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I* 17� PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010 - 7:30 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent A enda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent A eg nda *A. Approve minutes: March 9, 2010 regular meeting 442 -445 *B. Approve payment of claims 446 -475 *C. Reschedule Aug 10, 2010 regular meeting to Aug 11, due to conflict with Primary Election *D. Approve Resolution Approving Contract with Specialized Environment 476 -480 Technologies for Residential Waste Disposal *E. Approve garbage collectors' license renewals - 481 *F. Approve Temporary Sign Permit for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church 482 -485 for 2010 Blast Blockparty 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Presentation by Mound Westonka DECA, with donation of their funds raised for 486 holiday lighting 7. Dan Falkner, City Engineer with Bolten & Menk and Chuck Rickart with WSB & 487 -490 Associates, requesting discussion/action approving Resolution Accepting Bid for the Mound Street Lighting Upgrade Project: Egan Company in the amount of $910,019.50 lie 8. Phil Jensen, County Assessor, presenting 2009 Assessment Report 9. Catherine Pausche, Finance Director, assisting with 2011 Budget discussion PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. • 10. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: 11. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.citvofmound.com. lie lie COUNCIL BRIEFING March 23, 2010 Ilnco- mingEvents _Schedule Don' -t- Forget ++ Mar 23 – 7:25 – HRA regular meeting Mar 23 – 7:30 – CC regular meeting Mar 27 – 8 -4:00 – Horticulture Day at the High School Apr 8 – 7:00 – Interview Parks and Open Space Candidate – attendance recommended Apr 13 – 6:30 – HRA regular meeting Apr 13 – 7:30 – CC regular meeting Apr 27 – 6:30 – HRA regular meeting Apr 27 – 7:30 – CC regular meeting Apr 20 – 6:30 -9:00 – Supervisor Annual Reports to the City Council Apr 22 – 5:00 -9:00 – Evelyn Bruce benefit at Gillespie Center (she's the Public Safety cleaning person) May 15:00 – Thom Flug talent show benefit - - -- -May 5-4:004:00 Hennepin County -Open Book- = attendance not required (corrected date) May 8 – 8:00 -3:00 – Recycling Day at Minnetrista May 15 – Oct 30 (Saturday's) 8 -12:00 –New Farmers' Market at Mound Transit Center May 15 – Trista Day and New Facilities Open House July 15 -17 – Spirit of the Lakes Festival – Mound Bay Park Aug 10 – Primary Elections Sept 14 – Approve Preliminary Budget Oct 9 – 8:00 -12:00 – Recycling Day at Minnetrista Nov 18 – 6:00 – Tree Lighting Ceremony • Dec 14 – Approve Final Budget 0 City Hall ClosinLys May 31 Memorial Day July 5 Independence Day observed Sept 6 Labor Day City Official's Absences May 5 -7 Kandis Hanson City Manager's Conf Sept 16 -Oct 3 Kandis Hanson Vacation Spri4AjWha4,VrU*1!W! Enjoy! MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • MARCH 9, 2010 The City Council for the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Ray Salazar, Heidi Gesch, and Greg Skinner. Others present: City Attorney Melissa Manderschied, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Ken Perbix, Scott Quale, Chad Dipman. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Hanson requested the addition of Item 4K, Applications for Exempt Permit and Conduct Excluded Bingo by Fire Department Auxiliary. • MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Skinner requested the removal of Items 4D(1) and (3), and 4F for discussion, and Osmek requested the removal of Item 4C for discussion. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve claims of February 23, 2010 in the amount of $357,369.17 and the claims of March 9, 2010 in the amount of $429,947.82. B. Approve Pay Request No. 2 (Final) by Terra General Contractors for the Historic Well House Extension Renovation Project, in the amount of $29,327.27. C. (removed) D. Approvals for the Spirit of the Lakes Festival with fee waivers 1. (removed) 2. Application for Permit for a 2 -day temporary on -sale liquor license for Mound Crime Prevention Association for July 16 & 17 3. (removed) 4. Parade permit E. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -13: RESOLUTION REGARDING GRANT FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO POLLING PLACES • F. (removed) -442- Mound City Council Meeting — March 9, 2010 0 G. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -14: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MOUND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN H. Approve Mobile Data Computer (MDC) Amendment to the Communications System Subscriber Agreement I. Approve Applications for Our Lady of the Lake —"The Blast" 1. Public Dance /Live Music permit 2. 1 -day temporary on -sale liquor license for May 22, 2010 J. Set special joint meeting of the cities on Lake Minnetonka regarding proposed rule changes by Minnehaha Creek Watershed District — March 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Facility K. Approve Application for Exempt Permit and Application to Conduct Excluded Bingo from the Mound Fire Department Auxiliary. 4C. Mound Street Liahtina Uparade Project — accepting bid Osmek stated he has questions and is not ready to move forward on this item tonight. He asked if the $70,000 city match, to come from MSA funds, is available, and how much money is actually in that fund. Hanson stated that all bids came in high, which is typical when bidding a project tied to stimulus funds. Osmek stated that if staff is indicating that the city's is being played, maybe all of the bids should be rejected and re -bid. Hanus also stated that there is clarification needed on these questions before any action can be taken. Osmek clarified what information the Council needs to make a decision on this topic: He's • looking for the status of our current MSA fund; If it is anticipated that the entire Mound portion would be funded from the MSA account; also the engineer's opinion on the City being overpriced to the tune of a 25% overbid mark -up, and if there is any justification for the 25% mark -up. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to table this item to a future meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4D.(1 and 3) Spirit of the Lakes Permit Approvals Skinner does not approve of waiving the fees for the public gathering permits and the public dance /live music permit. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the Public Gathering Permits for July 15,16,and 17,and to approve the Public Dance /Live Music Permit for July 16 & 17, for the Spirit of the Lakes Festival, with fees being waived. The following voted in favor: Osmek, Salazar, Hanus and Gesch. The following voted against: Skinner. Motion carried. 4F. Approve elimination of Capital Reserve Fund within the Dock Fund Skinner asked why $75,000 in the reserve fund would be transferred to the Dock Fund. Osmek stated that all the money is staying in the Dock Fund, there would just not be separate designation for the Capital Reserve Fund anymore. The budget numbers don't change. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to eliminate the Capital Reserve Fund with the Dock • Fund. All voted in favor. Motion carried. -443- Mound City Council Meeting — March 9, 2010 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Scott Quale of MnSpect, Inc. with quarterly presentation — "How Building Permit Fees are Calculated" Scott Quale of MnSpect, Inc., the City's contracted building inspector, reviewed the building permit fees and went through a scenario of how a building permit fee is calculated. No action required on this item. 7. Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity as an acceptable builder for `First Look Program' Manderschied explained that Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is looking for the City Council to state to the Twin Cities Community Land Bank that Mound supports the participation of Habitat, working in cooperation with Episcobuilders, in the National Community Stabilization Trust's First Look Program so that Habitat can obtain priority access to foreclosed properties located within the 55364 zip code of the City. The City would reserve the right to provide the Twin Cities Community Land Bank with community standards that would be applicable to Habitat's work in the City and that would be enforced by the Twin Cities Community Land Bank on behalf of the City. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve sending the letter as presented in draft form, with the addition that the city reserves the right to rescind approval at any time, and that they can only govern that part of the 55364 zip code that is within the city limits of Mound. All • voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. Proposed amendment to Plannina Commission Work Rules Hanson stated in the absence of Sarah Smith, she is requesting that the Council amend the Planning Commission work rules regarding the definition of a quorum. Right now there are three vacancies on the nine - member commission, leaving six active members. The work rules state that a quorum is five, so as it now stands, if more than one member is absent, there is not a quorum present. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to amend B4 of the Planning Commission Work Rules to read as follows: A majority of current members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the minority shall adjourn any item of business requiring official Commission action, to a specified time. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 9. Approve minutes MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting. The following voted in favor. Osmek, Salazar, Hanus and Gesch. The following voted against: None. Skinner abstained from voting because he was absent from that meeting. Motion carried. 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers/ City Manager Hanus stated that he would like Councilmembers to come to the next meeting with their thoughts on where they want to see the 2011 budget, in general. This is similar to what they did last year. • Mound City Council Meeting — March 9, 2010 • Osmek stated that he is involved with the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program that was presented at an earlier meeting, and will keep the Council updated on their activities. B. Reports: Finance Dept. — February 2010 C. Minutes: None D. Correspondence: Kennedy & Graven on Suburban Rate Authority Gillespie Gazette Ory Burma resignation from Planning Commission Senator Paulson's FY 2011 appropriations forms for Project 1 of 2 (Lakeside Trailhead Construction at Gillespie Center) and Project 2 of 2 (Public Infrastructure and Streetscaping for Mound's Transit Oriented Redevelopment), submitted 2/19/10 Senator Klobuchar's FY 2011 appropriations forms for Project 1 of 2 (Lakeside Trailhead Construction at Gillespie Center) and Project 2 of 2 (Public Infrastructure and Streetscaping for Mound's Transit Oriented Redevelopment), submitted 2/19/10 Westonka Foodshelf 'Human Chain Event': March 26, 1:00 Mound Farmers' Market & More flier 11. Adjourn • MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -445- Mayor Mark Hanus • • 0 MARCH 23, 2010 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 0 TOTAL $3709844.75 Imm 123109SUE10 $670.18 DEC 030810SUE $3,441.09 MAR 031010SUE $46,393.24 MAR 031110SUE $100.00 MAR 031710SUE $729.61 MAR 032310SUE $319,510.63 MAR 0 TOTAL $3709844.75 Imm CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2009 Batch Name 123109SUE10 User Dollar Amt $670.18 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $670.18 $0.00 In Balance Refer 123109 BELLBOY CORPORATION 03/18/10 9:15 AM Page 1 AP Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $404.00 Invoice 49209200 -B 12/31/2009 Transaction Date 12/31/2009 Due 12/31/2009 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $404.00 Refer 123109 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY AP Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $418.18 Invoice 500160 -D 12/31/2009 AP Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER -$71.85 Invoice 533705 -B 12/31/2009 AP Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER - $80.15 Invoice 534564 -B 12/31/2009 Transaction Date 12/31/2009 Due 12/31/2009 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $266.18 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $670.18 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $670.18 Total $670.18 $670.18 -447- *I 401 *I CITY OF MOUND *Check Detail Register© CITY OF MOUND March 2010 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 034323 3/812010 MUNICIPALS E 222 - 42260434 Conference & Training $60.00 032310 E 101 - 42400 -434 Conference & Training $60.00 032310 E 281 - 45210 -434 Conference & Training $12.00 032310 E 602- 49450 -434 Conference & Training $24.00 032310 E 601- 49400 -434 Conference & Training $24.00 032310 E 10141500 -434 Conference & Training $60.00 032310 E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training $60.00 032310 E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training $60.00 032310 Total MUNICIPALS $360.00 03/18/10 9:21 AM Page 1 04 -21 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, WEIST 04 -21 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, NORLANDER 04 -20 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, WEBER 04 -20 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, WEBER 04 -20 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, WEBER 04 -21 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, SCHWALBE 04 -21 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, ROBERTS 04 -20 -10 MUNICIPALS WORKSHOP, NELSON Paid Chk# 034324 3/8/2010 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PARKS) E101-45200-212 Motor Fuels $787.10 031010 THRU 02 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES otal SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PARKS) $787.10 Paid Chk# 034325 3/8/2010 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POLICE) E101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells $2,253.99 032310 THRU 02 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES •)tal SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POLICE) $2,253.99 Paid Chk# 034326 3/8/2010 WAYZATA, CITY OF E 602 - 49450 -438 Licenses and Taxes $13.34 031010 #4200 #207 TRUCK TABS E 601- 49400 -438 Licenses and Taxes $13.33 031010 #4200 #207 TRUCK TABS E 101 - 43100 -438 Licenses and Taxes $13.33 031010 #4200 #207 TRUCK TABS Total WAYZATA, CITY OF $40.00 10100 Wells Fargo $3,441.09 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10 10100 Wells Fargo $3,294.42 $60.00 $12.00 $37.33 $37.34 $3,441.09 iim Ii� '/1 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND *Check Detail Register© March 2010 03!18!10 9:19 AM 011 Page 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment a„ .r_,., 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 034421 3/1012010 BECKEL, ROGER AND ELIZABETH E 475 -46386 -500 Capital Outlay FA $5,841.40 031010 BECKEL, 5567 SHORELINE DRIVE OPTION AGREEMENT Total BECKEL, ROGER AND ELIZABETH $5,841.40 Paid Chk# 034422 3110/2010 CELEBRATE GREATER MOUND E101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions $50.00 031010 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES Total CELEBRATE GREATER MOUND $50.00 Paid Chk# 034423 3/10/2010 COLOTTI, JOHN A. E 60949750 -340 Advertising $27.97 031010 03 -10 -10 WINE TASTING EVENING Total COLOTTI, JOHN A. $27.97 Paid Chk# 034424 3/10/2010 CUSTOM REMODELERS, INCORPORATE R 101-42000-32210 Building Permits $108.08 2010 -00018 2440 CHATEAU LANE #2010 -00018 al CUSTOM REMODELERS, INCORPORATE $108.08 Paid Chk# 034425 3/10/2010 FRONTIERICITIZENS COMMUNICATIO E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells $305.36 031010 E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $558.08 031010 E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells $567.40 031010 E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells $567.40 031010 E 602 - 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells $567.41 031010 E 101 - 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells $91.33 031010 E 609 - 49750 -321 Telephone & Cells $846.88 031010 E 101 - 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells $1,240.32 031010 dotal FRONTIERICITIZENS COMMUNICATIO $4,744.18 Paid Chk# 034426 3/10/2010 MCKINLEY, JOHN 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 03 -01 -10 THRU 03 -19 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE E 10142110 -210 Operating Supplies $45.00 031010 03 -03 -10 INVESTIGATIVE TRAVEL Total MCKINLEY, JOHN $45.00 Paid Chk# 034427 3/10/2010 NELSON, JOYCE E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training $132.99 031010 03 -03 -10 ST. CLOUD CONFERENCE Total NELSON, JOYCE $132.99 Paid Chk# 034428 3/10/2010 ROBERTS, COLLETTE E 101 -41500 -331 Use of personal auto $37.44 031010 02 -23 -10 BENEFIT MEETING Total ROBERTS, COLLETTE $37.44 Paid Chk# 034429 3/10/2010 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (P/W) E 602 -49450 -212 Motor Fuels $842.67 031010 THRU 02 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES E 601 - 49400 -212 Motor Fuels $1,897.83 031010 THRU 02 -26-10 GASOLINE CHARGES E 101 -43100 -212 Motor Fuels $2,527.31 031010 THRU 02 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES Total SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (P/W) $5,267.81 401 Paid Chk# 034430 3/10/2010 SPRINT WIRELESS • E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $319.92 772348811 -02 01 -15 -10 THRU 02 -14 -10 CELL PHONES i '11 10 I* I* CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND *Check Detail Register© March 2010 03/18/10 9:19 AM Page 2 Check Amt Invoice Comment wr -xew �._ Total SPRINT WIRELESS $319.92 Paid Chk# 034431 3/10/2010 SPRINT WIRELESS E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells $491.18 924573317 -09 01 -15 -10 THRU 02 -14 -10 CELL PHONES Total SPRINT WIRELESS $491.18 Paid Chk# 034432 3/10/2010 TERRA GENERAL CONTRACTORS E 401 -46570 -500 Capital Outlay FA $29,327.27 031010 REQUEST #2 PUMPHOUSE RELOCATION Total TERRA GENERAL CONTRACTORS $29,327.27 10100 Wells Fargo $46,393.24 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $6,036.06 $305.36 $29,327.27 $5,841.40 $2,598.22 $1,410.08 $874.85 $46,393.24 -450- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND *Check Detail Register© March 2010 03/18/10 9:19 AM • I Page 1 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $100.00 10100 Wells Fargo $100.00 $100.00 -451- 91 91 Check Amt Invoice Comment _...::w t.P c o- i 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 034433 3/11/2010 CASH, PETTY CASH E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies $100.00 031110 LIQUOR OPERATION Total CASH, PETTY CASH $100.00 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $100.00 10100 Wells Fargo $100.00 $100.00 -451- 91 91 1�1 u • • CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND *Check Detail Register© March 2010 03/18/10 9:18 AM Page 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment � .. � r ee �- � sxz. �s�, ,...�^° ' � , '� �£un mrr. � �»a r sue• =._ .. �m ,�r�rg°ee - . ^z n"p:`��`�" "�"` r€' Rgp�.:§"wn i 2s 10100 Wells Fargo Paid Chk# 034434 3/17/2010 GILLESPIE CENTER E 101 - 45200 -431 E 101 - 41310 -431 E 281 - 45210 -431 E 101 - 42400 -431 E 101- 41110 -431 Meeting Expense Meeting Expense Meeting Expense Meeting Expense Meeting Expense Total GILLESPIE CENTER $2.30 031710 APPRECIATION EVENT $2.30 031710 APPRECIATION EVENT $27.70 031710 APPRECIATION EVENT $48.48 031710 APPRECIATION EVENT $9.22 031710 APPRECIATION EVENT $90.00 Paid Chk# 034435 3/17/2010 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG E 602- 49450 -434 Conference & Training $23.00 031710 CERTIFICATION #D -5369. KIVISTO ital MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG $23.00 Paid Chk# 034436 3/17/2010 MOUND POST OFFICE E 602 -49450 -322 Postage $153.21 031710 03 -10 UTILITY BILLINGS E 601 -49400 -322 Postage $153.22 031710 03 -10 UTILITY BILLINGS Total MOUND POST OFFICE $306.43 Paid Chk# 034437 3/17/2010 MUNICIPALS E 101 - 41310 -433 Dues and Subscriptions $25.00 031710 2010 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Total MUNICIPALS $25.00 Paid Chk# 034438 3/17/2010 MYERS, TONY E 222 -42260 -434 Conference & Training $275.00 031710 03 -24 -10 IAAI CONFERENCE Total MYERS, TONY $275.00 Paid Chk# 034439 3/17/2010 VENERO, JAY E 101 - 43100 -430 Miscellaneous $10.18 031710 REIMBURSE CAR WASH Total VENERO, JAY $10.18 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $729.61 10100 Wells Fargo $97.48 $275.00 $27.70 $153.22 $176.21 $729.61 -452- CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 1 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 Batch Name 032310SUE User Dollar Amt $319,510.63 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $319,510.63 $0.00 In Balance Refer 32310 ALERT -ALL CORPORATION Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -217 Fire Prevention Supplies CHILDRENS HANDOUTS $996.59 Invoice 210020120 3/23/2010 PO 21926 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $996.59 Refer 32310 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 Cash Payment E 670 - 49500 -440 Other Contractual Servic 02 -10 CURBSIDE RECYCLING $14,280.21 Invoice 2067076 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $83.02 Invoice 2067627 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $25.11 Invoice 2070266 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $25.11 Invoice 2070266 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $25.10 Invoice 2070266 -C 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $67.20 Invoice 2070263 -A 3/23/2010 • Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $67.20 Invoice 2070263 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 03 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $251.05 Invoice 2068589 3/2312010 Transaction Date 3/812010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,824.00 Refer 32310 ALPHA RUG AND CARPET CLEAN! Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -11 -10 SPOT CLEANING $144.28 Invoice 2699 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $144.28 Refer 32310 AMERICAN MESSAGING Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. 03 -10 PAGING SERVICE $20.09 Invoice D2044078KC 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.09 Refer 32310 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. PAGER REPAIRS $95.00 Invoice 14203 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.00 Refer,.: 32310 APPROVED EQUAL COMPANY Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -402 Building Maintenance 02 -16 -10 COLD RESTROOM $105.00 Invoice 10510 3/23/2010 PO 21965 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $105.00 Refer 32310 ARCTIC GLA . . ClER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $45.63 Invoice 438006824 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -09 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 438006824 -B 3/23/2010 -453- CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 2 • Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $46.63 Refer 32310 ARSON INVESTIGATORS MINNES r J *~ x Lry Cash Payment E222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES, MYERS $25.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21939 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 10 Refer 32310 ASPEN EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs ADAPTER BUSHING $73.19 Invoice 10067072 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $73.19 Refer 32310 ASSURED SECURITY Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -210 Operating Supplies VILLAS AT LOST LAKE KEY CUT Invoice 57994 3/23/2010 $81.23 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $81.23 Refer32310 BELLBOY CORPORATION Invoice 854019 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $359.10 Invoice 52521500 3/23/2010 MAR APR MAY WATER LEAST $64.36 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,440.75 Invoice 1440.75 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $920.45 Invoice 52436400 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $5,448.00 Invoice 52471900 -A 3/23/2010 Refer 32310 B/FFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -10 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $173.60 Invoice 52471900 -B 3/2312010 02 -17 -10 MOONLIGHT EVENT $61.68 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,341.90 Refer 32310 BERNICKS BEVERAGES VENDING Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $147.00 Invoice 86884 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $147.00 Refer 32310 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY -454- Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $66.95 Invoice 854019 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals MAR APR MAY WATER LEAST $64.36 Invoice 853218 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE $100.95 Invoice 850762 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $232.26 Refer 32310 B/FFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO Cash Payment G 101 -23226 Celebrate Greater Mound 02 -17 -10 MOONLIGHT EVENT $61.68 Invoice W400903 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.68 Refer 32310 BIG SKY RACKS, INCORPORATED •Cash Payment E 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #845 GUN LOCK $98.00 Invoice 57112 3/23/2010 P021960 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $98.00 Refer 32310 BOLTONAND MENK, INCORPORA _ -454- /► CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments 03/18/1010:03 AM Page 3 Current Period: March 2010 �: s- aea,..« a.«�"m�"`u�`,az.:�eoa��"�'-k�+Yk �� ^'i:' S^^°" �' ww�-•.' fahwe, a£; :¢, YMs�wt. �,�,^>�.rrw�d".�.wiv�b =�:.�`. Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 PROJECT COST $995.00 ESTIMATES Invoice 131219 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131219 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131219 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131219 -D 3/23/2010 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05-10 PROJECT COST ESTIMATES, GPS HYDRANT COLLECTION 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 PROJECT COST ESTIMATES, LIFT STATION COSTS 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 PROJECT COST ESTIMATES, MDWD RULE REVISIONS Cash Payment E 401 - 43109 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 REVIEW AS- BUILTS Invoice 131219 -E 3/23/2010 Project PWO901 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 REVIEW /CORRECT RECORD PLANS Invoice 131219 -F 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131220 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131221 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131223 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131223 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 131223 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -300 Professional Srvs Project PWO904 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 WCA ADMINISTRATION 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 SURFACE WATER/STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 UPDATE STREET AND UTILITY MAPS Invoice 131223 -D 3123/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -23225 2270 Langdon Lane Variance 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2270 LANGDON VARIANCE Invoice 131224 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -430 Miscellaneous 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 BRIGHTON BLVD Invoice 131224 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Invoice 131225 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 401 - 43127 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 MSA SYSTEM UPDATE Invoice 131226 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 401 -43108 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2008 STREET RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 131227 3/23/2010 Project PWO801 Cash Payment E 401 -43102 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 AUDITORS ROAD Invoice 131228 3/2312010 Project PW0806 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2008 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 131229 3/23/2010 Project PWO803 -455- $1,826.00 $1,421.00 $2,256.00 $264.00 $176.00 $127.50 $639.00 $171.75 $171.75 $171.75 $171.75 $580.00 $261.50 $257.00 $1,562.00 $3,972.00 $528.00 $308.00 *I *I 01 CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM I, • Payments Page 4 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 -�� .. a- �er,,,. �- Y- �. �. 7. �ri' ..,.,�.a...,- .:�..w�;.�rat.5[ `�s�"'_ -. '".t +�»,asi.maa��rn,,. aw -,e4:.� +,r.a, »s ».ati�• lk Cash Payment G 601 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 WILSHIRE BLVD WM $44.00 & FM Invoice 131230 3/23/2010 Project PW0807 Cash Payment E 401 -43109 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE $4,932.00 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 131231 3/23/2010 Project PW0902 Cash Payment E 401 -43109 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05-10 2009 STREET $11,696.00 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 131232 3/23/2010 Project PW0901 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2009 LIFT STATION $6,415.75 RECONSTRUCTION Invoice 131233 3/23/2010 Project PW0904 Cash Payment E 10143100 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 GIS UPDATES $405.00 Invoice 131234 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 GIS UPDATES $405.00 Invoice 131234 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 GIS UPDATES $405.00 Invoice 131234 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 GIS UPDATES $405.00 Invoice 131234 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2009 DRAINAGE $399.00 •IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Invoice 131235 3/23/2010 Project PW0903 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05-10 SW ISLAND AREA $110.00 Invoice 131236 3/23/2010 Project PW1001 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys 01 -09 -10 THRU 02 -05 -10 2010 DRAINAGE $142.00 IMPROVEMENTS Invoice 131237 3/23/2010 Project PWII 003 Transaction Date 319/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $41,218.75 Refer 32310 CAD ZONE, INCORPORATED# >. Cash Payment E 22242260 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft FIRE PRE PLAN SOFTWARE $409.00 Invoice 26111 3/23/2010 PO 21921 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $409.00 Refer 32310 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/Vlo Cash Payment E 101-43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS BATTERY $39.90 Invoice 6974- 116738 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601- 49400404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS BATTERY $14.74 Invoice 6974 - 116738 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS BATTERY $14.74 Invoice 6974 - 116738 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS BATTERY $17.35 Invoice 6974 - 116738 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS CORE RETURN -$5.90 Invoice 6974 - 116765 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS CORE RETURN -$2.18 Invoice 6974- 116765 -B 3/23/2010 •Cash Payment E 602 - 49450404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS CORE RETURN -$2.18 Invoice 6974 - 116765 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 67549425404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS CORE RETURN -$2.57 Invoice 6974 - 116765 -D 3/23/2010 -456- I, CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2010 03/18/1010:03 AM Page 5 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS OIL FILTER $2.06 Invoice 6974 - 116844 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS OIL FILTER $0.76 Invoice 6974 - 116844 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS OIL FILTER $0.76 Invoice 6974 - 116844 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TAURUS OIL FILTER $0.90 Invoice 6974 - 116844 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SQUAD CLEANING SUPPLIES $36.86 Invoice 6974 - 116395 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #1205 PLUG BUTTON $1.31 Invoice 6974 - 114087 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $1.84 Invoice FC2465419 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $1.84 Invoice FC2465419 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $1.84 Invoice FC2465419 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #840 SUPPLIES $6.70 Invoice 6974 - 116406 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #848 OIL FILTER $5.31 Invoice 6974 - 116937 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #1004 BRAKE ROTOR $260.73 Invoice 6974 - 117945 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $394.81 Refer 32310 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (M/NNEG Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5714383 $1,489.22 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5728173 $1,515.47 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5731601 $739.29 Invoice 032310 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5731601 $739.29 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5731601 $739.28 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5762358 $570.13 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5765631 $982.65 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #5765631 $982.65 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -383 Gas Utilities 01 -18 -10 THRU 02 -17 -10 #6093897 $325.57 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 1.. —, - ,.,.,ti -" $8,083.55 .. ..._:. , , .,. -. , Refer 32310 .. "...,, -. r.., , . �_- �- -l.�.. r „I - ..,� x -,i”, _ll-.� l ,-.E .1,�ln,_, . N CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR _ N Cash Payment E 60149400 -227 Chemicals HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $12.57 Invoice 27652 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.57 -457- 0I *I CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 6 . Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 µ .< _.r, ,, :.,.. .h... n•- .._..7.z<a il..k.re.:nih.wl,.•n" n a- xxc.,w' , „a Y, <,:a .... -... t x 1,:.. r ,.,.. »,...�._, - -: ..,:r'.bsi.; Refer 32310 CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SNOW CATCHER $120.18 Invoice 142715A 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120.18 Refer 32310 COCA COLA BOTTLING- MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R CREDIT —MIX - $48.00 Invoice 0138048012 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MIX $566.50 Invoice 0138048011 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $518.50 Refer 32310 COPY IMAGES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -10 COPIER MAINTENANCE $220.00 Invoice 115831 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -10 COPIER MAINTENANCE $13.20 Invoice 116056 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -10 COPIER MAINTENANCE $13.20 Invoice 116056 -B 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -10 COPIER MAINTENANCE $6.60 Invoice 116056 -C 3/23/2010 •Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $253.00 Refer 32310 DAHLHE/MER BEVERAGE LLC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $335.00 Invoice 70218 3123/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $335.00 Refer 32310 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,248.60 Invoice 542164 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $91.40 Invoice 543096 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,930.80 Invoice 543095 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,270.80 Refer 32310 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Cash Payment E 355 -46384 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees HRA BONDS 2006 METRO PLAINS $525.00 Invoice 60429 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $525.00 Refer 32310 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT AN Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs PUH CURTAIN SET $531.46 Invoice 8362 3/23/2010 I� - CITY OF MOUND_ CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: March 2010 03/18/1010:03 AM Page 7 Refer 32310 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services "`fy rr v[ f fie" rS t' ¢` szg+ .. "u an�f -�•k ,: siy.E� k ' - �.., rrr�” i'•. s-r_.�.u�iec; "✓e_- ,d.k,x?�i4a,� :,.a4�;,.iu'� -�srw .� -rx „ x� ^^ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 2010 SERVICE MAINTENANCE $381.50 Invoice 51515 3/23/2010 Invoice 6283429 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies 2010 SERVICE MAINTENANCE Invoice 6283429 -B 3/23/2010 $351.26 Invoice 51512 -A 3/23/2010 PO 21943 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS $19.08 Invoice 6272072 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -402 Building Maintenance 2010 SERVICE MAINTENANCE 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS $351.27 Invoice 50512 -B 3/23/2010 PO 21943 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 s_ Total $1,084.03 Refer 32310 FIRE INVESTIGATORS NATIONAL $35.07 Invoice 6272072 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 05 -01 -10 THRU 04 -20 -11 MEMBERSHIP $35.07 $55.00 DUES, MYERS 03 -01 -10 MATS $35.07 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21937 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $55.00 Refer 32310 FIRE SERVICE CERT OF MINNESO Cash Payment E222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions FIRE INSTRUCTOR II CERT, JAKUBIK $80.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -434 Conference & Training NFPA 1031 FIRE INSEPCTION II, MYERS $20.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21938 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 32310 FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -203 Printed Forms 2010 UNIFORM CITATIONS $17.02 Invoice 201036 -B 3/23/2010 PO 21969 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -203 Printed Forms 2010 UNIFORM CITATIONS $219.04 Invoice 201036 -A 3123/2010 PO 21969 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $236.06 Refer 32310 FRIDLEY,CITY OF Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival SHOWMOBILE DEPOSIT $800.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/1512010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $800.00 Refer 32310 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services 03 -15 -10 MATS $51.60 Invoice 6294586 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $19.25 Invoice 6283429 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 03 -08 -10 MATS $76.07 Invoice 6283429 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS $19.08 Invoice 6272072 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS $20.68 Invoice 6272072 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 03 -01 -10 UNIFORMS $25.77 Invoice 6272072 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 03 -01 -10 MATS $35.07 Invoice 6272072 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 03 -01 -10 MATS $35.07 Invoice 6272072 -E 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 03 -01 -10 MATS $35.07 Invoice 6272072 -F 3/23/2010 -459- I'll, — 181 01 • CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 8 • // Payments CITTOF MOU14D Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 6283428 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 6294590 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 6294590 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 6283423 3/23/2010 03 -08 -10 MATS $123.61 03 -15 -10 UNIFORMS $15.98 03 -15 -10 MATS $62.75 03 -08 -10 MATS $63.70 Invoice 368554 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/912010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,885.08 •Refer 32310 H & L MESABI AGGREGATE CONS Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SNOWPLOW BLADE WITH PARTS $1,761.90 Invoice 79900 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BLIZZARD BLADE WITH BOLTS, NUTS $215.39 Invoice 79899 3/23/2010 M111:1it Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $583.70 Refer 32310 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair #35 SPRING BRAKE $358.28 Invoice 10071 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/1712010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $358.28 Refer 32310 GLENWOOD /NGLEWOOD Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -210 Operating Supplies 02 -23 -10 HOT AND COLD COOLER $6.73 Invoice 6956590 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6.73 Refer 32310 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,130.00 Invoice 117105 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -09 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $27.00 Invoice 117105 -B 3/2312010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,157.00 , Refer:. 32310 GRIGGS COOPER AND COMPANY _ -- Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR - $40.60 Invoice 797672 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $24.85 Invoice 371670 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,330.71 Invoice 371669 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $39.95 Invoice 371668 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $143.85 Invoice 371667 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $130.51 Invoice 368557 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,401.41 Invoice 368556 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $39.95 Invoice 368555 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,814.45 Invoice 368554 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/912010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,885.08 •Refer 32310 H & L MESABI AGGREGATE CONS Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SNOWPLOW BLADE WITH PARTS $1,761.90 Invoice 79900 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BLIZZARD BLADE WITH BOLTS, NUTS $215.39 Invoice 79899 3/23/2010 M111:1it CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03-AM Page 9 Payments • IOUND r Current Period: March 2010 0 4'ryi-%4v�M'e°2SF3f£� ra�.4 AvmwY. `.a`r� •§rc c.s^: .,- zF',c i,s, F fi ifi:''S�..i "— Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #605 MUDFLAP $21.29 Invoice 10005 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #206 HOSE, TUBE $75.39 Invoice 10148 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,073.97 Refer 32310 HEALTH PARTNERS, WCORPORA Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -440 Other Contractual Servic 02 -10 FSA FEES $53.25 Invoice 0323010 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 *j Total $53.25 Refer 32310 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs STIGA ANGLE SHOP SERVICE $25.50 Invoice 90213 3123/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.50 Refer 32310 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -418 Other Rentals 02 -10 RADIO LEASE $1,306.03 Invoice 20028039 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals 02 -10 RADIO LEASE $769.52 Invoice 20028038 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,075.55 Refer 32310 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners 02 -10 PROCESSING FEE $1,106.48 Invoice 2942 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,106.48 Refer 32310 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -438 Licenses and Taxes 2010 LICENSE TO SELL TOBACCO $250.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 32310 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP,/ _ Cash Payment G 101 -23223 4309 Wilshire Blvd #10 -01 P 02 -10 4309 WILSHIRE BLVD $684.75 Invoice 007 - 005 -25 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic 02 -10 MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPE $1,230.00 Invoice 007 - 024 -20 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs 02 -10 MISCELLANEOUS PLANNING $207.50 Invoice 007 - 001 -21 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs 02 -10 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN $715.00 Invoice 006 - 020 -17 3/2312010 Project 06002 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,837.25 Refer 32310 HOME DEPOT /GECF (PA40 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CITY HALL SIGN $150.95 Invoice 22441 3/23/2010 PO 22441 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.95 Refer 32310 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 03 -10 CLEANING SERVICE $694.69 Invoice MIN013100385 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $694.69 Refer 32310 JMS COMMUNICATIONS AND RES -461- 1� u • CITY OF MOUND Payments -OF 01IN1171-- 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 10 Current Period: March 2010 E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $66,15 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs RATE INCREASE NEWSLETTER $287.50 Invoice 03- 4- 10 -1 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs RATE INCREASE NEWSLETTER $287.50 Invoice 03- 4- 10 -1 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs RATE INCREASE NEWSLETTER $287.50 Invoice 03- 4- 10 -1 -C 3/23/2010 Invoice 452486 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $862.50 Refer 32310 JOHNS VARIETY AND PETS _ LIQUOR $1,634.26 Cash Payment G 101 -23226 Celebrate Greater Mound MOONLIGHT TRAIL NIGHT $10.69 Invoice 209051 3/23/2010 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Transaction Date 3115/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.69 Refer 32310 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $66,15 Invoice 452488 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $49.65 invoice 452487 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $11.03 Invoice 452486 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,634.26 1796718 3/23/2010 •Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,811.40 Invoice 1796719 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,514.50 Invoice 1796720 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $0.00 Invoice 1796721 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,148.61 Invoice 1793026 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,503.75 Invoice 1793027 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,485.69 Refer 32310 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies 03 -11 -10 BATTERIES $4.34 Invoice 031110 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense 03 -09 -10 SAFETY TRAINING $43.48 Invoice 030910 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47.82 ReferT 32310 KAND/YOHI DEVELOPMENT PART Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $584.56 GRANT Invoice 487 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $352.13 GRANT Invoice 487 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $922.89 • GRANT Invoice 487 -C 3/23/2010 -462- CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03AM I, Page 11 Payments ` IUD D— Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $899.10 GRANT Invoice 487 -D 3/2312010 Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $1,697.62 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -361 General Liability Ins GRANT 3/23/2010 Invoice 487 -E 3/23/2010 Invoice 33545 -B 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $136.67 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -361 General Liability Ins GRANT 3/23/2010 Invoice 487 -F 3/23/2010 Invoice 33545 -E 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $136.67 Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -361 General Liability Ins GRANT 3/23/2010 Invoice 487 -G 3/23/2010 Invoice 33545 -H 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $67.59 GRANT Invoice 487 -H 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $67.59 GRANT Invoice 487 -1 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $67.59 GRANT Invoice 487 -J 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs APPLICATION STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY $67.59 GRANT Invoice 487 -K 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,000.00 Refer 32310 KLM ENGINEERING, INCORPORAT Cash Payment G 101 -23211 T- Mobile Upgrade Well #8 To ANTENNA DRAWING REVIEW $400.00 Invoice 3905 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 32310 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -B 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -C 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -D 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -E 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -F 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -G 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -361 General Liability Ins Invoice 33545 -H 3/23/2010 DOCKS VILLAS ON LOST LAKE DECK I PROPERTY INS 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS -463- $4,905.00 $4,937.00 $1,305.15 $385.60 $497.55 $91.22 $201.09 $2,931.38 $41.46 $472.67 �1 01 61 CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM I, Page 12 • Payments _ �-ry nG nnnr �r�n I* • IBM Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -361 General Liability Ins 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $2,991.50 Invoice 33545 -1 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -361 General Liability Ins 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $675.83 Invoice 33545 -J 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -361 General Liability Ins 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $3,617.58 Invoice 33545 -K 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -361 General Liability Ins 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $398.04 Invoice 33545 -L 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -361 General Liability Ins 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $0.00 Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -361 General Liability Ins 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $3,051.62 Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -361 General Liability Ins 1ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $2,823.59 Invoice 33545 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -361 General Liability Ins 1 ST QTR GEN LIABILITY INS $4,238.72 Invoice 33545 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -361 General Liability Ins 2010 LIABILITY COVERAGE $4,696.00 Invoice 33546 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3115/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38,261.00 Refer 32310 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 2010 PATROL SUBSCRIPTION $1,020.00 Invoice 138406 3/23/2010 PO 21973 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,020.00 Refer 32310 M & T FIRE AND SAFETY, INCORP Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -219 Safety supplies GLOVE, HOOD BATTERY $1,832.41 Invoice 92130 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,832.41 Refer 32310 MARGRON SKOGLUND WINE IMP Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $248.00 Invoice 20014850 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 02 -26 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $6.00 Invoice 20014850 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $140.00 Invoice 20014858 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -05 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $5.00 Invoice 20014858 -B 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $399.00 Refer 32310 MARINE COVERS AND INTERIORS Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR WATER BAG $75.00 Invoice 5082 3/23/2010 PO 21942 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 32310 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,878.85 Invoice 577363 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $64.50 Invoice 577363 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $22.00 Invoice 580034 3/23/2010 IBM CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03 AM ', Page 13 Payments • .... nnnf INN Current Period: March 2010 ,K �� ::; :��A�; Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale BEER $0.01 Invoice 580033 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,019.10 Invoice 580032 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,984.46 Refer 32310 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight 02 -18 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $373.10 Invoice 23557 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight 02 -22 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $10.40 Invoice 23564 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 02 -25 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $161.20 Invoice 23589 3123/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $544.70 Refer 32310 MERTZ, CRAIG M. LAW OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 10141600 -304 Legal Fees 02 -10 PROSECUTION SERVICES $6,284.34 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/812010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,284.34 Refer 32310 METRO FIRE _ Cash Payment E 22242260 -219 Safety supplies EGRESS N KIT $403.40 Invoice 37238 3/23/2010 PO 22482 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $403.40 Refer 32310 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 60249450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS 04 -10 WASTEWATER $47,189.41 Invoice 922742 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,189.41 Refer 32310 MILLER DUNWIDDIE ARCHITECTU _ Cash Payment E 401 -46540 -300 Professional Srvs THRU 02 -10 PUMP HOUSE RELOCATION $89.92 Invoice 15959 3/23/2010 Project PW0808 Transaction Date 3/1512010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $89.92 Refer 32310 M/NNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 60949750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 02 -15 -10 WASH WINDOWS $65.44 Invoice 921069633 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/17/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.44 Refer 32310 MINNESOTA BOARD PEACE OFFI _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2010 LICENSE RENEWAL, WITTKE $90.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21974 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110433 Dues and Subscriptions 2010 LICENSE RENEWAL, SWANSON $90.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21974 Cash Payment E 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2010 LICENSE RENEWAL, BECK $90.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21974 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110433 Dues and Subscriptions 2010 LICENSE RENEWAL, FOURNIER $90.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21974 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $360.00 Refer 32310 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Cash Payment E 45046388 -300 Professional Srvs 03 -10 MOUND PARKING RAMP $150.00 Invoice 7700001712 3/23/2010 -465- 101 • CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 14 • Payments wry nc nnn� itin Current Period: March 2010 Es�tekae- ur= au4ree�Y�ssfxer - .�.; �- ri :- .dsms��w.+`mM�`.'�lca� -.y-'' Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 32310 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 03 -10 LAKE AREA BUSINESS $297.00 Invoice 11804 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $297.00 Refer 32310 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Invoice 3377 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,157.50 Refer 32310 MORAN USA, LLC Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies TWO BOTTLE BAGS $105.00 Invoice 44619 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $31.50 Invoice 44619 -B 3/23/2010 i•• Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF -WATER $25.00 Invoice 484771 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 32310 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -434 Conference & Training 05 -20 -10 TREE INSPECTOR TRAINING, $85.00 GUSTAFSON Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21803 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -434 Conference & Training 05 -20 -10 TREE INSPECTOR TRAINING, $85.00 SWARTZER Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 P021803 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $170.00 Refer 32310 MINUTEMAN PRESS Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies UTILITIES ENVELOPES $60.76 Invoice 11766 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies UTILITIES ENVELOPES $60.76 Invoice 11766 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies BUSINESS CARDS, HANSON, K. $39.27 Invoice 11783 3/23/2010 PO 22517 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $160.79 Refer 32310 MNFIAM BOOK STORE _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -208 Instructional Supplies FIREFIGHTER PUBLICATION $496.97 Invoice 888 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -208 Instructional Supplies DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION $94.58 Invoice 904 3/23/2010 PO 21948 Transaction Date 3/17/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $591.55 Refer 32310 MNSPECT Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees 02 -10 BUILDING INSPECTIONS $2,001.50 Invoice 3375 3/23/2010 Cash Payment R 101 -42000 -32220 Electrical Permit Fee 02 -10 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - $162.00 Invoice 3375 3/23/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments 02 -10 ELECTRICAL SURCHAGE -$7.00 Invoice 3375 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E222-42260-308 Building Inspection Fees 02 -10 FIRE INSPECTIONS $325.00 Invoice 3377 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,157.50 Refer 32310 MORAN USA, LLC Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies TWO BOTTLE BAGS $105.00 Invoice 44619 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $31.50 Invoice 44619 -B 3/23/2010 i•• CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03 AM I, Page 15 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 02 -26 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $28.65 Invoice 44619 -C 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $165.15 Refer 32310 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOC/AT/O Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -124 Fire Pens Contrib 03 -10 FIRE RELIEF $11,466.67 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010. Transaction Date 3116/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,466.67 Refer 32310 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -412 Building Rentals 04 -10 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE $888.25 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $888.25 Refer 32310 MOUND, CITY OF _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -382 Water Utilities 02 -10 WATER/SEWER $34.42 Invoice 032310 -B 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/1712010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $34.42 Refer 32310 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -224 Street Maint Materials 02 -01 -10 RED ROCK $443.84 Invoice 156799 -A 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -224 Street Maint Materials 02 -01 -10 RED ROCK $443.43 Invoice 156799 -B 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $887.27 Refer 32310 NEOPOST Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance CARTRIDGE POSTAGE MACHINE $133.58 Invoice 13158626 3/23/2010 PO 22514 Transaction Date 3/1612010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $133.58 Refer 32310 NEWMAN SIGNS Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials TRAIL CROSSING SIGNS $17.22 Invoice TI- 0218423 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials LOCK SEPARATORS $160.42 Invoice TI- 0218619 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177.64 Refer,._ 32310 NORDQU/ST SIGN COMPANY, INC _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -500 Capital Outlay FA MOBILIZATION TO INSTALL SIGNS $2,437.50 Invoice D1316 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,437.50 Refer MU „32310 NORTHERN WATERWORKS SUPP Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair / Maint Supply RUBBER METER GASKET $10.50 Invoice S01238734.001 3/23/2010 PO 21801 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.50 Refer 32310 NS/1 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs 02 -16 -10 EXHAUST FAN $867.02 Invoice W19272 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/1612010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $867.02 Refer 32310 OFFICE DEPOT -467- • CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 16 A► Payments P-iTv nF m.nl INn Current Period: March 2010 �'. 3.. Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies LASOR TONER, RITTER $220.04 Invoice 509889671001 3/23/2010 P022512 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies TRAY ORGANIZER $46.94 Invoice 511094814001 3/23/2010 PO 21930 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies DRY ERASE BOARD $27.00 Invoice 510828635001 3/23/2010 P021963 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies MARKERS $15.37 Invoice 509748231001 3/23/2010 PO 21923 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $38.90 Invoice 512145031001 -A 3123/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $35.01 Invoice 512145031001 -B 3/23/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $38.90 Invoice 512145031001 -C 3123/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $29.17 Invoice 512145031001 -D 3123/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $13.64 Invoice 512145031001 -E 3/23/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $9.72 Invoice 512145031001 -F 3/23/2010 P022516 Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $5.82 •Cash Invoice 512145031001 -G 3/23/2010 PO 22516 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $11.66 Invoice 512145031001 -H 3/23/2010 P022516 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies PAPER $11.66 Invoice 512145031101 -1 3/23/2010 PO 22516 Transaction Date 3/412010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $503.83 Refer 32310 OHL /N SALES, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -219 Safety supplies BATTERIES Invoice 206157 3123/2010 P021934 $101.33 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $101.33 Refer 32310 PAUST/S AND SONS WINE COMPA. A ✓„ r.. Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8252288 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8252288 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8252635 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8252635 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8253010 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8253010 -B 3/23/2010 WINE $3,114.00 03 -01 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $51.25 WINE $294.00 03 -03 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $2.25 WINE $852.97 03 -08 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $17.50 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,331.97 Refer 32310 PEPSI COLA COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $53.15 Invoice 59000108 3/23/2010 CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03 AM Page 17 Payments • CITY CIF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX - $14.90 Invoice 58632910 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.25 Refer 32310 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $440.00 Invoice 2880289 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $64.30 Invoice 2880290 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $139.15 Invoice 2882410 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,729.90 Invoice 2882411 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $324.65 Invoice 2879603 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,618.80 Invoice 2879604 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $41.40 Invoice 3432763 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,275.40 Refer 32310 PLUNKETTS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 60949750440 Other Contractual Servic FEB MAR APR PEST CONTROL $45.00 • Invoice 1530851 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 32310 POWERHOUSE ELECTRIC SERV/C Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset- Distribution Sys DEVON LIFT STATION $878.93 Invoice 2955 3/23/2010 Project PW0904 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $878.93 Refer 32310 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,345.05 Invoice 279867 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,505.78 Invoice 279876 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,610.07 Invoice 277124 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,798.95 Invoice 227123 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,259.85 Refer 32310 REID, JOHN E. AND ASSOCIATES _ Cash Payment E 10142110 -434 Conference & Training INVESTIGATING CLASS, BECK $200.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 22649 Cash Payment E 10142110434 Conference & Training INTERVIEW AND INTERROGATION $605.00 TECHNIQUIE, BECK Invoice 032310112312 3/23/2010 PO 22649 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 32310 RIDGEVIEW BUSINESS HEALTH Wells Fargo 10100 Total $805.00 Cash Payment E 10142110 -305 Medical Services PHYSICAL, HWAY $529.00 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 PO 21971 CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 18 • Payments CITY OF R401 IND Current Period: March 2010 Transaction Date 3/912010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $529.00 Refer 32310 SCHARBER AND SONS OF LONG L Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs STEIGA BLADE $173.14 Invoice 01- 1041580 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CREDIT — DURAPATH - $20.40 Invoice 5555555 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 318/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $152.74 Refer 32310 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA Cash Payment E285-46388-400 Repairs & Maintenance 03 -01 -10 ELEVATOR #1 SERVICE CALL $428.42 Invoice 7151263379 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $428.42 Refer 32310 SCHOOL SAFETY, MINNESOTA CO Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 03 -24 -10 CONFERENCE, NICCUM $209.00 Invoice 032310 312312010 P022626 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $209.00 Refer 32310 SCHWAAB, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies NOTARY STAMP $44.88 Invoice Y80762 3/23/2010 P022616 •Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.88 Refer 32310 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 02 -18 -10 PUBLICATION $15.00 Invoice 509782 3123/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer 32310 SIGNAGE, THE _ Cash Payment G 101 -23226 Celebrate Greater Mound BANNER $144.28 Invoice 20067 2/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $144.28 Refer 32310 S/RENNET.COM Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA #845 REAR MOLDED PLASTIC SEATS $552.90 Invoice 0106872 3/23/2010 PO 22635 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $552.90 Refer 32310 SONUS INTERIORS, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -402 Building Maintenance CEILING TILE $75.35 Invoice 361378 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 22242260401 Building Repairs CEILING TILE $75.34 Invoice 361378 -B 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/18/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.69 Refer 32310 SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY T Cash Payment E 101 42110434 Conference & Training GLOCK COURSE REGISTRATION $150.00 Invoice 8326 3/23/2010 PO 21967 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 CITY OF LOUIS PAR rPayment 32310 S Cash'.,;� • T. K, E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies PHOTO ID CARDS $264.00 Invoice 19793 3/23/2010 PO 21935 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $264.00 -470- CITY OF MOUND 03118110 10:OaAV Z:=ik Page 19 Payments • OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 Refer 32310 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY E 101- 43100 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 3/23/2010 E 101 - 43100 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 3/23/2010 Cash Payment Invoice 10349 -E Cash Payment Invoice 10415 SHOP LIGHT INSTALL NEW FLASHER -$1.00 $110.38 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $109.38 Refer 32310 STREICHER'S 4 ✓ Cash Payment G 101 -22803 Police Reserves UNIFORMS, MACELROY $222.21 Invoice 1716693 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies HELMET $318.98 Invoice 1717494 3/23/2010 PO 21964 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORMS, HAWKS $79.98 Invoice 1693579 -B 3/23/2010 PO 21677 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CLIPBOARD $10.72 Invoice 1686026 3/23/2010 PO 21748 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORMS, SMITH $114.83 Invoice 1686693 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -500 Capital Outlay FA PUSH BUMPERS $199.99 Invoice 1719243 3/23/2010 PO 22636 Cash Payment G 222 -20200 Accounts Payable #12 LGIHTS MOUNTS COUNCIL $44.99 Invoice 1720615 6/15/1972 PO 21933 Cash Payment G 222 -20200 Accounts Payable #12 LIGHTS MOUNTS COUNCIL $660.99 Invoice 1721363 3/23/2010 PO 21933 Cash Payment G 101 -20200 Accounts Payable #12 LIGHTS MOUNTS COUNCIL $1,738.90 Invoice 1719162 3/23/2010 PO 21933 Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -210 Operating Supplies TRAINING AMMUNITION $515.00 Invoice 1179924 3/23/2010 PO 21975 Transaction Date 3/812010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,906.59 Refer 32310 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,577.60 Invoice 1367271 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $40.00 Invoice 1367272 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,149.29 Invoice 1367203 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,342.79 Invoice 1367239 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,109.68 Refer 32310 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $798.00 Invoice 770184 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $77.00 Invoice 770253 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $23.10 Invoice 581288 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,710.82 Invoice 581289 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $87.05 Invoice 582083 3/23/2010 -471- 101 C] CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 20 • Payments OF ine01IND 10 • Invoice 297843 3/23/2010 P021957 Transaction Date Current Period: March 2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57.09 Refer 32310 TRUAX, TODD - Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $0.00 Invoice 582079 3/23/2010 Invoice 10 -00025 3/23/2010 P021946 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,630.50 Invoice 582084 3/23/2010 Invoice 10 -00024 3123/2010 P021972 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,326.47 Refer 32310 THYSSEN -KRUPP ELEVATOR COR $675.00 Refer 32310 TRUE VALUE, MOUND Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 01 -01 -10 THRU 03 -28 -10 ELEVATOR $437.95 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $15.03 MAINTENANCE 3/23/2010 Invoice 346150 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 03 -01 -10 THRU 05 -31 -10 ELEVATOR $656.93 3/23/2010 MAINTENANCE Cash Payment Invoice 440942 3/23/2010 $91.87 Invoice 032310 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,094.88 Refer 32310 TIERNEY BROTHERS /NCORPORA 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $175.11 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -430 Miscellaneous WALL MOUNT TV BRACKET $335.58 Invoice 574661 -1 3/23/2010 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $78.09 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 ri Wells Fargo 10100 Total $335.58 Refer 32310 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY E 602- 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CO TANKS $57.09 Invoice 297843 3/23/2010 P021957 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57.09 Refer 32310 TRUAX, TODD - Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -300 Professional Srvs CONNECT WORKSTATIONS $325.00 Invoice 10 -00025 3/23/2010 P021946 Cash Payment E 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maintenance 02 -10 -10 UPGRADE, INSTALL UTILITIES $350.00 Invoice 10 -00024 3123/2010 P021972 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $675.00 Refer 32310 TRUE VALUE, MOUND Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -322 Postage 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $15.03 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $46.40 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $91.87 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $175.11 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $78.09 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $45.97 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $17.08 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.70 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.70 Invoice 032310 3/2312010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $2.70 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 -472- CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM Page 21 Payments • CITY Invoice SVM21000739 3/23/2010 PO 21970 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $606.25 Refer 32310 V/NOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,457.00 Invoice 23858 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -11 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $18.00 Invoice 23858 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $191.00 Invoice 23375 -CM 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,284.00 Refer 32310 WACONIA FORD MERCURY Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RETURN CONDENS - $245.59 Invoice 53500 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #844 PROCESS $351.62 Invoice 55370 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #849 SEAL KIT $56.41 Invoice 55834 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $162.44 -473- 401 1 01 Current Period: March 2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -460 Janitorial Services 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $7.30 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -460 Janitorial Services 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $7.30 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -460 Janitorial Services 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $7.29 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 02 -08 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $12.04 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies SQUAD WASH, BATTERY $20.78 Invoice 67952 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies FILTER, BROOM $45.92 Invoice 68097 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies CORNER BRACE $3631 Invoice 68298 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CREDIT — RETURN MERCHANDISE - $10.75 Invoice 032310 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $603.84 Refer 32310 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -402 Building Maintenance #4 REPLACE SECTION $515.00 Invoice 328525 3/23/2010 PO 22634 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -401 Building Repairs #6 ADJUST DOOR $110.00 Invoice 328578 3/23/2010 PO 21940 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 � Wells Fargo 10100 Total $625.00 Refer 32310 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals AIR AND OXYGEN $40.32 Invoice 824717 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/15/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $40.32 Refer 32310 V/DEOTRON/X, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -220 Repair /Maint Supply DIGITAL RECORDER REPAIR $606.25 Invoice SVM21000739 3/23/2010 PO 21970 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $606.25 Refer 32310 V/NOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,457.00 Invoice 23858 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -11 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $18.00 Invoice 23858 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $191.00 Invoice 23375 -CM 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,284.00 Refer 32310 WACONIA FORD MERCURY Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RETURN CONDENS - $245.59 Invoice 53500 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #844 PROCESS $351.62 Invoice 55370 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #849 SEAL KIT $56.41 Invoice 55834 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $162.44 -473- 401 1 01 CITY OF MOUND 03/18/1010:03 AM Page 22 • Payments �-ry nc nen� �n�n Current Period: March 2010 Refer 32310 WESTONKA MECHANICAL CONTR E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic MET COUNCIL LIFT STATION 3/23/2010 Cash Payment Invoice 34035 $572.80 Transaction Date 3/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $572.80 Refer 32310 WINE COMPANY Invoice 309971 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $104.00 Invoice 238461 3/23/2010 WINE $2,830.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $944.00 Invoice 238405 -A 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -11 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $14.85 Invoice 238405 -B 3/23/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,092.00 Invoice 237923 -A 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 03 -04 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $19.80 Invoice 237923 -B 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,966.65 Refer 32310 WINE CONNECT Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 03 -10 MANAGE WEBSITE $95.12 Invoice 469 3123/2010 •Transaction Date 3/4/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.12 Refer 32310 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,872.50 Invoice 309971 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,830.00 Invoice 309093 3/23/2010 $774.86 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,702.50 Refer 32310 WORLD CLASS WINES, INCORPO Invoice 312618244 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,332.60 Invoice 244080 -A 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/17/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,332.60 Refer 32310 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $114.04 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $774.86 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $3,436.07 Invoice 312618244 3123/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,625.88 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,028.34 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,505.00 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,505.00 • Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $632.76 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 -474- CITY OF MOUND 03/18/10 10:03 AM 1 , Page 23 Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: March 2010 f W Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,223.31 Invoice 312618244 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 6002835 -9 $24.98 Invoice 312521739 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 4802601 -1 $5,874.27 Invoice 311935814 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 9379448 -0 $127.22 Invoice 311684258 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 02 -10 #51- 7890142 -3 $606.79 Invoice 311649697 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 01 -10 #51- 6002836 -0 $397.25 Invoice 312833815 3/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 02- 10 #51- 6002836 -0 $221.91 Invoice 312833815 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20,097.68 Refer 32310 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS, INCOR Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs STRIP BROOM, GUTTER BROOM $2,124.68 Invoice 0126824 3/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/17/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,124.68 Fund Summary • 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $64,026.18 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $26,099.42 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $5,390.87 285 MOUND HRA $9,741.62 355 2003 -C G.O. TIF 1 -2 $525.00 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $23,153.92 450 Parking Deck 1 $150.00 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $2,437.50 601 WATER FUND $11,359.34 602 SEWER FUND $63,699.89 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $93,570.66 670 RECYCLING FUND $14,280.21 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $5,076.02 $319,510.63 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $319,510.63 Total $319,510.63 -475- • C7 lu 13 3 [1] 7_1►I Q0► I Date: March 15, 2010 To: City Mayor and City Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Catherine Pausche, Finance Director/Treasurer Subject: Specialized Environmental Technologies (SET) Contract The City of Mound has contracted for residential disposal of compostable materials since 2001 This contract is funded by the Recycling Fund. Through education and word -of- mouth, participation in this program has grown over the years. The contract has a base amount for 2,500 cubic yards and a variable amount for every cubic yard over 2,500. In 2009, residents dropped off more 3,277 cubic yards, at a cost of $17,800 to the • City. Although this was over the budget of $14,000, it was off -set by savings achieved in the semi - annual recycle day when the fall clean-up hours were shortened and less overtime was paid by flexing schedules. • The vendor has reduced the rates to bring the 2010 contract more in line with our budget compared to the 2009 rates. Staff recommends approval of the contract between Specialized Environmental Technologies, LLC and the City of Mound. Please let Catherine know if you have any questions regarding this matter at (952)472 - 0633. -476- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 10- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT WITH SPECIALIZED ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR RESIDENTIAL WASTE DISPOSAL WHEREAS, The City of Mound manages a Recycling Fund to promote environmentally friendly treatment of household waste, WHEREAS, the City of Mound has contracted for residential disposal of compostable yard waste to deter such waste from being improperly disposed of in streets and storm sewers or by illegal dumping, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approves the contract with Specialized Environmental Technologies for residential waste disposal for the period April 5, 2010 through December 1, 2010. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of March, 2010. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -477- Mayor Mark Hanus • • 10 16 • From:RRT / THE MULCH STORE Me mo T To: Katherine/ Joyce From: Rob Friend 952 948 7975 Date: 3/812010 Re: City of Mound Residential Dis o 1 C tr ct 03/08/2010 14:57 #894 P.002 /004 p sa on a , I have included a copy of the contract Specialized Environmental Technologies (SET) is proposing to the City of Mound for residential disposal for the 2010 season. SET is lowering the initial cost to the City of Mound for the first 2,500 cubic yards from $1.x,750 to .$12,:500. This is a rate reduction of $0.50 per yard from $5.50 to $5.00 per cubic yard. The other change is for the fee charged to the City of Mound for any yardage that exceeds the 2,500 cubic yards. SET will charge the City of Mound $2.00 per cubic yard for all overages compared to the $5.50 per yard rate that was charged last year. This change will result in lower cost for the City of Mound without having to pass any of the cost on to its residents. Last year the residents dropped off 3,277 cubic yards of material for a cost of approximately $18,000. If the amount of material that is dropped, of this year is. consistent with last year the total amount the City of Mound would pay 8'ET is $14,054. XfL:Il From:RRT / THE MULCH STORE 952 948 7975 03/08/2010 14:58 #894 P.003/004 • AGREEMENT FOR DISPOSAL BETWEEN SPECIALIZIED ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLIGIES, LLC. AND THE CITY OF MOUND This agreement is made and entered into by the City of Mound and, hereinto referred to as the City, and Specialized Environmental Technologies, LEC., or any successor, hereinto referred to as SET. Section 1. 'PERM OF AGREEMENT This agreement will commence April 5, 2010 or when site is opened for the season, and shall expire December 1, 2010 or when the site is closed for the season. Section Z. AREA.TO..BE_SERVED SET will accept delivered, compostable yard waste material, without charge, from the private (i.e., non - commercial) residents of the City of Mound provided.the material is prepared and delivered to the facility in a manner reasonably acceptable to SET. The residents of the City will be required to show proper identification to show that they live in the City of Mound. Section 3. COMPOSTABLE MATERIALS The following are examples of the materials that will be accepted at the yard waste composting facility at no charge to residents of the City of Mound: Grass/Lawn Clippings Garden Waste Leaves Weeds Mil Foil Items may be added to or deleted from this list as agreed between the parties or required by law. Section 4. PAYMENT For the operation of accepting material from the residents of the City of Mound., the City will pay $12,500.00 up front to cover the material brought in by the residents of the City of Mound. SET shall keep records of all yardages that are brought into the facility by the residents of the City. The $12,500.00 will cover 2500 cubic yards. If the total for the year is less than 2500 cubic yards SET will refund to the City the difference at $5.00 per cubic yard for every cubic yard under 2500. If the total for the year is more than 2500 cubic yards the City will pay SET $2.00 per a cubic yard for every cubic yard over 2500. -479- 01 • Frvm:RRT / THE MULCH STORE 952 948 7975 03/08/2010 14:58 #894 P.004/004 • • • Section 5. CANCELLATION AND TERAM4ATION Either party may terminate this Agreement for a material breach of the Agreement by the other party after giving written notice of breach and allowing the other party thirty (30) days to correct the breach to the satisfaction of the complaining patty. Except as provided in the paragraph above, this Agreement may be canceled by either party only after thirty (30) days negotiation period and ninety (90) days notice to the other party. Section 6. APPLICABLE LAW This agreement is entered into, and governed by, laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 7. ENTIRE .AGREEMENT This agreement stall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding union either party except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement In witness thereof, the parties hereto executed this agreement on the day of —2010. CITY OF MOUND Kandis Hanson City Manager SET PS Robert Friend Specialized Environmental Technologies i'1 I, DATE: March 15, 2010 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bonnie Ritter SUBJECT: Garbage Collectors' license renewals 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD • PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com Please approve the following garbage collectors' license renewals, contingent upon receipt of all • required forms, fees and certificates of insurance. License year is March 15t through February. Blackowiak Disposal, Inc. — Mound, MN Vintage Waste Systems, Inc. — Mound, MN WTI — Waste Technologies, Inc. — Plymouth, MN Randy's Sanitation, Inc. — Delano, MN Allied Waste Systems — Eden Prairie, MN Waste Management of MN, Inc. — Winsted, MN zx SPL 481 re- paper • 5341 Maywood Road • Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: 3/18/2010 Re: March 24'h City Council Consent Agenda Item — 2010 OLL Blast Blockparty Special Event Concert Summary. Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church and School (OLL) is requesting approval of a temporary sign permit to allow placement of 3 temporary banners (3' x 20') at a number of location(s) in Mound to promote the "Blast" blockparty, a fundraising concert/event to be held in May on the church/school grounds at 2385 Commerce Boulevard (See attached permit application.) The proposed locations for the banners are described below: 2251 Commerce Boulevard (All in One Fitness - building) 2411 Commerce Boulevard (OLL church/school -fence) 5401 Shoreline Drive (Villa Caribou -fence) Discussion. • • Pennant / Banner Provisions. City Code Section 365:15 Subd. 9 (C) allows temporary banners and pennants employed for special events as long as they are removed within (15) days unless an alternate schedule is approved by the City Council. Temporary banners and pennants are prohibited from being placed upon any decorative fencing unless the banner or pennant is used in conjunction with a government, a quasi - public function or similar - related special event. Permits for banners or pennants can be issued no more than four (4) times per calendar year. • A "Specific Sign Program " was approved for the Lost Lake District which included a temporary banner on the fence to help market the townhomes which has since been removed. Members may recall that use of the decorative fence at the Villa Townhomes for special event banners has been approved previously for the Blast and other similar - related events. • The permit application includes a request to allow the temporary signage beyond the standard allowance of 15 -day. As stated above, the code provides that an alternate schedule beyond the standard allowance may be allowed by approval of the City Council. The temporary permit application fee of $25.00 and has been paid by OLL. • Temporary signage on the Villa/Canbou decorative fence is consistent with the previously approved Sped Sign Program for the Lost Lake District. • Staff understands that OLL has obtained permission for placement of the temporary signage at the aforementioned locations. RECOMMENDATION. City staff recommends that the City Council approve the temporary sign request for OLL, including an extended period beyond the 15-day banner allowance, subject to the following conditions: • 1. All signage shall be removed from the location(s) immediately following this year's event. .; 1 Ate► ! ci?v t� uc�uNo 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 -472 -0500 Fax 952 -472 -0620 SEASONAL, BANNER & PORTABLE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION SITE Property Address 2385 Commerce Blvd. Zone Business Name Our Lady of the Lake Church Phone 952 - 472 -1284 APPLICANT Name Rhonda M. Eurich, Administrator Email reurich @oll.pvt.k12.mn.us Phone 61_Fax` Other OWNER Name -Fr. Abraham George, Pastor Phone 95 172 Fa Other SIGN Company Name CONTRACTOR Address Contact Person Email Phone Fax Other See City Code Chapter 365.15 Subd 9 and 10 ❑ Seasonal Sign $25 - Dates from to Size feet x feet = sf Message Seasonal Signs - Seasonal signs of a temporary or portable nature may be used in the non - residential districts to promote or advertise on- premise seasonal services or merchandise. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall not be left in place for more than a two (2) month period. Permits and fees shall be required for all seasonal signs, and permits may be issued no more than two (2) times per calendar year per business. anner /Pennant $25 - Dates from to Describe event Sign locations (list or attach map) Temporary banners and pennants employed for grand openings or business establishments, special events or promotions and holidays are not exempt from permits and fees and shall be removed within fifteen (15) days upon permit issuance unless an alternate schedule is approved by the City Council. Temporary banners and pennants are prohibited from being placed upon any decorative fencing unless the banner or pennant is used in ponjunction with a government, a quasi - public function, or similar - related special event. Permits for banners and pennants can be issued no mo i ir_t&L 4imec — —nr+rl - s Dates from Sign lor a ac mail 5401 Shoreline Dr. Describe sign (message, materials, etc.) Fundraiser, called the "BLAST." muln ber of signs 3 Commerce Blvd and of the Lake's Annual School 10 140 10 Our Lady of the Lake Church Mound, MN 55364 ,952-472-1284 Our BLAST signs will be placed at the following establishments: All -In -One Fitness Building 2251 Commerce Blvd. Current Owner has given us their permission. Caribou Coffee 5401 Shoreline Drive Current Owner has given us permission OLL School Fence 2411 Commerce Blvd. All of the Signs are Tx 20.' Thank you for your consideration. If you have any question, please contact me. Rhonda Eurich, Administrator sm Portable Signs used for the purpose of directing the public may be permitted under the following conditions: (a) Said sign is coincidental to, or used in conjunction with, a governmental unit or quasi - public function; and (b) The - period _of use of.said sign shall not exceed ten (10) consacul:Lve days;. and (d) Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event and /or on such other premises following approval of a temporary sign permit by the City of Mound. Administrative approval of a portable sign permit is permitted if the-following conditions are met: 1. The sign is not being placed on public property. 2. Written permission from the property owner of record is provided if being located off- premises. 3. The criteria reference in subsections (a), (b), and (c) above are met. 4. The proposed location of the sign is reviewed and deemed acceptable by Mound Staff, which shall include the Police, Planning, and Engineering Departments, based on the following criteria: • The sign is not being placed in the road right -of -way. • The sign does not obstruct the sight triangle for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. • Placement of the sign does not create any potential traffic or other related hazard; and (e) Portable sign placement on public property requires City Council approval; and (f) Such signs shall require the issuance of a permit but will be exempt from all fees; and (g) In the instance of a multi -use facility, only one seasonal sign may be placed on the premises at any one time. Applicants are advised that incomplete applications.or insufficient information can delay the processing of the permit request or may result in the application being rejected. Please fully complete all involved sections of the application and provide as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the proposed locations of signs, using addresses or landmarks, and written permission from the property owner for off -site locations. SIGNATURE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SPECIAL CONDITI9NS & COMME DATE RE I NS CHECKED BY APPROVED BY & DATE COPIED APPROVED ZONING . q/ � r Kandis Hanson OFrom Stephanie Lolich [lolichs @westonka.k12.mn.us] Sent: _ Tuesday,._March 02, _T_n. xan.dis Hanson— Subject: DECA Holiday Lights Donation • • Greetings from Mound Westonka DECA, We were simply wondering when we can drop off the check from our holiday light fundraisers, in total the young women who organized the event raised approximately $1400! If there is a photo opportunity we would love a picture to use for our promotional efforts. Thank you, Stephanie Lolich DECA Advisor Mound Westonka High School. Ell:I-V WSB & Assocwer. Inc. March 15, 2010 Engineering ■ Planning ■ Environmental ■ Construction Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Mound Lighting Upgrade SP 145- 035 -01 Minnesota Project No. ES 1OES (03 1) City of Mound, MN WSB Project No. 1878 -00 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 • Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel, 763541-4800-- _.Fax; - 763 541 -1 -700 __ Several question were raised at the March 9, 2010 City Council meeting with respect to some of the project history and details for the proposed Street Lighting Project on CSAH 15 and CSAH 110. The purpose of this letter is to help clarify the project details and answer those questions. The proposed Mound Street Lighting bid package included the replacement of streetlight poles, lights, underground wiring and control panels on CSAH 15 and CSAH 110 through downtown Mound. The project included: A base bid of 75 units with all the poles and lights on CSAH 15 except the north and south section of CSAH 110; Alternate 1 included 8 units on the south end of CSAH 110; and Alternate 2 included 8 units on the north end of CSAH 110. The total project involves replacement of 91 streetlight units. In addition, curb ramps in the project area are required to meet new ADA standards and comply with the grant funding requirements. Funding for the project is proposed to use a combination of Federal Aid from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funds. In order to help understand where we are at today, it is important to understand the project history. In the summer of 2009 the City received an email request from Metropolitan Council requesting projects for ARRA funding. The City had less than 1 day to put together the request. Mr. Moore, quickly put together an estimate based on his previous experience and the recently completed downtown project. The original construction cost estimate was $700,000. The City was required to provide a match of 10 %. The City was successful and received $630,000 of ARRA funding for the project. 2. The City had planned on using their MSA funds for the $70,000 match, and using the Street Light Utility Fee to pay for professional services, since they were not eligible for either the ARRA funding or MSA funding. Minneapolis ■ St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer CAD- -b and S-=P\ ebc.MOUND\UW Sw P\ T ®FinaryWt- MFfl-C- AWL0uftAAT0NVISW \1878- 000315101tr(2)Ax I M U • I* Honorable Mayor and City Council — Recommendation Letter City of Mound March 15, 2010 Page 2 3. The City hired WSB to prepare the construction plans and specifications for the project. During the design process, more details with respect to the project scope were revealed: The City was required to include pedestrian curb ramps in the project area to meet ADA requirements; and, the street light poles and fixtures needed to meet the buy America provisions which requires all components including the steel to be manufactured in the United States. This severely limited the poles and fixtures that would meet the City specifications. Based on these project requirements it was evident that the original estimate was low. The engineers estimate came to approximately $900,000. 4. Once it was realized the project costs were higher then anticipated it was determined to split the project into a base bid with alternates to give the City the most flexibility in awarding and managing the costs. The engineers estimate was reduced to $865,000. 5. Bids were received for the project on January 6, 2010, and were opened. Ten bids were received. All bids were consistent, with the three low bids being less then $20,000 apart. The low bid, including the alternates was $1,058,167.90 with the base bid at $910,019.50. Based on our review of the bids and preliminary discussions with the contractor it appears the primary factors for the higher than anticipated bids were: • The limited availability of an approved pole and fixture. During the bidding process only one pole and fixture was approved. We did receive a request to review and approve an additional pole and fixture the day the bids were due. This did not give us enough time to • approve it and inform all the bidders. Based on our preliminary review it appears to be consistent with the specifications and at a potential lower cost. The staging of the project was designed to maintain as much lighting in the corridor as possible during construction. This resulted in higher than normal mobilization cost including some additional labor cost. We had assumed the project would be completed one side at a time and limited to 15 to 20 lights at a time. By providing a larger number of lights and allowing the contractor to be on both sides of the roadway, the costs can be significantly reduced (estimated at $50,000 to $100,000). • The unanticipated pedestrian curb ramps meeting the ADA requirements resulted in an additional cost of approximately $100,000. These costs can not be removed from the contract. We did talk with MnDOT to see if additional funding was available since this was not included in the City original estimate. They indicated no additional funding was available. 6. Based on the results of the bids, the City will be responsible for $280,019.50 of matching funds (including the original $70,000) for the base bid and an additional $148,148.40 to include both Alternates 1 and 2. The funding for these costs may come from the City's Municipal State Aid account. A summary of the MSA account status and impacts is included in a report from the City's Engineering Consultant. 7. City Staff is recommending awarding the Base Bid at this time. Should the project be awarded • City staff intends to work with the Contractor to minimize the costs of materials and construction. The addition of Alternates 1 and 2 will be funded solely by the City with State Aid Funds. In order to minimize the use of the State Aid Funds, the City would first determine the final cost of the base bid with the Contractor. City staff would then bring back a supplemental agreement to City Council for consideration for adding bid Alternates 1 and 2 using State Aid Funds. CMoammb tmd Sadugs \vwdw MOUI- V Sedinp\Temporary flood FJa` CootmLOudodk \7RSNUMW\1878.000315101tr (2)Ax -488- Honorable Mayor and City Council — Recommendation Letter City of Mound March 15, 2010 Page 3 Based on our conversations with MnDOT the City cannot rebid the project. The only time they will allow this to happen on a federally funded project is when there is a significant change in scope. Adding the pedestrian ramps and the cost of the lighting units is not considered a significant change. Currently the City has two options, either award the bid or allow the funding to go back to MnDOT to fund other projects in the State. Based on the above discussion we recommend that the City Council consider the bids and award a contract for the Base Bid to Egan Company for $910,019.50. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Charles T. Rickart, PE, PTOE Project Manager Enclosures • cc: Carlton Moore, Public Works Director, City of Mound Dan Faulkner, City Engineer, Bolton & Menk, Inc. • Egan Company sm CAD—meat W S=nP\— .ba.WUNDV.W SeoW \Tmpmvy UdwW FOea\Contm Ou0ooN KBNMVAI878-00 031510 It, (2).d. • I* • CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 10 -_ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR THE MOUND STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the Street Lighting Upgrade Project, bids were received, opened on January 6, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Contractor Total Base Bid Egan Company $910,019.50 Design Electrical Contractors $923,349.84 Killmer Electric Company, Inc. $934,484.32 Q3 Contracting, Inc._ $982,411.90 LPD Electric $988,463.11 Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. $1,032,569.86 ColliSys $1,060,874.80 MP Nexlevel $1,129,420.05 Electrical Installation & Maintenance $1,140,444.00 Ridgedale Electric $1,162,689.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Egan Company is the lowest responsible bidder, with a total base bid of $910,019.50, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Egan Company in the name of the City of Mound for the Street Lighting Upgrade Project, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of March, 2010. Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk �•1 Mayor Mark Hanus m 0 m _ m � N 0 0 0 0 NNNNNNNNNV C o00000000M i i i i i i ,,-q i i i 0 ,O�N��PWWNii yHy H y y 3 aaa a a m fA - v p_ a i ■ 1 � ■ ■ A NN�NNNN� 000000000 10000000 o m f 3 v �i R v m O c m C) a U) m m m n O z n 0 3 z zy0 �o • Consulting Engineers & Surveyors " 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 5531 13.1172 Phon ($52) 448 =8838. Fax-(952)-448-880e. 5 www.boitort- menk.com March 16, 2010 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound . 5341 Maywood Road . Mound,lVlN 55364 RE: Street Lighting Project City Project No. PViW -09 -07 SP.145- 035 -0.1. 'Minnesota Project No. ES 10ES (03 1) Dear Mayor and Members of the: Council: This memo is in response to questions:raised at the March 9, 2010 City Council meeting regarding the City's Municipal State Aid (MSA) account and the required City funding, for the Street Lighting Project, . proposed to be taken from the City's MSA account: Mound is one of 144 municipalities, with. a population of 5,000. or greater that receives an annual allocation from the State. to maintain.and construct, or reconstruct,, its designated municipal state aid, system. The funding for the Municipal State Aid Street Fund comes primarily from fuel taxes; vehicle registration taxes and vehicle sales taxes. While the annual allocation fluctuates some year to year, it tends to increase about the same as annual inflation.. The City's annual allocation is designated at 25% for maintenance. and 75% for. allowable construction projects. There is :some flexibility. with the percentage. allocated to maintenance as it could.be a bit higher or lower, but the 25% maintenance allocation has worked well for the City. Specifically, the City's.201.0 allocation is $371,097.00 with the breakout as_follows: Maintenance allocation is $92,774:00 and the Construction allocation is $278,323:00. The final City reimbursement of the multi -year Advance Encumbrance for the County Road 15 project .has been made earlier .this year which . leaves a current fund balance in the.City's MSA Construction Fund.of $25.6,386.00. As indicated above _these oonstruction funds can.be used on any state aid eligible_project.. State Aid staff has indicated that the. replacement of City street lights along a County State Aid street is an eligible MSA project... In the fall: of.2009, we prepared a Feasibility Report for the reconstruction. of Ridgewood Road, idlewood Road. and Highland Boulevard between .County Road 44 (Westedge Blvd.) and County Road :110 (Bartlett Blvd.) The Report also.included the.Southwest_ Isla nd area. While these projects were not approved.by the Council for 201.0, the cost calculations to meet MSA requirements for this MSA route have enabled us.to approximate MSA costs for other potential. future MSA_ city street projects. Similarly, the calculatio ns :fof the SW Island project were used to approximate future street and utility costs for the other Wand.projects designated on the City's 10 =Ye4 Annual Street Reconstruction Program map These preliminary.cost estimates are shown on the attached &YEAR CAPITAL EVPROVEMEI. PLAN (CIP): 2009 -2017; STREETS, A City Street map. showing these projects is also attached.. F- .\MO.LN \C12101221 \Correspondence \Council Report :March -16, 2010.dod DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton A Menk is an .equal. opportunity employer Name Date Page 2. This .8 -YEAR. CIP was prepared as a staff document to help in projecting what approximate funding levels would be necessary from special assessments,. bonding and the MSA Construction account. Projects are tentatively shown in the various years. to keep the various funding levels somewhat constant through_2013.With the completion of the .City's 10 -Year Street Reconstruction Program, currently anticipated in 2013; future street reconstruction projects would consist entirelyof MSA streets. The current total MSA designated Street mileage in Mound is 8.17 miles, which is approximately 20% of the City's local street .mileage and .the limit according to MSA rules. A68.-Year CIP for street projects Would complete 3.9 iniles of the City's MSA system. With this background information on the City's MSA system,. the MOUND MSA FUND: STREET LIGIiT PROJECT table has been prepared and is attached: Beginning with the current balance in the City's MSA.account of $256,386, the table includes four MSA funding options for the required. City funding portion of the project. Option 1 is full funding, which.includes the base bid plus alternates_ l and 2. This could be considered the "worst_ case" scenario with respect to the amount of MSA funds used for the. Street Lighting Project. Option 2 indicates MSA. Fund balances if the Project Engineer is able to obtain a $50,000 reduction. in project construction costs as. discussed in his memo to Council. Option 3 is the same as Option 2 with. a $1 00,000 reduction. Option 4, Base Bid, further reduces MSA funding by $48;148 but then either another source of City.f aiding would need to be identified or 16 deteriorated streetlights would. not be replaced. . As indicated with any of the above options, the MSA account balance is never.less than the subsequent year's MSA. Construction Allocation. This simply means that the City need to occasionally Advance Encumber (borrow from) a .portion of their subsequent year's MSA allocation. This "borrowed" amount could be paid back each year and under all options the MSA Construction account would have a. positive balance in every year except 2010, 2011 and 2015. As you can see on the map and in.the tables, there. is not a MSA project shown in 2012. This helps enable the MSA fund to have an adequate balance to meet the City's Street. Lighting funding. requirement and still maintain ai positive overall MSA fund balance except for the three years indicated. It. is recommendation that the City'use MSA funds for. the -necessary balance of the City share for, the Street Lighting Project in order to obtain the $630,000 in Federal funding for this needed project. Sincerely, BOLTON & MEN�K' , INC, . Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. Mound City Engineer Enclosures Cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works. Charles T, Rickart, Project Engineer, WSB. F;\MO.LTN \C12101221\ Correspondence \CouncilReport,:Mmh; 16,Nld.doc : F= WW C W 3 a w W W r to O W z O W 0 r H 0 G W h p N 1 O O M O H O W N 0 i+ a -d L u z gZ a O Vf, r LLI 0 W 1= ~ LU 0 cc a ? G H � d °- Q Z L3 O cc LLI Q W ►- w 1 W r a z Q 080 0 0 ' H N M to 00 fn N to ri w -M w N An ice/► M � V1 i/F coo Otr 0 O O O DOD d0• gg� m " o pm 14 a 117 i!} Vi i/1• yNj, 41, N N O O O rQ 8 m O N O O O O1 co a 0 coo of m" N Ln 4^ VV 1/1, ul, . i r� In .oi► 0°O SOS u+ VJ N N O AA. tn i% 46 A& 1? � O O O N^ O S D S Vi � -1 O O ^ P (n -1 O 14 tl' M i/�} LN} {CJ1. 00 raj, ,rQ•1 Q O p vv r ^ N 0 in l011 1`Ln^ V1 h N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co b O N 10 m 16 1, m V1 r» ri a1 of m m H V1 n• W W V O tr N N N Ol Ch N � v> vros at V1 N N W V N c N N 4 0 0 rq to ce ci LM l0 M ^ S iJ? N N c O a E c d a E c c v v E c 01 a E a c v v E c d v E a a C W '^ E C cu v� E L c a }I c N c m w o v m c a1 CO o a1 0 c �„ m-0 c 0 m u c O a 0 c N p a c v a k c E a h C W YI Q VI N M Q H . VI Q n N CO N ^ a Q M c N . A Q in Q .1iC m 01 m u� ¢ N m _ Q Y m N Q% m Q M m z ro v m ti m M t%} M M M n V1 a iu Ln a V) u s In u a Ln u a LA v Q `n Ln u a �' In u u a LA u s vai vi iU a In u c v =_ a Z 110 J co = W W \ a v y 5 vt v L W m o `1 O a p > •� O/ Q OJ Q to �. > m O V y "� 8 G7 i Y Y p Q J G W o °- a O co 3 46 c U W p a G O a a a N O m m N t/i O a fO f0 O a y J J J 0 4+ v1 N N C Ql z R N `1 _N 'L H 0 r �- V1 Z V1 JT :7 F- co C9 IM I N Oa e-1 4.0 m L a% _41 Q 3 W N0N a V J F- LU W N 0 Z U. clQ c� G Z D O r� O 0 00 00 00 w P% O 0 -t dam- L1Dn en 0) 114t � N N ,M ► V V>- ri . Vt• V1• Vt• V? 00 00 00 to O O e-1 r-1 ri to O d' ri r-I r-! N r♦ O LA -e Ice d' N N N N O� V1 r�-I r� Vt• V? V>• V} V} °o ONO 000 V-4 UD L o M i 4n to wl 0 4T o O C1 rl� N N L!1 V? 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