2000-12-11 CITY OF MOUND
DECEMBER 11, 2000
Present were: Mayor, Pat Meisel, Council Members, Bob Brown, Andrea Ahrens, Mark
Hanus, Leah Weycker. Also present were City Manager, Kandis Hanson, Peter Meyer,
Klm Anderson.'
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m.
Set stop time: 8:00 p.m. with % hour extension, if needed.
Bob -
Short dollars in dock fund; losing money.
Must keep up infrastructure.
Inequities of multiple docks.
Use program to make money.
Pat -
Private lake shore pays same tax as abutting commons.
3 tier proposed earlier.
Mark -
Review each group's benefits and responsibilities.
Bob -
90 sites abut parks - could use that money to develop parks.
Tonka Bay - grand fathered big boats until they eliminated large boats.
Big boats cause more wear on docks.
Multiples have limits on number of boats and length of boat. Make all 24' or less.
Grandfather others and eliminate thru alteration with exception of Avalon.
-Andrea -
This is a luxury and people should have to pay luxury prices.
City did not restore commons in her area after the storm.
The City Issues mowing notices on complaint basis only; not proactive.
Maintenance requirements are outlined in ordinance.
Mark -
Trash pick-up
Weeds on shore
Rip rap - new
Leveling sink holes
Repair and restack rip rap
Branches fallen
Racking, disposal of leaves
Cleanup from dogs and geese
Special City Council Meeting December 11,2000
Pat -
Andrea -
& Leah
Pat -
Andrea -
Pat -
Pat -
Klm -
Mark -
Mark -
Leah -
Mark -
Andrea -
Pat -
Pat -
Most common complaints: trash and disrespect for private property.
Estimate the cost of city employee per hour to do mowing of commons.
LMCD wants site map - requires survey. LMCD no longer satisfied with
Mound's lack of accuracy in shoreline.
Everyone in town is eligible to use commons and docks, so should have to
pay for it like parks.
Dedicate percentage of types of uses to certain areas. Paid for by the
general fund. That portion dedicated to the public paid for by the public
thru tax levy.
Establish credits for people who do the work. (maintenance)
Establish fair market value of a dock and charge that.
Previous council's have agreed not to make the program a money maker.
Credits, intrusion issues, enter into fees for docks.
There are budget surpluses because no shoreline maintenance is being
done. Raise the fees and do the needed improvements.
Establish the total cost of a comprehensive maintenance program. Apply
natural approaches to suitable areas.
Members agree on crediting people who do work.
Non-abutters don't invest in multiple shoreline maintenance.
Commons land value $50.00 higher than private shoreline.
City should recognize and credit commons owners for the maintenance.
Cushion of BSU's will disappear with survey. Not enough lineal footage to
support BSU now claimed by city.
As a city we need to know the actual number.
Agree they want a dock program.
Agree on credits for maintenance by those doing it.
May credit those doing natural buffering.
Special City Council Meeting December 11, 2000
Kandis -
She receives feedback of the inequities of the multiples being bought and
installed while others buy and install their own.
Bob - Raise
$50 Abutters
$100 Non-abutters
$150 Multiples
Put dollars back into dock, commons and parks.
Not favorable to a differentiated program.
Klm -
Agrees with credits for maintenance but fees set on realistic costs.
Don cost analysis first.
Jim - Determine
Cost of man - time
Equipment time
Rip Rap per foot - different kinds
Value of the benefits
Cost of survey
Get members copy of ordinance
Reschedule a meeting in future.
Motion made by Weycker, seconded by Brown, to adjourn the meeting at
8:38 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
A~~: City~d~'~
Mayor, Pat Meisel