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2011-06-28 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 4;t'p— AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 28,2011 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_ ..................................... ...................................... ............................... . * Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Open meeting • 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. Mayor Mark Hanus, with local recognition of City Manager Kandis Hanson, who was recognized by Minnesota Women in City Government recognizing her for outstanding leadership of an appointed city official for 2011, at the League of Minnesota Cities Conference on June 15, 2011 5. * Consent A eg nda *A. Approve payment of claims *B. Approve Funding Agreement for Mound Stormwater Improvement Project with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 1207 -1211 1212 -1241 1242 -1248 *C. Approve Pay Request No. 4 from Kuechle Underground, Inc. in the amount 1249 -1250 of $68,341.25 for the 2010 Lift Station Improvement Project, City Project No. PW -10 -02 *D. Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Egan Co. in the amount of $25,058.62 for the 1251 -1252 County Road 110 and Mound Bay Park Lighting Project *E. Approve Application and Permit for a 1 -4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor 1253 License submitted by Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church for Incredible Festival on Sept. 9,10, and 11, 2011 (fee paid) 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 7. Katie MacKenzie of CenterPoint Energy presenting CenterPoint Energy Community Partnership Grant check in the amount of $1,000 to Police Chief Jim Kurtz, benefiting the City and the Police Department r� PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 8. Mike Skinner, representing WeCab of WeCan, introducing program and requesting 1254 -1256 City assistance with program start-up costs 0 9. Howard Pellet and Donna Smith, representing the Gillespie Center, requesting 1257 -1261 action on Agreement Between the Gillespie Center and the Cities of Mound, Minnetrista, and Spring Park 10. Tom Rockvam, local historian, proposing name change for Mound Bay Park and 1262 -1264 requesting consideration of 2012 Budget appropriation for appropriate signage for the Park, to be done in conjunction with the Mound 2012 Centennial 11. Steve McDonald of Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP, presenting the 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Management Letter, requesting action receiving the same 12. Catherine Pausche, Finance Director, receiving Certificate of Achievement for 1265 Excellence in Financial Reporting on behalf of the City of Mound 13. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, with Planning Commission 1266 -1267 Candidate appointments 14. Approve minutes: June 14, 2011 regular meeting 1268 -1270 15. Information/Miscellaneous • A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: 2011 Step -To -It Challenge results 1271 -1272 June 16 Well House/Public Restroom Grand Opening 1273 -1275 C. Minutes: Docks & Commons Comm: May 19, 2011 1276 -1277 D. Correspondence: Mediacom letter on programming 1278 16. Adjourn Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofinound.com • C7 COUNCIL BRIEFING May 28, 2011 Uncomin2 Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! June 28 — 6:55 — HRA regular meeting June 28 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting July 12 — 6:00 — HRA regular meeting July 12 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting July 14 -16 — Spirit of the Lakes Festival July 26 — 6:00 — HRA regular meeting July 26 — 7:00 — CC regular meeting Aug 2 -- 5:30 — Night to Unite Aug 6 — Tour de Tonka passes through Mound (up to 2450 riders expected) Aug 11— 2012 Budget packet to council members Aug 13 — 8 -12:00 — Westonka Dog Days event at the Greenway (bring your dog) Aug 23 — Adopt 2012 Budget Sept 11— 911 Ceremony Oct 8 — 8:00 -12:00 — Recycling Day Oct 30 — Seasonal Hours end Nov 6 - Daylight Saving Time ends Nov 17 — 6:00 — Tree Lighting Ceremony Dec 13 — 2012 Budget approved by city council • City Hall Closings July 4 Independence Day Sept 5 Labor Day City Official's Absences Aug 26 — Sept 4 Kandis Hanson Vacation July 26 Ray Salazar Sept 18 -21 Kandis Hanson ICMA Conf Music in the Park June 23 July 21 June 30 July 28 July 14 • Minnesota Women in City Government • LEADERSHIP AWARD Nomination Fonn Due No Later Than April 29, 2011 Nominee Name: Kandis Hanson Title: City Manager Address: 5341 Maywood Rd. City /State /Zip Code: Mound, MN. 55364 Phone/Fax/E -mail: 952 -472-0609 Will the nominee be attending and be registered for the upcoming LMC Annual Conference in Rochester, Minnesota, June 15 -17, and be present at the MWCG Annual Meeting Wednesday, June 15, 2011? Yes(D No o If the nominee is not registered for the LMC Annual Conference June 15 -17, can the • nominee be present at the Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Annual Meeting if she is selected as a Leadership Award winner? Yes (j) No How long has the nominee served as an elected or appointed official in the city? 11 years Nominated By (Name/Title): Mark Hanus / Mayor City or Organization: ( City of Mound Address: 4446 Denbigh Rd City /State /Zip Code: Mound, MN. 55364 Phone/Fax/E -mail 952. -5480 / mahanus @frontiernet.net Relationship to Nominee: Employer Nomination Form and Nomination Statement should be mailed to MWCG, c/o Sandra Means, 105 NW -26` St., Rochester, MN 55901 or E -mail with attachments to sandrameansr.chartennet Website MWCG.org • -1207- -NOMINATION - Minnesota Women in City Government Leadership Award • City Manager Kandis Hanson City of Mound Minnesota I do hereby enthusiastically nominate Kandis Hanson, City Manager, City of Mound for the MWCG Leadership Award. BACKGROUND Kandis Hanson has held the title of City Manager for the City of Mound for the last eleven years. During this time she has grown significantly, both professionally and personally. She has worked as the City Administrator for other cities or towns in the State of Minnesota as well as the City of Mound as City Manager. Mound is an outer ring Twin Cities suburb of just under 10,000 people. It is considered a fully developed city with aging infrastructure. Streets, water systems, sewer systems, lift stations, public safety facilities, public works facilities, parks facilities, and many more have been in need of attention as we are an older city with aging infrastructure at the same time that city revenues have been stressed. Navigating political challenges and public relations are always at the forefront in our city. Over the last several years, Mound has been actively engaged in redesigning and redeveloping its entire downtown area. This has proven to be an extremely challenging project that has involved agencies • from every level of government. It has also been changing its codes to reflect the current desires of its population and elected body along with the intent to streamline our efforts to better serve the public. All cities have faced fiscal challenges in recent years. Mound is no exception. Between 2004 and 2005 Mound lost approximately 20% of its revenue from HACA and LGA. Then in 2009 and 2010 along with other cities, we lost MVHC with no indications of ever having it reinstated. ROLE MODEL Ms. Hanson has not only been a role model for city employees and citizens within our city, she has also been one for surrounding communities as well. She is well respected in the extended community both by the citizens and by the city councils. She sets the standard for other city managers in the area. She is able to address council or citizen inquiries regardless of the time, day or night. She continues working on behalf of the city long after she leaves the office for the day. Ms. Hanson demonstrates a work ethic that anyone could aspire to, and her enthusiasm and true desire to excel is inspiring to all who meet her. Ms. Hanson is active in local organizations both in a leadership role but also as a participant. She supports local events that include civic and church activities. She also actively supports business activities such as our newly re- established Farmers Market. This serves as an excellent example for all city employees. • NP011:11 • DEMONSTRATED LEADERSHIP When fiscal resources became frightfully scarce, Ms. Hanson stepped up with her staff and developed strategies to work our way through tough times. Ms. Hanson has developed a professional team in city hall that is designed specifically for our needs. The city is in the middle of redevelopment of our entire downtown area. She demonstrates a resiliency in her ability to adjust to changing councils and changing external conditions that is second to none. Ms. Hanson's involvement with the city's very complex downtown redevelopment has required her to be directly involved with agencies and leaders in virtually every level of government including federal, state, county, and regional. The loss of nearly all of the city's external revenue sources at the same time that so many infrastructure and redevelopment demands have been brought to the front burner, have presented challenges that expose one's true ability to lead. Ms. Hanson's attitude and ability to prioritize and develop creative solutions to complex problems has placed her at the top of her profession. She faces these challenges as a competition between herself and the issue at hand. She always seems to win these contests. Ms. Hanson expects a lot from her employees, and is successful in developing each employee to their maximun potential. • SERVES AS A MENTOR Of course, Ms. Hanson performs normal employee mentoring and coaching as would be expected of someone in her position. But she goes way beyond the expected. Every year, Ms. Hanson speaks to local school children in local public schools about local government and city operations. A few years ago she hired a female intern out of college who needed some experience and practical knowledge. Now, just a few years later, this intern is the City Manager of another local city in our area. Our local high school sends its government classes to observe city council meetings. Ms. Hanson encourages this and is the primary point of contact for verification of each student's attendance. • Sr -1209- COMMUNITY LEADER Ms. Hanson is not just the city manager but is also a community leader. A few years ago our local • Chamber of Commerce disbanded due to lack of interest and enthusiasm. She took the initiative on her own to meet with local businesses and develop a new concept to replace the disbanded Chamber. She recognized the value and need of a self supporting business organization. Due solely on her initiative a new organization called Celebrate Greater Mound was formed. It has been operating for the last 2 or 3 years and is very successful. Her fundraising and promotional abilities were the impetus for this group to get off the ground. Ms. Hanson is on the board of the Spirit of the Lakes Festival in the City of Mound. She is one of the driving forces that keep this very successful and appreciated summer event going. Ms. Hanson strongly supports many other local activities in an around the city. She is very supportive of city staff working overtime or volunteering for these important community activities. BALANCED MANAGEMENT Ms. Hanson has developed a very effective ability to balance the political pressures applied by the City Council with the practical demands of day to day operations within the city. She has developed a unique sense of when to push the city council for more, and when to back off to make way for the political pressures to step up. This requires regular adjustments over the years as council dynamics change. She is a strong advocate of city needs at the same time as being skilled in reading the desires of the political leadership with the ability to merge them together into solutions that work. Two different periods over the last ten years, the City of Mound was faced with enormous cuts in • external revenues from other agencies. Ms. Hanson stepped up and got her team working the problem quickly. When facing adversity, her attitude is to face the challenge head on by using a positive mindset to drive an action plan and to rise above. She developed and offered both permanent and temporary solutions to guide the City Council through the issues. This eventually brought the city to successful and less painful solutions and is attributed largely to Ms. Hanson's management skills. HELPED OTHER WOMEN BECOME INVOLVED During her tenure, Ms. Hanson has hired all 5 of the departments heads in the city. About half of these department heads are female. The people she has hired are first class and very good at their jobs. Celebrate Greater Mound has mostly female officers. Ms. Hanson strongly promotes and encourages women to get involved both at the city level and at other organizational opportunities. But she is able to keep herself balanced without discrimination toward any group. As stated earlier, she hired a female intern a few years ago. She mentored, encouraged, and promoted this young student who was then hired by a nearby city as their new City Manager. C7 -1210- SUMMARY Over the years Ms. Hanson has demonstrated her professionalism and skills ve ry well. Annual street reconstruction, annual lift station projects, annual water and sewer reconstruction projects, a new Public Safety facility, parks improvements, water tower replacement, and many more, along with coordinating these projects with as many other governmental agencies as you can imagine are "business as usual' for her. Ms. Hanson does not cling to the "old ways" and status quo. She embraces new methods of approaching challenges and refuses to get bogged down using old solutions to new problems. She can visualize where we want to go and is a tireless advocate to help figure out how to get there. Ms. Hanson is a manager, creative consultant, community leader, cheerleader, and mentor. Ms. Hanson challenges adversity head on. She regularly rises above her piers in many ways. As a result, she is looked up to by her fellow City Managers in the area. She is well worthy of this recognition and distinction. • Mark Hanus Mayor City of Mound W- 952 - 882 -6211 H- 952 -472 -5480 mahanus @frontiernet.net -1211- City of Mound Claims as of 06 -28 -11 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2011 0519CRCARD $ 3 2011 0620CRCARD $ 3,153.95 2011 08STORM DRAI N $ 6 61 2011 0617MANUALS $ 890.42 2011 0624CITYMAN $ 5,190.60 2011 062811CITY $ 96,209.02 2011 0628CITY2 $ 85,831.74 TOTAL CLAIMS $ 201,307.60 -1212- C7 CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11 9 eM AM Payments • CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2011 Batch Name 0519CRCARD Payment Computer Dollar Amt $3,682.79 Posted Refer 1 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 052830 5/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training MN SHOPPING CENTER ASSOC. RE- $50.00 ENVISIONING THE FUTURE OF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - KANDIS HANSON Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training GRANDVIEW LODGE MN PUBLIC WORKS $233.30 ASSOC CONFERENCE- R. HANSON Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CATCO PARTS & SVC. 20 PC WHEEL CHECK $46.54 PARTS, Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies SJF MATERIAL HANDLING PALLET RACKING $684.42 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 PO 23542 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies SJF MATERIAL HANDLING PALLET RACKING $328.27 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 PO 23542 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies SJF MATERIAL HANDLING PALLET RACKING $466.43 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies IGLOO COOLER $17.02 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 • Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -434 Conference & Training ICMA UNIVERSITY BUDGET WEB $75.00 CONFERENCE - DEPT HEADS 4 -28 -11 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training GRANDVIEW LODGE CITY MGR'S $239.61 CONFERENCE- K.HANSON Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -434 Conference & Training MN SHOPPING CENTER ASSOC. RE- $50.00 ENVISIONING THE FUTURE OF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -SARAH SMITH Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds USB CABLE 6' FOR IKM PRINTER $21.44 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training CRAGUN'S LODGE BRAINERD - $69.35 PROFESSIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANT CONFERENCE 4 -27 & 4 -28 2011 Vicki Weber Invoice 051911 5119/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training CRAGUN'S LODGE BRAINERD - $69.35 PROFESSIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANT CONFERENCE 4 -27 & 4 -28 2011 Shirley Hawks Invoice 051911 5119/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies IKEA - GLASS DISPLAY CABINET FOR $138.39 FRONT LOBBY TO DISPLAY AWARDS & HISTORICAL ITEMS Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM CLOTHING - VEST REI $66.93 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DELL LAPTOP COMPUTER SYSTEM INTEL $658.84 • CORE DUO, W/WINDOWS 7, WIRELESS MOUSE Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 PO 23140 -1213- CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: May 2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET SERVICES THRU 4 -18 -11 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds SPECIALIZED TRANSPORT - TRANSPORTATION TO PICK UP IKON COPIER FROM IKM - LEASE TERMINATED Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training ICMA UNIVERSITY BUDGET WEB CONFERENCE - DEPT HEADS 4 -28 -11 Invoice 051911 5/19/2011 06/23/11 11:17 AM Page 2 $43.90 $350.00 $74.00 Transaction Date 5/25/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary BATCH Total 10100 Wells Fargo 101 $1,294.51 222 $17.02 281 $658.84 602 $ $3,682.79 Pre - Written Check $3,682.79 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $3,682.79 $3,682.79 $3,682.79 01 -1214- CITY OF MOUND 06/13/11 10:50 AM Page 1 Payments • �- CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 • • Batch Name 0620CRCARD Payments User Dollar Amt $3,153.95 Computer Dollar Amt $3,153.95 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 ELAN CREDIT CARD _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training GRANDVIEW LODGE NISSWA CITY MGR'S Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 10142110 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply PHIL CHALMERS JUVENILE HOMICIDE RESISTANCE TRAINING MATERIALS DARE GRANDVIEW SCHOOL CURRICULUM - J. WITTKE GRANDVIEW LODGE NISSWA MN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC CONFERENCE 5 -11 & 5 -12- 11 C. MOORE Project SA -2 CREDIT CLOTHING RETURN AT REI NORTHERN TOOL AIR HOSE REEL & EYE ASSEMBLY NORTHERN TOOL GLOVES, VESTS, PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR, SPINDLES, HUBS 5 STUD MARINE GRADE Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms KOHLS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FACKLER Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET SERVICES THRU MAY 18 CONFERENCE 5-4 & 5 -5 -11 K. HANSON Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Invoice 06202011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310434 Conference & Training ICMA CITY MGR'S CONFERENCE Cash Payment WASHINGTON DC SEPT 2011 K. HANSON Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -434 Conference & Training HOLIDAY INN NEW ULM - ADVANCED Invoice 06202011 CLERK'S CONFERENCE RITTER May 18 -19 Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies BATTERIES PLUS 12V BATTERY Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -430 Miscellaneous TARGET SHIRT FOR MAYOR HANUS FOR 6/20/2011 STEP TO IT CHALLENGE MAYORAL Cash Payment APPEARANCE ON KARE 11 MAY 13 Refer 2 ELAN CREDIT CARD _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training GRANDVIEW LODGE NISSWA CITY MGR'S Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 10142110 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply PHIL CHALMERS JUVENILE HOMICIDE RESISTANCE TRAINING MATERIALS DARE GRANDVIEW SCHOOL CURRICULUM - J. WITTKE GRANDVIEW LODGE NISSWA MN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC CONFERENCE 5 -11 & 5 -12- 11 C. MOORE Project SA -2 CREDIT CLOTHING RETURN AT REI NORTHERN TOOL AIR HOSE REEL & EYE ASSEMBLY NORTHERN TOOL GLOVES, VESTS, PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR, SPINDLES, HUBS 5 STUD MARINE GRADE Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms KOHLS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FACKLER Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET SERVICES THRU MAY 18 $239.61 $620.00 $167.78 $35.39 $19.99 $299.00 $345.56 - $66.93 $117.98 $219.49 $149.14 $43.90 $250.00 $39.72 $233.32 -1215- 2011 Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training LABOR LAW & ARBITRATION CONFERENCE Oct 13 2011 - PAUSCHE Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -212 Motor Fuels SUPERAMERICA GAS FOR CITY VEHICLE 5- 11-11 R. HANSON, C. MOORE Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training GRANDVIEW LODGE NISSWA MN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC CONFERENCE 5 -11 & 5 -12- 11 R. HANSON Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Project SA -2 $239.61 $620.00 $167.78 $35.39 $19.99 $299.00 $345.56 - $66.93 $117.98 $219.49 $149.14 $43.90 $250.00 $39.72 $233.32 -1215- CITY OF MOUND 06/13/11 10:50 AM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MN FIRE SVC CERTIFICATION BOARD - $420.00 RECERTIFICATION OF 21 FIREFIGHTERS Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -430 Miscellaneous DUANE'S 66 SERVICE MOUND - PROPANE $20.00 FOR WIENER WEDNESDAY STAFF LUNCH Invoice 06202011 6/20/2011 Transaction Date 6/10/2011 Welts Fargo 10100 Total $3,153.95 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,079.96 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $420.00 602 SEWER FUND $618.60 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $35.39 $3,153.95 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $ 3,153.95 Total $3,153.95 r� • -1216- I* I* 10 CITY OF MOUND Payments CO TY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Batch Name 08StormDrain User Dollar Amt $6,349.08 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $6,349.08 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC Cash Payment E 67549425 -500 Capital Outlay FA PAY REQUEST #3 & FINAL FOR 2008 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Invoice 061611 6/16/2011 Project PW0804 Transaction Date 6/16/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $6,349.08 $6,349.08 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $6,349.08 Total $6,349.08 06/16/11 1:38 PM Page 1 $6,349.08 $6,349.08 -1217- CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 0617MANUALS Payments Refer 1 MOUND POST OFFICE CITY OF MOUND Payments 06/17/11 9:36 AM Page 1 Current Period: June 2011 User Dollar Amt $890.42 Computer Dollar Amt $890.42 $0.00 In Balance Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE - JUNE WATER BILLS Invoice 061711 6/17/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE - JUNE WATER BILLS Invoice 061711 6/17/2011 Transaction Date 6/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 2 SUN PATRIOIT NEWSPAPER _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising SPRING WINE SALE ADVERTISEMENT 3 -3- 11 8 3 -5 -11 Invoice 1035918 3/5/2011 Transaction Date 6/17/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 601 WATER FUND $162.62 602 SEWER FUND $162.61 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $56 5.19 $890.42 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $890.42 Total $890.42 $565.19 *I 61 *I $162.62 $162.61 $325.23 $565.19 -1218- CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:18 AM Page 1 r/ �\ Payments • 1....._..._...._ __ _ __— `!'ra CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 I� 11 lu • Batch Name 0624CITYMAN Payments User Dollar Amt $5,190.60 Computer Dollar Amt $5,190.60 $0.00 In Balance Refer 81 BECK, KENNETH Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MEALS FOR SNIPER TRAINING Refer 2 TR COMPUTER SALES, LLC $112.00 $331.12 $443.12 $3.50 $5.58 $9.08 $2.77 $63.54 $87.10 $12.94 $64.51 $6.19 $64.45 $301.50 $3,276.61 $3,276.61 $44.65 $23.00 $67.65 -1219- ALBERT LEA MAY 15 -19 2011 Invoice 062411 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE LODGING SNIPER TRAINING ALBERT LEA MAY 15 -19 2011 Invoice 062411 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 79 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS (FIRE) - Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair FINANCE CHARGE APRIL Invoice FC2782363 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair FINANCE CHARGE MAY Invoice FC2782363 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 1 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/IM - Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TERMINAL PAK FOR SQUAD #844 Invoice 6974 - 152913 4/11/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs STD HALOGEN CAPSULE & MAX POWER INVERTER #840 Invoice 6974 - 154737 5/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs AIR FILTER & BRAKE PAD FOR CROWN VIC #845 Invoice 6974 - 154832 5/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply NEEDLE NOSE ADAPTER FOR BOBCAT Invoice 6974 - 156258 5/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 2 CYCLE OIL QT Invoice 6974 - 157817 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair OVAL STOP SEAL Invoice 6974 - 157888 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts FLARE KIT, EXT 2.5 LB 1A -10B Invoice 6974 - 157862 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 50 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (POL _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -212 Motor Fuels FUEL CHARGES THRU 5 -22 -11 Invoice 062411 5/22/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 55 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE _ Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -321 Telephone & Cells CELLULAR SERVICE 5 -3 TO 6 -2 -11 - HOFF Invoice 062811 6/3/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone CELLULAR SERVICE 5 -3 TO 6 -2 -11 - HOFF Invoice 062811 6/3/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 2 TR COMPUTER SALES, LLC $112.00 $331.12 $443.12 $3.50 $5.58 $9.08 $2.77 $63.54 $87.10 $12.94 $64.51 $6.19 $64.45 $301.50 $3,276.61 $3,276.61 $44.65 $23.00 $67.65 -1219- CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -440 Other Contractual Servic PERMIT WORKS & INSPECTIONS PROGRAM $5,190.60 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $5,190.60 Total $5,190.60 $1,008.68 $1,008.68 $83.96 $83.96 • *I 61 06/23/11 11:18 AM Page 2 -1220- ANNUAL SUPPORT 2011 Invoice 33028 1/3/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 91 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells WIRELESS SERVICE DATALUX COMPUTERS 1 &2 Invoice 2583914220 6/7/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $5,052.91 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $9.08 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $44.65 601 WATER FUND $83.96 $5,190.60 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $5,190.60 Total $5,190.60 $1,008.68 $1,008.68 $83.96 $83.96 • *I 61 06/23/11 11:18 AM Page 2 -1220- t: CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 1 $297.50 $297.50 $52.50 $52.50 $105.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.69 $10.69 $48.95 $48.95 $64.36 $64.36 $71.00 $71.00 $91.43 $91.43 $2,612.00 -1221- Batch Name 062811 CITY User Dollar Amt $96,209.02 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $96,209.02 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSO Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -433 Dues and Subscriptions AGENCY MEMBERSHIP DUES AND MN CHAPTER DUES 9 -1 -11 THRU 8 -31 -12 Invoice 062811 6/8/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 2 APPROVED EQUAL COMPANY Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -401 Building Repairs TEMP CONTROLS SVC CALL AT PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 5 -17 -11 Invoice 10877 5/17/2011 Cash Payment E 10142110402 Building Maintenance TEMP CONTROLS SVC CALL AT PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG 5 -17 -11 Invoice 10877 5/17/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 78 ARSON INVESTIGATORS MINNES Cash Payment E222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2011 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TONY MYERS Invoice 062811 6/22/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Refer 3 ASPEN EMBROIDERY AND DESIG Cash Payment E 10142110 -218 Clothing and Uniforms EMBROIDER CITY LOGO ON SHIRT FOR MAYOR HANUS Invoice 062811 5/19/2011 PO 23231 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 4 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41110-431 Meeting Expense COFFEE Invoice 947047 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 59 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 22242260418 Other Rentals JUNE, JULY, JULY WATER LEASE Invoice 944990 6/4/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 62 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 22242260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE, COCOA & CREAMER Invoice 947027 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 8 BOB BARKER COMPANY, INC. Cash Payment E 10142110 -210 Operating Supplies ANTIMICROBIAL SHIRTS & TROUSERS Invoice NC1000968278 6/14/2011 PO 23238 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 71 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- • 11 Invoice 0140021 5/31/2011 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 1 $297.50 $297.50 $52.50 $52.50 $105.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.69 $10.69 $48.95 $48.95 $64.36 $64.36 $71.00 $71.00 $91.43 $91.43 $2,612.00 -1221- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 2 • Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs EMERGENCY REPAIR @ LAKEWOOD LIFE $1,480.50 STATION ENGINEERING SERVICES Invoice 0140021 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,092.50 Refer 76 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $1,065.00 11 1 &1 ANALYSIS SEWER Invoice 0140022 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $212.00 11 SWPPP UPDATE Invoice 0140023 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 402 - 43120 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16-11 THRU 5 -13- $497.00 11 MSA SYSTEM UPDATE Invoice 0140024 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $203.00 11 2008 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PW -08 -03 Invoice 0140025 5/31/2011 Project PW0803 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $3,282.00 11 GIS UPDATES Invoice 0140026 5/31/2011 Project SA -1 Cash Payment E 401 - 43160 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $71.00 11 STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT Invoice 0140027 5/31/2011 Project PWO907 • Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $13,121.24 11 2011 UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS SW ISLAND AREA PW1101 Invoice 0140028 5/31/2011 Project PW1101 Cash Payment E 401 - 43127 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $7,240.50 11 2011 UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS RIDGEWOOD /IDLEWOOD /HIGHLAND AREA PW1102 Invoice 0140029 5/31/2011 Project PW1102 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -500 Capital Outlay FA ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $71.00 112010 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PW10- 03 Invoice 0140030 5/31/2011 Project PW1003 Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $2,402.75 11 STORM WATER SURFACE WATER MGMT Invoice 0140031 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $2,613.75 112010 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PW10 -02 Invoice 0140032 5/31/2011 Project PW1002 Cash Payment E 67549425 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $1,252.00 11 STORM SEWER OUTFALLS & PONDS Invoice 0140033 5/31/2011 Cash Payment E 67549425 -500 Capital Outlay FA ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- $4,361.00 11 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PW- 11 -05 Invoice 0140035 5/31/2011 Project PW1105 • -1222- _ CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 9:06 AM �•� /l ' �~ \ \� Page 3 Payments C{TY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Current Period: June 2011 Invoice 6505 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Refer 6 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Invoice 0140034 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 5 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR _ E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities Cash Payment E 333 -47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees E 101 - 41910 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 6501 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 6502 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees E 222 - 42260 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 6502 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees Refer 7 Invoice 6502 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 37047000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees Invoice 6503 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 361 - 47000 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees Invoice 6504 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 375 -47200 -620 Fiscal Agent's Fees Invoice 6505 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Refer 6 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Refer 7 CITIES DIGITAL SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 -16 -11 THRU 5 -13- 11 2011 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PW11 -03 Project PW1103 Wells Fargo 10100 Total AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB EQUIP CERTS 2007C AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE BONDS 2007B AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE BONDS 2007B AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB UTILITY REVENUE BONDS 20078 AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB REFUNDING BONDS 2011A AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB IMPROV BONDS 2007A AGENT SVCS FOR 8 -2 -2011 THRU 8 -1 -2012 GEN OB TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS 2009D $6,475.50 $42,867.74 $450.00 $157.50 $216.00 $76.50 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,250.00 GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 PARKS $308.84 BLDG GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 CITY HALL $602.36 BLDG GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 PUBLIC $368.59 WORKS BLDG Project SA -2 GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 LIQUOR $108.39 STORE GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 POLICE $240.69 BLDG GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 FIRE BLDG $240.69 GAS UTILITIES 4 -15 THRU 5 -17 -11 DEPOT $89.74 BLDG Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,959.30 -1223- _ CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 4 Payments CITY OF MOUND • Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic LASERFICHE ANNUAL SUPPORT & $793.77 UPDATES, SERVER MTCE Invoice 29019 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LASERFICHE (ENGINEERING) ANNUAL $811.00 SUPPORT & UPDATES, SERVER MTCE Invoice 29019 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,604.77 Refer 69 CODE COUNCIL, INTERNATIONAL Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MFD GOVERMENTAL ANNUAL MEMBER $125.00 DUES Invoice 062811 6/2/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.00 Refer 10 CONCEPT LANDSCAPING _ Cash Payment E 10145200 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REMOVE FLOATING BOG & SILT FENCE $900.00 Invoice 2874 5/2/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $900.00 Refer 67 DAVIS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -402 Building Maintenance SERVICE & REPAIR TO COOLING SYSTEM $485.50 ROOFTOP UNITS & THERMOSTATS Invoice 11074 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110402 Building Maintenance SERVICE & REPAIR TO COOLING SYSTEM $485.50 ROOFTOP UNITS & THERMOSTATS Invoice 11074 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $971.00 Refer 9 DURKN, DAVID Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 5574 SHERWOOD INSTALL BOULDER WALL $845.00 DAMAGED BY WATER LEAK/CONSTRUCTION Invoice 062811 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic 4836 ISLANDVIEW DR. TEAR -OUT EXISTING $952.00 RIP RAP BOULDERS AND RE- INSTALL Invoice 062811 6/20/2011 Project PW0902 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,797.00 Refer 14 EDWARDS, MIKE. _ Cash Payment R 281 -45210 -34725 Dock Permits DOCK REFUND DUE TO RESTRICTED $300.00 ACCESS DURING LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION TH 01709 IDLEWOOD Invoice 062811 6/13/2011 Cash Payment R 28145210 -34705 LMCD Fees DOCK LMCD REFUND DUE TO RESTRICTED $7.50 ACCESS DURING LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION TH 01709 IDLEWOOD Invoice 062811 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $307.50 Refer 11 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, INC. _ Cash Payment E 10142115 -329 Sirens /Phone Linesl 6 MONTH 3 SIREN MTCE FEE JULY 1 THRU $717.30 DEC 31, 2011 Invoice 32750 5/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $717.30 • Refer 12 EMERGENCY S VCS CONS ULTING -1224- I* _.._� CITY OF MOUND Payments ......... ___.. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -440 Other Contractual Servic SHARED POLICE SERVICES FEASIBILITY Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006208544 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 30 G & K SERVICES • Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006208546 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 31 G & K SERVICES MAT SERVICE & SHOP SUPPLIES CITY HALL 0613 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 5 $1,787.85 $1,787.85 $47.94 $55.93 $15.98 $119.85 $150.06 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.06 MAT SERVICE 06 -13 PD $93.67 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.67 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms STUDY NTE 10% CONTRACT SIGNING FEE Invoice 11 -1227 5/11/2011 PO 23232 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 13 FIRSTLAB _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -305 Medical Services DOT RANDOM DRUG SCREEN HEITZ, Invoice 1006197683 6/6/2011 TACHNEY Invoice 00412690 6/14/2011 SHOP SUPPLIES & MAT SVC 6-6 -11 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -305 Medical Services DOT RANDOM DRUG SCREEN MORRIS, Transaction Date 6/22/2011 TACHENY Invoice 00412690 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -305 Medical Services DOT RANDOM DRUG SCREEN TACHENY Invoice 00412690 6/14/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 24 G & K SERVICES • Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006208546 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 31 G & K SERVICES MAT SERVICE & SHOP SUPPLIES CITY HALL 0613 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 5 $1,787.85 $1,787.85 $47.94 $55.93 $15.98 $119.85 $150.06 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.06 MAT SERVICE 06 -13 PD $93.67 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $93.67 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM CLEANING SVC 6 -6 -11 Invoice 1006197683 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM CLEANING SVC 6-6 -11 Invoice 1006197683 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM CLEANING SVC 6-6 -11 Invoice 1006197683 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES & MAT SVC 6-6 -11 Invoice 1006197683 6/6/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 32 G & K SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 6 -20 Invoice 1006219443 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES 6 -20 Invoice 1006219443 6/2012011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 33 G & K SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 6 -13 -11 Invoice 1006208547 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 6 -13 -11 Invoice 1006208547 6/13/2011 I Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total RAf-r Rd r; R K SFRVICFS Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SERVICE 6 -13 -11 FIRE BLDG Invoice 1006208545 6/13/2011 -1225- $23.21 $25.10 $31.30 $172.75 $252.36 $39.78 $56.81 $44.30 $61.41 $105.71 $83.24 r CITY OF MOURN Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 68 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies CONNECTORS & PLUGS Invoice 1132604899 6/21/2011 PO 23317 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 15 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -418 Other Rentals RADIO LEASE AND ADMIN & REPAIR FEE JUNE 2011 Invoice 110538136 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 63 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -418 Other Rentals RADIO LEASE AND ADMIN FEE Invoice 110538135 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 16 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CE _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training 2 EMT REFRESHER COURSE REGISTRATIONS - WITTKE & BECK 11 -28 THRU 11 -30 -11 Invoice 062811 6/20/2011 PO 23229 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 18 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S A _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners PER DIEM & PROCESSING FEE APRIL 2011 Invoice 3616 4/30/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners PER DIEM & PROCESSING FEE MAY 2011 Invoice 3663 5/31/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 17 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASUR (R& _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners PRISONER ROOM & BOARD 4 -1 TO 4 -30 -11 Invoice 062811 5/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 25 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I _ Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs MOUND MISC. PLANNING SVCS 4 -1 -11 THRU 4- 30 -11; AT &T ANTENNAE REQUEST Invoice 007 - 001 -36 5/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs PC TRAINING SESSION APRIL 9TH PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL; MILLER & TRAPP Invoice 007 - 001 -36 5/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs MOUND MISC. PLANNING SVCS 4 -1 -11 THRU 4 -30 -11 PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT, MET COUNCIL LAND USE, LAKESIDE LANE Invoice 007 - 001 -36 5/4/2011 Cash Payment G 101-232374757 Island View Drive PLANNING SVCS 4 -1 -11 THRU 4 -30 -11 Invoice 007 - 001 -36 5/4/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 19 IDVILLE _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies SLOT PUNCH FOR ID MACHINE Invoice 2272343 6/6/2011 PO 23234 -1226- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 6 $83.24 $117.86 $117.86 $1,234.37 $1,234.37 $1,319.36 $1,319.36 $592.00 $592.00 $84.74 $392.53 $477.27 $405.00 $405.00 $98.30 $1,000.00 $124.50 $62.25 $1,285.05 $79.45 *I 7 01 CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 7 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $79.45 Refer 84 JANZEN, DANIEL _ Cash Payment R 281 -45210 -34725 Dock Permits DOCK REFUND - KEY RETURNED LOST $50.00 LAKE SITE Invoice 062811 6/22/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 21 JESPERSON, BOB Cash Payment R 601 -49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY BILLING CREDIT 3070 $55.74 HIGHLAND BLVD. Invoice 062811 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/2212011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $55.74 Refer 34 JOHN DEERE GOVERNMENT/NATI _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair TRACTOR PARTS $23.57 Invoice 58243250 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 10145200 -409 Other Equipment Repair TRACTOR PARTS $308.80 Invoice 58239462 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair TRACTOR PARTS $306.10 Invoice 58239236 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $638.47 20 JUBILEE FOODS _ • Refer Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R LEMONS FOR RESALE $4.59 Invoice 062811 6/18/2011 PO 20364 Transaction Date 6/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4.59 Refer 22 LAKE MANAGEMENT, INC. Cash Payment E 10145200 -400 Repairs & Maintenance TWO TREATMENTS: DUTCH LAKE, CITY OF $1,133.00 MOUND ACCESSES 40'X 200'& DNR PERMIT Invoice 30828 1/12/2011 PO 23126 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,133.00 Refer 26 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 10141910 -202 Duplicating and copying BLACK & WHITE COPY OVERAGE - CG52 $100.60 MAILROOM COPIER 5 -14 THRU 6 -13 -11 Invoice 1260001 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -202 Duplicating and copying COLOR COPY OVERAGE - CG52 MAILROOM $24.52 COPIER 5 -14 THRU 6 -13 -11 Invoice 1260001 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.12 Refer 27 MADDEN, GALANTER, HANSON, L _ Cash Payment E 101 - 49999430 Miscellaneous LABOR RELATIONS SERVICES 5 -1 -11 THRU $239.40 5 -31 -11 Invoice 062811 6/1/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $239.40 Refer 28 MARLIN'S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES 6 -3 -11 $379.40 Invoice 25479 6/3/2011 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES 6 -6 -11 $30.80 Invoice 25483 6/6/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES 6 -9 -11 $292.60 Invoice 25503 6/9/2011 -1227- _ CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 8 Payments ...._............ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SERVICES 6 -13 -11 $44.80 Invoice 25512 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $747.60 Refer 29 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORA TIO _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials FINE MIX & 41AWE BLACKTOP $1,810.45 Invoice 110405MB 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,810.45 Refer 35 MIDWEST CHILDRENS RESOURCE Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies CRIME PHOTOS DVD 11 -1219 $32.24 Invoice KOTT6012011 6/1/2011 PO 23235 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.24 Refer 37 MINNEAPOLIS GLASS _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -401 Building Repairs SKYLIGHT REPLACEMENT CITY HALL $1,871.00 Invoice 176704 6/17/2011 PO 23136 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,871.00 Refer 36 MINNESOTA COUNTYATTORNEY Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -203 Printed Forms 10 NOTICE OF SEIZURE & INTENT TO $118.88 FORFEIT VEHICLE FORMS Invoice 062811 6/2/2011 PO 23233 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.88 Refer 38 MINNESOTA PLAYGROUND, INCO _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -221 Equipment Parts SPRING, DUCK, AND ENCLOSED TOT SEAT $1,490.79 FOR PLAYGROUNDS Invoice 797479 6/6/2011 PO 23146 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,490.79 Refer 39 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -470 Water Samples COLIFORM WATER TESTS & MONTHLY $77.50 CHLORINE REPORT Invoice 553742 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.50 Refer 66 MNSPECT _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -308 Building Inspection Fees FIRE INSPECTOR SVC. BI- MONTHLY MTG 5- $130.00 5 -11 Invoice 5319 6/1/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $130.00 Refer 45 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -412 Building Rentals JULY COMMON AREA MTC & INSURANCE $956.25 Invoice 070111 6/14/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $956.25 Refer 70 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIONASS _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -208 Instructional Supplies GUIDE FOR FIRE & EXPLOSION $80.05 INVESTIGATIONS Invoice 062811 6/20/2011 PO 23316 Transaction Date 6/2212011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $80.05 Refer 40 NS 11 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, _ -1228- 0 � 01 61 KI _ CITY OF MOUND Payments 1 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 6/2 PARKING GARAGE PREVENTIVE MTCE Refer 42 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 566078532001 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 566647091001 6/3/2011 PO 22776 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 43 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT COPY PAPER RETURNED 2 BLACK & 1 COLOR INK CARTRIDGES Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -210 Operating Supplies ON AIR HANDLING UNIT Invoice W22621 6/14/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 41 OFFICE DEPOT (POLICE) _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -200 Office Supplies KINGSTON DATA TRAVELER 100 Invoice 564849589001 5/19/2011 PO 23225 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 65 OFFICE DEPOT (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -200 Office Supplies MARKERS, LAMINATING POUCH, TABLETS Invoice 566616543001 6/2/2011 DRY ERASE MARKERS, FILE FOLDERS Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 42 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 566078532001 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -200 Office Supplies Invoice 566647091001 6/3/2011 PO 22776 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 43 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT COPY PAPER RETURNED 2 BLACK & 1 COLOR INK CARTRIDGES Wells Fargo 10100 Total • Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -210 Operating Supplies CHAIRMAT PLANNING DEPT Invoice 566646883001 6/2/2011 PO 23576 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -200 Office Supplies MEMOREX CD PACK Invoice 566646883001 6/2/2011 PO 22776 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 44 OFFICE DEPOT _ Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -200 Office Supplies HIGHLIGHTERS, SHARPIES, CALCULATOR TAPE Invoice 567506178001 6/9/2011 PO 23560 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies DRY ERASE MARKERS, FILE FOLDERS Invoice 567506178001 6/9/2011 PO 23560 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 46 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies INSTALL PHOTOCELLS FOR FLAG LIGHT AT CITY HALL & DEPOT Invoice 3008 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance INSTALL PHOTOCELLS FOR FLAG LIGHT AT CITY HALL & DEPOT Invoice 3008 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 47 SCHARBER AND SONS OF LONG L _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair TRACTOR PARTS Invoice 2032520 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 48 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA _ • Refer Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -402 Building Maintenance 3 -31 -11 ELEVATOR SERVICE AT PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG. DUE TO DOOR NOT CLOSING Invoice 7151420797R 4/27/2011 -1229- 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 9 $644.51 $644.51 $31.90 $31.90 $33.52 $33.52 - $168.33 $56.61 - $111.72 $46.20 $4.69 $50.89 $32.36 $10.65 $43.01 $114.69 $114.69 $229.38 $60.38 $60.38 $162.11 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -401 Building Repairs Invoice 7151420797R 4/27/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 60 SPRINT WIRELESS (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 062811 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 49 STREICHER'S 3 -31 -11 ELEVATOR SERVICE AT PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG. DUE TO DOOR NOT CLOSING Wells Fargo 10100 WIRELESS SERVICE 5 -13 TO 6 -12 -11 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies BORE BRUSH Invoice 1842120 6/3/2011 PO 23205 $39.99 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 23 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41110433 Dues and Subscriptions SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY SECOND $2,525.45 HALF 2011 ASSESSMENT Invoice 062811 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 52 TACTICAL RIVER GEAR & ACCESS Cash Payment E 101-42115 -210 Operating Supplies 6 COMMAND MICS AND MOTOROLA ADAPTERS Invoice 062811 6/7/2011 PO 23224 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 61 TRUE VALUE MOUND (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies SAND DISC Invoice 082473 5/7/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies PVC PIPE & CAP, BOLTS Invoice 082952 5/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260-409 Other Equipment Repair AUTO DRAIN Invoice 083030 5/20/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260-409 Other Equipment Repair AUTO DRAIN RETURN Invoice 083039 5/20/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies PVC CAPS Invoice 083054 5/21/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies VALVE, GALV ELBOW & NIPPLE Invoice 083216 5/25/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 72 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials MASKING TAPE Invoice 083536 6/2/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies GOOF OFF AND GRAFFITIE REMOVER SPRAY Invoice 083864 6/10/2011 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 10 $162.11 Total $324.22 $39.99 Total $39.99 $2.19 Total $2.19 $400.00 Total $400.00 $2,525.45 Total $2,525.45 $4.05 $33.04 $4.05 -$4.05 $18.34 $17.07 Total $72.50 $7.47 $35.01 • • Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies AAA ALK BATTERIES FOR ON CALL PAGER $4.26 Invoice 083799 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -210 Operating Supplies LIME -AWAY & MINI BRUSH $12.06 • Invoice 083798 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts SCREWS, NUTS BOLTS #107 LOADER $2.03 Invoice 083586 6/3/2011 -1230- � 0 ........ _.__1 CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 083574 6/3/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 73 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) _ Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083777 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083800 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 74 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083721 6/7/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 084083 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083771 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083774 6/8/2011 Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply • Cash Invoice 083862 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 084004 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 083675 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 54 TUMBERG, HEIDI _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training JUNE MNGFOA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE LUNCH MTG - TUMBERG Invoice 062811 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 56 WACONIA FORD MERCURY SCREWS, NUTS BOLTS #107 LOADER 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 11 $2.03 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.86 EPDXY, BIT, FOAM TAPE FOR PARKING $12.37 DECK MTCE EPDXY, BIT, FOAM TAPE FOR PARKING $5.33 DECK MTCE Wells Fargo 10100 Total $17.70 SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS PARKS SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS FOR GREENWAY BIT, ORG SAFETY MARKER MURIATIC ACID 50Z BLK SURF OUTLET FOR PARK SHOP ZEP, 100W LIGHT BULBS DEPOT REPAIR MATERIALS CLOTH ROLL, TUBE CUTTER, U BOLT, ADAPTER, COPPER UNION, ZINC CORNER $11.33 $7.44 $17.71 $7.47 $12.81 $18.87 $32.75 Invoice 084241 6/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply DEPOT REPAIR MATERIALS Invoice 084237 6/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 2 PK 9V BATTERIES FOR REX ALWIN PARK IRRIGATION Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 61844 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 57 WSB AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPO Cash Payment E 401 - 43161 -300 Professional Srvs • Invoice 02 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 $72.14 $8.54 Total Total CONDENSER UNIT POLICE VEHICLE #847 $189.06 $15.00 $15.00 $246.18 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $246.18 COMMERCE BLVD LIGHTING EXTENSION $1,884.25 PROJECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APRIL 2011 Project PW1107 Wells F * —^ 10100 Total $1,884.25 -1231- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 Refer 58 WSB AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPO _ Cash Payment E 401 - 43160 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 10 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 75 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101 -42115 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375119609 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 77 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375860400 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Refer 83 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375435836 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375435836 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 375435836 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 STREET LIGHT ARRA PROJECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APRIL 2011 PW09 -07 Project PW0907 Wells Fargo 10100 Total CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN ELECTRICITY 5 -8 THRU 6 -7 -11 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 12 $560.00 $560.00 $26.35 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26.35 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 PARKS $23.99 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 PARKS $168.28 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 DEPOT $66.02 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 SEWER $3,258.00 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 WATER $3,122.32 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 STREETS $681.57 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 LIQUOR $1,191.86 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 POLICE $778.87 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 FIRE $778.87 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 CITY HALL $1,054.82 ELECTRICITY 4 -28 THRU 5 -28 -11 PARKING $1,415.63 DECK Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,540.23 STREET LIGHTS 4 -27 thru 5 -26 -11 5341 $71.21 MAYWOOD RD. STREET LIGHTS 4 -27 thru 5 -26 -11 5510 $173.80 SHORELINE DRIVE AUTO PROTECTIVE LIGHTS 4 -27 thru 5 -26 -11 $9.35 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $254.36 0 � 40 1 0I -1232- CITY OF MOUND Payments • �...._............_._._____ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Fund Summary rI 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 13 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $ Total $96,209.02 -1233- 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $28,487.03 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $3,881.55 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $418.80 285 MOUND HRA $2,077.84 333 G.O. 2007 - C Equip Cert $450.00 361 G.O. 2007 - A Improvements $450.00 370 2011A REFUNDING BONDS $450.00 375 TIF 1 -3 Debt Service $450.00 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $22,876.99 402 MUNICIPAL ST AID ST CONSTUCT $497.00 601 WATER FUND $3,494.09 602 SEWER FUND $21,088.78 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $3,008.69 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $8,578.25 $96,209.02 06/23/11 9:06 AM Page 13 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $ Total $96,209.02 -1233- CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 1 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Batch Name 0628CITY2 User Dollar Amt $85,831.74 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $85,831.74 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 AMUNDSON, M. LLP _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R TOBACCO PRODUCTS $483.24 Invoice 110363 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/22/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $483.24 Refer 2 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $185.16 Invoice 460116916 6/18/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 460116916 6/18/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $186.16 Refer 3 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $219.36 Invoice 395116507 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 395116507 6/14/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $220.36 Refer 4 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $114.12 Invoice 460116813 6/17/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 460116813 6/17/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $115.12 Refer 5 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $225.66 Invoice 460116014 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 460116014 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $226.66 Refer 6 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,411.65 Invoice 58705000 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $88.00 Invoice 58705000 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,499.65 Refer 7 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $918.10 Invoice 58794700 6/17/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $62.50 Invoice 58794700 6/17/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $16.40 Invoice 58794700 6/17/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $997.00 Refer 8 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ -1234- *I *I 61 CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:42 AM X'- � Page 2 Payments • f ..... .......... _. -- �...- CiTY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $138.75 Invoice 58692900 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,358.00 Invoice 58692900 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $46.50 Invoice 58692900 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,543.25 Refer 9 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES $89.94 Invoice 85316900 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $20.00 Invoice 85316900 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R CHAMPAGNE STOPPERS, KNIVES $38.80 Invoice 85316900 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $148.74 Refer 10 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $492.40 Invoice 25783 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $134.31 25782 6/8/2011 • Invoice Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $626.71 Refer 11 CATAND FIDDLE BEVERAGE _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $372.00 Invoice 90415 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $372.00 Refer 12 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTING C _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $51.00 Invoice 443230 5/612011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $51.00 Refer 13 COCA COLA BOTTLING - MIDWEST Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa COKE PRODUCTS $195.40 Invoice 0198050422 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $195.40 Refer 14 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $17.60 Invoice 605018 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $44.80 Invoice 604895 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $997.35 Invoice 604894 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,979.80 Invoice 603296 6/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $671.35 603296 6/7/2011 • Invoice Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,710.90 Refer 15 EXTREME BEVERAGE _ -1235- CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice W- 381980 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 16 FIELDSTONE VINEYARDS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale - WINE WINE Invoice 11298 6/9/2011 6/14/2011 $214.56 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 17 G & K SERVICES _ 6/14/2011 $369.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SERVICE 6 -13 -11 Invoice 1006208540 6/13/2011 Refer 20 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Total Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 18 HEUN ENTERPRISES, INC. $384.75 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1562544 Invoice 2843 6/15/2011 $278.00 Cash Payment Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 19 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED - Transaction Date Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Refer 22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Invoice 562583 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 48 ISS FACILITY SERVICES M/NNEAP Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic EVERGLAZE TILE FLOORS JULY 2010 Invoice 6080 7/30/2010 Cash Payment Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 21 JANAVARAS ENTERPRISES Transaction Date Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 171 6/14/2011 $214.56 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 171 6/14/2011 $369.00 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 20 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Total Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1562545 6/13/2011 $384.75 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1562544 6/13/2011 $278.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1551998 6/17/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 499787 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1071873 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1076513 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 23 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ - 1236- 10100 10100 10100 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 3 $301.50 Total $301.50 $214.56 Total $214.56 $55.88 Total $55.88 $369.00 Total $369.00 $192.00 Total $192.00 $384.75 Total $384.75 $263.00 $15.00 Total $278.00 $38.80 $3,449.51 $113.00 Total $3,601.31 - $41.60 $20.99 $20.99 Total $0.38 01 01 401 10 CITY OF MOUND Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1076512 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1071872 6/8/2011 1076514 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1071874 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1071871 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1076511 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1076515 6/15/2011 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES 5 -2 -11 THRU 6- Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 4 $1,739.70 $2,805.00 10100 Total $4,544.70 $551.24 $2,286.42 $1,849.76 $1,478.03 10100 Total Refer 28 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8307256 -IN 6/6/2011 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8307256 -IN 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 31 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ - 1237- 10100 Total $6,165.45 $30.25 $102.84 $133.09 $47.23 $47.23 $43.50 $43.50 - $143.00 $1,512.32 $23.75 -$1.25 $1,391.82 $640.99 $10.00 $650.99 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1071875 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX 1076514 6/15/2011 • Invoice Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 25 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R LEMONS & LIMES FOR RESALE Invoice 062811 6/7/2011 PO 20363 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 26 MOUND, CITY OF _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -382 Water Utilities WATER & SEWER UTILITIES 5 -2 -11 THRU 6- 3 -11 Invoice 062811 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 27 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 8308450 -CM 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8308067 -IN 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8308067 -IN 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT CREDIT Invoice 8308450 -CM 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 28 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8307256 -IN 6/6/2011 • Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8307256 -IN 6/6/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 31 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ - 1237- 10100 Total $6,165.45 $30.25 $102.84 $133.09 $47.23 $47.23 $43.50 $43.50 - $143.00 $1,512.32 $23.75 -$1.25 $1,391.82 $640.99 $10.00 $650.99 CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:42 AM \ Page 5 Payments IN CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,463.15 Invoice 2079906 6/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $307.00 Invoice 2083315 6/15/2011 Invoice 470633 -00 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,770.15 Refer 32 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,422.70 Invoice 2083316 6/15/2011 Invoice 1498723 6/10/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $43.95 Invoice 2083317 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR BEER COOLER MOTOR & FAN Invoice 232707 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,230.20 Invoice 2079905 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,696.85 Refer 33 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE $60.57 Invoice 467670 - 006/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60.57 Refer 34 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 465611 - 006/3/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 470625 -00 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 467669 -CO 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/2312011 Refer 35 QUALITY WINE A SPIRITS WINE CREDIT WINE WINE - $129.00 $738.00 $16.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 467717- 006/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 467717 - 006/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 470633 -00 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 29 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1586402 6/17/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1498723 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 36 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR BEER COOLER MOTOR & FAN Invoice 232707 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 37 T HORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 643391 6/14/2011 -1238- Total $625.00 $539.69 $1,593.82 $7,347.48 Total $9,480.99 $424.00 $394.45 Total $818.45 $606.87 Total $606.87 $4,631.25 *I 01 61 � 0 • • i . _......._.._..._..._ CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 642334 6/7/2011 $384.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 643392 6/14/2011 $14.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 642335 6/7/2011 $184.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 00770153 611712011 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 642937 6/10/2011 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 642937 6/10/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo Refer 38 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 0040711 -IN 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0040711 -IN 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 0040711 -IN 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 6123/2011 Refer 39 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 272165 -00 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 271610 - 006/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 271610 - 006/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight Invoice 272165 -00 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Refer 40 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 366024 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 365085 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/2312011 Refer 41 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER WINE LIQUOR FREIGHT Wells Fargo WINE WINE FREIGHT FREIGHT Wells Fargo WINE WINE Wells Fargo Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 761090 6/15/2011 $384.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 758084 6/8/2011 $14.00 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 758086 618/2011 $184.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 761091 6/15/2011 $11.55 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 761089 6/15/2011 -1239- 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 6 $79.00 $132.20 $9,245.75 $491.00 $355.00 $98.00 10100 Total $15,032.20 $384.00 $312.04 $14.00 10100 Total $710.04 $184.00 $496.00 $11.55 $4.20 10100 Total $695.75 $1,120.00 $1,296.50 10100 Total $2,416.50 $3,843.95 $690.00 $90.60 $305.00 $0.03 CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 7 Payments 1 r..r t CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $64.50 Invoice 761092 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,994.08 Refer 42 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,275.30 Invoice 758085 6/8/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,275.30 Refer 43 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRI Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $61.11 Invoice 584339 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.11 Refer 44 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,028.90 Invoice 584337 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,503.12 Invoice 587726 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $95.90 Invoice 587727 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT - $50.00 Invoice 832949 617/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,577.92 Refer 45 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,799.80 Invoice 587728 6/16/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,795.81 Invoice 584338 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,595.61 Refer 47 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS, LL _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $459.00 Invoice 1071 617/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $459.00 Refer 46 Z WINES USA LLC _ Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $200.00 Invoice 10317 6/9/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $5.00 Invoice 10317 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 6/23/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $205.00 0 � *I 01 -1240- _ CITY OF MOUND 06/23/11 11:42 AM Page 8 Payments • / CITY OF MOUND Current Period: June 2011 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $85,831.74 $85,831.74 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $85,831.74 Total $85,831.74 0 -1241- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Mound (952) 472 -3190 i L Public Works Department MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Date: June 28,2011 Subject: Approval of Funding Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for Mound Stormwater Improvement Project Background The City applied for and received a grant from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for up to 50% of the cost for the purchase and installation of stormwater filtration units. The grant has a maximum of $30,787 and will be used for upgrades to City stormwater facilities. The City will have a net match commitment of $30,787 for the grant, which is proposed to be funded thru the City stormwater utility fund. The filtration units are located on the 2011 street reconstruction project and it is proposed that a change order will be presented to the Council to add these to the project. Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council authorize execution of the grant agreement with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. • • • -1242- FUNDING AGREEMENT • MOUND STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and City of Mound This Agreement is entered into by and between the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, a special purpose district of the State of Minnesota with powers set forth at Minnesota Statutes Chapters 103B and 103D (District), and the City of Mound, a statutory city and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (City) (together, the Parties). This Agreement is entered into to provide for District reimbursement to the City for costs incurred by the City to include two hydrodynamic separators and one SAFL Baffle while reconstructing roads that are adjacent to Lake Minnetonka as part of the 2011 improvement project in Mound, Minnesota, (the "Property") with stormwater management facilities (the "Facilities "). The District has determined the amount of funding that it will contribute to the construction and design of the Facilities on the basis of the water - quality • improvement, public education and demonstration benefits that will be realized by completion of the project, which is undertaken voluntarily by the City to alleviate sedimentation that is discharged to Minnehaha Creek. The District commits to reimburse the City in accordance with the terms and on satisfaction of the conditions of this Agreement. 1. Stormwater Facility Design and Construction Plans and specifications for the Facilities are attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. The City will construct and certify as complete the Facilities in accordance with Exhibit A. The City will maintain a copy of the plans and specifications and other records concerning the Facilities for six (6) years from the date the City receives or completes as -built drawings of the Facilities. The District may examine, audit or copy any such records upon reasonable notice to the City. • Cost -Share Agreement _ City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 2. Funding Within 30 days of receipt of - • y p as built drawings of the Facilities as described and specified by Exhibit A, submission of an invoice by City and receipt by the District of the maintenance agreement required by Paragraph 3 of this Agreement, the District will reimburse City a maximum of thirty thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars ($30,787) or 50 percent of documented construction and design costs, whichever is less. The invoice will be accompanied by documentation of costs incurred in the construction and implementation of the facilities and such other documentation as the District reasonably may request. The District may independently inspect the Facilities to confirm material conformance to the plans and specifications. No reimbursement will be provided for partial construction of the Facilities. 3. Maintenance of Facilities Exhibit B, an agreement for inspection and maintenance of the Facilities, is attached and incorporated herein. Before reimbursement is oweing under paragraph 2, the City must execute and provide to the District Exhibit B or an instrument conforming in all material respects thereto. • If the City fails to maintain the Facilities, in addition to any other remedies, the District will have a right to reimbursement by the City of all amounts paid by the District under this Agreement for five years from the date of receipt by the District of as- builts drawings of the Facilities, unless the District determines that the City was prevented from maintaining the Facilities by causes beyond the City's reasonable control. 4. Phosphorus Load Reduction On MCWD staff review of adequate documentation from the City, the MCWD Board of Managers will determine the pollutant load reduction resulting from the project. MCWD will receive credit for 50 percent, and the City will receive credit for 50 percent, of the pollutant load reduction for the purpose of meeting load allocations in the MCWD's watershed plan as well as any other water quality - related purpose. This reflects relative contributions to Facilities construction costs. • Cost -Share Agreement -1244- City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 5. Signage and Informational Materials • The City, at its cost and in consultation with District staff, will create informational and educational signage, associated supporting structures of a reasonable size and in reasonable locations on the Property, and related education materials describing the Facilities and associated runoff - management advantages. The City shall determine, in its sole discretion, the total amount of money it will spend on signage and informational and educational materials regarding the Facilities. For a period of ten years after completion of the Facilities, The District has a right to review and approve all signage and informational and educational materials described by this Agreement prior to installation or distribution, which right will be reasonably exercised. 6. Acknowledgment and Publicity Following the completion of the Facilities, any publicly distributed or displayed printed or electronic documents or other text display regarding the Facilities will acknowledge the funding provided by the District. The City will cooperate with the District to seek publicity and media coverage of the Project. • 7. Independent Relationship The District's role under this Agreement is solely to provide funds to support the use, maintenance, demonstration and dissemination of information about innovative approaches to stormwater management. The District has not had and does not have any authority to select, or role in selecting, the design, means, method or manner of performing any work or the person or firm performing the work. No employee, representative, contractor or consultant of any party to this Agreement has acted or may act in any respect as the agent or representative of the other party. Any right to review or approve a design, work in progress or constructed facility under this Agreement by the District or its agent, representative or consultant is solely for the District's own purpose of accounting for District funds expended. No party to this Agreement agrees to be responsible for the acts or omissions of the other party, within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes section 471.59, subdivision 1 a. The City must identify, determine the applicability of and conform to legal requirements and constraints applicable to the activities that are the subject of • this Agreement, including any District permit requirements. Cost -Share Agreement _1245_ City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 8. Remedies: Immunities contractual remedies are available for party's failure • Only p y u e to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, the District and the City waive no immunities in tort. No action or inaction of a party under this Agreement creates a duty of care for the benefit of any third party. This Agreement creates no right in and waives no immunity, defense or liability limitation with respect to any third party. 9. Indemnification Each party agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the other party, its office holders, employees, agents and representatives against any and all claims, costs, damages and liabilities that the party may incur as a result of any act or omission by the other party in its performance under this Agreement, except to the degree the claims, costs, damages or liability are the result of gross or willful negligence. 10. Effective Date: Expiration: Survival of Obligations This Agreement is effective when fully executed by the Parties and expires five • (5) years thereafter or when reimbursement has been paid under paragraph 2, whichever occurs first. All obligations that have come into being before expiration of this Agreement, specifically including but not limited to obligations under paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, shall survive expiration. 11. Equal Opportunity In constructing the Facilities, the City will ensure that no person was or is excluded from full employment rights or participation in or the benefits of any program, service or activity on the ground of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, public assistance status or national origin; no person who is protected by applicable federal or state laws, rules or regulations against discrimination otherwise has been or will be subjected to discrimination. • Cost -Share Agreement -124A City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 12. Notices • communication required under this ny written Agreement will be addressed to q g another party as follows, except that a party may change its address for notice by so notifying the other Parties in writing: To District: Administrator Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 To City: Administrator City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 • 13. Waiver A party's failure to insist on the strict performance of any obligation under this Agreement, or to exercise any option, remedy or right herein, will not waive or relinquish that party's right in the future to insist on strict performance of that or any other obligation. A party's waiver of a breach of an obligation of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other obligation. A waiver must be in writing and signed by the party. 14. Venue and Jurisdiction This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any legal action hereunder shall be Hennepin County, Minnesota. 15. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of • which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Cost -Share Agreement _1247_ City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereto execute • and deliver this Agreement. MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT -------------------------------- - - - - -- Date: By: Eric Evenson, Administrator Approved as to form and execution District Attorney CITY OF MOUND --------- ---- ---- ------- ------ - - - --- Date: By----------------------------------- Its ----------------------------- - - - - -- Date: City Clerk • Cost -Share Agreement _1248_ City of Mound - June 21, 2011 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District U • .. - EmcD L_. r(:=>N a M E Consulting Engineers & Surveyors tv\ 2638 Shadow lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318 -1172 Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 448 -8805 www.bolton- menk.com June 22, 2011 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2010 Lift Station Improvements City Project No. PW -10 -02 Pay Request No. 4 Dear Ms. Hanson: 1 Nom® Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 4 from Kuechle Underground, Inc. for work completed on the 2010 Lift Station Improvements Project from December 26, 2010 to June 21, 2011. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $68,341.25 to Kuechle Underground, Inc. Sincerely, � BO L T O N &MLNK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. Mound City Engineer DLF /dlp cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance Enclosure F;NM0UMC12102014\Psy RequestsV,# of Recdn, Pay Request 3.doc DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is _1249 - opportunity employer DATE: 6!21!2011 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 2010 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 10-02 8M1 PROJECT NO. C12:f02014 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 4 12/26/2010 THROUGH 6/21/2011 CONTRACTOR Kuschle Underground, Inc, OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Bollon & Monk, Inc. TOTAL AMOUNT BID .. .............. E APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS..... .................. ...... .... , ....,..... .,:.: .... y.... ............: ::.... $ CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT. :, .... ...+ ...,.,.. . ..,, ... $ TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE ....................... ............................... ............................. ............................... $ TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ................. ............................... ...... ............................... .... DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED ....................... ............................... ...: S TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK S STORED MATERIALS.,.„.,. ........., „ .... .. .... » . ......... S RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5% ) > :,..» ,... h . » .... . ..................... S TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS....—..,.; .... ........ ..... ...» .::.:. .. ...::: ».. .... >.:... ::,...:.; $ NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE,— .— ..... »; ;... » ............ . ............................ . . S TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ..... . ... , ,,....,.. ......... ......... .. .... ...... » s:: $ PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO.4 ............... .... ............................................ .. » ..» . ... $ Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the nest of my knowledge and belief, all Items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed In full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S,.290.92 have been compiled with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured, CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND.AMOUNT: BOLTON 6 MENK IN ,ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By, , PROJECT ENGINEER niet L. Faukner Date 60 020 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Owner: CITY OF MOUND BY Name Title M 746,766.24 216,068.03 962,834.27 757,899.33 $0,00 757,80.33 37,694.97 720,004.36 651.663.11 68,341.25 • • • -1250- A WSB � Engineering ■ Planning ■ Environmental a Construction AssacYatra. /me. • June 25, 2011 Carlton Moore City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: CSAH 110 Lighting Project S.A.P. #145- 020 -012 City #PW - 11 - 07 WSB Project No. 01983 -00 Dear Mr. Moore: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541.4600 Fax: 763 541 -1700 Please find enclosed Pay Voucher No. 1 for the referenced project for your review and approval. The quantities completed to date have been reviewed and agreed upon by the Contractor, and we • hereby recommend that the City of Mound a pprove Construction Pay Voucher No. 1 and proceeds with processing the payment for work completed less a five (5) percent retainage. If you have any questions or co mments regarding this voucher, pl ease contact me at (612) 360- 1307. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. /r6m 14 e�e Ross Jentink Project Engineer Enclosures cc: Luke Tulenchik — Egan Company • Minneapolis ■ St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer -1251- C:`LI %t-0041ii1Crinpim AieiW Il C- wLmrda. Owner. City of Mound Date: June 22 2011 For Period: 6/1/2011 to 6/25/2011 Request No: 1 Contractor: Egan Company PAY VOUCHER CSAH 110 Lighting Project S.P. #145 -020 -012 City #PW -11 -07 WSB Project No. 01983 -00 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount 2 Change Order - Addition 3 Change Order - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 5 Value Completed to Date 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 8 Less Retainage 5% 9 Subtotal 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. Recommended for Approval by: WSB & Associates, Inc. Approved by Contractor: Egan Company $ 73,517.50 $ 7,239.99 $ 0.00 $ 80,757.49 $ 26,377.50 $ 0.00 $ 26,377.50 $ 1,318.88 $ 25,058.62 $ 0.00 $ 25 058.62 Approved by Owner: CITY OF Mound Specked Contract Completion Date: July 8, 2011 Date: • • • -1252 - Poo. Id t K:I0+983- WWdmkrWQ nvbuvdon AdminftyVeudisHjdswu ary ..'� OF VU Minnesota Department of Public Safety • ^• ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION" r 444 Cedar Street Suite 222, St. Paul MN 55101 -5133 • �' "'�°FM"E (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282 -6555 *� W W W.DPS.STATE.MN.US C(— O APPLICATION AND PERMIT FORA 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE mImv rNp DDT'ATT TKTT7nD A TWINT • L i r a W A� L NAME OF OM ZATION bUC 6 4k t, L DATE ORGANIZED 19oq TAX EXEMPT NUMBER Eb 5 STREET ADDRE� I a 5� aY11 tNi e� �� CITY b c.t. i7 ST COD ZI 5 , 5 3 k � OF P RSON vI KIN APPLICATIO ` 10via 1") • tj �`'1CJ i BUSINESS PHONE (` l� ` `�IN !c3?4 HOME PHONE — 'L 1 L DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD ! , n-F ab11 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION CLUB CHA ORGANIZATION OFFICER' NAME Fr ALf6gm G� ee ©,r 1� ADDRESS a :M , ' 5 E�1_1) aD w k) ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME NJ ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe cF b [_L U ku M� Eihto Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. ko Will t e applicant c rry liq or liability insurancev If so, cam ' I r 'f DlC � a e aunt oof covera lease provide the carrier's and amount coverage. &C� G�`J� 6r �� � t�tsi � i • -•l�,c C.i Q� . ��D� oaD• �� � �� oab L APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY / �'Y € �' n `U lk yl c� DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT ��e�( t J• LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID (0 ) ? J • k \ crr_NrATUTRE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and /or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS-09079 (12/09) W a -1253- WeCAN & Volunteer Drivers MISSION • To provide affordable and safe supplemental transportation service for the Westonka Communities of Mound, Spring Park, Navarre, Minnetrista & St. Bonifacius. Scope of Operations Use of a network of volunteer drivers to provide transportation for: • Shopping and errands to local businesses • Community services and events • Church • Medical Appointments (including Ridgeview Hospital) • Access to and from public transportation for pickup and drop off points greater than '/4 mile Program Outline: Volunteers will be required to submit criminal and driving background checks and use their own vehicles. Regular service hours will be Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:OOPM and Sunday 8:00 AM to Noon. Drivers would be scheduled in 3 hour shifts on weekdays and Saturdays and 3 hour shifts on Sunday. Trips to medical appointments will be given during non - service days on an adhoc basis. Volunteers will be reimbursed mileage of $.20 /mile upon request. Reservations will need to be made by 3:OOPM the day before. Sunday trips will need to be reserved by 3:OOPM on Fridays. Medical appointments will be accepted on an adhoc basis during weekdays but dependent on driver availability. Dispatch will be administered through the home of Mike Skinner with a dedicated reservation line with voice mail. Magnetic signs for volunteer vehicles will be kept at the WeCAN office and with a volunteer in • St. Bonifacius. Cell phones and GPS will be kept at the WeCAN office for drivers to use during their shifts. All drivers will be required to turn in cell phones, GPS and remaining brochures and donation envelopes at the end of their shift. Clients will be required to register with the program by providing full contact information and ages of any children. Clients will be charged a non - refundable background check fee of $8.00. Suggested donations will be $2.50 per trip and $5.00 for round trip service. Cancellations must be given at least one hour prior to pick up to avoid a no -show. Three no -shows over a 30 -day period will result in a suspension of service for a three -month period. Points for Discussion: • What implication, if any, does charging a fare Vs request for donation have in relation to: A) Volunteers vs. employees B) Liability insurance • What are the legal concerns of a 501 [c] 3 administering a volunteer program that charges a fee ? • What liability exposure is WeCAN at risk to by: A) Volunteers B) Clients using the service C) The general public IOCP has a ratio of 5:1 clients to drivers. We currently have 9 volunteers, which will make it tight on drivers. Under the above schedule, each volunteer would drive once a week with no backup other than asking someone else to take another shift. IOCP driver's average five drives per month with varying shift lengths. We will need to campaign for more volunteers to ensure this program does not become a burden to its volunteers. Churches are a great place to start looking, where else can we search for volunteers? • -1254- • If WeCAN approves the program, I thought the name WeCAB would be a catchy name that not • only appropriately describes the service but also promotes WeCAN. Any other thoughts or suggestions on a name? • U -1255- Preliminary WeCAB Budget • Startup Costs Brochures 155.00 Donation Envelopes 55.00 Laminated Dash Signs 25.00 Scheduling Software 50.00 Postage 169.69 GPS 100.00 Criminal Background Check 72.00 Motor Vehicle Background Checks 45.00 Total Startup Costs 671.69 Revenue Annual Monthly Donations 5,785.00 482.08 Office Phone 480.00 40.00 Cell Phone 420.00 35.00 Postage 2,036.32 169.69 Mileage 10,088.00 840.67 Total Costs 13,024.32 1,085.36 Subsidy Shortfall (7,239.32) (603.28) Assumptions • Mileage Reimbursement 0.20 Volunteer Drivers g Service Days 3 (Tuesday, Saturday & Sunday) Hours of Operation 9AM to 6PM Tuesday Trips 27 Avg Mile/Trip 10 Saturday Trips 18 Avg Mile/Trip 10 Saturday Trips to Wayzata 2 Round Trip Miles to Wayzata (30 miles + 10 per client) 70 Clients per Wayzata Trip 4 Sunday Church Trips 36 Avg Mile/Trip 10 Clients Per Church Trip 4 Avg Miles Per Week 970.00 Client Trips Per Week 89 Donation Success Rate 25% Round Trip Charge 5.00 i s -1256- ,,} f 2590 Commerce Boulevard ? Mound MN 55364 ter Phone 952- 472 -6501 June 23, 2011 Dear City Officials: The Gillespie Center is in the heart of the Westonka community and provides opportunities for every resident — young and old — to participate in a wide variety of classes, programs and services. It is a beautiful building in a magnificent setting; and has space for large events including wedding receptions, reunions, meetings and more. The facility was built in 2001 with some Federal block grant funding, but primarily with individual and local donations that were matched 5 to 1 by the Gillespie family. It is totally owned by its membership. The goal of The Gillespie Center is to build an endowment through donations and fundraising that would result in financial independence. Currently most of those funds are necessary to pay for building maintenance and operating expenses. We are asking the cities of Minnetrista, Mound, and Spring Park to help us by contracting for services that The Center provides to the citizens of the Westonka community. That will enable The Center to use a significant portion of • the donations and fundraising profits that it receives to build the endowment fund. Goal is to build the endowment fund sufficient to provide an annual income that will guarantee the long term future of The Center without need for continual funding from local government. Once the endowment goal is reached, no city money would be necessary and the cities would have provided an investment that will serve the needs of their residents for generations to come. The Gillespie Center board looks forward to our continued relationship with the Westonka Cities. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Harold Pellett Chair of The Gillespie Center Endowment Committee -1257- AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GILLESPIE CENTER AND THE CITIES OF MOUND, MINNETRISTA, and SPRING PARK • Whereas, The Gillespie Center, ( "The Center ") a Minnesota Non - Profit Corporation, owns and operates a debt -free building which was built in 2001 for a cost of over two million dollars with non - governmental funds and is located at 2590 Commerce Blvd, Mound, MN. This building is primarily used as a Senior and Community Center, and brings needed assistance and entertainment to a great number of citizens of an extensive area And Whereas, The Center through fund raising activities and donations has managed to raise about $90,000 to $100,000 per year, spending about 2/3 of this to operate and maintain the building and about 1/3 for salaries. Most of the work is done by volunteers. No officers or Board members are paid. In 2009 TGC received $26,000 from the cities of Mound, Orono, and Spring Park to assist The Center in providing services to citizens of the Westonka Community. And Whereas, A substantial endowment fund is needed to secure the future of The Center and to fund more activities. In 2010 The Gillespie Center received an additional $64,000 from the cities of Mound and Spring Park to contract for services provided to the citizens of the community. That enabled TGC to invest $74,000 from its fund raising efforts to an endowment fund, in excess of the 115% investment level defined in the agreed upon contracts. The goal for an endowment is $3,000,000. To the extent that funds can be received from Municipalities, The Center's usual fund raising activities will be available for endowment building and The Center is starting a campaign to raise funds for the endowment fund through donations. It is expected that The Center will receive bequests from time to • time for the endowment fund. NOW, THEREFORE it is hereby agreed by and between The Center and the cities of Mound, Minnetrista, and Spring Park, as follows; 1. The Center will endeavor to meet and surpass its recent record of raising funds and delivering services, benefiting the citizens of this area. 2. On or before September 1 st of each year, The Center shall give a written report to each City of the previous 12 month's fund raising success and activities. If The Center does not meet its fund raising goal for 2 consecutive 12 -month periods (See Appendix B), this agreement may be cancelled by action of 2/3 of the cities, as defined in #3 (see below). 3. The participating cities are defined as Minnetrista, Mound, and Spring Park. 4. Every three years beginning in January 2012, each City may appoint a Council Member to review The Center's progress with The Gillespie Center Board. After such review and consultation, the cities may set the fund raising goals for the subsequent 3 years and recorded in Appendix B of this agreement. 5. If at any time the endowment funds attain the total of $3,000,000, this agreement shall terminate at the end of that calendar year. 6. Allocation of payments among cities shall be based on $6 per resident of Minnetrista, Mound and Spring Park calculated on the 2000 National census data. (See Appendix A for projected total payments): 7. Each city will contract with The Center for services for the amounts set forth in Appendix A before the end of the month of January for each calendar year, beginning in 2012. These figures may be adjusted by agreement of the cities and The Center. Services to be provided by The Center are enumerated in Exhibit A of each cities contract with The Gillespie Center 8. The fundraising goals of The Gillespie Center for the year shall be set forth in Appendix B. 9. This agreement shall be in effect from the date of its ratification by all parties until December 31 st, 2022 • (unless sooner canceled pursuant to items 2 or 4 above). Each jurisdiction shall provide The Center with an approved resolution agreeing to the terms o " * ;reement, as well as signatures of the presiding Mayors (See Appendix C. • • Appendix A: 1. For Periods 1 -3, the projected annual contract costs are as follows (totaling $105,000 in funding): a. Mound will pay $60,000 (which equates to $56,000 in additional funding above the 2009 funding levels). b. Minnetrista will pay $34,000 (which equates to $30,000 in additional funding above the 2009 funding levels). c. Spring Park will pay $11,000 (which equates to $7,000 in additional funding above the 2009 funding levels). 2. Periods 4 -10 shall be calculated pursuant to the main body of the agreement. Appendix B: 1. The fundraising goal for the Center to invest in the endowment fund for Period 1 (1/1/2012 through 12/31/2012) shall be $105,000, which is calculated on the amount of additional funding above the 2009 funding levels for each city. This amount is approximately 113.5% of additional funding provided by the Cities in this agreement. 2. The fundraising goal for the Center to invest in the endowment fund for Period 2 (1/1/2013 through 12/31/2013) shall be $105,000, which is calculated on the amount of additional funding above the 2009 funding levels for each city. This amount is approximately 113.5% of additional funding provided by the Cities in this agreement. 3. The fundraising goal for the Center to invest in the endowment fund for Period 3 (1/1/2014 through 12/31/2014) shall be $105,000, which is calculated on the amount of additional funding above the 2009 funding levels for each city. This amount is approximately 113.5% of additional funding provided by the Cities in this agreement. 4. The fundraising goals for Periods 4 -10 shall be set after the review, as defined in the main body of the agreement. Appendix C: Gillespie Center President of The Board Mayor of Minnetrista Mayor of Mound Mound City Clerk Dated Mayor of Spring Park Spring Park City Clerk Dated draft 6/13/2011 Dated Minnetrista City Clerk Dated -1259- EXHIBIT A. • Gillespie Center Services provide opportunities for participation by Westonka citizens. These services may change from time to time as interests change. GENERAL COMMUNITY SERVICES • Bus transportation assistance • Noon lunches • Income tax preparation • Library with computers • HUD -HRA assistance • Health Insurance counseling • Defensive Driving classes • Banking assistance • Bargain Bakery • "Hidden Treasurers" Shop • Battery recycling • Coffeehouse HEALTH / WELLNESS • Avada Hearing care • Flu Shot Clinic • Lifeline Screening • • Foot care • Blood pressure checks • Vision Loss Support • Parkinson's Disease Support • Senior Outreach Social Worker • Over 50 and Fit Exercise Class • Snapdragons Exercise Class • Line Dancing Class • Tai Chi RECREATION / HOBBIES / CLUBS • Cribbage, 500, bridge, Progressive Rummy • Wii Games, Scrabbles, Movies • Grand Buddies and Adult Book Clubs • Art Club • Hiking Group • Quilters • Gardening • Stamping • Gillespie Singers • Pretenders Story Theater Group • • Antique Club -1260- • • Photography Club EVENTS • Annual Golf Tournament • Holiday Boutique • Festival of Trees • Santa's Hidden Treasures • Style shows • Themed dinners • Mother's Day Tea • Partnered with the Westonka Historical of Westonka Horticultural societies • Wedding, Anniversary, Social or Business Room Rentals • Al and Alma's Summer Boat Cruises • Annual Plant Sale • Annual homecoming Tail Gate Party • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast TRIPS • Shopping • Old Log Theater Plays • Chanhassen Dinner Theater Matinees • Gale Woods Farm • • MN Landscape Arboretum • MN History Center • MN Science Museum and Omni Theater • Macy's Flower Show • Mystic Lake & Turtle Lake Casinos PROGRAMS • TRIAD - Mound Police • Estate planning • Westonka Area Blood Drives • LMCC Filming of Gillespie Center show of "Seniors on the Go" on Ch. 12 • Memorial Day Service with American Legion • Intergenerational programs with area school students and seniors • Additional programs each month announced in newsletter Gillespie Gazette Compiled June 2011. • -1261- • Kandis Hanson City Manager Mound, MN Kandis, June 21, 2011 Proposal to place me on the agenda for the Tuesday June 2& Council meeting to propose a name change for Mound Bay Park. I have included a copy of approximately what I Adll say. Right or wrong it should • get the ball rolling for discussion. Please let me know if you need more than this. Thanks for your help, t� 14 - Tom Rockvam 2670 Commerce Blvd. 105 Mound, MN 55364 952- 472 -4759 hurl2rock @aol.com -1262- • I am here tonight to propose to the council to consider changing the name of Mound Bay Park (which has no real significance) to Surfside Park & Beach, Mound MN. Even though it isn't named Surfside Park now, most of the people in Mound including the Mound City employees as well as people throughout the Lake Minnetonka area already identify it as Surfside Park & Surfside Beach. What I meant by saying that the present name has no significance is that I have gone back and looked at most of the maps ever made of the area all the • way back to before 1900 and I have read all of the history books written about the area and I have never seen anything where that section of Cooks Bay has been called, "Mound Bay. % -- That area was called -Mound City or Busy Corners around 1876 -- but never has it been called, Mound Bay. The name Surfside is significant because that was the name of a very popular entertainment center that was located on the property abutting it on the east side of the park where Chapman Place Condominiums stand today. The Surfside was in operation from 1963 until 1985 when it was torn down to make room for the condominiums. So again, I would like to have the Council consider changing the name to a name that means something and to a name that is already recognized by most Moundites and also by people throughout the Lake Minnetonka area. SURFSIDE PARK & BEACH MOUND, MN • -1263- BRIEF HISTORY OF MOUND BAY PARK From the research done, it appears that first the park was known as the Village Park, and then referred to • as Village Park on Cooks Bay, Mound Bay Park on Cooks Bay, Mound Park on Cooks Bay, and since the early 1960's, simply Mound Bay Park. There is currently a subdivision in the City that bears the name of Mound Bay Park. It includes ten parcels that include nine parcels on the northeast corner of Bartlett and Commerce plus the northern parcel that currently makes up Mound Bay Park. The following is the result of searching our archives for mention of Mound Bay Park in City Council minutes: 1935 — 9/17: Jim Hansen, resident, willing to give Warranty Deed to Village (certain terms are stated in minutes), for Block 8, Mound Bay Park. This parcel is the northern of the two parcels that makes up Mound Bay Park as we know it today. 1940 — 5/7: City Council approved special election for bonding for funds to buy the lots that make up the current southern parcel of Mound Bay Park. Indications are that bonding went through and some of the parcels were purchased. 1952 — 5/6: Casino, Inc. asking for right to use Park Pavilion in Village Park 1952 — 12/17: Council passed motion that Park Pavilion be used for warming house and that the village clean the snow from the ice. 1954 — 3/8: Attorney reported that Block 8, Mound Bay Park, can be registered in the name of the Village of Mound for public uses 1954 — 3/22: Park Board recommended that Park Pavilion be put up for sale and replace with open shelter and bath house. No action taken. 1954 — 6/14: Three veterans interested in dismantling Park Pavilion and using what they could to build • three homes. No action taken. 1954 — 9/13: Bid received and accepted from Village of Spring Park to buy Park Pavilion for $650. 1956 — 6/14: Motion passed to put a dock at the beach in Mound Bay Park on Cooks Bay. 1959 — 6/9: Motion to grant the use of the Village Park on Cook's Bay for Celebration on July 4th and 5 th 1961 — 7/11: Item titled: Mound Park at Cook's Bay — Walter Memik owns a small parcel of land within the park area at Cook's Bay. This was discussed by the Council. 1961 — 12/28: Motion passed to give authorization to begin torrens proceedings on Block 8, Mound Bay Park. 1962 — 3/6: Passed resolution to purchase lot still privately owned, that is completely surrounded by Village -owned lands that make up the "Village Park known as Mound Bay Park" 1963 —10/8: Motion to tear down old restrooms at Mound Bay Park 1968 — 11/12: Motion to approve Historical Museum sign be erected in Mound Bay Park Submitted by Bonnie Ritter • -1264- kk Government Finance Officers Association 203 N. LaSalle Street - Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone (312) 977 -9700 Fax (312) 977 -4806 02/04/2011 NEWS RELEASE For Information contact: Stephen Gauthier (312) 977 -9700 (Chicago) - -The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to City of Mound by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. An Award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been awarded to the individual(s), • department or agency designated by the government as primarily responsible for preparing the award- winning CAFR. This has been presented to: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with offices in Chicago, IL, and Washington, D.C. -1265- 5341 Maywood Road City of • Mound, MN 55364 Planning and Building Department • (952) 472 -0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Comm. Development Director Date: June 22, 2011 Re: Planning Commission Candidates for City Council Appointment Planning Commission Vacancies. There are currently three (3) vacancies on the Planning Commission as follows: One (1) term that will expire on December 31, 2011; and Two (2) terms that will expire on December 31, 2012. Planning Commission Candidate Interviews. The Planning Commission, at its June 7, 2011 meeting, interviewed the following candidates who submitted applications to the City of Mound: David Goode • Kelvin Retterath Pete Wiechert Jane Anderson City Council Member Attendance. A public meeting notice was prepared and posted on the City Hall bulletin board on May 26, 2011 so that members of the City Council could attend the June 7, 2011 Planning Commission interview. Copies of the candidate application materials were also provided to the City Council. Council Members Hanus and Gesch attended the meeting. Planning Commission Candidate Voting. Following the completion of the candidate interviews, a written ballot method of voting was used by the Planning Commission which yielded the following tally: Goode -10 / Wiechert —14 / Retterath —18 / Anderson —18 The candidate receiving the lowest score is ranked highest by the Planning Commission. The ballots are kept in the journal of the Planning Commission containing the meeting minutes. Excerpts from the June 7, 2011 Planning Commission meeting minutes (draft) have been included. • -1266- MINUTE EXCERPTS t'd" MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 7, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ward welcomed called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Those present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners: Jeffrey Bergquist, Chris Carlson, Douglas Gawtry, George Linkert and Ray Salazar. Absent: Kelli Gillispie. Staff present: Consultant Planner Rita Trapp. The following individuals were present: Mayor Mark Hanus and Councilmember Heidi Gesch. OLD / NEW BUSINESS A. Planning commission candidate interviews The following candidates were interviewed: David Goode, Kelvin Retterath, Pete Wiechert, and Jane Anderson. Vote tally was as follows: Goode —10; Wiechert = 14; Retterath = 18; Anderson =18. (The lower the vote tally the higher the • candidate was rated by the Commission.) The Commission was impressed by the quality of this group of candidates. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Carlson, to forward the interview results to the City Council. MOTION carried unanimously. • -1267- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 14, 2011 • The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Dave Osmek, Ray Salazar, and Heidi Gesch. Members absent: Councilmember Kelli Gillispie Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Public Works Superintendent Jim Fackler, Finance Director Catherine Pausche, Vern Brandenburg, Dick Woodruff, Tim Litfin, Amanda Schwarze Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting- Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda • Hanson requested the removal of Item 4J from the agenda. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Hanus requested the removal of item 4B for discussion. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve the consent agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of the May 24, 2011 regular meeting B. (removed) C. Approve contract with Allied Waste Systems for residential recycling services effective January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 D. RESOLUTION NO. 11-44: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 2011 SEAL COAT AND CRACK SEALING PROJECT AND DIRECTING STAFF TO RECEIVE QUOTES FOR THIS PROJECT E. Approve Pay Request No. 3 and Final from Widmer Construction, in the amount of $6,349.08, for the 2008 Strom Drainage Improvement Project, (PW- 08 -03) F. RESOLUTION NO. 11-45: RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2011 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT G. Approve 2011 Rip -rap request for $27,324.00 from Dock & Lift, with $17,526 coming from the Dock Fund, $7,590 coming from the Park Fund and $2,208 coming from the Storm Water • Fund. -1268- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2011 H. RESOLUTION NO. 11-46: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HENNEPIN. COUNTY SHERIFF'S • NEW REGIONAL 911 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY I. Approve License Agreement between the Westonka Historical Society and the City of Mound J. (Removed from agenda) 4B. Approve payment of claims Hanus asked for the removal of this item from the consent agenda so that he could abstain from the vote due to him having an expense claim in this batch of claims. MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve payment of claims in the amount of $320,569.91. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Public Meeting for the 2010 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program ( S WPPP) Annual Report Moore presented the 2010 annual report and Mayor Hanus asked for public comment and received none. No Council action is required with respect to the SWPPP report that will be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency by the June 30 deadline. 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the age nda. None were received. 7. Tim Litfin regarding Tour de Tonka Tim Liftin, representing Tour de Tonka, supplied information about the upcoming August 6"' even. The 40 mile route will come through Mound with Wolner field being the gathering point. The ICA Food Shelf is the recipient of donations and a portion of the registration fees. • 8. Dick Woodruff representina Lake Minnetonka Communications Commissio on survey results on proposed fiber -optic network Woodruff summarized the survey that was done to explore the desirability and feasibility of building a state -of- the -art fiber optic system that would serve all premises with the LMCC joint powers area. He stated that the next step will be to develop a detailed business plan that reflects the results of this survey. The business will detail the FTTP system to be developed and include a detailed pro forma financial plan. No Council action called for at this time. 9. Finance Director presenting audited results for the 2010 budget and forecast for th 2011 budget and seeking input on the 2012 budget and levy priorities an str ategies Pausche presented the audited results for the 2010 budget, along with the forecast for 2011. She asked for input on the 2012 budget levy priorities and Hanus stated that the mandated levy limits will not be an issue because they won't go that high anyway. Osmek asked if he was still wanted as a budget liaison and Hanson stated that she prefer that he continue to serve in this role. No formal Council action is needed at this time. 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager — Osmek commented that he and others are beginning the process for a 911 10 Anniversary Ceremony and will keep all updated on the progress. B. Reports: None C. Minutes: Planning Commission of May 3, 2011 D. Correspondence: Resignation of Chris Carlson from Planning Commission • 4 th of July Flying Pancake Breakfast Letter to SuperAmerica on liquor violation -1269- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2011 Letter to PDQ Foods on liquor violation 11. Adiourn • MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk • • -1270- Kandis Hanson From: Stacy .Chouinard @co.hennepin.mn.us on behalf of steptoit @co.hennepin.mn.us • Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:09 PM Subject: Step To It Hello Step To It participant, The 2011 Step To It Community Challenge has come to an exciting conclusion! All the totals are in and winners have been determined. RESULTS This year's Step To it Challenge participants logged over 608 million steps! The winner of "Most Overall Steps" is Brooklyn Park with over 101 million steps. As for the "Highest Average Number of Steps per Participant" award, most of the cities were "neck and neck" throughout the competition. In the end, Mound pulled away with the win. This year many city councils participated in the City Council challenge. All the city councils participating demonstrated their competitive edge. • Ultimately, Golden Valley's city council took the honors for both "Most Steps Walked by a City Council," and the "Highest Average Number of Steps per Councilmember" award. The top-stepper, four additional residents from each of the 22 cities, and ten youth will receive tickets to a Minnesota Twins game! We greatly appreciate your participation in the Step To It Community Challenge and look forward to your participation in 2012. SURVEY We want your valuable feedback about the 2011 Step To It Challenge. Please go to http:// www. surveymonkey.com /s /`201lStepToIt to complete the 2011 Step To It Challenge evaluation survey. The deadline for completing the questionnaire is June 26. All completed survey respondents will be entered in a drawing for one of 10 Step To It prize bags. If you are interested in being included in the drawing, be sure to complete the last page of the survey with your contact information. Disclaimer: Information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, may be subject to attorney - client or work product privilege, • may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected, and the unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipi- 1271 -F this message, please immediately notify 1 the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. • • • -1272- r� • real# Restreem ftood Oa Jam* to 2011 Name i �S G Address Or anization r'L i� , �t wD - 7 - ) - Imo. � /ei w.T G J rq r 1 V -1273- June 16, 2011 Dakota Trail Public Restroom Invitation List Hennepin County Department of Community Works and Transit • Patricia. L. Fitzgerald @co. hennepin. m n. us Patdck.Connoy@co.hennepin.mn.us Office of Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson jeff.r.johnson @co.hennepin.mn.us Office of Hennepin County Commission Chair Mike Opat mike.opat@co.hennepin.mn.us Mound Consultants Involved in the Project Bolton & Menk, Inc. danfa @bolton - menk.com Kennedy & Graven, Inc. jdean @kennedy- graven.com HKGi Rita @hkgi.com MnSpect scott @mnspect.com Bruce Chamberlain bchamberlain @minneapolisparks.org Mound Council Mark Hanus mhanus @multisource.com Ray Salazar subray100 @yahoo.com Kelli Gillispie kellig @tonkaautoandmarine.com Heidi Gesch hgesch @yahoo.com David Osmek david.osmek @ingenix.com Mound Commissions Planning Ray Salazar subray100 @yahoo.com • Jeffrey Bergquist jsbergquist @gmail.com Chris Carlson onepersonstrash @gmail.com Douglas Gawtry dgawtry@gmail.com Kelli Gillispie kellig @tonkaautoandmarine.com George Linkert georgematthew @linkert.name Stephen Ward sward722@msn.com Parks & Open Space Heidi Gesch hgesch @yahoo.com Josh Dunwoody dunwoody@crown.edu Sharon Holden sharon @ladiesjwhfretreats.com Todd Peterson teterson @mac - env.com Michael Wilkus mjw @wilkusarch.com Robert Brose dbrose @iandolakes.com Derek Goddard derekgoddard @yahoo.com Docks & Commons David Osmek david.osmek @ingenix.com Rodney Beystrom rodneybey @mchsi.com Mark Drahos markdrahos1716 @yahoo.com Jim Funk jim.funk @emerson.com Susan Gardner susan.gardner @state.mn.us Cliff Schmidt cliff @schmidtmarine.com Mound Staff "Group" List Kandis Hanson; Bonnie Ritter, Carlton Moore; Catherine Pausche; Greg • Pederson, Jim Fackler; Jim Kurtz, John Colotti; Ray Hanson; Collette -1274- Roberts; Heidi Tumberg; Jill Norlander, Joyce Nelson; Katie Hoff,• Mike Wocken; Shirley Hawks; Vicki Weber (vmweber@ci. mound. mn. us); Vicki Weber (vweber@moundfire. com) • Three Rivers Park District Boe Carlson bcarlson @threeriversparkdistrict.org Dan Deveau ddeveau @threeriversparksdistrict.org Barbara Fisher bfisher @threeriversparkdistrict.org Sara Wyatt District 1 Rep. (Commissioner Contact email option) Larry Blackstad - Hennepin Co. Board Appointee /Chair (Commissioner Contact email option) Architects / Consultants / Contractors Mike Wilkus mjw @wilkusarch.com Chriss Guerrera cjg@wilkusarch.com Jean Turck jturck@millerdunwiddie.com Chuck Liddy cliddy @millerdunwiddie.com Brett Newlin bnewlin @terragc.com Interested Parties Eric Serrano ( Laker ) sunmound @acnpapers.com Amanda Schwarz ( Laker ) amandaschwarz @acnpapers.com Brett Sursa (Lakeshore Weekly bstursa @weekly.com C7 i s • Page 2 -1275- DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, May 19, 2011 Present: Chair Jim Funk, Vice Chair Mark Drahos, Commissioners Rodney Beystrom, Cliff Schmidt, Council Member David Osmek Excused: Commissioner Susan Gardner Other Present: Public Works Superintendent Jim Fackler, Do Administrator Katie Hoff Public Present: None Chair Funk called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda: MOTION by Funk to approve agenda as w unanimously. 14ki., 2. Approval of April 21, 2011 Min MOTION by Funk t MOTION carried. 3. Rip Rap Requ F it MOTIO u proposed rip voted in favor. • • by Schmidt. MOTION carried . SECOND by Schmidt. iemo alowith pictures that show red rock has degraded cant erosion is occurring. Staff cannot provide the quotes k i fication that was needed from one contractor that son. Quotes were pretty favorable however. L on to the Council, once final quotes are received, the s of Devon Commons and Fairview Lane. SECOND by Drahos. All n carries. 4. Review: 2012 Dock Fees Hoff reviewed the packet memo that summarized the April DCC Meeting and resulting motion and how that reflects on the Docks Spreadsheet. Revenue increase with the $18 /foot slip fee (vs. current flat rate) was approximately 9,000 /year. Funk stated that the proposed increased share fee may discourage use and that value resides with the • Boat Storage Unit (BSU). Schmidt asked if there has been cost analysis of how much a -1276- second site holder costs in staff time. Hoff stated no there hasn't been but there is an • administrative cost to having secondary site holders. Beystrom believes that value is allowing a secondary resident access to lake and fee could be increased based on that. Funk stated fund doesn't need that money. Fackler reminded of last month's memo of future projects and their expense. Staff looks at this subject as value to the individual. Osmek reminded Commission that we've already had a large philosophical change going from a flat slip fee to the per /ft slip fee. Drahos agrees that the single change as passed at the April meeting is sufficient at this point. Therefore, no Motion is needed. The fee motion passed by DCC at 4/21/11 meeting will move on thru the budget process and Council. , Alk" is 5. Calendar: Funk summarized the upcoming calendar. MOTION By Funk to approve calendar as n2_01bi ting June, JAugust there will be no meeting unless something arises. SECOrahos. Al l voti gm0 favor. 6. Reports: City Council Representative: 0 reported o? e recent television news coverages regarding mobile home park. There ":C Sao developed development involved or proposed. k Staff: Fackler noted that all multipl` slips ari' sit 'Il d $ fiend Bay Park boat ramp has been improved wit ado s by co a tha he ramp. Make -ready dock's angle had to be raged h wer. Fe - h tinges will be presented during the yearly budget proce ,. midt. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. • -1277- Mediacom Theresa Sunde • Community Relations Coordinator June 15, 2011 Re: Channel Deletion Notice Dear Community Off=icials: • Wedding Central, digital channel 269, will be discontinued at 11:59pm on June 30 2011 on all Mediacom systems. The channel will not be replaced at this time. • There will be a cross channel spot running from June 23 through June 30 directing customers to Wedding Sunday's on WE TV. • Wedding Central will begin running commercial spots notifying viewers next week. • • A DCT Message will run notifying customers of this change. Thanks, Theresa Sunde " Mediacom Communications Corporation • 1504 2 Street SE • Waseca, MN 56093 • 507- 835 -2356 • Fax 507- 835 -4567 -1278-