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PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2010 - 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * Consent A ems Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. * Consent A eg nda *A. Approve minutes: November 23, 2010 regular meeting 2391 -2394 November 30, 2010 special meeting 2395 -2396 *B. Approve payment of claims 2397 -2436 *C. Approve Pay Request No. 2 by Kuechle Underground, Inc, for work on 2437 -2438 the 2010 Lift Station Improvement Project, in the amount of $282,898.68 *D. Approve Resolution Approving State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement 2439 -2440 with the City of Mound on Behalf of the Police Department and the City's Prosecuting Attorney *E. Approve Resolution Authorizing the City of Mound to Enter into a Grant 2441 -2442 Agreement with the Minnesota State Patrol *F. Approve Resolution Amending Administrative Offense Penalty Schedule 2443 *G. Approve An Ordinance Amending Chapter 70 of the Mound City Code as 2444 -2446 It Relates to Traffic and Vehicles *H. Approve cancellation of 3.2 off -sale liquor license for Speedway Super 2447 America *I. Set Special Meeting Workshop for Supervisors' Annual Reports to the City Council: Tues, Apr 19, 6:30pm *J. Approve recommendations as Planning Commissioners A. Geoff Michael — Three year term B. Steven Ward — Three year term PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *K. Approve recommendations as Dock and Commons Commissioners A. Clifford Schmidt B. Susan Gardner *L. Approve recommendation as Parks and Open Space Commissioner A. Michael Wilkus B. John Dunwoody *M. Approve Resolution Approving Shared Parking Agreement 2448 -2453 *N. Approve Resolution Approving Contributions 2454 *O. Approve Amendment to Local Programming Facilities Agreement (LMCC) 2455 -2456 *P. Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 08 -2003 Implementing 2457 -2458 an Electric Franchise Fee on Northern States Power D /B /A XCEL Energy for Providing Electric Service with the City of Mound (Decrease Rate) *Q. Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 05 -2003 Implementing 2459 a Gas Franchise Fee on Centerpoint Energy MINNEGASCO for Providing Gas Service with the City of Mound (Decrease Rate) *R. Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 05 -2003 Implementing 2460 a Gas Franchise Fee on Centerpoint Energy MINNEGASCO for Providing Gas Service with the City of Mound (Add Sunset) *S. Approve Labor Agreement Between the City of Mound and Law 2461 -2485 Enforcement Labor Services, Inc (Local No. 266) — Police Officers, Investigators/Detectives, and Juvenile Officer — Effective Jan 1— Dec 31, 2010 *T. Approve Application and Permit for a 1 -Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor 2486 License for the Northwest Lions Club at the Gillespie Center 5. Planning Commission Recommendation - Public Hearing - Review /action on 2487 -2495 Ordinance Amending Chapter 129 of the Mound City Code as it Relates to the Zoning Ordinance 6. Harold Pellett of the Gillespie Center 7. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 8. Catherine Pausche, Finance Director, presenting the pre -sale report for $5,440,000 General Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A, and requesting action on: A. A Resolution Providing for the Sale of $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, 2496 -2520 Series 2011A B. A Resolution Calling for the Redemption of Certain Outstanding Bonds (Liquor) 2521 -2525 PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 9. Catherine Pausche, Finance Director, with discussion/action on 2011 Budget A. Overview of 2011 Budget (See separate budget packet) B. Discussion on 2011 Budget considerations 2526 -2529 C. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on 2011 Budget D. Action on Resolution Approving a Levy Not to Exceed $244,407 for the 2530 Purpose of Defraying the Cost of Operation, Pursuant to the Provisions of MSA 469 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound for the Year 2011 E. Action on resolution approving 2011 Final General Fund Budget in the 2531 -2533 amount of $5,246,315; Setting the Levy at $5,407,473; and Approving the Final Overall Budget for 2011 F. Approve Resolution Adopting Fee Schedule 2534 -2540 10. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: Engineering Project Status — Dec 8, 2010 2541 -2542 Fire Commission Meeting — Dec 1, 2010 2543 -2586 Finance Department — Nov 2010 2587 -2588 Harbor Wine & Spirits — Nov 2010 2589 C. Minutes: Planning Commission Meeting — Oct 19, 2010 2590 -2591 Planning Commission Meeting — Nov 16, 2010 2592 -2595 D. Correspondence: 2010 Met Council Housing Score 2596 -2597 11. Adjourn Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofnound.com Jx�� COUNCIL BRIEFING December 14, 2010 • Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Dec 14 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Dec 14 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting (Approve Final Budget) Jan 6 — Close applications for Parks and Planning Commissions — please ask others to apply Jan 11 — 6:30 — HRA Annual Meeting Jan 11 — 7:00 — CC Annual Meeting Jan 25 — 6:15 — CC photos Jan 25 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Jan 25 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting Feb 1 — 7:00 — Planning Commission interviews (council members recommended to attend) Feb 8 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Feb 8 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting Feb 10 — 7:00 — Parks & Open Space interviews (council members recommended to attend) Feb 19 — 6:00 -9:00 — Moonlight Trail Night Feb 22 — 6:30 — HRA regular meeting Feb 22 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting Apr 19 — 6:30 — Supervisors' Annual Reports to the City Council City Hall Closings Dec 23 (1/2 day) Christmas Eve Dec 24 • Dec 30 (1/2 day) Dec 31 Jan 17 Feb 21 City Official's A Dec 18 -Jan 10 Christmas Day New Years Eve New Years Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day bsences Ray Salazar Vacation Dec 19 -Jan 9 Kandis Hanson Vacation Jan 1 -7 David Osmek Work Jan 14 -20 Mark Hanus Vacation Feb 12 -27 Kandis Hanson Vacation Mar 25 -Apr 4 Heidi Gesch Vacation Notify me please........ Council Members are reminded to notify me of their planned absences so we can anticipate when we have those topics that have certain voting requirements under the law. We have an instance before the end of the year that requires four voters. Thank you! Just a Note We advertised in the City Contact for Park and Planning Commissions and now are receiving a few applications. Interviews will take place in Feb (see dates above). Please continue to encourage those you ow. They may call Sarah Smith at 472 -0604 or Jim Fackler at 472 -0611 if they have questions. Thanks for your help. MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • NOVEMBER 23, 2010 The City Council for the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 23, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Ray Salazar, and Heidi Gesch Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Connor Peterson, Patrick Regan, Tom Venema Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. • 4. Consent agenda Salazar requested the removal of Item 4G for discussion. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Salazar to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of the November 9, 2010 regular meeting B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $648,225.44. C. Approve Pay Request #2 from Wilkus Architects, Inc. in the amount of $27,972.75 for the Pump House Remodeling Project D. Approve Pay Request No. 10 and Final from GMH Asphalt Corp in the amount of $120,764.47 for the 2009 Street, Utility and Lift Station Improvement Projects (PW 09 -01, 09 -02, 09 -04, and 09 -06) E. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -81: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR A GRANT FROM THE MUNICIPAL INFILTRATION /INFLOW GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF MOUND'S 2011 SEWER LINING PROJECT F. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -82: RESOLUTION REQUESTING VARIANCES FROM MINIMUM STATE AID STANDARDS, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, OFFICE OF STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION, FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF STATE AID ROUTE 145-112-010,020,030; RIDGEWOOD ROAD, IDLEWOOD ROAD, HIGHLAND BOULEVARD G. (removed) H. Approve appointment of Kelli Gillispie to the Planning Commission as a citizen member, • with term to expire December 31, 2011. 1 -2391- Mound City Council Minutes — November 23, 2010 I. Approve temporary sign permit (after the fact) for 2010 annual Mound Tree Lighting Event • November 19, 2010 J. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -83: RESOLUTION ADOPTING MOUND HOUSING ACTION PLAN K. RESODUTION NO. 10 -84: RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT 1 TO RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT 4G. Approve Resolution in Support of New State Legislation Providing for Changes in Distribution in Fine Revenue for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Citations Salazar questioned who will be enforcing the state laws and paying for enforcement for the invasive species. Osmek informed him that the LMCD and DNR enforce it and also the Minnetonka Power Squadron volunteers in this effort. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -86: A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF NEW STATE LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR CHANGES IN DISTRIBUTION OF FINE REVENUE FOR AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES (AIS) CITATIONS 5. Public Hearings A. Proposed Amendment to Chapter 129 (Zoning Ordinance) as it relates to recreational vehicles and exterior storage • Sarah Smith reviewed the proposed amendments related to exterior storage which include revising the definition of "recreational vehicle" to indicate that a recreational vehicle stored on a trailer shall count as one (1) unit and also reducing the maximum number of allowed storage units from seven to five. Also proposed is the removal of section 129.314(b)(5) related to approval of a conditional use permit for problematic exterior storage conditions. Both of these proposed amendments were approved by the Planning Commission. Osmek questioned if consideration was given to changing the 1,500 square feet number, or a variance if it were on hardcover. Osmek feels that it should read 2,000 sq. ft. Smith suggested that this be carried over to the next meeting to check and see if the Planning Commission did consider this and see what effect this would have on a 6,000 or 10,000 sq. ft. lot. Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing and upon receiving no comment closed the public hearing. Discussion followed regarding issues needing clarification, including the square footage issue, the terms exterior storage, transient storage, setbacks of driveways, primary autos being recreational, and accessory storage use on lots. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to table this item for staff to address the numerous issues that were discussed for clarification, and bring back to the Council for consideration. All voted in favor. Motion carried. r� 1 -2392- Mound City Council Minutes — November 23, 2010 • B Proposed Amendment to Chapter 129 (Zoning Ordinance) as it Relates to Definitions — "Lot line, front" Sarah Smith stated that the definition of front lot line has been called into question because in recent cases the application of the code resulted in a designation that did not seem practical given the existing building configuration on the lot. The proposed amendment as recommended would designate the Community Development Director to designate the front lot line for a corner lot if needed. The definition would still first look at designating the lot line with the shortest width on a public street as the front, however, the addition of a provision would allow the Community Development Director to vary that designation to another street if appropriate. This proposed amendment is supported by the Planning Commission. Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing and upon receiving no comment, closed the public hearing. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to pass the following ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -2010: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 129 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE) AS IT RELATES TO DEFINITIONS 6. Tom Venema, Engineer with American Engineering Testing, Inc. discussing water infiltration at Harbor Wine & Spirits. and next steps Kandis Hanson gave background information on the infiltration of water into the basement of the • liquor store. Tom Venema reviewed the areas of immediate concern and what needs to be done to solve the water infiltration problem. John Dean asked what dollar amounts are being looked at for the ground water issue and Venema gave a $10- 20,000 range, with a weeks' work and four or five floor drains and pumps being used. Hanus suggested that an ad -hoc committee be set up to monitor this situation, and that he, Dave Osmek, Kandis Hanson, the architect, and engineer serve on this committee. The committee will report back to the Council on progress of the project. 7. Harold Pellett of the Gillespie Center Mr. Pellett was not present so no action on this item. 8. Presentation by Mound Westonka Entrepreneurship Class — DECA Project on Financial Literacy Connor Peterson and Patrick Regan reviewed their DECA Financial Literacy project and what activities they have been involved with in the community. Mayor Hanus read a resolution declaring December as Financial Awareness Month in the City of Mound MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 10 -85: RESOLUTION DECLARING DECEMBER AS FINANCIAL AWARENESS MONTH IN THE CITY OF MONTH • Z -2393- Mound City Council Minutes — November 23, 2010 9. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda None were offered. 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: Financial report —October 2010 C. Minutes: None D. Correspondence: Press release on cities pursuing grant to study area fire services 11. Adiourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • • • 4 -2394- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES . NOVEMBER 30, 2010 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Ray Salazar, and Heidi Gesch. Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Police Chief Jim Kurtz, Fire Chief Greg Pederson, Finance Director Catherine Pauche, Accountant Heidi Tumberg, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public Works Superintendent Jim Fackler, Public Works Supervisor Ray Hanson, Dock Administrator Katie Hoff, Liquor Store Manager John Colotti, Kelli Gillispie, Amanda Schwarze, Sally Koenecke, Henry Prior, Ken Henrickson 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. 2. Cover memo Kandis Hanson briefly touched on the items in the cover memo supplied in the packet and turned the meeting over to the Finance Director. 3. Support of local organizations • The Gillespie Center Pausche summarized the history of the two existing agreements that the City has with the Gillespie Center. One of the agreements involves in -kind services, including snow plowing. Fackler stated that currently the Gillespie Center is fifth on the priority list, but they like to be plowed out by 7:00 a.m., and he can't always guarantee that. There is a safety issue for their visitors so getting the snow plowed early is a priority for the Center. Osmek suggested increasing the contribution level so that the Center can contract for the plowing and satisfy their timing priority. The Center has a request for bids out for snow plowing out right now so after the results are known it can be determined what would have to be added to the contribution to cover their plowing needs. It was noted that to avoid the automatic extension of the in -kind agreement that includes the snow plowing, the City needs to notify the Center in writing within 30 days of the termination date (January 22) that it elects not to extend the Agreement. Lake Minnetonka Communication Commission Henry Prior of the LMCC stated that they plan to conduct a market survey to determine if residential users would subscribe to the Fiber -To- The -Home network they are contemplating. For the cost of this survey they are asking Mound to contribute $2000. They are also requesting that Mound become a full member city. Currently Mound retains the non - exclusive franchise agreement with Mediacom, whereas the LMCC hold the franchise agreements for their member cities and collects 100% of the franchise fees and PEG (Public, Educational and Governmental) access fees. The City collects its own fees and only pays a portion to the LMCC for services provided. In 2009 the net amount credited to the General Fund was over $84,000. Osmek stated that he would like Mound to have a member on the Board as soon as they start • down the road to being a member and Prior stated he agrees with that. Councilmembers indicated that they are the General Fund can't take a hit of $84,000 just for the City to become a -2395- member. Pausche indicated that the proposed 2011 budget includes the fee paid to LMCC per subscriber for services going from $1.51 to $1.54 for an additional $2200. It was the consensus • of the Council to keep this increase of $2200 in the 2011 budget, but not to contribute to the survey. Lake Minnetonka Association Osmek stated that he wants the $10,000 for milfoil treatment that is noted in the preliminary budget to be reduced to $6,000 and the $4,000 taken from that line item, be re- allocated in Code 430 to EDC. This $4,000 is to be locked so that it can't be spent without City Council approval, earmarked for downtown promotion. It was the consensus of the Council to revise these figures for final budget consideration. 4. General Fund Forecast and Budget Pausche reviewed the general fund forecast and proposed 2011 budget. 5. Lona Term Forecast and Capital Improvement Plan Chief Kurtz commented on how dark it is on Commerce Blvd, south of Kirby's Bait. Public Works and Public Safety is recommending that additional street lights be placed along Commerce Blvd between Bartlett and Highland Boulevard. It is anticipated that 12 additional lights would be needed with an estimated cost of $140,000. With this staff is recommending additional electric service for Mound Bay Park, which is estimated at $10,000. The funding source would be a combination of MSA funds and a portion of the monthly Street Lighting Fee. The electrical improvements to the park would come from the General Fund. It was the consensus of the Council to go ahead with these improvements. Discussion then centered around utility rates and the current and forecast condition of the City's • utility funds. It is the consensus of the Council to raise the Water base rate to $40.50 /qtr and leave the tier rates as they presently are, leave the sewer rates as they currently are, and to raise the storm water rate fee from $12 to $20 /qtr. These will be reflected in a revised fee schedule to be acted on at the December 14 meeting. Pausche reviewed the liquor store history and long term forecast. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to cancel the special budget meeting previously set for December 7, 2010 at 6:30 pm. because it is felt that it is not needed. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 6. Adjourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Hanus to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -2396- 0 City of Mound Claims as of 12 -14 -10 0 Batch Dollar Amount 111810CRCARD $ 2,910.31 112410SUE $166,528.01 120110SUE $ 1,931.19 120210SUE $ 400.00 120310SUE $ 102.36 120810S U E $ 20, 630.43 121410SUE $349,610.38 Total Claims $542,112.68 -2397- CITY OF MOUND 12/09/10 10:46 AM Payments Page 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: November 2010 Batch Name 111810CRCARD Payment Computer Dollar Amt $2,910.31 Posted Refer 111810 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 099252 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 11 -01 -10 CROWD CONTROL, BARRIERS FOR $83.00 CITY HALL Invoice 0035 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 11 -01 -10 POLICE CHIEFS CONFERENCE, FL $840.02 Invoice 2803 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 10141410431 Meeting Expense 10 -30 -10 ELECTIONS BUDGET MEETING $11.46 Invoice 9074 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 10141310 -434 Conference & Training 10 -22 -10 CITY MANAGERS CONFERENCE, $994.08 SAN JOSE, CA Invoice 1188 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 22242260 -434 Conference & Training 10 -24 -10 DOUBLE TREE, CHIEF STATE $438.84 CONFERENCE Invoice 6295 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100430 Miscellaneous 10 -26 -10 DOMINOS, STORM CLEAN UP $28.93 Invoice 0147 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 670 - 49500460 Janitorial Services 10 -09 -10 SCOTTY BS RECYCLE DAY $64.75 Invoice 3481 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 10 -04 -10 HOME DEPOT CONCRETE MIX $184.81 Invoice 1972 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 10141500 -434 Conference & Training 10 -19 -10 MN GFOA MEETING $15.00 Invoice 0019 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920-440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -20 -10 INET 7 SERVICE $43.90 Invoice 0012 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -210 Operating Supplies 10 -06 -10 AMAZON, MICROSOFT $45.54 Invoice 8194 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 10145200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 10 -08 -10 KOHLS, FACKLER $159.98 Invoice 9627 11/18/2010 Transaction Date 11/18/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,910.31 Fund Summary BATCH Total $2,910.31 10100 Wells Fargo 101 $2,406.72 222 $438.84 670 $6 4.7 5 $2,910.31 Pre - Written Checks $2,910.31 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $2,910.31 • i s • -2398- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 112410SUE Payment CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2010 Computer Dollar Amt $166,528.01 Posted 12/09/10 10:44 AM Page 1 Refer 112410 SPENCER, RYAN Ck# 036396 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2010 FITNESS REIMBURSEMENT $59.99 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59.99 Refer 112410 NORTHERN STAR COUNCIL Ck# 036394 11/24/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -22806 Police Explorers 2010 EXPLORER MEMBERSHIP DUES $140.00 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $140.00 Refer 112410 MOORE, CARLTON Ck# 036391 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training 11 -19 -10 FALL CONFERENCE $91.08 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $91.08 Refer 112410 WELCH, BRIAN Ck# 036398 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2010 BOOT ALLOWANCE $150.00 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 • Refer 112410 BECK, KENNETH Ck# 036387 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -434 Conference & Training 11 -10 -10 DOMESTIC ABUSE CONFERENCE $20.00 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 112410 TERRA GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ck# 036397 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 401 -46570 -300 Professional Srvs PAY REQUEST #2 PUMP HOUSE $27,972.75 RELOCATION Invoice PAY REQUEST # 11/24/2010 Project PW0808 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27,972.75 Refer 112410 GMHASPHALT Ck# 036390 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E401-43109-500 Capital Outlay FA 07 -17 -10 THRU 10 -26 -10 2009 STREET $120,764.47 PROJECT Invoice #10 AND FINAL 11/24/2010 Project PWO901 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120,764.47 Refer 112410 FOURNIER, MICHAEL J. Ck# 036389 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 10 -21 -09 PIT SCHOOL TRAINING $12.50 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.50 Refer 122410 NICCUM, DANIEL Ck# 036393 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 11 -02 -10 EMT REFRESHER COURSE $8.88 Invoice 122410 12/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,88 Refer 112410 PAUSCHE, CATHERINE Ck# 036395 11/24/2010 • Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -430 Miscellaneous THRU 09 -23 -10 REIMBURSEMENTS $10.00 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -331 Use of personal auto THRU 09 -23 -10 REIMBURSEMENTS $114.66 Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 -2399- CITY OF MOUND Transaction Date 11/24/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 112410 MOUND POST OFFICE Ck# 036392 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -322 Postage 11 -24 -10 POSTAGE Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -322 Postage 11 -24 -10 POSTAGE Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds 11 -24 -10 POSTAGE Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 11/24/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 112410 DURKIN, DAVID Ck# 036388 11/24/2010 Cash Payment E 401 -43110 -500 Capital Outlay FA 4631 INVERNESS MODULAR BLOCK Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 PO 21860 Cash Payment E 401 -43110 -500 Capital Outlay FA TUXEDO AND HANOVER RETAINING WALL Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 P021860 Cash Payment E 401 -43110 -500 Capital Outlay FA LYNWOOD AND APPLE LANE TIMBERWALL Invoice 112410 11/24/2010 P021860 Transaction Date 11/24/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary BATCH Total 10100 Wells Fargo 101 $408.71 401 $165,878.22 601 $91.08 602 $150.00 $166,528.01 12/09/10 10:44 AM Page 2 $124.66 $0.44 $37.40 $4.84 $42.68 $10,131.00 $3,230.00 $3,780.00 $17,141.00 $166,528.01 Pre - Written Checks $166,528.01 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $166,528.01 • • • CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2010 -2400- CITY OF WOUND Batch Name 120110SUE Payment CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 Computer Dollar Amt $1,931.19 Posted Transaction Date 12/1/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 0 12/09/10 10:44 AM Page 1 $65.00 Total Refer 120110 HOOPER, PAUL Ck# 036399 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2010 FITNESS REIMBSURSEMENT $32.07 Invoice 120110 12/1/2010 $65.00 Total Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 $497.81 Refer 120110 NORLANDER, JILL Ck# 036400 12/1/2010 $497.81 Cash Payment E 10141910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance FRAMES FOR DEPARTMENTS Total Invoice 120110 12/1/2010 PO 23116 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 120110 RASMUSSEN, BRENT Ck# 036401 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2010 FITNESS REIMBURSEMENT Invoice 120110 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 120110 SPRINT WIRELESS Ck# 036402 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells 10 -15 -10 THRU 11 -14 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 924573317 -108 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 • Refer 120110 SPRINT WIRELESS Ck# 036403 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells 10 -15 -10 THRU 11 -14 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 772348811 -036 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 120110 VERIZON WIRELESS (P," Ck# 036404 12/1/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells 11 -14 -10 THRU 12 -13 -10 CELL PHONES Invoice 2787837736 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/1/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 0 12/09/10 10:44 AM Page 1 $65.00 Total $65.00 $32.07 Total $32.07 $65.00 Total $65.00 $497.81 Total $497.81 $319.92 Total $319.92 $35.50 $19.31 $38.46 $7.88 $178.07 $17.27 $165.23 $305.90 $183.77 Total $951.39 -2401- CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 281 601 602 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 10100 Wells Fargo $1,452.18 $7.88 $305.90 $165.23 $1,931.19 12/09/10 10:44 AM Page 2 BATCH Total $1,931.19 Pre - Written Checks $1,931.19 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $1,931.19 • Cl • -2402- CITY OF MOUND 12/09/1010:45 AM ,i • � Payments Page 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Batch Name 120210SUE Payment Computer Dollar Amt $400.00 Posted Refer 120210 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTRO Ck# 036405 12/2/2010 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs STORM SEWER PERMIT MS4 Invoice 120210 12/2/2010 $400.00 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary BATCH Total 10100 Wells Fargo 675 $400.00 $400.00 Pre - Written Checks $400.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $400.00 • 10 $400.00 $400.00 -2403- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 120310SUE Payment Refer 120310 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -322 Postage Invoice 120310 12/3/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage Invoice 120310 12/3/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -322 Postage Invoice 120310 12/3/2010 Transaction Date 12/3/2010 Fund Summary 101 601 CITY OF MOUND 12/09/10 10:45 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2010 Computer Dollar Amt $102.36 Posted Ck# 036406 12/3/2010 12 -03 -10 POSTAGE $4.44 12 -03 -10 POSTAGE $1.12 12 -03 -10 POSTAGE $96.80 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $102.36 BATCH Total $102.36 10100 Wells Fargo $101.24 $1.12 $102.36 Pre - Written Checks $102.36 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $102.36 • C11 101 -2404- _ CITY OF MOUND 12/09/10 10:45 AM Page 1 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Batch Name 120810SUE Payment Computer Dollar Amt $20,630.43 Posted Refer 120810 XCEL ENERGY Ck# 036418 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $785.68 Invoice 347310546 12/812010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $3,009.20 Invoice 347310546 12/812010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $2,061.69 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $1,406.08 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $710.08 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1, GARAGE $149.82 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $710.08 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $843.95 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Payment E 285 -46388 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1 $986.66 • Cash Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities 10 -10 #51- 6002837 -1, DEPOT $61.50 Invoice 347310546 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,724.74 Refer 120810 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (P/W Ck# 036415 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 11 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,428.03 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 11 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,441.56 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 11 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES $1,110.67 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,980.26 Refer 120810 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (PAR Ck# 036416 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 11 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES $984.35 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $984.35 Refer 120810 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POL Ck# 036417 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels THRU 11 -26 -10 GASOLINE CHARGES $2,223.51 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,223.51 Refer 120810 CASH, PETTY CASH Ck# 036408 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage 12 -01 -10 POSTAGE $3.84 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 • Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -322 Postage 12 -01 -10 POSTAGE $10.40 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds 12 -01 -10 POSTAGE $1.39 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 -2405- 1 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 12/09/10 10:45 AM Page 2 Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -322 Postage 12 -01 -10 POSTAGE $7.69 Invoice 120810 1218/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -322 Postage 12 -01 -10 POSTAGE $0.88 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $24.20 Refer 121410 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Ck# 036411 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -361 General Liability Ins BEAUCHAMP, MICHAEL SEWER BACKUP $1,000.00 Invoice 11073656 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,000.00 Refer 120810 HANSON, KANDIS Ck# 036410 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -331 Use of personal auto 01 -04 -10 THRU 12 -14 -10 MISC MILEAGE $765.18 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -305 Medical Services 2010 EYE REIMBURSEMENT $50.00 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $815.18 Refer 120810 GIESE, LEROY Ck# 036409 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2010 BOOT ALLOWANCE $150.00 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 120810 PAUSCHE, CATHERINE Ck# 036414 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies PAPER PRODUCTS $17.94 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -431 Meeting Expense 12 -07 -10 ALL STAFF MEETING $16.99 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $34.93 Refer 120810 MILLE LACS COUNTY Ck# 036412 12/8/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow CASE #10 -3074 WT #CR09587 $100.00 Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 121410 NEOPOST Ck# 036413 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance POSTAGE RATE INCREASE 1/2/11 $277.88 Invoice SE37/57 SCALE 11/23/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance POSTAGE RATE INCREASE 1/2/11 $277.88 Invoice IJ-65 MAIL MAC 11/23/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $555.76 Refer 120810 AL & ALMA'S SUPPER CLUB Ck# 036407 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -431 Meeting Expense POP SINGER'S LUNCHEON NORLANDER, $37.50 ROBERTS, K. HANSON Invoice 120810 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $37.50 • -2406- • CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 222 285 601 602 609 CITY OF MOUND Payments 12/09/10 10:46 AM Page 3 Current Period: December 2010 10100 Wells Fargo $8,900.65 $710.08 $986.66 $4,454.60 $4,172.36 $1,406.08 $20,630.43 BATCH Total $20,630.43 Pre - Written Checks $20,630.43 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $20,630.43 • • -2407- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 121410SUE Payments CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 User Dollar Amt $349,610.38 Computer Dollar Amt $349,610.38 Refer 121410 ADVANCED GRAPHIX, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 182446 12/14/2010 PO 22731 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Refer 121410 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES #894 $0.00 In Balance WINDOW STICKERS 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 1 $90.84 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.84 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $145.76 Invoice 2353881 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $88.71 Invoice 2352988 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $85.43 Invoice 2355749 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $85.43 Invoice 2355749 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $28.32 Invoice 2355751 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $28.32 Invoice 2355751 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa 12 -10 GARBAGE SERVICE $28.32 Invoice 2355751 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 67049500 -440 Other Contractual Servic 11 -10 CURBSIDE RECYCLING $14,280.21 Invoice 2352369 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/3/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,770.50 Refer 121410 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTIN _ Cash Payment E 40143160 -300 Professional Srvs STREET LIGHT PROJECT ENGINEERING $1,372.40 FEES NOV 2010 Invoice 49846 11/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,372.40 Refer 121410 AMERICAN MESSAGING Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells PAGER REPAIR $13.36 Invoice D2062026KK -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -321 Telephone & Cells PAGER REPAIR $13.36 Invoice D2062026KK -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26.72 Refer 121410 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOC Cash Payment G 601 -15500 Prepaid Items 2011 AWWA Membership Dues R Hanson $310.00 Invoice 7000291347 10/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $310.00 Refer 121410 AMUNDSON, M. LLP Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R CIGARETTES $521.70 Invoice 98672 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $521.70 Refer 121410 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. MINITOR V BELT CLIP $10.69 Invoice 19440 12/1/2010 -2408- • Cl • CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10.69 Refer 121410 ANDREW DRILLING _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training 50% TUITION REIMB FOR EMERGENCY $231.07 MEDICAL TECHNICIAN COURSE Invoice 8810 11/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $231.07 Refer 121410 APPROVED EQUAL COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -402 Building Maintenance Invoice 10731 12/6/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS SERVICE CALL- $105.00 POLICE Wells Fargo 10100 Total $105.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $27.88 Invoice 383032715 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -23 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 383032715 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $40.69 Invoice 461033707 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 12 -03 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 461033707 -B 12/14/2010 • Invoice Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $77.76 Invoice 461032308 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -19 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $1.00 Invoice 461032308 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $149.33 Refer 121410 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER MOUND LOGO $46.31 Invoice 121410 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER MOUND LOGO $46.31 Invoice 121410 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER MOUND LOGO $46.32 Invoice 121410 -C 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $138.94 Refer 121410 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 10 -02 -10 LAKEWOOD LIFT STATION REPAIRS $2,349.75 Invoice 23497 -S 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,349.75 Refer 121410 AUTOMOTIVE WHOLESALES, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance TRANSMISSION, CONVERTER, FILTER KIT $1,104.28 Invoice 93300 10/29/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,104.28 Refer 121410 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale • Invoice 55996100 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 55996100 -B 12/14/2010 LIQUOR $279.80 WINE $444.00 -2409- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Payments Page 3 • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 12 -01 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $16.40 Invoice 55996100 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,283.15 Invoice 56060700 12/6/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS $27.00 Invoice 84552700 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MANHATTAN MIX $33.50 Invoice 84552700 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $893.00 Invoice 56093700 -A 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -8 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $12.75 Invoice 56093700 -B 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,131.20 Invoice 55883700 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $216.00 Invoice 55883711 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -23 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $24.80 Invoice 55883711 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies GIFT BAGS $82.00 Invoice 84495300 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $72.00 Invoice 84495300 -B 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies UPC SHELF STRIPS $23.25 Invoice 84454200 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $5,155.65 Invoice 55751400 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $376.00 Invoice 55751400 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $464.00 Invoice 54896600 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -17 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $10.20 Invoice 54896600 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,840.10 Invoice 55958000 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS $84.49 Invoice 84525700 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $48.68 Invoice 84525700 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,279.25 Invoice 55836800 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -19 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $20.15 Invoice 55836800 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies UPC SHELF STRIPE $31.00 Invoice 84483100 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,848.37 Refer 121410 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $135.45 • Invoice 14211 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $134.52 Invoice 13606 12/14/2010 -2410- • CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 13607 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Refer 121410 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 904503 11/17/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS BEER $127.60 Wells Fargo 10100 Total FIRE DEPT COFFEE Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -224 Street Maint Materials SAND SALT Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -224 Street Maint Materials SAND SALT Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/IM Cash Payment E602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RETURN GENERATOR BATTERY Invoice 6974 - 141215 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs RETURN CORE SHAFT Invoice 6974 - 140985 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair MARKER LAMP, DIESEL FUEL Total Total • 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 4 $397.57 $87.95 $87.95 $2,823.00 $1,626.17 $4,449.17 - $12.83 - $84.43 $78.27 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $63.85 $42.97 $37.64 $27.35 $17.29 $202.19 $72.04 $159.35 $13.98 $56.84 $34.56 SUPPLEMENT, HEET Invoice 6974 - 142009 11/20/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 6974- FC2627163 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 6974- FC2627163 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 6974- FC2627163 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Invoice 6974 - 139329 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts #1205 TRANSMISSION FILTER KIT Invoice 6974 - 141382 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts WIPER BLADES, OIL FILTERS Invoice 6974 - 142136 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts #185 SEALED BEAM Invoice 6974 - 142301 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #841 WIPER BLADES Invoice 6974 - 142586 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts #302 CV SHAFT Invoice 6974 - 140948 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts #192 FUEL FILTER Invoice 6974 - 140507 12114/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts #404 RDY CALIPER Invoice 6974 - 138854 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair / Maint Supply LAKEWOOD GENERATOR BATTERY CABLE 6974 - 140397 12/14/2010 • Invoice Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts #308 TRANSMISSION FILTER Invoice 6974 - 141173 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts #308 ATF DEXRON VI QT Invoice 6974 - 141180 12/14/2010 -2411- 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 4 $397.57 $87.95 $87.95 $2,823.00 $1,626.17 $4,449.17 - $12.83 - $84.43 $78.27 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $63.85 $42.97 $37.64 $27.35 $17.29 $202.19 $72.04 $159.35 $13.98 $56.84 $34.56 _ CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Payments Page 5 • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts #1105 CLAMP $0.88 Invoice 6974 - 132071 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SCHOOL BUS LAMP $63.85 Invoice 6974 - 139329 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100 -230 Shop Materials BRAKE FLUID $5.85 Invoice 6974 - 142528 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60149400 -230 Shop Materials BRAKE FLUID $5.85 Invoice 6974 - 142528 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials BRALE FLUID $5.86 Invoice 6974 - 142528 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials DIESEL FUEL SUPPORT, ANTIFREEZE $50.95 Invoice 6974 - 142180 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60149400 -230 Shop Materials DIESEL FUEL SUPPORT, ANTIFREEZE $50.95 Invoice 6974 - 142180 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials DIESEL FUEL SUPPORT, ANTIFREEZE $50.94 Invoice 6974 - 142180 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts #1604 PIGGYBACK KIT $128.25 Invoice 6974 - 142206 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,072.96 Refer 121410 CAT AND FIDDLE BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $525.00 • Invoice 88438 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $525.00 Refer 121410 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $4.64 Invoice 39416 -A 12114/2010 Cash Payment E 60149400 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $4.64 Invoice 39416 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $4.64 Invoice 39416 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER $13.47 Invoice 40914 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.39 Refer 121410 CHIEFS POLICE ASSOC MINNESO Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items 2011 DUES —KURTZ $230.00 Invoice 3100 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $230.00 Refer 121410 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING C Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $131.45 Invoice 432525 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E60949750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES $16.00 Invoice 433497 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $61.95 Invoice 433497 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $209.40 • Refer 121410 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT, I _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -219 Safety supplies FIRE DEPT MASKS 3 $96.69 Invoice 135956 11/19/2010 -2412- -2413- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010: 18 AM ' Page 6 • �� Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.69 Refer 121410 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $524.25 Invoice 0178056810 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $524.25 Refer 121410 CONCEPT LANDSCAPING Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -440 Other Contractual Servic SCHERVAN PARK DREDGING $2,625.00 Invoice 5324 12/14/2010 PO 22140 Transaction Date 12/1/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,625.00 Refer 121410 CONTRACT RESOURCE SERVICE _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs REPAIR LOOSE CARPET AS NEEDED CITY $395.00 HALL Invoice 26541 12/6/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $395.00 Refer 121410 CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCE, IN Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -203 Printed Forms NITE GLOW PENCILS $362.44 Invoice CPS10127028 12/14/2010 PO 22696 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $362.44 121410 CT TECHNOLOGIES • Refer Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items 1 POLICE 1 CITY HALL TYPEWRITER 2011 $258.00 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 12 -15 -10 TO 12- 15-11 Invoice 12551 11/15/2010 Transaction Date 1217/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $258.00 Refer 121410 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $218.00 Invoice 28552 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $250.00 Invoice 29335 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $145.00 Invoice 29199 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $613.00 Refer 121410 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $717.47 Invoice 579996 12/7/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $210.00 Invoice 572809 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale CREDIT —BEER - $1,701.54 Invoice 574606 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,354.55 Invoice 577405 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $22.40 Invoice 577406 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,782.65 Invoice 579207 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $28.00 Invoice 579208 12/14/2010 -2413- CITY OF MOUND I` Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 579206 12/14/2010 Wells Fargo Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 577896 12/14/2010 Invoice 599 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 578402 12/14/2010 Refer 121410 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 578403 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 D'VINCIS NAVARRE, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -431 Meeting Expense FIRE DEPT MTG 12 -1 -10 FOOD Invoice 312329 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE ENGINE 40 TANKER - PUMPER Invoice 51698 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE ENGINE 24 Invoice 51699 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE ENGINE 29 Invoice 51700 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE LADDER 17 Invoice 51701 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE RESCUE 22 Invoice 51702 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE TANKER - PUMPER 35 Invoice 51703 10/26/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SERVICE TAKER - PUMPER 35 Invoice 51816 10/26/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 67 -161 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 FIRSTLAB Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -430 Miscellaneous SUPERVISORY VIDEO MANUAL FLASH DRIVE Invoice 336698 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 FITTEST, INCORPORATED _ $139.00 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -300 Professional Srvs 38 FF FIT TESTS Invoice 599 10/26/2010 $1,026.00 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2420 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 FLAT AND VERTICAL TILE STONE _ -2414- 10100 10100 10100 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 7 $0.00 $77.50 $3,884.10 $108.20 Total $7,483.33 $66.09 Total $66.09 $1,093.46 $1,034.33 $1,299.60 $506.13 $530.20 $485.09 $59.13 Total $5,007.94 $315.00 Total $315.00 $139.00 Total $139.00 $1,026.00 Total $1,026.00 $226.80 Total $226.80 • • • CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM • � Payments Page 8 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 CLEAN FLOORS, CLEAN RESTROOMS CLEAN FLOORS, CLEAN RESTROOMS Welts Fargo 10100 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE Wells Fargo 10100 12 -6 -10 MATS 11 -29 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS $684.00 $684.00 Total $1,368.00 $145.81 $145.81 $145.81 $291.60 $911.50 $412.05 $231.36 $497.42 $497.42 $497.43 $93.68 $671.82 Total $4,541.71 $55.33 $79.82 $44.64 $44.64 $44.64 -2415- Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 121410 -A 12/14/2010 PO 22737 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 12141B 12/14/2010 PO 22737 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Refer 1 E +06 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3361734 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3361734 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3361734 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3361734 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Refer 121410 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006712751 12/6/2010 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006701766 11/29/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 6679917 -D 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 6679917 -E 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 6679917 -F 12/14/2010 CLEAN FLOORS, CLEAN RESTROOMS CLEAN FLOORS, CLEAN RESTROOMS Welts Fargo 10100 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -20 -10 THRU 12 -20 -10 ETHERNET 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11 -30 -10 THRU 12 -29 -10 TELEPHONE SERVICE Wells Fargo 10100 12 -6 -10 MATS 11 -29 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS 11 -15 -10 MATS $684.00 $684.00 Total $1,368.00 $145.81 $145.81 $145.81 $291.60 $911.50 $412.05 $231.36 $497.42 $497.42 $497.43 $93.68 $671.82 Total $4,541.71 $55.33 $79.82 $44.64 $44.64 $44.64 -2415- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Payments Page 9 • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 11 -29 -10 MATS $131.85 Invoice 6701765 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -29 -10 UNIFORMS $20.17 Invoice 6701768 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services 11 -15 -10 MATS $155.08 Invoice 6679920 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 11 -29 -10 MATS $77.01 Invoice 6701768 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services 11 -29 -10 MATS $89.73 Invoice 6701767 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services 11 -20 -10 MATS $55.33 Invoice 6701760 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -22 -10 UNIFORMS $21.92 Invoice 6690797 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -22 -10 UNIFORMS $20.32 Invoice 6690797 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -22 -10 UNIFORMS $25.34 Invoice 6690797 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 11 -22 -10 MATS $36.50 Invoice 6697097 -D 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials 11 -22 -10 MATS $36.50 Invoice 6697097 -E 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 11 -22 -10 MATS $36.50 Invoice 6697097 -F 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -15 -10 UNIFORMS $21.92 Invoice 6679917 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -15 -10 UNIFORMS $20.32 Invoice 6679917 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -15 -10 UNIFORMS $25.34 Invoice 6679917 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $20.05 Invoice 6668864 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $27.08 Invoice 6668864 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $21.71 Invoice 6668864 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100 -230 Shop Materials 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $36.08 Invoice 6668864 -D 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60149400 -230 Shop Materials 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $36.08 Invoice 6668864 -E 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60249450 -230 Shop Materials 11 -08 -10 UNIFORMS $36.08 Invoice 6668864 -F 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750460 Janitorial Services 11 -22 -10 MATS $55.33 Invoice 6690793 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10145200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -22 -10 UNIFORMS $16.74 Invoice 6690799 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10145200 -210 Operating Supplies 11 -22 -10 MATS $71.32 • Invoice 6690799 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 10145200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -15 -10 UNIFORMS $20.17 Invoice 6679921 -A 12/14/2010 -2416- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM Page 10 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 11 -15 -10 MATS $88.35 Invoice 6679921 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 12 -06 -10 UNIFORMS $16.74 Invoice 6712757 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies 12 -06 -10 MATS $71.32 Invoice 6712757 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -29 -10 UNIFORMS $18.76 Invoice 6701763 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -29 -10 UNIFORMS $21.72 Invoice 6701763 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11 -29 -10 UNIFORMS $25.33 Invoice 6701763 -C 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials 11 -29 -10 MATS $44.71 Invoice 6701763 -D 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials 11 -29 -10 MATS $44.71 Invoice 6701763 -E 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials 11 -29 -10 MATS $44.71 Invoice 6701763 -F 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,759.89 Refer 121410 GARVAIS, JERRY TOPS LLC _ • Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -210 Operating Supplies CABINET DOORS VENT HOLES $45.00 Invoice 1565 12/14/2010 PO 22742 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 121410 GILLESPIE CENTER Cash Payment E 101 - 41115 -430 Miscellaneous GILLESPIE CENTER ENDOWMENT 2010 2ND $30,000.00 PAYMENT Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/10/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30,000.00 Refer 121410 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD _ Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies 11 -22 -10 5TH FLOOR BREAK ROOM $121.52 Invoice 7126219 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/3/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $121.52 Refer 121410 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -395 Gopher One -Call 11 -10 LOCATES $46.40 Invoice 0110729 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -395 Gopher One -Call 11 -10 LOCATES $46.40 Invoice 0110729 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $92.80 Refer 121411 GRAND PERE WINES, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $344.00 Invoice 00026300 12/8/2010 Transaction Date 12/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $344.00 Refer 121410 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA _ Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $0.00 • Cash Invoice 124404 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $720.00 Invoice 124403 -A 12/14/2010 -2417- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 11 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -23 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $11.25 Invoice 124403 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $731.25 Refer 121410 HACH COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training WATER ANALYSIS CLASS, MORRIS $125.00 Invoice 7006041 12/14/2010 PO 21852 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.00 Refer 121410 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -227 Chemicals CHLORINE CYLINDER $50.00 Invoice 3178134 -RI 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 1217/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 121410 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CLAMPS, PLUGS, LIDS $249.66 Invoice 2278345 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $249.66 Refer 121410 HEALTH ACTIVATION SERVICES, _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -305 Medical Services m. Shepherd Hepatitis B Vaccination $100.00 Invoice 101110 10/31/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -305 Medical Services 39 HEALTH SURVEILLANCE SERVICES 10 -18- $1,088.00 10 Invoice 101110 10/31/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,188.00 Refer 121410 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies FIRE DEPT TRAILER MAP BOX, GENERATOR $1,843.59 BOX, SHELF & INSTALLATION Invoice 91559 11/8/2010 Cash Payment E 10143100404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #186 BALL AND BUSHING $60.96 Invoice 91594 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #843 SEAT REPAIR $135.00 Invoice 91617 12/14/2010 PO 22740 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,039.55 Refer 121410 HENNEPIN COUNTY ELECTIONS _ Cash Payment E 10141410 -210 Operating Supplies ROSTERS, BALLOTS, ETC $317.26 Invoice 112910 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $317.26 Refer 121410 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 10142110 -418 Other Rentals 10 -10 RADIO LEASE $1,306.03 Invoice 210108036 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,306.03 Refer 121410 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S AC _ Cash Payment E 10141600450 Board of Prisoners 10 -10 PROCESSING FEE $387.66 Invoice 3322 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $387.66 Refer 121410 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R& _ Cash Payment E 10141600450 Board of Prisoners 10 -10 ROOM AND BOARD $693.00 Invoice 2010 -10 -MOUND 12/14/2010 -2418- • �1 *I Cash Payment E 601 49400 -210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 1000658 -A 12/14/2010 PO 21865 Cash Payment E602-49450-210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 1000658 -A -B 12/14/2010 PO 21865 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 INTRCOMM TECHNOLOGY Cash Payment E 10141920440 Other Contractual Servic 11 -10 UTILITY SERVICE Invoice 121918 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DICK TRANS SOFWARTWARE PUBLIC SAFETY Invoice 54981 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment CITY OF MOUND Invoice 30539 12/10/10 10:18 AM Cash Payment _ • Invoice 30543 12/14/2010 Page 12 E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #842 MOUNT BALANCE TIRES Invoice 30567 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $693.00 Refer 121410 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $282.50 Invoice 540531 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $151.50 Invoice 541958 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $434.00 Refer 121410 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, 1- Cash Payment G 101 -23227 5248 Sulgrove Rd #10- 03/04/ 5248 SULGROVE ROAD CASE 10 -09 PARK $124.50 DEDICATION ANALYSIS Invoice 007 - 005 -34 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs MOUND COMP PLAN NOV 2010 $560.00 Invoice 006 - 020 -23 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs MOUND MISC PLANNING $845.00 Invoice 007 - 001 -31 12/1 /2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,529.50 Refer 121410 HOME DEPOT CREDIT (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies SHELF & BRACKETS $51.58 Invoice 120310 12/3/2010 Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies NOV 2010 FINANCE CHARGE $13.32 • Cash Invoice 120310 12/3/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $64.90 Refer 121410 HOME DEPOT /GECF (P/IM _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply OUTLET BOXES, TARP $113.67 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $113.67 Refer 121410 INFRATECH Cash Payment E 601 49400 -210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 1000658 -A 12/14/2010 PO 21865 Cash Payment E602-49450-210 Operating Supplies PAINT Invoice 1000658 -A -B 12/14/2010 PO 21865 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 INTRCOMM TECHNOLOGY Cash Payment E 10141920440 Other Contractual Servic 11 -10 UTILITY SERVICE Invoice 121918 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DICK TRANS SOFWARTWARE PUBLIC SAFETY Invoice 54981 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 ISLAND PARK SKELLY Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #845 MOUNT BALANCE TIRES Invoice 30539 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #848 MOUNT BALANCE TIRES • Invoice 30543 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #842 MOUNT BALANCE TIRES Invoice 30567 12/14/2010 $51.30 $51.30 Total $102.60 $1,800.00 $160.31 Total $1,960.31 $67.00 $67.00 $67.00 -2419- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #840 MOUNT BALANCE TIRES Invoice 30570 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs #851 OIL, WIPERS, TIRE ROTATION Invoice 30643 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services DECEMBER 2010 CITY HALL CLEANING BILLING Invoice MIN12100349 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 JESSEN PRES INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -350 Printing Invoice 25405 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR Invoice 477213 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1950269 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1949225 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1949224 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1952642 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1952641 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1952640 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1956246 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1956245 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1956244 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR Invoice 476578 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale CREDIT — LIQUOR Invoice 476579 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE Invoice 4770077 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -431 Meeting Expense FIRE COMMISSION MTG REFRESHMENTS 12 -1 -10 Invoice 0009 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 KEEPERS, INCORPORATED FALL 2010 NEWSLETTER 10100 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 13 $45.00 $92.32 Total $338.32 $694.69 Total $694.69 $1,434.26 Total $1,434.26 -$9.40 $272.80 $4,425.40 $639.95 $40.00 $1,718.45 $2,420.31 $1,162.64 $1,921.35 $279.05 - $11.08 - $139.41 -$4.13 10100 Total $12,715.93 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -2420- $14.92 $14.92 • �1 • CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 14 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms VEST, KURTZ $85.97 Invoice 153421 12/14/2010 PO 23064 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.97 Refer 121410 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -316 Legal P & 1 09 -10 BRENSHALL LANDFORM $42.00 DEVELOPMENT Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -316 Legal P & 1 10 -10 BRENSHALL LANDFORM $441.00 DEVELOPMENT Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $483.00 Refer 121410 KYLE WHITE INC _ Cash Payment R601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu OVERPAYMENT OF UTILITY BILL 1760 $268.22 COMMERCE BLVD Invoice 120710 12/7/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $268.22 Refer 121410 LAKESHORE WEEKLY COMMUNIC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising LAKESHORE WEEKLY NEWS ADVERTISING $15.00 Invoice 00124481 12/7/2010 Date 12/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 • Transaction Refer 121410 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair BOBCAT TACH PLATE $160.31 Invoice 39770 12/14/2010 PO 23119 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $160.31 Refer 121410 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials RGH SER BULB $21.08 Invoice 9835767 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts PIPE FTG, SWIVELS, HOSE $240.73 Invoice 9835766 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts FEMALE SWIVLE CRIMP FITTINGS $142.36 Invoice 9804278 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -230 Shop Materials ROLLER CHAIN $113.28 Invoice 9830369 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $517.45 Refer 121410 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -210 Operating Supplies City Hall Copier $36.70 Invoice 1170137 10/1/2010 Transaction Date 12/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $36.70 Refer 121410 MADDEN, FRANK AND ASSOCIATE _ Cash Payment E 101 -49999 -300 Professional Srvs 10 -10 LABOR RELATION SERVICES $632.80 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $632.80 • Refer 121410 MARGRON SKOGLUND WINE IMP _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $311.00 Invoice 20015349 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -29 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $6.00 Invoice 20015349 -B 12/14/2010 -2421- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 15 r� Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $317.00 Refer 121410 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -19 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $321.10 Invoice 24693 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -24 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $232.70 Invoice 24712 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -29 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $20.80 Invoice 24715 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -01 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $26.00 Invoice 24603 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -04 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $70.20 Invoice 24625 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -11 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $291.20 Invoice 24647 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -15 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE $75.40 Invoice 24660 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,037.40 Refer 121410 MERTZ, CRAIG M. LAW OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -304 Legal Fees 11 -10 PROSECUTION SERVICES $7,968.12 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,968.12 • Refer 121410 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment G 602 -15500 Prepaid Items JANUARY 2011 WASTEWATER CHARGE $54,372.92 Invoice 0000946793 12/2/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54,372.92 Refer 121410 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance 10 -25 -10 WINDOW WASH $65.44 Invoice 921078216 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.44 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -37170 State fee - Water 10 -01 -10 THRU 12 -31 -10 SERVICE $5,883.00 CONNECTION FEE Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,883.00 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA DEPT TRANSPORTAT _ Cash Payment E 401 -43160 -300 Professional Srvs 10 -26 -10 EQUIPMENT USAGE $21.21 Invoice PA000196261 12/14/2010 Project PW0907 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $21,21 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 12 -10 WEST LAKE BUSINESS $99.00 Invoice 12774 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.00 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STA Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions NOTARY RENEWAL, ROBERTS $120.00 • Invoice 1214101 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Farqo 10100 Total $120.00 -2422- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM Page 16 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -470 Water Samples COLIFORM, MF - WATER $77.50 Invoice 525301 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.50 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA WASTEWATER OPER Cash Payment G 602 -15500 Prepaid Items 2 YEAR MEMBERSHIP DUES - -R HANSON $25.00 2011 & 2012 Invoice 121410 12/2/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25.00 Refer 121410 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF _ Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items CITY ENGINEERS ANNUAL CONFERENCE $290.00 JAN 26 -28 C MOORE Invoice 121410 12/2/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $290.00 Refer 121410 MINNETONKA PORTABLE DREDGI Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -525 Other Capital Improveme 4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE $3,400.00 Invoice 1110 -13 12/14/2010 PO 22123 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -525 Other Capital Improveme 4909 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE $5,525.00 Invoice 1110 -A 12/14/2010 PO 22143 Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,925.00 • Transaction Refer 121410 MINUTEMAN PRESS _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -350 Printing EVIDENCE PROPERTY REPORT $243.71 Invoice 12598 12/14/2010 PO 22739 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $243.71 Refer 121410 MNSPECT Cash Payment E222-42260-308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2010 FIRE INSPECTIONS $682.50 Invoice 4044 10/31/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2010 BUILDING INSPECTIONS $13,627.37 Invoice 4108 11/30/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2010 RENTAL INSPECTIONS $120.00 Invoice 4108 11/30/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments 11 -10 ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE - $80.00 Invoice 4108 11/30/2010 Cash Payment R 101 -42000 -32220 Electrical Permit Fee 10 -10 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - $193.00 Invoice 4108 11/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,156.87 Refer 121410 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -224 Street Maint Materials 10 -13 -10 RED ROCK $412.66 Invoice 162937 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $412.66 Refer 121410 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -232 Landscape Material BLACK DIRT FOR SETON PARK $193.10 Invoice 8096199 11/9/2010 • Transaction Date 12/9/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $193.10 Refer 121410 MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 12 -10 MUSIC SERVICE $105.94 Invoice A823622 12/14/2010 -2423- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 17 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $105.94 Refer 121410 NAPA GUINE PARTS COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP $19 Invoice 752303 11/30/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP -$3.00 Invoice 6275674 10/15/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts HEATER FOR TRAILER $37.79 Invoice 749229 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.77 Refer 121410 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIRS $400.00 Invoice 502 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/10/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 121410 NEWMAN SIGNS _ Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms PARKA JACKETS $170.27 Invoice TI- 0228259 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms PARKA JACKETS $170.27 Invoice TI- 0228259 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms PARKA JACKETS $170.28 Invoice TI- 0228259 -C 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $510.82 Refer 121410 NORLINGS LAKE MINNETONKA LA Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys SHERVIN PARK, ISLAND VIEW DRIVE $1,645.00 Invoice 24706 12/14/2010 Project PW1002 Cash Payment G 602 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys LIFT STATION IRRIGATION $82.50 Invoice 24710 -A 12/14/2010 Project PW0904 Cash Payment G 675 -16325 Fixed Asset - Distribution Sys STORM SEWER IRRIGATION $330.00 Invoice 24710 -B 12/14/2010 Project PW0903 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -525 Other Capital Improveme CHESTER PARK LANDSCAPE $13,475.00 Invoice 24734 12/14/2010 PO 22132 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -232 Landscape Material CHESTER PARK STOP SOIL SOD $680.00 Invoice 24735 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16,212.50 Refer 121410 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services CLEANING SUPPLIES $280.62 Invoice 5035148 12/14/2010 PO 22736 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services BOWL SWABS $9.30 Invoice 5034837 -A 12/14/2010 PO 23061 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services BOWL SWABS $9.30 Invoice 5034837 -B 12/14/2010 PO 23061 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $299.22 Refer 121410 NS(I MECHANICAL CONT RACTING, Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -401 Building Repairs 10 -27 -10 REPAIR MAKEUKP AIR UNIT $708.02 Invoice W21093 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR MIDDLE UNIT HEATER $113.13 Invoice W21033 -A 12/14/2010 is • 01 -2424- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM 18 ~\ Payments Page • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR MIDDLE UNIT HEATER Invoice W21033 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies REPAIR MIDDLE UNIT HEATER Invoice W21033 -C 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 OFFICE DEPOT $113.13 $113.14 Total $1,047.42 Cash Payment G 101 -23226 Celebrate Greater Mound CELEBRATE GREATER MOUND CALENDAR Invoice 542888297001 12/1/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies INKJET TONERS Invoice 542093252001 12/14/2010 PO 23058 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -200 Office Supplies PAMPHLET DISPLAY Invoice 541644381001 12/14/2010 PO 22148 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -A 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -B 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -C 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -D 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -E 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -200 Office Supplies ERASABLE CALENDAR, MISC SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -F 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -200 Office Supplies MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -G 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -200 Office Supplies ERASABLE CALENDAR, MISC SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -H 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies ERASABLE CALENDAR, MISC SUPPLIES Invoice 541273848001 -1 12/14/2010 PO 23051 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies BATTERIES, PAPER, INK CARTRIDGE Invoice 541628961001 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies AAA BATTERIES Invoice 541629293001 11/18/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -200 Office Supplies TONER, FILE FOLDERS Invoice 539894151001 11/4/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies INKJET CARTRIDGE, BATTERIES, MEMO BOOK Invoice 541350573001 12114/2010 PO 22741 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies PRE INKED STAMP Invoice 541350878001 12/14/2010 PO 22741 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 121410 OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH _ Cash Payment G 609 -15500 Prepaid Items 2011 ADVERTISING Invoice 120610 12/6/2010 • Transaction Date 12/9/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8284513 12/14/2010 -2425- $28.57 $71.95 $35.27 $0.63 $1.79 $2.42 $1.37 $1.05 $8.81 $0.65 $9.02 $9.02 $99.43 $13.84 $190.89 $207.92 $18.23 $700.86 $250.00 10100 Total $250.00 $96.00 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8285051 -IN -A 12/6/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8285051 -IN -B 12/6/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8283689 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8283689 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8282630 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8282630 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8282451 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8282451 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8282815 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8282815 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8284254 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight Invoice 8284254 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8283326 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Refer 121410 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 3447998 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2991998 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2991997 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 3447996 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 3447997 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2994496 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 2994495 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2997251 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 2997250 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Refer 121410 PLUNKETTS, INCORPORATED WINE 12 -6 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 11 -22 -10 DELIVERY CHARAGE WINE 11 -15 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 11 -12 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 11 -16 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 11 -29 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 19 $289.64 $7.00 $608.63 $12.50 $2,364.92 $40.00 $87.00 $2.25 $423.00 $2.25 $814.23 $12.50 $87.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,846.92 CREDIT —WINE - $13.33 WINE $1,660.45 LIQUOR $898.00 CREDIT —WINE - $18.00 CREDIT —WINE - $20.00 WINE $948.90 LIQUOR $99.00 WINE $56.00 WINE $1,247.20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,858.22 • i s • -2426- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 20 Payments • r ITY F C O MOUND Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 8851 11/24/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic NOV, DEC PEST CONTROL Invoice 2007427 12/14/2010 Cash Payment G 609 -15500 Prepaid Items JAN 2011 PEST CONTROL Invoice 2007427 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 PRO HYDRO - TESTING LLC $30.00 $15.00 Total $45.00 $300.00 HYDRO TESTING OF 15 SCBA CYLINDERS 11/23/10 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 385077 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 385142 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 387159 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 386670 12/14/2010 Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE • Cash Invoice 386602 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 387169 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 386295 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 386942 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 399782 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE Invoice 389835 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 389783 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 389740 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 RANDrS SANITATION Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -440 Other Contractual Servic 11 -08 -10 SHRED OLD RECORDS Invoice 1479868 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41410 -430 Miscellaneous 10 -26 -10 SHRED BALLOTS Invoice 1473991 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 ROCKYS HANDYMAN SERVICES L Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous is Invoice 2010 -101 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 2010 -101 -B 12/14/2010 10 -12 -10 5778 BARTLETT 10 -12 -10 5782 BARTLETT $300.00 $525.00 $8,162.30 $130.00 $5,005.09 $203.07 $565.77 $165.66 $311.60 $1,483.72 $30.04 $439.38 $152.00 Total $17,173.63 $559.67 $79.81 Total $639.48 $93.51 $93.52 -2427- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 2010 -102 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 2010 -103 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Refer 121410 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA 09 -16 -10 4807 LONGFORD ROAD 09 -29 -10 1668 DOVE LANE Wells Fargo 10100 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 21 $80.16 $53.44 Total $320.63 Cash Payment G 285 -15500 Prepaid Items 11 -1 -10 to 10 -31 -11 Elevator Preventive Maint $2,078.76 Invoice 65925326 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment Contract PROGRAM DIALER Invoice 8102752844 11/1/2010 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,078.76 Refer 121410 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INCORPORAT MONITORING Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic 12 -10 BURGLARY AND FIRE MONITORING $67.08 Invoice 629941 12/14/2010 Invoice 73943156 12/14/2010 DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, WITTKE Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.08 Refer 121410 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, RASMUSSEN Invoice 101 -E Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 11 -15 -10 PUBLICATION $15.00 Invoice 705262 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 11 -30 -10 PUBLICATION $15.00 Invoice 705262 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 12 -15 -10 PUBLICATION $15.00 Invoice 705262 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 121410 SIMPLEX GRINNELL 11/22/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic PROGRAM DIALER Invoice 65925326 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic PROGRAM DIALER Invoice 65925326 -B 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic PROGRAM DIALER Invoice 65925326 -C 12/14/2010 DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, KURTZ Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items 12 -1 -10 TO 11 -30 -11 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING Invoice 73943156 10/27/2010 DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, SWANSON Cash Payment G 222 -15500 Prepaid Items 12 -1 -10 TO 11 -30 -11 FIRE ALARM MONITORING Invoice 73943156 12/14/2010 DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, WITTKE $52.66 $52.67 $52.67 $254.09 $254.10 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 121410 SOJOURNER DOMESTIC VOILENC _ Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, NICCUM Invoice 101 -A 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, KURTZ Invoice 101 -B 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, SWANSON Invoice 101 -C 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, WITTKE Invoice 101 -D 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, RASMUSSEN Invoice 101 -E 12/14/2010 PO 22743 $666.19 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 • • • -2428- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Payments Page 22 • _ ._ _. � CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -434 Conference & Training DOMESTIC INVERVENTION, BECK Invoice 101 -F 12/14/2010 PO 22743 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIR _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -212 Motor Fuels Invoice 113010 11/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 SPRINT WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 617320297 -026 11/16/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Refer 121410 STERNE ELECTRIC COMPANY FIRE FUEL NOV 2010 Wells Fargo 10100 $20.00 Total $120.00 $779.59 Total $779.59 OCT 13 -NOV 12 FIRE DEPT CELL PHONES Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR GREENWAY OUTLETS $135.50 $135.50 $700.60 $395.60 $160.00 $280.64 $951.70 Total $2,488.54 $681.86 $32.83 Total $714.69 $74.99 $0.00 $25.98 $77.98 $55.98 $7.50 $6.42 $116.97 $56.96 Invoice 10598 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic STREET LIGHT REPAIR Invoice 10600 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic FUSE HOLDERS Invoice 10601 12/1412010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic WATER PROOF SPLICES • Invoice 10602 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic OUTLET REPAIRS Invoice 10599 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121419 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 8611 CUTTING EDGE COMPLETE Invoice 16672 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts BREATHER Invoice 16558 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 STREICHER'S Cash Payment G 101 -22803 Police Reserves UNIFORMS Invoice 1785910 12/14/2010 PO 22735 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -101 F T Empl Regular UNIFORMS Invoice 1785910 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -219 Safety supplies AEROSOL IRRITANT Invoice 1750820 6/29/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORMS Invoice RETURN 8/30/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies MOUNTING RAIL, FLASHLIGHT MOUNT Invoice 1770645 9/13/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -22803 Police Reserves NAME TAG, DRESSEL Invoice 1787981 12/14/2010 PO 22735 Cash Payment G 101 -22803 Police Reserves PATCH, SIMON • Invoice 1788827 Cash Payment 12/14/2010 PO 22735 G 101 - 22803 Police Reserves UNIFORMS Invoice 1786128 12/14/2010 PO 22735 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms HAT GLOVES, KURTZ Invoice 1790615 12/14/2010 PO 23063 -2429- $135.50 $135.50 $700.60 $395.60 $160.00 $280.64 $951.70 Total $2,488.54 $681.86 $32.83 Total $714.69 $74.99 $0.00 $25.98 $77.98 $55.98 $7.50 $6.42 $116.97 $56.96 _ CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 23 � Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $422.78 Refer 121410 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE, IN Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair FOAM FILLED TIRES $114.89 Invoice 10094969 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/6/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $114.89 Refer 121410 SUBURBAN WILDLIFE CONTROL, I _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -300 Professional Srvs GREENWAY BEAVER REMOVAL $225.00 Invoice 4353 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 121410 SUN PATRIOIT NEWSPAPER _ Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 11 -13 -10 CHAPTER 129 LOT LINE $28.65 Invoice 1022772 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -430 Miscellaneous 10 -30 -10 HALLOWEEN BANNER $30.00 Invoice 101651 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $58.65 Refer 121410 TAYLOR, J.J. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $38.80 Invoice 1451094 12/6/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $88.00 Invoice 1058025 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $811.40 Invoice 1451093 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,115.80 Invoice 1438789 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $120.00 Invoice 1451030 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,471.63 Invoice 1451029 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $258.00 Invoice 1451045 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $15.50 Invoice 1451064 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,963.00 Invoice 1451063 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,882.13 Refer 121410 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $858.25 Invoice 619123 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $235.00 Invoice 773252 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $7,692.75 Invoice 616540 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $23.80 Invoice 616538 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $18.00 • Invoice 616538 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,437.80 Invoice 617475 -A 12/14/2010 -2430- -2431- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM Page 24 \ Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $36.00 Invoice 617475 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $168.00 Invoice 773247 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,941.65 Invoice 618216 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $101.80 Invoice 618215 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $56.70 Invoice 618215 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $257.00 Invoice 618901 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANIDSE $150.00 Invoice 750207 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $116.00 Invoice 773187 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $91.60 Invoice 617311 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19,184.35 Refer 121410 THYSSEN -KRUPP ELEVATOR COR • Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic 12 -10 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE $231.24 Invoice 717106 12/14/2010 Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items 01 -11, 02 -11 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE $462.48 Invoice 717106 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/30/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $693.72 Refer 121410 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY _ Cash Payment G 601 -15500 Prepaid Items CYLINDER LEASE AGREEMENT $320.63 Invoice 721384 12/3/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $320.63 Refer 121410 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, INC. Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies REGISTER PAPER $177.91 Invoice 26023 12/14/2010 PO 23060 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies SCANNER $422.16 Invoice 26008 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $600.07 Refer 121410 TROPHIES BY LINDA - Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -430 Miscellaneous PLAQUES $61.99 Invoice 22829 12/14/2010 PO 22744 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -430 Miscellaneous AWARDS $94.58 Invoice 22778 12/14/2010 PO 22744 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $156.57 Refer 121410 TRUAX, TODD Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance COMPUTER INSTALL REPAIR $500.00 0 ' nvoice 10 -00040 12/14/2010 PO 22745 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 121410 TRUE VALUE, MOUND -2431- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 25 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies ALEXPLUS LTX CLK $3.20 Invoice 078000 11/28/2010 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 4 BARREL BOLT $7.04 Invoice 077977 11/27/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies LIQUOR CAR WASH $16.84 Invoice 76277 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies BOWL CLEANER $12.15 Invoice 76920 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CLOROX FRESH WIPES $15.04 Invoice 76955 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $97.88 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies STEPLADDER $95.11 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 PO 22257 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $60.09 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 PO 22274 Cash Payment G 101 -22810 X -Mas Donation /Expense MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $9.55 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $15.96 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $15.96 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 • Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $24.50 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $17.08 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $17.08 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $24.58 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -210 Operating Supplies MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $19.53 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $7.47 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES $38.40 Invoice 121410 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $497.46 Refer 121410 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORMS, SUSSMAN $59.95 Invoice 52422 12/14/2010 PO 22749 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms VEST, SCHOENHERR $756.10 Invoice 52745 12/14/2010 PO 22748 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $816.05 Refer 121410 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LOC 90 _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals OXYGEN $51.09 Invoice 825131 11/30/2010 • Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $51.09 Refer 121410 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ -2432- CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM Payments Page 26 CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 32932 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 21921 -V 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 32379 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 32379 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/19/2010 Refer 121410 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 651322 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 651486 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Refer 121410 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC LIQUOR 12 -02 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE WINE 11 -17 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Wells Fargo 10100 Total #209 TIRES, MOUNT TIRE TUBES Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E601-49400-400 Repairs & Maintenance 11 -15 -10 DOVE WOODLAND Invoice 2876 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Refer 121410 WILLIAMS TOWING Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -436 Towing Charges 10 -21 -10 #847 TOWING Invoice 6482308 12/14/2010 PO 23065 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -436 Towing Charges 10 -21 -10 #841 TOWING Invoice 6482310 12/14/2010 PO 23065 Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program 07 -04 -10 1998 JEEP CHEROKEE Invoice 120866 12/14/2010 PO 23066 Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program 05 -22 -10 1997 CHEV C/K 1500 SERIES K1500 Invoice 120179 12/14/2010 PO 23066 Cash Payment G 101 -22805 Police Forfeiture Program 09 -18 -10 2002 HONDA CIVIC EX Invoice 121928 12/14/2010 PO 23066 Transaction Date 12/7/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 121410 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 257279 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 12 -02 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 257279 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 256175 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -17 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 256175 -B 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 256726 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Refer 121410 WINE CONNECT Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising 12 -10 MANAGE WEBSITE Invoice 701 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -2433- $129.25 $5.00 $204.25 $5.00 $343.50 $201.69 $63.44 $265.13 $750.00 $750.00 $115.96 $115.96 $165.66 $165.66 $165.66 $416.00 $6.30 $248.00 $4.20 $256.00 $930.50 $95.12 $95.12 Refer 121410 WINE NEWS INCORPORATED Cash Payment CITY OF MOUND 12/10/1010:18 AM Invoice 700801 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 Page 27 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 Payments BEER CITY OF MOUND E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 489899 Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment Refer 121410 WINE MERCHANTS _ 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale CREDIT —WINE - $15.88 Invoice 51058 12/14/2010 $0.03 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $904.75 Invoice 341020 12/14/2010 E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $705.50 Invoice 341772 12/14/2010 Invoice 491882 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,380.50 Invoice 342503 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,974.87 Refer 121410 WINE NEWS INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R 12 -10 PUBLICATION Invoice 700801 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/29/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA _ BEER Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 489899 12/14/2010 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 489899 12/14/2010 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 490212 12/14/2010 $0.03 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 489900 12/14/2010 E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 491884 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 491882 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 491883 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 495831 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 495832 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 494971 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/22/2010 Wells Fargo Refer 121410 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER $15.00 10100 Total $15.00 $669.05 $26.95 $552.31 $0.00 $1,690.23 $364.91 $80.85 $1,185.40 $117.00 $3,441.26 10100 Total $8,127.96 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,434.86 Invoice 686571 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,231.45 Invoice 689069 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $47.60 Invoice 689070 12/8/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $0.03 Invoice 681629 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,792.70 Invoice 681630 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $47.60 Invoice 684151 12/14/2010 -2434- • • • CITY OF MOUND 12/10/10 10:18 AM � /�.,•- ."__�; �� Page 28 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: December 2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 684150 12/14/2010 E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -18 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 WORTHINGTON, TRACE Invoice 262882577 12/2/2010 Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu OVERPAYMENT OF UTILITY BILL 1908 STREET LIGHT ELECTRICITY ACCT 51- SHOREWOOD LANE Invoice 120710 12/7/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 XCEL ENERGY Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,720.30 Total $11,274.54 $15.76 Total $15.76 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 11 -10 #51- 9379448 -0 4873 ISLAND VIEW LIFT Invoice 9944 -A STATIONI Invoice 348749712 12/14/2010 E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -18 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHT ELECTRIC FEE ACCT 51- Transaction Date 4802601 -1 Invoice 262882577 12/2/2010 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHT ELECTRICITY ACCT 51- 4802601-1 Invoice 263048210 12/3/2010 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities 11 -10 #51- 7890142 -3 Invoice 348670591 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 12/2/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Refer 121410 Z WINES USA LLC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 9944 -A 12/14/2010 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight 11 -18 -10 DELIVERY CHARGE Invoice 9944 -B 12/14/2010 Transaction Date 11/23/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 121410 ZAHL- PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair GRACO REEL Invoice 0166381 -IN 11/30/2010 Transaction Date 12/8/2010 Wells Fargo I* 10100 $152.88 $970.81 $5,838.86 $557.39 $7,519.94 $224.00 $5.00 Total $229.00 $617.63 Total $617.63 -2435- CITY OF MOUND Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 MOUND HRA 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2010 10100 Wells Fargo $101,522.19 $14,086.64 $8,925.00 $2,133.56 $1,393.61 $13,116.30 $63,582.61 $127,615.26 $14,280.21 $2,955.00 $349,610.38 12/10/10 10:18 AM Page 29 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $349,610.38 Total $349,610.38 C7 • -2436- BCC I —TON & M r—= t`,,;' L �r-► Consulting Engineers & Sury 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 5� Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 4484 www.bolton- menk.com 1 T%5 T-11 Cch -!�` December 8, 2010 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2010 Lift Station Improvements City Project Nos. PW- 1'0 -02 Pay Request No. 2 Dear Ms. Hanson: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 2 from Kuechle Underground, Inc. for work completed on • the 2010 Lift Station Improvements Project from October 23, 2010 through November 25, 2010. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $282,898.68 to Kuechle Underground, Inc. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Daniel L Faulkner, P.E. Mound City Engineer DLF /dlp cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance Enclosure • F MOUN C12102014fty RegaestsU.tr of Recdn, Pay Request I.doc DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity employer -2437- DATE. 12/3/2010 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 2010 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 10.02 BMI PROJECT NO. C12102014 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 2 10/23/2010 THROUGH 11/25/2010 CONTRACTOR KuedUe Underground,, Inc, OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Bolton & Menk, Inc. TOTALAMOUNTSID ... . ............................ ...................... .......................... .......:....... ..............................5 746,766.24 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS ...... ... ...... ......1. ... .., i 216,068.03 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT.. ti 982 834.27 TOTAL COMPLETED WORK TO DATE ......................... ......: ..... . .......... .. .......................... ..... ............................... $ 676.979.09 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ........ ......... ..... .... .....,.... ......... ......... .....,.. > $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED ............... . ........ ................. $ - TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS.. ..... „.. ............... ... ............. ...... „........ t+ 676,979.09 RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5% ) ...................... E 33.84&95 TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS .... ............................... . .....::. , . » ....,: »„ ......... .......; .: $ NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE ..... ............... .. „ .. „,.,, S 643,130,13 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIWTES .... ..... ... ... ..: ».:... ... E 3W.231.45 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 2: .. .. ...... ..... ...... $ 282,898.68 Certificate for Payment I hereby certtly that to the best of my knowledge and beW all Items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full a000rdence with the terms and =dtions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor. and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Finial Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured,. Contractor: Kuedte Underground. Inc. CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK INC„ ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 66318 By Fa ulkner Z�GG , PROJECT ENGINEER _ Ciiniel Date r g c ZO10 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner, CITY OF MOUND By Na me ate _.. • � � J • -2438- • MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: December 7, 2010 Subject: Request for council action I am requesting council action to adopt a Resolution allowing the department to renew its Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety to access their data communication systems. The police department uses the State's data system to run driver's license checks, criminal histories, missing person's files, and to report our crime statistics to the state. The State of Minnesota charges the police department $630.00 a quarter to access their data systems and tools. Thank you • • -2439- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO 10 -_ • RESOLUTION APPROVING STATE OF MINNESOTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MOUND ON BEHALF OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND THE CITY'S PROSECUTING ATTORNEY WHEREAS, the City of Mound, on behalf of its Police Department and Prosecuting Attorney, desires to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to use systems and tools available over the State's criminal justice data communications network for which the City is eligible; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement further provides the City with the ability to add, modify, and delete connectivity, systems, and tools over the five -year life of the agreement and obligates the City to pay for the costs for the network connection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. That the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements by and between the State of Minnesota acting through its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the City of Mound on behalf of its Police Department and Prosecuting Attorney, are herby approved. Copies of the two Joint Powers Agreements are attached to this Resolution and made hereof. 2. That the Chief of Police, or his successor, is designated the Authorizing • Representative for the Police Department. The Authorized Representative is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota to maintain the City's connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. 3. That the Chief of Police is designated the Authorized Representative for the Prosecuting Attorney. The Authorized Representative is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota to maintain the City's connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. 4. That Mark Hanus, the Mayor for the City of Mound, and Bonnie Ritter, the City Clerk, are authorized to sign the Minnesota Joint Power Agreements. Adopted by the City Council this 10 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -2440- • MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: December 7, 2010 Subject: Request for council action I am requesting council action to adopt a Resolution allowing the department to participate in the Minnesota State Patrol's grant projects for Safe & Sober and Operation NightCap. Project dates January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013. For the past several years the Mound City Council has approved the police department's participation in a grant program from the Minnesota State Patrol. The grant program allows for funding for increased traffic enforcement and educational activities for the Safe & Sober and NightCap programs. To expedite the grant process the State of Minnesota is recommending cities consolidate • their Safe & Sober and Operation Nightcap Resolutions and extend them for a three year period. Thank you • -2441- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO 10 -_ • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MOUND TO ENTER INTO A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, through the Minnesota State Patrol, administers a variety of grant programs for law enforcement purposes; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into previous grants to provide increased traffic enforcement and educational activities for the Safe & Sober and NightCap programs; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound desires to participate in grant programs offered through the Minnesota State Patrol, with project dates January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered this matter and believes that it is in the best interest of the City to enter into a grant agreement with the Minnesota State Patrol to provide traffic enforcement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota that the grant agreement authority is hereby approved and the Chief of Police is authorized and directed to execute such agreements and amendments as necessary to implement the grant in the name and on behalf of the City. Adopted by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2442- • CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 10 -_ RESOLUTION AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSE PENALTY SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Mound City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13 -2007 on November 27, 2007, establishing Chapter XII of the Mound City Code entitled "Administrative Offenses "; and WHEREAS, an administrative offense penalty schedule was originally adopted by Resolution 07 -95 on November 27, 2010. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the original administrative offense penalty schedule be amended to read as follows: Violation Fine Minnesota § Chapter 609 $60.00 Minnesota § Chapter 171 $60.00 Mound City Ordinance violations $60.00 Mound City Ordinance parking violations $20.00 • • Adopted by the City Council this _ day of Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2443- MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Kandis Hanson From: Police Chief Jim Kurtz Date: December 7, 2010 Subject: Request for council action I am requesting council action to adopt a Resolution amending our city code, chapter 70 to include a provision for minor traffic offenses. Attached is a city ordinance many communities in western Hennepin County have implemented to address minor traffic violations. I believe this ordinance is important to the City of Mound and will help us better protect our community. Thank you LJ is • -2444- • CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2010 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 70 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES The City of Mound does ordain: That Chapter 70 of the Mound City Code be amended by adding Sec. 70 -15, to read as follows: Sec. 70 -15. Unsafe Operation. No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle, motorized bicycle or motorized foot scooter on any street, road, roadway, or private property in a manner which is unsafe. Unsafe means, but is not limited to, speeds and /or maneuvers which are not reasonable or prudent or safe given weather, road conditions, vehicle conditions, the proximity of persons and other vehicles and includes such driving or operating which is unsafe for the driver or operator. Passed by the City Council this day of , 2010. • Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -2445- CITY OF CORCORAN ORDINANCE NO. 2010-251 AN ORDINACE AMENDING CHAPTER 70 OF THE CORCORAN CITY CODE RELATING TO TRAFFIC RULES THE CITY COUNCIL OF CORCORAN ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 70 of the Corcoran City Code is amended by adding the following: 70.05 UNSAFE OPERATION. No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle, motorized bicycle or motorized foot scooter on any street, highway, road, roadway or private property in a manner which is unsafe. Unsafe means, but is not limited to, speeds and /or maneuvers which are not reasonable or prudent or safe given the weather, road conditions, vehicle conditions, the proximity of persons and other vehicles and includes such driving or operation which is unsafe for the driver or operator. Section 2. Penalty. A person convicted of a violation of this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or any combination thereof; provided, however, that if the violation is declared to be a petty misdemeanor, the penalty shall be a fine not to exceed $300. Additionally, a person convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall pay the costs of prosecution. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its publication and passage. ADOPTED by the City Council on 25th day of February 2010. VOTING AYE ® Milbrandt, Roslyn ® Guenther, Ken ® Hudok, Chris ® Gmach, George ® Thomas, Ron VOTING NAY ❑ Milbrandt, Roslyn ❑ Guenther, Ken ❑ Hudok, Chris ❑ Gmach, George ❑ Thomas, Ron Ken Guenther, Mayor ATTEST: Daniel J. Donahue, City Administrator -2446- r � U • • CITY OF MOUND 5341 D, MN 5 ROAD MOUND, MN 5533 64 -1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com December 1, 2010 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bonnie Ritter RE: Cancellation of 3.2 off -sale liquor license am requesting that you formally approve cancelation of the 3.2 off -sale liquor license issued to Speedway SuperAmerica, dba SuperAmerica #4194. The effective date of this cancelation is midnight on November 30, 2010. The license was surrendered on that date. This license is being canceled due to your recent approval of a license for the same premises to Northern Tier Retail, LLC., dba SuperAmerica #4194, with effective date of December 1, 2010. • The issuance of a new license and subsequent cancelation of the other license is the result of the interior operation of Mound SuperAmerica changing ownership effective December 1, 2010. Thank -you. Bonnie Ritter • -2447- ® printed on recycled paper CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 10 -_ • RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SHARED PARKING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC is leasing the property at 5200 Maywood Road to allow for adult day services on the subject property and previously submitted a Conditional Use Permit application to the City of Mound to allow for the requested use; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2010, the Mound City Council adopted Resolution No. 10 -71, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk, which approved the Conditional Use Permit request from Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC, subject to conditions, one of which required the execution of a lease or other agreement, to be provided in recordable form, to provide (6) six deficient parking spaces in accordance with City Code Section 129 -323; and WHEREAS, to satisfy this condition, a Shared Parking Agreement between St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ingrid Shaw and Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC has been prepared to authorize use of 15 parking spaces in the church's parking lot; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Shared Parking Agreement is included as Exhibit A . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City of Mound hereby approves the Shared Parking Agreement. 2. The Shared Parking Agreement shall be recorded at Hennepin County by • Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC who shall also be responsible for payment of all costs associated related to doing so. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC shall also be responsible for providing a fully executed recorded copy of the Shared Parking Agreement to the City of Mound. 3. The Conditional Use Permit approved for Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC as referenced Resolution No. 10 -71 shall not become effective until all conditions included in said Resolution, paragraph 2 of this resolution and in paragraphs 4 and 7 of the Shared Parking Agreement have been satisfied. Adopted by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk r� u -2448- • EXHIBIT A SHARED PARIUNG AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the day of 2010, is a shared parking agreement between St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, non - profit, religious institution under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Ingrid Shaw, a single person and Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC, a Minnesota limited liability corporation. Background 1. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church is the owner of the tract of land located at 2451 Fairview Lane, Mound, MN (hereinafter "Parking Property") and is legally described as follows: • Tracts A to G Incl Ex Road REG LAND SURVEYNO. 0 73 9 Torrens Certificate # 34 712 7 2. Ingrid Shaw, is the owner of the tract of land located at 5200 Maywood Road, Mound, MN (hereinafter "Subject Property") and legally described as follows: Lot 16 and Lot 17 except the easterly 20 feet thereof, Block 2, SHIRLEYHILLS, UNIT F, according to the recorded plat thereof Torrens Certificate # 1218355 3. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC, is leasing a portion of the Subject Property and has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow adult day care services on the premises. 4. The Mound City Council considered the CUP request at their September 28, 2010 meeting and adopted Resolution No. 10 -71 approving the CUP as recommended by the Mound Planning Commission, subject to conditions, one of which required the execution of a lease or other agreement, to be provided in recordable form, to provide (6) six deficient parking spaces in accordance with City Code Section 129 -323. A copy of Resolution No. 10 -71 is on file with the City Clerk. • -2449- Terms NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and their mutual promises the parties hereto hereby agree as to the terms of the agreement as follows: 1. Subject to the provisions of the agreement, beginning on the effective date, Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC is authorized to use up to 15 parking spaces located within the established parking area on the Parking Property. 2. The term of the agreement is for five (5) years from the effective date of this agreement with an option to renew for an additional five (5) years. The effective date is the date on which Sojourn noticed the City of Mound that items 4 and 7 have been complied with. 3. The agreement shall be valid only as long as the CUP approved for Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC remains in full force and effect. 4. Prior to the effective date of this agreement, Sojourn will provide St. John's with evidence that St. John's has been be added as an additional insured party on Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC general liability insurance policy. Such insurance shall remain in place throughout the term of this Agreement, and any extension. • 5. The parking spaces may be utilized Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM until 4:30 PM • with limited use after 4:30 PM Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. No use will be made of the spaces on Sunday. 6. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC will indemnity and hold harmless St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church from any claims for damaging resulting from vehicles used or associated with the Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC while parked on the Parking Property. 7. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC agrees to make a donation to St. John's Lutheran Church in the amount of $150.00 per year for the use of the 15 parking spaces. The first annual donation shall be made prior to the effective date of this Agreement. 8. Maintenance of Parking Spaces St. John's Lutheran Church shall, at its expense, be responsible for repair, update and maintenance of the parking lot and shall keep the same in good condition. 9. Recording of Agreement Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC shall be required to record this agreement and shall pay all costs associated with doing so. Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC will also be responsible for providing an executed copy of the agreement to the City of Mound. • -2450- 10. Miscellaneous. The Agreement is intended to run with the land and is binding upon the • parties herein and their respective successors and assigns against the City. 11. Governing Law This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 12. Termination This agreement is terminated if the Conditional Use Permit is terminated by the City of Mound or if Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC fails to satisfy their obligations under this agreement. The agreement is terminated for the reasons stated above by the terminating party giving 30 day written notice to the other party and shall at the same time immediately give written notice of termination to the City of Mound. 13. Notices and Demands All notices, demands or other communications under this Agreement shall be effective only if made in writing and shall be sufficiently given and deemed given when delivered personally or mailed by certified mail (return receipt requested) or registered mail, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: a. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church 2451 Fairview Lane Mound, MN 55364 b. Ingrid Shaw 6280 Deerwood Road • Mound, MN C. Tom Penn Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC 4270 Circle Road Tonka Bay, MN 55331 or to such other person at such other address as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other as provided in this Section. 14. Amendment This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto only by written instrument executed in accordance with the same procedures and formality followed for the execution of this Agreement. No amendment shall be effective until the City of Mound has consented in writing to the amendment. 15. Counterparts This Agreement is executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. C` -2451- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed in • their names and behalves and on or as of the date first above written. Jim Wilburn STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1 20 ___, by Jim Wilburn, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Board Chair. NOTARYSTAMP OR SEAL Notary Public Ingrid Shaw STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Ingrid Shaw, a single person. NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL Notary Public • -2452- • Tom Penn STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2C , by Tom Penn, Partner /Owner, Sojourn Adult Day Services LLC. NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL Notary Public • THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: City of Mound 5431 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 -2453- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, The City of Mound is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 412.21 and 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and WHEREAS, The following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash sums set forth below to the City: Name of Donor Roy Lernox Trust RMG — Refer a Friend Ingbretson Mound - Westonka DECA Celebrate Greater Mound! Mound Jaycees Centerpoint Energy Minnetonka Portable Dredge Anonymous Donation Geoff Michael Sharon Corl Knights of Columbus offered. Amount/Item Date 200.00 200.00 100.00 1,455.98 100.00 500.00 1,900.00 Boat Ram 500.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 01/26/10 02/23/10 03/02/10 03/24/10 05/04/10 05/18/10 06/22/10 Concrete Pavers 06/28/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 11/04/10 Purpose Fire Department Fire Department Police Reserves Holiday Lighting Police Reserves Mound Bay Park Flowers Gas Detecting Fire Equipment Mound Bay Park Boat Ramp Police Reserves Fire Department Fire Department Holiday Lighting WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The contributions described above are hereby acknowledged and accepted by the City of Mound. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound expresses its thanks and appreciation for the contributions. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound this 14 day of December, 2010. Mark Hanus, Mayor ATTEST: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • • -2454- • AMENDMENT TO LOCAL PROGRAMMING FACILITIES AGREEMENT This Amendment to Local Programming Facilities Agreement (this "Amendment ") is entered into as of this _ day of December, 2010, by and between the City of Mound, Minnesota, (the "City "), and the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission ( "LMCC "). RECITALS A. The City and LMCC entered into that certain Local Programming Facilities Agreement dated April 1, 2000 (the "Agreement "). B. The City and LMCC have agreed to amend the Agreement. $ NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section IIA. of the Agreement is amended to read: PEG Access Fee to Be Paid to LMCC. The current franchisee in the City, Mediacom, collects a PEG access fee in the amount of $.84 per subscriber in the City, per billing period. Mediacom provides the PEG access fee to the City on a quarterly basis. The City agrees to • remit the PEG access fee to the LMCC for PEG access programming. In addition, the City will pay $35 per subscriber, per billing period from its franchise fee to the LMCC, for a total payment of $ 1.59 per subscriber, per billing period. The City will remit this amount to the LMCC within thirty (30) days of receipt of the PEG access fee and franchise fee payment from Mediacom. The LMCC will use said fees exclusively for support of PEG access obligations required hereunder. 2. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts that together shall constitute one and the same Amendment. This Amendment may be delivered by facsimile transmittal or other electronic communication of signed original counterparts. 3. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be effective on January 1, 2011. 4. Amendment. Except as set forth herein, the Agreement shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. C -2455- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment on the day and year first above written. • City of Mound By Its Mayor By Its City Manager Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission By Its Chair By Its Executive Director • Drafted by: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U S Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth St. Minneapolis, MN 55402 -2456- • MEMORANDUM December 9, 2010 To: City Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Treasurer Re: Electric and Gas Franchise Fee Ordinance Amendments The City Council approved two ordinances in 2003 establishing a $2.00 per meter electric and gas franchise fee. These fees, in -part, were in response to the loss of Local Government Aid (LGA) from the State of Minnesota. In 2009, the City once again lost a significant portion of their revenue stream from the State that relates to the Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) and a $1 per meter fee increase was approved for 2010. During the 2011 budget discussions, the Council requested the fees be reduced by $.25 each, going from $3 per month per meter to $2.75 per month per meter. The corresponding revenue that is associated with these fees and the proposed decrease is: • Xcel Center Point Budget Actual Budget Actual 2004 95,000 107,578 95,000 89,435 2005 100,000 108,996 90,000 89,820 2006 105,000 107,838 90,000 91,157 2007 110,000 111,307 90,000 91,128 2008 108,000 109,193 90,000 91,401 2009 108,000 109,085 90,000 90,697 2010 162,000 159,000 135,000 136,096 2011 147,000 0 125,000 0 We request that the Council approve the attached amendments to Ordinance 08 -2003 and Ordinance 05 -2003. Both changes will be effective January 1, 2011. In addition, please approve the second amendment to Ordinance 05 -2003 to implement a sunset clause on the Centerpoint Energy Minnegasco Gas Franchise Fee. Both franchise fees will then sunset on 12/31/11 unless the Council takes action to renew or extend the fee at least six months prior to that date. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at (952)472 -0633. -2457- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. _ -2010 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 08 -2003 IMPLEMENTING AN ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE ON NORTHERN STATES POWER D /B /A/ XCEL ENERGY FOR PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE WITH THE CITY OF MOUND The City of Mound does ordain: That Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 08 -2003, be amended as follows: EXHIBIT A XCEL ENERGY ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2011 Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker on the _ day of , 2010. Effective on the day of , 2010. -2458- Monthly Class Meter Fee • Residential $ 3,0G 2.75 Sm C & I - Non -Dem $ 3,0G 2.75 Sm C & I — Demand $ 3-.0G 2.75 Large C & 1 $ 3,0G 2.75 Public Street Ltg $ 3 GG 2.75 Muni Pumping — N/D $ 3:GG 2.75 Muni Pumping -- Dem $ 3.GG 2.75 Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker on the _ day of , 2010. Effective on the day of , 2010. -2458- C CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. _-2010 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 05-2003 IMPLEMENTING A GAS FRANCHISE FEE ON CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO FOR PROVIDING GAS SERVICE WITH THE CITY OF MOUND The City of Mound does ordain: That Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 05 -2003, be amended as follows: EXHIBIT A CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO GAS FRANCHISE FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2011 • Class Residential Comm. Firm Non - Demand Comm. Firm Demand Small Interruptible Large Interruptible Firm Transportation Interruptible Transportation Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Monthly Meter Fee $3-.00 $ &W 2.75 $ &W 2.75 $340 $ &W 2.75 $ &W 2.75 $3-.00 Mayor Mark Hanus • Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk Published in The Laker on the _ day of , 2010. Effective on the day of , 2010. -2459- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. _ -2010 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 05 -2003 IMPLEMENTING A GAS FRANCHISE FEE ON CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO FOR PROVIDING GAS SERVICE WITH THE CITY OF MOUND The City of Mound does ordain: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 05 -2003, be amended by adding Subd. 8 as follows: Subd. 8. Sunset Clause This Ordinance shall automatically sunset on December 31, 2011, unless the City Council acts to renew or extend the fee at least six (6) months prior to the sunset date. The City Council may unilaterally renew or extend the fee on the same terms and conditions. Without waiver of any rights under Minnesota law, the City Council shall seek agreement from Company if the City intends to change the fee rate or fee design. Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • Published in The Laker on the _ day of , 2010. Effective on the day of 2010. -2460- • LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES, INC. (LOCAL NO. 266) • • POLICE OFFICER INVESTIGATOR/DETECTIVE JUVENILE OFFICER EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 201088 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 201004 -2461- TABLE OF CONTENTS • ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT ...................................... ..............................1 ARTICLE II RECOGNITION ............................................................ ..............................1 ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS ............................................................... ..............................2 ARTICLE IV EMPLOYER SECURITY .............................................. ..............................3 ARTICLE V EMPLOYER AUTHORITY .......................................... ..............................3 ARTICLE VI UNION SECURITY ...................................................... ..............................3 ARTICLE VII EMPLOYEE RIGHTS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .. ..............................4 ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE ...................................................... ..............................6 ARTICLEIX SENIORITY ................................................................... ..............................6 ARTICLEX DISCIPLINE .................................................................. ..............................7 • ARTICLE XI CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION ........................... ..............................8 ARTICLE XII WORK SCHEDULE ..................................................... ..............................8 ARTICLEXIII OVERTIME ................................................................... ..............................8 ARTICLEXIV COURT TIME ............................................................... ..............................9 ARTICLE XV CALL BACK TIME ...................................................... ..............................9 ARTICLE XVI WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION .................... ..............................9 ARTICLEXVII SAFETY ........................................................................ ..............................9 ARTICLE XVIII INSURANCE ................................................................. ..............................9 ARTICLEXIX HOLIDAYS .................................................................. .............................10 ARTICLE XX VACATION SCHEDULE ............................................ .............................11 i • -2462- • ARTICLE XXI SICK LEAVE AND FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT C (FMLA) .........11 ARTICLE XXII SEVERANCE PAY ...................................................... .............................12 ARTICLE XXIII INJURY ON DUTY ...................................................... .............................12 ARTICLE XXIV FUNERAL LEAVE ...................................................... .............................13 ARTICLEXXV JURY DUTY ................................................................ .............................13 ARTICLE XXVI EYE EXAMINATIONS ............................................... .............................13 ARTICLE XXVII STANDBY PAY ........................................................... .............................13 ARTICLE XXVIII EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVES .................................. .............................13 ARTICLE XXIX P.O.S.T. LICENSE FEE ............................................... .............................13 ARTICLE XXX UNIFORM ALLOWANCE .......................................... .............................13 ARTICLEXXXI WAGES ........................................................................ • ARTICLE XXXII .............................14 WAIVER ....................................................................... .............................15 ARTICLE XXXIII DURATION .................................................................. .............................15 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ............................................................. .............................17 MOUND PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM .................................................. .............................18 FITNESSSTANDARDS .................................................................................. .............................20 • ii -2463- LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES, INC. (LOCAL No. 266) ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between the City of Mound, hereinafter called the Employer, and the Law Enforcement Labor Service, Inc., hereinafter called the Union. It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to: 1.1 Establish certain hours, wages and other conditions of employment; 1.2 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes concerning the Agreement's interpretation and /or application; • 1.3 Specify the full and complete understanding of the parties; and • 1.4 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of the Agreement. The Employer and the Union, through the Agreement, continue their dedication to the highest quality of public service. Both parties recognize this Agreement as a pledge of this dedication. ARTICLE II RECOGNITION 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative, under Minnesota Statutes, Section 179A.03, subd. 8, for all Police personnel in the following job classifications: Police Officer Investigator/Detective Juvenile Officer 2.2 In the event the Employer and the Union are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. r� 1 -2464- • ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. 3.2 UNION MEMBER: A member of the Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. (Local No. 266). 3.3 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 3.4 DEPARTMENT: The City of Mound Police Department. 3.5 EMPLOYER: The City of Mound, Minnesota 3.6 CHIEF: The Chief of the City of Mound Police Department. 3.7 CITY MANAGER: The City Manager of the City of Mound. 3.8 UNION OFFICER: Officer elected or appointed by the Law Enforcement labor Services, Inc. (Local No. 266.) 3.9 INVESTIGATOR/DETECTIVE: An employee specifically assigned or classified by the Employer to the job classification and /or position of Investigator/Detective. is 3.10 OVERTIME: Work performed at the express authorization of the Employer in excess ofthe employee's scheduled shift. 3.11 SCHEDULED SHIFT: A consecutive work period including rest breaks and a lunch break. 3.12 REST BREAK: Periods during the scheduled shift during which the employee remains on continual duty and is responsible for assigned duties. 3.13 LUNCH BREAK: A period during the scheduled shift during which the employee remains on continual duty and is responsible for assigned duties. 3.14 STRIKE: Concerted action in failing to report for duty, the willful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, slowdown, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions or compensation or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. 3.15 PROBATIONARY PERIOD: A period of time not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months from the date of employment subject to the conditions of Article IX, Section 9.2. 3.16 SENIORITY: Length of continuous employment with the City of Mound, as a Police • Officer. 2 -2465- 3.17 COMPENSATORY TIME: Time off the employee's regularly scheduled work schedule, • equal in time to overtime worked. 3.18 SEVERANCE PAY: Payment made to an employee upon honorable termination of employment. 3.19 WORK YEAR: Shall consist of 2080 hours and shall run from 12:01 a.m. January 1, through 12:00 midnight December 31. 3.20 CONTRACT YEAR: Same as work year. ARTICLE IV EMPLOYER SECURITY 4.1 The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement that the Union will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow -down or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE V EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Employer retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules and to • perform any inherent managerial function not specifically limited to this Agreement. 5.2 Any term and condition of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the employer to modify, establish or eliminate. ARTICLE VI UNION SECURITY 6.1 In recognition of the Union as the exclusive representative, the Employer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such deduction in writing, an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union, or a "fair share" deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statute 179A.06. subd. 3, if the employee elects not to become a member of the Union. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 6.2 The Union may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and alternate. 6.3 The Employer shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for posting Union notice(s) and announcements. 1 3 -2466- • 6.4 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgements brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE VII EMPLOYEE RIGHTS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. 7.2 Union Representatives. The Employer will recognize representatives designated by the Union as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the employer, in writing, of the names of such Union representatives and of their successors when so designated. 7.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, are limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and, therefore, shall be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and the Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours, provided the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 7.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 7. 1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: STEP 1. An employee claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, within fourteen (14) working days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor (the Patrol Sergeant), as designated by the Employer. The Patrol Sergeant will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated and the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Patrol Sergeant's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer - designated Step 2 representative (the Police Chief). The Police Chief shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days following the Police Chiefs final answer in Step 2. Any grievance not appealed, in writing, to Step 3 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall • be considered waived. 4 -2467- STEP 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Union and discussed with the Employer - designated Step 3 representative (the City Manager). The City Manager 40 shall give the Union the Employer's answer in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days following the City Manager's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 3A. If the Employer and the Union mutually agree, a grievance unresolved in Step 3 may be submitted to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for mediation within ten (10) calendar days following the Step 3 Employer response. If the grievance is submitted to mediation and is not resolved, it may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the mediation meeting. Any grievance not appealed, in writing, to Step 4 within said ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. STEP 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 shall be submitted to arbitration, subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services. 7.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the • specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way, the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following the close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 Waiver. If the grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next Step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance or appeal thereof, • within the specified time limit, the Union may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that -2468- • Step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next Step. The time limit in each Step may be extended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 7.7 Choice of Remedy. If, as a result of the written Employer response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to Step 4 of Article VII or a procedure such as: Veteran's Preference of Fair employment. If appealed to any procedure other than Step 4 of Article VII, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure, as provided in Step 4 of Article VII. The aggrieved employee shall indicate, in writing, which procedure is to be utilized, Step 4 of Article VII or another appeal procedure and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal through Step 4 of Article VII. The election set forth above shall not apply to claims subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota and the City of Mound. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the written request of • either party. ARTICLE IX SENIORITY 9.1 Seniority shall be determined by the employee's length of continuous employment with the Police Department. Seniority rosters may be maintained by the Chief on the basis of time in grade and time within specific classifications. 9.2 During the probationary period, a newly hired or rehired employee may be discharged at the sole discretion of the Employer. During the probationary period, a promoted or reassigned employee may be placed in his/her previous position at the sole discretion of the Employer. 9.3 A reduction in work force will be accomplished on the basis of seniority. Employees shall be recalled from layoff on the basis of seniority. An employee on layoff shall have the opportunity to return to work within two (2) years of the time of his/her layoff before any new employee is hired. 9.4 Senior employees will be given preference with regard to transfer, job classification assignments and promotions when the job relevant qualifications of employees are equal. 9.5 Layoff. In the event the City of Mound determines to reduce a position or positions, employees shall be laid off, with at least two (2) weeks' notice. • 6 -2469- 9.6 Recall. Employees shall be recalled in order of seniority for a position within the same • classification held prior to layoff available for a qualified employee on layoff. The Employer shall mail, by certified mail, the notice to such employee who shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of mailing of such notice to accept re- employment. If written acceptance is not received by the city Manager within such fourteen (14) calendar day period, it shall constitute a waiver on the part of such employee to any further rights of employment or reinstatement and shall forfeit any future reinstatement of employment rights. The employee must accept the first offer of hiring at the same classification from which the employee was laid off or the employee shall be removed from the recall list. The employee may refuse an offer for a lower classification from which the employee was laid off, however, once an employee is offered a lower classification position and refuses such offer, only higher classification positions need be offered. 9.7 Senior qualified employees shall be given shift assignment preference after eighteen (18) months of continuous full -time employment. 9.8 One continuous vacation period shall be selected on the basis of seniority until March 15 of each calendar year. ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE 10.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in one or more of the following forms: • A. Oral reprimand; B. Written reprimand; C. Suspension D. Demotion; or E. Discharge 10.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written form. 10.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension, and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by signature of the employee. Employees and the Union will receive a copy of such reprimand and /or notices. 10.4 Employees may examine their own individual personnel files at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the Employer. At the request of the employee, all oral and written reprimands will be removed after 18 months provided there has been no similar disciplinary action taken against the employee during this period. The provision does not apply to discipline involving sexual harassment and discrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, or age. • 7 -2470- • 10.5 Employees will not be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action unless the employee has been given an opportunity to have a Union representative present at such questioning. 10.6 Grievances relating to suspensions, demotions or discharges shall be initiated by the Union at Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII. ARTICLE XI CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Employees shall have the rights granted to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota State Constitutions. ARTICLE XII WORK SCHEDULE 12.1 The normal work year is two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours to be accounted for by each employee through: A. Hours worked on assigned shifts; B. Holidays; C. Assigned training D. Authorized leave time. 0 12.2 Holidays and authorized leave time are to be calculated on the basis of the actual length of time of the assigned shifts. 12.3 Nothing contained in this or any other Article shall be interpreted to be a guarantee of a minimum or maximum number of hours the Employer may assign employees. ARTICLE XIII OVERTIME 13.1 Employees will be compensated at one and one -half (1 -1/2) times the employee's regular base pay rate for hours worked in excess of the employee's regularly scheduled shift. Changes in shifts do not qualify an employee for overtime under this Article. 13.2 Overtime will be distributed as equally as practicable. 13.3 Overtime refused by employees will for record purposes under Article 13.2 be considered as unpaid overtime worked. 13.4 For the purpose of computing overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be pyramided, compounded or paid twice for the same hours worked. 13.5 Overtime will be calculated to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. • 13.6 Employees have the obligation to work overtime or call backs if requested by the Employer unless unusual circumstances prevent the employee from so working. -2471- 13.7 Compensatory time may be taken, at the option of the employee as payment for overtime worked, in lieu of money. 13.8 The following classification shall be granted up to 10 hours of compensatory time per month at the time and one -half rate in recognition of the extra hours requested by these assignments: A. Reserve Liaison Officer B. Range Officer; C. Canine Officer Above classifications must document their time spent performing these functions. Documentation procedure is to be established by Employer. ARTICLE XIV COURT TIME An employee who is required to appear in court during his /her scheduled off -duty time shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at one and one -half (1 -1/2) times the employee's regular base pay rate. An extension or early report to a regularly scheduled shift for court appearances does not qualify the employee for the two (2) hour minimum. ARTICLE XV CALL BACK TIME An employee who is called to duty during his /her scheduled off -duty time shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at one and one -half (1 -1/2) times the employee's regular base pay rate. An extension or early report to a regularly scheduled shift for duty does not qualify the employee for the two (2) hour minimum. ARTICLE XVI WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION Any employee assigned by the Employer to work at a higher job classification shall be paid at the higher rate of pay for the duration of the assignment. Upon completion of the assignment, the employee shall revert to his/her original or assigned pay rate. ARTICLE XVII SAFETY The Employer and the Union agree to jointly promote safe and healthful working conditions, to cooperate in safety matters and to form a Safety Committee to help advise the employer of any unsafe conditions that exist or need attention. Safety Committee will consist of Police Chief, Sergeant's Steward and Patrol Steward. ARTICLE XVIII INSURANCE 18.1 The Employer agrees to pay the full premium for the employee only hospitalization /major medical insurance for each full -time employee from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment. The Employer agrees to _ . • • • 9 -2472- • ffieffth in $925 44:44 per month in 201044 toward the cost of family coverage or dependent coverage plus one (1) from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment for each full -time employee who elects coverage under this Agreement. Any additional costs for such family coverage shall be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. In no event shall the employer's contribution exceed the actual cost of the coverage selected by the employee. 18.2 The Employer agrees to pay the full premium for a long -term disability policy for each full - time employee, from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment. The qualifying period of the LTD shall be 90 days. Employees shall not earn more while on LTD than they would receive as a base pay if they were in a work status. 18.3 The Employer agrees to pay the full premium for dental insurance coverage for each full -time employee who elects Employee only coverage from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment. The Employer agrees to contribute up to the equivalent of the employee -cost per month for family coverage from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment for each full -time employee who elects family coverage. 18.4 Employees shall be eligible for the existing Health Care Savings Plan set forth in the City Administrative Code effective upon ratification of this Agreement. Effective January 1, 2006, the City's amended Health Care Savings Plan will apply to employees covered under • this contract. 18.5 A short-term disability insurance policy will be made available to employees on a voluntary basis from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment. The premium will be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. The employee may choose their desired benefit amount, not to exceed 60% of gross pre -tax income. ARTICLE XIX HOLIDAYS 19.1 The Employer agrees to provide the following paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day The Day After Thanksgiving '? -Day Christmas Eve's Day Christmas Day 1 n �.r, r n ,n m One (1) Floating Holiday 19.2 The above - listed holidays will be used the same as vacation. Any unused days as of December 1 shall be paid on the first non -pay week as soon as possible after the I" of December. Management reserves the right to maintain minimal schedules on holidays, and • to schedule people off, as per current practice. 10 -2473- 19.3 Employees who work any of the above - listed holidays shall receive a cash payment of two • (2) times his/her regular base pay rate. 19.4 Employees working a schedule with weekends off shall observe holidays on the same date as observed by the other non -law enforcement employees. ARTICLE XX VACATION SCHEDULE 20.1 Employees shall accrue vacation according to the following schedule: YEARS HOURS EARNED NUMBER OF OF PER BI- WEEKLY DAYS PER SERVICE PAY PERIOD YEAR 0 -5 3.077 10 6 -10 4.616 15 11 -15 6.154 20 16 -20 7.693 25 21 -25 8.308 27 26+ 9.230 30 20.2 Paid vacations shall be earned during the first year of employment, but cannot be taken until • the end of the first year of employment without the approval of the Employer. 20.3 At the time of termination or retirement. the employee shall receive all accrued vacation and. /or comp time in the form of a check. 20.4 No contributions to the Heal Care Savi.nas Pla are permi by_MSR_S_after the death of an employee. Therefore, any pay related to hours worked accrued vacation and comp time, and the sick portion of severance pav calculated according to Secticm 21 l Severance I'ay, will be paid according to the payment method in effect during, the last full pay lieriod in which the employee was paid, which is in the form of a direct deceit to the financial institution (s) on record. ARTICLE XXI SICK LEAVE AND FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) 21.1 Sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of one (1) day per month. A. Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which an employee may use at his/her discretion, but shall be allowed in the case of personal illness, legal quarantine, disability of the employee, disability related to childbirth, to receive dental or medical care or if there is serious illness in the immediate family and no other responsible adult is available to care for the ill family member. "Immediate • family member" here is defined as employee's mother, father, siblings, spouse, 11 -2474- • children, step- children, grandchildren, grandparents, and spouse's mother, father, siblings, children, grandparents and grandchildren. B. An employee may use personal sick leave benefits accumulated in accordance with this Article for absences due to an illness of the employee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the employee is able to use sick leave benefits for the employee's own illness. For the purposes of this paragraph, "child" is defined in accordance with Minnesota Statute 181.940, subd. 4 as an individual under 18 years of age or an individual under age 20 who is still attending secondary school, and shall include a step child, ward or adopted child under the ages specified herein. 21.2 The FMLA language stated in the Administrative Code will apply to employees covered under this contract. ARTICLE XXII SEVERANCE PAY 22.1 The following is the severance pay schedule, based on accumulated sick leave, which shall become effective for all full -time employees upon reaching tenure of five (5) years (60 months). After 5 years of service 53% is After 10 years of service 59% After 15 years of service 66% After 20 years of service 73% After 25 years of service 80% 22.2 Sick leave shall be paid to the Health Care Savings Plan in accordance with Section 14A of the Administrative Code. 22.3 An employee who is discharged from employment for just cause shall not be entitled to severance pay under this Article. ARTICLE XXIII INJURY ON DUTY 23.1 Upon employment, each employee shall immediately accumulate ninety (90) days of additional sick leave to be used only for injuries or illnesses incurred on the job. There shall be an initial waiting period of three (30 days per injury. After the initial waiting period, the employee will be paid the difference between the employee's regular base pay rate and the Workers' Compensation insurance payments for a period not to exceed ninety (90) working days per injury; not to be charged against employee's vacation or sick leave accumulated in accordance with Articles XX and XXI. Upon return to work from such injury on duty sick leave, the employee shall immediately accumulate up to ninety (90) days of sick leave. Sick leave under this Section shall not apply to severance benefits. The Employer reserves the right to have the injured employee examined by a doctor of its choice to determine the 12 -2475- employee's fitness for duty within his/her job classification and prior to returning to duty to determine if that employee is it to perform all duties of his /her job classification. 0 23.2 Upon the receipt of a request for extension of injury on duty leave, by the injured employee, the City Manager may act to extend the injury on duty leave up to thirty (30) working days. The extension will be made only after the City Manger has the opportunity to consult with a city appointed doctor, who has had a chance to examine the injured employee and made a recommendation to the City Manager about the extent of the employee's injury. ARTICLE XXIV FUNERAL LEAVE 24.1 Funeral leave, for immediate family, not to exceed three (3) days per occurrence will be allowed by the City Manager. If more than three (3) days are required, the employee may choose to deduct the extra days over three (3) from either vacation leave or accumulated sick leave. "Immediate family" is defined as mother, father, siblings, spouse, children, grandparents and spouse's mother, father, siblings, children, grandparents and grandchildren. ARTICLE XXV JURY DUTY 25.1 Any City employee who is required to serve on jury duty shall be granted an amount of compensation which will equal the difference between the employee's regular base pay rate and the compensation paid for jury duty. ARTICLE XXVI EYE EXAMINATIONS • 26.1 The Employer agrees to pay up to fifty dollars ($50.00) in each twenty -four (24) month period of full -time employment toward an eye examination or the purchase of eyeglasses for each full -time employee. ARTICLE XXVII STANDBY PAY Any employee placed on standby duty by the employer on their regularly scheduled day off shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours of standby pay. Standby pay shall be one -half (2) hour pay for each one (1) hour required to standby for duty. ARTICLE XXVIII EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVES If funds are not provided by any other governmental agency, the Employer shall pay cost of tuition equal to that charged by state institutions after them employee has successfully completed a course with a grade of "C" or better. The course must be approved in advance by the city Manager. Upon completion of the course, the employer will pay the employee a one (1) time payment of five dollars ($5.00) for each credit hour the employee earned. ARTICLE XXIX P.O.S.T. LICENSE FEE The Employer will pay the cost of the employee's Peace Officer License. • 13 -2476- • ARTICLE XXX UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 30.1 Each employee shall be entitled to an annual uniform allowance of $800.00 in and in 201004. The uniform allowance to be paid by separate check directly to the employee by February 1 of each year. 30.2 The Employer agrees to replace all clothing damaged in the line of duty at no cost to the employee. 30.3 The Employer shall pay for any uniforms purchases caused by mandated changes including patch and style changes or additional items. The Employer agrees to phase out uniform standards over a two -year period if a mandated change is made. ARTICLE XXXI WAGES 31.1 Wages Patrol Rate 31.2 Investigative /Detective/Drug Task Force 0 -6 months $75.00 per month over base rate After 6 months $150.00 per month over base rate The Investigator/Detective/Drug Task Force differential shall be included as part of the employee's base pay rate for purposes of calculating overtime pay for overtime hours work as an Investigator/Detective /Drug Task Force. • 14 -2477- 2005 201004 Start 0 ^^ $3,811.34 • After 6 months $4,054.05 After 12 months $44.21,50 $4,351.24 After 24 months $'4,55544 $4,691.79 After 36 months $40 $5,026.61 After 60 months 1 978 $5,127.13 31.2 Investigative /Detective/Drug Task Force 0 -6 months $75.00 per month over base rate After 6 months $150.00 per month over base rate The Investigator/Detective/Drug Task Force differential shall be included as part of the employee's base pay rate for purposes of calculating overtime pay for overtime hours work as an Investigator/Detective /Drug Task Force. • 14 -2477- Employees assigned to Investigator/Detective/Drug Task Force division and who have • successfully completed twelve (12) months and are reassigned to patrol division shall continue to receive one - hundred ($100.00) per month. FTO: An employee assigned FTO duties shall receive 1 hour compensation at straight time for each shift doing FTO duties. 31.3 Incentive Program 1.5% addition on the base for living and owning within the City of Mound. 2% addition on the base for a four year degree. 1.5% addition on the base for achieving fitness standard of 19 pts. 2% addition on the base for problem - solving utilizing the SARA model and appropriate documentation. Project to receive prior approval by Chief. ARTICLE XXXII WAIVER 32.1 Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policies, rules and regulations, regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement are hereby superseded. • 32.2 The parties mutually acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals, with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not removed by law, from bargaining. All agreements and understandings arrived at by the parties are set forth in writing in this Agreement for the stipulated duration of this Agreement. The Employer and the Union, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right to meet and negotiate, regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment referred to or covered in this Agreement or with respect to any terms or conditions of employment not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, even though such terms or conditions may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both the parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated or executed. ARTICLE XXXIII DURATION This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 201009 and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 201009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of , 20108&. FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR • 15 -2478- • SERVICES, INC. LOCAL NO. 266 Mayor Business Agent City Manager Steward • W- 1 -2479- MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT • This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between the City of Mound (hereafter "Employer ") and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Local No. #266 (hereafter "Union "). WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union are parties to a Labor Agreement covering employees in the positions of Police Officer, Investigator /Detective and Juvenile Officers; and WHEREAS, the Employer believes that a minimum level of physical fitness is important to the safety and health of each employee; and WHEREAS, the employer wishes to encourages employees to be physically fit. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Employer will implement a physical fitness program as set forth in Attachment A hereto. 2. Each employee may participate in the physical fitness program, at the employee's option. Participation in the physical fitness program in voluntary. 3. This Memorandum of Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 20100 through December 31, 201049. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Agreement on is this day of , 201009. FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES, INC. LOCAL NO. 266 Mayor City Manager • 17 -2480- 3 • MOUND PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM I. INTRODUCTION Following are the standards for the fitness program for the Mound Police Department. Officers who agree to participate in the program will be eligible to receive additional incentives as outlined within this program document. The standards used have been developed by Dr. Kenneth Cooper and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is mutually agreed that a minimum level of physical fitness is important to the safety and health of each officer in adequately performing their duties. II. STANDARDS The areas to be measured to determine officer's physical fitness levels are: A. Aerobic Capacity B. Flexibility C. Dynamic Strength D. Absolute Strength E. Body Fat Composition A. AEROBIC CAPACITY • The aerobic capacity test will consist of a mile and a half run for time or a 12 minute Air- Dyne cycling test. Tables for proficiency will be used as outlined in The Aerobics Program for Total Well- being, by Dr. Kenneth Cooper. B. FLEXIBILITY Consists of a "stretch and reach" test measured in inches. C. DYNAMIC STRENGTH Sit -ups Bent -knee sit -ups with ankles secured and hands folded across the chest or flat along the floor. Push -ups Straight body push -up with no rest stops D. ABSOLUTE STRENGTH Bench press Bench press utilizing the Universal Gym Leg press Leg press utilizing the Universal Gym E. BODY FAT COMPOSITION Using skin -fold calipers • 18 -2481- III. INCENTIVES • As an incentive for maintaining good physical fitness, police personnel will earn "fitness time" compensation. "Fitness time ": will be accrued separately from comp -time currently used within the department. "Fitness time" will be accrued separately from comp -time and must be used within the calendar year earned. Personnel testing will be administered twice annually for those who volunteer to take part in the program. Testing will be held in the months of April and October each year. "Fitness time" shall be earned as follows: 16 hours for those who score 30 points or more and have had 2 or less "sick leave episodes" within the last 6 months. 12 hours for those who score 22 points or more (no category less than 2) and have had 2 or less "sick leave episodes" within the last 6 months. 8 hours for those who score 16 points (no category less than 2) and have had 2 or less "sick leave episodes" within the last 6 months. 4 hours of those who score <16 points (no category less than 1) and have had 2 or less "sick leave episodes" in the last 6 months. Mound Police Fitness "logo" products. Individuals who become involved in the program will be provided with a Mound 12M T -shirt for their participation. Individuals who score within the above perimeters in both the April and October testing periods will be awarded reimbursement 1br athletic clothing and /or runnin shoes upon presentation of a receipt as follows: 30 points; MeuRd �;b' o . $100 value} er lear 22 points; R*M++i fles{$65 value }per year 16 points; c. ;�e ;; t & shei $40 value} - er year IV. MEDICAL EXAMINATION Individuals who have not had a fitness assessment (within the last 2 years) will be required to be evaluated before any testing. Individuals who are over 35 years of age will be required to provide a doctor's authorization before participating. SICK LEAVE EPISODE - a period of time missed due to a the Employee's single illness or injury, not sick leave taken for a Tamil member or a doctor's appointment for preventative care of' the employee Single day sick equals 1 episode; continuous 3 day absence for same illness equals 1 episode. r� �J 19 -2482- • FITNESS STANDARDS Fitness Points Gender Minimum 20 -29 30 -39 • 1.5 MILE RUN TEST I M 71:00 F 20:00 3 M F 5 M F 6 M F 12 MINUTE CYCLING TEST (in miles) I M 2.25 F 1.50 2 M F 3 M F 5 M F FLEXIBILITY (sit and reach in inches) I M 13.3 F 16.8 2 M F 3 M F 5 M F 14:00 18:30 12:00 15:54 10:45 13:30 9:45 12:30 3.75 2.50 4.50 3.50 5.50 4.50 >5.50 >4.50 16.5 19.3 18.5 20.5 20.5 22.5 >20.5 >22.5 14:45 19:00 12:30 16:30 11:00 14:30 10:00 13:00 3.25 2.25 4.25 3.25 5.25 4.25 >5.25 >4.25 15.5 18.3 17.5 20.0 19.5 21.5 >19.5 >21.5 40 -49 50 -59 15:35 17:00 19:30 20:00 13:00 14 :30 17:30 19:00 11:30 12:30 15:55 16:30 10:30 11:00 13:45 14:30 3.00 2.25 2.00 1.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 >5.00 >4.50 >4.00 >3.50 14.3 13.3 17.3 16.8 16.3 15.5 19.0 18.5 18.5 17.5 20.5 20.3 >18.5 >17.5 >20.5 >20.3 20 -2483- FITNESS STANDARDS Fitness Points Gender Minimum DYNAMIC STRENGTH (sit -ups push -ups) Sit -ups (one minute) 1 M 24 F 14 2 M F 3 M F 4 M F 5 M F 20 -29 30 -39 40 -49 50 -59 <38 <35 <29 <24 <32 <25 <20 <14 <42 <39 <34 <28 <38 <29 <24 <20 <47 <43 <39 <35 <44 <35 <29 <24 <47 <43 <39 <35 <44 <35 <29 <24 >55 >52 >28 >25 >50 >43 >40 >35 Push -ups (no resting) 1 M 15 <33 F 5 <8 2 M <37 F <12 3 M <47 F <18 4 M >47 F >23 5 M >55 F >30 ABSOLUTE STRENGTH (Bench press & Leg press) Rating charts attached >16 <27 <21 <15 <7 <6 <5 <30 <24 <19 <10 <8 <7 <39 <30 <25 <15 <13 <20 >39 >30 >25 >20 >16 >12 >47 >39 >32 >24 >20 >15 • • • 21 -2484- • FITNESS STANDARDS (3) Fitness Points Gender Minimum 20 -29 30 -39 40 -49 50 -59 BODY FAT PERCENTAGE 1 M <25 <26 <27 <28 F <27 <29 <31 <33 2 M <20 <22 <24 <25 F <24 <26 <28 <30 3 M <16 <18 <20 <22 F <21 <23 <25 <28 4 M <12 <14 <16 <18 F <18 <20 <22 <25 5 M >5 <10 <10 <12 <14 F >8 <12 <15 <17 <20 r1 U • 22 -2485- Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 222, St. Paul MN 55101 -5133 (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282 -6555 W W W.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION a TV • NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER cLAA ET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP�C�(O'DE 2,'U 6 Ltd M, a a4d /H ft I ✓ � _ NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICCA S USINESS PHONE LOME PHONE DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD / O / RGANIZATION ARITABLE RELIGIOUS OTHER NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME SS t _�-) � '1('4 e �0� QRQANIZATION OFFICER!S NAME — 1 I ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER SNAME ADDRESS ffingd, 1-k Location license will used. If an outdoor ar4la, describe 4� 7 `P Wi the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. Will the applicant 11 uor liability insullwe? If so, please provide carrier's name and amoun of coverage. ryi L/w Qy APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY /COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMB ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS- 09079 (12/09) -2486- I • • ®© Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. ®® TO: Mound City Council and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner DATE: December 7, 2010 SUBJECT: Establishing Consistency between the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Map According to Minnesota State Statutes, the City has nine months following the adoption of its Comprehensive Plan to make modifications to its zoning map to ensure consistency between the two documents. As the City adopted its 2030 Comprehensive Plan this year in March, the City should be completing its review and amendment of the zoning map by the end of this year. The following are excerpts from Minnesota State Statutes regarding comprehensive plan and zoning map consistency. 473.865 ADOPTION; CONFLICTS, AMENDMENT OF CONTROLS, DEVICES. • Subdivision 1. Control copies to council. Each local governmental unit shall adopt official controls as described in its adopted comprehensive plan and shall submit copies of the off cial controls to the council within 30 days following adoption thereof; for information purposes only. Subd. 2. No conflict with plans. A local governmental unit shall not adopt any official control or f scal device which is in conflict with its comprehensive plan or which permits activity in conflict with metropolitan system plans. Subd. 3. Amendments. If an official control conflicts with a comprehensive plan as the result of an amendment to the plan, the official control shall be amended by the unit within nine months following the amendment to the plan so as to not conflict with the amended comprehensive plan. As noted during the Comprehensive Planning process, the Comprehensive Plan provides general land use guidance for the entire community while zoning provides the parcel specific guidance as to appropriate uses and site design characteristics. There are therefore many more zoning districts then there are land use plan categories. To assist with determining whether an individual parcel's zoning was in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, Staff created the following chart showing each Comprehensive Plan Land Use Category and those Zoning Districts which would be consistent based on use and density. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Consistency December 7, 2010 Neighborhood Commercial B -2, B -3 Pedestrian District B -1, Pedestrian District Destination District B -1, Destination District, R -3 Linear District B -1, R -1, R -2 Industrial District I -1 Public/ Institutional Any Park Any Open Space Any Public Waters /Wetlands Any • In its review, Staff identified four areas where the zoning designation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In each of these areas, the land use designation was changed during the Comprehensive Plan update process. The areas are identified with the labels A -D on the attached map and details about each area are provided on the attached table. The proposed zoning column of the table provides Staff's recommendation as to the appropriate zoning district. The properties involved are: • 1) Tonka Alano Society —parking lot 2) 5740 Bartlett Boulevard — single-family home 3) Al and Alma's Supper Club - parking lot 4) 2670 Commerce Boulevard (Chapman Place Condominium Complex — all units) The Planning Commission initially reviewed the proposed rezonings at their October meeting. Based on their positive feedback, Staff initiated the formal review process by notifying all property owners and neighbors within 350 feet. Interested individuals were invited to attend the November 16' Planning Commission meeting or contact Staff to share their comments and concerns. Excerpts of the Planning Commission are included for your reference. After its review the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that City Council should adopt the rezonings as proposed by Staff. The Planning Commission did request Staff to research the tax implications of the proposed rezonings in preparation for the City Council meeting. In addition to a recommendation from the Planning Commission, zoning amendments require a public hearing to be held by the City Council. In accordance with Minnesota State Statutes and City Code, Staff sent a public hearing notice to all property owners and neighbors within 350 feet; posted the public hearing notice and published the public hearing notice in the Laker on December 4, 2010. • Page 2 -2488- Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Consistency Page 3 December 7, 2010 As requested by the Planning Commission, Staff has reviewed the general tax and special assessment • implications of the proposed rezoning. Staff forwarded a copy of the rezoning to Hennepin County Assessor Phil Jensen. Mr. Jensen responded that the rezonings will not change how the properties are classified for tax purposes. The impact to special assessments differs depending on the property and is difficult to be certain of until a project is proposed. Generally commercial properties are assessed at a higher rate than residential. Thus, the rezoning of the two parking lots (Tonka Alano Society and Al & Alma's Supper Club) from residential to commercial would result in a higher special assessment. The rezoning of the single - family residential home from commercial to residential may result in a reduced special assessment rate. The application of the special assessment policy to Chapman Place is unknown as the property does not directly abut a public street, but rather accesses Commerce Boulevard through a City parking lot. Understanding all of the implications of the proposed rezonings is challenging. The City Council is advised that if the current or future property owners would want in the future to modify either the Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan to allow for other uses, another public hearing process and /or Comprehensive Plan Amendment process would be needed. Similarly, if the City Council determines that one or more of the areas should not be rezoned, the City may need to undertake a Comprehensive Plan Amendment process so as to make the zoning map and Comprehensive Plan consistent. Action Requested • Staff is requesting the City Council adopt the included draft ordinance amending the zoning map so as to establish consistency between the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and the zoning ordinance. • -2489- L • C� • • • n Comprehensive - WYOFMOUND Plan Legend R -1 R -1 PDA R -1A R -1A PDA R -2 Two-Family Residential OR-3 iR -3 PDA iB -1 Central Business IiB -2 General Business B -3 Neighborhood Business Pedestrian District ADestination District 01-1 Industrial District Zoning Map Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Map Consistency Analysis August 11, 2010 Source: Hennepin County, Metropolitan Council, The Lawrence Group, MnDNR Iffi Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc, r a 0 S I i�`_ �- asiaxsid; :.- 1 1 i •' -'� � 11 �t (iu • a 1 � p ; IIII�IIIIwl1- NI � n 1.- IIIr n K� orrl :ar' 4 r 11111 fill 4� �►iC ..� r� 1 I •'•� pig I ■� 7 J- 1111191; Bay y ifarrisons Bey IIIi i■■ � 1 11 rn l ■ i O ►/ ` is `-' cooks Bay .r Illlrt j n . i 5 � t• . r Comprehensive -CFTY OF MOUND Plan Legend Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential W High Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial APedestrian District ADestination District Linear District 0Industrial District W1 Public or Institutional WR Park Open Space III Public Water or Wetlands Comprehensive Plan Map Comprehensive Plan /Zoning Map Consistency Analysis August 11, 2010 Source: Hennepin County, Metropolitan Council, The Lawrence Group, MnDNR N Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. • • • • . • Comprehensive Plan - Zoning Consistency Summary Table N CD 1 MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION 40 NOVEMBER 16, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Ward welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Acting Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Grant Johnson, Michael Paulsen, and Ray Salazar. Absent: Geoff Michael. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consulting Planner Rita Trapp, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public present: Merritt Geyen (5200 Piper Road); Chris & Catherine Christensen (2670 Commerce Blvd #201); Kelli Gillispie (5361 Baywood Shores Dr); Ann Eberhart (1708 Dove La) BOARD OF APPEALS a. Review of proposed rezoning amendments related to the 2010 Mound Comprehensive Plan Update Staff is beginning the formal review process on the proposed rezoning of four properties. • The recommended rezoning should be completed in December 2010. The properties affected are as follows: 5098 Three Points Blvd /1680 Eagle Lane (4 lots) R -1A to B -3 5740 Bartlett Blvd B -1 to R -1 2670 Commerce Blvd (Chapman Place) B -1 to R -3 Al & Alma's parking lot R -1A to B -3 Discussion Salazar confirmed that a request was received to leave the Chapman Place zoning at B- 1. Sarah confirmed. 5098 Three Points Blvd Comments (Tonka Alano Society parking lot) Anne Eberhart (1708 Dove Lane) — Doesn't want the door to be open to another neighborhood bar. Previous experience was disruptive to the neighborhood. Trapp explained the limited opportunities for restaurant/bar use as well as the need for CUP approval for any restaurant. • -2492- • 5740 Bartlett Blvd Comments No comments. 2670 Commerce Blvd Comments Chris Christensen (2670 Commerce Blvd) — Zoning has been B -1 for many years. Why change now? What tax issues would result? Trapp stated that the Met Council requires periodic review. We looked at the linear district and future plans. It will likely stay mixed residential and business use as it exists now. Chapman Place, on the south end of the district, is likely to stay residential. It makes sense to zone it that way now. Currently it is taxed commercial. The effect on taxes is unknown at this time. Al & Alma's parking lot Comments No comments. Johnson felt staff should make some contacts to investigate the tax implications. Are they treated differently for special assessments? • Salazar inquired as to what type of activity goes on at the Tonka Alano Society. Does anyone reside there? MOTION by Johnson, second by Salazar, to recommend rezoning all four areas according to staff recommendation. MOTION carried unanimously. • -2493- NOTICE OF A CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 129 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 to hold a public hearing to consider the proposed rezoning of the following properties to maintain consistency with the City's 2030 comprehensive plan update: Information related to the proposed rezonings is available for viewing at City Hall during regular office hours or by appointment and will also be provided upon request. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting Jill Norlander, Planning and Inspections Secretary Published in the Laker on December 4, 2010 Posted on November 30, 2010 • • -2494- Existing Proposed Address PID Zoning Zonin 5740 BARTLETT BLVD 2311724140013 B -1 R -1 2670 COMMERCE BLVD Multiple B -1 R -3 (Condo No. 0560 Chapman Place A Condo - All Units ADDRESS 2411724430074 R -1A B -3 UNASSIGNED (Al and Alma's Supper Club parking lot ADDRESS 1311724120018 R -1A B -3 UNASSIGNED (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 1680 EAGLE LANE 1311724120021 R -1A B -3 (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 5098 THREE POINTS 1311724120022 R -1A B -3 BLVD (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 5098 THREE POINTS 1311724120017 R -1A B -3 BLVD (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot Information related to the proposed rezonings is available for viewing at City Hall during regular office hours or by appointment and will also be provided upon request. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting Jill Norlander, Planning and Inspections Secretary Published in the Laker on December 4, 2010 Posted on November 30, 2010 • • -2494- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. 2011 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 129 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE (ZONING • ORDINANCE) AS IT RELATES TO ZONING MAP The City of Mound does ordain: • That Section 129 -68 (Zoning Map) of the Mound City Code be amended as follows: Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • Published in The Laker the day of .2010 Effective the day of , 2010. -2495- Existing Proposed Address PID Zoning Zonin 5740 BARTLETT BLVD 2311724140013 B -1 R -1 2670 COMMERCE BLVD Multiple B -1 R -3 (Condo No. 0560 Chapman Place A Condo - All Units ADDRESS 2411724430074 R -1A B -3 UNASSIGNED (Al and Alma's Supper Club parking lot ADDRESS 1311724120018 R -1A B -3 UNASSIGNED (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 1680 EAGLE LANE 1311724120021 R -1A B -3 (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 5098 THREE POINTS 1311724120022 R -1A B -3 BLVD (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot 5098 THREE POINTS 1311724120017 R -1A B -3 BLVD (Tonka Alano Society p arking lot Passed by the City Council this 14 day of December 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • Published in The Laker the day of .2010 Effective the day of , 2010. -2495- Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A (the "Bonds "), for the public purpose of refinancing for interest rate savings on the City's G.O. Bonds, Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B and 2004A, and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization, Findings The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting: Proposal Opening The City Council shall meet on January 11, 2011, 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of KIIIII City Clerk • • • -2496- Debt issuance Services 0 December 14, 2010 Pre -Sale Report for $5,440,000 General Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A City of Mound, Minnesota 10 EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE www,ehiers- inc,com _2497_nnesota phone 651- 697 -8500 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Offices also in Wisconsin and Illinois fax 651 -697 -8555 Roseville, MN 55113 -1122 Deb I ssuance Services Details of Proposed Debt is Proposed Issues: $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 201 IA to be secured by the full faith and credit of the taxpayers of the City of Mound (the "Bonds "). Purpose: To provide funds sufficient for a current refunding /refinancing of five different bond issues: 1. The 2012 to 2022 maturities of the City's G.O. Bonds, Series 2001A, (the "2001A Bonds "). The 2001A Bonds were issued in the amount of $1,585,000 for a variety of purposes with outstanding rates of over 5% and with $1,070,000 in outstanding principal after the February 1, 2011 payment. The City will use $17,505.92 in cash from the 2001A bond fund to write down the principal amount of the debt at closing of the Bonds. The 2001A Bonds are callable after February 1, 2011. 2. The 2012 to 2022 maturities of the City's G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2001C, (the "2001C Bonds "). The 2001C Bonds were issued in the amount of $780,000 for public improvements with outstanding rates of over 5% and with $390,000 in outstanding principal after the February 1, 2011 payment. The City will use $31,058.11 in cash from the 2001C bond fund to write • down the principal amount of the debt at closing of the Bonds. The 2001C Bonds are callable after February 1, 2011. The 2012 to 2024 maturities of the City's G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2003A, (the "2003A Bonds "). The 2003A Bonds were issued in the amount of $3,255,000 for public improvements with outstanding rates of over 3.7% and with $2,165,000 in outstanding principal after the February 1, 2011 payment. The City will use $49,857.98 in cash from the 2003C bond fund to write down the principal amount of the debt at closing of the Bonds. The 2003A Bonds were callable on February 1, 2010. 4. The 2012 to 2019 maturities of the City's G.O. Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B, (the "2003B Bonds "). The 2003A Bonds were issued in the amount of $1,355,000 for utility improvements with outstanding rates of over 3.5% and with $555,000 in outstanding principal after the February 1, 2011 payment. The 2003B Bonds were callable on February 1, 2009. 40 Presale Report -2498- Page 2 Debt I Services • 5. The 2012 to 2020 maturities of the City's G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A, (the "2004A Bonds "). The 2003A Bonds were issued in the amount of $1,785,000 for public improvements with outstanding rates of over 4.25% and with $1,250,000 in outstanding principal after the February 1, 2011 payment. The 2004A Bonds will be callable on February 1, 2011. The savings will occur with taxes payable in 2011 through 2023, starting with approximately $50,000 per year and declining as the shorter bond issues are paid off. New interest rates should be approximately 2.75 %, resulting in an estimated net present value savings of more than $370,000 or over 6% of refunded principal. Authority: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 475. Funding Source: It is the intent of the City to utilize the same sources of payments originally pledged to the previous issues (primarily utility revenues, special assessments, and an annual property tax levy) to make all debt service payments. Arbitrage Monitoring: The City will need to monitor its debt service funds to insure compliance with IRS parameters and to avoid penalties for carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. • Rating: Standard & Poor's has previously rated the City at a "AA" rating. This rating is only two notches below Aaa, the highest possible rating. We do not anticipate any change in the bond rating. Bank Qualification: Because the City is issuing less than $30 Million in the calendar year, the City will be able to designate the Bonds as "bank qualified" obligations. Bank qualified status broadens the market for the Bonds. Term /Call Feature: The original term of the previous bonds is not being altered nor extended. Interest is payable each six months beginning August 1, 2011. Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2012 through 2024. The Bonds will be callable again on February 1, 2020. Other Considerations: Interest rates have been fairly volatile during the past month. Usually January is a good month to sell tax - exempt bonds because the supply is lower. As we approach the sale date, we may discuss with staff the possibility of delaying the sale if the markets continue their unpredictability. The City will not incur any cost until the sale is accomplished. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City's outstanding debt and will alert you to any future refunding opportunities. • Presale Report Page 3 -2499- Debt Issuance Services 40 Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council: December 14, 2010 Distribute Official Statement: December 28, 2010 Conference with Rating Agency: Week of January 3, 2011 City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds: January 11, 2011 Estimated Closing Date: Estimated Date to Prepay Old Bonds February 1, 2011 February 15, 2011 Attachments Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Mark Ruff Stacie Kvilvang 1 u (651) 697 -8505 (651) 697 -8506 Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Bond Sale Coordinator: Alicia Aulwes (651) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. Presale Report Page 4 -2500- • • • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2501- City of Mound, MN $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Current Refunding of Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B & 2004A Table of Contents Report ISSUE SUMMARY Tota Issue Sources And Uses I Debt Service Schedu 2 De bt Service Comparis _ 3 Current Refundi Escrow 4 CUR REF 2001A Prior Original Debt Se 5 Debt Service Schedule 6 D ebt Servic Compa rison _ 7 CUR REF 2001C Prior Original Debt Service 8 Debt Service Schedu 9 De Service Comp arison _ _ 10 CUR REF 2003A Pri Original Debt Service I I Debt S ervi ce Schedule 12 Debt Service Comparison 13 CUR REF 20038 Prior O riginal Debt Servic _ 14 Debt Service Schedule 15 Debt Servic Com parison _ 16 CUR REF 2004A Prior Original Debt Service 17 Debt Service Schedule 18 Debt Service Comparison 19 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Issue Summary i 12/22010 i 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2501- i Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 1 • -2502- City of Mound, MN $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Current Refunding of Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B & 2004A Total Issue Sources And Uses Datgd 01/15/2011 1 Delivered 01/15/2011 Cur Ref 2001A Cur Ref 2001C Cur Ref 2003A Cur Ref 20038 Cur Ref 2004A Issue Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $1,075,000.00 $370,000.00 $2,155,000.00 $565,000.00 $1,275,000.00 $5,440,000.00. Transfers from Prior Issue Debt Service Funds 17,505.92 31,058.11 49,857.98 98,422.01 Total Sources _ $1, $401,058.1 $2,204 $565,000.00 $1,275,000.00 $5,538,422.01 Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (1.000 %) 10,750.00 3,700.00 21,550.00 5,650.00 12,750.00 54,400.00 Costs of Issuance 8,892.46 3,060.66 17,826.29 4,673.71 10,546.88 45,000.00 Deposit to Current Refunding Fund 1,071,917.05 390,694.40 2,167,679.53 555,663.24 1,251,840.51 5,437,794.73 Rounding Amount 946.41 3,603.05 (2,197.84) 95 1,227. Total Uses $1,092,505.92 $401,058.11 $2,204,857.98 $565,000.00 $1 $5,538,422.01 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Issue Summary i 12/ 22010 i 8:12 AM i Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 1 • -2502- C • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2503- Page 2 City of Mound, MN $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Current Refunding of Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B & 2004A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - - 61,493.65 61,493.65 - 02/01/2012 555,000.00 0.800% 56,473.75 611,473.75 672,967.40 08/01/2012 - - 54,253.75 54,253.75 - 02/01/2013 555,000.00 1.000% 54,253.75 609,253.75 663,507.50 _ 08/01/2013 _ - 51,478.75 51,478.75 - 02/01/2014 565,000.00 1.250% 51,478.75 616,478.75 667,957.50 08/01/2014 - - 47,947.50 47,947.50 - 02/01/2015 480,000.00 1.600% 47,947.50 527,947.50 575,895.00 08/01/2015 44,107.50 44,107.50 _ 02/01/2016 485,000.00 1.850% 44,107.50 529,107.50 573,215.00 08/01/2016 - - 39,621.25 39,621.25 - 02/01/2017 490,000.00 2.150% 39,621.25 529,621.25 569,242.50 08/01/2017 - - 34,353.75 34,353.75 - 02/01/2018 490,000.00 2.450% 34 353.75 524,353.75 558,707.50 08/01/2018 - - 28,351.25 28,351.25 - 02/01/2019 500,000.00 2.700% 28,351.25 528,351.25 556,702.50 08/01/2019 - - 21,601.25 21,601.25 - 02/01/2020 425,000.00 2.950% 21,601.25 446,601.25 468,202.50 08 /01/2020 _ _ - _ 15,332.50 _ 15,332.50 - 02/01/2021 285,000.00 3.200% 15,332.50 300,332.50 315,665.00 08/01/2021 - - 10,772.50 10,772.50 - 02/01/2022 290,000.00 3.400% 10,772.50 300,772.50 311,545.00 08/01/2022 - - 5,842.50 5,842.50 - 0 2/01/2023 _ 155,000.0 _ 3.600% 5,8 42.50 16 166,685.0 08/01/2023 - - 3,052.50 3,052.50 - 02/01/2024 165,000.00 3.700% 3, 05 2. 50 168,052.50 171,105.00 Total $5,440,000.00 - $831,397.40 $6,271,397.40 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $32,186.78 _ Average Life 5.917 Years Average Coupon _ 2.5830402% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.7520537% _ True Interest Cost (TIC) _ _ 2.7396394% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2.5530032% Al Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.8961162% IRS Form 8038 _ Net Interest Cost 2.5830402% _ Weighted Average Maturity _ _ 5.917 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Issue Summary 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2503- Page 2 0 J City of Mound, MN $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Current Refunding of Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B & 2004A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +l Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2011 - 02/01/2012 672,967.40 02/01/2013 663,507.50 02/01/2014 667,957.50 02/01/2015 575,895.00 (1,227.28) 672,967.40 663,507.50 667,957.50 575,895.00 (98,422.01) 720,623.88 717,698.88 714,011.38 628 993.88 (97,194.73) 47,656.48 54,191.38 46,053.88 53,098.88 02/01/2016 573,215.00 02/01/2017 569,242.50 02/01/2018 558,707.50 02/01/2019 556,702.50 02/01/2020 468,202.50 573,215.00 569,242.50 558,707.50 556,702.50 468,202. 625,761.38 616,551.38 606,348.88 610,498.88 517,717.62 52,546.38 47,308.88 47,641.38 53,796.38 49,515.12 02/01/2021 315,665.00 02/01/2022 311,545.00 02/01/2023 166,685.00 02/01/2024 171,105.00 315,665.00 311,545.00 166,685.00 171,105.00 352,395.12 348,225.12 178,600.00 182,000.00 36,730.12 36,680.12 11,915.00 10,895.00 Total $6,271,397.40 $6,270,170.12 $ 6,721 9 004.39 $450,834.27 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 474,279.52 Net PV Cashflo Savings @ 2.553 %(Bond Yield) ..... 474 279.52 Transfers from Prior Issue Debt Service Fund... (98 422.01) Contingency or Rounding Amount.. 1,227.28 Net Present Value Benefit $377,084.79 Net PV Benefit / $5,914,279.52 PV Refunded Debt Service 6.376% Net PV Benefit / $5,_4 30,000 Refunded Principal... 6.944% Net PV Benefit / $5,440,000 Refunding Principal.. 6.932% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds i Issue Summary i 12/ 2/2010 i 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2504- Page 3 0 J • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2505- Page 4 City of Mound, MN $5,440,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Current Refunding of Series 2001A, 2001C, 2003A, 2003B & 2004A Current Refunding Escrow Date Principal Rate Interest Receipts Disbursements Cash Balance 01/15/2011 - - - 02/15/2011 5,437,793.00 0.170% 785.09 1.73 5,438,578.09 5,438,579.82 1.73 Total $5,437,793.00 - $785.09 $5,438,579.82 $5,438,579.82 - Investment Parameters Investment Model P[ V, GIC, or Securities _ Securities Default investment yield target Unrestricted Cash De posit 1.73 Cost of Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds 5,437,793.00 _ Total Cost of Investments $5,437,794.73 _T arget Cost of Investments at bond yield $5,427,094.60 Actual positive or (negative) arbitrage (10,700.13) Yield to Receipt 0.1733145% Y ield for Arbi Pu oses 2.5530032% — State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 12/01/2010 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Issue Summary 1 12/ 2/2010 18:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2505- Page 4 0 City of Mound, MN $1,585,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2001A Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 02/01/2011 - - - 08/01/2011 - - 26,637.50 26,637.50 - 02/01/2012 70,000.00 4.500% 26,637.50 96,637.50 123,275.00 08/01/2012 - - 25,062.50 25,062.50 - 02/01/2013 80,000.00 4.650% 25,062.50 105,062.50 130,125.00 08/01/2013 - - 23,202.50 23,202.50 - 02/01/2014 85,000.00 4.800% 23,202.50 108,202.50 131,405.00 08/01/2014 - - 21,162.50 21,162.50 - 02/01/2015 85,000.00 4.900% 21,162.50 106,162.50 127,325.00 08/01/2015 - - 19,080.00 19,080.00 - 02/01/2016 90,000.00 5.000% 19,080.00 109,080.00 128,160.00 08/01/2016 - - 16,830.00 16,830.00 - 02/01/2017 95,000.00 5.100% 16,830.00 111,830.00 128,660.00 08/01/2017 - - 14,407.50 14,407.50 - 02/01/2018 95,000.00 5.100% 14,407.50 _ 109,407.50 123,815.00 08/01/2018 - - 11,985.00 11,985.00 - 02/01/2019 110,000.00 5.100% 11,985.00 121,985.00 133,970.00 08/01/2019 - - 9,180.00 9,180.00 - 02/01/2020 115,000.00 5.100% 9,180.00 124,180.00 133,360.00 , - _ 6,247.50 650 - _ 08/01/202 0 02/01/2021 120,000.00 5.100% 6,247.50 126,247.50 132,495.00 08/01/2021 - - 3,187.50 3,187.50 - 02/01/2022 125,000.00 5.100% 3,187.50 128,187.50 131,375.00 Total $1,070,000.00 - $353 $1,423,965.00 - Yield Statistics Base date for Avg. Life & Avg. Coupon Calculation 1/15/2011 Average Life 6.587 Years Average Coupon 5.0225216% Weighted Average Maturity (Par Bas 6.587 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 01A $1.585 GO Bds i SINGLE PURPOSE i 12/ 212010 i 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 5 -2506- 0 r� C Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2507- Page 6 City of Mound, MN $1,075,000 - Purpose 1 Current Refund Series 2001A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +l Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - - - 08/01/2011 - - 12,809.42 12,809.42 - 02/01/2012 85,000.00 0.800% 11,763.75 96,763.75 109,573.17 08/01/2012 - - 11,423.75 11,423.75 - 02/01/2013 90, 1.000% 101,423.75 112,847.50 08/01/2013 - - _ 11,423.75 10,973.75 10,973.75 - 02/01/2014 95,000.00 1.250% 10,973.75 105,973.75 116,947.50 08/01/2014 - - 10,380.00 10,380.00 - 02/01/2015 90,000.00 1.600% 10,380.00 100,380.00 110,760.00 08/01/2015 9,660.00 9,660.00 - 02/01/2016 95,000.00 1.850% 9,660.00 104,660.00 114,320.00 08/01/2016 - - 8,781.25 8,781.25 - 02/01/2017 95,000.00 2.150% 8,781.25 103,781.25 112,562.50 08/01/2017 - - 7,760.00 7,760.00 - 02/01/2018 95,000.00 2.450% 7,760.00 102,760.00 110,520.00 _ 08/01/2018 _ - - _ 6,596.25 6,596.25 - 02/01/2019 105,000.00 2.700% 6,596.25 111,596.25 118,192.50 08/01/2019 - - 5,178.75 5,178.75 - 02/01/2020 105,000.00 2.950% 5,178.75 110,178.75 115,357.50 08/01/2 3,630.00 _ 3, _ 02/01/2021 110,000.00 3.200% _ 3,630.00 113,630.00 117,260.00 08/01/2021 - - 1,870.00 1,870.00 - 02/01/2022 110,000.00 3.400% 1,87 111,870.00 113,740.00 Total $1,075,000.00 - $177,080.67 $1,252,080.67 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Doll $6,762.78 Average Life 6.291 Years _ Average Cou _^ 2.6184606% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.7774189% True Interest Cost (TIC) _ 2.7711339% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Pu 2.5530032% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.9188793% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost _ 2.6184606% Weighted Average Maturity 6.291 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2001A 1 12/ 2/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2507- Page 6 i City of Mound, MN $1,075,000 - Purpose 1 Current Refund Series 2001A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +l Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2011 - 02/01/2012 109,573.17 02/01/2013 112,847.50 02/01/2014 116,947.50 02/01/2015 110,760.00 (946.41) 109,573.17 112,847.50 116,947.50 110,760.00 (17,505.92) 123,275.00 130,125.00 131,405.00 127,325.00 (16,559.51) 13,701.83 17,277.50 14,457.50 16,565.00 02/01/2016 _ 114,320.00 02/01/2017 112,562.50 02/01/2018 110,520.00 02/01/2019 118,192.50 02/01/ 115,357.50 114,320.00 112,562.50 110,520.00 118,192.50 115,357.50 128,160.00 128,660.00 123,815.00 133,970.00 133,360.00 13,840.00 16,097.50 13,295.00 15,777.50 18,002.50 _ 02/01/2021 117,260.00 02/01/2022 113,740.00 117,260.00 113,740.00 132,495.00 131,375.00 15,235.00 Total $1,252,080.67 $1,251,134.26 $1,406,459.08 $155,324.82 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Saving s.._....._.._ .... 148,502.91 Net PV Cashflow Saving 2.553 %(Bond Yield) ..... — 148 502.91 Transfers from Prior Issue Debt Service Fund...... (17,505.92) Contingency or Rounding Amount .................... 946.41 _ Net Present Value Benefit $131,943.40 Net PV Benefit / $1,226,072.98 PV Refunded Debt Service 10.761% Net PV Benefit / $1,070,000 Refunded Principal... 12.331% Net PV Benefit / $ 1,075,000 Refundin P8 rincipal.. 12.274% Refundina Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2001A 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2508- Page 7 i • • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2509- Page 8 City of Mound, MN $780,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2001C Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 02/01/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - 9,653.19 9,653.19 - 02/01/2012 55,000.00 4.500% 9,653.19 64,653.19 74,306.38 08/01/2012 - 8,415.69 8,415.69 - 02/01/2013 25,000.00 4.650% 8,415.69 33 415.69 41,831.38 _ 08/01/2013 - - 7,834.44 7,834.44 - 02/01/2014 30,000.00 4.800% 7,834.44 37,834.44 45,668.88 08/01/2014 - - 7,114.44 7,114.44 - 02/01/2015 30,000.00 4.900% 7,114.44 37,114.44 44,228.88 6,379.44 6,379.44 _ 08/01/2015 _ _ _ 02/01/2016 30,000.00 5.000% _ 6,379.44 36,379.44 42,758.88 08/01/2016 - - 5,629.44 5,629.44 - 02/01/2017 30,000.00 5.100% 5,629.44 35,629.44 41,258.88 08/01/2017 - - 4,864.44 4,864.44 - 02/01/2018 35,000.00 5.100% 4,864.44 39,864.44 44,728.88. 08/01/2018 - - _ 3,971.94 3,971.94 - 02/01/2019 35,000.00 5.125% 3,971.94 38,971.94 42,943.88 08/01/2019 - - 3,075.06 3,075.06 - 02/01/2020 40,000.00 5.125% 3,075.06 43,075.06 46,150.12 08/01/ - _ 2,050.06 2,050.06 - _ _ _- 02/01/2021 40,000.00 5.125% _ 2,050.06 42,050.06 44,100.12 08/01/2021 - - 1,025.06 1,025.06 - 0 40,000.00 5.125% 1,025.0 41,025.06 42,050.12 Total $390,000.00 - $120,026.40 $510,026.40 - Yield Statistics Base d ate for Ate. Life & Avg. Coffin Calculation — 1/15/2011 Average Life _ 6.121 Years Average Coupon 5.0276347% Weighted Average Maturity (Par Basis) 6.121 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date T 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser01C$780KGOImprv8d I SINGLEPURPOSE 1 1212/2010 1 8:12AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2509- Page 8 I City of Mound, MN $370,000 - Purpose 2 Current Refund Series 2001C Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - - 4,177.25 4,177.25 - 02/01/2012 60,000.00 0.800% 3,836.25 63,836.25 68,013.50 08/01/2012 - - 3,596.25 3,596.25 - 02/01/2013 25,000.00 1.000% 3,596.25_ 28,596.25 32,192.50 08/01/2013 - - 3,471.25 3,471.25 - 02/01/2014 30,000.00 1.250% 3,471.25 33,471.25 36,942.50 08/01/2014 - - 3,283.75 3,283.75 - 02/01/2015 30,000.00 1.600% 3,283.75 33,283.75 36,567.50 08/01/2015 - 3,043.75 3,043.75 02/01/2016 30,000.00 _ 1.850% 3,043.75 33,043.75 36,087.50 08/01/2016 - - 2,766.25 2,766.25 - 02/01/2017 30,000.00 2.150% 2,766.25 32,766.25 35,532.50 08/01/2017 - - 2,443.75 2,443.75 - 02/01/2018 30,000.00 2.450% 2,443 75 32 443.75 34,887.50 08/01/2018 - - 2,076.25 2,076.25 - 02/01/2019 30,000.00 2.700% 2,076.25 32,076.25 34,152.50 08/01/2019 - - 1,671.25 1,671.25 - 02/01/2020 35,000.00 2.950% 1,671.25 36,671.25 38,342.50 08/01/20 - - 1,155.00 _ 1,155.00 _ _ _ 02/01/2021 35,000.00 3.200% 1,155.00 36,155.00 37,310.00 08/01/2021 - - 595.00 595.00 - 02/01/2022 35,000. 3.400% 595.00 35,595.00 36,190.00 Total $370,000.00 - $56,218.50 $426,218.50 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $2,166.44 Average Life 5.855 Years Average Coupon _ 2.5949662% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.7657529% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.7584702% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2.5530032% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.9169322% _ IRS Form 8038 N et Interest Cost 2.59496620/a Weighted Average Maturity 5.855 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2001 C 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page s -2510- I 1� • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 10 -2511- City of Mound, MN $370,000 - Purpose 2 Current Refund Series 2001 C Debt Service Comparison Net New Date Total P +I D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2011 - (3,603.05) (31,058.11) (27,455.06) 02/01/2012 68,013.50 68,013.50 74,306.38 6,292.88 02/01/2013 32,192.50 32,192.50 41,831.38 9,638.88 02/01/2014 36,942.50 36,942.50 45,668.88 8,726.38 02/01/2015 36,567.50 36,567.50 44,228.88 7,661.38 02/01/2016 36,087.50 36,087.50 42,758.88 6,671.38 02/01/2017 35,532.50 35,532.50 41,258.88 5,726.38 02/01/2018 34,887.50 34,887.50 44,728.88 9,841.38 02/01/2019 34,152.50 34,152.50 42,943.88 8,791.38 02/01/2020 38,342.50 38,342.50 _ 46,150.12 7,807.62 _ 02/01/2021 37,310.00 37,310.00 44,100.12 6,790.12 02/01/2022 36,190.00 36,190.00 42,050.12 5,860.12 Total $426,218.50 $422,615.45 $478,968.29 56,352.84 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savings . ................. ... 72,715.43 I Net PV Cashflow Savings , 2.553 %(Bond Yield) 72,715.43 Transfers from Prior Issue Debt Service Fund...... (31,058.11) Contingency or Rounding Amount .................... 3,603.05 Net Present Value Benefit $45,260.37 Net PV Benefit / $443,040.83 PV Refunded Debt Service 10.216% Net PV Benefit / $390 Refunded Principal... 11.605% Net PV Benefit / $370 Refunding Principal.. 12.233% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date __ 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2001 C 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 10 -2511- 0 City of Mound, MN $3,255,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2003A Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 02/01/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - - 38,475.00 38,475.00 - 02/01/2012 175,000.00 3.000% 38,475.00 213,475.00 251,950.00 08/01/2012 - - 35,850.00 35,850.00 - 02/01/2013 180,000.00 3.000% 35,850.00 215,850.00 251,700.00 08/01/2013 - - 33,150.00 33,150.00 - 02/01 /2014 190,000.00 3.150% 33,150.00 223,150.00 256,300.00 08/01/2014 - - 30,157.50 30,157.50 - 02/01/2015 165,000.00 3.300% 30,157.50 195,157.50 225,315.00 08/01/201 27,435.00 27,435.00 02/01/2016 170,000.00 3.400% _ 27,435.00 197,435.00 224,870.00 08/01/2016 - - 24,545.00 24,545.00 - 02/01/2017 175,000.00 3.500% 24,545.00 199,545.00 224,090.00 08/01/2017 - - 21,482.50 21,482.50 - 02/01/2018 _ 185,000.00 3.600% 21,482.50 206,482.50 227 965.00 08/01/2018 - - 18,152.50 18,152.50 - 02/01/2019 135,000.00 3.700% 18,152.50 153,152.50 171,305.00 08/01/2019 - - 15,655.00 15,655.00 - 02/01/2020 145,000.00 3.800% 15,655.00 160,655.00 176,310.00 08/01/202 __ _ _ 12,900.00 12 - 02/01/2021 150,000.00 4.000% 12,900.00 _ 162,900.00 175,800.00 08/01/2021 - - 9,900.00 9,900.00 - 02/01/2022 155,000.00 4.000% 9,900.00 164,900.00 174,800.00 08/01/2022 - - 6,800.00 6,800.00 - 02/01/2023 165,000.00 4.000% 6,800.00 171,800.00 178,600.00 08/01/2023 - - 3,500.00 3,500.00 - 02/01/2024 175,000.00 4.000% 3,500.00 178,500.00 182,000.00 Total $2,165,000.00 - $556,005.00 $2,721,005.00 - Yield Statistics Base date for Avg. Life & Avg. Coupon Calculation 1/15/2011 Average Life 6.883 Years Averag Cou pon 3.7312711% Weighted Average Maturity (Par Basis) 6.883 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 03A $3.255M GO Imp Bd I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 12/ 2/2010 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 11 -2512- 0 r �J 0 Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2513- Page 12 City of Mound, MN $2,155,000 - Purpose 3 Current Refund Series 2003A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - - 26,577.06 26,577.06 - 02/01/2012 190,000.00 0.800% 24,407.50 214,407.50 240,984.56 08/01/2012 - - 23,647.50 23,647.50 - 02/01/2013 190,000.00 1.000% 23,647.50 213,647.50 237,295.00 08/01/2013 - - 22,697.50 _ 22,697.50 - 02/01/2014 200,000.00 1.250% 22,697.50 222,697.50 245,395.00 08/01/2014 - - 21,447.50 21,447.50 - 02/01/2015 170,000.00 1.600% 21,447.50 191,447.50 212,895.00 08/01/2015 20,087.50 20,087.50 02/01/2016 170,000.00 _ 1.850% 20,087.50 _ 190,087.50 210,175.00 08/01/2016 - - 18,515.00 18,515.00 - 02/01/2017 175,000.00 2.150% 18,515.00 193,515.00 212,030.00 08/01/2017 - - 16,633.75 16,633.75 - 02/01/2018 185,000.00 2.450% 16,633.75 201633.75 218,267.50 08/01/2018 - - 14,367.50 14,367.50 - 02/01/2019 130,000.00 2.700% 14,367.50 144,367.50 158,735.00 08/01/2019 - - 12,612.50 12,612.50 - 02/01/2020 140,000.00 2.950% 12,612.50 152,612.50 165,225.00 08/01/2020 _ _ - _ _ - _ 10,547.50 1 547.50 - 02/01/2021 140,000.00 3.200% 10,547.50 150,547.50 161,095.00 08/01/2021 - - 8,307.50 8,307.50 - 02/01/2022 145,000.00 3.400% 8,307.50 153,307.50 161,615.00 08/01/2022 - - 5,842.50 5,842.50 - 02/01/2023 155,000.00 3.600% 5,842.50 160,842.50 166,685.00 08/01/2023 - _ - 3,052.50 3,052.50 - 02 165,000.00 3.700% 3,052.50 168,052.50 1 Total $2,155,000.00 - $406,502.06 $2,561,502.06 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $14,440.78 Average Life 6.701 Years Average Coupon 2.8149596% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.9641898% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.9467507% _ Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes _ 2.5530032% All Inclusive Cost AI( C) _ _ _ 3.0877976% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 2.8149596% Weighted Average Maturity 6.701 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bands I Cur Ref 2003A 1 12/ 212010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2513- Page 12 City of Mound, MN $2,155,000 - Purpose 3 Current Refund Series 2003A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2011 - 2,197.84 (49,857.98) 02/01/2012 240,984.56 240,984.56 251,950.00 02/01/2013 237,295.00 237,295.00 251,700.00 02/01/2014 245,395.00 245,395.00 256,300.00 02/01/2015 212,895 00 212 895.00 225 315.00 (52,055.82) 10,965.44 14,405.00 10,905.00 12 420.00 _ _ 02/01/2016 210,175.00 02/01/2017 212,030.00 02/01/2018 218,267.50 02/01/2019 158,735.00 02/01/2020 165,225.00 210,175.00 212,030.00 218,267.50 158,735.00 165,225.00 224,870.00 224,090.00 227,965.00 171,305.00 176,310.00 14,695.00 12,060.00 9,697.50 12,570.00 11,085.00 _ _ 02/01/2021 161,095.00 02/01/2022 161,615.00 02/01/2023 166,685.00 02/01/2024 171,105.00 161,095.00 161,615.00 166,685.00 171,105.00 175,800.00 174,800.00 178,600.00 182,000.00 14,705.00 13,185.00 11,915.00 10,895.00 Total $2,561,502.06 $2, 563,699.90 $2,671,147.02 $107,447.12 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savings....- 134 912.79 Net PV Cashflow Say ings (a 2 553 %(Bond Yield) ..... 134 912.79 Transfers from Prior Issue Debt Service Fund...... (49,857.98) Contingency or Rounding Amount . .. .... (2,197.84) Net Present Value Benefit $82,856.97 Net PV Benefit / $2,319,300.04 PV Refunded Debt Service 3.572% Net PV Benefit / $2,165,000 Refunded Principal... 3.827% Net PV Benefit / $2,155,000 Refunding Principal.. 3.845% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2003A 1 12/ 2/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2514- Page 13 • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2515- Page 14 City of Mound, MN $1,355,000 General Obligation Water & Sewer Bonds, Series 2003B Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 02/01/2011 - - - 08/01/2011 - - 9,558.75 9,558.75 - 02/01/2012 60,000.00 3.000% 9,558.75 69,558.75 79,117.50 08/01/2012 - - 8,658.75 8,658.75 - 02/01/2013 60,000.00 3.100% 8,658.75 _ 68,658.75 77,317.50 08/01/2013 - - 7,728.75 7,728.75 - 02/01/2014 65,000.00 3.250% 7,728.75 72,728.75 80,457.50 08/01/2014 - - 6,672.50 6,672.50 - 02/01/2015 70,000.00 3.400% 6,672.50 76,672.50 83,345.00 08/01/2015 - 5,482.50 5,482.50 - 02/01/2016 70,000.00 _ ! 3.500% _ _ 5,482.50 75,482.50 80,965.00 08/01/2016 - - 4,257.50 4,257.50 - 02/01/2017 75,000.00 3.600% 4,257.50 79,257.50 83,515.00 08/01/2017 - - 2,907.50 2,907.50 - 02/01/2018 75,000.00 3.700% 2,907.50 77,907.50 80,815.00 08/01/2018 - - 1,520.00 1,520.00 - 02/01/2019 80,000.00 3.800% 1,520.00 81,520.00 83,040.00 Total $555,000.00 - $93,572.50 $648,572.50 - Yield Statistics Base date for Avg. Life & Avg. Coupon Calculation 1/15/2011 Average Life _ 4.765 Years Average Coupon 3.5381586% Weighted Average Mature Par Basis g g � a�_ �__ 4.765 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dat Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 03B $1.355M GO WV Sw I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2515- Page 14 0 i City of Mound, MN $565,000 - Purpose 4 Current Refund Series 2003B Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - 08/01/2011 - - 5,409.06 5,409.06 - 02/01/2012 65,000.00 0.800% 4,967.50 69,967.50 75,376.56 08/01/2012 - - 4,707.50 4,707.50 - 02/01/2013 65,000.00 1.000% 4,707.50 69,707.50 74,415.00 08/01/2013 - - 4,382.50 4,382.50 - 02/01/2014 70,000.00 1.250% 4,382.50 74,382.50 78,765.00 08/01/2014 - - 3,945.00 3,945.00 - 02/01/2015 70,000.00 1.600% 3,945.00 73,945.00 77,890.00 08/01/2015 3,385.00 3,385.00 02/01/2016 70,000.00 1.850% 3,385.00 73,385.00 76,770.00 08/01/2016 - - 2,737.50 2,737.50 - 02/01/2017 75,000.00 2.150% 2,737.50 77,737.50 80,475.00 08/01/2017 - - 1,931.25 1,931.25 - 02/01/2018 75,000.00 2.450% 1,931.25 76,931.25 78,862 50 08/01/2018 - - 1,012.50 1,012.50 - 02/01/2019 75,000.00 2.700% 1,012.50 76,012.50 77,025.00 Total $565,000.00 - S54,579.06 $619 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $2,635.11 Average Life 4.664 Years Average Coupon 2.0712242% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.2856364% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.2891130% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2.5530032% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.4808548% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 2.0712242% Weighted Average Maturity 4.664 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2003B 1 12/ 2/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 15 -2516- 0 i r ---1 J • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2517- Page 16 City of Mound, MN $565,000 - Purpose 4 Current Refund Series 2003B Debt Service Comparison Date Total PA Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings _ 02/01/2011 - 02/01/2012 75,376.56 02/01/2013 74,415.00 02/01/2014 78,765.00 02/01/2015 77,890.00 986.95 75,376.56 74,415.00 78,765.00 77,890.00 - 79,117.50 77,317.50 80,457.50 83,345.00 (986.95) 3,740.94 2,902.50 1,692.50 5,455.00 02/01/2016 76,770.00 02/01/2017 80,475.00 02/01/2018 78,862.50 02/01/2019 77,025.00 76,770.00 80,475.00 78,862.50 77,025.00 80,965.00 83,515.00 80,815.00 83,040.00 4,195.00 3,040.00 1,952.50 6 00 Total $619,579.06 $620,566.01 $648,572.50 $28,006.49 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) c � Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 25,951.58 Net PV Cashflow Savings a@ 2.553 % Y ield)_ 25,951.58 Contingency or Rounding Amount .................. _ _ (986.95) Net Present Value Benefit $24,964.63 Net PV Benefit / $578,883.21 PV Refunded Debt Service 4.313% Net PV Benefit / $555,000 Refunded Principal... 4.498% Net P V Benefit / $565,000 Refunding Principal.. 4.419% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 _ Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Cur Ref 2003B 1 12/ 212010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2517- Page 16 City of Mound, MN $1,785,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 Fiscal Total 02/01/2011 - 08/01/2011 - - 25,987.50 25,987.50 - 02/01/2012 140,000.00 3.750% 25,987.50 165,987.50 191,975.00 08/01/2012 - - 23,362.50 23,362.50 - 02/01/2013 170,000.00 3.850% 23,362.50 193,362.50 216,725.00 08/01/2013 - 20,090.00 20,090.00 - 02/01/2014 160,000.00 4.000% 20,090.00 180,090.00 200,180.00 08/01/2014 - - 16,890.00 16,890.00 - 02/01/2015 115,000.00 4.150% 16,890.00 131,890.00 148,780.00 08/01/2015 - - 14 503.75 14,503.75 - 02/01/2016 120,000.00 4.150% 14,503.75 134,503.75 149,007.50 08/01/2016 - - 12,013.75 12,013.75 - 02/01/2017 115,000.00 4.350% 12,013.75 127,013.75 139,027.50 08/01/2017 - - 9,512.50 9,512.50 - 02/01/2018 110,000.00 4.350% 9,512.50 119,512.50 129,025.00 08/01/2018 - - 7,120.00 7,120.00 - 02/01/2019 165,000.00 4.450% 7,120.00 172,120.00 179,240.00 08/01/2019 - - 3,448.75 3,448.75 - 02/01/2020 15 5,000.00 4.450% 3,448.75 158,448.75 161,897.50 Total $1,250,000.00 - $265,857.50 $1,515,857.50 - Yield Statistics Base date for Avg Life & Avg. Coupon Calculation 1/15/2011 Average Life 5.000 Years Average Coupon 4.2533419% Weighted Average Maturity (Par Basis) 5.000 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 04A $1,785 GO Imp Bds I SINGLE PURPOSE 112/ 212010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance Page 17 -2518- C • Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2519- Page 18 City of Mound, MN $1,275,000 - Purpose 5 Current Refund Series 2004A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total 1 Fiscal Total 01/15/2011 - - - 08/01/2011 - - 12,520.86 12,520.86 - 02/01/2012 155,000.00 0.800% 11,498.75 166,498.75 179,019.61 08/01/2012 - - 10,878.75 10,878.75 - 02/01/2013 185,000.00 1.000 10,878.75 _ 195,878.75 206,757.50 _ _ 08/01/2013 - !_ - 9,953.75 9,953.75 - 02/01/2014 170,000.00 1.250% 9,953.75 179,953.75 189,907.50 08/01/2014 - - 8,891.25 8,891.25 - 02/01/2015 120,000.00 1.600% 8,891.25 128,891.25 137,782.50 08/01/2015 - 7,931.25 __ ______:7,931.25 - _ 02/01/2016 120,000.00 _ 1.850% 7,931.25 127,931.25 135,862.50 08/01 /2016 - - 6,821.25 6,821.25 - 02/01/2017 115,000.00 2.150% 6,821.25 121,821.25 128,642.50 08/01/2017 - - 5,585.00 5,585.00 - 02/01/2018 105,000.00 2.450% 5,585.00 110,585.00 116,170.00 08/01/2018 - _ - 4,298.75 4,298.75 - 02/01/2019 160,000.00 2.700% 4,298.75 164,298.75 168,597.50 08/01/2019 - - 2,138.75 2,138.75 - 02/01/2020 145,000.00 2.950% 2,138.75 147,138.75 149,277.50 Total $1,275,000.00 - $137,017.11 $1,412,017.11 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $6,181.67 Average Life — 4.848 Years Average Coup _. _ . 2.2165076% Net Interest Cost NIC _ 2.4227626% True Interest Cost (TIC) _ _ 2.4215616% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2.5530032% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) _ 2.6076146% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 2.2165076% Weighted Average Maturity 4.848 Years Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds I Our Ref 2004A 1 1212/2010 1 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2519- Page 18 City of Mound, MN $1,275,000 - Purpose 5 Current Refund Series 2004A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2011 - 02/01/2012 179,019.61 02/01/2013 206,757.50 02/01/2014 189,907.50 02/01/2015 137,782.50 137.39 179,019.61 206,757.50 189,907.50 137,782.50 - 191,975.00 216,725.00 200,180.00 148,780.00 (137.39) 12,955.39 9,967.50 10,272.50 10,997.50 02/01/2016 135,862.50 02/01/2017 128,642.50 02/01/2018 116,170.00 02/01/2019 168,597.50 149 277.50 135,862.50 128,642.50 116,170.00 168,597.50 149,277.50 149,007.50 139,027.50 129,025.00 179,240.00 161,897.50 13,145.00 10,385.00 12,855.00 10,642.50 12 _ 02/01/2020 Total $1,412,017.11 $1,412,154.50 $1,515,857.50 S103 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gr oss PV Debt Service Savings ................. 92,196.81 Net PV Cas hflow Savings (a1 2.553% Bond Yield ..... _ 92,196.81 _ Contingency or Rounding Amount ................... (137.39) N et Present Value Benefit _ $92,059.42 Net PV Benefit / $1,346,982.45 PV Refunded Debt Service 6.834% Net PV Benefit / $1,250,000 Refunded Principal... 7.365% Net PV Benefit / $1,275,000 Refunding Principal.. 7220% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 1/15/2011 Refunding Delivery Date 1/15/2011 Ser 2010 Refunding Bonds i Cur Ref 2004A 1 12/ 212010 i 8:12 AM Ehlers Leaders in Public Finance -2520- Page 19 C7 • • O To: Catherine Pausche, City of Mound From: Mark Ruff & Stacie Kvilvang W Date: December 9, 2010 M Subject: Prepayment of Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds You have asked us provide a brief overview of the options and recommendations for refinancing or prepaying $740,000 of remaining principal of the $1,155,000 Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds, Series 2001 B (the "2001 B Bonds "). The outstanding interest rates on the 2001 B Bonds are fairly high — 5.4% coupon in 2012 to a high of 6% in 2019. This equates to over $190,000 in interest payments in future years. The first date that the 2001B Bonds are callable or prepayable is February 1, 2011. The City could sell refunding bonds to write down the interest rates. However, a refinancing faces several obstacles: 1. The 2001B Bonds are not general obligation bonds. In today's market, buyers are very wary of revenue bonds. Interest rates on the refinancing could be 4.5% to 5 %. 2. It is a relatively small amount of debt. 3. The costs to refinance revenue bonds are much higher than G.O. bonds. 4. The term is fairly short, which reduces the available savings after fees are paid. A second option is for the City to internally finance the prepayment of the 2001B Bonds. This provides the following benefits. A. This option is more efficient because there are very few costs associated with an internal loan. B. The City can charge an interest rate that is higher than its other investment options but still lower than rates found in the current bond market. C. It is provides more flexibility for the liquor operation to prepay the interfund loan than if new bonds were sold. The shorter term of the debt is also an advantage to the City because the funds will only be obligated for 8 more years. The resolution to be considered on December 14` is to authorize staff to take the steps to call the 2001B Bonds. We do recommend that the City pass a resolution formally creating an interfund loan and setting a new interest rate prior to the prepayment date of February 1, 2011. Your city attorney can help draft this resolution if so desired. Please contact either of us at 651- 697 -8500 with any questions. EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE www,ehlers- inacorr - 252 Linnesota phone 651- 697 -8500 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Offices also in Wisconsin and Illinois fax 651 - 697 -8555 Roseville, MN 55113-112: toll free 800 - 552 -1171 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA HELD: December 14, 2010 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall in said City on Tuesday, the 14'' day of December, 2010, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member moved its adoption: introduced the following resolution and RESOLUTION CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING BONDS A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota (the "City ") issued its $1,155,000 Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds, Series 2001B, dated July 11, 2001 (the "Bonds "), of which $740,000 remains outstanding; and B. WHEREAS, all of the said Bonds maturing in the years 2012 and thereafter, are subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the City on February 1, 2011, and on any date thereafter, at price of par plus accrued interest, all as provided in the resolution of the City Council, dated June 12, 2001, authorizing the issuance of said Bonds (the "Prior Resolution "); and C. WHEREAS, the City Council deems it desirable and in the best interests of the City to call the 2012 through 2019 maturities of the Bond, inclusive, totaling $675,000 in principal amount, on February 12011, in accordance with the Prior Resolution. -2522- • is 3101428v1 • C7 Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Mayor C7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Bonds to be Redeemed All of the Bonds maturing, or subject to mandatory redemption, in the years 2012 through 2019, inclusive, shall be redeemed and prepaid on February 1, 2011 at par and accrued interest for each such Bond called. 2. Mailing of Notice of Call The City Clerk shall cause the Notice of Call for Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A to be mailed prior to February 1, 2011, the date for call, to the bank where said Bonds are payable and to all registered holders of the Bonds. 3. Deposit of Sufficient Funds The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deposit with the paying agent where said Bonds are payable prior to said call date sufficient funds to pay the principal and interest due on the Bonds called for redemption as of the call date. member favor thereof: The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in and the following voted against the same: Clerk -2522 - 3101428v1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF MOUND I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of the City Council of the City of Mound held on the date therein indicated, with the original thereof on file in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to preparation and mailing of notice of call and calling for the redemption of Bonds. WITNESS my hand as such City Clerk this _ day of December, 2010. • City Clerk • -2521- • 3101428v1 • Exhibit A NOTICE OF CALL FOR REDEMPTION MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2001B CITY OF MOUND HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by order of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, there have been called for redemption, or are subject to mandatory redemption, and prepayment on: February 1, 2011 those outstanding bonds of the City designated as Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds, Series 2001B, dated July 11, 2001, having stated maturity dates in the years 2012 through 2019, inclusive, and totaling $675,000 in principal amount. Year CUSIP Number 2012 2013 • 2014 2015 2019 The bonds are being called at a price of par plus accrued interest to February 1, 2011, on which date all interest on said bonds will cease to accrue. Holders of the bonds hereby called for redemption are requested to present their bonds for payment, at U.S. Bank National Association, St. Paul, Minnesota, on or before February 1, 2011. Dated: December 26, 2010 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Bonnie Ritter Clerk *The City shall not be responsible for the selection of or use of the CUSIP numbers, nor is any representation made as to their correctness indicated in the notice. They are included solely for the convenience of the holders. - 25? 3101428v1 • MEMO Date: December 9, 2010 To: Mayor and Council From: Kandis Hanson, City Manager Catherine Pausche, Finance Director Re: Gillespie Center In -Kind Services At the November 30 budget workshop, the Council requested that Staff explore options for outsourcing the plowing of the Gillespie Center, including snow removal and sanding. Staff had previously requested that the Gillespie get quotes and we are told they are formalizing the bid process and do not have information at this time. The cooperative agreement between the City of Mound and the Westonka Senior Citizens • Foundation approved in 2002 has an automatic extension for one -year periods as of January 22 of each year, unless either party notifies the other party in writing, within 30 days of the termination date that it elects not to extend the Agreement (Section 8). As discussed at the workshop, the Public Works Department is down in the number of plow trucks and drivers from 2008. The Gillespie Center has expressed concerns with the timing of plowing and the safety of its participants. Staff believes it is prudent to explore outsourcing the plowing to and perhaps have the City give some financial consideration to help offset the increase in costs. RECOMMENDATION: Outsourcing plowing of the Gillespie Center would help to address both the concerns of the City being short staffed and the concerns of the Gillespie for Safety and it is requested that the Council direct the Staff to give notice to the Gillespie Center that is not renewing the Cooperative Agreement by December 22 nd , 2010, and to bring forward a new agreement that meets the needs of both organizations in early 2011. U -2526- • COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 22nd day of ,lanu . arv, 2002 by and between, the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ('Mound ") and the Westonka Senior Citizens Foundation, a Minnesota non -profit corporation ( "Westonka ") BACKGROUND The Gillespie Senior Center is owned and operated by Westonka, and is operated on a not - for -profit basis as a clubhouse, meeting and recreational facility serving senior citizens in communities generally located in the western Lake Minnetonka area. The work of the Center is recognized by communities in the area, and a number of them have made financial contributions to assist the Center in its operations. Mound recognizes the activities of Center to be a key and important part of public recreation for the citizens of the community. Mound has previously made a significant contribution by approving an exemption from property taxation for the Center. • Due to continuing unmet financial needs, the Westonka has requested that Mound consider additional assistance. Because of severe budget constraints, Mound was unable to provide for a monetary contribution to the Center in its 2002 budget. Mound is authorized by law to operate programs of public recreation, and to equip and maintain land, buildings and other recreational facilities to carry out such programs. Mound is further authorized by law to enter into agreements with non -profit organizations as such parties may mutually agree to provide for such programs. AGREEMENT In light of the foregoing, the parties hereto do stipulate and agree as follows: 1. Consideration. The consideration if the mutual promises and undertakings hereinafter made which the parties each deem to be adequate consideration. 2. Westonka Services to Continue. During the term of this Agreement, Westonka agrees to continue to provide clubhouse, meeting and recreational facilities serving primarily senior citizens in the western Lake Minnetonka area, including Mound. 3. Services Provided to Westonka. During the term of this Agreement, Mound will • provide the following services to the Center. Parking lot sweeping. -2527- -4- ■ Mowing, limited to one (1) time per week; no bagging or sweeping. ■ Secure broken windows and other openings, not due to storm damage. • ■ Respond to water and sewer. emergencies. ■ Snow plowing from parking areas and walkways, suited to removal by motorized vehicles. Snow hauling, when needed. ■ Sanding of parking areas. 4. Additional Westonka. Consideration. In addition to the consideration contained in paragraph 1 above, Westonka agrees during the term of this Agreement to do the following: ■ Provide a meeting room at the Center for use by Mound at no charge for one six-hour period per month. (Mound to be responsible for the set -up and take -down of the room before and after the meeting) ■ Sponsor a dinner for the Mound crews providing the services ■ Make coffee and restroom facilities available to Mound crows while working at the Center. ■ Provide personnel to assist in Mound mass mailings and newsletters. 5. Scheduling and Requesting Services. As soon as possible after the execution of this Agreement, designated representatives of the parties will meet and formulate a schedule for performance of the services described in section 3 above, and process for requesting them. As to services that cannot be scheduled, in advance, for specific times, such as snow removal and other emergency services, the parties will formulate a response time schedule that will address, for example, the type of weather event that will trigger snow plowing, and the timing for providing the service in the case of such a weather event. Until a schedule has been formulated for each service, • Mound may, but is not required, to provide such service. 6. Liability and Indemnity. Mound indemnifies, and agrees to defend and save harmless, Westonka, its officers agents and employees from any claim or cause of action for injury to persons or property occasioned by or arising out of the negligence or willfiil or wanton misconduct of Mound, its officers agents or employees, in the'performance of its obligations under this agreement. Mounds liability to Westonka.under this Agreement is limited to this section and section 7. 7. Consequential Damages. Mound shall be liable to Westonka for any loss in rental income, or from claims from individuals scheduled to use Center facilities ( "Third Party Claims "), resulting from the failure of Mound to perform any service as provided for in the schedule for that service, but only to the extent that Mound's failure is due to the negligence or willful or wanton misconduct of Mound in performance according to the schedule. Failures to comply with the schedule that are not due to such conduct by Mound, or which are due to circumstances beyond Mound's control will not be the basis for claims under this section, and with respect to Third Party Claims, Westonka hereby indemnifies and holds harmless Mound and its officers agents and employees. 8. Term, Termination. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year from the date of execution, and will automatically extend for successive one -year periods unless either party notifies the other party in writing, within 30 days of the termination date that it elects not to extend • the Agreement. -2528- -5- 9. Termination During Term. Either party may terminate this Agreement during its • initial term or any extension thereof. Such termination may be for cause, or for no cause. If the termination is for failure of the other party to perform, the terminating party may, at its election, make the termination effective upon the giving of written notice of such to the other party. If the termination is by Mound, and is not due to a breach by Westonka, the termination shall not be effective until Westonka has had a reasonable opportunity to obtain an alternate source for the services, or until 60 days following written notice of termination, whichever comes first. 10. Addition or Removal of Services. The parties may, from time to time, agree to add or remove services from the schedule of services described in Section 3 above. The Center will be subject to incremental charges for services in any subsequent agreements. 11. Miscellaneous. The provisions of this agreement are intended to be binding on and inure to the benefit of parties hereto and their successors and assigns. This agreement is not intended, and shall not be construed to confer any right or cause of action on third parties not signatory hereto. Written notices required under this agreement will be either hand delivered or mailed by registered mail at the following addresses: • In the case of notices to Mound: City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Attn: Kandis M. Hanson In the case of notices to Westonka: Westonka Senior Citizens Foundation Gillespie Center 2590 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Attn: Foundation President • Ire WrrNESS WH EREO r, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY QF MOUND B� aZ 1 Pat eisel, Mayor K.andis Hanson, City Manager WEST, SENIOR CITIZEN FOUNDATION By: \`— Its: -2529- -6- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. • RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY NOT TO EXCEED $244,407 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2011 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a resolution from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mound, entitled "Resolution Approving the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority Budget for the Year 2011 pursuant to MSA Chapter 469 "; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount not to exceed $244,407. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, not to exceed $244,407 is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority • pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before December 28, 2010. Adopted by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk r� -2530- CITY OF MOUND • RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2011 FINAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,246,315 ; SETTING THE FINAL LEVY AT $5,407,473 ; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2011. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following final 2011 General Fund Budget appropriations: City Council 77,960 Cable TV 47,492 City Managers /Clerk 312,053 Promotions 71,500 Elections /Registration 2,650 Assessing 95,600 Finance 301,783 Computer 40,700 Legal 131,500 Police 1,932,171 • Emergency Preparedness 8,150 Planning /Inspections 310,619 Street 715,439 City Hall Bldg. & Srvs. 110,100 Parks 479,199 Recreation 2,500 Cemetery 11,100 Contingencies 36,800 Transfers 559,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 5,246,315 • -2531- Resolution No. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following final taxes for collection in 2011: SPECIAL LEVIES HRA Lease Revenue Bonds - Lease Payment 392,789 Bonded Indebtedness - 2001A Judgment Bond 19,200 Fire Relief 78,311 G.O. Improvement 2001 C 60,000 G.O. Improvement 2003A 180,000 G.O. Tax Increment 2003C 45,000 G.O. Improvement 2004A 160,000 G.O. Improvement 2005A 75,000 G.O. Improvement 2006A 58,000 G.O. Improvement 2007A 128,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2007C 60,000 G.O. Improvement 2008B 63,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2008D 47,000 G.O. Improvement 2009A 136,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2009C 33,450 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2010C 25,000 G.O. Tax Increment 2009D Dump Bonds 120,349 • Total Special Levies 1,681,099 FINAL REVENUE LEVY 3,726,374 Final Certified Levy 5,407,473 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the final overall budget for 2011 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above 5,246,315 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Area Fire Service Fund 1,061,672 Dock Fund 200,811 HRA Transit District Maintenance Fund 53,300 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,315,783 • -2532- Resolution No. ENTERPRISE FUNDS Recycling Fund 221,407 Liquor Fund 598,624 Water Fund 1,579,357 Sewer Fund 1,786,799 Storm Water Utility Fund 354,270 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4,540,457 SUMMARY General Fund 5,246,315 Special Revenue Funds 1,315,783 Enterprise Funds 4,540,457 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 11,102,555 • Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus • Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -2533- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 10- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE • NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: Fees shall be hereby established. In the event of a conflict between this schedule and the City Code, the fee schedule shall prevail. An application or code provision may require payment of fees for consultation with experts, professionals or other qualified persons or for other matters, which may result in the imposition of a fee greater than listed in this fee schedule. ADMINIST FEES & CHARGES Assessment search $20 /search Comprehensive Plan $30 Copies .25 /page Faxes .25 /page 38 -23 Duplicate license /permit $10 each Duplicate meeting tapes $3 /tape Board and Commissions Minutes (not Council) .25 /page Notary (set by State) $1 each Returned Check $30 /check Zoning Ordinance $20 Administration Fee for delinquent utility bills $25 /account (to prepare for certification) Certification Fee (per parcel) $25 /account Late fee for invoices not paid within 30 days 1 % per month • (for billable services provided by City) AMUSEMENT & COMMERCIAL RECREATION Amusements: (Set by State) Expire April 30 10 -37 Mechanical Amusement Machines $15 /location+ $15 /machine Arcades: Expire Dec. 31 10 -37 Arcade Permit (fee per machine) $15 /location + $15 /machine Carnivals. Shows, Entertainment: 10 -73 Circus, show, game or concert Indoor show $100 /day Outdoor show $100 /day Tent shows $100 /day Dance Hall: Public dance or live music $300 /yr. $100 /day Parades• . 38 -1 Parade N/C • - ?r534- BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS • Alcoholic Beverages: Expire June 30 6 -112 3.2 beer license investigation fee $500 /investigation 3.2 beer off -sale $150 /yr. 3.2 beer on -sale $500 /yr. 3.2 beer on -sale temporary(non- profit) $25 /day (for profit) $50 /day 6 -21 Set -ups ( +State charges $150 for $300 /yr. Consumption & Display Permit Temporary (one -day) set -ups $25 /day 6 -49 Liquor Lic. Investigation fee (in state) $500 /app (out state) Actual (up to $1000) 6-48 Liquor on -sale $5,000 /yr. Liquor on- sale /cabaret $5,000 /yr. Temporary On -Sale Liquor $100 /day 6 -48 Wine on -sale $500 /yr. Investigation fee $500 /investigation 6-48 Club license (regulated by State) Membership 200 or less: $300 /yr. Membership 201 -500: $500 /yr. Membership 501 - 1,000: $650 /yr. • Membership 1,001- 2,000: $800 /yr. Membership 2,001- 4,000: $1000 /yr. Membership 4,001- 6,000: $2000 /yr. Membership more than 6,000: $3000 /yr. 6-48 Sunday liquor $200 /yr. 6 -53 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500 Second violation $750 Third violation $1000 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and /or revocation of license 6 -117 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500 Second violation $750 Third violation $1000 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and /or revocation of license Charitable Gambiing: Investigation fee (set by State) $200 Cigarettes: Now regulated by the County. • Fireworks: 38 -253 License to Sell Consumer Fireworks $100 /yr. Additional inspection if needed +$35 �2535- Garbage Collection: 54 -48 Permit Fee $3001YR 500/ r. • Peddlers & Solicitors: 38 -152 Transient merchants, Peddler, Hawker One day $30 One week $50 One month $75 One year $200 CEMETERY FEES 18 -22 Adult grave — resident $600 Adult grave — non - resident $850 Baby grave— resident $300 Baby grave— non - resident $400 Ash burial — resident $300 Ash burial — non - resident $400 Locate Actual cost 78 -101 (min $25) Maintenance Agreement (June -Oct) $15 /mo. Ash burial placed on top of casket 50 DOCK 78 -38 Commercial Boat (fee per boat) $30 /yr. 78 -56 Commercial Dock Renewal $500 /yr. Slips $30 ea /yr. • Boats stored on land $10 ea /yr. 78 -76 Charter Boat License Fee $1000 /yr or $100 /occurrence Investigation Fee $100.00 78 -101 Non - refundable processing fee for wait list • Application $20 /yr 78 -101 Processing fee for full dock refunds $50 78 -101 Late dock license application fee on or after March 1 st (abutters only) $50 /mo. 78 -101 Dock fee that includes Primary Watercraft (1 boat) $260!YF. 300/ r. 78 -101 Each secondary Watercraft $75 ea. /yr. 78 -101 Sailboat mooring $250/YF 300/ r. 78 -103 Shared dock application — filed on or after March 1S $25 78 -102 Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit — up to 21 days $50 78 -103 Shared dock application $150 /yr. LMCD charge (based on boat length) Set by LMCD LMCD charge (no boat) Minimum as set by LMCD 78 -104 Penalty fee for undeclared boat at dock $100 78 -121 Multiple Slip Fee $300EyF. 350/ r. 78 -121 LMCD charge based on slip length Set by LMCD 78 -121 Small watercraft slip fee $75 /yr. 78 -123 Processing fee for full slip refund $50 78 -123 Processing fee for voluntary suspension of license $50 78 -123 Penalty for boat at slip after Fall deadline $100 78 -104 Penalty for undeclared boat at a slip $100 - ? 3 536- • 78 -121 Lost Lake Villa Multiple • 78 -121 LMCD Charge (based on sf of slip) 78 -121 Lost Lake Villa Multiple (to non -villa residents) 78 -121 LMCD Charge (based on sf of slip) 78 -121 Key Deposit FIRE SERVICES: Fire report (MFD Report) 30 -51 Burning Permit 30 -51 False Alarm (per calendar year) PARKS & RECREATION: Depot rental — residents Depot rental — non - residents Damage deposit Cancellation fee (depot) City Hall room rentals 1 St 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 -10 ea. over 10 $5A/y.. 800/ r. Set by LMCD $4088F $ 1,148/yr. Set by LMCD $50 $10 $10 $0 $0 $50 $150 $250 $500 $125 /day $250 /day $350 plus $50 cash $75 $75 /day PUBLIC GATHERING: 50 -20 Parks or commons use fee: $300 — $600 /day • Damage Deposit $500 - $1000 /day Permit fee and damage deposit to be determined by City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of application stating specific use and requirements. TAX FORFEIT AND /OR CITY -OWNED PROPERTY Fee for staff review of request for release of tax forfeit and /or city -owned land $200 Escrow Deposit for above $500 POLICE SERVICES Administrative: State Accident Report $1 Police report: up to 5 single -sided pgs $1 Addn'I pages, same report .25 ea. Drivers license check: non - resident $1 Photographs: cost + reproduction, film $25 Audio Cassette $15 Video Cassette $25 Finger printing: resident: N/C Non - resident: $25 DVD's $25 False Alarm (per calendar year) 1 $0 2nd $0 3rd $0 4�' 5 -10 • $150 $200 ea. ea. over 10 $350 ea. -, 537- Animals: Expire April 30" 14 -38 Dog /cat license: 2 -year, neutered or spayed, with proof $25 After April of odd year: $12.50 Dog /cat license: 2 -year un- neutered or $275 /meter spayed $35 After April of odd year: $17.50 Duplicate Tag: $1 Kennel Fee: per day $15 Quarantine Fee per day $20 14 -44 Commercial Kennel: $150 /yr. Late application: on or after May 10 + $1 14 -1 Redemption of impounded animal $700 /meter First impound in current year $950 /meter with current license: $50 without current license: $75 ...above impound fees, plus license purchase and following kennel fees... Mound Animals kennel fee $13 /day Other city animals kennel fee $16 /day (fee starts the day the animal is brought into the kennel) SPECIAL CONTRACTOR LICENSES Heatina. AC. Ventilation: Contractor registration: $0 Tree Surgeon: Expires April 1St 38 -207 Tree surgeon (removal & treatment) $16AyrF. $20ONr. Street Excavation: 61 -23 Street excavation: Unpaved street $100 +$500 deposit Asphalt $100 +$500 deposit Concrete $100 +$500 deposit • U UTILITIES Late Fee Penalty — For all bills not paid on or before the due date specified on the bill, a 10% late fee will be added for the current amount due. Water: 74-46 Service Contract Violation $35 /upon t -o 74 -77 Water Meter (with MXU) 5/8 x 3 / $275 /meter % $300 /meter 1 $340 /meter For (2) 5/8" meters $392 for two For (2) %" meters $495 for two For (2) 1" meters $560 for two 1 —1 '/z $525 /meter 2 $650 /meter 2 Hpt $700 /meter 3 Hpt $950 /meter 4 Hpt $1,500 /meter 2 tru /flo $1,610 /meter 3 tru /flo $2,225 /meter 4 tru /flo $3,000 /meter - ?538- 1�1 Sew er: 105 -100 Master plumber registration MXU only $135 ea. 74 -128 Water Meter Test $50 /test • 74 -127 Water gallonage rates Residential: Service Charge $S- AAlmelasst- $13.50/mo /acct. Over 10,000 gals /1,000 gals. User Fee Residential (Quarterly) Minimum quarterly charge $62.36 Tier 1 1 -5,000 gallons $3.51/1000g. Commercial, Industrial & Multi -unit Dwellings: Tier 2 5,001- 25,000 gallons $4.04 /100 g. $20.79 /min /mc Tier 3 25,001+ gallons $4.64/1000g. Minimum monthly charge /unit User Fee Commercial (Monthly) Availability charge per dwelling $62.36 Tier 1 1 -2,000 gallons $3.51/1000g. Tier 2 2,001- 15,000 gallons $4.04/1000g. Tier 3 15,001+ gallons $4.64/1000g. New Account Charge $10 On /Off at curb box (during normal $35 business hrs.) On /Off at curb box (after normal Actual Cost business hrs.) Meter Installation $17.50 Meter Removal $17.50 Reconnection Fee $35 Sprinkler System 2 inch $3 /mo 4 inch $4 /mo 6 inch $6 /mo 8 inch $15 /mo 10 inch $25 /mo 12 inch $33 /mo • 74 -27 Water Trunk Area Charge (WTAC) $2,000 /unit Water Service Connection Fee $240 /unit 74-44 Water Turn -on $35 /event 74-45 Plumber Violation $100 /viol. 74 -129 Assessment Fee $25 /cert. Sew er: 105 -100 Master plumber registration $0 74 -241 Connection to sewer, but not water $100.93 /qtr. Late fee penalty 10% additional Treatment rates: Residential: 10,000 gals or less $62.36 /min /qtr Over 10,000 gals /1,000 gals. $3.87 Minimum quarterly charge $62.36 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. Commercial, Industrial & Multi -unit Dwellings: 3,000 gals or less $20.79 /min /mc Over 3,000 gals /1,000 gals. $3.87 Minimum monthly charge /unit $20.58 Availability charge per dwelling $62.36 • Single Family Dwelling - The sewer rate shall be based on the actual water used. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. -a539- Two - Family Usage and Multiple Dwelling Usage — It is computed on the same basis as a single dwelling, except that the total quarterly charges on all such properties shall not be less than the number of units multiplied by the $20.79 1month minimum charge per unit. Water used but not placed into the sanitary • sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Dwellings Connected to Sewer but not Connected to Municipal Water Shall pay a quarterly rate of $100.93. If such users wish to pay sewer rates based on gallons of water used, they can purchase a water meter from the City and have their own plumber install the meter on their well. Availability Charge — All dwellings not connected to the sanitary sewer must pay an availability charge of $62.36 per quarter whether occupied or vacant. 74 -241 Sewer Availability charge(SAC) $2230 /unit (passes through to Metro Council Environmental Services Agency) Sewer Trunk Area Charge (STAC) $2,000 /unit Sewer Service Connection Fee $240 /unit 74 -243 Assessment Fee $25.00 /cert. Storm Sewer: Single-Family or Two - family Residential Cemeteries Parks and Railroads Public and Private Schools /Institutional Use Multi- family Residential Uses Commercial /Industrial/Warehouse Use Churches Recycling Household Charge: Fee per household per month Street Lighting - Franchise Fee per account per month $1- 2.0 $20.00 /lot/qtr. $2.66 /acre /mo $8.12 /acre /mo $13.56 /ac /mo $32.56 /ac /mo $54.60 /ac/mo $13.56 /ac /mo $4.25/mo. $4.00 /mo. Miscellaneous Fees: A miscellaneous fee shall be paid by the applicant for land use application expenses which the City incurs in regard to the review and processing of that application, and which exceeds the application fee. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, direct City payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants or professionals acting as an agent of the City, the cost of printing, mailing and supplies. Such miscellaneous fees shall come due immediately upon notification by the City. The City shall provide, upon request of the applicant, a breakdown of the various expenses incurred by the City. The City may withhold any final action on a land use application and /or rescind prior actions until all miscellaneous fees are paid in full. The City may request additional deposits if deemed necessary. Adopted by the City Council this 14 day of December, 2010. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • -�540- • CITY OF MOUND - Bolton & Menk, Inc., ENGINEERING PROJECT STATUS December 8, 2010 I. 2008 Projects to be completed in 2010 A. 2008 Storm Drainage Improvements: the contractor, Widmer Construction, has completed the project. The replacement of dead plantings, with trees, at the Basswood/Noble pond was completed last fall. The area was planted with prairie grass this summer but the results were unacceptable and needs to be replanted. The seeding will be done in the spring of 2011. II. 2009 Projects to be completed in 2010 A. 2009 Street, Utility and Lift Station Improvement Project: a contract in the amount of $4,384,788.34 was awarded to GMH Asphalt Corporation on April 28, 2009 which includes both Tonkawood West area and Island View Drive/Dorchester Road. The Assessment Hearings were held on September 28 separately for Island View Dr/Dorchester and Tonkawood Area, and the proposed Assessment Rolls were adopted. The Final payment was approved by Council on November 9, 2010. • B. City Street Light Replacement: a proposal for federal Economic Stimulus Package funding was submitted in March 2009 for replacement of the City's street lights on County Roads 110 and 15. A contract was awarded to Eagan Companies on March 23, 2010 in the base bid amount of $919,019.50. On May 11, 2010, a Supplemental Agreement was approved which added $91,267.52 for a new total contract amount of $1,001,286.52. The project is complete except for some minor punch list items. C. Surface Water Management: this is an ongoing effort which includes updating the City's Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), the annual review and update of the City's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and assisting city staff in compliance with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Permit. The SWMP was approved by the MCWD Board on June 18, 2009. Scheduled City maintenance of drainage facilities is now required and must be documented. MCWD proposed rules revisions, Rule D (Wetland Protection) and Rule F (Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization) were approved by the District board on July 15, 2010. The process for revision of the Stormwater Management rule has recently begun with the first meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee held on September 1, 2010. Subsequent meetings have now been held and minutes from those meetings are being provided to the Council. The City has also recently received a draft of a minor amendment to MCWD's 2007 • -2541- Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan. Staff is reviewing this • proposed amendment and comments are due by January 3, 2011. III. 2010 Projects A. 2010 Lift Station Improvements (includes the 2010 Drainage Improvement Project): this project includes four lift station replacements, LS E2 (4948 Bartlett Blvd.), LS E3 (2649 Wilshire Blvd.), LS D4 (4791 Northern Rd.) and LS B1 (2990 Highland Blvd.). As part of the project improvements, a storm water treatment structure was included at the LS B1 site. The project was bid on July 20 and awarded to Kuechle Underground, Kimball, MN, on July 27 in the amount of $746,766.24. LS E2 was bid as an alternate at an additional $216,068.03. Contingent on successful negotiations with the adjacent residents, which have been done, a change order in this amount was approved. A preconstruction meeting was held on August 12 and work began on October 4 at the LS D4 site. Good progress has been made on LS D4 as well as LS B 1 and LS E3 and substantial completion is anticipated later this month; LS E2 is scheduled for spring, 2011. IV. 2011 Projects A. 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project: the Feasibility • Report for this project was received by the Council on August 24, 2010. The Public Improvement Hearing was held on October 12, 2010 and the project was authorized. The project includes two areas: 1. the MSA route, Ridgewood/Idlewood/Highland between CSAH 44 and CASH 15, referred to as the Highland Area; 2. The SW portion of Island Park, referred to as Southwest Island Area. A variance request for the MSA route is scheduled for the December 16, 2010 MNDOT Variance Committee to consider the City's request to: allow parking on one side without increasing the width from the existing 27 feet to 32 feet; allow the existing horizontal and vertical alignments to remain as is with the improved street and keep the existing right -of -way versus purchasing additional to meet the 60 -foot requirement. • -2542- Mound Fire Department Fire Commission Meeting Wednesday December 1, 2010 11:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mound Fire Department - Financial and Budgets • 2009, 2010, and 2011 Budget Comparison 2011 Capital Equipment Plan • 2011 Staffing Plan —review of changes • 2011 MFD Budget Proposal" FINAL" for approval • Future Budget Considerations — 2012 and beyond 2. General Information, NEWS, and Updates • MFD Relief Association Pension Plan Study — overview and update • MNFAC NEWS and HOT TOPICS • Minnetrista Shared Services Project — Fire Protection NEWS • • Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Association — Joint Powers Agreement 3. Apparatus Replacement Plan • 1981 Sutphen Aerial 100' Platform Ladder replacement options, overview, costs and discussion. 4. Adjourn • -2543- Mound Fire Department Category/Description 2009 Budget *Fire Budget Total $1,038,710.00 • Operating Expenses $ 613,434.00 • Pension Contribution — Relief Assn. $ 133,500.00 • Building Rental for Debt Service $ 291,776.00 Debt Service (HRA) .84 *Operating Expenses (from above) $ 613,434.00 • Salaries for all Staff (all inclusive) $ 338,980.00 • Operations and Supplies $ 200,267.00 • Capital Outlay $ 74,187.00 2009 vs. 2010 vs. 2011 N U7 August 2010 Budget and Expenses Summary 2011 REVISED PROPOSED - DRAFT • • • 2010 2011 2010 Budget % change 2011 Budget % change $1,052,805.00 1.36 $1,061,672.00 .84 $ 613,658.00 .03 $615,792.00 .35 $ 137,600.00 3.07 $141,625.00 3.0 $ 301,547.00 3.35 $304,255.00 .9 $ 613,658.00 .03 $615,792.00 .84 $ 345,938.00 2.05 $346,771.00 .24 $ 192,705.00 -3.78 $193,175.00 .24 $ 75,015.00 1.12 $76,251.00 1.65 2011 REVISED PROPOSED - DRAFT • • • • MOUND FIRE DEPARTAT 0 2009 BUDGET VS. EXPENDITURES - SUMMARY OPERATING BUDGET Category 2009 Budget 2009 Actual Variance % Expended Operations $ 539,247.00 Capital Outlay $ 27,187.00 $ 22,910.28 $ 4,276.72 Building Rental $ 291,776.00 $ 291,776.00 $ - 100% Fire Truck $ 47,000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ - 100% Replacement r F!'% f f:%/ r x� /Y f r ,r . ,,,.• • • +rr • , ,..., .r i r : :: F. i :: r , •: •• y .. }. ,: y.; ,• „ • : y: u r • •:: : . n:: wi tfi.•r..: +: {r, { {, %r: "+4+.;/1i i .u� ?:rf: •. r�'rr � � . {�3 r a „+�, . j • f� Ir + �:�'' :::y , /�:''•`, 1..,�r.' +.f !' :' • : rr:. rrr:.. ,:::r :...rr....r....:. fr. :. .::r..::rr ,,.,.:.:.f.•t.:fr. :: :..: f / ::..:.::• /, ::.ri.:.u�. r/.: �:.+.::, :,:.. : � / /,., i..., / :...rJ�,,..r��. Pension $ 133,500.00 $ 133,500.00 $ - 100% Contribution CJl r r "�{ r rt:: f 7 � r r 'y'rl f r f r � .:� ••.uirfr'`����..����'f'f % /.' ::, r,?:: : �..�`.r��: ,'i.:r�� %��� �.�x��M ::,r���...��.>���c��i 1i�^.��...�% ✓i %�:f::Y/f: : Revenue (billing) 222 Fund �y,y�: :hrfi:Jr•. "r'•:r r/ .:%' r +`. r : .;r " f r' /r /// y / ay...,, ., �;?r� / � r I r • rrrr r.4� r {/ >y; � rr� l ,: I�r.,•,y.f� ,r : �� �' l �' � . �f • f �N` r r� F i s f % ' �'� % :' �, � !/• /���� �' �����J .'% <` � i', J : a% r: .. a I �.: f: .bl: : r:. :f r % :: /�r%::: � l% r , �?ri: , : { �rt %��:�F.:::f�f.f xl : % 1 ,G:rJJfJ:i%!���/.? %It:::% rr.•f�ix��rr% FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT (RESERVE) 1/01/09 Balance 2009 Contribution 2009 Expenditure 2009 Interest 12/31/09 Balance $ 102,332.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 18,811.40 $ - $ 130,520.60 Overall fund balance i3. :i. r t audited 2009 Fund Contribution MFD 2009 Budget vs. Expenditures - Summary (Budget) 2009 Projected Year End Balance 2/2/2010 Tr -off CITY OF MOUND Funding Source: A,-rm 1. Bonds 2. Equip. Cert. 3. Levy 4. Other (Specify JIMk w Department: F l t E_ R-T .w T Submitted by: Ei2ci%oF_y S PepEySO,. Note: Please provide purpose and justifcation it Fund/ Dent Desc. 2011 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUESTS Division: FIRE Oper4 noti f Date: SLA Z Z 010 L— i a separate memo Requested Item Replaced Level / Dept Desired Total and Trade -in Amt Funding Alloc % Level* Cost Quantity Cost (if applicable) Source ** 5- e?0 4 Av r►, N - PG 1 FARE pER.Sd 04- & .,a-KA - t) ESK 100 .S. $ 600.00 Z 1200. - CNIc - —pc. 3 Soo # S OG TRw«r I u & x. Ft XF_ LA - To Cb Tff- �- "C I.l I KG- 1 00 Z Q�oO. ° O QOC. nFp�c[ -R. 3 1r Em&xfikc-ACY IAr:*r KESCl1 E 3 $ Z •;� st.lo,F rN Ur. it - to X 6 Pol1tR� loo 2: 3600.�� gt 36ao. �/ vw� 3 9) TN+C -tt nap. t. ='K� CPM e� o0 3 Ftt� - rrG - t-4 ANfl l-kEL-u rKs A 1 3 1 r,50O. 1 I, 5�• --' uont� 3 SZ S SELF <'ONrFkiNEd f31ZkA7N rA.; - FIRE Apps - R , � s - sc,P�A 4�p�s>t too , 16, 7_51 2.4 18,7-G l N c nl E- - 700 2 F'oLa t T acip— TApa K.c-p_ $ I4 7 $ MACK Z F_ �Ir. rte. t zso G P tvm nu (00 �- 32, 3 ao �.. 3 Z 1 Soo -r AN 1cW_ Z 500 (dp P�.XC IAt. ),"Dm 7 'S Ig8 S - vj o FLATr 'Al 1560 4P1M (RAM 100 '-- q( 000 J— t7w 000 kgi mi ftL Z ' 700 ?Es 4", a Mo-m 3 F� 2E zo 1 o E ff—r:: a ar r T^4 Hw .E - Du /00 , -3lE• 1 elf * Level: �If .• • • CITY OF MOUND Your File Name: CIP2010 Prepared By: G. Pederson CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND: Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund PROD. NO.: Fire 001 DEPARTMENT: Fire Department LEVEL: 1 - Critical PROJECT TITLE: Fire Truck Replacement Program PAGE NO.: 1 of 4 SCHEDULE START: 2007 SCHEDULE COMPLETION.: On -going DESCRIPTION & LOCATION Replacement program that replaces old obsolete fire apparatus with new and better fire apparatus PURPOSE & JUSTIFICATION Continue to replace fire trucks to meet the needs of the community and to improve department capabilities CA v FUNDING: By all contract fire service cities including Mound. Approximately 55 - 60 % funded by the city of Mound 1 COST CATEGORY 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 2013 -2018 1) Tanker Truck 3000 gal. $170,000.00 1 1 1 1 $0.00 2) Tanker Pumper 2000 ga. $28,400.00 $28,400.001 $28,400.001 $84,000.00 $170,400.00 3) 4 - Wheeler Utility $8,000.00 $8,000.00 5) Emerg. Prep. SUV $3,900.00 $3,900.001 $3,900.00 $11,700.00 $23,400.00 2020 or beyond 2019 or beyond 10/6/2004 - updated November 2009 Capital Improvement -Fire Apparatus - Budget Financial CITY OF MOUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Your File Name: CIP2011 Prepared By: G. Pederson FUND: Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund PROD. NO.: Fire 001 DEPARTMENT: Fire Department LEVEL: 1 - Critical PROJECT TITLE: Fire Truck Replacement Program PAGE NO.: 1 of 4 SCHEDULE START. 2007 SCHEDULE COMPLETION.: On -going DESCRIPTION & LOCATION Replacement program that replaces old obsolete fire apparatus with new and better fire apparatus PURPOSE & JUSTIFICATION Continue to replace fire trucks to meet the needs of the community and to improve department capabilities C .P CD FUNDING: By all contract fire service cities including Mound. Approximately 55 - 60 % funded by the city of Mound 1 COST CATEGORY 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 2013 -2018 1) Tanker Truck 3000 gal. $170,000.00 $0.00 2) Tanker Pumper 2000 ga. $28,400.001 $28,400.001 $28,400.001 $84,000.00 $170,400.00 3) 4 - Wheeler Utility $8,000.00 1 $8,000.00 5) Emerg. Prep. SUV $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $11,700.00 $23,400.00 6) Fire Pumper 1500GPM $290,000.00 7) Heavy Rescue Utility $205,000.00 Total Expenditures $170,000.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 $32,300.00 $32,300.00 $32,300.00 $103,700.00 $968,800.00 Truck Fund Contribution $44,000.00 $39,000.00 $47,000.00 $16,985.00 $22,000.00 $24,000.001 $192,985.00 Truck Fund Balance 1 $151,713.00 $168,698.00 $190,698.00 $214,698.00 10/6/2004 - updated November 2009 Capital Improvement -Fire Apparatus - Budget Financial 2020 or beyond 2019 or beyond • • • • CITY OF MOUND Your File Name: CIP2011 Prepared By: G. Pederson CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND: Fire Equipment Replacement PROJ. NO.: Fire 002 DEPARTMENT: Fire Department LEVEL: 1 - Critical PROJECT TITLE: Firefighting Equipment Replacement Program PAGE NO.: 2 of 4 SCHEDULE START: 2007 SCHEDULE COMPLETION.: On -going DESCRIPTION & LOCATION Replacement program that replaces old tools, equipment, safety gear with new and all Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) RPOSE & JUSTIFICATION Safety - Replacement of necessary firefighting tools, equipment, and firefighter personal protective equipment co FUNDING: By all contract fire service cities including Mound. Approximately 55 - 60 % funded by the city of Mound 1 COST 2007 CATEGORY CUR. YEAR 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 2013 -2018 1) Misc. Firefighting tools 1 $11,200 $10,880 $12,200 $12,800 $12,800 $13,400 $73,280 $96,000 2) SCBA FF Air PPE $11,700 $18,187 $18,187 $18,187 $18,187 P.,. _ $102,635 $30,000 3) Capital Equipment Reserve $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $18,000 $45,000 4) 5) _ 6) _ TOTAL $ 22,900 $ 29,067 $ 33,387 $ 34,987 $ 35,987 $ 37,587 $ 193,915 $ 126,000 10/6/2004 - updated July 2008 Capital Improvement -Fire Equipment - Budget Finacial Jim Casey (19 years) resigned 05/13/10 with health issues related to �2 workers compensation injuries (non -fire dept.) Other considerations Dan Grady (18.5 years) probably will retire in December 2010 -1 Steve Henkels (7.5 years) Military deployment for 12 -15 months temporary LOA Return expected, but not 100% sure Jeff Andersen (28 + years) Rick Williams (25 +years) All can retire anytime fully vested pension - 4 ( ?) Greg Palm (25 +years) Tim Palm (20 years) NOTE: Part Time Administrative Assistant 20 hours per week September 2010 Cl -2559- Mound Fire Department • 2010 Firefighter Staffing Summary Name Activity/Description Staffing Level All Staff 2007 total of all department staff 47 (Includes chief and administrative) All firefighters 2007 total MFD volunteer staff 45 Jerry Ricke resigns after 4 years on March 4, 2008 44 Kevin Grady retired after 20 years on August 11, 2008 43 Paul Henry retired after 20 years on May 5, 2009 42 Matt Kvam (1.5 years) purchased a home 5/22 out of service area 41 6.4 miles away and resigned 6/09 Rod Stevens (8.5 years) purchased a home 7/31 out of area in 40 Norwood Young America and resigned 8/09. 44 • Hired four new probationary firefighters 10/05/09 Kevin Sipprell (19 years) retired after 20 years served on 04/0610 43 Jim Casey (19 years) resigned 05/13/10 with health issues related to �2 workers compensation injuries (non -fire dept.) Other considerations Dan Grady (18.5 years) probably will retire in December 2010 -1 Steve Henkels (7.5 years) Military deployment for 12 -15 months temporary LOA Return expected, but not 100% sure Jeff Andersen (28 + years) Rick Williams (25 +years) All can retire anytime fully vested pension - 4 ( ?) Greg Palm (25 +years) Tim Palm (20 years) NOTE: Part Time Administrative Assistant 20 hours per week September 2010 Cl -2559- 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Main: 952.472.3555 Fax: 952.472.3775 www rnoundfire.com August 13, 2010 TO: Kandis Hanson, City Manager FROM: Greg Pederson, Fire Chief V? SUBJECT: MFD 2011 Fire Department Budget and Financial Considerations On July 29th the Mound Fire Commission met for our regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. At the meeting the group discussed and accepted (with some reservations) the 2011 proposed fire department budget which reflected a 1.44% percent increase over the 2010 budget. Further discussion on the 2011 budget identified and focused on some of the major budget concerns for the fire department and the financial challenges for all municipalities. In the end, • the representatives from the fire commission cities asked me to revisit the 2010 proposed budget and reduce line items wherever possible, including the proposed staff pay increases. The result of further reduction of line items resulted in the current proposed 2011 Fire Department budget which reflects a .84 % overall increase over the 2010 budget, with a .35 % increase in operating costs (refer to attachment). The acknowledgment of our future (major) Budget and Financial items and commitments should be considered as we forge ahead. The key items discussed were: • The Mound Fire Department Budget and Cost Control Plan includes cautious firefighter staffing levels, use of duty officers or duty crew staffing, continued implementation of the apparatus utilization plait, and other cost saving concepts. • The MFD Apparatus Replacement Program and the fact that this account is likely underfunded, primarily because of the need to replace our 1981 Sutphen 100' Aerial Ladder Truck. Note: this aerial ladder truck is a key component of our current Insurance Services Office Public Protection Classification rating in all cities we serve. • Completion of a MFD Relief Association Pension Plan study and continuing to maintaining adequate funding of the Mound Fire Relief Pension Fund, which took a major investment hit in 2008 and 2009. The above listed topics are very important and should be considered and discussed as part of our • budgeting process for the future. 1 -2551- Other financial considerations and potential cost savings measures for 2011 are: • Capital Equipment Purchases: • Only $2,100 in the new capital spending budget for 2011 which is for three (3) new computers, 2 desk tops for administration and 1 laptop for training officer. Possibly can purchase the 2 desk tops at $1,200 in 2010 using funds from the current operations budget. • The existing SCBA lease to own contract for 24 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus continues through year 2012 and then ends, which is an annual cost of $18,251. Dollar savings will not be apparent until 2013, at which time we might need to designate the funds toward a Ladder Truck purchase. • Replacement of 1981 Sutphen Ladder Truck, and all related including replacement options and finances will be discussed at October 2010 Fire Commission meeting. • Other Capital Equipment purchases include approximately $32, 400 for 10 year equipment certificates already issued for two new fire apparatus. • All other Capital Equipment expenditures from 2010 and several items from previous years have been delayed (ongoing delay) which will eventually catch up to us. Staffing Items for Consideration: • • Reorganize firefighter staff hours and response based upon a reconfigured plan, change some staff to part time duty officers, and reallocate firefighter wages or salary. • Implement duty officer or duty crew programs on certain types of emergency calls (may be small $$ savings or no savings). • Evaluate the current volunteer firefighter staff levels based upon the present level of 42 firefighters, and hire new probationary firefighters from waiting list as budget allows. Potential Savings through Elimination of Programs: • Most of our extra public relations programs, events, and activities are supported with volunteer time and do not provide much savings potential. • Eliminate Fire Code and Fire Inspection support from MNSpect ($4,750 annually), but this would create major deficiencies in our fire code and inspection support to Mound and all other contracting cities. • Fire Prevention materials and supplies costs $1,500 annually, but get lots of mileage out of this at all of our public safety and public relations events.. • Sell the WAFTA Site and eliminate the $2,000 annual dues (this is a goal, but wishful • thinking at least in the short term). 1) -2552- I* Mound Fire Department August 13, 2010 REVISED PROPOSED - DRAFT 2011 Budget and Expenses - Breakdown Category /Description 2011 Budget $ Amount Percent *Budget Total 2011 $1,061,672.00 100% • Operating Expenses $ 615,792.00 58.00% • Pension Contribution — Relief Assn. $ 141,625.00 13.34% • Building Rental, Lease, Debt Service $ 304,255.00 28.66% *Operating Expenses (from above) $ 615,792.00 58.00% • • Salaries for all Staff (all inclusive) $ 346,771.00 32.66% • Operations and Supplies $ 193,175.00 18.20% • Capital Outlay $ 76,251.00 7.15% Salaries for Staff Information: • Firefighter response hours 11,000 — 12,000 per year @ $8.50 per hour = $86,750.00 • Duty Crew or Duty Officer Pay (in lieu of firefighter response pay = $15,000.00 • Firefighter in -house training hours 3000 - 3300 per year @ $4 per hour = $12,600.00 • Firefighter station maintenance hours 1500 per year @ $10 per hour = $15,000.00 • Fire Officer Pay (refer to separate list for officer pay details) = $22,000 • Firefighter meetings, PR events, other hours 1600 per year @ $0 per hour = $0 • Jul 27, 2010 revised 081310 Y ( ) -2553- • -2554- 11/3012010 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 • CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 101 FULL TIME SALARIES 112,790 120,423 126,990 130,404 121,246 121,246 -7% 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 0 3,475 3,937 4,358 4,951 4,951 14% 124 FIRE RELIEF PENSION 125,830 129,600 209,389 137,500 141,625 141,625 3% 170 OFFICERS PAY 4,200 3,600 5,600 17,000 22,000 22,000 29% 180 DRILL PAY 9,350 11,400 9,590 12,600 12,600 12,600 0% 185 MAINTENANCE PAY 12,008 14,023 12,189 15,000 15,000 15,000 0% 190 MONTHLY SALARIES 98,402 95,804 98,933 97,750 101,750 101,750 4% 121 FICA/PERA 23,811 27,713 28,911 31,469 31,054 31,054 -1% 131 HOSP /DENTAL 16,844 17,311 18,593 19,737 16,242 16,242 -18% 134 LIFE INS. /DISABILITY INS 543 548 614 630 578 578 -8% 135 POST RETIREMENT 3,339 4,912 5,059 2,680 4,850 4,850 81% 151 WORKERS /UNEMP COMP INS 10,750 12,090 12,104 14,624 16,500 16,500 13% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,816 1,903 3,068 2,400 2,400 2,400 0% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 338 765 458 840 840 840 0% 205 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 791 1,110 996 200 600 600 2000 208 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 94 944 400 800 800 800 0% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27,377 22,289 35,792 21,000 17,000 17,000 -19% 212 MOTOR FUELS 7,479 7,756 5,706 8,000 8,400 8,400 5% 216 CLEANING SUPPLIES 500 1,152 170 900 800 800 -11 217 FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES 1,562 1,528 1,565 1,500 1,500 1,500 0% 219 SAFETY SUPPLIES 4,391 8,694 14,682 4,800 8,800 8,800 83% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,465 3,558 4,960 3,600 5,000 5,000 39% 301 AUDIT /FINANCIAL 2,866 4,082 3,514 3,900 3,500 3,500 -10% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 6,716 3,054 5,457 3,200 3,200 3,200 0% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 13,160 13,814 14,505 14,505 14,500 14,500 0% • -2554- 11/3012010 • -2555- 11/30/2010 FIRE DEPARTMENT • CODE 2007 ACTUAL 2008 ACTUAL 2009 ACTUAL 2010 2011 2011 APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 308 BUILDING /FIRE INSPECTIONS 8,153 4,324 5,296 4,750 4,750 4,750 0% 321 TELEPHONE 3,369 4,370 4,529 4,200 4,800 4,800 14% 322 POSTAGE 581 837 656 800 720 720 -10% 325 PAGERS - FIRE DEPT. 10,772 6,609 1,812 4,000 4,400 4,400 10% 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 0 0 188 400 400 400 0% 350 PRINTING 727 454 195 750 600 600 -20% 361 GEN, LIABILITY INS. 18,055 18,533 18,784 20,066 20,000 20,000 0% 381 ELECTRICITY 12,860 12,829 13,954 10,800 11,000 11,000 2% 383 GAS 6,755 6,383 5,250 7,800 7,200 7,200 -8% 384 GARBAGE 1,197 1,354 1,161 900 900 900 0% 401 BUILDING REPAIRS 4,040 2,552 23,989 3,000 3,000 3,000 0% 402 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,385 6,914 7,622 2,500 2,500 2,500 0% 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 32,291 38,011 37,414 19,800 21,000 21,000 6% 412 BUILDING RENTAL 289,160 290,844 291,776 301,549 304,255 304,255 1% • 418 RENTALS /RADIO 12,368 13,721 12,403 14,680 12,600 12,600 -14% 430 MISCELLANEOUS 1,263 585 357 3,600 2,000 2,000 -44% 431 MEETING EXPENSES 286 170 436 360 360 360 0% 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,122 4,818 4,155 3,800 4,000 4,000 5% 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 16,800 15,897 12,343 20,400 20,400 20,400 0% 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 1,380 364 840 1,800 1,800 114% 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 9,494 2,312 2,164 3,400 3,000 3,000 -12% 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 110,054 15,608 278,796 1,200 8,100 8,100 575% 580 FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT FUND 0 0 0 22,985 16,646 16,646 -28% 525 CAPITAL LEASE - SCBA EQUIP 0 18,187 18,187 18,251 18,251 18,251 0% Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 700 2009C GO Equip Cert. Interest 0 0 7,433 32,579 33.255 33,255 2% 2010 Tanker Pumper & 2010 Tahoe for Rescue Duty TOTAL 1. 035. 154 978. 240 1. 372 .444 1.052.807 1.061.672 1.061.672 0.84% TOTAL EXCL CAPITAL EXP /RESERVE 925 .100 944.445 1.075.461 1.010.371 1.018.675 191 8 ,27 5 1% • -2555- 11/30/2010 N Ln Mound 54.9% AREA FIRE SERVICE 2011 OPERATING COSTS Minnetonka Beach 7.4% Minnetrista 23.9% Shorewood 2.3% A . Z) 70 N U7 (Jt V • • 2011 BUDGET RECAP OPERATING COSTS CAPITAL OUTLAY (FIRE TRUCK REPAIR) FIREMAN'S RELIEF PENSION BUILDING PAYMENT TOTAL 2011 FIRE COSTS 2011 OPERATING COST BREAKDOWN FOR EACH CONTRACTING CITY 539,540 76,252 141,625 304,255 1.061.672 • MINNETONF 757,417 x 7.45% 56,395 MINNETRIS' 757,417 x 23.90% 181,026 SHOREWO( 757,417 x 2.30% 17,440 SPRING PAI 757,417 x 11.49% 87,033 MOUND 757,417 x 54.86% 415,523 TOTAL 100% 757.417 AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND RECAP OF COSTS BY CITY N 9D 2007 2011 2010 2009 2008 MINNETONM 79,062 76,564 75,795 75,487 MINNETRIS' 253,439 248,725 244,190 237,365 SHOREWO( 24,438 24,422 25,005 25,257 SPRING PAI 118,554 114,610 112,864 108,848 MOUND 586,179 588,484 580,857 560,817 Total •0� 61.67 1 1.038.710 1.007.774 Percent Incr( 0.84% 1.36% 3.07% 5.56% 2007 2006 72,506 74,793 224,945 221,092 23,256 25,572 95,219 90,391 538,794 501,742 9 4 72 M d91 4.50% • ..0-.- • N ul ul to 2011 BUDGET BREAKDOWN RELIEF CAPITAL DEPT ASSN AND BUILDING 2011 2010 2009 BUDGET CONT RESERVES PAYMENT COST COST COST MINNETOW 40,172 10,545 5,677 22,667 79,062 76,564 75,795 MINNETRIS 128,952 33,849 18,225 72,413 253,439 248,725 244,190 SHOREWO( 12,424 3,261 1,756 6,998 24,438 24,422 25,005 SPRING PAI 61,998 16,274 8,762 31,521 118,554 114,610 112,864 MOUND 295,994 77,696 41,832 170,656 586,179 588,484 580,857 539,540 141 E�25 76 52 304.255 1 061 72 1.052.805 1.038.710 N W O AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND BALANCE BALANCE JANUARY 1, 2010 (Audit) ESTIMATED 2010 REVENUES ESTIMATED 2010 EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED 2009 FUND BALANCE ADD 2011 ESTIMATED REVENUE LESS 2011 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PROJECTED BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 2010 • • 185,353 1,052,805 - 1,033,807 204,351 1,061,672 - 1,045,026 220.997 • • • • Population: Met Council City of Mound Fire Area Formula 11/3012010 2011 2008 2009 2010 Calculated Actual Land Land Land Prorated 2007 2008 2009 Prorated Total 2010 Market Values Market Values Market Values % Population Population Population % % % Diff Mound Fire Department Budget Contribution History 2004 — 2011 Facility Rolling Average Thru 2010 Thru 2011 2011 Operations 7 Yr. Total 7 Yr. % Ave. 8 Yr. Total 8 Yr. % Ave. Budget _ % Mound 391.39 55.91% 446.25 55.78% 54.86% Minnetrista 166.47 23.78% 190.37 23.80% 23.90% N ?' Spring Park 71.38 10.20% 82.87 10.36% 11.49% Minnetonka Beach 53.52 7.65% 60.97 7.62% 7.45% Shorewood 17.22 2.46% 19.52 2.44% 2.30% 100% 100% 100% Mound Fire Department 2005 - 2011 Budget and Cost Summary by City Budget NQ # €QR Description 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Operating Expenses $ 479,300.00 $ 507,930.00 $ 539,730.00 $ 587,333.00 $ 613,434.00 $ 613,658.00 $ 615,792.00 Change $$$ $ 27,890.00 $ 28,630.00 $ 31,800.00 $ 47,603.00 $ 26,101.00 $ 224.00 $ 8,369.00 Change % $ 6.17% $ 5.97% $ 6.26% $ 8.82% $ 4.44% 0.03% $ 0.35% Change % 13.00% 1.35% 7.38% 4.09% 3.57% 0% 0.92% MFD Pension Contribution $ 118,600.00 $ 122,160.00 $ 125,830.00 $ 129,600.00 $ 133,500.00 $ 137,600.00 $ 141,625.00 Change $$$ $ 2,900.00 $ 3,560.00 $ 3 $ 3,770.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 41 0.00 $ 4 Change % 2.50% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.01% 3.00% City of Spring Park $ 82,736.00 $ 90,354.00 $ 95,219.00 $ 108,840.00 $ 116,362.00 $ 118,649.00 $ 118,554.00 Building Rental $ 301,410.00 $ 283,500.00 $ 289,160.00 $ 290,840.00 $ 291,776.00 $ 301,547.00 $ 304,255.00 Change $$$ $ 78 680.00 $ 17 910.00 $ 5,660.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 936.00 $ 9,771.00 $ 2,708.00 Change % 35% -5.94% 2.00% 0.58% 0.32% 3.35% 0.90% Total All Expenses $ 899,310.00 $ 913,590.00 $ 954,720.00 $ 1,007,773.00 $ 1,038,710.00 $ 1,052,805.00 $ 1,061,672.00 Change $$$ $ 108 980.00 $ 14 280.00 $ 41 130.00 $ 53 053.00 $ 30 937.00 $ 14 095.00 $ 15,102.00 Change % Change $$$ 13% 9 701.00 1.58% 4 978.00 1 4.50% (3,697.00) 5.50% 2 3.07% 322.00 1.36% 760.00 0.84% 2,498.00 Change % 15.00% 6.98% -4.85% 4.10% 0.42% 1.00% New Fire Apparatus $ - Contribution by City Description 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 City of Mound $ 508,559.00 $ 501,743.00 $ 538,794.00 $ 560,826.00 $ 580,866.00 $ 580,857.00 $ 586,179.00 Percentage 56.55% 54.92% 56.43% 55.65% 55.73% 55.17% 55.21% Change $$$ $ 59 485.00 $ (6,81L6q.2021 $ 37 051.00 $ 22 032.00 $ 20 040.00 ($9-00) $ 5 Change % 13.00% 1.35% 7.38% 4.09% 3.57% 0% 0.92% City of Minnetrista Percentage Change $$$ $ $ 214,125.00 23.81% 22 .00 $ $ 221,089.00 24.20% 6 $ $ 224,945.00 23.56% 3 856.00 $ $ 237,331.00 23.55% 12 386.00 $ $ 244,189.00 23.43% 6 $ $ 248,725.00 23.63% 4 $ $ 253,439.00 23.87% 4 Change % 11% 3.25% 1.75% 5.51% 2.89% 1.86% 1.90% City of Spring Park $ 82,736.00 $ 90,354.00 $ 95,219.00 $ 108,840.00 $ 116,362.00 $ 118,649.00 $ 118,554.00 Percentage 9.20% 9.89% 9.97% 10.80% 11.16% 11.27% 11.17% Chan a $$$ $ 12 998.00 $ 7618.00 $ 4,865.00 $ 13 621.00 $ 7.522.00 $ 2 $ '95.00' Change % 18.00% 9.20% 5.38% 14.30% 6.91% 1.96% -0.08% City of Minnetonka Beach $ 71,225.00 $ 76,203.00 $ 72,506.00 $ 75,482.00 $ 75,804.00 $ 76,564.00 $ 79,062.00 Percentage 7.92% 8.19% 7.59% 7.49% 7.27% 7.27% 7.45% Change $$$ $ 9 701.00 $ 4 978.00 1 $ (3,697.00) $ 2 $ 322.00 $ 760.00 $ 2,498.00 Change % 15.00% 6.98% -4.85% 4.10% 0.42% 1.00% 3.26% City of Shorewood $ 22,752.00 $ 26,053.00 $ 23,256.00 $ 25,295.00 $ 25,002.00 $ 24,422.00 $ 24,438.00 Percentage 2.53% 2.80% 2.44% 2.51% 2.40% 2.93% 2.30% Change $$$ $ 5,219.00 $ 3,301.00 $ 2,997.00 $ 2,001.00 1 $ 294.00 $ 580.00 $ 16.00 Change % 29% 14.51% - 11.50% 1 8.60% 1 -1.13% -2.31%1 0.07% Updated 11/30/10 MFD 7 Yr Budget 2005 -2011 • $ 1,061,672.00 -2563- MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT (30) YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY Year Operating Budget Operations - Actual Hourly Wage Total Wages* Pension Contribution 2% Contribution Pension Benefit 1973 $ 3.50 $ 9,743.00 $ 11,514.00 $ 70.00 1974 $ 3.50 $ 7,410.00 $ 15,090.00 $ 70.00 1975 $ 3.50 $ 10,589.00 $ 12,443.00 $ 70.00 1976 $ 3.50 $ 13,419.00 $ 13,782.00 $ 120.00 1977 $ 3.50 $ 13,158.00 $ 16,300.00 $ 120.00 1978 $ 77,648.00 $ 3.50 $ 20,808.00 $ 18,901.00 $ 145.00 1979 $ 77,916.00 $ 3.50 $ 25,421.00 $ 21,689.00 $ 145.00 1980 $ 107,119.00 $ 5.10 $ 9,780.00 $ 23,906.00 $ 185.00 1981 $ 107,950.00 $ 107,950.00 $ 5.43 $ 41,271.00 $ 26,244.00 $ 185.00 1982 $ 120,050.00 $ 5.80 $ 32,880.00 $ 35,495.00 $ 210.00 1983 $ 108,227.00 $ 5.80 $ 33,000.00 $ 29,974.00 $ 210.00 1984 $ 119,250.00 $ 6.00 $ 36,300.00 $ 31,249.00 $ 240.00 1985 $ 134,650.00 $ 130 653.00 $ 6.00 $ 39,930.00 $ 34,021.00 $ 250.00 1986 $ 142,802.00 $ 145 110.00 $ 6.00 $ 43,923.00 $ 39 620.00 $ 290.00 1987 $ 204,980.00 $ 6.00 1 $ 48,325.00 $ 42,194.00 $ 290.00 1988 $ 221,430.00 $ 176,222.00 $ 6.00 $ 53,147.00 $ 44,857.00 $ 350.00 1989 $ 229,230.00 $ 189,881.00 $ 6.00 $ 58,462.00 $ 45,818.00 $ 350.00 1990 $ 234,290.00 $ 429,971.00 $ 6.00 $ 64,308.00 $ 46,024.00 $ 395.00 1991 $ 256,000.00 $ 212,638.00 $ 6.00 $ 66,880.00 $ 46,041.00 $ 395.00 194' $ 251,600.00 $ 226,452.00 $ 6.00 $ 69,556.00 $ 45 725.00 $ 395.00 1 $ 274,200.00 $ 252,774.00 $ 6.00 1 $ 73,338.00 $ 42,738.00 $ 425.00 1a $ 270,190.00 $ 225,030.00 $ 6.00 $ 75 231.00 $ 45,541.00 $ 425.00 196. $ 285,330.00 $ 6.00 $ 80 500.00 $ 48,685.00 $ 425.00 1996 $ 6.50 $ 85,394.00 $ 64,108.00 $ 460.00 1997 $ 335,320.00 $ 309,311.00 $ 6.50 $ 150,699.00 $ 88,810.00 $ 63,412.00 $ 460.00 1998 $ 360,220.00 $ 321,551.00 $ 6.50 $ 149,445.00 $ 92,360.00 $ 64,712.00 $ 510.00 1999 $ 409,680.00 $ 378,836.00 $ 6.50 $ 143,900.00 $ 96,050.00 $ 66,128.00 $ 510.00 - 2000 $ 411,520.00 $ 382,942.00 $ 6.50 $ 135,095.00 $ 101,810.00 $ 68,798.00 $ 510.00 2001 $ 415,850.00 $ 402,144.82 $ 7.00 $ 150,911.83 $ 105,880.00 $ 73,287.00 $ 585.00 2002 $ 439,470.00 $ 7.50 $ 97,950.00 $ 109,060.00 $ 84,816.00 $ 585.00 2003 $ 464,460.00 $ 7.50 $ 102,230.00 $ 112,340.00 $ 106,833.00 $ 585.00 2004 $ 451,410.00 $ 7.50 $ 91,031.00 $ 115,700.00 $ 140,838.00 $ 585.00 2005 $ 479,300.00 $ 7.50 $ 118,600.00 $ 108,098.00 $ 585.00 2006 $ 507,930.00 $ 8.00 $ 122,160.00 $ 116,354.00 $ 585.00 2007 $ 539,730.00 $ 8.00 $ 125,830.00 $ 102,730.00 $ 585.00 2008 $ 8.00 $ 129,600.00 $ 86,739.00 $ 585.00 2009 $ 8.50 $ 133,500.00 $ 75,889.00 $ 585.00 2010 $ 8.75 $ 137,500.00 $ 78,104.00 $ 585.00 2011 $ 9.00 $ 141,625.00 $ 585.00 2012 2013 2014 Pay Increase = 243% Or 2112 times MFD 30 Year Fi Summary- Budget Financial 11/30/2010 Pension Increase = 835% or 8112 times • • • • • Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association January 2008 Pension Plan Study Considerations Pension Plan — Fund Existing Plan Highlights Study Options and Considerations General Fund Vesting minimum of 10 years 1). Vesting minimum of 5 years (Severance Plan) No benefit until 10 years vesting 2). Can we combine with the Special Fund as a new plan? Funds distributed based on formula 3). Can fund $$ be rolled over to a new pension plan? Proceeds/ benefits / are taxable income 4). Can proceeds be rolled into tax free account plan? Special Fund ,(Monthly Plan) N CA rn For Non - Retirees (Not receiving benefits) Vesting minimum of 20 years No pension benefit for less than 20 years No financial benefits beyond 20 yrs. Monthly benefit of $585 at the age 50 yrs. No mandatory retirement age No maximum years of service defined No break in firefighter service allowed Surviving spouse and family benefits 1). Change this as listed below 2). Vesting minimum of 10 years (with prorated benefit schedule) 3). Provide equal financial /pension benefits beyond 20 years of service 4). Offer retiree either a Monthly or Lump Sum benefit choice 5). Establish a mandatory firefighter retirement age. 6). Establish pension benefit "years of service" maximums 7). Allow for a break in service provision (with rules and guidelines) 8). Evaluate other available or better options for spouse /family benefits Monthly $585 benefit for participants 1). Grandfather in the current retirees to insure benefit increases For Current Retirees Ongoing increases to all retired participants 2). Phase out the $$ increases as current retirees leave the plan (Receiving benefits) Equal $$ value increases to all retired 3). Establish a schedule of % increases for retirees on monthly plan Surviving spouse benefits 4). Evaluate other available or better options for spouse benefits GSP 01/29/08 INTEGRA TED PERFORMANCE REVIEW Prepared for: Mound Fire Department Relief Association N Cn 0) T P 500 26.46% IA 30 !Russ 22.68% MidCa 40.48% ssell 3000 28.34% FE 31.78% BC Capital Aggir. Bond 5.93% 60% S &P 500 & 40% BC Aggr. 18.40% 1 SBI Income Acct. 22.16% year to date as of December3l, 2009 Anthony J. Parr,CFP Managing Director - Investments 612- 340 -4553 anthony.parr@wfadvisors.com The Parr Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Brian C. McKnight, CFP Senior Vice President- Investments 612 -340 -4555 bdan.mcknight@wfadvisors.com A trusted financial advisor to individuals and institutions Barbara Folz, Practice Admin Manager 612 -340 -4512 barbara.folz@wfadvisors.com Lesley Fuglister, Practice Admin Manager 612 - 340 -4545 lesley.fuglister@wfadvisors.com This report is not the official record of your account. However, it has been prepared to assist you with your investment planning and is for information purposes only. Your Wells Fargo Advisors Client Statement is the official record of your account. Therefore, if there are any discrepancies between this report and your Client Statement, you should rely on the Client Statement and call your local Branch Manager if you have any questions. Transactions requiring tax consideration should be reviewed carefully with your accountant or tax advisor as Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC does not provide tax or legal advice. This is not a substitute for your own records and the year -end 1099 form. Cost data and acquisition dates provided by you are not verified by Wells Fargo Advisors. CAR W909 -3479 "Performance Inception 01 -09 J9EOMA TED PERFORMANCE Ri?V /EW year to date as of June 30, 2009 Prepared for: Mound Fire Department Relief Association N Cn CA V The Parr Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors A trusted financial advisor to individuals and institutions Anthony J. Parr, CFP Managing Director - Investments Brian C. McKnight, CFP Senior Vice President - Investments Barbara Folz, Practice Admin Manager Lesley Fuglister, Practice Admin Manager 612 - 340 -4553 anthony.parr @wfadvisors.com 612- 340 -4555 bdan.mcknight@wfadvisors.com 612 - 340 -4512 barbara.folz@wfadvisors.com 612- 340 -4545 lesley.fuglister @wfadvisors.com This report is not the official record of your account. However, it has been prepared to assist you with your investment planning and is for information purposes only. Your Wells Fargo Advisors Client Statement is the official record of your account. Therefore, if there are any discrepancies between this report and your Client Statement, you should rely on the Client Statement and call your local Branch Manager if you have any questions. Transactions requiring tax consideration should be reviewed carefully with your accountant or tax advisor. This is not a substitute for your own records and the year -end 1099 form. Cost data and acquisition dates provided by you are not verified by Wells Fargo Advisors. Mound Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan Survey Total Vote Points 1. The MFD Pension Plan should offer a choice of a monthly benefit pension plan and/or a lump sum benefit plan, 40 172 and allow the retiring firefighter to choose the plan that best fits his /her retirement needs: 1 2 3 4 5 2. Most FD pension plans offer less than 20 year vesting, the MFD pension plan should offer 10 year partial vesting to 40 135 benefit those firefighters that cannot meet the 20 year commitment: 1 2 3 4 5 3. Our current MFD pension plan limits years of service vesting and caps benefits at the 20 year mark. Our plan should 40 162 increase benefits and pay an equal benefit for every year beyond the 20 year vesting: 1 2 3 4 5 4. The MFD pension plan should have a maximum years of service clause which sets limits of maximums for benefit 39 103 years paid: 1 2 3 4 5 5. The MFD pension plan should allow new MFD experienced firefighters to gain years of service credit for previous 40 74 experience at another fire department: 1 2 3 4 5 N U1 6. 0) � i the event of the death of a firefighter (active or retired), our current plan limits spousal benefits to 75% of pension 40 171 benefit, this benefit should be increased to 100% for the beneficiary: 1 2 3 4 5 7. Firefighters that do not "meet the department minimums standards for fire call response percentages, training drills and 37 148 maintenance attended should not receive service credit time toward the pension vesting for the periods of non - performance: 12345 8. We should change our plan to a lump sum only plan: 1 2 3 4 5 40 73 9. We should leave the plan exactly as it is and not change anything: 1 2 3 4 5 40 65 10. Our current pension plan is somewhat outdated and should be evaluated and studied to make sure it is current and 40 175 appropriate based upon today's firefighter time commitment: 1 2 3 4 5 1— Strongly disagree, is not important to me, or is a low priority 2 - Somewhat disagree, is somewhat important to me, and is a medium to low priority 3 - Disagree, is moderately important to me, and is a medium priority 4 - Very much agree, is very important to me, and is high priority 5 — Strongly agree, is most important to me, and is a top priority item Average 4.30 3.38 4.05 2.64 1.85 4.28 4.00 1.83 1.63 4.38 Name: a optional • • Mound Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan Survey Total Vote Points Average 10. Our current pension plan is somewhat outdated and should be evaluated and studied to make sure it is current and 40 175 4.38 appropriate based upon today's firefighter time commitment: 1 2 3 4 5 1. The MFD Pension Plan should offer a choice of a monthly benefit pension plan and/or a lump sum plan, 40 172 4.30 and allow the retiring firefighter to choose the plan that best fits his/her retirement needs: 1 2 3 4 5 6. In the event of the death of a firefighter (active or retired), our current plan limits spousal benefits to 75% of pension 40 171 4.28 benefit, this benefit should be increased to 100% for the beneficiary: 1 2 3 4 5 3. Our current MFD pension plan limits years of service vesting and caps benefits at the 20 year mark. Our plan should 40 162 4.05 increase benefits and pay an equal benefit for every year beyond the 20 year vesting: 1 2 3 4 5 7. Firefighters that do not meet the department minimums standards for fire call response percentages, training drills and 37 148 4.00 maintenance attended should not receive service credit time toward the pension vesting for the periods of non - performance: 12345 N 2. lost FD pension plans offer less than 20 year vesting, the MFD pension plan should offer 10 year partial vesting to 40 135 3.38 C° enefit those firefighters that cannot meet the 20 year commitment: 1 2 3 4 5 4. The MFD pension plan should have a maximum years of service clause which sets limits of maximums for benefit 39 103 2.64 years paid: 1 2 3 4 5 5. The MFD pension plan should allow new MFD experienced firefighters to gain years of service credit for previous 40 74 1.85' experience at another fire department: 1 2 3 4 5 8. We should change our plan to a lump sum only plan: 1 2 3 4 5 40 73 1.83 9. We should leave the plan exactly as it is and not change anything: 1 2 3 4 5 40 65 1.63 5 — Strongly agree, is most important to me, and is a top priority item 4 — Very much agree, is very important to me, and is high priority 3 — Disagree, is moderately important to me, and is a medium priority 2 — Somewhat disagree, is somewhat important to me, and is a medium to low priority 1— Strongly disagree, is not important to me, or is a low priority Name: optional MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT PENSION PLAN ALTERNATIVES STUDY Estimated Cost of Benefit Changes (000's omitted) - Vesting Provision 12/31/2009 Valuation with Vesting Valuation PERA Turnover Schedule A. Actuarial accrued liability (AAL ) 1. Active members $1,326 $1,369 $1,386 2. Vested terminated members 329 329 329 3. Retired members 2,472 2,472 2,472 4. Spouses receiving benefits 262 262 262 5. Children receiving benefits 0 0 0 6. Disabled members receiving benefits 0 0 0 7. Total actuarial accrued liability 4,389 4,432 4,449 S. Special fund assets 3,755 3,755 3,755 C. Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 634 677 694 D. Credit for scarp /us 0 0 0 E. Amortization payment 1. Amortization period 10 10 10 2. Payment 78 83 86 • F. Normal cost 92 91 91 G Annual contribution Payable• 1. Preliminary contribution 1 (D. + E. + F.) $170 $174 $177 2. Estimated municipal contribution* 96 100 103 H. Funded ratio 86% 85% 84% * The difference between the preliminary contribution and the estimated municipal contribution is $7,000 of administrative expenses and $81,000 of estimated state aid. • Benefit Study.xls 7/30/2010 VAN IWAARDEN ASSOCIATES -2570- • MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION, INC. PENSION PLAN December 31, 2009 Actuarial Valuation Changes in the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability A. Liability gain or loss 1. Expected actuarial accrued liability (AAL) a. AAL as of January 1, 2008 4,352,116 b. Normal cost 2008 90,735 c. Normal cost 2009 90,735 d. Benefit payments 2008 (226,395) e. Benefit payments 2009 (231,633) f. Interest to December 31, 2009 on a. through e. 437,019 g. Expected AAL on December 31, 2009 (sum of a. through f.) 4,512,578 2. Actual AAL on December 31, 2009 a. Before any assumption, method or plan changes 4,389,143 b. After assumption, method changes, but before plan changes 4,389,143 c. After assumption, method and plan changes 4,389,143 3. Difference from the expected AAL a. (Gain) or loss due to plan experience dill from that expected (2a. - 1e.) (123,435) b. Due to changes in actuarial assumptions and methods (2b. - 2a.) 0 c. Due to plan changes 0 d. Total (a. + b. + c.) (123,435) • B. Asset gain or loss 1. Expected value of assets a. Value of assets January 1, 2008 4,036,613 b. Benefit payments (458,028) c. Contributions 425,728 d. Interest to December 31, 2009 on a., b. and c. 407,017 e. Expected assets on December 31, 2009 (sum of a. through d.) 4,411,331 2. Actual assets on December 31, 2009 a. Before any assumption or method changes 3,755,091 b. After assumption and method changes 3,755,091 3. Difference from the expected assets a. (Gain) or loss due to plan exp dill from expected (le. - 2a.) 656,240 b. Due to changes in actuarial assumptions & methods (2a. - 2b.) 0 c. Total (a. + b.) 656,240 C. Changes in the unfu nded actuarial accrued MUM 1. Unfunded AAL on December 31, 2007 (A.l.a. - B. 1.a.) 315,503 2. Expected unfunded AAL on December 31, 2009 (A. i.e. - B. 1.e.) 101,247 3. Changes a. Actuarial (gain) or loss (A.3.a. + B.3.a.) 532,805 b. Changes in actuarial methods and assumptions (A.3.b. + B.3.b.) 0 c. Changes in plan provisions (A.3.c.) 0 d. Total change 532,805 4. Unfunded AAL on December 31, 2009 634,052 • 5 -2571- MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION, INC. PENSION PLAN 6 • December 31, 2009 Actuarial Valuation Accrued Benefit Liabiliti B. Actuarial methods and assumptions The actuarial method we have used to determine the APVAB is the accrued benefit cost method. The significant assumptions used to determine the APVAB include the following: Expected investment return Life expectancy of participants Average assumed retirement age December 31, 2007 5.00% 1971 GAM Age 53 and 20 years December 31, 2009 5.00% 1971 GAM Age 53 and 20 years • r� -2572- 2007 2009 A. Actuarial present value ofaccumulated plan benefits (APVAB) 1. Vested benefits a. Participants currently receiving payments $2,746,179 $2,734,009 b. Other inactive participants 308,368 329,285 c. Active employees 233,366 269,899 d. Total 3,287,913 3,333,193 2. Nonvested benefits 1.064,203 1.055,950 3. Total 4,352,116 4,389,143 4. Net assets available for benefits (market value) 4,036,613 3,755,091 5. Funded ratio a. Based on vested benefits (4. _ 1d.) 123% 113% b. Based on total accumulated benefits (4. - 3.) 93% 86% B. Actuarial methods and assumptions The actuarial method we have used to determine the APVAB is the accrued benefit cost method. The significant assumptions used to determine the APVAB include the following: Expected investment return Life expectancy of participants Average assumed retirement age December 31, 2007 5.00% 1971 GAM Age 53 and 20 years December 31, 2009 5.00% 1971 GAM Age 53 and 20 years • r� -2572- . . Retirement planning for employers August 27, 2010 Mr. Greg Pederson, Chief Mound Fire Department 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Re: Pension Plan Alternatives Study — Phase II Dear Chief Pederson: This letter and the attachments summarize the actuarial cost estimates for the impact in changes in actuarial assumptions and benefit levels that were described in our August 10 letter to you. We have tried to lay out the information in an understandable format but would like to schedule a conference call to review the contents of the letter with your Board and the City. Assumption Additions/Chanze: • In order to place a realistic economic value on some of the benefit changes, we have developed a new set of actuarial assumptions. The key changes were in turnover and retirement assumptions. Please note that the assumptions were developed to reflect the change in behavior that the change in benefit structure would likely create. If there were not changes in benefits, we would not recommend any changes in the assumptions. The assumption changes are summarized below: • Turnover Before Age 50 • Use 50% PERA assumptions and 50% 2003 SOA Pension Plan Turnover Study rates, based on age • Assume no turnover after age 50 • Retirement Rates After Age 50 o 50% after age 50 and 20 years of service o 5% for each year from 20 to 30 and age 50 o 100% after age 50 and 30 years o 100% at age 65 regardless of service Before these new assumptions could be used in a formal actuarial valuation, they must be approved the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. i s -2573- Chief Pederson August 27, 2010 Page 3 of 4 • Increased Benefits Alternatives We have provided three alternatives for you to consider. Each involves a different philosophy about increases in benefits for service already rendered. The first alternative provides increase for retirees and actives for all service, but caps the increase at $20 for current retirees and at $30 for current actives. The higher benefit rate applies to past and future service. The second alternative provides for an increase for only those firefighters currently active. It caps the increase at $30 per month. For actives, the higher benefit rate applies to past and future service. The third alternative provides for an increase for future service only. Benefits already earned by active and retired firefighters would not change. Instead, the higher benefit rate would only apply to service earned after the date of plan amendment. Please note that once a firefighter has 30 years of service, no additional benefits accrue at any rate. In summary, we have developed cost for the following three alternatives: • For all, $1 per year of service, up to 20 for current retirees and up to 30 for current actives • • For actives only, $1 per year of service up to 30 • For actives only, $1 per year of future service up to 30 Concepts for Retirement Redesign and Future Increa We previously' provided a concept summary that illustrates the elements that should be considered in making decisions about benefits levels and future increases. The primary concepts are: • Total Compensation • Value Delivered • Type of Benefit • Focus of Benefit Mound has a strong history of providing substantial benefits for prior service, even if that service was provided long ago. This has reduced the benefits that can be provided to current firefighters because of the cost of providing higher benefits to retired firefighters. In light of changing social, economic and demographic conditions, we encourage you to re- evaluate past practice to enable you to attract, retain and motivate your current fire fighting force. S C HANCE BLI]LD1NG TF.N S0Ufl1 P1F`PH S'FR[F"1' N4[NNFAPOL1S MN x5402 - 1010 • VAN IWAAR.U[:N ,1SSOC'1AI E... �4.1 1..L.'MF3F.:R ki�C 612.596.5960 Jr 612. 596.5999 WWW.VANIWAARDLN.C'OM -2574- Chief Pederson • August 2010 Page Z of f 4 Funeral Benefit State law changed during 2009 so that the $3,000 funeral benefit can no longer be paid from the Special Fund. This reduced the cost of the plan by $2,000 from the December 31, 2009, actuarial valuation results. Base Packaee Benefits As outlined in our August 10 letter, we have proposed a base package of benefits that has a modest cost increase. We propose to provide for pro rata benefit accrual of $29.25 for each year of service up to 30. This removes the 20 year cap on benefits so that long service firefighters continue to earn additional benefits after 20 years. We have also proposed vesting in a reduced benefit of $292.50 after 10 years of service. This will probably be helpful in recruiting new firefighters who may feel 10 years is a more achievable service objective than 20 years. The addition of lump sum option provides additional choice to firefighters without increasing cost since the lump sum amount is approximately the actuarial equivalent of the annuity option, under the actuarial assumptions used. The additional contribution required to support the base package of benefits is $25,000 • annually. This payment would effectively amortize the current unfunded liability over 12 years. The benefits valued are summarized below: • Level benefit accrual of $29.25 per year of service with 30 year service cap • Lump sum option of $5,400 per year of service o For actives assume 50% take lump sum and 50% take annuity o Offer lump sum to retirees, the amount would be the actuarial equivalent of their remaining payments • Vesting of 0% for the first 10 years and 100% thereafter of the prorated, service based benefit • Break in service provision • Pre - retirement death benefit o Spouse gets 75% of the member's accrued benefit at the time of death, subject to minimum accrued benefit of $292.50 — annuity or $54,000 — lump sum, regardless of service. Benefit is payable immediately. o Children get 25% of $585 from member's death to age 18. • VAN INVAAR.DE.N ASSOCIA f' s 840 L ME3L!R E?XCEIANGE. BUILDING TE:N SOU17.1 1'IE'll -[ S"CRI-I'P MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 - 1010 612.596.5960 f. 612.596.5999 w��ti .v.ANIlVA.4R.D�N.rt , �I -2575- Chief Pederson August 27, 2010 Page 4 of 4 is Attached Exhibits The first page of the exhibits provides more detail about the Base Benefits Package and the Base Package Assumptions. The second page compares the actuarial values from the December 31, 2009, actuarial valuation with the new actuarial values using the new assumptions and the new base benefits package. The last exhibit compares the three benefit increase alternatives to the base package. Please review this information and call Sandi or me with any questions. Then we should set a time for conference call to review the information with your entire team. Sincerely, Mark D. Meyer, JD, FSA Actuarial Consultant cc: Brenda Hardy Sandra Bruns • Attach. 140 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING TFrN SOUTI'I FIPI'N S'[RE[ -T MINNEAPOIAS, MN 55402 -1010 • VAN IWAARDEN ASSOCIATES _ 612.596.5960 f: 612.596.5999 \4WW.VANIWAAR.DIiiN.CWA -2576- • MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT PENSION PLAN BENEFIT STUDY DESCRIPTION OF BASE PACKAGE AND ASSUMPTIONS Base Package Benefits 1. Removal of $3,000 funeral benefit which is no longer payable from the Special Fund 2. Level benefit accrual of $29.25 per year of service with a 30 year service cap, or 3. Lump sum option of $5,400 per year of service with a 30 year service cap 4. Retirees would have the option of a lump sum equal to the actuarial equivalent of their remaining monthly payments 5. Vesting of 0% for the first 10 years and 100% thereafter of the prorated service based benefit 6. Allow rehires to maintain their pre - termination service 7. Pre - retirement death benefits a. Spouse will receive 75% of the greater of $292.50 (50% of $585) per month or a lump sum of $54,000, and the member's accrued benefit without regard to vesting payable at death b. Children will receive 75% of $146.25 (25% of 585) from the member's death to age 18 8. Annuity form of payment is life only for single members and 75% to survivor for married members Base Package Assumptions 1. 5% interest • 2. 1971 Group Annuity Mortality Table 3. Turnover based on 50% of the SOA 2003 Basic Age Turnover and 50% of PERA Police and Fire Sample rates are: Acme Rate 20 11.74% 25 10.88% 30 7.05% 35 5.12% 40 4.13% 45 3.56% 50 0.00% 4. Assumed there are no rehires 5. Assumed there were no minor children at the time of death 6. Retirement rates a. 50% after age 50 and 20 years of service b. 5% for each year from 20 to 30 and age 50 c. 100% after age 50 and 30 years of service d. 100% at age 65 regardless of service 7. Payment form: assumed 50% lump sums and 50% annuities 8. Assumed all members are married and wives are 3 years younger • Benefit Study.xls Prepared by Van Warden 8/27/2010 -2577- MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT PENSION PLAN BENEFIT STUDY Cost of Benefit Changes (000's omitted) - Base Package F. Annual contribute 1. Preliminary contribution (D. + E.) $170 $25 2. Admin expense (previous year x 1.035) 7_ 0 3. Annual contribution (1.+ 2.) 177 25 4. Estimated State Aid (81) 0 5. Estimated municipal contribution 96 25 G. Funded ratio 86% -7% * Net change from the 12/31/2009 valuation for all benefits and assumptions on previous page 01 1 01 0 1 Benefit Study.xls Prepared by Van Iwaarden 8/27/2010 -2578- 12/31/2009 Incremental Valuation han e* A Actuarial accrued liability W L ) 1. Active members $1,326 $417 2, Vested terminated members 329 (3) 3. Retired members 2,472 (45) 4. Spouses receiving benefits 262 0 5. Total actuarial accrued liability 4,389 369 a. Special fund assets 3,755 0 C Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 634 369 D. Amortization payment 1. Amortization period 10 12 2. Payment 78 30 E. Normal cost 92 (5) F. Annual contribute 1. Preliminary contribution (D. + E.) $170 $25 2. Admin expense (previous year x 1.035) 7_ 0 3. Annual contribution (1.+ 2.) 177 25 4. Estimated State Aid (81) 0 5. Estimated municipal contribution 96 25 G. Funded ratio 86% -7% * Net change from the 12/31/2009 valuation for all benefits and assumptions on previous page 01 1 01 0 1 Benefit Study.xls Prepared by Van Iwaarden 8/27/2010 -2578- } � 0 � 0 J A. Actuarial accrued liability 1AAL) 13 12 12 108 1. Active members $1,743 $60 $60 $21 2. Vested terminated members 326 11 0 0 3. Retired members 2,427 83 0 0 4. Spouses receiving benefits 262 9 0_ 0 5. Total actuarial accrued liability 4,758 163 60 21 B. Special fund assets 3,755 0 0 0 C Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 1,003 163 60 21 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT PENSION PLAN BENEFIT STUDY Cost of Benefit Changes (000's omitted ) - Base Package With $1 Increase Incremental Change from Base Package $1 /yr of svc Actives Only Maximum of $1 Increase $1 Increase Base $20 for Retirees Per Year of Per Year of Package $30 for Actives Svc (Max $30) Future Service D. Amortization payment 1. Amortization period 2. Payment E. Normal cost F. Annual co ntribution payable: 1. Preliminary contribution (D. + E.) 2. Admin expense (previous year x 1.035) 3. Annual contribution (1.+ 2.) 4. Estimated State Aid 5. Estimated municipal contribution G. Funded ratio Benefit Study.xls 12 13 12 12 108 10 6 2 87 3 3 1 $195 $13 $9 $3 7 0 0 0 202 13 9 3 (81) 0 0 0 121 13 9 3 79% -3% -1% 0% Prepared by Van Iwaarden -2579- 8/27/2010 n FAC Minnesota Fire Services Association Coalition 2011 Legislative Platform -2580- 0 0 Live Fire Training Excercise Donated Equipment • Fire Departments across the state are in crisis! The combination of the lack of volun- teers, especially day available volunteers along with the economic conditions has placed enormous pressure on budgets and has left many wondering where their future lies. Historically, larger departments and departments fortunate enough to obtain federal grants or local donations would in turn donate their used apparatus, radios, personal protective gear and miscellaneous firefighter tools to those less fortunate. However, due to a continued increase in litigation across the nation of fire depart- ments who donated equipment, the grace of giving to our neighbors has all but ceased to exist here in Minnesota. Providing civil immunity to donating departments (unless guilty of malfeasance) seems like a common sense approach, especially given the fact this equipment is still be donated; out of state and country! Trial lawyers have opposed this effort the past three years wanting assurances that • the used equipment is "safe' which is practically impossible as even when new, it breaks of fails. j T egti�est ®enact Ie islations p�°ovidin� civil in�n�unity t® fire �� _i� who donate used equ in good f to f ellow IL I'urchas�ng Current law requires public entities to secure three bids when making purchases of items with a value in excess of $25,000. Many fire departments are exploring the pur- chase of used equipment, especially fire apparatus which costs in excess of $500,000 brand new. However, obtaining three bids on a used piece of equipment is practical- ly impossible as each one is unique and counter intuitive given the purchase of used is arguably equivalent to good purchasing practices. >,, , 1i 1 liRequest ® Enact legislations providing an exception to the C i 0 _L _n� ce nt iourchasln,g lags specific to the acquisition of used fire -2581- �� Mi nnesota Fire Service Fun Facts J, Volunteer Firefighters in Minnesota 18,000 • Career Firefighters in Minnesota 2,000 Number of Fire Departments 787 All Career Departments 14 Number of full time chiefs Approximately 60 2009 Mn TaxPayer Association Rank 47th in Nation in per capita Initial basic training (fire, medical, haz mat, etc.) costs $3,000 (tuition only) Initial basic training hours 300 Initial basic training hours 20 years ago 40 Average pension for a "volunteer firefighter" who serves 20 years $50,000 Average pension of career firefighter for same service $864,000 Percentage of volunteer firefighters over the age of 35 70% • Percentage of volunteer firefighters over the age of 50 20% Total expenditures for MN fire departments in 2007 $286,500,424 Total exnenditures for MN park and rec departments in 2007 $428,049,143 Total expenditures for MN public works departments in 2007 $709,190,143 Total expenditures for MN police departments in 2007 $1,189,965,644 Air Pack and Protective Gear for a firefighter $7,000 Typical cost of a fire engine $425,000 Service life of fire engine 15 years to 25 years Total fires in Minnesota for calendar year 2009 15,447 Total fire loss in Minnesota for 2009 calendar year $208,658,176 Leading cause of fire in Minnesota for 2009 calendar year Cooking (49% of all fires) • -2582- Minnesota Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Fire and Rescue Shared Services Feasibility Study Grant Program • Introduction: Governor Tim Pawlenty created a "Fire and Rescue Shared Services Task Force" through Executive Order #09 -13 on December 4, 2009. The task force was assigned to investigate issues and the comparative benefits attendant to different models for shared fire and rescue service delivery. The task force has developed "A Blueprint for Shared Services" document which contains several Minnesota fire service models of shared services, and has obtained grant funding through the Fire Service Advisory Committee /Department of Public Safety for outside consulting services that explore a shared services model for multiple fire services. The grants will be administered by the Department of Public Safety through the State Fire Marshal Division. Shared Services refers to any number of methods where fire and rescue service organizations are doing something together to become more effective or more efficient. The shared service concept does not necessarily mean a savings in terms of money. Anticipated Individual Grant Amount: It is anticipated that two or more fire service agencies will jointly apply for grant funding to study ways of increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and /or cost savings through voluntary and cooperative shared services. Available funding will pay for 5 to 8 grants of between $25,000 and $40,000. A local match of at least 10% of the grant award is required. Local match may include administrative costs to manage the consultant contract. The expected outcome of the study will include a report delivered to the State Fire • Marshal that outlines possible alternatives for the parties to share fire and rescue services. Eligible Applicants: Any two or more fire service agencies applying for a grant must include a letter from all participating jurisdictions indicating their intent to cooperate in the study to be eligible to apply for a grant. The letters must be from the governance entity, e.g. a letter from the City Council for a city Fire Service. A Fire service agency is defined as having a Fire Department Identification number (FDID) from the State Fire Marshal Division. Grants will be made to the lead jurisdiction that submits the grant application. The grant contract must be signed by a representative of the lead jurisdiction that has the legal authority to sign contracts for that jurisdiction. This may be documented by a resolution or official minutes from the jurisdiction and will be required at the time that the grant contract is to be signed and is not required for the grant application. Application Process: All applications will consist of a Project Information Sheet and a Project Application Narrative. All forms and information are available electronically on the Department of Public Safety web site at www.dps.state.mn.us • -2583- Timetable: Grant application process announced On or before October 1, 2010 Grant application packet deadline to DPS /SFMD December 1, 2010 Grant award notice January 1, 2011 Shared Services grant end date and due date for feasibility study completion December 31, 2011 Eligible Use of Funds: These funds are to be used to pay for a third party (consultant) feasibility study that addresses the study requirements listed below and the options for shared services including but not limited to those provided in "A Blueprint for Shared Services ". Study Requirements: The study should take into account the following subjects: • Governance of regional fire and rescue shared service districts that take into account geographic area, population density and other factors that encourage voluntary participation of communities and fire service providers. • Funding sources for operation of the service district, cooperative training among component departments, and equipment procurement. • Efficiency and effectiveness of emergency response and overall benefit to the population served, • Employment issues associated with combining existing agencies and entities into a regional or multi - jurisdictional shared services entity. • An analysis of best practices in the creation and functioning of public safety - related shared • services delivery models. • • A preliminary set of operating procedures for cooperative shared fire and rescue service systems. Application Review Process: The review process will use a scoring method which evaluates applications based upon the following criteria: Criteria Points Describe how the applicant envisions that their study will address the Study Requirements listed above. Include population and geographic area served. 45 Number of jurisdictions committed to the study (more jurisdictions, more points) 20 Describe your history of working together successfully 15 Describe any unique approach or ideas for your study 20 Grant Process: An evaluation committee will review and score the applications based on the above criteria and will present a recommendation to the Commissioner of Public Safety who will make the final determination. Once a grant request has been awarded, a formal grant agreement will be prepared and must be signed by the grantee organization and the Department of Public Safety. Once the signature process has been completed, the grant is considered fully executed and becomes a legally binding agreement between the grantee organization and the Department of Public Safety. • -2584- Audit /Compliance: The grant funds are available on a cost reimbursement basis where costs are reimbursed after they are incurred and paid by the grantee agencies. The grantee organization will be required to provide to the • State Fire Marshal the written report on the results of the study and a written summary of all expenditures including documentation on how the grant and matching funds were spent. Application Submission: A complete application packet must be submitted by 4:00 PM CST December 1, 2010 to: Jerry Rosendahl State Fire Marshal 444 Cedar Street, Suite #145 St. Paul MN 55101 -5145 Jerry.Rosendahl @state.mn.us Fax: 651 - 215 -0541 Proposals not received by this deadline will not be considered. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their proposal is received on time. Any questions about the application process should be directed to Jerry Rosendahl at (651) 201 -7201 or emailed to Jerry. Rosendahl @state.mn.us All answers to questions about the process will be provided to all interested parties (please notify Jerry Rosendahl that you have downloaded the forms and are interested in the grant in order to receive this information). Application Checklist: • • letter from each participating jurisdiction indicating their intent to cooperate in the study • Grant Program narrative signed by individual submitting the application • Project Information Sheet Negotiations on proposals may occur; you may be asked to clarify statements in your application or to modify your budget. Saving this document and a copy of your complete application package will make it easier for you to make any necessary modifications later. • -2585- City of Mound. Cash /Investments Balances by Fund At the End of November 2010 FUND NAME $Amount • General Fund 786,540 Park Dedication Fees 7,670 Area Fire Protection Services 358,635 Dock 269,836 Mound HRA 12,519 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2004 - C 25,110 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2005 - C (36,639) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2006 - C 5,883 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2007 - C (10,893) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2008 - D (14,731) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2009 - C 13,217 Mound Transit Center Series 2006 44,016 G.O. Bonds 2001 - C 71,907 Commerce Place TIF 42 G.O. Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1 -2 421,938 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A 22,033 G.O. Bonds 2003 - A 200,670 G.O. Bonds 2004 - A (113,450) G.O. Bonds 2005 - A 355,221 G.O. Bonds 2006 - A 347,926 G.O. Bonds 2007 - A 361,317 G.O. Bonds 2008 - B 289,968 G.O. Bonds 2009 - A 327,098 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds 2008 A 122,555 HRA Lease Rev Bonds (21,800) Capital Improvement 40,397 • MSA 245,844 Sealcoat 35,786 Parking Deck - Downtown TIF 1 -2 63,910 Downtown TIF 1 -3 MHR 147,246 HRA Public Safety Bldg - Water 699,077 Sewer 792,282 Liquor Store (350,276) Recycling (5,821) Storm Water (723,345) Total Cash 4,791,690 171,672 Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated /reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. • -2586- c CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT Nov. 2010 91.67% Nov. 2010 YTD PERCENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND Taxes 3,861,424 - 2,027,687 (1,833,737) 52.51% Business Licenses 18,100 - 19,650 1,550 108.56% Non - Business Licenses /Permit 99,000 24,706 169,266 70,266 170.98% Intergovernmental 122,060 650 117,377 (4,683) 96.16% Charges for Services 89,400 536 65,591 (23,809) 73.37% Court Fines 55,000 3,143 50,820 (4,180) 92.40% Street Lighting Fee 216,000 8,367 196,312 (19,688) 90.89% Franchise Fees 397,000 11,377 331,251 (65,749) 83.44% G.O. Equipment Certificates 105,625 - - (105,625) 0.00% Charges to Other Dpts 12,000 673 5,828 (6,172) 48.57% Park Dedication Fees - - - - 0.00% Other Revenue 354,270 38,357 244,838 (109,432) 69.11% I* TOTAL REVENUE 5,329,879 87,808 3,228,621 (2,101,258) 60.58% FIRE FUND 1,052,805 55,710 1,051,255 (1,550) 99.85% DOCK FUND 155,140 - 162,483 7,343 104.73% MOUND HRA - 3,832 3,832 3,832 #DIV /01 WATER FUND 1,200,000 22,439 1,090,550 (109,450) 90.88% SEWER FUND 1,439,250 21,273 1,201,741 (237,509) 83.50% LIQUOR FUND 3,003,000 213,896 2,457,610 (545,390) 81.84% RECYCLING FUND 231,700 2,470 207,138 (24,562) 89.40% STORM WATER UTILITY 229,488 8,283 203,047 (26,441) 88.48% INVESTMENTS (Net of Exp) 17 3,583 3,583 -2587- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT Nov. 2010 91.67% Nov. 2010 YTD PERCENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND 88.13% 31,500 55.94% Council 79,991 2,601 70,499 Promotions 71,500 0 40,000 City Manager /Clerk 327,779 22,656 278,009 Elections 18,375 4,139 15,703 Finance 326,745 25,874 278,985 Assessing 95,650 18 92,900 Legal 140,506 11,477 105,483 City Hall Building & Srvcs 102,845 3,835 83,746 Computer 29,800 2,350 33,797 Police 1,883,189 104,472 1,566,113 MEMO: Police Reimb. (75,000) 193,625 88.23% Emergency Prepardeness 25,950 25 22,820 Planning /Inspections 363,099 33,362 304,464 Streets 714,551 41,180 613,240 Parks 536,882 32,747 454,525 Park Dedication Fees - 0 11,380 Cemetery 11,239 0 8,583 Recreation 5,000 0 300 Transfers 518,600 42,705 479,156 Cable TV 45,230 0 33,754 Contingencies 31,700 360 35,211 9,492 88.13% 31,500 55.94% 49,770 84.82% 2,672 85.46% 47,760 85.38% 2,750 97.12% 35,023 75.07% 19,099 81.43% -3,997 113.41% 317,076 83.16% - 75,000 0.00% 3,130 87.94% 58,635 83.85% 101,311 85.82% 82,357 84.66% - 11,380 #DIV /0! 2,656 76.37% 4,700 6.00% 39,444 92.39% 11,476 74.63% -3,511 111.08% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 5,328,631 327,801 4,528,668 799,963 84.99% Area Fire Service Fund 1,052,807 50,929 975,563 77,244 92.66% Dock Fund 174,001 26,749 150,889 23,112 86.72% HRA Fund 40,250 164 29,133 11,117 72.38% Capital Projects 1,672 244,843 1,679,604 - 1,677,932 TIF 1 -2 Downtown Mound - 0 0 0 TIF 1 -3 MHR - 0 5,749 -5,749 Water Fund 1,698,603 75,170 1,393,427 305,176 82.03% Sewer Fund 1,645,388 109,961 1,451,763 193,625 88.23% Liquor Fund 604,849 42,293 528,359 76,490 87.35% Recycling Fund 240,943 17,844 191,417 49,526 79.44% Storm Water Utility 346,012 - 258 8`3,116 318,031 27,981 91.91% 1 u 40 1 0 � • Harbor Wine & Spirits November 2010 Date Weather Cust 10 Cust 09 Variance 2010 2009 Difference +/- Cash +/- 11/1/2010 SUN 50S 236 0 236 4489.36 0 4489.36 -15.01 11/2/2010 SUN 50S 319 222 97 6564.14 3689.11 2875.03 0.76 11/3/2010 pt sun 55 233 261 -28 4377.14 4709.37 - 332.23 -1.02 11/4/2010 ptsunwind 5C 281 272 9 5617.34 5066.85 550.49 -0.18 11/5/2010 pt sun 55 519 309 210 12125.78 6955.21 5170.57 0.38 11/6/2010 SUN 60 496 490 6 12016.68 10224.65 1792.03 -0.47 11/7/2010 524 -524 12034.93 - 12034.93 11/8/2010 sun 58 240 0 240 4321.03 0 4321.03 -0.1 11/9/2010 sun 62 247 287 -40 4286.01 4904.84 - 618.83 0.1 11/10/2010 LTRAIN 55 251 259 -8 4581.09 4789.43 - 208.34 -0.17 11/11/2010 PT SUN 57 275 279 -4 5341.53 5713.75 - 372.22 0.64 11/12/2010 CLOUDY 40 517 284 233 12371.81 5263.92 7107.89 0 11/13/2010 458 -458 9989.84 - 9989.84 11/14/2010 516 -516 11893.09 - 11893.09 11/15/2010 DREARY 32 254 0 254 4768.96 0 4768.96 0.05 11 /16/2010 ddy 30 272 274 -2 5412.97 4678.17 734.8 -0.12 11/17/2010 ovrest 30s 212 275 -63 4377.51 5776.87 - 1399.36 -10.73 11 /18/2010 ddy 35 270 269 1 6034.65 4879.9 1154.75 0.15 11/19/2010 ddy 30 465 259 206 10699.33 5221.02 5478.31 -31.46 11/20/2010 ddy 30 586 532 54 16138.13 12136.78 4001.35 32.39 11/21/2010 584 -584 14405.89 - 14405.89 11/22/2010 CLDY 28 264 0 264 6057.54 0 6057.54 -2.24 • 11/23/2010 pt sun 36 394 299 95 11684.26 6359.8 5324.46 11 /24/2010 wet snow 33 882 324 558 28800.77 8702.34 20098.43 -3.43 11/25/2010 876 -876 25904.96 - 25904.96 11/26/2010 CLDY 14 420 0 420 9294.12 0 9294.12 -3.43 11/27/2010 CLOUDY 40 498 414 84 11044.24 9149.76 1894.48 0.73 11/28/2010 542 -542 11822.21 - 11822.21 11/29/2010 RAIN 35 226 0 226 4323.1 0 4323.1 0.11 11/30/2010 SNOW 30S 254 258 -4 4894.43 4810.77 83.66 -6.07 0 0 Totals 8611 9067 -456 199621.9 199083.5 538.46 - $39.12 • -2589- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Those present: Vice Chair Steven Ward; Commissioners: Grant Johnson, Michael Paulsen, Stephen Ward, and Ray Salazar. Absent: Geoff Michael and Becky Glister. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Consulting Planner Rita Trapp. 3. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Johnson, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION carried unanimously. 4. BOARD OF APPEALS 2030 MOUND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION / NEXT STEPS REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENTS Consulting Planner Rita Trapp reviewed the proposed zoning changes. • Staff identified four areas where the zoning designation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. These areas were: 5098 Three Points Boulevard (Tonka Alanon), 5740 Bartlett Boulevard, 2670 Commerce Boulevard (Chapman Place Condominiums), and Al & Alma's Supper Club parking lot. The Planning Commission was supportive of these changes as recommended. Staff also reviewed six areas from the zoning map where the historical designation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. These are proposed to be addressed separately as the recent Comprehensive Planning process did not make any changes for the land use designation for these parcels which include: 2314 Chateau Lane, 3069 Brighton Boulevard, 5680 Bartlett Boulevard, 5631 Lynwood Boulevard, 5625 Grandview Boulevard and several City -owned parcels surrounding the downtown parking ramp as well as the True Value hardware parcel. The Planning Commission was supportive of the proposed changes with one exception. It was requested that the owner of 3069 Brighton Boulevard be contacted as to their preference before any action is contemplated. 5. OLD /NEW BUSINESS a. Review of survey /site plan for property at 5309 Shoreline Drive (Porta del Sol) for upcoming land use application • -2590- Planning Commission Minutes October 19, 2010 . Smith indicated that Staff was comfortable with the use of the provided site plan and survey. MOTION by Salazar, second by Johnson, to approve use of the survey /site plan as provided for an upcoming land use application. MOTION carried unanimously. b. Smith thanked the commission for the extra meetings regarding expansion permits. Required publishing was submitted to the Laker. Park dedication issues are being researched. Sulgrove preliminary plat was approved and final plat was submitted on September 28 (incomplete). Council approved the CUP for Sojourn with a requirement for full parking, probably in cooperation with St. John's church. Commission interviews are being postponed to allow for more applications. 6. ADJOURNMENT MOTION to adjourn by Salazar, seconded by Johnson. MOTION approved. Vice Chair Ward • Attest, Sarah Smith, Acting Planning Secretary • -2591- MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 16, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Ward welcomed the public and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Those present: Acting Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Becky Glister, Grant Johnson, Michael Paulsen, and Ray Salazar. Absent: Geoff Michael. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consulting Planner Rita Trapp, and Recording Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public present: Merritt Geyen (5200 Piper Road); Chris & Catherine Christensen (2670 Commerce Blvd #201); Kelli Gillispie (5361 Baywood Shores Dr); Ann Eberhart (1708 Dove La) 3. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS Smith requests that the order of items a and b be switched. MOTION by Glister, seconded by Salazar, to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION • carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 7.2010 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Salazar, second by Johnson, to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2010 and table the October 19, 2010 minutes. MOTION carried unanimously. 5. BOARD OF APPEALS a. Review of proposed rezoning amendments related to the 2010 Mound Comprehensive Plan Update Staff is beginning the formal review process on the proposed rezoning of four properties. The recommended rezoning should be completed in December 2010. The properties affected are as follows: 5098 Three Points Blvd/1680 Eagle Lane (4 lots) R -1A to B -3 5740 Bartlett Blvd B -1 to R -1 2670 Commerce Blvd (Chapman Place) B -1 to R -3 Al & Alma's parking lot R -1A to B -3 -2592- Planning Commission Minutes November 16, 2010 • Discussion Salazar confirmed that a request was received to leave the Chapman Place zoning at B- 1. Sarah confirmed. 5098 Three Points Blvd Comments ( Tonka Alano Society parking lot) Anne Eberhart (1708 Dove Lane) — Doesn't want the door to be open to another neighborhood bar. Previous experience was disruptive to the neighborhood. Trapp explained the limited opportunities for restaurant/bar use as well as the need for CUP approval for any restaurant. 5740 Bartlett Blvd Comments No comments. 2670 Commerce Blvd Comments Chris Christensen (2670 Commerce Blvd) — Zoning has been B -1 for many years. Why change now? What tax issues would result? • Trapp stated that the Met Council requires periodic review. We looked at the linear district and future plans. It will likely stay mixed residential and business use as it exists now. Chapman Place, on the south end of the district, is likely to stay residential. It makes sense to zone it that way now. Currently it is taxed commercial. The effect on taxes is unknown at this time. All & Alma's parking lot Comments No comments. Johnson felt staff should make some contacts to investigate the tax implications. Are they treated differently for special assessments? Salazar inquired as to what type of activity goes on at the Tonka Alano Society. Does anyone reside there? MOTION by Johnson, second by Salazar, to recommend rezoning all four areas according to staff recommendation. MOTION carried unanimously. -2593- Planning Commission Minutes November 16, 2010 b. CASE NO. 09-05 VARIANCE FOR HOUSE ADDITION APPLICANT: SHAUN TANCHEFF 5174 TUXEDO BOULEVARD • Variance request was for a requested setback of 37 feet from the OHW of Lake Minnetonka. Because of the June 2010 decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court granting the requested variance is impossible. Staff recommends denial. MOTION by Johnson, second by Glister, recommendation denial of the variance as recommended by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. c. REVIEW OF PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO CITY CODE SECTION 129 RE: FRONT SETBACK DEFINITION AND DESIGNATION The definition of lot front has been called into question because, in recent cases, the application of the City Code resulted in a designation that did not seem practical given the existing building configuration on the lot. Commissioners discussed the item briefly. It was suggested to include the phrase 'practical front' in the code wording. Staff will consider and discuss with the City Attorney. MOTION by Ward, second by Johnson, to recommend this revision to the code with the new language as constructed by staff. MOTION carried unanimously. d. REVIEW OF HOUSING ACTION PLAN • In 1995 the Minnesota Legislature created the Metropolitan Communities Act. The City of Mound was a participant and, as such, was eligible to apply for funding from 4 different programs. The City is now required to create a Housing Action Plan that identifies the community's strategies in supporting affordable and life -cycle housing opportunities. Johnson inquired and Trapp explained the difference between life -cycle and affordable housing. A discussion followed regarding the current regulation not allowing living quarters above a garage as well as implications of adoption of the housing plan. MOTION by Johnson, second by Salazar, to recommend adoption of the Housing Action Plan. MOTION carried unanimously. 6. OLD / NEW BUSINESS a. 2010 PC term expirations (M ichael/Pau Ise n/Ward) — Applications due in January, interviews in February to be seated in March. Mayor requested that Councilmember Gillispie be appointed as a commission volunteer to fill one of the vacancies. Her appointment will be discussed at the next Council meeting. • -2594- Planning Commission Minutes November 16, 2010 • ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Glister, second by Salazar to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Acting Chair Stephen Ward Attest, Planning Secretary • -2595- JJA Metrop Co uncil v November 19, 2010 TO: Local Officials L. FROM: Guy Peterson, Director, Community Development uivis 6 The 2010 housing performance score for your community is enclosed. The scores were determined based on several factors set forth in the Council's Guidelines for Priority Funding for Housing Performance. Seventy percent of the score came from the survey you completed about housing activity in your community during the past two years. It included information about: • local fiscal, regulatory, and housing rehabilitation initiatives to facilitate affordable, workforce housing development and preservation • the density of residential development • the approval of affordable or life -cycle housing that has not yet been developed The other 30 percent of the score was determined from data about your community's housing: • the affordability of owned housing units • • the diversification of housing type • the number of affordable rental units • the availability of housing in your community for persons with special needs The performance scores are intended to reflect both the amount of affordable and life - cycle housing in the community and the community's efforts to facilitate affordable and life -cycle housing development and preservation. Scores range widely, reflecting the variety of metropolitan area communities. The sparse population and scattered housing locations of rural, unsewered communities tend to result in lower scores, while the affordability and diversification of existing housing stock in urban, sewered communities, combined with efforts to add and /or preserve such housing, yield higher scores. As indicated in the Council's Livable Communities Act grant request solicitation materials, the housing performance scores will be one of the factors considered in the evaluation and ranking of applications for competitive funding programs. If you have any questions or want to discuss your community's score, please call me at 651- 602 -1418. Thank you. Enclosure ii ' ,wtitmdev�livcommllca�l ietetsoti<UlUihousing peiforrnanca;I 119tOlocal efct final IxousinaperR7rmance5cores.doc www_ uncil.org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101 -1805 (651) 602 -1000 • Fax (651) 602 -1550 • TTY (651) 291 -0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer • Final Housing Performance Score — 2010 Name of City/Township Total Final Score Aa 71 Final Score 2009 51 Criteria —100 points possible C Mound ERSO N' , �() 1011 lollsinp "-(rn --2597-1 1-jou"'ing Pert rmanco 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 6. 7. 0 8. 9. a. 0 b. 0 10. D ERSO N' , �() 1011 lollsinp "-(rn --2597-1 1-jou"'ing Pert rmanco