2013-11-12 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
November 12, 2013
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Council members Mark Wegscheid, Heidi Gesch, Kelli
Gillispie and Ray Salazar
Members absent: None.
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Finance Dir /Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche,
Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Engineer
Dan Faulkner, Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Joseph T. Jezierski, Pauline Jezierski, Ken
Friedrichsen, Matt VanNelson, Heather Knutson, Marilyn Cornman, Bob Engelhart, Matt Cantin,
Beppy Goodfellow, Mary Brenny, Nick Pickert, Jeff Kreuziger, Jo Pritchard, Grant Johnson,
Gloria Williams, Kurt Schendel, Vincent Reis, Joan Korczak, Tegan Castellano, Kevin
Castellano, Jameson M. Smieja, Vincent Reese, and Fred Barke.
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a
Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Alleaiance
3. Approve agenda
Three typos were noted: Item 4C. should read "GMH ", not "GHM," Item 4D should read
"$211,395.37," not "$211,395.38," and item 7 should read "1728 Finch Lane," not "1748 Finch
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to approve the agenda, as amended. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote,
all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $440,424.87.
B. Approve minutes of the October 22, 2013 regular meeting.
C. Approve Pay Request No. 6 from GMH Asphalt Corporation in the amount of
$382,391.21 for the 2013 Street, Utility, and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City
Project No. PW- 13 -01, PW- 13 -02, PW- 13 -05.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 12, 2013
D. Approve Pay Request No. 2 from Minger Construction, Inc. in the amount of
$211,395.37 for the 2013 Lift Station Improvement Project, City Project No. PW- 13 -03.
EXPANSION PERMIT FOR 4431 LAMBERTON ROAD PID #19- 117 -23 -34 -0045.
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
6. Public Hearings
A. Sarah Smith. Communitv Development Director, requestinq action on
Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, summarized the information in the packet and
provided background. Smith stated the required notices were given and that the Planning
Commission recommended approval subject to conditions. The current owner, Kent
Friedrichsen, is contemplating a future subdivision of three possible lots in the area. Street
vacations are a statutory action, not a variance, and the Council can grant a vacation if it is a
benefit to the public. Smith stated it should be noted a super majority vote of the council is
required because a qualified petition signed by the majority of land owners in the area was not
Mayor Hanus noted that the subdivision configuration and any variances required would come
up at the time of subdivision and is not part of this discussion.
Mayor Hanus open the public hearing at 7:15pm.
Vincent Reese, 5853 Fairfield Road, asked who pays for the street redevelopment. Mayor
Hanus and Smith stated it would be up to the developer to improve the street. Smith stated new
lots, post 1994, would be maxed at 30% hardcover.
Upon receiving no further comments, Mayor Hanus closed the public hearing at 7:17pm.
MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Gesch, to approve the following amended resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
Dan Faulkner, City Engineer, presented a Power Point presentation summarizing the feasibility
report and public hearing requirements, as required by state statute. Faulkner summarized the
main recommendations of the report for improving 1.1 miles of Three Points Boulevard to
Municipal State Aid Standards as described in the feasibility report included in the packet.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 12, 2013
Mayor Hanus confirmed that the street does not currently meet state aid standards. Hanus
confirmed all curb and gutter will be replaced, but where it currently exists, the abutting
properties will not be assessed. Hanus asked what it will cost for curb and gutter for the area
that will be assessed. Faulkner stated $10 - $15 per lineal foot. Gillespie questioned whether a
corner property would be assessed a full or half assessment. Faulkner stated that if it was
identified as having paid in a previous project then it will only receive half an assessment.
Hanus pointed out the estimated assessment is less than recent projects. Salazar asked for the
reasoning behind the Seahorse Condominium assessment to be explained again. Faulkner
stated he took the square footage of the area divided by 10,000 to come up with the equivalent
residential units, similar to what was done in 2009 for Indian Knoll Manor.
Mayor Hanus opened the public hearing at 7:41 pm
Nick Pickert, 4956 Three Points Boulevard, asked what the potential variance (above and
below) the assessment estimate would be. Hanus stated in all previous projects they never
came in over estimate but he can't promise anything. Pickert questioned why Seahorse doesn't
have as much linear foot per unit as a single family residence, but also stated they all have a
vehicle, bathroom, and kitchen and he feels each individual is getting the same use. Hanus
says he also struggles with it but if they were treated the same as a single family residence they
would be responsible for almost % of the total project. Pickert asked council to consider other
allocation options. Faulkner stated the proposed formula results in Seahorse paying about 1/3
of the project instead of % which he feels is more justifiable. Hanus discussed the challenges
with the alternatives. Potential inequities exist when it comes to justifying increase in property
value on a condo versus a single family residence. Pickert asked if a public record of all the
assessments of the side streets was available. Hanus clarified he was referring to the
estimated assessment and not the actual. Pickert asked for a concrete aprons cost estimate.
Dan Faulkner stated it has been approximately $5 — $6 per square foot, or around $300 for a 20
foot wide driveway.
Jameson Smieja, 1700 Baywood Shores Drive, asked what the life expectancy is of the portion
of the sewer that is not being replaced. Faulkner stated the lining method has been very
effective and that it restores the pipes to a like -new condition without having to dig them up.
Smieja asked Faulkner to elaborate on MSA funding. Faulkner stated that up to 20% of city
streets can be designated as Municipal State Aid (MSA) streets. MSA is a way to help fund
street improvements as long as the city rebuilds them to MSA standards. The standards require
the streets to be thicker so they last longer and wider to allow for parking. Hanus stated each
city has an account with the state that can be used to fund street improvements but only for the
portion that is above and beyond the city standards.
Marilyn Cornman, 5197 Three Points Boulevard, asked how long residents will have to payoff
the assessment. Hanus stated an assessment hearing will take place two years from now and if
it is not paid off by November of that year, it goes on taxes for up to 15 years subject to interest
which has typically been 5 %. Cornman asked how much disruption of existing yards would take
place. Moore stated yards are only disturbed if the sidewalk or curb stop are replaced. Moore
stated whatever is disrupted will be replaced in- kind. Hanus said the City is responsible for
watering for 30 days and then residents take over.
Fred Barke, 1674 Gull Lane, stated that in 1981 the street was moved over to create a sidewalk
and wanted to ensure the street will stay as is. Moore confirmed that it will. Barke asked why
corners only pay %. Hanson stated because they pay %2 an assessment on each of the street
projects they abut. Barke asked how the traffic will be rerouted. Moore stated contractors will
Mound City Council Minutes — November 12, 2013
have to do work under traffic where alternates are not possible. Bypasses will be set up to
ensure water is provided to houses with minimal disruption. Barke asked where the project
starts. Moore said that is up to contractor. Hanus stated the contractor kept his street open
during their project and it was only 18 feet wide.
Mary Brenny, 4909 Three Points Boulevard., stated she is at the low end of the street and was
wondering if the streets will be re- graded during the project and whether the storm drains will
remain. Hanus referred to figure 5 which shows the catch basins. Faulkner stated the plan is to
replace what is there and that there is no plan to add any at this time. Grade is only adjusted a
matter of inches not feet.
Nick Pickert, 4956 Three Points Boulevard, stated a fire hydrant is planned for right in the
middle of his driveway. Faulkner stated drawings are conceptual and will be adjusted for
Fred Barka, 1674 Gull Lane, stated that a tree was removed with the 1981 project and a fire
hydrant was installed and it sunk right away. Hanus requested staff to address warranty issues.
Faulkner stated that is why the project is not completed until the following summer to allow for
settling. In addition, there is a two year warranty period after the final ware course. Hanson
assured him it would be corrected the next time around and Hanus asked him to confirm the
location. Barke stated it is on the north corner of Gull Lane and Three Points Boulevard across
from the baseball diamond.
Marilyn Cornman, 5197 Three Points Boulevard, (corner of Avocet Lane and Three Points
Boulevard) said there are many low spots and wondered if the city would be willing to put in
water gardens if someone adopted them. Hanson stated the only other water gardens were
created in commercial gardens. Hanus did not think any area does not have a curb. Hanson
stated curbs are the standard. Marilyn asked if storm sewer would be built differently and
Moore stated high velocity grates could be used and they will look into it. Hanson encouraged
residents to let the engineers, Carlton or Dan, know of special circumstances like this so it can
be factored into the design.
Jeff Kreuziger, 4942 Three Points Boulevard, asked if curb was included in the assessment.
Faulkner stated no, it would be replaced at his expense since it is currently asphalt. Hanson
stated it would be in addition to the proposed assessment. Kreuziger stated it would put his
assessment over $6,000 and he has a concern whether or not his property value would go up
that much. Hanus pointed out that is the estimated assessment for people without curb
replacement last year.
Heather Knutson, 1685 Gull Lane, was curious about retaining walls because she was
assessed for her retaining walls. Hanson stated that is not our policy to assess retaining walls
and it would not have been part of her assessment. The city pays for that portion of the project.
Mayor Hanus closed the hearing at 8:22 p.m.
MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Wegscheid, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 12, 2013
7. Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, requesting action on Resolution
Approving Variance for Property at 1728 Finch Lane.
Smith stated the applicant is Grant Johnson of Suncrest Builders, who applied on behalf of
owner Jeffery Jesberg. Smith stated variances are typically included on the Consent Agenda,
but because this involved a sanitary sewer line Staff decided to put it on the regular agenda.
Smith summarized the request using diagrams and information included in the packet. Smith
noted this property was subject to the Dreamwood Settlement Agreement but that has no
bearing on this variance.
Current 15 foot public easement in favor of the City and the proposal is to build over the
easement. The easement is preferred but options are to sleeve the existing line so problems
can be addressed without having to disrupt the structure, or reroute the line, but bends are not
optimal. Abutting property provided the quit claim deed. Nothing in the easement states that
the owner could not construct over it. City will be able to maintain the sewer. Input from
adjacent property owner included concerns about the effect on trees because of construction.
Smith noted any costs would be borne by builder /property owner. Staff and Planning
Commission supports application as it is improving conditions and the existing set - backs.
Smith stated the 60 day extension would need to be executed by December 3, 2013. Mayor
Hanus stated he does not recall a similar instance in his tenure. Moore stated the steel casing
pipe would allow for repair and, if necessary, the pipe can be pulled out, repaired, and put back
in. Hanus asked what if pipe corroded with age and was damaged in subsequent construction.
Moore said it would be lower than 6 — 8 feet, which would be lower than the footings.
Grant Johnson, 6347 Bayridge Road, owner of Suncrest Builders, said he understands footings
need to be well above the pipe. He stated there is precedent in other cities both in a
commercial and residential setting. Moore stated he has done this when crossing state
highways in other cities. Hanson said in Kasson the railroad encased utilities under the railroad
Hanus asked if dimensions of lining could be recorded in easement so that any proposed
changes in the future would consider this lining and the needed access points. Melissa
Manderschied answered yes; a resolution or agreement could be recorded. Salazar asked if
there was any precedent in Mound. Hanus stated not to his recollection. Smith said the only
thing that may even be close is landscaping on commons with water main underneath.
Agreements authorize that if City has to access the lines we will only replace with grass.
Salazar asked if there are any other alternatives. Moore stated a breezeway to the garage was
discussed. Salazar asked what would most likely be built over the line. Grant Johnson said
likely a mudroom or a room connecting the garage and house. Mayor said we are only dealing
with a variance at this meeting.
Salazar wanted to confirm there is precedent in other cities and that Staff will find out the
standard requirements. Moore stated full engineering drawings will be required which is part of
the building permit process. Wegscheid stated he was involved in a similar project where it ran
the length of a three -story building.
MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Wegscheid, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes — November 12, 2013
LANE. PID #13- 117 -24 -13 -0018
8. Information /Miscellaneous
A. Comments /reports from Council members /City Manager
Hanson stated Gillespie Festival of Trees will be held this weekend, November 15th — 18th, with
each day having a different theme to target different age groups. Thursday, November 21" is
the Annual Tree Lighting at the Greenway in Mound as well as Beaujolais Nouveau Day at
Harbor Wine and Spirits. The Dakota Junction restaurant ribbon cutting will be held on
November 23rd from 2:OOpm — 4:OOpm.
B. Minutes: Planning Commission — Oct 1 & 15, 2013
C. Reports: Centennial Building Dedication — Oct. 7, 2013
Harbor Wine & Spirits — Oct & YTD
Hennepin County Property Tax Comparison
D. Correspondence:
10. Adiourn
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion
Mayor Mark Hanus
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk