and is physically separated from the • subject property, Staff thought it appropriate to contact the owner due to the house's location related to the subject property. Members are advised that a copy of the March 22, 2011 Council meeting agenda was provided by mail to all of the aforementioned property owners on March 18, 2011. • The applicant contacted Staff and commented that he had a follow -up conversation on March 13, 2011 his neighbor to the north at 1730 Shorewood Lane in regards to accessing their property. The owner indicated that the neighbor was fine with the applicant entering the property to perform the needed work to complete the house remodel project. It Staffs understanding that the applicant assured the neighbor that the property would be cleaned and maintained to at least the level it was prior to construction. The applicant indicated to Staff this was acceptable with his neighbor. • A revised graphic depicting the building height of the proposed addition was provided by the applicant on March 10, 2011 to supplement the average grade determination and proposed height evaluation as discussed at the 3/1 meeting as follows: Shorewood building line elevations 941.3 / 943.1 yields an average grade of 942.2 Lake / rear building line elevations 934.8 / 934.0 yields an average grade of 934.4 • Average grade is deemed to be 938.3 which is average of 942.2 and 934.4 -571- Therefore, the building height, according to the building code, for the proposed • addition measures 28.65 FT from average grade to the mid -point of highest roof. (Note: the addition measures 34.2 FT from average grade to the top of the highest roof.) • Generally speaking, when a variance application receives a favorable recommendation from Staff and the Planning Commission, it is put on the consent agenda. However, as this if the first applications using the new expansion permit regulations, it has been included on the regular City Council agenda for discussion /action. • It is also important to mention that weight restrictions on local streets went on in the City of Mound on March 15, 2011. Therefore, the applicant is advised to coordinate construction activities in cooperation with the Public Works Superintendent or Supervisor related to same. • • -572- `1 I i • • P 2AFT RESOLUTION # 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND APPROVING EXPANSION PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1736 SHOREWOOD LANE P & Z CASE 11 -01 WHEREAS, the applicant, Mark Krawiecki, has submitted a request for an expansion permit to allow construction of an upper floor addition to the existing house at 1736 Shorewood Lane; and WHEREAS, the proposed upper floor addition would be constructed within the existing building footprint. The requested setbacks are described as follows: Reguired ExIstina / Reauested Expansion Permit Front (west) 20 feet 7.2 feet Side (north) 6 feet 2.1 feet and; WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned R -1A and is a lot of record and fronts Shorewood Lane on the west side and Lake Minnetonka on the east side and includes a single - family dwelling. The proposed upper addition, which would be constructed over the existing garage and first floor dining area, is generally located on the west side of the property adjacent to the street and is to include 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a laundry room; and WHEREAS, in City Code Section 129 -2, an expansion permit is defined as follows: Expansion permit means a permit which is granted by the City Council for the expansion or enlargement of a nonconforming structure in accordance with Section 129 -40. ; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-40 (a) outlines the criteria for granting expansion permits and are described as follows: Sec. 129 -40. Expansion Permit. (a) Criteria. An expansion permit for a nonconforming structure may be issued, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the reasonable use of -573- the land. In determining whether practical difficulties exist, the applicant must • satisfy the City Council that the following criteria exist: (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion. b. absence of adverse off -site impacts such as from traffic, noise, odors and dust. c. adequacy of off - street parking. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion are unique to the property and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. ; and WHEREAS, details regarding the application are contained in Planning Report No. 11 -01 and the supporting materials that were submitted by the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the expansion permit subject to conditions; is and WHEREAS, the expansion permit was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its March 1, 2011 meeting and recommended Council approval as recommended by Staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the expansion permit to allow construction of an upper floor addition to the house at 1736 Shorewood Lane as requested with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the expansion permit application is approved. 3. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Proposed addition must be modified to meet the fire code to include fire rating of involved walls and removal of any opening(s) located within three (3) feet of lot line. -574- 5. An expansion permit granted will automatically expire and be of no further force • and effect if no building permit has been issued within one year of the date of approval of the expansion permit unless an extension is approved pursuant to the regulations contained in City Code Section 129 -40 which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 6. Applicant shall ensure that runoff from the roof does not drain on to neighbor's property. 7. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 9. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 10. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. • 11. Applicant is required to implement all of the recommendations identified in the February 4, 2011 letter from Tibbits Engineering. 12. No grading or alteration is permitted below the 931.5 100 -year floodplain elevation for the MCWD unless a floodplain alteration permit is approved by the City Council. 13. All new construction shall take placed at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. The minimum required elevation for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 14. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). 15. Mechanical equipment can be located up to two (2) feet into setback areas. 16. Final verification of the building height shall be required. 17. Applicant shall be responsible for procuring access agreement(s) and /or easements from adjacent property owner(s) to allow for construction of proposed second story addition As part of its approval of the expansion permit, the City Council hereby makes the following findings of fact based on the record: 1. The setback(s) on the front (west) and side (north) are affected by the proposal but are not expanded as the proposed construction /addition is within the existing building footprint. -575- 2. The conditions of City Code Section 129 -40 (a) are being met. • The expansion permit is hereby approved for the following legally described property: -to be inserted- The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. Attest: City Clerk Mark Hanus, Mayor -576- • • r 0 • 0 z w 0 a d~i W f O m i I z I.- 4-- 0 a W LL I,u ri o = IUQI A K1 NMId� d -An ^�bi an 1NIOd Cti u cowaL vi -nv,.. ,v "L£ -577- (V z 0 i w a ,Q O - dzo N J J = to U DA MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 1. 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ward welcomed the public and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Kelli Gillispie and Ray Salazar. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Consultant Planner Rita Trapp. The following individuals were present: Phil Lindquist (2319 Norwood La), Wayne Ehlebracht (4873 Shoreline Dr), Craig and Jackie Piepkorn (4820 Canterbury Rd) BOARD OF APPE PLANNING CASE TO EXISTING HOI APPLICANT: MAI Applicant is reques addition to his hom (20 feet required) a Staff recommends report. Discussion include ER FLOOR ADDITION ANE n of an upper floor 7.2 feet on the front itlined in the planning Mark Krawiecki, applicant, stated that efforts have been made from the beginning to stay within the existing footprint due mostly to age of the structure. There is also no impact to the view of the adjacent neighbors. The issue of trespassing on the north side during construction has been addressed with the neighbor and should not be a problem. The fire rating on the north side (eliminating openings) is an inconvenience but not prohibitive. Construction materials will be stored on the driveway side of the lot. Storm water runoff is being handled on -site with full gutters on the north side in addition to the roofs being 2 tiered with extended downspouts. MOTION by Ward, second by Salazar, to approve the expansion permit subject to the conditions as outlined by staff. MOTION carried unanimously. -578- • ii U 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 PLANNING REPORT TO: Mound Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: February 24, 2011 SUBJECT: Expansion Permit — upper floor addition over existing house footprint OWNER: Mark Krawiecki CASE NUMBER: 11 -03 LOCATION: 1736 Shorewood Lane ZONING: R -1A Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential BACKGROUND Mark Krawiecki is requesting expansion permit approval to allow construction of an • upper floor addition to his home at 1736 Shorewood Drive. The proposed addition would be constructed within the existing building footprint. The requested setbacks are described as follows: Required. Existing / Requested Expansion Permit Front (west) 20 feet 7.2 feet Side (north) 6 feet 2.1 feet SITE CONDITIONS The subject property fronts Shorewood Lane on the west side and Lake Minnetonka on the east side and includes a single - family dwelling. The proposed upper addition, which would be constructed over the existing garage and first floor dining area, is generally located on the west side of the property adjacent to the street and is to include 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a laundry room. REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Section 129.40 outlines the criteria for granting expansion permits in the City of Mound. As the Planning Commission may recall, these are new provisions which were adopted by the City of Mound in 2010 and have an effective date of October 31, 2010. Per City Code Section 129.2, an expansion permit is defined as follows: • Expansion permit means a permit which is granted by the City Council for the expansion or enlargement of a nonconforming structure in accordance with Section 129 -40. -579- As the expansion permit regulations and review process are fairly new, a copy of Ordinance No. 06 -2011 which includes the zoning amendments adopted in October 2010 related to variances /nonconformities /expansions has been included as an attachment to this report. 60 -DAY PROCESS Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. The expansion permit application was deemed to be complete on February 15, 2011. NOTIFICATION City policy requires that abutting property owners are notified by mailed notice. Planning Commission members are advised that this activity was completed on February 24, 2011. Additionally, notice was also sent to two property owners across the street from the subject property on February 25, 2011. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Copies of the application were forwarded to all City departments for review. All written comments which were received are outlined below: Public Works Supt. Public Works Supervisor Police Chief Kurtz No comment needed. No objections. No objections. City Engineer Recommend asking the applicant how a contractor will be able to build this addition without the consent of the adjacent property owner (or owners), to allow access onto their property as it would appear to be very difficult to build the proposed addition without entering upon the neighboring properties. Consulting Planner None. Building Official Provide two (2) full -sized copies of original plans with building permit application. North wall of addition /construction project must include one (1) hour fire resistant rating per code and no openings are allowed if less than three feet from the lot line. :1 • • Cl • PUBLIC AGENCY COMMENTS A copy of the application was forwarded to the involved agencies for review including the DNR (Area Hydrologist), MCWD and Metropolitan Council (Sector Rep.). As of this writing, no comments have been received. DISCUSSION 1. At its February 15, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission deemed the existing survey on file with the Building Department acceptable for the purpose of expansion permit review. 2. A variance to allow deck replacement was approved in 2004. See attached resolution. A building permit related to remodeling activities was also issued in 2004. 3. There are a number of existing non - conforming conditions associated with the subject property including deficient front, side and lakeshore setbacks for the existing home. The setback(s) on the front (west) and side (north) are affected by the proposal but are not expanded as the proposed construction /addition is Within the existing building footprint. Hardcover is also nonconforming but is not affected. • 4. An engineering report was prepared by the applicant related to the proposed project and was forwarded to the Building Official. To summarize, the existing foundation will support the proposed second story addition, however, a load bearing wall / footing in the basement will be needed along with some additional requirements. A copy of the engineering report dated February Z 2011 has been included. 5. Building height was not shown correctly on the (1/19) plans as it was measured at an elevation on the back (lake) side to the "top" of the roof rather than from the average grade to the "mid- point" of the roof. This is not of issue, however, as the proposed addition, based on Staffs preliminary evaluation, of the submitted information is within the height regulations. Verification of the building height will be required. 6. As mentioned in the Building Official's previous comments, the north wall of the addition /project must include a 1 -hour fire resistance rating and no openings are allowed if located within 3 feet of the line. Therefore, any opening(s) on the north side of associated with the construction /addition project need to be removed. The eaves also need to be fire rated /proofed. 7. Roof eaves, gutters and the like are allowed to extend no more than two (2) feet into the required setback. Gutters are allowable encroachments in the setback • area but cannot extend beyond a property line. -581- 8. Mechanical devices are allowed as long as encroachment does not extend more • than (2) feet into required setback area. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approve an expansion permit for an upper floor addition to the existing house at 1736 Shorewood Road subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the expansion permit application is approved. 3. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Proposed addition must be modified to meet the fire code to include fire rating of involved walls and removal of any opening(s) located within three (3) feet of lot line. 5. An expansion permit granted will automatically expire and be of no further force and effect if no building permit has been issued within one year of the date of • approval of the expansion permit unless an extension is approved pursuant to the regulations contained in City Code Section 129.40 which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 6. Applicant shall ensure that runoff from the roof does not drain on to neighbor's property. 7. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 9. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 10. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. • -582- • 11. Applicant is required to implement all of the recommendations identified in the February 4, 2011 letter from Tibbits Engineering. U 12. No grading or alteration is permitted below the 931.5 100 -year floodplain elevation for the MCWD unless a floodplain alteration permit is approved by the City Council. 13. All new construction shall take placed at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. The minimum required elevation for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 14. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). 15. Mechanical equipment can be located up to two (2) feet into setback areas. 16. Final verification of the building height shall be required. 17. Applicant shall be responsible for procuring access agreement(s) and /or easements from adjacent property owner(s) to allow for construction of proposed second story addition. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission at its March 1, 2011 meeting, it is anticipated that the application will be forwarded to the City Council for review /action at either its March 8"' or March 22nd meeting. -583- EXPANSION PERMIT APPLICATION 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MM 55364 Phnno QF9_A79_AAnn FAX QF9_A7911M Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Case No. Please type or arint lealbly SUBJECT Address /Me 56r- &wctj LJ !1')rx4n P m v 9S`3(,q PROPERTY LEGAL Lot Block DESC. Subdivision PID # Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 81 82 133 (Circle one) PROPERTY Name (11 6v Kraw icew Email QQ OWNER Address 1-736 6f-,� woeef L-✓ /mn t /)lN 1'3'3 &y. Cei,'- Phidne Home rk Fax APPLICANT Name Email (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) Phone Home Work Fax 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes (() No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. (fin/ F'f le' 200q 0 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of 11stories, type of use, etc.): C7D K� Or1L `tom OVer G►6tr� <<ja/tt5l�" t �Ilhr %.y q c" o2 bdi'aoan^ -S Z _ LA k-'► Jz6 (AV lf1 44ZA4,4, ^^' t ut'r'Y • A40, coAr•'�) -584 - Expansion Permit Information (1212112010) Page 4 of 6 • n U Case No. 3. Please complete the following information related to the property and building's conformity with the zoning regulations for the district in which it is located including the expansion permit request. SETBACKS: Front Yard: ( N S E®) Side Yard: (i)S E W ) Side Yard: (N V E W) REQUIRED ZO ft. � ft. (a ft. Rear Yard: (N SEW) _ ft. Lakeside: (N S E W) _ 5�D _ ft. (NSEW) ft. Street Frontage: Lot Size: Hardcover: ft. sq ft sq ft REQUESTED (or existing) -I . Z ft. 12.1 ft. /3-S ft. ft. S3. Zr ft. ft. ��• `�� ft. 5,336, sq ft a n0U sq ft EXPANSION 12,9 ft. 3 • ft. D ft. ft. O ft. ft. © ft. ra sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes { ), No IX). If no, specify each non- conformity: has eL 2_1 Foy, � s t d-,& st'+ bc�.�fL 5 �,,.s► r� �L � • �., �p s � �c. bcwk- o f ""7 . Z , j•I...vt s k, ,.R Ot 6t- ZU 5. Are there exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion unique to the property such as lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have no control? Please check all that apply: ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil ( ) too small ( ) drainage X existing situation ( ) too shallow ( ) shape ( ) other: specify Please describe: CurnI3 f- /-fay, l b Sl-,n- LJ1 le �o ga ell Expansion Permit Information (1212112010) Page 5 of 6 -585- Case No. • 6. Were the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes ( }, No If yes, explain: Ace I- a'n away c�1 T. Were the exceptional or extraordinary cirgumstances created by any other person -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No ( If yes, explain: %J-� 4W T LAM w A 8. Are the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances for which you request an expansion permit peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes N No ( ). if no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? is 9. Comments: I am re2w4,1ns! Jjy, A UejJAL 9/', 4 gofl e.1 A. VC.. m -Ms Will w !-PA Dk_+- •fo 1 w_ _ aw t*d CA iy M& C, '+4-19th-A O *-O& WO f �de tS 11W I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the pu se of Inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be requiredpy law. 71 Owner's Applicant's Sig :. Expansion Permit Information (12/21/2010) Page 6 of 6 Date J;�f 2-, 20// Date ,TH -;� a° << • To Whom It May Concern: • I am requesting an approval of an expansion permit for 1736 Shorewood Lane. My intent is to go directly up one level over my existing garage and dining room to add 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and same floor laundry. My current home does not have a master bedroom or bathroom, and all the bedrooms are in the lower level. This will dramatically improve the livability and take advantage of the views of living on the lake. My remodel started back in 2004, and this is a next step in an evolution of improving my home and the neighborhood. Hardcover. Currently my hardcover is at approximately 50% of my lot size. I have reduced this by nearly 850 sq ft or 17% by removing the bituminous that was under my deck and on the South side of my house east of my entry way. Structural engineer. I have had preliminary conversations with one, and based on what I have told him he feels that my foundation should support going up one level. As part of my construction process, structural engineer-sign off would be a first step in my process. Survey: Attached is a copy of the existing survey. The survey is completely accurate with the exception of bituminous that has been removed in the highlighted area. (Under Deck and South of Home) I am requesting this be acceptable to use in the decision process. • Evaluating the entire situation, I believe my expansion is win win. I continue to improve on the neighborhood and curb appeal of my home without negatively impacting neighbors. I am not asking for any additional variances to setbacks that were established when the home was originally built in 1925. I am asking to go straight up. I am hopefid that you will accept this as enough information so that you can make a decision on my plans. I am trying to minimize costs until such time that I know my application will be accepted. Thanks in advance for the consideration. Sinr'� Mark Kraig ►iccki • i CIiY OF MOUND .. TO 5841 Maywood Road Mound, Mkww9 to 55984 cif' • �, L L L L db • N dib L i � h • b x 4 L L - L L L L L L L 1 u? L L f L L • l L . L L , L z p F U) W r� . Of r�/t, yl �SH00,EUII v � °j�► TOUR 31.5 11 31.5 931.5 ICON n �; v -f EDGE * �� 6 i-45,6 \ h S5; 034-- r to- in tn DECK w17N B17. UNDER f of 219 SQ. Fi. N j 2.4 i t o cn x RM y LaJ n a�pp to r Z • L� ao� $ 1 in W 1 •oza� (La! 43.3 N ° rM �og$� 12.'. 34.4 . rnQ) m to ti 034.5 �M i� • o Mti ro V % 81'N1�118 OUS 6 Ir tR 4to 'KtY ilNE Of LO 2 i 20791 sQ. t �1r t �bN -. rl! C �.�. "s. o � ���� i , . V4�o A)q �k1W Q SI,NOWOUS i 117.06 5 .� fry . �► ��ry 1�MaER SEEP 81'NMIN OUs r.URB . . . .& A j JY k 1T h • rY A I ti I l ♦ i Cull O T ` Is � f 1i V1 ICE r � 40 rn SIR g11UMwous N I + r t • � S� i 2.4-- ^pry L� aHw '929.4 G000uR �E �ry �ryry° 4 s 5HORE ; . Mr 31:5 93£.5 �0" SZ4Y EGG v/,937-' Y fop RAP I W- �, ry M r �i US t0 n W r Q Z _d N � z obi �z a �a O � r GARAGE FLOOR -o . 944.7 2.1 I I t .r r�t `J 3 I �ul O Z t � CD ,fo f tiYILY ux t ullumll....,.. N ��i i` Na ` 2a7 91, 15L S c ..5h. g $ l -7.06! 5 C%,, ai nMSFR P iRa DK 1,,,ltypUS Otto \\ 8 Y' -589- h/ d' w i �, • r M z� Q O F aHw '929.4 G000uR �E �ry �ryry° 4 s 5HORE ; . Mr 31:5 93£.5 �0" SZ4Y EGG v/,937-' Y fop RAP I W- �, ry M r �i US t0 n W r Q Z _d N � z obi �z a �a O � r GARAGE FLOOR -o . 944.7 2.1 I I t .r r�t `J 3 I �ul O Z t � CD ,fo f tiYILY ux t ullumll....,.. N ��i i` Na ` 2a7 91, 15L S c ..5h. g $ l -7.06! 5 C%,, ai nMSFR P iRa DK 1,,,ltypUS Otto \\ 8 Y' -589- h/ d' HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS � (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERT ADDESS: 1734p S ho cwc>ueA L+-N _ OWNER'S NAME: m ftv— 14mw t ccta-t LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) ......... ............................... LOT AREA SO. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record) ............................. L-2 15lp ' Existing Lose of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utRized, as ouglned in Zoning Ordinance Section 128366 (see back). A plan must be submhted and approved by the Bonding OfAdal. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE (02, x a9 r_ /8lgp x = TOTAL HOUSE ..................... ............................... /A& 0 DETACHED BUILDINGS X (GARAGEISHED) x a TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... DRIVEWAY, PARKING S X Z9 232 AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. `� X X - TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ......... ............................... DECKS Open decks (114• min. X — Opening boWeen boards) with a pervious surface under are not X counted as hardoovw. x # TOTAL DECK ....................... ............................... x x - TOTALOTHER ..................... ............................... TOTAL HARDCOVER I IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ............................................ I...... UNDER i RI"Indicate difference) ..................................... ............................... PREPARED BY W) Oclq Revised 01/12/10 -590- • DATE " 112 7 / 1! • • • -591- ICI KAT04 ExbTm I FRONT ELEVATION 6GALE, w . row REAR ELEVATION ,-,E, ve . ro -592- C7 • -594- • • • .7 -595- KeE VENT CONT II' WIDE YEAR SHINGLE FELT PAPER PLYWOOD CLIPS 12" OSB ROOF 8HTG 4 WATER 24" PAST PLATE ROOF EDGE FASCIA CENTER VENT SOFFIT F- MOLDING WOOD EXTERIOR SUING HOUSE WRAP 1/16' OSB WALL SHTG 2X6 STUDS 16' OC MATCH HEIGHTS R -19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 4 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" INTERIOR SHEETROCK 2EATED TOP PLATE 2" ANCHOR BOLT 6' OC ORE FILL CMU 6' OC ATCH CMU TO EXISTING HEIGHT IXI2 CONCRETE FOOTING CONT REROD V2" CROSS SECTION SOALE. We". 1'-0* 28' -10" V R 4.5 2: MATCH OVWWAMC CAR DWAR D VENTS DRAFT STOPS I-VY FOIL FACE FOAM CARPET FLOORNo 9/4' TK" BUDPLOOR 20" FLOOR TRUSSES � TTm N Qo EXISTING 2XD JOIST EXISTNG FOUNDATION m VERIFY ON SITE -595- KeE VENT CONT II' WIDE YEAR SHINGLE FELT PAPER PLYWOOD CLIPS 12" OSB ROOF 8HTG 4 WATER 24" PAST PLATE ROOF EDGE FASCIA CENTER VENT SOFFIT F- MOLDING WOOD EXTERIOR SUING HOUSE WRAP 1/16' OSB WALL SHTG 2X6 STUDS 16' OC MATCH HEIGHTS R -19 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 4 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" INTERIOR SHEETROCK 2EATED TOP PLATE 2" ANCHOR BOLT 6' OC ORE FILL CMU 6' OC ATCH CMU TO EXISTING HEIGHT IXI2 CONCRETE FOOTING CONT REROD V2" CROSS SECTION SOALE. We". 1'-0* F 30'-0" 1,4* 2 PLY WVD' WADER -596- MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE, Ite . V-0. C7 • • EXISTING SAME ------ ----- ---- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- ---- -------------- WOOD EXTERIOR &V$W. H�OUW WRAP V*' WALL &4TC, Wnwom SWErnw= C, 2 CAR GARAGE -------------------------- -------------------------- S" MULATM SXf W"ATW OVERHEAD Pom OVERHEAD DOOR 2 PLY WVD' WADER -596- MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE, Ite . V-0. C7 • • • • -------------- • I ---------- 28'-10" 10'-4- F fl2'-0' ll'-s" m 4'.0' 1,-0%*. 'e-0, I A'-&1a", W-0• 4' -II" L 6'4. -597- ---------- UPPER FLOOR PLAN *CALE, US"- IW ------------ 2 PL� MASTEiP, Br=oRoom BATH ---- ------- ---------------- ------ ----------------- --------------------- - ------------ --- ---- g j WIC 9 A 0 BAT in . 4 24' BEDROOM 02 2-WO HEADER 2 PLT S-V• LVL n 2-2XI0 14MAOM 4'.0' 1,-0%*. 'e-0, I A'-&1a", W-0• 4' -II" L 6'4. -597- ---------- UPPER FLOOR PLAN *CALE, US"- IW Tibbits Engineering, P.A. Structural Engineers 923 1 P St, Suite 102 Glencoe, MN 55336 Phone: (320) 864 -5642 FAX: (320) 864 -5672 www.tibbitsengineering.com February 4, 2011 Mr. Mark Krawiecki 1736 Shorewood Lane Mound, MN RE: Second Story Addition 1736 Shorewood Lane Mound, MN • Dear Mr. Krawiecki- In response to your request, we have carried, out the structural engineering that you directed: we have analyzed the existing footing and foundation for the addition of the second story, have designed the new bearing wail and footings for the addition of the second story, and designed the new tall wail at the stairs for the residence identified above. We have based our design upon the (8) page e-mail, showing excerpts from the building plans, which you provided to us, as well as information that you gave us over the phone. Our design foilows the requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code and the International Residential Code, 2006 edition. This includes a floor live load of 40 psf, a total floor dead load of 15 psf, a roof snow load of 35 psf, a total roof dead load of 20 psf, a wind load of 90 mph, exposure B, and an assumed allowable soil bearingg pressure of 2000 psf. The second story addition is to be above the dining room and garage. The addition is to consist of manufactured floor busses as shown on the enclosed detail on page of 6 of this report. The new manufactured floor trusses require a bearing existing 2x6 =16" o.c. stud wall at the back of the garage. To support the new manufactured floor trusses, a new 2x6 —16" o.c. stud wall and footing is required in the basement as shown on the enclosed detail on page 3 & 4 of 6 of this report. The top of the new footing can be at the same • • elevation as the top of the concrete floor. In my opinion the existing foundation, assumed minimum 10" masonry with code minimum reinforcing, is adequate to support the new second story. The existing footings are required to be a minimum 16" x 8" continuous to support the existing framing and new second story addition. The existing headers for the walk door and overhead doors in the garage must be as shown on the enclosed detail on page 5 of 6 of this report. . The stairs are adjacent to the exterior wall and therefore create a tall wall. The tall wall shall consist of (2) pry 1 V2" x 5 1/2" 1.3E I Level LSL or equal studs at l' -0" o.c. as shown on the enclosed detail on page 6 of 6. The studs are designed for L1240 deflection with a maximum deflection of I -W. Our involvement in the design of this structure is limited to the individual members addressed and specified in this report. All other engineering and design remains the responsibility of others. If you require any further information please contact me. Sincerely, TIBBITS ENGINEERING, P.A. • J seph A Paumen, F.E. Project Engineer Enc. • 2 -599- I hereby certify that this plan, specification, of report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a .duty Licensed Professional Engineer under the Jaws of the State of Minnesota. r Date 2 _ it Lkense No. 42342 0 0 r- Q NEW 16 "x8" CONTINUOUS FOOTING W1(2) #4 REBAR & (1) C. 6" CMU CORE FILL SOLID. 1 , '-- .— ' — ^ - -- L - - --� 24-1U' FOOTING & FOUNDATION PLAN Hots Engineering, P.A. MARK KRAWIECKI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1736 SHOREWOOL- -690 923 12th St E, Suite 102 -E Glencoe, (3 MOUND MINNESOTA Phone: {320)884. -5842 ) 4-W � Fax: (320) 864 -5672 www.tibbittengfneering.com EXISTING MASONRY FOUNDATION, MIN 10" THICK, W1 MIN 16" X 8" CONTINUOUS FOOTING. PIP) I hereby tarty; that ifps plan. specificaft -, cr reW was pre;xwed by me or under, dime( supervision and fret f am a duly Licelusd Professional Engimwwgwft laws of the state of Minnesota. Joseph M. Paumen Signature: 4 Date: ' _ License Number: 42342 C, eY; JMF �11 -01' 2-4 -11 T: 3 OF( • • EXISTING MASONRY WALL TO REMAIN. KISTING TO REMAIN NCHANGED ° NEW 2X6:-i O.C. DEARING WALL W1 J p e paw J i MIN 1/2" GYPSUM , 0� ON ONE FACE. 9 s OAF OAF 05 --STEEL BEAM E:JOISTS TO 1 TO RE MAIN. is % r C s i �- EXISTING .MASONRY WALL TO REMAIN. FIRST FLOOR FRAMING FLAN obits Engineering, P.A. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 92312th St E, Sate 102 Glencoe, MN 55336 Phone: (320) 884 -5642 Fax: (320)864 -5672 www:tibbitsengineeriltg.com MARK KRAWIECKI 1736 SHOREWOOC 6.01 -E MOUND, MINNESOTA NEW (2) PLY 2X10 HEADER FOR MAX. 4' -6" OPENING EXISTING 13EAM COLUMN LINE TO REMAIN. I hereby certify that this piae,sp0CmCavcil, cl`roportwa! ovro w prepared by me or under my diraot sapervieion and a,ai am a duly Licensed Professlonal Engineer under the taws of the state Of Minnesola. q Signature' License Number. 42U2, 11 0 0 0 N EXISTING 2X6 -16" O.C. WALL TO BE BEARING WALL FOR NEW FLOOR TRUSSES. EXISTING 2X616" O.C. WALL TO REMAIN. EXISTING 2X6 -16" O.C. BEARING WALL TO REMAIN. KISTING TO REMAIN / NCHANGED I I III 1111111 I II 111111jIlllll SRACE , II III11j 117/8" 1.9E LA W (1) 2X6 TRIMMER. 28` -10" IIIIlIII1lII I fll- II11Ij f FLOOR I I I I I Iljllj l 1 19.2" O.C. (i PR Illfll111I11II 4-44-1- I I III 1111111 I 21 -11" 111111jIlllll �-- +— F-- f-I- -I-- NEW (2) PLY I I l 11 I i V 2X1O HEADER. Illlllijlllll I 5 =6t1 .I� BRACE 21 -11" 111111jIlllll SRACE NEW (2) PLY 13/4" X o/ALL 117/8" 1.9E LA W (1) 2X6 TRIMMER. 28` -10" IIIIlIII1lII I fll- NEW MFG f FLOOR I I I I I TRUSSES AT I l l 1 19.2" O.C. (i PR Illfll111I11II 4-44-1- 4 f i 1 1 1 V\ i/ �,x1 x �I \\ SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1/8" = T -011 bbits Engineering, P.A. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 92312th St E, Sutte 102 Glencoe; MN 55336 Phorfe: (320) 864 -5642 Fax: (3 20) 864-5672 www.tibbitsengihoedng.coM MARK KRAWIECKI 1736 SHOREWOOE 02.E MOUND, MINNESOTA NEW TALL WALL AT STAIRS, SEE DETAIL A/S6 NEW STAIRS DESIGNED BY OTHERS. I hereby certify that this plan, aPad7ro80on. OrMport wA= Prepared by me or under my direct supwAslon and mate am a duty Worsted PmhosionM Enghtaer under the taws of the state of Vinnesaa. Jose h M. Paumen Late: - Q`f jU License Number, 42942 • • 5OF6 I 5 =6t1 .I� BRACE 21 -11" WALL SRACE NEW (2) PLY 13/4" X o/ALL 117/8" 1.9E LA W (1) 2X6 TRIMMER. 28` -10" SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1/8" = T -011 bbits Engineering, P.A. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 92312th St E, Sutte 102 Glencoe; MN 55336 Phorfe: (320) 864 -5642 Fax: (3 20) 864-5672 www.tibbitsengihoedng.coM MARK KRAWIECKI 1736 SHOREWOOE 02.E MOUND, MINNESOTA NEW TALL WALL AT STAIRS, SEE DETAIL A/S6 NEW STAIRS DESIGNED BY OTHERS. I hereby certify that this plan, aPad7ro80on. OrMport wA= Prepared by me or under my direct supwAslon and mate am a duty Worsted PmhosionM Enghtaer under the taws of the state of Vinnesaa. Jose h M. Paumen Late: - Q`f jU License Number, 42942 • • 5OF6 • NEW FLOOR SYSTEM. EXISTING FLOOR JOIST TO REMAIN EXISTIM FOUNDATION TI REMAIN TALL 1/4" =1' -0" bbits Engineering, P.A. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 82312th St E. Suite 102 Glencoe, MN 55336 Phone: (320) 864 -5642 Fax: (320) 864 -5672 www.tibbiisopginwdng.corn ►11-1.1 rr t AO r_0AAi 7116" APA RATED EXTERIOR SHEATHING (2) PLY 11/2 "' X 5 112" 1.3E I LELVER LSL STUDS OR EQUAL AT T -0 O.C. FASTEN EACH STUD TO PLATE W/ (3) 16D COMMON TOE- NAILS. ASTING BEAM TO :EMAIN. WALL SECTION AT STAIRS MARK KRAWIECKI. 1736 SHOREWOOC &A-E MOUND, MINNESOTA I hereby owtly that this plan, specif ellom arreportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly Licensed PnAmichal ErOnser under the laws of the state al' wriesam. Joseph M. Paumen Signature: -- Date: License Number: 42342 owe er: JMP .wet. 11 -011 DAB: 2-4 -11 6 OF6 ouplio" RWQ code ms CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 04-76 Doc No $403986 07126/2004 02:07 PM Certified filed and or recorded on above Office of the County Recorder Hennepin County, Minnesota Michael H. Cunniff, County Recorder Deputy 45 TranslD 48805 Fees $15.00 DOC $4.50 SUR $1.00 COPY $20.50 Total A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SIDE YARD AND LAKESHORE SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW REPLACEMENT OF A DECK AT 1736 SHOREWOOD LANE P & t CASE # 04 -14 PID # 13-117-24-11-0136 WHEREAS, the applicant, Mark Krawiecki, has requested variances) approval to replace a 8'x 30' deck with a 8'x 36' deck on the lakeside of his home at 1736 Shorewood Lane; WHEREAS, the requested variances are described as follows: Required Existing guested Variance Lakeshore setback 50 feet 38.7 / 38.7 feet 11.3 feet Side (north) 6 feet 2.4 feet 3.6 feet and; WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 350.440, Subd. 3 requires a 50 -foot setback for lakeside decks; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 350.440, Subd. 3 requires a side setback of four (4) feet for decks which are located behind the rear building line; and WHEREAS, the subject site is zoned R -1 A and fronts Shorewood Lane on the west side and Lake Minnetonka on the east side and includes a single-family dwelling which is being remodeled; and -604- • Resolution No. 04-76 WHEREAS, a deck was previously located on the subject property but was removed as part of the remodeling activities due to the deteriorating condition along the east wall; and WHEREAS, the deck is proposed to be replaced in its current location but will be extended an additional (6) feet to the south so as to facilitate the future alteration of the bituminous walkway / driveway; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 530.530, Subd. 1 states that a variance may be issued to provide relief to a landowner where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his/her property if certain circumstances exist; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variance subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the request was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its June 7, 2004 meeting as required by the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of • Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City does hereby approve the requested variance and makes the following findings of fact: A. A lakeside deck existed previously on the subject property but was removed in part due to its deteriorating condition. B. Hardcover on the subject site exceeds the 40 percent hardcover allowance but predates the 1994 adoption of the shoreland regulations. The proposal, as submitted, does not increase hardcover on the property. C. A lakeside deck is considered to be a standard feature for lakeside lots. D. The criteria for granting a variance as set forth in City Code Chapter 350.530 have been met. 2. This variance is approved subject to the following conditions: A: Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated • with the land use requests. -605- Resolution No. 0476 B. No future approval of any development lans and /or buildin • p g permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance(s) application is approved. C. Applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. D. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all permits. 3. This variance is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Refer to Exhibit A 4. This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. 5. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof • of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. 6. The variance is valid for one (1) year following its approval unless an extension is approved by the City Council pursuant to the City Code 350.530, Subd. 2 (E). Applicant shall be required to submit a written request at least 30 days preceding 1 -year deadline of the original approval date by the City Council. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of June, 2004. /s/ Bonnie Ritter Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk /s/ Pat Meisel Pat Meisel, Mayor • • Rndulon No. 04-76 Exhibit A • Legal Description That part of Lots 20 and 21, Block 4, Shadywood Point, according to the recorded plat thereof lying northerly of the following described line and its westerly extension Commencing at the northwest comer of said Lot 21; thence southerly, along the westerly line of said Lot 21 a distance of 5.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence deflect 86 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds left to the easterly line of said Lot 20 and there terminating. -607- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. 06-2010 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 129 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE The City of Mound does ordain: That Mound City Code Subsection 129 -2 to hereby amended by adding or deleting the following definitions: Sec. 129 -2. Definitions. Expansion or enlargement of a nonconforming structure means any increase in a dimension, size, area. volume or height Expansion, enlargement or intensfcation of a nonconforming use means any increase in the area of a nonconforming use including any placement of such a use in a structure or part thereof where the use or the structure did not exist before any improvement that would allow the land to be more intensely developed for the nonconforming use, any move of a nonconforming use to a new location on the property, or any increase in intensity of the nonconforming use based on a review of the original .. nature, function or purpose of the nonconforming use the hours of operation traffic parking, noise, exterior storage signs exterior lighting types of operations, types of • -goods or services offered, odors, area of operation number of employees and other factors deemed relevant by the city. Expansion pennit means a permit which is -granted by the City Council for the expansion or enlargement of a nonconforming structure in accordance with Section 129 40. NaF"ip, as used With the gFaRtiAg 9f a the Nonconforming use means an activity using land buildings and /or structures for a purpose that is not currently allowed as a use in the zoning district in which it is located. The term also includes the use of a property which is eligible for a conditional use permit, for which none has been granted Nonconforming structure means a nonconformity other than a nonconforming use that does not currently conform to an ordinance standard such as height setback or size: and includes a structure which is permitted as the result of a variance Undue Hardship as used in connection with the arantina of a variance. means • the property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions allowed by the official controls: the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unioue to the property not created by any landowner: and the variance. if -granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a hardship if a reasonable use for the property exists under this chapter. Repeal City Code Subsection 129 -35 in its entirety and replace with a new City Code Subsection 129-35 as follows: mm - - -- - raempimaRee with the PFGVj6OGR6 Of this GGGWR. , mm - - -- - Sec. 129 -35. Nonconformities. (a) Nonconforming structures. • (1) Any structure lawfully existing upon the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived may be continued at the size and location existing upon such date, but may be expanded or intensified only in compliance with the provisions of this section. (2) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the repair, replacement restoration maintenance or improvement of a structure, unless such activities constitute an expansion or enlargement of the nonconformity. (3) Whenever a nonconforming structure shall have been damaged by fire flood explosion, earthquake, war, riot. or act of God it may be reconstructed and used as before if it be reconstructed not later than 12 months after such calami unless the damage to the building or structure is 50 percent or more of its fair market value as shown on the assessor's records at the time of damage in which case it may not be reconstructed unless a building permit has been applied for within 180 days after the date of damaae, and construction is completed not more than one year after the date of damage. (4) Nonconforming principal and accessory structures may be expanded enlarged or modified with conforming structures provided: a. the use of the parcel is conforming to district regulations b. the proposed project meets the current zoning regulations C. no other nonconformities are created. • (5) Nonconforming principal and accessory structures may be expanded or enlarged with nonconforming structures only if a variance or an expansion permit is granted. a. a variance is required if the expansion or enlargement will further intrude (as measured at the point of greatest intrusion) into the required setback beyond the distance of the existing structure or the proposed new height/stories is greater than allowed by City Code. For example: (i) if the building currently has a setback of 15 feet when 20 feet is required and the proposed expansion will have a setback of 14 feet a variance will be needed: or (ii) if the nonconforming structure will not further intrude into any currently required setback but will be expanded to a height greater than is permitted by ON Code a variance will be needed. b. an expansion permit is reauired if the expansion or enlargement will not further intrude (as measured at the point of greatest intrusion) into the required setback beyond the distance of the existing structure or the proposed new heiaht/stories is within City Code requirements For example: (i) if the building currently has a setback of 15 feet when 20 feet is required and the proposed expansion will have a setback of 15 feet an expansion permit will be needed: (2) a second floor area is expanded into the nonconforming setback over an existing nonconforming first floor. ii U -610- _- _ ------- _ ---- .._. fine i!gyp i se&a& am al owa pww& Paqmmsimu of a nmwomfimnity requim oWmsim pamid if it &Mnd 11 iowan sebasac arm and a v::iam if it &a • wm allowed by code Lot line ca& P= ft as ioag as &e is wkwm districtstandards.Ifthe e=oed% *,, ^M� ,,• Exiff district stao W& avznnce is mWured. nowanfimaity (b) Nonconforming uses. (1) Any use lawfully existing upon the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived may be continued at the size and in a manner of operation existing upon such date but may be expanded or intensified only in compliance with the provisions of this section This paragraph shall not be deemed to prevent • the expansion enlargement or intensification of a nonconforming use if the use is -611- allowed as a conditional use and the landowner obtains a expansion permit allowing such expansion, enlargement or intensification • (2) When any nonconforming use of any structure or land in any district has been changed to a conforming use, and has been so used for more than 12 months it shall not thereafter revert to its prior nonconforming use (3) Whenever a nonconforming use of a structure or land is discontinued for a period of more than 12 months, any future use of said structure or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. (4) A nonconforming use of a structure or parcel of land may be changed to a similar nonconforming use or to a more restrictive nonconforming use (as determined by the City Council). Some nonconforming uses are permitted by conditional use permits. Once a structure or parcel of land has been placed in similar nonconforming use or in a more restrictive nonconforming use and has been so used for a period of more than 12 months it shall not return to the prior nonconforming use. (5) With the approval of the City Council, alterations may be made to a building containing nonconforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the number of dwelling units or result in the expansion, enlargement or intensification of the use Amend City Code Subsection 129-39 as follows: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be issued, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes undue hardship OF pFaGtieal diffiGUM86 to the property owner in the use of #pis the owner's land. No use variances may be issued. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances apply to the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of property since enactment of this chapter have no control. (2) The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this chapter. (3) The special conditions or circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. (5) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. • -612- (6) The variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this • chapter or to property in the same zone. (b) Procedure. (1) The person applying for a variance shall fill out and submit to the planning staff a variance request form. A site plan with a certificate of survey must be attached at a scale large enough for clarity showing the following information: a. Location and dimensions of: 1. Lot; 2. Building; 3. Driveways; and 4. Off - street parking spaces. b. Distance between: 1. Building and front, side, and rear lot lines; 2. Principal building and accessory buildings; 3. Principal building and principal buildings on adjacent lots. C. The location of signs, easements, underground utilities, etc. d. Any additional information as may be reasonably required by the planning staff and applicable sections of this zoning chapter. (2) The planning staff shall refer the application to the Planning Commission • for review. (3) The Planning Commission must take action on the application within 90 days after receiving the application. If it recommends for the variance, it may impose conditions it considers necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare and such conditions may include a time limit for the use to exist or operate (4) Upon receiving the recommendation of the Planning Commission or within 60 days after referral of the application for a variance to the Planning Commission, if no recommendation has been transmitted, the Council may place the request on the agenda. The Council may grant variances from the literal provisions of this chapter in instances where their strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances peculiar and unique to the individual premises, or property, under consideration, and may grant such a variance only when the applicant therefore has demonstrated that such action will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this chapter and the zoning district in which such a variance is requested (5) Whenever a variance has been considered and denied by the City Council a similar application and proposal for a variance shall not be considered again by the Planning Commission or City Council for at least one (1) year from the date of its denial, unless a decision to reconsider such matter is made by the City Council. • (c) The Council may impose any reasonable condition in the granting of such variances in order to insure compliance with this chapter, or to protect adjacent property. -613- Amend City Code Chapter 129 to establish a new Subsection 129.40 as follows: • Sec. 129 -40. Expansion Permit. (a) Criteria. An expansion permit for a nonconforming structure may be issued but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the reasonable use of the land In determining whether practical difficulties exist the applicant must satisfy the City Council that the following criteria exist: (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion b. absence of adverse off -site impacts such as from traffic noise odors and dust. c. adeauacv of off - street parkina. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances iustifyina the expansion are unique to the propertv and result from lot size or shape topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. • (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. (b) Procedure. (1) The person apolvina for the expansion permit shall fill out and submit to the planning staff an expansion permit reauest form with fee as reauired by City Code Section 101. A site plan with a certificate of survey must be attached at a scale large enouah for clarity showina the following information: a. Location and dimensions of: 1. Lot, 2. Buildina: 3. Driveways: and 4. Off - street parkins spaces. b. Distance between: 1. Buildina and front, side, and rear lot lines• 2. Principal building and accessory buildings; 3. Principal building and Drincipal buildings on adjacent lots c. The location of signs, easements, underground utilities etc d. Any additional information as may be reasonably reauired by the planning staff and applicable sections of this zonina chapter. (2) The planning staff shall refer the aDDlication to the Planning Commission for review. If it recommends approval of the expansion permit it may include conditions it considers necessary to protect the public health safety and welfare • and the essential character of the neiahborhood -614- Amend City Code Subsection 129 -195 (b)(2) of the Mound City Code as follows: (2) The application for the conditional use permit shall include a detailed preliminary plan, and shall be submitted in complete conformance with the city subdivision regulations or with all variances variations detailed and explained. Variaases Variations to the requirements of chapter 121, pertaining to subdivisions may be approved by the City Council upon a showing that the public health, safety, and welfare will not be adversely affected and further that the development plan will not have an adverse effect on adjacent properties. All variances must be so noted on the preliminary plan at the • time of application. -615- (3) Upon receiving the recommendation of the Planning Commission the Council • may place the request on the agenda for formal review. If it grants an expansion permit, the Council may impose any reasonable condition in order to insure compliance with this chapter, or to protect adjacent property. If no recommendation has been transmitted by the Planning Commission within 60 days of the date of the application, the Council, at its discretion, may place the request on the agenda for review. Action on a request for an expansion permit shall be in accordance with the timeline established in Minnesota Statutes 15.99. (c) Term of Expansion Permit. An expansion permit granted will automatically expire and be of no further force and effect if no building permit has been issued within one year of the date of approval of the expansion permit. The applicant may petition for an extension of time in which to have a building permit issued. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the Building Official at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the original expansion permit. It is the applicant's responsibility to monitor the expiration of the expansion permit. There shall be no charge for the filing of such petition. The reauest for extension shall state facts demonstrating a good faith attempt to complete the expansion as permitted in the expansion permit. Such petition shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council for decision. Once the project is completed as approved, the expansion permit becomes pemetual subiect to the limitations contained in Section 129-40 or in the expansion permit itself. The structure authorized by the expansion permit will be treated in all respects as a nonconforming structure. • (d) Whenever an expansion permit has been considered and denied by the City Council, a similar application and proposal for an expansion permit shall not be considered again by the Planning Commission or City Council for at least one (1) year from the date of its denial, unless a decision to reconsider such matter is made by the Citv Council. (e) Specific project. The expansion permit is only valid for the project for which it was granted. Construction of any project must be in substantial compliance with the building plans and specifications reviewed and approved by the City Council. (f) Recording. A certified copy of the expansion permit must be filed by the applicant with the Hennepin County recorder or the Hennepin County reoistrar of titles. The expansion permit must contain a legal description of the property affected. Amend City Code Subsection 129 -195 (b)(2) of the Mound City Code as follows: (2) The application for the conditional use permit shall include a detailed preliminary plan, and shall be submitted in complete conformance with the city subdivision regulations or with all variances variations detailed and explained. Variaases Variations to the requirements of chapter 121, pertaining to subdivisions may be approved by the City Council upon a showing that the public health, safety, and welfare will not be adversely affected and further that the development plan will not have an adverse effect on adjacent properties. All variances must be so noted on the preliminary plan at the • time of application. -615- Amend City Code Subsection 129 -195 (g) as follows: • (g) No conveyance of property within the PDA shall take place until the property is platted in conformance with the city subdivision regulations and Minn. Stats. § 462.358 or unless specifically waived in accordance with section 121 -3 by VaFiaese. All bylaws, homeowners' association articles of incorporation, and protective covenants must be approved by the City Attorney and filed with the record plat. Passed by the City Council this 12"' day of October, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker the 23`d day of October, 2010. Effective the 20 day of October, 2010. • -616- PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 0 Thursday, February 10, 2011 Present: Chair Mike Wilkus, Commissioners Sharon Holden (7:04), Josh Dunwoody, and Todd Peterson; Council Rep Heidi Gesch. Not Present: Bob Brose Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Jim Fackler, Mayor Hanus, and Councilmember Osmek Chair Wilkus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda: MOTION by Dunwoody, seconded by Gesch, to approve the agenda as written. MOTION carried unanimously. 2. Approval of January 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes: MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Dunwoody, to approve minutes as written. is MOTION carried unanimously. 3. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda: None present 4. Interview POSC Applicants: The Commission interviewed Douglas Gawtry, Chris Carlson, Daniel "Stan" Pagel and Derek Goddard. MOTION by Holden, seconded by Dunwoody, to recommend Derek Goddard for appointment. MOTION carried unanimously. 5. Discuss: Adopt -A -Green Space /Community Garden Holden indicated that Bethel United Methodist Church is applying for a grant for a community garden project. They are looking for people power and possibly other areas to use. The question was raised if public land could be used. Fackler said it can become a neighborhood issue. Holden will attend the planning meeting and report back on March P • A report on Adopt -a -Green Space 2010 is requested for the March 3`a meeting. -617- 6. Discuss: Picnic in the Parks summer event is An idea was discussed to encourage a picnic in the park day or weekend — no organized activity by the city. Interested Commissioners should come back with a plan on paper for March 3rd 7. Review: 2011 Calendar • May 12th change 2011 Budget to 2012 • Add Community Garden report to March 3`d (Sharon) • Update on Adopt -A -Green Space on March 3rd — What has been adopted — spreadsheet • Add Park Summer Event Day report to March 3`d — Sharon • Add Plan Park Tour to March 3`d meeting. 8. Reports: Gesch • There is a new subdivision in the Sulgrove area that will generate some Park Dedication fees. • Two vacancies on the MCWD board. If you're interested call Mayor Hanus. Fackler • • There was a salary reporting error in the budget that will be corrected by Finance. • Summer equipment has been tuned up. Summer staff may change a little this year. • The bathrooms on the trail are ready to go. Anticipate opening April through October. MOTION to adjourn by Peterson, seconded by Gesch; MOTION approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:51. .: MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 15.2011 CALL TO ORDER Vice - Chairman Ward welcomed the public and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Those present: Vice Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Kell! Gillispie and Ray Salazar. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith. The following individuals were present: Mayor Hanus, Council Member Gesch, Council Member Osmek, Douglas Gawtry, Chris Carlson, George Linked and Jeffrey Bergquist. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS MOTION by Gillispie, second by Ward, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN • Staff recommends tabling this item to the March 1, 2011 meeting. Discussion It was questioned as to why we would table this decision. Staff felt the commission would be better represented if the new commissioners were able to participate. Also, it's likely that, because of the meeting schedule, the commissioners wouldn't be seated until the April meeting. MOTION by Salazar, second by Gillispie, to appoint Stephen Ward as Chairperson. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Gillispie, to appoint Ray Salazar as Vice Chairperson. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 4.2011 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Ward, second by Gillispie, to approve the minutes of the January 4, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. Salazar abstained. OLD / NEW BUSINESS • a. Planning Commission Candidate Interviews The following candidates were interviewed: Douglas Gawtry, Chris Carlson, George Linked, and Jeffrey Bergquist. -619- Planning Commission Minutes February 15, 2011 Discussion Gillispie was concerned that the Planning Commission was not Mr. Carlson's first choice. Salazar felt Mr. Gawtry was "well suited" to this commission. His education and experience is very appropriate. Gillispie felt he was really interested. Ward thought that Mr. Bergquist made a heartfelt, genuine presentation and brought a broader perspective. Despite a previous issue with the City, Mr. Linkert was well received. Vote tally was as follows: Gawtry = 4; Carlson = 12; Linkert = 6; Bergquist = 8. (The lower the vote tally the higher the candidate was rated by the Commission.) b. Review of survey /site plan for property at 1736 Shorewood Lane The homeowner plans to expand upward, not changing the existing footprint of the house. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to accept the survey for 1736 Shorewood Lane for future land use application and the City reserves the right to request an updated survey as needed. MOTION carried unanimously. c. Staff and Council liaison update - No City Council meeting on February 22 "d • - Government Training Service (GTS) schedule for 2011 was briefly discussed. - In house training is contemplated after we have the new commissioners on board. - The City Council approved the final plat for Sulgrove. - Additional review and /or revision of exterior storage regulations is in the works. - Building height calculation is also on the review list. -The Met Council has accepted Mound's housing action plan. - Comp Plan review will come in March for the Shoreline Drive properties. -Variance legislation is moving along again; update to follow. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Ward, to adjourn. MOTION carried unanimously. Attest, Planning Secretary -620- Chair Stephen Ward • • March 4, 2011 Mark Hanus Mayor— City of Mound 4446 Denbigh Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Onsite Monitoring of Grantee Performance Grant #: CCGP -05- 0012- Z -FY05 Project Title /Site Name: Lost Lake Dump Dear Ms. Hanson: On February 22, 2011, Brownfields and Redevelopment staff, Erin Welle and Kristin Lukes, visited the City of Mound offices for the purpose of monitoring the above - referenced, Contamination Cleanup grant. Staff met with Community Development Director, Sarah Smith, to review and discuss the grant management and financial management of the project. A visit to the site was also completed. • Our primary concern is to hel you meet the objectives set forth in these programs, and to ensure p p Y J p �' compliance with all applicable regulations so that you derive full benefit from the grants. We have no negative findings in the enclosed monitoring report. On the basis of a staff review of the project documentation, we are changing the status of the Lost Lake Dump grant to "Closed, Pending Final Report'. I have enclosed a copy of the Grant Adjustment Notice implementing this change. We will be able to close this project once the final development numbers are available. and the final report is completed. We appreciate the City of Mound's efforts in managing this grant. If there are any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact me at (651) 259 -7454 or Terry Dalbec at (651) 259 -7448. Sincerely, eredith �Udoibok., Director Office of Brownfields and Redevelopment • CC: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Business and Comn -6211 j Development Division 1 st National Bank Building ■ 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 ■ Saint Paul, MN 55101 -1351 USA ■ www.positivelyminnesota.com Toll Free: 800 - 657 -3858 ■ Phone: 651 - 259 -7114 ■ Fax: 651 - 296 -5287 ■ M TDD: 651- 296 -3900 An omial nnnnrtrir»hi emnlnuer and .m7dre mmnider. GRANT ADJUSTMENT NOTICE • State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Brownfields and Community Assistance Unit Grant #: CCGP -05- 0012- Z -FY05 Adjustment #: 2 Grantee: The City of Mound Project Title: Lost Lake Dump THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENT IN THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED x The status of the grant is now: CLOSED PENDING FINAL REPORT The former status was: CLOSED PENDING MONITORING X B. The budget amounts for this grant are changed as follows: Activi ty Former Chanize Revised Investigation/RAP Earthwork $102,863 $510,000 $45,894 $186,730 $148,757 • $696,730 Sheetpile $396,000 $296,196 $692,196 Transportation/Disposal $1,499,000 ($213,100) $1,285,900 Groundwater Treatment/ Disposal $40,000 ($34,000) $6,000 Vapor Mitigation System $185,000 ($185,000) - Replace backfill $457,000 $34,194 $491,194 Engineering/Project Oversight $160,000 $7,517 $167,517 TOTAL $3,349,863 $138,431 $3,488,294 C. Other (Narrative) Prepared by: Erin Velle ,-r' Y Date: 02/25/2011 Approved by: Vzu a Date: 2 • -622- • MONITORING REPORT FOR THE LOST LAKE DUMP AND MAXWELL PROPERTY PROJECT Grantee: The City of Mound Grant Number: CCGP -05- 0012- Z -FY05 Prepared by: Erin Welle Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Business and Community Development Division Office of Brownfields and Redevelopment 1St National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 • St. Paul, MN 55101 -1351 .-623- .4. Introduction • On Tuesday, February 22, 2011, Erin Welle and Kristin Lukes visited the City of Mound offices for the purpose of monitoring the Lost Lake Dump project, Grant #: CCGP -05- 0012- Z -FY05. The project contains two parcels referred to as the Lost Lake Dump site and the Maxwell Property. DEED staff met with the Community Development Director,. Sarah Smith; Director of Finance, Catherine Pausche; City Clerk, Bonnie Ritter; Senior Accountant, Heidi Tumberg; and Director of Public Works, Carlton Moore; all with the City of Mound. The following areas were examined during the monitoring visit: grant management, financial management, afid grant status and progress. The conclusions of the monitoring visit are discussed below. Excerpts were cited from the grant application, The Response Action Plan (RAP) Implementation Report, No Further. Action Determination, and other sources in preparing for this report. Background Information The Lost Lake Dump site and Maxwell Property total 4.3 acres and are located at 5385 and 5377 Shoreline Drive in the City of Mound. The Lost Labe Dump site occupied approximately 3 acres of land and was a marsh until the City began filling activities in 1950. In 1958, the site became a City dump for refuse disposal. The dump was closed in 1970 and cover soils were placed over the site. The Maxwell Property occupied approximately 1.3 acres immediately.east of the Lost Lake Dump site. The site was a marsh until filling activities began in the early 1950s. A service station was constructed in 1956 and was ultimately closed as a Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) site. Both parcels contained waste materials including dump materials, construction and demolition • (C &D) wastes, and tree type wastes. The Maxwell Property contained petroleum impacted soil and groundwater associated with the former service station. Contaminants identified in the soil include benzene, trimethylbenzene, and lead. Contaminants identified in the groundwater include benzene, metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and pesticides: Remediation under the RAP included removal and offsite disposal of dump materials and petroleum contaminated soils, either removal and offsite disposal or onsite management of fills soils containing C &D and tree type wastes, treatment and offsite disposal of contaminated shallow groundwater, establishing a clean borrow soil layer, and installation of a passive gas/vapor venting system. Amy Hadiaris of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Voluntary Investigation Cleanup (VIC) Program and Mark Koplitz of the MPCA Petroleum Brownfields Program approved the RAP on April.29, 2005. At the time of application, the Lost Lake Dump site was owned by the City and used by the City's contractors to store equipment. The Maxwell Property was vacant land and owned by Bilboa Minnesota Company. Mound Harbor Renaissance (MHM), the site's developer, purchased the Maxwell Property after July 15, 2005 and received most of the Lost Lake Dump site as a conveyance from the City. The remainder of the Lost Lake Dump site is owned by the City. The development plan involved the construction of 37 slab -on -grade townhomes, a 12,500 sq. ft. commercial building, and greenspace areas housing walking trails and floating dock facilities. The City of Mound submitted an application to DEED on May 2, 2005. A grant amount of $1,476,985 was awarded on June 10, 2005. A grant agreement between DEED and the City of Mound was executed on August 12, 2005. • -624- • The original budget was established in the grant agreement as follows; s Approved Proicct Costs Investigation/RAP Earthwork to Remove Materials. Sheetpile Wall to Support Excavation Transportation/Disposal Groundwater Treatment/Disposal Vapor Mitigation System Replace Backfill Engineering/Project Oversight Total. DEED Grant: $1,476,985 Local Match: $1,872,878 Amount $102,863 $510,000 $396,000 $1,499,000 $40,000 $185,000 $457,000 $160,000 $3,349,863 One grant adjustment was made thus far for the project (not including GAN #2, which will reflect the final budget and close the project pending final report). The first grant adjustment was made on June 29, 2006 to change the status from "Awarded" to "Closed — Pending Monitoring ". The final budget numbers are shown in the Financial Management section of this report. Grant Management • DEED staff examined the grant files at the City of Mound offices during the monitoring visit. Grant files were kept neatly organized in the office of Sarah Smith, while contract originals and official documents were kept in the City Clerk's office. DEED staff found copies of all pertinent grant files such as the Grant Agreement, Grant Adjustment Notices, Payment Requests, Annual Reports, Environmental Reports and general correspondence. The City of Mound submitted accurate payment requests and responded to phone calls and emails promptly. Financial Manaaement Financial records tracked by the City's accounting department were'provided by Ms. Tumberg during the monitoring visit. The records provided illustrate the receipt of DEED grant funds by the City. Expenditures for the*grant funds were tracked through invoices, application and certification for payment forms, and check stubs. The City of Mound paid each vendor directly and these payments can be verified through copies ,of check stubs submitted with the payment request. This information'was helpful in determining the proper sources and uses of funds for the project. DEED staff has determined that this information provided by Mound is sufficient in demonstrating that the grant fiends were used appropriately for this project. For approval of payments, the consultants for the project prepared invoices and submitted them to Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works. Mr. Moore reviewed the invoices and submitted them to City Council for approval. Upon approval by Council, the City's Finance Department determined the payment batch and the checks were cut. Checks are signed electronically by the Mayor., City Manager, and Finance Director. -625- One payment request was made for this project. The first and final payment was received by the City of Mound on January 13, 2006 in the amount of $1,476,985. All costs charged to the grant were deemed eligible and were incurred within the grant period. No interest was generated by these funds. The final costs for the project are shown below. These costs include the DEED grant in the amount of $1,476,985, a Metropolitan Council TBRA grant in the amount of $221,000, a developer match in the amount of $250,851, and a local unrestricted match paid by City bond funds in the amount of $1,539,458. The twenty -five local match has been met, including an amount equivalent to twelve percent of the cleanup cost from an unrestricted source. Approved Proiect Costs Amount Investigation/RAP $148,757 Earthwork to Remove Materials $696,730 Sheetpile Wall to Support Excavation $692,196 Transportation/Disposal $1,285,900 Groundwater Treatment/Disposal $6,000 Vapor Mitigation System $0 Replace Backfill $491,194 Engineering/Project Oversight $167,517 Total $3,488,294 DEED Grant: $1,476;985 Local Match: $2,011,309 Grant Progress /Status Cleanup activities at the site began July 22, 2005 and were completed in October 21, 2005. A Certificate of Completion from the MPCA was issued on November 4, 2005 for the developer owned portion of the site. The City of Mound received a No Further Action Determination for PAHs and heavy metals in the soil and groundwater on December 7, 2005. In addition, the MPCA issued a Completion of Voluntary Response Actions for Petroleum Contamination Letter on November 3, 2005 and a RAP Implementation Approval Letter on December 1, 2005. Approximately 78,100 cubic yards (CY) of old dump materials, fill debris, and petroleum impacted soil (200 CY) were excavated and disposed of off -site. A total of 3,500 CY of cover soils were removed and temporarily stockpiled on site for use a backfill. Some cover soils contained slightly elevated headspace readings and were managed as fill debris. Approximately 4.7 million gallons of shallow groundwater were managed through a combination of isolation and dewatering. Sediment that accumulated in the settling tanks and exhausted sand filter media were disposed of off -site. The vapor mitigation system was no longer necessary for completion of the RAP because all waste materials with the potential to generate methane gas or petroleum vapors were removed from the site. Transportation and disposal costs decreased from the original budget due to a competitive bidding market. The costs associated with sheetpiling increased due to additional information available after the contract award, which required the need for deeper sheeting. Additional information regarding cleanup of the site can be found in the RAP Implementation Report. -626 -_ It • • • To date, nearly 30% of the residential development has been completed along,with 100% of the • commercial development. Eleven of the thirty -seven townhomes have been constructed and the commercial building consisting of 3,033 sq. ft. was ultimately reduced in size from the original development plan. Nearly 80% of the commercial building is currently leased by a Caribou Coffee and a drop -off drycleaner. The developer projects 47 new jobs will be created at this site with a total tax increase of $272,157. • • The attached GAN #2 will serve to reflect the final budget and close the project pending final report. The City of Mound is required to continue submitting annual reports on the project until all development goals are achieved. Please keep in mind that per the grant agreement, all files pertaining to the grant should be, retained at the City of Mound offices for a period of six years after the grant is closed. Conclusion/Summary Overall, this grant was managed effectively by the City of Mound staff. DEED staff has issued no findings as part of this monitoring visit. Appreciation and gratitude are extended to Sarah Smith for her assistance with the management and closeout of this project. -627-