1958-10-01VILLAGE OF MOUND :1.865 The Budget for 1959 - Discussion Proposal offered - Hiring two £ull time and one (half-time) office personnel. Council Poll - 3 Nays and 2 Yeas Proposal offered - Hiring t~wo full time office personnel Council Poll - 4 Yeas and 1 Nay B UDCE T DISCUS- SION Proposal State Audit Council Poll - 4 Yeas and 1 Nay Amount to expend on State Audit - $3,000.00 Council Poll - 3 Yeas and Z Nays Brazman moved the meeting be 'adjourned to October 1, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. at the Villlg~'Office. Larson seconded the motion; the vote was unanimous in favor, $o carried, so adjourned. F.;D!i'~._~S O? LDJO~,}i~'~ED MEETBIG OF October 1, 1958 - 8 P.M. Vi.liaf;e Hall Present: ?syor Behmler; Trustees Livingston, id,:m$, Braz~an~ Lars~n~ Lttorney~qt ~e~t~ .... (~-h~tituti~ ~~ ..~ ..... ~or~ Att or~r. ~, P]oetz ). a~d ~' ~ ager., Boxell. ~ezonin~ or Lot q snd South ~0 rt or Iot 2, Koh~an's :dditio~ +.o Mound from Use Distr-iot !~esident~ ~1 Subdiv~ s~ on '~,..~ to ~es~ :' e~tisl Subdivision 'B'. REZONI~G Bra, z.m.~ ofeered the fo].].c:.V~n~ r~n]t]tJon an~ ~o~r~,~ ~+~ ~_,~ is' ~.~e4%'a~?'moved' that ~8~ ~o 1.,6 of t .... Vil]8?e ~* the Soutk ~0 ft.. of ~t. 2~ 5oS~an's Ldditien to }~ot~z~d.; PI.at 616~O Parcels 3000 ard ~O. I!enneoin Co~tZ~ }'iinne~ota: ~o~ ;:~sidentia! ~o.~* S':~vis~on '~ t,o ~?~de?t~at B~ ~tr~~ q,:~d~or~ ~' 1866 VILLAGE OF MOUND VILLAGE OF MOUND 1867 ON LAKE MINNETONKA MOUND, MINNESOTA October 6~ 1958 Kathr;gl Jo Mensendike~ Clerk Village of Mo~n~d I, Edward Jo Be~.ler, M~yor of the Villa;ze of Mound~ herebM call a special meeting of the Villsge Council to be held i~ the Fire Hall, October 7, 19~8 from ~:00 P. Mo to 6~00 P, M, You are hereby directed to give notice of the meeting to each menber of the Village Council~ EdwPrd J.~ehmler, Mayor / ON LAKE: MINNE:TONKA MOU ND, M I NNESOTA October 6, 19~8 }{r. J. So Adams Mr. Frank Livingston ~@. i. So Brazman Mr. Ho Bo R. L%rson You are hereby notified thsb pursua~.t to M.S.A.Section ~2.191~ t~e Mayor has called a special meeting of the Villm%e Council to be held in t~he Fire Hall, October 7~ 19~8 from ~:00 P.Mo to 6:00 P .~2i o