1960-08-09MINUTES ()F THE P~.GULA~ MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1960 at 8:00 P.M at the Mound Fire Station. · Present: Mayor Larson, Trustees Pfeifer, Om, Bat~orf and Petersen; and Manager Kopp. The Minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 1960 were read.. Petersen moved and Orn seconded a motion to accept the minutes of~e regular meeting of July 12, 1960 as read. X'he vote was unanimously in favor so carried and accepted. The Minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 21, 1960 were read. Batdorf moved and Oru seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the a~.1o~rned meeting of July 21, 1960 as read. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried.land accepted. The minutes ofth~ adjourned meeting of July 27, 1960 were read. Pfeifer moved and Petersen seconded a motion to accept the minutes of~e adjourned meeting of July 27, 1960 as read. The vote was Unanimously in favor so carried and accepted. STATE AID ROADS .~ ~ill Schoell, Village Engineer appear and requested a ch~uge in the resolution action of June 28, 1960 to reduce the County State Eld Highway totalimproved ~nits from 8.10 miles to 5.22 miles. Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoption.. seconded the motion. Pfeifer BE IT P~SOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Mound, the Mayor be authorized and directed to certify to the State of Minnesota the following Municipal Aid Highways: CEF~IFY: Highway #12~ to the South Village Line; Perth Lane at Tuxedo to Malvorn; Malvorn from Perth Lane to Beverley; Beverly from Malvorn to Avo~n; Avon from Beverley to Brighton Commons; Brighton Commons from Avon Lane to Highway #12~ - Total 2.31 miles CE~TIFY: Bartlett Blvd. from Concord Blvd. to Wilshire Drive - total O.6~ miles CEF~IFY: Wilshire Drive from Bartlett Blvd. to Cot_cord Blvd. - total 0.~9 miles CERTIFY: Fair, Jew Drive from Concord Blvd.. to Lynwood Blvd.;-Lynwomd Blvd. from F&ir- view Drive to Commerce Blvd. - total 0.6~ miles CERTIFY: Grandview Drive from Lynwood Blvd. to Commerce Blvd. - total 0.57 miles CE~IFY: Wenanoh Blvd. from Co~mmerce Blvd. to Lane ? - total 0.66 miles Grand total - ~.22 ~miles Poll Call: Batdorf Aye Petersen Aye Pfeifer Aye Orn Aye Larson Aye So carried and accepted. STANDARDS FOR NEW SUBDIVISION STREETS Petersen moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion. BE IT MOVED, the manager be authorized and directed to with the aid of the Village Attorney to d~aw up the necessary ordinance to set new standards for sub- division Base to be 8" of compacted gravel, Minnesota Highway department specifica- tion 5 A, rolled, watered and compacted in h" lifts to a 36' width. Surface treatment to be 22' wide prime coat of asphaltic material, recommended MC-O, - i or - 2 at the rate of 0.20 to 0.2~ gallons per square yard. A seal coat to be applied not less than one day later, MC-h, -5 or -6 applied at the rate of 0.15 to 0.20 gallons per square yard, with a blotter coat of sand or screenings not to exceed ~.h size. The vote was four ayes and no nays with Batdorf abstaining. So carried. T?2~NSFER OF FUNDS Batdorf offered the follov~ng resolution and moved its adoption. Orn seconded the motion. BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $10~OO0.00 be transferred from General F~nd to the Street fund in anticipation of tax receipts spread. Poll Call vote Pfeifer Bs%do rf Orn Petersen Larson So carried and resolved Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye TP~NSFE!~ OF FUNDS Petersen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Pfeifer seconded the motion. BE IT iQESOLVED, the sum of $1~500,00 be transferred from General Fund to the Police Fund~. in anticipation 6f the tax receipts spread. Roll Call vote Pfeifer Batdorf Ora Petersen Larson So carried and resolved. Aye Aye Aye Aye Village of Mound, Minnesota BILLS PAYABIE -August 9, 1960 GENERAL Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency Watertown Telephone Company Minnetonka Pilot Mound Hardware Faye M. Whalen, Treasurer Grathwol & Ploetz Diebold Inc. Finance & Commerce The American City League of Minnesota Municipalities Wm. N. Johnson Philbrook Ins. Agency Northern States Power Co. GE~E?J~L-ASSES SING Minnetonka Pilot Robert Fitzsimmons Ervin E. Danielsen GEnERAL-LIQUOR CHANGE BACK Philbrook Insurance Agency Northern States Power Watertown Telephone Co. Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency STREET Mound Hardware Bury and Carlson Standard Oil Co. Rosenwinkel Sand aud Gravel Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Inc. St. Boni Auto - Contract Long Lake Farm Supply Co. Thurk Bros. ~ilbur Thurk Body and Implement F. O. Johnson J. W. Craig Phillippi Equipment Co. Landers Norbloom Christensen Co. David Agency Philbrook Insurance Agency Northern States Power Glenn Fa_u~er Insurance Agency BDI LDING INSPECTOR Harold Peterson Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency 53.80 29.00 51.6o 4.~5 9.22 599.75 23.12 21.00 4.00 166.00 4.50 293.04 6.00 71.60 20.00 30.OQ 461.47 57.~ 1.75 25.3o 44.11 553.25 70.92 2,189.81 1,5o5.o~ 129.00 12.80 662.95 48.05 68.00 360.00 200.65 55.71 70.77 198.49 854.83 ~,~.2,~ 254.70 31.4~Q 1,265.28 121.60 545.76 7,338.61 286.10 POLICE Mound Hardware Northern Automotive Mound Ford Mercury Faye M. Whalen, Treasurer City Treasurer, Mpls. Gunderson Body Shop Dutch Lake Kennels Duanes '66' Service General Tire Co. Farnh~' s Wessner Butwin Sportswear Watertown Telephone Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency PARK Mound Hardware Fillmore & Bradbury Mound Rexall Phamacy Mound Builders Supply Co. Lansing Hardware CEMETERY Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency WATER Standard Oil Co. Minnetonka Pilot Schoell and Madsen Northern States Power Co. Watertown Telephone Glenn Farmer Insurance Agency POOR Suburban Hennepin County P~lief Board .55 6,00 299.96 .25 90.00 22.50 12.00 22.95 236.oo 2.30 94.55 24.63 3.35 33.42 226,80 1.65 4.80 1.0,5 11.5o 56.77 45.60 62.50 262.62 2.00 i~ 4o9 .o4 1, o42.53 267.72 11.50 562.99 409.04 FIRE Nat'l City Managers· Association Seton Shell Service Mound Fire Dept. Northern States Power Co. Watertown Telephone Glenn Farmer Insurance AEency 7.50 10.80 i35'00 14,83 36.25 195.~ 399,52 Total Prepaid 12,250.65 772.50 13,023.15 LIQUOR - Purchases Buckingham Beverages Canada Dry Beverages Coca Cola Bottling Chaska Beverage C. B. Crabtree Co. Carter Beverage Distillers Distributing Day Distributing Co. O. M. Droney Beverage Co. Franklin Creamery, Inc. Famous Brands Hanson Distributing Lynn Johnson Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Monarch Foods Manning Anderson Minneapolis Bottling Co. McKesson & Bobbins N otermann Weber Nesbitt Bottling 01d Dutch Foods Old Peoria Co. Inc. Ed Phillips & ~ons Co. Pepsi Cola Bottling 7 Up Bottling Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. St. Bont Beverage Co. Twin City Home Juice Co. 1,570.96 ' 225.62 65.93 4.91 300.74 1,.664.56 819.77 lO9.25 24o.15 6.o6 1,3o5.22 2.85 1,132.28 570.74 3.4o 966.34 2o.10 470.34 333.54 15.44 21.93 347.51 617.75 49.16 153.1o 216.60 381.60 31.!Q 12,106.95 LIQUOR - Operating American Linen Supply Farmer's & Mechanics Bank Wm. N. Johnson Le~oy Signs Inc. Mound ~lectric Miller Davis Co. Nattl Cash Register Co. Northwest Exterminatiug Co. Richard Co. Reed Agency Skay & Son Wate rbo ~n Telephone David Agency 9.35 100.O0 4.50 46.75 9.23 lo5.4o 4.00 5.4o 112.40 13.O5 25.65 '.175. 2, 629.23 Total ' · Prepaid Total 12,736.18 6~619.78 ~9,355.96 Gen-Assessin g Chellis ~ngstrom 500.00 Fire ' Minnetonka Answering Service Special Assessment #17~ State Bank of Mound 157.50. 772.50 ~ynn Johnson Ed Phillips & Sons Ed Phillips & Sons Street Fund Byran Rock Products Howard Drum Jr. Li,f Sand N. W. Linen Service Griggs Cooper Ed Phillips Old Peoria Co. Inc. 1,036.41 1,561.24 2o8.57 62.50 12.96 7.50 12.00 54.57 1,257.88 819.27 1.585.88 6,619.78 SUPPLEMENTAL LIST OF BILES PAYABLE August 9, 1960 General Mound Postmaster $ 20.00 General-Liquor Charge back Mound Postmaster 20.00 Fire Tony, s Electric Service 195.15 Street St. Boni Auto 5.25 Liquor Northwest Linen Service 60.20 $300.60 INVESTMENT OF FUNDS Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. mo ti on. Orn seconded the BE IT ~ESOLVED, the sum of $~000.00 from the Special Assessment Project #1~ be invested in a C.D. for the period of one ~ar, at the State Bank of Mound. Poll Calm vote Batdorf Aye Petersen aye Orn ~ye Pfeifer Aye Larson Aye Carried. MONTHLY BI LLS Pfeifer moved and Petersen seconded a motion to pay the follo~dng bills ,~ere funds are available. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. FUEL OIL TANK SITE Batdorf moved and Orn seconded the motion. BE IT MOVED, the Village Councilof the Village of Mound grant an approval to P~bert E. Johnson for the installa!lation of bulk oil tanks on the designated property. Robert Johnson agrees to maintain the road he uses. Poll Call vote carried. Pfei fe r Nay Batdorf Aye Orn ~ye Petersen Aye Larson Nay WATE~MAIN ON SANDY DRIVE Appearing before the council were Mrs. Ja~es Camp, Mr. Widmer and Bernard Wir~kle Street and Water Supe~intentent. BE IT MOVED, the Village Council deny Mrs. James Camp permission to lay a one inch copper tube for a distance of 350 ft. along Sandy Drive from Edgewater Drive and be it further moved the Village Council~ill instigate an investi- gation to secure a priliminary cost estate;-~ The vote was unauimously in favor. So carried. RECOMMENDATIONS OW THE PLANNINING COMMISSION Batdorf moved and Orn seconded a motion. P~y Krey. er- Lot 13 Block ~ - Part of Lot 36 Lafayette Park BE IT MOVED, the Village Council instruct the Building Inspector to issue a permit to remodel if it meets the building code and install proper foundation and ~d septic system; giving a period of six months to complete the entire program. The vote was four ayes no nays and Petersen abstaining. So carried Sam. Gos!in - Lot 9 Block 3~ - Wychwood Orn Moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion. BE IT MOI~D, the Building Inspector be instructed to grant a building permit if all conditions are met. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried. Clifford Johnson - Block ~ Lot 3 Arden Pfeifer moved and Orn seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council instructs the Building Inspector to issue the necessary permit to remodel, aud build to lot line; to restrict his title to the property to make Lots 3 and ~ as inseparable and build according to code. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried. LePase - Lots i and 2 Block 7 Devon Petersen moved and Batdorf seconded a motion BE IT MOVED the ¥illage Council of the Village of Mound grant the request of Mr. LePage to replat Lots i ana 2 Block ? Devon equally with the lake shore and street frontage of each lot to be the same distance, and BE IT FU]~HER MOVED, the Village Council instruct the Building Inspector to grant a buildin~g permit after equal split of such property is made and such building codes are followed. The vote was unanimously in favore So carried Skip Hellecksen - Lots h2 and h3 Koehler Addition No action Don Sche~en fence No action. Referred to attorney for investigation. PLy White Lot 51 - Mound Addition Pfeifer moved and Orn seconded the motion. BE IT MOVE5 th~ Village Co~mcil instruct the Building Inspector to graut a building permit to PLy White to remodel his garage The vote was five ayes and one nay by Dr. Petersen. Carried. Earl Shellenberger - Lot ? Block 13 - Three Points ~ Batdorf moved and Oru seconded a motion. MOVED, the Village ~ianager notify Earl Shellenberger that he is frse to clean up s. nd terrace the commons ; the risk to be his and to save the village harmless; and not to deny public access and convenience at any time. '~he vote was unanimously in favor. ~o carried. Ann Nelson - Lot 18 Block ~ Dreamwood No action Mrs. Derby- Lots 9 and 10 -Whip~ole Shores No action ?~ed - Phelps Island Batdorf mo~d and Petersen seconded the Motion° BE IT ~O~D~ the per,mit t~ remodel and modernize garage for l~ving quarters be denied. The vote was unan±~ouslM in favor.~ So carried. ~t 3~ - Phelps Island Peterse~ moved ~n Batdorf secended a motion. BE IT MO~D the building permit to build a patio/porch for sleeping and at a later date attach a house be ~enied. The vote waa unanimously in favor. ~o carried. HAR?,ISON SHOPJ{S SUBDIVISION Peterson moved and Batdor£ seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, The ~!iound Village Ca~nc,~l of the Viilaze ef Mound annro~es the ~.~,~ grades submitted by ~aaby and Jones for Harrison Shores and approved by the Village Engineer~ Shoell and Madsen, The vote was unanimously in fa~oro So carried. NORrHE~ STATES POWER CO. A map of the route of the Gleasons Lake- ~iound Line No. ?3? was presented. Batdorf o£'fered:%he follo~ng resolution and moved its adoption. seconded the motion. Petersen BE IT RESOLVED, the Viltage~ M~nage~oandL~h~iViLla~e~fltiorfie~:berautho~izsdtAndedireoted ta ~ra~ mp,aoutflityL~aSsmenEYtoea~tIoW~,~h~ N&~he~eS~tes Power to erect poles and lines on Village property and maintain ~ame. Copy of such easement is ~ !'L Cal~t~a~hed as Exhibi'~ A. Roll Call vote Petersen Aye Orn Aye Pfeifer Aye Larson Aye Carried Batdorf Aye MOHAk~ JLYC~S AUDIT OF WAPMING HOUSE AND SKATi~G More detailed statement cf e~oe~:aitures CC]r: ]( :: PPS/~ARY ELECTION OFFICIALS The following List of clerks and altermate clerks; judges and alternate judges was presented: #1 - Mound Fire Station Island Park Hall Cle rks Mrs. Le?oy Alwin Mrs. Clifford Kopperud Clerks Mrs--. ordon Swenson Mrs. Beatrice Watson Judge s E. P. Steffen Mrs. Leonard Frahm Mrs. Bruce Pobinson Judge s Mrs, Henman Quist A1 Boll Mrs. Mae P~nnes Alternate Clerks Mrs. O~ille Iovaasen Mrs. John Osell, Jr. Alternate Clerks Mrs. Kenneth Storke Mrs. Vincent Blake Alternate Ju.dge s Mrs. J. ~. Knudson Mrs. B. L. Strand Mrs. George Ohmann Alternate Judges Mrs. Edith Angle Mrs. Marlin Bee Mrs. Le'%oy Weiland Batdorf offered the follo~Ang resolution and moved its adoption. the motion. Petersen seconded BE IT P£SOLVED, the Village Council accept the recommendations of the Village Manager and approve the foregoing list of clerks and judges and alternates for the September 13, 1960 primary election, Poll Call vote Batdorf Pfeifer Petersen Ora Larson Carried an~: resolved. Aye Aye Aye Aye INC ~SE PETTY CASH FUND Pfeifer offered the follo~-~ng resolution and mo~zcd its adoption. the motion. Ora seconded BE IT I~SOLVED the Petty Cash Fund of the Mound Village Treasurer be ~ncressed to the s~r~ of $~0.00 by the addition of the stem of $~0.00. OM tl C all vote Bat~o rf Pet e rs en Orn Pfei fe r Larson So carried and resolved. Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye GO CARTS The subject of Go Carts and Tra~olines were discussed. The Manager was directed to investigate these subjects arid with the aid of the attorney draw up any recommended ordinances, tales or regulations. Petersen mowed and Orn seconded a motion to adjourn until the adjourned meetiog of August 18, 1960 at 8:00 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station. ~'he vote was unanimously in favor. So carried and adjourned.