2012-12-13 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
December 13, 2012
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on
Thursday, December 13, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of city hall.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers David Osmek, Heidi Gesch, and Kelli
Members absent: Councilmember Ray Salazar.
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson and Jay Green.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Interview of Jav Green. 5966 Lvnwood Boulevard, for Mound representative to the
Note: Rodney Beystrom withdrew his application, leaving Jay Green as the only candidate.
Osmek confirmed that LMCD rep is here to represent the City Council. Hanus mentioned
challenges of this quasi - political appointment.
Kelli Gillispie arrived at 6:55.
3. Action appointing a representative.
Applicant wasdismissed for the Council to deliberate.
MOTION by Osmek, second by Gesch, to approve applicant Jay Green as the Mound
representative to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District for a period of one year, and until
further notice, the representative will be required to report monthly to the Council in person on
LMCD issues, including the description of the issues and the representative's viewpoint on
those issues. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
3. Adiourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 7:24 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk