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1961-0314TNIS BOOK BEGIN~ WITH THE MINUTES OF ~ARC_H 14, !96I Minutes' of the regular meeting of March 14, 1961 at 8:-00 P.M. at Mound ~ire Station. Present were: Mayor H. ~. R. Larson~ T~ustees Pfeifer., Batdorf~ Orn and Petersen and Manager Kopp and Attorney Ploetz and Engineer Wm. 5~choelI. PLANNING COMMISSION RECO~ENDATIONS The sale of Villege-owned,t~ke front property was discussed. Request by Wm. Kelly for commercial zoning for Lot 2E Skarp & Lindquist's Ravenswood Subdivision of Lots 1 - ~2.. Wm. Kelly and his' attorney Mr. Palerine were present. Batdorf moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion. BE IT MOVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCL OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUND That on Council initiative there be a public hearing of the proposal to rezone Lot Eft, Skarp & Lindc~uist's Ravenswood Sub-- division of Lots 1 -~, from residential to commercial, on March 28~ 1961, at 8.~00 P.M.~ at the Mound Fire Station. ~.- That the proponent be required to defray expenses of publication. 3. That the clerk be directed to publish notice of such hearing in accord with the requirements of the Mound Village Ordinances. The vote was Unanimously in favor, so carried. Request for building permit on. Lots' 1 and 2, Block 6, Avalon. Pfeifer moved and Petersen seconded a motion. BE IT MOVED, the Building Inspector be directed to grant a Building Permit to allow use of Lots 1 and ~ Block 6, Avalon, as a single parcel,, as site for one home. The vote was unanimously in favor.~ So carried._ CITIZENS COMPLAINT ABOUT DOGS Appearing before the Council were Mr. Melvin Sohns and Mrs. Milton Uner and party. Mr. Sohns told the council of an incident in which his' son was bitten by the dog of a neighbor and a subsequent appearance in court in Mound. Mrs. Uner related an lndident con- cerning the same dog in which she was chased into the safety of h~r home by the animal The Village Council instructed the Village M~nager to give a full resume of the case to the Village Council after checking to see if proper procedures have been followed, and to inform Mr. Sohns and Nfs. Uner when such a report will be on the agenda of a Council meeting. DELEGATION FROM DLACK'S ADDITION ON DRAINAGE Mrs. Druce Damber~,and Mrs. Vernon Davis spoke for a trio of women from Mack's ddition who complained about the hazard of water accumulating~from drainage of this area and possibly the adjoining areas. A meeting with the Village Engineer for March 18th and the parties concerned was planned~ to view the site. RURAL HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT DELEGATION Mrs. Joiner, Mayor of Osseo; Mr. Porter of the ~linnetonka Village Council; director MiSs Boyle; nurse Irene Glore and volunteer workers Mrs. Ralph Huss and Mrs. Frank Norton appeared before the ¥illage ~ouncil~ and outlined the scope of their work on the Rural Hennepin County Nursing Service. DOCK INSPECTOR ED BERTZ Manager Kopp introduced the Mound ~ock Inspector he hired to the Council. WATER SKIING ON BLACK LAKE Ken ~ricksen of the Spring Park Council appeared about the conflict of Ordinances r,gulating activities on Black Lake. ~ayor Larson appointed Del Pfeifer and Dr. Byron Petersen as representatives of the Mound Village Council to meet with the Spring Park Council to work out matters before the lakes, open up to summer activities. The Minutes of the regular meeting of February 14, 1961 were read. Pete~sen moved and Batdorf seconded a motion to accept the minutes of February 14, 1961 as read. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried and accepted.. The Minutes of the adjourned meeting of February 21, 1961 were read. Petersen moved and Batdorf seconded the motion~ to accept the minutes of February ~1, 1961 as read. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried and accepted. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 7, 1961 were read. Petersen moved and Batdorf seconded a motion to accept the minutes of March 7, 1961 as read. The vote was unanimously in favor. So carried and accepted,m 1st Ave. Orn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption.. Improve seconded the motion. ment. Pfeifer RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT FIRST A ~VE4'JE WHEREAS, pursuant t° resolution of the council adopted February 21,? I96I, a report has been prepared by Schoell and Madson, Village Engineer~, with reference to the improvement of First Avenue between the northerly line of Concord Blvd. and the southerly line~of Lakewood Drive by installation of water main thereon, and this report was received by the council on March 14,. 1961. NOW THEREFORE", BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINI~$OTA: The council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement ursuant to Minnesota Statutes-, Sections 429.Oll to 429.111 LaWs of 1955, Ch. 598. as amended) at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $5,.120.OO. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the ISth d~y of April, 1961 at the Village Fire Hall at 8 o'clock p.m., and the clerk shall give published notice sf such hearing and improvement as required by law. Roll Call Vote: Petersen Aye Orn Aye Pfeifer Aye Batdorf Aye Larson Aye Adopted by the council this 14 day of March 1961. RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON I}~PROVE~IENT HIGHLANDS WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the council adopted February 21,~ 1961, a report has been prepared by Schoell and Madson~ Village Engineers, with reference to the improvement of Ridgewood Drive between the northerly extension of the line of Lot 7, Block 6, "The Highlands" and the northerly line of Idlewild Drive by installation of water main thereon, and this report was received by the council on March 14~ 1961. Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoption.. Pfeifer seconded the motion. NOW THEREFOiqE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MOUND,r MIN~ESOTA :.. The council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or al portion of the cost of the improvement 9986 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 4B9.011 to 4E9.ill (Laws of 1955, Ch. 598, as amended) at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $~,990.00. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the E{5~.h day of April, 1961, at the Village Fire Station at 8 o'clock, p.m., and the clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Roll Call Vote- Petersen Aye Pfeifer Aye Batdorf Aye Orn Aye Larson Aye Adopted by the cou:~cil this 14 day of ~arch, 1961 BEER LICENSPS FO~,STTF,.F SIDE (FOEME~ MOUND CASINO~ Batdorf moved and Orn seconded a motion. BE IT ~OVED, an Off Sale 5.E Beer License be granted to the Surf Side for..the I961-6~ year;-termination date April 50, i96fi. The vote was unanimously in favor; so carried. Batdorf moved and Orn seconded a motion. BE IT MOVED,. an On Sale 5.Z Beer License be granted to the Surf Side for the 1961-62 year; termination date April 50~ 196~. The vote was unanimously in favor; so carried. The following items were tabled for further consideration. Request Hennepin County Fair Bloomington Resolution Sale of Tax Exempt Property Street ~aintenance Policy Committee Appointments REQUEST 2,"Oii REPLATT lNG A request for replatting of Lots 14,. 15, 16, 17, gO, El, 2~ ~3 and parts of Lots 1E and 13, Block ~6, Wychwood. HIGHWAY 12 REPORT Roc~ Lindlan reported to the council on Highway #1E project. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Paterson offered the following resOlution and moved its adoption.~ Batdorf seconded the motion. BE IT RESOLVED~ the sum of $306.71 from Special Assessment Fund ~5 be transferred to General Fund, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $48.61 from Special Assessment Fund ~6 be transferred to General Fund; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ the sum of $81.54 from Special Assessment Fund ~7 be transferred to General Fund,, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $806.69 from Special"Assessment Fund #9 be transferred to General Fund; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $1,1~9.39 from Special Assessment Fund ~10 be transferred to, General Fund; BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $246.58 from Special Assessment Fund ~15 be transferred to General Fund. Roll Call Vote: Pfeifer Aye Batdorf Aye Petersen Aye Orn Aye Larson Aye So carried and resolved. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Pfeifer seconded the motion. BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $2,.500.00 be transferred from General Fund to Water Fund in partial repayment of loan, Roll Call Vote:' Pfeifer Aye Petersen Aye Orn Aye Batdorf Aye Larson Aye So carried and resolved. INVESTMENTS Petersen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Batdorf seconded the motion. BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $5,000.00 from Bond and Interest PIR Fund be invested in an I.D. in Farmer's and Mechanics Bank at 4~ interest for a period of one year. Roll Call Vote: Batdorf Aye Orn Aye Petersen Aye Pfeifer Aye Larson Aye So carried and resolved. Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoptiom. Orn seconded the motion. BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $7,500.00 from Special Assessment #8 be invested in a C. D. in the State Bank of Mound for the period of one year Roll Gall Vote: Petersen Aye Pfeifer Aye Orn Ay® Batdorf Aye Larson Aye So carried and resolved. CIGARETTE LICENSES Orn moved and Batdorf seconded a motion. BT IT MOVED, the following be granted cigarette licenses for 1961: Mueller's Pharmacy Quist's Superette American Legion Club Grimm's. Store Sollie's Grocery Mound Piggly Wiggly Melody Cafe Mound Pharmacy Jeff's Super Fair White's Bakery Seton Shell Station The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. FlEE CONTRACT WITH MINNETRISTA VILLAGE Batdorf offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Orn seconded the motion. '(Attached is copy of Fire Contract) FIItE SERVICE ACdZE~NT THIS AGREEMENT nde and entered into this ~day of Febmlary, 1961, by amd between the Village of Mc~nd, a Nut.pal Co~o~atio. of ~he Co~ty of Hennepin ~d State of ~naeeota, pa~ty of ~e firs~ p~t, a~d t~e ~lllage of ~inaet~ata, a Municipal Corporabiom of ~e County of Hennepia and State of ~nnesota~ p~y of the aec~a p~t, That, whereas, party of the second part is desirous of having fire protection service fur~shed by the Village of Mound Fl~e [~part~nt, and WHEREAS party ef tree first part has the faci~ities and equipmnt and is will- la§ and able to proVide saRd fire protection service; NO~, THEREFC~E, in consideration of ~e p~ealsem and ~he mutaai covenants of the parties hereto, it i~ agreed as follc~s~ Pa~ty oi' the first part agrees~ (1) To p~?lde fire protection service in portio~ of the said ¥iAlage of ~d. nnetrista described as foll~ All that portion of Minnetrieta, with the foll~im~ stated exceptions, lying within the foxlc~lng ~ezcribed boundaries ~mmencimg at the Southeasterly corner of Seetlon 35, Te~n- ship ll?-~ange 2h thence Westerly along t~e Southerly sec- tion lines of Sections 36, ~5 ~d the g, asterly half of Sec- ti~ ~; thence #ortherly a]oag t~e Morth~out~ Quoter Sec- tine line Secti~ 32 to ~e Northerly section !i~ of Secti~ 34; thence E~ter]y ~e~g the Northerly secti~ li}e tics 36 to the Weste~iy section ~ine of Section 26, ~eace Northerly ~o~ t~ze Westerly sec~ Jine of Section 26 te the Northwest corner t~e~off$ thence Westerly along t~ Sou~- erly .ection line ~ 8ec~om 22 to the ~ort~ester]y ah~e- llne of ~ste~ B~ thence Soz~t~eaterly ~9ng said line to t~ T~n R~d l~ng in the ~orthweet Q~rter of Se~ tl~ 27; th~ Westerly along a~d T~a R~d te the West- e~iy line ~ Sectiez 2~ the~e along the Westerly line cf Sect.s 27, 22 and 1~ te itc ieter{ecti~ with County Read 15, tae~e Westerly and Nortawesterly ~.o~ County Road 15 to i~ intersection ~_ta that T~n ~d l~ng ia the Sout~eeterly Q~rter of Section 9; thence No~t~easterly along maid T~n ~d to its intersection wit~ the Easterly line Sec~ 9; thence ~o~he~ly al~g a~ Easterly line cf Sec- Men ~ and ~td T~e R~d to their i~tersecti~ ~th C~ty R~d 26; thence Easterly ~theaste~ly an<~ Mortheasterly along a~d Cowry Road 26 to it~ ~eteraection ~th County Road 110~ Thez~ce Soutneasteriy amd Sou~erly along County R~d ].lO te its inte~ect[~ ~tn the ~st-West te~ Sec~ ii~ of Secti~ 2; thence ~steriy along said ~st~eateriy q~rter secti~ li~ of Sec~o~ 2 amd ~ecti~ 1 tc the E~terly li~ of ~ctiom 1, t~enoe Southerly alemg the Easterly lime ef Sections 1, 12, 13, 2h, 2~ aid 35 t~ the point ~f ~egianiag; Also That part of t~e Mortheasterly Quarter of Sectie~ 27 kmemn aa Eagle Bluff and those properties lying within the borth- wester.[y Quarter of Section 27 and iaeaediaLe!y tangent te the Sout~.erly line of said Tc~n amd; also these properties i~ediaLely tangent and $out~uesterly ef Coonty Ro~d 15 lying withim Sectlom 16; alpc those pre~er~ies lying West- erly and #crthwesterly of said Tm~a Read ia Section 9 amd h amd immec~ately tangent tP.e~ete, and Bpeeifically excepting Crane I~lasd, g~gle island, Wawatasso Islam; specifically excepting tno~e ~ropertiea Westerly- ~orthwesterly, Mertherly and ~ortheasterly ~f County Road 26 and therete; and specifically excepting any trailer court lying in Sections I or 2. (2) Te ead~aver tc protect and save life a~d p~o~er%y fro~ demtructtea by fire in the ~aid area. (3) To pr,vide the aforesaid fire prctection for the period froa January I, 1961. Party of the seccmd ~art agrees: fl) That ~aid party cf ~e f~r~ part, i~ carr~ out the p~pose of t~s cc~tract shall have free ~ght to r~r~ ~he st~ee~s ~f t~ Village cf ~etri~ta with its re,clew and ap~rat~ and sh~l ~mve free access ~o ~d the ~ be emir ~1 buil~g~ a~d P~lsea threate~d by fi~ or where a fire ~y be in progrees~ or a~ building or property conti~ou~ thefts. It ia ~r~er agreed ~y and between ~oth parti..m ~ fell3a: (i) The fire p~teetio~ me. ce shall Oe furnJs~d Oy pasty of the fi~t part for ~ ~m of ~.~ per h~r ~ porti~ ef a~ ho~ for each ho~r party ef the first part is enga~d ia a f~e ca~ wi~ia the area ae~ic~d. ~a~nt ef such c~a~gea sh~l be eaforceahie agai~t t~e ow~ of the pr~ae, or ~.ildia~ ae~ced. Ia case the o~r of the pre. se. or o~.~dtags .~ se~ced fail~, ~ect. acr re- fuses ~ p~ ~ch ch~ges wit~ a reaso~aOie ti~, party cf ~e second part, will, ap~ ~a~ by party ~ t~e first ~rt, pay su~ c~rgea ~o party of the first part a~d will, apo~ p~meat ~hereof te party of the first p~rt, be sa~r~gated to all rights of party of the first part against the o~ner of t~e premises er b~ildi~gs so se~i~d on aeco~ o~ ~ c~s. (2) In a~i~i~ ~ ~e forgoing co~ide~ki~, ~ se~ad ~rky a~ ~y ~o the ~rst ~rty for t~ oe~ces to be p~vl~d ~ ~r~a, ~M s~ of ~el Hund~d ~llars (~.~) f~ ~ ~ of se~ fr~ dan~ 1, 19~ ~c~er 3~, 1~1, said s~ to be p~able in ~e i~]~nta t~e first ~ in the ~o~t ~f T~ee H~d Fifty ~llars ($350.~), s~ll be ~d ~ or ~ef~e t~ first d~ of July 19~ and t~ sec~ insistent to ~ p~d ~a ~ Oef~re the f~st d~ of ~ch 1~62. (3) Party of the first part a~ees ~ ~t te the ~sideata of ~rty of the ee~nd ~rt ~e ~ve entered late private ~re se~ee e~tract vith p~ty of ~st part t~ c~tract fee therefer at t~ rate of ~e ~lAar (~.~) re. trance f~ each ~[red six (6) ~n~s ~ su~ contract as of the da~ of (4) ~i~ o~h e~giuti~ ~thiB the li~ts of t~ TiAla~ ~ K~d bye prie~ity ~e~ thee ofilila~ vit~B the 1Mtl of the Yi~age ~ (5) ~the~ ~tyj ~H ~a da~ v~itteB notice ~f~ ~ o~er ~rty ~y ~eeel t~ a~e~et ~d a cepy of each Notice lh~l be traal~tted te tan ~aaeleta T~ C~ssio~r; up~ the e~iration of suc~ ten ~, the right~ aad li~ilitiel he~aader s~l ~ase aad ~is agre~nt s~ail ~ ~d temiaated. I~ ~e ~eat of eaaceilati~ ~ either ~rty ~to, it is Uaders~ a~ a~eed t~at the sti~ ~ated ~a~ ef Seres ~u~d~d ~im~ (~.~) ~iabefo~ ~r~l~d for, a~ p~rtioa ther~f ~11 be ~tted ~ ~funded la t~ eveat of caaeeilatloa. ~ ~I~S ~~, ~e ~rties ae~to ~ve ~,ato set t~ir ~adl ~is 3y of Feb--, 1961. A~test: YILLA~ CF HOUND Seal Tillage o~ Mound 3eal 2290 Roll Call Vote: Petersen Aye Batdorf Aye Pfe i f e r A ye Orn Aye La r s on A ye So carried and resolved. SALE OF TRACTOR Pfeifer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. 0rn seconded the motion.. WHEREAS, the Village of Mound owns one Case Tractor with loader, WHEREAS, the same is in need of repair and repairs costs make it not feisiable, WHEREAS, the Village of Mound has entertained prospective buyers and since same was acquired March 1, 1960, WHEREAS, three bids thereon is forthcoming: Elmer Peterson $135.OO Illies& Son 130.00 Widmer Brothers' 153.OO NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the ¥illage of Mound accept the bid of Widmer Brothers for $153.00.~ Roll Call Vote: Petersen Aye Pfeifer Aye Orn Aye Batdorf Aye Larson Aye So carried and resolved. B ILLS Orn moved and Batdorf seconded a motion. BE IT ~'IOVED, the following bills be paid where funds are available. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. (Attached is a list all bills under TRUST AND AGENCY GENE?~L FUND are excepted.) MOUND ~ MINNESOTA BILLS PAID IN FEBRUARY ON WHICH WE RECEIVED CA$'H DISCOUNT-1961 LIQUOR PURCHASES Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. $2,895.04 BILLS PAID IN MARCH ON WItICH WE RECEIVED CASH DISCOUNT-1961 L~IQUOR PURCHASES Lynn Johnssn & Co., Inc. 47.80~ Old Peoria Co., Inc. 527.17 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. 1,900.47~ Ed. Phillips & Sons 2,841.$3 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 304.94~ Total $5,622.01 Mound Municipal Liquor Dispensary-Bills Payable March 14, 1961 LIQUOR PURCHASES Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson & Robbins Co. O.M, Droney Beverage Co. Notermann-Weber Co. Carter Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Chaska Beverage Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Day Distributing Co. St. Boni Beverage Co, Pepsi Cola BoStling Co. Canada Dry Beverage Co. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Twin City Home Juice COo Old Dutch Foods E.B. Crabtree Co. Franklin Creamery, Inc. 224.15~ 763.16~ 671.86 664°60 100.57 184.89 653.46 555.19 362.46 162.68 292.29 10.45 223.50 59.20 140.50 34.51 105.99 24.30 25.20 128.65 4.59 5,392.18 ~IQUOR OPERATING Nor~h-Weat Exterminating Co.(Jan.) North-west Extermination Co. Assoc. Refrigeration Co. Pond Store Equipment Co. Pond Store Equipment Co Northwest Limen Supply Co~ Mpls. Restaurant Supply Northland Electric Supply Co. Aslesen Co. Minnetonka 0il Co. The National Cash Register Co. 4.00 4,00 45.66 657.00 177.00 33.39 35.45 47.8~ 127.18 161.88 58.20 1,351.60 ~OUND~ ~INN~SOTA Mound Municipal Liquor Dispensary-Bills Payable in March 1961 ( ¢on~ inued ) LIQUOR OPEMATING Watertown Telephone Watertown Telephone Lewis Paulson Pettereon Refrigeration Mound Hardware Mound Builders Supply American Linen Supply Co. Arnold's Janitor Servile 8.75 5.~0 56.39 12.50 29.95 9.35 250.00 $398.79 Farmers & Mech. Say. Bank of Mpls. TOTAL $15,859.62 Northern States Power Co. TOTAL 125o7© $15,985.32 Village of Mound Bills Payable - March lh~ 1R61 GENFmAL Myrtle Noland Mound Hardware Arnoldls Janitor Service State Bank of Mound Minnetonka Pilot Minnetonka Pilot Minnetonka Pilot Mueller Pharmacy Grathwol and Ploetz Farnham~ s Miller Davis Home Gas Co. Inc. Petty Cash Eastman Kodak Mtka, Oil Watertown Telephone Mound Postmaster Northern States Power Barbara Heyman ~5e3o 20.79 50.O0 2~5o 446e00 18e3o 104e63 42.33 30.00 21e40 46.02 59.05 13,33 51o00 171~13 53J~5 20,00 61.96 1~299e19 FIRE Mueller Pharmacy Minnetonka 0il Coo Home Gas Co, Watertown Telephone Minnetonka Answering Service Northern States Power Kunz 0il 42,34 87°63 59~5 48~45 50.00 3~.3.o29 PARK Minnetonka Pilot CIVIL DEFENSE Minnetonka Pilot WATER Standard Oil Widmer Broso Mound Building Supply Minnetonka Oil Home Gas Co~ Watertown Telephone Mueller Pharmacy Minnetonka Pilot Minnetonka Pilot Northern States Power 26e00 8.00 38 ~83 220.25 17.78 9-75 16,00 30.65 42.33 71.65 56.OO 221~39_ 26~00 8~00 724~63 POOR Suburban Henn. County Relief Board 798.94 798.94 POLICE Dutch Lake Kennels Internat~l City Mgrs. Standard Oil Ammo-Re-Load Service Duanes '66' City Treas., Mpls. Ed Ryan Sheriff Miller Davis Petty Cash Mound Motors, Inc. Watertown Telephone 12.OO 7e50 38~8~ 48.00 116.00 17o20 11.75 3.70 3 .95 3.85 TRUST AND AGENCY GENERAL State Bank of Mound - Warrants 1 o57 0 State Bank of Mound - Interest 99e48 Minnetonka Pilot 76o00 STREET Cox Broso Standard Oil Widmer Bros. Mound Blders. Supply Minnetonka 0il Rosenwinkel Sand and Gravel Home Gas Cee Petty Cash Christians City Service Mo~%on Salt Northern States Power 60075 38~83 2o9.85 17.79 9.75 210~67 16.00 4.66 14~33 144 .,2~ 633e50 Total Bills Prepaid Bills University of Minnesota 67.50 Police - 8e50 Water 16~00 Assessor 8eGO General 35.00 ~ 67.56 Grand Total - Bills Payable and Bills Prepaid Page 2 - 3/~1--~/1-9~1 316.34 1,23Z~58 1,~4OO.33 6~139.30 6 o6.8o TRUST AND AGENCY GENERAL FUND BILLS Orn moYe:! and Batdorf seconded a motion to pay the following bills out of Trust and Agency General Fund: State Bank of Mound -Warrant~ 1,057.10 State Bank of Mound - Interest on warrant~' 99 Minnetonka Pilot 76.00 1,232.58 The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. Batdorf moved and Orn seconded a motion to adjourn until the meeting of March ~1, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station. ~