2010-01-26 City Council MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
JANUARY 26, 2010
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmember's David Osmek, Ray Salazar, and Heidi
Gesch; and Greg Skinner
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Community Development Director Sarah Smith,
Fire.Chief Greg Pederson, Sally Koenecke, Daphne Okey, April Fraay, Jessica Davis, Tara
Davis, Brandon Habig, Roger Hackbarth, Chris Vogt, Miles Wilson, Sherri Wilson, Hanna
Severson, Sarah Locken, Kathym Jakobiak
1. Open meetina
Mayor Hanus called meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Hanus recognized the high school students attending the meeting and Brandon Hebig
approached the Council stating that they are from Mr. Kuehl's Advanced Government Class.
3. Approve agenda
Kandis Hanson requested the addition of Item 4D, setting special meeting for Annual Reports
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the consent agenda as amended. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $622,527.17.
B. Approve Pay Request from American Engineering Testing, Inc. in the amount of
$2,253.30 for the 2009 Street, Utility and Lift Station Improvement Project, City Project
Numbers PW -09 -01, PW- 09 -02, PW -09 -04, and PW -09 -06
C.. Approve Pay Request from American Engineering Testing, Inc. in the amount of
$3,396.65 for the 2009 Street, Utility and Lift Station Improvement Project, City Project
Numbers PW -09 -01, PW- 09 -02, PW -09 -04, and PW -09-06
D. Set. special meeting for Annual Reports from Department Heads, for April 20, 2010, at
6:30 p.m.
5. Comments and sunaestions from citizens present on any item not on the naenda.
Daphne Okey, 4936 Island View Drive, approached the Council to introduce a concept that's
been started in the community to support military service members, called Beyond the Yellow
Ribbon Program. It was started by the Army National Guard to fill a need where our citizen
service members don't have the same support that full time military members have. This
program helps take care of their families. She is looking for support from the City and informed
them of. on. informational meeting at the high school education building on February 11, 2010 at
7:00 p.m. She will email the Council and keep them up to date on this program.
Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2010
Hanus asked if this is only National Guard, or any service personnel. It started with the National
Guard but the program supports all branches of the armed services. Hanus asked that she
keep him informed via email. She will email all Councilmembers regarding the program.
She also promoted taking a full role with the Lake Minnetonka Communication Center.
6. Sally Koene E xecuti ve Director of the Lake Minnetonka Communicafions
Sally Koenecke and Chris Vogt from LMCC addressed the Council proposing that the City
become a full member of the LMCC. The City currently retains the non - exclusive franchise
agreement with Mediacom, whereas the LMCC holds the franchise agreements for their
member cities and collects 100% of the franchise fees and PEG (Public, Educational and
Governmental) access fees. Vogt distributed a Mound Usage Report to the Council that
addressed program promotion, programs produced for Mound Organizations, and programs of
direct interest to Mound residents. He also highlighted the benefits /advantages of City
Hanus stepped down as Mayor because his son is an independent contractor with the LMCC.
Acting Mayor Osmek presided over the meeting. He stated he sees the benefit, but would like to
see more of the financial information behind the other member cities involved, i.e., how many
subscribers they have, what are the fees per city, a three -year history of what the cities are
doing;, and,what is Mound doing, and what is the fee per subscriber, or blanket fee, and what
each city pays for their Council meetings. He also stated that there is more time needed to look
over what was handed out this evening. He wants to see a three -year comparison of what
Mound is doing now compared to what some of the other cities are doing. The real dollar figure
of increase would have to be shown, and then the Council can consider with real information.
LMCC will provide more information for further consideration. No action taken.
Mayor.Hanus returned to preside over the meeting.
.A ..
7. Discussion /a ction on proposed update to the Joint Cooperative AQ
Fire Chief 'Greg Pederson appeared before the Council requesting approval on the updated
Joint Cooperative Agreement and Contract for fire service with member cities. The City
Attorney has cleared up language to be more specific and the formula has been changed to be
more. equitable.
Hanus asked.1f he has passive approval from the other cities or members of the commission
from the:other cities. Pederson stated it has not been approved by the commission but they are
aware.of..what is being proposed and they have expressed approval but have not officially taken
action. •The_ proposed contract gives member cities options for participation.
i ,4
Osmekistated that the one thing missing is a comparison short term and long term of the old
version,ys. the new version from a financial standpoint, for each city. Pederson presented
financial comparisons.
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Mound City Council Minutes — January 26, 2010
MOTION tiy seconded by Skinner to approve the proposed contract. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
B. Dlscusslonlactlon of federal lobbying services and activities for 2010
Sarah Smith reviewed the continuation of the city's lobbying contract with LGN who provides
lobbying services to the City including assistance during the Fiscal year 2010 federal
appropriation and 2009 transportation High Priority Project (HPP) processes. She is
recommending that the contract be continued through the Fiscal Year 2011 appropriation cycle
to continue federal funding procurement efforts with discussions regarding next steps to be
undertaken in June/July.
Hanus stated that if we don't continue, everything we've done to this point will go to waste.
Gesch asked when this contract was initiated and Smith gave a history of the contract's timeline
and the monies that have been spent to date.
Osmek suggested re- evaluating this at the end of March, but LGN is needed now to get 1A back
onto the appropriation cycle for the year 2011. Hanus stated that if the transportation bi {I was
out and we weren't on it, he'd be in favor of hanging this up, but can't stop at this point because
Mound may still be in the running for this money. Heidi believes that we may be able to
continue this on our own and Hanson stated that city staff is not qualified to carry this forward.
Smith stated that LGN is in Washington, DC and interacts daily and have personal relationships
with.pertinent officials and staff.
Council agreed to direct staff too look at this immediately after the submission period is
completed, end of March, for possible severance of this contract with LGN effective May 1,
2010. Harius also expressed that he understands that according to our agreement, once the
agreeme severed, we have the ability to pick them back again on short notice and bring
them back on board.
9. Info aton/M iscellaneous
A.-Comments/reports from Councilmembers
B. Reports: None
C. Minutes: Planning Commission of January 5, 2010
D. Correspondence: TischlerBise Fiscal & Economic Newsletter
10. 'Ad ourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
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