2012-05-01 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
MAY 1, 2012
The City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, met in special session on Tuesday, May 1,
2012, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Kelli Gillispie, Heidi Gesch and David
Members absent: Councilmember Ray Salazar
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Finance Director Catherine Pausche, Fire Chief
Greg Pederson, Police Chief Dean Mooney, Blaza Fugina, Geoff Michael, Todd Truax, Len
Harrell, John McKinley, Mary McKinley, Ken Beck, Mike Sussman, Shirley Hawks, Butch
Hawks, Nancy Swanson, Jami Wittke, Dan Niccum, Brent Rassmussen, Brad Schoenherr.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Update on Fire Study
Fire Chief Greg Pederson gave an update on the Fire Study. The Fire Chief reported that he
and City Manager Kandis Hanson attended a special meeting of the St. Bonifacius City Council
on Thursday, April 26, 2012, where they presented three alternatives for providing fire service to
the City of Minnetrista. The Fire Chief reported that the St. Boni Council was in favor of the
most desirable /economic alternative, which includes significant cooperation between the St.
Boni Fire Department and the Mound Fire Department, including full consolidation at some point
in the future.
3. Update on Police Study
The Mayor gave some background on the Police Share Services Study and why up until now,
much of the work has gone on behind the scenes. He said it was necessary for the analysis to
reach a certain point before the public debate began. Catherine Pausche reviewed the
information presented in the handouts, including a financial analysis of three scenarios
including: (1) the police department is kept in house and two additional officers are hired, (2)
contract with the City of Minnetrista for a flat $1.6M with annual capped increases which is the
current offer on the table, and (3) contract with the City of Minnetrista for a flat $1.545M with
annual capped increases which is what the Mound Committee would like to counter with. The
second handout detailed the number of full -time positions that have been eliminated since 2008.
The third handout highlighted the soft savings and increased capacity opportunities if a contract
for police services was entered into, and finally there was a handout of highlights from the
Emergency Services Consulting International (ESCI) Study stating the benefits of a combined
The Mayor took questions and comments from the audience which included the subject of the
differences in "culture" between the two departments, the question of why we did not consider a
Mound City Council Minutes — May 1, 2012
JPA, among others. The Mayor tried to address those concerns as well as recommitting that if
Minnetrista insists on putting our officers on probation, that is still a deal- breaker for us.
The Mayor then surveyed the members of the City Council who were present as to whether they
supported continuing the talks and what their issues or concerns were. Mayor Hanus stated
that he is a "yes" because the savings are close to what the initial expectation was for the study.
Council Member Gillispie stated that besides the numbers (financials) there are other factors
like how well the departments would work together. She would need to see more details of how
this would work and how we would ensure the departments would be blended, but she was a
"yes" to continue negotiations.
Council Member Gesch also stated it was not all numbers for her, and that she has concerns
about the philosophies and culture. If she had to vote on the final contract today, she would
vote "no ", but she is a "yes" to continue discussions.
Council Member Osmek stated he would vote "no" if voting on the final contract, but may allow
one more baby -step to negotiations. He stated this is not a performance issue for our police
department and he always thought there would be a presence in Mound. He questions whether
there are enough savings to make it worth the loss of control.
Geoff Michael from the audience stated he agreed with Council Member Osmek and asked
what other alternatives to savings could be considered, including looking at increasing revenues
or reviewing management salaries.
4. Adjourn
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm.
Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Vicki Weber, Acting City Clerk