2011-04-12 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
APRIL 12, 2011
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Kelli Gillispie, Ray Salazar, Heidi
Gesch, and David Osmek
Others present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie
Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Fire Chief Greg Pederson, Finance
Director Catherine Pausche, Amanda Schwarze, Maureen Michalski, Ellen Higgins, Karly Curtis,
Johann Chemin, Cheryl Martin, Michael Regan, Jeff Andersen, Travis Baldwin.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
Hanus requested the addition of Item 10. 1, Banner approval for Step To It Program, and Item
10.2, Police Cooperative Services Study.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
Gillispie requested the removal of item 4D(3) for discussion.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon
roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve minutes from March 22, 2011 regular meeting
B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $319,826.49
C. Approve application to conduct Excluded Bingo from Mound Fire Department Auxiliary
D. Approvals for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School "Blast"
(1) Application /permit for Temporary on -sale liquor license for May 21, 2011
(2) Application for public dance /live music for May 21, 2011
(3) (removed)
G. Approve Pay Request, First and Final, by Noble Conservation Solutions for energy upgrades
to the lighting at Harbor Wine & Spirits and HVAC at City Hall, in the amount of $20,650.00
Mound City Council Minutes —April 12, 2011
4D(3) Approval of temporary sign permit for Our Lady of the Lake "Blast"
Gillispie asked if there are numerous sign permits being approved from different groups, for the
same site at Caribou Coffee. Smith stated that there are, and that groups are notified that
others are using the same site. Hanus expressed concern that the decorative fences in the City
will become billboards and if banners should be allowed past the 15 days, or if the 15 days
should even be shortened.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch that the temporary sign permit for the Our Lady of the
Lake Blast be approved, from April 23, 2011 through May 23, 2011, or 30 days. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
6. Action on Resolution Accepting Proposal of the Sale of $6,405,000 GO Bonds, Series
2011 B.
Stacie Kvilvang of Ehlers & Associates, presented the results of today's bond sale to finance the
costs of the 2011 Street, Utilities and Retaining Wall Project, including the SW Island and
Highland Areas. There were eight bidders with the lowest being Piper Jaffrey of Leawood,
Kansas, with a true interest cost of 3.5099 %, and an adjusted price of $6,315,000.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
7. Lake Minnetonka Association request for funding for milfoil treatments on Phelps Bay
Dick Osgood, representing Lake Minnetonka Association, appeared before the Council with a
request for $6,000 for continued milfoil treatments in Phelps Bay. He presented an accounting
of income and expenses for the Phelps Bay treatment, along with projected revenues and costs
for 2011. There was discussion as to the amount of payments being made versus the amount of
benefit received. Hanus would like to see how the DNR contribution is allocated and also how
the money is allocated to each of the five bays, by shoreline footage or area, and like to see that
the Mound City and private contributions are staying in Mound and not being sent elsewhere.
Osgood will get information that Hanus is requesting and report back.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to table action on the contribution for milfoil treatment
until more information is received. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
8. Discussion /Action on CUP for Class III Restaurant submitted by Michael Regan on
behalf of Porta del Sol
This discussion is continued from the February 8, 2011 Council meeting, where the Council held
a public hearing for the review of the application from Michael Regan for a Conditional Use
Permit for a Class III restaurant (classification) for Porta del Sol at 5309 Shoreline Drive. Action
on the request was tabled at that meeting so as to evaluate the building's seating capacity
related to the minimum 50 -seat requirement in the City's liquor regulations, dual conditional use
permits, and other issues.
Mound City Council Minutes —April 12, 2011
Fire Chief Greg Pederson stated that, according to the Fire Code, the current seating
arrangement is at maximum capacity for approximately 31 -33 guests (15 sq. ft/occupant). The
current City code for 3.2 beer is a minimum capacity of 50. Smith stated that there are two
issues: What does the Council want to do about the required number of people and square
footage; and is a CUP to allow beer and wine appropriate. She also stated that Staff is
recommending that the Council consider amending the definition of the Class III restaurant in
the zoning ordinance to include that a Class III restaurant may include a pick -up window. It was
also noted that if the CUP is granted, the liquor ordinance would still have to be altered to
accommodate for less than the stated minimum capacity of 50 guests. Hanus stated that he is
not in favor of changing our liquor ordinance to accommodate this request.
Gillispie stated she feels this is a reasonable request and maybe the code should be looked at,
and suggested that the capacity follow the fire code rather than have a specific minimum
number of guests stated. Hanus stated that if a code change is desired, it should be done
globally, not just for one business. Osmek stated he is open to talk about the pick -up window
concept, but action needs to be taken on this specific case. Chief Pederson stated that there is
an issue with the current City Code, in that the requirement for a minimum capacity of 50 guests
does not match up with the stated minimum size of 254 sq. ft., and feels that this should be
addressed and corrected. John Dean stated that he believes that many years ago the ordinance
read that you couldn't have one room smaller than 254 sq.ft. in size if there were a series of
dining rooms in the restaurant, but somehow part of that got lost.
Michael Regan, applicant, asked what he needs to do to make this work. If he has to change
the building, he will. Osmek stated he is willing to look at changing the drive through to a pick-
up window in the code, but the seating is still an issue. Regan asked if he needed 750 sq. ft. to
get to the 50 guest minimum and Hanus answered that he did.
Smith brought up that the deadline for action on this CUP request is May 6 and if it is denied,
there is a one -year waiting period to re- apply. Hanus stated that as long as the request
changes, that one -year is waived.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to direct staff to prepare a resolution of denial of the
CUP request for consideration at the next meeting. The following voted in favor: Salazar,
Hanus, Gesch, and Osmek. The following voted against: Gillispie. Motion carried.
9. Discussion /Action on 2011 Farmers' Market & More seasonal use approvals
Sarah Smith reviewed the request to allow interim placement of an architectural shed in the
market area, to be located on the south side of the Dakota Regional Trail in a 12' x 12' green
space located immediately to the east of the market area, which will be used for vendor display
and storage.
Travis Baldwin and Karly Curtis presented a picture of the proposed shed and informed the
Council that they are also requesting permission to put a banner on the shed advertising the
Market, along with the shed vendor's advertising. This banner would be displayed from May 1
through October 15.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the permit requests per the April 5, 2011
request memo from Farmers' Market & More, adding to Item 3 (Banner Permits) that the banner
to be placed on the shed needs to receive Council approval prior to display, and that the Council
is requesting that the shed vendor's advertising take up no more than 20% of this signage. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes —April 12, 2011
10. Proposal for possible future reuse of a portion of Commerce Place Center
Maureen Michalski of Schafer Richardson, along with Ellen Higgins of Common Bond
Communities appeared before the Council with a preliminary concept plan for possible future
redevelopment of the north portion of the existing Commerce Place shopping center for multi-
family residential use to include (52) rental units.
Osmek stated that he is not in favor of turning that commercial area over to residential, and
asked if they considered the apartments on Belmont & Basswood. Michalski stated that they
already own this property and are not looking to purchase more, but to redevelop what they
have. No Council needed at this time.
10.1 Banner approval for Step To It Program
Sarah Smith appeared on behalf of the City to request approval of a temporary sign permit to
allow placement of a temporary banner on the decorative fence in front of Caribou Coffee from
4/13 to 6/5 to promote Mound's participation in the Step To It Challenge program.
Hanus stated that all three requests for banners this evening were for more than the 15 -day
requirement and suggested that the ordinance be looked at for possible amendment. Osmek
stated that after the program begins, the signage may be not as important as before it starts.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to approve the temporary sign request for the Step To
It Challenge, from April 13 through May 13, and to waive the fee. All voted in favor. Motion
10.2 Police Cooperative Services Study
Hanus reported that a study group met and determined the feasibility of having:an outside group
perform a cooperative services study for the possible merging of the Minnetrista and Mound
Police services. It was noted that a cost estimate was received from Emergency Services
Consulting International in the amount of $35,757. This cost would be shared equally with
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to approve funding not to exceed $17,878.50 for a
Police Cooperative Services Study, to be taken from the general fund. All voted in favor. Motion
11. Executive Session for the purpose of the City Manager's performance evaluation
Hanus announced that the Council would be going into Executive Session for the purpose of the
City Manager's performance evaluation.
Upon return the Mayor stated that the performance evaluation ad been completed and no action
is necessary.
12. Information /Miscellaneous
A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager: Hanson reported on the progress
of the liquor store sump pump and drainage tile installation.
B. Reports: Finance 2010 Preliminary Year -end, as of April 2011
C. Minutes: Parks & Open Space Commission — March 3, 2011
Planning Commission — March 1, 2011
Docks & Open Space Commission — March 17, 2011
D. Correspondence: Mediacom letter on pricing
Xcel rate increase notice
Mound City Council Minutes —April 12, 2011
13. Adjourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Salazar to adjourn at 10:53 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
' Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk