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1960-05-122?. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF MAY 12, 1960 - 8:00 P.M. aS the Island Park Hall, Mound, Minnesota Present were: Mayor Larson, Trustees Pfeifer, Peterson,Orn; Attorney Ploetz and Manager Boxell. DOUGLAS BEACH ANNEXATION The Hearing was continued until June 14, 1960 at 8:00 P.M. at the Island Park Hall by executive order of the Mayor. 3.2.0N AND OFF SALE BEER LICENSE A1 Quello represented the proponents and W. P. Bradley represented the oppenents in the matter of Idor E. Lawson applying for a 3.2 On and Off Sale Beer License for the Kelley Tavern. Mr. Bradley, Helene Beane, Fred Bethke spoke against the matter. spoke for the granting of suzh a license. A1 Quello Petersen moved and Orn seconded the motion. BE IT MOVED, that Idor E. Lawson be granted a license to operate a 3.2' On and Off Sale Beer license. Roll Call vote Petersen Nay Pfeifer Aye Orn Aye Larson Nay The vote was tied, motion f~ls - license denied. BILLS The following bills were presented:· Liquor, Mound Old Peoria I.P. Old Peoria 820.81 Police Miller Davis Western Oil and Fuel 22°00 56 2~6h6.79 Orn moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion the foregoing bills be paid where funds are m~ailable. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried. SCHOELL AND MADSEN Mr. Schoell appeared before the council to discuss the contract for sever and water engineer. Attorney Ploetz was instructed by the Mayor to draw up an agreement between the Village of Mound and Schoell and Madsen, and to incorporate such changes as designated by the council ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ' Campus Crusade for Christ Mayor Larson read the letter of recommendations from the Mond Zoning Board of Appeals and thanked theBoard for their prompt action. PARK UNION LOCAL #152? The contract was discussed. Orn moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion. BE IT MOVED, the new wage scale be retroactive to March 1, 1960, for bartenders, and the anthorization be granted to make such pa)~ent. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried. Pfeifer moved and Petersen seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, The foregoing motion be amended by the addition of; the agreement to run until October 1962, and the pay day to be the l~th and the last day of each month. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried. Pfeifer moved and Orn seconded a motion to adjourn until the adjourned meeting of May 19, 1960 at 7:30 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried and adjo~rned. Mayor~/~~~ MIb~JTES OF THE ADJO'~RN~£D MEETING OF THE MOUND I~LLAGE COUNCIL OF MAY 19, 1960 at 7:30 P.M. at the Mou~nd Fire Station Present were: Mayor Larson, Trustees Pfeifer, Batdorf, 0rn, Petersen and Attosney Ploetz. BILLS The following bills were presented from the Island Park Liquor Store: