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2011-07-26 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 26,2011 - 7:00 PM MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * Consent A eg nda Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. * Consent A eg nda *A. Approve minutes: July 12, 2011 regular meeting 1339 -1341 *B. Approve payment of claims 1342 -1372 *C. Action on Resolution approving Expansion Permit for Property 1373 -1388 at 3130 Highland Blvd. (PC Case 11 -07) *D. Approve election equipment rental agreement with School 1389 -1392 District #277 for November 8, 2011 school election 5. Planniniz Commission Recommendations A. Public Hearing 1393 -1415 Planning Case No. 11 -06 — PDA -CUP amendment related to commercial building in Lost Lake District and proposed modifications to add third tenant at 5401 Shoreline Drive. Applicant: Facilitech/Welsh (on behalf of owner Mound Development Group II LLC) (1) Action on Resolution Approving a PDA -CUP Related to Villa Commercial Building in the Lost Lake District and Proposed Modifications to Allow a third Tenant at 5401 Shoreline Dr. B. Action on Resolution Approving Specific Sign Program for Larson 1416 -1417 Chiropractic Located in the Villa Commercial Building 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 7. Consideration/Action on Resolution Adopting Public Works Policies 1418 -1446 PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: Finance Report — June 2011 1447 -1449 Investments as of 6/30/11 1450 Bolton & Menk Engineering expenses duu 6/30/11 1451 Harbor Wine & Spirits for first part of July, 2011 1452 C. Minutes: None D. Correspondence: Star Tribune article on Transit Woes 1453 -1454 9. Adjourn Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.cityofmound.com MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 12, 2011 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Kelli Gillispie, Ray Salazar, Heidi Gesch and David Osmek. Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Amanda Schwarze, Collette Roberts, Scott Kivisto, Nancy Nachreiner, Brian Pellowski, Jerry Luesse, Leo Schlangen, Jeff Johnson Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance 3. Approve aaenda Hanus requested that items 6 & 7 be reversed in order on the agenda. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve minutes of June 28, 2011 regular meeting B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $318,488.32 C. Set special meeting workshop for consideration of future of permitting responsibility for Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rules: July 20, 2011, start of meeting will follow the conclusion of HRA special meeting workshop scheduled for July 20, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. D. Approve application for Tour de Tonka temporary sign permit for August 6 th event E. RESOLUTION NO. 11-47: RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT POLICE OFFICER MEETS ALL OF THE POLICE AND FIRE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION F. Approve application from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church for Minnesota Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit: Sept 9,10,and 11, 2011, for bingo and raffles. G. Approve Third Amended and Restated Joint and Cooperative Agreement for Public Safety Purchasing H. Approve Pay Request No. 1 from GMH Asphalt Corporation in the amount of $290,880.14, for the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City Project PW -11 -01 and 11 -02. -1339- Mound City Council Minutes — July 12, 2011 I. Approve Change Order No. 1 and No. 2 by GMH Asphalt for the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, for a net change in contract amount of $26,863.48 and $62,419.41 respectively J. RESOLUTION NO. 11-48: RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2011 CRACK REPAIR PROJECT K. RESOLUTION NO. 11-49: RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 2011 BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Discussion regarding maintenance issues at Mound MarketPlace Center Sarah Smith reviewed the correspondence sent to PBK Investments regarding on -going maintenance and landscaping issues, along with other related concerns at the Center. Brian Pellowski, representing PBK Investments, addressed the Council outlining the struggles that the Center has had regarding keeping the retail spaces rented. He stated that he is currently in negotiations for the outbuilding that has never been occupied and hopes to have an agreement this week. He stated he is also taking aggressive action regarding the landscaping issues. He also addressed the unauthorized tenant sign board for H &R Block that was recently installed without permit(s). Osmek stated his displeasure with the level of maintenance in the Center, and was glad to hear that they are taking action and asked for a date for completion of the landscaping. Pellowski indicated that by September 1 st the center will be cleaned up and landscaping updated. As far as the H &R Block sign, Osmek indicated he is not convinced that the city will approve it. It went up illegally and does not meet the design requirements of the CUP for the MarketPlace signage. Leo Schlangen of H &R Block, spoke to the Council and stated that he was told that the permits for the sign were approved. He believes that as a tenant he should be able to market and represent his brand and colors. He stated that Pellowski stated that his sign would be OK if he got the proper permits, but he didn't do that. Hanus stated that this is not the time to debate the sign. They must remove it and then apply for a sign permit. Schlangen stated he would have the sign removed by June 26 and then apply for a sign permit. Pellowski then addressed the Council regarding the water structure at the Center. He stated that it has continuous maintenance issues with the brass lights being stolen and cigarette butts being thrown into the fountain from the patio above. Osmek stated that once the Center gets back into shape, yearly maintenance needs to be happen so it the Center doesn't get in this condition again. 7. Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson appeared before the Council for his annual visit. He stated that the 2011 budget represents a 2% decrease from last year and a 1 % decrease in the general property tax levy. He then presented the Step To It Award to Mound for winning the "Highest Average Number of Steps per Participant" award in the recent Hennepin County challenge. -1340- Mound City Council Minutes — July 12, 2011 8. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Reports: Finance report — May 11, 2011 C. Minutes: None D. Correspondence: LMCD 2012 budget Mediacom letter on Extra Twins Games Harbor Wine & Spirits — June 2011 9. Adiourn MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -13411- City of Mound Claims as of 07 -26 -11 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2011 0708CITYMAN $ 5 2011 0715CITYMAN $ 294,934.26 2011 0720CITYMAN $ 425.64 2011 0721CRCARD $ 1,495.36 2011 072611CITY $ 473,894.67 TOTAL CLAIMS $ 776,138.59 -1342- CITY OF MOUND 07/08/11 11:28 AM Page 1 I , Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Batch Name 0708CITYMAN User Dollar Amt $5,388.66 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $5,388.66 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 MINNESOTA TACTICAL OFFICERS Cash Payment G 101 -23215 Emerg Respond Unit Lake Ar MINNESOTA TACTICAL OFFICERS $3,060.00 ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE SEPT 18 -21 2011 —LAKE MTKA ERU 17 REGISTRATIONS Invoice 070811 7/8/2011 PO 23237 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,060.00 Refer 3 MORRIS, MATTHEW J. Cash Payment E 60149400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 2011 BOOT ALLOWANCE MORRIS $150.00 Invoice 070811 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 6 MWHS BOYS HOCKEY BOOSTERS Cash Payment E 10142110402 Building Maintenance 40 BAGS OF SOFTENER SALT PELLET $250.00 PURCHASE Invoice 070811 7/8/2011 PO 23323 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 7 MWHS BOYS HOCKEY BOOSTERS _ Cash Payment E 22242260 -210 Operating Supplies 40 BAGS OF SOFTENER SALT $250.00 Invoice 070811 7/8/2011 PO 23323 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 4 NATIONAL FIRE SAFETY COUNCIL _ Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow FIRE SUPPLY DONATIONS MOUND $645.00 RESIDENTS Invoice 070811 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $645.00 Refer 2 SCOTT COUNTY COURTHOUSE Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow UNDERAGE CONSUME WARRANT $185.00 #2011001336 Invoice 070811 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $185.00 Refer 5 VERIZON WIRELESS _ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $170.59 13 2011 STREETS Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $34.18 13 2011 IKM Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $5.22 13 2011 PERSONAL USAGE Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 60149400 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $202.81 13 2011 WATER DEPT Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -321 Telephone & Celts CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $190.96 13 2011 SEWER DEPT. Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 -1343- CITY OF MOUND 07/08/11 11:28 AM I, Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $19.48 13 2011 P &I Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $39.56 13 2011 CITY MANAGER Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE - $18.60 13 2011 FIRE DEPT. Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE MAY 14 THRU JUNE $204.46 13 2011 PARKS Invoice 2587014926 6/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/8/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $848.66 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $4,613.49 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $231.40 601 WATER FUND $352.81 602 SEWER FUND $190.96 $5,388.66 Pre - Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $5,388.66 Total $5,388.66 -1344- ........... _ ........ __.......__ CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: July 2011 Batch Name 0715CITYMAN Payment Computer Dollar Amt $294,934.26 Posted Refer 1 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/VIO Ck# 038376 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts FINANCE CHARGES ON SUPPLIES FEB THRU MAY Invoice FC2800430 5/31/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts AIR FILTER 106, 206 Invoice 6974 - 152296 4/4/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SWAY BAR LINK FOR 04 FORD F -350 Invoice 6974 - 159961 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 2 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT, INC. Ck# 038378 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair WIPER ARM AND BLADE FOR BOBCAT Invoice S- 0033905 6/20/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 3 G & K SERVICES Ck# 038379 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES 6 -20 -11 07/21/11 10:55 AM Page 1 Total Total Invoice 1006219421 6/20/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -20 -11 Invoice 1006219421 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -20 -11 Invoice 1006219421 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -20 -11 Invoice 1006219421 6/20/2011 $19.46 $35.39 $69.56 $124.41 $58.60 $58.60 $173.68 $33.78 $25.10 $23.21 $255.77 $210.42 $33.78 $25.10 $23.21 $292.51 $183.14 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 4 G & K SERVICES Ck# 038379 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES & MAT SERVICE 6 -27 -11 Invoice 1066230380 6/27/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -27 -11 Invoice 1066230380 6/27/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -27 -11 Invoice 1066230380 6/27/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 6 -27 -11 Invoice 1066230380 6/27/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 5 GAR)'"S DIESEL SERVICE Ck# 038380 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts FTL SPRING PIN, FRONT SUSPENSION Invoice 13900 6/15/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 6 GREEN WITH ENVY LAWN CARE Ck# 038382 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -440 Other Contractual Servic WEED- CONTROL SPRAYING OF SIDEWALKS 6 -16 -11 Invoice 16777 6/16/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 7 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Ck# 038384 7/15/2011 $183.14 $929.81 Total $929.81 -1345- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:55 AM ,! Payments Page 2 •r.r• CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR TIMER ON PUMPS CONTROL $200.00 CIRCUIT 6 -24 -11 Invoice 5312 6/24/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer 8 SKILLPATH SEMINARS Ck# 038385 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training MANAGING EMOTIONS SEMINAR - MOORE 6- $129.00 1 -11 Invoice 10231939 6/1/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 711512011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $129.00 Refer 9 T- MOBILE CELL PHONE Ck# 038386 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE SERVICE K. HOFF 6 -3 -11 THRU $43.74 7 -2 -11 Invoice 071511 7/3/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone CELL PHONE SERVICE K. HOFF 6 -3 -11 THRU $23.50 7 -2 -11 Invoice 071511 7/3/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $67.24 Refer 10 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP Ck# 038387 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies ADJUST LIMITS ON OPERATOR DOOR AT $126.03 PW BLDG, LUBRICATE & TEST Invoice 351994 6/20/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $126.03 Refer 11 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY Ck# 038388 7/15/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival DISCOUNT FOR EARLY PAY -$9.80 Invoice 5555519 7/11/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival ELECTRICAL CORDS FOR SPIRIT OF THE $523.87 LAKES FESTIVAL 90 DEG 600V CORD .785 OD Invoice 5555519 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $514.07 Refer 12 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY Ck# 038388 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts EARLY PAY DISCOUNT - $20.53 Invoice 5503048 6/21/2011 Cash Payment E 60249450 -221 Equipment Parts COR 2 WELDING AND 600 V CORD $1,097.07 Invoice 5503048 6/21/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,076.54 Refer 13 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Ck# 038383 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -434 Conference & Training 2011 SAFETY & LOSS CONTROL $20.00 WORKSHOP IN ST. CLOUD 4 -26 -11 SARAH SMITH Invoice 147779 2/2/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.00 Refer 14 ETRANSTECH, LLC Ck# 038377 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials REPLACEMENT TEFLON CUTTING MAT $77.00 Invoice 14 6/24/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.00 Refer 15 GMHASPHALT Ck# 038381 7/15/2011 -1346- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:55 AM Payments Page 3 ... ..... . .... _ .... ...... ..._._ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 071511 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43127 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 071511 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/15/2011 Fund Summary 101 281 401 601 602 675 PAY REQUEST #1 2011 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - WORK COMPLETED FROM MAY 18 THRU JUNE 25, 2011 SW ISLAND AREA Project PW1101 PAY REQUEST #12011 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - WORK COMPLETED FROM MAY 18 THRU JUNE 25, 2011 HIGHLANDS AREA Project PW1102 $242,873.14 $48,007.00 $290,880.14 $294,934.26 Due 0 Wells Fargo 10100 Total BATCH Total 10100 Wells Fargo $1,027.68 $43.74 $290,880.14 $50.20 $2,002.69 $929.81 $294,934.26 Pre - Written Check $294,934.26 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $0.00 Total $294,934.26 -1347- CITY OF MOUND 07/19/11 1:25 PM ��. Payments Page 1 . ...................---- -.�.. CITY OF MOUND Batch Name 0720CITYMAN Payments Current Period: July 2011 User Dollar Amt $425.64 Computer Dollar Amt $425.64 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -433 Dues and Subscriptions WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATOR CERTIFICATE RENEWAL CLASS D LICENSE - GIESE Invoice 071911 6/29/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -433 Dues and Subscriptions WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM OPERATOR CERTIFICATE RENEWAL CLASS D LICENSE - STRICKLEN Invoice 071911 6/29/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 1 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE - JULY WATER BILLS Invoice 071911 7/19/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -322 Postage UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE - JULY WATER BILLS Invoice 071911 7/19/2011 $23.00 $23.00 $151.91 $151.90 $303.81 $75.83 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 3 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities ELECTRICITY 5 -26 TO 6 -29 -11 EMERALD DRIVE LIFT STATION Invoice 378458636 7/1/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 601 WATER FUND $197.91 602 SEWER FUND $227.73 $425.64 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $425.64 Total $425.64 $75.83 -1348- CITY OF MOUND / \ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Batch Name 0721 CRCARD User Dollar Amt $1,495.36 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,495.36 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ELAN CREDIT CARD _ HENRY'S TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT - Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -434 Conference & Training DOUBLE TREE HOTEL ROCHESTER - CITY Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 MANAGER CONFERENCE - K. HANSON Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies JUNE 14 THRU 16 2011 MN WOMEN IN CITY GOVT. CONFERENCE Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -435 Books and Pamphlets TRAINING BOOKS, TAPES Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies BEST BUY SURVEILLANCE MONITOR Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Invoice 072111 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CABELA'S ALUMINUM LOCKED SUV Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training DRAWER FOR FORD ESCAPE Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 11 RITTER Cash Payment E 401 - 46570 -500 Capital Outlay FA PLAQUE FOR PUMPHOUSE DEDICATION Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -434 Conference & Training CEREMONY FROM V & S JEWELERS Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 11 - COLOTTI Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -331 Use of personal auto MOTOR FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLE FOR Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training PAUSCHE TO ATTEND AWARDS CEREMONY FOR MWCG IN ROCHESTER Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 HONORING K. HANSON 6 -15 -11 Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic INET 7 INTERNET MONTHLY SERVICE Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts HENRY'S TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT - GENERATOR PARTS Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -200 Office Supplies TARGET - PURCHASE WATER COOLERS FOR ALL TRUCKS Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/18/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 2 ELAN CREDIT CARD Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- 11 - K. HANSON Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- 11 RITTER Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- 11 - COLOTTI Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- 11 - KURTZ Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- 11 - SMITH Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6-21 - 11-PEDERSON Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 07/21/11 9:37 AM Page 1 $200.42 $48.16 $203.80 $422.60 $321.84 $47.49 $43.90 $26.00 $40.82 $1,355.03 $17.55 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 -1349- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 9:37 AM Page 2 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- $17.54 11 - PAUSCHE Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -434 Conference & Training TRAINING LUNCH TGIF DEPT. HEADS 6 -21- $17.54 11 - FACKLER Invoice 072111 7/21/2011 Transaction Date 7/18/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $140.33 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $867.82 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $17.54 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $321.84 602 SEWER FUND $66.82 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $221.34 $1,495.36 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $1,495.36 Total $1,495.36 -1350- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 1 Payments •.. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Batch Name 072611 CITY User Dollar Amt $473,894.67 Transaction Date Payments Computer Dollar Amt $473,894.67 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 2 AMUNDSON, M. LLP $0.00 In Balance Cash Payment Refer 116 3D SPECIALTIES Invoice 112739 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials VARIOUS SIZES YELLOW SCREENED $499.28 E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R MATERIAL Invoice 112245 Invoice 436511 7/15/2011 Transaction Date Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $499.28 Refer 139 ABDO SICK AND MEYERS, LLP Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $1,841.98 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $952.11 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $337.15 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $2,908.19 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $854.46 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $854.46 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $1,300.74 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 670- 49500 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $206.78 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -301 Auditing and Acct'g Servi AUDIT SERVICES PERFORMED FOR SINGLE $244.13 AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING 12 -31 -2010 Invoice 281508 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,500.00 Refer 1 AICPA Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions AICPA MEMBERSHIP DUES PAUSCHE -AUG $215.00 1, 2011 THRU JULY 31, 2012 Invoice 072611 7/7/2011 PO 23719 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 2 AMUNDSON, M. LLP Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R TOBACCO PRODUCTS Invoice 112739 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -256 Tobacco Products For R TOBACCO PRODUCTS Invoice 112245 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 9 APPROVED EQUAL COMPANY Total $215.00 $531.20 $530.90 Total $1,062.10 -1351- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 2 Payments 1............_.._......_._._._ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance CITY HALL TEMPERATURE CONTROLS $151.00 SERVICE CALL 7 -6 -11 RESET LOWER LEVEL CONTROLLER Invoice 10922 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $151.00 Refer 3 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival ICE FOR SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL $167.32 Invoice 395119603 7/15/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival ICE FOR SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL $51.06 Invoice 459119710 7/16/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $218.38 Refer 4 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $67.32 Invoice 459119707 7/16/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 459119707 7/16/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.32 Refer 5 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $67.50 Invoice 461118907 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 461118907 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.50 Refer 6 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $221.72 Invoice 395119303 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 395119303 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $222.72 Refer 7 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $69.54 Invoice 395119602 7/15/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 395119602 7/15/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.54 Refer 8 ASSURED SECURITY - Cash Payment E 281 -45210 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CUT DUPLICATE KEYS $45.69 Invoice 61527 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.69 Refer 10 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE $33.00 Invoice 85443800 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MERCHANDISE $96.45 Invoice 85443800 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $129.45 Refer 11 BELLBOY CORPORATION -1352- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 3 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,607.95 Invoice 59119900 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $60.45 Invoice 59119900 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,668.40 Refer 12 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $676.50 Invoice 59091700 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $12.75 Invoice 59091700 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $689.25 Refer 13 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $7,020.02 Invoice 59023600 7/5/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,020.02 Refer 14 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES $19.60 Invoice 85463100 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/1912011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.60 Refer 15 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $154.68 Invoice 27539 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $154.68 Refer 115 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX /SOFT DRINKS $120.93 Invoice 27539 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $120.93 Refer 16 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 10145200 -300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS FROM MAY $65.00 14 THRU JUNE 10 2011 Invoice 0140657 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS FROM MAY $130.00 14 THRU JUNE 10 2011 Invoice 0140657 6/30/2011 Project PW1101 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS FROM MAY $2,202.00 14 THRU JUNE 10 2011 Invoice 0140657 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,397.00 Refer 17 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs I & I ANALYSIS ENGINEERING SVCS FROM $142.00 MAY 14 THRU JUNE 10, 2011 Invoice 0140658 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $142.00 Refer 18 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 $227.00 SWPPP UPDATE STORMWATER UTILITY Invoice 0140659 6/30/2011 -1353- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 4 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 402 -43120 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140660 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140661 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43109 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140662 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140663 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43161 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140664 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140665 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 401 -43127 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140666 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140667 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0140668 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140669 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0140674 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0140675 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 427 -43121 -300 Professional Srvs ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 MSA SYSTEM UPDATE ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2008 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PW 08 -03 Project PWO803 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION PW 09 -02 Project PW0902 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 GIS UPDATES Project SA -1 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT PW 11 -07 Project PW1107 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2011 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS SW ISLAND AREA Project PW1101 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2011 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS RIDGEWOOD /IDLEWOOD/HIGHLAND PW11- 02 Project PW1102 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 SURFACE WATER MGMT. STORMWATER UTILITIES ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2010 LIFT STATIONS PW 10 -02 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 STORM SEWER OUTFALLS & PONDS ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2011 LIFT STATIONS PW11 -03 Project PW1103 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2011 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PW11 -05 Project PW1105 ENGINEERING SVCS 5 -14 -11 THRU 6 -10 -11 2011 CRACK, SEAL COAT PROJECT PW 11- 06 $710.00 $372.00 $284.00 $691.50 $213.00 $48,490.23 $2,395.50 $689.00 $8,590.40 $3,936.34 $4,151.50 $1,457.50 $1,630.50 Invoice 0140676 6/30/2011 Project PW1106 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $73,838.47 Refer 70 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREN T Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -400 Repairs & Maintenance CJDN CONNECT CHARGE & TERMINAL ID'S $630.00 Invoice P07 MD0271300 6/28/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.00 Refer 19 CAD ZONE, INCORPORATED - -1354- CITY OF MOUND Payments .rNrw� CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft FIRE ZONE UPGRADE VERSION 9 Invoice 27500 6/27/2011 PO 23320 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 20 CARLO LACHMANSINGH SALES, I $209.00 Total Cash Payment E 40143161 -500 Capital Outlay FA 11 POLES & FIXTURES FOR 2011 STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT PROJECT PW11 -07 Invoice 5173 7/11/2011 Project PW1107 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 117 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/IM Cash Payment E 10143100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTER HD Invoice 6974 - 160010 6/30/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTER HD RETURNED FOR CREDIT Invoice 6974 - 160680 7/8/2011 Invoice 072611 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts THERMOSTAT, GASKETS, TEMP GAUGE, E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 SUPERCEDE FOR CPS 82900 #175 Invoice 6974 - 160490 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -221 Equipment Parts WHEEL NUT FOR SMALL GENERATOR TRAILER Invoice 6974 - 161105 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 21 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Total $209.00 $55,830.43 $55,830.43 $25.82 - $25.82 $70.72 $2.33 $73.05 $78.03 $202.98 $66.10 $22.18 $128.79 $128.79 $34.22 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 PARKS BLDG Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 CITY HALL BLDG Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 PUBLIC WORKS BLDG Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 LIQUOR STORE Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 POLICE BLDG Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 FIRE HALL Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -383 Gas Utilities GAS UTILITIES 5 -17 -11 THRU 6 -17 -11 DEPOT Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 22 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 00052284 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Refer 23 COCA COLA BOTTLING- MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS FOR RESALE Invoice 0198052931 7/14/2011 HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL Total 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 5 $661.09 $13.47 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13.47 $622.50 -1355- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 e 6 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS FOR RESALE $175.20 Invoice 0198052929 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $797.70 Refer 71 CRIME ALERT NETWORK, MINNES Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MINNESOTA CRIME ALERT NETWORK $12.00 MEMBERSHIP 1 YEAR Invoice 072611 7/1/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.00 Refer 24 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $180.00 Invoice 56343 7/18/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $180.00 Refer 25 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $22.40 Invoice 608707 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,974.90 Invoice 608706 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,997.30 Refer 26 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials 5 GAL WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT FAST DRY $318.49 Invoice 802130213 6/9/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $318.49 Refer 27 DOCK AND LIFT, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply HOLOGRAPHIC TAPE $8.65 Invoice 19392 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8.65 Refer 28 EMERYS TREE SERVICE, INCORP Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -533 Tree Removal TOPPED ASH TREE @ 4853 TUXEDO BLVD. $416.81 JULY 7TH Invoice 16678 7/15/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $416.81 Refer 65 ERICKSON, TERESA Cash Payment R 101 -45000 -34110 Depot Rental REFUND DEPOT RENTAL FEE DUE TO $125.00 BEACH BEING CLOSED FOR 7 -21 -11 RESERVATION Invoice 072611 7/20/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.00 Refer 29 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa RED BULL BEVERAGES $147.00 Invoice W- 395319 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $147.00 Refer 30 FERGUSON WATERWORKS _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 12 5/8" METER COUPLINGS, 101 1/2" $105.70 GASKETS Invoice S01311876.001 6/23/2011 PO 23688 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Farao 10100 Total $105.70 -1356- _ CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Payments Page 7 L ......... _.. --•�- CITY OF MOUND Refer 31 FERGUSON WATERWORKS Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice S01312174.001 6/27/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Refer 32 FIRE SAFETY ASSOCIATION NATI Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 45487 6/29/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 45095 6/29/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Refer 37 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006262890 7/18/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006252019 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Refer 38 G & K SERVICES Current Period: July 2011 RUBBER MTR GASKET $8.95 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8.95 RED LENS, BULBS, CONNECTOR FOR $175.00 BRAKE/TURN PICK HEAD & FLAT HEAD AXES, FIRE HOSE, $910.00 CHARGE CORD FOR STREAMLIGHT Refer 39 G & K SERVICES Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,085.00 MAT SERVICE 7 -18 -11 $55.88 MAT SERVICE 7 -11 -11 $55.88 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $111.76 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SERVICE & SUPPLIES CITY HALL $150.06 Invoice 1006252023 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.06 Refer 39 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PIN 7 -4 -11 $23.21 Invoice 1006241164 7/4/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PIN 7-4 -11 $25.10 Invoice 1006241164 7/4/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PIN 7 -4 -11 $33.78 Invoice 1006241164 7/4/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES PIN 7-4 -11 $106.08 Invoice 1006241164 7/4/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $188.17 Refer 40 G & K SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 7 -18 -11 PARKS $39.79 Invoice 1006262896 7/18/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES 7 -18 -11 PARKS $56.80 Invoice 1006262896 7/18/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.59 Refer 41 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PARKS 7 -11 -11 $47.29 Invoice 1006252026 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies MAT SERVICE & SUPPLIES PARKS 7 -11 -11 $145.92 Invoice 1006252026 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $193.21 Refer 42 G & K SERV ICES Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PARKS 7 -04 -11 $39.79 Invoice 1006241166 7/4/2011 -1357- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM �\ Payments Page 8 , ................. .... ...._ • CITY OF MOUNT} Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES PARKS 7 -04 -11 $56.80 Invoice 1006241166 7/4/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.59 Refer 43 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE PARKS 6 -20 -11 $39.79 Invoice 1006219423 6/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES PARKS 6 -20 -11 $56.80 Invoice 1006219423 6/20/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.59 Refer 118 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 7 -11 -11 $23.21 Invoice 1006252022 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 7 -11 -11 $25.10 Invoice 1006252022 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SERVICE 7 -11 -11 $33.78 Invoice 1006252022 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES & MAT SERVICE 7 -11 -11 $282.53 Invoice 1006252022 7/11/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $364.62 Refer 33 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -395 Gopher One -Call LOCATES JUNE 2011 $157.37 Invoice 15790 7/1/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -395 Gopher One -Call LOCATES JUNE 2011 $157.38 Invoice 15790 7/1/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $314.75 Refer 119 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply PLUG 4 -POLE WIRE $628.04 Invoice 9564851484 6/17/2011 PO 22587 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply RETURNED FOR CREDIT PLUG 4 -POLE WIRE - $628.04 Invoice 9576043583 7/1/2011 PO 22587 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts RUN CAPACITOR $1.97 Invoice 9574909884 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts PLUG 4 -POLE WIRE $1.97 Invoice 9564851484 6/17/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3.94 Refer 120 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair PLUG, & CONNECTOR $118.31 Invoice 9567449633 6/21/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.31 Refer 34 HAWK LABELING SYSTEMS Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -227 Chemicals CHLORINE CYLINDERS $60.00 Invoice 3238009 6/30/2011 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -227 Chemicals CHLORINE & HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID $2,238.01 Invoice 3238845 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,298.01 Refer 121 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD -1358- _ CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 9 Payments r...... . ............... __._.._ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR HANDHELD READER $622.44 Invoice 3033233 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $622.44 Refer 35 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies 10 PHOS -CHEK 5 GALLON PAILS $841.50 Invoice 0785310 -IN 6/29/2011 PO 23318 Transaction Date 7/19/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $841.50 Refer 44 HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSORS Cash Payment E 101 - 41550 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2011 CONTRACTED ASSESSMENT FEES $94,213.38 Invoice 1000005622 6/24/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $94,213.38 Refer 45 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFFS OF Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -450 Board of Prisoners PER DIEM & PROCESSING FEE JUNE 2011 $428.57 Invoice 3702 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $428.57 Refer 46 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training ACCESS 2007 BASIC CLASS 12 -10 -10 - V. $149.00 WEBER Invoice 00235226 7/24/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $149.00 Refer 47 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED - Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $420.25 Invoice 565476 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $420.25 Refer 48 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, I Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SERVICES JUNE 2011 $513.30 Invoice 007 - 001 -38 717/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $513.30 Refer 49 HOME DEPOT /GECF (PA49 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival PIPE, FITTINGS, ETC TO PLACE POLES FOR $143.01 LIGHTS FOR SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL AT PARK Invoice 072611 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $143.01 Refer 132 HOME DEPOT /GECF (PA49 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies COMPOUND MITER SAW FOR PUBLIC $533.31 WORKS Invoice 072611 7/20/2011 PO 23573 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $533.31 Refer 36 HEEMAN, KIM Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -232 Landscape Material REIMBURSE RESIDENT @ 4836 ISLAND $74.68 VIEW DRIVE FOR DAMAGED FLOWERS - HUEMAN Invoice 072611 7/18/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.68 Refer 122 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY, 1 -1359- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Payments Page 10 CITY Of MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 1304118 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Refer 50 INTRCOMM TECHNOLOGY SKF BEARING Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 10141920 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft 2 TB HARDRIVES REPLACED /INSTALLED 6- Refer 52 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale 29 -11 Invoice 60288 7/11/2011 PO 23718 E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 51 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Invoice 502522 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1573529 7/18/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1573528 7/18/2011 Invoice 1095144 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1573478 7/11/2011 Transaction Date Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1573492 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1573484 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 52 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1091696 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1091701 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 502522 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1091908 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1095142 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1095144 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 501712 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Refer 53 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR WINE WINE CREDIT WINE WINE WINE WINE WINE CREDIT Total $43.59 $1,341.05 $647.45 - $10.40 $563.50 $1,454.10 $436.90 - $14.67 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1091697 717/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1095143 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1091699 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1095145 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1091702 717/2011 $43.59 $673.31 $673.31 $25.50 $3,088.00 $5,161.75 $23.95 $77.60 $8,376.80 $4,417.93 $0.00 $34.25 $30.25 $32.49 $41.98 -1360- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Payments Page 11 L........... _ ........ __.M CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1091695 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 54 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1091698 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 502285 7/7/2011 Invoice 0000011699 6/29/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1091700 7/7/2011 Refer 123 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1095141 7/13/2011 Invoice 1017546043 6/29/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Current Period: July 2011 Invoice 1095578 7/14/2011 $710.00 Total $848.97 $2,510.27 - $45.00 $230.90 $1,184.00 $782.94 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,663.11 Refer 55 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R LEMONS & LIMES FOR RESALE $54.99 Invoice 072611 7/9/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54.99 Refer 56 KREMER SERVICES, LLC Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs FRAME & STRUCTURAL REPAIR TO FORD $1,288.00 F550 TRUCK #209 Invoice 0000011699 6/29/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,288.00 Refer 123 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -210 Operating Supplies TYVEK SHOE COVER $103.49 Invoice 1017546043 6/29/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $103.49 Refer 57 LAKE MINNETONKA ASSOCIATION Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL $50.00 Invoice 072611 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 58 LAKE MINNETONKA COMM. COMM Cash Payment E 101 -49840 -300 Professional Srvs 2ND QTR 2011 PEG ACCESS FEE $11,158.62 Invoice 072611 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,158.62 Refer 59 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATI Cash Payment E 101 - 41110 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 3RD QTR 2011 LMCD LEVY PAYMENT $6,084.25 Invoice 072611 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,084.25 Refer 60 LAKE RESTORATION, INC. Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -440 Other Contractual Servic WEED & ALGAE TREATMENT PROGRAM @ $542.00 BEACHWOOD - 3 WEEKLY APPLICATIONS Invoice 83394 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $542.00 Refer 61 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC _ -1361- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Payments Page 12 f�_ \ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SUPPLIES, WHEEL WGTS, CABLE TIES, $335.85 BULBS, DUCT TAPE, INSUL RING, PLASTIC COVER PRIM WIRE, Invoice 0602879 7/5/2011 PO 23585 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $335.85 Refer 124 LA WSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials TAPERFIT EARPLUGS $47.41 Invoice 0620337 7/11/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47.41 Refer 62 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $22.39 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $358.22 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $291.04 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $8,104.44 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $291.04 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $4,298.49 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $1,499.99 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $3,268.64 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $291.04 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $1,164.17 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $4,298.49 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $1,388.05 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -151 Worker's Comp Insuranc 3RD INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP $0.00 COVERAGE 2011 Invoice 20571 7/3/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $25,276.00 Refer 63 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR -1362- _ CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 13 Payments .�... CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 10141910 -202 Duplicating and copying BLACK & WHITE COPIER OVERAGE $68.73 CHARGES - MAILROOM KONICAIMINOLTA COPIER 6 -14 THRU 7 -13 Invoice 1270549 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -202 Duplicating and copying COLOR COPY OVERAGE CHARGES - $44.30 MAILROOM KONICA/MINOLTA COPIER 6 -14 THRU 7 -13 Invoice 1270549 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $113.03 Refer 64 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101 -42400 -202 Duplicating and copying 4TH FLOOR KONICA/MINOLTA 8200 COPIER $18.99 OVERAGE CHARGES 6 -10 THRU 7 -9 -11 Invoice 1267197 7/1/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $18.99 Refer 66 MERTZ, CRAIG M. LAW OFFICE Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -304 Legal Fees PROSECUTION SERVICES JUNE 2011 $6,531.93 Invoice 072611 7/5/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -304 Legal Fees HENNEPIN COUNTY INTO.TECHNOLOGY $48.09 ACCESS TO MNCIS FEE Invoice 072611 7/5/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,580.02 Refer 67 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS MUNICIPAL WSTEWATER CHARGE AUGUST $54,372.92 2011 Invoice 0000964760 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $54,372.92 Refer 68 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORA TIO Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials 5 GAL PAIL TAC $42.75 Invoice 110929MB 6/27/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials FINE MIX TONNAGE $440.04 Invoice 111026MB 6/27/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $482.79 Refer 125 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATIO Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials FINE MIX $382.82 Invoice 111233MB 7/5/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials FINE MIX $93.48 Invoice 111432MB 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $476.30 Refer 69 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic WINDOW WASHING 6 -6 -11 $65.19 Invoice 921086220 6/26/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer 73 MINNESOTA ROADWAYS COMPA Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -224 Street Maint Materials CRS II ASPHALT EMULSION $382.50 Invoice 63087 7/10/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $382.50 Refer 74 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INS -1363- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM �. Page 14 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -140 Unemployment Comp 2ND QTR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS $210.96 PAID - CHEELEY Invoice 072611 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -140 Unemployment Comp 2ND QTR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS $3,838.44 PAID - WEIST Invoice 072611 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -140 Unemployment Comp 2ND QTR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PAID $5,700.00 Invoice 072611 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7120/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,749.40 Refer 75 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -470 Water Samples COLIFORM WATER TESTS & MONTHLY $77.50 CHLORINE REPORT Invoice 559126 7/16/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $77.50 Refer 72 MNGFOA Cash Payment E 101 - 41500434 Conference & Training MN GOVT. FINANCE OFFICERS ASOC $225.00 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPT 21 -23 - PAUSCHE Invoice 072611 7/18/2011 PO 22589 Cash Payment E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training MN GOVT. FINANCE OFFICERS ASOC $0.00 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SEPT 21 -23 - TUMBERG - SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED Invoice 072611 7/18/2011 PO 22589 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 77 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750412 Building Rentals AUGUST COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE & $956.25 INSURANCE Invoice Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $956.25 Refer 78 MOUND TIF INVESTMENT PARTNE Cash Payment E 355 - 46384 -650 TIF Payments to Develo EXCESS TIF MONEY FROM MAY 2011 $3,100.00 PROPERTY TAX SETTLEMENT Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,100.00 Refer 76 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 60949750 -382 Water Utilities UTILITY BILLING - WATER & SEWER $43.50 CHARGES 6 -3 TO 7 -1 -11 Invoice 072611 7/15/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $43.50 Refer 80 NEOPOST - Cash Payment E 101 - 41910400 Repairs & Maintenance 07 -05 -11 THRU 07 -04 -12 POSTAGE METER $1,049.98 RENTAL Invoice 47604512 7/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,049.98 Refer 81 NOBLE CONSERVATION SOLUTIO Cash Payment E 10141910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance SERVICE CALL HVAC SYSTEM FAILURE $65.00 CITY HALL Invoice 2011 - 10387/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells F 10100 Total $65.00 ---- _ CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 15 Payments ; ................_......__ CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Refer 126 NORL/NGS LAKE MINNETONKA LA Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic 5 -2 -11 GENERAL SPRING LANDSCAPE $1,023.85 MTCE AROUND PARKING DECK Invoice 25764 6/27/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,023.85 Refer 127 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN Cash Payment E602-49450-210 Operating Supplies 2 POWER DISTRIBUTION BOXES, POWER $1,781.59 DISTRIBUTION CENTER, & 50 AMP CORD CONNECTORS Invoice 24255323 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,781.59 Refer 79 NS11 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 6 -22 -11 POWER FAILURE RESET AIR $320.00 HANDLERS & A/C UNITS - REPAIR CONDENSER FAN AT CITY HALL Invoice W22798 6/30/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $320.00 Refer 85 OFFICE DEPOT (POLICE) Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -200 Office Supplies BATTERIES, BINDER CLIPS, LAMINATING $181.43 POUCH, FILE FOLDERS, CX TAPE Invoice 569351075001 6/24/2011 PO 23246 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $181.43 Refer 86 OFFICE DEPOT (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies DOCUMENT HOLDERS & ADDRESS LABELS $65.31 Invoice 569638578001 6/28/2011 PO 23321 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.31 Refer 82 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -200 Office Supplies LAMINATING POUCHES $3.70 Invoice 570684577001 7/8/2011 PO 23587 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival LAMINATING POUCHES - SPIRIT OF THE $3.70 LAKES FESTIVAL USE Invoice 570684577001 7/8/2011 PO 23587 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7.40 Refer 83 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -200 Office Supplies COPY PAPER - GREEN GOLDENROD $25.49 Invoice 570505919001 7/7/2011 PO 23587 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -200 Office Supplies ASTROBRIGHT SOLAR YELLOW COPY $23.45 PAPER Invoice 570505919001 7/7/2011 PO 23587 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $48.94 Refer 84 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -200 Office Supplies LEGAL PADS, ENVELOPES, RUBBERBANDS $23.44 Invoice 569987890001 6/30/2011 PO 23577 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23.44 Refer 87 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $58.00 Invoice 8311855 -IN 7/14/2011 -1365- CITY OF MOUND Payments r ............ ._- _......_._ .� CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8311855 -IN 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 88 PAUST/S AND SON WINE COM 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 16 $2.25 Total Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8311279 -IN 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8311279 -IN 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 89 PEDERSON, GREG Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies REIMBURSE FOR 10 CASES OF WATER FOR FIREFIGHTING REHAB 6 -10 -11 COSTCO Invoice 072611 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 96 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2096133 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 2093637 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2096134 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 97 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2093638 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2093639 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 3462705 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2096131 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 2096132 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 98 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 478870 - 007/6/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 478869 - 007/6/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Refer 99 QUALITY WINE AND SPIRITS WINE WINE Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 481543 -00 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 481528 -CO 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 481529 -00 7/13/2011 -1366- Total $60.25 $763.48 $10.00 $773.48 $37.50 $37.50 $1,217.65 $631.30 $41.95 $1,890.90 $1,134.75 $133.34 - $32.00 $266.68 $395.95 $1,898.72 $5,686.74 $734.76 $5,904.29 $16.00 $454.00 CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 17 Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,374.29 Refer 93 ROCKYS HANDYMAN SERVICES L Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING SERVICE AT 4876 $106.88 BARTLETT BLVD Invoice 2011 -241 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING SERVICE AT 4724 $106.88 BEACHSIDE RD Invoice 2011 -240 7/12/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING SERVICE AT 1943 $106.88 SHOREWOOD LANE Invoice 2011 -239 7/12/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $320.64 Refer 128 ROCKYS HANDYMAN SERVICES L Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING ON 6 -8 -11 & 7 -13 -11 @ $200.00 2126 FERNLANE Invoice 2011 -245 7/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous REMOVE TRASH AND HAUL TO DUMP, $468.75 PUMP WATER FROM POND AND HOT TUB @ 2126 FERN LANE Invoice 2011 -245 7/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING ON 7 -13 -11 @ 6112 $53.44 BARTLETT BLVD. Invoice 2011 -243 7/20/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING ON 7 -13 -11 @ 1861 $213.75 COMMERCE BLVD. Invoice 2011 -244 7/20/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $935.94 Refer 90 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic TRANSIT CENTER ELEVATOR SERVICE 6 -30- $460.03 11 Invoice 7151451214 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $460.03 Refer 91 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $60.00 Invoice 1498771 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.15 Invoice 1498771 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.15 Refer 95 SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA (FIR Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -212 Motor Fuels FUEL CHARGES THRU 6 -22 -11 $1,323.38 Invoice 072611 6/22/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,323.38 Refer 92 SUN PATRIOIT NEWSPAPER Cash Payment G 101-232435401/39 SHORELINE CUP # LEGAL NOTICE CUP HEARING 7 -16 -11 5401 $44.10 SHORELINE DRIVE Invoice 1061331 7/16/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.10 Refer 94 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN -1367- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Payments Page 18 CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 645798 7/1/2011 RETURNED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 646986 7/12/2011 BALL VALVE, AND GALV NIPPLES Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 646879 7/1/2011 STAPLES Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 646879 7/12/2011 E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 00770417 7/18/2011 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 00770352 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 100 TRUE VALUE MOUND (FIRE) 6/4/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies BALL VALVE, AND GALV NIPPLES Invoice 083497 6/1/2011 RETURNED Invoice 083489 6/1/2011 WATCH /PHOTO BATTERY Cash Payment E 22242260 -210 Operating Supplies BALL VALVE, AND GALV NIPPLES Invoice 083482 6/1/2011 CONTRACT SOLVENT Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies STAPLES Invoice 083589 6/3/2011 12 PD WHT TOWEL, 2" COUPLING Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies TRASH CAN, TIRE FOAM, TAPE Invoice 083606 6/4/2011 LYSOL WIPES, TRASH BAGS, HI VELOCITY Cash Payment E 22242260 -210 Operating Supplies FOAM MNT TAPE Invoice 083610 6/4/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS Invoice 083600 6/4/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies HINGE, SAFETY SNAP, CLIP ROPE Invoice 083060 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies ROPE HOOK, GRIP STRIP, PULL, 2 PK CATCH Invoice 084161 6/18/2011 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -322 Postage UPS /FED EX SHIPPING CHARGE Invoice 084480 6/28/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 101 TRUE VALUE MOUND (POLICE) $83.00 $10,578.55 $210.30 $30.00 $78.00 $171.00 Total Total $11,150.85 - $17.92 $19.85 $20.28 $67.27 $41.65 $52.34 $28.97 $20.45 $17.94 $250.83 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS Invoice 083497 6/1/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies WATCH /PHOTO BATTERY Invoice 083567 6/3/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CONTRACT SOLVENT Invoice 083986 6/14/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies 12 PD WHT TOWEL, 2" COUPLING Invoice 084031 6/15/2011 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies LYSOL WIPES, TRASH BAGS, HI VELOCITY FAN, 24 HR MECH TIMER Invoice 084306 6/23/2011 $0.29 $25.56 $9.07 $17.39 $43.78 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 131 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) _ - 1368- $96.09 _ CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM �., Page 19 Payments �.. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival 100 CLEAR COAT CABLE & SNAPS $68.35 Invoice 085041 7/14/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival SNAPS $4.26 Invoice 085044 7/14/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival TARP COVER $18.15 Invoice 085118 7/16/2011 Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival 50# FAST SET CONCRETE 4 BAGS $42.71 Invoice 084771 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $133.47 Refer 133 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PWPKS) Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply FLAG TAPE $9.59 Invoice 084717 7/5/2011 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS, SHADE LENS, $23.04 PLASTIC LENS Invoice 084991 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.63 Refer 135 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PWPKS) Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies 4 PK CLEAR SAFETY GLASSES $26.71 Invoice 084688 7/5/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply RETURN SAXON ROPE AND WHT NYLON -$4.31 CORDS Invoice 084820 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply SAXON ROPE $17.09 Invoice 084818 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $39.49 Refer 136 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PWPKS) Cash Payment E 60249450 -230 Shop Materials ZEP AND SIMPLE GREEN CLEANERS $26.26 Invoice 084778 7/7/2011 Project SA -2 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -210 Operating Supplies SQUEEGEES AND HANDLES $24.54 Invoice 085102 7/15/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.80 Refer 129 VALLEYAUTO GLASS, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs GREEN TINT VISOR & ADHESIVE FOR FORD $236.00 TRUCK #209 Invoice 12222 7/13/2011 Project SA -2 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $236.00 Refer 102 VERIZON WIRELESS Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells DATALUX COMPUTER 1 & 2 CELLULAR $52.04 SERVICE 7 -8 TO 8 -7 -11 Invoice 2598067397 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $52.04 Refer 103 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICES, l Cash Payment E 60949750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SERVICE CALL 7 -2 -11 HOOK UP NEW VIDEO $242.02 MONITOR, REPAIR DVR Invoice 5355 7/5/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $242.02 Refer 104 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED -1369- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM \� Payments Page 20 ..,.,.. CITY OF MOUND Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 0041537 -IN 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 0041537 -IN 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 106 WINE COMPANY Current Period: July 2011 $864.00 $16.50 Total $880.50 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $720.00 Invoice 274579 -00 7/14/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $16.50 Invoice 274579 -00 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $736.50 Refer 107 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $516.00 Invoice 274711 -00 7/15/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $516.00 Refer 108 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $644.00 Invoice 273877 - 007/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $13.20 Invoice 273877 - 007/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $657.20 Refer 113 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $520.00 Invoice 368853 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,912.20 Invoice 368851 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,056.00 Invoice 369530 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,488.20 Refer 114 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment G 101 -22802 Festival WINE FOR SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL $429.00 Invoice 368852 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $429.00 Refer 109 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $140.00 Invoice 770175 7/6/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,655.20 Invoice 769994 7/6/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $62.00 Invoice 772612 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $21.50 Invoice 772613 7/13/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,385.67 Invoice 772611 7/13/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,264.37 Refer 110 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT - -1370- CITY OF MOUND 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 21 Payments L ........... ..._ .... ._._. CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $584.50 Invoice 597178 717/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,580.26 Invoice 600923 7/14/2011 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,334.35 Invoice 597522 7/7/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,499.11 Refer 111 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRI Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $60.33 Invoice 597523 7/7/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $35.90 Invoice 600561 7/14/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.23 Refer 112 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRI Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $415.70 Invoice 600560 7/14/2011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - $239.30 Invoice 835346 7/6/2011 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $96.00 Invoice 601961 7/1812011 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,102.45 Invoice 598460 7/8/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,374.85 Refer 105 WSB AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPO Cash Payment E 40143161 -300 Professional Srvs 2336.00 $300.00 Invoice 3- 01983 -000 7/1/2011 Transaction Date 7/20/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 137 XCEL ENERGY - Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities 5510 SHORELINE DRIVE STREET LIGHTS 5- $189.58 26 -11 THRU 6 -27 -11 Invoice 379633922 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 10143100 -381 Electric Utilities CITY HALL STREET LIGHTS 5 -26 -11 THRU 6- $72.27 27 -11 Invoice 379633922 7/11/2011 Cash Payment E 10143100 -381 Electric Utilities AUTO PROTECTIVE LIGHTS 5 -26 -11 THRU 6- $9.37 27 -11 Invoice 379633922 7/11/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $271.22 Refer 140 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101 - 42115 -381 Electric Utilities CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN ELECTRICITY 6 -8 -11 $25.97 TO 7 -7 -11 Invoice 379284887 7/8/2011 Cash Payment E 10143100 -381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHTS 6 -3 -11 THRU 7 -2 -11 $4,959.46 Invoice 378677163 7/5/2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,985.43 Refer 130 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials ZEP -O -SHINE 20 GAL DRUM $442.30 Invoice 57421455 7/13/2011 -1371- Project SA -2 CITY OF MOUND \ Payments CITY OF MOUND Current Period: July 2011 Transaction Date 7/21/2011 Wells Fargo Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $160,892.23 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $12,319.85 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $673.88 285 MOUND HRA $1,483.88 355 2003 -C G.O. TIF 1 -2 $3,100.00 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $110,551.35 402 MUNICIPAL STAID ST CONSTUCT $710.00 427 SEAL COAT FUND $1,630.50 601 WATER FUND $5,442.29 602 SEWER FUND $76,720.63 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $92,695.31 670 RECYCLING FUND $206.78 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $ $473,894.67 07/21/11 10:08 AM Page 22 10100 Total Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Compute $473,894.67 Total $473,894.67 $442.30 -1372- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 Executive Summary TO: City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: July 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Expansion Permit Application — accessory storage shed OWNER: Thomas Huffman PLANNING CASE NUMBER: 11 -07 LOCATION: 3130 Highland Boulevard ZONING: R -1 REQUEST At its July 19, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed an expansion permit application from Thomas Huffman to allow for remodel of a 16.5' x 12.3' accessory shed at 3130 Highland Boulevard in the same location. The applicant's designated representatives, Gloria Huffman and Gary O' Keefe were present at the meeting. The requested expansion permit application is outlined as follows: Required Setback Existine /Requested Setback Side 4 FT 2.4 FT SITE CONDITIONS The subject property fronts Highland Boulevard generally on the north side and Lake Minnetonka on the south side and includes a single family home. The proposed project includes remodel of a storage shed due to failing roof trusses. It will be remodeled in its present location but is being expanded due to the raising of the roof so as to better mirror the existing architecture of the home. It is important to note that the footprint of the shed is not being expanded. Please refer to the materials submitted by the applicant which includes a drawing of the existing shed pad /slab and architectural drawings for the north side (which fronts the street) and the west side which is the subject of the expansion permit request. The applicant has indicated that the east side will generally be similar to the west side and the south side will be the same as the north side but will include doors. Materials to be used include cedar shakes and other materials similar to those that were used on the existing home. -1373- PROJECT DETAILS Details regarding the project are contained in Planning Report No. 11 -07 which is on file in the Planning Department. A copy will be provided upon request. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW Please refer to the draft 7 -1 -2011 Planning Commission meeting minutes that have been included as an attachment. In summary, the Planning Commission was favorable to the request and was focused on the additional information from the Building Official (following preparation of the Planning Report) related to the need for fire protection and no openings for all new construction on the west wall that is required by the building code due to its proximity to the property line. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend City Council approval of the expansion permit for remodel /modifications to an existing storage shed at 3130 Highland Boulevard, as recommended by Staff, with an additional condition that all new construction on the west wall must meet the applicable building code provisions for fire protection. A draft resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included as an attachment. -1374- RESOLUTION # 11- RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPANSION PERMIT FOR PROPERTY AT 3130 HIGHLAND BOULEVARD P & Z CASE 11 -07 WHEREAS, the applicant, Thomas Huffman, submitted an application and is requesting expansion permit approval to allow remodel and modification to an existing storage shed located at 3130 Highland Boulevard. The requested expansion permit application is outlined as follows: Required Existing /Requested Expansion Permit Setback Side (west) 4 ft 2.4 ft and; WHEREAS, the subject property fronts Highland Boulevard generally on the north side and Lake Minnetonka on the south side and includes a single family home. The proposed project includes remodel of a storage shed due to failing roof trusses. It is being remodeled in its present location but is being expanded due to the proposed new roof has been designed to be similar to the architecture of the existing home; and WHEREAS, in City Code Section 129 -2, an expansion permit is defined as follows: Expansion pennit means a permit which is granted by the City Council for the expansion or enlargement of a nonconforming structure in accordance with Section 129 -40. ; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129 -40 (a) outlines the criteria for granting expansion permits and are described as follows: Sec. 129 -40. Expansion Permit. (a) Criteria. An expansion permit for a nonconforming structure may be issued, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the reasonable use of the land. In determining whether practical difficulties exist, the applicant must satisfy the City Council that the following criteria exist: -1375- (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion. b. absence of adverse off -site impacts such as from traffic, noise, odors and dust. c. adequacy of off - street parking. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion are unique to the property and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. ; and WHEREAS, details regarding the application are contained in Planning Report No. 11 -07 and the supporting materials that were submitted by the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the expansion permit subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the expansion permit was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its July 19, 2011 meeting who unanimously voted to recommend Council approval as recommended by Staff with an additional condition that all new construction on the west wall must meet the applicable building code provisions related to fire protection; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the expansion permit for the property at 3130 Highland Boulevard subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action. 3. Applicant shall submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. An expansion permit granted will automatically expire and be of no further force and effect if no building permit has been issued within one year of the date of approval of the expansion permit unless an extension is approved pursuant to the regulations contained in City Code Section 129.40 which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 5. Applicant shall ensure that runoff from the roof does not drain on to neighbor's property. -1376- 6. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 8. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 9. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. 10. No grading or alteration is permitted below the 931.5 100 -year floodplain elevation for the MCWD unless a floodplain alteration permit is approved by the City Council. 11. All new construction shall take placed at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. The minimum required elevation for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 12. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). 13. Mechanical equipment can be located up to two (2) feet into setback areas. 14. All new construction on the west wall of the shed shall meet the applicable fire protection regulations as required by the building code. As part of its approval of the expansion permit, the City Council hereby makes the following findings of fact based on the record: 1. The setback on the west side is affected but is not expanded as the proposed construction /addition is within the existing building footprint. The expansion is the raising of the roof so as to better mirror the existing design and architecture of the home; also materials. 2. The conditions of City Code Section 129 -40 (a) are being met. The expansion permit is hereby approved for the following legally described property: Adopted by the City Council this 26 day of July 26, 2011 Mark Hanus, Mayor Attest: City Clerk -1377- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION July 19, 2011 CALL TO ORDER DRAFT Vice Chair Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Those present: Vice Chair Salazar; Commissioners: Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, Kelli Gillispie, George Linkert, David Goode, Kelvin Retterath and Pete Wiechert. Absent: Steven Ward. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith. City Manager Kandis Hanson. PLANNING CASE NO. 11 -07 EXPANSION PERMITS REQUEST FOR 3130 HIGHLAND ROAD FOR REMODEL/ADDITION OF EXISTING STORAGE SHED APPLICANT: THOMAS HUFFMAN Staff provided a summary of the expansion permit request to the Planning Commission which includes remodel /construction of an existing storage shed at 3130 Highland Boulevard in its current location which is currently nonconforming as its located 2.4 FT from the side lot line (west side). An expansion permit is needed as even though the footprint is not being changed, the structure is being expanded due to the roofs intended design to mirror the existing house, including its roof style and materials. Smith noted that there was new information from the Building Official following preparation of the Planning Report related to the proposed project that will require all new construction on the west side to be fire rated and cannot include any openings in accordance with the building code due to its location of 2.4 FT from the lot line. Therefore, the windows will need to be removed. Smith also informed the Planning Commission that the applicant's representatives, Gloria Huffman and Gary O'Keefe, who were present the meeting, had provided a letter that was signed by several of their neighbors expressing support for the project. A copy was given to each of the Commissioners. It was mentioned that moving the shed further east may allow for the west wall to include openings. Mr. O'Keefe indicated that the shed is proposed to remain in its current location so as to utilize components of the existing structure for the remodel and that the current driveway affects its relocation. MOTION by Salazar, second by Gillespie, to recommend approval of the expansion permit subject to the conditions as recommended by Staff and the additional condition that the applicable building code regulations that are required for fire protection for the west wall are met. MOTION carried unanimously. -1378- D-) 711 ... 1. f i b � r C`] /� / / 1 / J � //.yam /�J X1`3 g W/V Pftkki �l��Sc �p� rw� I � -1379- r« 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952 - 472 -0600 FAX 952472 -0620 EXPANSION PERMIT APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Case No. Please tune or nrint lenihly SUBJECT Address 1 130 k PROPERTY LEGAL Lot Block DESC. Subdivision PID # Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 61 B2 B3 (Circle one) oc PROPERTY Name ZL U69iraa) Email OWNER Address t.3 Phone Home ? T F( Wor Fa APPLICANT Name Email (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) phone Horne Work Fax 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes( ) No M. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): c y r' _74 �, s �!'c� ,f 114 AXE1 /;� .'va T � J � &41 1 �k S /ar S„ Aew r-oo- r'®a - F 0 ve,Y A"F'� c 1>� w Expansioae�lnformation X 138 -7 /I � � (6/27/2011) Page 4 of 6 A erp . , & r t is re- LA-5 /t/ C- f ll /u • �e �; - � "P��i Case No. ' d 3. Please complete the following information related to the property and building's conformity with the zoning regulations for the district in which it is located including the expansion permit request. SETBACKS REQUIRED REQUESTED EXPANSION (or existing) Front Yard: ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: ( N S E@) C ft. , ft. ft. Side Yard: (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. Rear Yard: (N S E W) Lakeside: (N S E W) (NSEW) Street Frontage: Lot Size: sq ft sq ft sq ft Hardcover: sq ft sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes Pq, No ( ). If no, specify each non - conformity: 5. Are there exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion unique to the property such as lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have no control? Please check all that apply: ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil ( ) too small ( ) drainage Kexisting situation ( ) too shallow ( ) shape () other: specify Please describe: Expansion Permit Information -1381- (6/27/2011) Page 5 of 6 Case No. 6. Were the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes ( ), No If yes, explain: W de 7. Were the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances created by any other person -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (A. If yes, explain: 8. Are the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances for which you request an expansion permit peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes Y h No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: C I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Applican Date &' 1—h Date 6 — ; 7-d Expansion Permit Information -1382- (6/27/2011) Page 6 of 6 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR" THOMAS R. HUFFMAN IN LOT 5, BLOCK 7, THE HIGHLANDS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOT s a "am OT m � � t LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES That part of Lot 5, Block 7, "The Highlands" lying westerly of a line drown from a point on the northerly line of said Lot 5 distant 8 feet southwesterly from the northeasterly corner thereof to the shore of Lake Minnetonka through o point 15.2 feet southwesterly from the easterly line of said Lot 5 measured along a line drawn from a point on the easterly line of said Lot 5 distant 267.4 feet southeasterly from the northeasterly corner thereof to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 5 distant 308.2 feet southeasterly from the northwesterly corner thereof. a denotes iron marker set • denotes iron marker found (Sou): denotes existing spot elevation, mean sea level datum 9to.a : denotes proposed spot elevation, mean sea level datum - -- 977 - - -: denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum 904 denotes proposed contour line, mean sed level datum Bearings shown are based upon an assumed datum. Lot area = 18,970 sq. ft. This survey shows the boundaries of the above described property, the location of an existing shed and the proposed location of a proposed house thereon. It does not purport to show any other improvements or encroachments. 5 EXISTING ELEVATIONS 1) Garage = 953.9 2) First Floor Elevation =958.8 3) Basement (wolkout) = 948.4 EXISTING HOUSE 113130 929.4 CONTOUR LINE LAKE MINNETONKA PRIESTS BAY 0 N 1 E ° 1 P T O N GRONBERG AND 7lwabytlfyt7"teiYpN drMWw@s y SCAM SCAM s a. zs as i�w anNEwAr Aaaca ASSOCIATES, INC ra y 01NN p � I11 1 """ i. and *M DATE DRAWN tz -e-os A9111L7 O.EVA7pN5 ADDED CONSLILTINGENGINEERS, rveyermdsrtallo fbd stl oftheBMkime 23- ECD sa LAND SURVEYORS, -13 AND AND SITE PLANNERS JOB NC A6a McNOR771 VNLIA 734141 1A10:, MN. M"k 8.GaM"y YN Ne.1 (W—AnIA 411 - r Vft &*(4 7, l gb ti6o� ti� � � � — * 0 -7 O. 95, 4 �• NP LY COR LOT 5 0.6.5• •.� (957.0) \ i QQ l N \ � `\ Id I 1 , SHED s `\ s P \\ \\ 94 .a woo • \ \� -1384- \ I\ r OVERH WIRES 0 �o ;�o ►a. mum= i Nov= ii r �o r r ,,.� -tea _• . r• i �9 -1387- tfi aw HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTYADDESS: 3130 Wi6f4Laf,lo wLEVAfV OWNER'S NAME: TDMvFr'nr -I LOT AREA SQ. FT. X 30 % = (for all lots) . ............... _ ........ LOT AREA B q 5 7- SQ. FT. X 40% _ (for Lots of Record) ............................. 75$2. . • Existing Lots of Record may have 40.percent coverage provided that techniques are udllzed, as outlined In Zoning Ordinance Section 350:1225, Subd. 6.6.1 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE X = 3D78 184 -S'moP X 188'. -PvRcili = 37Z - PORc14 F STooP TOTAL HOUSE .....................: ..............:......:......... 3q-S o DETACHED BUILDINGS X = Z4 " CGHr-l?fFTE N EXT 'ro SH .ED (GARAGE/SHED) X = 203 -54460 TOTAL L•DETACHED BUILDINGS.... ............... ........... ....... 2Z7 DRIVEWAY, PARKING X = 402 - CoNU2ETE A9 rya AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. X = X = 284-7 - DRiVF-WAI( - fa451`146s t: PROP05( TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ...:............. ........ 324-2 DECKS Open decks (1%4" min. X Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are .not X _ counted as hardcover. X = TOTALDECK ........................ .................:............. X = X = TOTAL OTHER .................: TOTAL HARDCOVER I IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .................... ............................... 6426 DE / OVER (indicate difference) .......... ............................ ............................... L -6S4 PREPARED BY RoH wm& . Also f T DATE - '9 - Z7 - 05' ATE '9 "Z?'05' Revised 11/18103 July 8, 2011 City of Mound Bonnie Ritter 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 Bonnie, Enclosed is a consent of assignment of co A052264 between the City of Mound and Hennepin County for use of ° " ' county -owned election equipment by Independent School District #277 in the upcoming 2011 election. Please note that this is a three -way agreement that must be approved by all three parties. This original document must be signed and dated by the proper authority. Please forward the signed agreement to ISD #277 for their approval and signature. They should then mail the original document back to our office. After the County Board's approval, and when the document is finalized, we will forward a copy to you and to ISD #277 Please note the county attorney has approved the language in the agreement so that it is standard for all jurisdictions using equipment this fall. Because it is a pre - approved standard agreement your school district and the city must approve all of the clauses and language contained within with no additional changes. If there are additional conditions you feel are needed please do so in a separate agreement between your city and the school district. Sincerely, Knspn is Elec do s Specialist Enclo: Agreement No.A111136 Agreement No. A111136 HENNEPIN COUNTY, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #277 AND THE CITY OF MOUND CONSENT OF ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT NO. A052264 THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, the INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT # 277 AND THE CITY OF MOUND all political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", the "School District" and "City" respectively. For purposes of this Agreement, the address of the County is A2300 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487 the address of the City is 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 and the address. of the School District is 5901 Sunnyfield Rd E Minnetrista, MN 55364 WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners in Resolution Number 99 -6 -426 authorized the purchase of election equipment for a countywide optical scan voting system, election hardware and services through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement; and WHEREAS, the County has leased some of this election equipment to the City of Mound and WHEREAS, the County pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 383B.145, Subd. 9 may transfer County property from the City to the School District for the School District's use; and WHEREAS, the County desires to lease Election Equipment to the School District for use at the 2011 School District general and /or special elections; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, the County, the City and the School District agree as follows: Section 1 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 The County hereby leases to the School District at the cost identified below and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the School District hereby agrees to lease from the County Election Equipment identified as: three (3) Model 100 Optical Scan Precinct Count Units including six (6) PCMIA memory cards, three (3) Model 100 metal ballot boxes , three (3) Model 100 cover carry cases, three (3) AutoMARK Voter Assist Terminals, six (6) 256mb flashcards and three (3) ES &S AutoMARK tables (hereinafter "Election Equipment ") for polling places contained within the School District. 1.2 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the parties may agree by written addendum executed by all the parties to increase or decrease the County Election Equipment included within the scope of this agreement. Hennepin County hereby delegates authority to execute such an addendum to the County Auditor. Section 2 OWNERSHIP 2.1 The City and the School District acknowledge that the County owns the Election Equipment and that the School District is authorized to use said Election Equipment for official election related purposes. Use of the Election Equipment for any other purpose is strictly prohibited absent express written consent of the County. The School District acknowledges that is has no right to modify the Election Equipment. 2.2 The School District acknowledges and agrees that the Election Equipment may contain proprietary and trade secret information that is owned by Election Systems and Software (ES &S) and is protected under federal copyright law or other laws, rules, regulations and decisions. The School District shall protect and maintain the proprietary and trade secret status of the Election Equipment. Section 3 HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION 3.1 The School District shall be responsible for the Election Equipment while it is in the possession of the School District. The School District either through insurance or a self- insurance program shall be responsible for all costs, fees, damages and expenses including but not limited to personal injury, storage, damage, repair and /or replacement of the Election Equipment while this contract is in effect, consistent with the School District's defense and indemnity obligations contained in Section 5.6 herein. 3.2 The School District and the City agrees to abide by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, concerning the handling and disclosure of private and confidential information about individuals and /or data made non - public by such laws or regulations. Section 4 TERM, TERMINATION 4.1 The City, the School District and the County agree that this Agreement is in effect during the period commencing upon signature by the County and terminating when the School District returns the equipment to the City or December 31, 2011, whichever is sooner. 4.2 The City, the School District and the County agree that this Agreement may be terminated by the City or the County with sixty days notice, if the City or County require use of the machines for an election. Section 5 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 No Waiver. No delay or omission by any party hereto to exercise any right or power occurring upon any noncompliance or default by the other party with respect to any of the terms of this Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof unless the same is consented to in writing. A waiver by any of the parties hereto of any of the covenants, conditions, or agreements to be observed by the other shall not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any covenant, condition, or agreement herein contained. All remedies provided for in this Agreement shall be cumulative and in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedies available to any party at law, in equity, or otherwise. 5.2 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 5.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and there are no understandings or agreements relative hereto other than those that are expressed herein. No change, waiver, or discharge hereof shall be valid unless in writing and executed by both parties. 5.4 No Assignment. None of the parties shall assign, sublet or transfer this Agreement, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of all of the other parties, and any attempt to do so shall be void and of no force and effect. 5.5 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREES THAT THE COUNTY IS FURNISHING THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT WHATSOEVER, AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED BY ES &S, INCLUDING BUT NOT IN ANY MANNER LIMITED TO, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT. THE COUNTY'S AND THE CITY'S SOLE LIABILITY AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY SUBSTANTIAL DEFECT WHICH IMPAIRS THE USE OF THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL BE THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT. THE COUNTY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT WILL BE ERROR FREE. THE COUNTY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RESPECTING THIS AGREEMENT OR THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT. 5.6 In no event shall the County or the City be liable for actual, direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages (even if the County has been advised of the possibility of such damage) or loss of profit, loss of business or any other financial loss or any other damage arising out of performance or failure of performance of this Agreement by the County. The County, the City and the School District agree each will be responsible for their own acts and omissions under this Agreement and the results thereof and to the extent authorized by law shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party for such acts. Each party shall not be responsible for the acts, errors or omissions of the other party under the Agreement and the, results thereof. The parties' respective liabilities shall be governed by the provisions of the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, and other applicable law. This paragraph shall not be construed to bar legal remedies one party may have for the other party's failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. 5.7 Notice. Any notice or demand shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or certified mail to the other party addressed as follows: To the School District: Amy Lyon Independent School District #277 5901 Sunnyfield Rd E Minnetrista, MN 55364 To the City: Bonnie Ritter 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 To the County: Hennepin County Administrator A -2300 Government Center (233) Minneapolis, MN 55487 -0233 Copy to: Jill L. Alverson Director, Taxpayer Services Department A -600 Government Center (060) Minneapolis, MN 55487 -0060 5.8 Audit Provision. All parties agree that any party, the State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives at any time during normal business hours, and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the other party and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. Such materials shall be maintained and such access and rights shall be in force and effect during the period of the contract and for six (6) years after its termination or cancellation. 5.9 Whereas Clauses. The matters set forth in the "Whereas" clauses on page one of this Agreement are incorporated into and made a part hereof by this reference. 5.10 Survival of Provisions. It is expressly understood and agreed that the obligations and warranties of the School District, the City and the County hereof shall survive the completion of performance and termination or cancellation of this Agreement. 5.11 Authority. The person or persons executing this Lease Agreement on behalf of the School District, the City and the County represent that they are duly authorized to execute this Lease Agreement on behalf of the School District, the City and the County and represent and warrant that this Lease Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation and is enforceable in accordance with its terms. 5.12 For lease of the Election Equipment, the School District shall: Pay the City the amount of twenty -five dollars ($25) per Model 100 Optical Scan Precinct Count Unit and twenty -eight dollars ($28) for the AutoMARKs upon receipt of billing for use of the equipment. 5.13 Maintenance Agreement. The school district shall obtain the services furnished by the Maintenance Agreement between Hennepin County and ES &S directly from ES &S, Inc. if needed. 5.14 Program Service. The County shall, without charge, provide programming services to the School District for the Model 100 Optical Scan Precinct Count Units. The School District is responsible for paying to the County the programming costs of the AutoMARK units at an amount no greater than twenty - five ($25) dollars per polling place. 5.15 Transporting and Return of Equipment. The School District shall be responsible for the transporting of the equipment from and to the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, the School District shall forthwith deliver the Election Equipment to the City or its designee, complete and in good order and working condition. The School District shall be responsible for all costs, including but not limited to shipping, related to the repair or replacement of lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged Election Equipment. COUNTY BOARD APPROVAL The SCHOOL DISTRICT having signed this contract, and the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners having duly approved this contract on the day of , 2011 and pursuant to such approval, the proper County officials having signed this contract, the parties hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. Approved as to form Assistant County Attorney Date: Approved as to execution Assistant County Attorney Date: Approved as to form School District Attorney Date: Approved as to form City Attorney Date: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN STATE OF MINNESOTA By: Chair of Its County Board And: Assistant/County Administrator ATTEST: Deputy /Clerk of County Board SCHOOL DISTRICT By: By: School District CITY By: By: City 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: July 20, 2011 APPLICANT: Facilitech / Welsh Companies (on behalf of Mound Development Group 11 LLC) REQUEST(S): PDA -CUP amendment for Lost Lake District and Specific Sign Program for Larson Chiropractic CASE NO: 11 -06 LOCATION: Villa Commercial Building in the Mound Visions Lost Lake District (south side) at 5401 Shoreline Drive PI D: 13- 117 -24 -34 -0132 ZONING DISTRICT: Pedestrian Planned Development Area (PDA) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE: Pedestrian APPLICATION SUMMARY PDA -CUP. The City Council will hold a public hearing to review a Planned Development Area — Conditional Use Permit (PDA -CUP) amendment to allow for interior finish of the west portion of the Tenant B space to add a third tenant in the existing Villa commercial building. The proposed tenant is Larson Chiropractic. No exterior site alterations are proposed with the exception of signage. Details regarding the proposed tenant use are outlined in application material, which includes but is not limited to, the tenant narrative have been included as attachments to the Executive Summary. Specific Signage Program. The City Code allows approval of "Specific Signage Program" by the City Council for areas included within a Redevelopment Plan, such as the Mound Visions downtown redevelopment plan, which includes the Lost Lake District. Approval of the proposed signage plan for the tenant which includes a proposed wall sign to be placed in an area above the western window and installation of a tenant board on the existing monument is requested. -1393- BACKGROUND The subject property, which is zoned Pedestrian Planned Development Area (PDA) District, is located in the Lost Lake District of the Mound Visions downtown redevelopment plan on the south side of Shoreline Drive. PDA projects are approved by the Conditional Use Permit process. The original PDA -CUP for the entire Lost Lake District, which also included the Villas on Lost Lake housing development, was approved in May 2005. The original PDA -CUP included a multi -story that would have been 2 -3 stories in height and accommodated multiple office and /or retail tenants. The original PDA -CUP redevelopment site plan located the commercial building up to the street (Shoreline Drive) and the "corner" of the site with parking located to the side and rear of the building. Resolution No. 07 -69A was adopted on August 28, 2007 and approved a PDA -CUP amendment to allow an alternate site plan, which included a smaller building in an alternate location (3141 SF) to include two tenant spaces. Caribou Coffee assumed the Tenant A (east side) space in 2007 -2008 and the east portion of the Tenant B (west side) space was assumed by Sir Knight Cleaners in 2009. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW PROCEDURE Process. City Code Section 129.38 requires that all requests for conditional use permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission and also requires that a public hearing be held by the City Council. Procedurally, state statute requires that the planning agency and /or governing body must hold a public hearing on all requests for conditional use permits. All required publication and notification requirements have been satisfied. 60 -DAY PROCESS The CUP application was received and deemed to be complete on or around June 23, 2011. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. CITY DEPARTMENT/ AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments for review and comment. Comments received are summarized below: City Manager Kandis Hanson. Consider it a compatible use with few parking demands. City Engineer Dan Faulkner. This is simply an interior finish for an additional tenant. I have no comment except to say that there would be minimal impact on traffic with this type of use. City Attorney John Dean. I have reviewed the application and have no comment. Police Chief Jim Kurtz. The Police Department has no concerns about this project. Fire Chief Greg Pederson. No issues as far as the fire code. -1394- Consultant Planner Rita Trapp. No issues with proposed use. Only concern had to do with the review process for the proposed tenant signage. DISCUSSION Planned Development Area — Conditional Use Permit Amendment 1. As provided in the 2011 Planning Commission Work Rules, Staff deemed the use of the 2007 PDA -CUP submitted materials acceptable for land use review as the request involves adding a third tenant to the existing building and no site alterations are contemplated. Applicant is advised that the Planning Commission reserves the right to require the submittal of additional information, as necessary including but not limited to the submittal of an updated survey. 2. As one of the districts within the Mound Visions downtown redevelopment plan, the Lost Lake District is intended to accommodate a mix of uses, including residential housing, office and retail, in a pedestrian- oriented environment. The proposed chiropractic office use is consistent with the uses intended for the Lost Lake District. 3. As previously mentioned, the PDA -CUP was amended in 2007 following adoption of Resolution No. 07 -69A which approved site and building modifications on the subject property including a substantially smaller building (3140 SF) based on the amount of parking that was available on the site. 4. The current space allocation in the Villa commercial building (including the proposed third tenant) is as follows: Caribou Coffee 1728 SF Sir Knight Cleaners 709 SF Larson Chiropractic 704 SF 5. The Pedestrian District has specific parking provisions that enable a more pedestrian - friendly environment and does not have a required minimum number of parking spaces. The 2007 amendment approved a total of 35 parking spaces to be distributed as follows: a. Tenant A (Caribou Coffee) 15 spaces b. Tenant 8 (unoccupied in 2007) 10 spaces c. Overflow Residential Parking 10 spaces Staff's review is that the parking allocation for the site including the existing tenants and proposed new chiropractor space is consistent with the 2007 approval as the parking for the Tenant B space which includes ten (10) spaces will be split with Sir Knight Cleaners. Neither of these uses generates a high parking demand as the proposed chiropractor is an individual operator and would rarely have more than two people there at anytime and the Sir Knight Cleaners space is a drop off location for them and therefore a fairly transient use. -1395- Special Sign Proaram The City's sign regulations provides for approval of a specific sign program by the City Council for projects in a Redevelopment Plan Area which includes the Lost Lake District. Special sign programs were previously approved for both Caribou Coffee (Tenant A) and Sir Knight Cleaners (east portion of Tenant B). It is important to note that specific sign program approval does not require Planning Commission review, however, some of the preliminary sign details for the tenant, including the proposed redwood wall sign and installation of a tenant board on the lower portion of the space on the existing monument, were reviewed by the Planning Commission along with the PDA -CUP application review as it was thought that preliminary review would helpful for the Council's review. It was contemplated that additional signage details would become available following the Planning Commission meeting and the tenant's sign proposal would be reviewed at the same meeting the Council reviewed the PDA -CUP amendment. However, it could be done at a subsequent meeting if needed. The 2007 approval for Caribou included one freestanding monument sign structure accommodating two (2) smaller double -faced signs, one for each tenant, to be located in the landscaped island in the middle of the parking lot area along Shoreline Drive. As stated in the 2007 resolution, future signage for Tenant B should be consistent with the signage bands as shown on the approved exterior building elevations plan(s). Any deviations from this plan would require the future tenant to gain approval of their signage program by the City Council. As previously stated, Sir Knight Cleaners received approval for their LED - illuminated wall sign to be placed above the window on the east portion of the "Tenant B" space along with their tenant board for the monument. The Pedestrian District sign standards allow one (1) wall sign, not to exceed five (5) percent of the ground floor building facade area (29.5SF) or 24 SF, whichever is smaller, with letters not exceeding 12 inches. The size of the proposed chiropractor sign, which is constructed of redwood, is approximately 16 SF, which is within the allowed size limitation however some of the letters exceed the 12 inch standard. Staff believes the sign, which is constructed of redwood and includes gold letters, is attractive from an architectural standpoint. Staff deems the proposed tenant board to be acceptable on the condition that the use reverse cut copy is included which is consistent with the previous sign approvals for Caribou Coffee and Sir Knight Cleaners. A question was asked at the Planning Commission meeting whether any sign lighting was being considered and it was noted by Staff that it assumed that lighting was not included since it was not mentioned in the narrative. Since that time, however, the applicant has indicated that they would like to include lighting for the wall sign but details have not been developed but may be forthcoming at the Council meeting. -1396- RECOMMENDATION PDA -CUP. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the requested Development Area Conditional Use Permit (PDA -CUP) amendment to allow modifications to add third tenant in the existing commercial building subject to conditions as recommended by Staff. A draft resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included. Specific Sign Program. Staff recommends that the Council recommend approval of the submitted sign proposal for the west side of the "Tenant B" for Larson Chiropractic, which includes installation of the redwood wall sign on the north face of the building as proposed and a tenant board in the available space in the lower half of the monument subject to conditions. A draft resolution has been prepared for review and consideration by the Council and includes conditions regarding use of the reverse cut copy for the tenant board proposed for the monument and that any proposed installation of additional permanent signage or lighting is requires review and approval of an amendment to the sign program. -139,7- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND APPROVING A PDA -CUP RELATED TO VILLA COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN THE LOST LAKE DISTRICT AND PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ALLOW A THIRD TENANT, 5401 SHORELINE DRIVE P & Z CASE # 11 -06 PID # 13- 117 - 24-34 -0132 WHEREAS, the applicant, Facilitech, who is the contractor /builder for the property owner /developer, Mound Development Group II, LLC, has submitted an application for an amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP to allow for modifications to the commercial building to add a third tenant; and WHEREAS, the subject property, which is zoned Pedestrian Planned Development Area (PDA) District, is located in the Lost Lake District of the Mound Visions downtown redevelopment plan on the south side of Shoreline Drive. PDA projects are approved by the Conditional Use Permit process. The original PDA -CUP for the entire Lost Lake District, which also included the Villas on Lost Lake housing development, was approved in May 2005. The original PDA -CUP included a multi -story building that would have been 2 -3 stories in height and accommodated multiple office and /or retail tenants. The original PDA -CUP redevelopment site plan located the commercial building up to the street (Shoreline Drive) and the "corner" of the site with parking located to the side and rear of the building; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 07 -69A was adopted on August 28, 2007 and approved a PDA -CUP amendment to allow an alternate site plan, which included a smaller building in an alternate location (3141 SF) to include two tenant spaces. Caribou Coffee assumed the Tenant A (east side) space in 2007 -2008 and the east portion of the Tenant B (west side) was undetermined at the time. The east portion of the Tenant B space was assumed by Sir Knight Cleaners in 2009; and WHEREAS, the project includes interior build out of the west portion of the Tenant B space for the proposed new tenant, Larson Chiropractic. The proposal does not include any site modifications with the exception of signage. Details regarding the project are contained in Executive Summary No. 11 -06 and the application materials that have been submitted; and -1398 - WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the PDA -CUP amendment subject to conditions as the proposed chiropractic office use is consistent with the Pedestrian District regulations and 2007 PDA -CUP amendment approval; and WHEREAS, at its July 19, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the application and recommended Council approval of the amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP to allow building modifications to accommodate a third tenant to be located in the west end of the Tenant B space as recommended by Staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the requested amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA - CUP subject to the following conditions: 1. The City reserves the right to require future evaluation of the site related to the proposed chiropractor use, if needed, in the event parking becomes a problem which may include review and processing of a PDA -CUP amendment, if deemed appropriate. 2. All applicable conditions not associated with the current PDA -CUP amendment contained in Resolution No. -7 -69A shall remain in effect. 3. Payment of all fees associated with the City's review of the PDA -CUP amendment request and related activities. 4. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: Lot 1, Block 3, Villas on Lost Lake 2' 5. This conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. 6. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording. A building permit for the subject construction shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. 7. A sign permit and any other related permit (i.e. electrical permit, etc.) is submitted by and approved by the City of Mound. Council approval of a Specific Sign Program is required. Adopted by the City Council this 26 day of July 2011 Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1399- 2 MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION July 19, 2011 CALL TO ORDER DRAFT Vice Chair Salazar called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Those present: Vice Chair Salazar; Commissioners: Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, Kelli Gillispie, George Linked, David Goode, Kelvin Retterath and Pete Wiechert. Absent: Steven Ward. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith. City Manager Kandis Hanson. BOARD OF APPEALS PLANNING CASE NO. 11 -06 PDA -CUP AMENDMENT REQUEST RELATED TO COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN LOSTLAKE DISTRICT AND PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ADD THIRD TENANT APPLICANT: FACILITECH/WELSH COMPANIES Staff provided a brief overview overview of the Lost Lake District including the 2005 original plan and 2007 PDA -CUP amendment which included a smaller building (3140 SQ) to accommodate two (2) tenant space including Caribou Coffee who assumed the Tenant A space on the east side of the building and the Tenant B space on the west side which was unknown at the time. The east portion of Tenant B was assumed by Sir Knight Cleaners in 2009. The current PDA -CUP amendment request is for modifications to allow a third tenant, Larson Chiropractic, in the west portion of the Tenant B space. The project involves interior finish in the existing space and no site modifications are proposed with the exception of signage. Based on its review, Staff recommended approval of the requested PDA -CUP amendment as the proposed chiropractor office use is consistent with the Pedestrian District regulations and consistent with the 2007 amendment. It was noted that Pedestrian District regulations do not have specific parking standards and that the 2007 PDA -CUP included 10 parking spaces for the Tenant B space and that the existing and proposed tenants do not create a heavy parking demand. It was also mentioned by Staff that a proposed condition was included in Staffs recommendation related to the need for review of the PDA -CUP in the event parking becomes a problem. Staff informed the Planning Commission that the City Code allows approval of a Specific Signage Program by the City Council for areas included within a Redevelopment Plan, such as the Mound Visions downtown redevelopment plan (which includes the Lost Lake District) and that preliminary information related to the tenant's proposed signage plan was included in the Planning Report as Staff thought the Planning Commission's review and comment would be helpful for the Council. -1400- The proposed signage includes a redwood wall sign and a proposed tenant board to be installed on the monument. It was also mentioned that it was anticipated that full details related to the signage plan could be reviewed at the time the Council reviews the PDA- CUP amendment at the scheduled public hearing, however, it also could be done at a subsequent meeting. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed wall sign and inquired whether any lighting was proposed. Staff commented that it assumed that the proposed wall sign would be placed above the west window in the Tenant B space and that it was assumed that it would not be lit since it was not mentioned in the narrative. Joe Newgren, Welsh Property Manager, was present at the meeting and introduced himself to the Planning Commission. MOTION by Linkert, second by Gawtry, to recommend approval of the PDA -CUP as recommended by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. -1401- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 5341 Mayw00d Road. Mound. MN 55364 APPLICATION Phone 552 -472-0500 FAX 952.472.0520 Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Case No. Please WDe or Drfni the following Wannallene PROPERTY siibJw mdm. S 3 1 J ,& r G l ), ho tr kit R. INFORYATWN Nsmeof8usiness �..,AYSo � C hi ro Orlric.Tl C_ - WQAL DESCWnON LOW �- akx k 3 t' $ubdhrislon i 1rk Los4 La -► R -L (7 - 2 4 -34 -0 13 L 14"W &W The aW!wnt Is: Owner _ others Em b Ku A j n tp - - ® k w t Is K e t, Name I CJL VV f-6 Phone Nome wak 9 SZ Uo 5�3 z �„ 9d",2•dq�- « 3 E -Mall Address Fax t� v Name .wk D, OWNER pi other then Address 4` 3 kA, i �t •• �Gr_ S`� 3 Phons Home work %a JM ? 1 00 CN aWN* Nsme �oeh�3as r'C� Ah S Emai 1- s�oal® r Wr,� ARCH4TECT, SWUM Address "� !j It & k 4, Q,� M - - bszk iv� M'1+_ ss 3 3 .eo• PhonsoMcs u r r --7-70a 00 F OR ENG94EER zomme DWTMCT Cirde: R -1 R -1A R-2 R-3 11 DesMptlon of Proposed Use: Con(ftnal Use -Pere* Info (1/202010) Pao 4 of 5 8'-1402- Planning Commission Case No. �0 EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, ndse, light. smoke/oder_ n AgirIne, &-A A---21. .L_ _ - -- .. - - -�r --- - -- .- �-,,....... *1, 11 ue auBcnea w MIS application providing rgesonabie guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: S te, Odo, `r- Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes, () no. If yes, list datb(s) of application. action, taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. — QMMPjb A!•r. i�lMEM APAiksdon must be signed by owner of the subject property, orwrpfsneftn aim Why th,& k not the CM �� �t ��c n��xvl�c+►w — ZL7 Print Applicenra Name Applicant's Signature Date Print Owners Name Owner's 319nature DaM Print Owner's Name Owners 319naturs ode City Code Section 129-38 relating to Conditional Use Permits must be reviewed by the applicant. N applying for a two family dwelling, City Code Section 129.102 must be reviewed by the applicant. Cord owtat Use Permit info (1/2002010) Page S of 6 9 -1403- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 07 -69A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOUND VISIONS LOST LAKE PDA -CUP, RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE -THRU SERVICES CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND SPECIFIC SIGN PROGRAM FOR A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AREA FOR THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED IN THE LOST LAKE DISTRICT P & Z CASE # 07 -24 PID # 13 -117- 24-34 -0132 WHEREAS, the applicant, Welsh Construction, who is the designer/builder for the property owner /developer, Mound Development Group II, LLC, has submitted applications for an Amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP, Restaurant with Drive -Thru Services Conditional Use Permit, and a Specific Sign Program for a Redevelopment Plan area in order to construct a 3,141 square foot one -story, multi - tenant commercial building in the Mound Visions Lost Lake District; and WHEREAS, the original Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP for a mixed -use residential and commercial redevelopment project, approved by the City Council in May 2005, includes the Villas on Lost Lake housing development and a multi -story 12,500 sq ft (5,000 square foot footprint) commercial building for this particular property; and WHEREAS, the applicant's development proposal for a 3,141 square foot one -story, multi- tenant commercial building has some inconsistencies with the original Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP, so they are required to have an amendment to the original PDA CUP approved by the City; and WHEREAS, this site is guided for Pedestrian District land uses by the 2020 Comprehensive Plan and located in the Pedestrian Planned Unit Development (PED- PUD) zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Pedestrian (PED -PUD) District was previously amended to allow Restaurants with Drive -Thru Services as a Conditional Use Permit, subject to specific performance standards, and the applicant is proposing a coffee shop with drive -thru services as one of the uses of the multi - tenant commercial building; and WHEREAS, the original Lost Lake PDA -CUP site plan showed a 12,500 sq ft three - story, multi - tenant commercial building located up to the street with parking areas to the rear and side of the building and the proposed 3,141 sq ft one -story, two- tenant commercial building is shown at the back of the site, away from the street, with parking areas in front of the building and to the side of the building, with a drive -thru facility at the rear of the building; and WHEREAS, a national chain coffee shop, Caribou Coffee, is the proposed tenant for the eastern portion of the building and the tenant for the western portion of the building has not been determined at this time; and 10-1404- Resolution No. 07-69A WHEREAS, the Mound Visions Lost Lake District is intended to accommodate a mix of uses, including attached residential housing, office and retail, in a pedestrian- oriented environment and the applicant is proposing a commercial building that would accommodate retail and office uses, which is consistent with the uses intended for this district; and WHEREAS, with an existing agreement in place between the developer and the Villas on Lost Lake residential development that ten (10) of the property's parking spaces accommodate overflow parking from the adjacent residential townhouse residents, the applicant has determined that the remaining parking spaces would only accommodate a smaller commercial building; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing a total of 35 parking spaces versus the original site plan's 36 parking spaces, distributed as follows: a. Tenant A (Caribou Coffee) —15 spaces b. Tenant B (TBD) —10 spaces c. Overflow Residential Parking —10 spaces; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing sod for the eight (8) foot wide area between the public right -of -way (sidewalk) and the surface parking lot, which is not acceptable for perimeter landscaping abutting a public right -of -way, and does not comply with the Mound Environmental & Appearance Model guidelines for parking lots adjacent to a public right -of -way; and WHEREAS, to comply with the City's site landscaping zoning ordinances and the Mound Environmental & Appearance Model guidelines for parking lots adjacent to a public right -of -way, the applicant's proposed site landscape plan shall be modified, subject to review and approval by City Staff, and WHEREAS, the applicant's proposed site plan shows a hardcover of 75.59%, which represents an improvement over the original Lost Lake PDA -CUP site plan for the commercial building, which had a hardcover of 80 %, and is close to meeting the maximum hardcover permitted in the PED -PUD zoning district of 75 %; and WHEREAS, the original commercial building site plan contained two (2) rain gardens, which have already been constructed by the developer, including a larger one in the southwest comer of the site and a smaller one just to the east of the commercial building, and the applicant is proposing to relocate the small rain garden approximately 35 ft to the east of the existing location, including extensions of stormwater pipe as required to connect the new areas with the existing areas; and WHEREAS, the City's Sign Ordinance, Section 365.20 Subd 10, contains a special provision allowing the approval of a Specific Sign Program for a development project located within an area included in a Redevelopment Plan and the applicant is requesting approval of a Specific Sign Program for this property, which is located in the Mound Visions Downtown Redevelopment Plan area; and 11 -1405- Resolution No. 07 -69A WHEREAS, the applicant's proposed sign program contains the following signs: A. One freestanding monument sign structure, which is 6.5 feet in height, accommodating two (2) smaller double -faced signs, one for each tenant, and located in the landscaped island in the middle of the parking lot area along Shoreline Drive B. Two (2) double- faced, internally lit directional signs to indicate the correct one -way drive -thru lane movement C. Two (2) wall signs, consisting of applied letters and graphics, located on the north side (80.75 square feet) and the east side (73.5 square feet) above the two entrances to the store D. One (1) window cabinet sign, internally illuminated, located next to the entrance facing Shoreline Drive that is 8.9 square feet in area E. Three (3) LED "open" signs located in windows on the north, east and south sides of the building F. Three (3) "logo" signs on the two entry doors and the awning over the drive - thru window on the rear of the building G. Two (2) wall signs for the western portion of the building are shown as general sign bands, on the north and west elevations; and WHEREAS, the City reserves the right to control the hours that lighted signs shall be in operation; and WHEREAS, the Pedestrian District contains building fagade requirements regarding window area ratios and the proposed building appears to meet the minimum window area ratio for the front fagade of 45 -65 %; and WHEREAS, the Pedestrian District contains building fagade requirements regarding exterior building materials, including the use of wood lap siding for street - facing facades, wood, brick, stone or precast products for bulkheads and wood materials for window and siding trim, and the proposed architecture for the commercial building is intended to complement the architectural character of the Villas on Lost Lake residential townhomes, using vinyl, synthetic and hardy materials that are intended to look like the wood, brick and stone materials identified in the standards; and WHEREAS, Staff and the Planning Commission have reviewed the application and recommended approval of the Amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP, Restaurant with Drive -Thru Services Conditional Use Permit, and a Specific Sign Program for a Redevelopment Plan area with conditions; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the Amendment to the Mound Visions Lost Lake PDA -CUP to allow the proposed 3,141 sq ft one -story multi- tenant commercial building in the Mound Visions Lost Lake District, as requested by the applicant with the following conditions: 12 -1406- Resolution No. 07-69A 1) Since the building has been shifted away from the street and sidewalk, the site plan shall be modified to accommodate safe and convenient pedestrian access routes from the sidewalk to the building and through the parking lot, subject to review and approval by the City. 2) The applicant shall have the option to replace the existing decorative fence, which is 5-6 feet in height, with a similar style decorative fence that is 3-4 feet in height. 3) The perimeter area between the public right -of -way /sidewalk along Shoreline Drive and the surface parking area shall be landscaped rather than sodded for consistency with the guidelines of the Mound Environmental & Appearance Model which shall be subject to review and approval by the City 4) A plan for maintenance /removal /pick -up /monitoring of trash /garbage on the proposed coffee shop areas shall be prepared to ensure that the site is maintained in an appropriate manner and shall be subject to the review and acceptance by the City. The applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit applications, when appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the Restaurant with Drive -Thru Services Conditional Use Permit for this property, as requested by the applicant with the following conditions: 1) Drive -thru speakers must not produce noise that exceeds 75 dBA as measured five (5) feet from the speaker. 2) Drive -thru services shall not be operated between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless alternate hours are approved by the City Council as part of the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the Specific Sign Program for this property, as part of the Mound Visions Redevelopment Plan area, as requested by the applicant with the following conditions: 1) The LED "open" sign and the "logo" sign proposed for the rear of the building shall be removed from the signage program, since it faces adjacent residential uses. 2) The freestanding monument signage shall use reverse copy opaque letters. 3) The height of the monument sign shall be allowed up to (8) feet. This request(s) Is hereby approved for the following described property: Lot 1, Block 3, Villas on Lost Lake a Addition Adopted by the City Council this 28'" day of August, 2007. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk 13-1407- RICHARD LARSON CHIROPRACTIC, LLC 5439 SHORELINE DRIVE MOUND, MN W W W. RICHARDLARSONC HIROPRACTIC.COM Overall Use Larson Chiropractic provides quality, affordable Chiropractic care for the greater Mound area. Dr Larson is a 2007 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and has been licensed by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners since 2007 and the State of Minnesota since 2008 ( #5059). Hours of Operation Larson Chiropractic is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 -6 and Thursday and Saturday from 8 -12. Emplovees Currently Dr. Larson is the only employee. Parkin At a maximum three parking spaces would be needed at one time. Internal Changes to Building Interior walls would be built according to the attached diagram. ,C. Si na e A sign measuring approximately 'x8' would be hung. The sign is solid redwood, hand carved with gold leaf lettering, and reads "Larson Chiropractic office." This sign is over 30 years old and won numerous awards for the artist. Here is a -1409- photo of the sign in its current location. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II u II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II u II II II II II II II II II - -u -1410- �or__ (L-? I 7 1 -1411- f . % / I Sa/ '7 � 1 J•'I � - d ,,, "j am � 84• A �� =�i'LC�rR ; ._:S/ ! F s l C41 4T .�� 'f•,'� � _ p1. � f• E r $ r f• r 1; I N . ►; i '` u m x T�s M y t � 4 - — y i i__ __+ �� 11 � 7 i r + fill y�aww. r I xa�.al r L--- - - - - -- •� a yli ei ii � y R ce eG ge oil CON CARIBOU COFFEE r�earrnewmanssvx.wcnunox ay. ax mawna �� anrnr,evwr<ewaowacauwiawaum °'Af�rOr' RfoAAR11.uMf1!4.. 07.012 rnw, °.wwm, n.w�fo,wofaairuawrur�afo a,wwosr ?rw7.7ARtNl4r ............._.... ... �" " P, WELSH CONSTRUCTION tar.wwumuroarnE 1 - 41 SITE PLAN aa• 6 �� aa�owaleRNel�otf�fasla roar. ,aaul.r�orruuc�..rfar Mik rGRMi ffa M.6Np erw:N°,rrtsiY°•�wafi,r 0� m Q Q O n W V tn o� C� C o C C tu C C O G \ \ r O 1 � J / a� Q • 9, 9 � a9.� \\ K 0 m \ X ^ " , s lu X -1413 - a� 0� m Q Q O n W V tn o� H i ll a 1 i t /i \7 1 —1414— • �dm 11H HIM � ii $� g g P > g � � i$ dpi r ee d i [E it i 9 fi sg " � # 3 a d i IC i 1 i 3 a 11 Il l s i I I I io lillp Il a 1 111 2111 Ill I 'fill tit 1 a 11 �� 111 ' w• + •• r • ♦! r r d t d r e F 24-1415- I II II fil I II II 11 1 1 11 Ll e CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION # 11- RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIFIC SIGN PROGRAM FOR LARSON CHIROPRACTIC LOCATED IN THE VILLA COMMERCIAL BUILDING WHEREAS, Larson Chiropractic, is proposing to lease space in the west portion of the "Tenant B" space in the Villa commercial building located at 5401 Shoreline Drive and is requesting approval of a Specific Sign Program; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129.139 (g) allows the City Council, by resolution, to approve a Specific Sign Program for a redevelopment project included in a Redevelopment Plan, which has been established pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Villa commercial building is located in the Lost Lake District, which is included in a Redevelopment Plan established in 2005; and WHEREAS, Staff has reviewed and recommended approval of the Specific Sign Program for Larson Chiropractic subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the request at its July 26, 2011 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Specific Sign Program for Larson Chiropractic to be located in the west half of the "Tenant B" space in the Villa commercial building located in the Lost Lake District as follows: 1. Approval of the proposed tenant board on the lower half of the existing space on monument, as submitted by the applicant (or designated representative) shall incorporate the use of "reverse cut copy" (double sided). 2. Approval of the redwood wall sign, as submitted, which is to be placed above the window on the west portion of the "Tenant B" space. 3. Any additional change from the current plan including any proposed additional signage and /or lighting shall require an amendment to the Specific Sign Program. The City's approval of the Specific Sign Plan shall be subject to the following list of conditions: 1. Any and /or all comments from the City Council. -1416- 2. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all permits (i.e. sign permit, building permit, electrical permit, etc.) including payment of fees. Tenant or designated representative shall be responsible for contacting MnSpect to determine the need for building and / or electrical permits. 3. Review and acceptance of the signage plan by the building owner and /or designated representative. Adopted by the City Council this 26"' day of July 2011 Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1417- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Date: July 26, 2011 Subject: Recommendation for adoption of various City policies Due to increased insurance claims and liability for the City, the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust ( LMCIT ), with whom the City has its liability insurance, strongly recommends that each city adopt a variety of policies to guide the maintenance of its infrastructure and provide increased protection against liability claims. In their effort to assist cities in developing these policies the LMCIT has developed standard templates for cities to adapt to each situation and covers all the basics needed in a policy. In response to the LMCIT city staff has developed seven policies and one additional policy required by the Federal regulations covering sign retroreflectivity. Following is a brief summary of the policies: Snowplowing Policy - Begin plowing at 2 inches of snow accumulation - Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel - Icy conditions affecting travel - Time of snowfall in relationship to rush hour traffic - Street priorities and schedule - Operator scheduling - Use of sand, salt and other chemicals - Sidewalk plowing Snow and Ice Control Policy - Plowing equipment matched to street needs - Full or partial width plowing determination - Mailboxes and damage claims - Utility structures - Landscaping - Private lawn sprinklers and lighting systems - Snow storage Street Sweeping Policy - Sweep entire city twice a year - Sweep problem areas as needed - Storm water quality areas as needed - Areas where tree trimming has occurred - Priorities -1418- - Sidewalks and trails • Pothole Repair Policy - City crew repairs - Response to complaints or accident - Criteria for repair - Priorities and schedule for repairs - Weather condition considerations - Documentation - Warning signs or devices Sidewalk Repair and Maintenance Policy - Inspection every two years - One half inch or greater rise will be recommended for repair - Other conditions which may cause a tripping hazard - Utility covers - Documentation of complaints Sanitary Sewer Emergency Response Policy - City to respond within 30 minutes - Procedures - Reporting - State Duty Officer - Claims referred to the LMCIT Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Policy - Maintain inspection schedule - Television inspection and records - Sanitary sewer mains - Sanitary sewer lift stations - Inflow and Infiltration program - In compliance with MCES policies - Documentation - Public education • Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Compliance Policy - Requirements of the Federal Highway Administration - Compliance methods and adoption of policy - Initial replacement plan - Continued replacement plan Recommendation It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the policies as outlined. • Page 2 -1419- CITY OF MOUND SNOWPLOWING POLICY PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that proper and consistent procedures are followed in the removal of snow and ice from City streets in order to maintain a reasonably safe driving condition for the public. 11. GENERAL The City of Mound believes it is in the best interests of the residents for the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice on City streets. Reasonable ice and snow control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The City will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees, equipment, and /or private contractors to provide this service. III. POLICY A. Removal Criteria The Public Works Superintendent will decide when to begin snow or ice control operations. The criteria for that decision are: • Snow accumulation of 2 inches or more; • Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel; • Icy conditions which seriously affect travel; and • Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets. Snow and ice control operations are expensive and require the use of trained personnel and specialized equipment. Consequently, snowplowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfall of less than 2 inches. B. Snow Plowing Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize any traffic obstructions. The center of the roadway will be plowed first. The snow shall then be pushed from left to right. The discharge shall go onto the boulevard area of the street. When a plow goes on a bridge, the driver shall slow down so snow does not go over the bridge, if possible. In times F1429 )f 3 387627v2 MU220 -4 of extreme snowfall, streets will not always immediately be able to be completely cleared of snow. C. Snow Removal The Public Works Superintendent will determine when snow will be removed from the area by truck. Such snow removal will occur in areas where there is no room on the boulevard for snow storage and in areas where accumulated piles of snow create a hazardous condition. Snow removal operations will not commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed. Snow removal operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, personnel, and budget availability. The snow will be removed and hauled to a snow storage area. The snow storage area will be located so as to minimize environmental problems. D. Street Priorities and Schedule The City has classified City streets based on the street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community. Those streets classified as "Snow Plow Routes" will be plowed first. These are high volume routes, which connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police, and medical services. The second priority streets are those streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are low volume residential streets. The fourth priority areas are alleys and City parking lots. E. Snowplow Operator Scheduling In severe snow events, operators may be required to work in excess of eight -hour shifts. However, because of budget and safety concerns, no operator shall work more than a twelve -hour shift in any twenty -four hour period. Operators will take a fifteen - minute break every two hours with a half -hour meal break after four hours. After a twelve -hour day, the operators will be replaced if additional qualified personnel are available. F. Weather Conditions Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of City employees and equipment. F-1421-:)f 3 387627v2 MU2204 Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, and limited visibility. G. Use of Sand, Salt, and Other Chemicals The City will use sand, Salt, and other chemicals when there is hazardous ice or slippery conditions. The City is concerned about the effect of such chemicals on the environment and will limit its use for that reason. H. Sidewalks The City will maintain the sidewalks in the City. As there is a limited number of personnel available, the City will maintain these sidewalks after the streets have been plowed. 3 387627v2 MU2204 r Owl ON- AAL CITY OF MOUND PURPOSE SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY AND PROCEDURE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that proper and consistent procedures are followed in the removal of snow and ice from City streets in order to maintain a reasonably safe driving condition for the public. II. GENERAL The City of Mound annually budgets funds for the removal of ice and snow from the city maintained street system. It is the policy of the City to remove ice and snow in order to provide for the passage of emergency vehicles and safe travel for the greatest number of vehicles in a cost effective manner within the constraints created by funding, equipment and personnel. The City makes a reasonable effort to ascertain future weather conditions through contractual weather reports. III. POLICY The Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division, prepares a map of the City showing the City maintained street system, as well as county roads and state highways maintained by the county and MnDOT, respectively. The City is divided into routes in which ice control and snow removal will be performed by City employees. The routes are periodically revised to correspond with budgetary, equipment and personnel resources available. Within each route, the major streets are defined as well as areas of steep grades that require extra care. Equipment is assigned for the control of ice and snow. The start of ice and snow control operations for any storm is dependent upon immediate and anticipated conditions. The most critical time periods are weekday morning and evening rush - hours. When feasible, the City will attempt to remove ice and snow from city maintained major streets prior to these rush hour periods. Normally major streets and hazardous areas are done first. Once the priority areas have been plowed and opened, the remaining streets in the residential, commercial and industrial areas will be plowed and sanded. Under severe conditions or where weather patterns suggest additional ice and snow, street may not be plowed "full width" and residential areas may be delayed. Normally within 24 hours after the city maintained street system is opened, the street maintenance division will proceed with the final plowing and clearing of residual ice and snow. x1423 A3 387622v2 MU220 -4 IV. RESPONSIBILITY The Superintendent of Public Works with the assistance of the Police Department will monitor the street conditions to determine the timing and number of crews necessary to clear the city maintained public street system. V. PROCEDURES The Superintendent of Public Works, with the assistance of the Mound Police Chief, receives input from citizens and city employees to help identify particular street problem areas which may vary from storm to storm and season to season. Public Works Maintenance employees are then notified in accordance with the Public Works Department schedule for emergency calls and the removal of ice and snow will commence. a. EXCEPTIONS Deviation from these standards may be appropriate in the event of equipment failure, extreme snowfall or other extraordinary event, including the necessity of resting snowplow crews during such events. b. MAILBOXES In those instances in which the U.S. Postal Service does not provide door - to -door delivery, it is necessary for property owners to install mailboxes on City owned right -of -way immediately adjacent to the street curb. While the installation of mailboxes on City owned right -of -way is permitted, the mailbox owner assumes all risk of damage except where a mailbox is damaged through contact by snow removal vehicles. If a mailbox is damaged due to direct contact by a snow removal vehicle, the City, at its option, will repair or replace at a cost not to exceed $100. If a mailbox is damaged due to indirect contact, caused by the force of snow generated by the snow removal vehicle, the City will assume no responsibility. However, the City will make a $50 payment to the property owner if a receipt for a new mailbox and /or parts is provided to the Director of Public Works. The property will assume all responsibility for repairs. 387622v2 MU2204 C. UTILITY STRUCTURES Except as otherwise provided in any permit, license or franchise, the City will only be responsible for damage to utility pedestals and transformers within the right -of -way resulting from direct contact by City snow and ice removal equipment, City liability shall be limited to actual costs to repair the damages as documented by invoices submitted to the City by the utility. d. LANDSCAPING Landscaping, including nursery and inanimate materials that are installed or encroach on City owned right -of -way are permitted but the owner assumes all risk of damage. The City will assume no responsibility for damages incurred as the result of snow removal and ice control activities except that the City, at its option, will repair or replace sod on City owned right -of -way that is removed as the result of plowing activities. e. LAWN SPRINKLING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS The City will assume no responsibility for damage to exterior lighting systems and similar landscaping installed in City owned right -of -way. However, the city will make payment of $35 per sprinkler head for damage resulting from direct contact with the City snow removal equipment. The property owner must provide a receipt to the Director of Public Works for new sprinkler heads and /or parts before payment will be made. f. SNOW STORAGE Ongoing snow and ice control efforts require the use of City owned right - of -way and easements for storage of plowed snow. Depending upon the volume of snow, storage within right -of -way could create sight obstruction at intersections, because it is impossible financially and practically to remove all snow from intersection corners. VI. UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES The City Manager, or his or her designee, is authorized to depart from this policy to settle claims when circumstances warrant, as determined by the City Manager. These unusual situations shall be handled in a manner similar to the way other claims against the City are handled. F14254 3 387622v2 MU220 -4 clnr of Iwouivo STREET SWEEPING POLICY I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all public streets in the City of Mound are maintained in a safe condition for public use by keeping the streets clear of dirt and debris by regular sweeping. II. GENERAL The City of Mound finds that it is in the best interests of the City residents to assume basic responsibility of sweeping City streets. Reasonable sweeping is necessary for vehicle and pedestrian safety, water quality, and environmental concerns. The City will provide such service in a cost - effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees, equipment, and /or private contractors to provide this service. Completion dates are dependent on weather conditions, personnel, and equipment availability. The Public Works Superintendent or his /her designee will be responsible for scheduling of personnel and equipment. III. POLICY This policy applies to City streets. It does not apply to roads managed primarily by county or state government that go through the City unless there is a specific agreement between the City and that other unit of government. A. Spring sweeping of snow and ice control aggregate will begin when streets are significantly clear of snow and ice, usually late March or early April, after the risk of later snowfall has passed. Spring sweeping is typically completed by May 15 B. Fall sweeping will commence in late September and typically is completed by Mid - November. Areas with extensive foliage will be swept after most of the leaves have fallen. C. Storm Water Quality areas will be swept on a priority basis throughout the year. D. Environmental /general sweeping will be performed on a routine /as needed basis. E. Erosion /siltation dirt and debris cleanup from construction projects is the responsibility of the developer, contractor, or property owner. Except in P- 1426 -f 3 387637v2 MU220 -4 cases of emergency, the streets shall be cleaned and swept within 3 days of notification from the City. If the streets are not swept within the specified time allowed, or in the case of an emergency, the City may sweep the street and the responsible party will reimburse the City for all associated costs. F. Tree trimming and pruning areas will be swept within 7 days of the operation. G. Citizen requests for sweeping will be evaluated and the Public Works Superintendent will determine the priority. IV. PROCEDURE A. Process Sweeping is a slow process with average gutter line speeds for the first sweeping in spring that can be as slow as 2 to 3 miles per hour. The City will sweep with its own equipment and personnel or contract services. Normally, centerlines are swept after gutter lines are cleaned. Equipment may include mechanical, vacuum, or regenerative air sweepers. B. Priorities The City has classified City streets based on their street function, traffic volume, impact on water quality and the environment, and their importance to the welfare of the community. Accordingly, sweeping routes will be designed to provide the maximum possible benefit to higher volume and water quality sensitive areas. See attached maps or routes. C. Weather Conditions Sweeping operations will be conducted when weather conditions permit. Factors that may delay sweeping operations include: temperatures below 32 degrees F, wind, rain, snow, and frozen gutter lines. D. Work Schedule Sweeping operations are performed in conjunction with and can be impacted by other maintenance operations. Sweeping operations will normally be conducted Monday- Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Extended workdays and shift changes may be utilized for spring cleanup Prt4.27.:f 3 387637v2 MU220 -4 or emergency sweeping to provide maximum efficiency. For safety reasons, no operator shall work more than a twelve -hour shift in any twenty -four hour period. E. Sidewalks and Trails The City will sweep trails and sidewalks on collector and arterial streets once in the spring after the risk of snow has passed and they are clear of snow and ice, or on an as- needed basis. F. Safety Sand, sealcoat rock or other dirt and debris on the street can create a potentially dangerous condition for automobiles, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. It would not be practical or effective to sign all streets for potential dangerous conditions. During sealcoat or milling operations, warning signs indicating loose rock will be placed on each end of collector and arterial streets or other appropriate areas where needed. These signs will remain in place until the street has been swept. Employees will follow all work rules, OSHA regulations, and Federal and State laws to ensure a safe sweeping operation. V. MISCELLANEOUS Other policies, procedures, maps, and routes associated with street sweeping operations. P-Jj B:)f 3 387637v2 MU2204 J POTHOLE REPAIR POLICY CITY OF MOUND I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all public streets in the City of Mound are maintained in a safe condition for use by the public through the elimination of potholes. II. GENERAL The City of Mound believes it is in the best interest of City residents to maintain City streets. An important part of street maintenance is the repair of potholes. The City will repair potholes in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees, equipment and /or private contractors to provide this service. Pothole repair is part of the City's overall pavement management program. III. POLICY This policy applies to City streets. It does not apply to roads managed primarily by the county and state unless there is a specific agreement between the City and that other unit of government. The Public Works Superintendent will decide when to carryout pothole repairs. Repairs will consist of two elements. A. Crew Repair A crew will be assigned an area to inspect. It will repair any potholes it finds in that area. Each street will be inspected at a minimum of once a year depending on available resources and factors such as weather and other street work that needs to be done. The timing for the repairs will also be based upon those factors. B. Response to Complaint or Accident A crew will be sent out to inspect any street when the City receives a complaint or notice of an accident or damage involving a pothole. F-19-29:)f 3 387621v2 MU2204 IV. PROCEDURES A. Criteria for Repair Not every imperfection in a street surface is considered to be a pothole in need of repair. The general criteria for repair will be a pothole that is 2 inches or more deep and over 10 inches in diameter. The Public Works Superintendent or his designated employee will have discretion to decide if a condition is a pothole in need of repair. B. Method for Repair Pothole will be repaired temporarily during cold weather with a cold asphalt mix or other means. During cold weather, the repairs will be limited to those potholes determined to be hazardous for motor vehicles. In warmer weather and when hot asphalt mix is available, potholes will be filled with the hot asphalt mix or other means for a more permanent repair. C. Priorities and Schedule for Repair The City has classified City streets based on their street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community. The City will repair on a first priority basis those streets that are high volume and high speed routes that connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police, and medical services. The second priority streets are those streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are low volume residential streets. The fourth priority areas are alleys and City parking lots. D. Weather Condition Considerations Pothole repairs will be conducted only when weather conditions do not limit the ability to perform the work or when such work would not endanger the safety of City employees and equipment. Factors that may delay repairs are cold temperatures, rain, snow, and ice conditions. E. Documentation Workers will document all repairs to potholes made under this policy. Records will not necessarily identify each individual pothole, but may show the general street location where repairs were made. 0630of 3 387621v2 MU220-4 F. Warning Signs or Devices If the City is aware of a pothole in a street and it is not able to repair it, it will consider whether it should use warning signs or devices. Factors that will be examined will be the location of the pothole, how dangerous it is, and whether a warning sign or device would be effective. FJ4 -3j -of 3 387621v2 MU220 -4 r OV- 00- ) AdjL CITY OF MOUND SIDEWALK REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE POLICY PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all public sidewalks along the streets in the City of Mound are maintained in a safe condition for use by the public. II. GENERAL This policy relates to the repair and maintenance of sidewalks. Sidewalk repair outlined in this section is eligible to be assessed under the authorization of the Minnesota State Statues Chapter 429. III. POLICY It shall be the policy of the City to inspect sidewalks along City and county streets once every two years. Following sidewalk inspection, recommendations for repair will be made to the City Engineer. Sidewalks shall be repaired in accordance with Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction, 2005 Edition, Section 2521. IV. RESPONSIBILITY It shall be the responsibility of the City to perform sidewalk inspections on all such sidewalks designated for inspection during each given year. The City shall keep signed and dated inspection records indicating areas inspected, problems discovered and recommendations to the City Engineer. Any sidewalk repair recommendation approved by the Director of Public Works shall be repaired by and at the expense of the City. V. PROCEDURES The following sidewalk conditions endanger life, limb, and property, and are, therefore, declared to be nuisances: a. Any crack fissure, one -half inch or greater rise between panels, hump, unevenness or condition that pedestrians using such sidewalk might catch their shoes, feet, canes, crutches or other proper implements; or which might cause pedestrians using such sidewalk to trip, stumble, or I -14324 2 387629v2 MU220 -4 fall; or which endanger users of such sidewalks for travel with wheelchairs, perambulators, or similar conveyances. b. Sags, depressions, or humps, which are considered hazardous by the City Engineer. Accumulations of sod, vegetation or other materials, creating hazardous conditions on such sidewalks. d. Water service valve covers on the sidewalk that are not flush with the walk. Any such conditions noted during a sidewalk inspection or otherwise observed by City employees must be recommended for repair to the City Engineer. Complaints regarding sidewalks shall be recorded by City personnel and permanently filed. Following receipt of a complaint, the City will inspect the problem area and determine if repairs are necessary under this policy. Such repairs will then be recommended to the City Engineer. Repairs will be made on an annual basis by either a City contractor or City crews. If necessary, the City will place a temporary bituminous patch until permanent repairs are scheduled. X1433 -af 2 387629v2 MU220 -4 nA CITY OF MOUND INTRODUCTION SANITARY SEWER EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICY The emergency response policy addresses the steps the City of Mound will take to respond to an emergency caused by a sanitary sewer backup. It establishes the time of response. Written records of each emergency response will be prepared and maintained. While not required, some cities choose to reimburse property owners for professional cleaning costs associated with a sanitary sewer backup; others choose to compensate residents with a pre- determined dollar amount regardless of liability. Because there is some risk involved in these practices, it is important to clearly define the parameters for such a program: • The property owner must submit a claim to their insurance company • The City of Mound will submit a claim to the City's insurance carrier • No direct payments will made to property owner by the City of Mound POLICY It is the City of Mound's policy to respond to sewer backups, lift station problems or failures, or other system problems of failures 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. During normal business hours, all calls and reported problems will be routed to and employees dispatched by the Public Works Department. Normal business hours are from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. At all times other than normal business hours, emergency calls will be routed to the Public Works Supervisor. The Public Works Supervisor will designate one or more employees as "on call" during non - business hours and will develop an on -call schedule and on -call response procedures. A. Response It is the goal of the public works department to provide an initial response within 30 minutes of receiving report of a problem or an emergency call, or as soon as possible under the circumstances. The time necessary to remedy a problem will vary depending on the number of calls, the nature and seriousness of the problem, weather, and other factors that may impact the department's ability to respond, find and correct a reported problem. When appropriate, a City employee will check the City's sanitary sewer main to determine the location problem. Corrective action will be taken if the City's sanitary sewer main is found to be blocked or obstructed. When a blockage found in a sanitary sewer main is causing a backup into a private portion of the system, the first priority will be to address the problem in the City's sanitary sewer main. F-14344 2 387631v2 MU220 -4 After a sanitary sewer backup is remedied, efforts to determine the cause of the blockage or backup will be undertaken by those responding to the emergency. Written records of emergency response will include information and documentation concerning the cause(s) or possible cause(s) of the blockage or backup. When investigation of a backup reveals that the problem is within the private portion of the sanitary sewer system, the City will inform the sewer customer of possible corrective action they may have to perform on their portion of the system. B. Reporting The State Duty Officer (1- 800 - 422 -0789 or 651- 649 -5451 in the metro) must be notified when bypassing the City's sanitary sewer system or otherwise discharging sewage anywhere other than to the City's sanitary sewer system. The State Duty Officer must be notified immediately upon discovery of sewage being discharged anywhere other than to the City's sanitary sewer system. All sewer backup claims against the City must be referred to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) for determination of liability. City employees are instructed not to discuss the issue of City liability, or non - liability, for backups in the municipal sanitary sewer system. FJ4 -35 )f 2 387631v2 MU220 -4 F AAL) CITY OF MOUND SANITARY SEWER MAINTENANCE POLICY PURPOSE It is the policy of the City of Mound to comply with all applicable state and federal regulatory requirements. The City intends to provide effective and efficient maintenance to its sanitary sewer system, evaluating political, social, safety, and economic concerns, among other things. Procedures identified in this policy are intended to maintain the Cities sanitary sewer system to prevent sewer backups. Implementation of these procedures may also extend the service life of various components of the sanitary sewer system. The City has 316,800 feet of public sanitary sewer mains, 1,247 manholes and 30 lift /pump stations within its sanitary sewer system. The City has developed and implemented this policy that takes into consideration public safety, the City's budget and personnel, environmental concerns, and the cost of implementation versus the benefit to be achieved. The City will use its employees, equipment, and /or private contractors to provide this service. While the City fully intends to meet the guidelines established in this policy, there may be times when this is not feasible. Issues including, but not limited to, budget constraints, critical equipment failure, or weather, and other emergencies may prevent the City from meeting the guidelines established herein. The Public Works Director may override provisions established within this policy. Deviations from these policies will be documented. The City will use this policy to guide any sanitary sewer maintenance activities to be provided by a contractor or a party other than the City. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION GOALS A. Sanitary Sewer System 1) Scope of City's Responsibility — The City will maintain the components of the public sanitary sewer system. This includes sanitary sewer mains, manholes, lift stations, waste water treatment plants, and other components. Private property owners are responsible for the maintenance of sanitary sewer components from their property up to and including the connection to the public system. 0436of 5 387628v2 MU220 -4 2) Schedule —The City's goal is to inspect and maintain the components of its sanitary sewer system according to the attached schedule (Appendix A). 3) Equipment —The equipment used to perform maintenance will depend upon the equipment available and its effectiveness as determined by qualified staff. 4) Television Inspection —The City's sanitary sewer mains will be inspected by television camera in accordance with the attached schedule. Any sewer mains located on a street where a street maintenance project is planned will be inspected before and after such a project. Sanitary sewer mains in a new development must be televised before said mains are turned over to the City. Television inspection may also be used to inspect the system where there are possible problems. In addition, the City may require any main near a construction site to be televised before and after the construction (i.e., near blasting, digging, other activities that might disrupt the main, etc.). Visual recordings of sewer main television will be required of any vendor performing this service for the City. A written report summarizing and interpreting the findings of the televising will also be required. These records will be kept by the city for a minimum of 15 years. B. Sanitary Sewer Mains The sanitary sewer mains and facilities identified as Category 1 will receive ordinary routine maintenance as noted on sewer maps. The sanitary sewer mains and facilities identified on the sewer map as Category 2 will receive more frequent maintenance and those identified as Category 3 will receive less frequent maintenance. When a sewer main or facility is identified as anything other than Category 1, the reasons why maintenance is needed on a different schedule will be documented. Sewer mains and facilities will receive maintenance according to the attached schedule. The Public Works Director will determine whether a main or facility is Category 1, receiving routine sewer maintenance, Category 2, receiving more frequent maintenance or Category 3, receiving less frequent maintenance. Based on periodic assessment, maintenance will be adjusted and a sewer main may be moved from one category to another. C. Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations The City maintains lift stations using maintenance that is reasonable and recommended. The number of lift stations, location, date of installation, and capacity of each lift station is kept on record. Maintenance for each lift station is N-1437 -F 5 387628v2 MU220 -4 reflected in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Standard Maintenance Procedures (SMP). Components of SOP and SMP include: • Original manuals with manufacturers' recommended maintenance schedules for all lift station equipment • Operating procedures for manipulating pump operations (manually or automatically) during wet weather to increase in -line storage of wet weather flows • Setting wet well operating levels to limit pump start /stops • Cleaning wet well • Calibrating flow meters or conducting draw down tests • Regular rotation of lead, lag, and backup pumps • Regular inspections of lift station, alarm systems, and electrical components • Maintenance of operation logs and general records for all lift station activities, including inspections • Cleaning force mains • Identifying problem areas /components III. INFLOW AND INFILTRATION Inflow and infiltration occur when clear water gets into the sanitary sewer system. This may occur through cracks or leaks in the sewer pipes and manholes or through sump pumps incorrectly connected to the sanitary sewer system. Inflow and infiltration can lead to backups, overflows, and unnecessary and expensive treatment of clear water. City employees will periodically inspect manholes to identify any that contribute to this problem. Sanitary sewer mains will be maintained and inspected pursuant to the City's Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Policy. IV. PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS A. Professional Judgment It is expected that City employees, in accordance with their job duties and responsibilities, will exercise their professional judgment in the implementation of this policy. Further, it is expected that in emergency situations (see Emergency Response Policy) City employees will be required to exercise their discretion and weigh political, social, and economic considerations including but not limited to public and employee safety, the potential for damage to private property and the City sanitary sewer system, and environmental concerns. P- 1438 -f 5 387628v2 MU220 -4 B. Training and Education The City will provide training to employees responsible for maintenance of and emergency response to issues with the sanitary sewer system. Training of employees will include education necessary to earn and maintain appropriate operator certifications. Training will also address standard operating procedures, proper use of equipment, emergency response, and other topics required by state and federal regulatory agencies. C. Weather Conditions Regular sewer maintenance operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the City employees and equipment. Factors that may delay sewer maintenance operations include, but are not limited to, severe cold or heat, flooding, rain, snow, and other severe weather events. V. DOCUMENTATION The City will document all of its inspection and maintenance activities and emergency responses for its sanitary sewer system. The City will also document circumstances that limit its ability to comply with this policy. A report will be prepared periodically for the purpose of evaluating maintenance activities and for determining goals for the future. These records will be kept in accordance with the City's records retention schedule. VI. PUBLIC EDUCATION Periodically, the City will inform residents of their responsibilities related to sanitary sewer service from the City of Mound. VII. OTHER SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM POLICIES The City has a number of other policies and /or ordinances that are important to the ongoing operation of the City's sanitary sewer system. The following documents are available on the City's website and in the Public Works department. • Emergency Response Policy • Public Sanitary Sewer Use Ordinance • System Rehabilitation Policy P- 1439 -f 5 387628v2 MU220� APPENDIX A The City of Mound is set up into 35 sewer districts. The visual inspection, televising, and maintenance year of each district are set forth below. See sanitary sewer district map for district locations. (Proposed) 1. 2010, districts - N1, S1, R1, H1, Highland - Idlewood - Ridgewood MSA Route 2. 2011, districts - G1, K1, Lynwood Blvd MSA Route, Grandview Blvd MSA Route 3. 2012, districts - J1, 11, F1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7, Three Points Blvd MSA Route 4. 2013, districts - D1, D2, D3, D4, E2, E3, E4, Wilshire Blvd MSA Route, Bartlett Blvd MSA Route 5. 2014, districts - B1, B2, B3, B4 6. 2015, districts - D5, A2, A3, C5 7. 2016, districts - L38, E1, Al 8. 2017, districts - N1, H1, L50, S1, R1, L1, P1 9. 2018, districts - G1, K1, J1, F1, 11 (Actual completed) 1 2010, districts - N1, S1, R1, H1, Highland - Idlewood - Ridgewood MSA Route 2 2011, districts 3 2012, districts 4 2013, districts 5 2014, districts 6 2015, districts 7 2016, districts P- 1440 -f 5 387628v2 MU220-4 FAAL) CITY OF MOUND BACKGROUND TRAFFIC SIGN RETROREFLECTIVITY COMPLIANCE POLICY The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed minimum maintained traffic sign retroreflectivity levels in response to a Congressional directive in the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (public law 102 -388; October 6, 1992). Section 406 of this Act directed the Secretary of Transportation to revise the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to include a standard for minimum levels of retroreflectivity that must be maintained for traffic signs, which apply to all roads open to public travel. As a result of that rulemaking, agencies will need to implement sign maintenance methods that incorporate the consideration of minimum retroreflectivity levels to provide for nighttime visibility of signs. The State of Minnesota adopted these changes in the 2005 revision of the MN MUTCD. Section 2A.9 of the MN MUTCD provides the guidance for compliance dates, process, and exemptions. a. Deadlines are as follows: i. Assessment or management method implemented: January 22, 2012. ii. Regulatory, warning and ground- mounted guide signs must meet the minimum retroreflectivity levels: January 22, 2015. M. Street name signs and overhead guide signs must meet the minimum retroreflectivity levels: January 22, 2018. b. MN MUTCD Section 2A.9 Also provides the following exemptions from the rule - Highway agencies may exclude the following signs from the retroreflectivity maintenance guidelines described in this Section: Parking, Standing, and Stopping signs, Walking /Hitchhiking/ Crossing signs, Adopt -A- Highway signs, all signs with blue or brown backgrounds, and Bikeway signs that are intended for exclusive use by bicyclists or pedestrians. c. The MN MUTCD Table 2A -3 defines the minimum retroreflectivity values for the various sizes, colors and mounting categories. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to establish and maintain uniform practices by which the City of Mound (known hereto after as the City) will meet and continue to meet minimum levels of Retroreflectivity on its traffic signs, as mandated by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Documentation of the sign management process is important in assisting agencies to achieve compliance with the MUTCD standard to maintain minimum retroreflectivity levels of traffic signs. Written procedures ensure that agency personnel properly follow the selected method, while maintenance records provide the agency with a systematic process for sign replacements and justification for the allocation of limited resources. As long as an agency has a reasonable method in place to manage or assess its signs and establishes a reasonable schedule for sign replacement as needed, the agency will be deemed to be in compliance. -1441- OBJECTIVES a. Establish and implement a plan and system for Initial Compliance. b. Plan and replace non - compliant signs - before 2015/2018. c. Plan and continue replacement to ensure continued compliance -post 2015/2018. 4. DEFINITIONS a. Compliance Methods: The MUTCD establishes 5 known methods for compliance, 2 assessment and 3 management. The MUTCD also allows for combinations of methods, or other variations based on an engineering study. This policy will only highlight those methods chosen by the City as the most cost effective and efficient for its circumstances. b. Expected Sign Life: The installation date is labeled or recorded when a sign is installed, so that the age of any given sign is known. The age of the sign is compared to the expected sign life. The expected sign life is based on the retroreflectivity degradation in a geographic area. Signs older than the expected life should be replaced. This is a management method. c. Measured Retroreflectivity: Sign retroreflectivity is measured using a retroreflectometer. Values are compared to tables in the MUTCD for compliance based on installation parameters to determine compliance. Signs below the prescribed values should be replaced. This is an assessment method. d. Sign asset management program: This is a combination of inventory, containing sheeting type and installation information, with the ability to record and store Measured Retroreflectivity inspection values. It can also apply retroreflectivity performance from Aging Curves to predict a non - compliance date at which a sign is recommended to be replaced. This program is also the basis for records retention and reporting for the system, and it is computer based. e. Aging Curves — Sources may be from American Association State and Highway Transportation Offices (AASHTO) developed aging curves, manufacturer's data, empirically observed data, and /or any other available reliable sources or studies as they become available. S. PROCEDURES a. Initial Compliance — Plan Implementation i. Implementation is achieved by the adoption of a written policy (this document) ensuring compliance is met according to the prescribed method(s). ii. Inventory: The City has established a sign inventory to track vital sign information, needed to perform Expected Sign Life, including but not limited to: sheeting material, installation date, installation direction, sign type, MUTCD Code, and location (within 1 foot). iii. The City will utilize a combination of Measured Retroreflectivity and Expected Sign Life to establish compliance. -1442- iv. For signs with non - existent, or insufficient existing information to perform Expected Sign Life, an inspection will be performed, including the collection of Measured Retroreflectivity. v. The City has obtained traffic sign data through its annual street reconstruction program, which can be entered into the sign asset management program to perform Expected Sign Life, and determine compliance, establish, document, and track replacements. vi. Measured Retroreflectivity inspections will also be entered into the City's sign asset management program to perform Expected Sign Life, and predict the non compliance year. These measurements also determine retroreflectivity compliance. The sign asset management program integrates these measurements to establish, document, and track future replacements. b. Replacement Plan —before 2015/2018: vii. Utilizing the City's sign asset management program, Aging curves will be used to perform Expected Sign Life, which results in a predicted year of non - compliance, and the end of usable life for the City's current in -place sign population. Expected Sign Life will be utilized to predict the year of non compliance and the end of usable life for the City's current in -place traffic sign population. viii. The City will use the predicted year of non - compliance to create a record of signs to be replaced in the period before 2015/2018. ix. The record of non - compliant signs for a period will be analyzed by the City to determine the cost - effectiveness of budgeting for, planning, and replacing the full balance of the non - compliant signs, or performing re- inspections. Performing re- inspections can further utilize effective sign life above and beyond its standard life while maintaining compliance and saving replacement costs. x. Re- inspections would consist of a collection of current sign information including Measured Retroreflectivity, which is then entered into the City's sign asset management program to track, document, and predict the updated year of non - compliance. c. Continued Replacement Plan — post 2015/2018 xi. Inventory: The City has established and will maintain a sign inventory to track vital sign information, needed to perform Expected Sign Life, including but not limited to: sheeting material, installation date, installation direction, sign type, MUTCD Code, and location (within 1 foot). xii. The City will update the inventory on an annual basis including signs that have been moved, eliminated, newly placed or replaced during the previous year period. xiii. The City will utilize a combination of Measured Retroreflectivity and Expected Sign Life to maintain compliance. xiv. As signs are placed, replaced, moved, or eliminated the City's sign asset management system will be updated annually prior to the preparation of future year's non compliant sign reporting. -1443- xv. Utilizing the City's sign asset management program, Aging curves will be used to perform Expected Sign Life, which results in a predicted year of non - compliance, and the end of usable life for the City's current in -place sign population. Expected Sign Life will be utilized to predict the year of non compliance and the end of usable life for the City's current in -place traffic sign population. xvi. The City will use the predicted year of non - compliance to create a record of signs to be replaced in the subsequent year's annual replacement. xvii. The record of non - compliant signs for a period will be analyzed by the City to determine the cost - effectiveness of budgeting for, planning, and replacing the full balance of the non - compliant signs, or performing re- inspections. Performing re- inspections can further utilize effective sign life above and beyond its standard life while maintaining compliance and saving replacement costs. xviii. Re- inspections would consist of a collection of current sign information including Measured Retroreflectivity, which is then entered into the City's sign asset management program to track, document, and predict the updated year of non - compliance. 6. The City reserves the right to modify this Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Policy if deemed to be in the best interests of the City, including a change in resources available. City staff may authorize a deviation from the implementation of this policy on an individual sign basis when deemed in the best interests of the City. Such deviation shall be documented in a written or computerized record stating the reason for the justification. The deviation shall be reported to the City Council, so that they may consider amendment of the official policy. 7. Appendix: a. Table 2A -3 8. References: a. AASHTO Aging Curves b. FHWA's "Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity" 2007 -1444- x_ f 6 � z a � « � -1445- 2 i \ m § E k ■ @ � m M $ 0 E 2 2 u O (D S S 8 | � � � � § c ' % x E .0 tko E c � . � C14 f — E = Al 2 +0 o 0 c ■ B ° a Al A 0 L / ■ R 2 0 \ � i @ $ C w _ 00 c 2 00 7f q Al E E a ? . R (D . m / f q E q / Al � ¥ c — o0' «2`0 2 A Al O q O o k 4 Ln ¥ ¥ Al o \ £ M 2 0 t ° ° ° Al k o R Al k c§ 3 a ■ w w 2 \ @ E E % 2 _ Al 2 � W / § M q � r- °/ w 2 r ■ n m n Al p - p . Al Al w m o o# o m _ R G R� R R 2 f f 2 c c 0 0 0 o q u a) = w aj o £ c c a ° E 00 2 2 § / i k E m ( u o � � o cc % o o ■ c o c c § c E\ £ Q $ o o -V _ o -V m M M 3. 3 d d S S 8 8 -1445- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 11- RESOLUTION ADOPTING PUBLIC WORKS POLICIES WHEREAS, due to increased insurance claims and liability for the City, the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) strongly recommends adoption of a variety of policies to guide the maintenance of its infrastructure; and WHEREAS, it is determined that adoption of these policies will increase protection against liability claims NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby adopts the following Public Works Policies; Snowplowing Policy, Snow and Ice Control Policy, Street Sweeping Policy, Pothole Repair Policy, Sidewalk Repair and Maintenance Policy, Sanitary Sewer Emergency Response Policy, Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Policy, and Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Compliance Policy. Adopted by the City Council this 26 day of July, 2011. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk -1446- City of Mound Cash/investments Balances by Fund At the End of June 2011 FUND NAME $ Amount General Fund 1,131,753 Park Dedication Fees 13,075 Area Fire Protection Services 380,702 Dock 310,222 Mound HRA (19,058) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2006 - C _ G.O. Equip. Certf. 2007 - C 11,245 G.O. Equip. Certf. 2008 - D (199) G.O. Equip. Certf. 2009 - C 60,800 Mound Transit Center Series 200E 181,586 G.O. Bonds 2001 - C (359,443) G.O. Bonds 2003 - C TIF 1 -2 345,656 G.O. Bonds 2001 - A (147,951) G.O. Bonds 2003 - A (2,091,219) G.O. Bonds 2004 - A (1,470,178) G.O. Bonds 2005 - A 330,642 G.O. Bonds 2006 - A 331,843 G.O. Bonds 2007 - A 362,901 G.O. Bonds 2008 - B 281,888 G.O. Bonds 2009 - A 19,923 G.O. Refunding Bonds 2011 - A 5,554,537 G.O. Bonds 2011 - B 6,286,120 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds 2008 A 167,756 HRA Lease Rev Bonds (83,428) Capital Improvement (120,661) MSA 503,538 Sealcoat 102,700 Downtown TIF 1 -2 63,910 Downtown TIF 1 -3 MHR 117,032 Water (804,140) Sewer (142,213) _Liquor Store (352,473) Recycling (12,637) Storm Water (1,372,820) Total' Cash 9,38'1,406' 44,107 Note: The above schedule shows the combined cash and investment balances by fund for the months indicated as recorded in the General Ledger. The balances do not reflect receivable, payables, authorized transfers, encumbered funds, or dedicated /reserved resources, etc. Only some accrued transactions are reflected. Investment income will be distributed to the funds at the end of the year and is not included. A long and complete process is followed to record all transactions, before we close the books, at the end of the year. In addition, the audit from the independent auditor is performed and an official Comprehensive Report will be presented to the City Council and made available to interested parties. In no way this schedule is intended to represent balances of funds available for spending. -1447- CITY OF MOUND BUDGET REVENUE REPORT JUNE 2011 50.00% JUNE 2011 YTD PERCENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND Taxes 3,901,424 1,297,442 1,297,442 (2,603,983) 33.26% Business Licenses 17,800 860 21,006 3,206 118.01% Non - Business Licenses /Permit 126,100 29,370 81,974 (44,126) 65.01% Intergovernmental 134,060 16,941 31,941 (102,119) 23.83% Charges for Services 79,600 783 85,378 5,778 107.26% Court Fines 55,000 6,218 26,433 (28,567) 48.06% Street Lighting Fee 250,178 18,494 109,459 (140,719) 43.75% Franchise Fees 397,000 10,486 125,072 (271,928) 31.50% G.O. Equipment Certificates - - - - #DIV /01 Charges to Other Dpts 12,000 1,254 5,934 (6,066) 49.45% Park Dedication Fees - - 5,400 5,400 0.00% Other Revenue 273,950 8,254 120,334 (153,616) 43.93% TOTAL REVENUE 5,247,112 1,390,102 1,910,374 (3,336,738) 36.41% FIRE FUND 1,061,672 181,766 599,700 (461,972) 56.49% DOCK FUND 176,115 2,854 191,493 15,378 108.73% MOUND HRA - - - - #DIV /01 WATER FUND' 1,580'1 6 ' (301;743) 266;515 ' ` '(1;313;141)° 16;0�°Io` SEWER FUND 1,387,775 115,849 676,540 (711,235) 48.75% LIQUOR FUND 2,800,000 252,388 1,197,466 (1,602,534) 42.77% RECYCLING FUND 225,276 16,282 105,254 (120,022) 46.72% STORM WATER UTILITY 437,500 29,517 175,269 (262,231) 40.06% INVESTMENTS (Net of Expense) 739 2,042 2,042 Irk 1,,5' AjQk .Q d -"-by -un 16, -, yj SEM 7/6/2011 CITY OF MOUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES REPORT June 2011 50.00% June 2011 YTD PERCENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERALFUND Council 77,960 2,271 33,210 44,750 42.60% Promotions 73,000 0 0 73,000 0.00% City Manager /Clerk 312,053 34,170 148,000 164,053 47.43% Elections 2,650 0 1,806 844 68.15% Finance 301,783 30,472 133,450 168,333 44.22% Assessing 95,600 220 244 95,356 0.26% Legal 131,500 10,999 48,186 83,314 36.64% City Hall Building & Srvcs 110,100 3,718 49,386 60,714 44.86% Computer 40,700 2,265 19,196 21,504 47.16% Police 1,932,171 190,243 917,204 1,014,967 47.47% Emergency Prepardeness 8,150 4,349 7,400 750 90.80% Planning /Inspections 310,619 34,929 135,185 175,434 43.52% Streets 715,439 77,174 324,430 391,009 45.35% Parks 479,199 61,105 272,731 206,468 56.91% Park Dedication Fees - 0 0 0 Cemetery 11,100 0 8,554 2,546 77.06% Recreation 2,500 0 0 2,500 0.00% Transfers 559,000 42,373 254,241 304,759 45.48% Cable TV 47,492 0 11,345 36,147 23.89% Contingencies 36,800 239 5.160 31.640 14.02% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 5,247,816 494,527 2,369,728 2,878,088 45.16% Area Fire Service Fund 1,061,672 55,916 487,141 574,531 45.88% Dock Fund 200,811 6,726 120,927 79,884 60.22% HRA Fund 53,300 2,875 27,472 25,828 51.54% Capital Projects 1,500 58,485 345,561 - 344,061 TIF 1 -2 Downtown Mound - 0 0 0 TIF 1 -3 MHR - 0 756 -756 Water Fund 1,579,357 89,376 741,880 837,477 46.97% Sewer Fund 1,786,799 230,282 1,025,008 761,791 57.37% Liquor Fund 598,624 44,617 322,236 , 276,388 53.83% Recycling Fund 221,407 17,350 97,758 123,649 44.15% Storm Water Utility 354,270 29,689 170,490 183,780 48.12% -1449- - 2 R � LL w o & � \ � & -1450- § $ Q 8 $ § k k a K C14 n $ . n k W k k $ 2 (14 W) _ � o o k � k k k k c � $ § w $ $ S © a - CIA C14 0 $ $ m W) > a o 0 - \ le Q 04 N C14 W) a cc IN 2 7 e C4 N � C-0 C%l N a « LL z ® e k \ \ k 0 IL $ 2 W ° a ■ k \ % c c . l u m m CD m � « k \ s V LL . . . 5 E 1.- % e = = I E E a 2 # s 0 0 0 0 o Q 0 $ § § o \ \ .>- S 2 A o w w w z w � n Cl) § § § § S 8 S ■ ■ � � ■ « « « Q U Q b m 2 m m m 2 o LM > § u LL LL § c § § § e e e § E E U) U) U) � k i ■ / 9 o -1450- -1451- City of Mound BMI Engineering Hours YTD as of 6/30/11 I i Ills 1 11 Ill lipigis I C12.038996 IN I N Mound /Development Reviews 9.00 1,182.00' Escrows i Escrow Accounts - Billed to pro 9.00' 1,182.00 C12.037921 Mound /General Engineering ! 15 C 12.0382 43 Mou nd/Upda t e St & Utility Maps (1/4) 3.13 i C12.100590 Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) V 1 25 5 13,02 330.63 1,034.381 101, 101! General Fund/Taxes Streets (1 /4)/Taxes 1011 Streets (1 /4)/Taxes 174 .88! 14,393. C12.040420 Mound /Isl Vi ew Drive Reconstruction 53.001 5,055.001 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding 012 .1 00 303 C12.101221 .Moun / 2 0 09 S Reco Mound /Street Light Replacement 114 .001 5.50; 10 378.50f `.� 733.00 401 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Federal Grants /City Match /MSA 012.101482 M ound /SW I sland Area 2,490.5 222,690.97 4011 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding C12.102990 _ _ _ _ Mound /Manchester Site & Lynwood Site 178.001 19,678.50 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding 2,841.001 258,535.97 C12.039425 I Mou / MS A Sys U p da te 0_0, 8 ,8_38.00 427 Municipal State Aid for Streets 01 2.101514 _ Mound /MSA: Ridgewood /ldie /Highland _ 1,487.501 139,642.251 427 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding/ 012.103581 Mound /2011 Crack Seal Coat Project 15.00 1,630.501 427 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding/ 1,565. 150,110.751 C12.1 IMound /Watermain Loop Island View 13.001 1,770.501 601i Water Fees C1210 38004 012.038243 C 12.038388 _ _ Mo und /Water Syste Modeling 1 i Mou / Update Str eet_ &_Ut ility Maps ( ' _ Mound /Water Supp Emergency Cons_ery 22.50 3.13 4.501, 2,36 2.001 3 30.63 639.001 601 601 601 Water Fees Water Fees (1/4) Water Fees C12.0401 012.100590 !M ound/Wellhead P Plan - 1 ~- Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) 1.501 15.25; 213.001 1,034.38 601 1 601' Water Fees Water Fees (1/4) 012.103 012.038077 C12.038243 59.88 6,349 Mound /201 Lift Stati Reconstruct ; 301 .00i 36,322.00; ;Mound /I & I Analysis Report 81.00' 9,997.5 'Mound /Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4)� 3.13 i _ 330.63 602 602 602 Sewer Fees Sewer Fees Sewer Fees (1/4) C12.039286 IMound /SWPPP Update I 18.501 1,928.00 602 Sewer Fees C12.100481 'Mo und /2009 Lift St Reco 10.00 857.50 602 Sewer Fees C1 2.100590 C1 2.100601 M o und /GIS Updates (1/4) _ - 1, Mound /M Flows /City Charges 15.2 v 0.50 _ A 1 ' 034.38 71. 001 602 602 Sewer Fees (1/4) Sewer Fees C12.102014 i Mound /2010 Lift Station Reconstruction ` ( 1 53.50 , F 24,017.851 602 Sewer Fees C12.102702 ,'Mound /Lift Station Maintenance Plan 9.001 1,104.001 602 Sewer Fees C12 .10343 8 591.88 Mound /2011 Storm Drai Im provements 54.50; - 75,662. 5,818.50 675 Storm Water Fees 032.03792 4 I Mound WCA Administration / 3 .00; 312.00 675 1 Storm Water Fees C12.038243 _ IMound /Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 1 3.13 6751Storm Water Fees (1/4) C12.040097 C12.100 012.100871 Moun /2008 Storm Drainage Improveme M uo n d /GIS Updates (1 _ t ound/2009 Drainage Improvement Pr oject _ _330.63 6.50( _ 788. 15.2 1_,0 I 2.00 176.00 675 675 675 Storm Water Fees Storm Water Fees (1/4) Storm Water Fees C12.101697 ': Mound /2010 Drainage Improvements s 3 00 _ 426.00 675 Storm Water Fees C12.101909 _ IMound/Surf Water Management 95.001 11,371.00 675 Storm Water Fees 032.102876 IMou d Sewer Outfalls & Ponds ' 85.00; _ 7,348.84, 675 Storm Water Fees v - � - -- 2 /31 /10YTD Total 267.381 5,509.50 27,605.34 533,839.911 -1451- Harbor Wine & Spirits July 2011 Date Weather Cust 11 Cust 10 Variance Sales 11 Sales 10 Difference Cash +/- 7/1/2011 SUN 80S 744 465 279 2107 3 11110.17 9968.06 3.12 7/2/2011 SUN 80S 981 731 250 9676.05 20885.21 8790.84 -0.79 7/3/2011 946 946 27325.45 - 27325.45 7/4/2011 SUN 84 434 434 11077.81 11077.81 -0.2 7/5/2011 sun861train 291 309 -18 5463.21 6208.69 - 745.48 0.15 7/6/2011 sun 85 305 292 13 6040.17 6556.37 -516.2 0.12 7/7/2011 sun 88 320 304 16 6789.56 5764.45 1025.11 0.44 7/8/2011 sun 85 651 355 296 15885.17 7271.38 8613.79 0 7/9/2011 SUN 80S 666 598 68 16014.53 14821.6 1192.93 0 7/10/2011 718 -718 17867.82 - 17867.82 7/11/2011 0 0 7/12/2011 338 -338 7290.38 - 7290.38 7/13/2011 314 -314 6043.16 - 6043.16 7/14/2011 312 -312 6161.3 - 6161.3 7/15/2011 376 -376 9359.32 - 9359.32 7/16/2011 695 -695 17348.18 - 17348.18 7/17/2011 774 -774 20234.37 - 20234.37 7/18/2011 0 0 7/1912011 289 -289 5364.34 - 5364.34 7/20/2011 316 -316 6747.78 - 6747.78 7/21/2011 366 -366 8622.79 - 8622.79 7/22/2011 341 -341 6863.9 - 6863.9 7/23/2011 644 -644 16929.24 - 16929.24 7/24/2011 730 -730 19194.41 - 19194.41 7/25/2011 0 0 7/26/2011 310 -310 6462.55 - 6462.55 7/27/2011 333 -333 6304.62 - 6304.62 7/28/2011 303 -303 6390.32 - 6390.32 7129/2011 330 -330 7770.03 - 7770.03 7/30/2011 588 -588 13612.46 - 13612.46 7/31/2011 720 -720 18783.05 - 18783.05 Totals 4392 12797 -8405 112024.73 307293.3 - 195268.6 -1452- f' Kandis Hanson From: Sarah Smith Sent: Thursday, July 07, 20114:59 PM To: Kandis Hanson Subject: FYI - 7 -7 -2011 Star Tribune Article -- Transit Woes Loom Transit woes loom • Article by: PAT DOYLE , Star Tribune • Updated. Jul} 7, 2011 - t .18 ANA ...................... Higher fares and less service may lie not far down the road as the Twin Cities transit system scrapes to make ends meet. 1 For Vaughn Larry, the bus is his vehicle to work on Saturdays at a St. Paul restaurant where he cuts meat. "If you take away my service on weekends, I lose a portion of my revenue," he told transit operators who are considering slashing service and raising fares to deal with potential state budget cutbacks. Larry, 54, of St. Paul, was among nearly 100 people who jammed a hearing room Wednesday night to warn about the impact of the cuts and hikes on transit riders. A fare increase of up to 50 cents and a possible 25 percent reduction in bus service are under consideration by the Metropolitan Council, which oversees Twin Cities transit. Weekend service could end in some areas. The agency is at the early stages of planning for the impact of a cut of as much as $109 million in state general fund revenue. The reduction was approved by the GOP -led Legislature but vetoed by DFL Gov. Mark Dayton before the state government shutdown. More public hearings are expected to be held later this summer. The proposed cuts and hikes couldn't go into effect before 2012, the Met Council told the audience. The contingency plan is based on the assumption that the proposed state funding reductions become law. The severity of any fare hike or service cuts will depend on the outcome of the budget negotiations as well as future decisions by the Met Council. The plan is not a response to the shutdown. Instead, the Met Council expects to tap reserves to keep the buses, the Hiawatha light -rail line and the North Star Commuter line rolling. 'We believe we have at least several weeks left of reserves," said Metro Transit general manager Brian Lamb, adding that the surplus could keep the system running for six to eight weeks. But the prospect of future service cuts was foremost on the minds of those at a hearing. When a map of potentially eliminated routes was shown on an overhead screen, it elicited groans from several in the audience. While the Met Council plan envisions a bigger share of the cuts occurring in the suburbs, most of the audience worried about reductions in inner -city service. "This is absolutely ludicrous," said Justin Busch, 52, who lives in the Lowertown neighborhood of St. Paul. "I do not own a car; I have no intention of owning a car. I use transit to get everywhere." He urged the Met Council to challenge the possible use of state money to subsidize a new Vikings stadium "so long as any public needs are facing anticipated cuts." "It really doesn't matter if we have a ... stadium if we can't get to it unless we use cars," he said. LuVerne Shepard said she "moved from the suburbs back to St. Paul so I'd have good mass transit for going to work." Of the budget stalemate, she said, "Something's got to give, and I don't believe we should have to." Juola Haga, 78, of Minneapolis, told council members, "I pray ... you succeed in keeping as much of the service as you possibly can." While economic concerns were paramount, Ron Struss, 57, of St. Paul, said, "I ride the bus for environmental reasons. We have to get people who have cars to park ... and ride the bus." -1454- 2